HomeMy WebLinkAbout1200 DISCOVERY DRIVE~li , ~ ~ ~ .~ R I D G E ~~. ~a-s~'`--ti`~`° - COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ~ October 30, 2008 `~ 13~ Oq Vv Q,(J.~ 3 S . ~`~.~.5 -~ ~ .~- ~ l~~- ~~'-~,~ z,a ~ 4-~T~ ~T~ ~~T ~ ~ ~a~/^ `~ ~' °' ~ ,~-- l ~--~~o Q~ Bakersfield Fire Department t~ _ l~ Prevention Services s S O~ ~ a, 1 1501 Tnixton Avenue `~~~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ /~~ /~ ~ Verizon Wireless "Commerce Center" Site ~ Application for Installation of Hazardous Materials Please find attached an application for the installation of hazardous materials at 1200 Discovery Drive in Bakersfield, CA 93309. Included in this application: • Cover Letter • Business Activities Form • Business Owner ldentification Form • Hazardous Material Inventory Sheet - Battery Lead • Hazardous Material lnventory Sheet - Battery Acid • Material Safety Data Sheet - Battery Lead/Acid • Annotated Vicinity Map • Annotated Facility Site Plan • Annotated Storage Map • Map and Directions from the Environmental Health Services Office to the "Commerce Center" Site • Parcel Map and Property Profiles for Subject and Surrounding Properties • Emergency Response/Contingency Plan • Emergency Equipment Inventory Table • Spill Prevention, Emergency Response, Training, and Closure Plan • Construction Drawings Should you have any questions or comments, please note that I am the primary point of contact and can be reached at (925) 519-558L Thank you, ~ ~'t"" C G~,~..ti~ Lori Carr Construction Manager Central Valley cc: Armand Delgado 12667 Alcosta Bivd., Ste. 175, San Ramon, CA 94583 •(925) 498-2340 • Fax (925) 498-2341 • www.ridgecommunicate.com UNiIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Page 1 of _ I. FACiLITY IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID # ~ EPA ID #(Hazardous Waste Only) 2• (Agency Use OnJy) - ' BUSfNESS NAME (Same as Facility Name) s Verizon Wireless - "Commerce Cente~" Site I[. ACTMTIES DECLARATION NOTE: If you check YES to any part of this list, please submit the Business Owner/Operator ldentification page (OES Form 2730). Does our facili . If Yes, lease com lete these es of the UPCF... A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases ~~S ^ NO 4 HqZpRppUS MATERIALS INVENTORY (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable Federal threshold . _CHEMICAL DESCR1PTtON (OES 2731) quantity for an extremely hazardous substance specified in 40 CFR Part 355, Appendix A or B; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an emer enc lan is re uired ursuant to 10 CFR Parts 3Q 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROtJND STORAGE TANKS (USTs1 UST FACILITY ~o~iy swtzcs Fo~,~, n) 1. Own or operate underground storage tanks? ^ YES ~ NO 5. UST TANK (o~ page pw tenk) (Fmmerly Form B) 2. Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? ^ YES ~ NO a. UST FAC[LITY UST TAN K(oae per tenlc) UST INSTALLATION - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (one page per tank) (Fom~erly Form c) 3. Need to report closing a UST? ^ YES ~ NO ~. USTTANK(clos~mportion-o~psgepatanlc) C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTsI Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: ---any tank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or ^ yES ~ NO a. NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAs --the total capacity for the facility is greater than 1,320 gallons? D. HAZARDOUS WASTE 1. Generate haz~rdous waste? ~ yES ~ NO 9. EPA ID NUMBER - provide at the top of this page 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted recyclable RECYCLABLE MATERIAI.S REPORT (one materials (per HSC §25143.2)? ^ YES ~ NO ~o. ~,~.~ig~ 3. Treat hazardous waste on site? ONSI7'E HAZARDOUS WAS7'E ^ YES ~ NO i i. TREATMENT - FACILITY ~o~y uTSc Fortns 1772) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMEN7' - UNTI' (une psgo per writ) (Former~y DTSC Forms 1772 A, B, C, D, md L) ~ 4. Treatment subject to financial assurance requirements (for Pertnit by ^ ti'ES ~ NO 12 CERTIFICA170N OF FINANCIAL Rule and Conditional Authorization)? . /\$SURANCE (Fom~crly DTSC Form 1232) 5. Consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? REM07'E WAS1'E / CONSOLIDATION ^ YES ~ NO ~3. SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (Formerly DTSC Form 1196) 6. Need to report the closure/removal of a tanlc that was classified as ^ ti'ES ~ NO ~4 HAZARDOUS WAS7'E TANK CLOSURE hazardous waste and cleaned onsite? . CERTIFICATION ~o~„~ay uTSC For.~ ~za9~ E. LOCAL REOUIREMENTS 15~ (You may aLco be required to provide additional information by your CUPA or local agency.) UN-020UPCF -1/5 www.unidocs.org Rev. 0724/06 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION P e 2 of I. IDENTIFICATION FACIUTY ID # ~ BEGINNING DATE ~~ ENDING DATE ~o~. (Agency Use Only) - - BUSINESS NAME (s~ea~Fncu.rrvNnME> 3 BUSINESS PHONE 102• Verizon Wireless -"Commerce Center" Site Unstaffed BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS ~03. 1200 Discove Drive CITY ~~ CA ZIP CODE ~os. DUN & BRADSTREET ~~ SIC CODE (4 digit #) ~o~ 88-463-8305 4812 COIINTY ioa. Kern BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME ~~ BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE ~~~ Ski Severance 559-268-7878 eXt. II. BUSINESS OWNER OWNER NAME >>> OWNER PHONE >>Z Verizon Wireless 916-357-2520 e~t. OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 113 255 Parkshore Dr. Bld . B CITY 114 STATE ~~5 ZIPCODE tib. Folsom 95630 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACTNAME ~~~ CONTACTPHONE 118 Armand Del ado 916-357-2520 eXt. CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS >>9 255 Parkshore Dr. Bld . B CITY ~ZO STATE 12~ ZIP CODE ~~ Folsom CA 95630 -PR(MARY- IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS -SECONDARY- NAME 123- NAME ~28 National O erations Control Center Ski Severance TITLE 124 TITLE ~29. O erations Mana er O erations Mana er BUSINESS PHONE 125 BUSINESS PHONE ~30. 800-264-6620 ext. 559-268-7878 ext. 24-HOURPHONE' 126 24-HOURPHONE" ~3~ 800-264-6620 ext. 559-246-7002 e~. PAGER # 127 PAGER # i32_ 800-264-6620 ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: iss. Billing Address: Property Owner: Phone No.: Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the infortnation, I ceRify under penalty of law that 1 have personally examined and am familiaz with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNATU OWNER/OPERATOR OR DES[GNATED REPRESENTATIVE ~ ~ DATE ~34. 1~~~~ NAME OF DOCUMENI' PREPARER 135. Lori Carr 925-519-5581 NAME OF SIGNER (print) ~3G. TITLE OF SIGNER t37. Armand Del ado 916-357-2520 Verizon Environmental S ecialist UN-020UPCF - 2/5 www.unidocsorg Rev. 07l14/06 U1~iIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION one e mazeriel buildin orarea ~ ADD ^ DELETE ^ REVISE 200~ Page of I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA- Doing Business As) s. Verizon Wireless -"Commerce Center" Site, 1200 Discove Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93309 CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 C[-IEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA~ z~ No~thStar Batteries Inside E ui ment Shelter ^~s ~ No FACILITY ID ~! ~ MAP # 203 GRID # Z~ (Agency Use Only) - - lL CHEMICAL INFORMATIO N • CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET ^ Yes ~ No 2~ Lead, Lead Oxide If Subjea to EPCRA, refc to inswctions COMMON NAME soz 2os. EHS' ^ Yes ~ No Batte Lead CAS# 2~~ •If EHS is "Yes," all amounts below must be in Ibs. 7439-92-1 1309-60-0 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Comp~ete ~erequired by ~oca~ a8e~cy) 210• Corrosive H3:F1:R1 HAZARDOUS MA7'ERIAL TYPE (Check one item only) ~ a. PURE ~ b. MIX7'URE ^ c. WAS1'E 211. RADIOAC'CIVE ^ Yes ~ No 212. CURIES 213. PHYSICAL STATE 2t4. (Check one item only) ~ a. SOLm ^ b. LIQUID ^ c. GAS LARGEST CONTAINER 95.1 Ibs. 215. FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 2~6. (Check all that apply) ^ a. FfRE ^ b. REAGTIVE ^ c. PRFSSURE RELEASE ~ d. AC[TI'E HEALTH ~ e. CFQtOMC fiEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2~~ MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT 2~8. ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT Z~9. STATE WASTE CODE ZZa. 4564.8 4564.8 0 ~1 DAYS ON SITE Z~. UNITS• ^ a. GALLONS ^ b. CUBIC FEET ~ c. POUNDS p a. Toxs 365 Check one item onl • If EHS amount must be in unds. STORAGE CONTAINER ^ a. ABOVEGROUND TANK ^ e. PLASTIC/NONIv~ CALLIC DR[JM ^ i• FIBER DRiJM ^ m. GLASS BOTTLE ^ q. RAIL CAR ^ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ^ f. CAN ^ j. BAG ^ a PLASTIC BOTTLE ~ r. O'fHER ^ c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING ^ g. CARBOY ^ k. BOX ^ o. TOTE BIN ^ d. STEEL DRUM ^ h. SILO ^ I• CYLINDER ^ p. TANK WAGON ~ STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AIvIDIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT z2a. STORAGE TEMFERATURE ~ a. AMBIENT ^ b. ABOVE AMBIENT ^ c. BELOW AMBIENT ^ d. CRYOGEMC 2z5. % WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1. 35% to ~~ Lead ~~. ^ Y~ ~ rro ~8. 7439-92-1 229. as~io z. zs°ro co z3o. Lead Oxide ~~. ^ Y~ ~ rro ~2. 1309-60-0 233. 35% 3. zsa. z3s. ^ Yes ^ No z36. 2s~. 4. 2ss. z39. ^ Yes ^ No Zao. ia~. 5. us. Zas. ^ Yes ^ No zaa. 2ns. If moro hazardous tompoomU ar'e praeot at grdter than 1°h by weigh! if ooo-tartinogenie, or 0.14L by weig6t if eareinogeoie, attaeh additiooal ehab of paper captoriug the reqai~ed informatioo. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION z~. DOT Hazard Class: Forty-eight (48) NorthStar batteries, Model No. NSB 170 FT If EPCRA, Please Sign Here. Noce: n cros iacm[y ~s suo~ec[ [o reaera~ ~mergeney r~ann~ng ana Community itight to Know Act (~YC1ZA) reporting requirements, a signature is required at the bottom of the form if t6e page lists aoy Eatremely Hazardous Substance (EHS) handled at or above its Federal Threshold Planoing Quaotity (TPQ) or S00 pounds, whichever is lesa UN-020UPCF - 3/5 www.uoidocs.org Rev. 07R4N6 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION - one material buildin orares ~ ADD ^ DELETE ^ REVISE 200~ Page Of I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILII'Y NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3. Verizon Wireless -"Commerce Center" Site, 1200 Discove Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93309 CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL EPCRA Z~~ NorthStar Batteries Inside E ui ment Shelter ^~s ~ rro FACILITY [D # ~ MAP # 203• GR[D # Z~ (Agency Use Only) ~ II. CHEMICAL INFORMATIO N CHEM[CAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET ^ Yes ~ No 2~ Electrol e/SulfuricAcid -fs~b;~~~cw~.~e~~o~~~a~ COMMON NAME zo~. zoa. EHS• ^ Yes ~ No Electrol e Batte ~/f2~ casa 2~. •If EHS is "Yes," all amounts below must be in Ibs. 7664-93-9 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete i£rcquired by Ioca~ agency) 2to. Corrosive H3:F1:R1 HA7.ARDOUS MATERIAL ^ a. PURE ~ b. MIXTURE ^ c. WASTE 2l t. RADIOACTIVE ^ Yes ~ No 212. CURIES 213 TYPE (Check one item anly) PHYSICAL STATE (Check one item only) ^ a. SOLID ~ b. LIQUm ^ a GAS 214 ~GEST CONTAINER 2.08 gallons / 23.2 Ibs Z~S. FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 2~6. (Check all that apply) ^ a. F[ItE ^ b. REAC7'[VE ^ c. PRFSSURE RELEASE ~ d. ACUTE HEAI,TH ~ e. CHROMC FIEAL77-I AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT 2» MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT z18 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT Z~9 STATE WASTE CODE 220. 99.84 al / 1113.6 Ibs 99.84 al / 1113.6 Ibs 0 ZZ~. DAYS ON SITE Z2z. UNITS• ~ a. GALLONS ^ b. CUBIC FEET ~ c. POUNDS ^ d. TONS 365 Check one item onl • If EHS amount must be in unds. STORAGE CONTAINER ^ a. ABOVEGROUND TANK ^ e. PLASTIGNONMETALLIC DRUM ^ i. FBER DRUM ^ m. GLASS BOTTLE ^ q. RA[L CAR ^ b. UNDERGROUND TANK ^ f. CAN ^ j. BAG ^ a PLASTIC BOTTLE ~ r. OTHER ^ c. TANK INS[DE BUILDING ^ g. CARBOY ^ k. BOX ^ o. TOTE BIN ^ d. STEEL DRUM ^ h. SILO ^ I. CYLINDER ^ p. TANK WAGON ~. STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a. AMBIEN'f ^ b. ABOVE AWiBIEN'1' ^ c. BELOW AIvIDIENT 22a. STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~ a. AMBIEN"[' ^ b. ABOVE AMB~N'P ^ c. BELOW AMBIENP ^ d. CRYOGEMC 225. % WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # ~ 15% . Z~. Electrolyte/Sulfuric Acid ~~. ^ v~ ~ No ~8. 7664-93-9 z29. to 20% • 2. zso. zsi. ^ Yes ^ No 2s2. zss. 3. zsa. us. ^ Yes ^ No 2s6. z3~. 4. aas. zsv. ^ Yes ^ No z.w. za~. 5. zaz. zns. ^ Yes ^ No zaa. 2as. If mon hazardous eompoutod are prcaent at geater thao 1X by ~veight if noo-carcioogmic, or O.1X by ~veight if esreinogeniG attaeh additional ehab of paper uptariog the reqoired information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION ~ DOT Hazard Class: Forty-eight (48) NorthStar batteries, Model No. NSB 170 FT If EPCRA, Please Sign Here. tvote: ~r tms raciuty ts sun~ect to reaera~ ~mergency 1'~ann~ng anu Community Kight to Know Act (~YCitA) repordng requirements, a signature is required at the bottom of the forro if t6e page lists any Extremely Hazwrdous Substance (EHS) handled at or above its Federal Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) or 500 pounda, w6ic6ever is less. lJN-020UPCF - 4/5 www.uoidocs.org Rev. 07/24/06 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET LEAD ACID BATTERY ~~ N~RTH$TAR D ATT Q Ii Y CO M t`/~ N Y Sprin~eld, Missouri PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: A. ChemicaUTrade Name (per on label): B. Chemical Family/Classification: C. Manufacturer's Name & Address: D. Contact: E. Emergency Information: F. Non-Hazanfous Classiflcation Lead Acid Battery Electrical Storage Battery NorthStar Battery Co. LLC 4000 Continental Way Springfield, MO 65803 U.S. - NSB Safety and Health Department Phone: (417) 575-8219 Fax: (417) 575-8250 Aust. NorthStar Battery Pty Ltd Phone: 02 9888 1998 Chemtrec (US, Canada & Mexico) Pho~e: (800) 424-9300 Chemtrec (Outside US, Canada & Mexico) Phone: +1 (703) 527-3887 (call collect) Per US DOT, Northstar Battery Company products, submitted and tested by Wyle Labs, have been deemed to meet all requirements as specified in 49CFR§ 173.159 (d} far exception as hazardous material classfication. II. HAZARDOUS INGREDlENTSADENTITY INFORMATlON: NORTH AMERICAN INFORMATION: Alr Ex osure Limlts u/m Materlals b p~,~O CAS Number OSHA AGGIH (TLV) NIOSH Lead 50 7439-92-1 50 150 100 Lead Oxide 20 1309-60-0 50 750 100 Electrolyte (Sulfuric Aad) 1.400 sg 17 7664-93-9 1 1 1 'Please reference Appendix I(SES544-16) for detailed product data. AUSTRALIAN INFORMATION Chemical or Material Australian Dangerous Goods Hazardous Substance Australian Poison Schedule Classification Class'fication as per NOHSC Classificffiion Australia Non-Spillable Exempt under A67 (NATA R34IR41 Schedule 6 Lead Acid Battery Identifiqtion Guide) and Clause 238 I\qricultural, Domestic and Industrial of the Australian Dangerous Goods Substances Code, endix 3 A~~+a: vr~.~,~;~+ rnr74~1(1~ tOXIC ~he**~~c-~fs that a~ subject to the reporting requirements of Section JVL ~,-~~ ~; ~;; s~ s~ ~~~~~e~ya~cy PI~~n6rg and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986. Date: 08-24-06 DCR: 999-SO6 ISO Clause: 4.3.1 DCN: MSD-f330-01-07 Page: 1 of 6 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~ = ~~ NOI4THSTAR LEAD ACID BATTERY n~. ~r ~r c n v ~ o~, r„ N,. SpringTreld, Missouri III. PHYSICAL DATA: Material is solid at normal temperatures. A. Electrolyte: 1. Spec~c Gravity: 1.250 -1.350 kg/dm3 2. Boiling Point: 110°C (230°F) 3. % Volatiles By Weight: Not Applicable 4. Solubility in Water: 100~0 5. Melting Point Lead: 327°C (621 °F) 6. Vapor Density Not Determined B. Appearance and Odor 1. Electrolyte is a clear liquid with an acidic odor. IV. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION: Under normal operating conditions, because the battery is "non-spillable°, the intemal material will not be hazardous to your health. Only intemally exposed material during production or case breakage or extreme heat (fire) may 6e hazardous to your health. A. Routes of Entry: 1. Inhalation: Acid mist from formation process may cause respiratory irritation. 2. Skin Contact: Acid may cause irritation, bums and/or ulceration. 3. Skin Absorption Not a significant route of entry. 4. Eye Contact: Acid may cause sever irritation, bums, comea damage and/or blindness. 5. Ingestion: Acid may cause imtation of mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach. B. Signs and Symptoms of Over Exposure: 1. Acute Effects: Over exposure to lead may lead to loss of appetite, constipation, sleeplessness and fatigue. Over exposure to acid may lead to skin irritation, corneal damage of the eyes and upper respiratory system. 2. Chronic Effects: Lead and its components may cause damage to kidneys and nervous system. Acid and its components may cause lung damage and pulmonary conditions. 3. Potential to Cause Cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classifled "strong inorganic acid mist containing sulfuric acid" as a Category 1 carcinogen, a substance that is carcinogenic to humans. This classification does not apply to liquid forms of sulfuric acid or sulfuric acid solutions contained within a battery. Inorganic acid mist is not generated under normal use of this product. Misuse of the p~oduct, such as overcharging, may however result in the generation of sulfuric acid mist. Date: 08-24-06 DCR: 999-SO6 ISO Clause: 4.3.1 DCN: MSD-430-01-07 Page: 2 of 6 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET LEAD ACID BATTERY r------ _ _~~ NORTNSTAR I]ATTC [1 Y CO M t`n N Y SpringJiel~ Missowi C. Emergency and First Aid Procedures: 1. Inhalation: Remove from exposure, move to fresh air, and apply oxygen if breathing is difficult. Consult physician immediately. 2. Skin: Wash with plenty of soap and wate~ for at least 15 minutes. Remove any contaminated clothing. Consult physician if skin irritation appears. 3. Eyes: Flush with plenty of water immediately for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Consult a physician immediately. 4. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Give large quantities of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Consult a physician immediately. D. HANDLING AND. STORAGE 1. Safe Storage: Store in a cool, dry place in closed containers. Keep away from ignition sources and high temperatures. 1. Contact NorthStar Battery Company (417-575-8200) for shelf life information. 2. Handling: Avoid skin or eye contact. Ayoid breathing vapors. Do not use near sources of ignition V. CARCINOGENICITY: See section IV, Part B"Signs and Symptoms of Over Exposure" MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: See section IV, Part B"Signs and Symptoms of Over Exposure" VI. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA: A. Flash Point: Hydrogen = 259°C B. Auto ignition Temperature: Hydrogen = 580°C C. Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, foam, COZ D. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Hydrogen and oxygen gases are produced in the cells during normal battery operation (hydrogen is flammable and oxygen supports combustion). These gases enter the air through the vent caps. To avoid the chance of a fire or explosion, keep spa~lcs and other sources of ignition away from the battery. E. Firefighting PPE: Full protective clothing and NIOSH-approved self~ontained br~eathing apparatus with full facepiece VII. REACTIVITY DATA: A. Stability: Stable B. Conditions to Avoid: Sparks and other sources of ignition. C. Incompatibility: (materials to avoid) 1. Lead/lead compounds: Potassium, carbides, sulfides, peroxides, phosphorus, sulfur. Date: 08-2406 DCR: 999-S06 ISO Clause: 4.3.1 DCN: MSD-430-01-07 Page: 3 of 6 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~- `~~ NORTHSTAR LEADACIDBATTERY nA=T~nY ~o~,~~NY Sprin~eld Missotvi 2. Battery electrolyte (acid): Combustible materials, strong reducing agents, most metals, carbides, organic materials, chlorates, nitrates, picrates, and fulminates. D. Hazardous Decomposition Products: 1. Lead/lead compounds: Oxides of lead and sulfur. 2. Battery electrolyte (acid): Hydrogen, sulfur dioxide, and sutfur trioxide. E. Conditions to Avoid: High temperature. Battery electrolyte (acid) will react with water to produce heat. Can react with oxidizing or reducing agents. VIII. CONTROL MEASURES: A. Engineering Controls: Store lead/acid batteries with adequate ventilation. Room ventilation is required for batteries utilized for standby power generation. Never recharge batteries in an unventilated, enclosed space. ~ B. Work Practices: Do not remove vent covers. Follow shipping and handling instructions which are applicable to the battery type. To avoid damage to terminals and seals, do not double- stack industrial batteries. C. Personal Protective Equipment: 1. Respiratory Protection: None requi~ed under normal handling conditions. During battery formation (high-rate charge condition), acid mist can be generated which may cause respiratory irritation. Also, if acid spillage occurs in a confined space, exposure may occur. If irritation occurs, wear a respirator suitable for protection against acid mist. 2. Eyes and Face: Chemical splash goggles are preferred. Also acceptable are "visor~ogs" or a chemical face shield wom over safety glasses. 3. Hands, Arms, Body: vnyl coated, VC, gauntlet type gloves with rough finish are preferred. ~ 4. Other Special Clothing and Equipment: Safety shoes are recommended when handling batteries. All footwear must meet requirements of ANSI Z41.1 -Rev. 1972. IX. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES: A. Not applicable under normal conditions. B. In case of damage resulting in breakage of the battery container, see VIII, Sec. C Personal Protective Equipment. Date: 0&24-06 DCR: 999-S06 ISO Clause: 4.3.1 DCN: MSD-430-01-07 Page: 4 of 6 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~"'-' ~~~ NDRTHSTAR LEADACIDBATTERY n.ar~ranv ~o~,~„NY Sprin~eld, Missouri X. PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE: A. Hygiene Practices: Following contact with internal battery components, wash hands thoroughly before eating, drinking, or smoking. B. Respiratory Protection: Wear safety glasses. Do not permit flames or sparks in the vicinity of battery(s). If battery electrolyte (acid) comes in contact with clothing, discard clothing. C. Protective Measures: 1. Remove combustible materials and all sources of ignition. Cover spills with soda ash (sodium carbonate) or quicklime (calcium oxide). Mix well. Make certain mixture is neutral, then collect residue and place in a drum or other suitable oontainer. Dispose of as hazarcJous waste. 2. Wear acid-resistant boots, chemical face shield, chemical splash goggles, and acid-resistant gloves. Do not release unneutratized acid. D. Waste Disposal Method (*): 1. Battery electrolyte (acid): Neutralize as above for a spill, coltect residue, and place in a drum or suitable container. Dispose of as hazardous waste. 2. Do not flush lead contaminated acid to sewer. 3. In pse of accidental spill, utilize personal protective equipment, i.e., face shield, rubber apron, rubber safety shoes. 4. Batteries: Send to tead smelter for redamation following applicable Federal, State and local regulations. Product can be recyded along with automotive (SLI) lead acid batteries. 5. Sattery may be retumed, shipping pre-paid, to the manufacturer or any distributor for recycling. $ee 1.C for manufacturer's address or visit our web site @ wwiw. northstarbattery. com. `In aooordanoe to Lacal, State and Federal r+egulations and laws. E. Other Handling and Storage Precautions: None Requir~ed. XI. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Lead and its compounds can pose a threat if released to the environment See Waste Disposal Method in Section X, Part D. Date: 0&24-06 DCR: 999-SO6 ISO Clause: 4.3.1 DCN: MSD-430-07-07 Page: 5 of 6 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET LEAD ACID BATTERY ~-- ~~ NDRTHSTAR DATTC Ii V CO M!`/~ N Y Spring/'ield Missorvi XII. NFPA HAZARD.RATING SUIFURIC ACID: Flammability (Red) = 0 Health (Blue) = 3 Reactivity (Yellow) = 1 XIII. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING REGULATIONS: Proper Shipping UN2800 - Battery, wet, non-spillable (electric storage) Name Batteries must be packed to protect against short circuits and firmly secured to skids or pallets. IATA Packaging insUuction 806 Not restricted per special provision A67. Northstar Battery Company products, submitted and tested by Wyle Labs, have been deemed to US DOT meet all requirements as specified in 49CFR§ 173.159 (d) for exception as hazardous material classification. Northstar Battery Company products, submitted and tested by Wyle Labs, have been deemed to IMDG meet all requirements as specified in special provision 238 for determination of "Non-Spillable" and are not subject to the provision of this Code. XIV. SPECtAI REQUIREMENTS: TLV ^ Sulfuric Acid - Occupation Exposure Limit - AUSTRALIA TWA 1 mg/m3,JAN1993 ^ Lead - Occupation Exposure Limit - AUSTRALIA TWA 0.15 mg/m3, 2002 Date: 0&24-06 DCR: 999-SO6 ISO Clause: 4.3.1 DCN: MSD~30-01-07 Page: 6 of 6 HMBP Environmental Equipment Inventory Package "To be completed for all NEW BUILDS & ADD MODS" Facility Site Plan/Storage Map (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 A B C D E F I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 21 VICINITY MAP Verizon Wireless COMMERCE CENTER I~ NORTH 1200 DISCOVERY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93309 HMBP Environmental Equipment Inventory Package "To be completed for all NEW BUILDS & ADD MODS" Facility Site Plan/Storage Map (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ~ ~ '/~' - 2 ~~ 3 /~ ~ 4 //'" ~ 5 6 -~' 7 APN:331-023-07 ~~NG BUILDING 8 NE1N DUMMY ~ SCREEIdWN.L ENCLOSURE 9 N~- ~Z~ ~~ ~ ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT SHEL7ER ___ APN: 331-023-04 ~~ D(IST1N6 PROPERiY UNE ~ 11 ~, ~ ~ 1 2 ~ APN: 331-023-05 NEW VEPoZON WIREL6S ~ ~ a PAN0. AMENW~S MOUNTED ~ 13 BEMIND NEW RF / 7RANSPAREM SCREEN WALL 1~ D(ISTING BUILDING 4 0 15 0 , 16 ' N~w ou~Mr ~ ~ ~ 1 SCREDiWALL MOUNTED SCREENWALL NEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ,~ ENCLOSURE ANiENNAS MOUNiID BEHIND NEW / 18 0 ~ r~ iwwspa:o~r ~ wnLL . . 19 ' - - .- 20 / APN: 331-023-07 / i 21 - ,- . 22 - - o~~~ 23 ,, ~GO~~~y 24 0~ 25 ~ ~~ .~' / Verizon Wireless COMMERCE CENTER i/~ NORTH 1200 DISCOVERY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93309 HMBP Environmental Equipment Inventory Package "To be completed for all NEW BUILDS & ADD MODS" Facility Site Plan/Storage Map (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 A B D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 21 SPILL CONTAINMENT/ PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT FlRST AID KIT EYE WASH STA110N HAZMAT - BUSINESS AC ~ ~- cnBUVErs AC FlRE EXTINGUISHER i i Verizon Wireless COMMERCE CENTER 1200 DISCOVERY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93309 BAITERY CABINEI"S INTERGRATED LOAD CENTER WRH A.T.S. I~ NORTH Directional Map from Hazardous Materials Office To the "Commerce Center" Site ,~ ~ ~~~~, r ; _~TM PAaps ~ v cr ~ ~,..i ~r k.a u u r...~ ~~~~~~~~0~~~~~~ ~~a° ~~(~JL'3QC]~ID~JG3~~0~~° ~~^ t700~~OQ~~(~OO~Do o°° C~~)C7ClG~G]f~[~~.~1. ~~ooe~doo D~stro Pa~~~~oo~~o~ ~, o~~ u c~ ~ 1-1 D.~'1 C~ CQ~ ~•..:~,ia ~~~~ ~0~~ c~r~oo ^~~~~ _- ,LJ(~~I~~G~~ ~nge5~0~0~0~~ plo'Ave~QO~OO~~ nest Sti ~ ~ ~~c~ ~ ~ ~ e~ys~; Ci~G~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~-~^~~ ~ark~~~[~Q~t I~ Driving directions to 1200 Discovery Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93309 2.7 mi - about 8 mins ~q~ 1501 Truxtun Ave Q Bakersfield, CA 93301 1. Head north on Eye St toward Truxtun Ave . __.__ _,_. ._. .~--- -- ------ -- - - - --- - _ . - - - - 2. Turn left at Truxtun Ave 3. Turn leftat H St~^-- - - ----- -- --- --- - - __----------- - - -- - _- -- - -- - 4. Turn right at California Ave 5. Turn right at Marella Way ~ _.___. __ -- ----,----- .. _ ---- - -- - --- 6. Marella Way turns slightly left and becomes Discovery Dr Destination will be on the right ~ t~l 217 ft - ~ 341 ft~ t~l 0.3 mi ^--~[~]-2.1mi ~ 338 ft - - -- 358 ft ,g~ 1200 Discovery Dr ' Bakersfield, CA 93309 ~c ~s ns~soRS uaP Ko. ~~-02 (YrilN1Y Af KERN u,-02 N 1/2 SEC.34 T.29S. R.27E. ~i-02 Subiect Parcel Property Detail Report For Property Located At 1200 DISCOVERY DR, BAKERSFIELD CA 83309-7032 REaiQuESt com Owner Informat/on: Owner Name: GEM DISCOVERY PLAZA LLC Mailing Address: 1401 19TH ST #400, BAKERSFIELD CA 93301-4400 C015 Phone Number: Vesting Codes: I1 CO LocaUon /nformatlon: Legal Description: PMAP 7007 LT PTN2 Counry: KERN, CA APN: 331-023-05-00 Census Tract / Block: 18.0211 Altemate APN: Township-Range-Sec t: Subdivision: Legal Book/Page: Map Reference: / 2442-A6 Legal Lot: ~ Tract #: Legal Block: School District: KERN UN Market Area: Municlfownship: Neighbor Code: Owner Tiansfer /nformatlon: Recording/Sale Date: I Deed Type: Sale Price: 1st Mtg Document#: Document #: Last Market Sa/e /ntormat/on: Recording/Sale Date: 07/30/2004 / 07/23/2004 1 st Mtg AmounUType: $8,700,000 / CONV Sale Price: 1st Mtg Int. Rate/Type: / FIXED Sale Type: N 1 st Mtg Document #: 179151 Document #: 179149 2nd Mtg AmounUType: / Deed Type: GRANT DEED 2nd Mtg Int. Ratelfype: / Transfer pocument #: Price Per SqFt: New Construction: Multi/Split Sale: MULTIPLE TiUe Company: FIRSTAMERICAN T1TLE Lender. MONY LIFE INS CO Seller Name: MONY LIFE INSURANCE Prlor Sa/e /nformat/on: Prior Rec/Sale Date: / Prior Lender: Prior Sale Price: Prior 1 st Mtg Amt/Type: / Prior poc Number: Prior 1st Mtg Rate/Type: / Prior Deed Type: Property Character/stlcs: Year Built / Eff: / Total Rooms/Offices: Gardge Area: Gross Area: Total Restrooms: Garage Capacity: Building Area: Roof Type: Parking Spaces: Tot Adj Area: Roof Material: Heat Type: FURNACE Above Grade: Construction: FRAME Air Cond: # of Stories: Foundation: Pool: Other Improvements: Exterior wall: Qualiry: Basement Area: Condftion: AVERAGE S/te /nformatJon: OFFICE 2oning: Acres: 1.23 County Use: BUILDING (1600) Flood Zone: C Lot Area: 53,579 State Use: Flood Panel: 06007700268 Lot Width/Depth: x Site Influence: Flood Panel Date: 05101H985 Commercial Units: Sewer Type: Land Use: ~FFICE Building Class: BUILDING Water Type: Tax /niormat/on: Total Value: ' $8,492,702 Assessed Year: 2008 Property Tax: $93,984.76 Land Value: $568,807 Improve %: 093% Tax Area: 001049 ~mprovement Value: $7,923,895 Tax Year. 2008 Tax Facemption: Total Taxable Value: $8,492,702 Parcel to the North Property Detail Report For Property Located At ,CA RealauESt com Owner /nformat/on: Owner Name: GEM DISCOVERY PLAZA LLC Mailing Address: 1401 19TH ST #400, BAKERSFIELD CA 93301-4400 C015 Phone Number: Vesting Codes: // CO Locat/on /nformatlon: Legal Description: PMAP 7007 LT PTN2 County: KERN, CA APN: 331-023-07-00 Census Tract 1 Block: 18.02 / 1 ARemate APN: Township-Range-Sect: Subdivision: Legal Book/Page: Map Reference: / Legal Lot: Tract #: Legal Block: School Disfict: KERN UN Market Area: Municlfownship: Neighbor Code: Owner Transter lnformat/on: Recording/Sale Date: I Deed Type: Sale Price: 1st Mtg Document #: Document #: Last Maiket Sa/e Intormatlon: Recording/Sale Date: 07/30/2004 / 07/23/2004 1st Mtg AmounUType: $8,700,000 / CONV Sale Price: 1st Mtg Int. Rate/Type: / FIXED Sale Type: N 1st Mtg Document #: 179151 Document #: 179149 2nd Mtg AmounUType: / Deed Type: GRANT DEED 2nd Mtg Int_ Rate/'Type: / Transfer pocument #: Price Per SqFt: New Construction: Multi/Split Sale: MULTI Title Company: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE Lender. MONY LIFE INS CO Seller Name: MONY LIFE INSURANCE Prlor Sa/e /nformat/on: Prior Rec/Sale Date: / Prior Lender: Prior Sale Price: Prior 1 st Mtg AmUType: / Prior poc Number: Prior 1 st Mtg Ratelfype: / Prior Deed Type: Property Character/st/cs: Year Built / Eff: I Total Rooms/Offices: Garege Area: Gross Area: Total ResVOOms: Garage Capacity: Building Area: Roof Type: Parking Spaces: Tot Adj Area: Roof Material: Heat Type: FURNACE Above Grade: Construction: FRAME Air Cond: # of Stories: Foundation: Pool: Other Improvements: Exterior wall: Quality: Basement Area: Condition: AVERAGE Site /nformatlon: PARKING Zoning: Acres: 2.86 County Use: LOT (2501) Flood Zone: Lot Area: 124,582 State Use: Flood Panel: Lot Width/Depth: x Site Influence: Flood Panel Date: Commercial Unfts: Sewer Type: Land Use: PARKING LOT Building Class: Water Type: Tax /ntormat/on: Total Value: $1,586,504 Assessed Year: 2008 Property Tax: $17,503.20 Land Value: $7,322,264 Improve °~: 017°~6 Tax Area: 001049 Improvement Value: $264,240 Tax Year. 2008 Tax Exemption: Total Taxable Value: $1,586,504 Parcel to the East Property Detail Report For Property Located At ,CA REaIQuESt com Owner Informatlon: ~ B~d9 cerd: o00 or o02 Owner Name: GEM OISCOVERY PLAZA LLC Mailing Address: 1401 19TH ST #400, BAKERSFIELD CA 93301-4400 C015 Phone Number: Vesting Codes: // CO LocaUon /nformatfon: Legal Description: PMAP 7007 LT PTN2 Counry: KERN, CA APN: 331-023-04-00 Census Tract / Block: 18.02 / 1 Akernate APN: Township-Range-Sect: Subdivision: Legal Book/Page: Map Reference: I Legal Lot: Tract #: Legal Block: School District: KERN UN Market Area: Munic/Township: Neighbor Code: Owner Transfer lnformat/on: Recording/Sale Date: / Deed Type: Sale Price: 1st Mtg Document #: Document #: Last Market Sa/e Informat/on: Recording/Sale Date: 07l30/2004 / 07/23/2004 1st Mtg AmounUType: $8,700,000 / CONV Sale Price: 1st Mtg Int. Rate/Type: / FIXED Sale Type: N 1st Mtg Document #: 179151 Document #: 179149 2nd Mtg AmounUType: I Deed Type: GRANT DEED 2nd Mtg Int Rate/Type: / Transfer pocument #: Price Per SqFt: New Construction: Multi/Split Sale: MULTI Title Company: FIRST AMERICAN T1TLE Lender: MONY LIFE INS CO Seller Name: MONY LIFE INSURANCE Prlor Sa/e Informatlon: Prior Rec/Sale Date: / Prior Lender: Prior Sale Price: Prior 1st Mtg AmUType: I Prior poc Number: Prior 1st Mtg Ratelfype: / Prior Deed Type: Property Characterlst/cs: Year Built / Eff: / Total Rooms/Offices: 5 Garage Area: Gross Area: Total Restrooms: 2.00 Garage Capacity: Building Area: Roof Type: Parking Spaces: Tot Adj Area: Roof Material: Heat Type: FURNACE Above Grade: Construction: FRAME Air Cond: # of Stories: Foundation: Pool: Other Improvements: Exterior wall: Quality: Basement Area: Condition: AVERAGE Site Informatlon: PARKING Zoning: Acres: 1.29 County Use: LOT (2501) Flood Zone: Lot Area: 56,192 State Use: Flood Panel: Lot Width/Depth: x Site Influence: Flood Panel Date: Commercial Units: Sewer Type: Land Use: PARKING LOT Building Class: Water Type: Tax Informar/on: Total Value: $715,252 Assessed Year. 2008 ~ Property Tax: $7,892.15 Land Value: $598,398 Improve %: 017% Tax Area: 001049 Improvement Value: 5118,854 Tax Year. 2008 Tax Exemption: Total Taxable Value: $715,252 Parcel to the South Property Detail Report For Property Located At 5016 CALIFORNIA AVE, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309-1649 REalauESt~com Owner Informatlon: Owner Name: FIFTY HUNDRED SIXTEEN CAL AVELLC Mailing Address: ~58 WILSHIRE B~VD #301 , LOS ANGELES CA 90036d509 C035 C/O GLUCKSTEIN BRAD Phone Number: Vesting Codes: / I ~ocaUon lnformatlon: Legal Description: PMAP 6510 LT 4 County: KERN, CA APN: 331-023-08-00 Census Tract / Block: 18.0211 Altemate APN: Township-Range-Sec t: Subdivision: Legal Book/Page: Map Reference: / 2442-A6 Legal Lot: 4 Tract #: Legal Block: School DisVict: KERN UN Market Area: Municlfownship: Neighbor Code: Owner Tianster Informatlon: Recording/Sale Date: 12/05/2003/ 11/24/2003 Deed Type: QUITCLAIM DEED Sale Price: tst Mtg Document it: 264329 Document #: 264328 Last Market Sa/e /nformat/on: Recording/Sale Date: 06NOH884/ 1st Mtg AmounUType: ! Sale Price: $115,000 1st Mtg Int. Rate/Type: / Sale Type: PARTIAL 1st Mtg Document #: Document #: 7045-2352 2nd Mtg AmounVType: / Deed Type: GRANT DEED 2nd Mtg Int. Rate/Type: / Transfer pocument #: Price Per SqFt: New Construction: Multi/Split Sale: TiUe Company: WORLD 71TLE CO. Lender: Seller Name: GREAT WESTERN BANK Prlor Sa/e /nformatlon: Prior Rec/Sale Date: 06110N894 / Prior Lender: LENDER SELLER Prior Sale Price: $2,300,000 Prior 1st Mtg AmUType: $1,840,000 / CONV Prior poc Number: 7045-2315 Prior 1 st Mtg Rate/Type: / FIX PriorDeed Type: GRANT DEEO Property Character/sUcs: Year Built /,Eff: 2000 / Total Rooms/Offices: Garage Area: Gross Area: Total Restrooms: 2.00 Garage Capacity: Building Area: Roof Type: Parking Spaces: Tot Adj Area: Roof Material: ~ Heat Type: FURNACE Above Grade: ConsVucGon: FRAME Air Cond: # of Stories: 1.00 Foundation: Pool: Other Improvements: Exteriorwall: Quality: AVERAGE Basement Area: Condition: Slte /ntormatlon: OFFICE Zoning: Acres: 1.99 County Use: BUILDING (1600) Flood Zone: C Lot Area: 86,684 State Use: Flood Panel: 0600770026B Lot Width/Depth: x Site Influence: Flood Panel Oate: 05/01N985 Commercial Units: SewerType: Land Use: OFFICE Building Class: BUILDING 5.0 Water Type: Tax /nformat/on: Total Value: $2,976,229 Assessed Year: 2008 Property Tax: $33,189.27 Land Value: $728,524 Improve %: 076% Tax Area: 001049 Improvement Value: $2,247,705 Tax Year: 2008 Tax Exemption: Total Taxable Value: $2,976,229 Parcel to the West Property Detail Report For Property Located At ,CA REalauESt~com Owner Informat/on: Owner Name: GEM DISCOVERY PLAZA LLC Mailing Address: 1401 19TH ST #400, BAKERSFIELD CA 93301-4400 C015 Phone Number. Vesting Codes: // CO LocaUon /ntormatlon: Legal Description: PMAP 7007 LT PTN2 County: KERN, CA APN: 331-023-06-00 Census Tract / Block: 18.02 / 1 Alternate APN: Townshi~Range-Sect: Subdivision: Legal BooWPage: Map Reference: / legal Lot: Tract #: Legal Block: School District: KERN UN Market Area: Munic/Township: Neighbor Code: Owner Transfer /nformat/on: Recording/Sale Date: / Deed Type: Sale Price: tst Mtg Document #: Document #: Last Market Sa/e /nformatlon: Recording/Sale Date: 07/30/2004 ! 07/23/2004 1st Mtg AmountlType: $8,700,000 / CONV Sale Price: 1st Mtg Int. Rate/Type: / FIXED Sale Type: N 1st Mtg Document #: 179151 Document #: 179149 2nd Mtg AmounUType: / Deed Type: GRANT DEED 2nd Mtg Int. Rate/Type: / Transfer pocument #: Price Per SqFt: New ConstrucGon: Muki/Split Sale: MULTI Title Company: FIRSTAMERICAN T1TLE Lender. MONY LIFE INS CO Seller Name: MONY LIFE INSURANCE Prlor Sa/e /ntormatlon: Prior Rec/Sale Date: / Prior Lender: Prior Sale Price: Prior 1st Mtg AmUType: / Prior poc Number: Prior 1st Mtg Rate/Type: / Prior Deed Type: Property Characterlstics: Year Built / Eff: / Total Rooms/Offices: Garage Area: Gross Area: Total ResVOOms: Garage Capacity: Building Area: Roof Type: Parking Spaces: Tot Adj Area: Roof Material: Heat Type: FURNACE Above Grade: Construction: FRAME Air Cond: # of Stories: Foundation: Pool: Other Improvements: 6cterior wall: Quality: Basement Area: Condition: AVERAGE Site lntormat/on: PARKING 2oning: Acres: 1.74 County Use: LOT (2501) Flood Zone: Lot Area: 75,794 State Use: Flood Panel: Lot Width/Depth: x Site Influence: Flood Panel Date: Commercial Units: Sewer Type: land Use: PARKING LOT Building Class: Water Type: Tax /nformat/on: Total Value: $965,697 Assessed Year. 2008 Properly Tax: $10,654.89 Land Value: $804,395 Improve °r6: 017% Tax Area: 001049 Improvement Value: $161,302 Tax Year: 2008 Tax Exemption: Total Taxable Value: 5965,697 Emergency Response/Contingency Plan (Hazardous Materials Business Plan Module) Authority Cited.• HSC~ 25504(b); 19 CCR §2731; 22 CCR §66262.34(a)(4) Page of All facilities that handle hazardous materials in HIvIBP quantities must have a written emergency response plan. In addirion, facilities that generate 1,000 kilograms or more of hazardous waste (or more than 1 kilogram of acutely hazardous waste or 100 lcilograms of debris resulting from the spill of an acutely hazardous waste) per month, or accumulate more than 6,000 kilograms of hazardous waste on-site at any one time, must prepare a hazardous waste contingency plan. Because the requirements aze similaz, they have been combined in a single document, provided below, for yow convenience. This plan is a requ'ved module of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (EIlVIBP). If you already 6ave a plan that meets t6ese requirements, you should not complete the blank plan, below, but you must include a copy of your ezisting plan as part of your HMBP. This site-specific Emergency Response/Contingency Plan is the facility's plan for dealing with emergencies and shall be implemented immediately whenever there is a fire, explosion, or release of hazardous materials that could threaten human health and/or the environment At least one copy of the plan shall be maintained at the facility for use in the event of an emergency and for inspectioo by the local agency. A copy of the plan and any revisions must be provided to any contractor, hospital, or agency with whom special (i.e., contractual) emergency services arrangements have been made (see section 3, below). 1. Evacuation Plan: a. The following alarm signal(s) will be used to begin evacuation of the facility (check all that apply): ^ Bells; ^ Horns/Sirens; ~ Verbal (i.e., shoutin~; ^ Other (spec~ b. ^ Evacuation map is prominently displayed throughout the facility. Note: A properly completed HMBP Site Plan satisfies contingency plan map requirements. This drawing (or arry other drawing that shows primary and alternate evacuation routes, emergency exits, and primary and alternate staging areas) must be prominently posted throughout the facility in locations where it will be visible to employees and visitors. 2. a. Emergency Contacts*: Fire/Police/Ambulance ----------------------------------------------- Phone No.: ---------~ 911 State Office of Emergency Services Phone No.: (800) 852-T550 ---------------------=---------- b. Post-lncident Contacts*: ---------~ Calif. EPA Dep~ of Toxic Substances Control Phone No.: (510) 540-3739 Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone No.: (661) 326-3979 _ California EPA Department of Tozic Substances Control _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone No.: (510) 540-3739 Cal-OSHA Division of Occupational Safety and Healt6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone No.: (408) 452-7288 Air Quality Management District _____________________ Phone No.: (661) 326-6900 RegionalWaterQualityControlBoard ______________________________________ PhoneNo.: (559)455-5116 ' Phooe numbers for agencies in Unidocs' Member Agency geograp6ic jurisdictions are available at www.unidocs.org. c. Emergency Resources: Poison Control Center* --------------------------------------------------------. Phone No.: (800) 876-4T66 Nearest Hospital: Name: Mercy Hospital Phone No.: (661) 632-5700 Address: 2215 Truxtun Avenue City: Bakersfield If you have made special (i.e., contractual) arrangements with any police department, fire department, hospital, contractor, or State or local emergency response team to coordinate emergency services, describe those arrangements below: 11N-020UPCF - S/5 www.unidocaorg Rev. 07/24/06 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INVENTORY TABLE 22 CCR, Section 666265.52(e) as referenced by Section 66262.34(ax3) requires that emergency equipment at the facility be listed. Completion of the following Emergency Equipment Inventory Table meets ttus requirement. Business Name: Verizon Wireless - Commerce Center Business Address: 1200 Discovery Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Primary Contact: Skip Severance, Operations Manager, (559) 268-7878 1. Equipment Cate o 2. Equipment T e 3. Locations * 4. Descri tion** Personal ^ Cartrid e Res irators Protective ^ Chemical Monitorin E ui ment describe Equlpment, ~ Chemical Protective Aprons/Coats Shelter RM or w/ Celt Tech (Ref. Drawing w/ HMBP) In shelter Spill Kit or a Portable Spill Kit is carried by the Cell Technician Sefety ~ Chemical Protective Boots Shelter RM or w/ Ceil Tech (Ref. Drawing w/ HMBP) In shelter Spill Kit or a Portable Spill Kit is carried by the Cell Technician Equipment, ~ Chemical Pmtective Gloves Shelter RM or w/ Cell Tech (Ref. Drawing w/ FIMBP) In shelter Spitl Kit or a Portable Spill Kit is carried by the Cell Technician and ^ Chemical Protective Suits describe First Aid ~ Face Shields Shelter RM or w/ Cell Tech (Ref. Drawing w/ HMBP) In shelter Spill Kit or a Portable Spill Kit is carried by the Cell Technician Equipment ~ First Aid Kits/Stations (describe) Shelter RM or w/ Cell Tech (Ref. Drawing w/ HMBP) [n shelter Spill Kit or a Portable Spill Kit is carried b the Cell Technician ^ Hard Hats ^ Plumbed E e Wash Stations ~ Portable Eye Wash Kits (i.e. bottle type) Shelter RM or w/ Cell Tech (Ref. Drawing w/ HMBP) In shelter Spill Kit or a Portable Spill Kit is carried b the Cell Technician ^ Res irator Cartrid es describe ~ Safety Glasses/Splash Goggles Shelter RM or w/ Cell Tech (Ref. Drawing w/ FIMBP) In shelter Spill Kit or a Portable Spill Kit is carried by the Cell Technician ^ Safe Showers ^ Self-Contained Breathin A aratuses SCBA ^ Other describe Fire ~ Automatic Fire S rinkler S stems In Shelter Req'd by Fire Dept. due to tie-in Extinguishing ~ Fire Alarm Boxes/Stations Throughout Building NOCC Alazm System Systems ~ Fire Extinguisher Systems (describe) Shelter RM or w/ Cell Tech (Ref. Drawin w/ HMBP) One or more is located on site and a portable is cartied by the Cell Technician ^ Other describe SPIII ~ Absorbents (describe) Shelter RM or w/ Cell Tech (Ref. Drawin w/ HMBP) In shelter Spill Kit or a Portable Spill Kit is carried b the Cell Technician Contl'OI ~ Berms/Dikes (describe) Shelter RM or w/ Cell Tech (Ref. Drawing w/ IiMBP) In shelter Spill Kit or a Portable Spill Kit is carried by the Cell Technician Equipment ^ Decontamination ui ment describe and ^ Emer enc Tanks describe Decontamination ^ Exhaust Hoods Equipment ^ Gas C linder Leak Re air Kits describe ~ Neutralizers (describe) Shelter RM or w/ Cell Tech (Ref. Drawing w/ IiMBP) In shelter Spill Kit or a Portable Spill Kit is carried by the Cell Technician ^ Ove ack Drums ^ Sum s describe ^ Other describe Communications ^ Chemical Alarms describe and ^ Intercoms/ PA S stems Alarm ^ Portable Radios Systems ~ Tel hones Cell Technician Cell Technician carries mobile telephone ^ Under ound Tank Leak Detection Monitors ~ Other describe NOCC Alarm System NOCC Alarm System Additional ^ Equipment ~ LIST OF NOTIFICATION #'S Shetter tuvt (Ref. Drawing w/ HMBP) Haz-Mat Business Plan & MSDS (Additional copies with Ops Mg) (Use Addiliona! ^ Pages if Needed.) ^ ^ VERIZON WIRELESS ADDITIONAL iNFORMATION SPILL PREVENTION, EMERGENCY RESPONSE, TRAINING and C]LOSURE PLAN Business Name: Verizon Wireless - Commerce Center Business Address: 1200 Discovery Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Primary Contact: Skip Severance, Operations Manager, (559) 268-7878 In addition to the general business, chemical inventory and site map. information, below is the following sections pertaining to spill prevention, emergency response, employee training and site closure. These sections contain specific elements pertaining to the Hazardous Materials Business Plan, the hazardous waste contingency plan, storm water pollution prevention, and underground storage tank (LTST) monitoring. SPILL PREVENTION PLAN 1. Describe how hazardous materials are handled, stored and monitored to prevent or minimize a spill or release from occarring (e.g., secondary containment, segregation of incompatibles, daily visual monitoring). Batteries are a sealed lead acid type and there is a spill pan with absorbent socks to contain small leaks. Any fuel storage ta.nks located on site would be double walled and also have a spill pan, and absorbent socks available in the event of a spill. 2. Describe operations, acNvities and/or storage locations where a release is most likely to occur. Because the facility is unstaffed and contains a limited volume of chemicals, the potential for accidental release is minimal. Beyond that, the shelter and floor is an additional barrier to minimize any spill or release that may occur. 3. Describe Best Management Practices (BMPs) you use to reduce or eliminate illicit discharge of pollutants to the storm sewer system. Because the facility is unstaffed and there is a limited volume of chemicals at this location, the potential for accidental release is minimal. For any spill, primary containment is provided via the floor of the shelter. Secondary containment is provided via the spill pan and absorbent socks. The safety training is coordinated through the headquarters group and is available upon request. 4. Describe underground storage tank and/or abovegroand storage tank moni~oring procedures used to prevent an unauthorized retease from occurring. Not applicable for this location. VERIZON WIRELES5 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SPILL PREVENTION, EMERGENCY RESPONSE, TRAINING and C]LOSURE PLAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN 1. Provide a list of emergency response eqnipment designated for a hazardous materials emergency (e.g., fire eztinguishers, fire suppression systems, spill contrnl equipment, shut-ot~ switches, personal protective equipment, decontamination equipment, and communication and alarm systems). EQUIPMENT TYPE LOCATION CAPABILITY Fire Extinguisher On wall near entry, near gen-set or Cell Fire suppression Tech carries rtable in e ui ment truck. Personal Protective Equipment incl. In shelter spill kit or Cell Tech carries Personal protection Aprons/coats, boots, gloves and portable spill kit in equipment truck. for hands body and goggles. face. First Aid station In shelter spill kit or Cell Tech carries Minor wound caze. portable spill kit in equipment truck. Eye wash kit On wall near batteries or Cell Tech Eye flushing carries portable spill kit in equipment truck. Absorbents In shelter spill kit or Cell Tech carries Acid spill portable spill kit in equipment truck. absorption. 2. Describe pre-emergency arrangements with local fire departments, poGce departments, 6ospitals, contractors, and other state and local emergency response agencies. Verizon Wireless has contracted with Onyx as a primary and Clean Harbors as a backup Verizods Response Contractor. Employees aze also trained to review the ~IMBP, and ca11911 if there is a threat to human life or property. 3. The definition of a release or threatened release of a ha7ardous material includes incidents that pose an actual or potential hazard to human health and safety, prnperty or the environment In the event of a hazardous materials release or threatened release, state law requires immediate verbal notification to the agencies listed below. a. Local Fire Department b. County Environmental Health c. State Office of Emergency Services (OES) Provide phone numbers other than 9-1-1 for the following: Local Fire Department: Bakersfield Fire Department, (661) 326-3979 Local Police Department: City of Bakersfield Police Department, (661) 327-7111 Nearest Hospital: MeroYHospital, 2215 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield. (661) 632-5700 County Environmental Health: Bakersfield Fire Dept. Prevention Services., ~661) 326-3979 State Office of Emergency Services (800) 852-7550 or (916) 845-8911 VERIZON WIRELESS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SPII.L PREVENTION, EMERGENCY RESPONSE, TRAINING and CLOSURE PLAN 4. Describe procedures for notifying onsite emergency response personnel and outside agencies (e.g., Fire, Health, Police, State OES) needed during hazardous materiats emergencies. Cell phone or landline telephone is used for communicadons. On call Technician will secure area. Operations Manager will be notified and will advise on further notification. 5. Describe any security system or equipment that could impede site access by emergency responders. If gate is locked, cut chain to gain admittance. If located within building, Technician has access codes and/or keys to enter premises. 6. Describe procedures for notification and evacuation of visitors and employees during hazardous materials emergencies. Primary and alternate evacuation routes and assembly areas must be clearly identified on the site map. N/A - Unstaffed site. 7. Describe mitigation or clean-up procedures to be implemented by onsite pessonnel in the event of a release, threatened release, fire or ezplosion involving hauardons materiafls. Indicate if the business has an onsite emergency regponse team (ER1~ and if so, describe how the ERT will interact with outside emergency response agencies if additional assistance is required. Cell Technician is to secure the area to protect all personnel and public from any immediate danger then attempt to contain the spill with the appropriate spill kit (only if it safe for them to do so). Cell Technician will ca11911, if necessary, to alert Fu-e Department or other Emergency Services and notify the appropriate Operations Manager as well as IlVIlVIEDIATELY contact the Verizon Wireless Compliance Hotline at 800-488-7900 and report the situation and status For clean-up, the Cell Technician will contact Verizon Wireless' Response Contractor and continue to secure the area until all danger has been removed. o Primary: Onyx 24-Hour Response Number 1-800-688-4005 o Secondary: Clean Harbors 24-Hour Response Number 1-800-645-8265 Cell Technicians are reminded that ow emergency response contractors are not a replacement for 911 call reporting. An employee should always ca11911 if a spill: 1. Threatens human health or safety; and/or 2. Cannot be controlled, is continuous, spreading, or has reached water. 3. An employee should use their judgment in calling 911 - if in doubt, call 91 l. 8. Describe procedures for immediate inspection, isolation, and shutdown of ea~uipment or systems t6at may be involved in a hazardous materials release or threatened release. This is a secwed site and Technicians are trained in emergency shut offprocedures. VERIZON WIRELESS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SPILL PREVENTION, EMERGENCY RESPONSE, TRAINING and CLOSURE PLAN EMPLOYEE TRAINING PLAN All employees participate in an on-going annual training program that addresses proper hazardous materials handling and emergency response procedures. New hires receive initial training and existing employees receive annual "refresher" training. A more descriptive overview of the Verizon Wireless Environmental Health & Safety Awareness Training can be obtained upon request. 1. Describe employee training as it pertains to the following: a. Safe handling and management of hazardous materials or wastes b. Notification and evacuation of facility personnel and visitors c. Notification of local emergency responders and other agencies d. Use and maintenance of emergency response equipment e. Implementation of emergency response procedures f. UST monitoring and release response procedures Site Technicians have received the initial8-hour training course and annual training which meets and exceeds training requirements set forth from the CA Health and'Safety Code. 2. Describe documentation and record keeping procedures for training activities. Please note that if you generate hazardous waste at yonr business, you must also maintnin docu~ents on-site that indicate employee names and job titles, job descripNons, and descriptions of tl~e type and amount of initial and refresher training. Records are kept with Verizon Wireless and/or employees' files. Individual test verification is available from the Operations Managers or Cell Technician upon written request. CLOSURE PLAN Contact Bakersfield Fire Department, Prevention Services, prior to business closure. Business closure guidelines are available upon request. 1. Describe procedures that will be implemented in the event of a fnll or parti~l site closure. Include agency notification, hazardous materials removal, hazardous waste desposal, equipment breakdown and removal, and site decontamination. County Environmental Health will be notified in the event of facility closure activities. All hazardous materials removal or waste disposal will be conducted according to applicable requirements. All hazardous materials closure activities will be subject to County oversight. ^ Ve r1 O ~'1 wirel ess COMMERCE CENTER SITE#: 165555 1200 DISCOVERY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 wciNirY r~nAP I~1 DRNING DIRECTIONS mo~ ~~ur aaK vxoc~ ro i-mo w rtwn rwrncs Sw AY. 1E11f{ OMIO h!!0 E RMUtD 5mC[lW~. F6G0 f ~ F! 4 tH([ M G-M WI. OGf n! 101[Vm ID41 NLL9M~. TUM l~l OMO G-~SRA50 RJ&8 mrv m~nw¢ ro rouw u-~a. ~ortx ano wo s. iud tHC cusonra~ ~. oar ivawo ant tcwmt nxw WNNA Y 5~1~ G6~'LQhM tl0.E. WAM ~T IOGiCM VERIZON SIGNATURE BLOCK ~ RIDGE SIGNATURE BLOCK oscwure scwrua wa ~oousnw _ ~w vaoua - ur~ - wmiano I CODE COMPLIANCE I ~~~w,~~~ VEIM1pi~ED MD 06IUlID N KWRGMCC W+WIIDq ~I(IIIORfI[9. IIOIXVIO M 1X[~~µ wws e m ec ma~ocuo ro ac .vryrr .ou xor wnraa~mm ro nru aon. G PROJECT DESCRIPTION .aaxoo .~uESS a~araco ro wsr.u: rn irbtu-r nmiwurzo ea+won .. fKU[A 1101111lm dl A ICY 81m MIIdW ![IW [m~wo mrsn~ w. w saormr vmuumu a .wioxw rtxeo U) rc. n twsrumn rius ~cruumw a~i rcacu wwu ww t17 iv mursv.u'un uua .miuunou a cn~ma un[ nnn nmy cawm oum ro ~xiomo. im.wm. a nmec um mco ¢r.u m IWartM [OIS14111 ilmto! PROJECT SUMMARY LESSEE ~~ . rim imc~ oort wxrt c~m. a wws ca~c~n: ,w~ anwu1 nac: (sa> a~s-ew r~x: (oa) rn-nu PROPERTY INFORMATION OnLR CW 06W+fM PUTA l1L ~ ~o.~u woi ~ ~~ rt rnwr~cr: un ~nmmw ca ac nc (en) at~-~em itwswo twusr: r.mw i m.a wue~nus/~sv rssa. r~e tr» em-xs. sr-E n~o~ss mwaa cunoi ~d,~aim~u%inc ue~ as rnarwcnas i+~a m. rt. ~~ ~~>.~, ,M: . WIADII ZONNC~ C-0 coKSnnicrau irnc ro wvx: a~i-ma-a, m ~ m ,~.~,. ,~~ ncurc o uwuumm wm wr ran MIIIW11NEfU~lU1L IV1dtliPP[0 .1665 IAf 4q1WfD. ~~ ye~y~ o.,,,. •.• . r ycm~~ Lm IAIIMN.: N ATI'l1.P]' ]TII'b].M' ICMOfI1~F: Y 11P6)'3].1 ' • /Ol'SS.M' PROJECT TEAM atCHrtECr: ~ ~~w~.~ ~ooaas: mu iwu r~xw rtao. swrt iw ~orh~'2 m ~ uu~ea~ro. a auai ,vxHrtrr: tw nur c-iow mowt: (em> s,!-a~oo r~w: (eosl w-un SURVEYOR: x~i¢: as. ocscw aarnw. .K. arortas~ ~ eeo ~ nw xo~.~ ia ~wt~i: ~iw aw~uTi$°~' vrnim leW> sH-utao pJC (Wi) SN-~lI'! ELECTRICAL ENGINEER ra~a: o~oa omox aas. nc. ,~oams: em rux rwn wa swrt ia ~~~~~~u~~ ~~ ~ ~, ,,._.,~ ~z: aos su-~m UTILITY COORDINATOR rwe: mtca~ w ca~mcr: .~' awm~ RpN[: PII Ml-SM1 ru: u eae-nu UTILITY CANTACTS: ~ wwr~cr: aau vicra: (ai) ~w-~u~s mrtar: ~ naru: taso> xc.-",,, ZONING: cart.cr~ .a awn ~: ~, ~._~., ru: ai axi-ia sr~ accauismoN: ~~ ~ ~: (,.,) m,_~, lAx: (Nt) tl~-tYW CONSiRUCTION: ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~„~, r~o~[: (a o-een . . (m ~w-uii WYf.1Cf: CRVO MClL xuc raeiu.anaa Riol[: W-0OH . bl] 6A-ON~ SHEETINDEX a~cet oautm~ nw. T-1 imc s~m T-2 cw~anora w un~wu T3 m=au sv¢inuiors 00 T~ arcw svusumm A-~ P1qAlD IIDPI NO KAIiOV P4NS M2 cmwm u~o iwm.« urour nun 14-3 ¢a~mn a~a ~,,,~ A! awu ~i ~~ ~ 3-2 mwcruw ocruu ~ ECR[DI LLLLl Ulq1i AND OCTA69 E-1 na~wu,~ .w~ ~n E'2 fAqAIONG M1AN NA RiMl9 G1 irw4 ,wu xr.ti sirz • wro~r n.w G2 au»m~w nw JURISDICTION an a wawm aKiawm sm~r.n ovwniort r~am. Wi) ss~au . A~ K E n~~s e.:t e- ti n ~ _._. t+e,.eua, e~..c« wx~n WM~-. Lra3~}O~ . RAiiw~(n,~L.`/4eW rn~ ~.y~waa .~ h~nWw~~~ ~~aesi u mv~ ~f~. ~tna>GUm.G4RUHwi~1~~a+4Na~~nm) . d1nn.,l~ . +r.n:+e4.~r,~e..vrwa...m.~.~m..~n~wr,ax~C±,nna~,. ~e~AS~i~1~L+M~bdi~J nrnew~mm m~~ .~b~~iA.~.~.. °~•~ .ne.w~~.n~ew.eu*m*rrn.y_.....na..~:ueo.,a,~~ - .. hw~o.~~.~~.n.e~~,~...~avm.m.~.a~ovo.r~wc..e~ ~~ ~.avu w.~Mr.mw.xlnnnce: ~ i+~m.~ar«.s.,~r~...a owa~~~ms.wac~oi.ciuu~ .mr~da..,cnaxm....aw~m~ ~w~.uae in.mu.e~.~~„e. 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N~T~~Miv.~OO~Vmwiae~.vn~eoitiom~.u • IJmWaao~amwcbnld>rfwOeNYr~.6ew .. re.a.oe.d.e..~ bd~. .~ ~u.a.uw.eo~m~we.e..ae...timaiu. • ~m~w~:nme~ee.+i.`u's~`.~uwnr~~ °~ .s.~:aw+a .~°e..a~o`a..na+. m.~~..~=~.om~ w~.dm~~uo~ew~.. r..a..c.ea+.....~~el m.ao..~om.~+aw.~.m. . .~.~.~,..~ a,,,.~,~.r~,a~ ~.~ . ~~;~ ~~ ~,~......~„~~..~.e ' Yke<w~l. +anCWlPrwMUIII~MO1umnPb ~u rnwY. !yf cvtlM~ MGUwenny~41 nRlYm~ ~ r~obMOlme~wtlwaWaPCrnwXbn~irunotl L Inb MMwwurmmrinKl~nan M NrvNUCb/rm~ , m~..~...e,P~, • : a~~a~~ U ~MwRa~pseP~emMe~sLdtltirm>.rvw~W. fI NVMes~Mb~a'4s[~t~. . ~ .~u..~,w.ewem....~m.~maam~.e ` ..~. .~,s.«~..~..e~m.,...,~.e~..~.m i.ii s.~mso~~wxca.o..e.u~ar..no-aeu... !. noN/~~e~c~N~amNwmbwWY~mvW ae~larY~'a1. !.1] Nol~aaveNl~YPmaYm~eMMaralMl~t 1 Gu. LO~~elmr~rmiwv~etnra~nuf~~PepMMI x a m~...a.=~~u~•aaw..we~wwmwue. !. wm~ w ~~~t~ cmvnMm~+ronanumai ,. ..~ew.~w~ ...e.o...mm.,um,...~+emr ~m...m..~~..~...o. ~..,..~. ~w.. .u ..Aw..e~..,a..mamw.aa..a.,..~.w. ilt nubpw~vAOe+vw~MC~m~erYntiYfocw~~. am wrbmv~rrraMbovse, ynel~~en ' wem~Ib~u~eVmvb.wtl~MMeLwnrymRmW f a~wimaeapbputiel~~svewlve rie~ab~W~m b~ 54 fCHe \/. ver~~n WMClm1.4 ~m~ ~ ~~H: COMMERCE CEMER SRE iF: 165555 IZDmG0r/910qVE QV~D,U1S0/ COUIIY OF tHt/! M RSUE DAIE 09/18/08 f~: 100% CONSTRUCTION NG ARCH~ECT: _ ~°"~...w.~OV~O MfvY~ae~~m6Y~i0 11nsPAWI~ IfOI wYS~ R I D G E SHffTNUM88t: REVWON:- T-4 f T T Mo Q i~v wxi e~ >r-.' iav ~ eK ~ P ~ xav a ~ e• ~as i sA' ~ r ]W C IN14 0~_~' sYd l/Y 1 0 1 •0 1. NL ~LMO ImOmMI 1I11Z WRM. Nl OLM.IPB C)GOL[ IOYfDIf tlL~GL - :. ~miurn nww e rmawnr. onnv~nox swu ~aru~ unowa m ~uiia nw ~ n~rt ~~ wae~i~ e a ~mun~ ~ m~r rorw~m w~a~ um rwa s¢sm w na mc nan ro~. c~rz miu wn w xuumm~ ar vrt remaawa o 0 a voer wirtw wia i+n yooa w~eu vim n< u orrm wam ro m~ mun a miamxiw. a ew~ ew wo ra nwwcz ~. ouin~ rura[ mu nn a m a~ ~ fi) mn ~ oavi v+o a n[ sccin caa a nc r~m u¢ um (9 vm~ liRl[ aVO v na ac~on ooto~ au nE ~ao N¢: owa[ .n ~ .nm a. .w .n~ Sl mKe «o~muue '-'i ' a ~ . ~ i ~ / ~ j • i/ /. /~, ~ ~ ExiSfmG W,pEPtRWnO ~ n. ro ec ugn `/ ~ ~ ~ - Su T sHnf ~ ~ ~ / ~~ ~cuE il I Il['1 CO~VML bLl6 IIONm I1C~I 1IOUIIfN WL iMY ro wronHt a¢ ~~oea ~Eril _.~.~~a.....a...... , 0 ~ vu¢ox ra¢m r~xa ~Wldlat YP.M[C BulDMO ~ lpOC 11E11 lC~1 MHI. VNflm ~IID imwm ro wro~ o~rt~uw Pwnanc ~ x~ a s./s-a 71V SECTOR ~ 'K r~ ~~xismo a.w~cr s~~iw u~~c a hro.7 SECTOR 'B' E ~ ~~~ ~ (~.j~ 300' SECfOR 'C' +n xomw - wnoow «••~ wu (zn m. ~a sa o-, ~n ro•-0- r ~ ~ c~mmc wanw cwwwm (*w.) d ~~ t ~ ~ \ \ ~ \ ~ \ \ \ ~ 1*~T.) \ ~ \ ~ R ~ \ \ ~ ~ ~x~•w \ \ Rrv.) \\ \ ~\ \ ~; \ \ ~ j \ ~ .. ~ (r-o• r r-o~ w~a rmm ~.~, ~. .r~oews younm ro ~o :m°~"ror a~ .:i° ror n ras m~~/•-e m~wm~ii~ m r ~umrt~u~ ~uu ~wmo~ ~m raao~r rar (s•-r a z-o~wvw ~ r~ ~~ '~ T . .n~m ro oana r~i aui iuirtu uo rom~m m wm~ ommc ~a r a~ oaiuo r~i m ~n.x irc~. v wa i~o mwmwmn x~ wu onwwz wnm ~m~ wu. nx a./.-~ ~ A/o-~ xn w iw~m.airt cum .wi wa rznu~ ro wrw mnw ~~ wu. oocw a nas oo ra rccro se sa sV+: ~:~sa xa/ra nw ouyrr w~ nu a n im w ~na wrrto u uan m wxx mnrc ~caww noniae. s¢ u/~-~ nun .um~w.. ,~ Eri G M4IW 1~@,'IW~~'.LL DPMWYSF. ~b ~ i b d ~ 52 .cuE ~~a ~n wRw w.nui or~ wnorou+ yann[o ro rar .taxa mcn~ anrzv .m~ mv a wimnu ~r ~m a rr. cuu1w~ ~n wi¢a .xnas [a~o~n~ nnm u•-s•.ir-r Pm~ an rt.). n onw ' r r-~~~ am~a .ir~i rinr»au t'1 ~ourt~o eonm xir s mm nu ~iV{Mm 10 tffiIMO m1[OI Wl. VN11m rar owrr sa¢a ~uu iINRD ND 1Q'IUIRO um romu~ m wm~ anno w~ wu. s¢ ~./.-t ~ u/+-~ %pWiwic~~vom~ars~. b ~~pp ~~T ' ~ ~ iii ii u Mt~xG ButOwG ~ . V ~11~~~Wb "_"__"E_= _ =-u____' _"_""""""""""""''"""_"" """"""""'`""".""' n aar~w ewr.~ ia ~c. ~w.) .mmc ~ ~cue ~ u ~a o ie % / v ~~o „n ,,...~.~ ~~~~ ,~,,,~: COMMERCE CEMER SRE i:165555 ~mooecovenoeve ewsmen, u r,mv cawrc a raN Vi 65UE DAIE 09/18/08 FOk 100% CONSTRUCTION Mbtlm~~ml.1M10 lltlRpq ~~ ~wvm~tl~bpeq4~ w~Ym~io~6mn I R~I D G E I COMMUNICATIONS. INC. URAWN BY: -CHK: =APV_ _ SKD,RNA BNA TCR SXfff IIRF ELEVATIONS iHfff NUMBER: ~htt - ~ 4 75S139A PRIIMRf MODCELL ANTENNA VORi'S - REAR VIEW ~~NN_ WAVEGL~I~E PORf - INSIDF VIEW Oi Os Oe ~. Oi O O ALPNA SECTOR t Oi Ox ~a ~. O~e vs crrw c.~au ¢n rtn, ~urrr uvru O O O O O O 9T 71' 1x' 9~• 1f' 7t• BEf~ SECfOR Y ) ! o 0 1 tt ~ SE~R J O O O~° O O ~-6lOJ ~RJ tt~snxG Mi,y EFK IF11[iM1CN ~1M11 ~un uonen nooor ~ ~r r-r oc QK 1P ~ S90 '~IIII IlY4 ~,~~~ 69CN - 1MS ~ ~ ]32516t~ •ma ro au~ a~ rwws: ~o2m~ u¢ ~T (n um ~ ~o~nN oemmrt ammmnr. ~m~ w~ m an' ,mcu .an « ue- .a,s mx n~oeu~ oum.wiAV~i ij~ ~an n urthoa ~ ,.~„~a.~„~,~~.K,a M~i p M ~ILL NG ~i06ROQ Nro1M ra T NIfMM as moow u-eni IIOIMNG MIE 9I CCIIItlCIP1 •ma~ rxm m ou u rauws „~.~ ,,,,, ~n~ ~~ /f^hJ~ LY. 4tlmR OIIO 11W. yy~Q~. ~Rn6l VIIII 1/tY 16T ~~rtN J I/Y 10011M o~m~ u ~u .uam ~. ~.o.,~ ~ S2 ~[MG u0 O~ ~. M CIDCK ~41¢ A M C01101110NW COMItll PI.V¢ u. a~wm rw caxmx u wct .vamdt u oo~cn~ro~ z~ m~awm xa na onwoum~u n. pxwsr rrr M M tlRNS 3Y. NRLIfM MW nonf: m - taawrt nnu nwi oro - oau rwn oerws co~ - [an.un ~ua niaw m - srt wtamrn¢r o[r~us s n~ - . rutua 9 - • [a°rm w ~i« mwau w~~u ~neinw rn lV~ lOBltl aam~a ~[nuw> Yml 31lA~1 ILLSOP]9 11CG1111ER pT MLI 01{I I%.LVO CIMMi6 IRMI[ w ew uw wwiu ra+rt M IOCIIOMK MY fDrC C[WNA mfK YIG¢i GTA e OLItlfO fMMI 6 fl~l' I1MPi uo~m u~aca ona~rrss mm¢n i eoBOny a u~rmmmi,~e r~ ~wrt rw¢~n nnx uu m~r s ie nc~ ~m[. ~ 1C02 I1NBMfD 11NM. f!Y ~ [Y06M VORId Mn - ue wa mx 3~ ~1~ Im~ou~1 wo Jt' r v' mrtuaon ia,v [wwmrt uran r~wcm n Yoo rni i. aooan aw vumw ~aa ~sx~w +nom, m.~nunae ro wo uu ~t . ~moox ~am w~sw •.a uran rm~ w~¢al _ e«a i wcort i+wa roR m ~num ruoe ro umwuna. _ aua x- wcm ws~u ra' ~wo art rm mEwmn ~ ~c.~ ur•ic 21 u.,~ „~„ > i uue ~ ~~.~a s~ mu ~ rwow s~ ia~wa • caxm ~ ~u~.~/~/~~~ ~ K~ lNRV I11 4YfN Y ~ TNG~~op1I~E[ VmG16l ro qN Cpl1L !~*+-`+~~1 Wlf M I I ~ C! tAP[ NPLY M 4YG a M11 ~ ~ ~ qKMI N LL~S11C. ens ~ t' Y ~t ~ VLPIIf CGNrECI10H4 ~51UUlD M T ^m iMW ~ I OIGLIP~ Al[11 i0.CY 151~fC1'NL vs~ c~ uxa w ~~r wc. wo a umo' w a/~• rao[. ~u t~r[ wmi wrt: sw mx ortav> rucrwa r~oc oms m m~i ~~~ uom~ e[ art (ro rm siaia) m~[ ~~ uat aeowwo m m~srcnoxs ro au ~a:s swu e[ rutxom~aorm ucuao ¢¢wx ~PL wP011 fL1L (MK iNU. ~I~ t~YGi OF [ILCI/%AL TY[ u0 SWltx C0~ 4S 901N q S1V3 1 TqU~I ! ~BC/[. z cartuna~ ro rw.a os ms w uaa wo awas Ma ~mm. l. CqL1O p1CIM[IL tV4 LMII LLVR Vtx ~ p fXl! 40 ULN pU p J1116EI6 AS ucss ro ucn om re roanc (wor ro ononoa wn~ .un~ucnoonw) ~. ~oortc~w~ cauau c~mt asraRt wr rt iv.auxm ro ym rnww ueu ~xwirt srtarumia. rxmr a•-r a EORO1 1M NOIUIOMK tML INb /NO ~'-0' IOI. ON CMG io uc~im~~~~ow~, ~ c~ w~ ~~ui m~ rY~c mrisartara ,uo rum. n.e~ o.rn rs. tawx rta run ~ m mi mM u-mo' ;.'i ,;}.t<^.. n~muw ' mm~c.,.. - e ~p 111[l1YYL IIM/Ilf I ~ f, [r~~+GOC 001D CII1~W TO'' •••~'•: xSiINGCM ~00f RP1f.14 WfIM : .ai-5w...vr.+a fiC¢ Mw -~~ ~m~ . .•. 12 we ~.~r ~a~. ~ ~R, x.• w~e p aunu ~ ¢ea YRfM CMt[ tIMY NO CP91 ~ u.uc xo~ 13 uue u..~~ M' ~ u~ ~u~'iwna ro wnrt m~m ua~ nur a srv a swo• a mv a sscu¢ vsi mnr ro r.c "°^0'm ~ ae~ rcFr v.m (.n~ 4mG 111M 1 1 I!~ CVE IMOCR fCMC/~ ~_~~ ~f~db MYUEO~[ ~ 1'-0' Evi5li~4 pOpl~ Sd LLWMiu 24 K~ 4~m~a :aeze+r ar~ a~~ 09/18/OB =65U~fOR: ~,,.~ .,,.,, ~ ons;~w inii.ti .- ~ i ~=l ~ro cmm .an i a~isv r~m ~ro~i~r i eurz tmx ~s ~) i i wam~m ~ i ~ ~ ~ +H' i I iwc ~/2" MiE rurz ro ~e ~ msnxc .~x..o mwx 51 ,cue um~a e o ~~ c,~mw ~.-ine. o . ~ o . .... ~/e~ rua-~ ln ~A'. w~ eo~n x iR' i r/r 52 xue~~m~w '~ iCUE LIT1Y N!Y pLLYNOII- Bbl b Y SI¢1 T[ 52fL ~ . s~ iour~on ~T nerz ec~ yix •r cma a ie uxt n rmr ~n naro arur mw i/r cun n n.w ro mww oowa~on. ~va ro eVS-x ~ uE ~im~a s. ~ oaieo e~n ro e.n en ' • • ~ ,,~.wa~ ma ewa ro sa°a~~~un i ~am ~ o ~ ~ aan,nan awo eo~n wm wrs xo. m.~i smp~ ~-~ ~"sw?z'~ '~i:swa~ru~a ~ ^ e ssa u/~a-ip' e BEAM PER PLAN m. ~~ /~ .UOJ B~OLfl CtOT20 PR6Mq'AiED ftm ZW 1[R OLW (t) 3/f A70~ ean (n 1/Y ~m eolR O ~,, (MO! 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