HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/2009 B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: Committee members: John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager Harold Hanson, Chair Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant Irma Carson Ken Weir REGULAR MEETING OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, October 20 2009 12:00 p.m. City Hall North - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 A G E N D A 1 . ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT AUGUST 31, 2009 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee Recommendation regarding the City Recycling Policy - Raul Rojas 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT B A K E R S F I E L D Harold Hanson, Chair John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager Ken Weir For: Alan Tandy, City Manager Irma Carson Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, August 31, 2009 12:00 p.m. City Hall North 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA First Floor, Conference Room A The meeting was called to order at 12:18:46 PM l . ROLL CALL 12:18:54 PM Committee members present: Councilmember Harold Hanson, Chair Councilmember Ken Weir Councilmember Irma Carson Absent: None Staff present: Alan Tandy, City Manager John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager Rhonda Smiley, Asst. to the City Manager Steven Teglia, Administrative Analyst Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant Nelson Smith, Finance Director Joshua Rudnick, Deputy City Attorney Justin Crumley, Associate City Attorney Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Brad Underwood, Asst. Public Works Dir. Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director Sal Moretti, Solid Waste Superintendent Luda Fishman, Business Manager Kim Berrigan, Purchasing Officer Others Present: Larry Moxley, Kern Refuse Jacob Panero, Metropolitan Recycling Media AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Tuesday, August 31, 2009 Page 2 2. ADOPT JUNE 16, 2009 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 12:19:26 PM Adopted as submitted 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 12:19:35 PM None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding the City Recycling Policy — Raul Rojas 12:19:44 PM Public Works Director Rojas gave some background on the current policy, which is to meet a 50% solid waste reduction and recycling goal mandated by the State. The cost to the City, which is paid by residents, is $11 million per year. There is legislation pending that would raise the goal to 60% or 75%. AB 32 is also pending, and is proposed by the California Air Resources Board to require cities to recycle commercial waste. No goal is defined. Without clear definition of the mandates, exact costs cannot be determined, although it could be within the $3 million to $8 million range. Staff requested to take a wait and see approach before moving forward. Committee member Weir reported that the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee (SWMAC) has been meeting with the Metropolitan Area Planning Group (MAPG), which consists of City and County staff, haulers, County Supervisor Maben, Councilmember Weir, and other industry-related and interested persons. The collaboration has been actively engaged in discussions regarding what programs have already implemented, what should be implemented in the short term, what should be implemented in the long term, and what should not be implemented. The goal is to develop a comprehensive plan for Metropolitan Bakersfield. The current City policy dictates complying with State mandates. Committee member Weir proposes a new policy stating that the City will proactively reduce solid waste and increase recycling. If the policy is approved by the Budget and Finance Committee and the entire City Council, the collaboration will then develop a plan. This plan would then be brought back to the Budget and Finance Committee and subsequently the entire City Council for discussion. He does not believe the City should shy away from a Policy just because there are as yet unknown associated costs. Committee member Carson expressed concern about the financial aspects of the plan, specifically, what the funding sources might be. She asked why the City would create a policy that adds more economic strains to citizens. S:\Council Committees\2009\Budget and Finance\August\August 31 Agenda summary.doc AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Tuesday, August 31, 2009 Page 3 Committee member Weir replied that he is proposing a policy to meet the needs of the community, regardless of any mandates the State may set in the future. The plan itself will take along time to develop. No funds will be spent in the near future. Committee Chair Hanson expressed concern that the City may not be able to reach a mandate of 75%, and about the associated costs to taxpayers. Committee member Weir stated that the information he was presenting was a result of discussions of the collaboration reached by consensus of the members. He further stated that the collaboration is a cooperative and professional group that moves towards a goal that serves the community. Larry Moxley with Kern Refuse addressed Committee member Carson's questions. He believes that it is worthwhile to explore options and make some preliminary decisions before the State mandates new diversion requirements. City Manager Tandy stated that past City Councils have established policy with an emphasis on keeping rates as low as possible, while continuing to stay in compliance with State law. It is Council's discretion as to whether to adopt a new policy before or after a plan is developed. Specifically, Committee member Weir proposes a new policy for the City to be proactive through increased solid waste reduction and increased recycling. Staff will draft this policy and return to the Budget and Finance Committee for further discussion. B. Discussion regarding Environmental Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Policy — Nelson Smith 1 :02:23 PM Finance Director Smith provided a more current version of the draft policy that is to replace the version included in the agenda packet. This new policy will allow City staff to qualify for grants that require a written policy. Staff currently follows the guidelines in the policy, but it had not yet been recorded. The Committee voted unanimously to forward the draft policy to the City Council for approval. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 1 :04:31 PM Committee chair Hanson thanked Committee member Weir for the work he is doing as part of SWMAC and MAPG. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1 :05:54 PM SACouncil Committees\2009\Budget and Finance\August\August 31 Agenda summary.doc B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM October 16, 2009 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: John W. StinsoPvsistant City Manager Subject: Recycling Policy Councilmember Weir asked that staff assist with the development of a draft recycling policy to be considered by the Budget and Finance Committee for recommendation to the City Council for adoption. Councilmember Weir after discussions with staff is proposing the following recycling policy language for consideration: To be proactive in the reduction of solid waste within the City through the promotion and implementation of recycling programs and other waste management strategies that are efficient, cost effective, consistent with Council goals, and meet applicable state requirements, if any." S: Recycling Policy