HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 ELD DOCUMENTSJ..~~ J ~ ~ . - ~y'~~L`I~l1G ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~C~ ~ ~ ~~ ~, ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ . ~ ~~ p~ ~- a~ ~~ ~ ~3~~ ~ C~ .r-'~' ~ ~~ ~~ p ~,.s o "'~c _ ~ ~ ~ r~" , ~c ~G`^ °~- ~` ~ B5/16/200fi 21:05 9094767114 9-IIRLEY ENVIROM~IEN7~ 'AC~ 01/07 ~rA-¢d ~ p .~' ~ ~~ . . Shirley Ertvironmenit~cl Corporatlon 9595 ~ucas ~ancL Road, Suite #1Q0 • kreuncha Cuc~monga ~+ CA • 97~?30 phone 904-476-744~ or 600~33-~4030 + Paz 9Q9-47~?~,X4 FA~ C~~VER SI-i~ET 5-15-06 Mr. Mike C;hauhan Mike's Foed & Liquor 2300 Panama Laae Bak~eld, CA 93307 Phoue: 661-836-3362 Fax:661~837-1984 Re: Tcsar~ Q~wtatian Please find attached y,nota~ion fox UST repaiur a~td BLD Testing. Please forward ainy q.~es ions to mys~f or onr Mr. Gary K.elly~ ' Best re~rds, ~ Matt Shirley Envimnmental Corporation Cell;62b-62?-$316 E mai}: mthamas a~shitieyenvirorlmeatal.cam~ ~ : ~r s zoo6 t 95/15/2006 11:05 9094767114 SHIR~EII ENVYRO~O~ENTL ~AC~ 02/07 ~ S~1TIt~ ~.~+'1[1~llbNii~l~~ CQ~OI~NOJ~ 999s I.uca, Ran~ Y~o~ac1, Sui~e #1 ~e • R~nc~o Cucsma~ ~ CA~ - 9xT3U Phone 909~A76-744~ or 811p•~3-403Q R~'~c 909-4'y67'lX4 ~ Page 1 of 3 5-12-06 Mr. Mi'1ce ChsWtan l~Clce's Faod 1Rt [.iquot ' Z300 P~[na l.aae Bakar~f'iel~ CA 93307 pha~e: 66y-836-3362 Feoc: 661~37-t984 F~e: ELb "Cast ResnYte pa~r MUr. C~u~o, ~ P~ Y~ ~9~ ~~Y ~~nmental Cor~o~ation (3BG'~ is ~avidirg tk~i e est~mate to ma~e ~~tS' ~ airs co ~e usr ~ b~tea ~ th~e ~a~q- u~c rai~ed ane E~u-uwroa ~,~lc b~~ r~tmg. Praxatr~s Trac~~ T~g~ re~ Rosolis dudkete a 1~aic sourr,e at tho iill a~d of ~tt dicael tank. A1eo there i~t a small lrak cvmiuig fiam tt,e 9?~ t~r, t, '~ ~B 91. ieak de~r.e slwvva ap o~ dao dlaacl tmok b~l~ aros ~to~uad tbe diesol fill ea~d a~~ tanic. la aQ+dor Du dat~m~n~ ~ca s1 ~au~ce of both leaks it wiEl be necessary ~ saw cat~ break out and expase t~k tiop et the fi11 en,d o£the diesel bar k. C z~ce the ~enk tap is e~osed S~C vniZl pad'vcun a T~cer "P~ test to lovato leek souenc. S~6C wiU affeet repairs oo a tin ~a e~ ,d m~abereai b~8, OncE 1~Cpairs ar~ comph~e SLC '~vfll b~c~efill and placa oonar~te en~er r~vatiar. 5~C av~'~ also ~ er~c em Trac,er 7'igi,e reoeet peir Ci~Y of ~sfie~d ~'~ A~~anents ~rq~aea~ts. BCOPE O~ WORK: • pr~pare pleas md subailt pera~~it eppliceRion td City ef Balcen~5ield ~'i~ De~d. Plaas and poa~ s~ ,~ be ap~t'oYed ~7r tio s~t ogoo~o~n. . • Natify Dig Alsrt a3 t+aqltixe~ ~~ • Saw Gtiat, broek out dk excavake az~e {1) l0' x 8' area ebovo the fi~l end a~'the d~,~,*sel tam~k Vacawn oat ~~~ ~al to t~nk mp and txpo~o 1ai11 and ATG riseira. SEC rv~i ~odE p~+e P~ ~~ fas re~c as bacM'~ll mate~al a8 u n pgirs tra~re lmen madc. SEC to plac~ b~cades aad ds~meatar ooa~oe aro~~nd cxcavatian. .~m 'I~mcer "P" tosting tn loca~e eov~a af laak oa the dicsol oenk. • Pravid0 ~bor aqd maeotia~ to tepair leak sowroa on, a Td~tM baslc. • P~rForm secv~.d'i~cx~r "P" to wu8knl eepaes and chb~k fbr otbct soctraos d~ leaks. •~ack~l! and compeat wEdt cxiating soil and pea gravel. It is aSswr~erJ tha vrigioal b~ck~il~ ~berial is iwitebl: fo~ Ro-uso. . I7es~6ce a~csve~n with ntini~n ~l incb t~ick 2500 PSI comcCebe ~ovith # 4 ie1~+9n' tn be m~lled on 1~" auta's dtt0ugho~~ • peQt~ i~a1l~r~rair T~'~ Teeri~~g par Caty of Bekerai'ield requi~a~ts. Shiriey Environmental Corporatipn W233 N2080 Rid~eview Parkway Waulcesh~, Wl 53188 To: Mikt's i~ood & Liquor #3 Attn: Dajinder (Mitce) Chauhan ~3U1) Panama i.anc pt~kersfield, CA Date ~ 7rans8Ction E5 022857- 03/3l/2005 lNV #ES-0??857. Duc 03/31/20U5. Orig. Amount ~5,750.00. 1•15 U22856- U3121/2045 1NV ~JHS-U228S6. Due U3/21/3005. Ori~. Amaunl $I5,9$4.08. irl~/oy P~'~.~ow~,~p~}.~.,~"c~~~~~~d76 ~ ~~~ ~~~ Sfiatement bate 1 /18/2006 MAIL R,EIV~TTANCE ONLY TQ: Shirley Environmentat xesting PO Box 599, Kenosha post Qffice Kenosha, WI 53141-p599 AmOUnT Dua Amount Enc, $18, l 34,48 Amount ~alance 5,750.UU 5,750.U0 12,384,08 18,134.OS ~15~7 ~~ 66, ~$ '~-3Q 17AYS PA57 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER 90 DAYS Amount Oue CURRENT DUE DUE DUE PAST DUE 0.00 0.00 4,UU O.OU 18,134,08 $18,134.U8 25/15/2006 11:05 9694767114 SHIf~Y EhNIRONMENTL .., 'AGE 03/87 Shrrley En~vri~oxartenta! Co~on~on 9~95 ~e ~In~b Ro~d~ SU~fe #~QII ' RaochO CBCamon~ ' CA ~ 91736 P6oAe ~09-47fr7~43 or ~00-~~9800 - F'ox 901•~47~7114 ~ 5-12-06 M~co'~ Food & i,iquor 7c~s: Previouv w~adlt~g bsisnce s6all ba paid aAd a 3096 depnsit d~e at otert of ~• pia~s dt Pcrnni4 ~ cast turs 15°~ ' m~e ~realc exa~v~tio~ aad ' concte~e la~emen~t ~2 b00.00 $5 5~.00 p`Erst leak ai ' t ut41 'C~xas' "P" toat~ Provl~ labor to mek~e r~ct caew two 16h~s at ~230.OOlbr 1 b04.W S3 680.Q0 Provide ~naeerials at ooet !as 2096 Casc + 2036 .~ P~OVida ~'eusil' T'rsr.~r?i Te9t etCtOhed ~imate ~9 700.00 ~timsted ~ TabAl '~ Exc~usio~: 7'1~a J6~w8rg Mrrns aro ~ot Arcbwdcd mr~i wi8 ~'e~cl dte prafaf tlers~s ~erd ca~t ~'a~c~owrld~' ~$ ~lie wA+~ae ~~J avAatrMCt~6161'f ~ry itc+~a rde~~j/8rd Aeloa a,e~apre a~nlf~ll. ~+w~ reqxatC a a~~ed c~rqr~e oid81' by d!t uN~el AJ'JI C~S pel~ fdeAOf~&d ~ ~P ad~tres~ ' . . E~himsbe as9uci~ sten~d ~a foot UST ~ial dcpth. Addi~anal char~e ibr 5ve foat or ~r U3T ba ~ial .le~. • No tetnoval o£ ca~m~etbd srn'La. If coo~am9nsDOd so~ls aro onoouttE~ed~ thmY will bc covormd w'{tkt pla~t c~ ootltfg et a cwt of S7SlD~' ToIl plos lebor- ~ • 90~1 sem~ling o~r eadl rapo~t are mot iaclt~ed witb tLia esNotatc. • Air moaitarh-g Pa' AQI~ t~at includ~xd wid- d~s escimeto. • A~aip link co~brudiaao ~enci0g nOt ine~uded'~w'ltlr $~i8 estul~a. . Ooet of s~emoval or teplace~ont adprivabe ud7ities d~ed by eonsttvatioa t~at ~S ~ cIearly toe~lCed ao the 9urFace with4a ten ffeet of the pnoPosed eaccav~tion a~'e~4. •~iemoval of cw~cre'oe ~eaU~ thao 7" cf~ asphait thfcJmess arera~u6 ~ th~m 4"• ~ ~ • Color or s~nnped oo~ not ~nohsded rNriah this eaimaDe. • Fadet~t~ aader~roimd oottd~it to ba claur ~ad frea of ob~ons. • Suppiying memwigk~ and/ot equipn~nt nae spo~ly in this soe-pe of inerviocs. •,aury work beyond t~ proposed scopt of wv~c an;rB+oat~.Y ide~t~fio~ In cla~ieg would 1~ce to dasnk you far thi~ ~~}- ut+d loolc 6orw~t to a faversble r~sgonme. Plea9e oall rste ah~ild yon ha^ve any quostioa~s r~eganding dds ~limato. Vory irt1Y Y~ ~~i" ~~+.r Matt T6~a.s Bh~ Env~+oioa~nta[ CaRpooraRion CA Cwt~ ~.iasp~e Ninoo~ber 8 ~d0~7 E-~aafL• M~t~'i'homas499~Loom Phone: 4Q9r476-7443 Fsx: 409-~t7~7114 AttacEunenb; ELU Tesdug Car~rBCt