HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 141-83RESOLUTION NO. 141-83 RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROPOSING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD IDENTIFIED AS ANNEXATION NO. 289 (BUENA VISTA NO. 1). WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield desires to propose a change of organization, to wit, the annexation to the City of Bakersfield of the hereinafter-described territory, pursuant to Section 35140 of the Government Code of the State of California. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby resolves, finds and determines as follows: 1. That the City of Bakersfield hereby proposes the annexation to the City of Bakersfield of the territory described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this resolution as though fully set forth herein. 2. That a map of the territory proposed to be so annexed, marked Exhibit "B", is attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution as though fully set forth herein. 3. That a Plan for providing Services within the affected territory of the proposed annexation, in accordance with the provisions of Section 35102 of the Government Code, is marked as Exhibit "C", attached hereto and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. 4. That this proposal for change of organization, to wit, annexation, is made pursuant to the Municipal Organization Act of 1977 (Part 2 of Division 2 of Title 4 of the Government Code of the State of California, commencing with Section 35000 thereof), and it is requested that proceedings be authorized for annexation in accordance therewith. 5. That the reasons for the proposed change of organization are that the owners of the affected territory desire to receive, and in some instances already are receiving, municipal services tax from the City of Bakersfield, and the City desires to receive revenues for benefits given and to be given to the territory proposed to be annexed. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 21st day of December, 1983, by the following vote: ASSISTKNT CITY CLERK and Ex ' Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPRO~D this 21st day~ of November, 1983 MAYOR ~he City bf Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: CITY/ATTOR~ of the C~ty of Bakersfield AJS/bl ANNEXATION ~©. 289 BUENA VISTA NO. I A parcel of land situated in the City of Bakers£ield, County of Kern, State of California, being a portion of Section 18, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. & M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the south line of the north 30 feet of said Section 18 wi~h the east line of the west 555 of said Section 18, said intersection being a point on the existing Corporate Bohndary of the City of Bakersfield, and the Point of Beginning for this description; THENCE (1) ~asterly and southerly along the Corporate Boundary of the City of Bak~rsf±eld to a point which is the intersection of the east line o£ the west half of said Section l~ wi~h the south line of the north 1575 feet of the west half of said Section IS; ' ~'~'~ (2) ~H.~_~ Departing said Corporate Boundary westerly along the last named south line to intersect the east line of the we~t 39 feet of said Section 18; THENCE ~'~ ,.,) Northerly along the last named east'line to intersect th~ south line of the north 1038 feet of said Section 18; TH~.NCE (~) Eastezly along the last named south line to intersect ~n~ of zhe west 555 feet of said Section 18; Itii~f'-((5) NorZheriy along the last named east line to the Po~n~ o~ Beginning. Containing 85.04 Acres EXHIBIT "A" X SEC. i ? T Sos I; ~' ~ ........ u~ ~;- sic ~ SEC IS ~ 17 T305 R2~E · -F305 R27E I BU~iA VISTA NOI SERVICES Planning Parks and Recreation ''5rary Police Protection Fire Protection Streets Construction Maintenance Sweeping Lighting -'ood Control Sewerage Other Water SERVICE Agency Which Presently Provides Service COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY n.a. COUNTY n.m. .! Check Services Which City Will Provide: Upon Annexation X X X X Future Date (specify) upon development , upon development upon development upon development Indicate }tow Services Pro- vided by City wi!! be Financed (i.e., general tax rate or special assessment.) general tax revenue general tax revenue general tax revenue general tax revenue general tax revenue private development general tax revenue general tax revenue general tax revenue general tax revenue user fees/special assessment Private development pay~pital cost. User fees for indiv. service. ' LAFCKC #4 applicant city. Police Location Indicate location from w]~ich service will be provided (i.e. nearest fire stationt !ibrary~ etc.) ALL POLICE SERVICE5 IN THE CIIY OP BAKERSFIELD ARE ADMINISTERED THROUGH THE POLICE STATION LOCATED ON TRUXTUN AVENUE, Fire Pa~ks and Recreation Library WESTWOLD STATION SCHEDULED TO BE MANNED IN JULY, 1984, PRIOR TO DEVELOPMENT OF ANNEXATION AREA. WESTWOLD PARK (TO BE COMPLETED TN 1983), TWO MILES TO EAST/NE. THREE PA~KS-SCHEDULEDt FOR DEVELOPMENT (~ 1 MILE TO EAST) IN 1984. Streets Construction/Maintenance Sweeping Lighting Sewer N/A THE MAIN CORPORATION YARD ON TRUXTUN AVENUE WILL PROVIDE NECESSARY FACILITIES AND SERVICES TO ACCOMMODATE PUBLIC WORKS EFFORTS] MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL WILL BE DISPATCHED FROM THE CITY YARD ON A REGULAR BASIS FOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND "AS NEEDED" REPAIRS (THIS INCLUDES STREETS, CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE, SWEEPING AND LIGHTING). Other CITY TREATMENT PLANT NO. 3 VIA STOCKDALE SE!4ER TRUNKLINE. THE AREa WILl, BE SERVED BY CITY WATER UPON ITS DEVELOPMENT. Service Level Capacity Indicate frequency and availability of Service (i.e.,street sweeping, response time for emergency services, rec_ pro,rams, etc.) 24-HOUR PATROL IS PROVIDED IN THE NEAREST URBAN DEVELOPED PORTION OF THE CITY (1-1½ MILE TO THE EAST). THE FIRST PRIORITY RESPONSE IS APPROXIMATELY 6 MINUTES. FIRE PROTECTION WILL BE AVAILABLE ON A 24-HOUR BASIS WITH RESPONSE OF 4 MINUTES. ANNEXATION WILL NOT AFFECT CITY SERVICE CAPABILITY. CITY PARKS ARE AVAILABLE TO CITIZENS AT REASONABLE HOURS. THERE WILL BE NO REDUCTION IN THE RANGE OR CAPACITY OF THE CITY TO PROVIDE THE NECESSARY PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES TO THIS AREA. SERVICES WILL BE ON A REGULAR BASIS AND "AS NEEDED". ADEQUATE CAPACITY EXISTS IN THE RECENTLY CONSTRUCTED STOCKDALE SEWER TRUNKLINE SYSTEM. III. h~at effects, if any, would annexation of this territory have on existing level of city services (i.e., need for additional emergency service personnel or con- struction of new facilities, etc.)? /he annexation of this territory will not affect the near term level or capability of the City to provide needed services. One and one-half additional police officers will be needed at scheduled buildout. IV. Would city require any upgrading or change in faciliiies to serve affected terri- tory (roads, fire hydrants, mains, etc.)? If so, would city or residents be responsible for financing? .... ~s ~ey~lo.pmeQt o~g~rs,_ the developer provides and pays for major facilities and dedicates them to the City..__ Indicate and ex~p'lain existing zoning in affected territory. See attached Zoning Map 123. The entire properties are zoned A-1 (kiqht Aqricultural)-- minimum lot area 2'~ acres. VI. Indicate and explain proposed prezoning in area. (List effects on present land use that would occur as a result of annexation such as maintenance of livestock on property, etc.) The Bakersfield Metropolitan Area Genera] Plan desiqnates this area for Low-Density Residential use (0.5 - 5.49 dwellinq units per qross acre). Any future development in this territory will be consistent with the General Plan. The amea will be prezoned in accordance with the General Plan residential densities. VII. VIII. List city services that area will directly or indirecLly benefit from such as decrease in fire insurance rate, shorter emergency response time, use of com- mamiry facilities, etc. _.~j~ ~O~jt~_~p?~_b.~ able to respond in a moro timoly manner than P£~P~_C~ Sheriff an~ State Highway Patrol Sorvir~ Current City Police standard i_~1.65 sworn ~fic~rq pmr 1 ,~ pnpLllafinn compared fn .... County standard of 1.15. Pl{,ase provide the following 5nformation relative to city and county taxes: List existing tax rate(s) in area. lhere is no difference in taxes to be ___ a_csr~u~ t__o_)h~e. County or City because of the annexation. Provosition 13 set __~a_o_n~__percent of market value limit on the general local government property tax. The existing representati~p~o_p_~Fty tax rate is 1.061215 percent per .... ~-r~t value. List city tax rate(s). _S~e Above. }low will the difference in tax rates affect a house with a marke~ value of $50,000 _N°~e'_ .iI ZONING MAP 123 T 30S.,R 27E. MD.B.~ M. LEGEND STAFF REPORT December 21, 1983 BUENA VISTA N©. 1 ANNEXATION RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION The attached resolution and accompanying CRIS evaluation responds to the request by the Buena Vista Company (May 10, 1983) for annexation of approximately 85 acres to the City of Bakersfield. The property consisting of three parcels is located in the vicinity of Buena Vista and Fraser Roads adjacent to the extreme southwest corner of the city. The CRIS (Cost-Revenue Impact System) indicates a favorable fiscal projection over a ten-year period. Much of the revenue production is to be derived from population based sources (sales tax, state in-lieu subventions, etc.) projected from a fairly intensive development plan. The plan envisions the development of 261 single-- family residential and 220 multi-family residential units and a large church. The area will be served by the development of new sewer main (Stockdale Sewer Trunkline System) and water facilities which are underway or completed in connection with adjacent or nearby Tenneco Realty Development projects. The City Planning Commission reviewed the proposed annexation at ihs regular meeting held on December 1, 1983, and found the proposed development plan for the properties consistent with the Bakersfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (B~4AGP) Land Use Element and that the annexation proposal is within the adopted Sphere of Influence for the City of Bakersfield. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the proposed boundaries for annexation and the initiation of the annexation process. The attached resolution is recommended for adoption to initiate the annexation process. Upon approval, a completed application including the resolution and attached exhibits, will be submitted to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) . That agency %till study the proposal, including an environmental impact analysis and all agreements on future property tax distribution; and hold a public hearing. Assuming LAFCO approval, the matter will be returned to the city, re~uirJn~ the conduct of a protest hearing. T[~e city may authorize annexation at that time provided suffzcient protest has not occurred. The annexation normally becomes official upon LAFC© officer filing with county recorder. SUMMARY COST-REVENUE ANALYSIS-BUENA VISTA NO. 1 ANNEXATION Page 2 of 2 COSTS BY SERVICE FY 1983 ' 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 DEVELOPMENT ITEMS SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNITS 72 MULTI-FAMILY~RESIDENTIAL UNITS 40 FEET OF WASTEWATER PIPE ADDED 5,100 MILES OF STORM DRAINS ADDED 0.97 NEW 3 CU./YD. REFUSE BINS 12 TOTAL NO. LANE MILES OF STREETS 2.1 60 72 57 0 45 135 3,360 3,800 2,540 0.64 0.7 0.48 7 13 19 1.3 1.9 1.5 1Based on 1.65 officers required per 1,000 population. 2Represents the subsidized cost for this service including administration. 3Incremental costs involving street maintenance are not sufficient to require an additional person. *Development Services. Planning Division, Public Works Engineering and Administration and Development Services Department Administration. *Support Services. Includes Cit9 Attorney, Finance, Data Processing and General Services Departments. *Management Services. Includes Mayor and Cit9 Council, City Clerk, Community Promotion, Insurance and Debt Service expenditures. TOTALS 261 22~ 14,80, 2.79 51 6.8 SUMMARY COST-REVENUE ANALYSIS-BUENA VISTA NO. 1 ANNEXATION Page 1 of 2 COSTS BY SERVICE POLICE1 PARKS BUILDING SERVICES CULTURAL SERVICES RECREATION J REFUSE 3 STREETS FIRE *DEVELOPMENT SERVICES *SUPPORT SERvIcEs *MANAGEMENT SERVICES FY 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 0 '33,206 33,206 49,810 49,810 49,810 49,810 49,810 49,810 49,810 6,300 12,600 18,900 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 38,985 38,985 38,985 38,985 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 24 37 57 51 58 57 57 30,712 30,711 609 2,331 1,853 4,338 4,403 3,001 4,079 4,080 4,411 3,360 569 828 1,332 2,160 2,160 2,160 2,160 2,160 2,160 2,160 1,777 2,094 3,998 4,771 4,333 4,333 4,333 4,333 4,333 4,333 4,325 8,650 12,975 17,300 17,300 17,300 17,300 17,300 17,300 17,300 26,998 18,984 27,420 26,364 0 0 0 0 0 5,011 1,687 5,200 5,306 459 381 442 442 2,647 2,587 3,929 756 4,108 4,329 514 395 485 486 3,742 3,651 TOTAL COSTS REVENUE BY SOURCES -~ CULTURAL SERVICES RECREATION GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES SALES TAX OTHER TAXES REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES FINES AND FORFEITS INTEREST AND RENTAL INCOME LICENSES AND PERMITS CHARGES FOR SERVICES 84,518 120,145 181,220 178,620 104,236 102,638 103,866 103,868 140,315 139,112 1,345 1,845 3,186 4,802 4,872 4,863 4,852 4,305 4,827 4,811 122 1,115 508 . 1,809 1,822 878 1,602 1,601 1,821 1,108 2,753 4,613 7,510 10,890 10,890 10,890 10,890 10,890 10,890 10,890 8,245 13,746 22,452 34,146 34,520 34,645 34,440 34,234 34,029 33,824 4,496 4,324 6,876 9,202 5,551 5,534 5,515 5,495 5,474 5,455 14,448 23,314 37,545 56,561 57,675 57,367 57,048 56,709 56,354 55,989 2,753 4,443 7,156 10,780 10,996 10,941 10,883 10,822 10,757 10,690 80 1,944 1,981 3,224 4,'595 3,253 3,409 3,652 3,928 4,280 59,199 33,075 63,921 93,827 4,632 4,632 4,632 4,632 4,632 4,632 10,903 8,699 14,639 22,711 9,083 8,130 8,843 8,295 9,037 8,308 TOTAL REVENUES 104,344 97,118 165,774 247,952 144,636 141,131 142,114 140,635 141,749 139,987 NET BENEFIT/COST (19,826) (23,027) (15,446) 69,332 40,400 38,493 38,248 36,767 1,434 875 CRIS Model Evaluation, continued Page 2 PARK MAINTENANCE SERVICES: A park policy is presently being drafted for eventual submittal to the Planning Commission and the City Council. Maintenance costs due to persons from this development using existing park facilities are applied through the four years of phased development and throughout the ten year analysis. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: The rapid development also dictates the need for additional administration costs in order to maintain the present level of service. CULTURAL SERVICES: The project is sufficient to trip the threshold requirements for a new position in the AuditoriU~ in the ninth year. GENERAL REVENUES: The major revenue source in the development phase (first four years) is for licenses and permits in order to offset building and development service costs, above. After that, revenue from other agencies through revenue sharing, gasoline tax and transportation funds provide major income streams based on population. FISCAL IMPACTS: As the table summary shows, the project should produce a favorable net benefit/cost impacts over the long term. CRIS Model Evaluation of Buena Vista No. ! Annexation The Buena Vista No. 1 Annexation area comprises 100.06 acres of unincorporated territory located at the southeast intersection of Buena Vista Road and Fraser Road. In order to evaluate the future costs in providing services and projected revenue generation it was necessary to require the applicant to provide a plan and schedule of future development. The entire area is currently in agricultural use except for a farmhouse and associated buildings. The annexation request by the Buena Vista Company included three parcels comprising 85 acres plus adjacent public road sections. In order to prevent the creation of a near island of unincorporated area for the adjacent 12.17 acre parcel at the southeast corner of Buena~Vista and Fraser Roads, it was added to the proposed annexation. The development plan submitted to the City for Cost-Revenue analysis. (CRIS) proposed the f~llowing land use distribution: Approx. Approx. % Units AreaI (acres) of Area Single-Family Dwellings 261 55 63 R-2 85 5 6 R-3 135 4 5 Church 23 26 TOTALS 481 87 100 1Gross area including existing and proposed street rights-of-way. The project is proposed to be completed in four phases over a four year period. Shortly after buildout and full occupation it would contain approximately 1,200 people. The plan includes a large £hurch facility which was included in the overall density calculations approximating the maximum 5.49 dwelling units per gross acre allowable by the Land Use Element (Low-Density Residential) of the General Plan. The following is a narrative summary of fiscal and service level considerations as taken from the attached ten-year summary sheet. POLICE: While the CRIS Model indicates that the maximum 563 activity units generated for police services by the fourth year of development is not sufficient to require additional personnel, it must also be noted that the current City service standard is 1.65 officers per 1,000 population. At this service level rate, at least one additional officer would be required. BUILDING SERVICES: The rapid development schedule is sufficient to generate the need for another building service person (inspector) in three of the first four years.