HomeMy WebLinkAbout989 RESULTS 1/27/2009~~ -- ~~, ~y- S W RCB, January 2002 .~ ~~~ Page ~ of ~ Secondary Containment Testing Report Form Thir fnrm 1s inrendad jor use by controctors perjorming pariodic testing of UST secondary canrainment .rysrems. Use rhe appropriare pages of /his form to repo~t results for all components tested The completed form, wrilten test procedures, and prin~ou~s from ~ests ~f applicableJ, should be provided to the facility owner/operator jor submrtlal to ~he locn! regulalory agenc~~. FA!'TT.TTV ThTFnRMATI(IN Facilit Name: C( E / Date of Testing: -,~p Facility Address: 3 I ~RN C~A1"iC-~~S~~-p ~ CA • Facility Contaci: Phone~ Date Loca! Agency Was Notified of Testing : I• a• C~ Name of Local Agency Inspector ('fpresent during testiny~: 'f T7iCTT7V(: ("`f1NTRdfTllR TNFC]RMATi(lN CompanyName:RICH ENVIRONMENTAL ~ Technician Conducting Test: Credentials: ~ CSLB Licensed Contractor 0 SWRCB Licensed Tank Testcr License Typc. C611D90 License Number: 809850 ManufacWrer Menufacturer Trainine Com onen s Date Trainin Ex ires INCON INCON TS-STS ~-APfL-~O~D 3. ~ITMMARV nF TF.fiT RF.Ci11.TC Component Pass Fail Not Tested Repairs Made Component Pass Fail Not Tested Repairs Made ~" R- 0 D ,~ ^ ~ D ~ ~ g I U ^ .~ Q ;/I ^ ^ ~ L~ Nnr Q ^ .~ t7 ( s ^ 0 O S RL ~ ^ ^ 0 ~~ ~( ^ ^ ~ G 8"~Z S R a ^ o ~, n ~ lf E D o ^ 9/ c~ ~ o Q ~ !Z S~ o ^ U ^ o o ^ ~c r~ o ^ o ~-~ ^ o r~ ~' o ^ o ~ a r~ a Sr- ,~ ^ ^ ^ ^ r~~ ^ ^ S '~ o o r~ ^ o o ~; - D O D ^ ^ ^ ~ u tiydrostatic zesting was perfprmed, describe what was done with the water after completion of tests: RECYCLE AND REUSRD CER7'[FICATI~N OF TECFINTCIAN RESpp1YSI8LE .T~'OR CONDUCTINC TH[S'i'ESTINC To t/re besl afmy know/edge, Ure fac~s srated in (h!s documen! qre accurale and ireJu!! complionce wi1/i /ega/ requlrements ~ Technician's Signatur ~ Date: ~~ - ,~qN - Q ~f ~~ ~~ \`~ S~ 5 WRCI3, January 2002 4. TANK AIVN[JLAR TESTING Page Z of ~. Tcst Mechod Developcd By: O Tank Manu}$crurcr }~ lodustry Standard 0 Profcssional Enginecr Q Othcr (Spec~j Test Method Used: 0 Pressure ~ Vacuum 0 Hydrostatic 0 Otlier (Specify) Tcst Equipment Used: 9 in . DIAL GAUGE . ..~~, ~. ~ ~ `~+J ~`~ {`,,":"`" ~'~` ~`~ Tank # Tank ~! ,. Equipment Resolution: . 590 . . . ' . . ~:;~;Y;. ~~. . Tank ~ Tank #~ [s Tank Exempt From Testing?~ 0 Xes 0 T1o U Yes ^ No 0 Ycs 0 No 0 Yes _ C_ No 'fank Capacity: __. Tank Matcrial: ~ Tank MnnufecNrer: Product Storcd: Wait Cime between app[ying pressure/vacuum/watet and startin~ tesC O'7- ~ ~~ ~ ~1'est Stait "fime: Initial Reading (R~): Tesc End Time: ~ ~ ~ Finai Readiog (R~:): Test Duretion: ~ Change in Reading (RF-R.,): Pflss/Fail Thresitold or Criteria: Test Resalt: 0 Pass p FaU 0 Pass ^ Fail ^ Pass O Fail 0 Pass ~ Fail Was sensor removed Cor testing? O Yes D No 0 NA ^ Yes ~ No ^ NA 0 Yes ^ No ONA U Yes Q No f~ NA W+~s sensor properly replaced and verified functiona( after testin ? 0 Yes 0 No D NA ^ Yes ^ No O NA ^ Yes ^ No Q NA 0 Yes 0 No ~I NA - COI[f q1CI1tS -(rnclude i»fvrmalion on repairs made prior 10 lestin_¢, and recommended cestsl ' Secondary containment systems where the continuous monitoring automatically monitors botli the primary and sccondary containment~ s~ch es systems that are nydroscaticaJly monitored or under constant vacuum, are exempt from periodic containmenc tcsting. {California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Section 2b3~(a)(6)} SWRCB, January 2002 c c~CllNiieRV PTPF TFCT'INC: ~~~1~ ~~ Page ~ of U Test Method Developed By: 0 Piping Manufacturer ~fcl [ndustry Standard 0 Professional Engineer CJ Other (Spec~) Test Method Used: ~ Pressure 0 Vacuum 0 Hydrostaric 0 Ocher (Specjfy) Test Equipmem Used: q i n. DIAL GAUGE Equipment Resolution: . 5~ ~~x1 - Pipine Ran # ~ Piping Run f# 3 Z, Piping Run # // Pipfng Run k 9/Z Piping Material: TfC ~ C ~ ~ Piping Manufacturer: T ~ C I ~- ~ Piping Diameter: 2 Z 2 N Length of Piping Run: r rJ Product Stored: ~ E ~q / l Method and location of i in -run isolation; f Wait time between applying pressurelvacuum/water and starcin tes[: ~ Test Slurt Time: ~ lnitial Reading (K~): 'i'est End Time: f} / Finel Reading (RF): ~j ~j S SI Test Duration: f ~ ~ Change in Reading (R~Ri): '~ ~ Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: O 0 1 Test Re.vutt: Pe O Fail ,~ Pas9 0 Fafl ~ Pas ^ Fail ,2~ Pass U Fail COmments -(inc(ude informolion on repairs made prior lo leslin,q and recoMmended follow-up for jaifed tesrsJ 333 ~~ ~~ SWRC8,lanuary 2002 5. SECONDARY PIPE TESTING Page ~ of ~ 7es~ Method Developed By: ^ Piping Manufacturer ic7 todustry Standard 0 Professional Engineer O Other (Spec~) Test Method Used: ~ Pressurc 0 Vacuum ^ Hydrostaric C] Other (Specjfy) Test E;quipment Used: 9 i n. DIAL GAUGE Equipment Resolution: . 5~ ~'~' Piping Ruu #~ Piping Run # Piping Run # Plping Ran # Piping Material: + ~j C Piping Manufacturer: ~ Piping Diameter: Z Length of Piping Run: Product Stored: j~~~ 5 FL Method and location of i in -rurt isolation: ~ `}' ! Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and staltin SCSt: ~ Test Start Time: lnitial Reading (R~): '~"j Test End T'ime: Final Readiqg (Rr): Test Duratipn; ,~ Change in Reading (RF-R~): " ` Pass/Faif Thmshold or Criteria: ~! - Test Re3ult: ~4.Pass Q Fail ^ Pass ^ Fail 0 Pass ^ Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail COmmerlt3 -(include injormotion on repairs made pr/or fo fesling and recommended foJlow-up forl'ailed testsJ :~~a~~ ~ S W RCB,lanuary 2002 6_ PT'Pi~TC3 Ci)MP TESTING Aage ~ of U Test Method Developed By: ^ Sump Manufacturer ~ lndustry STandard ^ Professional fingineer ^ Other (Spec~) Test Mechod Used: ^ Pressure 0 Vacuurn Yl Hydrostatic I7 Other (Speci ) Tes~ Byuipment Used: INCON TS-STS Equipment Resolution: , o0o in . Sump ti ~ Sump f Sump f# (_ Sump # Sump Diametcr: ~ //J /N Sump Depth: ~- Swnp Material; F s' ~ ~ I~ Neight from Tank Top to Top oF Hi est Pi in Penetration: l~ !~ J~/ Height &om Tank Top to Lowest Eleccrical Penetradon: ~ r ~ ~ Condition of surnp prior to tcsting: /~/ ~'~.F ~' Aortion of Sump Tested~ ! r b Does turbine shut down when sump sensor deuca liquid (both oduct and water ?~ ~ Yes ~No 0 t~2A D Yes ~No ^ NA O Yes 1~1 No 0 NA ~ Yes ^ No ~ NA Turbine shutdown response time ~/ N f~ N~j,~ Is system pro~rammed for faii-safe shutdown?~ ~ Yes 0 No ~ NA 0 Yes 0 No ~4 NA 0 Ycs Q No ~NA 0 Yes Q No ^ NA W as fail-safe verified to be o erational?~ p Yes D No ~ NA 0 Yes 0 No ~NA ~ Yes 0 No l~NA C1 Yes Q No 0 NA Wait time between applying pressurelvzcuum/wacer and starting test: 2,., ,.X.)F'1f ~ l'~~/J ~ /''// z~~5~ sc~n T~~: ro~ A I S2 AM ~oi i, ~- i3 93i Initial Reading(Ri): 5.0 5oZq ~ . y ~{.3'f3 Test End Time; ~OZ !IO I H ZB Final Reading (Rf): 50 ~r! 'S 0 S In/ S. N 5.900 i `~•3y3~ .~~} ~N Test Duration: I~j 15 / I N 15 Change in Readin$ (RF-Ri): O ! • 001 r I i Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: , p~ Z i ~ , poZ, u,/ Test Result: pd Pass ^ Fail Pass 0 Fafl L~7 Pass 0 Fail ^ Pass ^ Fail Was sensor removed for testing? Yes 0 No NA }a Yes ^ No ^ NA ~ Yes ^ No 0 NA D Yes 0 No 0 NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testin ? ~ Y~ Q No 0 NA ~9-Yes 0 No 0 TJA 1~Yes 0 No 0 NA Q Yes 0 No ~ NA COlmme~[3 -(include information on repurrs mode prror to ~es~r~, and reeommended jollow-up for failed tes~s) ~ It the entire dept6 of the sump is not tested, spec;fy how much was tested. If the answer to ~ of the questions indicated with an ascerisk (•) is "NO" or "NA", the entire sump must be tested, (See SWRCB LG-160) :~ ~ ~ ~~~ 50 S W RCB, January 2002 7 i1NilF'R_nISPF.IVCRi2 ('(1N1'A-NMENT (UDC) TESTIIVG Page tpof ~ Test Mechod Developed By v ` Q Ui~C Manufacturer ~ lndusuy 5tandard 0 Professional Engineer O Oiher (Spec~J Test Mcthod Used: ^ Pressure 0 Vacuum ~ Hydrostatic O Ocher (Spectfy) Test Equipment Used: INCON TS-STS Equipment Resolution; . oooi n. UDC # - UDC €! ,3- UDC !! UDC # UDC Manufacturer: UDC Material: UDC De th: Height from UDC Bottom to Top of Hi hest Pi in Penetration: Height from UDC Bottom to Lowest Electrical Penetration: Condition of UDC prior to testin : C /~ Portion of l1DC Tested Does turbine shut down when UDC sensor detects liquid (both roduct and water ?~ ^ Yes ~(No 0 TdA 0 Yes ~J No ^ NA 0 Yes Q No Q NA ^ Yes C3 No ~ NA Turbine shutdown res nse time fssystemprogrammedforfail- safe shutdown7 pyes O1Jo ~NA QYes ONo~NA OYes ONo ^NA OYes ONo ONA Was fail-safe verified to be o erational?' 0 Yes 0 No ~.4NA 0 Yes 0 No ~ NA 0 Yes p No ^ NA 0 Yes 0 No 0 NA Wait time betwecn applying pressure/vecuumlwater and startin test ~ r-'1 ~/~J ~0 Mr1~1 Test Stert Time: 21 /22~ f M Initial Readin R~ : Test End Time: ! / Final Readin RF): I•b lN Test Duration: ! 5 I Chati e in Readin (RF-R~): ~ ~ p, Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: z~ Test Result: ~' Pass Cl Faii Pass 0 Feil 0 Pass 0 Fail ^ Pass U Eail W as sensor removed for testing7 Yes D No ~ NA Yes ~ No ^ NA 0 Yes 0 No 0 NA 0 Yes 0 No U NA W as sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testin ? ~ yes ~ No ~ NA ~Yes G No Q NA O Yes ^ No O NA U Yes O No fJ NA Cotnments -(incfude informa[ion on re~airs made prior ~0 lesting, and recommendedju!!ow-up jor fuiled ~esre) ' 1 f the entire depth of the UDC is not tested, specify how much was tested. If the answer to a~ of the questiorts indicated wich an asterisk (;) i~ "NO" or "NA", the entire UDC must be tested. (See SWRCB LG-160) .~--~3~~ SWRCB, lanuary 2002 R. ~rt.i. ur~FR rorrranvMENT SUMP TESTING ~ Page ~ of $ Facili 'ts Not E ui d With Fill Riser Containment Sum s Q Fill Riser Containment Sumps are Present, but were Not Tested ^ Test Method Developed By: 0 Sump Manufacturer ~ Industry Standard 0 Professional Engineer D Other (Spec~) Test Method Used: 0 Pressare O Vacuum ~ Hydrostatic 0 Other ($pec~) Test Equipment Used: INCON TS-STS Equipment Resolution: . 000 i n. Filt Sum it Fill Sum # Fiil Sum # Fill Sum #~ Sum Diameter: Sum De th: Height from Tank Top to Top of Hi ~est Pi in Penetration: ___ Height from Tank 1'op to Lowest Electrical Penetration: Condition of sump prior to testin ; Ponion of Sum Tested Sum Material: Wait time bctwcen applying pressure/vacuum/water and startin tes~ t: J ~ Test Siart Time: Initial Readin R~): Test End Time: Final Readin (RF : Test Duration: Chan e in Readin R R): ?ass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: ^ Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail ^ Pass 0 Fail p Pass Q Fail Is there a sensor in ihe sump? ^ Yes ^ No p Yes 0 No ^ Yes ^ No ^ Yes 0 No Does the sensor alarm when either product or water is detected? O Yes Q No ^ NA Q Yes ^ No ^ NA 0 Yes ^ No ~ NA 0 Yes ^ No ~ NA Was sensor removed for testing? ^ Yes 0 No 0 NA 0 Yes ^ No 0 NA ^ Yes ^ No ^ NA ^ Yes ^ No 0 NA ~ Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testin 7 ~ yes 0 TJo 0 NA ^ Yes ~ No 0 NA ^ Yes D No ^ NA ^ Yes D No i~ NA Comments -(include in, formation on repoirs made prior to les~rnl~, ond recommended .~~a-~~ s~' SWRCB, January 2002 9 SPILIJOVERk'ILL CONTA]TYMENT BOXES Page ~ of _~ Facili is Not E ui ed With S ilUOve~ll Containment Boxes 0 SpilllOver611 Containment Boxes are Present, but were Not Tested 0 Test Method Developed By: ^ SpiU Bucket Manufacturer ~ Irtdustry 5tandard ^ Professional Engineer ^ Other (Spec~J _ Test Method Used: 0 Pressure 0 Vacuum ~ Hydrusta~ic 0 Other (Spec~j Test Equipment Used; INCON TS-STS Equiprnent Resolution: • ooOln . ~ ~- Spill Box ~ ~ Spill Box # Spill Boz t~ Spill Box ~ Bucket Diameler: /2 /J ~Z Bucket Depih: //J Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and sturtin tesr. ~ / Tcst Stan Time: ( A P-( QI 1 A lnitial Reading (R~): ~, ~ ~, Test End Time: Z M Fina! Reading (Rt•): 5_ . ( TestDuration: ( I 'SMfI.I Changc in Reading (R~Rt): ! - O ! Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria; 2 I•J . Z l Test Result: ~ Pass ~ Faii ~ Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail ~ Pass p Fail Comments -(;nc~ude t„formatfon on repairs made prior !o lesling, and recommended fo!!ow-up for failed tes~s) DSLSTF TEST STRRTED 9:13 AM TEST STRRTED 27i01i2609 BEuIN LEUEL 4.3434 IN ENU TIME 9:28 RM END ~ATE 27i81i2009 END LEUEL 4.3~131 IN ~~RK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESU~T PASSEG 91UPR TEfiT STARTED 9:13 A!9 TES7 S7RRTE0 27i01i2009 BEGIN LEUEL 6.01£~6 IN END TIME 9~28 AM END DRTE 27i01~2089 END LEUEL 6.0190 IN LERK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PRSSED ~7UPR TEST STARTED 9:13 AM TEST STRRTED 27i01r2009 BEGIN LEVEL 5.1001 IN END TIME 9~28 HM EHU ~ATE 27i01~2009 END LEUEL 5.8997 IN LERK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PflSSED ` 87STP ~~• ----_. . _... . . . ..__. . ._ , :~~ ~~9 TEST ~TRRTED 19:11 AM 7EST STARTED '27i01i2009 . BEr_,zN LEVEL 5.6192 IN END TIP1E 10:27 AM ENP DATE 27i01~2009 END LEVE~ 5.0193 IN COL~EGE HEIGHTS LEAK THRE~,HOLD 9.002 TN 3711 MT VEkNON 7EST RESULT PASSED I~RKERSFIELD 27ig1i2099 1:36 Pr~ ~1ST P SUMP ~EAK TEST REPORT TEST STRRTED 10~11 RP1 TEST S7ARTED 27~91i2069 1_Z BEGIN LEVEL 5.9003 IN END TIME 10~27 pM TEST STRRTED 1:21 PM END DRTE 27i01i2e09 TEST S7ARTEG 27i61i2605 END LEUEL 5.9001 IN BEGIN t_EVEL 1.6A94 IN LERK THRESHOLD 0.602 IN ENL~ TIME 1:36 PM 7ES7 RESULT PASSED EN~ UHTE z~~az~?eey ENU LEUEL 1.6HL8 IN LEAK THRE~HOLU 8.002 IN _-.-..,~.,-. -nG~uLl' INI:K~,._._ ...._~ TEST RESULT PRSSED 91STP TES7 S7ARTED 10:34 AM TEST S7AR7ED 27~01i2009 BEGIN LEUEL 5.8999 IN END TIME 19:50 flt9 END DRTE 27i01~2805 COLLtGE HEIGHTS END LEUEL 5.9009 IN 3711 MT UERNON LEAK 7NRESHOLD 0.002 IN BRKERSFIELU 7EST RESULT PRSSED 27i01/26@9 1:54 PM . . __ - ~ _ _. ...._.. _...._ _ _ .--- ~ - . =,UMP ~EHY: TES T REPORT GSLSTP ~ __ _ ._ . _ i ~'=' P 1-2 TES7 STRRTED 9:31 RM TEST STRRTED 27i81i2009 TE~T STRRTED 10:52 AM iEST STARTED 1:39 Pt1 • BEGIN LEUEL 4.3430 IN 7EST STARTED "L7i01i26E9 TEST STflRTED 27i~1i2d09 END TIME 9:46 R~i BEGIN LEVEL 5.0295 ~N BEGIN LEVE L 1.6085 IN END DRTE 27~01~2095 END TIME li~e~? Ar1 . END TIME 1:54 Pr1 END LEUE~ 4.3441 IN END DRTE 27i01i2869 ENC~ pRTE 27i01i2609 LEfiK THRESHOLD 0.092 IN END LEUEL 5.8287 IN END LEUEL 1.60?7 IN TEST RESULT PASSED LERK THRESHOLD 0.A02 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 9.002 IN TEST RESULT PRSSED 7EST RESULT PASSED ._ _. ._.... _._ - - - ~ -~ - 91UPR TEST S7RRTED 9:31 AM TEST STARTED 27~01i2069 BEGIN LEVEL 6.0184 IN END TIME 9:46 RM END DRTE 27i01i200~3 END LEUEL 6.0190 IN LERK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED 87UPR TEST STAR7ED 9:31 flM TEST STRRTED 27i61~2009 $EGIN LEUEL 5.1003 IN END TIt1E 9=46 RM END DRTE 27i01i2009 END LEUEL 5.0994 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PRSSED / 3-4 TE5T STARTED 12~27 PM TEST STARTED 27~01~~~9 BEGTN LEVEL 312842 PM END TIME 27~B1i2g09 END DATE 3.6877 IN ENO LEUEL LERK THRESNOLD 9.P~~~ TEST RESULT 3-4 TEST STARTEU 1:04 PM TEBT STARTED 27i01i2089 BEGIN LEVEL 3,6822 IN END TIME 1~19 PM END DAT£ 27i61i2869 END LEVE~ 3.6821 IN LEAK THRESHQLD 6.002 IN TEST RESULr PASSED 5a . ----- - ._. _ . .. _._ ..-- - - . .~~:~-~~ ~o SB989 TESTING FAILURE REPORT $ITE NAME : ( P~ 1 ~t~ 1~ticlS~~ DATE : L~ ~ JHN "~ 1 ~DxESS:,~ 11 _~ Y~'(~I~1f1N ~U~ ~cxNSCi~: ~jQ~}NG10N Mf~-SON C I TY : l J~.L~-~-~ ~~_ S I GNATORE :~ ~- ~ -~ ~ $ZTE CONTACT: THE FOLLOWING CCIMPONENTS WERE REPLAC&D/REPAIRED TO CQMPLETE T$E SH989 TESTING. LIST OF PARTS REPLACED/REPAIRED: REPAIRS: /~_ .~. LABOR : J~J~~ PART9 INSTALLED: N/~ ~~ li.Y;51~~E~ ~tEi~:IF~a~f~ ~}net•: ~I~YiN~U9- Sy`G~ ~~n0':~'aN~`'~7 f)p+e: 1/~'3/4t9 ~1 kec.ip. i~a~~ln~ ~~~~~t~~i~~tio~ ~Us~iiSla~~iJS~E~:~I~t1.5 ~ H4 F t7. S.~F j. u~~? ~ 19r.. Q~G~ fender riFtaii ~L.~~ 4~9~.~~ C.t; CF~~~1t 5192. ~~ IOta~ 1~~i1~zY~°_d ~~`~c.~~L~ Tota] payae'~i ; ~31~a Tir~e: 1ia20:33 fr ar.~ d~CZ: ~'. H~L~'i-''i t~i~~1 YEF.R ~~ i 4/4/2~08 11:14:54 AM PAGE 3/003 Fax Server , ~OB BAICEitSFIELD ~YRE DEPARTN9ENT ~ ' PER9~II`U' STAYEMEIVT ~ILLING Si~ a prevention Services ~ ~ D FoR,~ `~ 1501 Truxtun Avenue, i~ FLR r a PERMTT # -~~ ` -~' ~,O ~ ~ • Bakersfleid, CA 93301 661-852-2171 Phone: 661+326-3979 o Fax: .. ~ . ~OCATIONOFPRQ]EGT, ~~ ~ ~ S PitOPERTYOWNER '~ COMP ON DATE STARlING OATE ' ' ~~ ' ~ 7, ' NAMB ~ ~. ONE I ,~^` PRO]ECTNANE n_y ~('~j_ C1 1 GLYI~~.T~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ADDR PN ~j ~ , ~ DE ~ PRO7ECiAbDRESS~ ,I ~/~~ '~ n^ Y`. \ 11 ~{ I V ~ IIP CO Y~I~K~~i~.S~IFiLD STnT2 C~ /3 O~ • • •' CpNfqACfOR NAME G UCEIISE ?' ~ r G .~ •' ' • 'TY~PErOF LICEN58t` L ~CPIRATIO OATE ' PFIONE 1„y[/~~ ~ QL .~/}+~ l~lQ.~ V ~ ~ r~ ~ ~i /~ ~'/ V U , ~ CONiRACT'~R OOMPANY NAM2 ,' S ,~, ~ PAX A _ _ ur C~. • lj~~` ADDRESS ' c-~ ~ Yl. ~ S G-~- _ ~~ ZiP GOD@ -• ~ ~ . All permits must b~ reviewed, s~amped, ~rad ~pproved P~tEO~t YO ~~~I~~~~~ W~~~. .. y ' ; ~ O Alartn - New & ModiflCation (mintmum charge) $280 . Over 10,000 sq ft $0 .028 x sq ft O O Sprinkler - New & Modificatian (minimum charge) $280 p Over 10,000 sq R $0 .028 x sq R ^ Minor Sprlnkler Modification (<30 heads) 84 $96 (Inspection only) ^ Commercial Hood (New & Madiflcatton) $470 O Additlonai hood ~58 O Spray Booth (New & Modiflcatlon) $470 9$ _ _.._ .. _ 8Z p boveground Storage Tank (1 Inspectton per installation) AST $180/bnk 82 ! ^ Addltional Tank ATt ~96/tank I 82 p Aboveground StorageTank (Removal/Inspectfon) ATR $109/tank aZ ^ Underground Stcragfl Tank (Installatfon/inspection) NI $878/bnk 82 0 Underground Storage Tank (Modification) MOD $878/site 82 ^ Underyround Storege 7ank (Mlnor ModificaNanj MTM $167/site 84 ^ Undarground Sto~age Tank (Removal) $573/tank . 84 ~ Mandated Leak Detectlon (test)/Fuel M ;96/hr br each type of test/per stte ev NOTE ~96/hr (2 hrs minimum)=$192 ~ ~zy. ~ . ~ ~ ,s~. ~-t•° I : cheduled at the same tlme • ::.. :.: .:. :.: -:,e;, `° ~ 82 ~ 011 weil (Installation, Inspection, or re-Inspe on) ~96/hr ' O 7ent # #96/tent ~ O APoer-hours fnspectlon fee ' $121/hr (2 hrs minimum)=$242 $96/hr +(5 hrs min standby fee/insp)=$576 84 p Pyrotechnic (i permlt per event, pius an inspection fee of #96/flr durinq business hours) OTE: After hours P rotechnft event Ins ection is @ ~ 121Jhr 5 hrs min standb fee lns = 605 ' O R~Inspedlon/Follow-up Inspectlon _ 84 $96/hr p Portable LPG (Propane): # of Cages? ^ 96 hr 84 $~ 84 O Explosive Storage $266 84 p Copyiny & File Research (FlIe Research fee $50/hr) $0.25/page 84 ^ Mlsce{laneous „ ~ City nf 8a4eryfieid ' ~~# CUSTGP~cR ftC~,.~.iPT ~~~{ ~ Dper: TUCNrOS5EN : Ty~e: R~~1 ~raa~et.: t ' ~~ Dat~: 1i~$/0~ ~: Aecerpt nn:. 7l478 ' Des~rip~ian QU3P.~lty AflO~ltTt ~}q FR SAFEiY 3~SF'EGTIQ~19~. ~9Q '~ i. ~di T~ 39~h Yender detai? ~ CfS i HtCi', 24~,~ S 19~. ~~ , ~atal ter~dered ~i~`'~~ • 'I Toi;al payme~t ~~g"~~ Tr3n, ci3te; 1/~~/+~y ?iae: 1t:~9~~-~ ' ' N~iPPY VAl.E4VTIi~a ~~A`1 ~ i1F i~O~fDAY~~BAil~RYy~sRUI Ta 1 ~~r~~TRU~ ~ klN ' i ~ I ,I ;r ~. ~ . . - .. ,-~ COB 4/4/2~08 11:14:54 AM PAGE 3/003 Fax Server . ~ ~ItLING ~~ pER~+~IY'~ STA7'EME11lT d B~~EitSFIELY~ FY6tE DEPARTNYENT Prevention Services PERMIT #~-~'-r ~p ~ o~ ~ i~r ' r 1501 Truxtun Avenue, ist FLR ,~,~}~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~`~~''r Phone: b61+326-3979 o Fax: 661-852-2171 . IOCATION OF PRQIECT ~ • ~ . PROPERTY OWNER ~~/ ~~ )~~ I ' ~ ~/ ` STARTING DATE _ OMPLETION D'~ . ~ NAME ,;/ ~ ~ ~ ~ P NAME n~ a . " ~ ~' ` ~~~ ADDRESS ~ PHONE • ' PRQIECTADDRESS ' ~' Cf[YP7~IC~S~IFiI D STATE C/~ IIPCODF~~Q~ ~1/ _ ~"J ~~lC/ . .• COMRACTOItNAM``~ ~S F~.~ In Vn ~ S~., V J ~~ ~ ~..( I •• • ~ IFD NG ~I Nfl L~nn N~A U PH~NE # 'S(U~ ~ ~ CONTRACrOR aOMPANY NAME ~ ~ ~ ~ e~~n ~V'~ ~,~~'a_ o ~ ~. i ~ _ AD~RESS' `~\ S ~, CRY~ ~ ZIP COD@ All permi~s mu~ be reviewed, s~atv~peaf, ~nd ~pproved P~t%Ofl8 YO ~~~YR1RlIW~S W~R~L. ~ . . ~ $280 h • ~ 0 arge) Alartn - New & ModiFltation (minimum c . f ft 028 x s $0 ~ t Over 10,000 sq . q h i i m $280 O mu arge) n c Sprinkler - New 8c Modification (m ft 028 s 0 ~ Over 10,000 sq ft x q . $ ) ection onl $96 (Ins 84 ^ Minor Sprlnkler Modification (<10 heads) y p l d a $470 O on) iflc t Commercial Hood (New & Mo 58 O Additlonal hood $ $470 ^ Sprdy Booth (New 8t Modiflcatlon) 98 O boveground SWrage 7ank (1 Inspection per installation) AST $180/bnk $Z ^ Addltional Tank ATi $96/tank $Z ~ Aboveground Sborage Tank (Removal/Inspection) ATR $109/tank 82 ~ Underground Starage Tank (Installatton/Inspection) NI $878/tank 82 ^ Underground Storage Tank (Modlflqtion) MOD $878/site _ 8Z C] Underground Storage 7ank (Minor Modification MTM $167/site - 82 ~ Underground Storage Tank (Rem }-~"`~~-~---...w ~ $573/tank 84 Mandated Leak Detecdon (te /FUei Mont 5 89 NOTE: $96/hr for each type o ~er sRe even ~C.. cheduled at the same Ume 'R $96/hr (2 hrs minimum)=$192 ~.~ ~,S-~ ~•Z 84 o ~ OII well (Installation, InSpettion, or re-Inspectlon) X $g6/hr ~ 82 O Tent # $96/tent ~ O After-hours Inspectlon fee ' $121/hr (2 hrs minimum)=$242 O Pyrotechnic (1 permlt per event, plus an inspection fee of ;96/(~r during business hours) PY OTE: After hours P rotechnic event Ins ection is @$121/hr $96/hr +(5 hrs min standby fee/insp)=$576 5 hrs min standb fee In5 = 605 84 ^ R~inspection/Follow-up Inspect(on $96/hr 84 D Portable LPG (Propane): # of Cages? _ $96/hr 84 0 Explosfve Storage $266 ~ O Copyin9 8c F(le Research (Flfe Research fee $50/hr) $0.25/page ~ O Miscellaneous 84