HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/2009 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM November 13, 2009 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Cou I/ FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information MISCELLANEOUS CITY NEWS > As you are aware, the Council approved the Blue Cross (Anthem) and Kaiser contracts for retiree health coverage for the upcoming year. Earlier this year, consultant proposed for consideration a plan from the County of Riverside which we believed would result in savings for retirees and the City. Retirees expressed concerns regarding the Riverside plan which, upon investigation, in many instances proved to be valid. We, therefore, believe that we should stay with our current contracts for 2010 and make the Riverside plan a study item along with other alternates to be considered next year. We participated in a meeting this week with a broad range of development interests about the 2014 expiration of our Habitat Conservation Plan and whether there is community interest in paying for and negotiating a new one. The current plan was done with an agreed to development fee and took seven years to negotiate. No immediate response was expected or received, as it is a complex eventually received at a later date, it will be provided to the Planning and Dev e opment Committee who have that issue before them. The cost estimate is $2.5 million, a few hundred thousand of which can come from grants. -� A group of city managers in Los Angeles and San Diego counties have been discussing pension reform for the last year. These efforts have resulted in last week's filing of an initiative that would cut pensions and extend retirement dates for state and local government employees hired after June 30, 201 1. An article with more detail is enclosed. If the initiative passes on the November 2010 ballot, the new retirement formulas would be: • Police and firefighters: 2.3 percent @ age 58. • Miscellaneous: 1 .65 percent @ age 67 (for workers that do not receive Social Security). The Milken Institute's Best-Performing Cities Index, which ranks U.S. metropolitan areas by how well they are creating and sustaining jobs and economic growth, has released its latest report. Bakersfield is ranked high, at 36'h, nationally. The detail information about Bakersfield's rankings is enclosed. -� A public meeting regarding use of the Kern River Parkway, commonly referred to as the bike path, is scheduled for November 19th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Franklin Elementary Honorable Mayor and City Council November 13, 2009 Page 2 School located at 2400 Truxtun Avenue. All are welcome to attend and participate in the discussion regarding safety, future signage, multiple uses and basic rules of the path. In December 2009, the Gosford Road railroad crossing located just south of District Blvd) will be closed as it is removed and replaced. The construction and subsequent road closure will occur on Saturday, December 5th and Sunday, December 6th with Gosford Road reopening on Monday, December 7th. A press release will be issued a few days before the road closure and detour signs and arrow boards will be in place early Saturday morning. After construction is complete, the drivability of this railroad crossing should greatly improve from its current state. —� Letters from AT&T and Bright House Networks regarding programming changes to their respective networks are enclosed. The following reports are enclosed: • The Construction Division's weekly update of the roadway paving projects. • The Streets Division work schedule. STATE BUDGET NEWS According to the Sacramento Bee, the Governor acknowledges that the State's budget will fall out of balance between $5 billion to $7 billion this fiscal year, on top of a $7.4 billion deficit projected for FY 2010-11 . This means the State is facing at least a $12.4 billion to $14.4 billion problem that must be dealt with as the Governor releases his budget in January. We remain at risk, given their history. RESPONSES TO COUNCIL REQUESTS Councilmember Benham • Signage along SR-58, east of SR-99. Councilmember Hanson • Code enforcement assistance during evening hours. AT:rk cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Roberta Gafford, Assistant City Clerk Capitol Weekly: Government pensions: The voters may weigh in _ Page 2 of 3 %-_1T1P1T0tWEEKtY i 1" A THE NEWSPAPER OF CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS Government pensions: The voters may weigh in By Ed Mendel 1 11/12/09 12:00 AM PST An initiative filed last week would cut pensions for new state and local government hires, but allow local voters to lift the cap. The initiative sponsors said they will poll voters to see if the pension cuts imposed by the initiative, filed in two versions, should be altered by a majority or a two-thirds vote. The local option emerged from meetings with groups of city managers in Los Angeles and San Diego counties, said Marcia Fritz, president of the California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility. "You can change anything, but you have to have voter approval," Fritz said. "It's getting back to square one and getting the voters involved ... that removes those closed-door sessions." t Pension benefits are typically set in labor contract negotiations with public employee unions. In recent years San Diego and Orange Counties, both hit by increasing pension costs, passed measures that require voters to approve pension benefit increases. San Francisco has a similar century-old requirement. Local officials want to be able to raise benefits, if need be, to recruit and retain valuable employees. But competition among local governments is said by some to escalate pension benefits. The initiative aimed at the November ballot next year would make major pension cuts and extend retirement dates for persons hired after June 30, 2011, by the state, cities, counties, school districts, universities and special districts. "The current system could result in billions of dollars in new taxes to meet the retirement obligations for public employees,"says the initiative. "Many local governments may be threatened with bankruptcy if no change is made." The issue of whether the current level of public pension benefits are "sustainable" has been growing, fueled by an historic stock market crash last fall that is expected to force increases in annual government pension payments to replenish retirement funds. Critics point to a round of benefit increases that began a decade ago when the stock market was booming. Investment earnings, which have been providing 75 percent of the revenue of some pension systems, were expected to pay for the new benefits. One of the increases allows many police and firefighters to retire at age 50 with 3 percent of their final salary for each year served. The initiative gives new police and firefighters 2.3 percent at age 58. Many miscellaneous workers can now retire at 55 with 2.5 percent of pay for each year served. The initiative formula is 1.25 percent at age 67 for workers also receiving Social Security, and 1.65 percent if they do not receive Social Security. Fritz said the basic concept is to make the pensions a "floor"for retirement, supplemented by Social Security and individual investment accounts. Workers could still take early retirement, but their pensions would be reduced. °I think we are ahead of the world with the policy of working longer,"said Fritz, referring to longer life expectancy. "I think it's inevitable. I think entire countries are going to go to this — France, Germany." Fritz said cutting retirement costs also can "motivate production" by making money available for bonuses and salary increases. She said a recent pension proposal in Southern California would have created a pool of money to reward increased production. The founder of the group now led by Fritz, former Assemblyman Keith Richman, R-Northridge, proposed a plan in 2005 t0 switch all new state and local government hires to 401(k)-style individual investment plans. Public employee unions said the proposal would eliminate disability and survivor benefits. A hard-hitting television ad http://capitolweekly.net/article.php?_c=yesz2m2brohnxt&xid=yeoem4lslla8n&done=.yesz2m2bm0nxt 11/1 /�nn4 Capitol Weekly: Government pensions: The voters may weigh in Page 3 of 3 campaign helped cause Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to drop his support for the measure. The Richman group, which said the charge was bogus and even if true easily correctable, is taking no chances this time. The new initiative says death and disability benefits would not be eliminated. The tax-deferred 401(k) investment plan is now widespread in the private sector, where pensions are rapidly disappearing. The"defined contribution" plans give employers a simple annual payment, creating no decades-long debt for pensions. But for employees the stock market crash last fall dramatized that 401(k) plans were originally intended to be a supplement, not a basic retirement plan. Persons nearing retirement have little time to rebuild their investment funds. Fritz, a former 401(k) advocate, now thinks that"defined benefit" pension plans, with their monthly payments guaranteed for life, are a low-cost and efficient way to provide public employee retirement benefits, if properly designed. "We have a very good system for defined benefit administration and investing already set up," she said. "I don't think we should throw it away." The foundation led by Fritz filed a similar initiative two years ago, but was unable to gather the voter signatures needed to place the measure on the ballot. Fritz is looking into whether signatures can be gathered via the Internet. In her last conversation with the secretary of state's office, she was told that each page of a downloaded petition may have to be signed. The foundation also plans to seek support from Schwarzenegger and financial backing from two wealthy Republican candidates for governor, Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner. °I honestly think this is going to be a divisive issue for the governor's race," said Fritz. She said many local government retirement systems will face crash-driven increases in their pension costs next year. The 1,500 local systems in the giant Public Employees Retirement System do not face increases until 2011. CalPERS has already"smoothed"the local government increases, pushing some costs into the future. No decision has been made about pension costs next year for the state, which faces another massive budget deficit. I Public employee unions are expected to mount a well-funded opposition campaign if the initiative is placed on the ballot. In a preliminary briefing last week, the board of the California State Teachers Retirement System was told that the initiative would cut the pension of a teacher retiring at age 62 by more than half. It should be called "The Pension Destruction Act," said one board member. "The Teacher Poverty Act," said another. "There is no question there is a problem,"said Fritz, "and we have a solution. If they stop our solution, then they are the g ones that have to be accountable." !( Reporter Ed Mendel covered the Capitol in Sacramento for nearly three decades, most recently for the San Diego Union- Tribune. More stories are at http://calpensions.com Copyright©2009 :: Contact Us ■ NAZZE iuedit httn•//canitolweeklv.net/article.nhD? c=vesz2m2brohnxt&xid=yeoem4lslla8n&done=.yesz2m2brpOnxt 11/13/2009 N 4-� O O � � O bA ® N c - � � U � E M (n O O — N V) N U rn m '7 t0 N 01 10 M t0 J 01 N I4% M OD OD '^ (D N m fo ro C C C v Of Of u E IT cn 0 0 — N V) v u � O V C� O OD C ,.j t0 L O O O O Ln pp �t O M U t O C1 O 16 o cn u u u `o Q cn U) cn N N i te 6! Cz u cm J O O N _ cd u �• m a� 0 C) — N N J-+ O O u o N C3) a ^ %• ra . n ^ n i1 cz 0 O O U O O O O N 0 N N ct u O O M i �. 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N .s CEI,ED Z��Pr � NOV 0 6 2009 City Manageys U fr,ce B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: November 4, 2009 SUBJECT: Gosford Road Closure near District Blvd. to Reconstruct Railroad Crossing On December 5, 2009 through December 7, 2009, the Gosford Road railroad crossing (located just south of District Blvd.) will be closed for reconstruction. The entire railroad crossing will be removed and replaced. This construction and subsequent road closure will occur on Saturday, December 5th and Sunday, December 6th with Gosford Road reopening on Monday, December 7th. A press release will be issued by the contractor 72 hours prior to the road closure to all local media outlets. The required detour signs and arrow boards will be in place early Saturday morning, December 5th. After construction is complete, the drivability of this railroad crossing should greatly improve from its current state. TrafficEng_JU G:\GROUPDAT\Memo\2009\memo_Gosford Road Closure.doc at&t AT&T U-verse RECEIVED NOV 0 9 2009 City Manager's Office November 5, 2009 City Manager Alan Tandy City of Bakersfield 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear City Manager Tandy: AT&T California ("AT&T") hereby advises you of the following information regarding a programming change for AT&T U-verses`" TV customers. We wanted to make you aware that as of December 10, 2009, QVC on channel 18, will be moving to channel 28. In addition, we will soon be launching K18HD-LP (PBS) on channel 18. Customers will be notified of this change in separate mailings. If you have any questions, please contact your local AT&T External Affairs manager, Jan Bans on (661) 327-6565. Sincerely, Rhonda J. Johnson Vice President, AT&T California Regulatory Affairs © 2009. AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. 3701 North Sillect Avenue Joseph R. Schoenstein Bakersfield, CA 93308 Division President RECE1Vrj) Tel (661) 634-2260 Bakersfield Division Fax (661) 395-3378 NO V" i 2009 City r4""wer'g Ufrice bright house NETWORKS November 3, 2009 Mr. Alan Tandy City Manager City of Bakersfield 1600 Truxtun Avenue, 5th Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: In response to growing customer demand for more digital and high definition programming, Bright House Networks is adding several new digital and high definition channels. Making such extensive programming additions has a technological impact on our network and, therefore, we must move some analog channels on the lineup to be able to add these many new channels. On or after Tuesday, December 8, 2009, Bright House Networks will be making the following changes: • CSPAN2 will remain on Limited Basic, but be delivered only in a digital format. A converter or CableCARD will be required to receive this channel. It will be removed from channel 22 but will remain on channel 91. • Revenue Frontier will move from analog channel 20 to channel 21, replacing the Product ir�� atior fv�tvv�si is `=.c ; ��ill ar ni Wi�i no io ger be gal"I ied. Revenue F,-O Stier will remain on analog and no converter will be required. In addition, we have implemented a new digital video delivery technology known as Switched Digital Video (SDV). SDV is a robust bandwidth-management system that makes it possible to offer more digital video programming services than before, including new HD channels. On or after December 8, 2009, the following new digital services will be delivered on the SDV system: Channel Tier Channel HBO Family HD Premium 1706 HBO Comedy HD Premium 1708 HBO Zone HD Premium 1710 MoreMax HD Premium 1722 ActionMax HD Premium 1724 ThrillerMax HD Premium 1726 WMax East HD Premium 1729 @Max East HD Premium 1731 5 Star Max East HD Premium 1733 OuterMax East HD Premium 1735 Showtime Showcase East HD Premium 1745 Fuse HD Digital Variety 1806 Investigation Discovery HD Digital Variety 1642 History International HD Digital Variety 1422 IFC HD Digital Movie 1642 Pay Per View Events HD Pay Per View 1.�0_a 2 NBA TV Digital Variety 112 NBA TV HD Digital Variety 1112 NBA TV HD Digital Sports 1126 TV One Digital Variety 226 Logo Digital Variety 227 Sportsman Channel Digital Sports 129 When delivered on the SDV system, the above channels will become bi-directional (or two-way) services and will continue to be available to all Bright House Networks' customers who subscribe to our digital services and lease a digital set-top box or similar bi-directional device capable of supporting two-way services. However, the above channels will not be available to customers with a unidirectional (one-way) retail television or other device who currently lease a CableCARD from Bright House Networks. This small number of impacted customers has been notified about the changes that directly affect their current services, and offered the option of obtaining a digital set-top box or similar bi-directional device from Bright House Networks. In either case, such customers will not need to replace their unidirectional retail device. Sincerely, Joseph R. Schoenstein Division President CONSTRUCTION DIVISION WEEKLY UPDATES ROADWAY PAVING PROJECTS Status update of the roadway paving projects currently awarded as of November 13, 2009: Stockdale Highway - California to Wetherly and Country Club Lane to Ashe Road Roadway reconstruction operations are currently underway between Wetherly Dr. and California Ave. During this phase of work, traffic will be limited to one lane in each direction. This roadway reconstruction portion of the project is expected to last about 4 to 5 weeks. The scheduled completion date of this project is February 10, 2010. AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT PROJECTS: Mt Vernon Ave -SR178 to Universit Avenue Pavement reconstruction operations are currently underway on the inside lanes of Mt. Vernon Avenue from Hwy 178 to Columbus Ave. Placement of the final lift of pavement on Mt. Vernon is expected to begin Monday Evening. Weather permitting, all pavement is expected to be in place by Thanksgiving. This project is expected to be complete on December 7, 2009. Ashe Road -White Lane to Ming Avenue Paving operations on the east half of the street is complete. The contractor is expected to begin reconstruction operations on the west half of the street next week. Construction delineation and temporary traffic signage will be configured to allow one lane of traffic in each direction while this operation is being performed. This project is expected to be complete on December 7, 2009. Wilson Road -White Lane to Planz Road Paving operations on the east half of the street is complete. The contractor is expected to begin reconstruction operations on the west half of the street next week. Construction delineation and temporary traffic signage will be configured to allow one lane of traffic in each direction while this operation is being performed. This project is expected to be complete on December 16, 2009. Hughes Lane -White Lane to Planz Road Paving operations on the east half of the street is complete. The contractor is expected to begin reconstruction operations on the west half of the street next week. Construction delineation and temporary traffic signage will be configured to allow one lane of traffic in each direction while this operation is being performed. This project is expected to be complete on December 16, 2009. Wible Road - Pacheco Road to White Lane Work in this street is not scheduled to begin until after Thanksgiving. All construction work on the street will be done at night between the hours of 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. This project is expected to be complete on December 16, 2009. 11/12/2009 2:58:25 PM CADOCUME-1\RKIRKW-1\LOCALS-1\Temp\XPgrpwise\RoadwayProjectsUpdates_November 13.doc CDBG-R Pavement Rehabilitation Project Paving operations are currently underway. All paving is expected to be in place by the end of next week. The streets being done as part of this project are as follows: • King Street- Chico St. to E. 181h Street • Chico Street- Owens Street to King Street • Owens Street - Chico St. to E. 18th Street • Eureka Street- Owens Street to King Street • Dolores Street-Gage Street to Beale Avenue • Beale Ave. - Chico Street to Eureka Street This project is scheduled to be complete by December 11, 2009. 11/12/2009 2:58:25 PM C:\DOCUME-1\RKIRKW-1\LOCALS-1\Temp\xPgrpwise\RoadwayProjectsUpdates_November 13.doc Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 16, 2009 — NOVEMBER 20, 2009 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas Reconstructing streets in the area south of 178 Highway, west of Fairfax Road. Blade sealing "P" Street between California Avenue & 4th Street. Miscellaneous Streets Division projects• Installing a storm line and catch basins on "K" Street between California Avenue & 5th Street (CDBG FUNDED PROJECT). Installing curb & gutters in the area between California Avenue & 4th Street, east of Chester Avenue (CDBG FUNDED PROJECT). Working on the installation of a sewer line on Ming Avenue, east of Hughes Lane. This is part of the Ming Avenue widening project. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Week of November 162009 Work Schedule Page 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, November 16, 2009 City areas between 99 Hwy. & Stine Rd. — Panama Ln. & Taft Hwy. Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Between Panama Lane & Woodmere Dr. — Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. Between District Blvd. & Panama Ln. - Gosford Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Akers Rd. & Phyllis St. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. City areas between Akers Rd. & Stine Rd. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Cul-de-sacs on the north side of Angela Way, between Manely Ct. & Cris Ct. Between Oswell Park Dr. & Brundage Ln. — Oswell St. & Leeta St. Wednesday, November 18 2009 City areas between Workman St. & Sterling Rd. — 58 Hwy. & Baja Dr. Between Morning Dr. & Park Dr. — College Ave. & Willis Ave. Between Buena Vista Rd. & Old River Rd. — White Ln. & Panama Ln. Between Old River Rd. & Gosford Rd. —White Ln. & Pacheco Rd. Thursday, November 19, 2009 City areas between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — Ashe Rd. & Gosford Rd. Between El Portal/Laurelglen Blvd. & Ashe Rd. — Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon/Olympia Dr. Between Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. — Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon/Edgemount Dr. Between Coffee Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) — White Ln. & So. Halfmoon/Olympia Dr. Friday, November 20 2009 Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — Allen Rd. & Old River Rd. Between Old River Rd. & Coffee Rd. — Ming Ave. & Ridge Oak/Westwold Dr. Between Ridge Oak/Westwold Dr. & White Ln. — Old River Rd., east to the PG&E easement. Between White Ln. & Asperata Dr. — Gosford Rd., west to the PG&E easement. Between White Ln. & Cedarwood Dr. — Stine Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) Week of November 16_2009_Work Schedule o�� aKE�sr BA MEMORANDUM v CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE CALIF OR�1P November 9, 2009 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JUSTIN A. CRUMLEY, ASSOCIATE CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: SIGNAGE ALONG SR-58, EAST OF SR-99 COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. 136 Councilmember Benham requested that the City Attorney respond to an inquiry regarding signage at Brundage Lane and H Street, along SR-58, east of SR-99 that is not permitted by either the City or CalTrans. The City Attorney's Office sent the attached letter to Councilmember Benham's constituents in response to their concern. JAC:Isc Attachment cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager S:\COUNCIL\Referrals\09-10\Benham-AMPM-Signage.doc tC 1'✓� iAi CITY ATTORNEY VIRGINIA GENNARO r DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY Joshua H.Rudnick ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY Justin A.Crumley Christine K. Bethelwel Wils on CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wilson OFFICE OFTHE CITYATTORNEY 1600 TRUXTUN AVENUE FOURTH FLOOR BAKERSFIELD,CA 93301 TELEPHONE 661-326-3721 FACSIMILE: 661-852-2020 November 9, 2009 Balkar Bisla Surjit (Sunny) Bisla Tirath (Terry) Bisla BISLA ENTERPRISES INC. dba Bisla Am/Pm Mini Market 1701 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Bisla Family: Councilmember Benham asked that we follow up on your letter to her dated November 4, 2009 concerning your desire to obtain signage for your business establishment located on the corner of Brundage Lane and H Street. In your letter to Councilmember Benham, you reference that the City of Bakersfield denied your attempt several years ago to erect certain business signage. The City has undergone many changes in the past few years, including staff and possible regulations. In order to fully assist you in addressing your current needs, I invite you to contact the current City Planning Director, Jim Eggert, to set up a time for all of us to meet at your convenience. His contact information is: Jim Eggert, Planning Director City of Bakersfield Development Services Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (661) 326-3754 When we meet, please bring the plans detailing exactly what you want to accomplish for your business. This will give us a better understanding of your situation and give us the best possibility to provide you with a solution. Bisla Enterprises Inc. November 9, 2009 Page 2 Thank you for your patience and we look forward to our meeting. Very truly yours, C R U M LEY Associate City Attorney JAC:Isc cc: Councilmember Sue Benham Jim Eggert, Planning Director Rhonda Smiley, Asst. to City Manager/P10 S:\COUNCIL\Letters\09-10\BislaEnt.BenhamReferral.doc NOV 10 2009 B A K E R S F I E L D city Manager's orr;ee Development Services Department Stanley C. Grady, Director M E M O R A N D U M TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: STANLEY C. GRADY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE: November 6, 2009 SUBJECT: CODE ENFORCEMENT EVENING ASSISTANCE COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. CRMS # 113 (WARD 5) COUNCILMEMBER HANSON REQUESTED THAT STAFF DETERMINE IF IT IS FEASIBLE TO ALTER WORK SCHEDULES TO PROVIDE CODE ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE DURING THE EVENING HOURS,AND ADVISE IF THERE ARE OTHER MECHANISMS TO RESPOND TO CALLS RECEIVED PAST 5:00 P.M. Randy Fidler, Chief Code Enforcement Officer discussed the feasibility of Code Enforcement officers responding to public complaints after hours, with Alan Tandy, City Manager. Chief Fidler then contacted Councilmember Hanson and discussed the issue of Code Enforcement Officer availability outside of normal working hours. Due to budget constraints,working outside of normal business hours is not an option, unless the matter has been referred by council.