HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/2009 B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: John W. Stinson Harold Hanson, Chair Rick Kirkwood Irma Carson Ken Weir BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Monday, February 23, 2009 — 12:00 p.m. City Hall North 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA First Floor, Conference Room A A G E N D A 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT AUGUST 25, 2008 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Annual Financial Statements — Smith B. Assessment District Update — Smith C. Airport Fee Schedule Changes — Rojas D. Discussion regarding 2009-10 Community Development Action Plan Proposal — Kunz E. Discussion regarding Participation of Local Contractors and Minority Businesses in Federal Stimulus Construction Projects and Bid Preference — Stinson F. Discussion regarding Adoption of the 2009 Committee Meeting Schedule - Stinson 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT B A K E R S F I E L D 0 John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager Ken Weir, Chair Sue Benham For: Alan Tandy, City Manager Irma Carson Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, August 25, 2008 — 12:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room — Suite 201 City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA The meeting was called to order at 12:10:34 PM 1• ROLL CALL Committee members present: Councilmember Ken Weir, Chair Councilmember Irma Carson Councilmember Sue Benham Staff present: Alan Tandy, City Manager John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager Rhonda Smiley, Asst. to the City Manager Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant Nelson Smith, Finance Director Joshua Rudnick, Deputy City Attorney II Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Luda Fishman, Business Manager Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director Steve Teglia, Administrative Analyst III Sal Moretti, Solid Waste Superintendent Brad Underwood, Assistant Public Works Director Others present Greg Sanders, MRC Jacob Panero, MRC Roland Burkert, BARC Dave Baldwin, CRRRI Greg Young, Revive Recycling Candice Villancana, Revive Recycling Joy Steeves, Revive Recycling Jim Verros, CARTS Larry Moxley, Kern Refuse Bernie LeBeau, LeBeau Thelen James Burger, Bakersfield Californian Nancy Ewert, Kern County Waste Management Daphne Harley, Kern County Waste Management AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Page 2 BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, August 25, 2008 2. ADOPT JULY 28, 2008 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding the Update on Comprehensive Recycling System Planning — Rojas At the April 28, 2008 Committee meeting, staff was directed to provide the City Council with suggestions on how the City could advance the existing blue cart recycling program beyond its current scope, to include expansion to multi-family and commercial locations. Public Works Director Raul Rojas provided a follow up to recent committee discussions regarding a long-term comprehensive recycling program and whether it would be beneficial for the City to use a material recovery facility (MRF) or use a separate blue cart collection. A request for proposal was sent out for a comprehensive study for future recycling in the City. The RFP deadline is September 26, 2008. Staff hopes to have the bidding process completed and a contract awarded by the October 22, 2008 Council meeting. Moving forward, staff is currently conducting a study on how the City can improve its current recycling program without going to a global program. As part of the study, staff is researching multi-family and commercial recycling, which will take an inventory of sites where recycling containers can be located and estimate the cost for recycling and related refuse fee adjustments. Staff anticipates having this study completed and available for Committee review in December. In addition to the study, staff has prepared a list of suggestions to increase blue cart participation including streamlined billing, possible disincentives for extra trash carts, and phasing of universal blue cart collection in small sections of the City or new developments. Due to past marketing efforts, participation in the existing program has increased by 3,000. This increase is a result of the change in program cost from $6 to $4. To further participation, staff has promoted the program through the Recreation and Parks Guide, mailers and ads. Recycling billing is done on a quarterly basis and there are difficulties getting all of the bills paid. Staff is looking into improving the billing system and possibly incorporating the recycling billing into the tax bill to insure payment. Another issue of concern is customers that have an extra tan cart. Staff proposes either raising the price of the extra tan cart or phasing it out of the program all together. The City currently has $1.5 million in grant money that will expire in November 2009. The City must have the equipment purchased and paid for in order to AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Page 3 BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, August 25, 2008 receive the reimbursement on the grant money, or risk losing the grant money altogether. The equipment funded by the grant will handle the existing voluntary program and can be integrated into a broader use, should the blue cart program go completely universal. The City uses short term quotes to obtain temporary buyers for its mixed curbside recyclable. The recyclables are shipped mixed and un-baled to sorting and baling companies in other cities. Since the City did not accept the second grant, the baling functions may be accomplished if the City can fund its own baler, select a sorting contractor to sort the materials and sell them to a buyer who bales the material, or select a sorting contractor which includes baling. Staff is recommending the Committee move forward with an RFP on a sorting facility to use the equipment in order to meet the grant deadline. Committee member Sue Benham asked Mr. Rojas to clarify how the request relates to the decision the City Council made in November 2007 to refrain from applying for the state grant. Mr. Rojas responded that the grant in question was received two years before Council's decision in November 2007. Committee chair Ken Weir asked for an approximate timeframe before implementation of the new sorting facility. Mr. Rojas responded that the new facility should be completed by summer of 2010. Sue Benham made a motion to move forward with staff's recommendation to purchase the sorting equipment through the grant and RFP to procure a service provider. The motion passed was passed by the Committee members. City Manager Tandy asked that the Committee give thought to the concept of phasing out the additional tan cart service or increasing the price of that service. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:41:16 P.M. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council S:\Council Committees\2008\08 Budget and Finance\August\August 25 Agenda Summary.doc BA r f � r , MEMORANDUM 9LIFOR Lu I `� . Ina TO: JOHN STINSON, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM: SANDRA JIMENEZ, ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 2009 SUBJECT: 2008 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT On the City Council Meeting of December 17, 2008, Council referred the following items to the Budget and Finance Committee for review: 1) City of Bakersfield's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2008 2) Independent Auditors Report—Compliance with Contractual Requirements relative to the Bakersfield Subregional Wastewater Management Plan for the year ended June 30, 2008 3) Independent Auditors Report on Appropriations Limit Worksheet(GANN Limit)of the City of Bakersfield for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008 4) Independent Auditors Report—Rabobank Arena,Theater, Convention Center,Bakersfield Ice Sports Center&Brighthouse Networks Amphitheatre for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008. We would also like to include the Independent Auditors Report—Single Audit Report— Schedule of Federal Expenditures for the City of Bakersfield for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008 at this time due to the fact that this report had not been completed by the December Council date. Please place the above reports on the Budget and Finance Committee's agenda for the next meeting. Let me know if you have any questions. SAAdmin\Memos\CAFR-budget and finance.DOC 16 A 'E ti MEMORANDUM RY 1 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director DATE: February 18, 2009 SUBJECT: Assessment District Delinquency Update Staff provided the Budget and Finance Committee an overview of Assessment District delinquencies at their July 28, 2008 meeting. At the conclusion of that discussion the committee members requested periodic updates regarding Assessment District delinquencies. In September 2008 the City Council authorized the initiation of foreclosure proceedings on several hundred parcels of property that fell within the boundaries of twelve separate Assessment Districts, Many of these property owners have brought their tax bill current and we were not required to initiate the foreclosure, but we do have about 70 parcels currently in the court system and several dozen parcels still pending a foreclosure filing. Since this action last September we have entered a new tax year and have received delinquency information regarding the first installment payments for each of the Districts. This information indicates a serious problem in two specific Districts along with cause for concern in a third District. a. District 05-3 ( Diamond Ridge ) has 319 developer owned parcels that have become delinquent in the current tax year. This District is made up of four separate development areas, with Diamond Ridge being the one problem area where the developer has actually abandoned the project. The public improvements have not been completed and no reimbursement amounts have been paid to the developer. b. District 07-2 ( Sydney Harbour ) has 260 developer owned parcels that have become delinquent in the current year. This District is a single developer District that is partially completed. The developer is still in town but has stopped work in the area and has been unable to pay the tax bill. This District has been partially reimbursed for public improvements completed as of this date. C. District 05-1 ( City in the Hills ) has 24 delinquent parcels as of January 2009; two of which are developer owned. The two developer parcels are large undeveloped pieces of land that make up $64,600 of the $72,500 total delinquency amount. We are still in discussions with this developer regarding the completion of the bond funded public improvements. S:\NELS0N\Asscssmcut Districtsti1viemo-distict update to bud fin feb 23,2009Aoc Memo—Assessment District Update—Feb. 17, 2009 continued Items a) and b) above are of immediate concern as the District is dependent upon a certain amount of "first installment" tax collection to make the bond interest payment that comes due each March 2. Each District carries a 10% reserve fund to address issues such as this one, so we will be able to make the March 2, 2009 payments as scheduled. However, drawing on the reserve fund triggers an immediate disclosure requirement, which is a notification to the bond holders that there is a problem. In order to ensure that the City is making our best efforts to collect the special assessment monies as best we can, we have placed Resolutions on the Feb. 25, 2009 Council Agenda to authorize foreclosure proceedings on these two Districts. If the resolutions are approved on that date then we can also report to the bond holders the recent Council action item as our good faith effort to take immediate action on these delinquent Districts. The City in the Hills District will not require an immediate draw on the reserve fund in March 2009 and we are still in discussions with the developer regarding the remaining public improvements and their payment of delinquent taxes. We have already advised the bond holders in our last annual report of the lag in completion of the public improvements, and if the tax delinquency is not cured by June 2009 we will likely have to bring a foreclosure resolution to the Council for this District as well. We are attaching a spreadsheet that summarizes delinquency information by District for those Districts that have reached ( or are near ) the 5% threshold that requires initiation of foreclosure action. Attachments S:WELSOMassessment distnctsVnemo-disttict udate to bud fin feb 23 2009,doc 0 10 co N ko N 0) IWI I Lo 0 N 00 co L6 'i I ,a to N V7 10 W� 0 W .j uj N 0> 0 0 > LUz 0 w 'L 0 Uj LU G4 qt z co uj 04 W V V f- V r, W 0 0 0 CV — 03 " '1 000) ONO N", '00 0) r- 4n 00 Z M r, v P z 0 V m N F, to .nom N m CV N m v N v 0 0 N 0 co N LL w, N 00 z *k LL 0 Z < z z CL W Sri M V O g N O N N < O < 0 9 co LLJ 'D N m 0. v r D cl Co to V 0) a, N z tp c!1 wi ui C14 (-4 N 'n pp N rV 10 49 Z 00 ti co co 0- < cli 6 C-� 0 z uj N E < 0 co u to Z C6 N 0 N N V W N 00 LL) Cl) co C14 m 0 N 0) to 46 (0 N t, — N — V ON 1 �; G �; 2 A A Mv MN I'- m LLI ci 6 c C- ui 6 W N cv 0 m LU < O 0 C3 0 0 g W O W) LO N CD M CD to W 9 0 9 0 q " 0 N N V 0 0 tip MN 2 M, 0, 0, 'W N" x ll� *-: In — m 0) q < x Z z oi C; m N +11 N 10 N N tD C4 c4 16 C�i C9 r- m co 10 1 iE m CV 0 CL T M 0 0 a. r v LL U 0 c C: a- > 0 0 a- w 2 E v) :E L) 0 Vi T C) 10 iV 2 > vQ, z u 7c C) G m c c Z! > WC > E > 0 -1 7p� 0 U) 0 z <> L 0 - m v Lo u) co r� 0 0, 0 0 0 C) 0 0 0 B A K E R S 6 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BAKERS�11'.`.LD. CA 93-3301 (661) 326-3724 RAIJIL [%I. 1d'OJAS, DIRECTOR MY City of Bakersfield Municipal Airport Tenant 2000 S Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93303 February 11, 2009 Dear Tenant: The Airport Operations Manager has completed a rate comparison between the Bakersfield Municipal Airport and several local airports, including Minter Field in Shafter, Porterville, Delano and Meadows Field/Lloyds Aviation. It has been six years since the last rate adjustment at Bakersfield Municipal. The aforementioned comparison provided insight as to where our rates are in relation to the other General Aviation facilities for such items as city-owned hangars, tie-downs, shade ports, etc. Based upon this study, City staff will recommend to the City Council increases on all facilities except tie-downs. The current ground leases of private owned hangars will not be affected. The largest discrepancy was with the individually owned "Port-A-Ports". Based upon our research, the market rate for this type of facility would be $120 per month. Our current fee is $50 per month. We propose to phase in this increase over two years. Attached you will find a schedule summarizing City staff recommendations as to fee increases. Again, the last rate adjustment was in 2002. Therefore, the proposed rates cover six years of adjustment. In the future, rates will be reviewed annually and may be adjusted by the Consumer Price Index and market conditions. The proposed rates will go before the Budget and Finance Committee and then to the full City Council for action. This item will be a noticed public hearing where public testimony is heard during the Council meeting. You will be notified when this matter goes before both the Budget and Finance Committee and the full City Council. Thank you for your understanding and continued support for our Bakersfield Municipal Airport. If you have any questions, please call Steve Hollingsworth at(661) 326-3281. Very truly yours, Raul Rojas Public Works Director Cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager o CN CN 0 z cn W QQcor CD C) 0 — 0 M co' O 0 U') Co 691 b m U- 0 —C C) V 00 Cl) O 0000 CD C� 0 CY) 0 0 0 C, C) I- -C CD 0 C) LO Lr) ") f�, � Cl) Q — (N CN CN CD c Q) V) 691 tly I�q 69, 64 E Gs 0 LL C:) o 0 C CD coo C) — 0000 9 q 9 0 0 r_ I coo m m - m w CD p q - - c 0 66, V) CD co co 10 LO t: cq C: C LO C O 6s VD. 69� — — — < 61�1 6G, 69-:� 0 6q 61) T a. U) CZ (n 0 m of CD m 7 4J Qs > LL U ay C) -0 CD C) 'D CD CD C) r- 0 °00 a) 6 1 1 0 CD C� CL 0 (D (D — co o CN M 0 CD a) 0 > 2 V> VY CL V9, CL(N t te V)e 4a 613P 0 oll z T- o -a Ql� LO 0) Q) �4- Z 00 0 C14 0 M 0 (N CL C) UJ cu M > 2� 5, 0 0 -- Cl- CL D_ m 0 GL 0 > 0- a. D CL t, 0) (� z 0) m —0 0 E c = 0 0 CL E t a m m tf E x 0 2 E cu LL A C L o z > < CN 0 n (D • B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M TO: Budget and Finance Committee � February 23, 2009 FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: CDBG, HOME, and ESG Action Plan FY 09/10 As an Entitlement City under the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the City receives annual entitlements in order to improve low-income neighborhoods in our City. The HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) and Emergency Shelter Grant(ESG) entitlements for FY 09/10 have not been allocated to date, however staff is anticipating an allocation similar to FY 09/10 that would reflect a total of$4,971,020 in Federal entitlement funding. Staff is projecting program income for CDBG in the amount of$20,000 and $150,000 for HOME. The total proposed budget for CDBG, HOME, and ESG for FY09/10 is estimated to be $5,141,020. The deadline for the submission of CDBG, HOME, and ESG applications for FY 2009/10 funding was October 31, 2008. This year we received 9 proposals for assistance from non- profit and for-profit organizations totaling $984,335 and 16 intra-city proposals totaling $7,236,296 for projects to improve the quality of lives for low-income neighborhoods and improve infrastructure in those low-income neighborhoods. Attached is a list of all the proposals and projects submitted for this years CDBG, HOME, and ESG funds. After reviewing the requests for funding, staff has prepared a proposed budget and Action Plan for FY 09/10. Attached is a summary of the proposed budget for consideration by the Budget and Finance Committee and recommendation to the City Council. SADEBBIF&Budget&FinancelAction Plan 09.10.doc Z L 0 B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M January 22, 2009 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manage FROM: Donna Kunz, Economic evelopment Director SUBJECT: Non-Profit & For-Profit Applications for HUD FY 2009/10 Funding The deadline for the submission of CDBG, HOME, and ESG applications for FY 2009/10 funding was October 31, 2008. This year nine (9) applications were submitted from non- profit and private entities totaling $984,335. Below are summaries and staff's comments of the applications received from applicants requesting assistance from the various HUD programs for FY 09/10: Community Development Block Grant Applications — FY 2009/10 Applicant Estimated Cost Description City Funds Requested HUD Pro osa/Name Location Other Sources Eli ible/Qualified Bakersfield Senior Funds to continue BSC $85,000 Total Project Cost Yes Center Inc. (BSC) current level of services to seniors in southeast BSC Public Services and central Bakersfield. Located at 530 4th Street _ (Ward 1) $85,000 City Bakersfield Senior Funds to replace $40,000 Total Project Cost Yes Center Inc. (BSC) appliances and remodel kitchen at facility located Kitchen within the City—City Renovation limited clientele. —530 $40,000 City 4th Street. Ward 1 Bakersfield Funds for improvements $156,000 Total Project Cost Yes Community House to a public facility for remodel of roof and Community House structural improvements Remodel for soundness. —2020 R $156,000 City Street. Ward 2 Page 1 of 2 Fr mmunity Action Food bank vehicle $66,335 Total Project Cost Yes/No* tnership of Kern improvement project— P) 300 19th Street *Boundaries (Ward 1) were not mmunity Action Partnership Vehicle $66,335 City specified Purchase Small Business Provide technical $30,000 Total Project Cost Yes Development Center assistance to existing micro enterprises. — SBDC Micro 1801 Panorama. $30,000 City enterprise Technical (Ward 1,2,3,4,5) Assistance Program Garden Pathways, Expansion of the existing $625,824 Total Project Cost Yes Inc. 11,840 sq. ft facility by 3200 sq. ft(rooms and The Garden kitchen)to provide Community Center services for mentoring, $375,000 City Retrofit& Expansion training &education $250,824 Garden Pathways Project programs for low-income &at-risk families and youth. - 900 22nd Street Ward 2 HOME Program A -_cations— FY 2009/10 No applications received for HOME funding. Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Ap lications I F2009/10 Bethany Services, Continue to fund million annual operating Yes (BHC) operational cost of the t Homeless Center Bakersfield Homeless including cost of security Center Emergency maintenance and utilities Shelter Grant at 1600 E. Truxtun $125,000 City ESG Avenue. (City Wide $125,000 Match Alliance Against Continue to fund the $1.38 million annual operating Yes Family Violence operating cost of the budget (AAFV) Battered Women's Shelter including utilities, Shelter for Battered insurance, maintenance $ 32,000 City ESG Women and their and wages for a $ 32,000 Match Children counselor. — 1600 E Truxtun Avenue City Wide Bakersfield Rescue Continue to fund $1 million annual operating Yes Mission (BRM) operational cost of the budget Bakersfield Rescue Homeless Mission including Intervention Services maintenance, utilities, $ 75,000 City ESG and personnel. — $ 75,000 Match 816,810,812,800,724 E. 21 st Street Cit Wide Page 2 of 2 • B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M TO: John Stinson, Assistant City Manager February 17, 2009 FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Information concerning selection of minority owned development companies, contractors and Non Profit entities (serving low income minority communities)that EDCD has contracted for redevelopment and economic development projects. Background: The Economic and Community Development Department occasionally receives inquiries from the community concerning the efforts the department makes to reach out to qualified minority developers and contractors. Below is a list of 18 key redevelopment projects that have been undertaken by the department over the past 8 years in which minority developers or non profit organizations serving low income minority communities were selected. Redevelopment Projects Little Saigon Commercial Center— Owner Asian California Avenue Commercial Strip Center - Owner Hispanic Baker Street Development - Co-Developers th Asian, African American 18 Street Senior Housing — Co- Developers African American Creekview Villas (South Mill Creek) — Co-Developers African American Union Avenue Mixed Use — Developer Hispanic The Courtyards (South Mill Creek) — Co-Developers African American Maya Cinemas — Co-Developers Hispanic South Mill Creek — Commercial — Co Developers African American California Senior Apartments — Developer African American Kings Square Family Apartments Egyptian Friese Inn Rehabilitation African American Youthbuild Program - RCPI African American Filson Area Front Porch — Program African American The following projects were developed by non-profit entities with boards that include several minority low income persons as board members. Lowell Senior Residential - Non Profit Developer Parkplace Senior Residential — Non Profit Developer C:\DOCUME-1\JWSTIN--1\LOCALS--1\Temp\GWViewerlminority report.doc The Village at Park Place — Non-Profit Developer Food Bank — Non Profit Corporation Small scale infill housing program — this ongoing program has awarded contracts to 4 out of 7 development contracts to African American small builders in the Southeast. C:\DOCUME-1\JWSTIN-1\LOCALS-1\Temp\GWViewer\minority report.doc CITY OF BAKERSFIELD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT CP No. 4.3 SUBJECT: BIDDING PREFERENCE SECTION: FISCAL POLICY: GRANTS A ONE PERCENT BID PREFERENCE TO VENDORS WITHIN CITY LIMITS STATEMENT: Authorizes the granting of a one percent bid preference to vendors within the city limits ADOPTION: Agenda Item NodDate 10.a.1.; Oct. 12, 1994 Approved by City Council_ Res. No. 167-94 Amended by City Council 1114/00 s:form.cps RESOLUTION NO. 1 67 - 94 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A ONE PERCENT BID PREFERENCE TO VENDORS WITHIN CITY LIMITS. WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield purchases supplies , materials and equipment from merchants located within the City limits; and WHEREAS, the State of California refunds to City one percent of the sales tax paid on City purchases within the City; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bidder on City purchases is the seller whose sale results in the lowest possible net cost to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows : 1. City shall, whenever appropriate, grant a one percent bid preference to vendors located within City limits submitting bids for proposed City purchases of supplies , materials , and equipment; and 2. The lowest possible net cost for purchases of supplies , materials, and equipment shall be calculated by subtracting from the bids of vendors located within City limits an amount equal to the amount of the anticipated sales tax refund the City will receive from the purchase of the proposed items; and 3 . The term "vendors located within City limits" means any person (including sole proprietorships, corporations, and partnerships) possessing a City of Bakersfield business license and and a California State Board of Equalization sales tax permit number area coded so as to remit sales tax revenue to the City of Bakersfield. 4 . The City Manager is directed to implement procedures fairly executing this po�icy. l ----------000---------- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on OCT 1 Z 1954 , by the following vote : AYES: Co-r&,CLMEM ERS WDERIAOTT.E WAPOS,De"D,W",8PUNN1,ROA S,SALVAGGJO NOES; c,<I CILMEWcERSS ( ��� ABSTAIN' COUNCiLJMEMBERS ABSENT; COUNCILMD&EFri- CITY CLERK and EX OFFICIO of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED OCT 12 14; bpO BOH PRICE MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: JUDY K. SKOUSEN City Attorney By: A �h< ALLEN M. SHAN Assistant City Attorney City of Bakersfield AMS/meg R-?.LO-d\BID-PRf�.RES 6/30/94 2 - HAAKER EQUIPMENT COMPANY H= SINCE 1972 - A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION 2070 N.WHITE AVENUE LA VERNE,CALIFORNIA 91750 (909) 598-2706 • FAX (909) 598-1427 V PARTS DEPT. FAX(909)594-0498 www.haaker.com February 5, 2009 City of Bakersfield Attn: Councilmember Zack Scrivner 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301 Dear Councilmember Scrivner: Haaker Equipment Company, La Verne, California, submitted a bid to the City of Bakersfield — Bid # 08-09-37 for One (1) CNG Powered Street Sweeper. Our bid was based on the Elgin Sweeper Company and the Broom Bear CNG unit. Elgin Sweeper Company is located in Elgin, Illinois. The City of Bakersfield has a fleet of seven (7) Broom Bear units that have operated for well over a year. The City of Bakersfield received a bid from, and awarded the contract to, Nixon-Egli Equipment Company and Allianz Sweeper Company headquartered in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada. We are certain that the City Council was not aware that Allianz Sweeper Company was not American owned as the council's consent calendar agenda item made no mention of this important fact. In light of the difficult times that American manufacturers and labor is facing it is difficult to understand why for less than the 2% difference in price between the low bidder and the next bidder (Haaker Equipment Company/ Elgin Sweeper Company) why the City of Bakersfield would award to a non- American firm? We can only assume that council staff was not aware of the foreign ownership of Allianz. As an honored vendor to the city of Bakersfield we would suggest that the City Council look into this matter as to its willingness to spend almost $300,000 city tax dollars outside the United States for products that do not provide any more efficiency than those that can be purchased from American manufacturers. As always Haaker Equipment Company is honored to be of service to the City of Bakersfield. Respectfully Bill Haaker CEO/Sales Manager Cc: City Council Members Mr.Alan Tandy, City Manager Mr. Mike Rogers, Fleet Division Manager Ms. Kim Berrigan, Purchasing Officer Mr. R.Zinck,Western Regional Manager Elgin Sweeper Co 411po The purpose of the event was to increase the number and competitiveness of bid packages, and to facilitate working relationships between prime contractors, small businesses, and DBEs. Invitations to the event were e-mailed to TRIP's contractors' lists and the Caltrans District 6 Small Business Office. A press release was sent to the media on 7/21/2008.Approximately 60 signed up to come to the event, but 35 attended. TRIP has also participated in the Kern Minority Contractors events January 2008 and January 2009). Representatives from TRIP (and other City departments) participated in panel discussions. In addition, we participated in the "vendor's marketplace," providing information on TRIP, upcoming TRIP projects, upcoming City of Bakersfield capital improvement projects, and how to become a vendor and do business with the city. The City Council does have a policy that provides a bid preference for vendors that are located within the City limits based on the 1 percent sales tax returned to the City for the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment. A copy of the Council resolution is attached. Staff has also provided a memorandum from Economic Development Director, Donna Kunz regarding the selection of minority owned development companies, contractors and non-profit entities that the City has contracted with for redevelopment and economic development projects. S:AJOHN\Marvin Dean - Federal Stimulus Projects.doc Thomas Roads Improvement Program Thomas Bova an'Program 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 200, Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (661)326-3700 • Fax: (661)852-2195 CONNQLfQN9 B/A�,.S�leLa Project Preview and Contractor Outreach August 6, 2008 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. AGENDA 9:00 a.m. Welcome 9:05 a.m. Overview of the Thomas Roads Improvement Program (TRIP) Chris Clark, Parsons 9:15 a.m. Upcoming construction projects • TRIP • Luis Topete, City of Bakersfield • Todd Wood, Kern County Roads • City of Bakersfield Public Works, Arnold Ramming • Kern County Roads Department, Clark Farr • Caltrans District 6 Construction, Amrit Brar and Mike Garrett • Q &A 10:30 a.m. Break 10:45 a.m. Procurement Processes • City of Bakersfield, Kim Berrigan • Kern County General Services, Carol Cox 11:15 a.m. Small Business, DBE and DVBE programs and certification • Program Overview, Benefits and Certification Process Morris Caudle, Caltrans District 6 Small Business Office • Local Resources Marvin Dean, Kern Minority Contractor's Association • Q &A 12:00 Networking Opportunity 12:30 Adjourn Managed by the City of Bakersfield in cooperation with County of Kern•California Department of Transportation www.Bakersfieldfreeways.us Z 0 B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M January 22, 2009 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager �„oJ FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Intra City Proposals Received for FY 2009/10 CDBG Assistance The deadline for submission of proposals for FY 2009/10 was October 31, 2008. We received 16 proposals totaling $7,236,296 ±. Below are project descriptions, location, cost estimates, and eligibility/qualification summaries. Project Description City Department HUD & Ward Eli ible/Qualified PUBLIC WORKS FAirport n dscaping Public Works Yes/Yes rovide landscaping around the perimeter of the airport Ward 1 for beautification in SE Bakersfield. CDBG - $200,000 Oleander Area Public Works Yes/No* Improve drainage currently causing street failures. Ward 1 Install curb, gutter& sidewalk as needed prior to *Area as a whole street reconstruction. California Avenue to Bank does not gualiy. Street and from A Street to U Street. CDBG -$500,000 Terrace Way Sewer /mprovements Public Works Yes/Yes Construct new sewer line to 4 low income homes Ward 1 annexed to the City. City Forces to construct the improvements, costs are solely for materials. Between Wible Road & Stephens Drive. 3113, 3109, 3105, and 3101 Terrace Way. CDBG —$64,900 Be//e Terrace and Brundaae Area C/G Public Works Yes/Yes Improve drainage currently causing street failures. Ward 1 Install curb, gutter and sidewalk as needed prior to street reconstruction. Brundage Lane to Belle Terrace Way and Chester Avenue to Union Avenue. CDBG — $500,000 Project Description City Department HUD [reconstruction.lifornia 8 P St Area C/G Ward Eli ible/Qualified prove drainage currently causing street failures. PuWard Irks Yes/Yes tall curb, gutter& sidewalk as needed prior to street California Avenue to Brundage Lane and from "T" Street to Chester Avenue. CDBG - $800,000 Alta Vista Area C/G Pro iect Public Works Improve drainage currently causing street failures. Ward 2 Yes/Yes Install curb, gutter& sidewalk as needed prior to street reconstruction. Flower Street to Bernard Street to Beale Avenue to Alta Vista Street. CDBG- $500,000 Bea/Area C/G Proiect Public Works Improve drainage currently causing street failures. Ward 2 Yes/Yes Install curb, gutter& sidewalk as needed prior to street reconstruction. Flower Street to Niles Street to Beale Avenue to East City Limits. CDBG- $500,000 Sewer Improvements Public Works Construct new sewer line along S. Union Avenue at Jof Ward 1 & 7 Yes/No* intersection of Hosking Avenue and terminating sout Berkshire Avenue and along Acoma Street and Area as a whole Bannock Street. CDBG - $1,605,000 does not qualify. F�t Streetscape Priect(PH 11) Public Works reetscape by development of new median Ward 2 include lighting, street trees, shrubs, irrigation systems street lighting, banners peestrian walkways and abandon old sewer main. "Q" Street/"P" Street from California Avenue to Hwy 178. CDBG - $500,000 Amador Street and Belle TeraceCurb and Gutter Public Works Area Improvements (near fairgrounds) Yes/Yes Installation of sidewalk, curb, and gutter. Belle Terrace Ward 1 and Amador Avenue to Ming Avenue to P Street to Union and Dawn Street. CDBG— $139,520 Fire De artment Fire Station #1 Rehab Proiect Replace or provide Fire Department Yes/Yes extreme rehabilitation to vital elements of the structure& Wards 1,2,3 Facility rounds. 2101 H St. CDBG - $515,324 Fire Station Hydrant Proiect Eliminate additional step n hydrant hook-up Fire Department Yes/Yes changing 4 '/2 outlets currently on fire hydrants bto Ward 1 standard 4 outlets. Union Avenue to Washington Avenue to E. California to E. Brundage Lane. CDBG - $10,210 RECREATION AND PARKS Lowell Park Plavpround Rehab Proiect Recreation & Parks es/Yes and replace children's playground equipment& Ward 1 safety surface, provide ADA accessibility; install shade structure over each composite structure. 800 4"Street. CDBG - $97,455. PUBLIC SERV ICES rProvide Creek Linear Park Po/ice Patrol Police Department Yes/Yes public services police patrol three BPD officers Ward 2 ill Creek Linear Park upon completion. "K" Street o nion Avenue and California Avenue to Golden State Avenue. CDBG - $340,000 i Removal Program Public Works Yes/Yes e and discourage graffiti within Low-Mode Areas City-wide we Cit . Cit wide. CDBG - $643,887. Luther Kin r Jr Center Roof Replacement Public Works Yes/Yes Replace leaking roof & repair wood sheathing to General Services preserve interior space at MLK Center. East California Ward 1 Avenue, Potomac and South King Street. CDBG - $320,000 Note: CDBG funded public services cannot exceed 15% of CDBG entitlement. rn o0 Q0 °a 0 0 N MOR, o 0 � W d CO d' O'' O Od a o 0 0 0 Qc o Co 4LO Cl) °o o° roi CT LO N O 00 (9 C") O O M O. N N � (Np CO N e0- r w e- a � 6a 614 EA 6R? U 0),' O CD } O O O 0 0 C 1N � sq '' w ,- 6-A p 619, 44). a a a� 0) co 70 w c w C 0 2 N .a• p O N C } Q Op s ( } LL v 4) rn L N m C 4) 2 -a o Q • o > I N •> m Q 'wj C N Y Y (0 (n 0) 0) Q (n _ ~O m d I UJ m d _O. 0 Z ail C N �}: S- Z'•E m 47 O O w d O O U O N Q V N W y r-) au)) CL p r+ d w r w n. o a 'o w Z v � o I d c F- o a _z u� ,� a_�i �'I d W N U o _ .. d N c Y L 'C _ •a c N N O � w °' � Q o ` mUN �' `) L) o c`o c r - c � � c � w N, N � ° < a� > Z � n LL m > c, a = w E a O o av� o r w m m �n = Q0 E 0 iinn 2 rn� N O p U = a�i O a O v •0 c � c 0 3 'N o LU Q c °) m = a W1Ml A a a z = �Ul F°- ¢ W W Q= mQQ 0 � � O U w 3 ao M OM MOM 100010 p 00 O t0 O O O 10 e- 0 0 0 — r Mho 0000 O OO O Os 000 V to M �M co � 0 00' Y1 O�tM CR r- � GOON N cli C6 N N CO In r. N O 0001 Vl V- 00 LO LO r /A � O O O } LL 0 W U) 0 a_ `"• N N -- 0-' r r N e a cc � 3 m °7 3 co m 0 U 0 C) 0 w Q) I� m 0 000 E m m 0 r 0 � w C7 o c ° Q ` 0)I V m ci LL y + Y a UO EI 00 U oa `m1 mp W O 0 0 c t O 0 v°i U (Q EO c ° O 0a W E d o °� w W o� ° o .- o tr) a co U 1t a ° J as > o 0 ��p ° Qi� Y N �j a Q c �° a` �,5 o Ir O a�i N'' a 0 oQ Q � � v, Y �1 J '� � ot5 @ w J } } ;; a - - C7 U .�Q o Y 1 m Q v > s w W ` LL V Q �S otS J o W (6 O :a O Q 7 F- W �0 L y V a a m` a =1 c Q 'a W v 0, 10 v)1 o c O Toc 1 0 c a m ,� z 0 !> aw O 016Icig = 0 . U ° .. ' C' U N f0 (0 �. fn U '0 U _� W y C N N -2 �. w } E ELI " °rn� � � _V .E ga .g El ti U v E �- U Z F O Z m c m 0 c m m Q °' D W a; 1 0 01 I- .0 m m U > > ° a� c aci o f y > >,co � w1 0 ° aa- Z w Vi a ¢ �, mcnUl O � ., � � � � a w OoLu Em Q E JO U) aim c -0 -01 Q a ° a xsQY > Q. c 0 ` J J r > >1J U � 0 W O O m Q Q U u) J '-L� o ° g i L c d U aNu a � oo � aU .� 3YY c c � ~ Y 3 ►- o co L J m m Z Z .C U Q U Q J O Q 0 1� B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM February 20, 2009 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: John W. Stinson A Assistant City Manager Subject: Request by Mr. Marvin Dean re. Working with the City to get local contractors ready for federal stimulus projects Mr. Marvin Dean appeared at the February 11, 2009 City Council meeting and spoke to the City Council under public statements, regarding his desire to work with the City to get local contractors ready for federal stimulus projects. This matter was referred to the Budget and Finance Committee for consideration. Mr. Dean indicated a need to prepare local workers so they could benefit from the anticipated federal stimulus construction projects and also requested that a preference be implemented to award construction contracts to local contractors and minority owned businesses. The details of the federal stimulus legislation and the associated regulations are just now becoming available and will likely follow existing federal and state laws regarding the award of contracts and bidding. The City of Bakersfield currently follows both state and federal laws regarding the award of construction contracts. This includes following procurement guidelines regarding minority businesses. A separate memo from the City attorney details the legal issues related to such regulations and the concerns regarding the preference for local contractors desired by Mr. Dean. Significant efforts have been made to perform outreach to contractors for federal projects such as the TRIP program. TRIP hosted a Contractor Outreach Event on August 6, 2008 at the Rabobank Convention Center, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Prime contractors, sub-contractors, small businesses, DBEs and DVBEs were invited for a preview of the Mohawk Street Extension, Westside Parkway and 7th Standard Road Widening projects. The City, of Bakersfield, County of Kern, and Caltrans sent representatives who discussed other upcoming construction projects and explained procurement procedures (see attached agenda). Mr. Dean also participated in the outreach effort. S:\JOHN\Marvin Dean - Federal Stimulus Projects.doc Date February 11, 2009 From: Marvin Dean, Chairperson Southeast Bakersfield PAC, Business Sub Committee To: Whom it may concern We are seeking to develop a Public &Private Sector& Community "Jobs & Contracts Partnership" To help get local& neighborhood construction workers & sub contractors ready for federal funded stimulus projects; • City'of Bakersfield; Redevelopment; CDBG,HOME, other Federal funded projects. • County of Kern; Federal funded projects. • HACK; Federal funded projects. Other partners looking to work with; • Local Union&Non Union Building Trades • AGC Prime Contractors Association • Kern Minority Contractors Association • Kern County Construction Boot Camp, LLC • Various community organizations We are requesting to meet with staff& council members to discuss how KMCA&Kern County Construction Boot Camp can help in the effort neighborhood & local jobs &contracts. Date: February 8, 2009 To: Southeast Bakersfield Residents, Business&Property Owners & Others From: Marvin Dean, (PAC) Business member elected 2000 Re: Southeast Bakersfield& Old Town Neighborhood Community Oversight I was first elected in 2000 by Southeast Bakersfield Business Property Owner,to the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area Committee. Our job was to serve as a community group of advisory to the Redevelopment Agency to help develop the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Plan for future development projects. Today, I like to announce that I have restarted; Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area Business Sub Committee I chaired. The purpose is to serve as neighborhood jobs & contracts oversight resource for neighborhood workers & sub contractors. The Business Sub Committee will work with other committee groups & residents to help get neighborhood workers & sub contractors jobs on local redevelopment&public assisted projects. Our goal to address the violent crime & gang problem by putting UN employ & UN skill neighborhood boot camp ready to work construction helper on projects site. The Kern County Construction Boot Camp target ex con&ex gang men&women with no experience to get job ready in 60 hour. Upon being excepted& completing 60 hour boot camp members get$2,000 life insurance & basic health plan @ no cost. The boot camp is privately own& operated and funded by user fee. There is no cost to the boot camp person taking the training. After 60 hour boot camp worker are ready for job placement on construction projects site. The Project Area Business Sub committee will issue annual grade of City& County Agencies How well they do on public assisted projects for jobs& contracts, at this time grade D-F. The Business Sub Committee chair will regularly address the Redevelopment Agency, Bakersfield City Council &Kern County Board of Supervisor&HACK with its concern about neighborhood jobs & contracts. If, you have or know of someone wanting to work on public assisted construction projects have them fax over a resume @ 661-323-9287& call 661-324-7535. They will be invited to attend an information meeting to explain what require to sign up for the program. M Submitted by: Markin Dean#661-747-1465(southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment PAC-Elected 2000 Reason for voicing concern . • Millions ($)Redevelopment projects assistance provided to developers • Millions ($) Community Development projects completed or underway 0 Millions ($)Public&Private assistance Housing projects • Millions ($) State&Federal assisted Public Work projects 0 $20 Million(NSP)Neighborhood Stabilization/Foreclose Housing projects 0 $$$Billions in Federal Stimulus funded coming projects The above famed projects promise or require as a condition of receiving federal funds; local neighborhood jobs & contracts for services. (Sec-3 /MBE/WBE/DBE) r Problem No oversight or accountable of City or County or HACK staff to have developers&prime contractors hire or contract with local neighborhood workers or smaller sub-contractors. On type of projects listed above,more need to be none. In our opinion all City/County&HACK department that enter into agreement with developers &prime contractors for projects. Receive a failing grade"D—F" Question to City/County & BACK 4. What is your plan to assist low income un-employ, under skill Inter- City neighborhood worker get jobs on the up coming federally funded;$20 million Neighborhood Stabilization Foreclose Housing Projects ? 2. What is your plan & guarantees that local& (MBE/WBE/Sec-3) Sub-Contractors will get contracts work on these upcoming federally funded Stimulus projects ? Why now raise this concern Some of us have been working to bring redevelopment to our neighborhood since 1980 (29 year) with the hope of putting neighborhood un-employ/under skill person &smaller sub- contractors to work on these projects. We are disappointed that most these projects have not hire one neighborhood worker or sub contractors in the construction. Now Bakersfield is planning to receive millions of federal stimulus money for public work&housing projects that ready to go with fast turn around, if we don't address this concern now it will be more of the I Neighborhood workers & sub contractors will miss out on the projects. Request to City/County & HACK Meet with"The Kern County Boot Camp, LLC&KMCA"in good faith to set aside some the federal stimulus fund to help get neighborhood worker& sub contractor ready for projects. OFSite projects on map completed or underwa Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment ProJ ect Area Y West & East; "L street & Union Ave. " North & South; " 24th street& California Ave. " Partial list & type of projects: � Food Super Market#3 (Redevelopment assisted) $5 Million + ' ' Human Service Complex #2 (County special bond $10 Million • Elderly Housing Complex #5 ) + g P {Tax credit/CDBG& Home) $10 Million +. ' �fbr�dable Housing Complex #3 Ice& Pool Complex (City& redevello n�nt CIS& County) $10 Million Complex P ) $10 Million + • Maya Theater Com P (Redevelopment assisted) $10 Million + • Mill Creek Canal Projects • .(Redevelopment & City) $5 Million Central Park Complex (Redevelopment& Ci • Holiday Inn Select Hotel (Redevelopment& CD) $10 Million + ' County Admin. Complex (County special bond),MG) $10M,11, .n + Convention Center Complex (City& redevelopment)Million + Am Train Station Complex (City& County as $10 Million + • HACK Admin. Complex (Kern County tance) $10 Million • Highway 178 & Over change (City °Using Authority) $10 Million + • Pending acquire Redevelopment s tes projects rk & Tri p)p)'$10 iVlillion + • Old Town Redevelopment Housing& Co to be announce $5 Million + • Street and curve & to projects $10 Million + gutter neighborhood projects $5 Millions + • Neighborhood Stabilization Housing rehab projects $20 Million+ This partial list of projects lli total $170 million + (Estimate $510 Million + (Underway $75 Millions +) Community & Neighborhood projects. * Each developer/prime contractor or sub=contractors should or contract one neighborhood worker/helper for every three construct to hire worker on these projects. ion Community Jobs Rally Wednesday "Kick Off Date: February 11, 2009 Time: 10 to 11 am Location: "Q Street & California Ave" Project Site: "Mill Creek & Maya Theater" Introduce Kern County Construction Boot Camp Get neighborhood worker Job ready in 60 hour. City & County funded redevelopment & public work projects. $20 Million Neighbor Stabilization Foreclosed Housing projects $850 Billion Federal Stimulus up coming projects Will You Be Ready for Jobs or Business Contract ? If you need a job or contract join us at the job rally Sign Up /No Cost Kern County Construction Boot Camp (workers) (Receive @ No Cost ! $2,000 life insurance policy) Free Basic Health Benefits Plan • Eye Care Plan • Hearing Plan • Prescription Drug Plan • Chiropractic Plan Open to everyone no experience require Contact # 661-324-7535 Or Mario @661-444-7238 L LU N E `O 5 w CJ m a) N = C i O _U L N N L t� Q 3d E a � a aC,5 co s co O U O o N N _ O E U C O Y °> aVi 3 LO 0 0 0n Q Cd i obo di r 06 a o '0 3a) U � � Z Cdo UO c o r � 2 �, a u EO o f to c�i � '� y —0 y :cw V Q R V O M Me E i O O >, O �. a co Q) 0 caw s wY c 0 m V)i M � � N a - � 0 0 0 o a 0 CL E aNi � � � c o aNi U 0 o > w i � o� co ` L � Va E co M0 c o- c-R C— V cu E a = o� E a"i _ am U a)of a) M ° � mU U �' *. �,a � °T got `—° 3 L c.) 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ICS' R CD .0 o �. ° ° cD CD a o ' °' a CD CD ate. ova ' , w CD go ZD CD CD CD rA ° O c v� O l�7 �,. O y ryzyyz� yCs7z � � � � � � (�j � � �! �• � � � � � Wt�ivCrit�r7tri �Wmv� o0 0 o ICDI v� tTj cn n C r n b cn zo • let W � z y � > � � � OyO � Z � C) � O O O � trJ ) y � y � >ee n O � v oc,C4 77 vpo y0 O ' cn � C Op C/) r b 7� � dCOD Y Ln a.> c c iG cn c RM I CC vi C7 w " 0 'N ca a O •N '� � •N C I U) D- w w r 1 www.minoritycontractors.info email: KMCA @att.net o o o = ti a U 2 12 cc a" � `" � .� � •� � U a o ono sue.. Q. rte, M s.• � � N N U � N E U U 'O 2 � Q r• k O ^� "D v e4 i Q p u O p V] bn c: �� ,�"• cz *, C y Q" + U O WW11 U cc j fJ O D D D co C c O O m fV COD W ° (D O O vDi v 0 CD 3 c 77 0 CD O CD cn v v �o CD cQ 3 1 3 C � cc o 3 0 � 3 �" �. ° CD N 3 to C7 po n C� c cn m cam° — v, ty" O cca � 0 cn O 0 sll CD Es 3 N m = a' �`< cDTJ o � 3 ° c CD0 ° o cD 3 < oNm O cfl cm N X o cQ O O O CC 0 CD cn O v �" O cn M, O CD CD v 0- 3 r n C7 3 < = C7v Q m C m o 3 = o O 0 CD 0 (n -, v CT v 0 O 0 C) Q CD Cp O C Cl Cp m .�' o DS. CD CD C7 — ° -0 = m y 3. c, 3 m 0 cn ° CD � y Q y N5 < o cfl s o ` ate _� � `� cfl � � CAD (a M CD w C7 `G < 0 v U2 3 O a o m ° 00 v v 0 ° 0- co W co W o Q° n. 0 Q° � o � � (DNsp X03 vo3 � cD � ocnvo O v0 =r n � 0- - a) OW v N ° 3 n o o CD o n C 0 � O n• O o = m � 0n v3 vN• � -' oz! cn � � � � D 3 � o O a C 03 � � --0 o" v o m � ° m00v � �• m � � � °' � M< CD CL 03C� nw fD � — 0 Cn0 0 0 -1 0 o cn c� � � n Zv FD. Cn ° � 0 o 3 n n Q O O O °O O ° p N 0 -' cn 3 3 O cn _ O CD S C O Cp v cn O �G n 0 0 S v M o W O Z CD =r =3 0 W D o D C/) ;r,,o a v - < ° c °1 n 0c°• 0 v m9 � T CD W '-� �- o s C m rn X o3 � no 3 O ED � v - 0 CA ma N v � v p n O o ��' o. a � w _03" n0 0 �' � � � v a m -4 r- 0 = 3 So o- P1 a v > mv n v cn r `< Q a o O oo co D ;r\ C o 3 rn m CD n^ ° v n 3 v .�. 3 0o D3 v, o iv m H 00) � 3 5 o C CD C7 m can 0 w - O c rt a •o c o C D 0 0o C CD o CD c?. Mt w C7 1 mv cn < o O w D 0 O m 0 0 CD D cn CA) v -°a 3 3 cn CD 0 v CD H CD W C) C 7C CD CD r n " Cl O Zip w D � C cn w y �` p o rn met Ul ''1 Draft Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Schedule JANUARY 2009 THROUGH DECEMBER 2009 All meetings will be held at CHN, First Floor,Conference Room A Approved: Committee Meetings-12:00 p.m. M BUDGET MEETING&PRESENTATIONS Monday's @ Noon,Wednesday's @ 5:15pm =Council Meetings-5:15 p.m. Hearing on 6110,Adoption on 6124 =Holidays-City Hall Closed = Joint City/County Meeting -5:30 p.m. JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 APRIL MAY JUNE S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18_19F-20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 28 29 30 31 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23, 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 2 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 30 31' OCTOBER V29P R DECEMBER S M T W TH F S TH F S S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 F-271 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 28 29 30 31 Important Dates: ®League of California Cities Executive Forum ®League of California Cities Annual Conference Last update: 2/13/200910:14 AM