HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/16/2009� B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM January 16, 2009 ) , �- -'" TO: Honorable Mayor and City Coun�i� '�' FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager --� � SUBJECT: General Information ; � i� 1. We received the enclosed letters from Assemblymembers Fuller and Gilmore in response to our letter regarding the Pooled Money Investment Board's decision to freeze funds from the Pooled Money Investment Account. They share our concerns and understand the devastating affect the budget crisis is having on our City. 2. We have performed an analysis of the "damage" caused by the State's freeze of capital projects to contracts in process. We are obligated to pay for "in process" contract costs even though the State is the cause of the interruption in reimbursements. We have covered $2.7 million in these costs with Traffic Impact Fees and will file for reimbursement when and if we can. It is unclear whether we will ever be reimbursed. Another part of our tab from the legislature! 3. The City did first reading of the Traffic Impact Fees on September 17, 2008. It is a joint fee with the County. We have been told that they will not agendize their action until the end of February. Our fee will not go into effect until theirs does. 4. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development notified us this week that our action plan amendment for Neighborhood Stabilization Program funding has been approved and we are being awarded $8,982,836. As a component of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, this funding will be used to address the effects of abandoned and foreclosed properties throughout the city. 5. Smurfit, one of North America's largest consumers of recovered paper, is considering bankruptcy. According to the Wall Street Journal, Smurfit-Stone Container, a huge collector and user of recovered corrugated containers, mixed paper and other grades, says it may file for bankruptcy due to weakness in sales and low cash reserves. They are our local service provider. 6. Congratulations are in order to John Stinson, Rick Kirkwood, and the "budget team", as we received official notification this week that the Government Finance Officers' Association has again recognized us with the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the FY 2008-09 budget. This will be the eighth time the City of Bakersfield has received this award. Honorable Mayor and City Council January 16, 2009 Page 2 7. The Special Enforcement Unit's monthly report for December 2008 is enclosed. 8. The Streets Division work schedule for the week of January 19th is enclosed. 9. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Attached are copies of information requested by Vice Mayor Scrivner and Councilmember Weir regarding unfunded liabilities for PERS and Retiree Medical. Councilmember Carson • Traffic cones at California Ave and "R" Street, and Councilmember Sullivan • Damaged Block Wall. AT: rs: rk cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Roberta Gafford, Assistant City Clerk STATE CAPITOL y� P s'�^TF P.O. BOX 942849 ���xl���� ~ �` ' �'� z i, F,=, % SACRAMENTO,CA 94249-0030 y 4 �„ 4 o;a �M (916) 319-2030 �C,����Yy�`��c�l j=.� G�t73 LCd��L � "r?y � a3 FAX (916) 319-2130 µ °'�~ �_ DANNY D. GILMORE ASSEMBLYMEMBER, THIRTIETH DISTRICT January 5, 2009 Alan Tandy, City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: Thank you for your recent letter regarding the recent decision by the Pooled Money Investment Board to freeze the funds from the Pooled Money Investment Account (PMIA) in an attempt to preserve the state's cash flow. Mr. Tandy, I share your concerns and understand the devastating afie;ct the budget crisis is having on the City of Bakers�ield, the Central Valley and a11 of California. 1VIy colleagues and I are working hard to find a solution to the b�udget in order to restore the PMI� funds for tl�esz infrastructure projects. I am very concerned about the drastic zconomic affects that the delay of these projects will have to the City of Bakersfield and the rest of my district. California needs a strong economic recovery plan to inspire more investment and job creation in California. We will continue to fight hard to pass budget reform including a strict spending limit that is critical to force the Legislature to stop spending more than the state takes in each year. We must restore the State's credit and cash flow availability in order to restore these vital infrastructure projects. California is facing a financial crisis like it has never seen before and 1 want you to know my colleagues and I are working tirelessly to find a solution to the budget and restare thu infrastructure funds. Sincerely, .� 1.�1. ��' � C DANNY D. GI MORE Assembly�rnan, 3Ulh District Printed on Recycied Paper 2 ��°`��:y: STATE CAPITOL P.O. BOX 942849 SACRAMENTO, CA 94249-0032 (916) 319-2032 FAX(916)319-2132 DISTRICT OFFICE 4900 CALIFORNIA AVE., SUITE 100-8 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 (661)395-2995 FAX(661)395-3883 January 8, 2009 Alan Tandy, City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: �ss�z����r C��Xt���z��� ���zsX���tr� P 5T �F Z� a o y 1n M , °�r�;-� /�3 bJ . ]lM1 JEAN FULLER ASSEMBLYMEMBER, THIRTY-SECOND DISTRICT COMMITTEES VICE CHAIR NATURALRESOURCES MEMBER AGRICULTURE BUDGET ' `�?' ; 7 `�nr•�: Thank you for your recent letter regarding the Pooled Money Investment Board's decision to freeze funds from the Pooled Money Investment Account (PMIA) in order to preserve the state's cash flow. I am concerned as well and understand the devastating affect the budget crisis is having on the City of Bakersfield. My colleagues and I are working to find solutions to the budget so that the PMIA funds for these infrastructure projects are released. The economic affects the delay of these projects will have to the City of Bakersfield and the rest of my district is extremely disconcerting. The State's credit and cash flow availability must be restored in order to protect these vital infrastructure projects. California needs a strong economic recovery plan to spur more investment and job creation in California. Additionally, budget reform must include a strict spending limit so that the state can not spend more than it takes in each year. My colleagues and I recognize California is facing a severe financial crisis and we are working to find a solution to the budget and restore the infrastructure funds. Sincerely, ���� �...���.:?�- AN FULLER Assemblymemer,32°a District Printed on Recycled Paper ��rt,aE nr r �3f °� � €�� U.S.I3EPART'NII+.\�"[° OF Ii(�US�NG ANI) UItC3thN L7l�;Vi?l.,f)PA'LB1�3't` ,*~���jII�� * �� 'J�'ASffi1NGTON, D(; 2i1�10-i(X)G IIL �` f', �' �1SS�S���1!v�r srcrzt: r:wx r as>t� c�3kch�uti�-�-�� ��.,nv;��c ��ni� nt;��ra.a��r.ti-r "T'he Nc�norahle .Hrirvey Hall Mayoy� City c�f F3al�ersiieid 1501 'I`tuxCun �ve. Ba�eersfi�ld, CA �33301 Dear PVlayar H��I1; ' �rA'` ° a '° f? ��� C7n beh�ilt c�f Sec:rc.tary Stcven Preston, I am �lc�zsed ta in�'r���m yc�u that the Dep�u2r�ez7t is a��rovinb y�uj'.lur�sdiciian's act.icrn �(an :�mend�7ent f€�r:yeigh�c�rhoc�ci Stahilizatic�n Prt�gram (NSP) f�:�ndin� ai�al is aci���rdin� �8,982,836 f'or the Cit�� ai� Tiakersl�i�lcC, The H��usinb a�7d Ec;i�nc�rnic Recovery Act af 2�8 (HERA}, er��ctecf c�n Ju1y� 3C), 2UQ8, est�blishe� t�e NSP anci ap�rc���iated $3.9`2 billic.�n to be dist�ibutcd to siates ��nd lc�cal govErnme�ts to adclress the; effects a1` abancicaned and foreciosed �z•c�petties in the natic�n's cotx�z�iunities. 'I"he De�artn�er�t announce�i NS�' f�.rndin� allc�cati�i�s on Septen�bcr 26, 20�8, �nci actic�n plan aattend�r�cr�ts �ve�-e ci�e n�t l��cr than I�eceinber l, ?�0$, The� �1ei�hl�c�rE��c�ci �St�bitization Progr�rn is a��c��npta�ent of�the.tt�n� st��ndi��, �crmmu�nit_Y �e��elc�p�mc�nt Si�ck G�ant (C�B�'rj prc��3�a�n. The prc�gr4�rr� �enerally i"c�l�lc�v��s �'i�i3G ���,-og�a•am rec�Giir�r��er�ts exc�pt as r��c�dified by .E3E�� or Y�y �-IUT� to �x��cdite E�se af NSP funcis. Please refer t�c� the C3cic�ber G, 2Ot)�, �'� c�erull�c:��xist�r nc�cice fc�r NSP c�l�erat�n� guicianee. 'I`k�e NS��' ,�rant a�reernent �uill I�e sent unrier sepa�atc caver to ihe a�ency clesi�nat�d a�s aclminis�a-ator af y��rr jt�risdiction's pi•o�rarra. Please note that this letter c�c�e� not ��epres�;nt tl�e perint of c�bligatio►� for NSP funcling; executic>n of the fc�rihc�}rning grant ��.;reement 4vill be the point of c�bli�at'ton and �vili tri��er• the t 8 mc�ntl� pet�od in �vhich the �`3SP funds must be used The .I.7epartrnent is pfe;ised to �tu�tner with yc�u in im��lementi��g this ne�v program anc� will contie��,e� t� �rovide ext�nsivve suppc��t ar�� ;uic�dnce Co yt�u anc� c�the►• NSP grar�Fees. I s�ig�est th�t you cantin�iaily visit the NSP 4vebsite at www.}�ud,�ovfnsn f��- infc�nnation and upd�:rte,s. Sincerely, � , 9 � �F , � `'�5usa� D. Pc�pler AssisCa��t Seci�ctary www.hud.gov espan�l_huti.gtrv , I , _ I I Government Finance Officers Association 203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2700 Chicago, Illinois 60601-1210 312.977.9700 fax:312.977.4806 � December 9, 2008 PRESSRELEASE For Further Inforrnation Contact Stephen J. Gauthier (312) 977-9700 **************�**«*****+**�*****+**�****�*****�***�***+�*�***�**��***�*�*����*��***�� Chicago--The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) is pleased to announce that City of Bakersfield, California has received the GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its budget. The award represents a significant achievement by the entity. It reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. In order to receive the budget award, the entity had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines are designed to assess how well an entity's budget serves as: ■ a policy document ■ a financial plan ■ an operations guide ■ a communications device Budget documents must be rated "proficient" in all four categories to receive the award. When a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award is granted to an entity, a Certificate of Recognition for Budget Presentation is also presented to the individual or department designated as being primarily responsible for its having achieved the award. This has been presented to City Manager's Office. For budgets including fiscal periods 2006, 1,127 entities received the Award. Award recipients have pioneered efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and provide an excellent example for other governments throughout North America. The Government Finance Officers Association is a nonprofit professional association serving 17,500 government finance professionals throughout North America. The GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program is the on]y national awards program in governmental budgeting. Washington, DC Office 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Suite 309 • Washington, DC 20004 • 202, 393.8020 • fax: 202.393.0780 www,gfoa.org GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION D is tingu ished Budget Presentation Award PRESENTED TO City of Bakersfield California For the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2008 President Executive Director Date: To: From: Subject: BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM January 12, 2009 Alan Tandy, City Manager W. R. Rector, Chief of PoliceL� Special Enforcement Gang Violence Report �'. .� � .�.�..;� �� ��pKE.RSFIE�� � � � ,,., � .;.� ,, . ap ;. L, �;�:�a� l i u� hv•a::� .� �-d;,_;,��� � ��LICti �' ��� .�U ��:.'v' � �y ` � � „�' ! � ; `✓ ���,� . ,; v 7 .� ��IIIA I have enclosed the Special Enforcement Unit's monthly report for December, 2008. Please call if you have any questions. WRR/vrf Bakersfield Police Department Gang Unit Monthly Report — December 2008 The following is a compilation of the performance of the Gang Unit and significant incidents / investigations for December 2008. 44 22 7 23 0 9 Felony Arrests Misdemeanor Arrests Felony Warrant Arrests Misdemeanor Warrant Arrests Hours In Training Guns Seized 323 15 356 907 47 47 FI's Citations Probation and Parole Searches Hrs. Assisting Other Department Sections Supplemental Reports General Offense Reports � .; � 3 4 2 7 3 0 Vehicle Reports Patrol Call Response Search Warrants 2008 Shootings 2007 Shootings 2006 Shootings 2005 Shootings 2004 Shootings 2003 Shootings Year to Date Statistics January — December 2008 Felony Arrests Misdemeanor Arrests Felony Warrant Arrests Misdemeanor Warrant Arrests Hours In Training Guns Seized 5661 572 5638 7120 781 873 FI's Citations Probation and Parole Searches Hrs. Assisting Other Department Sections Supplemental Reports General Offense Reports 155 � Vehicle Reports 3497 � Patrol Call Response 79 60 61 56 90 55 40 Search Warrants 2008 Shootings 2007 Shootings 2006 Shootings 2005 Shootings 2004 Shootings 2003 Shootings GANG UNIT DAILY ACTIVITY 12/1 /08 — Monday — 0700-0200 The Gang Unit arrested the foliowing subjects: 12/2/08 — Tuesdav — 1300-2300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: 12/3/08 — Wednesday — 1300-2300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: John Pope, 45, 10/4/63, WM, from 628 1/2 Edwin Dr, for a felony warrant. Johnny Ward, 20, 4/3/88, BM, from 1228 Grace St, for felon possess a firearm, felon possess ammo, gang participation, CCW, possession of a loaded firearm by a gang member and resist / obstruct officers. Hector Salvador, 29, 3/28/79, HM, from 720 Terrace Way, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) 12/4/08 — Thursday — 1300-2300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: 12/5/08 — Friday — 1700-0300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Deon Davis, 30, 8/18/78, BM, from District / Ride St, for violation of parole. 12/6/08 — Saturday — 0700-0300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Shywaun Taylor, 21, 12/26/81, BM, from 1414 E. California Ave, for gang member CCW, CCW - firearm, possession of stolen property, conspiracy, CCW in a vehicle, driver allow a firearm in a vehicle, failure to signal 100 ft prior to turn and gang participation. Maurice Smallwood, 19, 7/13/89, BM, from 1414 E. California Ave, for gang member CCW, CCW - firearm, conspiracy, CCW in a vehicle, possess stolen property and gang participation. Tyrone Pogue, 23, 7/22/85, BM, from 1414 E. California Ave, for gang member CCW, CCW - firearm, conspiracy, CCW in a vehicle, possess stolen property and gang participation. Domontae Stubbs, 24, 3/10/84, BM, from 19th / Eye, for public intoxication. 16, 10/14/92, BM, from 19th / Eye St, for curfew violation. (Cited) Leroy McKnight, 23, 7/18/85, BM, from Monterey / Inyo, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Gun Seized: 08-281035, Serial: 20-39184, Ruger, .22 caliber, from 1414 E. California Ave 12/7/08 — Sunday — 0700-0200 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: 12/8/08 — Monday — 0700-0200 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Gary Clayton, 30, 9/26/78, BM, from 408 Loch Lomond, for possession of cocaine for sales, maintains a residence for narcotics and gang participation. Gun Seized: 08-282435, Serial: unk, Unk manufacturer, 9mm, semi-auto, from 408 Loch Lomond 12/9/08 — Tuesday — OFF The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: 12/10/08 — Wednesdav — 0800-1700 - A/O School The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: 12/11 /08 — Thursday — 0500-1500 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Hugh Stancil, 53, 12/7/55, BM, from the 300 block of E St, for possession of a controlled substance, resisting arrest and destruction of evidence. The Gang Unit assisted the FBI Gang Task force. 12/12/08 — Friday —1700-0300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Armando Coronell, 21, 9/10/87, HM, from Padre St / Cottonwood Rd, for a felony warrant. 16, 7/25/92, BM, from the 100 block of S. Kincaid, for CCW, CCW in public, non-registered firearm, juvenile possess a firearm and possession of ammo. Gun Seized: 08-285426, Serial: RJ5369, Para Ordinance, .45, semi-auto, from the 100 block of S. Kincaid 12/13/08 — Saturday — 1700-0300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Heriberto Cervantes, 26, 8/8/82, HM, from the 1900 block of Eye St, for delay / resist arrest and drunk in public. Alejandro Navarro, 22, 12/21/83, HM, from the 2000 blk of Eye St, for possession of ineth for sale, stop sign violation and armed while in possession of narcotics. Kelvin Smith, 30, 2/27/78, BM, from Eureka St / Robinson St, for misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Gun Seized: 08-286348, P148825, Para Ordinance, semi-auto, .45 caliber, from 2905 Akers Rd 12/14/08 — Sunday — OFF The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: 12/15/08 — Monday — OFF The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: 12/16/08 — Tuesday — OFF The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: 12/17/08 — Wednesday — 1200-2200 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: 12/18/08 — Thursday —1300-2300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Darrell Owney, 31, 9/28/77, BM, from 1201 40th St, for false ID to an officer and parole violation. , 16, 4/27/92, BF, from the 7500 block of Rosedale Hwy, for burglary, grand theft, possession of stolen property and conspiracy. , 16, 6/5/92, HM, from the 1700 block of Stine Rd, for a felony warrant. 12/19/08 — Friday — 1700-0300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Shante McCord, 30, 12/5/78, BM, from 1415 Truxtun Ave, for a felon in possession of a firearm, gang member in possession of a firearm, gang participation and violation of parole. Garrett Grisham, 18, 8/31/90, WM, from 4805 Bergamo, for grand theft of a firearm and grand theft. Eric Thompson, 20, 8/26/88, BM, from the 3800 block of Soranno, for resisting arrest and public intoxication. Michael Grant, 29, 12/22/79, BM, from the 3800 block of Soranno, for resisting arrest. Brian Jackson, 23, 4/26/85, BM, from 1414 E. California Ave, for gambling. Michael Robinson, 18, 5/20/90, BM, from 1414 E. California Ave, for gambling. Lawrence Slaughter, 24, 2/21/84, BM, from 1414 E. California Ave, for gambling. Ricardo Guerra, 18, 4/14/90, HM, from 2701 Ming Ave, for resisting arrest. Gun Seized: 08-289933, Serial: ZB32044, Taurus, .357 caliber revolver, form 4602 Bergamo Dr. 12/20/08 — Saturday — 1700-0300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: , 16, 12/26/92, BM, from 1700 S. Brown St, for a felony warrant. Tony Villagomez, 18, 3/1/90, HM, from 2701 Ming Ave, for possession of a dirk / dagger and gang participation. Christopher Trujillo, 18, 11/6/90, HM, from 7th Standard / Hwy 65, for possession of burglary tools, resisting arrest, conspiracy, GTA, felony evading and grand theft. Albert Nunez, 19, 2/4/89, HM, from 7th Standard / Hwy 65, for resist / delay officers, possession of burglary tools, conspiracy, hit and run, GTA, felony evading, grand theft, suspended license and no insurance. Sergio Cardenas, 20, 2h8/88, HM, from 7th Standard / Hwy 65, for grand theft, possession of burglary tools, conspiracy, GTA, felony evading, resisting arrest and violation of parole. 12/21 /08 — Sunday — OFF The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: 12/22/08 — Monday —1300-2300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Librado Arreguin, 30, 4/7/78, HM, from 1200 K St, for a suspended license, no license plates, no insurance and false proof of registration. Heather Davidson, 19, 4/12/89, BM, from 250 Norris Rd, for a felony warrant. Bradley Garrett, 24, 10/18/84, WM, from 2900 Calloway Dr, for auto theft, possession of a stolen vehicle, possession of stolen property, possession of ineth, transportation of ineth and conspiracy. Danny Curtis, 24, 5/4/84, WM, from 2900 Calloway Dr, for auto theft, possession of a stolen vehicle, possession of stolen property, possession of ineth and conspiracy. 12/23/08 — Tuesday — 1300-2300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Drew Wallace, 27, 1/6/81, WM, from the 8700 block of Rosedale Hwy, for a misdemeanor warrant. Devonte Wright, 18, 4/18/90, BM, from S. Chester Ave / Brink Dr, for possession of marijuana for sales, transportation of marijuana and an inoperable license plate lamp. Deondray Wright, 21, 12/12/87, BM, from S. Chester Ave / Brink Dr, for possession of less than 28.5 grams of marijuana. (Cited) Joshua McKain, 20, 9/26/88, WM, from Chester Ave / 13th St, for expired registration and no valid insurance. (Cited) John Mahan, 19, 9/12/89, WM, from Stockdale / Weatherly, for amplified music. (Cited) GUN SEIZED: 08-293280, Serial: unk, Remington, 20 gauge shotgun, from 206 Rosedale 12/24/08 — Wednesday — 0600-1600 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Thomas Hernandez, 37, 10/28/71, HM, from the 1900 block of Wible Rd, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Christopher Collins, 19, 6/24/89, BM, from Wilson Rd / S. Real Rd, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Robert Graham, 42, 3/19/66, BM, from the 3100 block of Wilson Rd, for a suspended license, loud music and no proof of insurance. (Cited) 12/2508 — Thursday — 1700-0300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Nathan Daniels, 19, 4/29/89, BM, from the 1600 block of 2nd St, for spousal abuse. Luis Espinoza, 23, 12/30/85, HM, from California Ave / P St, for a suspended license and no proof of insurance. (Cited) 12/26/08 — Friday — 1700-0300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: 12/27/08 — Saturdav — 1300-0300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Edward Davis, 39, 1/9/69, WM, from 2012 Oregon St, for violation of parole. Anthony Cookson, 46, 5/4/62, WM, from the 2100 block of Oregon St, for misdemeanor warrant. Andrea Tovar, 23, 12/26/85, HF, from 3321 Q St #E, for a misdemeanor warrant. Melissa Smiley, 24, 10/24/84, WF, from 3321 Q St, for a misdemeanor warrant. Omar Marin, 25, 7/3/83, HM, from 227 E. 5th St, for robbery, conspiracy, felon in possession of ammo and ADW. Gilbert Mestas, 22, 1/13/86, HM, from the 1700 block of Flower St, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) 12/28/08 - Sunday -1300-2300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Ricardo Huerta, 18, 4/28/90, HM, from Lotus / Bradshaw, for a misdemeanor warrant. Robert Vizcarrondo, 21, 4/28/87, BM, from the 3300 block of Panama St, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) 12/29/08 - Monday - 1300-2300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Daunte Masters, 26, 8/20/82, BM, from Brundage / Union, for a felony warrant. Joey Gonzalez, 38, 7/24/70, HM, from 2016 Oregon St, for a felony warrant. Hassan Wilbon, 30, 11/18/78, BM, from 1300 Beale, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Charles Briggs, 33, 1/29/75, BM, from 1300 Beale, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) 12/30/08 - Tuesday - 1300-2300 The Gang Unit arrested the following subjects: Cipriano Maldonado, 46, 8/21/62, HM, from Flower / Owens, for possession of ineth and possession of paraphernalia. Raul Evans, 19, 2/21/89, BM, from 1400 Calcutta Dr #114, for a felony warrant. Edwin McGowan, 27, 4/24/81, BM, from 17th / Q, for possession of cocaine for sale, a suspended license, no plate on vehicle, transportation of narcotics and gang participation. Isaac Rand, 28, 12/22/80, BM, from E. 18th / Sonora, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF JANUARY 19, 2009 — JANUARY 23, 2009 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the followinq areas• Reconstructing streets in the area between Club View Drive and Sanders Lane, east of Ashe Road (as weather permits). Miscellaneous Streets Division proiects• Working on the Mill Creek project. Working on the Aera Park project. Working on replacing broken brick and tiles at Centennial Plaza. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Week of January 19_2009_WOrk Schedule Paqe 2 of 2 STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE Mondav, Januarv 19, 2009 HOLIDAY - NO SWEEPING SERVICE Tuesdav, Januarv 20, 2009 Between Panama Lane and Woodmere Drive — Ashe Road and Stine Road. Between District Blvd. and Panama Lane - Gosford Road and Ashe Road. Between Akers Road and Phyllis Street — Harris Road and Panama Lane. City areas between Akers Road and Stine Road — Harris Road and Panama Lane. Cul-de-sacs on the north side of Angela Way, between Manely Court and Cris Court. Between Oswell Park Drive and Brundage Lane — Oswell Street and Leeta Street. Wednesdav, Januarv 21, 2009 City areas between Workman Street and Sterling Road — 58 Hwy and Baja Drive. Between Morning Drive and Park Drive — College Avenue and Willis Avenue. Between Buena Vista Road and Old River Road — White Lane and Panama Lane. Between Old River Road and Gosford Road — White Lane and Pacheco Road. Thursdav, Januarv 22, 2009 Between Snow Road and Olive Drive — Jewetta Avenue, east to the canal boundary. Between Olive Drive and Hageman Road — Jewetta Avenue and Calloway Drive. Between Niles Street and Sumner Street — Union Avenue and Beale Avenue. Between Sumner Street and E. Truxtun Avenue — Beale Avenue and Brown Street. Between Brundage Lane and E. Belle Terrace Street — Union Avenue and Kincaid Street. Between Camino Media and Kroll Way — Coffee Road, west to the PG&E easement. Fridav, Januarv 23, 2009 Between Etchart Road and Pavilion Drive - Calloway Drive, west to the canal boundary. Between Norris Road and Olive Drive — Calloway Drive and Coffee Road. Between Olive Drive and Noriega Road — Calloway Drive and Verdugo Lane. City areas between Coffee Road/Riverlakes extension and Allen Road — Hageman Road and Rosedale Hwy. City areas between Pacheco Road and Harris Road — Stine Road and Wible Road. ### Week of January 19_2009_Work Schedule � B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM January 15, 2009 To: Councilmember Weir �� �'2;� From: John W. Stinson; Assistant City Manager Subject: Response to questions re. unfunded PERS liability The following are in response to your questions regarding the unfunded liability for PERS and budgetary implications associated with that. The amount for all city plans for general purposes (not including enterprise or restricted uses) to be paid towards amortizing the total PERS unfunded liability (including catch up costs due to plan changes and increased unfunded liability costs due to market conditions) through the PERS annual rates is about $5.9 million for the year ending June 30, 2008. In response to your question regarding what city services would this amount equate to, this amount would equal costs for approximately 39 Police Officer positions; 13 miles of pavement resurfacing on collector streets; or provide staffing for about 4 Fire Engine companies (not including equipment or station costs). As to your question regarding what the ten year cumulative total of road miles repaired would be, using the 2008 amount of $5.9 million given above as an average amount would result in approximately 130 miles of road resurFacing repairs to collector streets. Regarding the potential bonding capacity using the amount paid to amortize the unfunded liability for capital improvements. The Finance Director indicates the ratio is currently about 10 to 1. So an annual revenue stream of about $5.9 million annually would result in bonds totaling approximately $59 Million. In response to your question as to how the amount paid to amortize the unfunded liability annually would compared to what the City would have received from the recent '/z cent sales tax measure for roads, according to Ron Brummett at Kerncog, the '/2 cent sales tax proposal would have resulted approximately $179 million over 20 years to the City of Bakersfield for local projects. This would compare to about $118 Million over the same period based on the $5.9 million annual PERS contribution amounts mentioned above. cc. Alan Tandy � � W a � � Q� �= . � � i V� 4� C� � � �� .� � � o '� � �� � � V � � � � � � O O O O 0 0 O 0 � rn M � � 'd' � . r, O �i O O O 0 0 0 0 0 ti 0 � N i I � c'� i O O O O O O O °o o° °o ° 0 c°fl �°n o O � � 4 � N t C� O � N t!7 O O N � � I °o �I i N �' i M .� � O J o .a ; � �; I c� � � I °o vl N Q 'I O � � 0 , N � N 0 � N � Q I O � �; � �, , � � �� � '�� � �- O O O 0 0 0 0 0 � Qi rn � �. � rn rn � � a � N C') � O O N N � � � � � U � C � � m _ � � � � � 0 � � � � � � J � .� � � � @ � U � � W a. s � � � � 0 m C� c� � Y � � �' �. �t� �� �y May 29, 2407 Mr. Nelsan S�nith City of Bakersfield 1 St}1 �`ruxten Avenue Bakers�eld, CA 93301 1tE: City af Bakersfi�ld -- GASB 4S Liab�lity I3eaar Nelson: �ioUernment Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement Number 45 provides new discic�sure requirements for C7ther Pnstempla�rrg�nt Benefit (�P��) plar�.s �ffectiv� as early as plan ye�rs beginning after Decernber 15, 2006. This letter provides the resu�ts ofthe valuatian of the City af Ba�cersfield (the Czt3') postretirer�ent mec�icai �aIan as oi'July 1, 2007. A 5.75% discouz�t rate was �.sed for this valuation based on the City's intention t� �und the pian. GASE 45 allows far Che �ase of a f��gher discount rate resulting in lc�wer liabitities ift�e plas� is func�ed. i�he following outlines our understanding af the major City of Bakersf eld postr�tireme�t med�cal plan provisians that were used for this valua.tian (the sut�stanti��e plan): • Currently the City of $akersfield contrihutes the minimux�a of: � the sin�Ie empIayee rate for the least expensive �-iMQ {cunently the active Kaiser HMO ptar�} muitiplied l�y 3% ii�es the number af years of service up to a maxim�arr� contribution of 90% af the single emp9oyee rate far the least expensive HMO, or ➢ the actual contr�ct rate for meciical, vision, and rr�ental heaith ➢ zn addition, retirees who elect the PPO plan reeeive art additaonal City cantributzon ec�u�l to 42% af the PPO rate ti�r seles:8ed by the retiree • New hires are no �on�er eligible iar postr�tirement medical coverage b�sed on re�ently adopted MdUs 1815 �tun`ay Canyon Road, 5uite 6t?2 • San �€ego, CA 92108-4320 619.297.493Q • 618.297.522fl {faxj Mr, Nelson Smith M�y 2�, 2pC}7 Page 3 The rat� s�bsidy �iabili�y is decr�asing over time because it is being phased Qut over the next ft�ur years, after which tT�ere will be na further retiree rate subsidy. GASB Statem�nt 45 requires the caiculatian of an Annual Required Contributic�n {ARC} consisting oithe Norrnal Cost and a nat greater than 30 year amnrtization of the Unfunded Actuarial Accn.�eci Liability (L.TAAL). There is no requirement far the City to actu�ltv fiu�d t�tis a�nount. The UAA�, as the Acc�mulated �'asiretireanent Bene�t Obliga#ian (APBO) less any assets held for the plan. Most gavernment postretirement medical pians are currently on a pay-as-you-�o basis with no dedicated a�sets or funding schem�. For fiscat years beginning a�ter December 15, 200b the GASB statement requzr�s tha# these p1aa� Iiabil'zties be recognized an an acGaunting i�asis if nat thraugh ar� actuai pre-funding asrangernent. Tabie 2 deveiaps fhe estimaied ARC for fiscal year 2�0762008 �ased on Table i . Table 2 City of B�kersfield �'ostret�re�zent Medicaf Plan �nual Required Contribution fnr 20Q7-204?$ Assuming Pla� in Existence on Ju�ae 30, 2007 Total AP�3Q Asse2s (estimated as of Q6f30/2007} UA�L Anz�ual Required Ca�trib�tion �1oa�mal Cast 30 Year Asr�ortizaiian aF UAAX, Estian�ted ARC Assu�a�tioaas $113,395,000 4.80(3.g(30 $108,595,flOfl $4,1 b7,0aQ 3,62�.(}00 $7,787,�00 App�ndix A pravides the actt�arial assuanptions used for the vaivatian. This inclur�es items s�ch as expected tcirnover xates, retirement rate, future trend rates, and mort�iity rates. Appenr�ix B provicies a��assary of coaz�znonly used terrns far retiree medical valuations. Please review the report and then we can discuss in rnnre detail. C �c��su6 ts � an a�s cornpany ,. � : Cit�+ of Bakers�eld Postretir�enent �Aedica! Ptan Fiv�-Xear Corrtparisor� of Cash �'low and AR� �isc�l Currently Curr�n#fy Year Activ� Retir�d 2Cta7�-2008 $68,000 $2,OZ2,�00 20d$-20�9 $989,QQt} $2,170,flfl0 2009-2010 $347,000 $2,343,O�Q 2Q1t7-20'[1 $S4�,d£30 $2,419,OC90 2C�11-2Q12 759 000 2 513 0 To#al ,$1,903,000 $11,42?,fl�0 Toiai Cash Cosi $2, a9Q,OflU $2, 359, OOU $2,650,0(lb $2,959,�fl0 3 272 t?pt� ���,�sa,000 Estimatecf ARC $7,7'$7,000 �s, � � z.c�oa $$,452, OC}0 $8,809,OQ0 �9,183,�000 $42,343,000 addifioc�ai exhibits.xls 6/5I24�� a year ARC �stimate � J W � � � W Y Q m � � � � U O O p � O O � O O O O O O � � 0 � 0 � � � � � � � O � f� � � � 0 0 N Z L � � U o n o a E o W w N � ■ � O O N lf7 O O N � 0 0 N ` � d } M �C o � O M N � N O O N � O O N O O O N � � � � L � � � � U � LL June 30, 2008 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total June 30, 2007 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total June 30, 2006 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total June 30, 2005 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total June 30, 2004 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total June 30, 2003 Miscellaneous Police Fi re Total CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - PAYROLL PERS Contributions by Employer* Employer Unfunded Total Employer Normal Cost Rate Contribution % $$ % $$ % $$ 9.405 $ 4, 654, 431 17.032 4,672,053 14.954 2,313,446 $ 11,639,930 9.532 $ 4,474,327 17.016 4,428,256 15.023 2,285,639 $ 11,188,222 9.583 $ 4,124,557 16.901 4,221,198 15.058 2,201,125 $ 10,546,880 9.272 $ 3,570,486 17.769 3,798,559 17.779 2, 363,138 $ 9,732,183 9.316 $ 3,445,480 13.468 5,428,565 17.690 2,277,032 $ 11,151,077 4.418 $ 2,186,420 11.675 3,202,572 6.283 972,006 $ 6,360,998 4.715 $ 2,213,224 11.672 3,037,529 6.847 1,041,721 $ 6,292,474 5.192 $ 2,234,655 16.163 4,036,875 11.485 1,678,836 $ 7, 950, 366 (0.119) $ (45,825) 13.564 2,899,637 11.143 1,481,098 $ 4,334,910 (6.987) $ (2,584,110) (4.719) (1,902,094) (5.102) (656,722) $ (5,142,926) 6.086 $ 2,099,670 (6.086) $ (2,099,670) 13.567 2,789,918 (7.906) (1,625,790) 18.236 2,176,391 (16.235) (1,937,580) $ 7,065,979 $ (5,663,040) S:\Admin\Excel\PERS normal vs unfunded 1/15/2009 13.823 $ 6,840,851 28.707 7,874,625 21.237 3,285,452 $ 18,000,928 14.247 $ 6,687,551 28.688 7,465,785 21.870 3,327,360 $ 17,480,696 14.775 $ 6,359,212 33.064 8,258,073 26.543 3,879,961 $ 18,497,246 9.153 $ 3,524,661 31.333 6,698,196 28.922 3,844,236 $ 14,067,093 2.329 $ 861,370 8.749 3,526,471 12.588 1,620,310 $ 6,008,151 - $ - 5.661 1,164,128 2.001 238,811 $ 1,402,939 Employer Paid Member Contribution (EPMC) $ 2,866,272 2,092,708 1,277,523 $ 6,236,503 $ 2, 771,175 2, 012, 976 1,250,514 $ 6,034,665 $ 2,667,398 1, 971,284 1,190,171 $ 5,828,853 $ 2,454,208 1,759,668 1,112,220 $ 5,326,096 $ 2,391,226 1,829,889 1,090,983 $ 5,312,098 $ 2,167,233 1,631,206 1,025,109 $ 4,823,548 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - PAYROLL PERS Contributions by Employer* Employer Unfunded ,..M.,� �„�+ Rate Employer Paid Total Employer Member Contribution Contribution p $$ (EPMC) June 30, 2002 _ $ 1,618,206 Miscellaneous 5.787 $ 1,936,369 (5.787) $ (1,936,369) - $ Police 13.047 2,500,118 (10.159) (1,946,708) 2.888 553,410 1,393,253 Fire 12.630 1,412,131 (12.630) (1412,131) - _ 951,122 Total $ 5,848,618 $ (5,295,208) $ 553,410 $ 3,962,581 June 30, 2001 _ $ 1,539,442 Miscellaneous 5.706 $ 1,757,040 (5.706) $ (1,757,040) - $ Police 12.976 2,353,913 (10.562) (1,916,001) 2.414 437,912 1,332,754 Fire 12.724 1,356,619 (12.724) (1,356,619) - - 904,213 Total $ 5,467,572 $ (5,029,660) $ 437,912 $ 3,776,409 June 30, 2000 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total 5.612 $ 1,642,113 (5.612) $ (1,642,113) - $ - $ 1,544,464 11.358 1,981,621 (4.696) (819,307) 6.662 1,162,314 1,265,433 10.858 1,112,726 (4.685) (480,118) 6.173 632,608 874,889 $ 4,736,460 $ (2,941,538) $ 1,794,922 $ 3,684,786 June 30, 1999 Miscellaneous 6.713 $ 1,884,520 (1.978) $ (555,278) 4.735 $ 1,329,242 $ 1,548,108 Police 13.591 1,679,549 6.408 791,888 19.999 2,471,437 1,226,123 Fire 13.556 1,499,907 (1.627) (180,020) 11.929 1,319,887 860,729 Total $ 5,063,976 $ 56,590 $ 5,120,566 $ 3,634,960 ' The above numbers are based on actual PERS cash numbers. These numbers will differ from the financial statements due to accruals. S:b4dmin\Exce�PERS normal vs uMUntled 1/75/2009 � B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM January 15, 2009 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager .- � .- ); �' ; From: John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager Subject: Information Request Attached are copies of information requested by Vice Mayor Scrivner and Councilmember Weir regarding unfunded liabilities for PERS and Retiree Medical. S:\JOHN�1VIemo Template.doc City of Bakersfield PERS - Budget and Actuai Fiscal Years 20U0/(71 - 2008109 2Q00-a1 G�ner�l Fun� (#Q1 i � #0�2) Other Funds Tota( �o��-a� Genera! Fund {#011 & #01�} Uther Funds Totai 2t1t�2-03 General Fund (#011 & #0'f2) Other Funds �'otal 2003-04 Ger�e�a( Fund (#0� 1 & #412) C?th�r �unds Totaf 20t14-05 GeneraE Fund' (#0� 1 & #0'! 2) C}ther �"uncfs i'otal 2005-t�6 G�r�era� �'und (#4� i & #012} Qther Funds Totai 20fl6-07 Ge�eral Fund (#�11 � #012) Oiher Fu�ds Tota1 2�07-08 Genera! Fund (#011 & #U12) O#her Funds T�ta� 20fl8-(l9 General Fund (#011 � #Q'E2) Other Funds Totai : .._ 3,941,93� 545,49$ 4,48i,428 3, 365, 535 572, 952 4,538,�$7 5,727,14'i 699,642 6,426,783 10, 845, �81 1, 9 24,4�3 � 11,�69,�fl4 18,660,114 2,118, 994 2t�,7i9, 9 Q8 21,8n9,f02 2,999,934 24,8fl9,536 21,5�fl,724 3,328,2� 2 24,83$,936 22,542,427 3,457,894 ��,oao,��� 22,323,513 3,288,979 �5,612,492 Actual 3,730,692 5C►4,276 4,234,968 3,9�6,29� 538,139 4,5Q�,430 5,6'[4,230 722,555 �,336,785 'f Q,�43,628 1,108,494 11,�52,042 17,812,759 2,�97,211 19,909,970 20,794,59 0 2,910,837 23,i`fl5,347 20,542,8� 1 3,042,�36 23, 584, 8�R7 21,263,452 3,120,523 24, 383, 975 S:1Kim G\GregorylVVlcsht - PERSSudget&Actua100-�1-d}5-06 1I9/20b9 City of Bakersfield PERS - Changes in Liabi9ities June 30, 1995 thru 2007 Actuarial Vaiue of Asse#s Unfunded Accrued Percentage af Rates of Liabiti#y Actua�ials Liability Amouna Atla�ket Return Excess Assets .9une 3Q, 1995 June 30, 1996 Jun� 30, 1997 June 30, 1998 June 30, 1999 June 30, 2400 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 3�, 2003 * June 3{}, 20�4 June 30, 2005 June 3(}, 20Q6 June 3C3, 20�7 219.24&,2�3 245,030,778 2vi,713,133 286,769,738 307,202,932 354,930,418 403,134,303 452.567,325 498,947,473 551,69t�,833 591,996,498 639,547,063 690,846,839 22Q,945,178 249,992,622 2$?,986,995 360,764,856 401,527,937 440,719 ,�475 452,859,557 424,829,1$3 431,660,964 459,851,Q10 498,488,04'E 542,328,893 592,247,250 9Q.(1°/a �'I+�tY'.7 90.fl°la 95.0°/a 95.0°!0 95.U% 107.5°10 130.0% i1p.0% � 01.6°fo 97.1 °fo 94.3% 86.3% 16.3°la 15.3°� 20.1 °� 19.5°la 12.5% 1 Q.�% (7.2%} (5.9%} 3.�°k 16.7°!0 12.796 i 2.3°!0 19.1°h t� ,��,so�} (4, 961,8�#4} (30,273,862} (73,985,11$} (94,325,f}05} t$5,i81,057) (49,725,254) 27,]'38, i 46 67,2$6,509 91,739,823 ` Actuar�als are useci to set the Ciiy's Emplayer PERS Rates for the tE�ird fisca! year fo�lowing the date of the aeivarial (i.e. June 30, 2Qfl3 was used for the 2Q05-06 flscat year proposed budget). 93,50$,457 97,21$, t 7fl 98,639,588 S:'�X� G1GrcgqryS4Mcah1- P�RSChangesimLi�6ilitiea85^OB � �� City af Bakersfield PERS - Changes in Lfab�fities June 30, 9995 thru 2fl07 '" Benefits increased Acf�aria! Va�ue of Assets Urrfunded Accrusd Percentage of Rates of Liabiiity Actuarials Liability Amount Market Retum (Eaccess Assets) Fire 59,983,877 69,13$,825 (1,154,��48) Pofice 7Q,443,695 69,833,401 n10,294 Miscellaneous 88,$20,7Q1 89,972,952 (1�'452,251Z June 3Ci� 19$5 8D.0°10 16.3% (1,698 9Q5) �I(8 Palice Misceltaneous June 30, 1996 Fire Po3iGe Misceklaneous June 30, 1�97 �ire Police Miscel€aneous dune 3a, 1998 Fire Po2ice Misceilaneous June 30, 1939 Fire"' PoiiCe Miscellaneous .�une 3�, 20t30 �sre Po!'fCe Misceilaneaus'"" ,�une 30, 2001 F`ire Pofice'* Miscellaneous .iune 3b, 20t}2 Fire Palice Miscellaneous .��n� so, zao3 Fire PpIiCE Miscellaneaus June 3p, 2004 Fi�`e Palice Misce[ianeous June 30, 2f305 Fire Poiice N9isceltaneous June 3Q, 2006 Fire PQlice Miscetlaneous June 3�, 2007 fi:J(im G?Grnyory�tVk9ht- PERSChanpesirulisbA16ee95�U6 6i,475, 351 68 , i38, 261 80,268,578 7$,897,637 97,288,849 102,358, 724 9�.0°l0 73,924,528 78,532,562 85,539,925 90,926,218 9$,248,680 118,528,215 90.0°10 82,553,471 96,$89,671 98,366, f� 31 114,�437,259 105,85�,136 149,427,934 95.0°l0 84,344,944 1 �i,Q92.520 109, 829, 972 12$, 320, 543 113,�8,016 166,114,874 95.C1°!o 106,291,639 17 7,917,829 124,014,791 140,630,655 124, 623,988 182,162,991 95.0°!0 'i 11,492,076 120,528,257 133,430,814 144, 319,973 15$,211,413 188,011,327 107.5°!0 120, 900,571 112,Q24.027 160, 095,659 135, 089, 787 171,571,099 177,719.369 110.Q% 12�,111,024 13 2,838,988 175,278,28$ 137,228,572 198,658,161 181,v93,404 110.Q°✓a 136,5�,0� 119,692,263 194,Ofl$,124 147,387,137 22a,986.$53 192,771,614 �o�.spio 9 45;627,9Q5 129, 535,66Q 208,672,196 160,921,545 237,79$,477 248,030,$36 97.1 % 'l56,354,757 t39,944,082 22 8, 09fi, 765 175, 933, 055 255,t395,541 226;451,748 94.3% � 66,�71,334 157 ,3$5,127 247, 8t34, 969 192, 579, 453 276,4T0,476 248,242,fi�4k 86.3°k 1 Ot 1 1 {1,26t�,S10) 1,37{3,941 (5,fl71,875) 1 �.3°1a (4,961,844� ta,soa,osa> (5,386,293) 20.1°/a (20.2T9.535� �, 3�( ,273,86?� (14,33�.2Q0) (18,fl71,120) {43,5i7,798} 19.5°Ia _ �73.9$5,118) (22.787,576) (18,490, 57 t ) (53,04&,85$) 12.5°!0 (34.325.(�0� (19 ,626,190) (16,69 5,864j (57,539,Of33) 10.5% f85,781,057) (9,03&,181) (10,889,159) (29,799,914} {7.2°to) (49,725,25�4) 8,8$0.544 25,005,872 {6,1 �58,270) (5.9°l0} 2�,73$,146 t 2,272,036 38,049,716 15,964,757 3.9°!0 67.2$6,509 18,903,793 46,620,987 28, 2i b,043 15.7% 91,739,823 16,U92,245 47,650,571 29, 7&5,641 12.7%0 93,508,457 i 6,410,665 52, i 63, 710 2$s643,795 12.3°Io 97,218,170 15,186,267 55,225, 516 2$,227,$06 19.1°!0 98.639,589 i��/f7/�q18 1/12/2009 2008 Retirement Analysis 2:41 PM Ret date B-day Yr/Serv A e Ret Ret% Annual Salary 12/31/2008 10/23/47 32.50 61.23 97.50% Service Misc. 47,676 12/31/2008 12/2/44 32.25 64.12 96.75% Service Misc. 80,669 5/2/2008 4/30/48 31.50 60.05 94.50% Service Misc. 67,207 3/28/2008 9/2/57 31.25 50.60 90.00% Service Police 69,075 5/27/2008 10/1/57 30.75 50.69 90.00% Service Police 78,557 9/11/2008 8/18/51 30.00 57.11 90.00% Service Supv. 97,870 12/24/2008 3/21/57 30.00 51.80 90.00% Service Fire 81,149 11/8/2008 2/28/48 29.25 60.74 87.75% Service Misc. 64,347 12/29/2008 7/15/58 29.25 50.49 87.75% Service Police 118,986 12/9/2008 11/17/58 28.75 50.10 86.25% Service Police 114,410 11/19/2008 11/18/50 30.75 58.04 86.10% Service Supv. 72,532 4/5/2008 11/16/56 28.00 51.42 84.00% Service Police 69,075 10/17/2008 1/5/56 28.00 52.82 84.00% Service Police 114,410 12/23/2008 8/23/57 28.00 51.37 84.00% Service / Pend Fire 67,922 12/30/2008 4/20/51 28.50 57.74 79.90% Service Supv. 120,297 12/30/2008 11/30/48 26.50 60.12 79.50% Service Supv. 75,433 6/13/2008 9/26/56 19.50 51.75 68.50% Service Police 86,620 12/30/2008 9/11/55 28.50 53.34 66.26% Service Misc. 95,503 9/11/2008 9/11/43 21.50 65.05 64.50% Service Misc. 37,559 7/23/2008 7/22/58 20.50 50.04 61.50% Service Police 69,075 9/6/2008 7/23/53 23.00 55.16 58.08% Service Misc. 48,416 12/30/2008 6/15/55 22.00 53.58 55.55% Service Misc. 80,669 3/7/2008 12/15/1962 11.75 45.26 50.00% Industrial Police 61,345 4/19/2008 7/10/75 11.00 32.80 50.00% Industrial Police 61,345 11/19/2008 4/30/75 6.38 33.58 50.00% Industrial Police 61,345 6/22/2008 4/2/57 15.50 51.26 46.50% Service Police 64,457 12/6/2008 9/4/53 18.18 55.29 45.90% Service Misc. 90,016 5/3/2008 10/28/48 15.50 59.55 45.73% Service Misc. 53,670 5/14/2008 4/9/63 23.00 45.13 33.30% Industrial Misc. 61,177 5/6/2008 7/27/51 10.75 56.82 28.76% Service Misc. 37,939 4/11/2008 4/11/43 8.50 65.05 25.50% Service Misc. 36,103 C:IDOCUME-11JWSTIN-11LOCALS-11Temp�XPgrpwise\John Retired Info 1/12/2009 City Cost of Employees - Salary and Benefits Methodology: Salaries were calculated taking the hourly rate at step 3 for the date shown and annualized. Benefits were calculated by applying fringe benefit rates calculated by the Finance Department to the annual salary figures for the dates shown. However, the percentage rates used are two years old and do not include accruals. The rates do not include the cost of GASB 45 funding. Service Maintenance Worker Salary Benefits Total Comp Heavy Equipment Operator Salary Benefits Total Comp Accounting Clerk I 4/20/2000 9/29/2005 12/22/2008 Annual Annual Annual $ 27,916 $ 31,888 $ 36,957 $ 7,040 $ 13,269 $ 17,739 $ 34,956 $ 45,157 $ 54,696 $ 37,633 $ 42,987 $ 49,820 $ 9,491 $ 17,887 $ 23,914 $ 47,124 $ 60,874 $ 73,734 Salary $ 25,449 $ 29,070 $ 33,690 Benefits $ 6,418 $ 12,096 $ 16,171 Total Comp $ 31,867 $ 41,166 $ 49,861 Fire Captain Fire Engineer Firefighter Salary Benefits Total Comp $ 58,577 $ 67,935 $ 73,501 $ 20,098 $ 50,516 $ 55,861 $ 78,675 $ 118,451 $ 129,362 Salary $ 49,036 $ 56,869 $ 61,526 Benefits $ 16,824 $ 42,288 $ 46,760 Total Comp $ 65,860 $ 99,157 $ 108,286 Salary $ 44,425 $ 51,519 $ 55,741 Benefits $ 15,242 $ 38,310 $ 42,363 Total Comp $ 59,667 $ 89,829 $ 98,104 Detective Sergeant Police O�cer Salary $ 52,435 $ 57,841 $ 62,579 Benefits $ 17,990 $ 43,010 $ 47,560 Total Comp $ 70,425 $ 100,851 $ 110,139 Salary $ 60,902 $ 68,501 $ 78,557 Benefits $ 20,896 $ 50,937 $ 59,703 Total Comp $ 81,798 $ 119,438 $ 138,260 Salary $ 46,565 $ 51,368 $ 55,578 Benefits $ 15,976 $ 38,197 $ 42,239 Total Comp $ 62,541 $ 89,565 $ 97,817 Note: The Miscellaneous Group received a 4.0% increase on 12/22/08 which is included above. June 30, 2008 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total June 30, 2007 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total June 30, 2006 Miscellaneous Pol ice Fire Total June 30, 2005 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total June 30, 2004 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total June 30, 2003 Miscellaneous Pol ice Fire Total CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - PAYROLL PERS Contributions (Actual cash basis)* Employee Contribution Paid by Paid by Total Employer Employee Employeer Employee Contribution 1,092,938 $ 2,866,272 $ 3,959,210 $ 6,840,851 376,099 2,092,708 2,468,807 7,874,625 114,823 1,277,523 1,392,346 3,285,452 $ 1,583,860 $ 6,236,503 $ 7,820,363 $ 18,000,928 984,053 $ 2,771,175 $ 3,755,228 $ 6,687,551 327,615 2,012,976 2,340,591 7,465,785 118,706 1,250,514 1,369,220 3,327,360 $ 1,430,374 $ 6,034,665 $ 7,465,039 $ 17,480,696 822,507 $ 2,667,398 $ 3,489,905 $ 6,359,212 281,998 1,971,284 2,253,282 8,258,073 120,727 1,190,171 1,310,898 3,879,961 $ 1,225,232 $ 5,828,853 $ 7,054,085 $ 18,497,246 713,068 $ 2,454,208 $ 3,167,276 $ 3,524,661 187,312 1,759,668 1,946,980 6,698,196 108,069 1,112,220 1,220,289 3,844,236 $ 1,008,449 $ 5,326,096 $ 6,334,545 $ 14,067,093 684,414 $ 2,391,226 $ 3,075,640 $ 861,370 205,598 1,829,889 2,035,487 3,526,471 103,234 1, 090, 983 1,194,217 1,620,310 $ 993,246 $ 5,312,098 $ 6,305,344 $ 6,008,151 786,321 $ 2,167,233 $ 2,953,554 $ - 249,680 1,631,206 1,880,886 1,164,128 87,303 1,025,109 1,112,412 238,811 $ 1,123,304 $ 4,823,548 $ 5,946,852 $ 1,402,939 S:Wtlmin\Exce�PERS contributions t/15/2009 June 30, 2002 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total June 30, 2001 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total June 30, 2000 Miscellaneous Police Fire Total CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - PAYROLL PERS Contributions (Actual cash basis)* Employee Contribution Paid by Paid by Total Employer Employee Employeer Employee Contribution 724,053 $ 1,618,206 $ 2,342,259 $ - 269,026 1,393,253 1,662,279 553,410 55,150 951,122 1,006,272 - $ 1,048,229 $ 3,962,581 $ 5,010,810 $ 553,410 616,060 $ 1,539,442 $ 2,155,502 $ - 299,868 1,332,754 1,632,622 437,912 55,358 904,213 959,571 - $ 971,286 $ 3,776,409 $ 4,747,695 $ 437,912 502,815 $ 1,544,464 $ 2,047,279 $ - 304,787 1,265,433 1,570,220 1,162,314 47,425 874,889 922,314 632,608 $ 855,027 $ 3,684,786 $ 4,539,813 $ 1,794,922 June 30, 1999 Miscellaneous 416,994 $ 1,548,108 $ 1,965,102 $ 1,329,242 Police 277,700 1,226,123 1,503,823 2,471,437 Fire 35,727 860,729 896,456 1,319,887 Total $ 730,421 $ 3,634,960 $ 4,365,381 $ 5,120,566 * The above numbers are based on actual PERS cash numbers. These numbers will differ from the financial statements due to accruals. S:Wdmin\Exce�PERS coMributions 1/75/2009 � B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: December 23, 2008 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC CONES AT CALIFORNIA 8� R Referral No. 51 � ��� � �'�. � ' , �I ,;,'�N 15 �009 , I �i. ,���i���,. .. �' , � COUNCILMEMBER CARSON REQUESTED STAFF LOOK INTO TRAFFIC OBSTRUCTIONS (POSSIBLE TRAFFIC CONES) AT THE CORNER OF CALIFORNIA AVENUE AND R STREET, IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH. Traffic cones, barricade mounted signs and related construction signing are part of the construction zone signing related to the roadwork in process just west of the church. The roadwork is part of the improvements necessary for the multi-screen movie theater under construction, west of the church. Signs in the area are required for safety of the driving public. The Construction Inspectors will be asked to work with the developer to possibly adjust the location of some of the signs to reduce the inconvenience to the church parking. G:\GROUPDATU2eferra1s�2008\12-17�#51 Taffic Cones.doc • B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM January 16, 2009 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council _�— _ FROM: Rick Kirkwood, Management Assista � � -- SUBJECT: Damaged Block Wall Referral No. 60 Councilmember Sullivan requested staff investigate the damage to a block wall in southwest Bakersfield and determine who is responsible for repairing it. Staff found a damaged block wall at the corner of Hartford Ave. and Stine Rd. Although a claim has not been submitted to the City, staff has determined that the City is responsible for the repair. The Streets Division has been contacted and will complete the repairs by the week of January 26, 2009.