HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZ-ONLINE INVEN. 12/9/2008Page 1 of 5 Manar Haddad - RE: UNIDOCS.org From: "Unidocs Help" ~ ~ To: "'Angela Mauldin"' Date: 12/9L2008 3:41 PM ~/J ~ Subject: RE: UNIDOCS.org ~ CC: "'Unidocs Help"' ,"'Firth, Daniel, Env. Health"' ,"'Manar Haddad"' Hi Angela, The message in that last screen shot is normal; it is shown when users attempt to access facilities that already have chemical data entered (which appears to be the case for 15-021=000739). When this message appears, an automatic email is sent to your local regulator, Manar Haddad, informing her of your request; this ensures that the correct person is trying fo gain access to the chemical information entered for that facility. , Once Manar approves your request, facility 15-021-000739 will appear in your list of facilities, which can be accessed by clicking the "Hazardous Materials Inventory (HMIS), Buifding Occupancy Classification, or Both" link in the main menu. Unidocs - Uniform Documents Page 1 of 1 lif l , . ~ ,~~ ~ ~.~.~ ° ` ~~' ~r ~~`~~~'~~ ~~~~?~;~;M. ._ _. __ . __ _ _ _ .. whaffi's ne~w ~ me~m6~aaregoncfe~a ~ docume~sts ~ s~vices ~ sea~ ~arkloes ~~ct us i ral~e~d IinNa t t~ning 8 meaHngs ~H~ardous ,Mat~rials ~Qnl~~ne ~Inue~#c~r~ ;P~roj~e~ ~ xe.F-:-z z,».o~a?.xq~r..€e., ... =~m~.v~.~~~~,~M.~:-.~.,~ ~+ ~ _ ,- ~e~ . '~w., .-t. ^'s.; r??r. ~~ Choosing a Facility Step 2: Select a Facility If the facility you are searching for does not appear in ihe list below, refurn to the previous screen and click "Add a FaciJity". 3 records returned; Viewing pa4e 1 of 1. Bus.jness Business.._N_ame. Address Business Cit.y. Facility...ID View Delet~ _..... BAKERSFIELD 323 CHESTER gAKERSFIELD 15-021-000741 View Delete VETERINARY HOSPITAL AVE -- - - -- ~----- BAKERSFIELD 4410 WIBLE BAKERSFIELD 15-021-000740 View Delete VETERINARY HOSPITAL RD ------ ~-- --- ~ BAKERSFIELD 4408 WIBLE gAKERSFIELD 15-021-000739 View Delete. VETERINARY INC RD B...ack._to_Facili..ty._Menu. Page 2 of 5 ~x Unidocs - Santa Clara County Un'rform Hazardous Materials Documents 0 ~ Select a Facility from the I:~ist Below ~ No facilities match yaur search request. (To display all facilities you have access to, leave all search fields blank.) ~ R q t Additional=.Facilities „N,~ ~ Back_to Activity_Menu home ~ whaY.$_new ~ mem_ber$._agencies ~ documents en~i_servlce.S ~.Search_unidocs ~ contact us related links ~ training and meetings For comments or questions regarding the HMIS project, contact the Online Database Administrator. hosted by ~i~yy of P~I4 qlto This happened three times in a row (wanted to be sure I had input the numbers correctly). Then, after restarting the program, I tried again and received this error message which I do not understand: ~x Unidocs - Santa Clara County Uniform Hazardous Materials Documents 0 I Requesting Aclditional Sites I Additicrnal Sitcs Subinitted file://C:\Documents and Settings~mhaddad\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\493E91BSC0... 12/9/2008 Page 3 of 5 BAKERSFIELD VETERINARY INC (facility ID # 15-021-000739) was not added because it is currently associated with another user or has inventory information. Please wait 24-48 hours for the online database administrator to approve this request. If you would like to have your request approved more quickly, email the online database administrator. Back to Activitv Menu Clicking the "online database administrator" link simply opens up an Outlook 2003 setup guide (which we do not and cannot have on our computers). As this project was dropped in my lap halfway begun, and the halfway begun portion seems to be where this problem lies, I am not sure where to go from here. I have already read all of the self-help information, and believe that the only thing left to do would be internal. Please help to push me into the right direction. Sincerely, Angela Mauldin Bakersfield Veterinary Hospital On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Unidocs Help <tmidocshelo(cr~ecointeractive.com> wrote: Hi Angela, Thank you for your feedback and for letting us know. We hope the following demonstration pages will help clarify some of the various aspects of the Unidocs system: https://unidocs:ecointeractiv_e.com[demo/pages[mai_n.,~menu/main~,menu__asp Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Paul De Leon file://C:\Documents and Settings\mhaddad\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\493E91BSC0... 12/9/2008 Page 4 of 5 Unidocs Help From: Angela Mauldin [mailto:equusl7Ca~gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:01 AM To: unidocshelp ecointeractive.com Subject: Fwd: UNIDOCS.org Apparently when my boss went into the program to enter the isopropyl alcohol, she did not see when using the "Business Inventory Wizard" tab that it would ERASE all other entries. Thank you for your time. :) Sincerely, Angela Mauldin Bakersfield Veterinary Hospi~al, Inc. (fi(i:l) ~32-1.1~U ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Angela Mauldin <e~c uusl7Ca~gmail.corn> Date: Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 9:51 AM Subject: UNIDOCS.org To: unidocshelp(a~ecointeractive.com s I am curious if your site is up and running w/o bugs, because I have had an abundant amount of issues inputting information into your system. My boss worked on our location's HAZMAT info yesterday, and I went in to continue that information today. The business information is still complete, however it did not list any inventory items despite the fact that she was certain that she had entered "BLEACH". I looked all over the poorly organized HMIS site to see where I could view what had been previously entered to no avail, nothing was showing as having been entered. So I proceeded to enter our materials... after having entered four items (nitrogyn oxide, oxygen, mineral oil, and once again, bleach), I finally was able to get the page to show me the inventory, however it had twice as much bleach entered. I found a listing, and it was suddenly showing the bleach entered yesterday by my boss. I deleted one of the entries, went back to the entry page and entered one more item, isopropyl alcohol. Upon the completion, I once again tried for a list-- this time your site would *only* show the newly entered alcohol, apparently having either hidden (as had been with the initial bleach) or deleted my previous entries. I am a knowledgable and proficient computer user and this site is giving my entire office a headache. Please let me know if there is something I am doing wrong, or if I simply need to wait a few more days for the site to be truly up and running. Our facility ID is 15-021-TMPO file://C:\Documents and Settings\mhaddad\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\493E91BSC0... 12/9/2008 Page 5 of 5 Thankyou very much for any help you can offer on this matter. Sincerely, nngela Mauldin ~iakersf:ield Vel:erinary ~~ospital, [nc. ((~6:1) ~32-] 1.50 file://C:\Documents and Settings\mhaddad\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\493E91BSC0... 12/9/2008