HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST APPLICATION 6/25/2008UNnERGROUNDSTORAGETANKS Y~ UNiFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS APPLICATION OPERAT/NG PERMIT APP. LICATION FACILITY FORM - (STATE FORM A) One form per facllity TVPE OF ACTION: (Check one ftem onty) ~i. NEW SRE PERMfi O 8. TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services B E R 9 P I D 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 p~R~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 D ARTM T Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 Page 1 of 2 D I~'= D ZI - v06- t~ I ^ 3. RENEWAL PERMIT ^ 5. CHANGE OF INFORMATION (Speciry change local use aVy) O 7. PERMANENT SITE CLOSURE O 8. TRANSFER PFRMIT ypp ' ' I. FACILITI(/SITE INFORMATION ` . _ _ . TOTAL NUMBER OF USTS AT SITE ~ 404 ACILITY ID No. AgenCy Use Only) ~,w ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) ~C ~PC(~5 `~ ~1(1 1 ~~-l~~ BUSINESS SITEADDRESS 3.~~ (~ ~~~1,,.~~ ~ 103 CITY [3~~'~~l~"~{ E+~ 104 Is facility on Indian Reservation or Trust lands7 ^ Yes L~No 405 II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATI'ON PROPERTY OWNER NAME q07 -` ~. PHONE 408 ~ ^ ~oo ~~a ~~w MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS 3~~, ~ ~ 409 ,` CITY ~ q~p STATE 411 ZIP CODE 412 ~ ~3r 111. TA~JK OPERATOR INFORMATION OPERATOR NAME ' ~~ ~.~ ~ u~ c1 c li~a~~~ ~ We tE~ f"oo ~~ ~~~C- To2 MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS ^~^` ~~ ~1 ~ i_ T03 ',~ J. ~T {'1~1~'~ ~~N T04 STA7~, TOS C..~f ~CQD~ T06 ,;l 1 PROPERTY OWNER TYPE ~. CORPORATION ~ 3• INDIVIDUAL ^ 4. LOCAL AGENCY/ DISTRICT ^ 6. STATE AGENCY ^ 5. COUNTY AGENCY ^ 7. FEDERAL AGENCY IV. T;ANK OWNER INFORMATION , ` ANK OWNER NAME Qia i ~ ~ '.b PHONE ai ILING OR STREET ADDRESS ' aie ~TY ~ 417 13 a~~ ~ STA £ aie ;~- IF C a~ ANK OWNER TYPE ~ . CORPORATION/LCC ^ 2. INDIVIDUAL ^ 3. PARTNERSHIP p 4. LOCAL AGENCY/ DISTRICT azo 5. COUNTY AGENCY ^ 6. STATE AGENCY ^ 7. FEDERAL AGENCY V: BOARD-OF EQUALIZ~4TION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER (TK) HQ 4 4 all (916) 322•9669 if Nere are any questions a2~ ~VF. PEIRMIT NOLDER INFORMATION Issue permit and send legal nolifications and mailings to: ~ FACILITY OWNER O 3. TANK OWNER ^ 4. TANK OPERATOR ^ 5. FACILITY OPERTOR a2z egal notificafions and mailings will be sent to the tank owner unless box 4 or 5 is checked. • UPERVISOR OF DIVISION, SECTION, OR OFFICE (Required for Public Agencies Only) dpg ~ VII. AP,PLICANT SIGNATU'RE ~ Certiticatlori: 6coRf thaf the 9~rforrriaNOn vided heroio i, true. accunrto, and In tWf complianco with le al roaulroinonts. , IGNATURE OF PLICANT yZy ~-.:v~~-- - - - ATE a25 G-~~-~g PH a 6'6~-- 83--2~3 . AME OF APPLICANT (prinf) a27 ~(v~~ ~'Fl ~ v ~\~l'~ ~ TITLE OF APPUCANT ~ / y ~ W M Iz ~ ~ U~`~ ~Y USINES NAME ~y~,p /1 ,~{-- 0.V.. ~1r•G •,v1J~ 1 ~ l^O.S G~ Wl.l~~ 1(~O~~l ~ 3 USINESS SIT ADDRESS 2 ~a 1~ ~'~-~c '~\~ C`~~ °13~~ 3 ,os FD 2093 (Rev. 11/06 UNDERGROUNDSTORAGETANKS ~~ UNIF~D PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS ~~ s:'~~~'{`^"~`~.."~"'-~.~.,.s,~"~..,.~:;w,v:.. ~ ~";:~~~. ~"~: ~z APPLICATION (Continued) ~ OPERAT/NG PERM/T APPL/CAT/ON ~1 FACILITY FORM - (STATE FORM A) One form per facllity a s x s P I D F1R~ DB~ARTM ~ T BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Serv~ices 900 Truxtun Ave , Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 Page 2 of 2 . . . . . .., .. .,• ~. : ~ . y ~ : .... . ~ ~ ~ ~v ;a ~ . ~ ~,: . , VI.II „P ,R. IMA.RY„ DESIGNATED::"OPERATOR ,INFORMATION. , ~ ~ . . , .. .. .. . . . .... . ... RIMARY DESIGNATED OPERATOR NAME \ D01a ~AYw~S ~ac~v~ ~u~v~w~.+~.~ HONE D01b 6'6 - o~- ~ "~ USINESSNAME ~U~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ \, _ 1_\_. 1 /^~S ~ ,~;~ _ ..L- D01c C~' ~'''U l.~ `l1/~ASV ~ ILING OR STREET ADDRESS } ~W D01d ~J22\ -`~ ~TY ~\/ ,~ D001e O``(_x'~ S STATE ~ D01f IPCOD~,~~~ 3 DOtg CC CERT. # i ~ D01h PIR,4TION DATE D01i RELAT~ONSHIP TO UST FACILITY (Check One): ^ 1. OWNER ^ 2. OPERATOR O 3. EMPLOYEE ^ 4. SERVICE TECHNICIAN ^ 5. THIRD PARTY D01j „_ ;i'. y ' { ~ ? ':: ~ ,, :. .,.,,. , : IX:;~ALTERNATE DES.IGNATED O,PE:RATOR.INFORMATION, ,.. >,:~ , ... ALTERNATEESIGNATED OPERATOR NAME, D02a PHONE D02b BUSINESS NAME D02c MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS ~ D02d CITY D002e STATE D02f ZIP CODE D02g ICC CERT. # D02h EXPIRATION DATE D02i IRELATIONSHIP TO UST FAC~LITY (Check One): ^ 1. OWNER ^ 2. OPERATOR ~ 3. EMPLOYEE ^ 4. SERVICE TECHNICIAN ^ 5. THIRD PARTY D02jj (Attach an additional page if necessary.) I cert,ify;that fot;;this facility the inclividuai(s) hsted above will senre as Designated UST Operafor(s) Ttie indiVidual(s) will contluct and cJocument ; ~:; ~'montFil .facili rins ectioh's'~andrannual~facil' .~em'"lo ee:trainin"°•in~acco~dance.wdli;CatiforniaCode;of,Re ulations~TRIe~23~Sedio`n'27,150- .' ':~.,;. ~. NAME OF TANK OWNER (Please Print) D03a '~`(`~\-~~ F~U ~1y ~ H SIGNATURE OF TANK OWNE - - - ~- - • - - -- ~- -.----_ _ ~ __._~ ___~ _~- DATE D03b ~~ r? ~`~~ FD 2093 (Rev.11106) UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN (FORM) Page 1 of 1 B E R 5 P I D IJRI ARfAI T ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661)326-3979 F~.: (661) 852-2171 This monitoring program must be kept at the UST location at a! times. The information on this monitoring program are conditions of the operating permit. The permit holder must notily the OSice of Prevention Services wirhin 30 days o1 any changes to the monitoring procedures, unless required to obtain approval be%re making the change. Required by Sections 2632(d) and 2641(h) CCR. FACIUTY NAME FACIUTY ADDRESS ~~~~~ ~ ~ V` C ~~, 1 c-~ f~-~ ~~Q ~' r f ~'~- q33~ IF AN UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE OCCURS, HOW WILL THE HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE BE CLEANED UP? NOTE: IF RELEASED HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES REACH THE ENVIRONMENT, ~NCREASE THE FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD. ARE NOT CLEANED UP FROM THE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT WITHIN 8 HOURS, OR DETERIORATE THE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, THEN THE OFFICE OF PREVENTION SERVICES MUST BE NOTIFIED WITHIN 24 HOURS. ~sr ~-~ k~k~y l~~-e~ c~5 Q~,~ ~(~Sc,r~~ai~~ -~ac- sct~~ll S~~IIS, <<tv~Yc. yPcl(5 ~c~C( ~ I ~ ~ 1-i r~ IlJc~~~ DESCRIBE THE PROPOSED METHODS AND E~UIPMENT TO BE USED FOR REMOVING AND PROPERLY DISPOSING OF ANY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE. t~~~ly ~~-~c~ is s~-oec~ cc. ~ ~a~, ~a~u. ~.~ti~~ ~, fl~ ~cc~v~c~ ~ i ~~ t~~ccv ~c~N ~5 ~~ I~ ~n~U~. ~~~~~~rQ~~t.y~e~~fc~~ c`Gc~~~~y ~Gt~ d,~~ ~ ~~'o~~~ (~( ClcS~~U~, DESCRIBE THE LOCATION AND AVAILABILITY OF THE REOUIRED CLEANUP EQUIPMENT IN ITEM ABOVE. 4C~ ~'I C 4N l 5 j 0~c~~Cc~ l ~~ (~~ G~`~ ~~ v° O G t~~ ~'o :~~~ s y~.c~ c~ Ss. DESCRIBE THE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE FOR THE CLEANUP EOUIPMENT: ~ ~~y f~~c.~ t5 c~cc~cc~ C[!A~ ~y ~-o ~~~a~'c 5v v~c ~~vJql-~ rS o v~ I~c~ tid ~t.k Ct. ((-~~~~,y LIST THE NAME(S) AND TITLE(S) OF THE PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR AUTHORIZING ANY WORK NECESSARY UNDER THE RESPONSE PLAN: NAME ~~\~~ t , ~\ ~ ~v ~~ TITLE OW r1~~ NAME ~n ~ I ~ ~~ ~ ~\ TITLE ~Q / O W A ' ~ ! 'y ~ NAME TITLE -- NAME - - - ---- - - ----- ----- ------ TITLE NAME ~ TITLE FD2074b (aev. o2ios) . ~ TAFT H/GH~Y.4Y DRIVE WAY a -,a.aoo rx. ~c ruL arm r~rn~ TNaa " "~sc ° ~ ~ e~. i Q 3 . ~ -- ~ -- - _ _ ~ - ASPHALT ~ 0 i~ ~i i ~ ii a i: 'i ~ ii ~ i PAVING i i~ ~; i w n u i~ ~ ~ ~; , i i ~ii `n ii ~ii'~ i i~ ii ~ ii ~ i~ j~j ` O i~ ii r ii ( i; p i R i ~ ~' ~ ~ '! 1 O 1 li il ' f~ ~.~ ' (~ lP ~ ~ _._....._ '_' ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ . --e •v , G~ $ ISLAND / /// /~ ~ ~ y ~yZ< ~~ E g~ ~~ XISTING $~~~ ~ ~ BUILDING vi>am Q 3 ~ ~ 0 DRIVE WAY V ~ ~ ~~~'C~ f~~La~] ~ FlLE: C:\DRAWINGS\VICINITY.DWG n~oa-TM ~ ~ C~1 F ~ 7'~ST f~G~ L~c~T~I FI~URE ~ ~~Rimr9~ ,sann n 1 HAN3EN ENC~INEERINO '' ~'J"~ ~~~~~~'~~ PflOJECT; B ~ 3012 Antonino Street; Bakersfieid, CA 93308 MARKET ~~~ ~ ~ JCH~r ~. -;.:.~o:, :sea: -_'---_- ~~ ~--. ,~- - ,- ~e~~.-~ L~ENTER C98+eCS-Ta~~ ,~ ~_. e .g . e; , , _ _ ~~ UST MONITORING PROGRAM EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN Page 1 of t This monitoring program must be kept at the UST /ocation at all times. The in/ormation on this monitonng program are conditions of the operating permit. The permit holder must notily the Olfice of Environmental Seivices within 30 days ol any changes to the monitoring procedures, unless required to obtain approval before making the change. Required by Sections 2632(d) and 2641(h) CCR. ~~R~ AIt 11M 1 ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 FACIIITY NAME ~ '~- ~ I~,ilt ~ FACILITY AOORESS ~ ~ -~+ ~ k ~I ~ ~~. 31.3 IF AN UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE OCCURS. HOW W1LL THE HAZARDOUS S TANCE BE CIEANED UP9 NOTE: IF RELEASED MAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES REACH THE ENVIRONMENT, INCREASE THE FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD, ARE NOT CLEANED UP FROM THE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT WITHIN 8 HOURS. OR DETERIORATE THE SECONOARY CONTAINMENT, THEN THE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MUST BE NOTIFIED WITHIN 24 HOURS. ~S ~. o~ I~ ~~~ ~ ~~ cc- ~5 C;c.~9 s o I' ~~ Q c-,~ G~.c~.~-c~ rc~ f;~na~r y c~~+ ~~s~ ~~1,~ ~'t [ I r~ t~~ r~~., ~~,,~. ~ OESCRIBE THE PROPOSEO METHOOS AND E~UIPMENT TO BE USED FOR REMOVING AND PROPERLY DISPOSING OF ANY FiAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE. k, ~ ~ t ~-E-c~ ~~ ~~l ~o~ s c~~t ( y ~ ~ (C5, 3.OESCRIBE THE IOCATION AND AVAIIABILITY OF THE REOUIRED CLEANUP EQUIPMENT IN ITEM ABOVE. ~L: r~~ ~~-~r~ i5 5~0 ~_ c~ l ~~~ ~J ~ f k i~~ oi~- `~t' ~~ c~s y G~ CC~' , DESCRIBE THE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE FOR THE CLEANUP EQUIPMENT: ~~r~~~~~ cC~~ f Y . LIST THE NAME(S) AND TITLE(S) OF THE PERSON(S) RESPONSIBIE FOR AUTHORI2ING ANY WORK NECESSARY UNOER THE RESPONSE PLAN: NAME TITLE ~,l 'T'A~ 1~U ~ 1~~A- ti\ ~ t~~~ ~~ ~t PF~A~~ `~ c~i So l~v..k~ ~o _ c~~,~z~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ~'"~' BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS fis~J Prevention Services .. ...~.. ~<....:i~~_..-~5..^~,r'c -~~•:~~.~ ~a,~~„• ~::;.~;~~<~,~:~:Y:~..;.~,r.:-,>,...,~~ ,~~~.~ : ~uT•.r. . ~~, B R 9 P ~. i n 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 210 OPERATING PERMIT APPLICATION ~~a ~ ~~R~ ARlM T Bakersfield, CA 93301 TANK - (STATE FORM B) i~ Tel.: (661) 326-3979 ~~ Fax: (661) 852-2171 (One form per us7) Page 1 of 2 TYPE OF ACTION (Check one dem onty): y~ 1. NEW PERMIT ^ 3. RENEWAL ERMIT ~ 5. CHANGE OF INFORMATION ~] 6. TEMPORARY CLOSURE ^ 7. UST PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE ~ 8. UST REMOVED a3o (Check one item only. Fa a UST Gosure or removal, complete only this sectlon and SecGons I, II, III, and IV below) DATE UST PERMANENTLY CLOSED: 430 .I:i ~}'~ ~ ~$Y ~~t~ hT~T lli~~li4~-'-'~7•4 A~',~T~~ }~.1~' - " l+~ ^GL~ - .44'~`Yk~ ~~.~~P.V.~:.S:fCf~K ~L::~4 W Y..ALU- ~;~M1S,F„~~,y 4'N y-• ~ TY~ ~J~.,,'tY .:~~~ A S ~"'ar ~ ` '~' .~ ~ ~~. ~ '~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ s ~~' ~ ~ `~ :~'x CILI Y I RMATIO ~ "~ ''~ '~ ~~' ~~~~ ~ ~~' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~~`~~ ° 1 .. .~ , c ~~~ ,~: ~ ~ ~ - .~ FA T ~ NFO N x~: ? ~ ~ .. ,~,,H. xx;~. . ~ ~ ~~ ~~?~'2 ~ ~.~ r~. ~.,~ ~i~ , . . ~ . ~, . . _ _ . . .. _. . . .. :.~z~~ .~ . ~ ;rt ~:~ ~ ~,~~ *~..~~ ,~~.~.. ~_~ ~.~~.;k:~~ ~ y~~, ~ ~T;:. FACILITY ID NO. (Agency Use Only) 1, ~ ~~` ~ij . T-t. {.i~ ~~+~~ ~~.'. E.R, 'ii7~:#~ BUSINESS N E(Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA-,D oing Busine s As ~ I , ~ ~~' ~VL BUSINESS SITE A E $~~~~, 1-l~ 103 10 ~ ,R ,,[~~ ~ ~Au~ YyS~~. Lh~LG7~Y ~~ iiM + fi,TiT,'~-`i~~~a . ~J~[' ~ .~l l i''1~7!.1.~ 4'4 '~ZFt 4a- Y. :~. F F15."a1:... ":,~~+t .. d ~'-. ~_ T ). . ~„~1' X S -.rYyl. ~~ X'Y . ~;i+.'r~; ~ 3~M1 " ~^aa ~~'~ YS v~ M ~ =tT ~5~j~ - . . ey~,_-„~V-'?lyt.';, ~~.~,~,~~~`~3'~~`c~:4<,~~rM~'~~ ~~a~;~;~'~.~'.;~~~~~';`,~,~`~.~~~~;. ~~~~II:.~TANK DESCRIP-,TION ~ `~r~~s~ ~~~t~~~;~ ~ ~~~; ~'~r~~~~~~+~z~~,.~~ r~~.~y~ '~.y.-_:7. .sK_Grm4~.~ 1:'~,.~~ri~:,,....r~ . £;s,R.~,«,, r~~ .~,_.:. _:x-.: TANK ID NO. 432 TANK MANUFACTURER 433 NUMBER OF TANK UNITS. THIS TANK IS: 4 1 „ 'p~t STAN0.ALONE TANK ` J ~ ` ^ 2 ONE OF TWO OR MORE COMPARTMENTS DATE UST ISTALLED (YEAR/MO) 435 DATE EXISTING UST DISCOVERED 435b NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS 43 I Sr TANK CAPACIN IN GALIONS 436 `r'4 '` ie~ i~r'~ '~ ~~ k r''A ~ : ~d '~.~'` t' b`~ ."^ ,r .. `1 t t ~)~,,~ ja .~~,~,?a 7 r~ s~v rR t -6~~' ~,Eatc` '~ '.~?. -~ f ~'~L r~,f a.~ ~ ~q~` kr~'Nq n v ~ ,~S ~, ~.~~~{~i 4a-e ~ ~ y r..~ ;rh- ~ ~ x~s~,~ ~ r~} !~t G'~4^~~1 „~ .;.y ~7G i~,~ z?+ ar''r ~*,ro- a~Er`~ *~ t ~f~.'.~r,'" eK ,r a ~;~t ~+i . ~ ,~"~ l »~# ~ ?~. ~.~'r . ~ p~',s c'~~r~+a~~ ~.J~' v e~~., ~, ,~», ~,c `'~ "~ L~~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ } ' ~, . "a[ry{ ~,~~ C~lq},.hY~`~ t~' S '~ 4.1 4,.~..~rciY x~, ~'"?Pi~~.F Y§ 1+~'~ tt" 7~- yt r:t ?r 4' k~'~'a^: W4Ml~. ~Y~~+fa~~~.~",~xf'~...~x_.~Kt~w ~k'~ ~ ,b, x~.l ~„3, ~.~4 4l ,....~ ~4T~...~ .§+'i`.~_R.7 l~'04 S s,lde:.'Gv`~~ . ~ W ~i~ry ~~5y4~~. ~ 1~l 1 ~r~~~°.SR~ .A~.~ ~ j~'F'~?. i~if~~..:4 ~..wa~ f ~ 5 -P5 4^ ~ . ~t i: s ~+ ~ ' i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C HY". ~~t 3 1~'~. ,-yi ~~~..!~.!•f'~ 1,...'`~I 4.k..~d~' ~ e,-.~r+'.\:Fr[UdA 1~M1O : Y`{. ~i~"'y'`~n t.. ,''i t1'A ~,t ~ n~v '" '4 ~ q.~;: ,~ ~~~+~i. '~,'ir~ ft +~! } x- ' ~ . i. A ~,~ ~s ~:~,~r~~~.~~._::~~~~o~..tik~~;~.~ .,~:~,~,~~ , ,.~.,.~~;,.~t~ , ,, . r .~.~ r_.._., III .~TANk:USE~~and=C'ONT~PITS.,~.~...~~~:,~~w~=~:~~ , _,~~.~.~~~~;r~w~~~~~,: ~.,~_.~~~.~~_ M T AN~IsUSE 43 .~ tYi. MOTOR VEHICLE FUELING ^ 3. CHEMICAL PRODUCT STORAGE ^ 4. HAZARDOUS WASTE (InGudes Used Od /llm rk l P d f T l ^ 5 R T wmD a e e e eum ype) ) eVO . EME GENCY GENERA OR FUEL STORAGE ^ 6. OTHER GENERATOR FUEL STORAGE O 7 MARINA ~UELING O 95 UNKNOWN . . ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) TA~Nj( CONTENTS (PETROLEUM TYPE ) TANK CONTENTS NON PETROLEUM TYPE: q4 ' 4y~a. REGULAR UNLEADED O 3. DIESEL ^ 7. USEDOIL ^ 1b. PREMIUM UNLEADED ^ 5. JET FUEL O 10. ETHANOL ^ 1c. MIDGRADE UNLEADED ^ 6. AVIATION GAS ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) ' ^ 8. PETROLEUM BLEND FUEL O 9 H IR S 9 . OT pedty) E ~ l~ftx 5 l~.,~x Jt"'r~-i ..J4i'~ ~~'N ~.~~^V YdhS~ ftE .~~ k ~ ~~1F'"~[4 ~ 1~ wl.ryl~ S Y`ijr ~~..:,. S , " R~. . -i.::,, . : ~:"'4+ ~' kYr ~ ~t ~.. ~ y~, ` ,. ' ... J +S `~ +Y ~..'V ~5''f.~ )~; r!i" ~.j. tb"'`M }r' Y. ~',f ! ) 1 ..:.w . S i~S yx~h'S 1s 7''~ ~' "~ ~ ` r ~ ' . M a3+a y + e :. t F,la. ,~ tu g, s~ + ~~ ~ x ~~~~,.~'~<.~„~a,;~~. ~.. ~.: w,.t~ .~A>.~~~~;..~k~~?,,~_.,~~..N.~TANK,CONSTRU~TION~~ ,~', ~~`~.a.~:~ ~~. ~_=.ti~~~ ,~.<~~~~~,~. ~~.h~'~~ ~...n...;a.~~..~~~. ~ TYPF~OF TANK (Check one item only 44 yy~ SINGLE WALLED ~ 2. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 3. SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER ^ 95. UNKNOWN T AN/~,pRIAAARY CONTAINMENT (Check one item only) ~ _ ~1. STEEL ^ INTERNALBLADDER ^ 95. UNKNOWN ^ 3. FIBERGLASS ~ STEEL+QJTF.RNIILIJNING ^ 99. OTMER(Specify) TANK SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (Check one ifem only) 44 ^ 1. STEEI ^ 6. EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER • ^ 90. NONE O 3. FIBERGLASS ^ 7. JACKETED ^ 95. UNKNOWN ~ 99. OTHER(Spedfy) OVERFILL PREVENTION (Check one item only) 45 ^ 1. AUDIBLE 8 VISUAL ALARMS 3. FILL TUBE SHUT-OFF VALVE O 2. BALLFLOAT ^ 4. TANKMEEfSREQUIREMEIYfSFOREXEMPiIONFROMOVERFILLPREVEMIONC-0UIPI~Ali 1 r'f .t...~h~~{~~ ~K•lt~ti~.h j ~ .}~, S5'f~ ~,1.~~`~i.Z .DY ~L'~'Y.:('~+'~~.F"H~ilt. X .~:'.~.'iY .n.'Y...Fi;:YN' t~y.~~' dv.y~.,. .~.~Y~:.::rv t }~S.titsif.: ~~ i'.M '3 'Y$Li`~~~'a..~/1~~-4i ~~ 1~~y ~~~, ,y~~«~~,L~~~~,~~ .~;~,~ ~;~;~-'~`~~~~.~'~ k ,t.~~~~~~'~~1/~,PROQUCT`/•W,ASTE PIPING:CONSTRUCTIQN~'~'r ~-~~x ~A , ~"i~r~x~"~~~~.a~~.~~_~ .r~„'~; .~$nt ¢~ S~ . ; .. ~~:~r. S~~ .,A~.~S/,?A~'~~ri~hu t~ . ~~~-,":;'~.2.: _;. .. .~',~F~~ f,~i P4i h ti.4 i. . ..y;'-' k5 '~°,..:s.:;~:i} ~1 . . ;h.y, . s ~ .i : i, Y, ' .. f~.! . r ~3 SJ X ti ~ ,v _a .Y~ .~Y,~~.i.'v.~~w..~k.sa~.1;.~~~td..:s~~F...'~ . ~ .. . ..ai.....,q.n.S r _., .,~F_..~i1,tr.l.._ _::~~i} l^.,M.:,.a'±,+ie'Y^,:+:u't^~:,s'rc.i~ f~~'..e+~~,...z~.¢F~.~-.;3:~ PIP~ G SYSTEM TYPE (Check one item only) 45 ~ B' 1. PRESSURE ^ 2. GRAVIN ^ 3. CONVENTIONAL SUCTION O 4. SAFE SUCTION (23 CCR §2636(a)(3) PIPING PRIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one Rem only) 464 ~ 10. RIGIDPLASTiC O 90 NO EL O 5 UN Q~O NSS ~ T ER( N . . I 9 W ^ 99. O H Specify) PIPING SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (Check one ite only) , 464 ^ 1. STEEL 8. FIEXIBLE O 10. RIGIO PLASTIC ^ 4. FIBERGIASS ^ 95. UNKNOWN ^ 99. OTHER (Speciry) ) TUR E CONTAINMENT SUMP (Check one item only) 464 ~ SINGLE WALLED O 02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 03. NONE FD 2094 (Rev. 11/06) ti rJfVDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK - APPLICATION (CONT.D) (STATE FORM B) Page 2 of 2 Page 1 of 2 ,~r~~~, ~ ti~ `"~~,~,~ ~ ~. `~ ~-~: L~~€~- VI ``VENT_AND VAP ..: . ~~~., < }.~.,~,;~ < .: ~. ~:,-~.:~ 4 r "~~~~-~ ~ ~~r~~'Y' ~`~ ~y ~~ ~~ ~' ~" ~ "~ r 5.~y. OR RECOVERY (VR) PIPIN6 CONSTRUCTION ~ ~`k-- LL'~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ ; , y , #.~' .. 3 ~.+~.:.el, it&e'=f' 'Fia i- .,t?~.~:F;-fr~ ~~,i`t s~."7-:-^=+': -~ c~.~f~.....,:.. h.k`~',~.n.i;\ ` .2~ d..:i..3,, ~.:r d!.w: . ~, .. ~ ..':!;.r~ . .. `F t R 1 , 1 _~ `~ - ~ - .. ~~.:: N . ..'.+1.:.F^+'} .§.:~:...~; ..., .._. ~,....5.~.. n.J.~y 4 "f......: ~ _ «k.:i...~.' .....:~s..,.`r .ku.,~4: VENT PRIMARY CONTAINMEN (Check one item only) 0 1 STEEL ~FIBERGLASS ^ 10 IGI . . R D PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Spedy) VENT SECONDARY CONTAIN/M ENT (Check one item only) O ` 1. STEEL ~ 4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) VR PRIMARY CONTAINME NTJ/p-~eck one Rem oNy) qgq ~ O 1. STEEL l9~ 4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) VR SECONDARY CONTAINME~ (Check rne dem only) ^ 1. STEEL ~Q/4 FIBERGLASS O 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE O 99. OTHER (Spedfy) VEI~,i AND/OR VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING TRANSITION SUMP(S) qgq ~~01. SINGLE WALLED ^ 02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 03. NONE k *y J~ 44t~4W.~~'~y~~~t~4st,t"~rl~j ~' ~f~~{~i'7Efi~Jf1~4- /-~.p,~~.tk-~1.~ ,~~~ r~, 1.:~5 ~i..v ^~y FQ QiuY' .~,4` ft',i~.~_,.Yn~, d'..;3;~,..< .rE..:.Y,M h Y y~,b~. ~. J...~' ~ 1~~ 4~:~4'MSNN'I ~'Y r~:.tv. ~S yJy:'c= ri~ .t, ~ ~ T ~, L~^`~l~ ~ ~"`'~ 'l 4'~ / ~ ~' d i4 h " ~~~ ' ' ~ ~~ Y ~l' ~ .f; utt ' f ~~! " yER/ ~ILL PIPE ~ CONST ~ C ` ~ ~ ~ ) 'sT~ . y ^ ' "1 ry+p.r?~ M 4 ~~ d j~; :a i:,vy '~ v1~ ~wi'_ ;r~,~ ~ ~\ S~' A 6 4 A ~A ~r~, ~ti "'^~ 11'~ :~9 r ~,~~:.~~,~. ° .~~,.~ ~~_~~~ , RU V . ..."" ~ f., ~ • .i.: ~ .. , . ~ . ,". TION_:;~ ..z~..:,,~„~~°L.uR& ...i.. .. M1+.... ..~MF` Y.r.s.nv., . .....„' RISE RIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one dem onty) qgqi ~ STEEL ^ 4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC O 90. NONE O 99. OTHER (Specify) RISER SECONDARY CONTAINM NT (Check one dem onty) qgq ~ O 1. STEEL FIBERGIASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE O 99. OTHER (Specify) FILL COMPONENTS (Check one dem onty) ~ 46q ~SPIIL BUCKET INSTALLED STRIKER PLATE / BOTTOM PROTECTOR INSTALLED VR SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (Check orre Rem onty) qgq 1. STEEL O 4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specity) V~NT AND/OR VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING TRANSITION SUMP(S) qfy{ •d 01. SINGLE WALLED ^ 02. DOUBIE WALLED ^ 03. NONE : , +k`; ~~Si~': ~ 'tap~ ti~ ~;'y ~,r ~xa,~ i s r~ ~' x',`a'h~ ~-- ~ ~~,±~xs ~:;.~ ~. ~: ,, ,,; ,x<,~,+v ~ n .a.-.~ , ~.,~ t ~a b~~~ ~ - ^~;,~"`.a- fw ,~~ rac '~r,~r ~^~''~u :~ ,~',~ : 5 ~~ ~ VIII UNDER DISPENSER CONTAI -~ ^= ~ ~~ ~ s MENT UD ^ '~ s ~' t ~ ~ ° ~ ~~' ' } rs~ ,~f . a. ~ { . ~~~~> N t( C) ~n - ~} ^~ { i K~ j ~ N„lt-°.m i Y,Vr."~a:,A.4~~.r„~x.~~: :~..~~;.~ ;d:rsvZ.€:_Mtat..-'t.>.~_~^.. _~ 3'z~ ..r..n.:tl .r..~, ~...~.sF,.s_~+~.~- a...~r_~~wexi..,.....:: u ~_3:r~.~id.~a3+~.~.rv~t'~"..~rt~..':E"3 .,_,_N ,u~7xi:F.~.~~?~'~4K'ta.^~ U~ONSTRUCTION TYPE qgg 1. SINGLE WALLED ^ 02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 20. NO DISPENSERS UDC CONSTRUCTION MATERIA' qgg ^ 1. STEEL 4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) ~~~ A p;~;"~~ ~F-~.;p ~ p ~ry UL!..fi~~h~ ~)V d. ~t i ~ . ~.r ,r'~ rAr ; .f ~`j { .. 0. . ~- .. t.a: ~~t~; ~ ~ ~" ^:; ' ,.~4 ,,C~'~ e 5 ~i¢ `~4 -~ ~ ~ 4..t - ~t 4 +, 1{:~•~j}`k r~kdv~X~.v"5'~.~i..Z,,,~15~~.~"$Y`~ T~`~i.F~~~~~y,tt ,yr1r ., ~ } h•..:~. .:..~F~' 0„~4~}~M~*°'a 1T'.313~~E`C2k~SM1 T~~'.p~~ f. F "tL`i"~'A~r" 51.., ~ „~ r ~ ~:,-;*,~~ >~r~,:~~;,~~,~. ,,~,-~`` ~~- x. .~ X -,CORROSION PROTECTION ~- ,~.;~ . , sY.~~-~_ ~s_;,z5 a,~'~ ~.,~4 ~~, R . ~c. .. ~. >~~ . a "~ , r-~.~ ~;~ , t.4 r~ ~ ~~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ M , , _ ~, . , . : , ,,. ~sly~' ~'%~-~vt~„,i,;.tTn~}7.~'~'^,~, ~~ .'' ,y i~~a.P,''~*~'~c,:~ i~'.;r..n~i.'..^~~~.,'~ .n .~ .,..~,. A, ~+.. ^* s {z .r ~;~h ~ i~1'"~fi.w..-r~r~":..~..~c,a~,"~~..;~.~,.i_tCi.,~'w''~-ri~`,`.~M~'~`_~~~;.,~~.v,~~t?sRL~~b:`„,~ti~~~~~~~ra.1.4~4'~~n{h"-,...r~~~,: STEEL COMPONENT PROTECTION ^ 2 SACRIFICIAL ANODE(S) 4 IMPRESSED CURRENT ^ 6. ISOLATION ',}{Hi:$ Y" m . : k ~t'~ ~, ;~Y-4..; 'S .~Y:.: ~::y+YV Y ' :.. :S; ~ w.. r5y~.t1'~• ~M~,S,y d5..;d1~a+~k 4T°ly-- A X t'~:~PS t~' "'~~4j '~~{' ~~~ K~' i/` ~~ f~~A.a.i~.~ `~'Y r~.~ '~' fi t7.. l i\P'/'+~~.~~..Y+ )t5"i ~ t.Nr~~y `i. +'i~, .~ ~ 'a,~. ~y~~a°F~.v~~{+Y~~ ~'~ f ,.S.i7~ '~`S S~ MP,4C. .qY i $ . N rc~tl l`r ~ ? ~` ~, k ~h~xi t "Kd +..5 ~1 . 4 XK. u . . - ~. '~", ~ r~ ~ ~~ AP ~ ~~- X ~ ?~ t~ PLICANT SIGNATURE r ~ ~ a ~ 7~ ~~' ~~`' ' ~ " r ,, , . ; . ~ . ~ ~ ~ . : ~ .a~ . ~~~ ~- ,~,_ ,~ .. :.~~ ~ t~{'h ~, ,~~. y. s~ xqlfyn' ~~u~yn>iFk C- ~ t ~ ~~ ~` tv ~ c ~E ~~, ~ 1 "+~i ~ ~:1"~~,~ i?„ J s a?~S~?~'r f r ..~.v"3 ~T ~~l'4 ~~~'~~~ ~ ~'A r~ ~' 1~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ y ~ ~ 4 s ~ ~ ? ~ ~ i ~, . .. '.a rp a".4 J~...4C..f. r...n.+'~.,.i..1 .v...,,.,.r.n .~~ .... ,:+`k..'.^t .E^n~" f?'LVt ._~~'~ .. !'.~L t.;. .~. F)~i'.,«;~~~f ~ '' ~ (,K)S.u•~Jn4, ~ '' }~..~~.'~.}1~ .~;17,+i1w l~b~+~~~~ ,~.r:.~. d« • f f ~. . a ~', . "~XrS.~, „+:=~k13 N'Rt, ,'~.~1:p ?.~ ..4AV,.~tF~ l .n..,~~, . , CERTIFICATION: I ceAify that this UST system is compatible with Ihe hazardous substance stored and that the information provided herein is true, accurate, and in full campliance with legal requirements. APPLICANT SIGNATURE ~ DATE 47 _ / ~~ ~ FD 2094 (Rev. 11/06) UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ' =''', • BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. UNIFIEL'~ROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS E~~' Prevention Services / 3 R.~~~~,,r~~,~.....~ ~.... .,~:;4,_~,. .,~~:~.~,h w,~~~~..:_,.w.; .. ~,~ :~9:u...,.<._a.~ ~.. ~.: ,, a „~ x a r ~ „n 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 210 OPERATING PERMIT APPLICATION '~~~? AR ~ r Bakersfield, CA 93301 TANK -~srnrE FoRM e~ _ ;~~~; Tel.: (661) 326-3979 (One form per usT) ~,'; Fax: (661) 852-2171 Page 1 of 2 TYPE OF ACTION (Check one ~Tem onfy): ~ NEW PERMIT ^ 3. RENEWAL ERMIT ~ ^ 5. CHANGE OF INFORMATION ^ 6. TEMPORARY CLOSURE ^ 7. UST PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE ^ 8. UST REMOVED 430 (Check one ilem only. For a UST Wosure or removal, complete only lhis section and Sections I, II, III, and IV below) DATE UST PERMANENTLY CLOSED: 430 rl~~"'~~ 1.wJi~~;i~FY+~i~ ~';FJ'~ti ~'.^, '~l' mC }1 { ~y1Fwy9~ ~).~. i pylr/i ', l y1 .:I:i:. i'F. v ,,.5."~~.. .~ S L ' q $~'.~~ ~4 y '1~` 3n ~`' t, t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ ~ s` £' ~ ~S ~5$i~.. , ,g ~~r, , ~ ~~.~; ~~,~:~ ~~ ~~,,,,; ~~~ ~ ~~.~ y;i~ ~ ,{. ~ ~ ~~~ t~ r 1 FACILITY INFORMaTION t -'~<~~,~~~ ,~:~'.4rw.s~~ ...... . ~., . .,~~; .s,..>~.~ ~....,., ..~.,.W...._. „ ._ > .... >~~. ~.<. ~rs.¢,:~~a:~ '~ ~~ ` ~.{" . _._. . ;. ..., ... ~. . .,~. ,y ~ ,; ~~ .-. FACILITY 10 NO. (Agency Use Only) ,'s,' .. ` ~ ~t11~ -~..~ 1 . ~;~ ~~x. ~ BUSINESS NAME (Same a FACIUTY NAME r DBA-Doing Business As). . BUSINESSSITEADORESS ~ - , . 103 1 ~ `.' W '1 #~ ~` h'J.. ~, ~ 1i7~_S y Y... ; i,. J~1 , k.v „ } ~ ~ ~ 1 ~'A. 1}f ~ ,.. F n,~ . 1 1 :1J'h : ?: x~.r.._ +d:. • iA, MtlH%j~~.h~~G~~' ~1Y' ~~,A~}+~~.il k"4n P 1'~,~ ~ ~` ~ ` ' . ~- w ~ ,,~ ~` ;:~u',rr,~r.~ i...,.«~,.~.,.,~`~u.y~~Y . ~~..~h k ~ ,~.,,~.~,~s~,~~>F .~,,II.`7ANK"DESCRIP,TION ~~...;.n~. >~ '~ .~~..',,~a.:~~"~.~, ~~~r~„ ~. -. - v .:~r '~, u... ,vu F ~.v1. M. .a r:.,. TANK ID N0. 432 TANK MNNUFACTURER 433 NUM R OF TANK UNITS. THIS TANK IS: 4 ~ ~ ~ ~STAND-ALONE TANK - , ~i G ^ 2 ONE OF iW0 OR MORE COMPARTMENTS DATE UST ISTALLED (YEAR/MO) 435 DATE EXISTING UST DISCOVERED 435b NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS 43 ' ~ TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS 436 (~ ` - ~ 'f'~'~` ~' .3' ~: ?. .ci ., `{F 'f ` ~l~4 1 k ~ ~P S~' ~ '!~ °sY ~ ~.~ ^ r ~ 5 ~ h ktA'i~' ~ t ~ ~. .5~ ~ "r S J t ~ t 1 Y . i W' k~' F ~~. ~^ ~ i'~t~ ~ d~~~ i'HR~'v'~3 1 T ~ N 'IFM 4 . $ f'3 } ~ '~` : ~r i ~t~N r` "F` t Y.~ ~~h~~l') ~~' ; t'9' ~~ §'e4~ A F"~i t ~ M X~ '~ ~ i ' ~ t"'~ 1 k :' " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. k , ~ 3k .~ Y ~ 0. : "` : } i 3 ~ t . 1 k vy~,,, ~" ~ 'C•~~TF`' ~ (`.~,~'r~, '~1~ ~r V- n l . ~ ryrt t' .r'v."T ..:} 71+n Y +~ ;r~ „t'~7~ ,",~.Yi:l~' ~Y'l.p .,N4 -( ~ ~ 'Y5~ Sd4'~.. t-IS ! ~- Sw$~~` . +~'~4» )y,~S .~..' dc ~y ~,..4. i Y'~ ~F k~d4i 1 y~l ~-~•1 ~ ~ ~`w.' J `~ ~ ~~'~S ~ F~ i' i .~; ~ f ~ ~ h l J .. , , . ., }.,,t,r~ .s~,...~.k~.;~~F~ ~~~~.;~ ~,..~r~,.,;,.~, :;A ~r~ ;;,x~t M ;III:~~AN}C.USE~ and~~ONTENTS >;Y ~ ~ ,.;~:~~ ~ :~ ~ ~~.~: ~.;.`nL~~.~,..<~ ~3 .,v.~~ ~},~~ . ~ .. , . . ~,~ ..,..-; ,. ... . ., , : 43 TANK~JSE ~;~~ MOTOR VEHICLE FUELING ^ 3. CHEMICAL PRODUCT STORAGE ^ 4. HAZARDOUS WASTE /Includes Used Oil /llmarked com lete P Q f T ^ 5 p e ro eum ype) ) . EMERGENCY GENERATOR FUEI STORAGE ^ 6. OTHER GENERATOR FUELSTORAGE ^ 7 MARINA ~UELING ^ 95 UNKNOWN . . ^ 99. OTHER (Speciry) TANK CONTENTS (PETROLEUM TYPE ) TANK CONTENTS NON PETROLEUM TYPE: 44 ^ . REGUTAR UNLEADED ^ 3. DIESEL p 7. USEDOIL 1b. PREMIUM UNLEADED ^ 5. JET FUEL ^ 10. ETHANOL 1c. M~DGRADE UNLEADED ^ 8. AVIATION GAS ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) ^ 8. PETROLEUM BLEND'FUEL O ~ 9 O ER S 9 T Fi . pedfy) ',rd.+ V- re~ ~w r'~}, ax '~3~~f~~ Rt .,'.~v ~r~' ~ ~~. 14, :. ._ ..: ~ i ":c ~ +t^ f~ , ,~. . ., v ,~ r , hY i ~.~+'i ~ !;f )+ s+~ `~4 L 'M y }a ~` ~~~ y~t p p t'~k 1 ' S fp "" ~''S = ~ i~ ~ ~ ; 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V'~ Y t l p4 [ Nr y ti ~ ~ ', / ~+Y , . ' -~, j ~ f}~,.' '~3~;a 51 ~,~~r ' ~ ~ ,:~.~~ ~,, :; ~ , x.~~.. ~ r..~:7 l ~rTANK,CONSTRU:CTIQN ~ ,~., .r, :: . ~.5_ .,.~ ~. . .. „ : , }n, .,. _.:~ ~,.. w. :~~ ~.} ~. t .r ~..;~ TYP~ OF TANK (Check one ftem only 44 nr~ S~NGLE WALLED ^ 2. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 3. SINGLE WALL W~TH EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER ^ 95. UNKNOWN TANK PRIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one item only) ^ 1. STEEL ^ INTERNALBLADDER ^ 95. UNKNOWN ~ ^ 3. FIBERGLASS ~Tg~+~~NING ^ 99. OTHER(Specify) TANK SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (Check one ftem only) 44 ^ 1. STEEL ^ 6. EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER ^ 90. f~NE ^ 3. FIBERGLASS ^ 7. JACKEfED ^ 95. UNKNOWN ~ 99. OTHER (Spedfy) OVERFILL PREVENTION (Check one item only) 45 / O 1. AUDIBIE S VISUAL ALARMS [L/~. FILL TUBE SHUT-OFF VALVE ^ 2. BALL FLOAT Cf 4. TANK MEETS REQUIREMENTS FOR EXEMPf10N FROM OVERFILL PREVENTION E~UIPI~NT ~CX t~~ t ..~,t ah4 i ~ '~ ~ ~ `^e ~' ry Y ~ V~`1"m$ s f ~" .~Y Y F3 d .. 'a N 3, r a:Hi "i' ~- < '\ ~ y,3 ;. ~, 7 ~ i '~+i 2,y `~ Y ~'N. . k~' a ~ q ~ ~ V "~ PRODUCT~/ WASTE PIPING CONSTRUCTIQN ~ ' ~'~` f ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ '~- ~ ' ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ie , y~4 r ~ MY , .;~~,~~i ~~; C~ ~ . . '~~'.~~1 ~~u~~ 3 ~ s f~ ~M ~~ ~ r.<7.~~~..~~ n~. r.. -• e,~.~C,. wnfE'~nJ,, i ,.t:.~:Fy ._~., .rs..:~n .T~r'~ .t r.r~ ~J r<~t' t' ~. rt~~ ~'~ r.t i~~-~_~.:~~~ ~'r" .~. , ...~w. .~ . ,x,~..... , _,. , r _. ~., . . .,.M~., ,... ...:,.. w,.a~ ,:x~,.. PIPI SYSTEM TYPE (Check one ifem only) 4 1. PRESSURE ^ 2. GRAVITY ^ 3. CONVENTIONAL SUCTION ^ 4. SAFE SUCTION (23 CCR §2636(a](3) PIPING PRIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one ifem only) 464 ~ ~ ^ 1. STEEL ^ 4. FIBERGLASS qy s. FLEXIBLE O 10. RIGID PI?ST1C ^ 90. NONE ~ 95. UNFQ~qWN Q 99. OTHER (Specify) PIPING SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (Check one it oNy) 464 ~ ~• STEEL 8 FLEXIBLE ^ 10 RIGIDPl 4ST1C . . ~ ^ 4. FIBERGIASS 95. UNKNOWN ^ 99. OTHER (Speciy) ) TURBINE CONTAINMENT SUMP (Check one item only) 464 ~ SINGLE WALIED ^ 02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 03. NONE FD 2094 (Rev. 11/06) ~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK - APPLICATION (CONT.D) (STATE FORM B) Page 2 of 2 Page 1 of 2 ~~`~° ~^~~~`~°rG~~~r,' ~~ ,, ~`s ~x~ ~~~ ;1%1 ~ VENT i41VD~ VAPOR RE~CS VERY 1/R ~ :p w.., w .x~: - e,;; ; " ~,; ~~'~s~' ~~ ;~ ~~~ n ; .~~~~ ~ rt ~~ IPI ONSTRUCTION ~ ~ Q < NGC h ~~~ =a ~ ~ ,.._r.~~.,t~,. ~F~ ~ 5.r;.•~.~'n.~i.,.....eR,;aY12~...,...,:r.~,~v .~,.u~rJ,. ~~"oi..~.:,.~~ . ~..i,.c.. .;~.~;u1t:,~.,i..:..,r3. ..,,.,o. ~, . . '~, .. ~.:.~,.. <~..~;:x ;~s,k~,~:~, `A-`~f~~~.,,~~3~::.,::_ VENT PRIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one dem only) ^ 1. STEEL ~ FIBERGIASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC p 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Spedfy) VENT SECONDARY CONTAINIyENT (Check one dem only) ^ 1. STEEL y 4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC O 90. NONE O 99. OTHER (Specify) VR PRIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one dem oNy) qgq ^ 1. STEEL ~ FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Spedry) VR SECONDARY CONTAINME T(Check one item only) ^ 1. STEEL ~ FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Speafy) VEN T AND/0R VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING TRANSITION SUMP(S) qgq ~ [9/01. SINGLE WALLED ^ 02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 03. NONE ' ~ ,,. r1A~t'~`~t'1'T`i~u$ bt~s''L ~.t-rr~ 5~~.,a,t4r.}9rsaT~~"'L ^'ejt~'i ~ `T~'`~'r.'~,~, . ~ -.:: ,~~..1~ _:~.s~ i .,::.s~ w .: ~. ..td. v ._.Y:.:.R ., , x~c;~e:: ~ .~r ~ ~ ~ra ;} ~z . ~4 ; wd9T~,.>e~ . ~ %~4`~ ~ `~s -.. ~ l~"4'es.'1A°'tt~a-y^~iw w' ti;4i 4i tj'C'v ; ~ ~ x ~ ~'~ ~; II ~ ~ ` ~~' ~ ~ '~ i; F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~:~~~~~;;~ ~t ~~ h ~~~ ~~ ~ -„„ ~.+..;z . ~~ ~ ~,;~~~~ ~,,~~?~ ~ „1/ ~RIS ER /. FILL n ~ ~ { ;.~ ; PIPE CONSTRUCTIONr ~ y . . , := . ~~ . _ , . . ._._ _. ,._.. ~ ....._ _,..Yi~ .-, ,~r,~~.y~X.a^u~~:..:.:'".~r.. ~k''~,za.4x_,.t...~.. ~~`."l'"tn R IS~E PRIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one dem onry) q~q~ ~ ~/ 1. STEEL O 4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) RISER SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (Check one dem ontyJ qgq O 7. STEEL ~ FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC O 90. NONE ^ 99. OTFIER (Spedfy) FILL ~iOMPONENTS (Check one item on/y) qgq ~SPILL BUCKET INSTALLED ^ STRIKER PLATE! BOTTOM PROTECTOR INSTALLED VR SECONDARY CONTAINME T(Check one Rem onty) qgq ^ 1. STEEL ~ FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) VENT AND/OR VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING TRANSRION SUMP(S) 4g4 ~. SING LE WALLED ~ 02. OOUBLE WALLED ^ 03. NONE ~ ~'~'~'~4'W ~1~~}..~ S'k,~k,HJ-'/~~}4'~3hy'~7~i:'WM~-N~J~r,~ P. ~...t ~.-1.:r.;:ktQ~~:n:^_;'b.. 2~:~. :~+-.'-:a:. oct~Y..~ M1 r.2,l~;,y C3~54,~y'°l `~ Z'ry'a9 ~~T~l ~~~~ri~rSy~.4"~i+.<c'.F1,G : tz,.f~..~~:. 1/III ~~~ UNDER IS ~ NSER CO TAINME ~~ U C ~ ~` ~ ~ ~ ' _` ' ' ~ ~' ' ~ D ,PE Y ,~x , N ~~~~~ NT~( D ~~, .~ ) ~~~:~ ~:~~~~s~~ ~.~~A~-~ ; ~~~ ; ;fi.~ . ` ~~.L.: ~ ~ti ~r~ ~~~~ UDCS;ONSTRUCTION TYPE qgg 'y^~. SINGLE WALIED • ^ 02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 20. NO DISPENSERS UDC CONSTRUCTION MATERIA' qgg ^ 1. STEEL ~IBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) ~.. ..c ~c ~ .., ~"^Y Yj"A~~^' ~ ~y'~dMx4;~~1.. pry~~~ ( k:..7 ~W,~ , ~., a~+~{.r ~ ` ~~Yi,Y {ai~ i ~.~~r''~ hr R ~ ~;- , ,<. .r.n. ~ i S0. - - H, ~ S-: Y 7. . .: . y .1y ~ M 4 ~ifx : i ~: y,L 5f sp r d' e ~ ,.1~ ~. ~' ~.r ' $ k f ,r. ~~ .,~° ~y,~, fi'.. r~Y a`Y,~ ,~~S~d~ i'~:.ti . q ~, ~,t~. ~ G ' ~ ~ , +1.~~'Y'~ 1 A ~ . Y T' .S+ I~4,~ ~'. . .+ .,{~ '~ 4Y ~ ~ "1 4 "+.r ~.~~"~ f1'~t~4~}+ ail~' ~ fF..;F ~`i„; ,: d~ c~: ~4 ~~ ~r~ ~~ ar ? ~IX :GORROSlON' ~ ~'~ ; ~~~' s,: "~~r ~f ~ ^ ~~ ,PR~TECTION a • ~ P . { ~ ~ , ' ~~` T „y . j , , . ,,~ , n! r , y.~ ~.. . , , ~ ) t ~ z T..:'1^ ~ :~ $, ~A}. t~ 7.~.y ,Jf~:^`;tirg4111~4!k.~"~ ~~ ~'.~a} it{~. u ~ ~~~~ n ~.,.w~~] (y,t~,y~v ~~ r x f ~ < x$f t ~ ~ R ; ~ ~ ~~ :~~, ..':a~r~ ~"=x~~~.°~~,~y~,. ~ y . v\lr.... 4.~if"A'.".. ,Y~. .....~.:.51.i,:. 1i3~Yf.~14~N'!`i.~.,l~t~G„ZSw.~~.RY.rr.A~. ~.ho- i, i.%i;'~ .~~. h <1..,~F~~~~~.. F~.«:4~.F+~~ . ~,w {~ ..V ~"t~ f 1 ~ Y ~lY .n"~'~ 1}„zr,L.na^ u,bk~. >>m1.~ . n.,. ~,e,r., ..~. ~~'.u_Rr, r.~, X`~`,?~..~.~'.s,.r~.., t.c:, -:~. ~~ _..a. STEEL COMPONENT PROTECTION ^ 2 SACRIFICIAI ANODE(S) IMPRESSED CURRENT ^ 6. ISOLATION ~~, ~~;'~j,1~S~r1~1.~ S`M~t-v~~S~~t' ~CL Y 7 sf`b'S3~. JN~~.?r'~'" ~ 11.~, P_ . l +, :h~. .(qa v^'. . 1."~~;," s . ....... , .. n ,.'.-.-7'~ .:+s.n'.Vff _+x-~' ~.-. ` F ~.^ . ~`}~ ..~ +~,it: F %.4fi~:~ rFls'I.'~i.~~~ t i^~'~-e~tN ~~ ~.'~~r~ ~e ~" 2'- v ~ cS. ~+C,,~,'x:_r.~;t } ey ~ii,,,S~.f`'Y'~ t ~ti:,,d"~r '~.~~ 4G~'~yr.~~'~.~..n ot,«i ~ X APPLICANT SIGNATURE~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ..a L,~ .~ ~~. `". . r,, .~a~~ ~t~~ 't ~~~ _~ ~ Y 1~~~~.~ ' 1 ~~ ~ s~" 7 ~ '~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ r ' i 'i'~` '~"~ , . ~ K ;:. ~ ..~.~c°,r $ry , ~yf.y~, r ~.,~.~ ~, ~ ,~, Gjy ~~~y}.* x R ~ ~ ~ v ,'µf~ ~ a.~~.+~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~,~-:~y,~ .~'t- ~a .s~r ~f ~;btw~ .rz ~ ~ . ~ t ~n~r.:~~}.Xi~.~~+fe=-~'~h' 'c~a5•,a~.'Stf~~f~,y' .~~.z.C~.'iF("'"~.~~'~1~-n~ .,F'._:'#~`:"~`.:.~M~~.ki!~a~....s: ~k .-j~:ti::.. M. iT,"_v)r:t}r4~~a~ti/,..,r.t.lx-4-1:..~!:Y~'~12~1 t p':.~~S.2i.I~T'~ x.~~e.rw~~e4"f n CERTIFICATION: I certiry that this UST system is compatlble with the hazartlous substance stored and that the information provided herein is true, accura[e, and in full compliance with legal requirementa APPLICANT SIGNATURE ~ _ __ DATE ' ~ ~/ 0 ~ 47 FD 2094 (Rev. 11/06) UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ~„; BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. UNIFI~D PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS a~'' t~^.j Prevention Services ~.~~~:~.;~,-~,~5-,,,~~,.~;~~;4~~.._.,..~w.,~_:~~:~,.~.~._.:~t.w-,~: ,~.;~ri.::u , 5.:s~,~.,~ ~, s~s g i n 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 210 OPERATING PERMIT APPLICATION ~`~ , wR ~~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 TANK -(srnTe FoRM e) ;~~ ~ ~,: Tel.: (661) 326-3979 F 661 852 2171 o f ~~ ax: ( ) - ( ne orm per us7) Page 1 of 2 TYPE OF ACTION (Check one dem oNy): ^ 1. NEW PERMIT ^ 3. RENEWAL ERMIT ^ 5. CHANGE OF INFORMATION ^ 6. TEMPORARY CLOSURE ^ 7. UST PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE 0 8. UST REMOVED a3o (Check one item only. For a UST closure or removal, complete only this sectlon and SecGons I, II, III, and IV below) DATE UST PERMANENTIY CLOSED: 430 l;(~ il ~~YJ~}5~1'V ~rf1' ~ix{~+t~A" ~1p m~' 43~,~ ~~e 3~w::~ F 1'~' L t.F.~:'N ~ 1~..., ~,fi .4 '~i.~ 'h J~4~~i'~n' .'h i V'4~;',+ yt 7 ~1M~/,~~ ~~V44'y, ~.S)Ri' ~ A~' 4~, '1J'i ~.. ~'fi ~ 1+t} .'.t~ " ~ Y a . "~"+ ~ ,` . ..~. -.~'' x, - } 3 4. p~ nr FM ~i5;~~. ....4~' "Y +~i':~54 Y} ' '~ ~. ° ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (Y'~FACILI RMAT ` INF O ` ..~tt.Si: „ ~ , .~~ . ~ " ,~ TY O I ~#.'~~x~.:rty„~~~ ~~,~,~,.:~,:.~r~, ~~:~x, ~~. ,,~.~,~,, ~t;,~ N.~i"~~~.a.~.~;,~;~~ , ~~~,,~*,.r~1~.~,~~:~'~'~~E_. ~~a"~~x~'~ *~~~~ ~. _ i . ~ .,~ ~~.v ~ ~ t~~~..~': FACILIN ID NO. (Agency Use Only) s~' _~=' `. '~ii'"ci;j a; ~~ ~ : . ~, rr~,~>`.: BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA-Doing Business As) ~ '~ ~ C tA Z ~ 0. BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 103 1 ~ ~ 22 ~y a~5~ ry y .,. :y~~ef ~ P1 ~41t1,TF~ Nf` ,~i j1j ~ i~ ry~. ^+4~ .~r~s N Kt'~ ~N,Y5,~~y,l r~~t ~'d'~i +'C"~im ':,+ ~ STL ~e"? h 8 ..'R`,~ f +4 ..t?•v'i; lL ~ i ~'~ 1 . -. ~. " `Y ~ t ~ } - .. 4 . ~` ,[Jr~:,~ -' ~ ~"~' ~ ~ `t`~ ~~~ .' G iJr ~ ~R ~ E1 e',"' ~ fX. - ~i r,~ x 5"f~ly„-.G. UkF''~4-~b - ~~ - ~ y.~ i`44 tY ''~~ 4 . r S L e ~~~~,~,.4.~ . ~,~:. ~:,~~.:~.:,:~~.~.~~'~~.,~,~:,w,.~~:~~s, :~~~II ;,TANK;.DESCRIP_TION it.w~.~~~~.,~ ~ p . ~~~~~ ,r~~~ ~H~,~;~s~~;xgs. a~°~.4~~ .~~... k~~,::~~=~. ~ TANK ID N0. 432 TANK MANUFACTURER 433 HIS TANK IS: 4 N~~B T 3 ~ ~ O S~ ~% ~~u r~, S AND-ALONE TANK ^ 2 ONE OF iW R M R v 0 O O E COMPARTMENTS DATE UST ISTALLED (YEAR/MO) 435 DATE EXISTING UST DISCOVERED 435b NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS 43 Z Si TANK CAPACITY 1N GALLONS 436 ~ e c"~ '~ ~ a yti pl" x b ~i :a r -' ~ l e+,~ r* J rt~" b~ urca~~~ ~yn ,~~,~-~,~ s r?- .,. ~, ,~ ~ ?Y a~~SF~. r ri'zt,ti~a3~}2'l~.i" ~~"8 `u'"~j, xYb~'~~9~s^,~~~,,~y~ ~re:..~'~*N.f9y ~`~ 1~ 7 kGr ~ .~ ~~';~tf `~r~F i zi'.~7f rM7` nr~'~~'~ ~ee~yty;~~ ~w'A+,e'~rr ' ~~~ ~ L 1~` { tt ~, ~ t : ~ a a t, aa~? 1 E~'Y l yaY~. t~u~, w~%~~~~rt~'~ ~,-~r }'^~~ti `~~ 3~~ ~~'~~S X 4~~~~F"C t ~d~ 2I~"k r~ ~Y~"" }r'n' ~~n `~~,k~ v s~},t~'~~ fi~~i'~~3 ~~ 5 r t~+~.'~k: " ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ Ci.~. 5~ t.i: ~~ Y/'.r~~:4 t'~.^ {~1 ~.1~ .~{ .m~ > . 3.. Y,1, ir5' ~tk~d T~.H 5:5',dl u R; 7~d'~.~67.~ t~"1 e~ :1Nv~'~/'~ x~°4v eY.(r. ~ '~~TIArT.Y7 7e" t%~ .-~ ^~~ei'f ~ ...``I Ni ~ ... L{'~ ~ 1~,,.i~~ ~ ~`'L,y~ ~~ yf ~ ~ : ~ .~~ r ~~ ~ "~j ~ ' ~~~ r ~; p a ~ ~4~ ~ ~~h~' ~ x ~~ N f~, h ~ ~~t~V J.+r 1 t«:R..~.f. ; .l',. ~ $.,?}...1 Mr ,~~Y~N,~v,Y~v PS'i7'fd., ~hlh 'k' ~ f ~Yl fl ~ ' ~.~ UR^'. _~,( ~~ . n.l~'S4y "~"~`i~+r-. ~~i ~ ~ .4 x'~~ F'`^ ~ ~rw~~i - -d d~>t ~" i ~ ,' ~~ , ~ rt N C E C NT ~ r t ~, :. ti~ ~~ ~; ; .4f~rht~ 4 i d~' ~ ~L.~r.~_.~,. ~ z ~.,.-~ .~k ? ~ ...,. ~ ~ ~u ~ . S t tc &a ;<Y . ,, ~._ III.~. ;s "~ ;` A I .US :and~ O EN.T.S.~u~. ,~~L,~~ ..~~~; ~~, ~.~~..~r~a>~,:a~ .:. TANK USE 43 ~ 1., MOTOR VEHICLE FUELING ^ 3. CHEMICAL PRODUCT STORAGE ^ 4. HAZARDOUS WASTE InWudes Used Oil /ll marked com let P l V T ^ 5 EMERGENCY GENERATOR F E T ~ p eum e e O ype) ) . L S U ORAGE 0 6. OTHER GENERATOR UEL STORAGE O 7 AAARINA ~UELING ^ 95 UNKNOWN ^ OTH 9 . . 9 . ER (Specify) TANK CONTENTS (PETROLEUM TYPE ) TANK CONTENTS NON PETROLEUM TYPE: 44 O 1a. REGULAR UNLEADED ~3. DIESEL p 7. USEDOIL ^ 1b. PREMIUM UNLEADED O 5. JET FUEL ^ 10. ETHANOL O 1e. MIDGRADE UNLEAOED ^ 8. AVIATION GAS O 99. OTHER (Specify) ' ^ 8. PETROLEUM BLEND FUEL ^ 9. BIO DIESEL ^ 99. OTHER Specify) ~., ,..., i~~. ''~~~~'~T''yJLy°~~. °-it a ;s`,'~.r+tx u`~i~xi a4S' '~~+~ rE`F! ~~.~. '1:, ..Jf,s : ..+r~..-i."..r=+ ,-..,::'S 5-.~..:?'$ .'>~L ~f .4::0~ . ~._. .~ , ~ a Y'l'~hr~~9): t r tdyv,~'t e' ~.~". ~~~,txi'~rM,iYf4RJ "s~('(, sh'. .CS S`I "'icF''9'i `~ L i'j''t ~: . . ., t 'S~k 4~eE~z ~i'i2A' a C4~ ~ ~ +it ~i..,'^. ~.~r~ "y..~ 'ar ~T ~' ~ IV N C ' ' ~ ~ ` . j .. . ..v ~1., ~3~. , , xx.t..~.x.:~~,,,~. ; :~. i~~z~e,. ~3u.. . ~~~-~...>~~ A u ,~~~w~,, ~~ K; ONSTRUCTION.;.:~...,. ~s~^k~ri?k ~~ _ _~s~ ~: >, 4~ x.~ . ` .,.~,~~~: ~~:,~ ~~i<,s.:~ F ,~.~. TYPE OF TANK (Check one dem only 44 1. SINGLE WALLED ^ 2. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 3. SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER ^ 95. UNKNOWN ~TA/NK PRIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one i[em only) W t. STEEL O 6. INTERNAL BLADDER ^ 95. UNKNOWN ^ 3. FIBERGIASS ^ 7. SiEEL+WTERNALIJNING ^ 99. OTHER(Specify) TANK SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (Check one ftem onlyJ 44 ^ i. STEEL ^ 6. EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER O 90. NONE ^ 3. FIBERGLASS ^ 7. JACKEIED ^ 95. UNKNOWN ~ 99. OTHER(Specify) OVERFILI PREVENTION (Checkone itemonly) / 45 ^ 1 AUDIBLE 8 VISUAL ALARMS ~ I T F . 3. F LL UBE SHUT-0 f VALVE ^ 2. BAI.L FLOAT O 4. TANFC MEEfS REQUIREMENTS FOR D~t~fION FROM OVERFlLL PREVENTION E{]U~A~NT MnR-~r . ),iny~i.k~. C~ ni ~j ~'ks. y ~''~- F' SCti „r- :~ ~'Pk~`>.'-:3'a'G*a~d,...r: - `s,.eri+.rr- ,..::~s ~`h~d - a..-~...~ s .#L.., o* ~' S~ . ~ 7'+ ~.h ~ e i ~ y. ~ r ,~ K 1 . _ ~ ~ '~k{ S ~~i y` 4'. ' .h j~ e' n ~ ' .+, qY '"1'~ ~ i~*~' Y. v~ ' . : ~ x , ~ ~ ~VY~A. '~ f '~` ' ~` ~ ~ ~' '} ~ ' ' # ~ ~~V ~ PRODUCT / WAS ~PfPING CONSTRUCTIQN ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ L ~~' `~ ~` ~ { ~ - ~ + ~, ~ ~ ~ ;. 1 . ., , . , ? „_ ~ ~. ~ i y ,/ ~, ~~;` ,}~ t,~, ~ ,,~ . ~ t , . '?~""~Cy'..c:dy ~4:6Y.Y"'~.~ d~~ ik.~:r'~~r~z ~C..;FkR,R°`.,,,H.x,t.}fSi{yt.f.;4:~.'vh~ab,k"''ws.Y"`- 7F. ~`~::::Ji..r -.~. ~,s~...~ ..~3._.-,~.~a.< .,f@:..;+c ~-,,,3%.-.~~...M.~'.r~.aa kf~ <"a.~....= ..-. ~,-~r_~kN- .c=E'Zt~'l~~F*fa.~,..~N'}i~tiF.'r`,.*~.^ PIPWG SYSTEM TYPE (Check one item oMy) 4 (]~1. PRESSURE ~ 2. GRAVITY ^ 3. CONVENTIONAL SUCTION ^ 4. SAFE SUCTION (23 CCR §2636(a)(3) PIPING PRIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one dem only) 464 O 1. STEE~ ^ 4. FIBERGLASS ~8. FLEXIBLE ^ 10. RIGIDPLASIIC O 90. NONE ^ 95. UNFQ~OWN ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) PIPING SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (Check one item only) 464 ^ 7. STEEL {~8. FLEXIBLE ^ 10. RIGIDPlAST1C ^ 4. FIBERGLASS ^ 95. UNKNOWN ^ 99. OTHER (Specffy) ) TUF~INE CONTAINMENT SUMP (Check one item only) 464 ~1. SINGLE WALLED O 02. OOUBLE WALLED ^ 03. NONE FD 2094 (Rev. 11/06) P UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK - APPLICATION (CONT.D) (STATE FORM B) Page 2 of 2 Page 1 of 2 , ~ ~ y ~ , r,~; , x ~~ ,~ ~ ;, x ~ : > > .:, , e ~ , ~ z ~~..". u~1~'.. , ~~ ~. ?y„'~ / w ~ ~ § i : i t ~ ~r ~x"y~ 5 h°~~~t~~ ~~'~ ~ ~ ;3. VI'~ VENT AND VAPOR RECOVERY uR PIPING CONSTRUCTION %~ e ~ ~~ x~~' r~ ' h`~~. ~ ~ , ~ ~ ;~,~ ~ , ~ , ~_. x .. ~ r r~i.4~r:ii ~.+1 .k,~. ~ ...'.~..5. +„~'..~_ . a ,_ ~c4,'c.k~ d ~. u..t~.,i ~ .~~%.:4', i. ,, ~ .,ai •,r.~..vJ . t ~ .L'..r ~ t sr'1 F~4.,r?!~ ~~ St '~d ~ , t .S 1 . k . Si}>~:.i: ' VENT PRIMARY CONTAINME T(Check one ifem onty) ^ 1. STEEL ~4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE O 99. OTHER (Speary) VENT SECONDARY CONTAIN ENT (Check one item onlyJ ^ 1. STEEL 4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) VR PRIMARY CONTAINMENT Check one dem on/y) qgq O 1. STEEL 4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ~ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) VR SECONDARY CONTAINM~NT (Check one dem only) ^ 1. STEEI a 4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) VE T AND/OR VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING TRANSITION SUMP(S) qgq ~ 1. SINGLE WALLED ^ 02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 03. NONE rdp~ 'l'p~ ~,~1~'t. ~ l,IH"i MG iR. ~~.?'~ri' ~Q,~ 'f R' r:t 4.Jy, ~ 4..,. i..:;.F 4~. m~ F. t~.J~.:,:.- r_k.r..,L' .v . a;rtA: ' ~~ : 4 'i r'~'t . ~l~ y,~ . y~k'" ~} t~ ~ tE ~; ~y ;:. '~ e , i.; ~: F~ r 5~~.~ y •~fi°~{y~r'3 V' g ~, ~t re ~ >. ~`h ~'*uu'~rk~a ~ ~ .~ yit : 0#~. ~'~~T~ S'~ ~i~ e ~- ~'-+~1-~'~~ ~ ~~ c ~ '~r ~ i ~Y ~cS r c F ~``;~ ' ~ ~ ~1/(L RIS~ ER ~I~ ~ L P C ` ~ . ~~ , ,. 'r , . ~ ~~T t . ,, ~~3y~~u .~, ~, :.r>;?;. ..4~a~J1.~as~` .w~ ~ ./ L t~~z,~.-x2; IP;E_ ON3TRUCTI,ON,~~~. ~a~_ ~,. , 1 Yb Yv '~ ~.~<t~~..^;°~ s~2a1r'S~°'ii~"y"§.Y~-~%,bw'~^.G,s~`~'.~~",~~.;x.f~ RIS R PRIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one dem onty) qg,qi ~ 1. STEEL ^ 4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) RISER SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (Check one dem onty) qgq ^ 1. STEEL p 4 FIBERGLASS 0 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Spedfy) FILL COMPONENTS (Check one dem oNy) q~,q ~ ^ SPILL BUCKET INSTALLED STRIKER PLATE / BOTTOM PROTECTOR INSTALLED VR SECONOARY CONTAINMENT (Check one Rem only) qgq ~ 1. STEEI. O 4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) VE T AND/OR VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING TRANSITION SUMP(S) qgq O7. SINGLE WALLED ^ 02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 03. NONE 7 7 ~a+iM9!",'L~'~1 6~h3~i~q'~ l ~~~~lf~ ~t.~ ; ~"+i'rl ~cAt ~r ~.~~a ,~3`.x~~s. 3 1.....:~ F PRM ~_ ti1:',•.~+t_i. -•FM`1,~'i 't i..-',.; t ~,~fr.C ,-.,.. ~. t~ ~.~.,.~...1S+w ft,5. ~ "4 - ~ C ~p ~ ~~ . ' m a ~ f' ~ ; ~ ' a ~ ~ UIII UNDER DISPENSER CON I ~ ~ ' '~~ ~ ~ ~~ ;?;,~,~r~ ~r , ,,~..,, ~ ~~~~,~~. ~, ,-TM;~ ;~~, ~, ~, TA NMENTk(UDC) W ~ ~F, ~IV~~ ~,~ ~ ~~~;~ ~tt ~ ~ ~.~ ~.~~~ "~ . µ ~ , ~~ 3. ....~ vY~ nl'..k..'~l ..bF.~~;1~i- Y[_ ....+;.: £E:~s-.i ~1°.~t .v_ .tC:.:4:(¢. . ~VA~.: ~va MY.~~.w5a..i~ ic..'. UD CONSTRUCTION TYPE qgg 01. SINGLE WALLED O 02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 20. NO DISPENSERS UDC CONSTRUCTION MATE~ C qgg O 1. STEEL 1B 4 fIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 99. OTHER (Speci(y) n~^~ua~~~N~i{'9b211~~F~ufst~i f. ~e ti~ ~r~~RTp,.~ aSO~~'.~r .~ +u ~~ P,. ~z n M~`: .:.~..~,,:,~x r q^,c... . F,~, „ ri^~,;.-~4~Y +~ i ~~ 1 s~.? ~ at, ~',:' ', `~E ~ ^~, a~ n ~ 5L ~ Y 3~'~ .¢c,~"'"~' "e '4 F~ 'r"°~'t ~'T ~4. ~ ~ k~~" ~ ~ 5 ~'~x:kL~] iY "'3~4 S `7`~`' .° ~ ~„" t r'~r ~ ;5'~ :Y.,~' .: '~Y F~ ~{~.{fn a~ ~e e ~~~ ~ ~~ ; ~ ~ . F, -~ ~ i ,~ ~ ~ ; ~-- ~ ~X CORROSION'PROTECT ~ ~ ION > F ~ ~ ~ a ? ti , , ~ , ; y ~, ;. ,7 ~ , ~ h .~ ~y ) 3 ~i r ~ , ~~,~: . ic''j y.~ ~~ ~ r ~ ~K, . y,tt~hhra~,. .~i~ { ~ <. ,, ~,~ ~:~ , :. : ,~ Y 5'`fs4~~E~ ~,~l.. Sn~S~N4J,d ~•1..~N ~ 1 F i bn '~ 0~~' iB r~ ~7~A` I?Yi iA ~.r t' T ~" ~" ~ ~ ~~ Z M1 Y ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,' 1 ~ ~ ~ i ~ (,y~ 'F ~ F~d,i Ujry N . d~J T ~ ~ OF l,a x~ 1 x~t~.,,.1 ~ A. .Wi. P f ~.a ~ ...r J7 . Sa .1.y.F~.{~.X:,l. w u~Y., d ,. f ni :i.~. . ,~'A..G r.~".,,, ~i:; ..?r1~ JSr h N ..e .',.a*fi .C.. :. ~~L~,^E5'. ~.C . tc.. tY irc't.,: ~.4. . ..:::Gt }.~~.~.~,';t1.Sr1., ~.5«....;'~h . 3..1~'. STEEL COMPONENT PROTECTION / ^ 2 SACRIFICIAL ANODE(S) ~J 4 IMPRESSED CURRENT ^ 6. ISOIATION ~^',t~~~~~,*}~l~O'.,~'~~7, 4~,~t1'`s' nti.,~`.~'t~ Fr~'~.,t1p"~,,c'?ld {,~'-^t~ ,.a. :..a 4 1:~~,;, s . _.sav~ ~ ;u?y,,xs ^~'"»-u +'.~~+ _ ~E .~t,'ft..f a' :..;~'m•.~~ti,~;,^; :^1 ~,sy~x~ . . ~ d~~ ~~k'.' tY ~ fr 'S~` d0i~~ z: S l~'G,hn~,4I~~ Y4~~r ., ~ '~ j-' %~ } v .?C,.:,y l, 7 ~1'~ . ~y .t, `~ ~ ~r'~ .r~ '13 , 'y , ~ ~~.~ 7 ~ ~, , ' v ( ~ , ~-s" t ~ ~ X - APPLICANT SIGNATUR L V -~' 'n yT,F. " ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~. ~.1~~ ~ ~~ E f l 3. ~ 'R~ k Y yf'~"u-' ~ ~ ~ ~ , f ~ ~ . ,, . {~~-~~ .?~ _~, }~ s , . . 4 ~: . . s~~.:. K { v J .~ i~. ,>s .'^7'_.tirv ~i.~: ~'!/ ' (~£~~ ~ 'f ~~ -` `T ~~~'~ SAaA~f'~ i; ' '~Y~~?•~- '+l~.~y ~~r T `~ ~'h ~ ~ ~ ~p~ °Y ~~~ ~ ~~ r N ( 4 ~ ` . ` ~, _C t Sw` ;+ y M ~ ~: . ~ .. j . . 5'M ._ ~.c~.s .,.. h:...7. A~1~nio-..e+4,t7e ~: °s,vi'k 4K n~~3°.~ ~~~~~,` ~~.?"C,.~' t~ro.+„j ~~ ; i.~'~h~~.~n CERTIFICATION: I certify that lhis UST system is wmpatible with the hazardous substance stored and that the irdortna6on provided herein is We, accurate, and in full compliance with legal requirements. APPLICANT SIGNATURE ~ DATE ~~ p%Q 47 ' J ~~ FD 2094 (Rev. 11/06) UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS s:ff BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. UNIFIEC PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS '~'s Prevention Services ~ u:sr,ei^a..sr. ~x;:,ti.~.:.~wc:,e~~s:Rw~:c. .y.i.~.mr.,...~._,~_Wrc~._i.,:....:.*.v~n°~~c~s:_w~~.vr.~~•z .a„ ..._,._ ~~ ~. B R 9 P I n 900 Truxtun Ave., slllte 21~ ~`'~~ rlRe Bakersfield, CA 93301 OPERATING PERMIT APPLICATION =~ti~ AIPTM ~ TANK -(STATE FORM B) ~ Tel.: (661) 326-3979 (One form per UST) ~:~:~ Fax: (661) 852-2171 Page 1 of 2 TYPE OF ACTION (Check one i7em onlyJ: D 1. NEW PERMIT ^ 3. RENEWAL ERMR ^ 5. CHANGE OF INFORMATION 0 6. TEMPORARY CLOSURE ^ 7. UST PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE O 8. UST REMOVED e 30 (Check one item only. For a UST Gosure or removal, complete only this secUon and Sec6ons I, II, III, and IV below) DATE UST PERMANENTLY CLOSED: 430 VeL~ I~Wy{Y.R{1i~y f F4C~H~,IF'~`thA +~v~. ~ ~~A~~:~.l,M t,fri ~.;.:v k A y 4,..~Rw.+,„ N:..i~,h'v Y M ~l.h.RL.~ 5.~~ Z~'-r ~~~k~~t ~P441^.31 ~ 1~~7~ k -~d: tt k,?1~ `"l~'ree,w 1 ~.," da .~ h ~ ~ ..ti.,.. '~ '~ k Y .~.~.- ., ^ua..~.~. ~ ~.~ya a ... ~. afe s~. 1~~ ~;k .. ,~ ~ S} r ~ ~.aq w A.~t c ~~"r 1 , ~k M ~ ~ ~~ ~~'~ ~ {" l ~ ~ ~ ~~ 4 C ~r `, ~ ~ $"~ x ~ ~ ~~ I ~F CILITY INFORMA ION ~ ~ ~ ui'~Y:y+~; ": ~ y , i 3 , a rt~~p i . x i : i ;t t .. , ;„g ~ . ~ , ~ A T ?: -,,~ ~ r~~~~,.,~~.7~~ ~~~ ;n~~z; ~,~_ ~ p , ~ ~. w, ,~~~,.~.:.~r~ ~~ ~ .~ ~~;~s~,.~~~ .. .k,µ... .a,.~,. ,.. ~ . . . ...... .. , . ,n ,w ... .» r . , m.... . .... ,.. ~.,._ » ., ., . . ., .4r...?~ ~ a..+,.. ~..:4 \ , i.,.dt`tu. .vX 5`..~,' i. r:7~ u' ,4., ~-' :~1~..ti~...~ f .,~:'f1n , ~~ : ~~„ f . . FAGLITY ID NO. (Agency Use Only) ~';' - ~ %~~~~`a~ ~~~~, ~ BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY AME ar DBA-Doing Business As) ' ~ ,~ ~ 1~i~ BUSINESS SITE ADORESS ~_ 103 • 1 ~ ~ . ~~ t'' -S.S+ilV'.~ n ~t't~;S + . f .''.' l ~ i ^n-" rr ~4~t .. . Li~Yl~'~"d ~~S~~~r'I.,~1 T4_. t-~'~~ad. 'kry. ,w`Z,~~c :XiL.~F~ 1"'Ciq9.NF. 0.~'.:~;¢+ +5..:,:P.:+ ~'-. .S.M~«..f.~HS ,- ~'C`' ~ v'~ $~. ~` ~ ~ ~ 4~ ~ ~~ '" O . i ~`CF p.'.f~,~t~,~~l`,.' 1'1'~Fy_.~~4 ,~Y'~-l.- +~iFi ~'~~h,~.fiky..r~~tSfi.. ~ y y3 ~ ` " , , , . . ~,~.~ a ~ ~ N ~ :~~ ~;~ -~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ -~ ~11 ~ 7AN .K :~,~1u~E~~ . ~ ~.1`•`.t..i ~...~ ..~.. .. s .xa... ..t...t...e. .. dh.~ ..~ ' ..C.~,°". 5.} ..~. DESCRIPTI ,, ~. ']f~~n~kA°.~ ^'~,~.~i5.. ,: ~ ~~. t~~ ~~ ~~ s.~~~~ '~ `~ :i•. ~ R TANK ID NO. 432 TANK MANUFACTURER 433 NUMBER OF TANK UNITS. THIS TANK IS: 4 ~ '~TAND-ALONE TANK \ 2 ONE OF iW0 OR MORE COMPARTMENTS DATE UST ISTALLED (YEAR/MO) 435 OATE EXISTING UST DISCOVERED 435b NUMBER OF CO PARTMENTS 43 ~~ ~ TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS 436 ~ ~ ~r a ~f ~~ ~9v r., ,~' q ~ . +",~j~ s w ~;a ~ zs ra• ' ~}rsyr . Wr+ ~k ~y+a q,,~ ¢ ~ >, ih ,~ } ~i ., ~ ~?i f tr~ 11~ y,~;A ~~"~~n7~'kr~'.~i,~ ~ k~~p G~~~~,i~~'.~. 7} kStt~~fnkx~~'t~~~ s. ~. ~~~ra~s r~"~~~" `':k°~,~. 3+~: ~ Is ~ ~~ ~~ r,~i~ ~",~r ~~v` ~ i ~1'~RSF? `,3~ ' .}„ ~~ ~ ~ y ~ 1 p J '~° ~ ~~ ` ` ~ . , .} ~~( ~„ ~iMC~ ' ` ~'°.i d? ~ V~~n ! '~~4 ~~Y~' ' 4 a '~ ~. ~tr 1k ~S ,~ G~ ~ ~;~`~ r~~ h ` ' ~ ~, $5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~~ f ~ N v ' ~}~ ' ~ y ''~~SI~+N ~ ~','1.~'`~ 4Y~ 1'p~,~~ ~A~~r f4p Y' '~.. JF ~f„s ~~~, %41 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ,[~ s. '~, ~~ .~..,.f C r ~ h.:r +., ~ ^~;. , . A .C .{w.:':, ah ~ , . . k W , . v. y uX,v,..~;.;k, ~..~. . tl w 1 f ~. ~sl,~i3 1~ &7 k-2k il^t ,{;:4.%T.i{fl~?~ 'i.\ t. <+'~d'~~..'.) '4~. ,5`~~..n. M,~, il. ~~.ri4~.i a.:~i _ 7).;~5 "~f '+rfl'1:'.~'4~~^-Y'~r 4~I~i:1 d'7 ~L2k^~ y fY ~fi ~ ~ .`'t "S~~g'Y..~d~ ~ ~ ~YLF~4 .,~: ~ ~ ti~~ ~,ru~..: ~~>M~;~L~~°,..~t~a.,,; ; r, :.~ w~~ :sd~'~;. ~y,:w~e . . ,.~h~..;~~;:~:iII.~;TANK.USE;`and:CO TENTS.;~,,,;~~,~ ~; ~,-~~~.~~ ~~::;~.,{,~..~~;F~~ ~.. ,~~ ~~.x~::~~~~~: ~ TANFj,USE 43 'w 1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUELING O 3. CHEMICAL PRODUCT STORAGE ^ 4. HAZARDOUS WASTE (Includes Used Od /Ilmarked com lete P trol T ^ 5 EMERGENCY GENERAT F p eum ype) ~ e . OR UEL STORAGE ~ OTHER GENERATOR FUEL TO GE ^ 7. MARINA ~UELING ^ 95 UNKNOWN f~19~ OTHER (S eGy) ~ . p TANK CONTENTS (PETROLEUM TYPE ) TANK CONTENTS NON PETROLEUM TYPE: 44 ^ 1a. REGULAR UNIEADED O 3. DIESEL ~ 7. USEDOIL ~ ib. PREMIUM UNLEADED ^ 5. JET FUEL ^ 10. ETHANOL ^ 1c. MIDGRADE UNLEADED ^ 6. AVIATION ~AS ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) ' ^ 8. PETROLEUM BLEND FUEL ~ 9. BIO DIESEL ^ 99. OTHER Spedfy) .~24Y1S ST~y'4y n ; a r~ M^N 'vt 1~ .' ~i r '2` R ~ ~'S~ -r ~l ~'i'~4 ~ ~ 5:..'J ~r:.._~. ,J, i ~t ; ., y ? J*/ ~ ... ~ - . .~ ` ~ ~. ~J •C~ > K ~ F~~ .'k~ry'S ~v `l;( J~ j~ ~~~'1~~ ~~~ ~" 4K ..~ A ,y IC ~y 3 ~iV 4.. ~ j~3 ss'*. }`~ t~(T7 J ~ FJ~ a~~ i4 ~ ~ ~r ~ `~" ' ~ ~ ~ ,~ . ~ , . ~.. ~ ~l~ 4 R ~ S F P y ~YY l ~ ~ .r,~7~.~..~r,,.«x.v~.:~ ,..~v:f. _,~~:: ,.x.~:~~ ~. ... .~,.~~... _~~,~~IY .~TANK~CONST,RUCTION,.~ .,. ~..x.: .,~ ~.,s:f~.~*r,. ..:~....z.~.: _ .~ .....~.~,.~~...,y <_. ,. TYPE /pF TANK (Check one item only 44 l~/f. SINGLE WALLED ^ 2. DOUBLE WALLED 0 3. SINGIE WALL WITH EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER ^ 95. UNKNOWN TANK PRIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one item only) ^ 1. STEEL ^ 6. NTERNALBLADDER ^ 95. UNKNOWN ^ 3. FIBERGLASS ~STEEL+INTERNALLINING ^ 99. OTHER(Specify) TANK SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (Check one ifem only) 44 ^ t. STEEL ^ 6. EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER ^ 90. NONE O 3. F~BERGLASS ^ 7, JACKEfED ^ 95. UNKNOWN O 99. OTNER(Spedfy) 45 OVERFILL PREVENTION (Check one rtem only) J ^ 1. AUDIBLE S VISUAL ALARMS ~FILL TUBE SHUT-0FF VALVE ^ 2. BALL FLOAT 4. TANK MEEfS REQUIREMENTS FOR D~I~I ION FROM OVERFILL PREVENTbN EC]UIPI~NT s~~' f~,~f~411~5"eP+ 6 i}~"'^3.'k ~' x'~i~_.t.i K ...~ r~'~ vk~~ r'.r_m ~ x o' 1.. a+.~..+ r i..,r .^~..::.~;. .,.:b. h ~+( '4T. 'Y' S'~ ~' -.,.` s ~ ~ a+,..1 ~,'S' '~'d f Y~. ` ia '9 'i~} §P . ~ ::. .. ~ . 'T' ~'h '~ ~~1~ ~ L` ~t~{~~r+•~,r1r H s v~.~~'~~*su~;';'-~~..,~ ~~;~ ~ t3.~; u~,N ~~PRODUCTa/ WASTE PIPING;CONSTRUCTIQN ~:. °~`~ a„ ~u~.,~ 1°~,~.~ .~`~'~~~,s~~~ ~"{~'~':S~~. ..w`~,..,,C.~~.~~~I°~~ . ,w ._. . ..:...., .S ~:~-<~'~rk_`+".`t:.f.;:+9.fl::'.~._..v LSF.~:..it.7:h, ., ;:_..a'?~„ ....;..~• ,u i...1..i.;.., . :i...,`,Srrw£z1,<.y~h~JGi~'.~`f,»i`..~`~~; _<~i.~..,.{m-.~.. '• F~'y.<~1~. t+'.A~~ PIPIN SYSTEM TYPE (Check one dem only) 4 ~PRESSURE ^ 2. GRAVITY ^ 3. CONVENTIONAL SUCTION ^ 4. SAFE SUCTION (23 CCR §2636(a)(3) 464 PIPING PRIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one dem only) ~ / ^ t. STEEL ^ 4. FIBERGLASS ~/8. FLEX~BLE ^ 10. RIGIDPIASTIC O 90. NONE ^ 95. UWQJOWN C! 99. OTHER (Specify) PIPING SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (Check one item nly) 464 ^ 1. STEEL FLEXIBLE ^ 10 RIGIDPLA5TIC ~ . 0 4. FIBERGLASS 95. UNKNOWN ^ 99. OTHER (SDecify) ) TURBI E CONTAINMENT SUMP (Check one ifem only) 464 . SINGLE WALLED ^ 02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 03. NONE FD 2094 (Rev. 11/06) UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK - APPLICATION (CONT.D) (STATE FORM B) Page 2 of 2 Page 1 of 2 1/ `~:p ' 4_r:.,~ ~.~.;_ ,,,~ nrn..,.:: ~ ~3,~~~„~.-~ ~~x~,~,,,~,~-~~ r~~ ~?~ns`~i'~~`t~~s~~g~~`,~ '°`~S~;VI' VENTtAND'V~APORAREC01/ERY ING S IP ~ CON UCTIO R N ~ R) a ' ' , . _ T ~ .,a~h~ :. :~tt~;~,,~ra~a,~.,~,,:<~~ .~~t~ ~,.,~:.~_ , .. .:,_.. _ ~..;~ f .:s, :~_< ~..4::~ aa ~ r..~:; .. , ~: w..,_..~ 3_ {, ~r, ,,.,r, `~ ~ ~r ~~ ~''~ ~,,~:; .: ~ .k.o- 1 . :i:.,s, ,, i .s . .: ~ 1~.-,.. ~. . s..~e'•, ~ ~ VENT PRIMARY CONTAINMENT Check one item only) ^ 1 STEEL ~FIBERGLASS ^ 10 RIGI . . D PLASTIC O 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Spedry) VENT SECONDARY CONT AIN MENT (Check one item only) ~ ~ O 1. STEEL uVa FIBERGLASS ~ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Spedy) VR PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ( heck one item only) q f,q ~ ^ 1. STEEI FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Spedfy) VR SECONDARY CONTAINMEN (Check one dem only) qgq ~ ^ 1. STEEL IBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) VENT ND/OR VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING TRANSITION SUMP(S) qgq 1. SINGLE WALLED ^'02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 03. NONE n y~ ~ - ~'v'~~4^1w,7~°1Ct4~ . ~~`~.3. S~E ~~L'~~'";``"'~t SrA..m~ F~rv.t~. :.k'b-~~ '~~` a~ :, zt,st{ . ~; x P_ t , ,~.,.:s -u n.,K :: v. -~_?;,~ :c.ya:: a .~i~- ~,~z +kt~. r• .~ ~ ~ tt 3 41a.:.a'r s,ra~,_.. "s 'i ,~:; ".; Y~' ,~ ~~~~t~j"`A i 'll '3~i€~"~~'' S nt `u~ r ~~ ~1~'w " '4~ ~ ~`~s`-E ~. - `k` 1 ~r~x`~' ,~tT £.~~!'E r"-i'K`~~~~1'~ ri~..!~4Y:l,t,~.,...~~~,,,~x.,~~;~:... ,~..~.~.~:.,R_,~v,.:~:_ __.r..Ull ~.3RISER,./ ~ILL PIPE_CONSTRUCTION_;•Yn.~ ~~.u~.~~. ..,4~~`. ~~F.k:.~ ~`'`~~'~ .. ~c .;a~.:..,.r..:_:- . ,_. ... ...._ <<, R IS/Eg,pRIMARY CONTAINMENT (Check one dem onty) , qg,qi ~ q/ 1. STEEL ^ 4 FIBERGLASS O 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Spedfy) RISER SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (Check one dem only) qgq O t. STEEL ~ FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) FILL PONENTS (Check one dem oNy) 46q SPIIL BUCKET INSTALLED O STRIKER PLATE / BOTTOM PROTECTOR INSTALLED VR SECONDARY CONTAINMENT Check one item only) qg,q~ O 7. STEEL ~IBERGLASS O 10. RIGIO PLASTIC ^ 90. NONE ^ 99. OTHER (Specify) VENT AND/OR VAPOR RECOVERY PIPING TRANSITION SUMP(S) qgq . SINGIE WALLED ~ 02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 03. NONE `~~Ky,4 ~~,h .'~~ ~S~ i~ .t4~°~3}~41# ~t ~~,:i x v.F~,'~ av__,. s .l~ ~:. F'~J ~~, ,,;;.a-Vr .,. te '1 z ._ a i ."*tv. a JS 4 s..~ ~ ~rr ~ . ~t;F..~'~y :Y' k, aw,~ ' ~ ~~~;;~ ~~;~~VIO~ ~'~ ~~' ~ ~ ~~ ~ UNDER DISPENSER CONTAINME UD 1 ` ~'~~ r ~~F ~~' ~= ~ ~~~ h ~, ; ~ , ~. ~,~, , ~ , ~ _ NT C ~ ~~ ~;; ~~ ~ f~~ ~~ ~~Y~,~;~d~,~ ... u...-_.r' it..r..u....ir, .i ............. d~ .wc.tt.:.3 , z~" / ~ i.Q. UDC ~C~NSTRUCTION TYPE qgg m/oi. SINGLE WALLED ^ 02. DOUBLE WALLED ^ 20. NO DISPENSERS UDC CONSTRUCTION MAT ER~IA qgg ~ ^ 1. STEEL m/4 FIBERGLASS ^ 10. RIGID PLASTIC ^ 99. OTHER (Speciry) ~I7''~ ~C+ ~,j+~~Mlt::S)ly'9 'f~(1'fh I"d~-MF ~" ~~"~~~:'t I Y ~3-i-S . e..f~~~,n,~' V'-~....:~.ui ._:! i,.,r~~f.•Y -Y Y' 4 - Jn ~ G ~Qr' ) r i ~ r +w.r a~ ,~. i h 1. F1 Z?S` ht _ ed ,vy„C~kE f~7n }t "!~ffi~. ~t. j--+'S Fa., -t .~ a13 a~`WSw i..~ T~s., , ~~;s~.~ g> {T ~~~~~~ Kr~~ ~° ~~~ ~w~~~ ~. ~dF~ ~dIX CORROSIOy`;PR~TECTION, y~- :a , ~,L, x,:Y~" ,, .E,. , xE t ~'~>~~.~~-~~f~~ ;. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ' , , ~ ~ . , , , »1.f l-1.. ~4r ~L C' ~ tl«. ~(3 ~'t7 4` v '~ky~S1 ~',~ 4~ }+ t.. cy t~. ~ t it ~+ r ~l. .:.n ,~,~ ..~. c~ { t~ y.+~~' ~d x' t 4xya.~i'RL~~ A ~.i Y~G ~ ~ 'i'"R ~/,. ~. ~ ~y( /~v ~t ~e~ .~3 ~i ~.~t Y~t e' . 5~~,"f .~~'.:3N,'~4.~~.:ti... .1.~ . ...\'{:l...~i r~R. ~..3^.M"i~.}Y.i4:.: . ~`'~ii'~i~~.l4 `* .?.l~~bi./TiS~' .d...~.,~~ ~.4 ~HF'~ § 11y't ~i~t'~k`~?~.atir.S„~A'~„ ~,7n~~R'~~ Y ;G.l....lr ~ S~ ~yr~y,`~"~ 4 ~ }}~ylS~'?1Tl~W ry'!S 5J 3~,~.~~'+~~ .\~+.. ~ l.m4 .5.~1..:~.w1 :3,}..`.Fe. STEEL COMPONENT PROTECTION O 2 SACRIFICIAL ANODE(S) IMPRESSED CURRENT ^ 6. ISOLATION ~ ~ .y1.'~~~(,~CM~~S'rv~y.}fil~.~Wiut.~.. 4 „N1~ ~~:.:! C ~..'K'fi ~ (,.~i~• _fM~ ~,. ~ y/:~ p .+~F ._i~;:~ - Y J d '1~1'4 .? s~ ~~ y; y ,a`} ' 2'~ l hkY[ - 1 l' ~ U:t~' r},r~~t~Y}+~yir'n i:Y' ^1"j"y~L~r ~.b~+~~ a~ ~r. d~~ tfC X x . y {~;r~+l'~Hkn y J14'~~~eic~ ~aA.~~r PY ' ° - :``~~Y f ~ ~'$ r ~ ~Y 1'~ at E }~t'd 1 : ~'LY ~+'^`~~ ^'M-.; "'~ y~gr 3 ~.'2~e ~ i, :3,,. ~+ ~ } ,+y.' A PUCANT , ~ ~ ~ SIGNATURE x ~ ~~, t ~ ; ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ ;~ ~~'~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ , ~ . ~ ~ . S..~,,, ~ s ~„ -~ u ,,~ ~y~, y~ ~ }' ^,~HAf. ~ 1 ~'d.lKpp , , ~ ~ ~ /J FF~ 7 ~" d.,"1~ '~ j~ `~i Ci. £' M ~ 3 kW `r' ~ .,('~' ~' SS $ ~ ~h .'~j J ,~ ~ ;' ~ C :Ff t~ "F x ~`F Y f'~ ~;r~t ~~c a r~ ~ S' ~ ~ ? ~? ? " ~ ~ a ~ ' ~ ~ ~ '! ' ~' ' ~ " ~ M,~ . . ~. ...., ,. , S L ,_, ._,...R ». .. ~ ,~ » S n ~ , ~ b~_-~, ys',t. ~ 5-xr~', ~§ar~.. a Y,J..t~,.4.:~~,~~~" _ A ~~?. :nyM ~"^ ~,..~Y .. ~ u f...J<d,. _4a.~~ ~,. : ~i°~ S ,~ :.F.a, ~:F, + CERTIFICATION: I cerUy that this UST system is compatible with the hazardaus substance stared and that the informalion provided herein is true, accurate, and in full compliance with legal requirements. APPUCANT SIGNATURE DATE ' ~ ~~ (~ 47 0 FD 2094 (Rev. 11/06) ~ 4yc ~ v~ ~ acoRO CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OPID DD DATE(MM1DOlYWY- HAPPY-2 OS/29/OS PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS 13SUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ThomCo Insurance Assoc. Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFlCATE License ~i0791289 HOLOER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 4333 N West Ave ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Fresno CA 93705 Fhone:559-226-1000 Fax:559-226-1800 INSURERSAFFORDINGCOVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURERA Markel Insurance Com an INSURER 8: Happy vas ~ Mini Mart Vickram 6 Amita Budiyan i"s~RC: 3221 Taft Hig hway Bakersfield CA 93313 ~n~raeao: INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURAfJCE USTED BEIOW FWVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NPMEDABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITtiSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDIT~ON Of fWY CONIR,4CT OR OTHER DOCUMEM WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFiCAiE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, T}fE INSURANCE AfFORDEO 6Y THE POLICIES OESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POIICIES. AGGREGATE IIMITS SHOWN M4Y HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTR NSR TYPE OF WSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE (MMlDDM() DATE (MM1DDlYYj ~~M~ GENERAL LIAB0.fTY EACH OCCURRENCE E S~ OOO ~ OOO A X COMMERCIALGENERPLLIABIIITY MSp610745 SL~OL~O~I ZL~OZ~OS pREMISES(Eaxcurence f SOO~OOO CIAIMS MADE X~ OCCUR MED EXP (My one person} ; 5~ 0 0 0 aERSOwu anDV inknrav i 1, 000 , 000 A X Liquor Liability MSP610745 12/01/07 12/O1/08 GENER.4L 0.GGREGATE 5 2, 000 , 000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT PPPIIES PER: PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG S N/A aaicY ~cr ~~ S,iq. Liab $1, 000 , 000 ' AUTOMOBILE LIABILRV COMBINED SINGIE LIMIT S ANY AAlfO (Ea acci0ert) ALL OWNEDAUTOS BOOILY INJIA2Y SCFIEOULED All70S (Per persany s HIRED AUTOS ~ BOOILY IN IURY . P S NOµOWNED AIJTOS er accident) ( PROPERTY DAMAGE s (Per axideM} GARAGEl1ABILRY AUTOONLY-EAACCIDENT S1,OOO,OOO A X a~van'o MSP610745 12/01/07 12/01/08 oTMERnvw EAACC s1,000,000 A X OTNER THAN AUTO MSP610745 12/01/07 12/01/08 ~OOI~AY: q~,~ s3,000,000 EXCESSNMBRELIA LIABILI7Y EACH OCCURRENCE S OCCUR ~ CIAIMS MADE AGGREGATE 5 S DEDUCTIBLE j RETEMION y S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND TORY LIMITS ER ~ E OY ANYPROPRIETOR/PARTNEWEXECIJTIVE .L. ACCIDEN7 S OFFICER/MEMBER EXClU0E0? II es tlesaib d E.L. OISEASE - EA EMPlOYEE $ y , e u~ er SPECIAL PROVISIONS below E.L. OISEASE - POLICY LiMIT S OTHER A Property Section MSPb10745 12/01/07 12/01/08 Property See Below DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATONS ! VEHICLES 1 EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT! SDECIAL PROVISIONS Buildinq/RC/Special Form $416,000; Pumps/RC/Special Form $120,000; Canopy/RC/Special Form $130,000; Personal Property/RC/Special Form $301,600; Hoses and Nozzles/RC/Special Form $5,000; Business Income/Special Form/Actual Loss Sustained CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION FORIN02 F'oz insurance Purposes only*** *R~#*AiA*t+~*#*t****#**A*#tt~-# •A#~+F~A**iF11+,F*A#fF*##*#*~##1F**#* *+FA*#A++iF***A**!***#***t**tF##* *#A***f++~t1##**tF~#**itF `(~,~ *.F#*i~*#A* SHOUID ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE E%PIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 1 O DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO 30 SHAIL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILRY Of ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, RS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. ~~12E~ SE ~IVE~ ~~ ~..~ ~/11i _ ~ ACORD B + E R S F I ~~ D F/I~E ARTM T RONALD ]. FRAZE, FIRE CHIEF GARY HUTTON, SENIOR DEPUTY CHIEF ADMINI57RA7SON TYLER HARTLEY, DEPUTY CHIEF OVEMT10N5/TNAINING DOUG GREENER, DEPUTY CHIEF F[RE SAFETY/PREVEMION SERVICPS HOWARD H. WINES, III, DIRECTOR PREVENTION SERVICES PIR[ BMBTY SlRVICHS ~ ENViRONMENTAL SERKCF3 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 OFFICE: 661-326-3979 FAX: 661-852-2171 Dear Business Owner: This packet contains important information regarding your business and the requirements of Hazardous Material Inventory Regulations. Both State and Federal laws may require that your business complete a Hazardous Material Management Ptan (HMMP). Please read all the enclosed information carefully. Failure to comply with any portion of the Business Plan requirements may result in Civil Liabilities of up to $2,000 for each day in which violation occurs. WHAT BUSINESSES MUST COMPLY If you handle, use, store, or dispose of hazardous substances at any time during the year in excess of the minimum reporting quantities you must submit a plan. Typical everyday hazardous material you may find in your facility may include, but are not limited to: compressed gasses; fuels - all types, including propane; solvents - most solvents would be hazardous material; oils - new and waste; thinners; caustic or corrosive material; poisonous or toxic material, and radioactive material. Minimum State reporting quantities for hazardous material are: • 55 gallons for liquids • 500 pounds for solids • 200 cubic feet (at standard temperature and pressure, for gasses) For all acutely hazardous material the minimum reporting quantities are found on the list of Extremely Hazardous Substances on the current EPA list (Vol. 52 No. 77 of the Federal Register.) This list is available at the Office of Prevention Services of the Bakersfield Fire Department, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301. For explosives and hazardous waste, any quantity is reportable. ~ Your reporting requirements are either the State quantities or the Federal (threshold planning quantity). WHICHEVER IS LOWER! WHAT BUSINESSES ARE EXEMPT If you do not handle hazardous material or if the quantities of hazardous material are below the minimum reporting quantities at all times during the year, you are exempt. Hazardous material which are stored in transit or temporarily maintained in a fixed facility for less than thirty (30) days during the course of transportation are exempt from the inventory requirements of the law. NOTE: Hazardous material contained solely in a consumer product for dired distribution to, and use by, the general public are NOT exempt from the reporting requirements of the law per this Administering Agency.) HOW DO BUSINESSES COMPLY Businesses that are required to comply with requirements of Chapter 6.95 of California Health and Safety Code must submit a plan. This business plan consists of: 1. Emergency Response Plans and Procedures. 2. Inventory of Hazardous Material. 3. Training Program for Employees. The forms for completing the Hazardous Material Management Plan are attached to this letter. By correctly filling in this business plan, you satisfy both the Federal Requirements (Tier I and Tier II Inventory Requirements of SARA Title III) as well as the California Requirements of Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and Safety Code. Business owners are urged to read and become familiar with Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and Safety Code. Copies are available at the Office of Prevention Services of the Bakersfield Fire Department, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301. The completed business plan is required to be submitted within 30 days of receipt of this letter. On-site inspections are required to ensure compliance with the law. If you have any questions or need assistance with completing the Business Plan, please call Manar Haddad at 326-3464. J~tt~isa~ ~e ~~au~ai~~~L .,~%lote ~l~ia ~ ~~arr~~ •. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN j , . ,. , , . `~ .:°s ,.:::;,«t . ". ._, ..m~t"~:_ INSTRUCTIONS BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR ID FORM (HAZARDOUS MATERIAL FACILITY INFORMATION) B H R S A I D F/RE O ARTr r ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services 1501 Truxtun Avenue, 1~ Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 661-326-3979 • Fax: 661-852-2171 Page 1 of 1 I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION: Enter the reporting period (year beginning and ending) for the facility information. Enter the business name and site address and phone number of your business. Do not use P.O. Box numbers. Enter the Dunn & Bradstreet or Federal Tax Identification number for your business. Enter the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) number for your business. Each type of business has a Standard Industrial Classification code number. Some common SIC codes are listed on the bottom of this page. Other SIC codes may be obtained from your worker's compensation insurance forms, the State of California Employment Development Department, or by calling our office at 326-3979. Enter the name and phone number of the person responsible for operating the business. II. OWNER INFORMATION: List the legal business owner or corporation name and provide the headquarter address or residential address if owned by an individual and phone number. III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT: Identify the person who is primarily responsible for environmental compliance at the business. This person may be either the business owner, one of the emergency contacts, an environmental manager, or consultant. IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS: List the name, title, and phone numbers of two people at the business who can respond if the Bakersfield Fire Department requires additional information or other assistance. These contact persons must have keys or access to all areas of the facility, be available for emergency call-outs, and have decision-making authority to call on other resources (such as hazardous waste clean-up companies) as necessary. V. CERTIFICATION: The business owner or operator must sign, date, and also identify the document preparer. COMMON STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION (SIC) CODES 0111 Wheat production 0541 Grocery store 5531 Auto & home supply store 0115 Corn production 0724 Cotton ginning 5541 Gasoline service station 0131 Cotton production 1541 Dry cleaning 5821 Eating establishment 0139 Field crops, except cash grains 2851 Paint manufacture 5813 Drinking establishment (alcohol) 0161 Ve etables & melons 2911 Oil refinery 5983 Fuel oil dealer 0172 Grapes j3441 Welding fabrication-structural !5984 LPG dealer ~ 0173 Tree nuts 3443 Welding fabncation-boiler ;7342 Pest control i 0174 Citrus fruits 3569 Machine shop _ ~7532 Auto body, upholstery repair, paint 0175 Deciduous tree fruits ; 4222 Cold storage ~7533 Auto exhaust repair 0179 Other tree fruits & nuts ! 4925 Compressed gas supplier 17536 Auto glass replacement 0192 General farms, rimarily crop ; 5093 Automobile salvage ` i7537 Auto transmission repair 0241 Dairy farms ; 5169 Chemical supply ~7538 General auto repair 0252 Chicken eggs 1 5511 Motor vehicle dealer (new & used) ;7542 Car wash I 0291 General farm, livestock & animals ~ 5521 Motor vehicle dealer (used only) ~8071 Chemical laboratory ~ FD2141 (REV O6/07) HAZAtRDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~-~~~ ~~:; e~,,~~~.,., r_,: ~ I~ Prevention Services .. .-~ ~~~; AP .~. ~~° ,.~~F~ . ~~ ; 1501 Truxtun Avenue, 1~` Floor PLICATION ~~ 8~ B~ s p I D Bakersfield, CA 93301 BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FORM ':'' F~RB Phone: 661-326-3979 . Fax: 661-852-2171 (HAZARDOUS MATERIAL FACILITY INFORMATION) ARTAI T ~ Page 1 of 2 u :. . # ,., .~ .,... , ti _. .~ 7.,~~-~ ~~~- ,~,.; Y ~ ~ ~ 4 7 ~ ~ +~.. ' y e s ~.~ ti ~'4 l~ x y. ~.~ ~, ~~~ t i i~ ~t it y;, v .: ~.~~'d L ~. r ~ ~~,s , ~ ~~~ : ~ ,.~ ",~ ~ ~ ~ F ~ ~; ,~ ~ J ; .~ ' ~ ;, r ~} ~~ ~ ~ , a~x ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ,~ F4;~ I ~ FACILITY IDENTIFICATION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ,~ ..~ ~ ,,, rt u , S ~ k .j.. 4< ,~; ,. ~;~~ o~ ) y~~:' p y.i7 a d~ u~' ¢~j. '~a~ t~>'~ d i§ y . ~?. Ffi~i`bt~1 k.. k ~v.~4F 1 ~ +~~ ~",~ M ' ~ l5 t sk ~~r '~,~ Z S, x ~~ - ^ ~ t ~ d ~ s } q "~L ~ i ~ '~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~d. , ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~ f ~ ~ ~ a d c ~ 9 a P~K~ ~ ;~'1 ' ~ 7~ s~ A ' M y { ~)Fr 1 x G~, G,.;t~ N ~ u, ~ •'=~ . f . •~< <_,.. dF ~ ~ ' .tFi y.# .. ..-~`.k; ~ h a ~ ,. : .. ~ . :Um.h. ,~ kG~.rt~Sykb, i.~1iY_,~.1 ,. ~ ~eR .~L r~s...`e~f+:.. »~...v.~_ ~. ,.. .~r ,LU~. Icr~.Y ...~:5 ~l a ..Y - trcA~'.. .1...,, ~i~ .V'^ •/LL~ FACILITY ID # ~~~` VII~ ?'~. 'C ~k, 1 YEAR BEGINNING 100 YEAR ENOING 101 ~ ^~' M~ . t ,.~2 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILCfY NAME or DBA) 3 BUSINESS PHONE lp~ a Gas ~~~.~ ~~..~ - 3/-~3~3 SifE ADDRESS 3~~~ ~a ` `,W 303 -;- r CITV ~~ft..E1W~~E~Y 104 ZIPCODE 105 ~ 33 I 3 c~ DUNN 8~ BRA057REET # 106 SIC CODE. 107 COUNTY 108 OPERATOR NAME 309 OPERATOR PNONE 110 1N~/F{y !h ,Y P M~ y~"~'n. F If ~t~i~~4~ya++~1~' ~1 FS~e.~.~1~ .ti~uk .k~...F~2T k+ y~dX ~'' A Ak~"~fF.~i ~ ~.~:~ '4)y~1,W Hft~.lb~,'ASYIF 5~.,..Y .ri~ ~}+ }'FS`~ f$f' ,~'~.v"n~ 1~?~fCkJA x~j'~ F~ ~}~'.:' FK h}:.:;.. ~tf ..SwA~ FY ,/ ti~A N'i ~ .YS'~ st S ..~~ ~ ~.P'~ y P. P 9:~!'~t'~, ~~{ ~ y ~ U~} 4 'ih l~! v, re .'„~?I ~ p :'i,3r ~+~FI ~4~~'IaY Zn 3;E ~/ 7 i+. ~}~~:1 d i;f.:i~~~l~1t t~tY~~'Y,~MJ~ti3+F e F :r ~i.~F .. a. ~ ~ _~. , ,.,, z .. ~'F ~. 3n }{ ~~ i k r t ~ P ~ + T ~ ~ '~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ + r x ~ 1. ~ +N. ,~~ b . ~ r +IA t U.. l.,.f t~ :.,. 5 ! ~S .,, S kS ly4r ~ y17~,~:~,y( y ~u~~^~~~f 'Ad _,, 7~;~sn'N4~Ir n ~ r.~4F~~ ' ~~ ~;^I_: ~ ~~ ~~ , ~ , ~,, v s ,r5 ~ „~.,~}~ , ~, .~ tt1~II. OW,NER•INFORMATION ~ ,k ~~,;~.~v ~ ~~ r ~ty ~c ~ ~ i~~~ ~ .~ s ~~. F1~ l A ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~7~:,~'"4 k'~M.~~~.~Jn1~fY Irfi9lY.. (~°:k N ~~,, i ~.4: kA :L,. . 5jpik ,~..~~. 1N'i~-.eM:r .,:~ ( .~.,. .~?,.T t ~;,.~. .,S,YI', MP~,tl.~`f. .~,..:,i.,.J,vk~iEM.~'~..t,~, ..1~,~.1~ 1!~Y4.;,• i .HAg (N Ji':f5t k } M+1*'~Ag~7~1~`~~E4W',v'. I ..~ ~'~-~~~f } S SL.lf`i'lal {~{3. .'*i'f f}~ a.}5^eT Mi ?~P KY S,~IUV f.,1v.t3:~L~ ~ }. y Jk x S'i S" .M,^~CFn'~,$ IxM, t1 .8~u 4 'v k. h :~. ~~s,,.. w~,n.: _M.~.. e,1 hr, 7.,. ~. ,..~'~ <<~~,'~i .a~ ,. ,+:a ,k...~axn , fa ~ .«rtwL~~~ ~ ,~ , ~.~.,'i, ~.~i F...,{xr.~.n :rhs ~ . ae~;;. .. , < <~; ~ nt .., ta~:.. . ,5,~. .~, ~,~ ,,,'~.. ~~ ,3.,~ ~„ , ~r . ~~,. ~> ~~, ,.~"~~f,..,~-~G'~.,, n ~Y~,... ~: ~ OWNER NAME ~~ ~~ ~~ D~~~~ . 111 ~ 112 OWNER PH NE ^ ^ ~ ~'~ ~1 /J OWNER MAII]NG ADDRE55 ~ ~ 6 I~ L~-~-n cl~ ~,,e_, ~~3 Cm ~ ~~ S .~) 114 STATE 115 ZIPCODE 116 a eY ~ C 3 3/ 3 t jrt'X *,~e§`.xK,~t~~ ~;`s,-# `.C~~, ,~~ 3 4' :jAB 5 1 ` +r rr'~ k'x~t£e-'°"`n q }'n'r ^s~t"~ ~...~.~~uy ~e.~.a,t~ ~,t; r 7--~t ~,*.i y *„y'~, >g r~"Y' k ' ~ "~ i~ ~ " ~ III ENNIRONMENTAL~CONTACT ` ~~ ' ~' - ~ ~ "# ~ " ~ ; ` ,,, ~, 1 a ,~ ~ , . ' - ~, .i t~ / 'X v '` '~ ` 1 ~ ~ ~ ' ` " ' ` ~ ' ` ~ ' " ckr r , i~: ~6 >,~Y ,~, ~.. ~ar."a.,~ a :y~ x' .~,°_ i,,.xi '~.t~ ~"•~ ~ < ;n~"~ K ~ at. "~ .~#~ ~3 ~~ r. '~.`: ~rs.~ ~ ~ .~ 1_;•'. .~:`~r Y. "a. ~.. ~e~, s _ y 117 CONTACT PHONE 118 CONTAC7 NAME CONTACT MAILING ADDRE55 119 CIfY 120 5Tp7E 121 ZIP CODE 122 ,....., ,,.. , ,. ..... i .,. -~, .~.,~_~ 11 t1 1 i(!~':v SL ~!1''.~ b '~i~ ~(le/Y`C ~:~Y 3 ~ i 4 ~,~,.y /+ C l S J+`'E .~~n cx~ e t, ~~~:~' sf~` J k:~' .:7y1' a~s~ ~'.l ~ '.~~'. ~ r A~wt~h~~,,;,~ ~r~~~h~, ~«1~~ t ~,~,.~r« ~fi~ ~r~, ,.~ t f~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~.IV. ~EMERGENCY~~ ONTA T ;,~~z}, ~ ~„~~a,~~~~~t~;~~ ~. .~;{.<~ ~~,.t, ~~ ,~Xf r ~ ~'~ ~~~,~~ ~~~~p:.~ C ~r .7 ~ s , ~ rv ~ x ~t ~l~'y (~~~ ~l ~ ~, ~ ~ i tr~`€ i '~ 3;-E a ~ '~~?`~ ?6~' i ~ ~ ~ ~ , t , . F ,...., .,., , ,., .,~. , 3.. .,,, . ~ . s ~ s . ~. 9.. ,r .:z.. . ,.. . , .~ ~ ~,. r ~ ~y, a }4a ~ ~ . ,~4 11~ :1,M~y'.lity'Ma~ i.~~.i,' I)~5t y,~4U..~yr~,'N,y4~1 kt~.~w ~~~ vF'Y;;i.:fil'k~ "~YF1}'" 4M N'~,iy~ ~~~~'?~k~'~G.:':,`{~'kd h 't ~,S ~{ 4'Y:AY,~ V,~Y~t+~~y~1, {J1 j ..~4~y.~,,„r(~Yy.4 kn:.: } ~14;~..~`^tk~k-~'R~r'..~±ftk El~,X Y y^ '3~ ~dt9 z:. 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J~in y~7~fly~~yGd`{i 1w'~4'~ {Yi 4~~~h~~C~.4,kh~4~~44w CNr~~':"? iP W P~4~~ vI'Y1.4,x,,'~ l{~I~ k4.. 1}t ~G~,Y..-~'~~ k~ ~i.~cCr C '~~~~.YSS+~.,AV4 Li t~8~! kS7 r , , ~l l, : ~.- * .r k~: 7 'N' ~~ y ~~ + ~ ~ ~ : G! . ~~ ~ ~' ~~ y ~ ~ ti ~ 1 ' ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tl ~ ~ ~" j 1 +~ ,i ~l ryw~ 1 5~ 1 ,{:2 .,~L ": ,. ; l ~ k~ / ' ty : 1 .:`i13 l '::~ Y ;~ ,f ~y..,: .; ' e (U k L !.. ~ ~ '~t u: V ~'~1 ~ < 1 • L I F Y ~,.~ ~~ ~ ,~p ~/ ~, CERTIFICATION _~.~~ ~~ ~Y,~ ~~ a ~ t1ae ~ , . ~~~ , ~ ~ > ~~~ ~ ~~~ ,{~~,>y~ ~~~ ~~;,>.;. •a~; ,x~ ~ ~ ~ ~i„ :.~1,~f'M~f 4Fa~1:~ ~1} 3 1n1~~d"~i ( i~+.,~ k~~'tt H ~F i, y~t ~3 ~1'f1fS[~ Y4E~.~,LK 'Y ~'k~ 5a ~C' ~ ~~'LS "~f~Y1~~ 1 E ~~h F^Y ~ ~Ff ~(~ 1 ~ 9 ~~ 1 ~ f~'~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~z~ y , y ~ ~5 q . p . .! 4~~r }:. ~ . . , , ... , k. . P a 2 : ?~lyr .~'a~.~~x" ~IAFIp.1.I+,ialP)~.NrY,~~'.~~idu< ~l„~d..,~Ym+~~u4...~?,~.v..w~, ,..~J~A1~: A71Y.~.'~~v~l">~+en~hf~~i~,.RL~AJ.~H"~~tl,...YM~ 4;?.it . 6'h ....vl.~ii.4~~...~'!e'i ~~i~'Z~{~'~~f,~~~~4~~~~pi.:'.,S;h~..,.'kxE .k,N..~h~~.~{ l...b~',~A$ t~it~~'~Q..~,A Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the informa[ion, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitt d in this inventory and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNATURE OF DOCUMENT PREPARER ~ 136 DATE 134 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER (PRINn 135 ~~ D ~, lyA~ NAME OF OWNER/OPERATOR (SIGN 8i PRINn 137 TITLE OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 138 ~ ~ ~ ~ FD2142(REV O6/07) ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIAL FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION Please submit the Business Activities page, the Hazardous Material Facility Information (HMMP) Business Owner/ Operator ldentification Form, and Hazardous Material Inventory Chemical Description Form for all hazardous material inventory submissions. For the inventory to be considered, please complete this page; it must be signed by the appropriate individual. NOTE: The numbering of the instructions follows the data element numbers that are on the Business Owner/Operator Form page. These data element numbers are used for electronic submission and are the same as the numbering used in 27 CCR, Appendix C, Business Section of the Unified Program Data Dictionary. Please number all pages of your submittal. This helps our CUPA or AA identify whether the submittal is complete and if any pages are separated. 1 FACILITY I.D. NUMBER - This number is assigned by the CUPA or AA. This is the unique number which identifies your facility. 3 BUSINESS NAME - Enter the full legal name of the business. 100 BEGINNING DATE - Enter the beginning year and date of the report. 101 ENDING DATE - Enter the ending year and date of the report. 102 BUSINESS PHONE - Enter the phone number, area code first, and any extension. 103 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS - Enter the street address where the facility is located. No post office box numbers are allowed. This information must provide a means to geographically locate the facility. 104 CITY - Enter the city or unincorporated area in which business site is located. 105 ZIP CODE - Enter the zip code of business site. The extra 4-digit zip may also be added. 106 DUNN 8t BRADSTREET NUMBER - Enter the Dunn & Bradstreet number for the facility. The Dunn & Bradstreet number may be obtained by calling 610-882-7748 or by Internet. 107 SIC CODE - Enter the primary Standard Industrial Classification Code number for primary business activity. NOTE: If code is more than 4 digits, report only the first four. 108 COUNTY - Enter the county in which the business site is located. 109 BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME - Enter the name of the business operator. 110 BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE - Enter business operetor phone number, area code first, and any extension. 111 OWNER NAME - Enter name of business owner. 112 OWNER PHONE - Enter the business owner phone number, area code first, and any extension. 113 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS - Enter the owner mailing address. 114 OWNER CITY - Enter the city for owner mailing address. 115 OWNER STATE - Enter the 2 character state abbreviation for the owner mailing address. 116 OWNER ZIP CODE - Enter the zip code for the owner address; extra 4-digit zip may also be added. 117 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT NAME - Enter the name of the person who receives all environmental correspondence and will respond to enforcement activity. 118 CONTACT PHONE - Enter the phone number at which the environmental contact can be contacted, area code first, and any extension. 119 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS - Enter the mailing address where all environmental contact correspondence should be sent. 120 CITY - Enter the name of the city for the environmental contact mailing address. 121 STATE - Enter the 2 character state abbreviation for the environmental contact mailing address. 122 ZIP CODE - Enter the zip code of the environmental contact mailing address; extra 4-digit zip may also be added. 123 PRIMARY EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME - Enter the name of a representative that can be contacted in case of an emergency, involving hazardous material, at the business site. The contact shall have FULL facility access, site familiarity, and authority to make decisions for the business regarding incident mitigation. 124 TITLE - Enter the title of the primary emergency contact. 125 BUSINESS PHONE - Enter the business number for the primary emergency contact, area code first, and any extensions. 126 24-HOUR PHONE - Enter a 24-hour phone number for the primary emergency contact. The 24-hour phone number must be one which is answered 24-hours a day. If it is not the contact home phone number, then the service answering the phone must be able to immediately contact the individual. 127 CELL NUMBER - Enter the cell number for the primary emergency contact. 128 SECONDARY EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME - Enter the name of a secondary representative that can be contacted in the event that the primary emergency contact is not available. The contact shall have FULL facility access, site familiarity, and authority to make decisions for the business regarding incident mitigation. 129 TITLE - Enter the title of the secondary emergency contact. 130 BUSINESS PHONE - Enter the business telephone number for the secondary emergency contad, area code first, and any extension. 131 24-HOUR PHONE - Enter a 24-hour phone number for the secondary emergency contad. The 24-hour phone number must be one which is answered 24-hours a day. If it is not the contact home phone number, then the service answering the phone must be able to immediately contact the individual. 132 CELL NUMBER - Enter the cell number for the secondary emergency contact. 133 ADDITIONAL LOCALLY-COLLECTED INFORMATION - This space may be used for CUPA or AA to collect any additional information necessary to meet the requirements of their individual programs. Contact your local agency for guidance. 134 DATE - Enter the date that the document was signed. 135 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER (FULL PRINTED NAME) - Enter the full printed name of the person who prepared the inventory submittal information. ~ 136 SIGNATURE OF DOCUMENT PREPARER (FULL SIGNATURE) - Enter the full signature of the person preparing the page. The signer certifies to a familiarity with the information submitted and that based on the signer inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, all the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. 137 SIGNATURE OF OWNER/OPERATOR/DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE - The Business Owner/Operetor, or officially-designated representative of the Owner/Operetor, shall sign and print in the space provided. This signature certifies that the signer is familiar with the signer belief that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. 138 TITLE OF DOCUMENT PREPARER - Enter the title of the person preparing the page. Page 2 of 2 FD2142 (Rev 06/07) HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ~ INSTRUCTIONS "'~ FOR SECTION DISCOVERY & NOTIFICATION ~ (FORMS) BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services 1501 Truxtun Avenue, 1~ Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 661-326-3979 • Fax:661-852-2171 Pa9e 1 of 2 The Business Owner/Operator ldentification Form FD2089, Chemical Description Form FD2086, and other forms (underground storage tank information, hazardous waste treatment, etc.) may be submitted as the first section of the Hazardous Material Management Plan in order to avoid duplication of information for initial submissions. A. LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: Describe the procedures and equipment used to detect any release or threatened release of a hazardous material from any storage container, tank, or vessel at your business. Please provide a written explanation that also includes the make and model number of any automated or electronic leak detection equipment in use at your facility. B. EMPLOYEE AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION: What agencies and/or corporate officials are notified in case of a hazardous material spill or emergency - what procedures are used to notify these parties? At a minimum, you must call 911 and the Office of Emergency Services at 800-852-7550 to report any spills that are a threat to life, safety, or the environment, or for other non-emergency spill reporting, please call our office at 326-3979. C. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE MANAGEMENT: Please describe who will be responsible for what activities (notifying authorities, clean-up companies, etc.), and what the chain-of-command is at your facility for making sure these activities are carried out. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: Summarize your plan for handling medical emergencies occurring at your business. List the local medical facility capable of handling an accident involving hazardous material used at your business. A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES: Explain the procedures that you have developed and implemented to help prevent an incident from occurring. These steps could include, but are not limited to, storage methods, container types, segregation, safety equipment, and/or procedures used. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MITIGATION: Explain the procedures that you have developed and implemented to assist in keeping a hazardous material incident at your business as small or confined as possible. C. CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES: . Explain what clean up procedures will be implemented in case of a release at your business. This should address small spills as well as a major release of material once the material is contained. Hazardous Waste: Please provide the name of the hazardous waste company that regularly removes the waste from your business, and how often that waste is removed. Please keep all disposal receipts for the last three years available on site for inspection. H S R 9 P I D P/R! ~ ARfl1 f FD2169a (Rev 06/07) HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ~ SECTION II.2 - RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN (CONT2 UTILITY SHUT-OFFS List locations of shut-offs using compass points and known or obvious landmarks. If you have a lock box containing keys and maps of the facility for the Fire Department to use, please list its location also. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY A. Private Fire Protection: Describe on-site fire protection for your business or facility unit, including sprinklers, fire extinguishers, alarm systems, and private response teams. B. Water Availability (Fire Hydrant): Give the location of the closest water supply or fire hydrant to be used by the Fire Department in case of an emergency. SECTION III - TRAINING List the number of employees that are working in the area of the hazardous material, use, or storage. Include all employees who have any occasion to be in those areas. Give the location where Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are kept on file. The MSDS must be readily available on site in a place where employees can access them. Give a brief summary of your Hazardous Material Training Program. Employees are required by State law to have a program which provides employees with initial and refresher training in the following areas: 1. Methods for safe handling of the hazardous material used by your business. 2. The Cal-OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. 3. Correct use of emergency response equipment and supplies available at your business. 4. The prevention, minimizing, and clean-up procedures you have developed for your business. 5. The emergency evacuation plans you have developed as well as your notification procedure and medical plan. 6. Procedure to coordinate with and assist the local emergency personnel that may respond to your business. 7. Who and how to call for immediate assistance in the event of an accident involving hazardous material. CERTIFICATION Please fill in your name, title, signature, and date on the signature line. IMPORTANT You must return this plan, inventory forms, and map within 30 days of receipt. If you have any questions please call us at 326-3464. Thank you for helping to keep our All America City cleaner and safer. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF PREVENTION SERVICES 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 2 of 2 FD2169a (kev o6/0~) HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN:~ APPLICATION FOR SECTION DISCOVERY & NOTIFICATION '~ (FORMS) BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ Prevention Services 1501 Truxtun Avenue, 1~ Floor s s x s F I nBakersfield, CA 93301 P/RL Phone:661-326-3979 • Fax:661-852-2171 ~ A/f 1M ~ T ~ Page 1 of 2 INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. Type/print answers in ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. ~. ~ Ar Z ~, z ~;` r '~'i s:,~ ~~ ~f.t~ M~~a'~ ~4~'«'~c3u7 ~ ?.~t o tr t -~wrr ~ '~ta~~ ,9~ ;~ r ~- ~~ ~5 ~,~ ~ ~a n '~ . , ~ ,~_ i T , ,. ^ r ~ : SECTION` I `~~FACILI~T~Y IDENTIFICATION ~~ `"~~~'~ ~ ~~'~~` ~~~~'`~` ~' ~~~ t ~• ~ ~" ''~ ~~' ~' u.. ~.~ > t k.~ i- ~..As' "'b w, S ~. Nv ~r.~ .~~~', rw,~,x. m'c.,.~ ..xk~sss,~'~.~`,~~ .~~,.~c.asl_iK.i;°~'~.a~,~,.an.fin '94+ BUSINE55 NAME (FACILTfY NAME or DBA) U ~1 ~I ~ M ~-~^c- • ~(3'H ~ C~as ~ M-(i.~' ~'l~c~ ~ ADDRESS (~or locai use oniy) ~ 2 -~a. ,~-"_ Hw~, ~`jA. lCe- ~',~1~ ~ °13~ I 3 FAQLITY ID # i,°:[~; 1 y~r;z, "'r: . ~,~ S R., t~~ ~ Yt { w °W?r Rsa k - ~ ~,s~ ~~ r"- ~v~a '~iF 2^^k~ . ~a~~ a N"^+~ ,~, "r,~~?k* f~ 'T .~~5 "W: ~~'° "~': '~#~~~,~ ~'~+f~~x"'~+.'~,~ e k~~r,~y~~ ~~.~s ~~i~' E ~ ~` . , , ~~,:SECTION.II:1 ;,~DISCOVERY AND,NOTIFICATIaONS~ ~ ~s~r~;~~~~~~`~,.~ ~;.Yry~ ,.?~ , A. LEAK DEfEClION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: ~e ~~~ ~oti~- -rLS 3 S~ Ce~l ~ ~crl; ~'c~--~ `av~ B. EMPLOYEE AND AGENGY NOTIFICATION: ~ ' , f„~ _'~ ~.Y-` ~~ O~ V.Q~ ~~~GL` ~.¢.~ ~~lJ~ (i...~ l/`'~/L~ C. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE MANAGEMENT: S~ ~)r// ~ w ~/ 1 ~~J ~~l,`~'PiY ~~/vW~ ~/ t.(, l`l. l ~~ l ~`' ~J/ D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: ~~-~C~ ~OS~I ~- ~~i y~ ~ $~- r i y~ ~ c ~`"'ktf '~~l s r.~s". q ~.t~ h~'-'~ ez~r "n.y :~`h ""q ~, R'~',"~ ~ . ~'.y~': t .,.iy.~is ~,y, ,, ~ , ~ x, ,:1:.?s',. ~} ~~y t ~+*x ~sy~~+q~5~~g~ k'~w.'i ~ ~P. , : ru„.~ . :~ ~ SECTIONzI~I.2M,~~RELEASE `RESPONSE° PLAN ; ,~~~£ ~~y~~~~ ~ t ~~a~G,~~~ ;,~ ~p».~ ~: A. HAZARD ASSESMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES: ~ c~-'lI ~~-~~ a~~ (~1~o~fi~.a,r--~co~ ~~aL-- B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MITIGATION: t~v~.a-(~ Sb,' l/ Ca,~ C~'//.-~v , ahs~t~+.~ ~volu-~~ ~` ~ ~ 0 ~ C. CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES: ,~ / ~?C~ !~\/' • ~Y~SD YV-v.~-~ ~9c~~Y-'~l. . / FD2169 (Rev 06/07) Page 2 of 2 ~~` « ~~,'r~ ~'~~ ~r x~"~ 'r ~ "~ SECTION~'II:2"`T RELEASEx RESPONSE~ P ~LAN (CONT~)~ ~~Y °~r'~~: ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'x~iW~ Q ~ ,`G°~ ~~t.. ~4~'..s~r•k:~ t ~Sµk,,~'e r s'~.44E^` ,r"~~ .f~ ~ 2 ;`S'~'~ "y + v"~da j fi 4 » "~ p "~5}~.e~ l ~ ~ r , C .-'a~ a .~ 4v"t , ~~a + `k°, ~a ~. iaa . . ws ~ a • 9 M v : .dF. ``v'S: v.: .,.Fq o. 1 M._ { ,•k~:i UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY) ~ _ ~~--~ GcU-~ PRNATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECfION: /J t /,'~~ D w~ C.~1 ~ lN U B. WATER AVAILABILiTY (FIRE HYDRAN"f): ~~/~ ~ .. ~ :, ~ ~ : . , , .. q'" ` ~ 5f,tia ~ SECTION III ~TRAIN~ING'~ . ~ ` ~:~ ~ - ~. - . . _. . .~ ~,,~,- .>.. a .. ~. ~ ~ ~ ~. k ~„+ ... ~~_~ _ .~a:S-.. 'z .. - -., ... x.... . an,. ~ ~-. c~,,, r., 4:. i ~ t~... , r NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: ~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: ~ YES ^ NO IF YES, LOCATION: BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: GL~( ~- 2cu~(,u,eey ~o-..J ~~ ~t~~~~%+tic~ s~-~f' ~ .~w ~'~'~ c~,~o~ 0 U W~e~ ~-Iv Cev~-~c~: -~Ya,~%%.~ ~ w~-~ ~vv~- ti.~--r~ ~ . ,,_ .. ' ~, 'f ~ ~ ~ ~ CE.RTIF~ICATION± h ~~r. ~~:_ ~°` ~ : . . . . . , ~ . . , ~ . , . ,- .~,., .~. ... . :,.~;,. ~ > . _.,. ~ ~ ~ ~ . ., , ,. ~. ~: ,, , :: > . ., ~ ~. .~ : . ~ . ~... . ; ,, : Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible,for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. ~ SIGNATURE OF OWNER/OPERATOR R DESIGNATED REPRESENTATNE ~ -~~ - an DATE G--z s o g NAME OF SIGNE (PRINT) 478 ~~ ~~A 3un ~~1Fl r~ 717'~E OF SIGNER 479 aw~,e o ~ FD2169 (Rev 06/07) BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ' ~~ Prevention Services HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN :°~ ~~ 1501 Truxtun Avenue, 1~ Floor a $ R s r~ n Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSTRUCTIONS i„'; FiRe ~~ ' A~ r Phone: 661-326-3979 • Fax: 661-852-2171 CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION FORM ,° HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM ~ Page 1 of 3 Make as many copies of the chemical description form as necessary to report your entire inventory of hazardous material. Report every hazardous material handled in quantities equal to or exceeding 55 gallons of a liquid, 500 pounds of a solid, or 200 cubic feet of a gas. Report ~y amount of any hazardous waste being generated or handled on site. I. FACILITY INFORMATION: Check the appropriate box for a new inventory or for additions, revisions, or deletions to an existing inventory. Enter the business name at the top of the form. Enter the page number in the right hand comer. Describe the exact location of the hazardous waste or material being reported. NOTE: Chemical location information is considered confidential unless you check no. If a site map is being submitted, you may refer to the map number and grid coordinates for the approximate location of the material, as shown on the map. 1 FACILITY I.D. NUMBER - This number is assigned by the CUPA or AA. This is the unique number which identifies your facility. 3 BUSINESS NAME - Enter the full legal name of the business. II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION: Each of the instructions below corresponds to the entry Feld with the same number on the chemical description form. 205 CHEMICAL NAME - Enter the proper chemical name associated with the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number of the hazardous material. This should be the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) name found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). NOTE: If the chemical is a mixture or a hazardous waste, do not complete this field; complete the "common name" field instead. 206 TRADE SECRET - Check "Y" for yes if the information in this section is declared a trade secret, or "N" for no if it is not. State requirement: If yes, and business is not subject to EPCRA, disclosure of the designated trade secret information is bound by Health and Safety Code, Section 25511. Federal Requirement: If yes, and business is subject to EPCRA, disclosure of the designated Trade Secret information is bound by Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the business must submit a Substantiation to Accompany Claims of Trede Secrecy form (40 CFR 350.27) to USEPA. 207 COMMON NAME - Enter the common name or trade name of the hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material. 208 EHS - Check "Y" for yes if the hazardous material is an Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS), as defined in 40 CFR, Part 355, Appendix A. If the material is a mixture containing an EHS, leave this section blank and complete the section on hazardous 209 CAS - Enter the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number for the hazardous material. For mixtures, enter the CAS number of the mixture if it has been assigned a number distinct from its components. If the mixture has no CAS number, leave this column blank and report the CAS numbers of the individual hazardous components in the section below. 210 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASES (leave blank) 211 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE - Check the one box that best describes the type of hazardous material: pure, mixture, or waste. If waste material, check only that box. If mixture or waste, complete hazardous components section. 212 RADIOACTIVE - Check "Y" for yes if the hazardous material is radioactive or "N" for no if it is not. 213 CURIES - If the hazardous material is radioactive, use this area to report the activity in curies. You may use up to nine digits with a floating decimal point to report activity in curies. 214 PHYSICAL STATE - Check the one box that best describes the state in which the hazardous material is handled: solid, liquid, or gas. 215 LARGEST CONTAINER - Enter the total capacity of the largest container in which the material is stored. 216 FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES - Check all the physical and health hazards associated with the hazardous material: PHYSICAL HAZARDS: 1 Fire: Flammable liquids and solids, combustible liquids, pyrophorics, oxidizers 2 Reactive: Unstable reactive, organic peroxides, water reactive, radioactive 3 Pressure Release: Explosives, compressed gases, blasting agents HEALTH HAZARDS: 4 Acute Health (Immediate): Highly toxic, toxic, irritants, sensitizers, corrosives, other hazardous chemicals with an adverse effect with short-term exposure. 5 Chronic Health (Delayed): Carcinogens, other hazardous chemicals with an adverse effect with long-term exposure. 217 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT - If the hazardous material being inventoried is a waste, provide an estimate of the annual amount handled. 218 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT - Enter the maximum amount of each hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material, which is handled in a building or adjacent/outside area at any one time over the course of the year. This amount must contain at a minimum last year's inventory of the material reported on this page, with the reflection of additions, deletions, or revisions projected for the current year. This amount should be consistent with the units reported in Box 221. 219 AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT - Calculate the average daily amount of the hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material in each building or adjacent/outside area. Calculations shall be based on the previous year's inventory of material reported on this page. Total all daily amounts and divide by the number of days the chemical will be on site. If this is a material that has not previously been present at this location, the amount shall be the average daily amount you project to be on hand during the course of the year. This amount should be consistent with the units reported in Box 221 and should not exceed that of maximum daily amount. 220 STATE WASTE CODE - If the hazardous material is a waste, enter the appropriate California 3-digit hazardous waste code as listed on the back of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest. A list of common State Waste Codes is included on page 3 of these instructions. FD2144a (Rev 06/07) HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION FORM Page 2 of 3 221 UNITS - Check the unit of ineasure that is most appropriate for the material being reported on this page: gallons, pounds, cubic feet or tons. NOTE: If the material is a Federally-defined Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS), all amounts must be reported in pounds. If material is a mixture containing an EHS, report the units that the material is stored in (gallons, pounds, cubic feet, or tons). 222 DAYS ON SITE - List the total number of days during the year that the material is on site. 223 STORAGE CONTAINER - Check all boxes that describe the type of storage containers in which the hazardous material is stored. NOTE: If appropriate, you may choose more than one. 224 STORAGE PRESSURE - Check the one box that best describes the pressure at which the hazardous material is stored. 225 STORAGE TEMPERATURE - Check the one box that best describes the temperature at which the hazardous material is stored. 226 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT i-5 (% BY WEIGHT) - If a range of percentages is available, report the highest percentage in that range. 230 HA2ARDOUS COMPONENT i-5 (% BY WEIGHT) - If a range of percentages is available, report the highest percentage in that range. 234 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT i-5 (% BY WEIGHT) - If a range of percentages is available, report the highest percentage in that range. 238 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT 1-5 (% BY WEIGHT) - If a range of percentages is available, report the highest percentage in that range. 242 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT 1-5 (% BY WEIGHT) - If a range of percentages is available, report the highest percentage in that range. 227 HA2ARDOUG COMPONENT 1-5 NAME - When reporting a hazardous material that is a mixture, list up to five chemical names of hazardous components in that mixture by percent weight (refer to MSDS or, in the case of trade secrets, refer to manufacturer). All hazardous components in the mixture present at greater than i% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, should be reported. If more than five hazardous components are present above these percentages, you may attach an additional sheet of paper to capture the required information. When reporting waste mixtures, mineral and chemical composition should be listed. 231 HAZARDOUG COMPONENT 1-5 NAME - When reporting a hazardous material that is a mixture, list up to five chemical names of hazardous components in that mixture by percent weight (refer to MSDS or, in the case of trade secrets, refer to manufacturer). All hazardous components in the mixture present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, should be reported. If more than five hazardous components are present above these percentages, you may attach an additional sheet of paper to capture the required information. When reporting waste mixtures, mineral and chemical composition should be listed. 235 HA2ARDOUG COMPONENT i-5 NAME - When reporting a hazardous material that is a mixture, list up to five chemical names of hazardous components in that mixture by percent weight (refer to MSDS or, in the case of trade secrets, refer to manufacturer). All hazardous components in the mixture present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, should be reported. If more than five hazardous components are present above these percentages, you may attach an additional sheet of paper to capture the required information. When reporting waste mixtures, mineral and chemical composition should be listed. 239 HAZARDOUG COMPONENT i-5 NAME - When reporting a hazardous material that is a mixture, list up to five chemical names of hazardous components in that mixture by percent weight (refer to MSDS or, in the case of trade secrets, refer to manufacturer). All hazardous components in the mixture present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, should be reported. If more than five hazardous components are present above these percentages, you may attach an additional sheet of paper to capture the required information. When reporting waste mixtures, mineral and chemical composition should be listed. 243 HA2ARDOUG COMPONENT 1-5 NAME - When reporting a hazardous material that is a mixture, list up to five chemical names of hazardous components in that mixture by percent weight (refer to MSDS or, in the case of trade secrets, refer to manufacturer). All hazardous components in the mixture present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, should be reported. If more than five hazardous components are present above these percentages, you may attach an additional sheet of paper to capture the required information. When reporting waste mixtures, mineral and chemical composition should be listed. 228 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT 1-5 EHS - Check "Y" for yes if the component of the mixture is considered an Extremely Hazardous Substance as defined in 40 CFR, Part 355, or "N" for no if it is not. 232 HA2ARDOUS COMPONENT 1-5 EHS - Check "Y" for yes if the component of the mixture is considered an Extremely Hazardous Substance as defined in 40 CFR, Part 355, or "N" for no if it is not. 236 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT 1-5 EHS - Check "Y" for yes if the component of the mixture is considered an Extremely Hazardous Substance as defined in 40 CFR, Part 355, or "N" for no if it is not. 240 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT i-5 EHS - Check "Y" for yes if the component of the mixture is considered an Extremely Hazardous Substance as defined in 40 CFR, Part 355, or "N" for no if it is not. 244 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT 1-5 EHS - Check "Y" for yes if the component of the mixture is considered an Extremely Hazardous Substance as defined in 40 CFR, Part 355, or "N" for no if it is not. 229 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT 1-5 CAS - List the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) numbers as related to the hazardous components in the mixture. 233 HA2ARDOUS COMPONENT 1-5 CAS - List the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) numbers as related to the hazardous components in the mixture. 237 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT 1-5 CAS - List the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) numbers as related to the hazardous components in the mixture. 241 HA2ARDOUS COMPONENT i-5 CAS - List the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) numbers as related to the hazardous components in the mixture. 245 HAZARDOUS COMPONENT 1-5 CAS - List the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) numbers as related to the hatardous components in the mixture. III. SIGNATURE 246 SIGNATURE - Print name, title, sign, and date each chemical description form. CALIFORNIA WASTE CODES Code Descrj~jQn Inorganics 111 Acid solution 2< pH < 7 with metals (antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, vanadium, and zinc) 112 Acid solution without metals 113 Unspecified acid solution 121 Alkaline solution pH >12.5 with metals (see 111) 122 Alkaline solution without metals 123 Unspecified alkaline solution 131 Aqueous solution (2 < pH < 12.5) containing reactive Anions. (azide, bromate, chlorate, cyanide, fluoride, hypochlorite, nitrite, perchlorate and sulfide anions) 132 Aqueous solution with metals (see ili) 133 Aqueous solution with total organic residues 100% or more 134 Aqueous solution with total organic residues < 10% 135 Unspecified aqueous solution 141 Off-spec, aged, or surplus inorganics 151 Asbestos containing waste 161 FCC Waste 162 Otherspentcatalyst 171 Metal sludge (see 111) 172 Metal dust and machining waste (see 111) 181 Other inorganic solid waste Code Descri tn ion Organics (cont) 261 PCB and material containing PCB 271 Organic monomer waste (includes unreacted resins) 272 Polymeric resin waste 281 Adhesives 291 Latex waste 311 Pharmaceutical waste 321 Sewage sludge 322 Biological waste other than sewage sludge 331 Off-spec, aged or surplus organics 341 Organic liquids (non-solvents) with halogens 343 Unspecified organic liquid mixture 351 Organic solids with halogens Sludge 411 Alum and gypsum sludge 421 Lime sludge 431 Phosphate sludge 441 Sulfur sludge 451 Degreasing sludge 461 Paint sludge 471 Paper sludge/pulp 481 Tetraethyl lead sludge 491 Unspecified sludge waste Organics 211 Halogenated solvents (methylene chloride, chloroform, TCE, TCA) 212 Oxygenated solvents (acetone, butanol, MEK) 213 Hydrocarbon solvents (Stoddard solvent, xylene) 214 Unspecified solvent mixture 221 Waste oil and mixed oil 222 Oil/water separation sludge 223 Unspecified oil - containing waste 231 Pesticide rinse water 232 Pesticide and other waste associated with pesticide production 241 Tank bottom waste 251 Still bottoms with halogenated organics 252 Other still bottom waste Miscellaneous 511 Empty pesticide containers 30 gal or more 512 Other empty container 30 gal or more 513 Empty containers less than 30 gal 521 Drilling mud 531 Chemical toilet waste 541 Photo chemical/photo processing waste 551 Laboratory waste chemicals 561 Detergent and soap 571 Fly ash, bottom ash, and retort ash 581 Gas scrubber waste 591 Bag house waste 611 Contaminated soil from site clean-ups 612 Household wastes Page 3 of 3 FD2144a (Rev 06/07) HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN r~ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION FORM `~ HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY ~~` ~ NEW ^ ADD ^ DELETE ^ REVISE zoa B fl R S P 1 D F/RB A~ T BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services 1501 Truxtun Avenue, 1~ Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone:661-326-3979 . Fax: 661-852-2171 Page 1 of 2 LQn~fnrm~er material._ oer 6uildlna. or area.l ~ ~~`~:~~, lt~;/{ ` Syyh..ti1~.'~,'1'~"rc.~~.~ ~'b .~s~~r9~3~~ti z,~. y '~ ~ ".tl..~~~r.::tw~tfL~u.~.,::~<M'~. ~.~~,.i^ri.;, e'T~?,3,44r~' w€'qy ~ a~:r~ ~ y~~" ~r 5~~.J~: °~~ rtatl~M ~ ~~n tt"',~Ly~.:: `yt ~. . U i ~' 5" ~ ' 74 ~ ~~k~+4~t~Y ~ ~ ''~~ ~n~ fPN n ~ Y 'V ~y k k~ ~~ i4 ~i ~' Y ~ ~f6 i ~ '~~ ~ i ~ r ~ ' ~ ~ Y' ~µ ' , ~ 4 .~ F ~ S , a r . ~iA; ~ , 4 ~ ( l4 F ~ k ;Y S 14C {l ! }' fl$ ~.l f 4 ~i } ~ ~ ~ r Y ~. I FACILITY ~INFORMATION ~p fi ~~` ~ 3 ~~ 5~n ~ ~ ~~ „ ~O 4) f ~ ;kY+ ! $ '~ 4 ~ Jrv ~ 3t ~! ~ ~ G ~ ' S C1 ~ ~? ''~-A5 ~~ ~ ~ ~, . ,}i y : , . . ,~ ~ 1 3.ti k X ~ C~ 4 w y 4 ~ d . ? 0 4 F „x„ ~ F~. d r'fl. .dC . .~.2 .,A:{xa k ~'.~'s X,r .v4 " ~'} N , .t..i , ~7' .:~t.,R,. .oY. . d~: BUSINESS NAME (FACILITY NAME or DBA) 3 U;D) '~1--t~ ~i~ ,~ SIR Ho~ CtaS ~ Y~.~~ln.~~~ CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 " ~ ~ ' I q33~ CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 3~ ^~ ~ ~ N „ w ~s ~D ~ 3 -C JJ~•~a•~'.~ CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) ^ Yes ^ No FACILIIY ID # ,;; ~ ~,' '? ; 1 MAP #(optionap 203 GRID #(oDtionaq 204 'u; ~~~ ~ ~~.:;u ~? ~h, f ~1 i~S:~ ~i h Y 4F .+u+b,l l ~^ /.~;y ~ f tt "~1~.' ?) A~ ~ ~:ir ~ l ~ tt,.: +` ~,.i rktA$1a'akt# ~tt^~¢ lly ~e%i.b ~~ ' ~ . Pr4 I .R. ,s.X9+'~/ Pw~~ `."'t kf' dY'~.-t /7~> f"u .; i~e~ ~k ~ ^ . ~' 4 i~i ~ J;:R. i..~ t( ft .'!' +Y t~.i F~ r~r ~a~ C~,' .~k d~k,~4 ui a t , r i Y,4 ., a:: , ~ ^~ ~, n~ M s ..11 r~ ~ r,t„ t wt,..~ ql~ ..t~ } ~" .}; t~~ ~4 ~` { ~ ~ k .: ~ i7~€~~ ~ I ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TM x't t % ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ i . '4 1~t F , , y ,~ ~; ~ j f ~Fa ~ I .~~. r,. ~ : ?~:r A~x~,~N YLL4y~.~ .;~ir1:'tS ~.t~ k4!?. lal R'f..n~kq ~ 4n7i,~i~ ,d~~ i,'~G' !i e4 G~~~~ 4 ~` v% ~h 4a~ ~ ~~ , ,~ ~ ~:,,~ , ~r~, ; ~~ ~~ r~ w~ ~ II CHEMICAL~~INFORMATION~~ 4 ~ ,~; ~ , . ~4v ~ w , ;~~t ~ ,~' ~s ~ ~ ~ 6 , , ,, , , p Y u» "~ ~ " ".~'_ x.~ K. A l k v :4.~N, I ~ .r~.~~ ~ , 4~4~,'. ll .,A~. , iF"~J've~ u ~ ~ 1 ~'~ ~~, J . S, l , ~f. " . , ~ `„s. ...~ . .. P.kc'~".. J,Y . y . ::,~s n.. ~ z u Y: ,~ ~A~Y'S~fsS~3v$. w ~ . ~ ~n ~.5~.~: CHEMICAL NAME 205 206 ' TRADE SECRET ^ Yes J8P No If sub~ect to EPCRA, refer to instruttlons COMMON NAME 207 ~a~ ~~~^w ~ EHS* ^ Yes ~'jNo2~$ l~-w ~1~-l~ CAS # 209 'If EHS is yes, all amounts below must be in pounds. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (complete if requested by local fire chie~ 210 7YPE ~ 211 ~ PURE ~MIXT RE ^ WAST 212 ~DIOACTIVE: ^ Yes OtiNo CURIES 213 U E ~ LARGEST CONTAINER 215 PHYSICAL STATE ^ SOLID 0 LIQUID ^ GAS 21a L ' . _~, / 216 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES q;~ FIRE REACTIVE PRESSURE RELEASE ^ ACUTE HEALT}i ^ CHRONIC HEALTN (Check all that apply) ANNUAL WASTE i AMOUNT '( ~ Z17 ~ MAXIMUM Zlg DAILY AMOUNT r~ 7~ n ~' AVERAGE 219 DAILY AMOUNT STATE WASTE 220 CODE l/ t \~ V 1,` ( Z21 DAYS ON SIfE 222 ^ UNITS~ GAL ^ CU FT ~ LBS 0 TONS ~~ ~~~~ • , r Ii EHS, amount must be in Ibs. ~ STORAGE CONTAINER: ZZ ^ ABOVEGROUND TANK ^ CAN ^ BOX ^ TANK WAGON ~ UNDERGROUND TANK ^ CARBOY ^ CYLINDER 0 RAIL CAR ^ TANKINSIDE BUILDING 0 SIlO ^ GLASS BOTTLE ^ OTHER ^ STEEL DRUM ^ FIBER DRUM ^ PLASTIC BOTTLE ^ TOTE BIN 0 PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM ^ BAG 224 STORAGE PRESSURE: AMBIENT ^ ABOVE AMBIENT 0 BEIOW AMBIENT 225 STORAGETEMPERA7URE: AMBIENT 0 ABOVE AMBIENT ^ BELOW AMBIENT ^ CRYOGENIC %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS # 1 226 ~.2 K 227 ^ YES ^ NO 228 229 Z 230 231 ^ Yes ^ No 232 233 3 234 ( .2 235 ^ Yes ^ No 236 237 4 238 ' 239 ^ Yes ^ No 2a0 2a1 5 Z4Z 2a3 ^ Yes ^ No 244 2a5 k . ~ ' t ~ . J ' .' , L .' T! ~' ~I ~ P "_ ~.S' :: • 1 ~~ L . l 3~kt- ~ ~ f ~ y 5l i~~° Y b ' 1 ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ xx 1 _~~ ~ 5 I`~ U Y .. 'A . p . xe i", ' ~ b"~~ ;~ ~ 'L.7~i~"?'~ .1; "i. ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ „~ ~ f~ ~,. ~, ,f ~, ~~ ~~, II Y ~ , x, 2.~ REy, SIGNAT ~ ~ -~ ~~~.~~~~n~- +~ s ~~: ~~ ~~ 2 ~, ~ s ~ y 4 l~ ~> N 3~ LS~, - ~~ f~ . . n .. , i,~ ,. . .~ . ... ~~ ~y~ X ~ ( 1 "+11 4 .~.^'e. t',i 41Y'. z.^n... . t . , r, r.... , .c . PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE S NATURE DATE 2a6 ~~ll"~ UD\ OWN~~10~-Y``'~t~n~C'~C_-~`_f ~-~5~ ~ c~/~ FD2144(Rev 06/07) Hazardous Material Inventory - Chemical Description You must complete a separate Hazardous Material Inventory - Chemical Description page for each hazardous mater~al (hazardous substances and hazardous waste) that you handle at your facility tn aggregate quantities equal to or greater than 500 pounds, 55 gallons, 200 cubic feet of gas (calculated at standard temperature and pressure) or the Federal threshold planning quantity for Extremely Hazardous Substances, whichever is less. Also complete a page for each radioactive material handled over quantities for which an emergency plan is required to be adopted pursuant to 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, or 70. The completed inventory should reflect all reportable quantities of hazardous material at your facility, reported separately for each butlding or outside adjacent area, with separate pages for unique occurrences of physical state, storage temperature and storage pressure. (NOTE: the numbering of the instructions follows the data element numbers that are on the UPCF pages. These data element numbers are used for electronic submission and are the same as the numbering used in 27 CCR, Appendix C, and Business Section of the Unified Program Data Dictionary. Please number all pages of your submittal. This helps your CUPA or AA identtfy whether the submittal is complete and if any pages are separated. i FACILITY ID NUMBER - This number Is assigned by the CUPA or AA. This is the unique number which identifies your facility. 3 BUSINESS NAME - Enter the full legal name of the business. 200 ADD/DELETE/REVISE - Indicate if the material is being added to the inventory, deleted from the inventory, or if the information previously submitted Is being revlsed. NOTE: You may choose to leave this blank tf you resubmit your entire inventory annually. 201 CHEMiCAL LOCATION - Enter the bullding or outside/adjacent area where the hazardous material is handled. A chemtcal that is stored at the same pressure and tempereture, in multiple locatlons within a building, can be reported on a single page. NOTE: This information is not sub~ect to public disclosure pursuant to HSC §25506. 202 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL - EPCRA - All businesses which are subject to the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) must check yes to keep chemical location information confidential. If the business does not wish to keep chemical locatlon Information confldential check no. 203 MAP NUMBER - If a map is included, enter the number of the map on which the location of the hazardous material is shown. 204 GRID NUMBER - If grid coordinates are used, enter the grid coordinates of the map that correspond to the location of the hazardous material. If appllcable, multiple grid coordinates can be listed. 205 CNEMICAL NAME - Enter the proper chemical name associated with the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number of the hazardous materlal. This should be the Intematlonal Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) name found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). NOTE: If the chemical Is a mixture, do not complete this Fleld; complete the "COMMON NAME" fieid instead. 206 TRADE SECRET - Check yes if the Informatton in this section is declared a trade secret or no if it is not. State requirement: If yes, and business is not sub~ect to EPCRA, disclosure of the designated trade secret information is bound by HSC §25511. Federal requirement: If yes, and business Is sub~ect to EPCRA, disclosure of the designated Trade Secret information is bound by 40 CFR and the business must submit a Substantiation to Accompany Claims of Trade Secrecy form (40 CFR 350.27) to USEPA. 207 COMMON NAME - Enter the common name or trade name of the hazardous material or mixture contatning a hazardous material. 208 EHS - Check yes if the hazardous material is an Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS), as deflned in 40 CFR, Part 355, Appendix A. If the materlal Is a mixture contalning an EHS, leave this section blank and complete the section on hazardous components below. 209 CAS #- Enter the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number for the hazardous material. For mixtures, enter the CAS number of the mixture if it has been assigned a number distinct from its components. If the mixture has no CAS number, leave this column blank and report the CAS numbers of the Individual hazardous components in the appropriate section below. 210 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES - Describes to flrst responders the type and level of hazardous material which a business handles. This information shall only be provided if the local fire chief deems it necessary and requests the CUPA or AA to collect it. A Iist of the hazard classes and instructions on how to determine which class a material falls under are included in the appendices of Article 80 of the Uniform Fire Code. If a material has more than one applicable hazard class, include all. Contad CUPA or AA for guidance. 211 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE - Check the one box that best describes the type of hazardous material: pure, mixture, or waste. If waste material, check only that box. If mixture or waste, complete hazardous components section. 212 RADIOACTIVE - Check yes if the hazardous material is radioactive or no if it is not. 213 CURIES - If the hazardous material is radioactive, use thts area to report the activity in curies. You may use up to nine digits with a floating decimal polnt to report acCivity in curies. 214 PHYSICAL STATE - Check the one box that best describes the state in which the hazardous material is handled: solid, liquid, or gas. 215 LARGES7 CONTAINER - Enter the total capacity of the largest container in which the material is stored. 216 FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES - Check ali categories that describe the physical and health hazards associated with the hazardous material. 217 AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT - Calculate the average daily amount of the hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material, in each building or adJacent/outside area. Calculations shall be based on the previous year inventory of material reported on this page. Total all daily amounts and divide by the number of days the chemical will be on site. If this is a material that has not previously been present at this locatlon, the amount shall be the average daily amount you proJect to be on hand during the course of the year. This amount should be consistent with the units reported In Box 221 and should not exceed that of maximum daily amount. 218 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT - Enter the maximum amount of each hazardous material or mixture contatning a hazardous material, which is handled in a building or adjacent/outside area at any one time over the course of the year. This amount must contain at a minimum last year's inventory of the material reported on this page, with the reflection of additions, deletions, or revisions projected for the current year. This amount should be consistent with the units reported in Box 221. 219 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT - If the hazardous material being inventoried is a waste, provide an estimate of the annual amount handled. 220 STATE WASTE CODE - If the hazardous material is a waste, enter the appropriate Califomia 3-digit hazardous waste code as listed on the back of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest. 221 UNITS - Check the unit of ineasure that is most appropriate for the material befng reported on this page: gallons, pounds, cubic feet, or tons. NOTE: If the materlal is a federally deftned Extremely Hazardous Substance (EFiS), all amounts must be reported in pounds. If material is a mtxture containing an EHS, report the units that the material is stored in (gallons, pounds, cubic feet, or tons). 222 DAYS ON SITE - List the total number of days during the year that the material is on site. 223 STORAGE CONTAINER - Check the one box that best describes the type of storage container in which the hazardous material is stored. 224 STORAGE PRESSURE - Check the one box that best describes the pressure at which the hazardous material is stored. 225 STORAGE TEMPERATURE - Check the one box that best describes the temperature at which the hazardous material is stored. 226 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS i-5 (% BY WEIGHT) - Enter the percentage weight of the hazardous component in a mixture. If a range of percentages is avallable, report the highest percentage in that range. (Report for components 2 through 5 in 230, 234, 238, and 242.) 227 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS i-5 NAME - When reporting a hazardous material that is a mixture, list up to five chemtcal names of hazardous components In that mixture by percent weight (refer to MSDS or, tn the case of trade secrets, refer to manufacturer). All hazardous components in the mixture present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, should be reported. If more than Flve hazardous components are present above these percentages, you may attach an additional sheet of paper to capture the required information. When reporting waste mixtures, mineral and chemical composition should be Iisted. (Report for components 2 through 5 in 231, 235, 239, and 243.) 228 HAZARDOUS COMPONEN7'S 1-5 EHS - Check yes if the component of the mixture is considered an Extremely Hazardous Substance as defined in 40 CFR, Part 355, or no if it is not. (Report for components 2 through 5 in 232, 236, 240, and 244.) 229 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 1-5 CAS - List the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) numbers as related to the hazardous components in the mixture. (Repeat for 2-5.) 246 LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION - This space may be used by the CUPA or AA to colled any additional information necessary to meet the requirements of thelr Individual programs. Contact the CUPA or AA for guidance. Page 2 of 2 FD2144 (rtev o6/0~) HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ~ ~ x .. a ;,,~ -----.~^^~ BUSINESS ACTIVITIES PAGE (HAZARDOUS MATERIAL FACILITY INFORMATION) ~ Page 1 of 1 y~i !. "~.4 ~ ~ z} '.V r~q.,. S 1~ k~F'.`Z C l` P~y~`~ ~ k~'.~ k; ild t F~ Y 3~ ~'~.~~k,'i`~'s.~5 .~ ~4 $ F~ i Zf b,~' .^C FA4 '. k~3- "Y i~.+l~" }h S 1~'~ ~S ~~..,"~Yq l, ,;4* 9 9~- 4 ~G ~ tN' E1~~ i~v r' ~ ~'9 A f L ~ 4 iN 7`~.1`~:.r 'h~' ~ k~ ' ` ~' r' M ~ fi =``" ' ' ` ~ ~S~=I FACILITY IDENTIFICATION 't `; ~ ~ "~~ # ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ f~ Y 'F'3: t~1 ~~~'93`. `L `"CS F+,u.°A.. .. ^~-.-4~ . as. Y ._,~, 4x y~.~'2'~3 .^.. tr iJ:°~+~..~:~~..~.~'3~ ~+!! FACILITY ID #(for office use only) 3 EPA ID # BUSINESS NAME (FACILITY NAME or DBA) 103 ', ~a-S ~11~ti~ ~A~ ~ .~~ ~ d ~5^~ 4 xw ~.:,;i } . .Ad~i~'S w P c;f il !;~ Yp i i ^Lt~W9t~f4x't~+0`~1~ Kri,±:~MT .! 6 ~fM,1+ u)~A'~1,~t ..,y~ {JS~M1.Y'!.. {d~~~ti 4,~~ ~ b~l~i, '~ ~ ~'~ d !. 1~~ { ~ ~ ~ 4 I c ~ ~ r..."L r ~b~ i .:~~ r } .y f v~ ,?.;,. t+ 1 y p+_~,.4~ yut r, ~: ~,?~} .. ;y y ,~ ... ~ ,r W~'a:-,k t ~ ,,~~~, t ., ~Z~: b,V,.,~iiG.X~~'l~+M1 C Ui,n,u Y~. .4~..~..3AE.x~'r C..,.,}~p,Cry~ k„L ~;~ i F> ~i.,(.t 1~V q{7~.~':uk~f7P ~.".9.3 T ~.k'h ~4~iF n,1i .,~ {~ ^'~~j~ ~;t J1`G }.~ ~{.G $ }~ k~ Sl, rF~i ~ ~ ` ~ ~ C A ~~ Jf J , p . f ~ . ~ , Y L. 1 V, 1 ~ ~~rr4s: E~,~ x~ * f M ~~y, / , ro~, ,~ ,~~ ~ ~~+ ~,a~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ti r t~ ~,~ G,, I ~ACTIVITIESADE L RATION,~ ~~~~4~ rr~ ~ ' ` m ~ 1,,,~ , ~, ti ~;ti „r~,~~,R~~.~+„s~~~ r.x~ ..,~i ~.:..iV , i~ b.. t„7r Y d.Yi..w.,,i.. ..x . i..',u Nbd, y r~ , > 1 v~n,,.`.u.G :,~'Y o. ~,.:.1 k,v+..,.;,1 . .,.,, ,Y.» .~'~,n~ .tM-~~a i n N,r ~ Y~~ ,y:l~v ~ ~ - i~ v d ~,w.lX.:~;k „~,Y., + A_~..~`r",i G,v-- Jw~ DOES Your Facility... if Yes, Piease Complete... lz9 A. FIAZARDOUS MATERIAL ^ Yes ~No • CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION FORM i3o 1. Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous material • HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN dt or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for Minimum renuired la~g elements: solids, or 200 cu. ft. for compressed gases (include • Emergency Response Plan Ilquids In AST and UST)? • Maps • Training • Prevention • Certiflcation B. REGl1LATED SUBSTANCES (RS) ^ Yes No . CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION FORM 131 1. Have on site RS at greater than the threshold • RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN (RMP Submit to USEPA) planning quantities established by the California • CONSOLIDATED COMPLIANCE PLAN Accidental Release Prevention program (CaIARP)? • Incorporating CaIARP Program Elements C. llNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTI Yes ^ No • UST FACILITY FORM i32 1. Own or operate Underground Storage Tanks? • UST TANK FORM (one per tank) Y~ No ~ ' UST FACILIIY FORM 133 2. Intend to u rade existin or install new UST? P9 9 • UST TANK FORM (one per tank) • UST INSTA~LATION FORM (one per tank) D. TANK CLOSURE/REMAVAL ^ YeS~NO • UST TANK FORM (Closure sectlon - one per tank) 1. Need to report closing an UST that held hazardous materlal or waste? 2. Need to report the closure/removal of a tank that ^ Yes ~NO • UST TANK CLOSURE FORM was classifted as hazardous waste and cleaned onsite? E. ABOVEGR~UND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS ~ Yes ^ No • HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN [ASTI • Incorporeting Federal Spill Rrevention Control and Countermeasure 1. Own or operate AST above these thresholds; any (SPCC) Elements pursuant to 40 CFR Part 112. tank capacity Is greater than 660 gallons or the total capacity for the facility is greater than 1,320 gallons? F. HA2ARDOUS WASTE EPA ID NUMBER - provide on this page 1. Generate hazardous waste7 ~ves ^ rvo . To obtain EPA ID Number, please phone (916) 324-1781 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/mo of recyclable ^ ves~rvo . RECYCLING FORM material at the same location it was genereted? 3. Recycle more than 100 kg/mo of recyclable ^ Yes~PyNO . RECYCLING FORM materlal at an off-site location different from the polnt of generation? 4. Treat Hazardous Waste on site? ves ^ No . TP FACILITY FORM • TP UNIT FORM (one per unit) 5. Sub]ect to Flnancial Assurance requirements? ~.ves ^ rvo . CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE 6. Consolidate Hazardous Waste generated at a ^ ves ~jrvo . REMOTE WASTE/CONSOLIDATION SITE NOTIFICATION remote site? FORM NOTE: If you checked YES to any part of Sections IIA - IIF above, then in addition to the forms requested above, please submit BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FORM. ~~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~~ Prevention Services a a R s r t n 1501 Truxtun Avenue, 1~` Floor FIRE Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ AR1M t Phone: 661-326-3979 • Fax: 661-852-2171 FD2143 (Rev 06/07) t4 .., HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN :~ r. o ~~' U. ,"~ INSTRUCTIONS SITE & FACILITY DIAGRAM 8 B R S F I D F/R6 ~~ r BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services 1501 Truxtun Avenue, 1~` Floor ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone:661-326-3979 • Fax: 661-852-2171 Page 1 of 2 These instructions explain the use of the site diagram and the facility diagram. Normally, small and medium- size businesses will only have to submit a site diagram. If you have subdivided your business into smaller areas because of the complexity or size, then you will be completing an additional detail map, facility diagram, for each of these areas. Include instructions that show the route to your business if it is in a remote location. All diagrams must be on 8'/zxll-inch paper and drawn using a straight edge tool. SITE DIAGRAM INSTRUCTIONS The site diagram is used to show your business and to indicate the businesses that immediately surround your property, usually within 300 feet. If you will be showing specific area detail on facility diagrams, use the site diagram to show an overall layout of the plant. If you will not be submitting facility diagrams, the site map must include all of the following information: 1. Check the box on the top left corner of the form provided that indicated '~Site Diagram." 2. Print the name of your business, as shown in your HMMP, on the top of the diagram. 3. Label the location of the hazardous material and identify them by name and type of hazard (flammable liquid, corrosive solid). 4. Label the location of utility shut-ofF points for gas, electric, and water services. 5. Label the location of fire hydrants. 6. Label portions of the building protected by automatic sprinkler systems. 7. Label the direction representing north on the diagram. (The diagram form provided includes a north arrow. ) 8. All labeling and identification on the diagram must be legible and easily understandable at the scale submitted. Diagrams must be sufficiently legible to produce a legible copy. Try to avoid the use of abbreviations or symbols. If you must use them, provide a legend explaining your system. Maps may be returned for correction if you fail to follow these instructions. FACILITY DIAGRAM INSTRUCTIONS Facility diagrams are supplements to the site diagram. Use them to show the subdivision details of a large business. 1. Check the box in the upper right hand corner of the form provided that indicated "Facility Diagram." 2. Print the name of your business as shown on your HMMP. Print the name of the area that this map represents. This name should be the same name that you used on this area's inventory report. 3. Indicate which area the diagram represents and the total number of facility diagrams that you are including. If a map represented the first of four areas, it would be labeled "1 of 4." 4. Follow instructions 3- 8 for site diagrams regarding the specific details to be included on each facility diagram. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK FACILITIES PLEASE NOTE: If you operate an Underground Storage Tank (UST) facility, the facility diagram shall also specify the location of the UST continuous leak monitoring system and/or the location where the UST monitoring will be performed. FD2170 (Rev 06/07) , a ~,_ HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ~` f ~T { SITE & FACILITY DIAGRAM B B R S A I D PIR6 o ~Rrr ~ ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services 1501 Truxtun Avenue, 1~ Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone:661-326-3979 • Fax: 661-852-2171 Page 2 of 2 L ~ SITE DIAGRAM FACILITY DIAGRAM Business Name: Business Address: NORTH Please indicate direction of North , State uf California For Ststa Usa Only State uf Wate~ Resources Control k3oarci Division uf Financial Assistance P.O. E3or 9A4212 Sacramcntu, CA 942Jd-212Q (Instructions un reverse side) CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM A. l am required to demonstrate Financial Responsibility in the Required amounts as specified in Section 2807, Chapter 18, Div. 3, Tide 23, CCR: ~ 500,000 dollars per occurrence ~ I million dollars annual aggregate or AND or ~ I million dollan per occurrence ~ 2 million dollars annual aggregate s. R lJ D ly fl N ~-Yl~ hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the ~equirements of Section 2807, ~ (Neme ol Tenk Owner a Opereto~ ARicle 3, Chapter 18, Division 3, Tit/e 23, Califomia Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstrate financial rosponsi6ility as iequired by Sec6on 2807 are as follows: C. Mechanism T Mechanism Coverage Coverage Corrective Third Party e Name and Address of Issuer Number Amount Period Adion Com S~-~e._.. U S-f 5~~ U S~ C~• ~ N~ ~°- °r S. ~~ si~ vs~- ~ 1~,~ F~,,,,.~ C ~~~~- v~ ~ o~~~~-~c~ o~~o~ a~~.~, 9~ CQ,..o~„~~ F~ o~l ~ y~- s ~-~S ~inv~p '~O C3a~' ~it.~~Z\ Z. v.1~ ~,.v~o . . - Sc.L~o.y~,w~..~ ~ Gr11 ~~51~-~ Cov~'~^k`'`aw ~~t21'Z C~,rv,~ n ~o.X ~ o g~~.~=,~w,. -~,.c~ ~t3f~ Gas $~:.~.: H~~ N1 (~- 'r--~.( 3~ Sp~ 1~-~`( ~YO. {~-~•w^-~ ~ y~ s ,.c ~~ ~ . ~ f ' ~~ S ~ D ~ w^w y.~ = ~ Y ~Y U~-~-e-~ Yv.o.Y ~t~~~~~J~, 32'Z\ -C1~1 -- C~ ' ~" ~ ~' ~-'no.V...'Sw~ R~ G~u` o c~,~ A ~ ~" " - 3 \ ~ ~ ~Y ~, I 1 ~ Note: I/ you are using the State Fund as any paR o/ your demonstration of Tnancia! responsibility, your execution and submission of this certification also certifies that you are in compliance with all conditions for participation in the Fund. D. Facilily Name ~~~~ (~AS ~ h,.~~„~ ,~,~a~ Facility Address ~2~1 ~~ ~ ~ ~~-ks-`~~-~(~ ~-~' ~~\~ Facility Name Facility Address Facility Name Facility Address E. Signat re of Tank Owner or Operator Date ~ Name and Title of Tank Owner or Operator O~ N~,~ ) ~=~' 6-2 S ~ ~ '~`M ~"~W ~ U ~\~~-1'r~ ~l D ~-~ Signature of Witness or Notary Date Name of Wilness or Notary ~-~5- ~ 8 ~rn ~ncvisca uqiy~~ N"lL~: Urlglnal - Local Agency " Coples - Facllity/Site(s) . TANKNOLOGY CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer ~ocation: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MKT 2368, 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Location of Rectifier Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type of Rectifier Unit: Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface Location: Around Tanks Rectffier Manufatctured by : universal Model: SSP Serial Number: 961891 Rectifier AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectiffer DC Output: 50.0 volts 10.0 amps ~ Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amps Installation date: Comments: CP operating properly: Yes F ~+,~e, ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ,~ ,Q,. „ ~v4~ ~ ~ OC Oii ~"F~ ' ~ ~R`' Ou"~ +~i"'tti ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~Rs ' ~a "~11 . r'd w,~. :~ s. ~ V w . [I~~~ ~ . ~ ».zo Z.oe oaro~~o8 .~c 2 11.20 1:96 03/01/08. ARC 3 4 • 5 8 7 8 •9 10 11 12 13' 14 15 W.O. 1305699 Technician: CPTECH TANKNOLOGY ., CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer Locatlon: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MKT 2133, 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Location of Rectifler Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type of Rectifier Unit: Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface ~ Location: Around Tanks Rectifier Manufatctured by: universal Model: SSP Serial Number: 961891 Rectifier AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectifler DC Output: 50.0 volts 10.0 amps Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amp~ Instailation date: Comments: W.O. 1304979 Technician: CPTECH TANKNOLOGY CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer Location: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MKT 2133, 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Locatlon of Rectifler Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type of Rectifier Unit: Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface ~ocation: Around Tanks Rectifier Manufatctured by : universal Model: SSP Serlal Number: 961891 Rectifier AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectifler DC Output: 50.0 volts 10.0 amps Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amps Installation date: Comments: W.O. 1305333 Technician: CPTECH TANKNOLOGY CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer Location: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MKT 2133, 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Location of Rectifier Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type of Rectifier Unit: Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface Locatlon: Around Tanks Rectifler Manufatctured by : universal Model: SSP Serial Number: 961891 Rectifler AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectifler DC Output: 50.0 volts 10.0 amps Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amps Installation date: Comments: CP operating properly: Yes ~ : ~ ~~ Q~t~ ~ I ~ ; Settln w~ p: a~ ,a 4~ 1'1.20: 2.64 .08/01/07 ARC I 2 11.20 2.67 07/01L07 ARC' 3 4 5 6 7 •B 9 10 11 12 13 14' 15 . W.O. 1304222 Technician: CPTECH TANKNOLOGY CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer Location: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MKT 2133. 3601 STOCKOALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Location of Rectifler Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type of Rectifier Unit: • Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface Location: Around Tanks Rectifler Manufatctured by : universal Model: SSP Serial Number: 961891 Rectifler AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectifler DC Output: 50.0 volts 10.0 amps Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amps Installation date: Comments: ' W.O. 1304632 Technician: CPTECH TANKNOLOGY ' CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer Location: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MKT 2133, 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFfELD CA 93309 Location of Rectiffer Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type of Rectifier Unit: Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface Location: Around Tanks Rectifler Manufatctured by : universal ' Model: SSP Serial Number: 961891 Rectifler AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectifier DC Output: 50.0 volts • 10.0 amps Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amps Installation date: Comments: CP operating properly: Yes ~, ~~ CC ~O" u~t ~DG~ ut ~ ~.`" 1 11.20 2.28 05J01l07 ARC 2 10.80' 2.40 OS/~1/07 ARG` 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S W.O. 1303863 Technician: CPTECH TANKNOLOGY CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer Location: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MKT 2133, 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Location of Rectifier Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type of Rectifler Unlt: Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface Locatlon: Around Tanks Rectifier Manufatctured by: universal Model: SSP Serial Number: 961891 Rectlfier AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectifier DC Output: 50.0 volts 10.0 amps Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amps Installation date: Comments: CP operating properly: Yes ~~ '~~, .°,~ ~~~ ~~CYO~utput'OCOutpul D~ Ra"coMid ': 3, 4: w Dy Romarks 1 11.20 2.24 04%01/07 ARC: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' 13 14 15 W.O. 1303589 Technician: CPTECH TANKNOLOGY ~ ~ CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer Location: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MARKET #2133, 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Locatfon of Rectifler Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type of Rectifier Unit: Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface ~ Location: Around Tanks Rectifier Manufatctured by : universal Model: SSP Serial Number: 961891 Rectifler AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectifier DC Output: 50.0 votts 10.0 amps Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amps Installation date: Comments: W.O. 3151384 Technician: TIMOTHY COULTER TANKNOLOGY CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer Locatlon: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MARKET #2133, 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Location of Rectifier Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type of Rectifier Unit: Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface Location: Around Tanks Rectifier Manufatctured by : universal Model: SSP Serial Number: 961891 Rectifier AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectifler DC Output: 50.0 volts 10.0 amps Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amps Installation date: Comments: CP operatfng properly: Yes f_'~~ ~ . , ~J ~ 4 E1 ' R@ . 1 9.00 0.80 01104f07 TCOULTER 2 , 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. . 10 11 12 _ 1.3 14 15. . W.O. 3150343 Technician: TIMOTHY COULTER TANKNOLOGY CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer Location: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MARKET #2133, 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 L'ocation of Rectifler Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type of Rectifier Unit: Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: • Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface Location: Around Tanks Rectifler Manufatctured by: universal Model: SSP Serial Number: 961891 Rectifier AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectlfler DC Output: 50.0 volts 10.0 amps Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amps Installation date: Comments: CP operating properly: Yes ' ~~ ",~,~~ ~a ; Satlin IDC Ou$i - volts ~ Q - - ~ •~.~. .~ !~y Rema~ics 1 8.27 1.00 11 /151~ SGALLARD 2 3 4 '5 8 7 8 •9 10 11 , . _ __ 12 13 14 15 W.O. 3149572 Technician: STEVEN GALLARDO TANKNOLOGY CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer Location: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MARKET #2133, 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Location of Rectifier Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type oi Rectifier Unit: Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface Locatlon: Around Tanks Rectifier Manufatctured by: universal Model: SSP Serial Number: 961891 Rectifier AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectifler DC Output: 50.0 volts 10.0 amps Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amps Installation date: Comments: CP operating properly: Yes ~ , ~~ , ~ +~^ ~~`~ ~:~~,,~ ~+ D~ Oiifput `OCYOtitpu'f -"~,5,?~~, "~ -° • , ~ ~ ~'~ ~'_ 'Settlrepi' volq ~mps~' ~f~r Ramarlcs ~?~r~~ ~.;~ C~ 1 8.30 1.26 07/26/06 sg 2 3 a 5 8 7 . ;8 ~9 10 11 12 13 ~ 14 15 W.O. 3147771 Technician: STEVEN GALLARDO TANKNOLOGY CATHODIC PROTECTION. RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer Locatfon: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MARKET #2133, 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Location of Rectifier Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type of Rectifier Unit: Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface Location: Around Tanks Rectifier Manufatctured by: universal Model: SSP Serial Number: 961891 Rectifier AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectifier DC Output: 50.0 volts 10.0 amps Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amps Installatlon date: Comments: CP operating properly: Yes «"~ , ~ : ~D~i Q~ rQ~'~+~Y~ ~ ' ~~ , S tbn~ ~a br ~ r s. ~ 0 1.2Q -08%09106'~ AE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . i ~2 13 14 . 15 W.O. 3147064 Technician: ALEX ESKANDARIAN TANKNOLOGY CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER MAINTENANCE Customer Location: 7-ELEVEN #17721, MARKET #2133, 3601 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Location of Rectifier Unit: ABOVE DOOR IN STOREROOM Type of Rectifler Unit: Number of Anodes: Unknown Type of Anode: Type of Ground Bed: Distributed Surface Location: Around Tanks Rectifier Manufatctured by: universal Model: SSP Serial Number: 961891 Rectifier AC Input: 115 volts 6.2 amps 1 phase 60 Hz Rectifier DC Output: 50.0 volts 10.0 amps Shunt: 50 mv 10.0 amps Installation date: Comments: