HomeMy WebLinkAbout321 21ST STREET (3)1~-021-TMPOBB, KERO-TV, 12/4/2008 10:10:19 AM ~ UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM /~- O21 - O 00 S '~~ FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNERIOPERATOR IDENTIFICATION . Page 7 of t I. IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID# ',~ ~ BEGINNING DATE 100 ENDING DATE ; ~~~ 1 5.: :,'; , ~. T M P 0 8 8 0.2 1 BUSINESSNAME(SameasFACILITYNANIEorDBA-DoingBusinessAs) 3 BUSINESSPHONE 102 KERO=N 661-637-2323 103 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 321 21 st Street 105 CITY ' ~~ CA ZIP CODE Bakersfield 93301 DLlN & BRADSTREET 106 SIC CODE (4 digit #) 107 i~ COUNTY KERN ~~ BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE 110 BUSINESS OPERATORNAME KERO-N 661-637-2323 II. BUSINESS OWNER OWNERNAME >>> OWNERPHONE ~~Z McGraw-Hill Broadcasting Co. Inc. 661-637-2323 113 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 321 21 st Street C1TY • ~~4 STATE 115 ZIPCODE 116 Bakersfield CA 93301 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACTNAME ~~~ CONTACTPHONE ~~a Tom Wimberly 661-637-2323 119 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 321 21 st Street CITY 120 STATE ~2~ ZIP CODE ~u Bakersfield CA 93301 -PRIMARY- IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS -SECONDARY- ~~ NAME ~~ NAME Tom Wimberly Steve McEvoy ~~ TITLE 124 TITLE Chief Engineer General Manager ,30 BUSINESS PHONE ~~ BUSINESS PHONE 661-637-2323 661-637-2323 13~ 24-HOUR PHONE ~~ 24-HOUR PHONE 661-706-2342 ~ 661-706-2304 132 PAGER # ~Z~ PAGER # 133 fwutiivrvni.~~~ru.L:I.VLLC.l.1GLii~ava~i~u'~aava.. ~ ,Sj-Zl~`j!~ /~7 ~.5=-d"~/ -~ % /~'//~'G`1 ~ •~A~~~7T~ r~ i,s =-~~~-~ ~~ i /~'!/~'U25` Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsble for obtaining the information, [ certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the infortnazion submiued and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. ......~ . T~ ~ot nc n~~naroinnca e~'na na nFCtGNATF.D REPRESENTATIVE DATE 1~' NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER ~35 12101/08 ~ Tom NAME OF SIGNER (print) ~ ~ Tom Wimberly l Chief Engineer UPCF ( 1/99 revised) OES FORM 2730 (1/99) Unidocs - Uniform Documents ~Iazar~~o~s ~Ja~~ria~s ~~~~~:~e l:n~e~~flr~y ~P:roject Business.Certificatian Form I. AGENCY IDENTIFICATION Page 1 of 2 AGENCY NAME: Bakersfield Fire Department , MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: ~ 1501 Truxtun Ave. ; Bakersfield ~ CA ; ....._....... .. ....__. ... ... ..... . ....... . .... _ ...__ .... ~.......... ......._...... .. .,. ... ......._..... .~ ........ _. . .... I1. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 25503.3(c) of Californfa Health and Safety Code (HBSC), the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP) certification described below is hereby submitted for the following facility: FACILITY NAME: FACILITY ID#: KE RO-N 15-021-TM P088 : STREET #: STREET NAME: C~TY: Z~P' 321 j 21 st Street Bakersfield _ ; 93301 DATE OF CURRENT HMBP: 3/9/06 ; ~'"9. III. CERTIFICATION I certify that: (Check the appropriate box.) r I have personally reviewed the Hazardous Materials Business Plan currently on file with your agency and certify that the HMBP is complete an~ accurate. (See bottom of page for details.) Revisions to the Hazardous Materials Business Plan are necessary. The HMBP as revised is being implemented. A copy of the revisions is r' enclosed with this Certification. OWNER/OPERATOR CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify under penalty of law that, based upon my inquiry of those individuals responsible fo obtaining the informatlon reported above, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I understand that a revis HMBP must be submitted within 30 days of any change in this facflity's storage or handling of hazardous materials which would require updating of the HMBP. SIGNATURE OF OWNER/OPERATOR: ;~•; Yes "~:'' . . ... .. ~ NAME OF OWNER/OPERATOR: ~Steve McEvoy By checking the upper box on this form, you are certifying that: DATE SIGNED: 12/1/08 ; ~° R/OPERATOR: TITLE OF OWNE Vice President and General manager • The infortnation contained in the HMBP most recently submitted is complete, accurate, and up-to-date; and • There has been no change in the quantity of any hazardous material as reported in lhe most recently submitted Hazardous Materials Inventory form and • The facility has not begun handling any hazardous material in a HMBP reportable quantily which is not currenUy listed in the Hazardous Materials Inventory; and • The HMBP most recently submitted HMBP contains the infortnation required by Section 11022 of Title 42 of the United States Code; and • There have been no substantial changes in the facility's hazardous materials operations which would require revision of the current HMBP. `x~ ~~~`~Update Business F;lan Ceirtification form; ~ ; ;,:~ Back to Activi Menu ~~~,~~_~ ~~~ -~,~,~,~'srn r~~;~ S~ l e ::~. ;~~:~~.. .., ~ . ° ~ :~ . ::..~ _ ~a , ~~r>'"' 1,.,,~ ^'^'.w.' ;y"t }t rt ~,~ ( ~+ iA1Cit:T ;`,i r;t Y u~C ~,~.>, ,t ~,~C•+n ! ~ a ~ ~~F~ ~ s M:: ASsi~f~~'. . :~Zt,~~:'f?I? 4 '~.. . Y ~ li~'rSNRU s.~s~. h' ~kmik' ~ : r t.a3x 4ae,: ~