HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 Special Provisions Project Ming AveCOPY N0. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION TO BIDDERS SPECIAL PROVISIONS BID PROPOSAL FOR .CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON MING AVENUE .BETWEEN WIBLE ROAD AND HUGHES LANE AND WIBLE ROAD BETWEEN WILSON ROAD AND MING AVENUE JULY 1985 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 L11I Vt' lSt~lt~l~.~!'1L'LU, ~t-et,a~vnlrixt DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE T4 CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS wi11 be received by the City of Bakersfield at the Office of the Purchasing Officer, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, Calif®rnia, until 2:00 o'clock P.~4, on August 20, 1985 to be publicly ~o tined and read immediately thereafter, for the following worko P CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON MING AVENUE BETWEEN WIBLE ROAD AND HUGHES LANE AND WIBLE ROAD BETWEEN WILSON ROAD AND MING AVENUE Plans and specifications, and forms of proposal, bonds, and contract, may be obtained at the+ office of the, Purchasing Officer by posting a refundable deposit of _ } for ~ each .complete, set o Refund of .deposit will be made provided the plans and specifications are returned to the. Purchasing Officer within ten (10) days from date of contract award and the documents are in reasonably good c®ndition. b No bid will be considered unless it is made on a proposal form furnished b the Purchasin Officer, which appears herein i~nediately following the specifi® Y g cations. of the project, and is made in accordance with. the pro~isionS set forth.. under Section 2, "Proposal Requirements and Corid3tion " of the Standard Specfi,~ cations of the De artment of Transpo~~tation, Business ~ Transportation Agency, P State of California, under date of January, 19840 Each bid must be- accompanied by a prop®sa1 guarantee in accordance with the requirements of article 2®1.07 of the said Section 2 of the Standard Specifications. ~ ~ ~ The City of Bakersfield reserves the right to. x°eject any or all .bids... Bids ,are required on the entire work described herein. Substitution of securities for moneys retained to ensure performance shall be permi ted pursuant to the provisions and requirements of Government Code.45.9:00 SPECIFICATIONSe The work embraced herein shall~bedone in accordance with the :Standard Specifications of the l~ep~rtment of Transportation, Business and Trans ortation Agency, .dated January, 1984, insofar ~ as the same may apply. and . P in accordance"with the following provisions0 PROGRESS-~OF THE WORD AND TIME FOR COMPLETION. Attention is directed to the. . provisions of Section 8 article 8®1.06, "Time of Completion's and article 8:-10 0~; °'Liquidated Damages," of the Standard Specifications, and are specifically hereby made apart of these special provisions. The Contractor shall start work within 15 calendar days from the date of the written notice to proceed from the. City Engineer~or his authorized representativeo The Contractor shall diligently rosecute the work to completion before the expiration of TH3RTY ( 3 )working days. Contract working days will commence from the date the Contractor begins work or the 15th calendar day from the date of the written notice to proceed, whichever comes first. 1 ~lihenever any surety or sureties on any such bonds, or on an.y bonds re® wired b law for the pz~otection of the claims of laborers and material men,.. q. Y become insufficient, or the Mayor has cause to believe that such surety or sureties have become insufficient,a demand in waiting may be made of the- Contractor for such further bond or bands or additional surety, not exceedl.ng that originally required, as is considered necessary, considering the extent of the work remaining to be done. Thereafter no payment shall be made upon such contract to the Contractor or any assignee of the Contractor until such further bond or bonds ar additional surety has been furnishedo f .REJECTION OF PROPOSALS CONTAINING ALTERATIONS, ERASURES OR ° ° ° IRREGULARITIES. Proposals may be rejected rf they show any alterations of form9 additions not called for., conditional or alternative bids, incomplete bids,. eras uses or irre ularities of any kind. Proposals in which the prices ob~riously are g unbalanced may be rejected. The, right is reserved to reject any and al l.proposalso A ARD OF CONTRACT. The award of the contract, if it be awarded9 will. Cg) W ° bey made within thirty (30) days after the opening of the proposals e . (h) EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. The contract shall be signed by the success ful bidder anal returned, together with the contract bonds within-ten (10) dayso~ not including Sundays, after the b~.dder has received notice-that the contract . ~ wardedm No ro Deal shall be considered binding upon the City until has been a p p e execution®f the contract° All contracts shall be considered as being made th and entered into in .the City of Eakersfield, Californiae Failure to execute a c®ntract and file acceptable bonds as~provided herein within ten 10` da s, not including Sundays9 after the bidder has received C ) Y ° n®tice that the contract has been awarded, shall be .Just cause ~fflx the .cancel ~a - tion of the award and the forfeiture of the proposal guaranty. ° EXAMINATIONS OF. PLANS,. SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS,.A?VD ° SITE OF WORK.-~The bidder is reauixed to examine carefully the site of, .thepro~ . . ~®sal ~T ans: ands ecifications, and contract f®rms for the work contemplated,. P ~p P and- it will be~ assumed that- the bidder has investigated and is satisfied as to . ® itions to be encountered, as to the character, quality, and .quantities the c nd ~f` work to be performed and materials to be furnished,.., and as to the .requirement f the s ecifications the s ecial provisions, and the con racts It -is- mutually o p p a reed that the s~ubmiss~ion of a proposal shall be considered prima facie evidence g that the bidder has made such examinati®n., SECTION 2. SCOPE OF WORK a .WORK TO EE DONE. The work to be done consists of furnishing all C) labor, materials, methods and processes, implements,~tools and machinery, except as otherwise~s ecified, which are necessary and required to construct and put in p in the contract and complete order fox use the propo.~ed improvements designated to leave the grounds in a neat condition. b ALTERATIONS. By mutual consent in writing of the parties signatory ° ° ° . to the contract-, alterations or deviation, Increases or decreases, additions or omissions, in the plans and specifications, maybe made and the same shall in no way affect or make void the contract. 3 for accuracy of dimensions and details, and that the Contractor shall be respon~ sible for agreement and conformity of his working plans with the approved plans and specificationse (c) CONFORMITY WITH PLANS AND ALLOWABLE DEVIATIONa Finished surfaces in all cases shall conform with the lines, grades, cross®sections, and dimensions shown on-the. approved plans. Deviations from the appr®ved plans9 as may be re~ aired by the exigencies o£ construction will be determined in all cases by the a Engineer and authorized in writing. (d) COORDINATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS. These specifications, the plans, special provisions, and all supplementary. documents are essential parts of the contract, and: a requirement occurring in. one is as binding as though occurring in all. They are intended to be cooper® ative, to describe, and to provide for a complete work. Plans shall govern over specifications; special provisions shall govern over both specifications and plans. City specifications shall govern over State Standard Specifications. (e) INTERPRETATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. -Should it appear that the ~vork to be-done, or any matter relative thereto, is not sufficiently detailed. . or ex lained in~these specifications, plans, and the special provisions, the c®n~ P . tractor shall apply to the Engineer for such further~explanatlons.as may be necessary, and shall conform to such explanation or interpretation as part of the contract, so far as. may be consistent with the intent of the original sped= fications. In the event of doubt or question relative to the true meaning of the specifications reference shall be made to the City Council, who a decision thereon shall be final. In the event of any discrepancy between any drawings and the figures., . written thereon, the figures shall be taken as correct. . : (f) SUPERINTENDENCE. Whenever the contractor is not present .on.any part .of the work where it may be desired to give direction, .orders will be given by the En ineer in writing, and shall be received and obeyed by the superintendent.. g or foreman in charge of the particular work in reference to .which orders are. . giveno LINES AND GRADES. All. distances. and measurements,. are given and X11 C~) be made in a horizontal plane. Grades are given from the-tope of stakes or nails9 unless otherwise noted on the plans. Three :consecutive vints shown. en the same rate- ~f slope must- be used in P . con~on, in order to detect .any variation from a straight grade, and in case. any such discre ancy- exists, ~it -must be reported to the Engineers If such a .dis~crep® P . ancy is not reported to the Engineer, the contractor shall be responsible for any error in the finished work. Thecontractor shall give at least. 24 hours' notice in writing when he .will re uire the services of the Engineer for laying out any portion of the worko a . The contractor shall furnish the Engineer such facilities and labor, necessary for makin and maintaining points and lines, as he may require. Labor furnished g by the contractor-.for such purposes will be paid fore as Extra Work.. The contractor shall preserve all stakes and points set for lines, grades, or measurements of the work in their proper places until authorized to remove them by the Engineer. All expenses incurred in replacing stakes that have been removed without proper authority shall be paid by the contractor. S DEFECTIVE MATERIALS. All materials not conforming.to the require° Cb) s defective and all such ~ments of these specifications shall be considered a 9 ° e ° her in lace or not, shall be rejected and shall be removed lmmed~ materials, whet p the site of the work unless otherwise permitted by the Englneer. N® lately from. ° rial the defects of-which have been subsequently corrected, shall rejected mate , be used until-approved in writing by the Englneer° ° re on the. art of the contractor to comply with any order of Upon faa.lu P ' e under the rovisions of .this article, the Engineer shall have the Englneer mad p ° move and re lace defective material and to deduct the. cost of authority t® re p removal and re lacemerit from any monies due or to become due the contractor. P CTION 5. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES SE TO THE PUBLIC 0 BE OBSERVEDo The contractor shall keep himself fully in° (a) LAWS T a 1 existin and future State and Nationale laws and all municipal formed of 1 g ° ulations of the City of Bakersfield which in any manner affect. ordinances and rag ed in the work, or the materials used in the work, or which those engaged or employ • conduct of the work, and of all such orders and decrees of In any way affect the ~ the same. bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority ova for shall. forfeit, as penalty to the City (b) HOURS. OF LABOR. The contrac mechanic of Bakersfield, .Ten Dollars {$10.00) for each laborer, workman, ®r a ~ ecution of the contract by him, or by any subcontractor under employed in the ex ° ®f the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each. calendar day during him, upon any r workman or mechanic is required or permitted to labor %n which said labors , ~ ~ ~ rovisions of Section 1810 to Section 1815, inclusive, of ~ the . violation of the p Labor Code. m 1 with Section 6705 of the .Labor Code. (c) The contractor shall cop y i h rovides that the contractor's responsibility shall be as~follows: wh c p for the ro°ect includes an expenditure in excess If the contract Price p ~ . ° - oilers 25 000 for excavation of any trench or trenches of twenty-five thousand d ) ° . ° ~ ~®re in de th the contractor or his-subcontractor shall not begin fine feet or p nch excavation unless a detailed plan, showing the design of shoring, any tre . ~ ° or other rovisions to be made for worker protection during. the b~acing, sloping p ° ~ of the trench has been submitted by the contractor to the City excavation ~ ° ° En inset and the detailed plan has been appro~red by the City Englneer° g . orin s stem standards established by the If su~ch~ plan varies from the sh g Y all ° Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety, the-plan sh Construction Safety be re ared by a registered civil or Structural engineers P p ° i section sha.I1 be deemed to allow the use of a shoring, Nothing in th s ° or rotective s stem less effective than that required by the Construe° ~sloping, P Y ° ° tion Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety. ° action shall be construed to impose tort liability on Nothing in th1s s the awarding body or any of its employees. " ublic works" and 'awarding body", as used in this section9 The terms p me meanie as in Labor Code Sections 1720 and 1722 respectlvelyo shall have the sa g 7 Two Hundred Dollars (200.00) per day for each and every calendar dayes delay beyond he time prescribed to complete the work; and~the Contractor agrees to pay such liquidated damages as herein provided, and in case the same are not paid agrees that the City of Bakersfield may deduct the amount thereof from any money - due ox that may become due the Contractor under the contract. It,is~further agreed that. in case the work called for under the contract is not finished and completed in all garts and requirements within the tame . specified the City Council shall have the right to extend the time for comple~ tion or not, as may seem best to serve the interest of the City; and if it dec~.des to extend the time limit for the completion of~~he contract, it shall further have the right to charge to the Contractor, his heirs, assigns or sureties, .and to deduct from tre final payment for the work, all or any part, as it may deem proper, of the actual cost of engineering, inspection, superintendence, and other o~rerhead expenses which are directly chargeable to the contract, and which accrue during the period of such extension, except that the cost of final surveys and preparation of final estimate shall not be included in such chargeso The Contractor shall not be assessed with liquidated damages nor the cost of engineering and inspection during any delay in the completion of the work caused by acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the City, fire, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually ° severe weather or delays of subcontractors due to such causes; provided that the. Contractor shall within ten {10).days from the beginning of,anysuch deLayg ..notify the Engineer in writing. of the causes of delay, who shall ascertain. the facts and the extent of-the delay, and his findings of the. facts there®n shall be final and conclusive. (f) SUSPENSION OF CONTRACT. If at any tine in the opinion of the .City. . - Council, the Contractor has failed to supply an .adequate working force, or matcr~:~~l. of proper Quality, or has. failed in .any other respect to prosecute the work with the diligence and force specified- and intended in andby the terms of the contract, - noticethereof in writing. will be served u on him, and. should he neglect ~or reuse p to provide means for a satisfactory compliance with the contract, as directed by the Engineer, within the time specified in such notice, the City Council in any such case shall have the power to suspend the operation of the contract. Up®n receiving-notice of such suspension, .the Contractor shall discontinue said works or such parts of it as the CityCeuncil may designate. Upon such suspension, the Contractor's control shall terminate, and thereupon the City Council, or its duly authorized representative, may take possession of all or any part of ahe~Contractor's materials,. tools, equipment, and appliances upon thepremises9 . and use the same fox the purpose of c®mpleting said contract, and hire such. force and buy or~, rent such additional machinery,. tools, appliances and equipment 9 , . and buy such additi®nal materials and supplies at the Contractor's expense as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the work and for the completion thereof; or may employ other parties to carry the contract to completion, employ the necessary workmen, substitute other machinery or .materials, and purchase the materials contracted for, in such manner as the City Council may~deem proper;. or the City Council may annul and cancel the contract and re®let the work or any part thereof. Any excess of cost arising thereor®m over and above the contract price will be charged against the Contractor and his sureties, who will,be liable 11 .payment shall be required to ne mesa, when tiric ~ ub :.~c~c~r~ vi 6, L,=a~,d~e the work is not proceeding in accordance with the previsions of the contract, or . when in his judgment the total value of the work.doneosin~e the last estimate A _ an~otutt to less than Three Hundred Dollars ~$300~800) o ~ ~ . c FINAL PAYI~~ENT: The ity Engineer .shall, after the. completion of. the E~ ~ contract, make a final estimate of the amounts of work done thereunder, and they ~Iue of such work .and the City of Bakersfield shall pay~the entire sum s® found v ~ - ~~o be due. after deductin ther:efro~m~ al I previous payments aid `al l.`` amounts to be . ~ _ t g . ke t and all amounts to be retained under the provisions of the contract. All P rior artial estimates and ayments shall be subject to correction 'in the find P P P ~ • estimate and payment. The final payment shall not be due and payable unt11 the . e iration of thirty X30) days from the date of acceptance of the work by the XP .City C®uncil. mutuall a reed between the arties to the contract that no c~rti~- It is y g P a • icate given or payments made under the .contract,. except the final certificate or . final ayment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of the contract, P ether wholly or in part, against any claim of the party of the first part, and nc a ant shall be construed to bean acceptance ®f any defective work or F Ym i~:proper materials. And the Contractor further a Tees that the payment of the final am~aunt due g under the contract, and the adj ustlnent and payment for any work done ir~ ~~ccordance with any alterations of the same, shall release the City of Bakersfield, she City Council, and the Engineer fror~ any and all claims or liability on account of work .performed under the contract or any alteration thereof . d SUESTITUTION OF vECURITIES. ~~henever herein provision is made for • , ~•itlihalding or retention ot. moneys. to ensure performance, substitution of an e ui~ralent amo~~nt ~ralue' of securities shall be permitted in accordance with the q ~ 1 provisions and requy~°ement of Government Code Section 4590. SECTIOti' S. PROVISIGNS OF STA~tiDARD SPECIFICATIONS. .This word: embraced herein shall be done in accordance .with the .appropriate rovisians of construction details, Section 10 t~ Section 95., "inclusiyA.e, of the . P • 5 ecificatc~ns entitled "State of California;, ~usi~ess Transportation p~gency, p De artment of 'Trans ertationp Standard Specifications. July, ~ 1984," insofar P P • • • o the same may apply, which speclflcati®ns are hereinafter referred to as the Standard S ecifications, and in accordance pith the following special pro~risions P Whenever in the Standard S ecifications the folio«ing terms are used, . F they shall be understood to mean and refer to the. following: De a~tment of Transportati®n, Easiness ~ Transportation Agency, P ~ • CALTRA~S -the Engineering. Department of the City of Bakersfield. - Director of Public Works -City Engineer,. C~.~ty of Bakersfield. Engineer--The City Engineer, acting either directly or through properly authori~er.~ agents, such agents acting within the scope of the particular duties entru~~t~c~ to them. L~:~oratary -The. designated laboratory authori: ed b;r the City af' Ba~:ersfield to teat ~~M~.teri ~ls and work in~rolved in the contr~~Lt . r y • , 7 ~~~°sf~ c~Id 13 Other terms appearing in the Standard Specifications, the general pro- visons, and the special provisions, shall have the intent and meaning specified in Section 1, Definition of Terms of the Standard Specifications. . In the event that any portion of the Standard Specifications incorporated herein shall conflict with any of the provisions, delineated in the special pro- visions section herein set forth, the provisions s.o delineated shall take prece- dence over and shall be used in lieu of~.such conflicting portions., of .the Standard Specifications. ~ SECTION 9. INSURANCE In addition to any other form of insurance or bonds required under the terms of the contract and specifications, the Contractor will be required to carry insur- ance of the followin kinds and amountso contractor's public liability insurance g olio for roperty damage, personal injury and automobile liability (with an P Y P insurance company licensed to do business in the State of .California) in an amount not less than FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000.00), combined single-limit covers a with a TWO MILLION DOLLAR ($2,000,000.00) umbrella policy (containing a dro down provision) or, .in .lieu thereof, a 2.5 MILLION DOLLAR combined single- P limit policy. The City of Bakersfield, its mayor, council, officers, agents and em loyees shall be named~as additional insureds under the policy which shall P operate as primary insurance. If an art of the work is sublet, similar insurance shall be provided by YP . or in behalf of the subcontractors to cover their operations. The insurance hereinbefore specified shall be ca~°ried until all work re wired to be erformed under the terms of the contract is satisfactorily. q P 4 com}~leted as evidenced by~the formal acceptance by the City. The Contractor shall furnish the Finance Department with one (1} .certf~ie~. co of each of the executed policies or a cert~.fed Certificate of Insurance.. PY The certification on such policies shall guarantee that the policy will not be amended, altered, modified, or canceled insofar as the coverage contern- 1~ted hereunder is concerned., without at least five (5) days' notice mailed by p re istexed mail to the Finance Department, City of Bakersfield, Eakersfield; g California. The insurance herein required shall be obtained by the successful biddc~~' and the certified co y of the policies or Certificate of Insurance furnished as P herein provided, within the time fixed herein for.-his execution of the contract. .Full co ensation for .all premiums which ,the Contractor .and. the sub- contractors are required to pay on aI1 the insurance described above shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of work to be erformed under the contract,. and no additional allowance will be made therefor. P . . or for additional premiums which may be required by extension of the policies of insurance. . 14 SECTION 10. QUANTITIES . The followin reliminary estimate of the quantities of work to be done gp and materials. to be furnished are approximate only,. being given as a basis for the com arisen of ~bids,.and the City of.Eakersfield does not expressly or by p im lication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but p reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work or to omit portions of the work that may be deemed necessary or expendient by the Engineer. The revisions of Section 4~1.03B of the Standard Specifications p relative to alterations. net involving changes in the character of the work shall not a ly to any contract item of work in this proposal. pp LL ENGINEER ► S ESTI~~ATE L.S.. L.S. ~ Traffic control systems for detours. 1. 2. 200 L.F.. Abandon culverts. 3, 3 EA. ~ Remove inlets, .headwalls and endwalls. 4. 1 EA. Adjust manhole. 5. 5,725 (F) S.F. Obliterate pavement. 6, 1:1,.755 S.F. Remove sidewalk. 7. 3.275 L.F. ~ Remove median curb. Remove curb and gutter. 8. 2,365. L.F. 9. 375 LoF. Remove blocn wall. 10. 4 EA. Remove street lights. 11. L.S. L.S. Clear and grub. . 12. 4,.625 (F) C.Y. Roadway excavation. . 13. 200 L. F . Relocate irrigation. pipeline (on ramp):. 14. DELETED 15. 1,475 TON. Aggregate. subbase.. 16. 5 490 TON Aggregate base. ' 1.8 TCN As halt rejuvenating agent (construction seal). 17. p 1~. TON Asphalt concrete, Type "810. . 3,425 19. 90 TON Asphalt :concrete, .Type ''8" (miscellaneous) . 20. Z EA. Junction box:., 21. 3 EA. Catch basin, Type "A" (L=3'6"). 22. 40 L.F. 12►► RCP, Class III. 230 15 L.F. 18►►.RCP, Class III. 24. 445 L.F. .Zlo► RCP, Class. III.. 25. 50 L.F. ,V'CP.~~ 26. 25 L . F . 6►► vCP o 27. 14 L.F. 18'► CMP. 28. 13,245 S.F. Sidewalk,.. 29. 2,.755 L.F. Curb and gutter. 30, 690 L.F. Median curb, Type A2m8. 31. 2,100 L . F . Median curb, Type "M" . 32a L.S, L.S. ,Traffic signal modifications, Ming Ave. Wib 1 e Road 33. L.S. L.S. Traffic signal modification, Ming Ave. @ Fwy. 99 entrance 34. L.S. L.S. Traffic signal modification, Ming Ave. @ Castro Lane (F)~ Den®tes fa,nal pay quantityo 15 SECTION 11, MATERIALS. The Contractor shall furnish for use under these special provisions all materials required to complete the attached contract, except those materials provided by the, City where specified in these special provisions, SECTION 12. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. The general description of the work is as follows: Reconstruction of Ming Avenue between Wib1e Road and Castro Lane, the northbound Freeway 99 ramps at Ming Avenue. and widening Wib1e Road between Wilson Road and Ming Avenue, Said work is more specifically shown and:detailed on a plan entitled: PLANS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MING AVENUE FROM WIBLE ROAD TO HUGHES LANE AND WIBLE ROAD .FROM WILSON ROAD TO 700~'~ NORTH SECTION 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS. (a) PUBLIC SAFETY AND PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY. Attention is directed . to Section 7 of the St~ridard Speca.fications o They Contractor shall comply with the provisions ~ of thin section, except as other~vise directed by the Engineer. Such provisions for public safety shall meet~the minimum requirements and shall be subs ect to the. app. royal of the City Engineer, Full compensation for. complying with the requirements.of this section- shall be considered as included in the contract prices paid for~the various items.. . of work and no additional compensation will be allowed theref®r. (b) ~ OBSTRUCTIONS . Attention is directed to. Section 8-1 ~,1~0, ~ "Utility and Non-Highway Facilities, " of the Standard Specifications, the plans, and the special provisions. .Where extra work is reauired.by-said section it shall . be paid for as provided in Section 7: (a) of these specifications.. The Contractor will be required to work around public utility .facilities and other improvements that are to remain in place within the construction area or that are to be relacated~and relocation operations have notbeen completed, In accordance with the provisions of Section 7-1,11, ''Preservation of Property," and 7-1.1.2, "Responsibility for Damage, " of the Standard Specifications, the Contractor w111 be liable to owners Hof such facilities and improvements for . any damage or interference with service resulting from conducting his operations. fihe exact location of underground facilities and improvements. within the con- struction area shall be ascertained by the Contractor before using equipment that may damage such facilities or interfere with the services, Other forces 16 may be engaged in moving or removing utility facilities or other improvements or maintaining services or utilities. The Contractor shall cooperate with such forces and conduct his operations in such a manner as to avoid any unnecessary delay or hindrance to the work being performed by other such forces. .Any delay to the Contractor due to utility relocation whether or not the. utility is shown or correctly located on the plans will not be compensated for as idle time. However, additional contract time commensurate with such delays gay be allowed. . At locations where irrigation systems ex%st, the Engineer will direct the Contractor as to what steps will be required to protect the irrigation system and the ,area it serves, The Contractor shall replace the irrigation system as .directed by the Engineer. Existing land subdirrision monuments and stakes shall be fully protected from, damage or displacement .and they sha1~1 not be disturbed unless. directed by o . the En.glneer. Except in the case of extra work, full compensation for conforming to the requirements of-this article shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of work and no additional compensation will be made therefor. (c) OMISSIONS IN SPECIFICATIONS AND, DRAWTNGS. Any materials or work. mentioned in the specif~.catons and not shown. on the drawings or :shown on the drawings and.. not mentioned in~ahe specifications shall be of the. same effect as if shown-or mentioned in both, Omissions from .the drawings o~r the specifications of the maaerials or details of work which are Inan~ifestly or obviously necessary to carry out the a.ntent of the drawings and: specifications or which are customarily furnished or performed, shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for. furnishing such omitted materials or performing .such omitted work; but shall be furnished or performed as if fully shown or described in the drawings. or specifications . . (d) MATERIALS, whenever any material is specified by name and. number a thereof, such specifications shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of ~.~faci~litating description of the materials and establishing quality, and shall be deemed and construed to be followed by the words "or- approved equal°', No~ substitution will be permitted other than as. described herein unless authorized by the Engineer b~efore~ the. bids are opened. All ' materials shall be new and the best of their class and kind. (e} ADJUSTMENT OF OVERHEAD COSTS, The .provisions of Section 9-1.08 of . the Standard Specifications shall not apply to final cost of this contractor and no .final adjustment for overhead costs will be made, (f} DUST CONTROL It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to .prevent a dust nuisance from originating from the site of the work as a result of his operations during the effective period of this contract. Preventative measures to be taken by the Contractor shall include but shall not be limited to the followings 17 1. Water -shall be applied to all unpaved areas as required to prevent the surface from becoming dry enough to~ permit dust formation. 2, Paved surfaces over which vehicular traffic is permitted to . trave 1 shall be kept free of dirt . Temporary suspension of the work, either as a result of order by the Engineer, or as a result of conditions beyond the control of the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility for dust control as set forth herein, Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this article shall be considered as~ included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. . (g) WATERING . Furnishing and applying water shall conform to the prq~isions of Section 17 of the Standard ,Specifications, except that-full compensation therefor shall b~e considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work and no separate .payment will be made therefor, (h) CALTRANS~PERMIT. A11 work. within. State. Highway .right-of-way shall conform to the provisions of the encroachment permit issued by Caltrans. .Full compensation for conforming to the, requirements of this article shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items. of work and no~ additional compensation will be allowed therefor, SECTION 14.. SPECIAL PROVISIONS -ROADWORK (a) Maintainingtraffic. (b) Construction area signs, (c) Traffic control system for lane closure. ~ (d)~ Existing facilities. 1) Salvage materials from existing facilities. 2) Abandon ~ulvexts aid piplines 3) Remove or relocate roadside signs., 4) Remove drainage .facilities, 5) Adjust manhole, . 6) Obliterate ~pawement, ~ . n 7) Remove base and surfacing. 8) Remove concrete, Remoire block wall. 10) Remove street lights.. (e) Clear and grub, {f) Earthwork. 1) Roadway excavation. . . 2) Structure excavation and backfill. . 3) Trench excavation safety. 4) Preparing subgrade, (g) Existing landscaping and.. irrigation. 1) Check and remolring existing irrigation system, 2) .Maintain existing plants. 3) DELETED . 18 (h) Finishing roadway. (i) Aggregate subbase. (j) Aggregate base . (k) Asphalt rejuvenating agent (construction seal) . (1) Asphaltic paint binder, (m) Asphalt concrete. _ . ~ (n) Concrete structures. (o) Storm drain pipe. (p) Sewer pipe, . (q) Miscellaneous concrete. 1) ,Curb,. curb and gutter, 2) Sidewalk,. wheelchair ramps. (a) MAINTATNING TRAFFTC. Attention is directed to Sections 7-1...08,. 'fPublic Convenience," 7-1,09, "Public Safety," and 12, "Construction Area Traffic Control Devices.," of the Standard Specifications.and to the Section entitled "Public Safety" elsewhere in these .special provisions, ar~d these special provisions. Nothing in these special provisions .shah be construed as relieving the Contractor from his responsibility as provided in said Section 7-1.09, Lane closures shall conform to the provisions in the section of -these special provisions entitled "Traffic Control System for Lane Closure", Personal. vehicles of the Contractor's employees shall not be parked on the traveled way or shoulders, including any section closed to public t.raffica The, Contractor shall notify State authorities of his intent to begin work as provided in the encroachment permit, The. Contractor shall cooperate with State authorities relative to handling traffic. through .the area and shall make his own arrangements relative to keeping the working area, clear of parked vehicles. Lanes shall not be closed between 7:00 am and 8:30 am and be~~een 4:30 pn~ .and 6:00 m. Exce t ~rork required under said Sections 7-1.08 and 71.09,` work that p p interferes with public traffic shall be performed: only during. the. ,hours. shown for lane-..closures. The full width of .the traveled way shall be open .for use by public traffic on Saturdays, Sundays and designated legal holidays., after 3:00 pm on Fridays and~the day preceding designated. .legal holidays, and when construction operations are not actively. in progress, Desi nated legal holidays are: September 2-, November 1, November 28, g November 29,' December 24, December 25, December 31 of 1985;. January 1, Febru- ary 12, February 17, May ~26, July 1, andJuly 4 of 1986. Traffic shall be permitted access to abutting property at all times over the entire project limits, The Contractor shall direct and supervise traffic as instructed by the Engineer and shall comply with the instructions and directions relative thereto, _ _ _ . 19 The Contractor's trucks and other mobile. equipment which leave a freeway lane, that is open to public traffic, to enter the constructiona~ea, shall slow down gradually in advance of the location of the turnoff to give following public traffic an opportunity to slow down. When leaving a work area and entering a roadway carrying :public ,traffic, the Contractor's equipment, whether empty or loaded, shall in all cases yield to public traffic. Minor deviations. from the requirements of this section concerning hours of work which. do not significantly change the cost. of the work may be permitted upon the written request of the, Contractor if in the opinion of the Engineer public traffic will be better served and the work expedited. Such. deviations-shall not be adopted. until the Engineer has-indicated his written approval. . At locations where public traffic is being routed over a surface upon which a seal coat is to be applied .the seal coat shall not be applied to ,more than one-half the width of the traveled way at a~ time, and the remaining width shall. be kept free of obstructions. and open for use bypublic traffic until the seal coat. first applied is ready- for use by traffic, At the direction of the Engineer, or ~at Contractor's option, sand may be spread over newly applied seal coat. suxfaces. Traffic signals .shall .remain in full operation between 7400 am and. 8:30 am, between 4:30 pm and 6:00 pm, after 3:00 pm on Fridays, Saturdays,. Sundays and designated legal holidays, Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this. article shall be considered. as included in the price paid .for various .items. of work and no additional compensation will ~be allowed therefor.... ~ ~ ~ . (b) CONSTRUCTION AREA STGNS. Construction area .signs shall be furnished,.... installed, maintained, and removed .when no longer required in accordance with the . provisions in .Section 12, "Construction Area Traffic Control De~rices," of~ the Standard Specifications and these special ~ provision5 . ~ p Full compensation for furnishing, placing, maintaining, and removing the construction area signs shall be considered as included in the prices paid fore. the .various contract items of work and no~ separate .payment will be made. . therefor. (c) TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR LANE CLOSURE. A traffic control system shall consist of closing traffic lanes .and. ramps in accordance with the details shown on State Standard Plans T-10 and T-14, the provisions of Section 12, "Construction Area Traffic. Control Devices,'' of the. Standard Specifications, the .provisions under ''Maintaining Traffic" elsewhere in these special provisions, these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. . 20 The provisions in this section will not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility to provide such additional devices or take. such measures as may be necessary to comply with the provisions. in Section 7-1,09, "Public Safety," of the Standard Specifications, _ The base material of construction area. signs shall not be plywood. Each vehicle used~to place, maintain, and remove components of a traffic control system on multilane highways-shall be equipped with a Type II flashing arrow sign which shall be in operation when-the vehicle is being used for placing, maintaining, or removing said components, The sign. shall be controllable.. by the operator of the vehicle while the vehicle is in motion, The flashing arrow sign shown on the plans shall not be used on the vehicles which are doing the placing, maintaining,. and removing, and shall be in place before a lane closure requ~.ring its use, is completed, If any component in the traffic control system is displaced, or ceases to operate or function as specified, .from any cause, during the progress of th.e work, the Contractor shall immediately repair said component to its original condition or replace said component and shall restore the component to~ .its original location, when. lane and ramp closures are made for work periods only., at the end ,of each work period, all. components of thetraffic control system, .except portable. delineators placed along open trenches or excavation adjacent to the traveled way, shall be removed from the traveled way and shoulder, If the Contractor so elects, said components may be stored at selected central locations, approved by .the En~~ineer, within the limits of the highway right-of- way,. The-.contract-lump sum price paid for traffic control system shall include furl compsnation fog furnishing all. labor, (including Bagging costs) materials (including signs.)., tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in placing, removing, .storing, maintaining, .moving to new .locations, replacing, and disposing of .the co~ponents of the traffic control system as shown on .the plans, a.s specified in the Standard Specifications ~ and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer, (d) EXISTING HIGHWAY FACILITIESo The work performed in connection with . . :various eXistng highway facilities shall conform to the provisions in Section 15 9. "Existing Highway Facilities", of the Standard Specifications, the plans, these . special provisions, and ~as directed. by the Engineer, Full compensation for connecting to existing drainage and sewer facilities shall be considered as included. in the contract price paid for various items of work and no additional allowance. will be made , EXisting:facilities removed shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions in Section 7-1,13, "Disposal of Material Outside the Highway Right- of-Way", of the Standard Specifications. Z1 1) SALVAGING MATERIALS FROM E?~ISTING FACILITIES. As used in this section, salvaging means removing materials from existing facilities which are designated in these special provisions or shown on the plans to be salvaged, preparing, marking, packaging, and hauling such material to the State or City site as applicable. Materials, as used in this section, include materials, parts, articles, and equipment of assembled facilities. This work does not . include the ,preparation of existing material that is to be reused in the work. .Street lights and materials salvaged from the freeway ramps shall be delivered to the State maintenance yard at 1200 Olive Drive and stockpiled in accordance with the requirements in these special provisions. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer and the District Material Manager, phone (805) 395-2808 a minimum of 48 hours prior to hauling .salvaged materials to~ the State yard. All other materials salvaged shall be delivered to the City Corporation Yard at 4101 Truxtun Ave, as directed by the Engineer.. Salvaging. .Unless otherwise specified, all materials from an existing facility to be salvaged shall be salvaged. When specific materials from an existing facility are designated to be salvaged, the remaining materials from that facility shall be removed and disposed of Materials to be salvaged shall not be removed until their use is no longer required as determined by the Engineer. Salvaged materials shall be~cleaned of all earth and other foreign materials. A.1,~ adhering concrete: shall be removed from salvaged materials. when racticable, salvaged materials shall be hauled directly to the p location deslgnated~and stockpiled; however, salvaged materials: may be temporarily . stored at a location selected by the Contractor and approved by .the Engineer, and later hauled to and stockpiled at their. final location. Materials .which are lost f®r any reason before stockpiling shall be either replaced by the Contractor at his expense, or,~ at the discretion of the Engineer, the estimated ..~.ost ,o f replacement may be deducted from .any moneys due or to become due to the Contractoro~ Materials that are to be salvaged and which are damaged as a result of the. Contractor's operations $.hall be repaired by the Contractor, at his expense, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. ~ Materials which axe .damaged beyond repair as a. result of the Contractor's operations shall be either. replaced at his expense, or, at the discretion of the Engineer, the es~t~rma~ed cost of replacement .may be deducted from any moneys due or to become due to the Contractor, Re lacements for lost or damaged materials shall be of the same kind p and. of the same or better quality and .condition as the lost or damaged materials were prior to their removal. Segregation of Damaged Materials. Materials designated to be salvaged that ar.e damaged, as determined by the Engineer, shall be segregated from the. undamaged--mate-real . Damaged material shall be removed and disposed of . Packaging, Fondling, and Tagging. Salvaged material shall be .packaged and bundled as follows Single sheet aluminum signs shall be banded on pallets, total weight not to exceed 500 pounds. 22 " i ~ • ~ ~ . L~; r,. _ . . ~ • ~ ~ ~ t . • ~ . a ~ , - ' . . ~ ' r, f ~ ~ ~ • . ~ ~ ` ~ r ' ~ } . ~F, - ~ '.i r. ~ ' , 1 ' . ~ • r ~ ' '..i t. . ~ ' ' , ' . . r. ' r.. ~ . ~ • V ~ rJ • ~ ' r r ~ ~ A 1: i~• ~ ` i . • • r.. ' ' ` ~ ~ - ~ r ~ t.. ~ J ♦ t ' t ' ` .l'~, ~ - ~ :f ` ~.'Y" Ff :1. ~ ~ . . '~I ' ~ (rf _ _ ' . r ~ .c of , 1 • ~ ~ r, ~ ~ r ~ . C t ' f 'lll ~ ~ 5 ~ Y.. ~ ' 1 ~ Y t I.. • ~r ' . 1 ~ - 1 ' ' ~ ' - ~ ' ` •.t ~ y~ L t ~ • , ~ ~ '.c , ~ ~ ~ . ~ is ' i . - - • ~ ~ r~ r e 1 . ~ . ~ . - ` ~ - • ~ 1 . , ~ ~ ' , ~ r .t ' ' . S . ~ ' '1 l} ~ ~ ` r . t ~ t C ~ - ''r ' r . f Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this article shall. be considered as included in the price paid, for the various items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 4) REMOVE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. Existing inlets, headwalls and endwalls, where any portion of such structures is within 3 feet of the grading plane in excavation areas , or within one foot of original ground in embankment areas , or where shown on the plans to be removed, shall be completely removed and disposed of. Removing drainage facilities wiI 1 be paid for at the .contract unit price each for removing inlets, headwalls and endwalls, 5) .ADJUST. MANHOLES. Existing manhole frames shall be adjusted to finish, grade as directed by the, .Engineer- .and in conformance to Section 15-2 e 05, "Reconstruction", of the Standard Specifications, these special provisions, and City Standards S-? and S-~. Pavement shall be sawcut~a minimum of 6 inches around the periphery of the frame and removed to a depth of 6-inches. Asphalt. concrete shall be placed in the 6-inch void created in accordance with the provision of~ article 14 (j ) "Asphalt Concrete'' of these special provisions . Existing manhole frames and covers, if salvaged und~aanaged, may be reused. If damaged. duringremoval, a new frame and cover shall be furnished. Full compen- sation for furnishing cast iron frame and cover for sewer manhole shall be considered as included in the contract unit price paid: for adjusting frames and covers and no additional .compensation will be allowed therefor, Payment.. Adjusting existing sewer manhole frame and cover will be paid for at the contract unit price each, which price shall include full compensation .for. adjusting the sewer manhole frame and cover complete in place with pad. in- eluding excavating and sawcutting .pavement at periphery of the frame. 6) OBLITERATE PAVEMENT.Existing surfacing, when no longer required . for the passage of public traffic, shall be obliterated at the locations shown on -.the plans. Surfacing shall not be obliterated by the earth cover method. Obliteration shall consist of rooting, plowing, pulverizing or . . scarifying .the existing surfacing as specified in Section 1.5, 2.02A, "Oblit;erating Roads- and Detours., " of the .Standard. Specifications. After obliteration, the area shall begraded,. as directed.by the Engineer, so that it will blend in with the surrounding terrain. Whenever a portion of existing surfacing is to be obliterated, the outside edge. of the existing surfacing,. which- is to remain in place, shall be sawed to a neat line, prior to obliteration operations. Fu11 compensation for sawing existing surfacing to a neat line, as specified, shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per square foot for obliterate surfacing, and no additonal ,compensation will be a~.lowed therefor. 24 i Obliteratn ~avement will be aid for at .the contract unit price per ~ gp p square .foot of pavement obliterated which price shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment and for doing all the work involved in obliterating pavement. Obliterating pavement will be a final pay ~ quantity in conformance to the provision in Section 9-1..015, "Final Pay Quantities", of the Standard Specifications, 7) REMOVE BASE AND SURFACING. Existing base and bituminous surfacing shown on the. plans to~be removed, shall be removed to the limits of the grading plane. Resulting holes and depress ions shall be backfilled with earthy .material selected from excavation to the lines and grade established by the Engineer. The material removed shall be disposed of outside the highway right-of- way as provided in Section 15,2.03, "Disposal," of the Standard Specifications. Removing. base and surfacing will be measured and paid for as roadway excavation. . 8) REMOVE CONCRETE. Removing- concrete shall conform to the provisions in Section 15 , "Existtng Highway Facilities," of the Standard Specifications _ and these-special provisions. Concrete removed shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions in Section 7-1.13, "Disposal of Material Outside the Highway Right-of-way," of the Standard Specifications . . Removal of sidewalk will be measured and paid for by the square foot. Removal of drive approaches- will be measure and paid for as sidewalk removal. + Removal of median curb will be measured and paid for by the linear foot. Removal of curb and gutter will be measured and paid for by the linear foot. Removal of ty.e A2-8 freeway median curb will be measured and paid .for. p as curb and gutterremoval. Other concrete to.be removed will not be measured nor paid for as remove concrete, Attention is directed to Sections lb, "Clearing and Grubbing," ,and 19-1.04, "Removal and Disposal of Buried Man-Made Objects," of the' .Standard S ecificatins , Other concrete to be removed will be considered as clearing and. p . grubbing: work or excavation , as the case may be . . 9. Remove block wall. Decorative block wall shall be removed as . shown on the plans. Existing block may be salvaged and cleaned for use in reconstructing the block wall as shown on the plans. Removing block wall will be measured and paid for by the linear. foot of wall removed.in accordance with the provision of Section 1.5-2.07, "Payment", of the Standard Specifications. 10 REMOVE STREET LIGHTS. Existing street lights shall be removed ) 25 1 ~1' 1 . ~ ; t 1 !1 r. ~ ' ' ~ ~ 7. ~ ~ 1 ~ , s . f4 i _ ` ~ 1r~ i' J,'. ' ~ ~ ~ ' M f ~ - ~ ~ ~ .r. • ~ . 1 5 - ~ - - . ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ a . ~ ~ t 1) ROADWAY EXCAVATION. Under this item, the Contractor shall excavate the roadway prism, place embankments, and remove asphalt pavement, where shown on the plans or where. directed by the Engineer and in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 19 of the StandardSpecifications and these special provisions. Roadway excavation shall .consist of all excavation involved in the grading and construction of the various roadways and designated ditches, except structure excavation and any excavation separately designated and paid for as another item. ROAD~VAY EXACAVATION will be measured and paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard in accordance with the provisions of Sections 19-2.08 ~ 19-2.09 of the. Standard Specifications, which price shall ,include full compensat-ion for all Labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary or required to exca- vate the roadway prism, haul,- place and compact embankments to furnish and apply water and to remove all concrete obstructions and interfering sections of asphaltic pavement. . ` Roadway excavation will be a final pay quantity in conformance to the provisions of Section 9-1.015, "Fianl Pay Quantities", of the Standard Specifica- tions. . 2) STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL. Structure excavation and back- fill shall conform to the provisions. of Section 19-3, "Structure Excavation anc~ backfill", of the Standard Specifications, the plans and these special .e provisions. Where..structu~e excavati.an is performed and material is removed outside the limits designated for structure excavation,. as shown on the plans or specified in the .Standard Specifications or these special provisions, all backfill material placed in said excavation areas shall be compacted ao a relative compaction of not less than that required f®r the adjacent structure backfill. . Full compensation .for structure excavation and backfill., unless other- wise specified in these special provisions, shall be considered as included in . prices. paid ..for the varou contract. it~as of work and no additional allowance ~i11 be made therefore 3} TRENCH EXCAVATION~SAFETY.•. The work performed in connection with trench excavation shall conform to the provisions~in Se:ct~ion 5-1.02A, "Trench _ Excavation Safety Plans," .of the Standard. Specifications:. All excavations. shall be perfo►rmed~, protected, and supported as required for safety. and in the manner set forth in the operational rules, .orders and regulations prescribed by the CAL-OSHA State of California Construction Safety Orders. Barriers steall be placed at-each side of all excavations and at such places as maybe necessary slang excavations to prevent accidents. Flashing lights shall also be placed along excavations from sunset each day to sunrise of the next day until such excavation is entirely refilled. It .shall be the Contractor's. responsibility to comply with all safety require- meat s . 27 Bracing,. Shoring,. Sheeting -Soils within the project may .exhibit. unstable characteristics. Particular attention is directed to the following safety requirements concerning,: but not limited to, shoring, bracing,. etc. ~ All excavations shall be properly supported in the manner prescribed by the latest rules, orders and regulations of CAL-OSHA State of California Construction Safety Orders and the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California. Existing improvements of any. kind, either on public or private property, inclusive of the specified improvements being constructed, will be fully protected from damage. If any damage does result to such improvements, the Contractor, at his own expense, shall make the necessary repairs on reconstructions required, as directed by~the Engineer. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to comply with all safety requirements. Full compensation for conforming to all safety requirements shall be considered as included in the. contract price paid for various items of work and no additional allowance will be made .therefor. 4) PREPARLNG SUBGRADE. The finished subgrade;immediately prior to placing aggregate base thereon shall have a relative compaction of not less than 95 .percent for a depth of 0.5 foot as determined by Test Methods. No: Calif. 216 or 231. The subgrade shall be smooth and. uniform and true to the required grade and cross sections.. The surface of the grading plane at any point shall not vary more than 0.05 foot above or O.10 foot below the grade established by the Engineer. Subgrade .that does .not conform. -to the above requirements shall be reshaped and recompacted to meet the specified requirements at the contractor's expense . . No separate. payment for preparing subgrade-will be made. Compensation for furnishing all Labor., materials, tools, and equipment, and fordoing all the work. necessary and required to construct the subgrade comp-late: in lace p including fuxnishng,.. hauling, and applying water and compacting the subgrade to a depth of 0.5 foot shall be considered as included. in the prices paid fo-r the .various contract items~of work. and no additional .compensation will be allowed- therefore C~~ NG AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM FACILITIES. Existing . ,EXISTING LANDSCAPL.. _ _ - h~,ghway planting and irrigation system facilities shall conform to the provisions -~,n Section 20, "Erosion Control..and Hi hwa Plantin " " ' ,z ~ _ g_ Y._ _ g ,and Section 15,~ Existing . . Highway Facilities," of the Standard Specifications, the plans, and. these special o e pr~~lsions. Attention is directed to the provisions in "Existing Highway.Facilities" and "Clear and Grub"~ ~of~~ these special provisions.. 1) CHECKING AND REMOVLNG EXISTING IRRIGATION FAC II~ITLES . Before irrigation work is started, the existing irrigation systems to remain shall be checked for proper operation. Any repairs to the existing irrigation systems ,ordered by the Engineer after checking of the systems, and any further repairs required thereafter as ordered-by the Engineer, will be~paid for as extra work as provided in Section 7 of these specifications, except as otherwise provided in the following paragraph. Where damage to existing irrigation facilities is caused by the Contractorrs operations, the Contractor shall, at his expense, repair or replace damaged facilities. promptly, Should the Contractor fail to perform the required repairs or replacements, the cost of performing such repairs or replacements will be deducted from any moneys due or to become du e the Contractor. 28 Existing irrigation facilities, where shown on the plans to be removed, shall be removed and disposed of. Portions of the existing irrigation facilities that are more than b inches below the surface of the ground of the completed .work may. be abandoned.. in lace in lieu of -removing such facilities, provided all other portions of the P . facility are removed to a depth ~of not less than 6 Inches. Immediately after disconnecting an existing irrigation facility to be removed from a facility .that is to remain in place, the remaining facility shall be connected to the new irrigation facility, capped, or plugged. Full com ensat.ion for checking and removing existing irrigation facilities p shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per linear foot for relocating irrigation pipeline (on ramp), and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. . 2) MAINTAIN ExISTING PLANTS. Existing plants, shown on..the plans to be maintained, shall be maintained by the Contractor throughout the life of the contract as specified in these special provisions. Maintaining existing plants shall be limited to the work specified in this section ''Maintain Existing Plants". Existin lants shall be watered in accordance with the. provisions. in gp Section 20-4.06, "Wagering,." of the Standard Specifications. . Fu11 com ensation for maintaining plants, not otherwise provided"for p in this section 91Ma1.ntain Existing Plantsp4, shall be considered ~as included in the contract urit~price paid per linear foot for relocating irrigation pipeline. (on ram and no separate payment will be made therefor. P DELETED h) FINISHING ROADWAY. Finishing roadway shall conform to .the provisions of. Section 22 of the Standard Specifications. Fu11 compensation for finishing roadway shall be considered as included in the prices paid for. the various contract items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 29 (i) AGGREGATE SUBBASE. Aggregate subbase shall be Class II and shall conform to the rovisions in Section 25, "Aggregate Subbases," of the Standard ~ p Specifications . (j) AGGREGATE BASE. Aggregate base shall be furnished, spread and compacted in conformity with the lines, grades and dimensions shown upon the .plans and in accordance with the requirements of Section 2b of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. .Aggregate base shall be Class 2 aggregate base conforming to the. re uirements of Section 26- 02B of the Standard Specifications for 3/4 inch q .maximum sized aggregate. . MEASUREMENT~AND PAYMENT ~ Aggregate base will be measured by the ton, weighed on platform scales .furnished by the Contractor or on public scales,`in accordance with Section 9 of the Standard Specifications. The expense of .weighing shall be borne by the Contractor. Aggregate base, will be paid for at the contract price per ton which price shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment and for doing all the work involved in placing and compacting the - aggregate basso Fula compensation for furnishing and applying water. as reQuired in these. specifications and special provisions and any additional wateringreauired to hold -the base intact between the tine of completion of compaction and the construction of asphalt concrete surfacing shall be considered as included in~the prices paid. for the various contract items of work and no additional allowance wil'1 be made therefor. (k) ASPHALT REJUVENATING AGENT (CONSTRUCTION SEAL). Asphalt rejuvenating agent shall be furnished and app lied .to new asphalt concrete pavement.: in the travelled..way in accordance with the prov~.aions for.fog seal in Section 37, "Bituminous Seals'' of the Standard Specifications a.nd these special provisions...... Construction Seal shall not ~ be app lied to 'the freeway ramps . . The asphalt. rejuvenating agent shall be composed of a petroleum resin oil base uniformly emulsified with water and shall conform to the following ...requirements: TEST TEST METHOD REQUIREMENTS Viscosity, 77° F, AASHTO T 59 15-40 SFS . Residue .Calif. Noo 351 60% min. Tests on Residue Viscosity, I40~ F. AASHTO T 201 100-200 CST Asphaltenes Calif.. No. 352 0.75 o max. Miscibility Test * AASHTO T 59 No coagulation 30 TEST TEST METHOD REQUIREMENTS Sieve Test AASHTO T 59 0.10% max. Particle Charge Test ~ AASHTO T 59 Positive * Test procedure: AASHTO T 59 to be modified by using 0..02 normal. calcium chloride solution in place of distilled water,. Test procedure: AASHTO T 59 to be modified by using distilled water in place of 2 percent sodium oleate solution. Before s reading, water shall be~added to,.and mixed-with, .the asphalt p rejuvenating agent at the approximate rate of one part water, by volume, to 2 arts~re°uvenating agent. The combined mixture of asphalt rejuvenating agent P ~ and water shall be spread at the rate of 0,05 gallon per square yard of surface . covered. Asphalt rejuvenating agent will be paid for at the contract unit price per ton of concentrate applied which price shall include full compensation for furnishing all Labor, materials, tools and equipment and. for doing all the work involved in applying the aspha3.t ~ re juvenating agent as specified ° (1) ASPHALTIC PAINT BINDER, Asphaltic paint binder shall be asphaltic ~ . emulsion and shall. be.furnished.and applied asset forth in Section 39-4 of the Standard S ecifications and at the rate of 0.~5 gallon per square-yard of surface P covered, Furnishing all .labor., materials, tools and eauipment_for app lying asphaltic aint binder shall be considered as included in the contract price p paid per ton of Asphalt Concrete Type "B" and no additional compensation wi11~ be allowed therefor. (m) ASPHALT CONCRETE, Asphalt concrete shall be Type ''B" and shall conform to the provisions in Section 39, "Asphalt Concrete,'' of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. The first aragxaph in Section 39-3.04, "Mixing," of the Standard p s Specifications is amended to read: . A re ate, su lemental fine aggregate, and asphalt binder shall be mixed gg g pp ~ in a batch mixer, continuous pugmill mixer, or drier-drum mixer, or drier-drum mixer.. The as halt content of the asphalt mixture will be determined. by extraction p tests in accordance with California Test 310 or 362, or will be determined in accordance with California Test 379. The bitumen ratio (pounds of asphalt per 1OO ounds of dry aggregate including supplemental fine aggregate is used) shall not p vary by more than 0,5-pound of asphalt above or 0,5-pound of asphalt below the amount designated by tie Engineer. Compliance with this. requirement, except for Open Graded asphalt concrete, will be determined by testing samples taken from the mat behind the paver before initial or breakdown compaction of the mat. The first three sentences of the fifth paragraph of Section 39-b,01, "Genera.l Requirements," of the Standard Specifications are amended to read: When the total comp acted thickness of asphalt concrete is shown on the plans to be less than 0,25-foot, asphalt concrete shall be spread and compacted in one layer. All other asphalt concrete shall be spread and comp acted in layers, The top layer of asphalt 31 concrete shall be not more than 0.20-foot. nor less than 0.15- foot in compacted thickness. The next lower layer shall be . not more than 0.25-foot nor less than 0.15-foot in compacted thickness unless the total thickness is shown on the plans to be Less than 0.30-foot, and any lower layers shall be not ..less than 0.15-foot nor more than 0.40-foot in compacted thickness. Asphalt concrete base shall be spread and compacted in one or more layers; each. layer shall not exceed 0.40-foot in comp acted thickness. Asphalt concrete Type "B" shall have a bituminous binder of paving asphalt of AR 4000 viscosity grade, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, and shall conform to the requirements shown in the table for "Steam-Refined Paving Asphalts" in Section 92 of the Standard Specifications. The amount of bituminous binder to be .mixed with the mineral aggregate shall. be between 5 percent and 7 percent by weight of dry mineral.. aggregate. The exact amount of bituminous binder to be mixed with the mineral aggregate will be determined by the Engineer, The combined mineral aggregate for asphalt concrete Type B placed on -the roadway shall conform to he grading specified for the 3/4"maximum, medium grading. shown in the table under Section 39-2.02 of the Standard Specifications. Aggregate for miscellaneous asphalt concrete for asphalt concrete dikes shall conform to: the 3/8 inch maximum grading as specified in Section: 39-2.02, "Aggregate," of the Standard Specifications. Asphalt concrete surfacing shall be constructed in accordance with. the reaui.rements of Section 39 of the Standard Specifications .with. the following. modifications A prime coat shall nat be applied to the base prior to placing asphalt concrete.surfacing~ . At all.joints`between the new ~avernent a.nd existing pavement, the existing pavement shall be satacut to a vertical fac.o and neat line. Asphalt concrete for miscellaneous area shall be placed where shown on the plans and shall be limited to asphalt concrete dike, median paving, parking lot ties and asphalt concrete driveway ties. . Asphalt concrete Type "B" will~be measured by the ton of completed mixture in accordance-.with the provisions of Section 9-1.01 "Measurement of Quantities," of the Standard Specifications. Asphalt concrete Type B~wi11 be paid for at the contract price per ton which price shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment and for doing all the work involved in placing asphalt concrete as specified, including sawcutting and trimming of bituminous surfacing . at pavement joints Full compensation for furnishing and applying asphaltic paint binder shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per ton of asphalt concrete Type "B", Full compensation for placing asphalt concrete in miscellaneous area, including backfill, shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per ton of asphalt concrete Type "B" (miscellaneous).  (n) CONCRETE STRUCTURES. Portland cement concrete structures shall ..conform to the provisions in Section 51, "Concrete Structures", of the Standard Specifications, the plans, and these special provisions. All sides of concrete structures shall be formed in accordance with the provisions of Section 51-1:05, "Forms", of the Standard Specifications. unless in the opinion of the. Engineer the soil conditions .are suitable for neat pouring. If neat pouring is approved by the Engineer, exterior concrete cover over reinforcement shall be increased. one inch ('1") with total cover being a minimum of three inches (3")~ and a maximum of eight inches (8"). The inside design dimensions of the structure shall be maintained. Concrete shall be Class A .(six sack) as designated in Sect-ion 90, "Porland Cement Concrete,-'' of the Standard Specifications and shall conform to the requirements of that section, 1. REINFORCEMENT. Bar reinforcing steel shall conform to the provisions in Section 52, ''Reinforcement,'' of the Standard Specifications, the.. plans, and these. special provisions, 2. JUNCTT4N BOX. Junction boxes shall be constructed in conformance to City Standard 5-19. 3. CATCH BASTN. Type A. Catch basins shall be constructed in conformance to.City .Standards S-12 and S-14. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT.. Installing Type.A catch basins and junction boxes will be paid for at the contract unit price each, which. price shall .include full -compensation for structure excavation and backfill, for furnishing Nand placing bar reinforcing steel, concrete, ..frames. and. covers,. miscellaneous .s eel, and. other. items necessary toconstruct .the structure complete in place as shown on the plans, as specified and detailed in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. (o)STORM DRAIN PIPE. Measurement for payment, unless otherwise specified in these special provisions, shall. be the actual length installed., measured horizontally along the centerline of the pipe. ,Shop drawings for all shop fabricated sections or special joints shall be . submitted to the Engineer and approved prior to fabrication and shall be accompanied with a certification of compliance at time of delivery to the job sites The cost for the special sections .shall be included in the price paid per linear foot-for the piper and no additional allowance will be made. Pipe will be paid for at~the contract unit price per linear foot, unless otherwise specified in these special provisions, which price shall. include full compensation for furnishing. all labor, materials, tools,. equipment, and for doing all the work involved in placing the pipe complete in place, including but not Iunited to, structure excavation,. structure backfill, placing plugs and tie-ins~to existing. structures, all in~accordance with the details shown in the plans, and as specified and detailed in the Standard Specifications and' these special provisions.. 1. REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (RCP) Reinforced concrete pipe shall.. have mortar joints or rubber gasket. joints and shall conform to the provisions in Section 65, "Rei.nforced Concrete Pipe," of the Standard Specifications, the plans, and t~lese special provisions. Substitution of non-reinforced concrete pipe .must meet the 33 requirements of Section 65-1.02A of the Standard Specifications. The contractor shall. submit proof of conformance to the provisions in the aforementioned section. of the Standard Specifications. Hydrostatic tests,. specified in Section 65-1.0~ of the Standard Specifications will not be required. RCP shall. be either Class III, 1350D, or~ Class IV, 2000D as indicated. on the plans.. Where not shown on the plans, a minimum of Class III, 1350D shall, - be used. 2. CORRUGATED METAL PIPE. Corrugated metal .pipe culverts shall .conform to the provisions in Section 66, "Corrugated Metal Pipe," of the Standard Specifi~ cations and these special provisions. Joint classification shall be designated as "Standard". Except as otherwise designated by classification on the plans or in .the specifications, joints for culvert and drainage .pipes shall conform to Sec, . 66-L. 07 "Coupling Bonds" of the .Standard Specifications . Coupling bonds for Steel pipe shall conform to the State Standard P1ans,D97-B, D97-C ~ D97-D. 3. PIPE CONNECTIONS,~PLUGS m All pipe plugs and connections to existing facilities shall be constructed as shown on the plans and specified. herein. Removeable pipe plugs, unless otherwise shown on the plans, may be constructed of redwood board provided continual .contact between adjacent boards. and between boards and concrete pipe is maintained leaving no cracks. Concrete plugs shall be a 0.5-foot thick tight fitting plug or~wall of commercial quality concrete containing not less than 470 pounds, of cement per cubic .yard. Any rough surfaces produced at connections to existing facilities shall be made smooth with cement mortar so that all new Surfaces will evenly match . existing surfaces. (p~ SEWER .PIPE. Material to be used is designated in the contract items and .must conform to the provisions in Section 71-1.0.2. of the Standard Specifications . Protect pipe during handling against impact, shock and. free -fall . Tnstall pipe upgrade from structure, with bell. end upgrade. . Clean alljoints thoroughly on the inside anal. then seal. with the type of materials specified, or recommended by the pipe manufacturer for the purpose intended, and approved by the Engineer. Obtain a watertight joint against. leakage and infiltration under all conditions of expansion, contraction and settlement. Whenever the~work ceases for any, reason, securely close the end of .the . pipe with a tight fitting plug or cover. Securely close, with plug or cover, existing pipes that are to be cut or abandoned. . Where ground water is present, keep .the bottom of the trench entirely, free of water during the pipe laying, filling the joints, and as long thereafter as directed by the Engineer. Provide for the satisfactory bypass of existing sewage flow. 34 All pipe and fittings must be clearly marked with a name or trademark of the manufacturer, the class of pipe, and a mark of the testing laboratory indicating the acceptability of the pieces on the basis of these specifications. The size and. location of the markings will be subject to the. approval. of the Engineer. All. i eand-fittings must be free from injurious cracks, blisters, checks, P.p broken extremities,. or any other imperfections. Close all sewer stub-outs with a standard plastic plug. Backfill and comp act trenches. in accordance with City Standard 5-39. Sawcut existin im rovements to facilitate the sewer line construction. g p Reconstruct the improvements to applicable City Standards. Reconstruct all exlsting improvements damaged by Confiractor's operations. 1) vCP INSTALLATION MATERIAL: Use extra strength vitrified clay pipe and fittings,. .conforming to current ASTM Des.igna~tion C-700. Install in conformance with the provisions of Section 71 of the Standard Specifications. JOINTS: .Use socket end and spigot end with compression joints conforming to the current ASTM Designation C-425. -Plain-end with com cession couplings- conforming to the current ASTM Designation p C-425 may be used,.~excepting. thata stainless steel shear ring. as manufactured by~''Mission Clay Products Corporation" for their "mainline" bandseal compression coupling, or approved equal, is required. Sewer i e will be measured and paid for. in conformance to the provision • p P t~ _ a Bard in Section 71-1..10, .Measurement., and Section 71 1.,11,: Payment of the. St n Specifications. MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE. Miscellaneous concrete shall be Class B ~ . (a ) in conformance to Section 73, "Concrete Curbs and Sidewalk", of .the Standard Specifications, the plans and these special provisions. 1 CURB AND GUTTER (TYPE B) CURB (TYPE . A2-8) AND CURB .(TYPE C.) . Type B and gutter and Type. M curb shall be constructed at the locations shown: in. the plans in accordance with the details shown on City of Bakersfield Standard.S-1 and S-3b res actively and sha~11 conform to the grades shown on the plans or established by P the Engineer. Type A2-8 curb shall conform to State Standard-Plan N8-A. Quantities, for curb -and gutter (Type B) , .curb (Type A2-8) and. curb (Type C) for payment will be the actual. length in feet constructed as determined from field measurement. Curb and gutter (Type B). and. Curb (Type A~-8) and Curb (Type C), will be aid for at the respective contract prices per linear foot which price shall include P full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment and for doing all the work necessary to construct the item complete in place,. including but not limited to, excavation and backfill, transitions to meet curb of various heights, construct breakdowns for driveways and wheelchair ramps and constructing P.C.C, pad monolithic to median nose. 35 2 STDEWAL . K WHEE ~ ) LCHAIR RAMPS AND DRIVE WAYS, Sidewalks, wheelchair ramps and driveways shall be constructed at. the location shown in the Mans in accordance with. the details shown on Ci p ty Standards Sm3, S-41, S-2 and S-4 respectively . .Quantities for sidewalk, wheelchair ram s and drivewa .for a m p y p y ent will be the actual area in square feet constructed as determi ~ ° ned by field measurement,. Sidewalk,~wheelchair ramps and, driveways will be aid for at the co p ntract price per square foot of sidewalk which price.s.hall include full com ensation for furnishing all labor materials p tools and equipment, .anal for doing all work necessary to construct the item complete in place. 36 SECTION 14. SPECIAL PROVISIONS ®TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND STREET LIGHTING (a) DESCRIPTION. Furnishing, installing and modifying traffic signals and~hghway lighting and payment therefor shall conform to the provisions in Section 86, ''Signa.ls and Lighting," of the Standard Specifications and these . special provisions. - Traffic signal work is to be performed at the following locations.: 1) Location "A", Ming Avenue at Wible Road. Z) Location "B", Ming Avenue at Freeway: 99 entrance. 3) Location "C", Ming Avenue at Castro Lane. . (b) MATERIALS. The City of Bakersfield shad .furnish the. street name sign panels and the signal standards and posts. The Contractor shall furnish, for use under. these special provisions, alI other materials. required.to complete the attached contract. City furnished materials shall be made available..to the Contractor at the City Corporation Yard., 4101 Truxtun Avenue. 37 ib1. R~iOti'IN'G t~;v~ RLPL~1CaN'G I`1PRC~lEI~iEN'1S. RemGVing acid replacing ir~provemEnts shall conform to the provisions in Section 362.02, "kemovllrg end Replacing Irr~~rovements," of the Standard Specifications and these s~~eci~.l provisions. ~c) FOJ1V'~?ATIOI~~S , Found~t ions sha 11 conform to the provisions in . Section ~f~-2.03, "Foundations," of t~ze St~~nd~~rc~ Specific~.tions and thtve - special ~~ruvisions, - The Co;~tractor shall furnish the anchor b~~Its, nuts grid washexs to be used for new ,foundations and shall furnish the appropriate nuts a.nd washexs t"or existing. foundations to be reused. Existing foundations not to be xe1.ised ~nadf be aba~IC~onecl, excopt where removal is necessary to install a ne`ti f®undation. Fortiand cement concrete shall conf+~rm to Section 90-10, "Minor CUrtc~'ete " of the S~ah~ilrc~ Sped fiat ions and sisal I c.onta.in not Less than ~ ~ 0 ounds cer~e t P n pez• cubic y~~•c~, except concrete for pile founc~atiox~s snail coll~a.In ~~rL Iess .than 564 pounds of cement per cui:~ic yard, (d; COI~'D!!TT. Cond+~it shall. cc~nfux~~ tc~ the proti°isions in Sec~.~.on 86-2.05, "Conduit,'' of the Standard St,e~il°cations ar~d ti~esP s~eci~2i pro~~i~iot~s. Inst~Ia*ed bond.in; bushings wi~l bE required on metal ccndt~it • ~P) Pf1LL BO~E~. Pull bones shall corlfor~I~ tu' file rovsior~s ire P Se~ctior, 56-2.~~~, ''Pali Boxes," of° the Standa~•d S1~ECifications end ~~~1~~,P s;~ecial . prof s~or~s. . Recesses foi• suspensior~ Uf ballasts wi l i not be required. . At locations whore e~cistirlg pL~ll ~io~cec are too small ~tG accu~:mc~c'a*F.: ~ . adc~itiarral r..ew cordut, t:~e Contractor shall furnish anal install a la,r~=ex h - pull boy. ~f) C4NL~UCTC~R~ ~tiIRI~1G. Conductors a~Id wiring shall cozliul~rx:.to ti~l~~ . a provisions ~n Section ~6~~ . 08, "Conductors and Sect1 o1i c~C~-?. 0~, "1~i. j°in 0 of the Standard Specifications .and these special prov*isions.. . Conductors s}lal l be spliced by the use of ''C" shaped co.m xe: alon P canne ct ors as sho~~n an the p l aria • Splices shall be insulated by "I~1ethod Nur,ibered sPntenco ~ in. the fi+st paragraph of Section 85-'. ~3r'L~, "Splicing," is amended to ~•ea.d: ~ - 2. Peuestrian push button co~nr~ons ~r pull boxes. 3S p (g~ BONDING AND .GROUNDING. Bnriding and ~ grouf~.: Ong steal 1 confirm to the provisions in Section 86-2.10, "Bonding and Grounding," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. (h~ SERVICE. Service s~aall confor~ to the p~°ovisions in Section &6-2.11, "Service," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. The Engineer will ar~•ange with the serving utility to complete service connectio~~s to service points shown .on the plans grad will. pa}r all required costs and fees required by the utility. ~i) TESTING, Testing shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2114, "Testing'' of the. Standard Specifications and these special :provisions. . . 39 (j) SIGNE~L FACES !'AND SIGNAL (~IEI~DS. Signal faces, signal hca~ds and auxiliary equipment, as sh®wn on the plans, and the inst~.llation thereof, shall conform to the provisions in Sections 86®4.019 ''V'ehicle Signal Faces," 86-4.02, "Directional Louvers;" 8b-4.D3, ''Backplates" and ~~-4.069 "Signal Mounting Assemblies;" of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. . Housing, visors, directional louvers aid backplates shall not be structural plastic. X111 lamps for traffic signal~anits shall be furnished by the Contractor. All mast artn mounted signal faces and alI arrow indications shall be provided with 12-inchsections. (k) PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS. Pedestrian signd~.ls shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-4.D5, r'Pedestrian Signal F~.ces," of the Standard Specifications and these special. provisions. Pedestrian signals shall be in accordance with Type C specifications, except as follows: 1) Signal faces shall be international symbol type. e Z) Minimum brightness requirements shall be .150, foot.-lamberts- for the "upraised hand'° symbol message and 21o foot lamberts 1'or the "walking person" .symbol. message . 3) Disregard the. reference to the sample that is avail~:ble at the Transport at ion ~ lab®rat ory . (l) LUMINAIRES. Luminaires shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-6.01, ''High Intensity-Discharge Luminaires s" of -the Standard . -Specifications and these special protirisions. Luminaires shall be furnished with Z00-watt.-high ,pressure sodium lamps and integral ballasts. (m) PHOTOELECTRIC CONTROLS. Photoelectric controls-shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-6.07, "Photoelectric Controls; of` the Standard Specifications .and these special provisions. Each luminaire shall~be provided with a Type IV photoelectrical control. a ~ 40 0 . (n) CONTROLLERS, .CABINETS AND.AUXLLIARY EQUIPMENT. The City will furnish the controller and cabinet assembly for each location. (o) .Deleted. (p) DETECTORS. Detectors shall conform to the provisions in Section . 86-5, "Detectors," of the Standard Specifications. and .these special provisions.. In-lieu of sealing methods specified in Section 86-S.OlA(S), "Installation. Details," of the Standard Specifications, the Contractor may seal loops in accordance .with the following: After conductors axe installed in .the slots cut in the pavement, the slots shall be filled with asphaltic emulsion Type CSS-1, Section 94 "Asphaltic Emulsion," to within 1/8 inch of the pavement surface. The emulsion shall be at least l/2 inch thick above, the top conductor E ~in the sawcut. Plane mixed RMAS, Composed of 4~to 8% MC-80~ conforming to Section 93, "Liquid Asphalts,,." and aggregate of Type '.'C", No. 4 max. grading, conforming to Section 39, "Asphalt Concret.e," shall be mixed with asphaltic emulsion. placed in the slots and tamped, all as .directed.. by the Engineer, Surplus material s-hall be removed from the adjacent surfaces without the use of solvents. Asphaltic emulsion shall be applied to the filled slot and-.sand applied to the surface, all as directed by the Engineer. ~ . (a) LEAD-IN CABLES. Lead-in cables .shall consist of 2 No. 12 copper conductors...wth each conductor insulated with 35 mils minimum,. at any point, high molecular weight9 heat-stablized, colored polyethylene. The conductors shall be twisted and the t~isted pair sha.11: be protected with a shield of tinned copper brass or aluminum-polyester.. A No. 16 minir~um, stranded tinned copper . ground drain ~vire shall be provided and-connected to the eauipment~ground wi.thin~.~ the cabnete~ The cable shall be provided wtha chrome vinyl outer jacket with a minimum thickness, at any point, of 37 mils..- 41 s nt for s i nals anti 1 i.gilt ink; shat 1 conform too the (q) FPA~~fENT. Payme g,° , ns and these rovisions in Sectlon 86-8, "Payment, of .the Standard Spe~lficatlo . P special provisions. ' •cast-in-drilled hole concrete pile foundations Full compensation fol fo the be considered as included in the contract lump su;n price paid r shall ' irin foundations and no separate payment ~.~°i 11 be made therefor. item beau g SECTION 15. SPECIAL PROVISIONS -ROADSIDE SIGNS dside si s shall conform to the provisions in (a) ROADSIDE SIGNS. Roa gn • of the Standard S ecifications and these special Sectlon. 56-~, "Roadside Signs, P provisions. Si anels shall be furnished by the City. P Mast-arm han ers sha11 be furnished by the Contractor. g ° ~ be installed b ~ mast••arm hanger methods as shoti~n on Roadside signs ,hall Y Standard Plan Sheet TS-3, 3A (sign hanger mounting details). T Pa went er unit for installing s~.gn .(Mast-arm danger, (b) PA:'~i~N y P 1 shall- conform to the provisions in Section. Sb-?.46, ''Pa~rment," Street Name S gn) of the Standard Specifications. SPECIAL PROVISIONS -GUARANTEE FOR TRAFFIC .SECTION 16. SIGNAL AND STREET LIGHTING SYSTEMS... tractor shall furna.sh a written :guarantee to the (a) GUARANTEE. The Con ' form attacked uaranteeing all systems, except traffic signal lamps9 City on..the ~ g tai ed under this contract for a pex°iod of cane (1) year from the date of 11l S o.f the work® The guarantee, properly executed, shall be filed ~~it~i acceptance o . Ct before notice of completioh and final a.ccep ance° is made by the City- . the y of the work described on the plans and these special provisions.: s m vices aid for installation of traffic signal . {b)...PAYMENT;. The. lump. u p p eet lip ht1n s stuns sha11 include full _compensa~ion for furnishing the and str g g y . uarantee as required in .this sectian. g 42 ` PROPOS~~L FOR e UCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON MING AVENUE BETWEEN CONSTR LE ROAD AND HUGHES LANE AND WIBLE ROAD BETWEEN WIB WILSON ROAD AND MING AVENUE. ' k~ of. the C~.ty of Bakersfield: To the City Cler • declares that tho only persons or parWies . . The undersigned., as bidder, t}~,at this ro- . oral as rind als are thos~;, r~~.med herein, P ;.ntorested ~.n this prop p P - fire or cor~rc~ati on; that is made v~rithout col lus~.an i~z th. any other per. ion, ~ „y ra ased posal rata.on of the roposed work, the ~.nnexed p p he has carefully examined the lo~ P oses and agrees if and the 1 an s thPxe~;n ref erred to and he prop form of contract P ' ontract with the City of ~ahersfield, in • ~d ti~at he w111 c thz~ proposal is acceptL , ~ 11 PC~S ~ .'r>> ,I1~.Ch~.nerY, r' rm of contract hereto annexed, to provld~. a~ n~ .:.f n r ti~. ~he presc~~.bed fo n Lion and to do all th,e ►~ro~~~ d ru~:~lsh naratus ,and other means of construe . • s for tie ~.bove, . . tools, apL ~ with the laps and specif~.c~.t~.on . all the.. materials in acoor~lance p f ~al~ersfield a~.~ `~.s • e office of the Finance Blrector of the Clt o . ed ~n th Y • • • ~ end aecoxdin f~i g ' the manner and time there1n pre5c.r~.bL.d, - spzcif~.ed .in the contract, in . A ein set forth, and .that he w*:i11 take in o the re uirement5 of the Engineer as that • ~ 1lo~~rin~ t Q ur~it ricer or lump scans set forth ~.rs t~~E -~o ~ full Pa}anent therefor ,the p . sc:heoule: . 1 S and f I ~r~tl'~S , thy-' ~~t~rds 5ha i 1 In case of a d~,screpancy between cord • a r. ties between ursit prices and to~a~: J; the un~.t pre~~all; a~ld in ca~~ of dlscrepan ricer shall prev~..il• p • ~ that in case of f ~ r ~~:oo~~t~.n too The under~~igned further agrees Sup r y~ y, /o ' ~ ~ w~. v a 1111 t E;n t l.~ } i,.r,'~. , , ~.e4iL• J t,", i ~~.~y~t~i. ~~T j~~11 n'LC~+~7Jar~r bo11~~7 ~ ~ ~ 1.,'' ~ ~Ne1.~S~r'V~~a~. c L is ready fo~~ ~ t ~ P~ r ' r • .•;x F1 ~ ~.rrvd ilc~tice that the contract '1 r , 6 . ~ ~:ry,, ~ , o , anva~n~ his bid shall be:~c~Y~~~~ t~►.e p~ :~~~E~ ~ y~ f.►1~ t~.1,1 s.°,'• ~..h fll b~ ~Ol~l~a dZCai~ip a 1. ~ M ~ W • r 1 ' t fallo~~in~; ~~~id:n,~,~~5. sir ~.e'r~.c~;,~~ lei ~~es receipt ~ .~,,.,...w..~.....o••• ~.a.... , . _ ~ i ; .f a n .Y_ ITEM ~ti I UV` I T PRICE ~ • ~ ► ~ ~ TOTAL " WRIT"i EN IN ~VOKDS ~ ~'R~ t ~ ' i . Lum Sum 'Traffic. Con rol systems for. detours 1. P ~ at ! ~ ~ o~ . : 1 3 ~ ~ f . ~ ~ ~ ! r . ~ 2• Zpp ;Linear Feet,- Abandon culverts, ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ 's ' ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ' i. t ( ~ ~ ~ i ,,,..r..i... an.uw~• r~.+.r~-.M°*rw'~'""'°'"rr..'....'n'. ~,.,w~e,..w~ .w.r...a..+io+..~'~.'~'~."'~sr.w..wr'~' . li,w...~rw*e• v+e.rwp..wrw•.w•s .m,.,w.rs.•.s+a••~ :t ~,~.~~~od Page 1 of 6 ~oagv r _...~r ba.daer F R: CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON MTNG AVENUE BETWEEN WIBLE ROAD PROPOSAL 0 - AND HUGHES LANE., AND WIBLE ROAD BETWEEN WILSON ROAD AND MTNG AVE. APPRO. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE ~ UNIT ITEM UANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL Q _ 3. 3 Each, Remove inlets, headwalls and endwalls, at EACH 4, 1 Each, .Adjust marsh o 1 e, at C EACH 5! 5, 725~~) Square Feet,.Obliterate pavement, at Per S.F 11,755 Square Feet, Remove sidewalk, at . .Per SF 1 3,2.75 Linear .Feet, Remove median curb., at . Peer L.F 8! 2,365 ~ Linear Feet, Remove curb and gutter, at . peg L.F 9. 375 Linear Feet, Remove b.Iock wall, at Per L. .F . Signed Bidder ~ Page 2 of 6 pages o FR0P45AL FOR: CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON ~~ING AVENUE BETWEEN.WIELE ROAD AND HUGHES LANE AND WTBLE ROAD BETWEEN WILSON ROAD AND MINE AVE.. APPROx. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT ITEM QUANTITY ~ WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL T0. 4 .Fach,.Remove.street lights, at Each: ~w~rr - - - ll. Lump: Sum, ~C ear nd rub at ~.~_.rrw. 12. 4 6.25Cf) Cubic Yards, Roadway excavation, at w~:rww. rrrr . Per CaY L3. 204 ~ne~.r Feet, Relocate,,,rrgation eilne~ on ram at . Per L.F. or wwwrw■ 14, DELETEDDELETED DELETED DELETED:- . ~ ~ - - - - r:rrn~i.oor_ ~ r■i . R 15`. 1, q~75 ~ Tons, ~ A~~re~ate, subbase, at _ - - . Per ton 16 5,49 Tons, A~~re~ate base, at r~wr~~. - - - sw~.~rrrrr~r ~ rrn o Per ton Signed Bidder Page 3 of 6 pages . PROPOSAL FOR: CONSTRUCTION OF TMPROVEMENT~`NON ~ZtNG A~TENUE BETWEEN .WI BLE ROAD AND HUGHES~LANE AND WIBLE ROAD BETWEEN WILSON ROAD AND~MING AVE. APPROX. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT ITEM QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS, PRICE TOTAL 1Z.. 1.8 ~Toris ~ ~As ~ha1trejuvenating agent: . ~ coristruction~seal};.at..... er ton .IB. 3a-425 ~-Tons9 Asphalt concrete, Type."B", a.t er ton 19. 90 Tons, Asphalt concrete, Type "B'~, c a sous at Per ton ` Ea.ch~ Juntion box at 20 . ~ 2 __........z.~~...~_.,.._........:........~...._.~....__ . . . ~ ~ Each 21. 3 Each, Catch basin, T ~ e "B" CL.+.3. ~.~.,,.~.9..at.... ~ . Each 22 . 40 ~ ~I;inea:r ~~F~eet 9 12" RCP, Class III 9 ; a~ er . ~ . 23 ~ 15 ~ ~ . a.. , . ~ o~ s . Per L.F ~ ~ y Slgned . Bid-der ~ ~ Page 4 of b pales . Sheet 1 of 6 ADDENDUM N0. 1 PROJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON ~ ~ , MING AVENUE BETWEEN WIBLE ROAD AND HUGHES LANE AND WIBLE ROAD BETWEEN WILSON~ROAD AND MING AVENUE BID OPENING DATE: August 20, 1985 NOTICE TO ALL CONTRACTORS BIDDING THIS WORK You are hereby notified of the following changes and/or additions to the plans .and specifications. Such changes and/or additions are hereby made apart of the .plans and specifications and shall take precedence over anything to the contrary therein. SPECIFICATIONS: 1) Page 20; Section 14.; Article (a); Paragraph 5; Revise time for signal operation, replace existing page 20 with attached page 20. 2) Page 36; Section 14.; Article (r); Addition, article (r) is added defining the order of work. Replace existing page 36 with the attached page 36. 3) Pa e 23,26; Addition.. These were re~nroduced blank in original specifications. g PLANS; 1) Sheet 1; Location map:. Map revised showing actual limits of ,work. Replace sheet 1 with attached sheet 1. 2) Sheet 2: Relative compaction limits revised. .North arrow added to Wible Road detail. Replace sheet 2 with attached sheet 2. 3) Sheet 3, Revise: Median between Stations~23 + 75 and 25 + 29 is revised. Various additions clarifying limits of work. Replace sheet 3 with attached sheet 3. Sheet 2 of 6 ADDENDUM N0, 1 4) Sheet 4, Revise: Various additions clarifying limits of work, Replace sheet 4 with attached sheet, 5) Sheet 7, Revise: A fourth type C loop is added to the south leg of the intersection.. Add conduit sizes. Replace sheet 7 with the attached sheet 7. 6) Sheet 8, Revise: Add notes and conduit schedule. Replace sheet 8 with attached sheet 8. NOTE: All Contractors. bidding this work shall denote in .their proposal that they received Addendum No, 1. ~ ACTING DE TGN ENGINEER PURCHASING OFFICER Dated: August 13, 1985 Sheet 3 of 6 L ADDENDU~1 NO , 1 Ming Ave., Wible Rd. The Contractor's trucks. and other mobile equipment which leave a freeway lane, that is open to public traffic, to enter the construction area shall slow down gradually in advance of the location of the turnoff to ive~ . following public traffic an o ortunit to sl w g PP y o down. when leaving a work area and entering a ro,a.dway carrying ublic traffic, the Contractor's a ui ment whe he P' q p t r empty or loaded, shall in all cases yield to public traffic. Minor deviations from the requirements of this section concern' ing hours of work which do not significantly change the-cost of the work ma be ,permitted upon the written re uest of the Y q Contractor if in the opinion of the Engineer public traffic will be better served and the work ex edited. Such deviations shall not. be ado ted P p until the Engineer has indicated his written approval. At locations where public traffic is being routed over a surface upon which a seal coat is to be applied the seal coat shall not be a lied to . .more than one-half the width of the trav PP • Bled way at a time., and the remaining width shall be kept free of obstructions and open for use b ublic traffic Yp until the seal coat first applied is ready for use by traffic. At the direction of the Engineer, or at Contractor's option, sand may be spread over newl ~ ~a lied Y PP seal coat surfaces, Traffic signals shall remain in full operation :at all times. Full compensation for conforming~to the requirements of this article shall be considered as included in the price paid for various items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. (b) CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS, Construction area si ns shall be furnished g , installed, maintained, and removed when no longer required in accordance with the provisions in Section~l2, "Construction Area Traffic Control Devices," of the Standard Specifications .and these special provisions, Full compensation for furnishing, placing, maintaining, and removin g the construction area signs shall be considered as included in the prices paid for ,the various contract items of work and no separate .payment wi.l1 be made therefor, (c) TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR LANE CLOSURE. A traffic control. system shall.. consist of closing traffic lanes and ramps in accordance with the details .shown on State Standard Plans T-10 and T-14, the rovisions of Section 1Z P , "Construction Area Traffic Control Devices," of the Standard S ecifications the P provisions under "Maintaining Traffic" elsewhere in these special provisions, these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer, 20 - Sheet 4 of 6 ADDENDUM N0, 1 (2) SIDEWALK, WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DRIVEWAYS. Sidewalks, wheelchair ..ramps and driveways shall be constructed at the locations shown in the plans in accordance with the details shown on City Standards S-3, S-41, S-2 and S-4 .respectively. Quantities for sidewalk, wheelchair ramps and driveway for payment will be the actual area in square feet constructed as determined by field measurement. Sidewalk, wheelchair ramps and driveways will be paid for at the contract price, per square foot of sidewalk which price shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment, .and for doing all work necessary to construct the item complete in place. (r) ORDER OF WORK. ,Order of work shall conform to the provisions in Section 5-1.05, "Order of Work," of the Standard Specifications, these special provisions and the directions of the Engineer. The construction of work on Ming Avenue and the freeway ramps shall proceed in the following order.: 1) Remove and construct curb and gutter on the :north side.. Concurrently construct curb and gutter on the south side. Existing curb and gutter on the south side shall remain in place between Wible Raad .and Station 30 + 50. 2) Pour signal foundations outside newly ..constructed curb and gutter; ,Place electrical conduit, 3) Freeway ramp. construction. Ramp construction shall begin on a Monday and shall be completed. by Friday of the, same week. 4) .Remove curb and gutter on the south side between Wible Road and Station 30 + 50. Remove entire .pavement section and existing median .and median curb. 5) Complete .:med.ian curb. . 6) Complete signal system. 7) Complete remaining work. Any. changes to thus order. of .work shall require written authorization from the Department. of Puh~ic Works prior. to implementation of such changes. 36 5neet 5 of b ADDENDUM N0. 1 . MING AVENUE A11 packaged, bundled, and individual salvaged material shall be tagged with the following information as applicable: Name ox description of the material. Type or model number. Dimensions. Quantity, if more than one. . Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equip- meet, and incidentals, and for doing all the ~york involved in salvaging existing materials or facilities, including the removal of the materials or facilities, packaging, bundling, ,tagging, hauling, and stockpiling, any temporary storage, and any required excavation or backfill far which, payment is not otherwise pro- vided, as shown on the plans, as specified in these special provisions, .and as directed by the Engineer, shall be considered as included in the contract price paid for removal of the various items of work and no additional compensation will be made therefor. 2) ABANDON CULVERTS AND PIPLINES, Existing culverts and utility ipe lines, where shown on the plans to be abandoned, .shall be abandoned in place or at the option of the Contractor, the culverts and pipe lines shall be removed and disposed of. All resulting openings. into existing structures, that are to remain in place, shall be plugged with commercial quality concrete., Abandoning culverts and pipe lines in place shall conform to the following: The ends of culverts and pipe lines shall be securely closed by a 0.5-foot thick tight fitting plug or wall of commercial quality concrete con-. twining not Less than 470 pounds of cement per cubic yard. Culverts and i e lines shall not be abandoned until their use is ipp • 7, no ion e~• required. Tree Cou~~ruct aha~1 notify .the Enbineer in advu~lce of any g intended culvert. or pipe abandonment . If the Contractor elects to remove and dispose of any culvert which is s ecified to be abandoned, as provided herein, any sand backfill P specified for such culvert will be measured and paid for in the same manner as if the culvert has been abandoned in place. Full com ensation for lugs, pipe removal, structure excavation, p p and backfill (including sand backfill) , shall be. considered as included in the contract unit rice aid for abandon culvert and pipe line, and no additional p P compensation will be allowed therefor.. ~ ` 3 REMOVE OR RELOCATE ROADSIDE SIGNS. Existing signs and pavement . markers when no~lon er required for the d~rectlon of public traffic as directed g by the Engineer, shall be removed and salvaged. Wh re directed b the Engineer roadside .signs shall be removed, e y salvaged and installed at new locations . 23 Sheet 6 of 6 ADDENDUP~1 N0. 1 . MING AVENUE as directed by the Engineer and in conformance to the plans, and t~~ese special provisions. All poles, fixtures, nuts and bolts removed shall be salvaged. Foundations may remain provided no concrete, metal or wiring is left projecting and the existing foundations are outside the limits of the traveled way. Removing street 1 i~hts will be paid for at the contract unit price each which price shall include full compensation for furnishing all Tabor, tools and materials and for doing all work necessary to remove street lights including but . not limited to delivering salvaged material, removing foundations, backfilling and. compacting holes, and reconstructing sidewalk. . . e~ CLEARING AND .GRUBBING. Clearing and grubbing shall conform to the provisions in Section lb, "Clearing and Grubbing," of the Standard Specifications.. and these special provisions, ~legetation shall be cleared and grubbed only within the excavation and . embankment slope lines. A11 existing vegetation, outside the areas. to be cleared and grubbed, shall be protected from injury or damage resulting .from the Contractor's operations. All activities controlled by the Contractor, except cleanup or other required work, shall. be confined wTi~hin the gxaded areas of the roadway. f) EARTH~~'ORK. Earthwork shall conform to the provisions in Section 19, "Earthwork," of the Standard. Specifications and these special provisions. The relative compaction limits specified in the second paragraph in Section 19-5.03 of the .Standard Specifications are amended to the limits sho~a~n on the Typical Cross Sections. ..Section 19-1.01 shall be amended to include A.S.T.M. D1557-70, Method "C" Standard Test Method for Moisture-Density Relations of soils using 10 lb. . (4, $ -Kg) yammer and 18" .(45'1. - mm) drop may be used for all City Compaction Tests. . Drivewa s and rivate road approaches shall be constructed as directed Y P by the Engineer. Sur lus excavated material shall, become the property of the Contractor P ~ - - i accordance with the and shall be disposed of outside the highway right of way n provisions in Section 7-1.13 of the Standard Specifications, Full com ensation for conforming to the requirements of the preceding . p paragraphs shall be considered as included in the contract price paid for other P items of woxk. Where a ortion of existin surfacing is to be removed, the outline of P g .the area to be removed shall be cut on a neat line with apower-driven saw to a .minimum de th of 0.17-foot before removing the surfacing. Full compensation for P cutting existing surfacing shall be considered as included in the contract price aid er cubic and for roadway excavation and no additional compensation will be P P Y allowed therefor. 2b PROPOSAL FQR: CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON MZNG AVENUE BETWEEN.WIBLE ROAD . AND HUGHES LANE AND WIBLE ROAD BETWEEN WILSON ROAD AND~MING AVE. APPRO. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT ITEM QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE T®TAL 445 ~ 'L'inear Feet, '21" RCP, Class III, at 24. Per~L.F. .ZS. S0 ~~Lriea.rFeet, 4" UCP, at . .Per L.F. 26. 25 Linear Feet, 6" VCP, a.t ~ . Per L.~o 27. 14 Linear Feet 18" CMP at ~ Per LoF~. 28, 13,245 Scare. Feet, Sidewalk; at , Per S.F. r Z9. 2,755 ~ Lii~ea~° Feet, Curb and gutter, at . ~ . . Per~L.F. 30, 690 ~ ~ Li~ea~~ Feet, Median curb, .Type A2-8, . - ~ P~er~L.F. t: Signed ~ : . Bidder ~ Page 5 of 6 pages. . • TION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON MING AVENUE BETWEEN.WIBLE ROAD PROPOSAL FOR. CONSTRUC AND HUGHES LANE AND WIBLE ROAD BETWEEN~WILSON ROAD AND~MING AVE. . ~APPR4X. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT ITEM UANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL Q . ~31. 2,I00 ~~~inear~F~~t,~M~dian curb, T e "M" .at . Per LaF. ~Lum~~Sumg Traffic Si-goal Modification 32. p . ~ ~ N~iri~ ~ Av~eriue ~ ~.t ~ 1~ib I e ~ R~ ad 9 ~ at ; , 33. Lump.Sum,~Traffic Signal Modification Min ~ ~ Avenue ~ at ~ Freeway ~ ~ 99 ~ entrance, ~a~ Lum~ ~ SumTraffic Signal Mod.ificatiori . 34. Mln~ ~1~enue. ate Caatro~ Lane'.,.. at~ TOTAL ~ . ~ . . . i f } . Si 8~~e~ ' Bidder ~ Page b of b pages. y ' • • .~r m s • - t s • , Y ~ ' e . ~ ~ .........................OO.O......r.r.oO...r....ero.mo. mm.Or1 ~►ccompan~•ina t 1, i~ p ro p o s a I ~ ~s. ~ . ' ~ ~ • ~ ~il wot~da "cash ee.e.o...:e..o...:..:)?'~ ~~ca8her~s check,"' 66certi~ (NOTYCI;. Iu. ett' t ~ fed check,'' or ."bidder's bond," as the case may bed' in affiount equal to at leaat~ ten percent of the total of ~tbe bld. . . h naules of all ier~ons interestc~i in the foregoing proposal ae pr~n• Te I . capals are as follow : ° If bidder oi• ether interested person- is a core ' p poration, state legal- name of. corporation, . also names of the president, secretary, treasurer, and manager thereof ~ ~ a . - co artnershp, state true name of firm9 also names of .all individual co~art~.,,~ , . • : . P _ Hers com osing firm 9 if bidder or other ~in~erested ~persol~~ is an individual, . P state f first and last names m f ull. . • • ..o..•o...ur..o::.o..am.mu.r.....u.m..►a.m.me.•........•. .................................o.oe..e.m.......m...m...... m.c.. m... or. o. m - .e.e....o•eo..oa••e...•ee.os•.....e~...se.em..•.e.....e.e..•.emeoa..e..re.•.o.mr...e.m.....em.eo...m.e...ea..e..e..roe. o.oo..•...... o..e.e•... ...a.ee.o•••.....•..•.....o.......e.ee.....eem.....m.e.mee..o....o.m.m.o •e...e.. e. e. ..o.am..e...•.a..o•e..meoe•.o.m.oe.•o.oeoo....•..•....o.m..mo•.moom.e...aereore.emeee.e •.e.... oe... ar.e ee " t~icensed. in accordance ~~ith an act providing. for the re~istraaoit ~s l~l~t;6 ~~~Y'1''S ~..~j i.'m.~S~,0 ~9V. .............................o.:......m..... m.....e..... • ~ •..m..e •....••o..ore•am.mo..me....ro.e..m......°.a.1Ne.rr..m.r...oemr.e.e.~emmo. •omm...m m. - . SIGN' • • - ~'4 ~ e..... ••e•e. •e•. e..o... •rmems....er.m•...W..•....0.0...1......e....O...oee.e.oo.0. e..me.oe.mmm. - ~ •...m.eoe...Omo.•....o.•....emoeom..re.o.....o.o........r.OOO..m..erOreOeo.o.o..o.eee.oeeeeee om. . Signature of .Bidder: NOTE=-It bidder !s a corporation. the ivgol aaenb of thr eorporertloa~ -.hall. by ret lortb BAosv togvtttRr wits t>t~! rlgactture'ot the officer. or otlken. authorized Bo ,Iqa contracts oa bebal! v8 tbv ' eorpototioa° i! binder it a copartaenhtp, the ttuv aamR o! thv 8lrrtt .,ball be lft lotth cb®~i ttlgvthvr with tbo slgDature 0! the pasla~B or paitnert OtlthOrited 40 ilgt! Cotlttatttl to .behalf o! thv eopartnvr~bips and it bidder fie as iadi*idual. bi• ilgna9t#av ~holl by placed abo~R. It ilgaaturv iR ` by am agent. other thaw an o!ltcer ~ot a corporatlom or a ~atetttber o! a partavrrbip. a Power ot. AttoratY must by .oa .ltie. vritl► the City Clvrlt o! ttiR City ot. aaY.rttfeld prior iv openlaq bidB of •tt6otltted wale thR bid; othvrrnw, ttte btd wUl be dlRtvgordM a~ trrvqular sad unouthoriRVd. e e business address....e...........moo.•..e•.e.o.•.m.eom.o..e.e.e1.....O..Oeo.o.o..oo.oo.oe..oeemeo...eo.soooo.oo...e. ~ • e Puce ®f residencee..e....•..e..........ee..ease..eumeee ...................O..o:ne.....oi:.....ee..emc.e • e R e~ .ooeeeeme oo•.e•. o.eeme.. mmm. o..o. e..oo. w .omeeee •..ee ee.ooo.ee... e...e~ ~V.ooooo.oeo0 1 a ~ - a PAL ~ P,~NY R S ~~N~ . ~ID~~ if cash or certified check is with bid) Not necessary N By THESE PRESENTS a . KNO~t ALL ME . That we . ao principalo and _ ~a su~ety~ - .w_ ; - ~ ' ° a bod politic end corporate o~f .the tate . bound.. unto the City.. of Baleers~-geld, y tre held and. ~umlY dollag~ California, in the aurn of ° • rnent, vdell and truly to 'be YYlade a ; ~ . to be paid to said City , f which pay . ° ors or assigns a jointly and severally- by . ° selves 9 our heirs, executors and adnunistrators, success bind our these presents. OBLIGATION IS SUCH: TAE C®NDITION O~F THIS ° _ _ , nstruct certain work and irnprowe~ea~ts i~ attain ropos~l o hereunt®~ annexed a to c® . . . Tha~~ iI ~ the c p is accepted ° ° the Notice t® Contractors attached ereto a . he Ci I3akers~leld as referred to in ° ° t tY executors a adniniatrators o auc~ ° ° ° and if the above bounden principal a heirs a by the Coua~cil of said City ° manta eclYte a ~Qnttact a t® c®nstruct said improve . aasi ns, shall duly enter into and ex ceesors and ~ • da re aired by la`v, within ten days (n®t . . ~al~all execute and deliver the two bon q aforementioned, and ct i~ read he above bounden principal, .that said contra inc~udin Sunday} ~r®En the date of a notice t® t herw~ae it shall be and reana%n ir~~ ~u~ . ~ obli atian shill become null and void, ®t for execution then this ~ ° , ~oreo and eL~ect® ° _d~y ~ ~ - - ' ` ~ hereunto s®t ®ut° -ha~da s,nd seals this ~----m.~--- - III WITNESS 1NHEREOF, we have a A•D~ 1 of ° _ _ - {Seal . . . ; ~ (Se~l~ . ~ ~ (Seel ) 1' 9 . a e LI 5T ~r ::tJ R-COi~ i RACTO~sS All persons or p:~rti~er~ suh;ni~c ti ng <Z bid pr~pasal on tote p~roi ect shall cc~mpl;ate thf~ fox.l.owin~ form, setting forth t'~ n~.n~e and the loc~~tion of ti^,c~ ~ i l , s~~~p or afficP of each : =~'o •~~~orti actor «ho ~J.ill perform ~r;c.,~}, car la>>r.~r or redder sez°vice t{~ t~~e .contractor in or about the constractio;-~ of the pork Cr improve.~en ~ in e:tcess of one-11a1f of any percent of ~:.~~i;~f contractor's total laid, gild the. portion of the ~ ~~o~rlc wh7.ch wi I I be done by zach 3ub~con~°ractor. . This list is to be coi~:~}letec~ ~.nd s~~~mitte.~ ~~ith said 1~ icl proposal . The Subletting and Suh~:ontru, titlg "air. Prwctices Act {Government - ~ - ~o~e Section 41()U et.:- ~ a;~,~~l~ies~ i;o all contracts except thc~5e for cons~;ruction, itn~.uvem~Vn.~: or re~~air of street or high~~~ays, includir;,~ }~ric~gc~s, and ~~p~,li~:~ to such, contracts as to the . portions t'r1e~eUf ~:ot:~t~:~in~; strcct li~hta.ng and t e°a:ff`iC SigllalS . I a contra::~cor f~.~.i is f:o ~~p~.;t:.1 f~Y a subcor~ ~r~cto~r for ar~v fort ion of the ~~~~~~r to lie i~~c~z•;~~~.~.°;n~1~~ ~:~nd~r. t~~e canfix~.ct, Iie sh~11 b~ ~lec~~~3~~:1 t~ ha~fe ar,r~~~cl~ t~~,r~± ~.s f~~ ly au~.lifed to pt~rt'®~°m tha:: 11~►s~t~~.c}r~ himself gild tl;a~: r~i~ ...:.~1,. ~~e~forz~ s~..~c~i portion ~iirnself, anc~ aa:'• Sh111 I~r~t i)e ~~E,'r'till~te~':~ ~0 5~.;~_COllt~act '~i~at p0~'t~.o~l Of tt1E k~~Y'~ti excert ,a.:; Guth®~°.x ~,ecl t~y~ 5~~ot:;.~r~ ~l~i~ of the Cal.f~r.;Zia ~f~yerri~~ent Code. . L 1 fir, i .L ~ i~V Ja, - ~~~~~iE 0~ a~1a-C~NTI~~tC'i~R Ai~~RESS i~jnR~ T~~~~L~rC~ ~~.~.......~rwrw...-e..~.~e.w..~.r .r:w.~.~~..~.~.~..+..r.eo.r..r.r ~.r~e~rw.s.r...~w.r...r++.+~.w~w..e c :a GUARANTEE EQUIPMENT City. of Bakersf ielcf Department of Pub i i c Works ~ 6akersf field, Cal i fornia - In accordance with the terms of Contract No. ,for the Project: awarded on ,between the City of Bakersfield, hereinafter referred to as the City ,.and the undersigned, which contract provides for the installation of under which contract h ~ ,and t e unders ned has furnishea and ins ~ 9 felled such system, the Following guarantee of the said system is hereby. made.. Should any of the equipment installed ursuant to said contras r p t p otie defective or should the system as a whole prove defective, due to faul t ~ ~~rarkmansh y p, material furnished, or method of installation, or sh®uld said s stem- y or any park thereof fail to operate properly, as pbanned, due to any of the above causes all ~lithin year after date on which said. contract is a _ ccep fed by t~~e C ~ ty the undersig^ed agrees to reimburse the City; upon demand for its ex eases i p ncc.rred restorFng said systems to the cundiLion contemplated in said contract, including the co't of any equipment or materials replaced, or, upon demand b the Cit to Y Y, _rep~ace ar,y such equipment and repair said systems completely without"cost to the City, so that they will ope-rate successfuil as on ina11 Y g y contemplated. The C i zy sh~l 1 have the option to make any needed rec~a i rs or re 1 m pace ents i tse ~ f or to ha~~e such rep i acemen is or repa t rs done by the ands rs i ned . -Prior ~o s~sch- rep i acement or re a i r work be s n g p g done by the C ~ ty, the unders rgned shall .have t~~.option t~ make any needed r~pai_rs or replacements. In the event-tne Cif ei y ects to have :said 4~ork performed by the unders i greed, the unders i ned agrees that the 9 repairs shall c~r~menee to be -made and such mater i c 1 ~ as are Hesse zr she l 1 con~nence Y to be f u rn i s'~e~ and i nsta l i ed within Twenty-four (z4) hours of the dates ec i f i eu i n p the City's vvri t Len notification. .C®ntractor shall prosecute i th dve c~ i l i ence to 9 complete the work within a~reasonable period of time, as specified in the ;t ~s wr i tten notification . Y Said syste~~ will be deemed defective within the meanin ~f ~i g t s gua ran tze i n the event that they fa i 1 to operate as or i g i Hal i intended b ~ the manufacturers thereof and in acco~dance with the. plans and specifications included in said con-tract. rYe ~ ~ lll.~~~~~~ Contractor's Signature Firm Address Date _ ~ - ~ , ~ f~. 't / t \ f F , If l[ ~ - i ~ . ~ ' , - ~ ~ i~ h ~1 7 i ~ ~ ~ i _ 3a ~ - ,i ~ I _ F"" `J _ - - _ ~ ~ ~ ,V ~ }