HomeMy WebLinkAboutAST APPL 1/22/2007BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEP r ,~ ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANKS Prevention Services ; B s x 9 P I$ D 1600 Truxtun Ave. Ste. 401 `£ P/Re ~ :~ - ARTM ~ T Bakersfield, CA 93301 APPLICATION FORM ~y ~ Tel.: (661) 326-3979 ~ FOR INSTALLATION / REMOVAL OF AN AST Fax: (661) 852-2171 /~ yT J Page 1 of 2 / "Ti C5'" INSTALL ^ REMOVE PERMIT: # .~ - D FACiurv t/ N~2 /~2 ~~ - Tlvrl -j~ ADDRESS ~ ~ I. OPERATORS NAME PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. OWNERS NAME NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED 2- / REMOVED I ~Y~,~~Ci~~~,'~ Y ri fpA~kA'~k ~~6~ f ~~:; v o„~~ .y,a„ ~ Akt* ~~4~~~~~~4~t~ ~~'4~i ~~ I~ s4 '~ "s ~ t,; t ~ F 4~ ~a'} ~,v,'~~ :?s ," ~' i.~H;f ~ e,x =:Ji ~~vl ~'~t~~i F~~ y,~;'. y~ft J,ti;.',~ ~^ ,~ ~~~y~ti {'~TANK~.rNOth~~^ ,d na~,~Y~r t}+~~ , ~~"~+,; ., ' * ~; .~;;° ,CO,NTENTS w ,-t ~ ~i 3~"' ?~ i'~~ nesy~, a ~ t YOL"'UME~u„ ~b h~ ~~ +~ kg~ d,~r~;..l~~q,f.. ~~~a?UN„1 Y""1~';lih'.e bl}"~~±I~_4, iu.n;~1~~4 ~rl"~2'~,4cS'~i~~'.~t ~~3.~,.~y.6 ~~,,,+J41....duar;' ... r...~..., i.,L,.,.~~kl._F',*v~~~i~s;..~C~~l,~"U~+,,.~,.,~~A -~+r~tr,W'.,.f..~t6,~r:~~e„~~m:~:;~.~6.~,~b.: Oie e ~- 2 ooO ~'ct,~ ~ 2 ~ oL ' ID ~ Q I• NAME OF COMPANY INSTALLING 8/ OR REMOVING TANK(S) ~ L ~ MAILING ADDRESS ~3 S O~ C ~- v C. NAME 8 PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON a ~ v .~ DATE 8 TIME TANK IS TO BE INSTALLED OR REMOVED NATURE F A LICANT . DATE / ZZ p7 APP BY r- . ; DATE a_,_o FD 2081 (Rev. 09/05) , ~ ~„~~N ~~~y ~~ ~ . _. .. • • GvG~~Y~~I11 bbl-y~l-~~V~~~! ,_,. ~ _._~ ~ern Countr~ ~re 17epa~ynen~ ~e~t " 564'2 Victar St., Bakersti"eld~ GA 93308 ' Telephone (681) 381 T08p Fex (651) 991-7077 Permlt Number ~ 2006'FL-037 D~~ of Type of Permit Pro]ect Name PraJect Street aadress Descripdon of Frolect Permit ~able Uquids Permit School Trans Hub 11P21/2Q06 NOTE: ICCFD REQUIRES TWQ (2) FULL WORKING OAYS (dOTICE FOR INSPECTiQN. issued m: {appi~carn~ ames P. Peel app. Ph. tvo. (sst~ s2~-e~a~ Conhactw/Companf' 1-Vatl@y EquipmBrtt Cont Ph. No. (~81) 327-9341 Flirg~f~gg /~~.49 nr. n r .. . COt1trACto-~COmpA~ly ~O ~a~ii?fOPc r~i-~. ~ Fax No. I , . I c~ry, state, zrp Bakers~ietd, CA ~. sectlon-rownsnlpJaange Llcense tVO. 84170 Key o~ep Numb~r THIS PERMI"1' DOES NOT TAKE THE PLACE OF ANY LJCENSE r-ee Coda 1.5 REQUIRED 8Y LAW. PERMIT IS NOT TRAN3FERqgLE For QHie:e Uae Only Plans Approved Slgneture Project Final Sigrtaiure Final Inspedton Date Date Picked U Date F DaDe Mai Date Pak1 Artlount Pek1 Total Time (mtnutes) THIS PBRMIT MU3T AT ALL TiMES BE POSTED (]N THE PREMISES MENTIONED ABOVE p .,rr ~,h,.,:,.:r: :.'::.:',~:,N~:: .''':,:'; ~:fl; Z;'r.'.~`i':?. ="'-=i": `~'~ eXed ;K~. ~'•;S~ ,_,,. ~. :! :~;°~;~~; :F..~.::;;~;'.. rYt~, ~.~v~,s~. :.'.~'`^~,rl;f~-•~ - ~:.R' ~.1.. ICU ...j` L'( Na _ ~~}~F.,:.'~: .'S~ }''? ~' V ~~~5;?~YV ~'~'. y;~ 'd~~tf+:' ~~uw~~:;~ ,'i> ~~.r. a ~;''a:: :'r=, ::~.~;:~•.., • :: - `.~T iL ~.:!.4' - '~~,5~:''.~*" W3; ~x''.,;. '~" -_ •:~:. ; :.::;,;: :;. • t ~.,^. ~w ' .:a~y ': ._ i;.:.:r :,• .~ti'<r' .'3i•:.i,. ' p.l KCFD 205 Rev. 4/06 J.1/LO/GVVO 11:'L! I'Ad , ...t~ . _f San .loaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT ~ 002/003 PERMIT N0: S-6968-1-~ -ISSUANCE: DATE: 11/27/2006 LEGAL OWNER OR OPERATOR: NORRIS SCHOOL MAILING ADDRESS: 6940 CALLOWAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93312 LOCATlON: 6025 OLD FARM ROAD ' BAKERSFIELD, CA EQUIPMENT DESCRIPT~ON: GASaLINE DISPENSING OPERATION WITH ONE 3,000 GALLON SPLIT (2,000 DIESEU 1,000 GA~?OLINE) CONTAINMEN7 SOLUTIONS ABOVEGROUND 5TORAGE TANK SERVED BY TWO-POtNT PHASE I VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM, AND 1 FUELING POINT WITH 1 GASOLINE DISPEfVSING NOZZLE SERVED BY BALANCE PHASE II VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM (G-70-194) ~ COND`TIONS l. The vapor recovery systems and their components shall be installed, operated, and maintained in a~cordance with the State certification requirements. [District Rules 4621 and 4622] 2. This gasoline storage and dispensing equipment shall not be used in retail sales, where gasoline dispensed by the unit is subject to payment of California sales tax on gasoline sales. [District Rule 4622] 3. No gasoline delivery vessel shall be operated or be allowed to operate unless valid State of California decals are displayed on the cargo tank wfiich attest to the vapor integrity of the tank. [District Rule 4621 ] 4. Vapor recovery systems and gasoline dispensing equipment shall be maintained leak-free. A"leak:" is defined as the dripping of liquid volatile organic compounds at a rate of three or more drops per~minute, or vapor volatile organic coxnpounds in excess of 10,000 ppm as equivalent methane as determined by EFA Test Method 21. (District Rule 4622] 5. Any person conducting tests shall have completed a District-approved training program or the Disirict's orientation class for testing and any subsequent required refresher class. [District Rule 4b22] CONDITIONS CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE YOU MUS7 NOTlFY THE DISTRICT COMPLIANCE DIVISION AT (661) 326-6900 WHEN CONSTRUCTION IS COMPI_ETED ANO PRIOR TO OPERATING THE ECIUIPMENT OR MODIFICATIONS AUTHORIZED BY THIS AUTHORITY TO CON3TRUCL This is NOT a PERMIT TO OPERATE. Approval or denial of a PERMIT TO OPERATE will be made after an inspection to verify that the equipment has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans, speclFlcatlons and conditions of this Authority to Construct, and to detemiine if the equipment can be opera•:ed in compliance with all Rules and Reguladons of the San Joaquin Valley UniFled Air Poflution Control Dishict. Unless conslructlon has commenced pursuant to Rule 2050, this Authority to Construct shell expire and applfcatfon shall be cancelled two years from the date of issuance. The applicant is responsible for complyfng with all laws, ordinances and regulations of aff other govemmental agencies which may pertain to the above equipment. Seyed Sadredin, Executive Director / APCO ARNER, Director of Permit Services eeea~•a:no.nxooe<:aecr.~-cu~ermec ~ ,eo~mimoea~onNOr~y„n.e Southem Regional Office • 2700 M Street, Suite 275 • Bakersfield, CA 93301-2370 .(661) 326-6900 • Fax (661) 326-6985 11/~oicv~o ll:to rHA ~ 003/003 ' ., ...~ ! • Conditions for S-6968-1-0 (continued) Page 2 of 2 6. For certified Phase II vapor recovery systcros with liquid removal devices, the permittee shall perfbrrn and pass an ARB TP-201.6 Liquid Removal Test within 60 days after initial start-up and whenever the liquid in the vapor path exceeds 100 mt of liquid. The amount of liquid in the vapor path shall be measured by Iowering tiie gasoline dispensir~g nozzle into a container untii such time that no more liquid drains from the nozzle. The arnount o~' liquid ~ drained into the container shall be measured using a gi-aduated cylinder or graduated beaker. The vapor nath shall be inspect'ed once per month if monthly throughput is below 2,500 gallons, or once per week otherwisc. [District Rule 4622] 7. The permittee shall perform and pass a Static Leak Test for Aboveground Tanks using ARB TP-2i)1.3B within 60 days after initial start-up and at least once every 12 months thereafter. [Disirict Rule 4622] 8. The operator shall implement a periodic maintenance inspection program for the certified Phase D vapor recovery system consistent with Section 5.4.2 of Rule 4622. The program shall be documented in an operation and maintenance (0&M) manval and shall at a minimum contain the following infozmation: 1) Ail applicable AR.B Executive Orders, Approval Letters, and Dishict Permits; 2) The manufacturer's specifications and instructions for installation, operation, repair, and maintenance required pursuant to ARA Certification Procedure CP-201, and any additi~nal instrucrion provided by the manufacturer; 3) System and/or component testing requirements, including test schedules and passing criteria for each of the standard tests. The owner/operator may include any non-ARB required dia.;nostic and other tests as part of the testing requirements; 4) Protocol for performing periodic maintenance inspecticns including the components to be inspected and the defects requiring repair; and 5) Additional O&M instructions, if any, that are designed to ensure compliance with the applicable rules, regulations, ARB Executive Orders, and :District permit conditions, including replaeement schedules for failure or wear prone components. [District Rule ~G622] 9. The operator shall conduct periodic maintenance inspections based on tlze amount of gasoline dispensed by the facility in a calendar month as follows: A) less than 2,500 gallons - one day per month; B) 2,500 to less th3n 25,000 gallons - one day per week; or C) 25,000 gallons or greater - five days per week. All inspections shall be do ~umented within the O& M Manual. [District Rule 4622] 10. The opera.tor shal] maintain monthly gasoline throughput records. [District Rule 4622] 11. All records required by this perrnit shal2 be retained on-site for a period of at least five years, and shali be made available for inspection upon request. [District Rule 4622] 12, The operator shall maintain on the premises a log of any repairs made to the certified Phase I or Pr~.ase II vapor recovery system. The repair log shall include the following: 1) date and time of each repair; 2) the name of the person(s) who performed the repair, and if applicable, the name, address and phone number of the person's employer; 3 j de~c~~iption of service performed; 4 j each component that was repaired, serviced, or removed; 5;~ each component that was installed as repIacement, if applicable; and 6) receipts or other documents for parts used iii.the repair and, if applicable, work orders which sball vnclude the name and signaiure of the person responsible for p~~rforming the repairs. [District Rule 4b22] 13. The District shall be notified by the permittee 15 days prior to each test. The test results shall be s~ibmitted to the . District no later than 30 days after each test. [District Rule 1081] 14. The Distriet shall be notified within 24 hours o£ the facility's pass/fail status after the performance ~f each test. [.District Ru1e 1081 ] &87661~0 Nw172008 9:OOPM-ELLENBEC Unidocs - ~niform Documents ~azardous ~Ma#er~als ~~~ir~e :In{~~Anto.r~ =Pro~j~ct Page 1 of 2 Creating a Chemical lnventory Form Modify Existing Chemical Information for DIESEL Chemical information returned by database: CHEMICAL NAME CAS# DIESEL 68476-34-6 COMMON NAME FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES DIESEL CONIBUSTIBLE LIQUID, CLASS II ~ _..__._.._---w.__..._....._.___.... HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TYPE PURE. FED HAZARD CATEGORIES FIRE ACUTE HEALTH DOT HAZARD CLASS NONE PHYSICAL STATE LIQUID STATE WASTE CODE NONE EHS` NO I. LOCATION INFORMATION CHEMICAL LOCATION Breckenridge Mtn. Select from Previous Locations :~=< ... .....__._...._~._..,.., ,.._..._.,.~.._........._._..._...~. . CONFIDENTIAL EPRCA : MAP # GRID # _ No... k.;: ( -. II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION TRADE SECRET r' Yes ~'' No DAYS ON SITE MATERIAL TYPE (If subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions) 365 ^; Non-Waste ;=' ~.-.~ CURIES (enter in millicuries. 1000 mCi = 1 Ci) ~ LARGEST CONTAINER MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT VOLUME 1200 ; 1200 ; 1200 I UNITS: ~Gallons .......... .. . .... .... .. . .. ... ;-' STORAGE CONTAINER (check all that apply) ~' ABOVEGROUND TANK r; PLASTIC/NONMETAL DRUM r UNDERGROUND TANK I-: CAN I- TANK INSIDE BUILDING r CARBOY r; STEEL DRUM ~ SILO ~ RAIL CAR r OTHER I- FIBER DRUM r. GLASS BOTTLE ~ BAG r PLASTIC BOTTLE r BOX r: TOTE BIN I- CYLINDER I_- TANK WAGON Unidocs - TJniform Documents MANAGEMENT METHOD (required if material is waste) ~' SHIPPED OFF-SITE ~` RECYCLED ON-SITE STORAGE PRESSURE ~' AMBIENT ~' ABOVE AMBIENT STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~~ AMBIENT ~' ABOVE AMBIENT t'- TREATED ON-SITE r BELOW AMBIENT ~- BELOW AMBIENT ~~ CRYOGENIC Page 2 of 2 If you need help filling out a field, click on the field's name for a short description. (Javascript must be enabled to use the online help function.) Back to Site Menu home ~ whaYs new ~ members agencies ~ documents and services ~ search unidocs ~ contact us related links ~ training and meetinas For comments or questions regarding the HMIS project, contact the Online Database Administrator. hosted by City of Palo Alto https://unidocs.ecointeractive.com/user/modify3.asp?facility id=15-000-TMP024&gdn=A... 12/4/2008