HomeMy WebLinkAboutFMC RESULTS 2008c~y . i~ i Tan/a~o/o 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400 Austin, Texas 78759 Phone: (512) 451-6334 Fax: (512) 459-1459 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INSPECTOR STEVE UNDERWOOD 1501 TRUXTUN AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 Test Date: 11 /05/2008 Order Number: 3162958 Dear Regulator, Date Printed and Mailed: 11/11/2008 Enclosed are the results of recent testing performed at the following facility: 7-ELEVEN #16329, MKT 2368 1701 PACHECO ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 Testing performed: EVR-Pressure Vacuum Vent Cap tests EVR-Stage I Pressure Integrity Drop Tube EVR-Stage I Static Torque tests Healy Bag Test Healy Clean Air Separator Healy Line Integrity Healy Vapor/Liquid Stage II blockage tests Stage II pressure decay tests Sincerely, ~ a~r ~Ca~~~ Dawn Kohlmeyer Manager, Field Reporting • Woik Order: 3162958 San loaquin Vall~ey AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT Permit Number. Test Company: TANKNOLOGY Site Name: 7-11 #16329 Technician: AXEL MEDINA Site Address: 1701 PACHECO RD. Cett~csuoh;Npmber.:: ' oi[DBEe, ::: City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93307 Distrid: SJV-0096 6-12-10 Date/fime of Test: 11-05-08 0900 Franlclin (Healy): 2936053761 07-15-10 , , ; ; , ; ; • ~ . .. : `~'ESf ~INFO~VI~-TION Calibration date for digital manometer (must be within 180 days of the test) 10-09-08 Ending value for digital manometer drift test (must be 0.01 in. w.c. or less) 0.00 ' -~ ' " `` ' ,VAC~JUiV~`:TF,ST Vacuum at start oftest, inches of water column (in. w.c.) - Vacuum at one minute, in. w.c. - Vacuutn at two minutes, in. w.c. - Vacuum at three minutes, in. w.c. - Vacuum at four minutes, in. w.c. - Final vacuum at five minute, in. w.c. - Allowable minimum vacuuro, in. w.c. (from shaded area below) - ;; , „ ;., r, ,.. , .. . :111ibws4k ~-Misata Y~caad D~eay tor Gkan Av`S~a~ntor, ~aw1-m ststart of test, ; 8A 'IA: . 6 0 5.0 4.0 ;; '~ 3 0 2:0 .~ ~ ; . , ~ :. , , : , .: , , .ia.»w.c.. . .. , .. .: . . . , Min~muuivaCUwa'a#tcr :SS , ., 47.~ < ~8 ~` 3:0 2.2 : 1S . . 0c8 sfivg: °~ `m w.c: ; ~ , ., , . . E.O. VR-201/202 Healy Clean Air Separator Static Pressure Performance Test Report Form ~~'-: ~. r;; ,r'; ~.,,' ~~~-` .C,V~..7,~';~i,lllw,~7_.,7V14::~~1~~,~71 . , .. .. - . Nitrogen inh~oduction flow rate (must be between 2 and 4 CFIv~ 3 Pressure at start of test, in. w.c. 2.00 Pressure at one minute, in. w.c. 2.12 Pressure at two minutes, in. w.c. 2.17 Pressure at three minutes, in. w.c. 2.19 Pressure at four minutes, in. w.c. 221 Final pressure ai five minute, in. w.c. 225 Allowable minimum pressure, in. w.c. 1,:77". :;;,, :; . I declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Calrfornia that based on injormation and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information provided in this document are true, accurate, mrd complete. Signature of Technician: ____~~~ Date: ~~ `' ~ -0 ~ ... i ~ I~\,il`,li\ Tanknology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 ~ Worlc Order: 3162958 • r..._ : ,-, _.. :. ~ ,_.;; •: ,r ~~ t'f~y~ "T~ ~ii` " ~;~ 1:~4i ' . ~ % .: < ~1 }•.yy. ti.~ '7 •s:~ ; - ° `S ~.u ti :~ ~ :x ai .-~ ` ) •', r ,. . . ryy ~':'~'.-~ i!~•^.b 3! .~ .. '^J.~ _ . . ... .: ~, ,. .. .~ ., ~~ .... ~ !:;f~ k i~'`+~'`',.,~i,'~ v. .: ~ t : " .f.. - ': Y? ""' -~~,~,x;>i; :_- ;.; r,ci c~-~i - °; 2=~~ -`t - i"`- ~ : G. K ~ 4 ; s - ~ F . ~. ': 8..r Y ...r......,'•i:.5'.° .~ .. .... . .. . . .. . .... . . . TP 201.3 UST Static Pressure Pcrformancc Test Report Form PermitNumber. S-Z131-I-3 Test Compam~: Tanknology SiteName:7ll f1i 16329 Tcchnician: Axel Medina Site Address: 1701 Pacheco Road_ Certification Number Expiration Date Ci~y: Bakersfield ( Zip: 93;07 Districr. SJV-OOf)6 6!12/li1 Date/l'ime of Test: I 1/5;08 U900hrs ~ _ __ _, TEST iNFORMATI4N 'I'otel number of nozzles: 4 Are lhe tanks maiiifoldcd? ~ Yes ^ No Phase l vapor recovery system executive order (as refercnced on Pe~mit to C?pcrnte) VR-102-A y Phase ff vapoT recovery systcm executive order {as rcfcrenced on Pcnnit ~o Opr.rate) Vfi-202 Nitrogen introductiun point ~ Phase l va~wr coupler ^ Phase fl vapor riscr Pressure measuring dcvice ^ incline manometer ~ digital manometer p mcchanical gauge Calibration date for pressure measuring dcvice (must be within 90 days of'thc test) t0/9/08 Ending value for digital manomcter drift test if applicable (must be 0.01 in_w.c. or less) ~~~~ _ [nitial tank ullagc pressure (vent if over 4.~ in. w.c.) 0.40 Nitrogen intraiuction flow rate; F(must bc between 1 and 5 CFM) .. ~ Calculated ullage fill-time, tz (t,= V! 1522 x F) 3:05 Actual till-time Number of hoses wi[h over 100 ml (balance hoses must k~e drlined prior [o tesiing) 0:58 N/A TAN K 11Y~ORMATION Tank No. l 2 ~ 4 ALL Product grade 87 Sou~h R7 Main 91 Aclual tank capacity (i;allnns) 9,GUU 9.600 9,600 2R,800 Gasoline vofume (gall~lns) 5,969 6,138 2,602 ~4,709 _ Ullage, V(gallons) 3.6:>1 3,462 6~)98 14,091 If tanks are not manifolded, ilumber of nozzles _ _ 2 IN. W.C. STATIC PRESSCIRE TEST Test No. I 2 3 4 5 Start time 10:00 ~ 16:00 . -- ..... Initial Pressure, inches of watcr colwnn {in. w.c.) _..... 2.0~ .. _. ~•~~ Pressure at one minute, in. w.c. 2.00 2.06 Pressure at two minutcs, in. ~v.c. + 2.U0 _ 2•0Q Pressure at three minutes, in. w.c. 1•98 _ t 98 I'ressure at four minutes, in. w.c. 1.9-8 }- 1-98 Pressure at five minutes, in. w.c. 1.97 I ~•y~ Allowable minimum pressurc, in. w.c. 1.93 ~ ~ .. 1•9~ }'ass / ~ail (enter "G~" for gross failure) __ Pass i ._ ~'~u -- / decJcrre, under penally of perjury under !he /aws oJ'the s1c71e nf Ca/iJ<~rrria thu( bused on infnrmulion and be/rejformed ufier reasonabJe inquiry. !he statements and infnrmariun provide~! rn ~his dacwrre:n! are true, ucctu'ate, und complelc:. Signaturc of Teclu~ician: l _„__ ___ Date: ~~~~._. -_~. Tanlmology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 , Wor,k Order: 3162958 ~ - . Y ;;:;;,, :: " i~ i~~'y x~ i t? :. . ,:. __~ ~h~, . : r ~..~.( ~ . .~ ~ .7: i' `;: , P y ' Y )~ '`' ~ u~ Y :~ : ~` J "~ .b ' ?*M1 . .r ~S~ k.'! , } - .. ~ .. - ar.... . . , .. .. . '4:,.• y~ ~ ~S~n:Y.~: ~ ~i:'~4.. ... 1'";«.:i'tt . t Y. r ~~ 3 ; ~+? i ~S & ,`- . ~ i +' + S' •~ ~ '' i ,~.. _..} : : { rv ; 7,.,, h ~ ,, . ~~ ; .r. :: '~~:`~~ . " . . ..., . . ~ ' ,. 4`: . ': r _ . i . .,. .. . . > . - C.- . . , .. P . . _ _ . . . . . . TP-201.1 B Static Torque of Rotatablc Phasc 1 Adaptors Report Form Pennit Number: S-2131-1-3 Test Cumpany: Tanknology Site Name: 7/1 I~f 16329 Technician: Axcl Medina ~ Site Address: 1701 1'acheco Ruad Certification Number Expiration Date City: Bakcrsfield ~ip: 93307 District: SJV-0096 6i12.'10 Date/Time of Test: 1 VSi08 090Uhrs TEST INFORMATI~N Measurement units: ~ pound-inch D pound-f'out Va or Ada tor 1 Vapor Adaptor 2 Vapor Adaptor 3 Vapor Adaptor 4 Brand: OYW Brand: OPW Brand: OPW Brand: Model: 61-VSA Mode1: 61-VSA Modcl: 61-VSA Model: Product grade: 87 South Product grade: 87 Main Yrixluct grade: 9l Product grade: Torque I: 50 ~f'orquc 1: 6S 7orque I: C~5 Torque l: Toryue 2: 60 Torque 2: 7Q l'orquc 2: b0 Torque 2: Torque 3: b0 Torque 3: 7i Toryue .i: 60 _lbrque 3: E Average:56.6 .. Averaoe:70 . Avcia~c:61.6 Average: 360° rot~tion: Yes ~ No ^ 360° roteti~n: Yes ~ No ^ 360'rulation: Yes ~ No ^ 360° rotation: Yes ^ No ^ Product Adaptor 1 Product Ada tor 2 Product Adaptor 3 Product Adaptor 4 Brand:OPW Rrand:OPW Brand:OPW Brand: _ ModeL• 61-SALP ModeL• 61-SALP Mudel: 61-SALP Model: Product grade: 87 Sc~uth Praiuct grade: R7 Main Product braJc: 91 Product gradc: Torque I: 50 Torque I: 60 Turque I: 55 Torque I: Torque 2: SS Torque 2: 60 Toryue 2: 50 Torquc 2: Torque 3: 55 55 ~f~orque 3: 'I'oryue 3: 4i Torque 3: _ Average: 53.3 _ Avciaqc: 58.3 _ Avcrage: 50 Average: 360' rolalion: Yes ~ No p _ 3(0° rotation: Yes ~ No ^ 36l}" rotation: Yes ~ No b 3fi0° rotation: Ycs O No ^ / declare, irnder penalty nfperjury :mder 1hc: /u~+~s nf the slulr vJ~ C.'u/rfornicr thal bused un inforntalion artd belicf fi~rmed after reasonuble inquiry, lhe .cla~ements u~rd informuJron prm~idrd iri lhis dnctm~en! are Irue, nccurpJe, nnc~ canrplele. Signature of'I~cchnician: l~ate: k(~~(`i~_.._ Tanknology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ A9R ~~~~~TB~~ ~O~T~~L ~I~T~~G~ ~ ~ rn N ~o ~ M ~ b ~ O ~ ~ 0 TP-201.1C/D Leak Rate of Drop Tube/Drain~Valve Assembly and Leak Rate of Drop Tube Ove~ll Protection Devices and Spill Container Drain Valves Report Form Permit Number: s-2131-1-3 Test Company: TANKNOLOGY Site Name: 7-l 1#16329 Technician: AXEL MEDINA Site Address: 1701 PACHECO RD. Certification Number E iration Date. City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93307 District: SN-0096 6-12-10 DatelTime of Test: 11-05-08 0900 DROP TUBE DRAIN VALVE AND OVERFILL PROTECTION DEVICE PRESSURE INTERGITY TEST ^ Strai t Dro Tube' ~ Dro Tube with an Overfill Protection Device= Pressure measuring device ~ di itai manometer ^ mechanical gauge Calibration date for pressure measuring device (must be within 180 da s of the test) 7-8-08 Ending value for digital manometer drift test if applicable (must be 0.01 in. w.c. or less 0.00 Drop Tube Drain Valve Pressure Test: Flow rate 80 mUmin Drop Tube Overfill Device Pressure Test: Flow rate 200 mUmtn ~Corrected" Overfill Device Leak Rate i Fi l Ti h 2 i ~ll O i l ~~erfill Mlnus E uals T me to reach 2 in. w.c. at 80 mUmin Drein valve leak rate' na pressure me to reac n. w.c. at 200 mUmin ve leak rate' F na pressure Device Leak Rate Drain Valve Leak Rate Corrected Leak Rate Tank Grade mins. mllmin in. w.c, mins. mUmin in. w.c. mUmin mUmin mUmin 1 87 S 225 SEC 0.00 2.03 2 87 M 210 SEC 0.09 2.03 3 91 242 SEC 0.08 2.02 4 NO'I'ES: 'A straight drop tube must be tested with a bladder in place and nsing a flow rate of 80 mUmin. 'T6e bladder section of TP-201.1D may be skipped if the entire drop tube passes wtth a leak rate below SO mUmin. 'Leak rate = nitrogen flow rate needed to maintain a constant pressure (at least 2 in. w.c.) for 30 seconds. I declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California that based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information provided in this document are true, accurate, and complete. Signature of Technician: ~,(/i~' ~/ Date: 1~` 5-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H ~ .~ ~ Q 0 0 v a~ Y .~ ~ ~ 3 ~ a~ a w U ~ a 0 ~ z 0 ~n ~ U ~ ~ ~ an 0 0 ~ ~ F~ 3 I i Work Order: 3162958 San loaquin Vall~y AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT TP-201.4 Dynamic Back Pressure Test Report Form Permit Number: 5-2131-1-3 Test Company: TANKNOLOGY Site Name: 7-I 1 #16329 Technician: AXEL MEDINA Site Address: 1701 heco rd. `: C~ti&atioftNemb4~ °':.; . ` : : ;.. . =D~te ' :: Ciry: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93307 District: SJV-0096 6-12-10 Date/I'ime of Test: ll-OS-08 0900 , .;; ;': ' , • ' ~ ; ~ . < <, ; ~'F.ST YN~'~~TION , . ~ ,.~. ~ . .. ,,. .. .. . ,~ , .. ., ... ... . . Phase II vapor recovery system execurive order (as referenced on Pera-it to Operate) VR-202 Pressure measuring device ~ digital manometer ^ mechanical gauge Calibration date for pressure measuriag device (must be within 90 days of the test) 10-09-08 Ending value for digital manometer drift test if applicable (must be 0.01 in w.c. or less) 0.00 ,; ; , , . _ r ,:.,. _: .. . :;.,: ~ ,, „ : . . . ... . . : . ... .. , ;. :~. ' Paas / Fa~ ) _ , Back pressure test assembly leak check (must decay < 02 in. w.c. in 5 min. at 50% of the scale of the assembl 's hi est ran e pASS SACK~t.'ESSrUI~,~;"~S~-w~~.~B'Y,?~XN:~{}TiVE`ORDERFOR'YRUPHASEIIEVR:.'' ,_ , ~ , , ' ,,. ~ ' ~ " ~SYST~M3 G-70-52 (balance for AST & US'1~ & G-70-139 (Hirt VCS-200) 0.15 @ 20 CFH 0.45 @ 60 CFH 0.95 ~ 100 CFH G-70-177 8t 181 (Hirt VCS-400) 0.50 Q 60 CFH G-7Q191 (Healy ORVR) ~ 0.50 Q 60 CFH ,. . ... ~BA47~ pRESStJJ~tF.`~,IlMtl~ (~. w:~~~BY ~ ORDElt.~~It PIiA~$E.IY EVR~SYSTEMS -" VR-201 & 202 (Healy Phase II EVR) : 0.50 Q 60 CFH VR-203 (VST balance Phase II EVR) 035 @ 60 CFH 0.62 Q 80 CFI-I Noai]e ' ,'~'`~ ~rade •~0 ~: '~~: 60•CFQ~ SA GFii 108 CFH;: ,. , _ ~. , amber,..: ~.;;~. 1!2 ALL 0.10 3/4 ALL 0.11 CAS ALL 0.08 I declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California that based on information and belief formed afler reasonahle inquiry, the statements and infornurtion provided in this document are true, accurate, cmd comp/ete. Signature of Technician: ~~~~~ Date: ~ 1- ~S " O~ ~ ~_ ~... u~;.~~5.~~ti Tanknology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 Wor~C Order: 3162958 ~ ` ~~°~'=r~: ~~~s .w"~. y~~;~~'r' ~i2 . ' ~`:: %r'u - `'"'~ .:f`~7 .~~~ _ : - '~ - ,~ 'f >''' i' ~ i: ~ ~'i 'r;1+ ~~ . : ~~&~^ r~p~ ~ : . 'v ~~;;':~';~i,:' z ' K..; Y . - .- .. . : . '.: " . n. . - . . .~ . . . .... F ;i :h ~ : '~1iS~~v.. r!w~~. .~i 5:,~.~;~, .. . ;`y;~:: ' : : ` t ~ p,.i ' r `- :I e: r~' s! '-~; t:; ; s. j ~ + " ..r~; ; ; ~- + , : i ~ +`~ r 3? ..< . "' :' +~1 ihC ; .. _. .,, . .. - , . ~ i , . . _ _ . . ... . _.. a . .. . E.O. VR-2Q1/202 Healy D~spenscr Vapor Line Integrity Test Report Form Permit Nwnber. 5-2131-I-3 Test Comp<~ny: Tanknology Site Name: 7.'I IN 16329 Technician: Axel Medina Site Address: 1701 Pacheco Road Certification Number Expiration Date City: Bakersfield Zip: 93307 District: SJV-009G 6~12i~~ Dater"1'ime of Test: I I!~/OS 0900hrs F'ranklin (Hcaly): ?93Ga53761 7r 1 Sr'10 DISPENSER VAPOR LC NE INTECRITY TEST Dispenser # lnitial Vacuum After Closing the Ball Valve (in. H20) Pinal Vacuum After 60 seconds (in. Hz0) Pass/Fail ~v~ mo~ han~4 n HnoOjfall 1/2 76_ _ 76 --•- Pass . ,,4 . .. 79 78 Pass I declure, under penulty n/'perjtrry urrder Ihe /ti»~.s of lhc: slote uI CullJi~rnin lhu~ hnsed nn infi~rmatinn and belief fnrme~l ufler reasonuble inyuiry, the .slulemenLC cn~d i~{f ~rnrulit~n /~rnvi[led in fitis dncuiuenl crre lrue, uccurate, and complele. Signature of Technician: _. _ _ _ Datc: _ Tanknology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 . Wor[c Order: 3162958 San Joaquin Vall~y AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIST~ICT TP-201.1E Leak Rate and Cracl~ng Pressure of Pressure/Vacuum Vent Valves Permit Number: Test Company: TANKNOLOGY Site Name: 7-1 I#16329 Technician: AXEL MEDINA Site Address: 1701 PACHECO RD. GertiScffiiou:,Ntimber. uation Date~ ;, City: BAKERSFTELD Zip: 93307 District: SJV-0096 6-12-10 Date/TimeofTest:I1-05-08 0900 ` ~` ' : :~ ' , 'T~ST INFO'RA~I~ITION Calibration date for digital manometer (must be within 180 days of the test) 1a9-08 Ending value for digital manometer drift test (must be 0.01 in. w.c. or less) 0.00 : • ,. . ,: ; , - _ . ` :: t _ ...~.. ..... _ , . ', : : :' Pass / Eafl • > ".,•: Test stand leak check (must maintain a steady pressure between 18.0 and 20.0 in. w.c. with no soap bubbles formin pASS PN Valve Manufacturer: HiJSKY Model Number: 5885 Pass ~ Fail ^ Manutacturer's Specified Positive Leak Rate CFH : 0.05 Manufacturer's Specified Negative Leak ~te C 021 Measumd Positive Leak RaTe CFH : 0.01 Measured Ne ative Leak Rate CF : 0.01 Positive Crackin Pressure in. w.c. : 2.68 Ne ative Crackin Pressure in w.c. : 7.62 PN Valve Manufacturer: Model Number. Pass ^ Fail ~ Manufacturer's Specified Positive L.eak Rete Msnufacturer's Specified Negative L.eak Rate Measured Positive Lealc Rate CFH : Measured Ne ative Leak Rate C Positive Crackin Pressure in. w.c. : Ne ative Crackin Pressure in. w.c. : P/V Vatve Manufacturer: Model Number. Pass ^ Fail O Manufacturer's Specified Positive Leak Rate C Manufacturer's Specified Negative Leak Rste C Measured Positive I.eak Rate CF : Measured Ne tive Leak Rate CFH : Positive Crackin l~ess~ue in. w.c. : N tive Crackin Pressure in. w.c. : PN Valve Manufacturer: Model Number: Pass ^ Fail ^ Maoufacturer's Specified Positive I.eak Rate CFH : Manu[acturer's Specified Negative I.eak Itate C Measured Positive Leak Rate CF : Measured Ne ive Leak Rate CF : Positive Crackin Pressure in. w.c. : Ne ive Crackin Pressure in. w.c. : I declare, under penalty of perjury wtder the lcrws of the state of California that based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information provided in this document are true, accurate, and compfete. Signature of Technician: _~~J(~~i~" ~ Date: I! -S ~~ 'T ~~..~ i .~ ~;~ ~~; ~,, Tanknology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 , Wot'k Order: 3162958 ~ ti'le `' .. , ~~ :? ~ ~; R~ ;~..:~ ,~s~,. t, p, .~~' yJ ~ ''.w •~ _ i. ' ~ ! r> ~ .. i'; .,`~,' R'4i ?; ~ s '` :r- ~:: :< ~ a `~.,.H 1~~~ 7 ~r M~ i~ •{, s r <i s! '~'.l ' ~~ i :' ~~ =J . 'M ~4~' Z i~ C'~ ''H'.- li~:. . ~ ~. ,. . .. ~ , .. ~. _ . . . 1 $ .fi~..~ '~ i ' - ~~ :~ . ~ . ti.y;; a:~:.'.~ `'' ~~ ~'~~ =1 i"y ~ ur' ~~5#~~~~ `r .. g•~ ~ ..r.~ } It~t F?9~ ,'c~ ` ;t 't:;=':2s .... , ; f,'; °<. . .. . .. ~.... s . .' Pennit Number: S-2131-1-3 Site Name: 7i I I# 16329 Siie Address: i701 Paclieco Road c.o. v K-ZO ~ ~ZO2 Healy Nozzlc Bag Test Report Form ~Teu Company: Tanknology I Technician: Axel Medina Citv: Bakcrsfield .._'_.r____ _rr__.. ~ ~iUnv l1~f1(16.~ 93:~07 Certification Number Expiration Date 6/12.~10 District: SJV-0096 Frmklin (Hcaly): 2936053761 7!15/10 NOZZLE S AG TEST NozzleNumber Gasoline Crrade Nozzle'fype Colla se (Yes/No) ~ All Hcaly 900 N~ ? All l lealy 9UU No 3 All •- -- Healy 900 No 4 All Healy 900 No ^ Total Number of Nozzles 4 'Jumber of Nozzles Passed 4 4 Number of Nozzies Tested / dedure, under pcnulty nf perjury vnde~' Ihe luir•s ~jthe slure of C'ulifi>rniu lhal hn.ced vn infnrmcuion anrl helief fornred after reu.~•onable in~uiry, the statenrenls and infornicrtia~r providec( ir~ ~hrs dncun~en! are ~ruc accurnle, und cnn:plcle. Signature of'fechnician: ~! _ _ nate: Tanknology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 a b ~ O ~ ~ 0 3 ,Y ~ s~ ? S7 _rs '~i~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ? ~~ ~y~ 7~F~ ~ ~ ~~ . : : 'k7~~ k i7 .:?-.~~ :.?:: . . .:~(T:4.~'' r ~.c-. .;.,f~ '~ " K•7~" I ~iT D .~ q'_:i~1 . 7' R ~Y~3~IL~~,Li `i~~} ;~AiL ttL:~ ~ : ~~ i » ~• ~ ' ` . . . ..L.~ S , = t S i6 ...,~~ E.O. VR-201/202 Vapor-to-Liquid (V/L) Volume Ratio Test Report Form Permit Number: S-213l-I-3 ~ Test Company: Tanknology Site Name: 7i I l~ 16329 Technician: Axel Medina Site Address: 1701 Pacheco Road Certification Number Expiration Date CiR~: Bakersfield 7_ip:93367 Distcicr. SJV-0096 ~~12'~~ Date~Timeof"1'est: IIl5;08 0900hrs ~ Franklin(Ilealy):293605376I 7/15i10 " TEST INFORMATION Gas volume meter rype (i.c., Ra~ts meter or Tri-Tester) Gas voVume inzter serial ur identification number: Tri-Tes[er 07440R5 ~ I'ri-Tester sof'twarc version. if applicable (mtist be versiun 3.01) _ _._ _, _ . 2-~ ~ Calibration date for Gas volenne meter (must be within I RO days of the tesQ G126fI1R Cas voliune meter correction faccor, y(Roots meter) 0.995 Pre-test leak check fur Roots meter: Inilial pressure: 4.52 30 sec. pressure: 4.59 Pre-test leak check for Tri-tester: Re-inflate in 30 sec. p Yes ~ No Post-test leak check for Roots meter: Inicial pressure: 4.76 30 sec. pressure: 4.83 Post-test leal: check for Tri-tester. Re-inFlate in 30 sec. p Yes ~ I~o Nozzle Fuel Nozzle Model & Initial Dispenser Final Dispenser T~otal Gas Dispertsed Time Dispensing lnitial Merer ~ Readin~ (ft'), Final Meter Reading V/L r Pass~Fail p~F ~ ~ Number Grade Seria! No. Reading Reading ~~a~ ~ (sec) Rate (gal.) V (ft'), Vf al. , G; al. G 7 81 I 0~ ' Pass I 87 900 f{eal 2.04 } . . y 1 0 98 Fail ~ g9 Serial numbcr 2.073 a.GO . I 91 M i 3081467 2.019 6.47 0.98 ' Pass ? g7 900 Heal 2.042 h.78 l.08 Pass y 1 09 Fail 2 89 Serial Number 2.068 5.56 . z 91 M 13081241 2.046 b.52 1.05 Pass 6 I 07 Pass ; 87 Healy 90U 2.046 6.7 . I OS Fail 3 89 M13081235 2.043 5.32 . of perjury under ~he luws of the state o~'California thut ba.sed on informution a~rd belief jorn~ed afrer reasonable inquiry, enall under l e I d ~he y p ur ec , statements und inforn~ulion provi~ d i this• docume~~t are trere, aCCUrale, Ctnd colnple(e. ~ l~~~ Signature of Technician: Date: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x a~ E~ ~ .~ Q 0 0 ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ 3 ~: ~• W U Cd G~. 0 ~ z 0 ~ ~ ~ >, on 0 0 ~ ~ F~ ~ ~ rn N ~o ~ ~ ~ a~ b ~ O ~ ~ 0 Revhs M a'~e!' NOTE: The V/L ratio shall be 0.95 to 1.15, measured at a flow rete between 6.0 -10.0 gpm. Any fueling point whose V/L ratio is determined to be at or below 0.80 shall be deemed defective and removed from service. - Nozxte Ninnber _ ;: _ , .. F~el :Csrade : _.. Nou~e Model & u ;: Sena! No .; . lnihal ' ~~ - ~g ; • .~3' Final ~P~' ~~ . G . . ~ Total Gas Diypenaed ' = (gal:) Tfa-e (~) _. Dispeasfng ~ (sa1).:: Inihal Meter . Read?n8 (8')~ v~. . ' ... Fwa1 Meter IteadinB (~,a~i .. .. V/L " _ , .,. ~ Pass/Fail . '. (p~') : ~. _: 3 91 2.034 6.70 1.04 PASS 4 87 HEALY 900 2.040 7.08 ~ 1.04 PASS 4 89 M13081240 2.048 4.46 1.08 FAIL 4 91 2.064 6.70 1.05 PASS 1 89 4.583 42.6 6.45 1303726 13037.84 0.95 PASS 2 89 4.578 40.7 6.78 13037.84 13038.47 1.03 PASS 3 89 4.568 39.9 6.86 13038.47 13039.10 1.02 PASS 4 89 4.571 41.5 6.59 13039.10 13039.72 1.01 PASS I declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Californra that based on information and belief formed ajter reasonable inquiry, the statements and information provided in this document are true, accurate, and complete. ~ ~/ Date: `f Signature of Technician: ~ `!' S- ~ c~ ~:.: . .... ~:,~: ~:_..,:; rn ~n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F-i .~ ~. ~ ~ Q 0 0 v a~ ~ .~ ~ >; ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~. a x W U ~ a 0 ~ z 0 ~, ~ U L'. ~ dn 0 0 ~ ~ E~ 3 I ~ . ' SITE DIAGRAM ~i Tan 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 400 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST DATE: 11/05/08 WORK ORDER NUMBER~162958 CLIENT: 7-ELEsVEN, INC . SITE: 7-ELEVEN #16 3 2 9, MKT 2 3 6 8 7-11 #16329 DUMP- CAS 1701 PACHECO RD STER BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 ~ 661.834.1350 ~ . Q TLS ~ i ~ z aC ~~ REG ESO ~ OVE FILL ~ ~ REG ~ . O ~ PREM O O / ' ;~4 #2 ~ • q O O #3 #~ ^~ '~ O W p/S p/S ~ sT ,~o S N ~ ST ~ Printed 11/11/2008 08:14 ACRAMER