HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/2009 Z Z--� 0 B A K E R S F I E L D Ken W John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager ei Chair For: Alan Tandy, City Manager Sue Benham Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant Irma Carson AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, February 23, 2009 — 12:00 p.m. City Hall North 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA First Floor, Conference Room A The meeting was called to order at 12:15:12 PM 1. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Councilmember Harold Hanson, Chair Councilmember Irma Carson Absent: Councilmember Ken Weir Staff present: Harvey L. Hall, Mayor Alan Tandy, City Manager John W. Stinson, Asst. City Manager Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant Steve Teglia, Administrative Analyst Ginny Gennaro, City Attorney Joshua Rudnick, Deputy City Attorney Nelson Smith, Finance Director Lyle Martin, Asst. Police Chief Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Donna Kunz, EDCD Director Brad Underwood, Asst. Public Works Director Marian Shaw, Civil Engineer Steve Hollingsworth, Gen. Services Supt. Rhonda Barnhard, Asst. EDCD Director Sandra Jimenez, Asst. Finance Director Others present- James Geluso, Bakersfield Californian Jose Onsurez, Jr., Granite Construction Andy Pauldan, Brown Armstrong Jerry Fuentz, Kern County Custom Const. Eric Xin, Brown Armstrong Jonathan Webster, NBAK Fletcher Waggoner, Citizen Karen Goh, Garden Pathways Marvin Dean, Kern Minority Contractors AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Monday, February 23, 2009 Page 2 2. ADOPT AUGUST 25, 2008 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Audit Reports — Nelson Smith Finance Director Nelson Smith provided a brief overview of the Brown Armstrong audit, which included the following reports for fiscal year ended June 30, 2008: • Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) • Independent Auditors Report — Single Audit Report — Schedule of Federal Expenditures for the City of Bakersfield • Independent Auditors Report — Compliance with Contractual Requirements relative to the Bakersfield Subregional Wastewater Management Plan • Independent Auditors report on Appropriations Limit Worksheet (GANN Limit) of the City of Bakersfield • Independent Auditors Report — Rabobank Arena, Theater, Convention Center, Bakersfield Ice Sports Center and Brighthouse Networks Amphitheatre There were no negative reported financial findings. However, there was one minor finding by the Waste Water Management Technical Advisory Committee noting that the budget was submitted 26 days late, which was not in accordance with the agreement. Andy Pauldan, of Brown Armstrong, congratulated the City for its successful audit. Committee member Irma Carson made a motion to present the audit reports to the City Council for approval. The motion was accepted by Committee members present. B. Assessment District Update — Smith Finance Director Nelson Smith reported that in September 2008, the City Council authorized the initiation of foreclosure proceedings on several hundred parcels of property that fell within the boundaries of twelve separate Assessment Districts. Due to this action, many properties tax bills payments became current, while others are either in pending foreclosure or awaiting court dates. However, three new districts, District 05-3 (Diamond Ridge), District 07-2 (Sydney Harbour), and District 05-1 (City in the Hills) are currently in delinquency. The City typically does not look AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Monday, February 23, 2009 Page 3 at delinquency reports until after the June 30th County deadline. These districts were depended upon for tax collection to make the March and September bond payments. Diamond Ridge and Sydney Harbour are seriously delinquent with their installments. These delinquencies will cause the City to draw down on the reserve fund to make the first payment. Each district has a 10% reserve amount for such issues. Mr. Smith added that this situation is a first in 20 years and is a reflection of the current economic times. No draw down on the reserve is necessary to make the bond payment for The City in the Hills District. The City is still in discussions with the developer regarding the remaining public improvements and their payment of delinquent taxes. City Manager Alan Tandy commented that as a result of the increasing delinquency problem, the City stopped forming these districts. The City Council subsequently joined the California Communities Public Infrastructure Finance Program, so that developers that could still function and have a place to go to get loans on their land. By proceeding with actions indicated by staff, it will avoid a bigger problem. Mr. Tandy encouraged the Finance Department to continue with the collection processes in motion. Committee member Irma Carson asked staff to clarify how these delinquencies would affect the Cities credit standing with the bond holders. Mr. Tandy responded that while the City is not responsible for loan repayment, the City's name is on the bonds when they are issued. If delinquencies become apparent and the City was not taking the foreclosure actions, it would not look favorable in the eyes of the bond rating professionals. Mr. Smith added that being proactive and taking actions early, reflects the City in a more positive light. Committee chair Harold Hanson asked how many potential dollars are represented in default. Mr. Smith responded that it varies by district and the City measures the percentage. When the percentage goes above 5%, it requires action from the City. C. Airport Fee Schedule Changes - Rojas Public Works Director Raul Rojas reported on the rate comparison between the Bakersfield Municipal Airport and several local airports. Staff compared rates on items such as city-owned hangars, tie-down, and shade ports. Based on the comparisons, staff recommends the adoption of the new fee increases. Mr. Rojas advised that even with these increases, the net increase in revenue for the City is about $8,000 total for the year. Bakersfield citizen Fletcher Wagner advised that the numbers reported by staff are incorrect and believes this is due to miscommunication between staff and other local airports providing their rates. He would like the Committee to consider reestablishing an advisory committee for airport issues. Mr. Rojas commented that staff will compare the information Mr. Wagner provided and make the appropriate corrections on Port-a-Port fees if needed. City Manager Alan Tandy added that if the Committee is willing to move this issue onto Council, it will be with the understanding that staff will make the field check and adjust the amounts on this item only, if appropriate. Mr. Rojas commented that he did not recommend the forming of an advisory committee. Mr. Tandy suggested that a tenant meeting be held at least twice a year to discuss the issues would be a better compromise. Committee member Irma Carson made a AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Monday, February 23, 2009 Page 4 motion to forward this item to the full Council for consideration. The motion was approved by Committee members present. D. Discussion regarding 2009-10 Community Development Action Plan Proposal - Kunz Economic Development Direct Donna Kunz, summarized the Annual Entitlements received by the City through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These entitlements help to improve the quality of life in low to moderate income neighborhoods. The HUD Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) entitlements for FY 2009-10 are $4,971,020. Staff is projecting program income from repayments due to refinancing and payoffs in the amount $20,000 for CDBG and $150,000 for HOME. The total proposed budget for CDBG, Home, ESG for FY 2009-10 is $5,141,020. FY 2009-10 Proposed CDBG The total resources available for FY 2009-10 are $3,324,357. This amount includes the CDBG Entitlement of $3,304,357 and the project program income of $20,000. The total resources are allocated as follows: • Total Administration —20% CAP: $660,871. • Long Term Obligations: $404,035. These on-going, long term obligations are repayments of Section 108 Loans. • Public Services — 15% CAP: $515,000. Services include graffiti removal in HUD eligible areas, the Bakersfield Senior Center, Downtown Area Police Patrol and Fair Housing. • Low-Mod Benefit: $196,000 — Bakersfield Senior Center (Kitchen Rehab) and Bakersfield Community House (Remodel) FY 2009-10 Proposed Capital Improvement Projects Net resources available for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) are $1,548,451. Staff submitted the following for consideration: • Amador St, & Bell Terrace Ave. — Curb and Gutter (near Fairgrounds): $90,000 • California & P St. Area — Curb and Gutter: $800,000 • Alta Vista Area — Curb and Gutter: $500,000 • Lowell Park Playground - Rehab: $158,451 This year staff has received nine proposals for assistance from non-profit and for- profit organizations totaling $984,335 and 16 intra-city proposals totaling $7,236,296 for projects to improve the quality of life and infrastructure for low- AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Monday, February 23, 2009 Page 5 income neighborhoods. Ms. Kunz provided to the Committee a list of for-profit and non-profit applications that show the proposer's name, description of the project location, the estimated cost of project and if the project is HUD eligible or qualified. Unfortunately, the City does not have the financial resources to consider all projects. In order to meet Councils public service goals, staff's recommendation is to continue the graffiti removal in HUD eligible areas, continue assistance to the Bakersfield Senior Center, increase downtown area police patrol to the new entertainment area and continued support of Fair Housing. Ms. Kunz added that another $1 billion has been allocated in the stimulus plan for CDBG. It is a one- time allocation and will be distributed on the allocation formula to the entitlement cities. Staff estimates the amount to be approximately $800,000 to $1,000,000. If received, staff will come back to the Committee with a supplemental request for additional projects. Committee member Irma Carson asked if the stimulus money could be allocated to Garden Pathways to fund their projects. Ms. Kunz responded that any eligible CDBG projects will be considered. The only caveat with the new stimulus money is that the project must be "shovel ready" and a contract must be in place within 120 days of the award to the City. City Manager Alan Tandy added that the project designs must be completed and be ready to go to bid. Home Investment Partnership (HOME): The total funding available for FY 2009-10 is $1,670,000. This amount includes the HOME Entitlement of $1,520,000; $150,000 of projected program income. Ms. Kunz reported that no competitive HOME applications were received this year. There are currently projects in the southeast and Old Towne Kern in the regular redevelopment activities that are multifamily, affordable, tax credit projects that require a gap in subsidy assistance. The funding staff received from HOME was placed in a new construction account. A 10% portion in the amount of $152,000 was set aside for administration cost. Proposed Housing Programs'. Staff estimates the total Program/Project Costs ($1,468,000) and Direct Delivery ($50,000) for FY 2009-10 to be $1,620,000. Program/Project cost includes $1,240,000 in SEPA, DT & OTK Downpayment Assistance and $228,000 in HUD mandated Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) sponsored projects. Emer.gency Shelter Grant (ESG): Staff proposes $146,663 in ESG to fund the Bakersfield Rescue Mission ($62,000); Bethany Homeless Shelter ($62,000); and Alliance Against Family Violence ($15,330). Also included is the 5% Administrative Cap of $7,333. Committee members unanimously approved staff's recommendations to move forward to full Council for approval. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Monday, February 23, 2009 Page 6 E. Discussion regarding Participation of Local Contractors and Minority Businesses in Federal Stimulus Construction Projects and Bid Preference — Stinson Marvin Dean of Kern Minority Construction gave a presentation on a proposal to provide a preference to local and minority contractors on City construction contracts and a request for a sole source public outreach contract. Mr. Dean requested to meet with City Manager Alan Tandy. Mr. Tandy agreed to meet with Mr. Dean. Mr. Tandy also indicated staff needed some time to review and research the materials and concerns raised by Mr. Dean and would come back with a report at the March Budget and Finance Committee meeting. F. Discussion regarding Adoption of the 2009 Committee Meeting Schedule - Stinson Committee members adopted the schedule as submitted. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:50:13 P.M. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council S:\Council Committees\2009\Budget and Finance\February\February 23 Agenda Summary.doc