HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 94-98(2)RESOLUTION NO. 94- 98 ( 2 ) AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO RESOLUTION NO. 94-98 ADOPTING THE OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1998-99. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of Bakersfield and applicable ordinances, the City Council of said City amended Resolution No. 94-98 amending the Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets for the City of Bakersfield, California, for the fiscal year 1998-99 on January 13, 1999; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to make amendments thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. That the Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets for the City of Bakersfield, California, for the fiscal year 1998-99, as adopted by Resolution No. 94-98, is hereby further amended to reflect the applicable changes included in Exhibit "A". 2. That the said Budgets for said fiscal year 1998-99, so amended, shall be the Budgets For the City of Bakersfield, California, for said fiscal year 1998-99 as contemplated to be made by this Council. 3. That the said Budgets for said fiscal year 1998-99 shall total $228,156,115 with the Operating and Debt Service (which includes the Community Development Block Grant) Budget and transfers totaling $193,782,411, and the Capital Improv~.ment Program totaling $34,373,704. 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of the resolution, and henceforth and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on A J N 13, 1999 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, DeMOND, MAGGARD, COUCH, ROWLES, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER CITY CLERK ~nd Ex O;ici~lerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED JAN 13, 1999 ) MAYOR of the City~ Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ROBERT M. SHERFY CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield DWH:jp AMEND Op and Cip 98-99No2 Attachment CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FISCAL YEAR 1998 - 99 BUDGET AMENDMENTS DATE FUND EXHIBIT" A" ITEM AMOUNT COMMENTS 07/15/98 07/15/98 08/05/98 08/12/98 08/12/98 08/12/98 08/12/98 08/14/98 08/20/98 08/20/98 09t09/98 09/09/98 10/01/98 10/01/98 10/07/98 10/07/98 10/07/98 10/21/98 11/04/98 11/04/98 11/18/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/15/98 12/15t98 411 Appropriate Fund Balance to CIP Budget within Sewer Fund 311 Appropriate Cap Outlay Fund, Ind. Dev. Bond Fees, & Int. Earnings 664 Adjust Budget for Assmt. Dist 96-2 (Allen Road) Bonds Solds 412 Appropriate Developer Share and Fund Balance within Sewer Fund 331 Appropriate Fund Balance to CIP Budget within the TDA Fund 151 Appropriate pavement damage monies to CIP Budget within Gas Tax Fund 142 Appropriate ped bikeway funds to CIP Budget within TDA Fund 111 Transfer monies from CDBG CIP to CDBG Operating Budget. 151 Reduce Appropriations in the Gas Tax Fund 411 Reduce Appropriations in the Sewer Fund 111 Appropriation to CIP Budget within the Sewer Fund 332 Appropriation to CIP Budget within Calloway Rd Bridge Bond Fund 411 Reduce Appropriations in the Sewer Fund 412 Reduce Appropriations in the Sewer Fund 151 Appropriate Developer Contribution to CIP Budget within Gas Tax Fund 012 Transfer to Legislative CtP Budget within Capital Outlay Fund 011 App CC Fund Balance to ClP Budget within Offstreet Parking Fund 411 Appropriate Fund Balance to CIP Budget within Sewer Fund 151 Appropriate Dev. Contribution to ClP Budget within Gas Tax Fund 151 Appropriate Fund Balance to CIP Budget within Gas Tax Fund 658 Appropriate Bond Proceeds to Assess. Dist.(93-3) Cai Oak 111 Appropriate Tire Recycling Grant to Parks CIP Budget within CDBG Fund. 333 Appropriate. Supp State AIIoc. to CIP Budget within Road & Bridge Fund. 151 Appropriate Fund Balance to CIP Budget within Gas Tax Fund 111 Transfer from CDBG CIP Budget to CDBG Operating Budget 111 Transfer from CDBG Operating to CDBG CIP Budget $89,670 $240,000 $1,538,201 $8,420,000 $18,000 $60,766 $9,497 ($300,000) ($38,700) ($342,300) $50,000 $12,000 ($5,453,800) ($790,000) $242,000 $25,000 $15,000 $90,000 $27,761 $15,000 $120,000 $25,000 $1,808,000 $170,000 ($11,981) $27,000 Funding for Planz Road / Benton St. Sewer Lift Station. (Bids item 8x.) Additional funding for Arena equipment (Item 8.z.) For bonds sold to construct Allen Road Trunk Sewer Line For contruction of Allen Rd Trunk Sewer, B.V. to Palm Ave. (Item 8.s.) Additional funding for the White Lane Bridge improvement project (Item 8.w.) Reimbursement for street resurfacing on Truxtun Avenue (Item 8.aa.) For purchase of bicycle racks and lockers. (Item 8.bb.) For street resurf imp in var. eligible areas & interim assistance for Casa Loma area. To reduce fiscal year 1997-98 Carryover requests. To reduce fiscal year 1997-98 Carryover requests. For storm drain improvements at Pierce Road and Rio Mirada Drive (Item 8.h.) For a new traffic signal at Buena Vista Rd and Ming Ave. (Item 8.o.) Reduction of appropriations for the expansion/upgrade of Wastewater projects. Reduction of appropriations for the expansion/upgrade of Wastewater projects. Costs for new pavement and curbs & gutters along Panama & Stine (Item 8.m) To cover last phase of Council Chamber remodel project (Item 8.s.) To cover costs of modifications to Convention Center parking lot (Item 8.z.) For Storm Drain project near Pierce Rd. & Rio Mirada (Item 8.p.) Reimbursement to City for cost of left turn bay - White Lane Median Const.(Item 8.o.) Construction of a curbed median on White Lane - Akers to Wible Road (item 8.o.) To Facilitate development of property at NW corner of Calif & Oak (Item 8.w.) For installation of recycled tires into playground surface areas (Item 8v.) For additional costs of Coffee Rd. Grade Separation Project (Item 8.z.) Storm Damage Repair - Panorama Drive at River B!vd area Item 8.dd) Move funds for Casa Royale and Lakeview Ave. poperties demolition project. Additional funding for the Fox Theater streetscape project. TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AMENDMENTS $6,066,114 DATE FUND ITEM AMOUNT COMMENTS 08/05/98 08/12/98 08/14/98 09/23/98 09/23/98 10/07/98 10/07/98 10/21/98 10/21/98 10/21/98 10/21/98 11/04/98 11/04/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/15/98 12/15198 664 Adjust Budget for Assmt. Dist 96-2 (Allen Road) Bonds Solds 412 Appropriate Fund Balance to Streets Division within Sewer Fund 111 Transfer monies from CDBG CIP to CDBG Operating Budget. 412 Appropriate Fund Balance to Attorney's Op. Budget within Sewer Fund 011 Appropriate State Grant Revenue 011 Appropriate Fund Balance to PW Op Budget within Equip Mgmt Fund 012 Transfer to Legislative Cap Imp Budget within Capital Outlay 011 Approp. from Greenfied & BCSD to Rec & Parks Op Bud within Gen Fund 011 Appropriate to City Atty Op Budget within Refuse Service Fund 011 Appropriate Fund Balance to Arena proj acct within CDDA & City Prj Fund 411 App Sewer trunkline fees to non-dept budget within Sewer Fund 011 Appropriate Strong Motion Instrumentation (SMI) Trust Funds 011 Appropriate to the Home Operating Budget within CDBG Fund 011 App. donation from Target Stores to BPD Op Budget in General Fund 011 Appropriate to Recreation & Parks Op Budget within General Fund 011 Transfer from Council Contingency 111 Transfer from Capital Imp. Budget to Operating 111 Transfer from Operating to Capital Imp. Budget TOTAL OPERATING AMENDMENTS $361,799 $60,000 $300,000 $70,000 $101,015 $100,000 ($25,000) $116,625 $80,000 $40,000 $10,833 $3,850 $246,000 $300 $25,000 ($240,000) $11,981 ($27,000) $1,235,403 For bonds sold to construct Allen Road Trunk Sewer Line For emergency street and pipe repairs on So. H, s/o Planz (Item 5.ff) For street resurf imp in var. eligible areas & interim assistance for Casa Loma area. For legal services in the matter of C.O.B. vs Kenko (Item 8.0.) For the Waste Tire Enforcement Grant Program (Item 8.z.) For motor grader (Item 8.t.) To cover last phase of Council Chamber remodel (Item 8.s.) For after-school recreational programming (Item 8.k.) For legal services with Daley & Heft in the burn dump matter (Item 8.n.) Last minute required items for Arena opening (Item 8.y.) For reimbursement to DeVille Homes for Sewer oversizing agreement (Item 8.z.) For post-disaster safety assessment training (Item 8.r.) To be used for HOME eligible activities (Item 8.t.) Purchase of a fax machine (Item 8.ii.) Community education to reduce the rate of heart disease (Item 8.11.) BPD Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System (Item 9.e.) Move funds for Casa Royale and Lakeview Ave. poperties demolition project. Additional funding for the Fox Theater streetscape project. 07/15/98 10/07/98 12/09/98 311 Appropriate Cap Outlay Fund, Ind. Dev. Bond Fees, & tnt. Earnings 012 Transfer to Legislative Cap Imp Budget within Capital Outlay 011 Transfer from Council Contingency to BPD ClP Budget TOTAL TRANSFERS TO TRANSFER ACCT. $200,000 $25,000 $240,000 $465,000.00 Additional funding for Arena equipment (Item 8.z.) To cover last phase of Council Chamber remodel (Item 8.s.) BPD Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System (Item 9.e.) CDDA 08/12/98 10/21/98 395 Appropriate interest income to the CDDA Arena Project Fund 011 Appropriate Fund Balance to Arena proj acct within CDDA Project Fund TOTAL CDDA AMENDMENTS $130,000 $40,000 $170,000 For CCO 11 to Agr. No. 97-76 (Item 8.q.) Monies set aside for items required in first few months of operations. (Item 8.y.) TOTAL AMENDMENTS/BUDGET INCREASES $7,936,517 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 1998-99 ADOPTED BUDGET Departmental Appropriations by Fund Budget Summary Operating Budgets City of Bakersfield Central District Develop. Agency $12,211,449 $35,987,058 $18,843,687 $51,512,393 $8,695,575 $12,866,534 $7,970,472 $43,994,840 $192,082,008 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $444,776 $5,409,140 $5,853,916 Total Operating $12,211,449 $35,987,058 $18,843,687 $51,512,393 $8,695,575 $12,866,534 $8,415,248 $49,403,980 $197,935,924 Capital Improvements City of Bakersfield Central District Develop. Agency $1~944,500 $35,000 $289,200 $22,762,490 $2,570,000 $706,400 $0 $0 $28,307,590 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital Improvements $1,944,500 $35,000 $289,200 $22,762,490 $2,570,000 $706,400 $0 $0 $28,307,590 Total Appropriations $14,155,949 $36,022,058 $19,132,887 $74,274,883 $11,2651575 $13,572,934 $8,415,248 $49,403,980 $226,243,514 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 1998-99 ADOPTED BUDGET Departmental Appropriations by Fund City of Bakersfield Operating Budget General Fund Transient Lodging Taxes Gas Tax Traffic Safety Municipal Improvement Debt Public Financing Authority Capital Outlay Fund Arena Project Fund Transportation Development Agriculture Water Domestic Water Parking Lots/Structures Park Improvement Fund Refuse Collection Aviation Fund Self Insurance Supplemental Law Enforce. Equipment Management Wastewater Treatment Plant Community Dew Block Grant Assessment Districts $7,097,376 $9,000 $4,165,210 $741,592 $160,000 $38,271 $35,987,058 $18,843,687 $10,110,224 $8,688,440 $4,178,094 $2,693,952 $20,366.770 $115,830 $12,014,745 $6,210,872 $3,213,932 $5,481,643 $4,966,160 $122,720 $2,881,592 $4,334,555 $3,949,225 $500,000 $391,058 $12,985,000 $2,084,625 $1,080,000 $952,700 $350,000 $822,890 $300,000 $550,000 $1,800,000 $8,117,000 $341,058 $5,436,729 $90,027,500 $8,127,319 $2,693,952 $500,000 $391,058 $12,994,000 $0 $0 $2,084,625 $4,293,932 $6,434,343 $122,720 $350,000 $21,189,660 $115,830 $4,465,210 $550,000 $14,556,337 $14,487,872 $3,222,650 $5,475,000 :.Total Operating $12,211,449 $35,987,058 $18,843,687 $51,512,393 $8,695,575 $12,866,534 $7,970,472 $43,994,840 $192,082,008 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 1998- 99 ADOPTED BUDGET Departmental Appropriations by Fund City of Bakersfield Capital Improvements Surfact Transportation (ISTEA) Transportation (TDA) Gas Tax Park Improvement Captial Outlay Fund Arena Project Fund Transportation Development Road and Bridge Bond Funds Agriculture Water Domestic Water Parking Lots/Structures Refuse Collection Aviation Fund Amtrak Railway Public Facilities Equipment Management Wastewater Treatment Plant Community Dev. Block Grant Assessment Districts $1,944,500 $35,000 $289,200 $2,275,690 $86,9O0 $1,294,410 $135,500 $587,000 $100,000 $75,340 $8,190,000 $574,000 $8,420,300 $1,023,350 $636,000 $1,934,000 $2,275,690 $86,900 $1,294,410 $106,000 $106,000 $65,400 $2,469,600 $430,000 $430,000 $587,000 $0 $736,000 $1,934,000 $0 $75,340 $0 $8,190,000 $0 $574,000 $8,420,300 $105,000 $1,128,350 $0 Total Capital Improvements $1,944,500 $35,000 $289,200 $22,762,490 $2,570,000 $706,400 $0 $0 $28,307,590 Total City of Bakersfield $14,155,949 $36,022,058 $19,132,887 $74,274,883 $11,265,575 $13,572,934 $7,970,472 $43,994,840 $220,389,598 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 1998- 99 ADOPTED BUDGET Departmental Appropriations by Fund Central District Development Agency Operating Budget Operating Debt Service $444,776 $1,513,000 $3,896,140 $1,957,776 $3,896,140 Total Operating Capital Improvements Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $444,776 $5,409,140 $5,853,916 $0 Total Capital Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total CDDA $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $444,776 $0 $5,409,140 $0 $5,853,916 Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget Amendment Reconciliation Proposed Budget Budget Adoption Resolution Exhibit "B" Thompson Jr. High Recycling Council Adopted Budget 6124/98 Budget Corrections: CDDA Operating Fund CDDA Housing Fund Amended Adopted Budget 7115198 CIP OPERATING CDDA TOTAL $25,412,590 $192,276,585 $5,409,140 $223,098,315 $2,895,000 $232.199 $3.127,199 $18,000 $18,000 $28,307,590 $192,526,784 $5,409,140 $226,243,514 ($34,776) $34,776 $0 ($410,000) $410,000 $0 $28,307,590 $192,082,008 $5,853,916 $226,243,514 Amendment No. 2 to Amended Adopted Budget 7115~98 Amendments Transfers $6,066,114 $1,235,403 $170,000 $7,471,517 $465,000 $465,000 Total Amended Budget 1/13~99 $34,373,704 $193,782,411 $6,023,916 $234,180,031