HomeMy WebLinkAbout1620 E BRUNDAGE LANE---------- "--l-T----.. .- - - - -'•-- ' --•---~----' --'--..-._. ~ - -~ • - • . ..._._._ --- - ~~ - ~Cit ~~ of Bakersfield y Fire & Prevention Services . . ; ~ ~ ~ / ~~ 1~U~ ~C-~sS ~ S ~ r~/~~SS P~,~+V ~cs~n~2S ~ ~ ~ 7 2~SS , Delta MicroImaging, Inc 9961 N Lower Sacramento Rd Stockton, CA 95210 209-478-3600 ~ ~-c./ S~~LJ CJ~ ~ (~-C~ ~~ ~ 12/16/2008 19:42 6618312656 ~~~)~a~ . ~~ ~ 3~8 / C~.~:~ ~. ~.-T ~ ~-/~ ~YaS-a~ ~ s ~~ ~. S ~,~, 1.20 OLD Y,~~ :pR. Xi.A,~RSFI;~~D, CA y330'7 (66X) S3x~9541 F~ # (GG],) 831M2G56 ~A~x covE~. s~r~Ex . ~° ~ x~~.T.c: ~" ~ ~ caMr,~.~vX: ~ ~ ~-~~ ~.~.x ~vu~~~t: ~~ 2.~ ~7 l . _~ ,A'~'TN: ~i~ ~~_~r'.~,~Ir~a~~ FROI1:~: ~--~`^ ~----~41_~___.w-~n-~-a.-.2.. # OF ~'A,G~S l~TC~UDT~1G COV~R: ~ S,PEC~AL ~:NS'~'RUC'~'~ONS: . ~ r ~ ~ PAGE 01/03 fl.ttemtion: ~'~is messa.ge is inL•er~dcd onl,y fox tlxe individ~ial to w~om xt is addressed and ~i~ay co.~tstun infol~~ln.atio~ thal ~s confidez~tia~ o~- pr.iv~(eged. i,~you a~~e ~ot t~Ze intertd.ed rec~~ient, or tl~e e~zployee oz~ tlae ~ersor~ xes~pon,5xN~1e ~'o.r deliver,ing xt to t~e iuter~ded recx~~ie~ut, you a~re ~exeby noti~ed i:hat a~n.y dissemfttgtxon, cl~t~h ibu.tio~t, copy~in.~ ox• e~-rv.r, please notify sende~r fxiramedxateiy ~y te,le~b~oue, and deslxoy ox clelete ihis com.~~au~ication. , , . . 12/16/2008 19:42 6618312656 . : • ' . NON~HpZqqppU$ 1. Ganerator I~ N~ WASTE A7ANIREST 3snmMO~e Ne end Mol~i g q~~ trrnoc~on~.-. 17~r_n1k +7lc~~r~~.rr~7: Q C17R.ra ~t'~xsA 37 r,~ 1+:+~R'X:Fdir!~r,'R~ l:~A ~i'3~1~~ IBretar8 PhOne.~'P'~ h ~ ~! -~J ~sni ~ ter~spORer 1 Cpntpa~y Ngm i ~ ~.~=7 :9e~st~.rie~ :~:,r~,n„ . I 7. Tre ?_'~A ~ . ~s9'Lmlr~,n~ ~d F.tl9'-!` {CR!77.'sf]}.M`~.[n,~ ~1 !a.3~'~~ III 'eP .~'~''~...~~7 -8?a"~~ B, Waato 9hlpping Nema ;,nd Dasalptlon i~i~, ,t~i~ ~~ ti !~>,: ~ 1'it+''` ~ ~ ~.;~',i,, 2. ti,:~',i5, ',:5.~ . ~~tli ~ v uyaulti nen~y~ ~r~uucupne i ntl AdCfllonnl Informetlon ..) ~,npf.v _.f~n3. Ar,,.mc~ - L'~•rx~.%].ci~~.~~;CRlis~-•QtS. Tf"tL~' 47~F33'~ ,tllE-kT1ECiCsQl:1~7~ ~Alff"k11'Si' x~`,!'t~_+~:A.RD"x`F4RA:~ 14. G~NEqATOR'S CERTIF~ATN ~N: I cerllfy ttq metednls desafbed t~botre on tNS mon~eel era not aub~ec~ to fedarel Oon q~Eor's/OHerofs PmtedRyp§~ mo .yi.--1~•~ ,._ ~ _/_~ . . i . _ ~ . ~AR~,: -. ~ ib, imemenonut 9hbmonm z ^ Impai m ~,5, ~ T~ere ortar 81 n~ture for ne a; a 18, Tren~orler Aclmpwtodgrr~m of ~apdpl of AAeta7efa ~ Tranapafer 1 PnMeA/TYPed Nnme 0. ..,~. ~~r. ~ r~ ~~!/~l~J^^r,•: ~ ~ TreneprN(g~ Q Prmtetl/Typpd Nome ~ 1f, Discrepancy 11~, oi~ciopnncy Indlcetion Spece ^ o~~nn~ C] ~ ~ 1 Tb. Altemq~o Fad91y (or Genanlor) ~ s LL r•a~~ 9 aho~; W 1>c. &fgnatura af Altanala Fadlity {or Gsnerator~ z u`3 '''' ~ ~l',, ' •,_" . •, '.''' :',,;' '' o ` t,~~r~;°,.i: ~' .~ ~ .:,~'~~, ~ .'~ ,.~~:.a ~~'1:i'~ °,~•,` ii'`'~ '•~,~~ ` `~~',~, '•~~~~`~•~y,,'~;,:~.t', :~~";;,~",~;:~~~~ ;~~'~;;~;,.1;:'`,~~~'. ;:.f:~~:~ ~:',~~,•; ,~,~~ ~'.~''.~i: ~:.~~;:;~~'.::.~.;'~.; ~:'_'~':::`:.ili~~..: iB.Dv~ neted'Fncll `"'~-''~'~~~":, ~~;,•. :.M%'~•.~-:,, 0 Iry Owner or Oper da; Certifh,atbrt of recoipt of mamrtaM covared Prlnted+iypetl Name 1 B9.BI.C-O 6 17977 (p~v, 8l08; ~-.-, ~~nr~u rsa~aumn PAGE 02/93 Mo~a, o~y v~~ ~ ~ 1 G~NEHATOR'S/SHIPPE~t•S INI7'IAL COPY I I ~~~~,~ _ - ___'-~_ _~.~~ ..~~ •• r1~~Y,iY~'~ P.O. `Box 10764 ~ Bakersfiefd, CA 93389~a764 661,322,8258 • Fax 6G1,322,8$83 10S LOCATION F31~LlNG INFORMATION PAGE 03/03 f3ill of L.ading / Worl< prder ~~~~~~:. •, 1_ ~ ` _l F.P/1 NO. C;1~LOOp268462 - Waste Oil Flauler # 44a3 .. Dete ~.1L:.G. ~~~ ; _ , c ~_-~ r; • PRODUC7 ~ '~''i`(~! !~i%.v ,a t ^ Coilec~inn Station ~Agrir,ulcurai Sourr,~ ^ Covernment S~urce O h duslrial Source O Marine Source TSpF; C~"^l f . ~~_~ _, . . . ~)~ Iver,5lgn~tvi~e ~ ~:; ; ~ .. ~ :',• y,,~ i• ur4'r".. . ., .. . , Ll Cash O Check A' , ,rpT,n~ ^ crNC~~t Card _ ,_ CHARG ES (I also acknowlodge that i have road and agree to the terms on the ~ reverse sfde of this form,) Generator aArf;ees ihat Generator shall be reaponsble for any and all damages, lnduding wlthoui Bmftatlon th~ cost of cleanin8 oquipmant pnd dlsposing of oommingl~ teedstodcR, caused by any eontaminants In Gener~tvr's waste ~ (including without Ilmitation polychlorinated biphenyie and othor Ilsted hazardous w~Rtr.s) whlCh I'endpr such waete unvuitable for reoycling by CSI, whether or nOt Genergtor had knowledgc oi such contaminanis, or otherwlse Incurred by CSI, as Q resufl of Generators fallure to :~ccurat~ly charact~rize Its v~ete, In the evcni of any legal aCtion arlsing out of dny breaCh or alleged'breaCh of thls agreement or to entorcc any provisfon of this egreement, the preveiling parry shall be entitled to recover r~asonable attomEy's fees and related expen2es, fiduding arbitration and COUrt costs. . ~ ~ ~.. ~. ~ , ~•, l Genarator 5ignafure '.' , ' . ~ \ .r.~/ ' ° 12/16/2008 19:42 6618312656