HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 Special Provisions Project Marella Way, G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ...~~..,..,...~.....~..~....V...•.......~..~....~..~.....~.. . . ~ ~ ~ .,.fit t rS' ~1.:' er N.; n. -ya...., ~~.,',~7„, .~l.r ~r` ,4'r, sr. a7,",:v~ a~'•~rs~ rh"y+,"•-+~^,^psr.'' j"~'"'ld} R'!r~' ~E ''~••'tre•^,«'f'- ac.,•a., j, ,...a 'z6`: 1~ ~ ~gf: - f S ~ .Y i~ ~ i ~ t. t ~ ~j r ~ l rt^tt t ~ t 1' r~ i i , iFs ~ ~ ,y, ' ~ : F ~ { A e . ~ ~ 3,.. ~ ty,.. r. MY s !Q: "PFa a to r• a s. ' t,,,. „:Yv.r•.'~+.....~..,...... P. .:`v..,........a.......::1.....,,..w.5i.'1.....r-`S«;.71'~ro».,....1.w~..u..sF,...'.C..w'.~.....,~: 7~,..«S,+.Js... W.........,, ,..u ~p~:,. a,. ; . r "•i t• 8~«¢ ~i ~r' c~ } S•... ~ • i of L _ - ~ ~ ~ i ~ 5 s°~ t' 4 • ~t ~ti S# f LT S'~' ~ , t, f f" . ~~Ir~'+t ~ ~ M` e r _ w+wra ~ ..YM ' e+h /,"E°i' t ; , a;•~y :;""~rt,•,,,...~-,e~..p 1 J Fr PC' '~'''~K"~C`~^'"~; y S`~ f;! i~ ~i ~•r +ic ~ ~ p'r! rP"`.~ ~ , , ~ ~i e. t~ r ~ rt o f , i•1 ! 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TRAFFIC SICNAb, SYSTEM rON; CAbIFORNIA AvENt1L A.T MARELLA WAY r P~.a7t~ ~.~'id ec:J.f~cs.t].on~, and. forma of prc:~p'~5cll 3 bond i, ~.`.~i~~.:~';~ ~ ~ ~t.y ' gad at Lhe ~~ffice of the Pu~•chas~.ng Officer by posti~~g a ~°efu~~.a~o~:~~ ~:~~pc~~ it ~e ota~r~ ~ ~ for each co~npletA r~~t. Re~t.kz~~ ,~f NO DOL~,~~R.S ~J _ ~ ~r~ade provided she laps and speCifa.cations are. ret.u;~r~e~ to t~~~ d.~~osit ~~~.11 1 p Purchas`in Cfi°:~cer t~ithin ten {10) days from date of contract a~~~rc~ and; t~~e g docur~ents ~.r~: in reasonably good condi.t:~on. ' be considered unless it is made on a proposal form.furnish~~d No b o~aa.11 Purchasin Officer, which app~;a~s herein imr~ediately fo11o~~Ing tree sp~cl.f~- by th g ions of the ~ja~~o'ECt, and is made in accordance titir~.t~~ the provisions set: far~~~~ cat ~ ~r~r editions" of the Star~da~~d ~~ecif;~- unde~r Section Z, Proposal Requlrer~ients and o cations of .the De artment Transportation., Business ~ Transportati.oe ~.,ger~cY, P e of California under date- of January, 1981 . Each b~.d must be acc~am~~an~.A`~ Stat b a ro ~~al~ uarantee in accordance with the requirements of article 21.07 y P p g of the said Section 2 of the Standard Specifications. sfield res-ernes the ri ht to xeect any or ail birds. The City of Baker g bids are re aired on the entire wor~C described herein. o ' f secLirties for move 's retained to- ensure perfo~rn~ance sha11 ~ubstltut~.on o ~ be ermitted ursuant to the p~fovisions and requirements of Government Code 459Q. P P SPECIFICATIONS: The work emb3°aced herein shall be done in accordance with rd S ecifications of the. Department of Transportation, Business and the 5tanda p raps ortaton A ency, dated January, 1981, insofar as the same ,may apply and T ~ g in accordance with the following prc~vls~.ons. ' CITY OF BAKERS~~ IELD, CALIFaRNIA C~EPART~~E;~z'1., ~J€= PUB~aIG 6~'ORKS SECTION 1. PROPQSAL REQUIRF.P~SEN'I'S a GENERAL 1NF0~`'~TIaN. ~'he Purchasing Of~'icer of the City of .Bakers- . a . field, California, will receive at filer office, ;C~ty ~~all, in said Clty, unt~.l • 2 o'clock P.~l. on .February l4, 1985. r sealed proposals for , TRAFFIC SIGNAL, SYSTEM oN: CA! 6 FORN ! A AVENUE AT MAREE.LA WAY b P~tOPOSrAL FORI`S, Ail roposals must be made upon blank forms to be ~ ~ P obtained frog the Purchasing ~Jffi.cer, the form of which appears hexe~.n ~.r~med~.atel~ f~.~llo~rin~ these specifications. All proposals must. give the prices pro~~c~sed, bo~.h in wr~.tin and fi ures, and must be signed by the bidder, wzth his ad~l~`ess. If B g the proposal. is made by an individual, his name and post office addz`ess must be . . shown, If rude by a firm or partnership., the name and post ofi°l.ce address Off each msc~~~ber of the firm or nartnershi r:~ust be shorn. if made by a cc~~~:>ora~ti.on, P the pr~fjfosal must sho~a ~.i~.e names of the state under the lags of wh~.c~~ t~~e cox~~~or~.t ~.~fr~ etas ch~.rterec~ a~~d the ~ia~nes, titles, and business ac~d~es::~e ~ ~~.+_a:' tie pr~~ ~3 ~.xe~~ pry r~e a serer . r g ~ # ~~~-1 ~ ~ ~ ^ All b~.ds s,~~~l 1 .be present~c~ s~~a~ ~~.~e r-~ ~ e't ~ v r a ~ e W ° ry ° ~ "Y"° 7 ; ! ~ 1..1. s,.1. ~ _ :a. r fr~. r, ~ iM~ ~ .tif:~ec. ~,}peck or bid bond ~ ~ ~ ~ .,1~` ~~^`"r •t ~~~~~~yy~ ~~Z~ e.l{A {~.di14rP~,Alf~ ~LtIkGA.~ t'✓ C.et .b'~L'Jt t~n e~~r~ 5~. ~«7.li~t 4.114' a aa ~p p~ " ' .heck i ~ s,+ 3 ~r YS.d~ ~ C, . ~ ~i. ~ 'i k i~ +^L S J ~ .l _t. ~ S S i".d ~ ~ b `~v ~ V i 1 ~ ~ V~ r ~i Un I L✓ s s ,J i.. i s,,.• ~ ~...A 5. ~..i ~ i..t ~ n r a ~ ? y v k.~ _J "LJ 9.~ f ~ 4y ,i.,. ~ t..~ •J 1.L Y?.. ~ j ~ A, ~ A i e Q~~M'3~ e~~.~~"~f;~~ ~>k.k.;~ ~:~~,~~!~L~sR~i~`~'~:~.:,5. ~~~::~.~hy~.~i t~;rt ~i~~~ c~ay~s af~~~• ~~~~h~ a~~.r M1. ! ~ ~ ~w'':~* ~.:.3~~~ ~~°i.~~"¢s~,:''~~w", , ~;~~`b ~ ~'"~'~r~.~~e~~ tl~rn the ~~'1~~~~t~ g~.~~~~`~T~t~.~~ ati~co~~~~pr~~a:.nty ~~>~~.h of t~~~ ~~~~~~~:~~~~fsals 3s are not to be considered in mak~ir~~; t~~~e t ~ r # ~ T ~'y ^w , ,r , i.r w`i.:a ,:,y.. 7 ~ _i.. ,J Y'K ~ ~ a.,J e ~ ~ e ~ d uI3 t ~ t 1 l e ~ ~.I1 S E~. 1~ ~ +b, t . ' ~ d~ 3 i i'i~~~all,°r ~y~:~;~:u•~ed after ~~ra~ ~.~,d:7 they will be .returned to the respective b~.dders ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' r'.~..~. ;9 the a .r. ~ ~ . e' t~~G°NTRACT BONS. The ~ontractcr shall furnish two good and sufficient C~ bonds. one oi" the said bo~~ds shall guarantee the fa1thful performance of the said contxact by the Contractax and shall be in an amount equal to one hundred percent ~100~) of the contract price. The other .of the said bonds shall be in an amount of fifty ercent ~s0o) of the contract price and shall be furnished as required p by the terms of an act entitled: ~~An act to secure the payment of the claims of persons employed by contractors upon public works, and~the cl-aims of persons who furnish materials, supplies, teams, implements, or machinery used or consumed by such contractors ire the performance of such works, ana prescribing the duties of certain public officers with respect. thereto," approved riay~ 10,119, as amended. Forms of bonds required may be obtained at the office of~the City Attorney. _ _ Er , ; ` Ar 4; w: rv t ~ , . ~.~...~.,.li.~~......~. _ .u,:. _ , i • I i v ;~~hene~tex any surety or 5•aret~es on any -such bonds,, d~ an any bonds re- u~red b gar for tole ~rotect~.on of the cl aims ~f laborers and material men, ~ y became insufficient, or the ~iayo~r has cause t~ believe that such surety or su~e~ti~s have becor~e insuffic~.ent, a derranc~ in j~triting may be made of the Contractor'f~r suoh further bond or bonds or additianal suret;~, not exceeding that ,cri inall re uired, as is considered necessary, ~ansidering the extent g y~ a e made u on of the word remaln~ng to be .done . Thereafter no payment steal 1 b p such ..contract to the Contractor or any. assignee of tale Contractor until such further band or bonds .or additional surety ras been .furnished. f REJECTION OF FROPOSAI.S CaNTAINING ALTER~TI4NS, ERASURES OR ~ ~ ~R~EG~~LAI~ITIES. Proposals may be red acted if they sho~~~ any alt~ratlons or form, . additions not called for, conditional or alternative bids, incor~plete bids, °ras- uses or irregularities of any kind. Proposals in which the prices obviously are unbalanced may be rejected. The ri ht is reserved to xeject ar.y and all proposals. V . A'W'ARD OF CONTRACT.. The award of-the contract, if it be awarded:, will . . . be made with n thirty (30~ days after the opening of the proposa s. h FxECUTION OF CQNTR~CT. The cont~~act shah be signed by the success- _ ~ ~ , dui bidder and retuned, together with the contract ~ionds ~alth~.n ten ~~0~ datirs, - nit ne3~udin S~~ay*s, after tho bidder has rece~red notice that the cor~txact g . has'been awarded. No proposal steall be considered binding upon the ~it~ ~~tl the execution of the contract . A11 contracts shat 1 be considered as being i~~~.e aid entered into in the City of Eakersfield, California. Failure to ~~cecute a. contract .and file acceptable .bands as provided h~re~.~ within ten- 10 da s, not - inc~udir~g Gi~-~davs, after- the bidder has recez~4 ed C ) ~ notice :that the dontract has been awarded, s~~al1 bo just cause for the cancel:.aW ton of ~ the a~rard and the forfeiture of tie proposal gu~.~ran y. Lx~iINATI0N5 OF PLANS, SPECI~IC,~TI~3~~S, SPECIAL PRO~'ISI~~S, l~~~D SITE QF ~~TO~K. The bidder i~ required to exa~t~lne ~areful~.v the site ~ t e p~'o- Csal:. fans and s ecficatons, ahd contract formes for the ,pork contenp.lated, p ~P P `and it will be assumed that the bidder has investigated anal is satisfied: as to the conditions to 'oe encountered, as to the character, quality,, and quantities.. ~f work to be erformed and materials to be furnished, and as to the requirements P of the s ecifcations, the s ecial provisions, and the contract. It is mutually • . ~ • ~ s • agreed that the submission of a proposal shall be considered pr~.ma facie evidence that the bidder-has made such examination.. SECTION 2. SCOPE- Op ~tORK . Ca:~ WORK TO BE DONE. The work to be done consists of furnishing all labor, materials, methods and processes, implements, tools and na`hinery, except as otherwise specified, which are necessar~i~ and required to construct and put in c~. Iete order for use the proposed ir~provements designated in the contract, and to leave the grounds in a neat condition. b ALTERATIONS. By mutual consent in ~ariting of the parties signatory ~a to the contract, alterations or devi.atien, increases or decreases, additions ~r omissions, in the plans Grd specifications, nay be made and the same shall in no way .affect or rake void the contract. err .arw..ri':.... 4 t fir ~.ccuracy of dimensions- and details, and. that .the Contractor shall be respor~- sible for agreement and conformity of his working plans with the approved plans.. ahd sped fi ca t ~~~ns . ~ ~ ~ , ~c~ CONFOF~~~iITY ~~IT~ PLA'vS A*~D ALLOj~~ABLE DEVIATION: Finished surfaces in all cases s-hall conform with the lines, grades, ci~oss~sections, and'dimensitins sho~r►,on the approved plans. Deviations from.the approved plans, as may be r~_ uire,~d by the exigencies of construction will be determined in all oases by the ~~~ineer and authorised in writing. . ~d) COORDINATION OF PLA~~IS, SPECIFICATIONS, A,~1D SPECIAL PROVISIONS . Thesespecifications, the plans, special-provisions, and all supplementary documents are essential parts of the. contract, and a'requirement occurring in one is as bindin; as though occurring in all. They are intended to be cooper.- atiVe, to describe, and to provide for a completa work. Plans shall govern ~~ter specifications; special provisions shall govern over both specifications and. plans. City specif~.cations shall govern over. State.Standard Specifications. lea INTERFRETATION OF PLANS .~'VD SPECIFIGATIO~'S. Should i~t appear that the work to be done, or any matter relative thereto, is not sufficiently detazled. or ex ~aned`~ .ire these sgecifica.tions, plans, and the special provisions, the con- P . tr~ctdr shall apply to the EnQineex fc~r such further..explanatlons as may be necessary,. and shall conform to such e:~~lanation or nterpreta~-ion as part of the contract, so fay as may be consistent with the intent of the orig~.nal sped- . ficatons. In the _e~rent off' doubt or question relative to the tree r~;~aning of y aw the spfieifications, reference shall be made to the Cit}~ Council,~l~~~~~~ose decision ~F~~.: t~e~een shai 1 be final . ~..y-r iwnd. ~:~i . In tho e~ient of any d.screpanc~~ bet~~~een any ~dra~sings and the figu~~es written thereon, the figures shall be taken as correct. (f}~ ~~SUPERINTENDENCE. 1ti~ere~~er the c~?ntractor is not present on~ an~~~ r~~r~: ~ ~ of the ~~ork where it :may be desr~~. to~ ~~.~•e direczien, orders ~lill~ be~ gl.uen the Engne~r i~n writing, sand shall bereceived and.. obeyed by ,thee, superi~ten~.~r - ~ ~ or.:~foreman n charge ~of the ~parti~c~ul~r ~ro~k~ ~.n r~e~fere~nce~~to~~whi~ch ~ord`ers are g~.~en,. (g~ LINES AND GRADES. All distances and measuren~ents are giuen and ,will be made in a ~iorizontal plane. Grades are given from tike tap of stakes or nails, , unless ,otherwise noted on the plans Three consecutive pints shown on the sane rate of slope must be used in common, in order to detect any variation Exam a straight grade, and in case any such discrepancy exists, it must. be reporxed to thel.,Engineer. If such a discrep- ancy is notreported to the Engineer, .the contractor shall be responsible for ,any error in the finished work.. ~ . The contractor steal give at least 24 hours'. notice in writing when he wi~Il require the services of the engineer for laying out any portion of the work. The ~ontra~tor shall furnish the Engineer such faci?ities and Iabar,:necessary for making .and maintaining points anu dines, as he may require. Labor furnished by the contractor for,such purposes~wll be paid for as Extra Wark. The contractor shall preserve all stakes and points set for dines, rades, or measurements of the •~ork in their proper places until authar~.zed'ta remove them by the Engineer. All expenses incurred in replacing stakes .that have been removed without proper authority shall be paid by.the contractor. r S i I , t ~ ~E~EC t IVY a•1.~~T~RIr►I~~ . AI 1 ~at~rz.aLs not con'for;~r~g to the require mo~~s Qf these s~ecific~tions sha~1 be considered as defective, and all such materials whether in lace or pat, shall be rejec~~~ ~~;~d shall be removed imme;~-- P a iat.~Iy from the site of tale ~ti~c~rk unless other~~se per~7itteu by the Engineer. ~~o ~ej~cted material, the defects of ~~hi~ch have been su~~sequently ,corrected,, shah be useed un y .apps©ved in w~ri t i.ng by the Engineer. I U-an failure on the part cif the cantra.ctor to comply with any order of P the Engineex made: under the pralrisiotis of this article, the Engineer shall have authority to remove and xe~lace .defective material and to deduct the cost of removal and replacement from any monies due or to becomo due the contractor. ~ ~ ~ _ i SECTION S. LEGAL RELj'~TIO'.V~ A1~D RESPC~?SIBILITIES TQ THE PUBLIC . LAti~►S TO ~BE OBSE~ti'ED. 'the contractor shall keep hims~If f~alzy in- formed of alI existing and futt;re State :and ~Vaticnal laT~s and all municipal _ ordinances :.and repulat~:ons of the Cif}r of Bakersfield which in ar~y manner atfeot . ~ those enaa ed or employed in the work,- or the materials used l.n tho ~~~~ork, or ~~~hich • t rd rs ar~d decrees of ~~n any ~tia} af.fec~ the conduct of the ~4ork, and of all such o e bodies or tribu7~~:ls having an}~ jurisdiction car authority Aver :the same. b HOtI~S OF Lr'~BCR. The contractor shall forfeit, ~a~ penalty to t'~e rite, ~ ~ , of Bakersi'ield, ?'~s~ Dollars ~~I.Q. QQ) fc~• wash laboz•e~, ~4'o:~:ma.n, oz~ mec~a.n~. e~~ to}rod A~ t~~o eY:~cL~tion of the et~ntz•ac~ by hi z~ , or by a:~T s~.zbcor.trac~~r x~ ::~W.r p hlr~, upo~~ an}~ the o~ ~4 h~rez~~be ~ ore rs;er~ ~ coned, or ~;ucr~ cd~ endaa ti, 5: ~4rhich said Laborer , ctfor~r~an, or mechanic i5 required or ~?ernittod t~ labor uiol~~tion of the provisions of Section l~la to Section 1~.5 , incl~~sive, Qf t~►~. Lobar Code: . cz The con t ~4actar srEal 1 cor~p 1, ~ti~i ~h (Section ~ ~ QS of the Labor Co~.e. C ~ ~ . . ~•hi,ch provides that the contractor's respons~.b~. L~ ~}r shall be as lol loj~s ~f the contrac* ~ rice for the prGieet includes ar: e~por~diture in excess p of t~~ent~f-fire ~hoz~:~ana ciollars(C?~,~~(~Q~ for e~:ca~rat~c~n of ~.ny trench or r,:enc:~es five feet or mare in depth, the contractor or his s~bcor~t:ractor shall nod bed ir, an t~°ench e~ca~atio~ ~~~nzess a -dotailed plan, s:ho~~i~~g the des~~n of shoran;, Y bracin , slopiri or ether. provisions to be ode wOr~er protectz.on durlj~~; ti:e $ . excati~ation of the trench, has been subr~itted bar the contractor to the City En ineer and the detailed plan has been approved b}r the City Engineer. If cinch Lan varies from the shoring system standards established b~ the p CGnstruction Safety Qrders of the Dzviszon of Irid~:stri.al SarAty the pion .shall be prepared by a registered civil or structural engineer. Nothing in this section shall be .deemed to allow the use of a sharing, slopn or protoct,: e sti~5*em less effective than th~~t rEC•aired by thG Cor:struc- tion Safety Orders of tho division of Industrial Safetyr. , , r Nothing in-this section shall be construed to impose tort~~Iiability on the awarding body or any of its er~ployees. The terns "public ~kor~.s" and ",~cti~arding body", as used in this szctl.en, shad have the same meaning as in Labor Code Sections 1'20 ahd 17?2 respect.~ely. 7 ~s~,~,;~"~'~~pr~'~'~~ , ~ ~i ~~yfj:*Oi~Wa:~lJ:~l w. ..wuf ~ u..f~nw'nMt~~+^y:+'w✓.. a. a. ~4.:i.• v. ,c s. • I~ ~ ~ . , . I. - ~ fig) R~GISTR~~TIC~ CF CQhTR.~C`rC~S. Befare ~sub;~ittin~ bids, Contractors shall b~ licensed in acc~rdancc with the pravis-ions of Seet~.on x'055 of Bus~.ness ~rofessa~s Code. ~h~ PER~~ITS AND EICE~I5E5. The Contractor shill procure all permits .and iicense~s pay ail charges aid fees, ,and give all notices necessary and incidental th' due ,and lawful prosecution of the works i~ PATENTS. The Contractor shall assume all responsibilities aris~.ng .C from~the us~e~of patented mute~rials, ec{uip~neht, devices, or processesusedan nr ir~cQr~o~rat~ed in~ the ~~~ork, ~ ~ ~ PU~~IC CON'E'ENIENCE .~.~;D SAFETY. The Contractor shall so conduct hzs .operations as to cause the. least possible obstruc;tlon and ~.ncanven~.ence tc~ pu~l~.c traffic. Unless-other existing streets are stipulated in the special provisions to be used as detours,, all traffic shall be permitted to pass through the work. . Residents ` along the road or str-yet shall--be proti~-ded passag-~ as far as pra~tYCable. Convenient access to drivejaays,- houses and buildings along the road or street shall b° maintained and ter~~porary crossings shall. be provided and main- taa~n~d~ in good condition. Not more- than one cross or intersecting street or read ~~hall be clo ed at any time without the approval oaf the Engineer: 't'he Contractor shall furnish, erect., and maintain suc'r► fences, barriers, lih~s, -and szgr.s as are necessary to gi~,~e adequ-ate c~a~.ing td the public at all r ,w. ties t~.~t the ~_s~~rover~ent is i~der construction ar~d of ar~~ dar~ge`rcus condit~.ons tt~ b~ encountered as a result tr~ereef , any ~~e shall art sa erect end ms.inta~.n s~.;ch ~axn~.ngs and d~.recti ti.~al s~.g~~s as ~;~~y be furn~.shed by the City, - w~~ ~u1I ~omper~sation for confox~m~inC to the provisions of this ~~:c~i on 5 shal.I be `considered as included ~.n the pri c4:s ~aic~ fQr the various contract 4~s of work and;no additional compensation will be all~~~~d therefor. y., ~k~ RESPQ~~;;~I~ILITY FC~~', P..A~~~CE: The C~.ty of Eakersfield,- the Ci~;y Cou~~c~.l or the Engineer shall nQt be answerab~'e: or a.ccauntable in any manner far an~v~,~ss . . or dar~a©e that may happen t o the ~•ork or a:ny part thereof; ar for any r~~a ~ e~~i. a ~ . or e~t~i~me~t. ~szd in pe~~formng the ~aihk, cr: fir injury or dar~~.ae t~~ ah;~ pexs~n - or .persons , e~.ther ~rork~en ar the pub li. c; or fc~r dar~a~e to ~ adj oni.r~g property c~a~sed by the negligence of Conaractor or one of his subcontractors during the - progre~s of the work at any tilde before final acceptance, The Contractor shall indemn9fy and save harmless the City of Bakersfield, the~City Council, and the Engineer from any suits, claims, or actions brought by ariy per~~n ar per one for or on account of any injuries or damages sustained or arising in the construction of tree work or in consequence` thereof r ~ 1) CONTRACTOR' S RESPQ.'SI~1 LiTY FOR WORK. Except as provided: above, until the formal acceptance of the j~~rk by the City En~i~eer, the Contractor shall have the charge and care. thereof ar.d shall bear the risk of injury or dar~age to any park thereof by the action of~the elements ar from any other cause, whether a~isi~g from the e~cecution flr from the non-execution of he work. Trhe Contractor 9- ~ ~a~ir.~7i..~w. ~..y:. }.~r_..,.., s,u:.nua;A'd,'4:wCuw~o::a~u:_ t ''~~o: ~i~ndred Dollars (~?00.~~) per day fax each ahd overt' calendar eau's delay ~ey~nd the time presc~ibedto complete the..work~ and tie Contr-actor agrees ~c~ ~y such liQuidated ci~ama~es a:s hcre~.n ~~°oi`ded, and yn case the--same are n~;t Paid, P , agrees that the City of Bat~ersf~iela may deduct the a~aunt thereof from any volley due. ox that may become due the Contractor under the contract. It is further a reed that in case the work called for under the contract is not finished and completed in all parts and re~uirem~ents within the tine acified the City Council shall have the right to e:~ter~d the time for cor~ple- ~ o.f t e Cit and if it dec~.des t~.an er not, as may ,seem best to serve the interest h y, to extend the time limit- for the c~mpietion of 'the contract, it shall f~~rther hati~e the ri ht to charge to the Contractor, his heirs, assigns or sureties and to deduct from the final payment for the work, all. or a~1y part, a.s it may deem ro er, of the actual cost of engineering, inspection, superintendence, and p P other overhe~.d expenses which are directly) chargeable to the contract, and whieh~accrue Burin the eriod of such extension, except that the cost of final g p surve}~s and preparation of final estimate shall ..not be ~includad In such charges . uThe Contractor sha)1 not be assessed with liquidated damages nor Lhe ~w.ost. r ©f eri: neerir~ and ins ection during any delay i?~ the completion of the ;~rork g p . caus:~~d by acts of God or of the public energy, acts of the C~.ty, f~.re, floods ~ de:mics; quarantine restrictions, strikes,,, freight embargoes, and unL~suall~=' . ~ ~ s • rovBed th~~t severe weather or delays of.subcontractors dt~e to such cause p the Contractor shall ~~ithin ten ~l0) days from the beginning of any- such del, nvt'fv tale Engineex in writing of the causes of delay, who shai:t a~certa~.~ t`~.~ r w: facts and the extent of the delay, and has findings of the fa~:ts t}~~ neon s~t~ n be f~~i and conclusive. f sU~p~vSION of CO~TR~CT. ff at any tine in the o~~.nion of the C~.t,f. ~ ~ w C'euncil, the Contractor has .failed to suppl;~ a~~ adeau~t.e t~Ur~L1.Ti~ to~~ce, or ;a~-~.~r:~ of x~ope~ duality, or has failed in anv atr~er rospect. Lo p~ osecutA th:~ warn p . . the diligence aid force specl~led sand intended ~.n and: bar 'the texts a:f the x~~~ 9~~~ 4, notice thereof in ~~~riting ~~till be seared upon hi:f , an:d sho~flcl he ~,~elect or . to pxovzde r~eans for a satisfactor,~ compliance w►.th the can*-~act, ~s dzr~cted the Engineer iti~ithin the time specified in such naticu, tho Cuff Cau;~cil ir, Vin;. b ~ such: case shah: have- the po~~er to suspend the operation o± ~~~e cont~ac4. Upon reeeivin notice of such sus ensign, the Contra~:tor shall d~yscon~l,nue said c~yo~,~, g P or ~~ch parts of it as the City Council gray des~.~;-nate. Upo~~ s~ac~~ suspznsio , the Contractor's contz~ol shall terminate, and thereupon the t~ity Council, ar its du1 authorized re resentative, may take possess~.on of all ar any part of y t ~ ~ r ' ~ mises the Contractor s materzal.s, tools, equipment, and appliances upon tn~ pre , a.nd use the same for the purpose of completing said contract., arlri hire such force and buy. or rent such additional machneryp tools, applianLes and egaipmkent, and buy such additional materials and supplies at the- Centractor.'s expense as ,may` be necessary for the proper conduct of the work and for. the completion therec~~; or may employ other parties to curry the contract. to completion, employ the necessary workMen, substitute other r~achinery or materials, and purchase the materials contracted for, in such manner as the City Council may deem proper; or the Cit Council may annul and canoe) the contract and re-let t~1e work or any Y part thereof. -.Any excess of cost arising therefrom .over and above the contract rice.~will be~char ed a ainst the Contractor and his sureties, who will~be liable P g g , 11 . } . zu is W .,,<....,w.a, u~~u+t3n~.,nm..tt,wsaa* _ . , ~ ' fJ 3~1 f ~~}~`~~ent shal ~ be ~~e~ui red to be rude, ►~rhen ~.n the ucl~,ment of t~~e ~n~~z~~ee~ the York is not ~?~•c~~~eedin~ in accordance ti~i?~h the pro~rl.sions of the co~~tr~.ct, or . ~~hen in his j~zd~me~.L the total value of the. ~~►ork. d.on~e szn~e the fast esti:~at~; amou~~ts to ~ ess th~~ Three Ilurldred Dollars (~~~?0.40} . fie} ~l~:~L P~~iF:~~I', .The City Engineer shall, after the co~r;~~letiorl cif tl~e ~:ontract, ~~a~;e a final estirllate of the a;~aunt of ►~°ork da~~e thereu~~der, and the value of such work, and tr© City of Bakersfield shad pay the entire. st~r~ so found to be due after deduct~.na therefrom all pre~tous payr~ents and ail amounts to be kept. and all amounts to be retained under t:he proti9isior~s of the contract. All priar partial. estimates and pa}~~~ents shall be .subject to correct~.on in the f~.nal estivate and payment. Tile fin~.l pay~~men* shall not be due and payable until t~`ce expiration of thirty (3~j days from t~~e date of acceptance of_ the ~4Tork by the City Councl.l. It is mutual l~• agreed ~?et~~~een the parties to the contract that nu cert~:f- icate liven or pd~-;;►e~lts ~nade~ under. the contract, except the final cert%fi cafe or final payz~ent, shall be conclusive e~~idence of the performance of the contract, eit~-~er ;~tholly or ire part, a~a~.nst any claim of the pa.~•ty o:f the first part, ar~d no l~ay~r~er~xt s~~al 1 be cor~stA uec~ ~to bu an ~accepance of anl~r clef ect i ~~e ~~Tor:~ or ~.mproT~er materials, ~'~nd the Contractor fufrther a;rees that tree pay~~~~ent of the f~ .gal a.,~~oun t due ~ndcr tho co. bract,. arid- t~h=~ adjustmr~r;t and ~~ayrr~ent for any ~~ork dine ire acc~~rd~nce . ~~t~: an}- a.lzolatia~~.s of tine sa~r~e, shall release the C~.ty of ~akers~~aeld, Ile Gi.t.~~ Co=-Inczi, ~~r~cl tk~o f~~ deer from an}~ and aI1_ ciains or. ? iabi? i ~ti~ o~~ ~~1coun~ of ti~yc~r~~ p~rfc~rr~tea ~.Ar~~or the ~~ontract or any alterat~.on thoreof. 'r ~ ~ t t -t ~,r i ~ -r ~ tt ( p p !`c. T p." ~ t ~ ~~.~i>~1 i~, l.J ~ LF.~~: V~' ~1~.~Ui\~ i ! `J ~t~~~~~~'1t~~• ~h~~G ~~i'~tly~.~.fi1 i~.~1` 1 ~ ~'~:i..t~.~i~l,d~..~' k~~.~'~!f _C7%i C~i a~~C+i~~`y.~> pro eils+.~r~ er~ori'rt.c~,~~~°e ~ii~?~~~? ! t ~ rl s ` ~ ~ ~ jn i t r~ y♦ • n n 3 r+~?+~•p t~^y r+ ~ ~1 ~ ~p yy jy _ ~r G.~ ~.5 t` ti a .5, . , , i1 L~ ~.i i i ` ~v^ iii: 1 i_t v ~ ~ s ~ ti.. ~ ~ 1 t .L ~ s h f.: ~ b e ~ f. I l11 y~ ~ 1, ( v ! ~ 1 v ~ a. c ! L Y~ ~ r } 'p 1 r'~ ~1. ~i?L: r ~_',*~.:5 t°~,'.,} I`E.;t.'f L;~ ! +_'l L~,.~1 l.~ lJ~ ~7~'~~~1 1~~.~'~~t ~cJ~~~ ,,a`,'~.~ 41.or1 '1'.~C~U • t~I..~,..Y~ ~ rii",t ~~J ~ I N~~l~i..:. ~ 1.11~~ ',.)~J l.'~,\L1.'~141~ ~i~ ~ ~ i 1.~:~~~ k„'~'e~.? „ ~ ' . ~...1 ; t.'` P "Y ° j "4 t.7 r'+ i~ ~ "4 ♦ •1 ~ 41 'j" Y T "S ~ ~ Y1 'r+ ~ }7 .~,.x..~! 4,;~7~. ~,,,c.~_:i..; , ._r~.1.±1 s~i~.l~- I~)e doT~~~.~ .:n ~~..C~1 d~.E~~:",. ~ra~ t....E~~~rCl~7..1t..~, . r`^~ qq~ ~t \ "1 ~ s C ~'y r"! p" ? ` i " a ' ,"1 (•F #W) 'H' ~ p; 4' y ~ ~ rl ~ 1 ~ -r ~►j ~ ~ t ~ rj ; ~ i T i < t 'a ~ ' . i `s. . {i 1. t 1 . l _ 1. i, ~ .1. ~ iJ` , .,1 4 1.. L. l✓' : 1 .l, t.' 4. lJ 4 ~ l:.w . S ' i 1 i 'w...n ~ .i :3 i. 4 ~ ~ '.a o. 1 1 4. ~'lE~~~.~.s. s IC~i~s ~ ~ k `~~at~~ ~~f C2 I ~ fc~rnia, ~~..~s1t~;~5S Transl~o~a~.~: ~.~~n at ~,n,~~. ~n ~ , j. i`.(n`,a.. ~,+,,t., ,'~.Ar. `~y ri~ ' 1.. ~}1, ~l~il"~("•.:I"1.1 C7}p~iyl~. r7~,~.r;:1:~ •~~:1~t~r~• ~C.3;:`~ •til.~l1~~~ l.. k.~ ..4.. ~ i 4. ~ 4..r.. y.. J. .l..i ~7 ~ ~ A t \e • L♦ ~ g .Il. t L l.~ L b ; ~ • t,~ic: ~.a~~... ~ii~f'l~`, s~~e~it~l.~a.~i0~~5 ale I~iere~.r~after gel°,r~a ~tc as ~ ~~;~a~~, , fic.ar, ~.,.s,~ , r~c~ i~1 ~~cccrr~~~~n~~e ,ith th~;~ fo1lo~~in sr~ecial nro~-:.s' r~.,~~;, i'~~.~;notior in tl~~ `~t~T~d~rd speci:f~.catior~s the follo~ying terms are used, then sh~,l~. h,~ a~~uerstGC?~~ t~ moan and refer t~ the folloc~~in~: Delaartment of ~'rarlsportation, Business F~ Transporta.tiQn ',~~~ncy, C.~I:TfiA:~'s The ~:~~bine~rin~ I~epart~~ ent of the City' of Ba~ersfi elcl. Director of Public ~i~orks -City Enbineer, City of Bakersfield. _ ~ri~~neer Tho Ci t.'4' Enineer, ac*yno either d~ rect l;r cr *hrou;h properl~• authorised abertts, such a~~ntr act~.ng wii.nin .the scope of the ~ax•ticular duties . entrusted to them. , Laboratory - T~~e desig~tated laboratory authorized b~~ the _ City of Bakersfield t~~ test materials and ~~or~: in~'ol:rod in t~~~x contract. State ~ The C~.ty of Bakersfield. 13 y.x:w».5• t 'Y d W'j w+h6`1i~o.~4.'w.,V.wry.;t:.. ~1. v ..1 . r.., l _ w h. ~ C~the~ terms appea~~.n~ in tr.e standard. Spec~.~icatioT~s, t~.e ~ener~l pry-- ~rs~.ons, ~.nd .the ~pecia.l provisions, sh~.ll h~~ve the indent ar~d mearEir~g .specified ~n ~e~tion l~ Definition of Terms of the Standard Specifications. In the event that a.ny portion of the Standard ~pec~ificut:ions incorporated herein shall canfli~t r~ith any of the provisions del~.ineated il~ the special pro~~ visions section herein set forth, the provisions so delineated shall take precep denoe over and shall be used in Iieu of such conFlictin~ ~.~orti©ns of the Standard Specifications. i ~ fiECT l ON ~ . ~ I NSURANC E i In addition to any other form of insurance or fonds required under the terf~s of the contract and specifications, the Contractor ti~rill be required to carry it;SUZ°- ante of the follo~ti~in~ l~in~s and amounts: contractor's p ubll.c liability ~insurarice policy for property da;T1~3~e, personal inurY and a.uto~ob~ le Iia.bility (~ti~ith an insurance compan}r licensed to do business in t~~e State of California) in an ~~~~o~;T1t. :got less than ~I~'E ~iUNDRED Tt~OUS.~~tD DOLLARS (~S4Q,OO~J.oC~), combined `in~le-limit ;ovexa~e ~~1itl~ a ~'~~'~_~~ILLI4~ DOLL~~R (Y?,000,000.00~ u;~3bre~~.a polic}~' (corltain~.r,L a drop do~,~rz rovsion) or, in lieu thereof, a 2.5 ~~~ILI~IO~ DOLL~'~R car:bined sir~gle~ p limit pfolcy. The City of Bakersfield, its mayor,, council, officers, a~Pnts end e~?~,loyees shall be nar~ed as additional insureds ,under the policy ~;r~zich ~s~~a.ll perate~ as primary insurances J r if any part of the work iS sublet, similar nsur;~nce shall be pror~lided :r i.n beh~.lf of the subcontractors to covex° their operations, ~~e lnsll~'~?nce herein'oefare s~eci f ied sha.l l be~ carr~.ed ~~nti aI l ~~ror~~ required to be .performed under the teas of the co~~tract is sati~fa.ctori ly: ~omnleted as evidenced by the forr~al acceptance by t~~e Gity, ~ , t . The Con~:ractor shall ~.urnssh the ~inanco De~artmert ~•;~t~, one ; l ~ cep°t~ k y w: . copy of e~ci~ of the executed polic~.es or cert ~~~n~ Ce~ti~=icate Uf Insurz~~c~~ti The certificatir~n o1~ ,such policies sha11 ~~a~~a.ntee that. the- palic~r ~~iII net b~ a~rcnded, altered, modified, or cance~.ed ~.1~safa~ as the co~~era~e ~~i1~t'fi.- p j.at ed h~ reiinder i s concerned, Eti~ithou* at 1 east f ~Te ~ dai's' ~~ot i ce r~xai I ~ d byr re~isteroc~~ mail t~ the finance Departr:3er~t, City of ~akersfiel:~r,~a~;yrsfielu, California. . The irisuran~A ~:~~rein required shall be obtained b}~ the,.successful bidder: . and Abe certified cop`- of the policieK or Cert~,fi~care of Insui~al,ce f'~~rnisnwd as herein provided, ~ti~:.thin the time fi~.ed herein for his execution of the contract. pull c~m~pe~nsat ion for all prer~iiums k~hich the Contractor and t~~e sub- contractors are rewired to pay on all the insurance descri~~ed a~o~~e s~.all be . considered as included in t~~e .pries paid far the vario,~s -items of ti~~ark to be per. for : ed under tho cant race, and no additional aI lowance k°i 11 be made ~ theretc~r or fare add~.tional premiums which may be required by extensl.on of t}le policies of insurance. . 14 FEW'.~i.CIW:~tO~/YY~d~'n~NiC'Si1JJ4%'~WJY1hLi~:u~~Y31C.~.riLk}av.wrv... e,...:t , h sEC~~~oN ~o. QUANTITIES The following preliminary estimate of the quantities of work. to be done. and materials to be furnished are approximate only, being given.as abasis for the comparison of bids, and the City of Bakersfield does not expressly or b~ implication. agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease tie amount of any class or portion of the work or to. omit portions of the work that may be deemed . necessary or expedient by the Engineer. The provisions of Section 4-1,038 of the Standard Specifications relative to alterations not involving changes in the ,character of the work shall not apply to any contract item of work in this proposal. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 1. Lump Sum ~ Signals and Lighting (Loc. A~ 2. ~ 4 Each Install Sign (Mast .Arm .Hanger, Street Name Sign) 3. 50Q ,L,F. Type M Median Curb - 4. 155 Tons Class II Aggregate ,Base 5. ~5 Tons Asp~ialt Concrete 1~ . . qa~ .a... ..,.w _ . . . dAYf~+~.!iJYl~':t!iSkl3~rk37b&ti:s.;.+tseu+.tid~~~.~,:~».t..,w.....,..1_..., y ` .s . ~ ~'~si', n a~ SEC'~ION ll. MATERIALS The City of Bakersfield shall furnish the controllers and cabinet assemblies, the street name sign: panels. The Cor;tractor shall furnish, for. use under these special provisions,. all other materials required to complete the attached contract. City furnished r~aterials shall be made available to the Contractor at the City Corporation Yard, 4101 Tr~xtun Avenue. SECTION 12. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work to be done consists, in general., of installing signs,, traffic signals and lighting and median modification. Such other items or details, ,,not mentioned above, that are required by the plans, Standard Specifications, or these special provisions shall be performed., placed construe ed on .installed. Said work to be done. is specifically shown, marked and detailed .upon a Plan entitled: PLANS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM 0N: CALFIORNIA AVENUE AT MARELLA WAY ~d r ' " ~ ~ ~ • ' ~ H.,` r. .:musima~:Lvs«44.iiaf.r+knasYeixse,~,:a4m..~a.r. ~ ~ ~ .....~a... , ~L~~~olj l~e ~.J~~1.1~'~J ~11VY A~l~`!t`~,l ~ r P~S~I~'~~ `S~I~F'I'Y ADD ~'~~F~}~~.~rATIC~ ~F P~0}'FRTY. i~ttentl.an i s :directed to ~~cti~n s of the Standard S~ecl f~.cat i ors. ~'he C,ar~tractor sha.l I compl~r ~,,ith . the provisions o~f this section, except ~s ot~lery~•ise d:~xec.ted by the Er~oi~~Eei•. such provisions for poblic safety shall meet the minimum requirements anci Thal I :subject to the appro~•al Qf the City Engineer. !Full compensation for complying with the req~~irerr~ents of this seotion shall ~e considered as i~~'~clt;ded i~~ the contract prices p~.id fo~• the ~rarious items of work .and no additional. compensation will be alla;~~ed therefor. ~b~ OBSTRUC'I'ICIv'S. Attention is directed to Section 8_l.lp~ '"Utilifiy ,.....and. Dort-Highway Facilities," of the Standard Specifica.ti.o:rs, the plans, and the special provisions. ~tirhere extra iti~orti is required .b;~ said section i.t sh~3~.1 be paid for as provided in Section 7. (a) of these specifications. l ~~The Contractor will be required to ;~~ork aroul~d plrblic utility facilitl~~s and ct~er improvements that are to rer;ain l.n place j~~zthin the construction area or tho' are to be relocated and relocation cpera.tions have not been car~pl~to,~. "f Irr accordance with the prOVlsiQns of Section 7-l.ll, ''Pr;~serv3tic~n of. ~'roperf~°, and ~7'~.12, "Responsibility for Dar~a,e," of the Sta~~dard S.pecific~.tion~s, ~:he Contractor ;4~iI1 be' liable to owners of such facllitles at~d i ~lprovem~ents for an}~ d~ma~e or interference pith servicQ resulting fror~ cor~duct.ing his o~ e~',~~? i ois . ~e exact loc,a.tion of ~andergraund facilities and .~,pro~fe;~ents ;pit}~~.~~ th~~ coy?- str~~ctl:on az~hd sell be ascertai~~ed ~,1, the Contractor ~~~or~t~~~•~ ~~~~~1 ~c~,~i.~~t-:::ti;~~~._ t}lit x,:.~3.~ ~d~2~~~ u~~~ :~~Clll~i or 1nt~rfer~, c~~.c.r t.te ser~~~.e.~. ~r~~tr .~r~:~s ~r~ay tae engaged i:~ ~o~1?n or removing utility facili*i.es yr ~ot~ e~~ ~~~~~~~.•ok~o;.~:~~~.s ar ma~.ntai.r~ln; services or ut111t1E;S. T}t c' Contractor shall cao~~~rest~,~' c~~~.th ~ faro{is ~~~1ci conduct 'ni s oT~eratzons in s~~ch a m:~.~;r;er as to a~~o~:c~ a.r~ti, ~~nr:wt.cs..~~~z~,.,, do 1~~;-• or hinurance tc the ti~c~r?; ~~ein ~ perfo~'rned b~- othe~~~ f~~~.c~ s . ~~at~f de~lQ~r t~a the Contractor c~'ae to ;at.ilit~• relocation whct~~ler cr not `l,i~v utility is sho;~;: or correct x tin locates: on t'r~e ~~14:ns w~ I l not ^e comr~ens~t~d fo~~ asi d le time . Ho~ti-ever, addit ior.al contract time comimensurdte wzth such Gel a~~;s . ma4~ be ~.lio;•ded. ,fit. locations ~~-here irrigation systems exist , %~t~.;ire~~r ;ail 1 direct ~.i?e ~Wntractor as to ~'i}gat stops ►~-i 1 j be re~ui.red t~~ ?~~•otect the irrigation s ~ s ~e~ .and the area it sere-es . Thy Contracto~• shat i re}; a~E~ t?~~e irz':~a~.tlo~~ system a:s d~.rectec~ by t},e E;cgineer. Existing land subdivision monumerLts and ~t~.~:es c►~ x,11 be filly protected ~fro~! da;~age or dis:placem~o~lt ~.nd they shall not be disttfrbed t~i~lESS direc~Ed • by the F;►g~ r.eer. _ . ~xoopt in tide case of. extra work, null cor~pens<~tin;~ for confor►.r~ng ±o the r.eeui.1,eme: is of this arti.c~le shall be considered as ir.ciuded in tho prices r~ac} for thA ~*ariousi.tetr,s of s~~c~rk a~td no <rdditional r.o~iper~ati.on wi.il he made tr.erf~~x~. ''fc) ~ ~ T ~ r, T' C I~,~S r;, ~~''I`T ,S 1n~- ~~~tE~~ials Or r; mertt?rued in the speczfic<~tio~ts and not sho~m an the dra~~ings r s}down o~i tie d~a;ti~l n~:~ sand not rne~?fi i ~n~d 1n the s^eci f "<~t~.Ons shall hA af~ the same ~ f feet a~ if shown or mentioned in both, 1l . N &i0NY1W.lCi'~~• ' 1;uwuvL' :2~ate14....~x~..iri-a:e1lG.J~G...:set0:4en, - f . . Omisaioj~s from tho dra~~•i.ngs or the sF~ecifica.tior~s of the materials ar details- of ~~~ork wh~.:1~ are m~~li festl~~ or ovL•iUUSIy necessary to carr~~ out the m° , ?~tet~t a~ the d-ra~yT~~.gs and spe~lz.~c~.t:~ans or j~1h~.c~~ are customar~.ly furnl.sr~ed ~r~ erforn~~d, shall not xel.zev~: the Cont~~actor of his responsl.~~.1~.ty ft~~° P £~arn,i sh:ng ~uc~~ o:~itt~~d m:~terl.als o~ performing such omitted ~for~; but, shall be furnis~:ed or ~ ~l~;rfor~~c~i as i f full}r sho~~n o~° doscribed ire. tr1~ dra►tiTings car spec~.f~catians, d I~1~1TI~~tIALS. ~~~ienever any material ~.s specified bar n~a~~e and nu~r~ber th~:reof, such specifications shall be deeded to be used for the purpose of facilitating descrir~ti oll of tale materials and establlsh~ng Qual:~ty, and shall bE dee~~~ed and constraed~ fia be folloj~ed by the words t4or approved e~•aal". ~`o s~bstitt~tion ~•~:~1? be ~er~tit~ed other than as described herein ~.inless authar:i~ed p , b;• .the F~lglneer before the bids are opened. All r~aterials sr~all be new .and the best o.f their class and kind. e . AD~.IUST~iE:~~T OF C~'I;RIIFAD CC~STS.~ The provisions of Section 9-l . of Cj the Standard Spcclf~catlons shall notapply to final cost of this contractor and no final adjustment far overhead costs will be made. (f ~ DUST Ct~~~TRO~. It steal 1 be the Contractor' s respons ibi 1 zty to prel~ent a dust nuisance from origir~at.ing from the -site of the work as a result. of his o erdtions during the effective period of this contract. Preti~:~ntatave r~~e~.sur~s . p , a to be ~~ken by the Contractor shall Include but..shall not be 11~ljted to tn~' fallo~4ng: . n I: ~ti`ater shall re appl~.ed to all unpaved areas as recl~lired to pre~.~el~t the sur race from beco~ing .dry enough tc~ perr:it rest fo~.~m3tion. Pa.~Yed surfaces over which vehl.cuiar traffic is permitted to tra:~~e I s~ial l be ~ ept free of di . '~e;~~~orary suspension of the. ~~ork, either as a result of order ~~~~e F,r~~l.r~cEtr, or afi a result a cal~di ticns beycl~cl the control. of the Con~ra~:tor shay ~ ;L~t re;~ e~Te the Contractor f.ro~~ his responsibility fail dust control t - set fog°t~~ ~~erein. Full cor;;;~~~n~atian for onfor:~ing to the reau~.rements or' this artic~.~ sh~3 l ~;e ~co~~sido1°~~ as in~l~zde;~ in the prices paid fir the ~•ariozjs ~ontiac~ itemis of pork and no addit~.c~na1 eo~pcl~sat~url ~~i~ 1 b~: allcltited therefor. (gi 3~'~'~TFRI~'~~~:. Furnishing and a~~i?lyin~ ~~atet shall co7~farm to the prorisio~~s ;~f 5e~ct:on 1 ~ of the Standard Sneclfxcatzor.s, e~ceL~t that full ~:o~~~~Elnsat ic~r. ~here:or sisal .4 be oor~sid~:red as incltaded in .the prl cos paid fc~r th.~ ~~~~x~~i.~~~s ~~c~ntruo ~ gems of ti~~oxk and na separate pay;~ent wi I l he rude therefo~~. 18 _ t ++~.eta,,..$~:s.,f~b'sv:w:rccY,...,u ,.Baia.aaas..3i:;?aiso-~.~es,~::iti ' i . _ . ....w.. . . i 1 f.0. i • ' 1 • 11 I ! ~ h~ ~ ALTER~ITIONS Ira Q(3A?V~'ITy OE }~'flR}~: ~T~ze ~xovisions of S~cctioxz ~-1.O~B, o -~~$-1,03~~1), and ~M1.~3}3~2~, of t~~a~ Standard 5peczf~cations re~.ativEti to ~ncreas~;s ar decireases in the ~ua.nt qty of colat~~ct a.tc:m of work when no c~~ar~ge ih the ter of the sdark is i~~lolvcd shall r~bt apply to aziy contract ~.terl~ of ~foz~k charac in t}tis prot~osal .and t}~e .City rescr~res theri.~ht to i.x~rcaso or deer, case the . uantity of an~~ item or }portion of work as may be deem~:d necessary or in the.. q best Interest cf the Cxiy. . i ~ti'Q~~}~ I~~ CI'}'~' S'~I~E:L~'S. X111 of the ~wark shoe o~~ the p1:~ns a~~d incli~d~rd in .these specifzcatiotis. that 'is locat~:d in the public streets In the G~ty of Bakersfield s}gall bt c}one izz accord~icc:c ~+•it}~ City Ordi~zances re~ulati~~g the use. of public streets within the City, exec}at as other~~ise provided herein. Z~ie Col~txacto~• s}~a l 1 in form hi firs~1l f as to ail ~~egui.~ti.orzs ;c1~ci xcc{~~1. rF~ments of the City rn xneer acid St.c ~~~rilltendent c~~f. Scrcets aa~ tl~~ City of BakE~rsf::eld g I and shat-1 co~~d~rct h~ s operations in cam}~liance therewith. ' PETITS ~1I~iD LICFItiSES. The Gantractor shall proci,r.e ~~11. permits and ~J~ licenses, p~~y a}.I charges and fees ~IId give all. notices necessary attci ~licz.denta.l to thw d,~e and llwf_ul I~rosc;~~l~tiorl of the ~vork, k ~~'~INTr~ININ~~ '~'i"~~f;I~. ~1tt:ellt~..ar~ i5 d~.x•ected to Sectic~►}fr "~'~c~~lic ~~~~nvet~ i.~.~n,Vcz ~ t~ w~. } , Q{~, ~~~~t.tt~Iic Sai~~ty,'' ~~n~.l ~C'c~l~~rl 'p~:,(~~1l:~+~ ~hl.t~;t.~ u~~ ~r•et~ T~s•~ffi.c Control paviLe~," cif t~~4 Staj~,~ar~i SpE~ci~"ica~i{~r~s, 'I'~:~f,~ Cor~tra~~-tor J~~all :~~~►~~~~~y ~a~ith ~:~ze ~>ravisivns o#` t~~~~~se sectiaizs a.rd. t~~es~~ s}~e~~~l~ ~a~~~~~~s}.tins, `~~~~e +~`~~~~txactor. s'~~11 furnis}z! inst1l.l atzd maint~i~~ ~,i~,.z>x ~..~~~~~:5.p f~az~e ~ ~ c.a~i~'~,~.rld ~~~..~l~r f'c~cz I lt~t?s ~"o~~z~~,red b~' t~~zs ~~~..~~o~~ ~'a~ tr~c;t:;~~~ s~~al~. keep .the ~:~al.`rs.~ield Eire De}~art~~ec~t i~~~a'o~°tnnd at al} t~~~~~g ~.w ~,f~~~.~ ~o~<~.~..i.~~~~ ar~d p~o~rc s tae wc~zg~: t~;~~: s~~.~ w ~i~st~~~'}~~ t~~~cn~ ~,~~~~~~~~.~~~:w~.~ c~~ ~n}j w~:~~c~e~~ ~Irp~~ssa~.~~e for .~i~~~e figflti~~g e~~ui~~ta~~~~~~.. Persarz~ ~ ~,;Yc~, ~ ~s c~~' t~*e Co~at~c•~r.t~}~~~~ s empl o}reps s~~ ~l l ,zc,~. ~~ark~°L can ~~~ic r~adw~~~ ~~ny t ime ~ lading arly soot ion closed to pudic trdx'fi~, ~~f~~~n Frzterz~~~~ c~~~ le~~~Ti~~~ ro~dwa~~~ r.~.rrying public traffic, the Contractor' S e ~°.~rr~~~: ~ wThet}lax °~~~~~~y or loaded, .shall in all caws. yiexd _to public traffic, ~ ~~~e ,~o:►ir,iazxs ~.n this sect.i.an rn~y be modified or altered if, i~~c the p . a x.nion c~ ~}le Engineer, pu}~lic t~•aff.ic z~rill be better served and woz•k expedited. p Said ino~~ ficatiol~t, or alt~;rations ,shall not be adopted wztil appro~'ed in writing by t~►c Eng~.neez•. . r' f }z various contract items of work shall be considered ~~e p~.zces paid cr t e as fu11 compensation for complying with t~~e ~proti•isions of this :Section 13;k} Maintaining Traffic, and no additional payment will be Made :therefor. - (1) QRDEk. C►F jti'ORF;. t~xder of .work shall confarrn to the pxotitisions in Section 5•l. i~S, "Grder of 14'ork," of t~ze Standard Specifications and these. special , ~ ~ ~ . I , i 1~ 'i:; ~ i~ i~.{ ~ . ~ . . . . . a. a rv :....~i ~..xJ an....a.~. n.. w i ..~r- . :iL:...~ i a . K( ~dG"Y~v~C°.%~ k~.mcrla~•ati~[fe.'a;t4, ~ ems~aTnwo+ ,k~:~:tkn.~au ~ + s..,~:,. ,e . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ r Prior tv cors~cr~cernrht sf the tr~f~'c signal ~~rZCtanal tests, all .items ~cl~~ted to t}le si lial co~~txol shall ~be completed arlc~ xoadsa.de si.~ns S~~al.~ of ~aar}~ ~ ~ ~ b~ in place. oopEI~~°I'ION. 't'he Contractor shall cooperate fully with the otter ~m ~ C Contractors performing.~ork on the site. . 7 It is not antic.i ated~that the worm to be done by others «i11 seriously p delay the Contractor's com~~letian ~f the work. ~loweverp if such ~°ork does result in e~ctraorrlinary delay, the Contractor may seek relief from liquidated dame es as sot forth in the fouxt.h para~rap}r of Article b (e) of th~~5e Special Proti•isions . ensation for com ~ in jyTith the requirements of this Artie e i ~ ~nf} Fu~.l coup p Y ~ shad 1 be considered as inc l.uded a.n the prices paid fox the various contract iter~s of work and no additional a1lo~~fance ~ri1l be made thea.•efcx. . i i • V . 3 _.._.._w..._.._ _ . M1^.~J~d.e+::~n"...~J.~"~3!rn4a,~..,~Y..e..'s'V~iu .u.,~~*4.wrrsa,.w.+..u t..a,,...... ~ ~E'C~"ION 14. SI'E~CIAL ~~ovISTONS ~ TRA.FFIC SIGNALS AND STREET LIGHTING SCRIPTION. Furnishi.n ,installing and Modifying traffic signals (a) DE g d i hwa li htin and ayment therefor shall conform to the provisions 'in an hg y g g p Section 86 "Signals and Lighting, " of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Traffic si nal work is to be~perf©mred at the following location: g CALIFORNIA, RVENUE AT MARELLA wAY s Y*eri~ 3~.c.,«..,s,Ssw...,~a,,,.,:br~.,~eti+~:.~,:~::. .....T.:.,~ .w. . m= ~b~ Rf~~OVTNG ~~0 RFPI~ACII~G l~1PnOV~~~fFN~'S. ~ ttem~v:ing arld xepl~4cx.ng jz~ri rovem~nts shall -confo~~r~~ t,o the p~~~c~visi~ns in Section 8b_z.02, "k~cmoviilg end P . ~~epl~cin~ Imp~cv~m~z~ts," of the ~~andard Speclficat~.ans aid the:~c s~~ec~.al prov~.a ~©ns . (o) FD~iN~t'1~`IDI~S. Poulldations steal 1 ca~~form to tho prom~s~ ins ~in 5ectian 8t~--2.Os, "Foundations," of tic Standard Spcc~.fioatiolzs and t~~c~se special provisions. The Co~~tractor shall .furbish the anchor boats, nuts and washe~~•s to Ue used for now foundations and shall, furnish the appropriate nuts a.nd washers for existing foundations to b~; reused. Existing foundations. not to bere~.isFd ~ rna,~ be abandoned, except where removal is necessary to install a neta foundation. Portland cement cor~crete steall colxform to Section OQ-10, "Minor Conc~~ete," of the Standard Specifications and steal I contain not less than 47fl pounds off" cement per cubic yard, except concxete i'or pile foundations shall contain not less than 5~~ pounds of cement per cubic-yard, ~d~ CQI~DUIT, Conduit shall conform to the provisions in 5ect.inn 8~-2,Q►5, "Cc~nd~lit," of the Sta~~dard Specifications and t}lese special provisions.. . F Insulated bonding bushl.ngs will be required on metal condul.t ~ :4 t ti ~e~ P~1I~l, BDXES. Pull boxes shall confor~~ to the provvisions ire Section 8~-2.OE~, '°Ptll l . Bc~,~es," of tl~le Standard Specifications ar~d ~tl~~~se sped al provlszons. ~ecess~;s for sz~spension of ballasts will not be re~l~:fired. Ott locations w~~~ere existing pull boxes are too small to acco~rmoc?a~~~ additional new conduit, the Contractor shall furnish and install a larger pull box. (f} CONDUCTORS AND ~~IRING. Conductors acid wiring s~~all confoz°rr► to the provisions in Section 8b-x.08, "Conductors," and Sectloi~ F~-2.04, "~riring,'~ of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. _ Conductors shall be spliced by the use ; of ~"C" shaped conpre5sion connectors as shoti~n on the plans. ~ . Splices shall be insulated by "Method 8." o Numbered sentence 2 in the first paragraph of Section 86-Z.O~D, "Splicing,'' is amended to xead: ~ . ~ 'r i Z .Pedestrian push button commons in pul 1 boxes , ,i , a . ~ ; 22 ~ . f - ~ ;:...o-,..- r • ~ ,_w.u ,........asa..,,. L,a...w.w_. m.a...,,.....w ~ ~ ww }}'erAT, ~w'G6:`e..4~1'~*Ya e,i.S~.wf,,,.;:ux:~tc7.✓aui~5s~.,wt:J...i~a ..cc. _ . . y 1 a fig} ~ON~ING ~ ~~t~~ G~QUN~1N~ . ` ~c~rd~.ng end . g~oa~n~.~.~g Thal l conform to the . p~avi~ions ih` Section ~b-~ o l~, '`Bvnd~.ng and G~ound~.n~: of the Standard Specifications .and these s~~ecial provisions. ~h} SE~V`ICE. Service shall con~arm to the px•ovisl.ons in Section 8b-2.11, "Service," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. The E~ngineex will ~xrange ~ith~the serving utility to complete service connections, to service points shown on the plans and Mill pa}r all required costs and fees required by the utility. ti} TESTING. Testing shall conform to the provisions in Section 8b-2,14, "T~sting," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. t , . s f' ~ i, f i i p t- i 72  „ .J„'~:t;i:e~.?,..rL~kA~s. ~..d.Jignra:.wT..!a.u.~,::,s~+R...,......., ~ . . ~ . , ~~rt..tsw+<~, y ~ ~1GNAL F~'~GES AND SI~NAi, ~~~EADS, Signal fa~:es, signal h~;ads ~~nd ~ , ~~~xiliar~ equa.p~~n~, as sho«n on the plah5, and the ~.nstallat~on thereof, shall conform to the .prorrlsior~s l:~n Secta.or~s 86-~.~1~ "1~'ehl.cle Sind Paces," 86-4,02 "Directior~~.l Loutifers y" 8b~4. ~s, '9Backplates" and Sb-4.~b, "Si~,rnal ~~c~t~n~ting ~issemblies," of the ~ Stai.c~ard Specif l.cations and these special provisions . Housing, visors, directional louvers and bacl~plates shall not. be Structural plastic,. 1 AI1. lamps for traffl.c signal ~ units shall be furnished by t~~e Contractor. e . A11 mast arm-mounted sign~.l faces and all arrow indications shall be . provided with 12-inch sect ions . ~ ~ . k PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS. Pedestrian signals, sha11 conform to the C~ , provisions in -Section 8b--4.05, "Pedestr~.an Signal .Faces," of the, Standard Specifications and these special provisions,:, Pedestrian signals shall be in acc~rd~r~ce with. Type C specl.fications,. except as follows: 1) Signal faces sl~al 1 be international symbol t}ape. . 2~ Minimum brightness requirements shall be 15~ fort-l~.r~berts n .for the "ui~~.ya~.sed hand" s~~bol r~essage az~d 210 foot-~ambert~~ .for the . ''walking person" symbol message, 3~ Disregard the reference to the sar~ple .that is av~.~.l~.ble at the Trans~c~rtatl.on ~ laboratory. tl~ LUMINAIRES, Lumi~~aires Shall con£or~n to the prav:~sio~s ih Section 8~~b, Q1, "l~igl~~ Intensl.ty-Discharge Luminaires," of the Star!c~~~rd Specifications and these special pro~~isl.ons, Luminaires shall be furnished. with ZClt~ywatt high pressure soc~i~m la~~ps l and integral ballasts, Vim) ~'~1G~OP;LECiRIC (~~lN'TRDLS. l'~~otcelectric controls shill conform to the provisions in Section 8b-~b.D7s "Photoelectric Controls," of the St~.ndard Specifications and these special provisions, Each luminaire shall be provided wit~t a Type lv photoe~.ectrical control.. 24 r ~ _ , rx~.s ..7~.:~. - ' ~ ~ ~ 4 t~ . O~,LE~S C~~TN~TS AN0 ACiX.T~TA~tY EC~O~P~~~~1~'. ~`he Oity w~.ll furnish COI~TR , the ~~nt~aller end ca.hinet assembly fax each laca.tian. Deleted DE~i~C~'0~'~S. ~etectc~z°s shill canform to the provisions i~ Section . CPS 86~-5~ "Detectors," o.~ t~~e Standard S~ec:ificat~.ons a.nd these s~eci4.~1 ~~rov~.sion~s. i u of sea.lin~ methads s ~ecif.~.~d ial Section S~~-5.011(5 j, "lnstallatiari Tale i, ~ . Det~iis," of the Standa~°d Specficat~.ans, tale r~antxactar n~~~.y seal loc~~~s ~.n accordance with the fall®•~in~: . After conductors a.xe installed in t}ie 51~,~~:~ cut in the j~ti71~~,?Ct~~, *he slots sha3.l he filled with as~ha.ltic~ en~~~l ~ a.~~r~ -'I'y-~~e CSS- 5~~~t.~.~~►n 94 „~s haltic Emulsiaa~,°' to wit~xi.~~ I/~ ir~c't ot~ the ~~~~.v;~rnent .~.~i~•~~~ce. s ~ , 911"!~ (L~~V'~. t~~~ 1~~ raI1~~Uc;tar 'T'he emulsion s~l~.ll be a.~ Ieast l~q loch t P the sa~~cut, T'lant mi;~ed ~~ftiS, cc~~ri~oscd aF ~ ~n~ ~~1~;-~()4~ cnnf`f~xn~~n~ ~ ~t t: Section 03, "Liquid Asphalts," end ag~~re~~te c~.~:~ t;~~~e , ~~a, ~ L.~ i1t~X. ~~~d:tI~~, Ca~ita~`ming to ~~Gt1Q11 mixed with as~~~~altic emulsian ~~lacecl ~.n tl~e slats ~~~~u t~~~~~~fi~`:t~l Q ~ ~.ll as di.~°ected by the ~:r~bi~leer. Sur~al•as m~fte~yial sh~.ll be ~4e~~a~<<cc~ .r ~~oi~ talc • ~b 4 ~ ad~; ace,tt si;~~~~ ~.s ~~~t~~Q~~~: t~~~~ use of solvents. 11s~~~~al~~.~ ~~cr~ ~4 ~ e t~ ~ ~ ~ e d t c~ t ~ ~ e f 1.11 e d s I v t a n ri sand a t~ c d t c~ ~ e , ~ a q ~g q ~ d ~y 7t p ~y ~w 8 (;.`F, i~ t':.~ d ~ A* ~s ~r ~ ~ i~ ~'r ~ d e ~i 1 A ~y ~ n 4 S.~ .6. e r ~ , i ~ ~ ~ ~~t . ' ' as ~..14 ~f. j 1 A • "G~S~,rii.~aww..~',~-' ~:i:e:.:ao-cv..._w.a-:..,.r.~ ~ , . r. s~ si -naffs and 1~ ht~ns~ s}~a~l cor~fc~rm to the PI~Y~~EN'~. ~ ayin~nt for g g . ' sin Section S6~-$, "Payment," of the Standard Specif~.cat~.Qns and these prov~s~on special provisions. t~.on for cast-in~d1"illed hale concrete pile foundations Pull compensa onsidered as included in the contract lump sum price paid for the sh~.ll be c ` uirin foundatiod~s and no separate payment ~~~i11 be made therefor. item req g E TTON lS. SPECIAL PROVISIONS -ROADSIDE SIGN5 SC dside si s shall conform to the provisions in ~a) ROADSIDE SIGNS. Roa gn ' S6-~ "Roadside Si ~s," of t}~e Standard Specifications and. these specia~. Sect~.on ~ a . prc~v~.s a.ons . Si anels shall be furnished by the City. ~P Mast-arm h~.ngers shall be furnished by the Contractor,. ' ~ all be installed b° ~ mast~~.rm hanger ~ methacis as shown on ,Roadside signs ..h f Standard Plan Sheet TS~3, 3A (sign hanger mounting details). ' T Pa n~ent er utlit far installing sign (east-ar~r danger, PA`fI~1~N y P r~ t Street Name Sin shall conform to the prov~s~.ons in Section 5~-2.0~, Pa~men g~ ~f the Standard Specifications. y r"IQN SPECIAL PROVISIONS - Gt~ARr'~,N~'EE ~•OR ':~=~:~~I~~ SEC 1 SIGNAL AND STREE`~ ~It~~~~i'rl~t~ S~S'rEN~S . A NTEE. The Contractor shall furnish a written guarantee to t~;{ ~a) GU FtAA it on the form attached, guaranteeing all systems, except traffic si~,nal 1~i~i~7 Cy instilled under this contract for a period of one ~1) yeax from the date of w ~ k The uarar~tee rc . erly e~cecuted, shall be filed with acceptance of the ~ r , g , P e Cit before notice of completion and f~.nal accepts-nce• is made by the Cit;~ th y isions. of the ~~ork descra.bed Qn .the plans and t~~ese special prow NT The lum sum ricer aid .for installa.tiQn of t~.•affic signal (b) PAYME p p p and street li htin systems shall include full compensation for 'furnishing the g g ...guarantee as required in this: section. + f ~ , i ; ~ i i~ Y ~,f i i { ' i •c i~ t , j Zb } ~ - ~ ~i~ i ~ e Y i SEC'~ION 17. SPECIAL PROVISIONS -`MED-IAN MODIFICATIONS (a) DESCRIPTION. This work consists of the removal and reconstruction of median curb, pavement, irrigation systems; tree removal; concrete removal and other miscel~aneoas ite~r~s in conformance to the plans and these special provisions, Median modification shall be made prior to placing asphalt concrete overlay. (b) EXISTING HIGHWAY FACILITIES. The work performed 'in connection with median. modifications and the various existing highway facilities shall conform ~o the provisions in Section l5, °'Existing Highway Facilities," of the Standard Specifications, the plans and these special provisions. Existing facilities removed shall be disposed of in conformance to the provisions in Section 7-1.13, "Disposal o~ ~~aterial Outside the Highway Right of Way,°' of the Standard Specifications. 1. REMOVE PAVEMENT. Existing base and bituminous surface shown. on the plans to be removed .shall be removed to the depths and limits s~iown. Resulting holes and. depressions shall be back.filled with earthy material selected from excavation or imported fill to the lines and grades established by the Engineer, 2. REMOVE .CONCRETE ~ CO.NCRETE CURBING. Removing co~icrete, concrete footings, and concrete curbing shall conform to the provisions in Section 15, "Existing~Highway Facilities,'' the plans and these special provisions, 3. RMOVE TREE. Existing trees shall be removed in ca~~formance to the provisions in Section l~~-1.03, "Construct~.on," of the Standard 5pec.~.ficati.ons the pl~:~~s a:nd these spPc.ial provisions . Full compensation for conforming. to the requirements of Section 17(b) shall be considered as included in the contract price paid. for various ~.tems of work and no additional allowance wi11 be made therefor. (c) EARTHZ~VORK. Earthwork .shall conform to the provisions in Section- 1~, 'Earthwork," ofthe Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Tree ~elatiive comp action limits specified in the second paragraph in Section 19-5.03 of the Standard Specifications are amended to the. limits .shown - on:the-Typical Cross Sections. . Section 19-1.01. shall be amended to include A.S.T,M. D1557-70, Method. "C", .Standard Test Method for Moisture-Density Relations of soils using l0.lb. (4.5 -Kg) yammer and 18" (457 -~mm) drop may be used for all City Compaction Tests, a 1. ROADWAY EXCAVATION.. Under this item., the Contractor shall excavate the.~roadway prism, place .embankments,. and remove asphalt pavement, where shown on the plans or where directed by the Engineer and in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section l~of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. . Roadwa}~ exca.tiration shall consist of all excavation involved in the grading and construction of tre various roadways and designated ditches, except structure excavation and any excavation separately designated and paid for as another item, . ~7 4 . ~ ,y,g;jxSat2:;~v.titia.. ,..4,.:utivar.s..~vw-,:~_ . ~ 4 w r,.... y~lix,i~-k, 1 d,tAYvSbW.'+tt+~`~ JL+SZ~tx°''. $ . m 2. STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND ~ACKFILL. ~ Structure exc~vatl.on and backf'ill shall confox~~n to the previsiar~s of Sec~ic~n l~-~, ''Structure -Excavatian and Backfill," of the Standard Specificatior~.s, the plans and these sp~ci~.l. prov~.s~.ons. . Where structure excavation is performed and material is rer~ove~~. outside the limits designated for structure excavation, as sho~tin on the plane or specified in the Standard Specifications or these special provisions, all backfill ;nateria.l placed 1n said .excavation areas Thal l be compacted to a re l at ive compact ion of not less than that required for the adjacent structure. backfill. 3. IMPORTED BORRQW. Imported borrow shall be placed as directed b~f the Engineer and shall conform to the provisions of Section l~-7, "Borrow Excavation," of the Standard Specifications, the plans and these special provisions. Im orted borro~a shall have a Resistance (R-valued of not less than ~D. ~ p 4. FRENCH EKCAVATION SAFETY. The work performed in connection withe trench excavation shall conform to the provisions ire Section 5-1.OZA, "Trench Excavation Safety Plans," of the Standard Specifications, Al I .excavations shall. be performed, protected, anal supported as required for safety and in, the manner set forth in the operational. r~.~l.es 4 ordex°s and regulations prescribed by the CAL-QS~~ State of Call.fornia. Colistr,~zction Safety orders, Barriers shall be placed at each side of all.. excavations end at such places as may be necessary along excatirations to prevent acciderEts , Flashing lights s:~all also be pl~.ced slang exca~Taw.~:.on~ frc~r~~ sI.~3~.~~yt eac~~ da.y to sunrise of the next day until. such excavation is entire~.y x~;fl.lle~ . It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to comply Frith all s~.fe~~, re~~~~? re:~~~.~.~, Bracing, Shoring, Sheeting -Soils within the project j~~.~~ exhibLt J unstable character~.stics. Particular a.ttentior~ i~s directed to tit" folla~~l.n~ . ~afcty ~erl~airements concerning, but net limited to, shortl.ng, bra~~l.n`, etc.. All excavations, shall be properly supported ;n the manner pre~cri.be~~. by the. latest rules, orders and regulations of C:~L~QS~~4 State of Califc~rni~: ~onstrs.~~t ~.of:~ 5a.fety Qrders and the Department of Industrial Relations of the St~.te~ c,t C~~~z- ~ornia. Existi.r~g improvements of any kind, either on public or priva~:e properly, l.nclusive of the specified improvements being constructed, will be f~llly protected from dar~age. If any damage does result to such improvements, t~ze Contractor, at his own expense, shall make the necessary repairs on reconstructions required, as directed by the Engineer. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to comply with all safety requirements. Full .compensation for conforming to all safety. requirements shall be considered as included in the contract price paid. for various items of ,work.. and n.o additional allowance will be made therefor. 28 :»:N~«:~Lat~Ciuw:vSww,...~L.H~az>w,...~ . ( ~ ..w.._ , R b A S. BACKEIL~ AND PA~~E~i~NT PATCi~1~V'G. Backf~.ll shall be in canforrr~ance w~.th Cityr` Stand~.~d Trench Backfil~. and Compa.ctl:on ReC~~~~.Tem~nts see Detail 5.~,~~ attached . Patches in existing pa~rement shat I meet the City Standard for pavement . patches (see Detail S-~ attached. PavemAnt patches shall be completed- prior to resurfacing. . Trench backfill and pavement patching for i.rr.l.gation system construction steal be colzsidered as included in the respective cont~~act pr~.ces paid and no add~.tloT~ia~ allowance will be made therefor. ~ ~ PREPARING SUBGR.ADE . ~ The finished subgr~.c~e immediately prior to placing aggregate base thereon shall have a rel~.tive ccnpaction of not Less than 9~ percent for a depth of 0.5 foot as determined by "I~`est h~~ethods. Na. Calif, 2I+6 or ?3I. The subgrade shah be .smooth and uniform and true to the requi;~ed grade and crass sections. The surface of the gradinb plane at any point shall not vary more than o.oS-foot above or o.l.~ foot below the grade established b~- the Engineer. Subgrade that does not conform to the above requirements shall be res~ia~ ,d and recompacted to meet the specified requirements at the Coi~tractar's expens~.` . ~ No se a.rate a Ent for re arils: sub rode will be made . Co p p Ym P P g g n~pensr,~t~.or, for furnishing all labor., materials, tools, a~~d equ~.pment, and for doing ?11 t~~~p work necessary arid. r~:q~ll_red to construct the subgrade corrl~~l~t~; in pla~L irE uc►ir~ f~rhi skiing 5 h~.~rl,~.n.g J anal app lying water acid c~r~pacting t:~ie stab g~y~de to ~.~p~i~p~ D.S foot s~r~~l:. bc~ .considered as included in the prices paid for t~~e vax•zoo.s co~~~:~ ~.t. l.ter~s of ~~~ork a1~~ no add~.t.lona.l co~npensatl.or~ ~~~ill be all~~~ed ~;~erefor. ~d~ F1:"1S~~1NG RGAD~y'A'~~. El.nishing ~.•oa.dti~~~.y shall cor~.forr~s~ to t~~e provis.l.o~~s of Se~t~_on ~2 of the Standard Specificat~.ons. Full com~~~:~.~a,ton far f~_~1isn~.ng roadway shall. be considered as included in the prices p~l_d for the:.. various contract items of work, and no additlonaj compensatior~t ~,~;11 be allowed the~ref~;~-r. ~e~ E'1GGREGATE BASE. Aggregate base shall. be fu~~~.shed, spre~.d and compacted. i~r conformity with. the lines, grades and. dimensi.c~r~s si~ot~~~ ~~pon the plans ar~d l.n accordance with the requirements of Section 2b of the Standard Specifications .and these special provisions. Aggregate base snarl be Class 2 aggregate base conforming to the requirements of Section ~n-1.02 of the Standard~Specifications for ~.nch maximum sized aggregate. ~~TEASUR~iENT AND PAYi~~iE.~1T; Aggregate base ~,~i11. be measured by the .ton, w~ighec~ on platform soles furnished by the. Con~;ractor or on public scales, in accordance witl: Section 9 of the Standard Specifications. The. expense of weighing shad be borne by the Contractor. , Aggregate base will be paid for at the contract pxice per ton which price ~sha11 include full compensation for furnishing all labox, materi~►ls, tools and equipment and for dol.rrg all the j~ork involved in placing and compacting the aggregate base, and preparing subgrade as specified in Section 17~ Cc) C~~ ,herein. ~9 ~Y ~.:.6. d.<i:,ran !~wk:F:nau:,..xx» bxo w.~iu.u~W..~. dw...:~. r . - ~ Fall c~mpens~.ti®r~ for furnishing ~~nd applying :water as reaulred in these specifications and special provisions and any additional watering required ~o .ho1.d the base intact between tine time of cor~pletion of~ campy-coon and the con- structian of asphalt concrete surfacing shall be~considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of wark and no additional a1l~wTance will be made therefor, (f) IRRIGATION SYSTEM MoI~IFICATI0N5. ~ Irrigation .system modi.fic~.tions shall conform to the applicable provisions oi' Section 20, "Erosion Control and Highway Planting," of the Standard Specifications, the plans and these special provlszons. 1. RE~~iovE EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM. Existing irrigation fa.cili-ties, where shown on the plans to be removed, shall be removed and disposed of. Immediately after disconnecting an exist~.ng irrigation faci l~_ty to be removed from a facility that is to remain il~ place, the remaining f~.cility shall be capped as shown on the plans. 2. .PIPE. Plastic pipe and flttzngs sha?.1. conform to the provisions of Section 20-2.1SB(1),. 'aPlastic Pipe Supply Line," ~of the Standard Spec~.f~.cations, the plans,, and these spec~_al provisions. 3. PAY~ZLi~T• Furnishing all materials, 1.a~~or, tools 4~:~~~~ ~~~~~a_pment A fc~r .~.~`ri~;ati~-~n ~~~~dl~°~.~~~.-~:~~ons shad ~~e consl.dered as incls~ded t~~~ti~ ~rt~~~~~~~~:~ct pr~~c~ ,~{~~..c~. ;~ca~4 13~1..~- ~.'n~t~. f~~~• l~~~dia:~. Curf~ T,~e a~?d no addit ~:c~~a? cvr~ ~~~~~:~.~.;_c~~~~ ~~T~ it i 1 ~ d. .b, ti ~~i 4,,.~ '~~1 ! i ~:e i.•~~ 0 1 , As~'~I~~~,~~i~; PAT~rT ~N~~EP~. Aspl~al~~ic paint b:~7~de1~ s~~.a~.:~ ~~e asphaltic . , er~~.~~ r;~~ jf;~:' ~:~~1 ~~~~~~is~~ed a.nd applie~~ as .set forth in `~ect.~.o~ of the Start~a~i~ ~p,~~ ~.ficd~~:~.c>~s a~~d a~ t~~~; ~~.te ~of ~i~ ~~a~.lor~ ~e~~ square: ~ra:rc} cif ~~~rface Y _ ti 1 ll ~R T ±.1 f.'1 ` ~ akY 1 1 ` ~ i ; 2~ !S Fq 1 1 r V e p ~.E i 1n' 1 3. f.~ ~ , t ~ ..f ~ W~~~ V~~~~ ~~lll4' ~~t ~ r 1.~ 1~ 1 ~Yf 1.. r., o~t t.....1 F t : 1,:, ..J .4 .S S. C~. ~..a ~ s ~ ~ t. ~ ~ . ~t-~y q c~ Iw~ ~i ~ d ~ ~ % C~, ~ l..~..z i f~' ; "1 ~ i ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 s 1 ~ v 14 e d ~,~..3 ~ I~i 1 ~ d e ~ t ~ ~ ~ c~ ~ L« c.< ~ ~ pol~~ s~'~:~ i:,~'~~ :~o~' ~~.~r~~i~~.t ~;~~'1~.~"`~t.e ~'yp~ rr~r► an.~i n(~ addlt~.®nal Compensation t~'1..11 Y be a.~.lo~~ue=~ mereLor, 1 I .+`@~~~,t:,,`s.airow.~%tsa,,a4,u.t; ti'~r ~,.:uR:..'br,.. ~ ~ - , . ,...,,,.~_.~...~....,e. _ _a--~.,y.. . ~kY~jw~a~ti;~.-.a .a~rts,E,.~C,.ALY v.1„~ . . ~ ~ , ~ _ # i G, (h) ASPHALT C~NCF~ETE~ Asphalt concrete shall be T~~pe and shall confvrr~ to the prov~.sians of Section 39 of the Standard Specifications and .these special provisions. Asphalt conc~~ete Type shall have a bituminous binder of paving asphalt cif AR 4 00 viscosity grade, unless othe~•wise directed by~ the Engineer, and shall confarm~ to the requirements shoran zn the table for "Steam-Refined Pav~.ng Asphalts" in Section 92 of the Standard Specificatians. . 't'he amount of bituminous birder to be mixed t~aith the mineral aggregate shall be between S percent a.nd 7 percent by ~aeight of dry r~ineral aggregate. ~'he exact amount of bitur~inous binder to be mixed. with the mineral aggregate will be determined by the Engineer. The combyned mi~ne~al aggregate fQr asphalt concrete Type B placod on the roadway. shall confo~rr~ to the grading s~~ecificd for the s/4E' maximum, medium grading shown in the table .under Section 39-2.02 of the Standard Specifications. Asphalt ..concrete surfacing shall be constructed ir: accordance with the re~uirel~.ents of Section ~0 of tiie Standard Specifications with the following modifications.: A prime coat shall nat be applied to the: base prior to placing asphalt concrete surfacing. A At all. points 'oetween the ne~~~ pave~~ent ~.nd existing p~.vement, the ex~.s~:i.~~~._ pavement- shall bP sa~vcbt ~o a ver~tica.l fare and neat- ling. Asphalt concrete 'T'ype ''B" will be r~casured by the tan of completed m3 xt ~.~~~e . irz accord:~nce with she provi~iar~s of ~ecti~n O~I,C~I '+~ieasur~ment of Quan~ite~," of the ~tanc~ard Specifications. Asphalt. concrete Type B ~~'il l lue pa.~,.d for at .thee contract price per ton rah s::ch - price shall ~.nclude full campensat iaP. ror f'arnis;ling al ~ Ia:bor, materials, tGaIS and equipment and for doing .all the wor~C in~Nro l~~ eu. in placing asphalt...-concrete as specified, including sawcuttirl~ and trimml.n~ of bituminous surfacing at pavement joints, and placing A.D, dike. .w Full compensation for furnishing and applying asphaltic paint binder shall be considered as included in the col~t~act pricy paid per ton. of asphalt concrete - Yp • Fu11 compensation for placing asphalt concrete in miscellaneous area, includl.ng backfil 1, shall be considered as ~.ncluded in the .contract price, paid . per ton of asphalt concrete Type "B''. 9 . 31 ..d :YSeliy cY„t.ny.., J.ejkn2eu ~,.,t~'.A AkJ.aa .~r~}.aM.:.s.....x.. . - ~ . . .i... ~~~'.tK ai~d~ ~ i A ~i~ MEDIAN Ct~RBS. Portland cement cencrete med~,an curbs shall be con- ~t~ru~ted' Qf Class ° ~ Portland cement . concrete ~.nd sh~Il cor~~'orm to the pz~ouision~ of ~~~tion 73 of the Standard Specifications, the plans, and these speci~.l prav~.slons . Median curbs, Type '~`fis shall be constructed at the locations shawr~ on the plans and conform to the grades shown or established in the field by the Engineer. ME:~SDRE~i~fi£~V'T ADD PA~~fiENT. Quantities for Median curb, Type , far payment will be the actual length in feet constructed as determined, by field . measurement along the face of curb. ~~edian curb Type r~.fir will be paid for at the contract unit ,rice per linear foot which prl.ce sh~.ll include constructing PeC.C. pad ~norxol~.thic to . median nose and .full compensation for furnish~.ng all labor, materials, tools and. equipment and for doing all the work necessary, and no additional compensation will. be allowed therefor. P _ F i ^ 1 - ~ + . y ..:...7 14 +CnQt~~~.ANkr:91f~9Yvr%~'~Y ti:. ~ 9Y~ ~.-.e ~ i f ~ 'dry` i 1`i ~ 1•y r' ~ F'~ ~'9 ~ ~ ~.r~ V4~s Qt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ..r 4. ~ .r.. s•.+.+.'...v..c.~.«.w^A ~..~-^r^..,....w..o.+..-•..w..~...w.«....~.....•..a.....,.,.^~ .........,..,.,.,es ~„p....w.... www... .~.n.vrwrHrn..q e~/IN r.r e' w' ' ' ~r ~~a,~~r~~ ~i~e ~ epee . ~0a~~ Pro~eef ~~n~~r1.:~e w rv....~ ~u~vert a..........~.....~..... ~X ~ 5 ~l/.'~ ~C~y ~ C ~~rrr~~f r~le,~~~ ^ ~r F~nc~ C'a~`~ C1ee~'~u~ ~rc~ ~ ~ , ~t E~ ~ ~'~~r r~~rl 7r~~ udr~ ~a~~ ~ . z aM0'dMM ar~p~{r+~ ,(~~c,~gpj+~~w ~/+Jp~'/~. 'y,k ~ d . + r 8 A aM':1w a✓wv~ s~~+w~ ~v~+~ S"~+r^L~ a:w.r► .AN'v ~ ~w w ~^~wv"'~ w'" ~ar..aut•~ ,~.i.e.,r! Urlia~wr-r+,.r~+r..rr e4..~..•....~,..s~.w....srx..wr.a.ri.rw.+~+.+s~w~r ~iz+rw+.enwn..o.w:..~.~••»«•wr++.•~.:.w....+....w+wr..,ir.r...u.•.,w~.,.,e.,, v.,r ....w...w.•..+rm ~ . .rw~w.wr..+. +~.w+.ww+~«wr+~-rrr.Mar w. «.v+miei•».u.aa.,.ax~r t! ~ ✓"~^r 1 t.. t~ • ~l. 3 # ar .r......w......~. ,•'y ;/'1 6,~, J.s r 4 • ~l ,r lJ~ V oCt'~'Vr ~ V Y. ! ~i~. ~ .r. 1" T C d ~ b a ^ w/~+ `!u a A a +r..+...w ~4J/ ~1r/7 ~7~ ~wr Cade ~ ~i. ,~~'~r~~'~` . ; . a a Air; h/~re 6a ~i~ ~ ~d' ~~r~ A ~~ri a l Cable ~ ~ . ~1I~. ~~~ho~~ s ~~r;~~ w ilk;'/i f ~bf~ - = ~e ~~,~~hvr~ ~ Ie y t d~~G(rJ7~'/fr / S !tl ~ ~ ~ fe'et' ~ ~f ~ r ~ ti%.w►s u a.w $ l'„t i~a► ~r 1` + . - L. L~ .M., • r r a w e a w , i .o. s. ■ ■ ■w. Wwm~ amcm ft . f A J~ / f !~M Saw Cuf • „ '.'Existing ~ . ' ~ ~ ~~~:Closs A (6 socl~ Portlond.~;• ' • ' • ' ° ~ ~ ~ ~ Cement Cancrele. Color ~ ' .R `•r• 'Portland Cement ' ' ~ ' ' ° ~ ' • ' ~ • • and finish to motch • Concrete ; , m •Q; •~r' • „';;::•~;~ad%ocent pavemenf•;:~•~;~;~~•;::~.~! ;;r.~ , '~~;.:i••••' .ti'~'o.~ j••►' is i.;i.:r':~••.':►: •3►~ , va~o •Q • o a Select Moteriol o ~ ° • (If requiredl o - g O~D Bockfill PATCH IN CONCRETE SURFACE Asphaltic point M AsphoNic paint binder I ~ Saw Cut binder :~~.~~:~:~;»sl=~~t~~~;; 7 as cph~re e'su ac~n x~sfi~i as oj~:'~concrere ;i.~ a •~~~;~'r. Q: °w• : p• ~ ~'b'.'ll a is ..,i•~ ' I. • ,~t'v.r rl:. n. ;~~;o~';.:,',:':~.•A~:°~a ''.~IOSS•:Q :~(6.•sock~;Por~ond'•':y , .A.V. , •.,~k A' ,;''~;•a::• ;Cement' ~oricrete~~ ~;°:o•~o'...; .0' .R to •.0 • 0~•,Q. •~p•;:¢ti:'•a'• ':mot' .~,;.•::..:d:::d:•+!: 311• 'Y C 00 ~SeleFt Moteriol o (lt required) ° 0 Bockfill PATCH IN ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE MORE THAN 3" IN THICKNESS • Asphaltic ppant Asphaltic point GENERAL NOtES.' fonder Sow. Cut binder i n m ria/ shall A;:;r,..:. . • , ...,A •~.t All wor o pad al •~.~.i:~•;r~,~:~i~.or.;.,. x• }:~;~'4'astlha/t~concretA~.,~~~N •;,•Xi~sting:'asp a ~~conc. conform to the requirements sei forth in •••~.1r;~1~'/. • • +•rrO~• r~ 1 ~ [y r,'•.:11 ~ :~1•~•'~.t, e(~;,,: .i r• a in 2";3,";thic'ir~~ •r~ ~:~~~a~•~:A: ~~•I',q~,. ~~~q:;~ ~~a~ v the 'Stondard Specifications, Slate of a~da ~iaa a a a G oa °da~ •~v California, Deportment of Pub/ic Works, `y $ 6"Untreated rock base ~a Division of Hrghwoys. lda9 ~ ~~,,,°~,~aa~~ ~a I ~ ~ Sow cuts of an opening in ospho/t •~°~i concrete ,3 or more inches in thickness :4 Select Moteriol may be mode when the concrete ~ p;~°, ~ (ll' required ~ potch hos cured and is reody to ° ~ receive the asphalt concrete surfacing. Bockfill Sow cuts shall be made porolle/ or of right angles to the center-line of the PATCH IN ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE street, , LESS THAN 3'~ IN THICKNESS Depth of select materio~, if required, shall be determined in the lied by the Engineer. r--Asphaltic point binder In asphalt concrete road, surfaces, asphalt ~ ::'rti~ ~t••;r r' xist~n ~~roo concrete surfacing shall be mixed with ~ s~ ~i;; : ~ • ~',aspha/t concre :g..: • ti~.• poving grade aspho/l. ' ~ y~ • ~ ' tsuifo ink ~ • y r Potches less thou 2 feet from . ~ Select Moteriol ° existing patches, edges of povement, a o (ll required) ~ a ~ or gutter shall be extended to include the interm~diote isolating strip ~ l / ~ of existing povement, Backfill Minimum patch width shall be 2 feet at its smallest dimension, PATCH IN ROAD MIXED SURFACE A~~ROV[D {Y TNt DATt CITY/''~COUNCIL. STANDARD s ~ 30 • s4 G DRAWN r.J M JQH. • ~ PAVEMENT PATCHES CN[CK[D • {CAl{{ CITY CL[RK None ~►►ROVtD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA S 6 CI [NOIN[IR ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT v. , . „ , , . 9" 9" ~ 5" 5" - 4" Viz" R l Tra.l ~ , ,4. ,p: ,Q•• .:p :D. .D••Np.• ~ d..,•..D D...• q 'A. 4.•• 8 • # 4 longitudino! • • : • ' p • : • • . • p : • 6~2~ radar . #4 reboi, 8't long, p • ' ~ • ' • • • spaced at 4' intervals ~ • •4 • • . , ; ~ set in l~ l P. G. and • p • • • . • • • a W sand mortar. TYPE „M-t MEDIAN CURB (formed TYPE ~►'M" i~EDIA~f CURD 9" 5" 4" Note Epary of on oppro+~ed quality shall be used to attach curbing to the pavement. 6ENEi7AL ~ NOTES ~ •D ' . D , 4 6" I K r ~f11 warlr shown shot! conform to fhe o~nplicoble sections of . • ~ • J/2 the specr'ficalians enti11e0 "Standard Specifications, State of ; , • • ~ .p, California, Business and Transportation Agency, Deportment • . . • . • . • D•• • of Tronspvrtotion,p and the !allowing special provisions, , ; . • • . ,•a Subgrode preparation shall be constructed True •1o grade ~ ~ • Q and cross. section with compaction of 90~ to o depth • oaf 0.50 feet below subgrade. Concrete !shall be Gloss "B" (5 sock!. and shall be TYPE t'14~-2►~ MEDIAN CURB wrthm Zip to Srp slump. . Timber forma shall be surfaced on fhe side placed next !a (SEX t!'Ud ed the concrete and shall not be less than llrp /hi.k otter being surfaced. Tap .and face shall be Irowe/ed smooth, then given o firiol find brush fr'nish. Where existing curbs are to be replaced, new construction shall match. existing construction unless olherwlse directed by the Engineer. Concrete shall contain no additives unless prier opprovot is obtained from the City Engineer. :Concrete shall ~ be cured with o while pigmented curing compound complying to Section 90-7.018 0/ the Standard SpeGifi'cotr'ons. Existing. sections of cu~rD shat/ be sowcut of the Oimifs al the area to be recnnshucl~d. Jar'nts fat farmed Curbs Expansion joints shot/ be can- slructed every 30` with weakened plane joints of i5.` (b1 Extruded Curbs Weakened plane /aiM -shall be constructed a1 l5' intervals. ' tc~ Two # 4 longiludinol radars shall be placed STA~1~~4R~ ~ ~ c. 9 ►~~2 between the curb and nose section. Bars shall ~ec• ~ 82 hove. 0 2 minimum vertical clearance and shat! b~ embedded 2' -into the curb and nose section. I Y t ~ ~ ~ A i Y u 8 1 ~„+~~g~ • L.D. ~►ri t~~ None A/!fl4Wt0 CITY C~ ~/~K~~~F1~Lt~ 1!\E~'!t\tltL~t3i\th TII~OEO'9'•1/FAD4~ 1 Cr" am"C" W-mr%ItNw &or-v^m a MMIl I finish 6rode~~~~''~' e Backfill compacted to 90q relative compaction between existing or future back of curb lines of streets or existing i or future right of way lines of alleys - , Backfill compacted to 85X relative compaction in all other areas , ~i~ ~ ~M N 'I~ i ~ ~ ~.a ~.a " Backfill/ compacted to 859; \ a . a 3 ~ relative compaction ~ ~o uQ ~ ~Q C ~ 0 h ~ l2'l14ax, l2 "Max. ~ Upper limit of pipe zone shall be t we/ ve (12I ~ inches above top of pipe bell or the outside q 6'~Min. t 6"Mi; diameter of plain end pipe _ _ Pipe Zone, Backfill compacted ~ to 859; relative compaction 4 pipe or conduit NOTES 1. All work shall conform to the applicable sections of the 4. Testing of bockfil/ materials and compaction shall be in specifications entitled '!Standard Specifications, State of accordance with the tests listed in Section 19-L01 of the California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways Standard Specifications. 2 Backfill material within the pipe. zone shall be free of 5. Each layer of bockfil/ material shall meet the compaction, deleterious material and shall have a Sand Equivalent of sand equivalent and gradation requirements before the not less than ZO and shall conform to the following grading. next toyer is placed. . Siev_,_e Sires Percentage Passing I00 . 8 Refer to City of Bakersfield Standard Drawing S-6 for No. 4 35 -100 pavement patches within paved areas No .30 20=100 This backfill~materia/ shall be placed in not to exceed two food (2I layers, simultaneously on each side of the pipe in such o manner as not to damage or disturb the pipe or ifs alignment and grade Each layer shall be thoroughly comp- acted by flooding, mechanical tamping or by a combination of these methods ,3. Backfill material above the pipe zone shall be free of deleterious materials and lumps or stones exceeding three (31 inches in greatest dimension and shall be placed in not to exceed four foot (4~ layers and each toyer shall be thoroughly compacted by flooding, jetting or mechanical tamping or by a combination of these methods .However, flooding and jetting shall only be allowed on bockfil/ material having a Sond Equivalent of not less than 20 etrr eouMet~. STANDARD Ju% 27/97/ T'RENCH BACKFILI. EwH AND COMPACTION CMtCKtO . ~ REQUIREMENTS RH.M. CITY I.tRK None ~~~ovto CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~ CALIFORNIA S' 39 c t,r tR ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT [l 1 _ I ~ • ~ ~ I t ~ a f ~ ' ~~~({P 444 ~ ~ . ~ a;~~ ill + 'y~ : ~ ~ ~ w r ~ ~ ~'t~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ C' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! r yy . f ~ ~w vI « u to i I 9 R :i v ~ i~ v ~ i ~ r ~ n ~ i ~ ~ a i-. icy I 1^~ ~ O ~ P ~ ~ ~ s i 1 t ` ~ r F ~ q, ~ a ~C~ ~ } fi- ~p E ;mot ~ ~ ~ ~ r } ~ , I i t r~'~h Y ~ t O A4 ~ f ~ r r . ~ ~ . ~ i i - ~ ~ I. .n _ ~ _.z... _ ~ ~ ,.W } i ` ~ ~ z ~q ~t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~Q,i ~ ~ ~ ~:~i ;g N ~~E ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ s P ~ ~ ~ Irk ~ yy 1 ' ~ sv~ • ~ ~ ~ • y ! ;c r ~ ~xd ~ r ~ a ~ ~ . ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ • ~ t,~~~~~ ~ rrr ni 1 ~ • ~ c: 1 > ' . _ _ . w .r . „ ~ .,~.~ii rn~~" r5r ~ ~vvKy ~4.c1~ ~'!3?~F4::StivmsrF<=;n~.:~e.aiaAriw~r..~aw~nPt~rq«i!?!.- n,,.r...~.Me~^• e,,~ar. w'+w.~, .,...~~r .o- 'C° , ~,T,- .w ~,r1.~Rid.r 3oi~ > h ' ~.~lF'~ ~ ~A~tFpWdP.Yd~a9h'33~iit7+l~i°~15S~i 6i~v'j! w ~i~44 rywy~y' - ~ t > /r. ~ Y ~J ~ 'y~ pp > , P~N - y > A1~ f ~ ~~~k~~ ~ ° 1 + c ~ ~ r e ~ ~ F r r ° " ~ s~ i43° ~,~ny~ p ~ ' , ~ ~ ~ 9 i f y7~p goC s]r s d ~ a Y ~ ~P ~y{` ~ s, ~ W~wrvY4~pw;omn'waMWewnsrMrw+~.~+rwv>♦n,M1tlN1!1M+149~YY~MM'/d+, s t1kw,+NrfntAwNMH.iIE~W.v~ ~ R+r~k:tiub L .nw.anwm +a 1 i +~.+.anav~. .S..c,a..,..y.u,.•a•+s„~.w&~~ . - aWw.lrwe..«.. i~ ~.sx.~ww~a°wrn+tiw,•~.+~.wiunnw~'+.+.iawwn~>ww~ "7'AY"'i^'^;`W;' i~ .•a°.w+r.~amrrunwe.wwrm sr~,a~.n+.w.w.w+..~w,.,:xe t a ~ ~ ~ ~ f z. a ; ° ~ ~ 3 ~ , ~ ' . } ~r AW M ~ M i~1' ~iill> fA1 1N'I~. r' MIP •~rlli +'NN .nqs UM .sirv 'id o,. r>, aa° b ,~""{~ys, ~,r-. +rw uMO rw rre~ Y^ Y ~ ~ X MYY %qRt atl0 ~~ii..Y lirr h1~ - ~ ~ ~/N> p!Ii1 a CP1 K~ W%• 11M~P ^~6 ' IP ~i S ~~~~►~1~~'~J'~M°~`°° i~'`.~ Vii` 1~,~~+j~y~I)( ~ar~~M~ . ~°~~~`~►r of „r~J~~'% e~rt~', ~~►~~~r~ ~~li~~ ►r~d~r ~►i~~taa~r~a ~Hir ~ ~~Yi~ ~•1~r-~~~ / v~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! N ~iT`Y CLibr~t{ ~ Parr? ~ ~ e"- I ILI Z!r-if, m Pt m wvt a i r- rt- s -e 1_ . 810" MAX. L a L II ~ 111 XI11 Xis MIDDLE, 3 OF SIGN PANEL t SPACING ~IGTH SIGN LEVEL SIGNAL ARM STREET NAME SIGN z. n, . 1, 9 r ~ POLE ~ I i 151 MIN. CL. TO ROADWAY _ TREET NAME SIGN i' ~ ~ ~ ~ i - - -1 I i ER BAR LENGTH AS REQUIRED TO CLEAR SIGNAL ARM NG LEVEL. REQUIRES SPECIAL MOUNTING HOLES~~ AT el~ EDGE i" ' i" .FOR ATTACHMENT TO ANGLES. USE a BOLTS s 2 SPACED- 3 FOR PANELS UNDER 61 LONG, 4 FOR 011 TO 8'0", SIGN PANEL LrI,E DATE DEC.1983 y SIDE VIEW SIGN HANGER GEG. cm cuRK rROJECT ENfiINEER DESIGN ENfi1NEER SIGN HAN[`DMME"DED MOUNTING DETAILS M.F s. J. L.HAHS WC W011K• DIR[CTOR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA TS-3 RICW011K.DIR[cT011 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ozun  I I ~ • a ~ ~ FAR ~y TP~AFFI~ SIC~N.~~ ~~'~`E~~ ~N; ~ I FQF.`v Irt Air ~N~~E AT N~.F~ ~V'~=~~' 5 , ~5~ Ci~~ t~~c~~ ter ~~.~Ce~~~fa~.d °~~a ~~~~~a~~~.~ncd$ bi~.~°~, decla~cs ~~a~ ~hc persan~ a~ ~~~z~~ ~n~~~cs~c~. ire ~~~i~ p~apo~a~. a~ ~~znci~a~ls a~a ~h~~~c na.~ca ~c~ain; ~:~x.~.s p~~,_ ~as~:I ~s ~tl~~a~~ call~~~~.an ~~.~h an~r ~a~h~~c ~c~:°~an~ ~~.~r~ c~~ co~~a~.~~~~.an; ~ ca~~°c~~>~? ~ ~ e~~.r~~~~~c~~ ~~~.a ~ac~~~.an .a~~ tea ~j:~aa~~,~ $ ~ ~:~e ~~~n~~~.~~ Qp~>.s~c.~ ~c~~r~ a~ can~.rac~ ~I~n~ ~~~e~c~.n ~~e:~c~°~Aa~ raj ~~n~~ ~a ~~aYa~Gi~': ~a.i~ ~~~cc~ i~' ~~~nl~ '~°~'a~?+~Sc~ ~.C'C~~? ~ ~i~~.~ ~+11 ~ Ct~~~~'u.~~ t~ '~,~'x~ ~,~~C~ a i.~`► , . . ~~~~~c~~..~c~ :dorm a~ ~a~~~~~~~.~ ~e~~~a ~.~an~~xe~:, to :~~'~~e,~:!~~ a~.~~. .ea~~~:~~° ►~ac~~~.~~a~~a ~~~a~.s~ ~a.~.r~~.~~ ~.~~d o~:~cr ~~~~.d~~ off' cans~.~~a~ia~ ~I.~: ~~~A~'. ~y~°r~~~~. t~~~~~. ~~.~~.~n~.s~~ - ,~a~cr~:als ~.n ~.ccarc~an~~:e ~;,<~.t ~.~.ns ~.n~ ~~a~~_~i~:a~:zo?~ a~a~~g a~~icc ~ ~.~~c F'~.~~~.nce ~ec~c~r a~ a~ c a~ ;,f,s,A.~.d..~~..t, ~.~1 i,.lib~ ~~.1Li.i.~J,.~~4.~~, ~i! 1liGCai .~v.l. 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MVibl~u.':xn•.'+Wn•wAw~r~' . J.~ Tins , A:~p?~alt C~nc~°~ ~.t _......~.......r.o..~..~..,._.~..,...~...,w~.~...........~.~a~,..~~~... V......aa...~..~...,~, _ r._..._., { f t ` F n~+., v.+.nten-aw...awaW+nan.~+wr..whw!r+r~nea~w.wa.i+ewnY..wrr'~a'Wr.~.~rvw.wrn~n nav.MUr.a.w9w~..nr~r>wr.+wY~.r w..y .n~,ry..a-f~..e ~ . . 7 ( ¢ - +.rt-,rwrr,.~ww>+..w~,tirrf.+^w+r~ilw:~+y.r.wwwaM~wrnnr.~a...~,w+rln~+.Ma~rV+w•«Yraw++~~Mr:.+w~.ww.Hw.ntl ~>+N«.+n.. wi.~.ywnwar.+ { ~ v',w.w^+{•,~.~ww+r+V+Ewa.yagwNrmMwwrtr4+..w~.+.N..ow.rn...lwMwwn~w.+.~w+,s..wr...+.+aW+,+..n+mwsti.~w.N..,•alww~~w i .,...n.w.~:~......a~.~.~.a.,~. ,~.~....a.,W..~..~.~:.,~~,. W...~ g ~ ➢ ~ y fury t - ~ f i ~ j{[ { i ~ ~ ~ ' ~ 'L ~ A ~ C~ ~ ....~.a.~.a~.. .,a..~.,,,~~. M..,.~...~.~a._~,~..:_.w..._.~...,.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k ~ ~ x . ~ MMAfVlallaM~wnM l~~a11 ~e1~7R~~ gatYr.w w~+~rre~~rwrr..n~ee~yFM)a:sra.~erb 1~ - ~ 1 . i M~Y~SMa~wFV1MM11.vlYM~+e `~~urnMw ii t i ~ ~ l ~ s i riri}yl.pxwe~w~L+eri.~.v~~.••~a,•..~,•.; ..y~r+wMwMipr.~rcuenar. ...wsw~w+lwet.n.nwwF .ux~If+Rp.uu~v ,i.yr-.w~ r.«m..w.wkr+~..rw~«w.w,enMr~.pv,,,NS~,~ ,w r 1 ~ccampan~•ing this proposal i s.....•:.. • .w....n. • (~'~T1C~ : I!I4eI0t tine ~vor~s i~cash ) Q,9 "Cash~er9s chec~,s~ "ce~l- fied. check,'' or `~hid~er's boad," as the ca9~E ~a~ hey, inr aou.nt equal to at least ten ~aL~~eent a~f •the tota,i of rthe bid. r The nai~ic=s cif ~a.ll iiersa~ns inte~esteil i~~ the foregoivr~ l~ra~osal as prin- c~pals a~•e as follows If bidder o~-other interested person is a corn ~1~~' poratlor~, state ,legal name of corporat~on~ . also n~m~es of the presidents secretary, treasurer, and ~na~ager thereat ; if a oo~artnershp; state true name of fir-m, also names of aril irdivitiual cop~rtp: n~~s c©mposing firm; it` bidder or other i~ ~terest+~d perso~~ is an individual, state (first and last names in full. . n•a.w..•.....•••.••.•..••r.•••.•.r•.r.•r•••.•rrr..•w..•••••..••n••••r••r•r•r•••.••r••wa•••.••.•«w.••••••••. •r. •rr ••r•n•s.rr•••.rr••rr•. • •••rw .••r.....••.•.w«.•r.••••r•rw+n~.•.•.....rr.•o•....••ew.o...o...•.•...•.•r...s...•......•.... •s...•.r...rr.•w i; ...r.rwwr•.w•r•.w~...•..rr........rw....••r..•.•••.r••.r•••n.•r•~...•.....••.w.r.••.•.r•.••.♦••.•..••.•«.•w.••..r.... ra •.r r. w. ♦n••w .•.••«•wr•«•r••e. r•• .r•r.+.w••••••r♦r•••••••••••••w••••••••rs•«r ••w•w•a•w••••••••••.rrw •••w ♦w r•wr n•••. rr wrrr.r w••.r •.r i~e~s~d in accordance witl: an act providing for tl~e reg~stra~ioa~. ~f' ~ontrac~or's I~icens~ loo..r. ............:.•.........._,.;.«...w.•.•....r..n.~rr.•....~ SIGI~t ~ .•.••.•.•••.••«•••w6••rr•s••••••rsrsw•••su''Ab•••swrM•s`•w•rr rr•r.«•••••••••r••••••s•••••••••••wrs••O ~I- •~FS ••.•..•♦••w••..•..r••••••••wrr•r.nr.~.rr.•rr••••••arr•••r•+r••..•..w•••o.••••.w•••.••rw•...~•••.••r•• Signature of Bidder 1Np'~~---I! bidder fie a eorporatloa, the legal name of the eorparatioa tFtadl be set tortb abaee tAgetb~r with tDt tignszt-ure o!.-.the. oiiieer or otikers crut~aoris.ed to sign ecntratts on,. bebaii_ •t tho_ . - ~+oaporatioa; if bidder is a eopartaership. the true Warne o! the firm thali De 0et forth arboee to~getltet uvitit fire signature of the partner or partners authorised 4o atgn eoixtraets in behalf of the copartaershlp, -and fi lbidder ix an inai~idual, his signature whail be placed cboYe. ki signaturs ~ by am agent, other than an otiieer of a corpaiatioe or a member of a Fartaer3t~ip, a Fowe.r of llttotaey must De c°a ille ;th t3~e City Cleric of the Clty o! Saieerstleid prior to o~eaiog bide of tut►tnitted eritb the itld; otherwlse• the bid v►111 be disregarded ae ltteguiat and uaauthoriseti. ~u~iness address..r ....................•.................•.••.r..r.....•..w.•.r.................................... • ~MA~~rrW of ~en7id~nc~ ..............~.....•..................r.w.e...~............•.......r.r.....w...a........... ~aty.~gi ••r•.•••.....••.••..r.or..•.••••.•r..•os •r.•••••.•.•••r•••• ,•♦nw••r••.•~ ~IM IS•••. •.Y y ...A YX'Cw~.v ,Yi Yi..~.:e./ vn..u~.~:..Lib 44ly \.ti • ~ ~ .n ....1t u.i w .f.V+~-•~,~ ~ f 1 . I {I~o~ ncc~ssary if cash ar ccrti~i~d deck is what bid) KN~~ AFL B~ TJHF~E P~~~~IV'TS; r 'What we ~ . _ - - - . as grar~~tpal, end _ . _ ~S surety, are ~:end `arid; ~irr~~.~y-~~und E~i~ta ,~i~y.L,T ~'a? er's~ie~u,; a ~~a~, ~oiixc. an,d. co~~~~;~rat~ a~ the Cate o~ ~a~~c~rna,- in the um of .~d~~~,ars a.~t ~ , C~'tt Y; do r:~d~; we t~ ~e ~c~ t4 said ~st~' , f ©r w~:xch pay°n~e~t « ~ hz:~d ~a~*J~~•~~~s, ~~r ~~:r.;; ~.x:ec~tcYrs ar~.d a~~n~:~i~tra~c~rs, ~~~~ce~~ors ~r a~~~,~~, ~v~#~~r ~r:;:~~ ~:w~r~rai.y s x ~ , ~j S x,~. yti ~ ~ t_~~ ~ y } ~7fy'~ i» .rc£ t..~} ~'i~ b`y ~ ~i'~ °I'Y .~Y). ~4 r n, .~~T ~ ,}p.~ • j~ TM' t. d..:f ~..`I i`}y Y . 5: 3. , +i d. A .1...11 ~ 1 a. ~A 1 ~ Z. ~ A+` L t~M.~ ~ i. • 4 . .4^ i ~i's 1 ~ f+:- ~ ~ a ys r" t'~.'+ p ~j.. ~ ~l # y, a ~4~k~ 9. •yy~~.y l~~,1 w1 1 S A aALli~ =rr -•F o.. bta I.k ~r~,.. ~JL>..j'4"1.s ~ lA ~r r~i. 4.1~5~.! I`~1~a1{`w .~•a 4•~ ~ b~ 1w ~4'M1 ~r 5. ~..»~v6 C4r~~ff~d~ri V'~` L~. i~~ ~7A 4r Ly ~v~Y+'`e~.1Li~;4.~.7 14~ q7 ~ f ~ i I! V f t.. Vii. '1 ' n ~ } T n ~ N I ~ ~ ~7 r'!~ P' C~ N :n a 4 /Z T' ~ - ~.~1~~~ ~~r~ a:,ti~.~'~'~3AE,6~ re,~-~~r~~ tC+ ;n t~a~ .~C~t~~.~: tL~ ~an,rra~cc~r:~ ~t~~,~~,11~.6~4:~t 1~4AZ,d'.~E a~ r~a~'i..~'~~~.VVV t , Y p t pyr ~ r d ,,...i ~ 2 v, ppa. t {t~ p ~y 'f r {'E ~ y y.1 Y' _ ,y~ Y'1 r ~ 7 ~n~, n . ' 1~, ~ <•n f~ 7 t~. 'i t.:~. ~ ~ , f.. 1 +5. ~.4J..~ ~ - - ~ f.i ~1..~.*.~ yW. 6.5;.,%1,'1, :rsi r„? w..i ,,.1 a.~ t€ ~~~V Tl~~°41,?LAP:k?h~M.Si:.1.sS.:Is..J~L:. i7~~i ~'w~i: l sY5. 6r Sy53 t~e~Y, i..ss. ~ ~ - `.C~`.~°~;,:~;;~x`,~ :.~:,C~_ ~~~:[13~. .~,~:?..`i : F~.~'y ~'?"x~'~~.~' :.£t~it~, : a°~.. ~'h~~:.~~~'~~ c~,, : Ct7fL.~I"aC~ t4 'C"~1~,S~i°LiC"<~ ~1"ia~T`4y'~'CI''.~"t1tS ~;a~~,~:~~~-~~~<~~~~<~~,, :aid s~~~~~. a~~ ~~liver. the t~°a b~nc~~ >requree~~~~y .~~~v ~~°it~~r~ ~~en days :not ~ , .*,.~i ; 4y.: A~, '6'i;~ w_;_ .:«.'4 S1. ~.e {f ~v ~y Yry MY W ndGl':ir. .'";.~.[~~~i e1G4~ -~:~xf,-Li~.. PL1L»~..,L,...~.a a..i i1,C61.r.~.d~ ,T.'L C►LF ~y♦. ~.~a ~v.~r:~t:a':ek ,w~.>-.7..dd~,,.t~~.~ ~i.~., ~~IS3.., c~1. :t,.A~ bh'~:~':G'~~~"'~~V~ ~~~~,1~6~~~~. ~~~~Ll.~ ~ ~ d te~~,~~.P. ~~~en~ thxW c~~~~~~;t~c~r~ s~Yal~ "~ue~ca~ns ~nul~ and va2d, ot~erw~se ~t sha~~ ~.e .and rein ~at°~~ a~ti~ e~~o~t, ~N V~I~`~~"~5~ ~~~~~~F, we ~avc hereunto soy our hands and seals this day (Seal} ($eal) ~S~a.~~ . - ~ scab .,.A.. . All persons or parties s~~br~i tti~ ~ bid . proposal on t~~:~ ~~ro~ ect sh~il complete the fo~.lowina fore, ~ett~.ng forth the n~~~e ~.nd the location of the mill, shop or af~:'ice of each sab-~ar~~:ractor y ~~ho ~~~.ll perform ~~~or~ opt Zab~~~ car r.L~r:d~~t sc~r~~ice tc~ t~~~~ c:~~~.~.ractor or abo~~t the ca7lst.ruction of the ti{~or~: o~' im~ro~re~~e~~: .n excels of one-half of o~4 percent of pr~jne co:~t.~°~.c~:r~r° s tot~I b~;~, ~.~~d ~ t:~~E portion ©f the ~ pork ~~hi ch will be done b~uT W ac~1 sub- ca,1►~ Factor t T~ii s ~~st is to be .completed and. s~~b~itte~ ~b said ~~~d pxoposal o ~h~ ~u~lettin~ and subcon.uractir~~ ~~~._~r ~`~°~c~:~~~s r~;y~ ~~~~,?~~e~~:r~~r~t ~®G~c, ~eCt?.on ~IQ~ ~t set, } E+~};~i ~ Y ~L ,.~~F,4 ~~C'~~ for CGns~rUCi3~?I1, I~II~r~'►T~~li~.li il~" r~~'~c~:i~" s~;:~'~~~~ ~ :;x?~o~G~~r~, s L 1. ~ ~ r. ~ 1 ~ w 4.•r♦ ~ t+.•'•J ~ 1 t .l 1.1 L.r 4 ( ~ rt ~.i p V t ~ ~J S ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ V J.' c J Y V .L ~ b ~ ~ ~ ~ _i _5 `w 6 a I t. i.~ j j.l~ Z. J'. ~1..i. _4_.i. . j : 7 i e ~ -y~ `.1 ~n r~ r r 1 ~ ♦r j t{"1 r Yti { (s ~ ^.n a 1 ` r'i ~ y a. .p. If a 01 i f ..L l..c c 4 0 .L f G. J.. ~ t• !J ~ : t,. ~ .i. S . `T• C~ : ~ 4, i.+ ' ! : ~ d. L 4~ _l ~ S.I ',.1 i i ' R ~ A qq t y i ~ ' 1 ,mss ya ~ q 7 ti i. ~,1 ,"1 ~ t `~1 ` _'..:.'f 6; ? . r i s7 Z. ~ < t~l. LliL• trUr. `0 1..~4, ~u~.i.fo~li~4ii.~ L.ti~~~~~. i.i~'.. 3 ..~✓!f ~`ti .t .r~: :iii►v ~„~~'i~~.5~ Vt`v~.M' Lr.~. r~~ ~.i 1..~(,L~ ~.s ~~r f.~ g.~C.i, 6 1~. ~l.i, f~'~.. ry ..~f~ } ~ x,_~ iM1• .A +.t,,~ 4J,~f:f, ~ ~ ,..4t,i~ t«~;iG1.4~. Aa~~ ~e~tl.i ~~~.S.~.L;~°A.4#~..... ~ .a ~ t.{,1' `.{tip., "~'f( 1. . _ t t e ~'~,`i.•~4.`i'~. 'w !.;.f'ae±~j~~ }^~tr ~}~w .1) f rJ J r t1 .r. - ~,.~"La~,~ s . : `_t : ~.i U ti.. a. 1. i ~ Y 1 j i ~ a , ~ ..,1 ~ 4 1 ~ f' ? ! , , , .~9 c ~,a 1