HomeMy WebLinkAbout3200 21ST STREET #101FEB-25-2009 12:23P FROM:COUNSELING OFFICE 6613950372 T0:8522171 P.2~2 SELF-CERTlFICATION CHECKLIST c~.-~---= ====~__~_~- ==~=--'--=----._.~..-----.~._. ~~~~_ Fire Prevention 1 n /1 /Y / r-. BAKER3FILLD FIRE DEPT. Preveatioa Seivices I SQl Truxtun Avenue, 1~` Floor B_ 6._R_$_„P_ [ -~ B~ersfield, CA 93301 ARTM T Tel.: (661) 326-3979 ~ Fax: (66l) 852-2171 `CILITY NAME: ~ _ _ DA7E: + ' r 'O ~~!= " --. L. r _ stilt~- ~ ~ ',. AODRESS. (Comploie Addrvsa witlt City, lale and ' ) ii0 E M E ia __ ~3301 ~~ -~tS~~d~6 ~irv coNrncr: nx ~n ~a: ~ -r-~ VJ~-~~-C~ ~c.> ~ ~ ~~ DO NOT DISCARD - FAILUR~ TO RETURN WILL RESULT IN FIRE D~PARTMENT INSPECTION INSTRUCTTONS: Please verify and check ea h item as appropriate. Tnclude comments on each line or at the bottom as necessary. When completed, make a secoad copy for your records~ nd mail the original to the address above. Failure to retum will result in inspaction, Y N OPERATION COMMENTS .. .. _ _. .. _ ... . _ .. ~ .~__~ .-_._. ^ Spent fluorescent tubes saved i~ ___~_. . -- - - - --- -- -- -- _ .. _~. _. a suitable contalner and recycling' ... .... .. Heme: (IF u raly on an outelde agency for the recyclfng, ple se indipte the rsame, address, and phone number oi the agency that removes your tubas.) Phone No.: qress: ,~ ^ Waste batteries saved in suitabl container for recyCling` ~^ qiscanded electronic devices sa ed for recycling' y~ ^ Discarded items containing Mer ury saved for recycling' ~ p Discarded non-empty ae~osol s ray cans saved for recycling" -~ 0 Current annually serviced "ABC 7ype" fire extinguisher every 75 feet of travel ~^ Extension cords not used in pla e of what should be permanent wlring (not longer than 6 feet 'j~, ^ All exits indicated by exlt signs, ot more than 100 Feet aparl, if occupant load is 100 or more ~ 0 Minimum of 3b fnches of cleara ce in front of electrical panels ~^ Cover plstes installed on all ele rical outiets, swftches, and Junctlon boxas (no _... _ EXposed wirin ~' _ i ~^ Flammable and oombustible materlal stored praperly and not adjacent to a source of ignition (check hot water heater and fumace area) ^ Do you use or store any hazardous materials on site? ^ Does your building have a monitored fire alarm system? D ~ Does your building have a fire suppression {sprinkler) system? as--"-'- -a •~_ v~~.. n~..~a.. Q..~~~.,~ w..~~.. ~....n~a. AAL~ C-e..de..l ~~.eo< <7fl4nreilnla re onzna P Mnna• 1RR1\ NR2.Rg22 COMMENTS: CHECKLIST? PLlASECALLU9ATi661)926.9879 A1 t~~P- 7~4-J~SE'rJ Buainesa Sfte ! Responsibla Parry (Please Pri~t) FD 2'155b (Rev. 01/08)