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D~ o Delivery i B. Received by ( ~ f ~P d~~ m item 1? ^ Yes ~ D. Is delivery address ~ No ~ enter deliveiY address below: i If YES, 3. 3ervice Type ^ ~~ Mail ' ~,],CeRifled Ma~~ for Merchandise ; ^ Re9istered ^ Retum Receipt ^ Insured Mail ~ C.O.D. re Fee) ^ Yes 4. Restrlcted Delivery? (Ex~ p, ArticleNumber •'~', 7p~8 13aa aoa1 7i55 1644 (rransfer trom serv-ce Domestic Return ReceiPt PS Form 3811, February 200'~ !_ -- ~__~ ___--- 102595-02-M-1540 { February 26, 2009 F/RE ~RrM D Mr. Steve Pelz Executive Director Kem County Housing Authority 601 24~' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ronald J. Fraze Fire Chief Gary Hutton Tyler Hartley Douglas Greener Deputy Chiefs HOWARD H. WINES, III DIRECTOR REVENTION SERVICES RE: Non operational leak detecting equipment and past due of secondary containment testing. NOTICE OF VIOLATION Dear Mr. Pelz: , This is to inform you that you are 226 days past the notification of correct that was issued on July 14, 2008 to replace the non functional sump sensor to your underground storage tank system. Under Title 23 of the Califomia Code of Regulations Chapter 16 Article 2717 the authority is given to "RED TAG" your underground fuel storage tank. This means that you may no longer utilize this storage tank to supply fuel to your back-up generator. Chapter 6.7 of the Health and Safety Code Section 25299 (a)(2) states ~ operator of an underqround tank system shall be liable for a civil penalty of not less than five hundred dollars ($500~ or more than five thousand dollars ($50001 for each underground storage tank for each day of violation of any of the applicable requirements of the permit issued for the operation of the underground tank system. 1501 Tnixtun Ave., 1~` Fioor ; Please notify our office in writing as to the method of resolution and date the Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ above mentioned violations will be completed. We understand that closure of vOICE: (661) 326-3979 : the fuel supply to the emergency back-up generator would create situation that FAX: (661) 852-2171 ' Would require the tenants to be removed from this facility and therefore, the ' Bakersfield Fire Department would like these violations corrected rather than ': closing your underground storage tank system. Note: Any repairs to correct deficiencies shall be performed under a valid permit issued ~ by this office, and witnessed by an inspector from this office. Furthermore, failure to ~ correct the deficiencies under a valid permit will result in imposing the violation penalties ; as stated above. : If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call me at (661) 326- ' 3684. ' Sincerely, ~.+~~,J~ ..^/ Craig Perkins Hazardous Materials Specialist cc: Patricia Norris KCHA ;~.~ ~ ~~~~ ~ .~G~~ 9~~ ~s~' °~~~ _ i ~ l n . . ~ . .._._"_'_- ' . . ~ :k CORRECTION NOTICE ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ PREVENTION SERVICES DIVISION Q~j 2 5 C 1600 TRUXTUN AVENUE; SUITE 401 (661) 326-3979 Location: s r ^ ~~ ~ , r ~ ~ _ ~~ ~ ~c~ i~ w~~sa.~ 2~ You are hereby required to take the following action at the above locj ^ CORRECT & CALL FOR. REINSPECTION ^ CORRECT & PROC, ~C ~,~ ~'n u ~i~~A ~a l ~QFl1 f-nPi~ ~_~''J~~' / 5 ~ : „ ' T?r.~' i~ta 3~4 ,~'~,i-s • ~. i~~~` ~-T/Rav51i 6'~G -~-6, A ln %S Oc> >S n.v %~i i S e~n~v~2P~~ :;~=; ~:~, ~ . ~ ~~~ x~;, ~ ~~ } :.~f;;` ~ siF' 0 /~ z sF" .~,,.~7; ~. !~K -~c'~ j ;~ F ,~'~~rs2 ..;; ,~F s ~! f~l; , Ir ~~T~" :'r~ ~~=~ ~ ~,`~;: :~:: .,.,, Y t ~.,r: ;;, - : ,~~ '.i;w Compietion Date for Corrections: / / 4='= .: : -,~ 1 . Received by: V_ ~z ;E?a~ j " M O N ~ ~ ; ~ Inspector: ~" Initial L/L- Date: ~/ 2 Z%` ; z.~ Desk Phone: (661) 326-3658 (from B:OOam to 8:30ar i \ t ~; , . . , - - „~v~w+a~i ;r+s a~ #; ~ , , , ~ CORI~L~fit~N NOTICE . BA,KERSFIELD FIRE D`LRARTM~NT `. PRE~ TION. RV ' i IStON FS• . 't5~~~U1V~~~ ~~~~~'~ 'A (661) 326-3979 ~;.~ ~ ~; Location: - ~~~~~`~~~,~~~~~c:`:-~ ~ , ~. . . . ,{ .~ f ~ . . "- ' .~~~.w"~~~~,$.~ ~`r.1~l.~Pi°i1~~ " ~ ~ ju' . ~`=° You are hereby r-equired to take the following action at ~ie above location; ='~ DCORR~CT & CALL ROR ~tEiNSPECTION ` ^CORRECT & PROCE~D ` ~: - _ ~ ~ ;~ r`r"" ~'~ ,L'~~` ~ ~ .I"~ ~ ~ ( ~t ~' t.^'0 .v~4° - E' ~~~'~l°`<:. ~ +~6''~ ~~ ~.:+~ w ~_~ I'~~'f ~• ~~.. ~d.7'~ f~....~jt~~~~'~1l^.~~~~ . ~,~ ...on, .. ~~J~IO~'~.~5/ . . . . . ry /~ l~~ .° C ' r~ t. . .. ~ . . .. ~1 - .. ~ . ~ ~ ... ~'b" ~ . .. . . , . _ . ~, ' . ~..y .. ` . ~ . - . . . Mc~~ ~Zvr2 -- 63~- ~~D~ ~ 2~10G B F/RE ~RrM March 4, 2009 Mr. Stephen M. Pelz, Executive Director Housin~ Authority of the County of Kern 601 24` Street Ba.kersfield, CA 93301 Certified Mail Ronald J. Fraze Fire Chief Gary Hufton Tyler Ha~tley Douglas Greener Deputy Chiefs HOWARD H. WINES, III DIRECTOR PREVENTION SERVICES 1501 Truxtun Ave., 1 S` Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE: (661) 326-3979 FAX: (661) 852-2171 NOTICE OF VIOLATION - IMPENDING PERMIT REVOCATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE RE: Plaza Tower, 3015 Wilson Rd., Bakersfield, ~CA 93307 , Dear Mr. Pelz, It has come to my attention that the Underground Storage Tank (UST) for the diesel emergency generator is past due for its secondary containment testing. There was also a question as to whether a faulty UST leak sensor was repaired or replaced. Our office has previously been in contact with you regarding these issues. We're awaze that the UST has a piping configuration which cannot be leak tested. Your options are: to either replace the existing piping system with one that can be readily tested; or else have a state-licensed Professional En 'neer conduct a test procedure which demonstrates that the system performs at least as well as it did upon installation, pursuant to Title 23, Section 2637(c) of the California Code of Regulations. Therefore, urior to March 20. 2009, please have either a licensed UST contractor submit a permit application to this office for replacing the sensor(s) and/or piping, and/or have a state-licensed Professional Engineer submit a permit application to this office for testing the existing piping with an"engineered" leak test procedure. ' Thank you in advance for your immediate attention to this important matter. Sincerely, 1 ~_ k.~ - Howard H. Wines, III Prevention Services Director ~.~~ ~ ~~~ti~ ~ ~,~~ 9~~ ~s~'~~~~ _ • ~~ •G 1 12edwine-Manley Testing Services . ~ PO }3ox 1567 Bc-kCrSCi~ltl, CA 93302 redwittetest(~hotma~l•com Phone 4~ 66E-83A-6493 FaX # . 661-$3b3177 ~ Billing Address J Site Total Housing AuEhodry of YGern CountY Ca1-8-14, Plar.a Towers 60124th Sueet 3U15 Vfl'ilson Road Bakersfii:ld, CA 93301 SxIa~sfield, CA 933Q4-5322 Ann: Mike Reere project Description Repai~ aanular ftser, replaca epill iwclce4 and make ull n~ssary ~epairs to perfonn 5~989 tc~[.ing• D~scription Agency Pc~nic Fees Reimbursed by Cascomer Cnmplbuy amt ~u~u+i~ Pcrnuc applicaaon co Rcgulnwcy Agency Cut end re[~ve aonccete Concreta disposei M7toavate all pipins Replaoe existin6 ~~P~nK~ roPsui' fit-erglass sump, iastnll testboots end sump penea-aduns Repair annulnr risPar Replace spt7lbucl~t Roplaca bac~ill maurial and concre~e g1398g geooAdaty Cpnta~nalOAt Pre~es[ ancl f1na1 Test wilh inspectcir presen[ Bqellpmc:nl Stwd-by ;eaeratar for (4) days Tha~k yn« ~r ~l~e opporwn9ty w quot~ tbis.fob. This quo~ is valid for 90 Days Web 6ite cedwine[estcom Customer Signature Z0/Z0 3Jt1d ~ I 11ZI3S~JN I 1S313F! I MQ ~I QU4TAT101~[ D$te Quote # i0/27/2QUB J76 Tota) 878,00 500.00 1,400.~0 35~.00 I.OQ0.00 3,800.00 45U.OQ 2,2nn.on t.600.fl0 1,400.00 3.66R.(u1 1.685.00 2,788.00 521,714.00 LLZE-9E8-T99 ZT~ii 800Z/tZ/0Z Z 0 0/ Z 0 0~~~__~.._..___......~_...~. ~-~_~-_ - --•-.~_~~_~.___ - x~ ~ T S~ 6 an s 6 0 0 Z/£ 0/ E 0~! ._ February 26, 2009 ~ PIRB ~ ARTM Mr. Steve PeEz Executive Director Kem County Housing Authority 601 24~' Street Bakersfield, CA 933d1 ~ RE: Non operational lealc cietecting equipment and past due of secondary , containment testing. NOTICE OF VIOLAT40N Ronald J. Fraze Fire Chief Gary Hutton Tyler Hartfey Douglas Greener Deputy Chiefs HOWAR.D H. WINES, III DIRECTOR REVENTION SERVICES Dear Mr. Pelz: This is to inform you thaf you are 226 days past the notification of correct that was issued on July 14, 2008 to replace the non functional sump sensor ta your unc4erground storage tank system. Under Title- 23 of the Califomia Code of Regulations Chapter 16 Article 2717 the authoriry is given to "REO TAG" your underground fuel storage tank. This ~neans that you may no longer utilize this storage tank to supply fuel to your back-up generator. i Chapter 6.7 of the Health and Safety Code Section 25299 (a)(2) states A~r y ~:.~~; a4:,; of an undemround tank system shall be liable for a civil oenaltv of not for each undemro nd storape tank for each dav o violation of anv of the ~~Jicable reauirements of the uermit issued for the ooeration of the underq und tank system. 1501 'IYuxtun Ave., 1~` Floor ; Please notify our office in writing as to the method of resolution and date the Bakersfield, CA 9330i ~ above mentioned violations will be complefed. We understand that closure of vOICE: (661) 326-3979 ~ the fuel supply fo the emergency back-up generator would create situation tha# FAX: (66l) 852-2171 ' Would require the tenants to be removed from this facility and therefore, the ': Bakersfield Fire Department would like these violations corrected rather than ; closing your underground storage tank system. ; Note: Any repairs to correct deficiencies shall be performed under a valid permit issued ':, by this office, and witnessed by an Inspector from this office. Furthermore, failure to + correct the deficiencies under a valid permii will result in imposing the violation penalties ; as stated above. If y~u have any questions regarding this notice, please call me at (661) 326- 3684. Sincerely, _~.--~'`"~'`~l ~ Craig Perkins Hazardous Materials Specialist cc: Patricia Norris KCHA °,~.~ ~ ~~u~~ ~ ~~ ~,~ ~s~~~~ _ Z00/Z00~ x~ra zS ~6 ans 60oz/£0/£