HomeMy WebLinkAbout4101 CALLOWAY DRIVE (3)~.~ ~ Tanlv~o/o ~ 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400 Austin, Texas 78759 Phone: (512) 451-6334 Fax: (512) 459-1459 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INSPECTOR STEVE UNDERWOOD 1501 TRUXTUN AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 Test Date: 11 /24/2008 Order Number: 3163431 Dear Regulator, Date Printed and Mailed: 12/02/2008 ~°~ p \. ~ ~~ ~, ~ Enclosed are the results of re~ent testing performed at the following facility: 7-ELEVEN #32241, MKT 2368 4101 CALLOWAY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93312 Testing performed: Healy Clean Air Separator Healy ISD (Exhibit 9) Healy Line Integrity Healy Quarterly Inspection Healy Vapor/Liquid Stage II blockage tests Stage 11 pressure decay tests Sincerely, ~ C~~Tr ~a~~ Dawn Kohlmeyer Manager, Field Reporting ~ cn ~ c~ ~o ~ M i-~ N 'O ~ ~ O 3 .i : ~ ' ~ .; . ....~.• ~~ . . . '~ ..-. ~: . ~ . i , _ . . . I . . ~ ..ii . I ~ ,:::; ; ; ~ a i ~ , i ; , ~ ~ ; i. + t , .I ; ,j :i ,...i..~.;.. ;:;,.,i.:, . , ;.,i;;.;~ ' :i ~ ~ ~ , ~ '~ ~~ l :~ • ~ ~ ' ; ~ ' V ~ N 1 ~ °i . I :'~' ~ ~ . . f. .~ Y ~ .- ~ , ~ , ~ ;~ ~ ~ Q~ m ~ , ' ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ . . VR-201-C a~n~~'~-202-C - V'~Jeekly Inspection and Testing Checkt~i5~ . ~~ ~:: ~st results ma b~ ~~ c#; pi~,Qssist snrith fillln aWt CDF:maintenance log. ,.:. Y~ ~. #. 9~~ :..Date:/ Z~! - ~F~g~~~,^:~ o;~ ~ ,. ;. . Olspen~er M~~~, : Unihose orFuet Gr~de ° (circla ohe~ '::; ~: : Noule Inspedioh (circle on~) Hose Inspection ) (circle one 8reakaway Ins~ectian (circle one) :i VP1000 Vacuum Pum '~ P~OrmalOperatfon arcle a s) ~ ~ Unihose 7 89 8'I OtHer ass all Pass Fait Pa s Fail Yes No ° nEhos ~ 87 89 91 Othe;r_ Felf Pass ail Fail Yes `i'No. ° nihos 87 89 9't Qfhef., Pa Feil ass il a ai! s hIo hose 87 89 91 Ot~et a a~ ass ail Fail Yes (Va nihos 87 69 81 O~h~~_ as Fa1 Pass Fail Fail es No niho 87 89. 91 : QRhef, ass ai~ Pas Fa11 a• Fafl es ` ~Fo ~ s 87 89 ~'~ :(7~.hef`_ as a~ P Fail Fal! es ~ AFb `,. iho 87 89 89 (7}{I8C_ ass ail ' ail Pa ail es ~ ~'; l~i~ :. iJnihose 8T 89 91 LQHier Pess Fall Pass Fail Pass Fail Yes ' No Unihose 87 89 91 Ofiier~_ Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fa}1 Yes No Unihose 87 89 91 O~ti~!` Pass Fail Pass Fall Pass Fail Yes ;No ' Unihose 87 89 91 Oih~r_ Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Yes !Vq iJnihose 87 89 91 13t~er?_ Pass Fail Pass Fai! Pass Fail Yes h!o Unihose 87 89 91 Othet,_ Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Faif Yes No Unihose 87 89 91 Other:~ Pass Fail Pass Feil Pass Fail Yes No Unihose 8~ 89 91 flther' Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fall Yes No rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ F~ ~ .N ~ 0 0 v ~ .~ ~ ~ 3 a`~i ~ W U ~ 0 ~ z 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ on 0 ~ ~ E~ ~ c~ ~r M ~O rl M i-~ ~ b H ~ ~ ~. O i ARE~ Approved IOV1~;~ HB~IyNeeder-#2out Phaae IV~VR System - VR-2p2~,A;(Scheduled M2in?unanc~) ;, . ~ . .. . Pag.~7 _ `~ IH~aly EO VR«~~~-A - Quarterly;~nspe~tion ~nc~ T~sting ~heckli~t Chetktl~f°rv4§'~l~"may be used ta ~~asi3d vrith fi4ting ou t GD~ mairrtenanc~ log. ....... ~ L~~f:e: ~ ..,..».,..~...,..... Page L of ~ ,_....,~..........._.. Dispenser Numbor .....e... Unihose or Fue~ 3rade (circie one} • WeekFy lnspec:ior. • Corrspleto (circ~e o:~ej ~/f~iQCO IrspecUon 4circie onej ~'r0~u~? Dispensiny Rata (gallans Por m~nufe; L u~f Grade 7ested (oircle one} Clear, r3ir Separator ~-. ~ .aru iguration Isee tipure on back) 87 89 91 REhor Yes hlo Pa~ f'ail pm i~9 97 Other ~'alve ~ Circle One iMos ih 87 87 88 $9 - 91 9t Othar Other~ o Itio a3s F'aiE '~ F'ail _~~pn~ ~ gpm S~ 69 91 Dther B9 91 Otliery` ~ A ~ E3~ V Open ~7p8n Closesci os i B7 89 51 OUier M1o aas F ail ~m + 9 91 Other_ (~ ^ ~ Opsn lo iho 87 69 91 Other e ho ail ~ pm gr• 91 Other, L; ~~Aen s 7 ~ .l ~ If e e 87 87 87 8H 89 89 91 91 91 ~ther OYh~er Otf~er ~ e ho wo es !Jo ~ Fas ~ a4f ~_ as Fai{ F'~il ,~,tCirc~ gpm ~ .~ (Sgpm + 8; 9 9t OEhsr+ Sr 88 91 Ot~ar~. 89 91 fllheri _.~ Pi~ac Grcle O~ n~~ .rY .•1•~ E_~.•.••••II tviissing riihoae 87 39 91 Other _ Yes Nr~ r ~ F'ass F'~il y~:rr :7 89 9i Other ~'f"' i f i~ ctal Missing ihoBe 87 ~9 51 Oth~r . Yes No F'ass P'e~il gpr' 87 89 94 Other nihase 87 89 91 Olher Yes No F•ass Fail ` qprr. A,' 89 91 Other~ r~ahqse~ ~7 89 91 Other Yas No F~ass f~ail gprr~ ~7 69 91 Uthe~r_,_,_, ail~ose Q7 29 91 Oiher Yes Na K~ass i~~i1 gprc~ 8i E9 91 Other ihose 87 a9 91 OtE+er Yes Nc F'ass I~all ~~~m 57 89 91 Other " nih4se 87 89 9~ Other Yes No Pass I~ail gpm ~~ &9 91 Uther Rihosa 87 89 91 Other Yes No PaSS I~ai! y~m 6; 89 S1 Oiher ~. rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ h ~ .~ ~ Q 0 0 v ~ c~ 3 ~ ~ ~. X W U ~ ~, 0 z O ~ ~ U Q ~ eo 0 0 ~ ~ F~ 3 I~ ~uuuiiw~^i Work Order: 3163431 _ - ~ ~~ ,#~` ;~ j~ r,~,•. •'-`'e`B; '~'3; - ; ;: ~ : .z _ ~ r ~". ~ ~ .ag ~y ~~~ ,-k7 ~" Y ~. ~` i~ .Y.•C; ,. ''' : _ i~ Y ~:<'.~'. ~, `G, ~Y~ ~ ~ r... ~.... i~~~" . ~~.'w .. . _ ..~ , .. x ~. 'i:}~ ~ ~ '::. ` i:X~ ': ~l.lr~~`_:~.:_}~it:~ i~ '~' 'ji:3 V~i^!< ''I` ai,;3~f~jf ks:.~A'+: ".. ...... t`! n' ~Y .. .... r., w. i / 6 s a, . _ ~. r . . . ... .. . a. e . . '•.f . T P 201.3 UST Static Pressure Performance Test Rcport Form Permit Number. S-32S6-1-2 Test Compan}': Tanknoloey Site Name: 7.'I 1# 32241 Technici~n: Tim Couh~r Site Address: 4101 Calloway Dr. Certification Number Expiration Date City: Bakersfield 7..ip: 93312 District: SJV-0011 ^ I IlOIr07 ' Date~Time of Test: I 11?4%08 0900hrs ___ _ TEST INFORMATION Total number of no7zles: 8 ~ Are the tsnks manifolded? ~ Yes p No Phase 1 vapor recovcry system executive order (as relerenced on Permit to Operate} VR-202 Phase II vapor recovery system executive order (as referenccd on Pemii~ ro Operate) VR-201 Nitrogen intrucluction poinl ~ Phase I vapor cnupler __ ^ Phase I I vapor riser Pressure measuring device ^ incline manometer ~ di~ital inanometer ^ mechanical gauge Calibration date for pressure measuring device (must bz within 90 days of the test) 9/22r08 Ending value fi~r digital manometer driR test if applicable {must be 0.01 in. w.c. or less) 0.00 Initi~l tank ullage pressure (vent if over 0.5 in. w.c.} 0.00 Nitro~en intmduction tlow rate, F(must be between I and 5 CFM) .i Calculated ullage fill-timc, t, (t>- V/ i~22 s F) 2:~2 AClual fill-time 2:3U Number of hoses with over 10O ml (balancc hoses muct bc draincd prior ro testing) N!A TANK INFORM ATION Tank No. I 2 3 4 ALI. Producl grade 87 91 Actual tank capacity (gallons) I5,000 10,000 25,OOU Gasoline volume (gallons) 7, I S5 6,253 13,408 Ullage, V(gallons) 7.845 3,747 I 1,592 I1'tanks are not nianifolded, number of nozzles NiA N:'n N'A 2 iN. W.C. STATiC PRESSURE TEST Test No. I 2 3 4 5 Stai1 timc 0945hrs Initial Pressurc, inches of water coEumn (in. w.c.) . __. - ... - - --... .. _ 2.00 .. _ .-- - . .-- - -- - Pressure at one minute, in. w.c. --- _ 3.01 Pressure at two minutes. in. w.c. .. 1.98 -- ------. _...---- Pressure a< <hree minutcs, in. ~v.c. -- . _ _ .... ---- I.98 Pressw~e at four minutes, in. ~v.c. --- ._ 2.00 Pressure at five minulcs, in. w.c. ~ -- 1.98 A1lowable minimum pressure, in. w.c. 1.91 j Pass / Pail (enter "GI'" for gross lailure) i 1 Pass 1 dc>clpre, t+nder penalry of perjury under 7he l~ ~lhe slutc~ qJ~Calrforniu Ihp! bused on t»furmufiun und helief fr~rmed aJler reasonuble inquiry, ~he s~~~~eme t n' rma~ion pravrd~d in ll~is dvciuncj~l r~re !1"tf~. GCCU!'UlE', to~d comnlele. Signa[ure of'f'cchnician: _ _ _ Uate: ~~ ~ - Q~ Tanknology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 Work Order: 3163431 ^ an o a u~n ae AIR POLLUTI~N C4NTROL DlSTRlCT TP-201.4 Dynamic Back Pressure Test Report Form Permit Number: 5-3256-1-2 Site Name: 7-1'! #32241 Site Address: 4f 01 Calloway Dr. City: Bakersfield Date/Time of Test:11-24-OS / 0900 Test Company: TANKNOLOGY Technician: TIM COULTER Zip:93312 ~ DisVict: SJV-0011 ' ;. _, Phase II vapor recovery system executive order (as referenced on Permit to Operate) ' ~ X: VR202 Pressure measuring device incline manometer digital manometer: X mechanical gauge Calibration date for pressure measuring device {must be wiihin 90 days of the test) 9-22-08 Ending value for digitaf manometer drift test if applicable (must be 0.01 in. w.c. or less) 0.00 Back pressure test assembly leak check (must decay < 0.2 in w c in 5 min at 50% of the . . . . scale of the assembl 's h~ hest ran e PASS ! declare, under penalty oi perjury under he laws of the state of Califomia thaf based on rnformation and 6elief (ormed after reasonable inquiry, the ateme s and informafion provided in the document are true, accurafe, and compJete. ~ Signature of Technician: Date: ~/ ~~ ~~-(~ ~ Tanknology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 Work Order: 3163431 ^ an oa uin a e AIR POLLUTI~N C4NTROL DISTRICT E.O. VR-201/202 Healy Clean Air Separator Static Pressure Performance Test Report Form Permit Number. S-3256-1-2 Test Company: TANKNOLOGY Site Name: 7-11 #32241 Site Address: 4101 Calloway Dr. . Technician: TIM COULTER City: Bakersfield Zip:93312 District SJV-0011 ~ DatelTime of Test:11-24-08 / 0900 Franklin (Healy):3631133760 3-5-09 >-,:. ~;~,;.Y Calibration date for digital manometer (must be within 180 days of the test) 9-22-08 ` Ending value for digftal manometer drift test (must be 0.01 in. w.c. or less) O.UO ,~ y ,~;;,:,r;~; . Nitrogen introduction flow rate {must be between 2 and 4 CFM) Pressure at start of test, in. w.c. Pressure at one minute, in. w.c. Pressure at two minutes, in. w.c. Pressure at three minutes, in, w.c. Pressure at four minutes, in. w.c. Final pressure at five minute, in. w.c. Allowable minimum pressure, in. w.c. ~ ! declar~, under penalfy of perjury under the laws of the state of California that based on informafion and belief formed aRer reasonable inquiry, the s tements and information provided in the document are true, accurate, and complete. /J nature of Technician: ~~ Date: ~~ c-O Tanknology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 , Work Order: 3163431 ^ an o a uin ae AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT E.O. VR-201/202 Healy Dispenser Vapor Line Integrity Test Report Form Permit Number. S-3256-1-2 Test Company: TANKNOLOGY Site Name: 7-11 #32241 Technician: TIM COULTER Site Address: 4101 Calloway Dr. City: Bakersfield Zip:93312 Districr SJV-0011 _ Date/TimeofTest:11-24-08 /0900 Franklin (Healy): 3631133760 3_~pg Tanknology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 1 declare, under penalty of pe~jury under e laws of the state of California that based on informafion and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the ements and information provided in the document are true, accurate, and complete. Signature of Technician: Date: _ ' ~ - `"l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ 0 z ~ 0 b w ~ Cn x v ., c~ N N w ~ ~ c ~ ~ A O O a ~ ~ ~ ~~ y ~ k ~ ~ J W J ~ ~ ^ an oa uin a e AIR POLLUTI~N CONTROL DISTRICT E.O. VR-201/202 Vapor-to-Liquid {V/L) Volume Ratio Test Report Form Permit Nurnber. S-3256-1-2 Test Company: TAfVKNOLOGY Site Name: 7-11 #32241 Technician: TIM COULTER Site Adclress: 4101 Calloway Dc City: 8akersfield Zip:93312 Disbict: SJV-Oa11 ----..-~~~ Date/Time of Test:11-24-08 / 0900 Frankfin (Healy):3631133760 3-5-09 ' :7-.. ' Gas volume meter type {i.e., Roots meter or Tri-Tester) TFtI-TES7ER Gas volume meter serial or identification number: 744079 Tri-Tester soflware version, if appficable (must be version 2.01) 2.01 Calibration date for Gas voiume meter (must be within 180 days of the test) 7_Z~-0g Gas volume meter correction factor, y(Roots meter) Q.997 Pre-test leak check for Roots meter. Initial pressure: 30 sec. pressure: Pre-test leak check for Tri-tester. Re-inffate in 30 sec. Yes X No Post-test leak check for Roots meter: Initial pressure: 30 sec. pressure: Post-test leak check for Trf-tester: Re-inflate in 30 sec. Yes X fVo ~ 0 ., ~ O n. ~ .~ W r. ~ w ~ w r ~ w ~ 0 0 aa ~ ~ ~ ~ v, 0 z ~ 0 ~v ~ ~ tn x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ A O O a ~ ~ ~. ~~ y ~ x w m v ~ J v, ~ 3 91 2.069 8.43 1.03 PASS 4 87 HEALY 900 2.061 8.38 1.02 PASS , 4 89 SERIAL # 2.069 9.32 1.d1 PASS 4 91 19080787 2.065 8.93 0.97 PASS 5 87 HEALY 900 2.07'1 8.24 1.00 PASS 5 89 SERIAL # 2.102 9.09 9.02 PASS 5 91 020678i 2.074 8.98 0.96 PASS 6 87 HEALY 900 2.Q64 8.02 0.98 PASS 6 89 SERIAL # 2.074 8.82 0.97 PASS 6 91 1507238 2.061 8.77 Q.95 PASS 7 87 HEALY 900 2.066 7.77 1.08 PASS 7 89 SERIAL # 2.081 8.43 1.13 PASS 7 91 1607242 2.049 8.88 1.13 PASS 8 87 HEALY 900 2.058 8.15 1,09 PASS 8 89 SERlAL # 2.062 8.52 1.12 PASS 8 91 39071243 2.047 8.82 1.12 PASS NOTE: The V/L ratio sha11 be 0.95 to 1.15, measured at a flow rate between 6.0 -10.0 gpm. Any fueling point whose V!L ratio is determined to be at or below.0.80 shall be deemed defectfve and removed from service. I declare, under penalty of perjury under e laws of the state of Californra that based on infonnation and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements end infoRnation provided ' e document are true, accurate, and complete. Signature of Technician: Date: G~ ~ y0~ ~ 0 ., ~ O a c~ ;-~ Work Order: 3163431 ^ an oa u~n ae AIR POLLUTION C4NTROL DISTRlCT E.o. vR-2o2 Veeder-Root In-Station Diagnostics Vapor Pressure Sensor Ambient Reference Test & Site Shutdown Test Report Form Permit Number: S-3256-1-2 Test Company: TANKNOLOGY Site Name: 7-11 #32241 Technician: TIM COULTER Site Address: 4101 Calloway Dr. City: Bakersfield Zip:93312 District SJV-0011 ~ DatelTime of Tesr11-2408 / 0900 Veeder-Root:834132 2-15-09 Pressure sensor located at dispenser number(s} ~6 Pressure sensor number 180 Non-calibrated pressure sensor value, inches otwatercolumn (in. w.c.) -0.ppg Is pressure value between -0.20 and +0.20 in. w.c.? YES Was power removed from the 7LS-350 console? YES Was power to the submersible pump(s) removed by the TLS-350? YES Was power restored to 7LS-350 console? __ YES 'Vahre must be retumed to normal operating position after tesNng is comple ZThe amblent reference port cap must be in place after testing ts completed. 'A certified Veedar-Root technician must perform this tes~ ! declere, under penalty of perjury under fhe laws of fhe stafe of Califomia that based on informatron and belie/ iom-ed after reasonable inquiry, th statemenfs and information provided in the document are ~rue, accurate, and comp/ete. Signature of Technician: Date: ~/ ~`~- O~ Tanknology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 Work Order: 3163431 ^ an oa .u~n ae AIR POLLUTION CONTRQL DISTRICT E.O. VR-202 Veeder-Root !n-Station Diagnostics Vapor Flow Meter Operability Test Report Form Tanknology Inc. 8501 N, MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78759 Permit Number. 5-3256-1-2 Test Company: TAtVKNOLOGY Site Name: 7-11 #322q1 Technician: TIM COULTER Site Address: 4101 Calloway Dr. City: Bakersfield Zip:93312 Distric~ SJV-OU11 • :?~ Date~me of TesC11-24-08 10900 Veeder-Root:834132 ~~ z-~5-os Work Order: 3163431 Average of 31SD AIL results Difference between Average V/L and Average A!L values (Average V/L - Average A/L) Pass ! Fail (Pass = difference within ±0.15) If fail, repeat steps for the second fueling point on the dispenser Vapor flow meter serial number ,;~;;•~ ~ ~p~g Qispenser fueling point numbers FP: 5 FP: 6 Low grade V/L resuft #1 1.00 0.98 ISD A/L value #1 ~.p, Q 9z Difference between V/L result #1 and A/L value #1 (V/L - A/L) 0.05 0.06 Pass / Fail (Pass = difference within ±0.15), if fail continue PASS PASS Low grade V/L result #2 Low grade WL result #3 Average of 3 V/L results ISD A/L value #2 ISD AIL value #3 Average of 3 ISD A/L results Dlfference between Average V/L and Average A/L vaiues (Average V/L - Average A/L) Pass / Fai! (Pass = dlfference within t0.15) If fail, repeat steps for the second fueling point on the dispenser Vapor flow meter serial number ~ 10365 Dispenser fueling point numbers FP: 7 FP: e Low grade WI. result #1 1.08 1.09 ISD A1L value #1 ~ 19 ~~ Difference between V/L result #1 and A!L value #1 (V/L - A/L) 0.11 0.51 Pass ! Fail (Pass = difference within ±0.15), if fai! continue PASS FAIL Low grade V/L result #2 low grade Vlt result #3 Average of 3 V/L results ISD A!L value #2 ISD A/L value #3 Average of 3 ISD A!L results Diffierence between Average V/L and Average A/L values (Average V/L - Average A/L) Pass / Fail (Pass = difference within t0.15) If fail, repeat steps for the second fueling point on the dispenser ..~ ~.~:..yj.. ! dec/are, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Califomia that based on information and belief formed aRer reasonable inquiry, the statements and information provided in the document are true, accurate, and complete. , Signature of Technician: Date: ~~ ~ ~-i(~~ Tanknology Inc. 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Ausrin, Texas 78759 . ` SITE DIAGRAM ,``~ i Tanknology 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 400 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 (512)451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST DATE: 11/24/OS WORK ORDER NUMBER3163431 CLIENT:7-ELEVEN, INC. SITE:7-ELEVEN #32241, MKT 2368 ~ ~- Q. ~ ~ w S ~~ SA ~o~ AIR/ v 8j fj- H20 VENT #6 S'j' ~ ~ PAN ~ O ~ CAS #2 #5 #8 ICE ~'y~ Oi . O,o ~ #1 ~' #7 7-11 #32241 #3 4101 Calloway Dr. N Bakersfield, CA 93312 661.587.8826 ESO E TLS APCD #S-3256-1-2 n Printed 12/02/2008 08:30 ACRAMER ~~ " \ • ~- ~ . ~~ ~/ ~ ~ ~f~ ~ qIR~POR7 8U5 OF BA~KERSFT~LD 180o COLDEN STAT~ HWY Ba~KERSFzEi.Q, CA. 93303 PH(6b1) 8bJ.•806b FAX (6b1) 861-Q511 ~ ~.a~ FACS~MILE TRANSMITTAL SHE~T To; 1 ~, l FROM~ ~(l D 1 ~ ~-~~ ~r~~~ I~ __ 1n ~~ 1 I ~~ ~~ ~ COMPANY; FAX NuMB~R: DAT~. _~~ ~^U ~-_ N~. OF PAGES INC~UDZNG COVER: URGENT FoR REVxEw PL.EAS~ C~MMENT ' ~o~. c~.--r,.l~ <<5~-, ~-~.