HomeMy WebLinkAboutfmc result 2009. '~_~~,~s' '~ a~~ 35 S~ MONiTORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For Usc Bv All Jurisdictions Within the State of California A~~thurrry CiJed: Chuptcr G.7, Hcctlth cind Sufery Code; Chapter 16, Divisinn 3, Tirle 23, Califi~rnia Cnde aJRegulutiurts This form must be used to document testing and scrvicing of monitoring equipment. :~ seqara[e certification or repor~ musc be~repared for cach ~~ionitorin~ystem eonlrol t~anel by the technieian ~r~ho performs the worfc. A copy of this form must be pro~•~ded to the tank sysrem ownerioperator. `fhe owner.-operator mus[ submit a copy of this form to the local agency rcgulating US"i' systems within 30 days of ecst date. A. Generallnformation f~acility Name: JOHNNY'S ARCO Bldg. No.: Site Address: 2612 BUCK OWENS BLVD. City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93308 Facility Contact Person: HAING YAM Contact Phone No.: (661) 326-1309 Make/Model of Monitoring System: TLS-350 Date of Testing/Servicing: 1121/20U9 B. lnventory of Equipment Tested/CertiCed Chcck thc annrooriatc huzrs tu indicate ~nccifir rnuinmrnt incnrrird/srrvirrd~ ~I(..n)= ~ (~'F n'TA~~ Tunl: ID REGULAR 87 Tank ID: 87 SIPHON ~ In- I'ank C;auging Prnhe. 'vtodel: MAG ~ In-T~nk Gaugm~ Probe. Model: MAG ~.Annular tipace or ~'ault Sensnr. 'vlodel: 409 ~ Annular Space or Vxult Sensor Mudel: 409 ~ Pipin~, Sump :"I rench tiensor(sl. Model: 208 ~ Niping Sump %Trench Sensor(s). Model: 208 ^ Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: ^ Fill Sump Sensor(s), Model: ~ Mc~hunical Line Leak Detrcwr. Mudel: FX DIAPHRAM ^ Mechanical Line Leak 1)etector. Mndel: ^ Glecironic Line Leak Uetecror. Model: ^ Electronic Line Leak Detectur. Model: ~'fank O~•er~ill / Hi~h-Lc~cl Scnwr. Model: FLAPPER ~ Tank Ovrrlill i Hi~h-Levcl Sensor. Model: FLAPPER ^ Othcr (ipcci~y ~yuipment type and model in Section E on Page 2). ^ Other (specify eyuipment n~e xnd model in Section F. on Page 2). "1'ank ID: PREMIUM 91 Tank ID: ~ In-"Iank (lauging Prohz. Modcl: MAG ^!n-Tunk Gaugmg Prubc Model: ~ Annular Spuci ur Vauli tiensor. Mndel: 409 ^ Annuiar Space nr \'auli tien;nr. Model: ~ Pipiilg Swnp Trcnch Sensor(s). Model: 208 ^ Pipin~ Sump •' I rench Sznsorlsl. Modcl: ^ I ill Simip Scn~urls). Model Q Fill Sump tiensnr(s). Mudel: ~ Mechanical Linc Lcak Dcleciur. ;vludel. FX1V ^ Rlechanical I.ine Lr~k I)eieciur. Model: ^ I-:lec[ronic I.inc Lesk Dcicciur. Model. ^ F:lectronic Line Leak I)etector. Model ~ I'ank Qveiiill i Iligh-LrvCl Sensur. Mudcl: FLAPPER ^ Tank Overlill ! High-Level Seruur. Mudel: ^ bther (s~~e~i(y cyuipmrnt type ~nd muJel in Section ~ on f'age 2). ^ Uther (specify equipment type and mudrl in Sectiun L un Page 2). Dispenser ID: 1/2 Dispenser ID: 3/4 ~ Dispeiuer C'nntainment Se~isorls). Mudcl 406 ~ Uispenser Cnntainment Sensur(sj. Model; 406 ~ Shcar Vahcysl ~ Shcar Val~•e(sl. ^ f~i,pciurr Containineni I~loat(s~ a~id ('ha~n(:) ^ Uispenser Cbitilainment I loati~/ and C'hain(sl. Dispenser IU. 516 Dispenser ID 7/8 ~ I>ispcnscr C'bnt~inment Sensor(s). ~1odel; 406 ~ pispenser C'antaminent Sensurlsl. MoJr{: 406 ~ Shear \'alvc~;) ~ Shcar Vuhc(;) ^ l~ispzn;er C'ontainincnt f luat(s) ~nd Chain~s). ^ Dispcnscr Cuntainincnt Ploat(s) and Chain(sJ. Uis3~enser ID: Dispenser ID: ^ Dispen>cr (: untuinmcnt Sensor(s). Model: ^ Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). A4odel: ^ S~II'~I' V~dI~'C(S~. ~ SFII'~i V;IIVI'~5~. ^ Dispenser Cuntainment I~luat(s) and C'hain(s). ^ Dispenser C'ontainmen[ Float(s) and C'hain(s). ~n mc taciuty contains morc tanks or dispensers, copy this form. Include information for every tank and dispenser al the facility. ~,. CCCtIfICal10^ - I certify that the equipment identitied in this document ~+~as inspected/ser~~iced iq accordance with the manufacturers' Quidelines. Att~ched to this Certification is inf'ormation (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary lo verif:v that this information is correcl and a Plot Plan showing the la~•out of monitorin~ equipment. For an?• equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also :ittached a cop~• of the report; (check all [hat npply): ~ System set-up ~ Alarm histor}• report fechnician Name (print): STEVEN OBERT Certification No.: A285311S1-603 Signature: License. No.: 5261246-UT Testing C:ompany Name: RICH ENVIRONMENTAL Tcsting Company Address: 5643 BROOKS CT. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 Page 1 of 4 Phone No.: (661 } 392-8687 _ Date of Testing/Servicing: 1l21/2009 I V-016- I~4 µa~w.uniducs.org Ilc~. UI/17/US ~-3~~5 ~ o Monitoring S~~stem Certi6cation D. Results of Testing/Servicing Sottware Version Installed: 127.02 Complete ihe followinQ checklist: ~ Yes ^?~lo* is the audible alarm operational? ~ Yes ^ No* Is the visual alam~ operational'? ~ Yes ^ No* Were al] sensors visually inspected, fimctionally tested, and contirmed operational? ~ Yes 0 No* were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containmen[ and positioned so that other equipment will nut interfere with their proper operation? [J Yes ^ Nu* If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications eyuipment (e.g., modem) ~ N%A uperational'? ~ Yes ^ No* For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment j ~ N;q rnoniloring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is elecrrically disconnected? If yes: which sensors initiate I positive shut-down? (Check all thar apply) ~ Sump/Trench Sensors; ~ Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did you confirm positi~~e shut-down due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection'? ~ Yes; ^ No. ^ Yes ~ l~o'~ For tank syste~ns [hat ucilize the monitoring system as the primary [ank overfill wa~ming device (i.e., no ~~;~;q mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfiil warning alain~ visible and audible at the tank till point(s) and ope:ratiii~ properly'? If so, at what percent of tanlc capacity does the alarm trigger`? % ^ Yes* ~\'o Was any monitorin~ equipment replaced? lf yes, identify specific se~isors, probes, or other equipment replaced and list the manufacturer name and model for atl replacement parts in Section E, below. ^ Yes* 0~o ~'~'as liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Chcck u!! ~ha~ «pply) ^ Product; ^ Vvater. If yes, describe causes in Section E, below. ~ Yes [J No* Was monitoring systero se~-up reviewed to ensure proper settings'? Attach set up reports, if applicable ~ Ycs p No* ls all moni~oring equipment operational per manufacturer's specifications? * In Section L belo~+~, describe how~ and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. E. Comments: Page 2 of 4 l'N-036 - 214 www.unidocs.org Re~. OI/17/08 a3~35 ~ Monitoriug System Certitication F. ln-Tank Gauging / S1R Equipment: ~ Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inven[ory control. ^ Check this box if no tank gauging or SlR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform lea3c detection monitoring. Complete the following checkiist: 0 Yes ^ Nu" Has all input wiring been inspected for proper enh~y and tein~ination, including testing for ground CauUs'? p Yes ^ No* ~b'ere all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup'? ^ Y~;s ^ No* Was accuracy of system product level readings tested7 ^ Yes ^ i~~o* Was accuracy of system water level readings tested'? ^ Ycs ~ I~o* Were all probes reinstalled properl'y'? ^ Yes ^ No* V1ere all itetns oti t}~e equipment mariufacturer's maintenance checklist completed'1 " ln 5ection H, belo~v, describe how and when these deticiencies were or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): Cumnlete the followin~ checklist: p Check this box if LLDs are not installed. ~c Yes 0 No* ror equipment start-up or annua[ equipment certitication, was a leak simulated to verify LLD perfon~iance? p~'~q (Check ull that opply~ Simulated leak rate: ~ 3 g.p.h.; ^ 0.1 g.p.h ;^ 0.2 g.p.h. ~ Yes ^ No* Were all LLDs conYu•med operational and accurate within regulatory requirements'? ~ Yes ^ No~` W~s the testing apparatus properly calibrated'? ~ Yes ^ No* ]=or mechanical LLDs. docs the LLD resaict product flow if it detects a leak? ^ N;A ^ Yes 0 No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLU detects a leak'? ~ V%A ^ Yes p ~u" For elecu~onic LLDs, does thc aubine automatically shut off if any portion of d~e monitoring system is disabled ~ v;q or discomiectcd'? ^ Yes ^ No* For electronic I.LDs, does die turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the rnonitoring system malfunctions ~ N,q or fails a test? ^ 1'es 0 No* For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected'? ~ N~~ ~ 1'es ~ No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? " ln Ject[on H, below, describe how and wtien these deficiencies were or will be corrected. H. Comments: Page 3 of 4 l'i\'-036 - 3/4 w~~w.unidocs.org Rr~. 01/17/OS ~~%1 ~` S~b Monitorink Systei-- Certification F'orm: Addendum 1'ur Vacuun~/Pressure Intcrstitial Sensors 1. Results uf Vacuum/Pressure 1~lonitoring Equipment Testing 'fhis pa~r shuuld be used ro docwnent testin~ and servicin~ of~ vacuum and pressure interstitial sensors. A copy of thi~ lorm must be included wich the Monituring System Certificatiein Form, which must be providrd to the tank ~ystem owneriopcrator. The owner/operator must submit a copy of the Monitoring System Certitication F~orm to the local agency re~ulating UST systems within 3U days of test date. Manufacturer: N!A Vlodel: System Type: ^ Pressure; ~ Vacuum Sensor lD + ~L ,~ ~ ~~ ~'` "~' ~ Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Sensor }~unctionality Test Result: ^ Pass; ^ Fail Interstitial Communication Test Resuh: ^ Pass; ^ Fail Cumpon~nt(s) ~louitored b~~ this Sensor: I I Sensor Functionality Test Result: ^ Pass; ^ Fail Incerstitial C'ummunication Test Resulr. ^ Pass; ^ Fail I Componcnt(s) ~1onirored by this Sensor: Sensor Functionali[y Test ftesutt: ^ Pass; ^ Fail [nterstitial Communication Test Result: ^ Pass; ^ Fail Componcnt(s) Monitored bJ~ this Sensor: Sensor Functionality 1"esc [tesulr. ^ Pass; ^ Fail Inters~itial Communication Tesi Resulr. ^ Pass; ^ Fail Component(s) Rlonitorcd b5' this Sensor: ~ ~- Sensor Fiinccionality Tes~ Resul[: ^ Pass; ^ Fail Inters~itial Communica~ion Tesc Resulr. ^ Pass: ^ Fail .. Component{s) Nlunitored by this Sensar: Seitsur Functionali[y l est ltesult: ^ Pass; ^ Fail Interstitial Conununication Test Resulr. ^ Pass; ^ Fail Curnponen[(s) :~•Ionitured b~' this Sensor: Sensor Functionality Test Result: ^ Pass; ^ Fail [nterstitial C:onununication Test Result: ^ Pass; ^ Fail Component(s) Nlonitored b~• tt-is Sensor: Sensor Functionaliry Test Resulr. ^ Pass; ^ Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: ^ Pass; ^ Fail Compooent(s) Monitored b;~~ this Sensor: Sensor Functionality "I'est Result: ^ Pass; ^ Fail Interstitial Commwlication Test Result: ^ Pass; ^ Fail I ~ Component(s) Monitc~red b~ this Sensor: ~ ~ Sensor Pwictionality ~I est Resulr. ^ Pass; ^ Fail Interstiiia] Conunwiicacion Test Resulr. ^ Pass; ^ Fail Ffow was interstitiul communication verified? ^ Leak Introduced at ~ar End of Interstitial Spxce;~ ^ Gauge; ^ Visual Ins~ection; ^ Ocher (Describe in Sec. J, helow~ Was ~•acuun~/pressure restored to operating levels in all interstitial spaces? ^ Yes ^ I~o (If no. dcsa-ibe i,~ Sec. J, belowy J. Comments: N/A Page 4 of 4 ' it the seusor successfully detects a simulated ~~acuwn`pressure ]eak introduced in the interstitial space at [he furthesc poim from the sensur, ~~acuum%pressi~re has been demonsn•ated to be commun~catin~ t}u-oughoin the inters[icr. 1 ~'-R3GA - I/1 ww~r.unldocs.or~ kdc~. 01/26/04 a3~3S ~9onitoring S}~stem Certification UST Monitoring Site Plan Siie P,ddress: 2612 BUCK OWENS BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 5a 4 ~S ~ ~ a Date map was drawn: 1!21 %2009. instructions lf you alrcady have a diagram that show•s all reyuired information. you may include it, rather than this paer. with your Monitoring Systern Certitication. On ~~uur site plan, show the ~eneral layout of ~anks and pipin~. Clearly iden[ify locations of [he following l't~ll1~111C11t, if installed: monitorittg system control panels; sensors monitori~ig tank annular spaces, sumps, dispeiisrr pans, sp~ll containers, or odirr secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak drtectors; and in-Eank liquid le~el probes (it used ti~r leak derection). In the space provided, notc the dare this Site Plan was preparcd. I ~.~~-OtG - ara Page 4 of 4 www.unidocs.orK Rer. pI117/08 ~~ a3t3S so RI CH EN [~IRONMENTAL 5643 BROOKS CT. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 OFFICE (661)392-8687 FAX (661)392-0G21 PRODUCT LINE LEAK DETECTOR TEST WORK SHEET ~~V/0#: FACILII'Y NAN[E: JOHNNY'S ARCD FACILITY ADDRESS: 2612 BUCK OWENS BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PRODUCT LINE TYPE: PRESSUR~ j PRODUCT I LEAK DETECTOR TYPE TEST TRIP PASS BELOW P.S.I. OR ; j SERTAL NL'MKER 3 G.P,H. FAIL ~ REGULAR g~ L/D TYYE : FX1 V I ~ YES ~ 10 P.S.I. ~ pASS i SERT.4L N 089U , ~ NREMIUM ' y~ L/D TYPE : FX1 V ~ ~ YES l0 P.S.1. I PASS ~ I - SLRIAL # 3486 i I I ~~p ~~~YP~ ~ _ YES PASS SERIAL M ~;~ FA1L I I i L/D `I'YPE YES ~ i PASS ' SER1~L #~ rJ0 I~ FAIL I CEf27'IFY THE AE30VE TESTS WC1ZE CONDUCTED ON THIS DATL ACCORDING TO RED J.4CKET PUMPS FIELD TEST APPAR,~-TUS TESTING PROCEllURE AND L[MITATIONS. THE ntECHANICAL LEAK DET~CTOR TEST PASS / rAIL IS DETERMINED BY USING A LOW F1;OW THRESHOLD TRIP RATE OF 3 GALLONS PER HOUR OR LESS AT 20 P.S.I. I ACKNO~VLEDCE THAT ALL DATA COI,LECTED IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF ~1Y KNOWI.EDGE. TECI-INICIAN: S1'EVEN ORERT S[C:VATL~RE: ~ DAT~: O1/21/09 a3~3 S sa SWRCB, January 2006 Spill Bucket Testing Report Form This' %ornr rs intc.~2ded J~r u.se by contrac•tors pc~Jnrming an~iuaJ lesting of UST spil! contninrnent s!~-uclure.+. The contpleeetl forn~ und prr,itouts~ fi•nrn te.rt.s (if ctpplicable~, shoc~/d he provided to rhe facilit}~ owner/operruor fur scr6mir~a/ ro rhe locul,-egulntay ciKency l. Fr1CILITY INFORMATTON Pacility Name: 30HNNY'S ARCO Date of'Testing: U1'2U09 Facility Address: 2612 BUCK QWENS BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 Facility Contact: HA1NG YANI Phone: (661) 326-1309 Date Local Agency Was Notified ofTesting : 12/11/O8 Name of Local Agency lnspector (if present dan~rng lestingJ: ERNIE MEDWA 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATiON Company Name: R1CH ENVIROI~MENTAL Technician Conductin~ "1'est: STEVE;~ UBERT Ca•edentials~: CSLB Con[ractor X 1CC Service Tech. SWRCB Tanl: Tester ~Uther (Spcc~Jy) Licensr Nurnber(s): 52612~36-1~T 3. SPILL BI;CKET TESTING INFORMATIO~I Test Method Used: X Hydrostatic Vacuum Other Test Fquipment Used: VISUAL Equipment Resolu~ion: 0.00 __. Identify Spill Bucket (By Tank Niuribu~, Sturer! Producr, ecc.J 1 REGULAR 87-FII.L 2 PIiEM1IiJM 9]- FILL 3 87-SIYHUN-FILL 4 Bucket Installation "fype: X Direct 13ury Contained in Sump X Direct Bury Contained in Sump ~ X Direct Bury Contained in Sum Direct Bury Contamed in Sum Qucket Diameter: 12" 12" 12" Bucket llepth: 12" I 12" 12" Wail time between applying vacuuilv~vater and s~art of test: 30 MfN ~ 30 MIN 30 MI?~J Test Star[ Time (Ti): 090U 0900 0900 lnirial Reading (Ri)~ 10" 10" ]0" I Test End Time (TF): 1000 1000 1000 Final Readin~(RF): !0" 10" 10" Test Duration (TF ~~ Tij: 1-HOUR 1-HOI:R ~ 1-}IOI;R Change in Reading (RF- Ki): 0 0 U Pass; Fail "I'hreshold or Criteria: +I_ p.UU -~!- O.OU -~-: - 0.00 I ~ `1'est ltesult: X Pass LJ Fail X Pass ^ Fail X Pass 0 Fail G~ Pass C Fail COI111t1CtttS -(inclc~de infoimcuron on r•epairs rncrde prior to testing, unrl recommended follow-iip forJuiled tests) CERTIFICATION OF TECN~IIC[AN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUC7'INC `I'H1S TESTING I hereby certlJj~ tha- nl! the i~rformutio~i co~rlained in this report is true, accurate, und in.~ul! co~nplin~rce voitl~ lega/ requirements. ~l'ecluucian's Sienature:_~~ ~ ~--} Date: OU21i09 ~ State la~vs and regulations do not currendy rrquire testing to be performed by a qualified contractor. f lo~.ever, local requiremen~s rnay bc rnorr spin~ent. ?UGUCT COliE . 3 ~EkMAL COEFF :.UUt770u ahJ}; U 1 AMETEk . 92 . UO at~K PkUF 1 LF . 4 PTS FULL VOL : 11b27 69.U INCH VOL : 9438 46.0 INCH VOL : 5814 ~;i . 0 I Nc,H vGL : 1 I 70 ~~JAT S I ZE : ~TER WARNINr ' ] GH WATER L 1 f~l I T: 4X OR LABEL VOL: JERF I l.L L I Nl I T . IGfi ~F'iQI~UCT . ELIVERY L[MIT : PRODUCTyCOUE ~ . 2 THERMHL CGEFF :.uOU?Uu THNK DIHhIETER . 92.Ou TANK F~R~F I LE , 4 FTS FULL VOI. : 1 1 E27 b9.u [NCH VOL : 9438 46.p INCH ~'OL : 5814 23.U INCH VOL : 2190 I ~ 3.0 IN. ~ FLUAT SI?E: ,s.0 IN, ~~ •~ I l~l~;TER WARN 1 NG : 2. U 3.0 ' NIGH WATER LIP~IIT: 3.0 1 1 b27 MAx. OR LHE+EL ~/OL : l 1 E,27 ~~~ C~VERFILL L1MIT . 90% 1U464 ~ . t0464 HIGH PRQliU+;T . ~ 95~~ 11445 ~ 1104., 1~~ C~EL 1 VERY L l i°I [ T . ] 0%~ 1200 . 1200 ~W F'RODUI;T . 5d0 EAK ALARNI L I f°l 1 T: 95 UUUE IV LOSS L I fh I T: 50 ~;NK TILT . 3.5U RUBE UFFSET . 0.00 ` ~' 1PHON IhANIFOLDED ?ANKa '; u: NONE 1 IVE MAN 1 FOLDED TANA:S q: NUNE ~~ ~ ~ +LU~J PkUUUC:7' . 500 ~ LEH}; ALr;Rh1 L[ hl I T: 99 ~'UDUEfV LU ~'S L 1 I°1 I T: 50 i TAhIF; T I LT • 4. 50 PRUBE OFFSET . 0.00 r I S I FHOPd f°lAN I FGLDED TANKS T#: NUNE I.1 fVE P'IAfJ 1 FOLUEL' TANKS T#: NONE _ ~G, ~i 1200 ~' l0i 1200 1 fJ_THh~iK SETUP_ _ _ _ _ _ T I:UNLEADEU l , pF,t:~pUCT i npE • 1 THEkMA1. UUEFF : . UiJ07U0 TAP~lK D 1~IhETEk . 92 . 00 TANK PkGFILE . 4 PTS FULL VUL : 11G27 69 . U I PJCH 'JflL : 9438 45.0 It~CH V~~L : 5814 2:i . U I tVi:;FI UdL : "1 9U FLOAT' ~ 1 ZF. : 6JATER ldAkM I PJ~ : HIGH wr~TER. LIrIIT: IhHX Uk LABEL '~'UL OUERF I LL L I f1 f T H1GH F~k~?DUCT UEL [ VEkY L 1 I°I I T _ a3~ 36- - - - -~~° - J~N ~l. '?u~79 ti:21 ,~`r'aTEf°I UN I TS U.S. SYSTEM LANGUAGE FNGLISH SYSTEM PATE.: ~T 1 hIE FUkf°1r C'IOfV UD YY',~Y HH:h1h1:S5 HkCV FHC 1 L I TY ~tt 1 36G 2t12 6UCK OW£ IVS BLVD 3.0 IN. BkKERSFIELD ~ H 933G8 tb1-326-1309 2.0 3.U SHIFT Tlf°lE l : t:UU ~ SH1FT TIME 2 : DI~~iBLE 11627 SH1FT T[ME 3 : DISHBLE 90o UHIFT T[ME 4 : BI~BLE 1 U4E;4 y5i THfdY F'Ek TST N£EliEU WF 11045 DISAFiLED ~pi THNK ANN TST N~EL~ED WF 1 ~pp iiIS~BLED LOW F'kuUUCT : 5U0 . LEAK hLhRM L! I°I [ T: 99 SUD~EN LOSS LIh11T; 50 TAPJK T i LT-y` • Q. 5U PROBE OFFSET . 0.00 ~ ~ . S I PHOIV I~IHN I FULDEL~ 'tHPd}'~ T#: NuNE L I NE IhA(d 1 FULDED T~NK~ Tp: NGIVE EAh Ih I N FEk 1 UD I C: I Oi LEF~};._I"11 N. FEk I OD I C . 1200 ~- EAK. 1~11 N HNNUAL : 1 Oi i LEF1K I'11 N ANNIJAL : . 1200 ERIUDIC: TE9T TYPE STANDARD IvIVUAL TEST FH 1 L. _ ~~ ALARM UISABLED Ek 1 GD ( C TEST Fr~ 1 L ALAR11 D t SABi.ED kUSS TEST FAIL ALARM UISABLED NN TEST AVERAGlIVG: OFF ~ ER TEST AVERAGING: OEF ! AhIK TEST hIGT I FY : OFF hIK TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF ; ELIUEkY UELAY : l5 MIN UMP THkESHOLU : IQ.QO~ I I--~ E-' F- ~ O ~ O ~ '~ ' '~ '~ u . a t i. a u . a ~ ~ 41 ~ W 4.1 ~ ~ .a Cn .~ u~ ~ ~n ~ ~ ? ~ a a a -- F- -- F- - t- -• i1~ U] i -. N(f? U2 Ul if~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ .. ~ ~w ~w mw E-~ ~ H .`~ F ~ ~ a ¢a a~zac a¢a ~ !~ u ~ ~ n ~ 7 ~ C f.~ ~ U 2 ~]~ 7 C • i W •• i.~il -• i W I -" F~ ~ ~~1 -- ~"7 -~ F- tx2 ~YQ ~Y~L ~ .._7 f-~ C~ J E-~ U .-] F^ <> LEryK f1I I•J FEk I OL~ I~~ IO". ~ 12Uu PER ] UD I C TEST T1'PE •" ~ L:EHk; I'9 [ W~NNUHL : STtiNDARLi ~ "''~ ~ • alVt~tUAL TEST FA 1 L QLAkM DItihBLED PERIOI>I•C TEST FAIL ~ ALAkf°l D i SAbLED GROSS TE4~' FA I L ~,ALF~kht . D I SABLE'L HIVN TEST F1VEF.AGIIV~: UFF F~ER 7'E~ST AIIERHG I fVG : OFF THP~K TEST NOTIFY: OFF TI~~fK TST S 1 PHON BREAK :OFF DELIVERY DELAY : 15 MIPJ PUMP -- THRE~ ~iOLU : 1-~J0%.- , --- - .~ w .-. W - ~. w S Q TQ d Q ~ a a a ~N ,- IU J fi ( u. c~. w a ~ ~ ~ ~~ a J~ ~ ~ ~ c;~ > > L Z Z Z ._z ~.z .~z U] d " N (fl Q `" (q ~ " z . z . z .. zu.t zW zw d F- >- GC F?~ ff t- :.~ <roe ¢~x ~a . NE-~~ m ~ ~ 0 ~ iV Ul W t n. c ~^ m t{~.] i W v--~ F ii7 -- F-~ ~D .-• E-~ q p' S U ,..7 ~ .-1 f- ~ ._7 F- 10 %~ 120U i FEk 1 UD ] i: TEST T1'PE ~ ~ STHIVLAF~L ~ Af~N ~'fEST FA I L ~- ~ r=;LHRM D I SAHLED FEkIGDIC TEST FAIL I ALARf1 D I SABLED ! ~ GROSa TEST FAIL ~ ALARPI D I SABLELi HNN TEST AVERAGING: C>fiF ~ER TEST HVERAG 1 IVG : OFF ; THFJK TEST NOT I F;' : OFF ~ Tf~lk TST S I PHOfJ BREAK :OFF UEL I VERY UELaY : 1 5 hl [ I'J PUN1F' THkESHOLli : 1 U. 00% ^^..\.-...~~ _._...._ ~ , LEHK TE~T h1ETH0U TES7' HPlNUALLY ALL THNK. GCT WEEK 1 SUN START TIhiE : 2:00 AM TEUT RF~TE :U.2U GAL:HR DURtiTION : 2 HUURS TST EFtRLY STOP : D I S~;HLED LEA}; "1'EST kEP~RT Fc7k~°IAT fVURMAI. LIIdE kE-ENABLE METHUli PASS l. l tVE T~ ~T LIfvE PER TST NEEUED WF DISABLEP LI~JE ANN TST NEEDED W~ D I Si=+BLED PR 1 IVT TC VOLUNIES ENABLED TEINP CUMpENSHTIUN VALUE (DEG F ): 60.C ST 1~~K. HE I GHT UFFSET DISHBLED ULLAGE: 9U% D~Yl. I GHT SAV [ I~G T I h1E ENtiHLED sTar~T naT~ APk WEEK, 1 SU~V STHRT TIME =':GG HM EhdD Dr;TE OCT WEEk: 6 :~UN EIVA T I I°IE ? : uu Ar1 SYSTEhI SEi:UR I TY GUUE : OOU000 TAN}; CHART SECUk I T`r' U I ~'HbLED • CuSTOri ~LaRr1s U15~BLED "" f1~iSS:'UEN~ I TY ,-~ I : '~81„F~? . ~.~01°II1Ufd [ ~.AT I GiVS ~'ETUt% PURT 3ETT I fW~S : flONE FUIJNU kN-'?:t'~ ENP +,F MES~NC;E D[SABLED HL'Hl[I'1 ft 1~ 1 vr; i n...r ~„. ----- SEPJ~UFt HLARI'•1 ----- L 1~NTF' $7 1 STF~ SUP1P FuEL F1LAkrl Jf-;N 21. 20179 9:1]0 FUEL ALAkM DEG 15. 2uU6 E:tB FUFL ALAkh1 r~ov z~ .~oue i: i a ----- SEN:~Uk ALHR("1 ---~-- i. ~:STF 87 '~ 5TF SUMF' FUEL ALARM JF1N 21. 2U05 5:05 SENSGR OUT ALARhI PJOV 5. ?008 11:OU SENSOR UUT HLHkM NvV 5, 2pu8 10:56 ..+v~ i wn~~ ~ ~ 1 ~.al .. ~ . .J.a~! « 1~EkS t C~IV 127 . 02 ~UFTWHF.Eri 346127-l00-C; i;REf;'TEU - UE•.. 12 ~ 22 . 16 . 19 I'JO SUFTWARE MO~ULE SY:~TEM FEATUR~S: PERIODIG IN-THNK TESTS HNNUAL 1N-TANK TESTS ~UTPUT kELA`; SETUP ~ ~ / ~+Ltiki°1 H I STUk'Y k£PORT --- -- ~EhJ~~Ok ALHkf°1 ----- L 5:87 APJN 2 AI••1PdiJLAR SFACE FUEL HLARI°1 Jar~ 2i• ~~009 y:i2 FUEL ALAkM IVOV 7. 2171~b 14:35 FUEL ALAkM fV~V ?, 2G08 5:12 ~• i F1Lr~kM H I STUk ;' REpvF?'I' -- ~'EiV~.,~-'UR r';LARM -- -__ L E:yl ANh! HNNULF~k SPACE FUEL HLF~RNI JAN 21. 2U09 y:l~ FUEL ALakIH PIOV 7. 20U8 11:46 FUEL ALF;kf~l NUU 7. 20U8 11:4E AL~1RN1 H 1 ~TURY kEAGRT ----~- SEIVSOk AL~ikI°1 ----- L '3::,TP ~31 STF SUi°1F FUEL ALHRI"1 ~~ri 2~. 2ooq 9:06 SENSt?R GUT ALAkIh Nt~V 5. :;UOif 1.1 ~ UU SENU~k OUT ALHRhI IVOU 5. ~OU6 10:58 R 1:B; STF TYF'E ; STHPJU~+RU NURMHLLY CLO~EU L I«U f G SEIVSUk ALf°1S L 1 : FUEL ALARf~I L 2~FUEL ALFRM L 1: SEN~OR GUT HLAki°1 L, 2:SEf~Si~R OUT ALAkM k 2~'?1 STP TYF'E : STANDAKD IJURMHLLY CLUSED LIQUID SENSOR HLNIS L 3:FUEL ALHRM L 3 ~SEN~OR OUT AI.Aki'1 , ._-...~ ~ H 1 STUR.Y REPGkT `-'-' SEfVSOR ALARM - L `~ : $7 HFJf•~ ^-` HNNUL.Hk SPtiCE FUEL ALHRfh JHPJ 21. 20G9 y:24 FUEL ALpRrI JAfd ~1. 20U9 5:24 FUEL r;LHRfw JAN 2l . ~OD9 y ; ~,3 J ~\ :~ Sa MONIT~R CERT. FAILURE REPORT S17'E VAi'V1E : JOH~TNY'S ARCO DATE : 01/21/09 ADDRESS : 2612 BUC'K O~VE'.~TS BLVD. TECHNICIAN : STEVEN OBERT CI7'Y : BAKERSFIELll SIGNATURE : C~~ '~~ THE FOLLOVVI?vG COMPONEI~`TS WERE REPLACED/REPAIRED TO CONIPLETE TESTING. ItEPA1RS : NONE LAt30R : NONE PAKTS INTAI_LED : NONE NAME : T1TLE : S1G\A`I~CRE : THE ABOVE NAMEU YEItSUN TAKES FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF NOTIFYING "fHE APPROYRIATE PARTY TO HAVE CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN TO REPAIR 7'HE ABOVE LISTED PROBI,EMS AND NOTIFYING RICH ~1VVIRONMANTAL FOR A'VY :VEEDED RETESTTnG. TEI1S ALSO RELEASES RICH ENVIRONMENTAL OF AVY FINES OR PENALTIES OCCL;RING FROIVI NON-COMPLIANCE. A COYY UF TH1S DOCUMEI~'T HAS BEEN LEFT ON-SITE FOR YOUR COVV[ENENCE.