HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 Special Provisions Project Eye St~N ,,s'-,r.tr 1 ~,.y1, '~,,y' ~ x.a..,..M.rc..u,...«..~.~.... :.a,...~ i ~ efi~ , 1 , t~ ~ - i y ~ ~ . I ~ _ ? Rar }ti Y ~~~4 ~a~~ ~ta~+• , ~`~ei~// ,t 'i 1, !~~A~~"~~^ i~ s: °§=~i 4Y"`~~i',1~,~~ 6 ~q- ; ~ t~ ~i a'a ~~1~) 1,tg..~ ,R'.'~,;t..~„~'!; w"y-.~~ i i; ; ! i ~x`~ ~ ~ i ~~n'...^'-x' /.o^'a',~;`'k~ r' ti,°'~e ; xN;t. r,F}~ x , 19 ,w ^~k'~' }r. •.:xM w "vim p, *,«T^ w'~ ~fa..~, :.+w ~ ~pt ,Vi:. '~.~:.L'} o'r ~ ::~q x. ~ r ,A . .;.J, ..ds, .i~r,~ .~h ~~kw 'rte ..Si+.. xw ~a~P 1 r, wti, y,~ :t F~.. Via, r; ' t.tw` , : E x t . 4 It , t t. i , ~ ; tl~ ~ ~ ;S`/f 1'; f a~~t Jt~, y i l('• A ar't:~ ( .~aal t ~ 'J~',.I ~.~i! ~ r, o~ t, ~ t ~'`9....w.~ ~ 'w..~wS f ~ r .~,..,.~...«.,Y......». 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(1 { i3j(.J ?~71C~";fir r77 ,A}~'t ~ a. s;.i, ~X.. f~, y! .,rk,+s ,JnE y o.y.n + 'l`~•°~~E' ^Yrf+ ,y~. f ,:i ' ' a .p:t~ i. a rt'r 1J" .~Ur . ~ti i - « o f+ r~ , y ~ ~f4..?~ n~ v4..~ .~1'.. ` ;j,. - ~...J~' y . «~~..«.e «qi~ t i< ~ r i'q 3f~V ~f f';'(d ~~'lt•YY :k>i, l~~t;;Jx ~.;ea•~igi'~9;~`~.ti;"~,- f ',~.t; ~Wt~". ;r' jc, s/~.e"~,:~.I;i(7~~'k( ';~rL''~'r~~t. Y~ l . J 1, ~ ~ t ,1 i y } J f ~.1 1 .L. ~ r ` ~.:..~:SI: .`f.«..3t°...:C,.aYs:.~+:.;,w....;r , a i, . . . . . - ~ ' •1 t , wr } } T T•y ~ "Y i , , 4 : , ~ t 1 . +•'w R" t q r ~ Y+~ s."N M,.,.. y,y r,.} s ~ . f j ! q,.~ w ~ w V q11 ~ I ~ 'f ~+an j.<~7 4, ~ ` A 1 # S j,s ~ t`,4 0 ~ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ a e w ! t r a~.~,.6 ~ 'a,a r`~ '~..m ~ 3 i A 4 t ° ~ i t jt . ~~FF 1*a~ ~rc E t i ~ 3 A P ~ - ~i,~Aw s a,:, .w ` ~k t i...,,.~.~ ? i.. .,T i..r a ~i w' S t CITY 4F ~~~~~RSFIEL~~~ C~~.~.~I~~QRN1,~ PAPT~IEN'~' QF P~~k1~ _.~~Q~ KKK i 4` ~Q.'~l~E TQ CQNTRA~'~"Q~~S . .....~.........,.r.r..,;m...~.-.~.~-..~.M.,,.~. A wi 1 be reePived b the City of akers~'i~ld at t}~e SEALFI~ ~'RQPQS..~S 1 Y affl.ce oaf the Purchasing Officer, Gity Mall, 151 T~~o~~~~,c:~ Avenue, Lakersfie? d, • ifc}aria, until Z:00 o'clock P,~1, on ~ I~a~:l~~~~.c,.~~.,~~ to be publicl,~ Cal ~aue~~ed and read immediately thereafter, for t1~e follo~~~,=~_a~~.~ cork: i TRAFFIC SIGNAL M4DIFICATI~NS C►N . ~ ; EYE STREET AT 17TH, 18TH STREE'~'~°~; 19TH STREET AT M, N STREETS NILES STREET AT HAEEY STREET r Plan ► and spec~.ficat~.ons, and far~~~s of proposal, bonds, and con~~ract. f I~I~~fr ' ~~ed at the office of the Purchas~.ng Off~.cer by pQSt~.ng s. ~.•efund~ble obtax _ ~v~ ~S~~bI~ARS -0-- }for eac~~ ~~o~~~alete s~;t. ~e~~.~n,d c~~f c.~i~~~~~7 ~ I. riac~e prc~v~.ded the plans adds ~:~3~c~.fica.t~.~~xs a~~e x°etur~~~ed t~:r ~~~e s Pu~c~~s~ing G~~~.~~r ~aith~.n ~er~ ~1~1 days fr~~.~. ~~.~.e. of c~~~~9b-r~.ct award ~.nd t~~e do~u~ents area h reasonably good ,condl:t~o~~. r No ~~.d will be considered unless ~.s ma.d~ p~•~posal faAm fu.:~`~e ' o Officer whic~~ a~ ears ~te~'e~.n ~.~r~ed~.atelyr :~o~1c~~~In:g the pecl..~:~-~ by the Purcha~~n~ ~ ~p c~.txons of the ~~~roj ect , and ~ is made zn acca~da~dco t~~~e p~'ov~.s~.ons set fort~4 A s l fie uirer~ents and ~f~~:d~.t~.U~~:~~~ of t~~e Standard Specif~~ under Section 2, Propo a Q . catia~s ~f -the. Department of Transportatl:on, g°~s:~n~wss ~ Transportation Agency, Sate of California, under date of July,.. 184. E~~~=~1 ~~.d must be accn~npanec~ b a xo osal uarantee in accordance .with tl~e req~~~.rerr~ents of article 2-1. Q7 Y p p ~ . of the said Section Z of the Standard Specif~.cat~.o~.s. i of Bakersfield reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The C ty . Bids are required on the entire wank described hexein. bs itution of securities, for moneys retrained ~o ensure perfarmance shall . Su t emitted ursuant to the revisions and requirements of Government Code 4550, be pe p p SPECIFICATIONS: The work embraced herea.n shall be done in accordance with the: Standard S ecificatior~s of the Department of Transportation, business and. p Trans ortatian Agency, dated July, 1984, ~ insofar as the same .may apple ~.nd P ~~k in acc~ardance with the following provisions. . ~ . GUTTY O~ ~A~RFI'~L~, GAL I:POIA . ~ O~PAR`~'1~1~:N'T ~1~ F~~L~.C.~~wO~~~~ s~CTION 1. PROPOSAL RE~~R~~NTs ',(a} GENERAL IN~~OR~~~~.A`i'ION. The ~Purcha~~ing Officer r_~~~~ the Ci.~y ~f ~akers~- field, California, w~.ll receive ~a her office, C~lty ~ Ha~~ ~ ire s~:id City, until 2 0' ~loC1~ P.M.~ an May 23, 1985 sealed propos~.~.s :~"~o_~~ TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIF~ICATI(~NS EYE~~ STREET Ai 17TH STREE'T', 1,~~I'~~~-I ~:~~~'~~~~.EFT~; 19THSTREET AT STREET, N STT~E~~~, ~ ~ NTLESSTREET AT HALEYSTREE~'~ r (b) pROP05AL F'OR~i. All `prap~osals must be , rude upon bl~.r~k ~•o~s to be ab~ained fram the Pu~.~chasing Officer, the form of wl~~.c~~ appe~.~ s ~~~~re ~ n im~nediate~.y folZo~wing these specifications. A11 propQSals must. gi~rt~ the prices proposed, both zn writi~.g and f.~.gures, and must be signed bey the bidder, with his .address. If the proposal ~.s made by an individual,. his r~s.me and posh office address r~~tst be . shown, If .made by a firm or partnership, the name .and. past c~~fice address of each member of the firm or partnexship must be shc~~~•n, If ma.~~e by a c.orpo~~t~,.o the proposal must, s~o~ the names of the state. under the 1~.3~ts oi' w~ie the carpo~at~n ~~as c~a~°tered and the names, titles, and bus~.ncss ad~r~sses of ~.he pies-.den ~ ~ secretary and treasurer. ~o~ ~I~~ER;S Gi1AR~ANTEE. ,ill bids sh~.I~. be prese~~ted under se~1~3d c►~~r~~°~~ ~d shall be accor~zp~.nl.ed by a certified chec~~ or bid. bond z~f~~~e p~.~r~.b~.e to thou: .~~.~r ~~~.kersf.~elc ~ for an ~.nlot~nt e~u~l to a ~ ~ ~c~.~~ t+~n ~~~t ~ ~f ~`~a~'• .Y ~.o~~~ L}f s~.~ ~:~~.~t, no bl sh~~~. ~:~;n~~.~~:~~d u~~~,~w~ ~~.s~~i cl'~~;~. ~Z~d ~°~`x~~`~ bid pond is noosed th~:rc~~a.th. (d~ RFT~~N BIDDER'S GL~~R~~►'~I~. ~~~~.t.~~in ten days ~;f~~~r the ~.~~t~,:~d of the contract, the City of Bakersfield ~~~~..~1 retu.~~~ t~~ p:~o~~os~~ gu~.xa~~t~.es acca~pan~ing such of the proposals as ~x°e net to ~~e ; or~x.~.~.d~:~~~d in, ma~:ing the ~w~rd. All other proposs.l guaranties ~~i11 be heed until the cc~r~tract h~.s been f`~~al~.y executed, after which they will be returned to t,e re.specti~re bidc~~rs phase prap~sa.ls they accompany. ~e}: CONT~.~GT BLINDS. The •Contractor shall f•~rnis~~ t~►r~ good and suffic~:e~a bonds.. One of the said bonds shall gu.aran~ee t~~e fa~.thful performance o~ the said ~or~tract by the Contractor and shall be in a~. amount equ~~l to one hundred percent (14o a~ of the contract price. The other of the said bonds shall be in a~ amount of fifty percent. (54 Q) of the cantract price and shall be furnished as required by the terms o~{ah act entitled. ~'~n act to secure the payment of the claims o~ ~ersans emplayod day contractors upon public works, and the claims of .persons who finish m~atera.als, supplies, teams, implements, ar machinery used ar c®nsun~ed by such contractors in the performance cif such works, and. prescribing . the duties of certain ~~~blic officers with respect .thereto,.°► approued x i~~ay l0,19~19, as amended. C has of bon{~s :~equ~.red may be obt, a i~~~d at the=; r~ ff~. ce of the City . Attorney. . 1/ I ve s t~ or s~~ret~.es ~~n anv such bonds or ~~~n ~ P bonds re~ 1 . gene ~ r any u e , u~~ed by ~,a~~ f~~r the p~rotectian oz~ t~~.e cla~.~ns of ~~~bore~~~; ~~.dx+~~ matexi~l meA~, be' ome lnsuff~.c~.ent,, or t?xe layer ~~as cause to bel~.eve ~:►}.c~.t s~:~.~:~~ s~~ret}~ o~° su sties have 4~4~L~~:~e i~suffic~.ent, a d~l~~~.r~d l.n ~r~.ting ;~r~.~~ ,~e ~;~y de of the m Co~ttractor for such further bond ar bards or additio~~al surety, not exceedih.g that oxigina~ly reaul.red, as is considered necessary, cons x.r~er~.ng the extent of the work re~ra~.ning to be done . Thereafter no payr~ent s~x::~l 1 be made upon .such, contract to the Contractor ar any a:~signee of the CGr~~rac~tar until such fu~~ther ~ bond or .bonds or addit ianal surety has been fuxn~.she d . REJECTTOI~ OF PROPOSALS CO:~T~I~III~G .~LTERATIOIVS, ERa~.~URES OR IRREGULARITIES. Proposals may be rejected if they show any ~.l~erations of farm, . additions not called for, candztional or alternative bids, ~r.n~:omplete bids, er~.s-~ uses or irregularities of any kind. Proposals in ~~hich the p~°l.ces obviously are unbalanced ~ may be rejected. _ 'the sight is reserved to reject any and alI proposals. . . , .~5. fig) AWARD OF CONTRACT. The award of the contract, i f .t be awarded, w~.ll be made within thirty (30) days after the opening of the proposals. Ch) EKECUTION OF CONTRACT. The contract shall be signed by the successp ful bidder and returned, together with the contract. bonds k~ithi.n ten (10) days, not. including Sundays, after. the bidder has ~•ecei.tiled notice that the contract has been awTarded. No proposal shall be considered bidding upc~h tae Cit}, until the e~cecution of the contract , All contacts shall be considered ~s being m~.de and ente~°ed ir~tc~ 1n the City of Bakersfield, Cal~.~arnia. . . _ Failure to execute a contract and file acceptable bonds ~.s .~ravided he~°ei~~k. within ten ~i.~) days, not incl~~ding Sundays,. after, the bl.~.de~° has re~:~~~ ~~~'e notice that she car.tract: has been awarded, shall be just cause far the can.ce:~ tion of the a~~ard and the forfeiture of the proposal guaranty. ~i) Ex~~I~1ATI®NS OF PLANS, SPECIFIC~~TIONS, SPECIAL ~ROVIS~ONS, SITE OF STORK. The ~~idder is required tc.► exam~.ne carefully the slate of y the. pr o~. posal` plans and specif#_catons, and co~at~~°act foxr~s for the work conte~-~pla~~d, and it Till he assumed that the bidder ~~as ~.nvestigated and is satsf~.ed as to the cendtians to be encountered, as to the character, quality, an~~ c~uan.tl.~ies of work to be perfox•med and materials to be furnisraed, and as to the ~°equire~~e~i~~s of the specfa.catioj~s, the spedal prev~.sia~xs, and the contract . It is mut~~ally agreed that the submission~of a proposal shall be considered prima facie evidence that the bidder has made such examination. SECTION Z. SCOPE 0~ WORK z; - ~a~ WORK TO ~E BONE. The work to be done consists of fur~~ishing all ~.abox~ n~atexials, methods and processes, implements, tools and machinery,. except ~.s othe~ise specified,which are necessary and required to construct and put in co~~~plete~ ~~rder for use the proposed improvements desi,~mated in the contract, and to leave ~~~e grounds in a neat condi~ion.~ fib) ALTERATIONS. ~y mutual c;ons~r~t in writing of the parties sl.gnatory ~o the ~..~.,F.; ~~~ct; s.ltex°at~.ons ter de~~.~.~:~.rr. ~ increases or decreases, a~d~.t~.or~s or oar=.~~~:'~?a~~`<<; ~.~~b tx~~ mans a~~d speel.f~.ca~_~~ r~~.y be made and the sa~~e s~~.l~. ~.n ,~o way affect: or make void the contract . i for' accuracy of +~i~~ens.:~o~s anal det~.~.~ s~ ar~d that the Co:~~: ~ a~;tq,. sh~~~. be ~~~4.~~~Y;f~.o si.b e ~`or agreement a,nd cenfar~n~.ty of h.is ~~orki~.g pri~.nS ~n'~.ta,, '~.i~~e approved p~.ans ..a ,o ar~~` speczf~,cat~.ons. ~ ~ ~C~ ~0~~'OF~~~~ITY ~~I?'~ F~,~u'v'S ~.~iD t~LL(~~~~'AELE DEVI A%IO.I~T . ~.r~.~.s~~ed sup f ~:s.c~ys in all cases shall -confd~•m ~=~.th the lines, grades, cross-~se~t~.~~ns, Grnd d~imer~sl.ons sham on the appraved plays. Deviatl.ons :from the appro~r~d pl~:~~~s, ~as gay be re~ r~~uired by the e~igenci.es of construction w~.ll be determir~e~ in all .case:y by the' Engineer and .authorized in writing. . • (d) COdRDINATION ~F PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND SFECI~L PROVISIONS. These specifications, the plans, special pgovisions,-.and all s~~pplementary documents are essential parts of the contract, and a requi~°~;~~ent occurring in one s.as binding as though occurring in all. They are inter'~cled to ~e cooper ative, to describe, and to provide for a complete work. Flans shal3 goverm over s ecfications; s ecial revisions shall govern over bo~q~h specifications p , p p and plans. Czty speczfzcation~ shall govern aver State Stanc~ax°d Spec~f~.cat~.ons. (e~ INTERPRETATION OF PLA'VS.AND SPECIFICATIONS. Should it appear that. the work to be done, or ary matter relative .thereto, is not sufficiently detailed or explained in these specifications, plans, and thee- special provl.siar~s, the cones tractor shall apply to the Engineer for such further explanations a5 may be necessary, and shall conform, to such.explanaticn or interpretatl.on as part of the contxact~, ~ so .fax ~.s may. be,. cor~sisten:t..wi:th the l.ntent :of ,t.he o-ri~ginal. ~peci , . fications. In the event of, doubt or question relative to the true r~ean~.ng of the: specifications., reference shall be, made to the City Council, w~~cse decision ~ thereon s~rall be f~:nal. ~~~r~. T~~ ~ ~ In the. event of any discrepancy between any dra~vings and the figures - wr~:tten thereon, the figures shall be taken as carxect. M1;~ f SUFF~I~°~T~;NDi~t~CE. ~~~'henever the con Tractor is not pres~~.t Q~1 any ~iti~~.:~~t of thy; work where it lriay be desired to gi~re d? section, ,orders w~.~l be g~.~►ren the Engineer in writing,. and shall be received and obeyed. by the suporl.~.te~~~~~ f or :fox°e~~an in charge of the particular ~~ork in reference to which girders are . g~.;ven . (g~ LTNES.AND GRADES. All distances and measurements-are gl.ven and will be grade ~in a Mori zontal plane . Grades are given from the top of sta.k~W s or nay. l s , unless otherwise .noted on the plans. Three consecutive points shown on the same rake of slope must be used in comet©n, in order to detect any variation from a straight grade, and in case any such discrepancy exists, it must be reported to the Engineer. if .such a d.iscrep- any is~not reported to the Engineer, the contractor shall be responsible for. any, error in the finished work, r The contractor shall give at least 24 .hours' notice in writing ~rhen re . - will require .the _sexvices of the Engineer, ,fc~r laying out any portion of the work.: '~e contractor shall furnish the Engineer such facilities and labor, necessary for r~~.kin~3; and maintaining poin ~s and ~.ine~~, as he may require . Labor furnished y the ~ c~~~::tractor for such purposes wi 11 be paid for as Extra ~~'ork T~6~t contractor shall prese~yve all sta~.Ps and points set for. lines, ..a ra~~es, { ~ ~~~as~u~er~~e~ts e~f the '►~,'e~~~ ~:'~~~.r ~,re~~,er places unt~.l =~.~~.t: ors. ~~d to r~~xti:~;t~~ ~:.~~~~~~t~~~ ~~r ~:.a~~; FT~~~.~~eer. All e~,~a~~~~~s ~.~~~c~.~~»~~ed in replac~.ng s~~~=~~~ ~ ~~:~~~.~~t ~~~.~~re been re~~~ov~.~d ~~=~.thout proper authority shall be paid by the .contractor. I ~ ~ . ~ DEPE~`~:~I~'~a ~'~~~TERIALS. m~ter~.als ~~ot co~~~~~,~~~~~~}~ ~.o the re~~~re~ is of the~~~ s }ec~. fications shall be considered a~s de~~:~~~~.~a~ and all. su~~h met ~ m~~~trials, whe~:~ber ~.n place. or not, sham. be rejeeted ~~~~~~~_1 be ~e~{Quad l~n~~e~.- ia.~el~. frog t.~~~} s it~~ c~3' t~~~e wor~C u~nl~'ss 04~~e~rwise pera~~.~.~+~~~~e .the Eng~~.r~eer. No M raj acted mate~~ial. , the defects of whl ch have been subse~~~er~~:.~ y corrected, shat l be used until approved in writing by the Engineer.., Upon failure on the part of the contractor to cor~ply ~~~_th an.,~ order of the Engineer made under the provisions of this article, ~I~e ~~gl.neer shall hale au~~or~.ty to remove and. replace defective ~~~ater~ial and to deduct the cost of . removal and replacement fror~ any monies due or to become due the contractor. SECTION 5. LEGAL RE~,ATIONS AND RES~'~NSIBILITIES TQ THE PUBLIC ~ {a~ LAi~S To BE OBSERVED. 'The contractor shall keep h~.mself fully in- . formed of all existing .and .future State and National 3~ws and all municipal ordinances and regulations of the City of Ba~Cersfield whic~a in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work, or the materiels used the work.; ' or which in an;~ way affect the conduct of~ the work, and of X11 such. orders and decrees of both-es or tribunals having any j urisdictian or authorit}r over ~l~~e sar~~e . (b~ HOt~RS QF LABOR. The contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City 't' of Bakersfield, Ten Dollars (~~.0. Q0) for each. laborer, wor~:~aa.n, ar rnccha~~~.c x Rit-i rin.t~;.i empi.oye~~ in the e:~ecution of the contrast by him, ar ~y an}~ subco~l~:~~act:or ur:d~~.r ~ hi, upon any the ~~ork ~hereinbefor e mentioned, far each C;~ ~ ~ndar day duri.~~ _,~~k4~kt~s~~: whic~7 sa~.d ~.aba~r~~r, ti~=ar~cr~a:n, or mecha.n~.~ required o~ pe~~~.~tpd to i.a.b~r in viol.at:ian of t~~e prc~v~islor~s of Section 1B10 to Section ~.~'i~, l.n~lus~.~~re~, t~~ ~:~~e I~a~or bode . Vic) The contractor sh~:l I comply c~ith Section ~7~5 of .the ~.~a.bar Ced~k~ w wh~.ch provides that-the contractor's responsi~l.lity shad be a~ follows If the contrast price for the.. pr~~~ect includes an expenditure in exce.s~ of twenty-five ~:hausand dolldrs~~?S,DO~`~~ for e:~ca~~ation of any trench o~~ tr~fi~.`:~4.~'~ five feet or r~iore in depth, the cont~~~ctor. or ~~is subcontractc~~° sl~~~.~ 1 rent ~'~'ga.. ary trench exc a~~a~~ion unless a d~tai fed Ian , sho~~*ing the .design o r s~~~.c~ri n~, .bracing, slopin~~ or other provisions ~o be made for ~~Torker protectia~~ da..~ring the excavation of the trench, has been sub~r fitted by the contractor to the ~'~.ty Engineer and the detailed plan has been approved by the Czty Engineer. If such plan varies from the shoring system standards established by the Construction .Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safet}r, -the plan shall be prepared by a registered civil or structuxal engineer. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to allow the use of a shoring, . s,lo~in~, or. protective system less effective than that required by the Cbnstruc~- ~.ion ~~.~'ety Urders o£ the Division of Industrial Safety. . _ r, ' ~i~l~:~~~hing -in this section shall be construed to impose tort liability on , the ~.~~a~~~,,~4 ~ g body or any of its employees , . .a - ~ . ~-~'rl~~~ "pu~~lic ~~'t?r~CS~t ~.~ld it~?~~'"~~'C~~.I'~~? boduf~} ~.S USed in' this S~Ct?_CJ~"i .~~~<t~l ~a~e .:t~~~~: ~i~,an~.ng as in Z~~.~~~~~i ~uJ~~~ S~~:tions 1720 and I~~2 r~:spe~:t.~.v~:~~., 7 t ~ ¢ ¢ j ~ ~ ~L.•~1,L ~r~ R~`~T10'~ ~~~~;~~~I~,iAiA j!rr ~ a ~v n ~n# ~E 1. i.~ ~~t~~ LJS,I.I.~ ~ Tni~ rC6 i wC`.` a ~h~ll be .~~,~ens~ryd zn acco~°c~~.~~ce w~_~.h t~~~. ~~ra~x.s~.c~x~.~ c~~~ 4.~4~~.t.~.on of ~us~.;~e:.:i_, . Rrofe s~.ons Cade. _ ~ i~~h~~ITS ~N~ L~CFP~~S~fi. T~~e Cc~nt~~~.c~~or ship? ~~:1_~ac~.~re a~ ~ er~~:t~ an~u ~ ~ p licen es, pay a.~l chargea and Fees, anal. gi~re not~.tt: ~~ecessa.ry and inciden~.r ~ ~ ~ . to th.e tae and lati,fu.~ pras~.c~~t~.on of th,~ ork. , i F~'~ENTS® The Contractor shall assume a1~ ,.G.=s~ans~bi~.ities aris~.ng fxorn the use of patented m~.terials, e~uipr~ent, dev~.ces,; processes used on ~,~r inc+ai°porated l.n the work. (j} Pt~~LIC CQNV~~~~~IENCE AND S~.FETY. The Cc~;~~~::r~.~:~~+;.c:r shall so cend~.ict hl.s operations as to cause the least passible obstructi.ax~ ~~.11~:.1. ~.n4oT~VeniellCe to p~a~;i_i.~~ , traffic. Unless other existing streets are stipulated :t_n ~~he ~peci~.l provi.s~.oz~s to be aced as detain°s, all traffic shall be pe it.te~. to ~~~:ss throubh fide ~~o-rx. r s'' Residents .along the road Qrr street shall ~be p~ravi~l~~d passage as far as praet~:cable. Canvenient access to drive~~;ays, ~~ouses ar~d bt~i.ld%~~gs alone t~~~= id ox street ~ha~1. be maintal.r~ed and tempor~.~.~y cross~.hgs shall be provided anc.~ twined in hoed cond~:tion . Not mare than cane crops or i~~te~9sec~ir~ ~ scree or read sha~:l be closed at ar~y time without the appraval cif the Engineer. The Contractor shall fur~~ish, eruct, 'and manta~_n suc~~~ fAnces, barr~.ers a Iig~its, and ~si~ ~s as are necessary to give. ar~ec~ua.t~ ~ti~axnl.r~g ~a the publ.ie a~: 1. ; tines .that' the _lmp~over~ent is ~.r~dar canstruc~:ion and of am d~~n~~:; ~~E.~s ro~~d~ t is:~:rr s to ~e ~ncaunter.~d r~s a resb~lt thereof, and he shal.~ also ~~°~wct. 4n~~ ~?~..zxAL.ti.~_~? ~~;.a~~~~:: ~~.ngs G~nd ~R~°e~tl.onal signs as may be f ~~~~xs~i~d ~r~~e City. . • r r ~ 'y } y~Y~ -•y ; } { ~j t rys • f} y .r.. ,~y, y . ( ,y ; ~~'y,' m ~t~l.l. ~;~1~:a~ iw~,~,'rttlol~ 1.L/.t,° c`•1~J:fVltiitl.il~ l.~ tl.lr,~i ~'~.~~L'r3.7~.L.7~~.~ L.a3_~..~ }..15.~~.-1..~1~A;t s.3 . , - ~ m T. .7s: l!' it 'a ~y: ~i e V.A ~ ~ ..1. n c ~ ~iLL L• ~A ~ n t 1 1. `~w S.~' r f..r ~ 1 / ~ ~ ~ 1'9 ~ s . t r %.C 1 L./ X.i ~ ~ L' ~..i. ~ 1. ~ 1.... J. 1 d ..s. 1. t E a w. ~s y w a+ ~ ~ R h j r ('~I , '1 ~ f'~ ~ . ~ 7 1.. ~r') y ~~''yy. ~ Fh~ W I^\ LT:~': ~~.~1.'L~l i~~►~,: f1~ 4?~.c:l~.~on~~l ~~~~'tpen~~~.Ien ~Vri.i,it, i,%~ ~ 1.1~~iL~t.A ~aa%~_~,6.~.~.Vr. u RESF~INS I Bl L1TY .FOR D~~~~~.CE . ~~~e Ci~;Y o .~k~~ f ie ~.d, the ~itr~~ ~~;e ~.s~~~~:. or the Er.gi~~eex shall not be answe~.•~.ble or a~:~,o~.~:t~.~~:~l~y ~..r~ a~~}' ~~~in~~~ far a~,~f~ ~.~;~..j o~° d~:ma~e that m,ay happen to the ~~c~rk ~~r t~~~~}r p~.~~. ~~h.~-~t~~%~~~~, or fog r,~.? e~_~.~.?. or e~u:lpment used in pexformi~g the ~°c~z~k, o:~ ~y{~~~ z.n. j ~ d~,~~~~~ge: ~o any peg~~~~a. ~r perso~is ~ eit'1er wdrk~nen or the publl.c; or for d~~~~~g~~ ~o ~~dj o7~l.ng property ca~~sed b}r the neg~igAnce of Contractor or c~~e of 1~~~contracto~,s c.~u~'1_ng the progress of thy: ,~aorlc at any time before final ~~~r~~.~~.s~~.e ° The Contractor shall indemnify ~.nd sage has r,~less tree City of Bakersf~.eld, the City Council, and the Engineer from an,~ su? ts, cl~~ims, or ~.ctions .brought by any person. ar persons for or on .account of any injur~.es or damages s~.stained ax arising in the co~~struction of the work or ih c~~seclu~nce thereof. ~1) CONTR.F~.C~'O~c'S RESPONSI~~LITY FOR wORK. Exc~;pt as provided above, _~anti~ the for~al acceptance of the, ward: by the City F~~gin.ce:~, the Contractor shad have the charge anal care .thereof and sha11 bear the risk, of injury ex damage to an}' part thereof by the action of the elements or franc any ether cause, whether ~'axisir~~ fz°om the execution or from- the non-execution of the work. The Contr~.ctor i ✓ / 1 ~wu ~~undred col ~.~s.•rs ~~2~~0. G~~ per day for e~~c~i ~~n~~ e~;e~ry c~,l.~,~L~raz~ ~~~y ~ s dela.~p beyond the tine p~~scabed to carr~~~~€fte the ~~~~~~k; and the Cont~~~~~.t~~'~r° agrees to pay such. liqu~.dated danage~ as herein provide., a~~i in case t~x~: :~~.i~~' not pt~~.d, agx~es that the C:ity ~3ak.ersf~.e~.d ~riay deduct the ar~aunt the~Aeof ~°ro~ any coney dui ax that gay ~eco~rde c~~e the Contractor uhde~° the contract s ~t is ftxrthe~° agreed that in ,case the ~~;ork called for u~~d~;~r the contract is r~et finished and co~rpieted ~.n all parts and ~`ec~u~.rements~ within the time specified the C~.ty Cou~~~:_~.l shall. have the ~.4l.ght to extend the time for co~nple- tio~ ax nc~t g as ~r~ay s~~m best to serve the interest ~~f the City; and if it ~l.ecl.des t~3 ~~tend .the t1.I(le l~.ill~.t fad' the Camplet~.an Cf CantraC~., s~~~a.~l f~lrthC?" have the right to charge to tie C"antr~.ctor, his he~.~rs, assl.gns e~° su~.•et:~.es, aid to deduct from t'r~e n~' payrj~e~~t far the work, all o~° -~nyT part as ~.t r~~~y deem proper, of t~~e actual c.os~ o~ eng~.neering, a.nspec.~~~.~n, su~~er.int.enc~.~snCU, and otY~er ~ve~~he~.d expenses ;,~'rA~.c3~~ are directly c~iar~~~~~~ ~e •~~o t~~4 cr~,~tr~~ct, ~.nd which accr~~e dur•i_ng t~-~e ~:~e~°~.ad of such extension s ~:y~:c~.~~pt t~•~~a~ t~a~1 of f~.nal suxveys and preparation of fl.na.lr. estimate shall nit ~~e includ: d ~.n ~?~~c~~ charges. The Contractor sh~.l 1 nit be assessed with l ~.c~u~.dated da magcs r~o~~° ts~e cost ~ - of engineering and inspGCtion dur~.ng anyP delayr in the co~npletio~r t~•~e ~~c~x° cased by acts of Gad o~~ of the, publ~.c enerr~y, acts the C~.ty, f~.~~e., f~.cods, e~~.de~~l.es, auaran~ one restr~.ctions, strikes, frei.~~ W: e~zc,<~~`goes, ~~~~~c~ unusually seVe?'"e 'E~'ec`~.ther Ur dC~.ays of su,~COntraGtorS due t0 ~r't.a.'~1 ~',~•usCS, ~~:~'~?'4' ~_=?Ct~, ~.~`i~? tae Contractor s~.al l ~~ith~.n t.>,..n (lQ~ days frt1r~ th., ~~.~i.-~8~.~.~; of ~ .~~.ic~. 4~e~,~~ , nt~:fy the ~ngineeA in ~~ritlrfg of the causes of dela11, ~:\r~fo shay ? ~~~~j~+~~r~:ain the facts ~:nc~ the e~tea:~t oT t~~~ d~:~~~~~, and hi.s findings ;s:~~u~~~~ ~~hall LJ OJf ~i.l Vi•~.' ~j~id 1✓oi44✓ t ~~+..~.3..~M./ 6 ~ ;~~~~'~~~.~.3.~mv CC~v~~~~,C~ . ~ if at aa~v time z~~ t~~~.#j c4~.:... x~~ ~:p~ C~ r a ~ ~ ~ ? 3 t ~ .i ~ f ~y L.1 n l.:kry C3 M~ ~ 1.l 1 h 4 ~ G~ ~:,a .~5.. C:~ .f..~. ~ 1 C. V s u~~1 ~ %r C~! i t'7 S..l. S., I, ~ ~..1~ ~ t. 1 t:l E ~ E. .u ` ! rt _,h . ,.3 {~,,,t yr',~ 1 .~f., ,ti~^, .e_ C~ 4 e ~+:~J. 1' a r,. a, t .i, M~~+...~. ~.2L cdn~~ x.i .h, f.• .L ~.r r~• _ . :e ltl`t .f.. i r ' ! .r- r'~ ~Y~ ~ h "q "''d !'i r r~ d"i : t v 1 li i. ~ r r ~ A E .E ` ,.rf -tin .r i~''y~ ° e. ~ k ~.,r . S i~~ t ~ .I . ....J, .,.i G: E L ~i. . ~ t '.,s i , 'i..'. ~ 3 ~ l ~ A ~ . ` a ~ 1,.~ . , ti « .S. c...i. Lx w.• 9 s ' ~ ~ ,y F t Y.` ~ s} n f , r ti r^ i ~ r i 'l ~ w ~ 'E" ~ ~ * c ~ r,,. r'. T"} y ~i. , . : 7 ~ ~ ~ ,l e ~ F , l., . 4 C. , a.. a.• Sl ~ ~ r.. ~ ~.,6 ~ E, f.: e t.. l 4 'x. g ~w 5 , _ .5 ~ _ , . r t ~ t ..k.` { t E. Y 6 K ' .t... 3;:' (:.r ~y f e ~ ,d~ L S ~ .~i ~ n 1.~ V~..:~ 4 ~ r ~ { ' ! , ~a., ..1. ..f. 1~ GAL ~Y 'Y a t` . t ti ~ ± : ~ A~ W 'R ~ ' •t ~ ^ z {'i i " i, ~ .C. r 1h y4 yt tR - .S" s f tA' C-`4 yj ~ tal '4' -t ~ ~t~ ~ t q S „ ~•S f „r'i R ~ n t ~ 1 .1 ~ 1. , w. . S,. 1. ~ .i' x i?y~: .4. n i : ~ ..~'I . ~ a.,~ b{a ~ ~~'\.i v F d 1.' 'M ~tihl i G~ .A. .tt ,L. •t~ { f.\.• s, ~ ~ E .k 5 , '"._V t ~ $y ~ ! ^ 1,,,} E , . 6.+.~~. ~ it ~ i,. C Sj j t 4: ~ t,F.~ °r~ E~ ~ ~..1 ~ ~ .~..sg....1 S.1 #~r A. , j.r. i ~ ~.,,..:v 1.r6 `'E'! '\.l Q ~i a f e ` h ~ y ~h I' p`rrp* 7 ~ r t_~ ~ 9~ ('4 e.l i j, " ~~M i r"~ 7 C )p {1 "\i l';~ A V p t,7 " r e., i ' , ~ 1„~ ~A CA ~ ~ + y 5." ~.I , r,. k.' , ~ A.. \,.r 3^r M.L e V .d. b i..( 1 i. ,i.. L~ ~ h ~ ; ` ~ ~ ~ t_ ~ ~ a ; r: ; ti ~ ~ J ~ ~ A ~ L I GZ ~ ~ y d ~ ,Ma ~j •~•-y f'` r .k 4 ~ j ~ y ~;1 ~ l~ a, I 'L. - ° ; 3 ~ , 1.1 A \ ~ +.1 ,y ~ l t.w ~ t, b l s Fv. { ~.r- .i. t . 4~' ~ t h ~r ~i Q .s 1.4 ~ ,d, ~ ti~ . , y-: ~.:.a ~ ` ? ~ ve ~ rr~~y t ~ t.~S S e s w r~..c~~ ~ ~►1 ~ ~ t r, t o f a~tk,° t~~ ~;'t~»}~"' ~~1~~ y t~~~ ~ ~ e~l~lp~~'f~t , ~n~. ~.p~.~~ ~..a,nCe~ ~.,i~".3?1 t.~I~: ~~.~~ern tises , . ~ 1~:, r;:, ~ aia#~~ f C~ ~1 A ~ i ~ ~ oh ~A e o i.~ c ~~~:p l et r~ g s al. c'on~ra c , axe d ~ ~ s u c ~~..Y;+~`x~f~ ~;c',.~. ~~t,~~j ~3."C~ '~~,w ::~~.Ct:~t~.o i~ ~ T~'~a`'~'~~.n~'I'yy tL~{~15 ~ c~.p~~.1.~1riC~~ c~.~"~~:~ ~s~~~IplTlCi~t, ar~d h~~y ~t~~cl~ ad~~~ t'iv~Es~~l ~~~~~:~~rials anc~ supplies at the Contra.ctor's exp~~~~~~ as ma'~r be ~:.;~e~~~ra~y f~~~~° ~~~opex~ conduct of the work and for the com~:~let~.on thereaf3 or rt~ay eY~~^~oy of}-ae~° .parties to carry the contract to complet~_on, Employ the nec.e~saryc ~~o~~kr~~~~~., su~a~titute other r~ach'nery or materials, and purchase the materials cc~nt~°a:ted fc~~, in such mann~x as the City Coun.ci~. may deem proper; ~r the City Co~~~~lci~. may an~.ul and cancel the contr~~.ct and re-let. the.,- work or any - . part ~herco~. Any, excess of cyst arising therefrom- over and above the contr~.ct pr~.ce w~.ll be charged a.~a~.~ast the Contractor and his suroties, who will,b~ l~.a~Ie • 1i . ''gg ) Y", ~"t ~ T.f"j}1~ +~er4 i 1' ~Y~'' Ft1 g~ ~ yt ~j i e .i.. grip P i~ r wfa31 C z ~c':. t p6b}~ ~l~w~+ a}h~.~ !.i ~,,.'a.+:.; S.: t.~ ~~.~4 ~•o ~e sfiv+;~•:;~ ~ b:. n~_:~la ,J:ii ~ i..;; ~ ~'a e 3~:~+ td~_1 ~ ~ i ~ the. lAtor~ .ko.i 1~~~+~ 4f.~.~~5•~~~~~s~1,~.11~ ~n ~,L~ye.ZA14:1~Til.:~,~ i'i.7: ~•.i~ L•~~L ~1xy~~Y.t4~~1 i.?.~..t Z.i,(Sr `l-.~.d`~G~...r4'~iwf• ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ;1'Y h ~ i ~ , l h x.) ~ tI ;.4. ~3 z t i i~. t o # 1.~ t:!. ik i' t ~ l a~ o r~~. d ~I~. e ~ i ± ~ ~w'` l ..s a "4;° .t s:~, r Sj ~.1~i~ :'a ~i,., ai~€o is to :less than ~'~~x°~,e 1~~~ndre~~ ~.a~~s ~~~oo r oo~~. . ~c~ E~~~~~~ Vi'n`"~~E~~1'. The cat}rr Eng~rceer s~~a~~~, af~t~x9 t~~.~; ~:c~~~~1et~.on ~f con .•xvact, ma'e a fine:i ~,s timdte of talc a~~~ount of ~~or.~: done ~~;~;r~.s.i~~ad~'i~`, ~~r~d. aw~~~e va~.ue of such ~~~or~:, and t~.e City of Fakersf~.eld shall pay ~j.~~~ ~'~~~1:~_x~w surd so fou~~d to be duo after deductl.r~.g therefrom al ~ prev~.oos payment s a.nc~ L~ ~ amounts to be kept and all a~r~ounts to 'oe xeta.ined ur~c~ox~ the provisions o:~` ~::i~~~ contrast. ~x~. prior partial estiinat.es and payments ~~~1ciJ.l be subject to ca:~y~~ec~~.on i~~ the f ~_na.. estimate and pa}anent. The final pa}anent s~~all not be due a.~~~d p~.-~ya.ble ur~ti.l tie expiration of thirty (~o) days fror~ the date of acceptance of t~~e j~~or~;• b}~ t~~r~ City Counczl. It is mutually agreed bet«een the parties to the cont:~°~.ct that no cert:~.f- i~cate given or payir~ents made under the contract, except the f anal ~~rtificate o:~ final. payment, shall be CoIlcluslve evidence of the per forman.c~ of. the contract, either wholly or in part, against any claim of the party of t~i4e first past, and no payment shall be construed to be an eacceptanc~ of any defect~.ve work or .improper materials. end the Contractor further agrees that the p ay~rle~~t of the final: amount dL~e under t~xe con tract. , and the adj ustmeilt and payment for ~.ny war'~~ done in accordance with a3~y alterat~.ons of the same, sh~~•11 re~ease the Cit}r of ~a'~ersf~.eld, the Clty Councl s ~~nu. the Engineer from any a.nd al 1 c la.~.ms or l ia.bi l l.t~r on account of ~~~ork performed under .the cor~tract or any altox°atior~ t~.~;reof . ~d a S~.~BS { l ~,~~Tlo~ aF SEC~1n.°'I,TES. ~~~e~~~ver h~re~.~~ f~:`~c~' sa o~,~ made f~=r ?~1~.t~"1C~o~ ~~~.?~.g ok doll of ?31GtI~'~rS t0 ~'s1S~?.?"E' pex`fo!'~g~.Ilc~', S~.li,~4'7:a. ~.itl~l~. Of ~i?"~ L~ TT ~~t~t t 1' r' I "a y' ~p r~ r} 3 t v~ ~ ~ r) ~ 1 t fa ~ /y C~ j y* t~ '3• ~r~l ~ ~ EJ e C r! t 1 1 ~ r; ~ '1 r~ C, 1 ' t' trl 'f - ~'1 e ~ l ..i.. Y C~..t ~ ~ 1 ~ i,. Gi.111 L.: S i L. y b LL 1 Li to 'v' f J e c ~ J. 1 t .J.. L, S ~ 1 1 C ~ .1 v ~ e .3 C ~J ~ ~ C~-1 x C L~ y'~~ ..i. t 1 L ~ 1 ~'}~"~,s~'.1S~.t~?'x.' a~ld ~'~."ti;~.~.1'~,1~°I'it~ o~ ~U~,'F.,1'~~~~l~Il~ ~o(~e' v~.'ctl.oi~ ~~~~~,to ~'~o~, ~~~~}~rI~SIv~~~~ ~F ST~ti~d~.~,~~..? ~~~CIr ~C,.~'~~C~'.~° 1 ~ "S ..3 . T~,iis ~+~o~:~k e~~braced herein -shall be doge in accordance ~•ith t.~ze a,pp~*c~p~~~~~~~~s prov~.si o~~s of. cc~~tstru~vt.io~t details, Sect ~ on lC~ to Section 9~, 'tinel~~s:i~,te, of t~~ti S~~ecif~.catioris entitled "State of Califc~~"~zla, Buslrl~:SS Transport.at~.oh l~g~~~cy, lia~~~.rt~~ent of Trar~sportat~ion, Standard ~'~:~ec~.f~,~~.?-1.c~1~s. July, 184 inso~`~~~~ as t~Re same m~a~bP ap~~iy, ~yhich specifica~~.~~xs ~~re hereinafter x~efer.~°ed H~, ~{s t~.e ' 'k y, 7 P ~ , St.~ndar:~ S~jeci~'icata.ons, .and in acco~•da?ICc ~~~~th t~~e folic+°~~Ing specla.l. r~~.o~1~s;;,.~7~~;, ~~~.Enever in the Standard Spocfic~~tiarxs the follr~aing terms. az~e used, . they shall be t.rrderstood to mean and refer to -the follo~~ing: Department of Trans~~ortat~.on, Business ~ ~'ransporta~ion ~genc}~, C~~~,TRAI~S - .The F;~~ginQering Depart?~ent of the City of Bakersfield. . ~~irecfior of public ~~'orks -City Engincer, City- of Bakersfield. ~;~~~~in~er The C~.t}r Engineer, act~n~ either directl}' or through properly, authorized a~~ents, such agents acting j,rithin the scope .o f the particular duties ~I~ t ~'t.tS C~ ~ them . , ~.~~:,~:~~'~~tory ~ The designated l~.boratorv authorized by the C~.ty of Ba~c~rsfl.eld to test .7i~~~..C'~i.a~~ ar~.d ~wo~'k involved in t~'~e contract. a } ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ 'i 'Y^ S S r ^k ~ vi rq a ~t~le~' t.~ ~ Z~~ ~~~})f:-~:~~°~.~~~ ~,n t~i~' ~~i~ ~.i~.~~:~ ,~>~:.'c~.. l~'.~ i ~ ~.~ix.:~ ~ t ~ . ~r~. s~(~l~i:y ~ anu t~~e s~~'C~°%.~.~. p~'av~.s.~~~'i5 ~ °``il ~ f ~ ~;t~ve the ~.n.~.el~ ~ ~~.t~~~ ~;r~.;a~~ ~.n~, ; .E~~ ~n ~~c~ ~.ol'l I, ~~~.~.~I~1.t~,o1~ d3~ Terr~~s ~f •~~i~ ~tr~nd~rCi S~~e~"~~..~'i.y~:'~l'~:.:~.~:'~a::~~:. { 1~. In the evert that any port~..an of t.~~e St~.r~dard Spec.~.;~°~~ x:,~~~F ~.~~~~s ~.nco~~.~~ar~~~~e, herein. shall cc~~lfli~<; ~a~i th an of the ~~ro ~r~.sians del~.ne~.te:~ :~.a~~ L~~Ae s ~ ~ a~ _ " y ~ ~ ~,c I p~u visi.~ns .section herein set forth, the prav~.sians so delinea~ cif :~~l~~ll take :~~~.•ece- dense over and .shall be used in Iieu of such conflicting po~1~~.:..c1n~~ of the Standard ~pecifioations. SECT ]:ON ~ . TNS~~~~IC E In additio~t to an}' other form of insurance or bonds r~1~~~a~.~~ed under the t~~~~ms of the contract and speclfica.ti0ns, the Contractar will be re~~t.~~.~~yd to carry ~.~~s~~x~~ once of the following kinds and amounts : contractor's public ~.l.abil~.tyinsurance policy for property c~an~age, personal in~~:ry ~.nd automobile l.i~~~~:,~ilit' (~~1it~1 an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Ca.l~.~~arnia) in an ai~ou.~~t not less than FIVE HU~iDRED THOU~.~ND ~DCLIa~4~iS ~~500,000.00), cax:~~~ls~.ed s~.ngle-limit coverage with a T~~'0 r11ILLI0N DOi.L~R t$2, On0,~000.00) ur►~brel Ia po:~~_:}r ~cont~ining ,drop dawn provision) ar, in .lieu thereof, a ~ . S ~~f TLbICN I~OL~J~~~ c~trl~birzed single- limit po~.icy. The City of ~3akersfield, its ~r~ayor, council, off_Icers, agents and employees sh~.l1 be na.m~;d as addi~ic~nal insureds under the policy ~Thich ~jshall operate as primary insurance. If any part of the. work is sublet, siml.Iar insurance shall be provided b}' or in behalf of t~~~e subcontra.ctors to caner their aperatio~~s The insur~.nce hcreinbefore specified s~~~.ll be carriecs ~c~~~tl.l ~ ~.l ~~~c~rk resulted: to be ~erfo~r:med Mader the terms of the cc~ntr~.ct ~.s ~~~,~tisi`act~o~pa.~.~r. corzp~eted. as e~~~ic~er~ced. ~~}r the far~~~al accept.anc~e by the Cl.t-~. ~y~~;~ C~7ntr~Ctv~" ~~~al~ f'ari~.lsh t~e ~i.I"t~nc~: ~~~~~t~lie~~t I~'~..t~i ~I~ j~~ ~ ;~,F,~~~~~i ~a...F.4.1, c~.~x~~r of e~~.rh of the executed palic~.es o~~ k cert.~.fl.eci ~erti~::lc~t~ 4;f ~.ns~.~:~t~.{~~eA p T~~~e cex~t:~.fi~~.ti o~x on s~~ch polic~.es shah guarantee that tie ~o~.icy ~ti~ got be a~;e~~ded, altered, modified, or cance~.ed i~~saf~.x• as the coverage cctntem-- pl~,.ted ~er.eunder is concerned,. without a~: least ~~.v~ ~S} ..days' ..notice. mai~.ed ~}r registered mail to the E~.nance Dep~.rt~~ent, C~.t}' of ~~akersfield, ~a~e~~s:~olc~, . Cdl~.fornia. The insurance herein required s~~all be obtained ~y the successful ~~~ridd~:r ~:~~d the certified. copy of the policies o~° Ce~~tifcate of Insurance furnl.shed as hereil~ provided, within the tir~le fixed hers-yin for h~_s execution of the con r.act. FuI.I compensation for .all pre~~~.ums z~Thich the Contra.etor and the sub- . contrac~:ors are required to pay on all. the. insurance described above sllall be considered a.s i~~clu~.ed in the ~arices paid far the various T.te~~s of ~~~rk to be perf~~rmed under. t~~e contract, and ria addl.t.ional allowance ~~~ill be made t~ae~kefa~ ax° f~~r a.ddi tlanal premiums ctithich ~rlay be required by extension of the pali~ies of ~x~ suxa:nce . ' i4 S~~'x~~v' 1~~ ~~rxi~'.~~~ a, ' ~ i • e • v • t 7 Thy fa~~~„~~~~.n~ ~x~:i~~~~.~a~~~ es4~r~ate of the ~Lra~.t~.t~.es cif ~~~a=~°~~ to he gone ~rat~x~i,aiw ro he f~~x~~ seed are appxoxim~zte =~r~~~~, ~.~e:~.~~ ~i~ren as a oasis fc~x tie eompa~~.son or hides, anc~ the pity of ~~.I~ersf~.e~d does not... e.~ess~y o~ h~ i~.~i~.oation a~~ee th~.~. the acts; ~ amount ofi wo~~ ~~i.~ cQ~°respond therewith, hit ~~serves the ri~~~at to inc~°Pase or decrease the ~.mo~.nt of and eiass ar ~c~xtion cif the wank ox~ to orr~.t ~~artions of the word t.i~at ~~ay he deemed necessaryy~ o~ oedier~ t h~ the Engineer. .e ~~°a~~~sx.ans Js ~ectit~n ~-i, ~3~ of the ~d:a~rd~.~~ ~~ec~.f? da~.~.o~~~ ~elat.~~~~e t~ ~.iter~.t ions not ir~~~alry~iT~g ci~.anges in the charac ~.er of t~~e wo~K s~:a pro ~.~~~:~g~~ to a~.y cont~rac:~ ~ tern of ~a=c~b:~ ~.n t.~:is ~ropc~s~.~ . ~~dTGII~~ER' ~ ~~T~l~~~~'~ . i LUMP ~U~~ ~~_gn~~~s and Li ~~~tin - (Loca~ ~ 1~ of tr P~ t~ ~LUCs~.~:~.G^I~ ~J ~m "Y fi fi ti 4i (Iaocat~_an 1t !i YP 1f t1 w.~ . - (Local io~~w P ~p it 1+ fit: w ~Lacat.~a:~i i~..a ~ n i - f ,T f ..y r ! '1 re ~ ~ ~ -~^y ,r. ~ .1., r ~ j ~ c w. ~ F . ~ . C ~ ~ V. ~ . ~ .l y x 4 ~ ~ t E C~. (.i i. ~ . r d i ~ C~,. 3. d L. ~ y p~ ~ , 1 Li, l1! , ,...E. f ' j . :y _ r S.~~Tlu~1 11 ! ~~~T~I~IA~S ~~cept ~.s p~rovl.dcd belo~~3 the contractor s~xa~.~ furnish, for ~~se under these ~pecia~ proVi Sl.ons g all rn~.toxia~s requ2rcd to co~~plete the at~c~.Chef~ cantract . Sign panels to be ~~~o~nted ors s~.gnal mast--ar~z~s ~~ill tie furnished to the Contractor ,free of charge i~t the site of the project , SE~TTO~ ~ ~ ~~SCRTPTION OF ~roR~: Thy ~~~ork to he done consists, l.n general., of r~odi~'y~ing tr~~f~c signals and ~.~ighting; and nstall~.ng sl.gh.s, Such other iter~s or .details,: ;not Mentioned above, teat are r~:c~~~i r~:d the plans, Standard S~ecif~.cations, or .these special provisions shall. ~,~e performed, placed, co~~structed or l.nstall.ed, Said work t o be done i s spec~..f i cal l~ shown, d and de z l.F:~d. up~~n a Plan-entitled: TIPFIC SI~~A~ ~o~TF1C:~TIO~iS o F.Y~ . Si'R~,~~r~' AT 1 NTH, l ~~TH STRL~=~~~, ; ~T~l ST~~~~.;T AT 1~~, ~ S'l'R~ETS Tk ti:-w,~r, r- yyAA~ ~r„ /}}la\ Y •t 1r (\~ryT[ tl) e y 7){ r , (~1 ~4.J ~ 1„t A.j ~ ( •T Y~ ~~S ~l S_.~! A 4/ 1. ~~"+S A.L ~ j ~ SECTIaN 13. ~~,~'~F~~~ F'~o~'TS.~o~~~~ ~a~ PU~3L1C S~FET~.' ~~N~ ~~ES~~R~~'~.`1`IC~~`~~ ~F ~'PU~~.~~r,'~'~'a ~4ttentl,on ~~.s directed to Sec~~icn of the Standard S~eYcificat~.ons. The ~on~:ractor shall c`amply ~~~i~:h the pr ~risions of this sect ian, except as oa~.her~3~i s~~ d 4.:~t•~~. {:ed by the ~;ngineer o such provisions.. for public safety shad meet the f~:,;~~°~i.~~um re~uire~nents anal :~h~.ll ~e subject to the. approval of the C~.ty Er2ginee~7 • Full compensation for complying with the re~uir~~~~A;~~.ts of this section shall be considered as included in the contract prices p~,:. ~ 1'ox~ the various .items of wo~~k and no additional compensatiar~. ~Y1ill be al l~r~rved t~erefar, fib) CBSTR~ICTIONS, Attention is directed to Sect:~.o~~~ 81.14, p'Utlllty and Non-High~~Tay Facilities," of the Standard Specif~.cat~.c:;}~~s ~ the plans, and . the special ~~rovisions, i'~~sere extra word. is re~u~.re~?~ b~r• sa~~d sector: it sha~.~. be paid for as provided in Section 7.(a~ of these specificat~.o~s, The Contractor ti+~ill be rewired to word around pub~.ic Utility facilities and other impra~re~lents .that are to rema?n in place withl.n the cols traction area o~° that are tQ be relocated and relocation operations hate not. bee~~ cor~pxet~~c~. In accordance wltli the -provisions of S~ct~.on 7-1.11, ~xese~.vatl.on o~ I~rop~rty, and 7-1.1.2, "Responsibility for Damage," of the Standard S~~ecif:i.catl.ons, the Contractor will be liable to o~~rners of -such faca.Iities and im~~rove~c~r~ts for any damage or interference with service resL~ltinb from cor~~u~~t~.ng •hzs oper~t~.o~~~:oo The exa.ct~ location of u~~derground facili.ti.es as~d improvem~~n%s wlt~1 ~ f~ the c~}r~~ struction area s~s~l1 be ascertained by the C:o~~~.r~.ctc~r .~~e:~~ore i.~sa.:7;., ~y~:u:~~~T~~=i~~: t~.at gay damage such facl l~.ties or znte Mere t~'~. th th~~ servl c~ s , o~~~~~3i~• _~~~,e=, ~~a~,, be engaged i~~ ~o~fing or rer~oving ut~.l:~ty fac:il it~.es or ather :~r►=1a:~~o~-~e~~~~t~ t~ $lc~ t a ~ I n. 4 ~ x' ~ S C1 Lit ~ ~ S . ~ ~ t`.1?1 t a ~ o ~ ~ a i ~ P:J' ~~~i ~ t a~ '~'k' ~ h ati i1 ' ~ ~I x ~ 1.? L `.J 4.i. ~ d i.i 1J ~ ~ L~ L4 fir' Y~• h ~ ~ o e r a~' 1 0~. ~ n ~ • F 1.1. ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ 4,~ 1✓ \.'1- Y y'.~ .JV. L~ A Per ~ .1 ~ •f 'wS ~ k ~,J .yt r~5 ~ ~r~ W f.,~ ~ c~. o ~ a ~ t ` d ~'i ~ h ~ ti4' CJ r ~ ~ n t~ i~7 x' ~ ~ x' s., ~ `Y' Ci 72 . ' t ~ ~ ~ , , , c,, r~.ny dela~r ~to the Contractor due to Lit ~l:~t~• x~e•lo~~.r~.~;:~ oz~ whether or nc~; t~~ae~ L~t~.lity is shot,=s~. ox° correctly ~.ocated on tl~e py.~.~~~ ~~yi l~. ~~ot b~; coX~x~e~~~sated V a~ ~d~e ti. ditY ~ ~ • N `i ~'1': i Yf~. ~~~1 ~ 1 a f~ Y ~ ~ ~ t Y ~ Hoy ever, additional contx act t..~l~i~. ~ .o~~~~~.~~,:,L~r~- t- c~~ ~ s ~.~c..~a del a~~ s r~xa,~ be allowed. At~ locatic~ns j~ahere irrigation s}r5ter~s ~~~,ist, ~:Ia$~ L~~~~~,ir~eer ~tiT~.l1 direct t~'~e Contractor as t.o wha.t steps will be rec~u3rec~ tci ~.rrlgation syste~; and the area it ~~erves . ~'he Contractor s~zal l re~:~«.c~w th~~ irrigation sys ~ce~n ~.s directed by t~,e Eng~.neer. Existing land subdi~Tision monuments and sta~.es shall be full}' protected from damage or displ~.cement and they shad not be distux~bed unless directed by the Engineer.. except in the. case of extra ~Tork, full compensati.o~n for confirming to the ~equixemlents of this article shall be cons~.dered a5 included ire the prices paid far the various items of word; and no additional co~pensate.on will. be made therefor. fir.) C~IISSIC~'S IN S~?FCIFICATIOi~S A'~TD DR.4~~r1NC~5, Any materials or wor;~ mentioned in the specifications and not sho~y~n can tl~e drawings or ,shown on the ~r~wings and not Yr~enta.oned in the specif~.catio~ts shall be of the sane ef.~"ect as i f shc~ti~r~ ar. mr:~rt ~ ~►n~~c~ ~ n ~?at~~. P l~ ~Til~.~~~,~~~~ ~~:~`',J~~ ;a~r~~'~.n~~~ ~:.?"S~: ,.~~~cc:`1.I~..~a~:~.~~?`a "~~::€t~:`~:'1.a~:4 • z ~`eta~.~.~ ~✓.L 1~13~:'i'~. '~'~».~~j :~.~k~,.' :s~~~~~~.~1~J~'~~'!~ `~;'1.r ~6Jl~it.~.rJ~..A,~`i~~' ~iF~c~'~; i~°~.T'~," b.{,y %.~~~°r'~' C~~»~. i..~i ~ L ~ t fi t,1 ~ ~a ~"°E ~ j ~ ~ e c . a. c ~"i w h 1 C I~ ~.1 ~ t:► ~ ~;~„t ~ a ;i ; ~ a~ t ~ d j or p!erforr;ud, s~i~:l.~ ~~ot. ~~el:iLAve t~~e ~,~;r~.~tr~~ctc~~~ of. his ~Yes~fc~t{~~.~~~~~~.1~ ~.}~fo~~ a ~`ur~'itihin.g s~~c;b~ ~;?~~.tt~~d .~r~at~~r~_a~ls or ~a~~rf~~~~m.~.ng such eml.~:~.~,c:,;~ ~;~4?a:~~:; bit sha~.l • be f~ur:~ishcd os~ ~~cr~"t~~°~~~od ~.s ~.f fu~.~}~ s~~u~~rn or doscr~.bed, ~_~~E dr~wTi~~~~~~ . or spe~if~.cations. L (dd ~ ~~ATERIALS. ~~iehever any rna~erial is speeif ~ ~.,Jyr n~~.me end .per t~lere~of, Suc~"i sped fica~. i ons shall be c~e,emed to be used : ~ #:.rse p~r~~osc. facilitating descrip~;ion of the materials .and ,establish _ ~~t~~.l:~t}~, a~~~d .:~~all be deemed and construed to be follo~~ed by t~~e words ''car a~urovec~ equal~'~ ~o substitution will be permitted other than as described herea_n ~.zn.less ~.uthori.~ed by the Engineer before the bids are ~ opened . All materials s~~al:~ be r~ew and. the best of their class and kind. ~ . (e) ADJUST~~~E~TT OF D~~~rER~-~EAD GOS~'S. 'The provisions of `pectic ~-~1.~8 of the Standard Spec_i_ficatians shall not apply to final cost of t~~~is contractor anal ~o final ~.dj ustment for overhead cots wi ~.1 be made . ~f~ DUST GaNTROL. Tt shall be the Contractor's resl>ons~.bil.ity to rrevent a dust nuisance fr. om originating` from the site of the work as a res~~l.t of his aperatior~s daring the effective period ~f this contract. Prevent~~ti.ve measures to be taken by the C~n~ractor shall include but shall not be li:~ited to the fol,low~ng: 1: Water shall be applied to all unpa~~ed areas as rec~u~.red to pre~Tent the surface from becoming dr}r enough to pez'I~:l.~... Cl~~,t~t f01"I11c~.t1(?n. P~~~.~~ su.r~ ~~c;s c~~•er wthich ~-ehi c~~~lar tray"f ► c ~ s ~~~:~•~n:~t~:od to tr~~~YL~ ,h~.l I be kept fr~~:ie of~ d~.rt . A~;.i1t~~U~1C~.i.~Y >l.tJ~.i'~~a2S~ a;l al. t~'i~ t~~~.i~y C`~.ti~er t~.ti1 'u ~ eSli~t of ~I.~i.E~:lb 1~~±'. ~,.liv E~?g~.r~oe~~, or as a result of condl.ti.ans b~;~~or$d the control of the C~ontr~.c for shah z~o~ relieLre the Contractor frai;7 his ~~espo3~5ibility for dust contral sot for h here~.n.. _ mull co~l~,~ensa~ioz~ for confarming to t~~° ~equ~rer~ients of this ~.rtiole s~~all be ~cons~.~~ered a.s ~.ncl~~:ded i.n t~~e ~riees paid ~ for t~~e various coa~.~:~~act zte~is of ~~or~c <fn ~ no add:itic~nal compensatiUn ~d~~.I.l 'sae al~.ok~~ed t}~erefc~r_ , WATERING. .Furnishing and tip}~lying stir-titer. shall. cot~f~rm the provisions of Section l7 of the S~.:andard S~~ec~.fications, exce~~t that full cc~~~pensation t~~erefor shall be considered as included ire the prices paid fcar t~~e va:rious contract items of work and na :separate payment will bemade the~'ef~I'. r, 1~ ! `t R ~ 1"'' k~ X " 7, T ~ 4 j p.~i t~ 4 ~v e p ►7'' j. la v-. ~ i : ~.~.e•« ~.r A ,6, ~,~1~g ~ ~ a'~ y ~ to 1 ^y(' i f' a s -.u * y ~ ~",«~.i. ~.,.f 4.•~ G... w t1 ~ L'{ S ~ i. 16~ .t 3. d ~ ~~'~.d ~1 1 t+,.a x ~ k L ✓ ~ ~ A. ~m~ K' . ; ~ ,.+c. i i 1 ~ ; , ~ a ~ , ~~~~.,a~~~i~ ~ and ~ the ~ ~ S~~e~~~.fzca~~..a~~ g rela~~.~~r to i~r~:~~~~ses ~~r d~~reases the ~~~ant.~t~. a~ , ~r~~~,~ : ~.tem of ~~a~°~ ~~~en no c~~,~6n~ w: tie chi°~acter~ ref the ~~or~ ~ s ~n~~o ~ ,red h ~pp~~' ac~~~ con-~rac t ~.t~.~~ ~~lo~~ ~h~.s pr~p~sal and. the L:~fi~ r~se~°`~=:~~~ t~~y~ ~~~~t to increase o~° dec.~ease ~~he ~ua:ntit~ of ar,~ ite►~~ or po:~t~.an of ~tor~: as ~a~ he c~ee~ged necessary ar t~:~e ~~est intere:~t of t~~e C~.t~• • r WCRK~ ~N C~T~' S~'RE~~'S . Al ~ 4f the ~~or~C sha~~~~3 , n the ~.a o p sand ~,nc~.u~.ed in -these spec~.ficatic~~~~s ~~~~at is located an the pub~~.r streets in the C.i~~r of 8a.~ersfie~d shah be done in ac~ardance ~i th City Crt~ir~:~.~~ces reL~~ atin~ the use cif pub~.~.c sheets ~ith~.n ~~he C~.t~a except as other~~~.se prc~vzded herein. . ~~~e Contractor sha~~ ir~far~~~ himself as to alb re~u~.atlal~S anC~ 2~e ~u~.:~eA~ents of the ~~ty° Ln~ineer and S~a~~era.nt~andent of Streets of the C~.t;~° of ~~.~~er:~:~~~.eld and shah, conduct .his c~~~er~. ~.:~~?~fs in cor~pliance there~7~. . ~ ~ P~~MT~'S ANL~ LICE~S~S , ;T~e Contra ~tor sha,li procure; al ~ pe~.°~:~ts and Iicensesa Pad all charges and fees and° give a~.l notices ne~~essa.r~ and i~~~;~~~e~tal to tl~e due and Ia~Tt'ul prasecut~.on of the ~aor~. (k) ~~AI~~'I'AI~~~~ ~r~'k.~f•~~+FIC. Attentio~~ is directed tr? Se`t.~.ans - y ~'~oh~ is C'on~Tenienee, 7-1. ~9 s uh~.ic~ Sa.f ety, ~R 7~-l . ~Q2 ~ asu~~e~ ' . p'Po~stable Ue~ineatax°s," of the Standard ~~;eczf~,}~~:~t~.~~~s. ~~.c~ta~° sh~~ll co~np~:y w~.th the prov~.sscns of these sections and ~:#xw~~e ~~~v~~~z.~. r~~~~:~~.~, Eo:~~s. ~he `...~~IJ.t.L~ctl.~r J~~~.e.~~. .l.ii~dl~sitq 1:1.3ta~..L alld 1!~C..t.~1ttU.~di Wt.A:~ ~.,rR ~ r i„r"~ ! ~ . ~ . _ ~~i`w 4~^~~v ~.t~r ~11. T,e. .L d1. t,~i r. ~~j t.~$R~ h.,%'G?. ,A'`1w .d.+a.J .A.~1. ~1r4 .Yii~re~ ~`~,+l~~V;,Fry, ~m^~[1 j yd~,,,. .~~.I i..~ k. . i , i .1...J ,1 ae. i..< i.,. } } S,:'.~~ti✓~.. ~~~(.d. ...~'t~ ~i ~,`t t^; W~.k .L,~ ~s ~,lf 1r ke ~4J Ytl "v..'»~~\ ~.A~.~ ? .f 1. i, r~ ~.,~1 ~i f. * '.:f. x i n 4 -~~S v ..v,, ~ ~ i ~en~ .P_, p1 t' 3 ~ 't . ~.?t!_i.:ra _.._?F`n 'mot y. f~lr~ ..'Ct tf.~ ~a 1..+. ~IS.~ '`~k1s,.~.~~~> ~ ! a t . . , _ ~ ! y } v , i, .L ~ ~ r ¢ ~ ✓ .mot ~ : ~ ..3. ? . t, .y ,1 w. ,i ~ u rwro 'af Vt~+~~ ~fY ~ ~ ,.f n t.r b.. w ? h t 1 y.~, ~.L y y w~ ti - 'til ,..X a 'ae .r A. M1~l; d 4 J. W ~ a.~ ~b W.F t ~ ~ J._ j1✓ e4. M' ~ ~ .i ~ ~ yy , ~ ~ ~ ,~~~~~,f ^y ~ ; ,y .i S+l~ \t ~'E+3ry ~x ih rtt 6 ~L z~t ~ ~j l /"Y. ~ fi - i p e er , y.- j ~ 1 r 1 S. Y'r ?a YI ~ I~.~ ! 1.~ 1 •a 'l,• S . _ s . d ar ,,,,A i k ~ . E. , i : R.. S ` 1 ~w^ ,i. !4. i i . h»*-; a • i:_ J a~ A ~ .A. a ~ ~.E .L +r i y 4.k `1.- r a. 44 77,✓R~~ttaa YTT 1~t^y ~e ~/y7 1 Y f, Y y .,T ,~Yp~~``.1. ~t~5 a+ ~a ,,.I 4..r,. ~,y~.l Lr~ ISI G.F ~`r 361~d.L .~.I .i~ 4"~ ~.a ~+{YS/f~ .l)~_t_ ~"Y'+G..1 ! . ~•1., 6r ~ !1 L 6s Y~ L..~. 4~ w.:.~. ~r y!G .1.. ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~R ~ ~ 1i 5.~ 4~ 4%. ~i ~ I..l 't ! ~ J. ~ a ~~+~~f"~ :~~s ~.'s,~ Ct..~ C4`~. ~._C.~t~~ s~~r,~I~. nit JE' a~.~~pted wtn~i ~ d.p~:~~ :i.'~. ~ tl~'!~ 'the ~ pa.~~.d '~~a~= ~_~~~~.c~us contra:~~t iter~s of way°~c sha~~ ae considered as full ca~~pe~~sat~.on ~:a:~~~a~.~rl~:g ~=ith the prov~.sions of this Secti~an 3.~ ~~ainta.in~.n,~ `l~raff~.c, ~:nd ~o addit~.o~.al payment w~.,ll he ncade thexefc~r• CRD~R 0~ girder of pork sha3l conform to the prcvisio~~s ~.n Section .~~1. ~~5, "Order of ~~ark, of the 5t~.ndard Specifications and these spec~.al p~°o~ls~.o~~s. . ; , o r ~ 0 4.. oi~~ ~ C t'~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~~~.~x ~u l~ e J , a n. ~ ~ 1 s e~ ~4c~~.~~~ ~.o ~1ie s~~r~~~ con~ro~. s~~aa~~ e eoi~~~~ea.ed ~.n~ ro~~d.s~.~}e ~;::~~~~~s s~~~.~.~. F ~~oPE4'I'~~~ a ~~e ~`o~~~:r~.~~~~~ s~~~. Goode°°~.°~:~~~ u ~:Y ~~Y~~ r~~~~er W ~SS~}. t~. ~^J~or~ ~w i+.4 ~~t. lrf rie4.~.•i,~ ~1',41,1~, 0.5~ ~18 iJ ~.li. ~+e• ..bb ~s no~:~ a~~ti~:~p~.~~c~. 4~~~ tie wore ~c done b~f ~~~e~Rs ~~~i~~. ser~o~zs~.y d.e~.ay ~~e CQntr~.etar R s ~~~m~le~.~.o~. ~~e ~~ork d ~lo~~~e>~ery i~ suc'~~ ~~=ord. has resu~.~ e~~ra~r~in~.~y ~~elay, ~~a~' ~on~~a~etor .~a~ s~:e~ ~°el~.ef ~ro~~ ~ ~.~u~d~.~:ed d~ r~~~~.ges as set ~or~~~ ~~n ~.~~e ~our~~1 ~ara:~~a~~a of ~.r~~.cj.e ~ ~4~ o~ ~c.~,ese ~peci ~'r~~r~~ s ions , Fug ~on~~e~~s~.t~.on for co~~~~.~Yng ~it~ the re~t~~~ t.men~r~ o~ ~~°~a.~r ~ e s~~.~~ ~e consi~ere.d ~s ~.~'~~~.~.lc~.~'~~ in ~~~e ~riees pa~~? ~.'~~e i~~.r~.a"s ~~~s~~::~~~~~: ~ 1~e~rs o~ ~j~~~t~ ~:~~~d no ~.ddi~~or~a~ ~.~~e~~~~ce ~i1I ~e ~~de ~:~C:~'~~,t~'a . i Lit L! I S~~TT,~~ 1~ ~PECTAL ~'~o~TwTO~►S ~~'1~~., T~ SIGNALS { : ~AN~ ~ T ~~~~T LT~~~TNG (a~ DESC~TPTTON. Fur~.i:~~l.~.ngs installing and ~~.;~~.:i.:y.~.ng traffic 51.gnals anc~ hi hway ~.ighting and payment therefor shall. confor.~~ ~ ,Lj tie ~rouisT.ons in. Section 86~ 'pSignals and Lighting,' of the Stand~x.r~~. Sp~~~.~.~-°~..catl.or~s and these 5pecia~. pr0~I15lons . ' Traffic signal ~or~C is to be performed at the f~~l. ~ ~~~~~~~:~.~~g locat ~.ons Eye Street at 17th Street (LC~CATTGN A) Eye Street at 18th Street (LOCATION B~ I9th Street at M Street (L4CATTON C} . r l9th Street at N Street (LOCATION D) Niles Street at Haley Street (LQC~.TTON E~ C 4 fib) F.F~~~3~r ~ ~.F.PL~~ l~C l~~~P.o~~F~~"~~'~'S . ~~.ti m~o~rl.x~g ~.nd r~E~.~ 1. e:,~~.~~ ~.~?~prc~u~~~ents shall co~.for.~n the prov~.s~.o~~s in sec:.t~.o~i ~~-2.02, ,P~r'~~so~ving end ~ep~.ac~.ng l~provements, q~ of the standard Spec~.f c~.t.tons and these sp;~cia~. ~r ~~~:~~14'7i`~s . ~c~ F~UND~~'l~~~s. Foundations sha? yonfc~r:n tU the pro~,rlsl.Jns in 5ect~.on ~~~Z.o3y "F~un~,atians~" of the Standard Spe~;~.fications a.~1d these special ~provis~.ons. Portland cement concre~.e sh~.ll conform to Secti.cn ~0-~~~~~ "1~~,~~or Concrete" of the Standard spuc~.f~.cations ~~nd shall ccnt~.~r~ not less tha~~~ ~"l~ pounds of cement per cubic yard a excep concrete for pile fo~.~~ndL~ Lions s~~ al l co~~t~~i~~ not less tha~~ ~~4 pour~us of celTlent per cubic yard. ~d~ Co~;DUIT. Condu:~.t .shall conform to the p~~~~~1 i~~.cr~s i 5~.~~ ~~.on ~~-~.OS, "Conduit," of the 5~~~.n~ar~d speci.ficat:ions anc t~~Les~! ~~~ecia? ~~o~risions. Y Insul a.ted bond:~ng bus~~.i~~gs w~.l l be requ~_ r ed o~~. ~~et ~.l cond. al. t Vie; PULL ~O~.ES, Pull boxes shall ccnforr~l t~~ ~:~o~~sio~r~s Sectl.c~n ~~-2.0~, "Pull. ~®xes," of the Standard Spec°l.~ l.;~z~t~~a:r~~~ a.nd ~~~~~~:,~a~:4 :~~~eci.,al prov~.s ~.ons . P~ecesses for suspenszo~. of ballasts L~~i~:~. not be ~1en.~3~~_red.~, C'~?~I~i..~~~`~~~'S ~~'II~~~Cf n Cc~~~ductors and w~.r~_~~ Y 4,~~s ~ " ,~w~, . . ~~r; r. y s y ~ro /ry ~y+~ y'~ ~ ~;r ~ ~ j ~y~> r~~~~,^-'~ a ~ ` 61~.s~lli~ ~;t .-~dl.d sect~~%!~. ' ~ r $i~a' -k• ,a i' 8~ . "~13 ~ 5 ~ r rM . . ~ :.Jp f ~ t,. _k ~ :t~.. ~ r a. 'll ~~t wJ ~A °,~.-~3. ~ ~L t,..• ~ yl~ 4~ 6, ~ ~,3 F~ r V ~i` ..f.. a } ~ T y ~ cs. ~ ~ t r 1 a. . . ~n~ PA~'~FN`T. P~.yment far s ign~~.l S aTld ight:~~,g :~ha~ 1 c0~1fC~~.~~l to the ~~°ati£isia~~ in Section 8~-~~, °►Pa~~ent, °i of the ~.~t~:~~~~t~.rc~ Specific~~:~.c~~.s ~~~d t.hese special pro~~isions, Full c~ar~pensation fc~r cast ~in-drilled hole c~~.~.c~ete pile ~aund~~tion s shall be cansidered a~ ~.ncl~a.ded in the contract ~.t~~~p sure price pa:~d fa~~ the item requiring foundata.ons and no separate payment ~~il~ be rude thei~efor. SEC'TTaN SPFCTAL FROV1S~:aNS N ~~C~L~SIE SIC~dS Via.} Ra~~I~SI~E SIG~rS~ Poadside signs sha11 carLfar~n to t~~e pra~~:~.s~~ns ire SeCtlan SG-w2, tPt~oads~.c~e S:~.gns,'t of tale Stand~.~~~d S~}wc~.f~c~x.t;~.ons any. ~;~Dvc;::~e ~pec~.~.l pra~rislons. ate, Sign panels shall be f~.rx~~.sh~d by the C~.tY~, ~~ast~arm hangers shall be furnished by ~.he Cont~roactar, Poadsicle signs shall be ~.nstalled by r~a~:t-a.r~~ h~.:~~~;cy~.~ ~~~e~tho~.~ - ~~.s sa~cD~~~~l on St~.ndard Plan -Sheet TS- 3 ~ ~A Street dame 5ign~~ . (b~ PAYI~EI~T. Pa~~~ent per unit -for. instat~.inb s~_ga~ ~~~a st.~~~:_~t~E ~`~~~~~~t~r~ Street ?~tar~ie Sign} s~~all canfarm t.a the pro~risic~rls 1.ri ;~r~c~.~ C~~---`? : a `'~4~.~~:~~ant, of the St~.n~l~.rd Spedf~.c~tl.ans, . .R .~E.~ r4 ~ e ~l i.:~•T,1 i~ ~a ,IRV ~J 1,I ~~..✓i ~TqJ ~ ~41 ~'~.b~:l~~~, :S i_ ~.1 ~s'~~~. ~ .i.. a..,~ y f t - ~ ~ F 7 a i I \ k`~ _ ~I .Z r:"° ~ ! 'r~ ~_SiI~-Y9 ' ~ t 'k ~ i 11. J. 1 i. a ` . t .i.. 1 e N D 1 ` ~ Y y ~ i 4. ) ~ .p~: 9-i .,,y .yn r.p td. C i. ,.t ~...y ~ 4•~~y En 4- a. .~"-Ian "i. + ~ ~ , E ~ e~.; la ;ll ~ .l. L :-d A. ~ ~ 1~. ~ ~ ! I .A. x R 7 a. L C.:~ r+•i 4.. 1 r' E n,'S✓ ~ , ' i -r a,. 't1 D..~. ~ r s\~ ~ r .~Ir art } ~ y. _r. , tt t.. l , ~ cif .s. }.:l ,.5 l" : 1; ,,.1. F , i ~ ~ C`~A i 4,. t ~ ~ ~ .k. ~ ~~r,.} t % ~li ~ a,, i,.. ~ i, ~ u.. t ~ ~ i, .~...i ~it~ ' ~4 T ~ ; ' 11~~ Dk. r ((r d ~~e '~~ff-~, > ~+~n E' p ' 1 f 1'td :n: rta " ~ - . f 3. i, ~ F , ~ 1.....J.. ~ ti ~ . ...f .c. ~ ~ ~ .L ~ ~ i":. l~ ~ ~ ~ qr +w ~~n . f ^ ~ ' ~,i . , V. ~ ' ~ , 6.,i ~ I .,t s ~ ~ E~;.. , • 3.%- E ~ L l.f .i. ,e k, ~ l i.3 ~ d~ Fp i ~ y-! i.' .J.~ Jr ~ ^;y} 9w ~ G f Y~ i t YI. . ~ ~ 4s, ~ 1a t. A .1 ~ ~ ; E~ ~ f.• ~.r ~ ~ .}i 1 ddd " 4~ q ' i ~ ~ i ..I A l.. 4 F ~ ~1 1 - ~ i ~ E ( ,w a ~ '~f t e~''Y~ r~ ~t.~'} ( 'r..~ i ~ J ' r' q7" r' ? ';S F' ~ r - i ~ ~ . 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'M1r/nrrwaw+f~nx y . ~.i. . xaskwul.irnwau~eee+o~msn~.• ~.~.u.ennnweei+~i~+e~or.•.w.wa nraw~wrie«awewwlwwwrenyrso~n:::~t+w*untrr.ucw4ae~w.yn.»..~N+~~r »tiva.~nw~+,uio.+.R~.+~w.~«mv~uaro4.+»..«a»•~. . 1/ ~ F i • , gy > t f a~►~CO1Ii~~~ti~ r;1 ~1 I~ p r o p a s~ l i s {i1 ~.}ir1''t.~~~.:i: ~ix~i~`i`t ~~lh' ~~'~i'~5'~{;~~"~~1 4....._..,._....._....,~z~'9 ~t~~~~iiel''S ~~~~~;bt,,~`9w3 fled cl~~s~•k~;, ``ls~ct,~e~•`s t~z3c~a~s tl~e cam ~~r~y i~~, a~o~~~t ~:~,~c~~y~ to at least ~)t_ni'C'#'Ti'L of t~~e fotat of ~t~~~ Tlae ~~a~~~c~s of ~~1I pe~`st~n~ ir~tei•este~. 2~~ tie fotbe~uii~~ ~:~roposa~ arc p~~~~ . cipals a~°c a~ ~o~~o~ : . ~ ~ ~ If bidder o~~ ati~er interested pe~~ Ron is a car- arat~on, state le a~ rams of co...~cf~at~ari } s ~.iso names of the president, sec~~etaiRy, treasurer, and manaber th~:::~eof, i~~a copartnership, state true t~~;n~e of firm, also names of all indi~ici~~t~.► c~opart- ~ers composing firm; if bidder or other interested person is a~~ b~~.~i~~id.~ai, state first and last names icy fall. _ , ~~cen~ed inl accordance with an act providi,~ for the red istrat~~:~n oaf ~,..a~[l.~r ac!.y,.~.~97~ ~-.ca o.llj~~ ~vL.l. ...r t SiCx~= ~i~;~~ature of Bidder NQa ~---•It ksidder is a corpor~xtioa, the le~ol aa;~.~ of tP~~ +:or~zatlots ahctli b~ set toztiaa a?ao~~ together ~a•Itb the sig~at~;re at the officer or o24icRra auihoriaed to aigo ~otftratt:s oa beLa,I4 ~4 ihfl Corporatzoa; bidden f$ a copartnerx.hip, the tzva r~aine of the tlrm shall De aat lc~rt?~ above + !©gether ~.~1tlt the ,~lgnature of the paYtAer or p~rtti~:~rt aut'~4r;xeQ Ra ffga cootrarta !m bc~~ic~l% og than coDartzzez~hfp; ctnd ft btddec is an t~dtviaual, his sf~,anturc shah be ptcaced above. f4 aigncttzre fa by ~ agent, other. l:~an ar o4ifcer c4 a co:c~rsttio~ or a :sxe,~.bcr o! a partoeratilp, a Poc~er of Attorney r:kuat k~c~ on 411e ~ttli the Clty ~lor~ of the Cit ~ vS ~akerzfleld prior to opensvq tide or submitted ~ltb efts b1d; otherwiier the bIC; rviJf be diar~gara~ as Irregular uad voauthorfae~d. _ ~ . B~.~si~ess address................. , _ , - ~~~~~ce o~ residencc~ ................1..........:..............:.:........:....:...... . . M9lh8R~'71rV!NPo6RE/M6'NCO`fLLYLiF,4~t4.T11;~IYaif)WNnYf'yfi'~iJYF:aV!6lRCYWA4c~d:~Y~V~MiA+[+iC.','•H~~iE+'w. 3`trtNJ'.V~Y>/'K'.w'1Nrv~W1C6'.Iki3CNS?ArU+tMft.'Chr.~G1lb9MfM'MOIUbIPWW+cer+M:rykT.:•,.a1~-a~~sA ~nx.R'fu'.~I:6-sL'Unt1Rl~.Y4M.wwbYV➢u0.rwvlN,~OwMrK^CIMYMYLM ~.,IWCnw #M1c +Ap jj~~¢} ~y{{~d k.x•>ht 1 .G c ~"umq; ~""~p nb 6 ! 8 ~ ~ v~ JSyY»a~ ~1~''~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~il ~ Sw ~~`~n.n~t~ ~~n;..a ~+°yA ~ M k ~~~~~s~r~ it ~as~~ ~r ~c~•tif~~d is a~rsth bic~ AFL ~~~I~'~~ e ~ M1 ~ F, R F ~ W r..~...nsawwa..~.wv~ww•.w+Yw....e.w~sw ,:.~.~..~,..a..___.,M~, ~ri~.cy~a,I, ~n~ ~x~ ~~ta ~~~~~~y eou~~ U~~u ~~E c~t~ ~ ~~dY ~P®l~t~~ ~~a ~~~~~r~.~~ ~tat~ ®f ~~.~x~~rnia~ ire fhe ~ur~t ...~:....~.~.~...~.~..~.,.~v~~ars t~ to b~ ~~~d to paid ~;ty,. fur ~J~ic~ pay~~n#, w~~~ a~°~~ ~ru~y ~c~ ~a~e; w~ . ` ~i~~ ~~r~e~~~~s, at.r ~~~.r~, ~x~~utt~•s Ana a:~r~tnzs~~'~t~r~, succes~ars ~a• assi~n.sM'jo~~~~~ ~~t~ ~evera~~~. b~. 1s ~'~k;,:: C~'S'Cw'..1"~ ~.`'~°~;+s~~s~~,, ~e,t.'.`3`~~X]~f~ ~nnex~~. ~'2~Y`'a:~i~uiul~ C~IC'~o^.1I~. 4~~;~°~ ~`f~~ ~tt!~~~'~'~f '~'k,~~",~t~ ~q~, , a ~~.i~A ~'~n,S~.J»~' ~i'S~i~X';"~~~'i~ rMx.~ ~`'.,~''k~~~t~:~ L(p ~`s~l L'@~l~a~.'~' ~+.1~ ~S.l~i~,4~~~~~~~'4:9 ~~~z~.~r3"~~.~ 'w,t'"`~'i~'~ ,~-.~;~`ti''~~i9..°b~ ~ 1^ { 1 ~ ~.1V~. ~~.~9>•~,. L.~'CAS.~ ~1~~.. Cy. 3I~~.A ~1. ~ ~~V ~~~'e ~~r~~r. ~1.T 4a `X'II~~ dY ~}11. 1_t $CrAVQ~~.iA~s3 ~JS~~4.~6't,.1.1 .~-t, .('K'Y+«,td l:Lk.~~l:n~ak. lCi.a~.~l ~ y. ~1.~fy,TM bm 4 S, s ~1 ~ a i ~A • ~ ,fit i .~y.~p, ry ~y yy ¢ g rp P t y- q}~ f t~pq y 2.. ~ y` ~'1.:.Y~? K.: F'?~~'ASi~1c s~~~~... ?."t.~~~ "'hr a`.-l bo✓~1. 1.1.L S. 1.' Se a.B...I,W+.7k ~~'w~4.A~+w G. ~1lXkSv.a±sA ir~~:9 :d''+.Y Z►.Vi.5~7. 1~y~~~ ~{BaLS lys.A~A ~.~~i ad abl~...',`44 f~ 1 ~~~~~°~'~~"5~f`~1.~;~4~~fi'~;.f,~ s~.Y1~1 ►~l1t.C.~. ~~s%G'~;E.t~ c"~.'E'3.~ Ciw~IV~~" ~~'1,~' ~1~r't~ ~)C~2at~S 2'~t~l.&.~I`l~"{~ te~:~ty~ ~?~~ii~Tfi~ ~~k~ f~~~'} ~~.C$~ ?i ' ~ ~ Z°~?3~1 t'~'I 3 ]`liJ'~T~~ ~i~ ~:i:~s?r`: ~~l;~~vf~"~~. "3T':I~C1 ~k~ t~~~ r0'I't.~R"~~`~' is ~~~.4~t~ ~ ~`7~~'C~l'~3.~1'I9g '~f11.5 c~~~~~'at~~n s~~~~~ ~ecurr►~° Tiu~~ i~4~ v~I~~ `1~t~~'~'~fls~ Yt 6~~~~ ~~k~ ~~;~,~x~~ x~3 1.t~~ ~T~T~T~~ ~~i'~~~~~~, w~ ~~ave ~er~u~~~ s~~ ~r~~r~ :~~d~ s~~~s ~~~x~ ~ . a .A..•. ---~-~---~-w-- Seal t,. ~~e~~} M .rw . .~...~_...._.,..._.._~.......~_r.:......~.,_._.__ 4, a w i.~ pe;,~. jy",:.:YD'P'4"3:N Bii'F::'v..:f~.r.:?GT3eMY+CUPYwC': M~.~¢w t'..,rt..4n..aKwW.'Cf: :91f.N.Y~ .SIY4~Ttlg16'tlw`M~ID~'K~<wWLWfR'YAS+eIAIr.W Fia94wPMYWYfC~pdRYWAfpI+W%YmVOMW'MdYKtw:r!9W1.i4MB.~fiWv'.:1`.Ri.-q~NbMtA11~GMrQIO~ff//CAd4f8P~NMIRP~N[.l{'AgPW~M~MfIP~~~YTMMMMYbsybYK~K ~~'o 'oe furn~: sh ed by ~ontrac~er a~yTa~~~~ed on~rac ~Na~~~e o.~ ~o~~~al~y j has ~~ssued a po~.i.oy cf ~~abiiity ins~~raz~ce ~o be ef:~ecfii~e ~'or a ~era.od ~o ~.nc ~ud~ from _ ~ I~ throu'r~ ~ 9 . which is more par~~.c:~~~~rly described be~o~ax: . Nave ~~s~.~red 2 , ~ ~aca~:~on of sk 3. ~escr~.p~:ior3 0~° ,~~.s~s a.~~ 4. Type of Pc~~.icy t~enei CGfi~rehe~S~. v'~-~ ~ ~ ~a a ~ i C 6 ~ ~ Na~r~e of ~ddi~ti~na~. insured : City ~°sf~_~,}~ no ~ i cy mus e~~~fer ' P ` i U4 ~ i ~ L ~ ~ i.,' i., +i ~ o W ~ ~ e ~ o r~t .3, 11 ~ ~J ~A ',.,1 ~.rt t..• b r 5 : o. ~a ! ~ ~ ~ .,J ' ~ ~L~ ~ ~ `y w . y ~ ~~7 ~ t./ ~iw' 'J k r i.. b ~ ~ o ! ~ i . w , • f AAA N .A. ° l.A t_: ,J ~J L,I i,~~ 1.. a m s ~ . , ~ r ~ ~ . 9 i 4 ~ ~ ~r+ . ~,,°.~~'L d ~w ~,l c~ ~ a 1.J .t_ t~ ~ ~ s. f w..f 1. ~7.. ~ ` t JJ ~ G ~ 'L,. ~ i. ~~+t i ~ iJ .f. 1. o .a. .i.~ ~~.11 ~ .L .L t~ ~ ~ « s.i . , ~...a~ ,r L~ ~ ~ ~ e ti~ k6.R~ f.`. ~I ~4 ,..U~~~ ~`t~~, i1~t. 4•~:JSt.s VJ 1. ~ ~ r „ " _ a ~ x g { 4' tl Y. A' t V. 1~ 'fin ~l .i~ i a , ~ ~ ~ ndi . ,.......,,.app.,.`,,,...,.a..u.,..«{(,~)......i~-,.}..[r-,1.w~.,.......,.•..p..rt•,...«,......,..,. + i7~:i.~.~.~.`.1'~~ i~~:e ~ 4 V it A vi ~.i t.~ ~'l.~_ i~ ~.~i~.a3 i~ ~'z'~r~,~ r~:~~~' i~r~"~~a~~ ~ ~ ~?er ~}~wGtZr~r~~~~~ ~~25,o0C~ ~~inimurrz~ Thy. s x, ~o a car s~~~.I ~ not 'rye cance ~ 1. ~c~ r~or reduced in co~fera.~e ~~~n x ~.f. ~e •5 days4 ~~a~~z~e bar re~;_:~~:ered r~ai~. of such canc~e~lation or rec~~~:e~i.o~z :in co~•~r-~ . age sh~.l~ ~~ave bee~~ ls~~~,~.ed ~o :his Cer~ifica~:e ~~o~der. ~ G~RT~FY, tb.~.s _ day of ,under penalty of ~~r~ ury t~~a.t the ~c~~°~~o~_n~ is true d correct . . i'F.AL1~~'1#~ of ~~~IA'rU'6Ir ~ I I ~ C s ~ ~~~s~ ~ City of ale rs f i e B d Depa rtme~t of Pub 1 i ~ Wori{s~ ~a~ersfi~ld, California in accordance with the terms of Centract ~iov ,for the Project: retew+ercnn.~,ia,uM.«, t,• ~,w..~un.w a`~arded on ,between the City of ai~~f ~ e i d, hereinafter referred to as the C i ty ~ and the undersigned, which c.r~nt: r~ ~ p ro~~ i des for the i ns to ~ 1 at i on of 1 i ght i ng and,~or traffic. s i gna i sys tee, ~ and ur~de r ~rh i ch ...~n,.,...~..p.,w,.~~..~...e..w~.~. contract the undersigned has f u rn i shed ~ and i nsta 11 ed suc~~ s ors ~~y~m, the 'o l 1 ow i rig guarantee of the said. system i s herby .rude. ~hou1d any of the equipment instal ied pursuant, to ~sasd contract, except ? i ght i ng eler~ents, prcwe defect i ve ar should the syst~er~ as a ~{hole prove defective, due~to faulty workmanship, material furnished, or method of i ~stailatio~-:, or° shc~u 1-d -said system or any- part thereof fa i 1 to~ ode rate ~ as ~ i armed ~ c~u~e to any ~f ~ the above causes , a 11 i th i n one { 1 } yea r after date: on ~~Fh i ch said coat Tact 'pis accepted by the City, the undersigned agrees to re i rnburse the C i ty, upo~~ . .demands for its expenses incurred i n restoring said systems to ~he cor~~~ i i oa~~ conterrrp 1 aced i n said cont rant , including the -cost of any ecru i pr~~ent or mate ~ i ~::s ~ s rep 1 or, upon dem~arld cry the C ~ ty, to rep 1 ale any such equ } ~ ~49~ re~~.~~ say s~'s~~:~xS co~+plete~y without cost to the. City, so ghat they i ~ oper~~~roe~ ~uc~~essfully as originally cont~mplateda f~( ~v, } ~ , f ~y Q 1 E ? ~w 'dr 3 rA,,, ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ t i ~ Y e t ~ i ~ ~ ~ 4 i i„) n ~ ~ C; I ~f 1 i "~.1.• d ~ ~t a ~ E ~a r } ' Gt ~j ~fIM1 y~a ~~yJ `§y~ ~ r? f w? ~ ` " i r t ~ ~ ~3 ~ S u ~ ~ p ~ d C ~ ~t~ ~ ~ ~ s o C' ~ ~ a ~ ~ t.. 4 ,H ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ t h ~ ~ J • A,r ~ i'"+ ` ~ . e.i ~ ~ C"~~ ~ a~~ ~ repa ~ r ~aor~ ~ i ~ 4 ~ a~~~. _.'s~~~~°~ ~ t~c~ ~ ~ '`,t~~ ~~~i~~e c~pt ion t~ ma~~~ any needed repairs or rep 1 aceF~,~ents ~ ~ ~ ~'-=e ~~e~~t {she City r: ~ to have-said ~~ork performed by the enders i geed, t~~e ~~,.~e~ w ~ .~,~~3ed ~~a°ees that ti'~e rer~a ~ rs she 11 commence to be Wade and su~;n t"~1c~ acs r ~ a~ ~ ~ ~:~s ~ ~,.,e, r~~ess ~ r°°~ ~~C3~ ~ 1 rof~`~~:e~~c:~~ to be furnished and installed within ~~~~enty~°~ou~ ~~y= hc:~~~~~ o~ dale specifies: t~~e C i ~y ° s written riot i f i cat i on ~ Coat rector s a i i ~:p~ose~, w~~:~ ~~i th due d; l i Bence to ~completc the woriC wi thin a reasonable period of ti~~e, a~ s~~eci f sed in the City°s written rioti f icat iclnQ Said sys~:e►r wi 11 be deemed defective within ~:,s~e ~~e~n i Rig of th i~s gu~rante~ i n the event that -trey fai 1 to ©perate as on g i n~~ l i~;° ~ ~f~~C~~~~d b°~ tine r~anufactur~rs thereof and in accordance with the plans. and specifications incl~~ded in said contr:~ct. . . Contractor `s S i gnatu r~ ~ i rm ° .y e ss,, .~,..,.,+~'m-«.-~au+.~ere+~er.~w.,.v.~w.~rrw,~..vu;,.~.,rw„ax: ~v,~wnh~.+nrropro:6. ~r~^awaneanw ~:d~~ress ~~sf n ~~~c } • , ' , _ ~ , '~'~y ,j n, ` - .fl.~ . 5..~ ~ Y ~ ~ 8 ~ d..~ .aim Z ~ ~ ~ ~ .Z I cr { r i «~3 ~w4 i s x. a 4 . i, , ' n,,~r. ~+y .r. w 'n.; ,~y ~ n.,b ~ ,,,y~ , ~ g ~ r •x q k~.. ~ y ~ r ~'9 b..w' ~ f;: ~ ~i.n iY~ 1 ~r. ~ ~ 8 l .i, k.,. ~n 6. ~ E ~A ~ ~o.J ~ti~ ~ 7! x ~ a.x` # , A,. ~ u ~r. T : 4~.j .S. Z ~ ~ ~,n 2 b n ..a ~~y117 yE1'~~ 3 ~ ~ eP * • ~ a S- 1}M} (f" il1j~ ~ ~ Ba]+ F,r.~ ' ~ , yf4 n e ` 7j[y ~ ~.7 b ~ M'~, i~ 1 "+.A ~ ~ ~ ~ ; \N ~i n1 ~ ..a b~ '4'~ ~1 L 3•. ~ 6. A "Wf i=.1 r G'.. ~ t " 11~.. n~..- ~W i ~o ~ '4' \J~ ~i~ ,1 d ,n$ \ ( ~p?• 1 yi '~'n~j q~F 35 11 'y~y~ "j~' q{+ I, A r'+~ ~ :fn'fC ~y/ 4~ +P ir` l~F ~ A~ r~ w1. u~ ~ ; 14. 8r k..4 ~ y[/~'g¢ fyr.F yY~.e ' is,$ i.. v ~k~ p(". VeA a•"' lM M vn ~ `+.A Ate.' A~ y i.,r .8:. i, ✓r.in k,,r iw ~wr J4 ids: J~~ vd'r •d ~ e.~ ~a, `tom.,. ~ ~ a ~ ~ b✓ As ~ ~'C A. i ~.}'J„r~ f~i j i 3. ~ ~•n ~ ~ ~ ~ . 4.~ ~+b~ iwj '~T, ~1,~; ~ ~R i.. 'M ~ j ~ ~ ~ 4u ~k ~ J J ~ r ij ~ 1 A.a k~' ~ W.r~ +1 G k !1 L ~ . k~ b,,.'~ ~ Z `l.~ S, ~r ~ ~ ~b3 +,.v ~~^^ff yy ~ ,fig; (g~ { ~ y}, {,~r: ~y e, r. tiF.. \..+'i d 1 °w.1 ~ '.r. ~ .w, ~ ,t ~ ~i.. ~ ~ b r.. gyn. ' A'y 7 y • , l t Y..ri. b ~ d ~p ~""i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~f cxr ~ J' r..I (,y a o K f,.,~ ~4.~ d ~ 'V ~ ~ Rr~'\.. ~ S.' d^a Jw ~ ~~~Y i'J:9:.r ~.r~.A.w~ ~.o ~ $ L.. ~A ~s.'.~ N, d. 1.,.L t ~y r. ~ . ~u 4J fir. ~,7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Cr ~ ~ ~~1+' ~ 1 i~ ~ ,F s.. ~ ~ ,pyy, pp~^^.4 roQ ~~y"! , ~ .+~\a , ~ k Yt - }A yy 4 '4 +e4 f h. s~ 0 + ~ ~t ' .y ~°~I .'4 ~ F~M ~ ~ ~ t~ G.'3. ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~x~i t, ~ 6~ ~ i 1 ~ s',~ o ~ ~~..r .~r'i`~ a,e ~ ~ b~ ,w, ~ ~ M;~~ ~f.a ~ L ~ ~ v,.~ jw: i..- C,J `a-. ~ ,r ~ "A. l,% ~ 1 ~ .A.. ~rF ~ a,. ~ by ~ M".` P ' ~ t.;7 I~ ~r r r 44 l y{ r s ~(yf ~ ~n ` ~ ~ ~ e.~ ~ 9 .ypa [~.V~p • ( r ,f. ~°"~y, y5 ~ 5{c rte} A .F x al.r 7+ ;.w ICI ~ ~ ~ ,6. ~ ~ ~~J ~a ~ `+.t ~ .Ib ~k ~ ~n I J. i ~ i ~ 7.P 1~ S ~ f ~ ~ ~A .f.. ~ ` s` z 'k..i d~. i rG ~x :t. ~ i f b Ir~~ P{?.A ,k„ /f^`0 Sp ~ or•~ ~ • h V P"qtl f'~ 1~` ~ j y" ~ e t,,. 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