HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 084-09 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADOPTING THE 2007-2035 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE FACILITIES LIST AND FEE SCHEDULE, PHASE IV AND ADOPTING THE NEXUS REPORT. WHEREAS, Chapter 15.84 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code implemented a Transportation Impact Fee program for new development in order for new development to bear a proportionate share of the cost of the new or expanded transportation facilities required by such development; and WHEREAS, Chapter 15.84 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code requires that the Fee schedule be evaluated to account for changes in the Regional Transportation Facilities List, changes in cost estimates for the various projects on the list, and any other items which would change new developments' proportionate share of the cost of the Regional Transportation Facilities List; and WHEREAS, Chapter 15.84 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code further requires that the fee schedule adopted by the City Council be adjusted annually by the Construction Cost Index; and WHEREAS, both the Facilities List and the Fee Schedule of the Transportation Impact Fee Program have been re-evaluated to include a new planning horizon year of 2035; and WHEREAS, the transportation network has been updated to include the latest development and land use trends through December of 2007; and WHEREAS, all developments which vest after the effective date of this Resolution will be subject to the Phase IV Transportation Impact Fee; and WHEREAS, this change to the Transportation Impact Fee is statutorily exempt from CEQA pursuant to section 15276 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the fees collected do not involve the commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council was advertised and held June 24, 2009 and the City Council finds as follows: 1. All required public notices have been given. Hearing notice was published per Government Code Sections 66018 and 6062 (a). -Page 1 of 3 Pages- a U ORIGINAL 2. The provisions of CEQA and City of Bakersfield CEQA Implementation Procedures have been followed. This change to the Transportation Impact Fee program is statutorily exempt from CEQA pursuant to section 15276 of the State CEQA Guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein. 2. The Transportation Impact Fee Facilities List, Phase IV set forth as Exhibit "A," is hereby approved and adopted. 3. The fee schedule for Phase IV set forth as Exhibit "B" is hereby approved and adopted. 4. The nexus report for Phase IV set forth as Exhibit "C" is hereby approved and adopted. 5. This Resolution shall become effective 60 days after its adoption. ------------000------------ -Page 2 of 3 Pages- � v ORIGINAL HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on JUL 0 7 20U9 by the following vote: AY� COUNCILMEMBER CARSON,BENHAM,M,WEIS COUCH,HANSON,SULLIVAN,SC IR VNER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER LMYtW A..-u CITY CLERK and Ex Officio erk of the Council of the City of Bakers Ield APPROVED JUL 0 7 2009 By HARVEY L. HALL Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By VZ ROBERT M. SHERFY Deputy City Attorney Attachments:Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibit "C" raps S:\PROJECTS\TIF\Phase 4\Adoption Documents\June 24\Resolution.DOC 4gAK�'9N -Page 3 of 3 Pages- ti ORIGINAL 1.97 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LIST-FY 2008-2035 Metro olitan Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee Program 611712009 Exhibit"A" IMITS Global P'010ct Numba Street Neme From Inarvvauvnr Laym MWa 9amtlLLad -W.-- dumOVd SMpM NumMrd Coedese Cost Notes RAV Cost onslruel. Signal COS( AddidonaU UrWllfereM- laved COat Taal Coat FN F.K%.g To BAKERSFIELD RTIF FACILITY LIST(NON-CORE)" 8303 M Stendam Road I T.M.Slomle Install Si w1 W 00 5161.400 $161.400 $161400 8595 MSMMaM ROaa Cl-A- Muted TreMCS eM Si not Madift.0- SO so W."ot) 356400 8307 E125 M Stentl.R-d M SlantlaM Road Gme Road EMU- Santa Fe Wa 1.50 2 4 2 3.p TreMc Si nab 2 Lano Mtlieore Mstall Si nel Add 21a1es SO 1,561 686 148,400 AN, 148400 1$61,fi96 E., 8311 7M are Road Ah SMndam ROad SR 431Enoa lane SR 99 LS 1.00 3.00 2 4 4.0 Intersedian Pro d IMereedean Advance Plants 50 $1,26]i00 5500000 t 720 000 6309 MS-nd Road SR 99 StaleH Be es lase EB ,SW 00658 rem TW0000 ]000000 70013,000 E150 MStandard Road W dive 050 2 4 2 1A 2Lana Addy- Add2Lares $520 5520.585 Me 7m Selndard Road! Quail CMek Road Tre111e IS as l""I 51 rut 100000 1301700 190000 E336 7M Selndard Road! 7 Road Coffee Wad 2 Lena Addlione Add 2 Lanes 4 to 6lag wideN s0 437 500 43T 50 ,437.500 EM7 711,Standad Road M d UPRWSR 99 eWa CO-Road Ralk-d!CVade rellona Lane Adrlmc118 Grades -- Add 1-.4laee ]021,000 ,154 527021.000 1 10351.0110 1203.50 Elm Dnva Nana ROed Clivo Otive 2000 4 8 2 4.0 21ane Add80ru Add 2 lanes_BORDER 062262 52082282 1.041131 a1 Onve Nonis Road IrpgeB4AOlt Interne bon BORDER 7656 7656 1375 11 7658 R. N Drive a.0- 0150 E IMasecp'orI BORDER 000 ago 3250000 a2 N Odw Olive Ddve rJa Stab Ro.d 0.60 4 6 2 1.2 2Lana Mddiom Add2MnOSlE and lnlersaotlon BORDER 50 000000 00 6.000.000 250000 83 Ddva U R Rellnlad Gratle Se redone VAtlen RR e.BORDE $1.222.498 $1222.498 11249 Ilkna oad Padleoa Tremc Sl rdd2 1 , N Harrell L Road t 8 2 1. 2 Lane Adeeons Add lanes 20 565 520 BS]] NBed Handl H' lake alb Road TraMC S' is buMll tralficsWUl $0 S0 5190012 SD $190.00 $190.000 8540 Aped Handl MOM-Han Pats R178 5 2 4 11.0 2Lana Add]lenes $611249 .33T. 33].469 B158 Allen Road Mi.,Avenue T Si hmelllS 19000 SO 19000 190000 Ed Alen Roatl Panama Lars SR 1191Fak H' 2.00 0 2 2 4.0 2 Lane AdtlNans DamM1d 2 boas $2.082.262 02 262 $2 E30 Men Road SR WiRoeodoleH hwa Elmmil Road 1.00 0.75 4 8 1 O3 11-AddBone Add l lanes 130141 130141 130141 E166 Nan fioad SR SBBtmedalaH U1te9ediM Wgen to 6lanes Ago 000 80 B5 Mm Road Merl Road Bnmee Road Park Sodwm'o HI 1.00 0.75 2 6 2 OS 2l AQalidm TrMAC ale Ad02elrlm MstdlS 1112 190,000 50 263 5190 5190 000 80 Alen Reed CtanAx Bawevare Tremc 51 Inselll nm SO S19D000 so $190 $19000 88 Allan Rood Goose L Slough Canal Cuhert CorsAUC new Culvert Sta.238-M Gaoaelake 20050 50 5220050 5220050 B9 Bll All.R.. N1en Road Hants Road Item River Cerbl Tro S Is cone"IW-e WWI S N Careuct renal - at a.100.0 RMr Carol SO 0 190,00 30 11 49 111,M 611,249 19000 611 413 813 Bt5 AI1an Roetl Allen Road Nea,hwn It- .Road Road 0.38 2 2 1 OA Tremc S' N 1 Lane AdMom b 11 Si not NB ON $38122 $121.723 19000 $611.249 19000 E]69099 190000 094 B16 Men Road Road Treme Ia IneW Si 5190000 190000 190,000 018 AAOn Read Panama Lane 1,11-Avarcb 3.00 0 2 2 8,0 2Larb AddAOns -Wuct2landa 123393 SD 123393 123393 619 Men Road Reim Rom T.M.SI nals Ina181151 al 0 SO 519000 Sim.. S190600 020 Men Road Snow Road TroMCS cola Iret:dI SI not $D $19000 SD 19000 19000 821 Aeml Road UP RR Ra t Grade Crossin s II.rove de 50 51 0000 $1,000 51 0000 E342 Allen Road Ndo RosedaleH Relocate ObsMrooa PG&E Town Reloea5m 2 Towns 1165$Natll of Rosedale so so 00 20,00 5200.000 E341 Af wAa Nb Rosedale NosMarl Read+. des 0 4 1 0.6 1LweAddeons Road - 1,339 12.339 1.339 8574 Aaha Road Hwtls Road Tram,Si Lnw"UOMC S' d SO MOM, 19000 190000 8541 Mhe Road Pmuma l.srtle Tab W 200 2 8 2 4.0 2 Lano Additions Atld 2lanas D82262 50 E2 282 082 262 EB Aetb RoW M11911 k.1 hwa Cunaw R011d OS0 2 4 2 1.0 21.-Additions COnsbuct 2 Mnos 0.565 5520565 5520565 B24 A Road B.rImNre Rind Tramc Si Instill Sl nal 190000 $0 S1000 19000 B25 Aslle Road Avemre Tremc Si ruts UWgI SI net so $0 19000 $0 $19000 190000 626 A.111e Road McKee Reed ireMC Si nab Instep 3190.000 8454 Be*,Nm Road Akers Road Tmft Si na Imtell5 5o S190000 00 S100000 519000 8455 Berksldra Road Buena VMel Road Tremc SI oats Instill SI 519000 SO 190000 190000 8458 BorkaNre Road Mountain a DdvO Tremc S'naffs InsLLI 51 N SO 3180 50 190.000, 19000 B457 Sq ..Road Mooned,,VI-Read T.ft SinM Mstell SI s0 3190000 190 $19000 B458 Ba hvre Road Relianoo Dnve Traffic InstaA Si N SO SIMO0 19000 100000 B29 Befthire Rod SauMH SVeM Traffic ' IreteB nal E/90000 SO 419000 19000 B00 BerlaMre Rind Soum Umon-ne Traffic Si IreMA S'red So 3190,000 $0 5700,00 $190000 8615 Bedsfere Road Star Lake Sur Railroad eCrossln New 0 .000 00 A00 8 &eckannd 1 n neleM Road i 1 Lana Add 2lanes 1, 1, 1,1 1 837 BdmhMl R-d! Jaedne Road Tmf&S' a1s InsMll S1 I SO 50 519000 SO 18000 519000 Mi Brimhall Road Reno Road Al nRa.d 050 025 2 4 2 0.5 2112110 AWmons Md2ler�e.M.WeeMels AVaueb JeNd1 Aoad KEN684 513 SM 5280 E172 BMMall ROW Rudd Road R.nko Road 050 0 2 2 1.0 2Lana AddiWns Add 2lanes 565 5520 643 Wnlludl Road V tale Traffic Sim- 1-1 Si 1 190,00 150.00 8613 Buena%A-Road Perk On. Rdowle ObslruWar Rebeab PGSETOwa $d SO 73.456 5273458 52 456 848 Buena Vista Roed Park Dine Tremc 222s bemil SI cos SO SO 57900 519000 190 B49 Buena Vida Road Hanle Reed Trams Sl note McMll Si nal $0 V90,000 $19000 $19D.000, Mi 8614 Buena Vista Road Buena VISW Roed PeUMCO Road Pacieoo Road Panama Len. White Lane 1.00 1.00 0.70 2 4 2 1 1.0 2leno Additions 1 Lane Addbons Cnretrutl 2 Lanes Add one lane W 12339 5 0 00 $312.M 12 339 BS42 Buena YSM Roed Parunre Lena SR 119Re fi 2.00 2 4 2 4.0 2Lano Addibom Co-i21- so $2,062,262 082 082262 1 1 Ddva TM SMMeM Road Road i. 4 2 2 Addean5 Atld IMea a 1041,13 1041131 1 1131 9227 860 Odve Cal Dnve EKhaN Road.sb None Roed Lake Su 130. 0.20 3 6 1 0.2 Canty Bdtl os 1 Laren AddNii- WNWon Canty Crosal Add 1 lanes 52000 000 104,113 000 124113 00 5124113 662 DOibw Drive R581ROSedeb HdMrb Sheet 0 2 0.5 Lana AddW- Widenroadwn and ime,,con ,586. 5,588, ,588,00 6 .1 Casa Lana me Was on Udel k Roatl 250 2 Lan.AOOilicrs loom .2 ] 7 8461 Wlrldtvnlom treat naMa-rut e-- W-- d Lane Addipna lafe4 .647 871 China Gretlel Manor Slroet RWnd Hamelin Rued 2d0 2 4 2 4.8 2Lana Addilbre Add 2lanes 9].908 52498714 W 32996622 2996622 E307 CMna Grade Loo Round Mounain Road Anted H-01 H 1.I0 2 4 4 4,4 2 Lane Aftnons Add 21.. S2 29D.4. 20 00000 2 290488 $22.290.488 872 Ctdna Loa Round Maunwn Road [151001 9. 190.000 1 875 oaU MStendeM 14onte Read 1.50 .--e Atld2Mnesl 11 S"',ileggi I wl 51,4M,521 $1.6u2,321 E209 Coffee Road 7M SMndwd Road 3ffi ate Cs1al U.Q. IMM 2 b 6lerle6.VWW Cmef CloSilkig 56.00 $600.000 $60.000 S:IPROJECTSITIFIP-e441dopAm UxumenbUune 2 4VRTIF-Fina11,97 Pgelof9 O`VAK g� 1.977 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES UST-FY 2008-2035 Metro titan Bakersfield TTransrnation Impact Fee Program SM712M Exhibit'A" LIMIT$ 1 I TT I 1 Global Mafoel NumOa Street NSme Fran knprry . -gkNN" GvaoblNA -igV,WO N %4sa xunm"d Btopontl - FvetlM NunE•rd a"easr Cat_deec Metal Cwt RAY Co. ConMruct Slgwi COS( Addillonau UrWlOaront- Wtad Cwt Total Call Fee F,-ing To E339 Coffee Road Rosedalo H' E.pord INerseclbn E. IMersecGOn 000 000 1M10000 O00 DW E242 Coffee Road T-W.A. E INemecDcul Ex Irearsecti0n $3000000 000000 .000 5.'+43 -1 Coffee Road C-Reac SteckdaleH Necre� Ez beea9edion Relocate,`)baVkctar Ex dlnWrweli0n RS- so 30 so w 200000 200.000 S3 00 1 E189 ndre Drive ComaNJreDrive Alfrod Harot SR 58 SR 58 6.00 2 4 2 12.0 2larre Add-- Stela Be inWre, w Add 2 Woes Widen SUM= $5.000010 48 7SB $5000.000 E3 E1 C-clIe Drive akdre DMe SR58 UPRR Icame RadtoaO Grade Scperccora Grade Se ow to WW.0M $250.000 20.000,000 .000 .000.000 .000 15. ET17 Co0a7woad Road Hasid Avenue 1700 Sic Carol ad m s WMan Cana Crwsin 5300000 $300.000 3300.000 E218 Coack r Road H Avenue 3200'aW Care)Be . Wden Canal Cnnska $3001100 3300 000 $300.000 E216 Cdlanwood Rwtl Panama Law 1500'sic Coratl Bed ov Widen CanalCrossW "."00000 000 000 E163.1 CoBOnvrbod Rwd R66 era lane 4.00 2 4 2 8 Larre]dddans Add2laros 52,133,51 ,133578 ,1 ,516 880 Da A, Arpoi Orl Teller ske,at s0 EO S155.100 5155100 $155.100 881 Aware Ct-Awn" TraMC S'nets kelauS rat 50 $147800 S147AW S1,17.800 B82 Avenue Manara- TraMC Si naW Nsta11$ I 190000 5190000 190000 Avorvx McC Street Trafic Si tab bl5fall S'eel 143.200 510.2,200 1 B85 Edson Road & Road Edison H 125 0 4 2 2S 2 Lane Adcdons CorrsW ct 2lwes S1.301.414 1 1 dtd 51301414 Edson Road SR 178 5'ark - Road 2 0 d SO 2 Laren Ad d- Conk-2 brae 802.82] ,602,821 52,602.112 81 E Toro Vi o o e, BNSF HF2 ao0" e Separation 8469 Elchan Road Cello Oriw Baal Street 050 2 4 1 05 Vane Adeilons Addt casl0arnd tana6mow dtb $100162 17l 7 76M 1666 8485 Ewran ROad Ca Drive Traffic as trslal nal $0 194000 $190,000 $190000 B468 Elchan Read ROd Traffic oats Install nal 190000 190000 5190000 6 Elclad Road Or, OIO farm Rwtl Traffic ale Install SI 1101 0 190.000 5190, B87 Fairfax Road Alaed Haan)Hi PaWdiro DrNa 1.00 2 8 2 20 2 Lane Aditlons Add 2 hares $1,041,131 0 1 W 1 131 $1041131 E203 Fakfa,Read Allard Hare3W SWloH Br' laeraa sad Widen lntelstsc0o 55M0.WD 5000000 $5.000.000 B92 Far/ax Rwd H WM Wrolls Ddw alo Ndw Steel 028 4 8 t 0.3 Conaruct MOdWns WrasWide eM Medan BORDER 139 135347 5155186 77743 6167 Feld.Roatl Rodbatk Road Par"' 3.00 2 4 2 BO 2 Lane AddNOns Ca"huct2 lanes S3,123393 $3,123,393 $3,123,393 BM Fslrbz Read Retlbak Rwd SR 58 0.75 2 4 2 15 1 2-k Abdtons MW 2laree $780.848 EO 5780.898 5780 8 691 Fairfax Rwd RectmMrRwd Traffic Sl ""tall na $0 $0 190000 3190000 $IMow &$ Petrie:Rwd SR58 Smta -. WMen SR58M ea SW.45.75 REGIONAL 50 St 498 t 498 1068463 B96 FaoWx Road SR 58 c Si Natal Si s(2n0- caet m oarta r .REG 7.000 Far- oad LVtlon Avenlre 0.50 2 4 1.0 2 Lane,A,iaas Ace lanes TIT.W 5334,121 899 FMhnle A- Dow- Awae TtaMC S1 rtalf IreWtlS SO so $190000 50 5190.000 $190000 SIM FrWNaie A- Rwd SR 581ROeadale 125 2 6 2 25 2Lew AddiW" Adl2lanes $1008561 Sl 1414 $0 $2309975 975 E206 FrAN Avenue H Rwd lrtr t S.E.COmer 000 $500000 5500000 8101 Fralvale Avenue Mean Awns Tal6c5 as 1"(NISI al 190000 5190000 180000 8102 Fm-M Avenue Snow Road Norris Real 0.50 2 4 2 1.0 2 Lark Addllo" Adtl 21aws 00 5520 566 SO $520 85 520,565 am FruiweW Avenue Snow Road Baal ao Canal Claw" Widen Culwe 0 Seattle Care S250.000 $250000 $250000 E207 E300 lwle Avenue GOrmre Awrxa 'R WRO30,102 H1 Cauow CaieI Cap1 Br1 Carla Willer,canal O' o os-H' .Wow anal C Carl Cal Carol Odtl 0.000 $0 5611,249 ,OW $671 d9 30, $611.249 E104 6,189 Gl6rrore Awrsra Comoro Avmiue FnriNalo Aranw taMCODriw larKlm Drive OB6 0 2 2 17 2lano AadlBans Trate:S'rreb Cerea t2lariw "tall 5l rW so 956 s0 $190000 1 000 so 1550.956 t90000 $1.550.956 190000 E3131 Gilmore AVemre RR ReMaad ode Bens Now at rotloNwaM ,000 0.000 8103 Cwlord Rwd Bedsldm Read Treble$ InaWII O $180000 190000 $190000 8105 E210 Ooslord AOed Gosfom Rwd Ha61tl AvauaMCOrMJrOn Rwd McCNUren Road 1500'rkb 4.00 2 4 TraMCS M Cana18 IrsWI I.M.SI n Wear,Ca"1 Cr 5400000 190000 190 WON $19D D00 $404000 Bt GosfoN Rwd McKee Roan TMIticS asb1S a 50 $190000 f0 $190000 5190000 851 Gwfonl Rwd ma Lane II H T 6 2 4.0 2 La"Addfons Atltl lanes .052,262 so ,082,262 8107 Ha nRead _SR Allen Read 0.25 2 6 4 10 Eurlrcl InrenoNOn 4a'etl Sina Ex Ilaaeecekn 520565 5190,000 $710565 $710566 ISM He men Rwd Haam Road RWd Rwd 0.50 2 3 2 115 2Lane Addtlons CdWmct 2 aMMOnal boos $520.5.5 5 520585 0 E0.5 8109 H.emanRwd He amen Road Heah ROad JonHoa ROad Men Road 0.53 0.20 2 B 4 10 TrsMC SI tvW 2Laa Addtlons IraWN$ 1-onl alon na-.s orkw frondo $16,987 $680,900 190000 5305625 190000 51003,511 190000 $1,003,511 0110 Ha amen Road JeNtl"ROatl Traffic,Sllrob 1.01 starral SD so $190000 so. S190.0011 $190.00 8711 H Read J-IW Avenue Verdl two 0.20 2 6 4 OB 1 Lane A fdifl- ore addikawl RW and knckovanenb 343.ris $416.452 M4625 SMA12 $765 12 8112 H en Roatl J-ca Aroma Tra6e 9 red Instal S al 1900011 1901100 $1913000 M73 H Raad lendro D6w TraMO Inaall 5' so 51901100 50 $190.000 3100000 8114 H Rwd MOhee*Skeet Trelf b kcca1 S I $190000 s0 190000 3100 000 E00 H memo ROaO Nard Reed ia A- am 2 4 2 1D 2Laro Adlitlo" Coesaua2addeena W"a 520 565 5520585 8115 H amen Raad Old Farm Read TmM katal$'"1 SO $190.000 SO 190,000 5190000 B117 Ha amen Road Renko ROad lard"Road 0.50 2 4 2 1D 2Laa AddMO" Md2laws $0 520565 565 8116 Ha amen Real Ren0a Road TraMcS als WsW11 S0 190000 so 190.000 $190000 Bii9 Ho omen ROatl Santa Fe Wa Old Fann Road 0.50 2 6 2 1.0 2 W Addtic" Pod 2leeta 20565 so $520565 S620.5ka 8581 H omen Rear! Send Fe We Rakoatl Gads$ amours Grades aaoon 37800000 ]600000 8000000 539 He amen Rwd W bAvenue Heal Rend am 2 4 2 1.0 2Lane rwaltlons Coweua 2-(-lanes 55205135 $520.565. S520.5% E46 H o an Raal W Avanw Tradc Sl refs Install Banal 50 190000 $190000 190000 E335 H en-Rwd KnWSen ROad SR 204rWdw Sleds H S'a8 BM s lnter< W HIcannan 6 over so SeUS4.000 USS94M 85512000 6125 Heath Read 6emball Road TraMC SI WsWll Si al so so SIWAM 0 sla0000 $190000 E53 Heath Read H man ROad SR 581Rosafte I 1.00 2 4 2 2D 2 La"Addioo" Cerst11sc12 add8anal tart"ratio lmWtl 1041 131 $1,001 131 1001 131 E57 Heath Road Johwon Road Treble as In akeS ! 00 190000 SIMROD 190000 E59 Heah Road Kmhm Road Traffic S! as leaf slarm so $190.000 5190 $190000 8477 Heath Road Peon Awn" TroMC S Irstal 1 190000 190 190000 8126 Hearth Road SR S8R1aso0eW H SbNekaa,H 2.50 150 2 4 2 2D 2 n Addtore Caabud 2 Laren 50 $1041,131 51 001 131 1041 131 3127 Heath Road ale Hi a Traffic S' traces SI $190.000 t 1 6550 HI lead Kno05 Drive Mwim Sbea TmMC SI ketwasl na $0 i 000 190000 180000 8128 Hos Awn" Meth Road N'Ibb ROap 2Lalre Atldoaa onsWd41a1w 10011 104.513 109113 8570 Husk Avenue H as Land TroMt$'nets Instal kaMCa I 50 190000 $190000 190000 8130 Hoski Avenue Mail Street T.Mc, nos MAI Si na 0 EO 5190000 $190000 190000 8131 Noskl Awn" a South H$beet I.Si nale Install Si nal 00 0 190000 s0 5190000 $190 000 B133 Avenue SaMl Union AwnuO sked"HSNOM 0.30 2 4 2 OS 21aw Addles Add21e"s so WIZ339 12339 e1172aas ,kgAXF9 S:WR0JECTSLTIFWlasc 4V4opoan DOurwtsVU"240LTIF-Fea 1.97 Page 2 o Ki T 1- IT i ORIGINAL 1.97 IREGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LIST-FY 2008-2035 Metropolitan Bakersfield�Transportation Impact Fee Program 6�,7rzaaB TrExhi-bitr"A" LILIITS TI I I I I Global Rluioet NumOOr Stre,IVemO From seorav�e.nr 14nvu 6s. bMled Lwyu Merv. Nor -'L ekaM.r of Araperd Lv�.. 6Abe faa Iaw.Mbs Cat tleae No1as Coal RNV Coat Cerr,ruet. SI9rIMCost ono UnddWrant- Iated Coat Total Cost Fce FUndltg To 8335 HtuM A-. S(k,IDMm AVenre Traffic 1a tl so 5190 $190000 190000 9134 Hosts A-M SR 99 SlabH B s Corwlma hrkrM s0 50 000000 W0000 000000 8135 Hosk Avenue Stlrn Road Akers Roan om D25 0 4 2 05 2lane Adddkre Canmruct 2 Yams 0 280 $260 283 80 8136 Host A Nliae Road South H SVW am 0.10 2 8 4 25 4 Large AddBOre Add 41am $0 $1,457, so S1.457.29 51457 843] H Avenue WING Raed TraRCS InsMl151 r1, s0 190000 so St%000 5100000 0480 Hoses A-eWcCulMen Road Akers Road Traffic S'rota Installs nag % 190000 5190.000 $190,000 E72 Hosltl Avenue/UcCutdwn Read Alan Road Buena VIM Road 7.00 0 2 2 21D 2 L Add b- co...21anas 51041 131 sl 1-131 SI.N1,131 E73 mu Hoskin Avm JMCCutrlren Road AvenvMl/GuMhan Road AIIen Road Buena Vlsfa Road Goaford Road 2.00 2 I 4 2 4.0 Tra18c 5i 2 Lane AddYlons NstaN rW Atld 2lanes S2.062.262 190000 190000 $2.082,262 190000 $2.082.L62 8481 N AvemeTkCutll,r RtlBd Buena V 'R-d" T.N. tls roisH rot s0 51s0000 5760000 190600 8482 H Avenue cCr�hoa Raul Gaslaa sure PO 2.00 0 4 2 4A 2L'un Mail- CoaMct2lan 2082 W 52082262 082 2 Gin Ha Avenue8./:CulMen Road Mountain Ri Drive Tra16cS Wadtl Si rut 190o00 $6 $790oo0 5190,000 8463 Hoskin A�RoaO MpANeln Vieb ROad Traffic hlsttll 1 s0 s0 190000 '9o, 190.000 6154 Hosaal Avan,MCCUkhen ROaO P Road R. Tri,fic Ireltll Si , $0 s0 190000 So $190000 E1%000 e e- E215 Jewetla Avenue nRoad Ek hWraeotlm Ea InlorsoGM $100000 5500000 Sfi00000 .000 8141 Jewem Avenue Meacham Road Trdffk Si b Irtm,l S' 190000 f0 IN, 5190000 8142 JaweBe Avenue NM oROed irePoc S' Is I-S ndl Et%000 $190000 51%000 8143 ,IB,veQeA-c R Road Tm16c Si rats a,-v 190.WD $190000 5190000 0444 Ja'wam Avenue Ha Reed MaechHn Rata 050 3 4 / 02 1Laro Atldilior6 Add taros $701113 SO $104113 SI04113 8145 Jewam Avenue oad TreNc Si ruts Insbv , Iso" E7 E61 Road Nom ROed Santa Fe 150 2 4 2 3A 21-Addvans Catahuct 21md4ioa,bnes rcconhrrd 1581696 51581696 365 rRmd om Road Tmmc S' tls nag ln6tml , 1 ,000 100,000 ,000 0295 WaNm Road give Dnv,SanW Fa Wa R,Imad Gram bons Rslhaed 5 ta8en 520,000 00 000 75000000 E268 rRoad SR431Eros Lire 0.75 2 6 4 30 hn.-k. Fs dMWm¢cfion 51567 $1561.6% E69 Kr rf7oeO SR 431Fno.Lana T.W. rrets Irlstall5 I lmom 190000 190000 366 Km Road W Avenn T rWg Irery n, g2- 190, 1 1 , rs= 8151 eM Mameson street Pmmhn Drive Allied F7art,l Hi 120 0 4 d 45 4I=e Addlorw 0fnvlmct{lanes 524 714 498714 6.518 MasWrsm Panorama Drive Traffic Y5ta1I SI al 190000 5190 790000 0152 -M-strcet sR 178 AIYed IWrreNW Canal 4laz cuNeM1582W $0 227 73 33 ]2TJ 8153 Masterson Street SR 178 PatadbO Ddve 0% 2 4 2 19 2Lane Aftliors Add 2lams 8148 s0 $7 17223 $1317223 ETt Maeor saastlEssal Raid UPRR amad cram . 15.000. 8190 McKee Akers Road S ab ..Si 50 1 1 1 8492 8493 McKee Rmd McKee Road Buena VIM Road Maaltala Woe Dave TmPoc Si Is Traffic 5 b Ireftll SI I I-W Si rut 0 30 So 1%000 $IN.003 So 190 $19D.Goo 190000 8494 McKce Road Moo,".Vlsto ROatl Traffic Si as Ireadl s"nag 190000 50 $190000 5190600 8155 McKeo Road S1vnhHSireet Traflk 5l tls Inman 51 rot 190000 100.000 190000 81% 8157 M ere Road Mdcoa Road ant UNOn AV6an SR 99 Tmr6c SbW en x btstall5' , Construct o- u 11000.00 $180000 $0 $190000 11.000000 190000 $11000 000 8617 lWKoalRaod Sunsets ur Im Rallrmd Gram Newel- d-sal SD 000 $800000 0000 0610 B4 wl(ae Road McArJtan blab Road Road 1 Tta c 2 Lan mall SI On91K't e'1ae so SIGO.162 1 1 1 .1 1 8140 Meacham Road Jervdns Roeo TmNC ab Imlalls nag I S R2'-.'.. EO 1%.000 190000 $190000 B4 Meaclnm Road m Road eratire Raaa 4 1 OS 2Lane Pdd9an Car 160. 2.41 ,412 161 Kn AverrAa oad 4 5 4 41=arteAd - orwhuct4 es-mrPl hat lam W aNeee ,1 .1 13164 Mohawk Avenue call.-Y Canal Can, doo, Corelruct Gallows Canal B' S0 51000000 St 000000 51,000000 8188 Molvmvk A- H men Road SR SBIROSamlc Hi l,- 1.25 0 6 4 5A {Caro AddlWM1e Corelruc,4 Lanes $2602 7 50 .602827 2802827 6172 Mo:M Dave ANred Hone$ P,arl-Drive 1.80 0 6 2 3.6 2Lane. tad Construct 2Isnm 1874036 1874036 51874036 8173 MorM Dnvo Allied Harteq HI Paladno Ddva Caret en o Cc-3 Culvorbl&i SO 0 1134 44 034 44 $4,G34,241 8175 M pla0 AubAn Sas, TmIRd aria IM1gtaA Si so $190,003 l9oom 51901100 ea63 a1a Onva Cm eAwnua 7=cS b Instal Si n, 5190000 190000 190066 8176 MOrrti Drive Paladrm Drive SR 178 1.00 2 6 2 21 2 Late P4diDOns Add 21- 50 1 041 131 50 $1,D11,131 $1,041,131 E346 SR 184 Edeat sR 58 0.5o 4 6 2 to 2Laro Addfiaw Am2l . EO 520.565 50 $520 5520.565 8274 Man Drive Parwmma Orivo Trelri 'nab msN15 I $0 1% 190 190000 B 77 Man Dme SR 178 a Avenue 0. 0 4 Lane Addtlans : 141anm $1,874,036 $1b]d 1 .0. 8501 M,M Diva Judi eRaad T,.ME kntal151 nag SO 190000 $0 SimsX, 190000 8502 Moral dc Dri. Mmiarson Street Tra,c Si Installs ml So 3190000 3190000 190000 6503 NgTir sim Drive M Onve Tr,fic Sl n,s Nsma1151 net SO SO 100000 s0 $190000 Et%000 8504 Mom side Dave Pamane Drive Tmdc 51 roIs .,W,sirs, 19D, 190.00 1 . 8611 Mount Vennn A- AINn Edhm Canal Carol Brio CorBalsct Canal B $611,249 11 49 $611,249 Bin Mount Venon AVenuO Casa LOma Dnve Bmle Tenac¢ 0,50 2 4 2 1.0 2lan Add,are Conmtruct 21- 0565 s0 520585 $520585 8610 Momt Varlon a- WNW Lane�lully RasU Panama 1. 0 6 .d 211re AgaOals Add2bnes $1,$61.696 1 1, 1 1,6% E83 Nam Avenm No' Road Traffic 51 nala Inma05 rol 190000 190000 Sim.= E84 Natl Avenue P,m Avenue Tmllrc Sl a Inmsu Si Nnl s0 190000 1%000 51%000 E Nord Avenue R11Na Road ragk 5 s l,,Ma S 1 ,000 1 190.000 6185 Norris Road Cab Ddb Coffee Raad 1.00 also 2 4 0 RAN CM Onl atldtlonalRW entl' mmlb $5232 7222498 122]]30 $1.217730 8186 Nonis Road Cal Drhe Tm6n S' hwtatl Sl tam SO $190000 5190000 190000 BIBS Noma Rand CItaMrA- lAsao"saes, 0.50 2 4 2 1A item Add0a5 Am2iarres 100000 5320323 20.323 0 8187 Noms Road Goffae Road Tra,cS nab Irwta1151 nag s0 0 190000 SO 1900 X-500 8188 Nam Rand FrWtr,e A- Krwben Dt. 0.54 2 4 0 RIW onl eddlWrel.. 92054 So S335.625 $M7.6M $387,679 B588 Norrb Road Mann She, Modified Traffic S' SI n,14.16 lkm so $0. SD5.0DG so 595000 $95000 8191 0192 Norris Rmtl N4ms RNemkes DrhmDuall Creak Road SR 99 Drlvo 150 2 Traffic S' ab arw AddlWNS manta S' al fSOX Ru dodl A4d2lane3 $0. 7./ 36 ,810 190 o0o so 190000 1,298161 595 000 1 ,1 l I IiWrtaa Awwue T SOON 4 Wne Addllons Am lanes. ER 1, t,l 1 11 , 8795 Old F,m ROad Nor eRoad Tmifie 5l ,s Ins1av 51 5D SIMI 0 0 190000 5190000 81% 00 Farm oe0 Reirta ROaO ire c Wstetl , 1 .-WD t 0197 Od River ROad Ba-ksNre ROed TraWCS ,s Irrsm1151 50 SO 1%000 190000 190000 et% 8199 00 Rorer ROad CM River Road Ca us Pea Odve 141rds Road "m nets Traffic ' aN Ire1,151 nag l coal) D Sa m 190.000 190 000 SO 790,000 190000 190000 $7901100 S:WRCJECTSITIF 4N ODtionOOOarI,161.AU1e241RTIF-Final 1.97 6177l� Osl 09 �0AKF9 Pa9e3m7� �$ N U � 1.97 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LIST-FY 2008-2035 Metro litan Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee Pro ram 6/712009 Exhibit"A" LIMITS Global Prefect Number Street Name From IepOrweem -,am 9We r-adilld knIr- Lw..- Nmia9ld Law a1Aea Nuwwd Lw MuF�9 Taatlw Lew net C.- Nofee Coat R1W Cow Corortruct Sign!COw AddillonaV Undllonex- Bred Cow Tdat COw Fee Funding 8200 Old M-Road Hoskin AvF-MCCuuiten Road! Tre.c WMII Si w SO 190000 SO 190000 SIN.. 8201 Old River Road McKee Road Tara. braes Si al 06 50 $190, $190,000 $190,000 8203 Oil River Road Pacheco Road PakOdve 0.50 2 4 2 1.0 2Lene AdtlifiOre A0024-a ,565 $520565 20565 8201 Cd River Road Panama Late Pacll4c.Read 1.00 2 4 2 2.0 2Larw Atldlfions Add2 dne5 SO $1.041131 06 1091131 1041131 8206 Old River Road SR IlWaft 18 Inxny Panatw Lane 2406 2 4 2 4A 2Lane AIdidout Adtlglares $0 42,082262 so S2.062.= S2.0112.262 $316 Old RWa Road SR 11SlTa8 Hi v Care)Cross{ 50 SBOO SO $600AW 800000 E305 OWMw R-d SR 119rtaftI INVa 0.17 RelotaAe Canals R.-Canal 50 S225000 5225" 5000 Gtl RWer Road SR I IONfting bore Canal Bndg, R Gd RWa ROaO aM Caoal C-ft M.000 $3.0 ,0 .ODO 000, WO. 6510 plum Drive Cd Farm Road Trafic Sl oals Insall Sf oat 0 SIMON so $190.. 1 $190,0 00 8511 Clive Drive Renfro Road Traffic Sl c 5190000 190000 SIMO0 0214 Oiva De- RuOd Road eel Bid Alen Road 150 2 4 2 34 21ae Addbma Cormrucl2 Lanes IW1,696 $645,479 $2 7175 $2207175 8221 8220 Clive Orive _M99 Clive Onus UP RR to RObens Lane Beerdsl [end OM 4 6 2 16 I Bodevea.In Rafa08C Grade pepprefierea Witlon SIR Widen Neandseer Canm Ghat GratleS awtlon 1813 5 SO .602.303 20000000 S6 d48 520000000 w.w's 15ODODOO E347 Clive Ddw Hadeen Read Ex nd lntersedlon E dlMaseclian SIOOOWO EO S1,000.0 00 10000011 Oive n v Lore iaMC S' buden -nm 190.006 t 190,000 trcel d Lone ne -4.0- Lane Addtaa 52,082.26Y 2 8235 Polm-M- Fwdax Road Mad Dme 115 0 6 4 510 4Lane AddOom Corvrud41aes SO &213112 W.WZU, S2.802 M7 6576 -a.-On. Fairfax Road phi Dliva R ancene Cbslnrdan Relocate PG&E V vows ion to-r so 50 S2M.451 5273457 $273.457 8236 P,di Ddw) Fairfax Road Traffic Sinners Instill Si anal $0 $190000 so $190000 190000 8237 Pal. Otfve Mastersmn Street Alfred Hare9 Hi 1.00 0 4 2 21D 2 Lare Atlt- Candmct 2 lanes SO $1.041.131, S11.041.131 $1041.131 8238 PoladulO Drive Maslersan Street TmMcS oaM IneMY Si-I SO 190000 190.000 8239 PaW.On. Morel Drives Iiasncrwn Strad 1.50 0 4 2 3D 2La-Mcunom Coastrud 2laes Ddve w C.-KEH648 SO 11581896 $0 SI561.696 S1 1898 8240 Pwadno Drive Marvin Delve Maded-Secret Canal CWVens Con.-I5 chi e so 124895 124595 124695 9241 PmawnO Delve Morton Drive Tm.c Ifela nwtwl Si rai EO 190, i ,000 mAVOrwe ea. Oad 4 Lane AOrabora nl at ed Rama E166 Pawma Lane Coll--I I Road SR 18MN 4.00 2 4 2 SD 2 Late Additlaa Cur-2 ad98ard lanes 164.524 $4.16,11,524 161524 F.89 ParMma Lac Halm Road Trei50 -IS' al 190060 5190 W 9516 Paama Late MouMwn villa Read Trott.51 1-11 S1 nai 06 190 $190000 EBB Panama lam Rent.Read Traffic Si Install SI oat SO S190.001) 190000 E87 Peru=Lane SR%EnOS Lana M.Raw 6.00 2 4 2 12.0 2Lane Addtlms C�aeuct2atdiliondlarres 246,766 46]88 46786 E f 70 Panama Lana SR 43rFnos Lam Tmlfic S'reN hatall S'nest Slate $250000 ODD E271 Parunm Lac SR 43/E-s Law 0.75 2 6 4 3D Ex Inmrs¢c$an d haasec8orl 1561 896 $1,561.6% 51561.696 E182 Panama Lane lived Bmlwe TreMC"w hada;Sl $190000 1900011 6517 1--Lana W1Mamore StraeL T9%Si Yeas Signal SO 190 5190000 5190000 8591 Pawrna Lane 0-11 Strom Trade,Siteral, Install S' al $01 5106 006 so SISOAOO 190000 8245 P-Lane Allen Road GaeMd Road 3.00 0.70 2 6 2 4,8 2Lane Addict- Add 21aree 50 $2.394.601 $2394601 S2.394.SD1 8257 Peru=Late Men Road Windemlere Street Redoate Canals Relocate rand parallel w/ao.dw-2165 $696,601 $M5.601 SM5.60 1 82413 Panama Lane Man Road I I Traffic S oat¢ hartall Sleval 50 SD SIN.00D SO $190000 3190,mg W50 Penn-Lane Cotmnwvod Read M-Si rwls hwMY Si nal Ina-S. 5611,249 S190000 06 1249 5801249 B2 1 8253 Parana Late Panama Late Fairfax Road Gos/ad Read Stile Road 1.00 3 6 1 1D TmBk rea 1 Lane Add1110A hoden S'exuatlExcend Inlemeetlon Add I lanes ao $0 $611249 5520 Illow 06 SW1,24 9 585 1 249 565 8252 Panaoa Lac Mountain edNe Traffic Inman S' SD 190000 5190 $190 8255 Pawnor Lae Oil Ana Road Trafie mad,r. w EO so $190000 190000 190000 6256 Panama Lae RdanOO DrWe TraSC InsM11S w $0 190.000 06 190006 5190000 8258 Panama Lana Sou.Union Avenue Cottonwood Read 1.00 2 4 2 2A 2 Lana AddiOCns Am 2laws 1 041 131 $1,D41,131 $1,D41,131 8294 Penena Lane South Union Avenue 12W do South Union Averse 1.00 4 6 2 2.0 1 Law Ad011ons Widen defidenl sadden SO t dt 131 1041131 1011 131 0261 Panama Law r set StR Raaoed GmOe ve mile dSM.I ]0 Smcm ,Opp ,DOD 8266 Penanw Road COtlameod Read T.L. nds ireanll Si nil SO $190000 50 $190000 1911000 8267 Paama Road Fairfax Road Tm.c S" ab Install Si now 06 $'0 5190000 S19D0DO St90000 8268 6269 Panama Road Panama Road Sou.Und.Avenue Sou.Undo AvenuO SP RR 4.50 2 4 2 9.0 2Lere Ad®tlora MOd9ed Traffic nds Add 2Mrws SI al MOdOcalon SO $O 885089 M. 85 nip 8&5089 S95,OW 6&5089 $95000 9263 Panama Reed Strum Union A-OA Mob Sou.Union Aveme OD M elo Relocate Canals Relocate P&albl Canal,So.k de Ste 21M0-48.50 06 $0 473 48473 $248473 8264 Panama Roatl Sough Ural Al-0.%mi el. Carol DA- Wdan rand crlved at SM.50.30 Cu Yin FIR 50 $171150 171150 171150 8285 Panama Road Sou.Union Avahw 20 nor an, SR1 H" 0.3 m1 wb Relocate Carets P.I- eel renal Fom 506.106.65-247.10 SO 1 7657 Et 7.657 $1287657 8270 Panama Read SP RR SR 184 Weed HI hwa 0.2 mi wb 0.30 2 4 2 0.6 2 Lane AUdtlons Add 2 does SO 12 339 12339 12,339 8271 Panama Read SR 184M IdIH hat Mmdfied Tmfes oaM Motllficeli0n 81aM 125.000 m 1125000 125000 65 4 dal her,morel 1 t 02 7 Pamn� Dowd AvaLe eSi oats Inbw11S I 190000 $190,000 1 0520 P.. M Avenue SR 588AOSadwe Hl 0.75 2 4 2 15 2Law Addlgn.9 Aud 2Mnes $167552 4804115 789061 1,412,098 1,112096 8279 076 Pi p r Oa0 ren W indormem eeet c Si ors nSMll ref 190. 1 , h 1 Geek Roatl NOflle..ad 7th S.- o 1 2 Lane A-0na DautrUG 2 4 nos 50 SI.921.941 so $1.8217 E168 RedOenk Road Avenue SR 184Weedon"H rare IN tare Adtae.W rohnct addtiorwllatas 640, 7 1 se". l SOTI.797 8525 R oad 711 Stantlartl Read 0 4 .0 Lane Atldeara onstrum 1®6 122250 i 8283 R.Ano Read Bdmhdl Reatl TmlficS oats (netatl Signal SO 190000 IXON 190000 F315 Renfo,Reed Gaose Lase Slou CaoalCWVOrts Widen Ceoal CUlvan$OY.of BM1M1a1 Road 03000 000 000 8294 Ren&0 Read .bhmon Road Shekdale H' 0.50 0.31) 2 4 2 0.4 2Lana AWifians Atld 21- W $M 226 226 8285 Rend.Road J.1lrwon Road Tm1Ae -.11 SI SO 06 $190000 190000 190000 8287 Redro Reae M.awam Road Trall.S' Inswll w 06 5190000 SO 5190000 190000 8524 Res..Road Oliva Ddve Rein Roatl 0.50 0 4 2 1.0 2 Law Adtlitiona 01ruct 2le- $0 $520.585 SO $520.565 20 565 8289 Ranh.Road Palm Avenue Treae eta IoaMnS I SO $190.000 so 190000 5190000 6290 8.560 Ranfre Road Rmao Road Reines Road Sanm FOW F JwiMMROad 3.70 1.7(1 2 6 2 5.0 2Lae Adtlitloas Relhead de Atld2laee kwd Grade 280282] 06 $18.006,060 82062.827 t 52802827 13,000.000 8544 SBnM feW Bel nRoad 200 2 4 2 4A glare AtlaBaw Add2Mnes SO 2082.262 SO 082262 ,082262 8594 aFe We 2NRoatl Reines Road Talk Si els natal SO 1 190.060 1 ,D00 8313 Snow Roatl P9en Roatl Od Fern Read 050 3 4 1 0.5 1 Largo Atltllllore 1 on reN1 sd0 EO 260283 0 $280283 S260,283 8316 Snow Road Call Drive Cues Creek Road 050 0.40 2 6 2 0.2 2 Lore AdditlOns Atld 2 Lanes 104113 $426.652 5530 765 5530,765 8317 ^_ow_Rood _ _ Caaowa rLOn. Tne fic Si Yypl rwl f0 SO S190.0 $19D.000 ,tSli &WROJECTSITIRPhase 4% w dopllon Oom d,,Uwe 241RTIF-Final 1.97 p 4 Q �1 E'_ m U b ORIGINAL 1.97 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LIST-FY 2008-2035 Metro titan Bakersfield Trans ortation Impact Fee Program 61171200$ Exhibit"A" LIRtIT$ Global Project Number SI-tNemo From Imq.wrn.M y mm YN. G� Ieam- L..earMW Namb.r.r sOteM Humesr lawe� Free.e.4 Inlu. Fw4.d v1 KW W aI L. Cat - - Coat RMr coat COmhuet. Sig"cm Addllf-If OmBtmam- fetedc mt Total COet Fee FuM01g TO 6318 Snow Road Colke Road FnAV eAvmw 1.00 3 6 1.0 1 1Lane Adchl- Addl lane SO 5520 5 $500000 57 565 $1.020 8319 Snow Rmd coB Rmd T ffic Sl 1-11&-e $0 5190000 $0 5190000 5190OW 8320 Snow Rma FrWlvale Avowe GoMm SNm H 0.35 2 6 2 0.7 2 Law Addkow Add 2lanes SD S364.396 so 5389 358 S364-398 8321 Snow ROm Ft 11NN AVO,aw TmttkS Is I.Wl 1 m 50 $190.000 so $190, $190,OOD 8323 S Road Jenkins Road AN-Rom 0.50 0 4 4 2.0 2Lane Adddms Con W2W. 51041131 S274.382 $1315513 51375 13 8324 Snav Ram JB Avenue Call Drive 1.00 3 6 1 1.0 1 Lew Add18ow 1 an wM aMe $0 $620586 $305.625 5826190 5826.190 8325 IS-R-d ad Farm Road Jrmella Avenue 0.60 3 6 1 0.5 1Lam Atldgom ton wM 9de 50 $260283 $O 5203203 5260 83 6530 Snow Read Old Fem Road T.Me S' Moll 50 50 190000 SO 190000 $190000 8326 Snow Rmd PAM Wa TrMACS mis I'SWI5 rW SO 50 $190000 SD $190.000 190000 8327 Snaw Road d Cmek Rom c r-Road 0.50 2 6 2 1 D 2 Lane Addi m Add 2 Woes $0 $520565 $611.249 $1.131,815 $1.131.815 5596 Snow ROm Cull Creek ROm TMMC Si b 1wlell SIAM 50 SO 190000 103 000 1000 6314 S ROm RmhO RmNJa .Rom TmMC S oats Mstall S" al 50 so 5190 190000 190 00 8322 Snow Road SR 2047Gdden Stale H' Traffic ,tab 1-115"wl SO SO $190 $0 190,000 5190,000 8333 8334 SOMH treat SONh H$heet AMn{9am Cants HmM Avenue Ho A- Tatt H 0.76 1. 2 2 4 4 2 2 1.5 .0 210112 Ad0ltloru 2 Lam Addeom Pm 2lanes Am 2lenos 0 $0 780848 1041 131 848 57 011 111 $1041 131 q nnnals. 8807 SR I l9rratt H Akers Road Tr 1-1 Stale $250 $250 WO 5250900 E112 SR 111WI 1 AOen Rom TF S I-tl S wl Stae 5750 5750000 5250 WO 8339 SR 119Ra0.H Astre Row TMMC SW Y Msmll Si 1 Slam S250JDOO S250.0DO S2W 000 8347 SR 119rfm HI Buono Vista Road T.M.S a9 Inabll Si w1 SbM 5250000 = 000 8341 SR 1191E H Mwrtabt Rid a OI'iue Tra81c S Install Si nal SGte 5250.000 5250 WD 000 8532 SR IIWWT R MwNae1 Vsta Rom TMMCS Instep Si nal Stale 2500W 250030 5250000 8344 SR 1191"19 OM River Road TraMC S' Ina WI Si a1 Stele WO 8533 9R 119?"H" Rtlien®Odve T.M.Si tMall aI 51a1¢ OW OW 8316 SR 119ITaR H' SWre Rmd O/od$ed TtaMC Si 112E dA9Cdsrellen SttNe $125 5125003 1 DW 8347 SR 118rTm H'hw WMe R-d TmMC Slcwls ptslell N SMIe DOD $2A003 6mm 8340 SR 119/TM H hwa B.-V Rom SR 99 5.90 2 4 2 179 2 Law mdeorw RAV 8 Conan.Cost Basin m P `Mt cos 501 i0 18 am 16800003 S161100 000 Ettt SR 119ffOR N hvva b5 Btterre Vlsb Road 5.50 2 4 2 170 2 Lam Ptldbar¢ Construq 2 adtldbrlal lanes 12 500 000 7 SW 003 S12.500.000 E330 ISR 1l9r hmv 45 Stele B. es lnl ea I vO 1-R a 0 7003003 ]000 OOD 57000000 8410 Eli tvwa SR 98 SwaI IJNan AVmw 1.10 2 4 2 22 2Laweorts Ada 2lerres $O 1,145144 $O $1145244 1145 M 13345 SR 119Rafl b SR 99 Smle 1111226, vc Mtenl,m so Sw 1334 334 1 SR 119Ra4 I -Culverts Cdrsaucl Carol I-m m East of GosMN Rom 1 1200.00D 51200, 8350 SR 178 Edsm Ram TmM.SI nab Install SUM 0 $250030 $250000 5250003 Ella SR-176 MS- FNHax ROW 5.25 6 8 2 105 F-I Pm aria COwtmcl ha with Mlerc es REGIONAL s0 582500000 503000 72105003 $278 SR 118 Mlmmmle Dr Rawwda MVO 090 2 8 4 3.2 4LamA M. and 41.- 50 $8000003 000003 $800000D E261 SR 178 SR 204/GOitlm Sloe A- Stale Smdm.Inlemhm s ft-COmetabn REGIONAL 50 S20.000.000 S20.WO.DDD $17,4 .ODO EM SR 178 Vad- SdM I Im mvammta-Vman REGIONAL SO 520000000 $20 ,CM 17480030 8422 SR 178 Vrelam Rom Sre9e Bd 1 % COtsbt¢I hrtC St 982181 S13 000 000 E253 SR 178 VN-ROm 191rarrlaae Odva 4Lene AmMew ➢Y t -rod2f-4b6 SO %7,M 586630000 588630.030 630000 $333 SR 1T8 RIP VinelaM Rmd Mirsnmbmiw 2Law AmMme WMCN -TRIP and 2L anas.2M 4 336.512030 S36 12000 19075030 $257 SR 178TRIP Mornin Dnvo SM' 08vchm s Cawtrucllrtemhan -TRIP 3&78700 55787030 58743000 E259 5R 178f24M Sheet TRIP Buck Owens BOUkeveM MStrmt F- eels R-Ww Wde' -TRIP.REGIONAL 34090000 34040030 73865646 SR1B4tKem roe Road 1 Avmw m ovemenb- utsMtlS 50000 AN' 030 8587 SR 1BatKOm Rom Mesa Merle,Orent TmMC ale h1 S.-W. 0 0030 030 50030 8555 SR 184262E Can Rom Mgew 501121 TraMC S' buRB Si Slam SO ODD 000 50000 8370 63]1 SR 18M(em Care Rom SR 16WKam Cnrc Rmd Dine VInNtIM ROm SR t]8 2.50 2 6 2 .0 2 Lam AONIOM <SI ale Asa 21sMS 1212951 IaEa SO 602827 50 802 827 5020 8112 81) 50000 8358 8359 184rMOrnin DMO SR 704/Marnin Ddve BmckeM Rom EdSmH NYes 511221 725 2 B 4 5.0 ESi 4law AddtlOw MabO 51 .52692 Am4brres $2,802.827 150003 525010 602827 5250003 $2802827 8761 SR 1 Ddvc Euwl Driw TraMc Si al5 Msta1 Si .SraR 5250003 EO 5203 000 5250.000 B35] SR 184AVOOd tdtF gt Hemtosa RVatl 054M NO Canty GWv4tt Witlm-.11 ox MVOrIR Ste 187-00 34475 5134475 5134475 8363 SR 184AVem N HI hv4a Pmema Rom SR 58 5.80 2 4 2 11.8 2 Lena AEd9gM Md 2laws 50 038 580 SO 011580 038 8282 SR 184M'e 1 Idt Hi tlwa Rmbank Rmd Tmfflc SI Ns I-1 Si nN $0 $790 000 50 190030 $190.000 8388 SR 184AVOm Icf1 t6 Itwa SR 58 EA38 W!B Ram TmMC S Imaall$I m.Stale 2 S all 250000 w WO OW $503 000 8364 8367 SR 184AVCm IMW hwa SR 184M/ewI kh H'htva UP NR YOM LaneWiler Rwd RBkmm Grades ar TraMC S' als all ConsWCl atlm et Ste.335N0 Install ml SU 50 so 5250003 000.000 $0 0000.000 030 15000.030 $250000 B 184Wemwkh Hi VA-Rem iraMC S' NsMll .SMte E235 SR 2041 dm Sb Avenue A' Orivo SR 118 21AmA Id Am 2 lanes REGIONAL $_003000 OW OW 526 WO $310 SR 204IGoMOn S Avenm Cal Cavil Carrel When Cnr,N&i REGIONAL 50 $603 000 24 400 $309 SR 20NGOlden SWa Avmue Carrier Carol Canal&I es Wldm Ganal Bd eREG10NAl 0 WO 5600000 4403 $312 SR 204rGOd Slate MM CM9 Wr Avenw SbW and es Inler Grid a WMlyd REGIONAL SO 0 000030 000000 $5244000 E311 SR 200Garden SMM A- Kam RWar Kam River W6 River& 2 Mnm.2 M to REGIONAL SO .000000 000000 56.992.OW E236 SIR 2 den i-W Ma F t Stall .IMBmhm CONhuet N .RE I 1] E266 SR 43Ertm law ISEB Tmllc "wE I-I, SGI. $0 $250003 $250000 000 E269 SR 43-Law 45 ES 025 2 6 4 1.0 6 h9 -11on Es m INeMetLm 5526 565 520565 $520.565 E285 SR 43Enos Lam I-S WB T.MC SI h I.W1S w15taN 5250000 2500E OW E270 _ SR 43'Enw lam I5- 025 2 6 6 1.0 [nWmctlm Ea nd lnlalseclicn $520565 520W5 565 E273 SR 431Enm Lane SR 56Rtasmale HI Eva 1.00 2 6 4 4.0 Mlersecdm d 48e� r. 2082 262 52,082 2 082262 E272 SR431En.i-I S49ckCNeH 1.00 2 6 4 4.0 mMletaec8art E Nlnsectlwt 52.082282 m.m 082262 E142 SR 4Y Late re H Tn IwdR 5 Ai, .00D 250.000 .OW E107 SRW Cwmw.wd ROm Feld.ROm 2.03 6 8 2 49 Fteeaa Cmsb k 2 lnt,.h es,REGIONAL 516000 $16003.030 $1 920000 8373 SR 58 Real Rom Cmmeom Road 3.03 0.50 4 8 4 10.0 F AGd llama REGIONAL SO 540030003 000000 030000 603000 E234 SR 58 Verbus $1a4aN &I .Irderc Ra Im -VMom LO4allwa REGIONAL $201103.003 5200-000 ti Ot1W B379 E1M SR SBIR4e H'Owe SR SBIROSmaIeH h Enw Lem Driver Road Glbam Rmd MadlleO TreMC 51 Tm. dMOdlcelMn IrtElee Si Stall MWO 124986 5219.888 OW 5219968 000 8362 SR SBIRwtMtlb H- Ems Law Tats. oats Irtsta0 S Stall 5250.000 030 5250 S:WROJECTST1F1 hmo 4W&Wdon Daume Ume 24XRTIF-Mml 1.97 I I I I 6772009 0� �� Rage5of7 h U I ORIGINAI 1.97 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LIST-FY 200 8-2035 Metropolitan Bakersfi Tra eld nsportation Impact Fee Program 611712009 Exhibit"A" uMITfi T-f GlobalOaamldM Project Number Streal Noma From mwowm.d 14oalnww Impeoramm�t Larpa Iola NumOwa lanes WP4 Nmmaref ean« Pr W h1dMb Fa. ewmnar4l ouNNae Cal_Geae Nolen Colt RNV Cost ConwrixA. Slgrd Coat Additional? Undiffere nl- smod Cost Total Colt Foe Funding TO 8363 SR SBfROSedae H' Fmdheelo Avenue Modified Tret6[Si rde Si nel Modfiwlen.State $125000 3125000 125000 838.5 SR SBIRwIKUIaN abeen Strew M.d80tl Trallk Si 12005 SI nal MWificaeo Sem 5125000 125 $125,000 E103 SRS ReeWWe Hi P(Yea Roatl T.N.Si Inaell$nei Stale 50000 250000 500% 63116 BR SBOROSedabH NOaNROW Tel&S Ingal151 el 19D000 $100000 $190000 B389 SR 58I OEM Hl LanOm Drive Tr & aN S'rel MOdfiwtan SUM 5125000 5125000 125000 8390 SR 58M-dwW Hi Abha*Street Tnark Si ale In-11 Sional.Stale SM.000 $250.000 $250000 8391 iSR58fReseeale Hi- Nord Reed stanw.Stale 525D.000 S250.000 $250000 8394 SR58Ra5WabN Ream Road leodfietl Traffk Si ,moofice..Stale 125.000 125000 126.000 E106 SR 58IR.somb Hi nwa Road TreftS ale Irreell$' el S" 000 $250000 3250000 8601 SR 584__,FLb-a V Lane Modified Tral6c S' rel MW�fiww $ed 125000 $125000 S125000 E10/ SR 581ROSOdaIe W Avenue TreNC S' h ImYell$i nt Stale 5$0%0 5230000 WA= 83]5 SR 58niosedaew Allen Road Cab- Cnl a 2.00 4 6 2 4A 21sna Adllorss RMJB Canso.-FalWre SB 18000 3o 58818000 8819000 8381 SR 58d1awWleW Enos Lae SR43 Alm Rwtl 8A0 2 4 2 120 2UreAtlM6ara RAWA C-Fume 30 000 .000000 540000000 E256 SR SBAROSedalew TRIP Glbean Street CA-0- 326 4 6 2 65 2Lane Ad b-a aW2Ures ri1dln -TROP 30 000 520.840000 523%000 8377 SRSBIR.sad.Wa TRIP SJVRR RaYroad Grade Burls Grade Se son LandcO el.adco Drive-Fr .TRW ,000 15.000.000 5 Sft mnll¢Hi James N SMnOad 9- 2 45 e dlant E110 SR% MSMrMand Road Rosedale Hl 125M ft 3.510 6 9 2 TO F Prows Fn4ew vvitl .000000 $48000000 ST4300000 8396 SR 99 Ova Cdve SR 20/lGtltlen State H' 0.50 6 8 2 10 F e[ta WdenbratlWlerel "anee OVe DT 50 SWWO SS5000W 55500000 0397 SR 99 S.0 H Street Nl8 O Ram Tmr=SI 1re1aVs Stale so 50 sm.000 1 SO $250.000 $250000 E ISRN Snow Road SUN &' s Construct lMO UPRR Grade 9m 0 SD 75000000 7500000) 570000000 E232 8398.2 SR 99 SR 99 Verbts Wilson Road WMe Late 1.00 8 8 2 2.0 SIaeH Wd anenW nems '=a Pads Ram Ira mends-Verip6 Locadws RE IGNAL Add 2bnes REGIONAL 10000.000 20.000.000 10.OW.000 317.480. ew 8399 'Vne Road BalsMre oad Tra18c5 nnels FA�Wdsnng Ins1allS wl 19000 'U f UW 1 moo SBne Read Hostl Avenue T-d Iruail Si SD 31%,WO fl%.OW 190000 8401 EN Sam Read st-Road McKee Read SRllWT ft Hi Dmmw Reed 0.50 2 4 2 f.0 Tr SI Ws 2Lane AWIhone "elals C-aluct2 ones 0 190,000 190000 520 $190000 5u2D565 Sore Read Tett H' Pomme�sle .] 2 4 2LanaAWie.re Add2Urns 1. 1,14 1, 1.414 1 1614 E181 Sloekd We Hi Grata Read TraftS als 1-115 a $0 190000 190000 $190000 8404 StOd . M-M Read Radro Road 1,00 2 4 2 210 2tare AddiOars Add2Wnea $104113/ $1041131 1047131 8405 StodrGab H' N.nl Read TreISe SI als Install'nal s0 190000 1%000 $190000 Meal sf-dae Hl Rm(ro Read lYnv Stlrro Roatl 5.]5 4 8 2 /1S CansmM Medians Re-ean5h o..n 0 700000 $0 M.do $700.000 8106 8/09 StwktlaeH SdckdWe H' SP RR Weal Niel.sou t1oe01ROad 450 I 9A Ira RaNwd Grade Crow Lam Add_, Ira ova RRX 8ueon- Adtl Ian. 0 .089 122250 112250 ,BBSp 122250 9 1 rinlm Avenue 2100 4 6 6 12.0 2 Lore Addidane WO 2 lams. 1 NAL 1 $40.000.000 8414 Vu Lane Moecwm Reatl RueedadH 090 4 0 harm Adtlilors Earl sde 5625 '.825 6415 V Lam Moacnam ROatl Taft oats 1-115 al $1%000 SO 190000 190000 8416 umiuu.lane Roed T%p Is Irm.II B' a 30 f0 51%000 SO 51%000 1%000 8418 Vbdad Rwd Etls-H Unve Z 1 glare AtltlWws eta Add I Urea 848 ,848 8420 Vlnaand Reed Eucalypilue Drive Plormor Drive 025 2 4 2 05 2Lae AdMions Add 2 so $M.283 00 $280 280283 8558 Vineland Read W Knee Ddmro im9[5!wls bs181151 $190000 S1900W 1%000 8557 VIrekW Read PaUdmo Odve Tramc S' Inslatl S' so 0 S1901100 SO slW.000 1 911000 6580 IWOind Rota SR 178 Paled.Cdva 1.00 0 6 2 20 Z Lean Addl- Anorlel 50 t 011 131 30 $1.041.131 1041.131 8424 Vineland Reed SR le"m -Road SR 178 1.01) 0 4 2 20 2Lane Added. CorelruW21- $0 51041131 SO 57041131 $1041131 8423 Vineland!Road SR IB4/MaM Dd. Fonear 0.0 1.00 0 2 2 210 2Lne Addtions Consbucl 2 lanes 50 S1.041.131 m 111.00.131 $1061.131 0425 Vineland Read SR 58 Edeen Hl 020 2 4 2 OA 2Lane Add- AW2Urea $0 S2MM so 5206 6 226 84 1 Vineland Read UP RR Railroad GUtle low Grade Se -. 1 1,00, 13. F231 Welt Bellw RIP 7m seadeN Reed MSBOtoleOaUN 4.00 0 4 4 16A Fm Pr ws r� Coreluct a-FUWre Td 77980000 77980000 $75510000 5245 Went Beaw Pe[hew Read V7wsd.P 4.00 0 4 4 16.0 Fnsaa-a Proocb Come-iE Bfi00000 8680000 $88.M 001) 5243 Wall Ballw Taft M. Reed 1.00 0 4 4 4.0 Fm Pr tt Coreluct Ea sew SO ]50000 750000 ]SOOW E151 E280 Well Bell Wesl Bellwa SR 58fRosedaeH WBat5W0 Pad VYSPW F P acs eH os,l CdreWCI ES r C.nSWct bwl ntaUl % ,000000 $52,760000 527601100 4000,000 52 60 W.800 boo vest lector Wndamera eel Tre c Ws InaUll I 190. 8162 WmiNdeP Phew1 SR WR-dae Hi Tm.Wn Avenue 125 0 6 4 5.0 Fm P acts Coned-8 lanes RiverR;anaVRR B Man s0 31011390.000 690000 $0 E'331 W dada PdA-a Phase 2 L4ohae4t Street Coffee Rood Fm Pm acts C.relmct fre with bdarcha s0 $100,5110A00 $100 580000 8426 Wasslde Pankwa Phase 3 RIP Coffee Road CaOOw Onive Fre Pro ens C-1-Frcaw s0 $47 p0)000 $47.080,0130 15000000 51]7 Wueu,2 POd Phwe ffulw TRWI MOn.nwlc Street TrISWn Avenue F All nment CgrWttfrw wlm irda -uhae T' .REGIONAL 3920. 5319 Wg-W.P Phase 588 HeaVl Read/OoMttlaleH Gaaowa DrNe F P ends W[IF 111,620, 111, ,000,000 6538 85315.1 lan4a Lane WNe Lme Alen Road 8-vise Road Walt "Wemdr¢Streol 1. 0 o 0 4 4 2 1 05 Lore Addtlms 1 tare Atldllons Urma Conslucl l lam EO 1.041,131 3260283 1041.11 260.283 t 1131 80 83 6427 W aaU Alien Rwtl Tratfi[SI naa =1s 190.000 $0 190000 1%o0) 8575 VYISe Lena Odee TraM[Sl refs 1- 5190.000 1%000 4190.000 8538 W81N Late vMdermae$Seal Tre10c nes IrsUYS 50 I SO 5190000 SO $1 90.000 sl9ooDo 8432 White LaiaNM rRead Col4ntvvoW Rwd Fads Read 3.20 0 4 2 6.1 2Law PdW8on5 Cmsbrdl2Urds S 112 Coft-ood Road lo Wadh Sbeel 1619 SO 53331819 S3.331.61 8604 W ae Lam,l Uer Read Catlonw.otl Rwd Trelfic S' 31s Install S' $0 $790.000 1%000 $190000 B435 WWW taewMUUa Read Fadw Read T.M.S ras InSeIIS 30 SO 5180000 SO /%000 190000 u WMe Road lane Lena .- d area $1.353.4 0 1.353A70 8446 A-Inie all- Co UO Tradd S em Cum WTnecll 5 aCoun b SO 44500 44500 244500 8444 Be1tw PI-ni Ativ-w PUnMn Miss AManco Fan 0 SO .0449% $2.444.996 600 9% 8447 Fracwa Freewa F RAV 11202.04d Si0 112D2044 511 014 8445.1 1 $18.598.3291 $18 598 329 $16 5116 8448 Sol Total 581.1 Total CelVFea Funding - $3,008,065.239 $1.849.029.327 SAPRCJECTSITIIIPRaw 41MOpti.n OocummisW-N4RTIF-Fine l 1.97 aga6009 ��„ `9 Pa9e8o/T Ttt S U ORIGINAL 1.97 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LIST-FY 2008-2035 Metropolitan Bakersfield Trans ortation Impact Fee Program 611712009 Exhibit"A" um- GloOal Drive Nark ROW O9ve Dtiva 2.00 4 Nl.�..a 2 40 2L-AEdtore AW2 BORDER 52082.262 AtltllllOnaV $10x/131 Bi ProWct Norris ROW Impev«nan Im 4a«ea Fun4tl Numuv of a tl kYmseclon.BORDER ? Daet Cosl $0 VWBfenm- $687858 E185 E237 Number Street Namo From To L«1M rsl« &rq.4 4 1.1 ..Nn« CMdeec Nuts R/W DOnsIIYCt. Signal DOil IetW DOSt ToNICOrt Fee FUntll BAKERSFIELD RTIF FACILITY LIST(CORE$• E 160 Drive Nark ROW O9ve Dtiva 2.00 4 6 2 40 2L-AEdtore AW2 BORDER 52082.262 $10x/131 Bi Ddva Norris ROW Ex ltl lnbrsecaa a tl kYmseclon.BORDER ? W7.65 6 $0 $687858 E185 E237 Ddva 31M Sbeal Extension .Drive Chesle7A- FSbrNI 028 0 4 4 1.1 Ex nd lnlerseceon 4 Li-Atlmeore BORDER CO sWtl 4Larl05 REGIONAL 000 000000 SM WO W.780000 E306 34MSbwl ExWsion UPRR RaIIreW GUOe SertaBare Grace Se a60n.REGIONAL 50 $0 20000010 2520000 B2 ar Drive dive Drive nb SW.ROW 060 4 6 2 12 2LAno AEdaore AW2bnesB:x ntl btenegi.BORDER $0 55000000 SO E2500000 W a Odve UPRR Ralko GrWi amts WCen RR ,BORDER 0 1 11,2 marl treat bent nak Ins nd 190, BM lane QasiMCO AVeree Tw%cS Ins WI Si $0 $190000 $190.000 $190000 X45 lane SR58WA306 10CdbradWR4W T.r.S' Insu4151 50 SO 5190000 190 $180000 616 Brut Lane N ROW -S UnL ll& N 100. 000 t90A00 854 Calihmia AVaue Ed- T.F.S rek Instd151 SO 5190000 S190010 $190,000 B55 la Avenue kStr¢IN ASkeN OS 2 1 OS 1LaneAWitlas WW.Silo .283 2A31 4.831 BG4.2 Casa Lame Drive CotlI--tl RCW Washln sl-t 050 0 4 4 20 4 Law 7MdIU- Canmrct 41.. 1041 131 51041,131 57 011 131 a65 Cosa Loma D i. Coll=.Sw Reatl TrOMC Si ruk WWI COnabW E rKW kfts0 S7 833 741 $190000 0 2023 U7 023 747 am Casa Lama Odve Mods.Slree10.25 mi eb Canal CUlvaa Wtlan cereal culvalrt Sla 38.50 00 ,900 $48.900 $48900 B66 Casa Loma Odve Sou.Unl.A- COtlonwo00 ROW 1A0 2 4 2 2.0 kn R&I-I Grade Crostin Im tk aSM.1-42 50 51041131 122 1163381 1163381 sa Lalo 06. UW-A- NaliBW TrefBC als 51 MOTKt m A00 ,000 ,000 F249 Centemual Ccrtida Ra WesWdeP TVWe SR 995858 F Core4ua Fr -TRIP REGIONAL SO 16N 010 SO B77 us Street Aea Vista Dd. Tm t& R nal 190,000 190,000 100. 8281 Cdbmwoal R-d PI..RoW Tmfoc SI ds jwi Insmll S aV IMONauMa $611 249 5190000 50 1 49 5801,249 E 1GL2 C ft-ood ROW SR 58 Pawns R-3 6.00 2 4 2 120 2Lena Atldlbns Addglares 1097.751 S1091751 109]751 079 Col4pewocd oW SRWEIB Ram iral8c"ruts Inpall nN 1 1 190,000 884 East Bella Tertace 9tNrNroW tl smll tl Memedhn 1 , 692 F4i ROW Wrotls Dive 510 Nbs Street 026 4 6 1 0.3 ConeWCl Metliaes Wes wad Medan RDRDER 139 $135.34] 00 7]743 B95 Fdrbx ROW SR 58 Sfeb 8riC as kaa When SR 56 rtSb.45.75 REGIONAL $0 $0 St 496 5151,035 ere osu. 817 a Monle el am rsre Drive Nrsbll of 1 t E 9 Oak treat et m e Ex ad lmem4cl. Ilydersectien 501010 00,000 $5 8193 Onk Slrert Cdibmia-,uO SR17&24M Shea 1.00 4 6 2 20 2LanO AEtlitlere a menax pn AW 21aes BORDER 1201958 1041131 81,166,044 8208 CTG Sdre RiW Mn w 8db a 0.50 / t.0 Lane Atl®Bore lanes 03424 323 7 0222 Oe 08bae1 SR 1]8 Land 2.00 4 6 2 4A ConslructMWias Mod.Reoaub ,, $2082 SO ,082 082262 5272 Panaaa Drive Alm Vida Drive TM!RC Invtall Sl N 50 $0 St90000 190000 190000 0593 Panaama Drive COlanbus Avenue T.MC SI ruk Insta9 Sl lul 0 0 190001 190000 5190.000 5413 Panaarna Drive Univere Averwe TreMC Si rMls Insbl151 SO SO 100000 $0 100001 i9D000 5276 Werelchee Avenue T 051 ws Irek6 I 1 ,000 190,000 1 0.000 8337 So MUrli.Avenue SJ RR Reilroatl GWE PW I 0Sts.265.16 RR SO $0 $122250 $122250 $122 8338.2 SoWh Union Avenue Wlkb lane Case L-0h9 1.50 1 2 .0 2Lore AEditiwi Atld2ones 1,581696 SO 1,581.016 51,561.696 E118 SR 178 MSbeot Fakb%ROad 525 6 8 2 105 Freew4 Pro Construct will vml REGIONAL SO 182 ,000 10395010 E261 50.178 SR 204/30ft,Slav A- S H Big re I -Calredbn.REGIONAL $0 52D 000 52520000 E233 SR 118 Vadpus SMk Bd es 1 s Ram I avema4s-Vadous LOealdre.REGIONAL $0 $20,000.000 52.520000 E a Slate A M1 Late NA ATUM -0 SR 204lGoben Slab A Calbwe Carte Canty BM ass Wida Canal Sri a REGIONAL SO $0 ,000 $75 600 E309 SR204IGdden SWWAverue Cama Canal Calvtl es Wd.Caal Bd eREGIONAL 5800000 $75600 E312 SR 2D41Gdda SU A- Crests AVarfue S-H &' reline Bd WiEe' .REGbNAL SO $6000000 ]58000 E23S SR 204A-wM.Stet A- FSI-t Sbb .VM1e Carulruct inbrtlle e.REGIONAL 320000,000 52.520000 EX1 SR 204M-ab.SNN A,- Nam Rl- Kem Rlva a Wid.River a 2lanes 2 Mies REGIONAL 58 WOOOp 1 000 6372 SR Nom A- Bmrtla Lane and lnbme- S Malifi E,vE ndlaerso- .fA]D 1,833% 1,928.747 1 ,]4] E 1 R noiNVOOO al 2. 4. nNnra wMlrxe A 1, W73 SR 58 Red ROW Cdbmm4ed ROW 3.00 050 4 8 4 10.0 Frees Pro'INts AW 2bres REGIONAL Sao olio aoD 0000010 401000 E234 R Vew. Sre H d s,Iphes Rm RR E E23 SR 9 Vebre S d es 1N14AAL I mpraverrenk-VaWUS LocaBOre. L ,0 ,000 .520.000 B39B2 R 99 Mnb,,ROW YVINN Lana .00 F RO eck AW 2 ores.REGI L 10000 000 04062 Sbticdde Hi Now a.-ROW Oak StreIN 125 4 6 2 25 Cautmcl Mwo. Mad.remretmtlen 50 t.3Bf,414 50 51.301.114 f1.001.414 E318 Truxrtm Averwe BNSF RR Chester Avaue 2A0 4 8 8 12A 2lau Atldlbns odtl glares.REGIONAL SO N0.00D.000 15.0/0.000 8412 Univam Avaua Hd $bee[ Trelic 5l als Instill 10 W $190,000 SO $19D,000 St9O.OD0 E320 WesfalOe PadwaY PhasO4lFUbae TRlP)MdWwk Sheet TM Avenue F-.y P.Wca COneb YTi-15 mWSPWroTrulWAvenue,REGIONAL $0 $0 533,620000 SO 8441 WIN.Roatl Mln Avenuo Blu eLere 1.00 4 5 2 2D 2La,Adt9liore AW 21- $0 $1,041.131 $1,222,498 52283,829 $22B6829 895.2 G '6 350 6587 -Note'Tay Cast bran REGIONAL Wieck shown N NOn-COre s 6- S.844Q1ECTSIT1FIP-i 4Ndop8.DOctm aWJU 24V4T7F-Final 1.97 Grand Trials: $3039191352' $1,933,587,852 &,rrtoo9 OQg,A•K�e,9�. Nge7 a7 a T' ti m u a ORIGINAL Non-Core Area LAND USE TYPE Bakersfield Bakersfield Kern County City Adopted 1019/2008 Metro Phase III Current Phase III Current w/add.mit. Phase III Current Phase IV FEE PER UNIT First Year Phase IV FEE PER UNIT Phase IV FEE PER UNIT RESIDENTIAL PER LIVING UNIT SINGLE FAMILY, DETACHED MULTI-FAMILY $7,066 $9,553 $12,958 $12,228 $13,595 $12,870 $3,391 $6,219 $4:236 11 $4,71011 $6,213 NON RESIDENTIAL PER ADT TRIP HEAVY/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 11 $180 $355 $168 11 $189 $210 $186 OFFICE COMMERCIAL Under 100,000 sq.ft. 100,000-199,999 sq.ft. 200,000 sq.ft. &over S131 $156 5120 $145 $161 $143 $155 $182 $171 $165 $184 $163 $174 $203 $199 $178 $198 $175 PUBLICIGOVERNMENT N/A I N/ N/A N/Tkil N/A $157 RETAIL COMMERCIAL Under 10,000 sq.ft. 10,000-49,999 sq. ft. 50,000-99,999 sq.ft. 100,000-199,999 sq.ft. 200,000-299,999 sq.ft. 300,000-399,999 sq.ft. 400,000-499,999 sq.ft. 500,000-999,999 sq.ft. 1,000,000 sq.ft. &over $67 $69 $64 $79 $88 $78 $106 $109 $129 $111 $124 $110 $149 $153 $136 $170 $188 $167 by individual study by individual study by individual study $180 $201 $178 by individual study by individual study by individual study $219 $243 $216 by individual study by individual study by individual study $237 $263 $233 by individual study by individual study by individual study $237 $263 $233 by individual study by individual study by individual study $239 $266 $236 by individual study by individual study by individual study $239 $266 $236 p CiTYQ� Exhibit B.1 0 '�t5:\PROJECTS\TIF\Phase 4\Adoption Documents\June 24\Non-Core Fee Calculation Worksheet Gov 051809A 6/17/2009 z � Core Area LAND USE TYPE Bakersfield Kern County City Adopted 10/912008 Metro Phase III Current J Phase III Current Phase IV FEE PER UNIT First Year Phase IV FEE PER UNIT Phase IV FEE PER UNIT RESIDENTIAL PER LIVING UNIT SINGLE FAMILY, DETACHED MULTI-FAMILY $3,523 $4,90511 $4,77211 $5,311 11 $7,747 $1,691 $2,35411 $2,48011 $2,76011 $3,740 NON RESIDENTIAL PER ADT TRIP HEAVYILIGHT INDUSTRIAL 11 $89 $82 $110 $12311 $112 OFFICE COMMERCIAL Under 100,000 sq.ft. 100,000-199,999 sq.ft. 200,000 sq.ft. &over $65 $59 $85 $94 $86 $77 $78 $97 $108 $98 $87 $88 $104 $116 $106 PUBLIC/GOVERNMENT N/ NIA NIA RETAIL COMMERCIAL Under 10,000 sq.ft. 10,000-49,999 sq.ft. 50,000-99,999 sq.ft. 100,000-199,999 sq.ft. 200,000-299,999 sq.ft. 300,000-399,999 sq.ft. 400,000-499,999 sq.ft. 500,000-999,999 sq.ft. 1,000,000 sq.ft. &over $33 $30 $46 $51 $47 $53 $49 $65 $72 $66 $75 $67 $99 $110 $101 by individual study by individual study $106 $118 $107 by individual study by individual study $128 $143 $130 by individual study by individual study $154 by individual study by individual study $154 W$141 by individual study by individual study "S140 $156 by individual study by individual study $156 $142 C)CITY Exhibit B.2 :\PROJECTS\TIF\Phase 4\Adoption Documents\June 24\Core Fee Calculation Worksheet Gov 032409A 6/17/2009 z r— y t \p �• ii A Transportation Impact Fee Update Background 1 Nexus Report June 16, II ' Exhibit C ORIGINAL . i Transportation Imp.,et Fee — Phase IV Fee Update Background BACKGROUND The Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee was adopted by both the City Council and the County Board of Supervisors in 1992. The original impetus for this Transportation Impact Fee Program is the Bakersfield Metropolitan 2010 General Plan Circulation Policy Statement No. 39: "Require new development and expansion of existing development to pay or participate in it's pro rata share of the costs of expansions in area-wide transportation facilities and services which it necessitates. " This Impact Fee is a development fee and the procedures laid out by the State of California in Government Code Section 66000 et.seq. were followed in the adoption process. As originally developed in the City, the fee program consists of an ordinance to implement the fee on new development, and a Resolution adopting the Regional Transportation Facilities List and a Transportation Impact Fee Schedule. In the County, the Regional Transportation Facilities List and a Transportation Impact Fee Schedule were adopted by ordinance. The original Facilities List included some of the facilities needed to maintain a Level of Service of"C" or better for new growth or to prevent the degradation of roads which are currently below Level of Service"C". The Fee Schedule set forth the fees to be collected from new development to mitigate the need for the facilities. When first adopted, the facilities list included only those projects which were considered too large for individual developers to fund and construct on their own. However, additional mitigation was needed on a case-by-case basis to account for the local component of the traffic needs. This local component had to be determined by individual traffic studies for each project. The fee program was updated in 1997 to eliminate the need for individual traffic studies to determine the local component of the traffic needs, and the facilities list was expanded to include many roadway segments and traffic signals. The funding of these items was the most common requirement of the local traffic studies, and their inclusion in the facilities list eliminated the need for these studies. Phase 111 Update In 2002-2003,both City and County staff was tasked with a comprehensive update of the Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee program to extend the program out to a new horizon year- 2020—the Phase III update. In doing so, the socioeconomic data for the updated model was updated for the base year of 1998 and the horizon year of 2020 and was thoroughly reviewed by City and County staff and the Kern Council of Governments (KCOG). The Land Use base map used was the Land Use adopted for the 2010 General Plan Update. The new facilities that were required to maintain a Level of Service of"C" or better were determined and were added to a new Facilities List. The r6 AK,* Page 2 of 15 -� E- r U ORIGINAL Transportation Imp-et Fee — Pliase IV Fee Update Background various components that go into the computation of the fee schedule were reviewed and updated. Phase IV Update In 2007 — 2008, after a period of unprecedented growth, City and County staff were instructed to once again update the Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee program. The same steps were followed as in the 2002-2003 update: • A new horizon year was determined —2035. This horizon year is consistent with the General Plan Update process now underway. However, this fee update is on a slightly faster schedule. • The base year of 2006 for the traffic model was used. • The socioeconomic data — both households and employment — was updated for the base year of 2006 and the horizon year of 2035. This data was reviewed by City and County Planning staff and the staff at KCOG as well as the Kern Regional Transportation /Land Use Modeling Subcommittee (KRTMC) of the Kern COG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee(TTAC). o The Kern Regional Transportation/Land Use Modeling Subcommittee is made up of representatives from Kern County, Kern COG, the City of Bakersfield, the City of Shafter, CalTrans, McIntosh and Associates and others. • The KCOG model was updated and validated for the new horizon year and growth figures. • Using the updated model results, the transportation facilities necessary to support the growth with a Level of Service "C" as mandated by our General Plan were determined. • The new network as determined above was verified through new model runs by Kern COG • The costs of the projects on the final Transportation Impact Fee Facilities network were determined. • The amount of the fee based on the above and other variables was determined. (See the discussion in the following section,"Development of Fee") • Throughout the process, multiple informational meetings were held with stakeholder groups such as the HBA, the Board of Realtors, the Chamber of Commerce, etc. • Periodic updates were given to the City Council's Planning and Development Committee. This paper documents the assumptions, equations, and values necessary to update both the facilities list and the fee schedule. o�4AkF'A Page 3 of 15 k N+ Fri O ORIGINAL Transportation Intp.et Fee- Phase IV Fee Update Background DEVELOPMENT OF FEE The Transportation Impact Fee pays for the construction of both regional and local facilities that are required to maintain a Level of Service "C" for the Metropolitan Bakersfield transportation system. Only those facilities required by new development as allowed by the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan in effect on December 14, 2007 are covered by this Transportation Impact Fee Program. The fee schedule was developed based upon the fact that different types of land uses will place different demands on the regional transportation system. Those types of uses whose impact on the road system is greater will pay a higher fee. The relative impact of the various land uses is determined based upon trip rate, trip length and the percentage of new trips—a number that represents those trips that are to that land use only, and are not shared or linked together with trips to other land uses. These fees are imposed on new development through the application of the Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance and are collected at the building permit stage for any development that produces additional vehicular trips over that attributable to the land in its pre-existing condition — before the new development is in place. The fees are placed in a separate interest bearing account, per the requirements of GC 66000 et seq, and are only used to construct those facilities that are listed on the Facilities List. Traffic Model The traffic model is a computer model using CUBE software from Citylabs of Oakland, California. The model is operated and maintained by KCOG under the authority and direction of a Memorandum of Understanding between KCOG,the County of Kern,the City of Bakersfield, and CalTrans. This Memorandum of Understanding sets forth the rules for the distribution,operation and maintenance of the model. The model is updated every 3 to 5 years. It is based on the existing and future road network, and currently contains approximately 1700"traffic analysis zones", or"TAZ's". The TAZ is a geographic area usually bounded by segments of the model road network. KCOG modelers use general plan land use information and historic trends for that geographic area to generate the number and type of trips for each TAZ. The model then uses this information to"load"the boundary road network segments. Run for the year 2035, the model uses the TAZ information to determine the traffic loads on the road segments expected to be in place in the year 2035. This information yields an approximation of the Level of Service that we would expect to see on each of the future road segments. Facilities List The transportation network needed for the horizon year of 2035 was derived after several iterations. Assumptions were made as to which of the lanes for the roadways were going to be complete by the horizon year, and the traffic model was used to determine which of sus Page 4 of 15 t 0 o ORIGINAL Transportation Impact Fee —Phase IV Fee Update Background those additional lanes was necessary to maintain a Level of Service "C". The criteria as to whether to add a segment to the facilities list were as follows: 1. If the LOS on any link is C or better in 2006, and is also C or better in 2035, do not add any lanes to the Phase IV list 2. If the LOS on any link is C or better in 2006 and is worse than C in 2035 — add the necessary lanes to bring the LOS in 2035 to C or better. 3. If the LOS is worse than C on any link in 2006, add lanes only as necessary to keep the same LOS in 2035. 4. If no road exists on the link in 2006, and 2035 shows 2 or more lanes needed for LOS C or better, add the appropriate lanes. 5. The dedication of rights-of-way is a requirement under the City and County subdivision and development ordinances. Therefore, only certain rights-of-way will be included in the facilities list. Where"gap"projects that the City or County will be required to construct, and money needs to be available to pay for the additional right-of-way that may be required, a line item will be added to cover these costs. 6. If the link already has lanes on the Phase III list, keep the Phase III lanes on that segment in the Phase IV list and update the Phase III construction cost and, where applicable, the right-of-way and other costs (unless noted otherwise). 7. If the land is Industrial or Commercial and the full improvements are not in place, get additional travel lanes (if necessary), but not the remaining improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, parking lane) — businesses must pay for their frontage improvements. A copy of the Facilities List map is attached as Exhibit C.1. Cost Assumptions The cost assumptions are as follows: 1. Road Construction Costs: a. Arterial $520,565 per lane mile b. Collector $320,323 per lane mile c. Removal of both existing arterial lanes in the wrong position (no median allowance): $25/CY for roadway excavation to a depth of 2 feet(including disposal) and replace with topsoil at $10/CY — 20' x 2' x P x $35/CY assume$52/LF See Exhibit C.2 for backup for the arterial and collector costs. 2. Miscellaneous Costs: a. Railroad Grade Separation: $10 to 35 million Ea. b. Traffic signal $ 190,000 Ea. c. State Traffic Signal $ 250,000 Ea d. At-grade RR Crossing $ 400,000 Ea. e. Canal Crossing $ 500,000 Ea. f. Kern River Bridge $ 4,000,000 Ea. g. Widen Intersection $ 500,000 Ea. �gAKF9� Page 5 of 15 O ORIGINAL Transportation Im)j ct Fee—Phase IV Fee Update Background FEE EQUATION This is a brief outline of the modified equation used to determine the Transportation Impact Fee Schedule and the development of the various constants and variables. For an in-depth discussion of the unmodified equation (Gas Tax version), see " Metropolitan Bakersfield — TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FEE — Final Report" by Omni- Means Engineers Planners dated February, 1991. The use of this fee equation establishes the relationship between the amount of the fee for each land use type and the cost of the public facility attributable to the land use type. The equation is as follows: Attributable New Travel = [(Annual Average Daily Traffic (ADT) X Average Trip Length)/2] X% New Trips New Lane Miles of Roads=Attributable Travel /Capacity Per Lane Total Cost=New Lane Miles Of Road X Total Program Costs/Number of Lane Miles Impact Fee=Total Cost The constants and variables for the equation are the"ADT Trip Rate", the"Average Trip Length", the "% New Trips", the "Capacity Per Lane" and the "Cost per Lane Mile of Road". Also needed to develop the total number of trips for each land use category is the number of new units (or square footage) from the base year of 2006 to the design year of 2035. AK4, Page 6 of 15 U O ORIGINAL Transportation Impact Fee - Phase IV Fee Update Background "ADT Trip Rate" The constants for "ADT trip rate" are determined from the data in the Institute of Transportation Engineers "Trip Generation", 7`1' Edition for each of the land use types in the fee schedule. These land use types are: 1. Single Family Detached Housing(Land Use 210) 2. Apartment(Land Use 220) 3. General Heavy Industrial (Land Use 120)—used for Service Industrial also 4. General Light Industrial (Land Use 110) 5. General Office Building(Land Use 710)—generalized as Office Commercial 6. Public/Government (Land Use 522)—generalized as Junior/Middle School 7. Shopping Center(Land Use 820)—generalized as Retail Commercial Attached are excerpts from the Trip Generation manual for the various land uses. The following table summarizes the trip rates: TYPE ADT NO. TRIP LAND USE TYPE RATE RESIDENTIAL PER LIVING UNIT SINGLE FAMILY, DETACHED 1 j 9.57 MULTI-FAMILY 2 6.72 NON RESIDENTIAL PER ADT TRIP HEAVY/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 3 4.24 OFFICE COMMERCIAL Under 100,000 sq.ft. 4 13.34 100,000-199,999 sq.ft. 5 12.15 200,000 sq.ft. &over 6 11.37 PUBLIC/GOVERNMENT _ 7 13.78 RETAIL COMMERCIAL Under 10,000 sq.ft. 8 152.03 10,000-49,999 sq. ft. 9 103.50 50,000-99,999 sq. ft. 10 75.10 100,000-199,999 sq.ft. 11 58.93 200,000-299,999 sq.ft. 12 49.28 300,000-399,999 sq.ft. 13 43.80 400,000-499,999 sq.ft. 14 40.12 500,000-999,999 sq. ft. 15 33.55 1,000,000 sq.ft. &over 16 30.33 Page 7 of 15 O us a � �-- m ORIGINAL Transportation Lnimet Fee -Phase IV Fee Update Background "Average Trip Length" The average trip length is determined from the Kern Council of Government's traffic model. The model provides estimates of average trip length in minutes by trip purpose and the average speed of system-wide trips. The trip rate times the trip length in minutes divided by the average speed yields the trip length in miles. New Trips" The following is excerpted from the Omni-Means report: Many land uses, while attracting traffic, generate little if any new traffic (other than attracting traffic to a particular location). There are several reasons for this. First, the multiple purpose trip will tend to attract traffic to particular locations without generating new traffic. Second, the capturing of an existing trip, such as stopping for a quart of milk on the way home from work, will not result in additional travel. Third, diverting a trip which already existed (such as taking the long way home from work to shop) will place limited new travel on the road system. Take, for example, the convenience store and the service (gas) station. The typical visit to these establishments is not a primary trip, especially during the peak hour, but rather are trips made by individuals who are going elsewhere, such as home or work. An example may help. Let's assume there is an individual driving from work to home. Assume that this individual stops at the day care center to pick up a child, a convenience store to get milk and a service station for gasoline. How many trips have been made'? According to the standard methodology of transportation engineering, a total of four (4) trips have been made, with eight(8)trip ends. • Leaving work • Entering the day care center • Leaving the day care center • Entering the convenience store • Leaving the convenience store • Entering the service station • Leaving the service station • Arriving home If we were to apply an average trip length of 7.1 miles to these trips, the result would be 28.4 miles of travel, a vast over-statement of actual travel. This over-statement is corrected in impact fee analysis in two ways. First, a percentage reduction factor(%new trips), for trips to particular land uses which do not place additional travel on the roads, and second, to adjust the trip lengths for non-residential land uses which more accurately reflect the travel patterns of trips visiting those land uses. The first, % new trips, is included in the Table below. The second, adjusted trip lengths, are also included in the Q�dAKF9� Page 8 of 15 "� ORIGINAL Transportation Lni,.,et Fee—Pliase IV Fee Update Background Table below. Both of these adjustments are ultimately made on the basis of professional judgment. Such judgments, however, are based upon information provided in Trin Generation, several articles in the "ITE Journal", information obtained from a study performed for Brevard County, Florida adopted by ordinance by the City of Titusville, available at http://www.titusville.com/Files/63-132pdf and specifically upon an article which appears in the May, 1984, issue of"Public Works". These articles were guides to the establishment of the%new trips. TYPE AVG. % NO. TRIP NEW LAND USE TYPE LENGTH TRIPS RESIDENTIAL PER LIVING UNIT SINGLE FAMILY, DETACHED 1 10.86 100% MULTI-FAMILY 2 10.86 100% NON RESIDENTIAL PER ADT TRIP HEAVY/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 3 9.84 89% OFFICE COMMERCIAL Under 100,000 sq.ft. 4 11.05 92% 100,000-199,999 sq.ft. 5 11.05 92% 200,000 sq.ft. &over _ 6 11.05 92% PUBLIC/GOVERNMENT 7 11.05 92% RETAIL COMMERCIAL Under 10,000 sq.ft. 8 1.50 48% 10,000-49,999 sq.ft. 9 3.20 48% 50,000-99,999 sq.ft. 10 4.89 64% 100,000-199,999 sq. ft. 11 7.77 64% 200,000-299,999 sq. ft. 12 9.43 64% 300,000-399,999 sq.ft. 13 11.09 72% 400,000-499,999 sq.ft. 14 11.09 72% 500,000-999,999 sq.ft. 15 11.09 75% 1,000,000 sq.ft. &over 16 11.09 75% A review of the KCOG model has indicated that these trip figures are still reasonably accurate. ��AKF9 Page 9 of 15 U�t�t{ygj„ Transportation Imi..,ct Fee—Phase IV Fee Update Background "Capacity Per Lane" This constant is derived in part from the facilities list, and can be considered iterative until the final list is determined. The average daily per lane capacity of each of the roadway types for a Level of Service C is weighted by the number of lane miles of each type of facility. The capacity per lane is as follows: 1. Freeways 20,000 per lane(80%of total 25,000 capacity) 2. Expressway 9,600 per lane(80%of total 12,000 capacity) 3. Highway(State) 8,000 per lane(80%of total 10,000 capacity) 3. Arterials 8,000 per lane(80%of total 10,000 capacity) 4. Collectors 6,000 per lane(80%of total 7,500 capacity) The number of lane miles for each of the roadway types is determined from the facilities list. The capacity per lane is shown in the following table: Per Lane Lane %Lane Weighted Roadway Type Capacity Miles Miles Average Collector 6000 36.40 5.54% 332.1 Arterial 8000 427.98 65.08% 5206.6 Highway(State) 8000 8.50 1.29% 103.4 Expressway 9600 36.00 5.47% 525.5 Freeway 20000 148.72 22.62% 4523.1 657.60 100.00% 10690.76 "Number of Units" Residential trip generation constants are in "ADT/unit" or "Peak trip/unit" units. The number of units for single family residential and multi family residential categories come from the KCOG data for the socioeconomic input for the traffic model. The number of new units in the period from 2006 to 2035 is 128,000 single family residences and 16,629 multi-family residences. The non-residential trip generation constants are in "ADT/1000 SF" units. The number of 1000's SF for non-residential uses are derived as follows: Assumption#1 The increase in total employment (jobs) in Metropolitan Bakersfield between 2006 and 2035 from the Kern COG Model was used to determine the number of future jobs. This increase is anticipated to be 176,200 total jobs. �gAKF9 Page 10 of 15 O �� U ORIGINAL Transportation Imp..ct Fee—Phase IV Fee Update Background Assumption #2 The number of jobs in each employment category (retail, office commercial, service industrial, light industrial, heavy industrial) was determined from the Kern County Forecast Targets for the Kern Regional Transportation Model adopted July 2005: Retail =41,666 jobs Office Commercial = 109,934 jobs Light Industrial = 12,059 jobs Heavy/Service Industrial = 12,541 jobs Assumption#3 The original assumptions regarding employees per acre and percent building per acre (from City Planning Department) were used to detennine future square footage to be built by employment type. These assumptions are as follows: Type Employees/Acre %building Retail 17 25 Office Commercial 34 25 Industrial (All) 10.5 20 These factors were then used as follows: Retail: [41,666 jobs/(17 jobs/acre)] x 43,560 sq. feet/acre x 25%bldg= 26,690,766 Sq. Feet Office Commercial: [109,934 jobs/(34 jobs/acre)] x 43,560 sq. feet/acre x 25%bldg=35,211,205 Sq. Feet Light Industrial: [12,059 jobs/(10.5 jobs/acre)] x 43,560 sq. feet/acre x 20%bldg= 10,005,217 Sq. Feet Heavy/Service Industrial: [12,541 jobs/(10.5 jobs/acre)] x 43,560 sq, feet/acre x 20%bldg= 10,405,754 Sq. Feet �k$AKF9�� Page 11 of 15 U ORIGINAL Transportation Impact Fee -Phase IV Fee Update Background In addition, these numbers are apportioned to the Core Area and the Non-Core Area and to the square footage sub-set. These figures are summarized in the following table: Per Unit or Per Square Foot TYPE NO. Total Core Non-Core Units or Units or Units or LAND USE TYPE SQFT SQFT SQFT RESIDENTIAL PER LIVING UNIT SINGLE FAMILY, DETACHED 1 __128,000 5,561 122,439 MULTI-FAMILY 2 16,629 659 15,970 NON RESIDENTIAL PER ADT TRIP _-------- --- - ---- - _ ---- -- - HEAVY/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 3 20,410,971 1 687,003 19,723,968 OFFICE COMMERCIAL Under 100,000 sq.ft. 4 19,014,051 1,572,196 17,441,855 100,000-199,999 sq.ft. 5 7,922,522 655,082 7,267,440 200,000 sq.ft. &over 6 4,753,513 393,049 4,360,464 PUBLIC/GOVERNMENT 7 3,521,120 291,147 3,229,973 RETAIL COMMERCIAL Under 10,000 sq.ft. 8 3,300,766 764,944 2,535,822 10,000-49,999 sq.ft. 9 6,300,000 1,460,010 4,839,990 50,000-99,999 sq.ft. 10 1,250,000 289,684 960,316 100,000-199,999 sq.ft. 11 1,750,000 405,558 1,344,442 200,000-299,999 sq,ft. 12 _ 2,090,000 484,352 1,605,648 300,000-399,999 sq.ft. 13 2,090,000 484,352 1,605,648 400,000-499,999 sq.ft. 14 2,210,000 512,162 1,697,838 500,000-999,999 sq.ft. 15 1,700,000 393,971 1,306,029 1,000,000 sq.ft. &over 16 6,000,000 1,390,485 4,609,515 An additional complication is the impact that "vesting rights" for subdivisions will have on this program. As of April 23, 2008, there were 229 maps with 35,716 vested lots within the City of Bakersfield and 49 maps with 3,071 vested lots within the unincorporated area of Metropolitan Bakersfield, for a total of 278 maps with 38,787 lots that have vested under a previous impact fee (Of these, 1,023 lots are in the Core Area). Until the tentative maps expire or the vesting rights of the recorded maps expire, these lots will be paying their traffic impact fees at a lower rate when they pull their building permits. It is difficult to predict exactly how many of these "vested" lots will pull permits in any one year. In the City of Bakersfield portion of these 35,716 lots, 1016 lots in 13 subdivisions will lose their vesting rights by the end of the year. Please note that Page 12 of 15 U ORIGINAL Transportation Lnt..,et Fee - Phase IV Fee Update Background 140 lots within these 13 subdivisions have already pulled their permits and paid their fees at their"vested"level. This number will increase as the year goes forward. The impact of "vested rights" has not been accounted for in any of the previous = Transportation Impact Fee programs (Phases I through III). Because of the current economic climate, an estimated of 25% of the vested lots is assumed to retain vested rights through the building permit stage. So, the base numbers for single family residential units for the Core and Non-Core areas would be 5561 - 256 = 5,305 and 122,439 - 9,441 = 112,998, respectively. Because of the considerable lag in time between the recording of a final map and the development of a commercial area, vesting rights have very little effect on the non-residential permits. Therefore,no reduction in the projected square footages of commercial or industrial projects was assumed. These modified figures are summarized in the following table: Per Unit or Per Square Foot TYPE - - With 25%vested lots NO. Total Core Non-Core Units or Units or Units or LAND USE TYPE SQFT SQFT SOFT RESIDENTIAL PER LIVING UNIT SINGLE FAMILY, DETACHED 1 128,000 5,305 112,998 MULTI-FAMILY 2 16,629 659 15,970 NON RESIDENTIAL PER ADT TRIP HEAVY/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 3 1 20,410,971 1 687,003 19,723,968 OFFICE COMMERCIAL Under 100,000 sq.ft. 4 19,014,051 1,572,196 17,441,855 100,000-199,999 sq.ft. 5 7,922,522 655,082 7,267,440 200,000 sq.ft.80 over 6 4,753,513 393,049 4,360,464 PUBLIC/GOVERNMENT 7 3,521,120 291,147 3,229,973 _RETAIL COMMERCIAL Under 10,000 sq.ft. 8 3,300,766 764,944 2,535,822 10,000-49,999 sq.ft. 9 6,300,000 1,460,010 4,839,990 50,000-99,999 sq.ft. 10 1,250,000 289,684 960,316 100,000-199,999 sq. ft. 11 1,750,000 405,558 1,344,442 200,000-299,999 sq.ft. 12 2,090,000 484,352 1,605,648 300,000-399,999 sq.ft. 13 2,090 000 484,352 1,605,648 400,000-499,999 sq.ft. 14 2,210,000 512,162 1,697,838 500,000-999,999 sq.ft. 15 1,700 000 393,971 1,306,029 1,000,000 sq,ft. &over 16 6,000,000 1,390,485 4,609 515 �gAKF9 Page 13 of 15 M V ORIGINAL. Transportation Intimet Fee - Phase IV Fee Update Background CONFORMITY WITH GOV. CODE SECTION 66000 et sec In consideration of future growth within the limits of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan area through the year 2035, we believe that new residential and commercial development will generate an increase in traffic that requires corresponding capital facilities necessary to accommodate the anticipated increase. New residential and new or intensified commercial development will create an additional burden on the existing capital facilities that must be mitigated proportionately. If additional capital facilities are not added as development occurs, the existing facilities will not be adequate to serve the community. This could result in adverse impacts, thereby creating an inadequate traffic safety and transportation network. Consequently, we believe there to be a reasonable relationship between the need and use of the Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee Program and new development as follows: 1. There is a reasonable relationship between the need for traffic safety/capital upgrade projects and the type of development project on which the fee will be imposed since new development throughout the City will increase trips on local, citywide, and regional roads, leading to the need for more traffic signals, additional turn lane signals, and other improvements. Further, there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the traffic safety/capital facilities projects and the type of development project on which the fee will be imposed since each new development project will add to the incremental need for new safety or capital upgrade projects in order to meet public safety standards and the General Plan-mandated Level of Service requirement. 2. There is a reasonable relationship between the need for transportation projects and the type of development project on which the fee will be imposed since new development will increase trips on local, citywide, and regional roads, leading to a potential deterioration level of service thereby creating the need for additional roadway capacity. The Metropolitan Bakersfield's General Plan establishes a service standard for traffic congestion as LOS "C" on all street corridors. New development will lower this level of service unless improvements are made. 3. The determination of how there is a reasonable relationship between the use of the Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee and the type of development project on which the fee is imposed is set forth in more detail within this document (see Exhibit B). 4. To prevent the above-referenced undesirable consequences, and to reduce the impacts of new development upon capital facilities, the capital facilities must be constructed, at a rate that will accommodate the expected growth within the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan area. 5. The Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee established by this document will be imposed upon development projects for the purposes of mitigating the impact of the development on the ability of the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern to provide specified capital facilities as shown in Exhibits A. ,�gAk�9 Page 14 of 15 O U ORIGINAL Transportation Impact Fee— Phase IV Fee Update Background 6. The City of Bakersfield and County of Kern have identified the development potential of Metropolitan Bakersfield from the Year 2006 until Year 2035 through traffic modeling provided by Kern Council of Governments. Traffic modeling and engineering judgment determined the extent of capital facilities required to serve and accommodate new development as detailed on the Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee Facilities List (see Exhibit A). The facilities list provides a summary of the portion of each improvement category's costs that can be funded by new development. 7. The categories covered by the facilities list that will be funded by the Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee which are limited to (1) traffic safety/capital upgrade projects; (2) expansion of existing capital facilities; and (3) expansion of the transportation network. These facilities are needed to promote and protect the public health, safety and general welfare within Metropolitan Bakersfield, to facilitate orderly urban development, to maintain existing levels of service, and to promote economic and social well being. SAPROJECTS\TIF\Phase 4\County Adoption\May 12 09\_Final_Exhibit C Nexus 051909.doc Page 15 of 15 U o ORIGINAL WNIJtaO WCA yy Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee Proposed Phase IV Improvements any Rd Q,-f"c—dy Rd ' \ "9 u Rylyµp,nuM PGaI Rd Rd P aaad Ra , -. ....,__..__ .__._._...SMettlRS.bP0.w.PA..,,_._._.. � \. �,. � • • • Iwn anerA. �.�� Beb qE • • � ;r Elcnen Rd�\` � °Q • • • DaY�' I d ¢� q \, 4�4 tci s NIrW Harrell�y, # • -• '• ..1 • • " ... li y E CNne Came loop • • .. 1 • Mr,WrYn Rd • _.._i. .__ �\ • • .1 I a b F ''�. — I Mwl,q,Ra • \•Relre rm } • S •�8 aww ■ r-R,mn.i i; _ —_ •�__�—� • P's'°iV Or. N Pw,alo_ a Monty.Ra $ $ e • R°`pp°�ta£ '$ • o-� A`��_,...lU�� ua ay IA. j g `--- -- >f. .. 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