HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 Special Provisions Project So Chester AvcoPY r~o, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA SPECIFICATIONS INFORP1ATION TO BIDDERS SPECIAL PROVISIONS BID PROPOSAL FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS AT M11ING AVE. AT WESTHOLF1E BLVD. S0. CHESTER AVE. AT PLANZ ROAD AUGUST, 1985 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 , CITY OF I3t1I;LRSI~ I E LD, CALi TURN [A t T h1 L N 0 I' U I3 I, I C DIr~ AI E ~'0 (;0N`I'RAC'TORS N~TIC e.._. ,...,~,_....~..v • ~ P ° ved b the City of Bakers ficlc} at t}1e SEALf.I~ i'Itt~P~S!! LS w111 be rc.c ~ ~ Y Avenue Bakersfield, ' Ifall, 1501 Truxtun ~ ° Office of file i'urchas~i~lg Officer., ~~ry' to be ~ubllcly . ~ ° ~ ' ~ i 2 :00 0' clod: I'.~1. on September 17,_ 1985_____._ I C~„~1fC1r't~lu, Llilt 1 . r iatel t}►ereafter, for t}1e tollowif~g ~~ork: openc;d and ~aJ 1~Nned Y Traffic Signal Systems At Ming Ave. At Westholme Blvd. So. Chester Ave. At Planz Road ° p P ma i~lcata.ons a.nd forir~s of r~ osal, bonds, and contract y P1~ils and spec' 9 ° •efurldable de )osgt ° office of t}le Purchas1ng 4fficer~ by postLng a i I be obtained at the -p- )for each complete set. Refund.. of of No Dollars - _ t}le ) I aI1S arld specifications are returriecl to the deposit ~~ill be made provided ~ aware} a~ld the S1~~ Orflcer~ ~~itlln ten t10) c}ay°s from date of contract Purcha g ocumerlts are in reasonably good.. co~ldition ° d ° .made on a ro ~osal form fur7lis}led No bid will, be considered unless it is ° P ~ ° . , ,ecifi~ ° r whic}1 a ~ scars herein ~.mmedlately :Collo~~1rl~ the sI by the Purchasing~ O.f.fice II de ill accordance with the provlszorls set forth . cat~.ons of file pioJect, and xs ma ° . e Standard S~ecifim ° "Pro osal I~ec ulre»~ents and Conditions of t}1 ! under Section 2, P l • f Trails ~ortation , Business ~ Transport alt .oil Agency, cations of the Department o I Eac~l bid must be accoml~al~led State of California, under date of eluly, 1984. - , ?-1.07 ° ° e in accordance wit~l the requirements of art:~cle by- a proposal guarante }ie said Section 2 of t}ie Standard Specif.icatioi~s. of t • ht to re'ect any o~° all bids. The City of Bakersfield reserves the r~.g J ° iced on~the entire work descr~i~ed herein. Bids are raga ° ides f.or moneys retained. to ensure ~~erf°ormance sl1all Substitution. of secur ° the provisions and requirements of t~oveY°rlmerlt Code ~~590 ° be permitted pursuant to ~ ° ~ c~ rk embraced }herein shat le, be done in accordance with SPECIFICATIONS. The o ° s of t}~e De ~~a~rtment of Transportation, Business and the Standard Specification } Ile same ma a ~ ly ar,d Jul 184 insofar as t Y I p Transportation Agency, dated Y' in accordance with the following provisions. 1 b CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SECTION I. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS - a GENERAL INFORP.~ATION. The Purchasing Officer of the City of Bakers® field, California, will receive at her office, City Hall, in said Clty, until 2 0' clock P.M, on S pt mbe 17~9..$,~.e sealed proposals for Traffic Signal Systems At Ming Ave. at Westholme Blvd. So. Chester Ave. At Planz Road PROPOSAL FORM. All ro osals must be made up®n blank forms to be (b) P P obtained from the Purchasing Officer, the form of which appears herein immediately followin theses ecifications. All proposals must give the prices proposed, both g P. in writin and fi ures, and must be signed by the bidder, with his address. If g g the ro osal is made b~ an individual, his name and post office address must be P P shown. If made b a firm or partnership, the name and post office address of Y each member of the firm or partnership must be shown. If made by a corporation, the ro osal must show the names of the state under the laws of which the P P cor oration was. chartered and the names, titles, and business addresses of the P .president, secretary and treasurers ~r~ ~x: ~ ~ RANTEE. A11 bids s~aLl be presented under sealed:,, cover { c) BIDDER S JUA and s-hall be-accom anied by a certified check or bid bond made payable to the P Ci't of Bakersfield, for an amount. equal to at least ten percent (10% of the Y o nt of said bid and no bid shall be considered unless such eertified.check am u or~'bid bond is enclosed therewith: IDDER'S GUARANTIES. Within ten (l~) days after the award. (d) RETURN OF B of .the contract, the City of Bakersfield will retux°n the pxoposal guaranties in such of the ro orals as are not to be considered in making the accompany g P p award. All other roposal guaranties will be held until the contract has been P finall executed after which they will be returned to the respective bidders Y whose proposals they accompany. CONTRACT BONDS. The Contractor shall furnish two good and sufficient (e) bonds. One of the said bonds shall guarantee the faithful performance of the said contract b the Contractor and shall be in an amount equal to one hundred percent Y 1000) of the contract price. The other of the said bonds shall be in an amount ( . o fished as re wired of fifty percent (50~) of the contract price and shall be furn q by-the terms of an act entitled: "An act to secure the payment of the claims of persons employed. by contractors u on public works, and the claims of persons who furnish P materials, supplies, teams, implements, or machinery used or consumed b such contractors in the performance of such works, and prescribing Y the duties of certain public officers with respect thereto," approved May 10,1919, as amended. Forms of bonds required may be obtained at the office of the City Attorney. 2 j~henever any surety or sureties on any such ~?or~;ls, or on any bonds re- quired by law for the protection of the claims of '.~a'rarers :~~d materia.l mens become insufficient, or the i~~iayor has. cause to believe that such surety or sureties have become insufficient, a de:~and in ~~•ritirlg rya;., be made or ,the . Contractor fog such further bond or bands or addit~ o~~al ~si~rety, not exceedin¢ that originally required, as is considered necessar~r, considering the extent of the work remaining to be done . ~ Thereafter no pa~~nent shal 1 be made upon . such contract to the CGStractor or any assignee of ~,ie Contractor until such further bond or bonds or addit~.onal surety has been fu~.~nished. (f) REJECTION OF PROPOSALS COr~~TAININC ALTERATICr~S, ERASURES OR IRREGULARITIES. Proposals may be rejected ~.f the; show ~.ny altera.tions of form, . additions not called for, conditional or alternative bids, incomplete bids, eras® uses yr irregularities of any kind. Proposals in which the prices obviously are unbalanced may be rejected.. The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals. (gj AWARD OF CONTRACT. The award of the .contract, if it be awarded; will be made within thirty (30) days a f~er the opening of the proposals . ~h) EXECUTION of CoNTR~?CT . The contract sh~.l be s i fired bV the success m ful. bidder and returned, together with t.hz contract bonds w~.~hin t~;n (;1J) days, - not including Sundays, after zhe bidder rbas received nut~.ce that t~+.e cor~txact hay 'peen awarded. ~fo proposal shall be car~sidered binding upon the C ty =.:~nt l the Axec~tion of the contract . ~~11 contracts shall 'u~e cons i d.ereu as 1~e~.~~ m~~d~ aid entered into in the Cl.~ty of Bakersfield, Cal~.fGrra~.a. Failure to ere-cute a: contract and File acceptable bonds as prov~.de~, .herein within ten Flo) days, not including Su~jd~.~'s, after the bidder .has rectvEd n~~~.ce that the contract has been awTax°ded, shall be just cause for the .car., cej lam . t;ion of .:~;r~e a~~~ard ~;r1-.~ the forfeiture of the propos~.I ~,~aaranty. (i) EXA~4~I~~~ATIO~►S OF PL:~a~S, SPECIFICATIONS, SFECIAL F~OVISI.ONS, 5I'rE of 1~~ORK. The ~b~.dder is required to examine carF~~~.~lly the site cf, the pro® . posal, plans and. spe.ci~'ications, and contract forms for the work contemp~.ated, and it will. be a55umed that the bidder has investigated and is satisfied aS to the conditions to be encountered, as to t~'e character, quality, and quantities of i~or~ to be per~'or~ned and ma~erials to be furnishEd, ar~d as to the requ~.revents of :.the specifications, the spec~.al provisions, and trie contract. It is mutually agree{. that t~°~e submission of a proposal shall be considered prima. r~cie evidence that the bidder has made such e~camination. SECTION 2. SCOPE +JF WORk~ . (a) ~~ORK TO BE D~?NE. The work to be done consists of. furnlsning all I~:~or, materials, ~r~ethodv a.nd processes, implements, t(JO1S anal macat~.ne9!°y9 except . ~ as otherwise S~eCia led, which are necessary and z~equired to construct t:'~e proposed improvements, as deimated ire the contract. (b) ~~LTEF..~TIGi~rS. r~utual ccnserbt zn wr~.t~.r~g of the parties slgnato~°„ to tn~ contracts dltG.:a.~iJ~i~ ~~vl!.ia~.I~~i1.~ 1~1Cr~°a~~.`~ 0~' d~'cZ't'aSeS, ad~~li 1~n5 ~~I~ omiss.tons, in t~`ie plans arxil spe~;ifica~t.ior~s, may be m~.de and the same shall in no wav affect or mane vo~.d the ;contract . for accuracy of dimensions and details, and that the Contractor shall be respon~ sible for agreement and conformity of his working plans with the approved plans and specifications. (c) CONFORT~ITY WITH PLANS AND ALLOWABLE DEVIATION. Finished surfaces in all cases shall conform with the lines, grades, cross-sections, and dimensions shown on the approved plans. Deviations from the approved plans, as may be re~ quired by the exigencies of construction will be determin.e~.in all cases by the- Engineer and authorized in writing. (d) COORDINATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS. These specifications, the plans, special provisions, and all supplementary documents are essential parts of~the contract, and a requirement occurring in one is as binding as though occurring in all. They are intended to be cooperm alive, to describe., and to provide for a complete work. Plans shall-govern over specifications; special provisions shall govern over both specifications and plans. City specifications shall govern over State Standard Specifications. (e) INTERPRETATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Should it appear that the work to be done, or any matter relative thereto, is not sufficiently detailed or explained in these specifications, plans, and the special provisions, .the con tractor shall apply to the Engineer for such further explanations as may be necessary, and shall conform to such eacplanation or interpretation as part of the contract, so ,far as may be consistent with the intent of the original specim fications. In the event of doubt or question relative to the true meaning of the specifications, reference shall be made to the City Council, whose decision thereon shall be final. , "r In the event of any. discrepancy between .any drawings and the figures written thereon, the figures shall be taken as correct. (f) SUPERINTENDENrE. Whenever the contractor is not present on any part of the work where it may be desired to give direction, orders will be given by the Engineer in writing, and shall be received and obeyed by the superintendent or foreman in charge o.f the particular work in reference to which orders are . given. (g) LINES AND GRADES. All. distances and measurements are given and will. be made in a horizontal plane. Grades are given from the top of stakes or nails, unless otherwise noted. on the plans. Three consecutive po-rots shown on the same rate of. slope must be used in common, in order to detect any variation .from a straight grade, and in case any such discrepancy exists, it must be reported to the Engineer. If such a discrepm ancy is not reported to the Engineer, the contractor shall be responsible for any error in the finished work. The contractor shall give at least 24 hours' notice in writing when he will require the services o.f the Engineer for laying out any portion of the worko The contractor shall furnish the Engineer such facilities and labor, necessary . for making and maintaining points and lines, as he may require. Labor furnished by the contractor for such purposes will be paid for. as Extra Work. The contractor shall preserve all stakes and points set for lines, grades, or measurements of the work in their proper places until authorized to remove them by the Engineer. All expenses incurred in replacing stakes that have been removed without proper authority shall be paid by the contractor. 5 DEFECTIVE ~~~~TERIALS . All materials not conforming to the require- ments of these spedfications shall be considered as defective, and all sac}1 materials, whether in place or not, shall be rejected and shall be removed imr~~ed-~ lately from the site of the work unless other~~rise permitted by the Engineer. ~To rejected material, the defects of which have been subsequently corrected, shall be used until approved in writing by the Engineer. Upon failure on the part of the contractor to comply with any order of the Engineer made under the provisions cf this article, the Engineer shall have authority to remove and replace defective material and to deduct the cost of removal and replacement from any monies. due or to become due the contractor. SECTION 5. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPO~iSIBILITIES TO THE ~'UBLIC (a) LAWS TO BE OBSERVED. The contractor shall keep himself fully in- formed of all existing and future State and National l~.ws and all municipal ordinances and regulations of the City of Bakersfield which in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the .worn , or the ~ns.terials used in the ~v~or};, o~r ~y~}~ib in any way af. feet the cozlduct of t}~e work, ailc} of a? l su~:n orders ~.nd deco L ees of bodies or tribunals having any jt~r~.sdictl.o~l ar authority over the same. (b) HOURS OF LABOR. The contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to t.l~e Cyr ~J o~° Bakersf. ~.vld, Ten Dollars (~lt~. ror each l~.norer, ~4orkn~~.1~, or ~^o~han1.o erlpl.c~dPed in t~lf~ execution of t}1e c{~~~tr~~.c~. u~-• hi~~~, cr by any su~~cor~~~r~ctor ur,de~ h~.m, upon any of the .work hereini~efc~7'~; mentioned, for each calendar d~-~y cl~~ring which- said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permytted to l~.bo~° i.n rriolation o.f the provisions. of Sect~.on 1810 to Section 1u15 , incl~.zsive, of the t ~ Labor Code . (c) .The contractor shall cor:ply with Section 6 ~`OS of. the Labor Code which provides that the contractor's responsibility shall be as follc~~rs. ~If the contract price for the project includes an e~cpenditure in excess of t~tiTenty-five thousand. dollars(~25,C~00~ for F.~cavation of any trench or trenches five feet or more in depth, the contractor car his subcontractor 5~1a? l not be ;i~~ any trench excavation unless. a detailed plan, whocvina the design of snoring, bracing, sloping or other provisio~~s to be 1llati~; for worker protection d~rring the excavation of the trench, has been submitted by the contractor to the City Engineer and the detailed plan has been apprcl~.red by the City Engineer. If sue}~~ plan varies from the s}goring system standards establ~.shed u~r triF, Constr~~ction Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety, the plan shall be prepared by reg:i stored civil or structural engin~~er. Nothing .in this section shall be deemed to allow the use of a shoring, sloping, or protectyLre S~,pste~l less effectl than that required by the Construc- tion Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety. ~~ot}ling in this sec~t.ion shall be construed to impose tort liability on the awarding body or any of its employees. T}~~: to1~~~~5 ~'~~i.►~ i t ~ y~;~rns;; ~.;id ''~t~d~I~ding bedy~', aS used in this section 9 s}gall -have t}~e same mean~_n as in Labor Code Sections 1720 and 1722 respectively. {g) REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTORS. Before submitting bids, Contractors shall be licensed in accordance with the provisions of Section 7055 of Business ~ Professions Code. a {h) PERMITS AND LICEN5ES. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work.. {.i) PATENTS. The Contractor shall assume all responsibilities arising from the use. of patented materials, eQuipment, devices, or processes used on or incorporated in the work. (j) PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY. The Contractor shall so conduct his operations as to cause the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to public traffic. Unless other existing streets are stipulated in the special provisions to be used as detours, all traffic shall be permitted to pass through the work. Residents along the road or street shall be provided passage as far as .practicable. Convenient access to driveways, houses and buildin s aloe the road g g or street shall be maintained and temporary crossings shall be provided and main® tained in good condition. Not more than one cross o.r intersecting street or road shall be closed at any time without the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall furnish, erect, and maintain such fences barriers lights, and signs as are necessary to give adequate warnin to the ublic at all g p . times that-,the improvement is under construction and.. of any dangerous conditions to be encountered as a. result thereof, and he shall also eruct and maintain such warnings and directional signs as may be furnished by the Cit . Y Fu11 compensation for conforming to the provisions of this Section 5 (j) shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. {k) RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE. The City of Bakersfield, the Cit Council Y , or the Engineer shall not be~answerable or accountable in any manner for any loss or damage -that may happen to the .work or any part thereof; or for any :material or equipment used in performing the work, or for injury or dame e to°an arson g YP or persons, either workmen or the public; or for damage to adjoining property caused by the negligence of Contractor or one of his subcontractors durin the g progress of the work at any time before final acceptance. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City o.f Bakersfield the City Council, and the Engineer from any suits, claims, or actions brou ht b g Y any person or persons for or on account of any injuries or damages sustained or arising in the construction of the work or inconsequence thereof.- (l) CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY FOR ~~ORK. Except as rovided above until p 9 the formal acceptance of the work by the City Engineer, the Contractor shall have the charge and care thereof and shall bear the risk of injury or dame e to an g Y part thereof by the action of the elements or from any other cause, whether arising from the execution or from the non-execution of the work. The Contractor 9 Two ~Iundred Dollars ($200.00) per day for each and every calendar day's delay beyond the time prescribed to complete the work; and the Contractor agrees to pay such liquidated damages as herein provided., and in case the same are not p aid9 agrees that the City of. Bakersfield-may deduct the .amount thereof from any money due or that may become due the Contractor under the contract. It is further agreed that in case the work called for under the contract is not finished and completed in all parts and requirements within the time ` specified the City Council shall have the right to extend the time for comple- tion or not, as may seem best to serve the interest of the City; and if it decides to extend the time limit for the completion of~~the contract, it shall further have the right to charge to the Contractor, his heirs, assigns or sureties, and to deduct from the final payment for the work, all or any part, as it may deeme proper, of the actual cost of engineering, inspection, superintendence, and other overhead expenses which are directly chargeable to the contract, and which accrue during-the period of such extension, except that the cost of final surveys and preparation of final estimate shall not be included in such charges . The Contractor shall not be assessed with liquidated damages nor the cost of enaineer.ing and inspection during any delay in the completion of the work caused by acts of Go.d or of the public enemy, acts of the City, fire, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather or delays of subcontractors due to such causes; provided that the Contractor shall ~aithin ten (10) days from the beginning of any such delay, notify the Engineer in writing of the causes of delay, who shall ascertain the facts. and the extent of the delay,~and his findings of the facts thereon shall be final and conclusive. (f) SUSPENSION OF CONTRACT. If at any time in the opinion of the City C®uncil,-the contractor has failed to supply an adequate working force, or material of proper quality, or has failed in-any other respect to prosecute the work with the diligence and force specified and intended in and by the terns of the contract, notice thereof in wittin will be served u on him, and should he neglect or reuse g P to provide means for a satisfactory compliance with the contract, as directed by the Engineer, within the time specified in such notice, the City Council in any such case shall have the power to suspend the operation of the contract. Upon receiving notice of such suspension, the Contractor shall discontinue said work,. or such parts of it as the City Council may designate. Upon such suspension, the Contractor's control shall terminate, and thereupon the City Council, or its duly authorized representative, may take possession of all or any part ®f the Contractor's materials, tools, equipment, and appliances upon the premises, and use the same for the purpose of completing said contract, and hire such . force and buy or rent such additional machinery, tools, .appliances and equipment-, and buy such additional materials and supplies at the Contractor's .expense as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the work and for the completion thereof; or may employ other parties to carry the contract to completion, employ, the necessary workmen, substitute other machinery or materials, and purchase the materials contracted for, in such manner as the City Council may deem proper; or the City Council may annul and cancel the contract and re-let the work or any part thereof. Any excess of cost arising therefrom over and above the contract price will be charged against the Contractor and his sureties, who will,be liable 11 payment shall be required to be made, when in the ju.~~ment of the City Engineer the work is not proceeding in accordance with the previsions of the contract, or when in his judgment the total value of the work done, since the last estivate e amounts to less than Three Hundred Dollars (~s00~.00): ~ . (c)~ EINAL PAYMENT: The ~ity Engineer shall, after 'the completion of the contract, made a final estimate of the amount of wank done thereunder, aid t~:~ value of such work, and the City of Bakersfield shall pay'the entire sum so found to be due after deducting therefrom all previous payments and all amounts to he kept and alI amounts to be retained under the provisions of the contract. :~11 rior artial estimates and ~ payments shall be subject to correction 'in the final P P estimate al,d payment. The final payment shall not be due and payable until thle expirat-ion of thirty (30) days from the date of acceptance of the work by the City Council. It is mutually agreed between the parties. to .the contract that no certifm irate given or payments made under the contract, e:ccept the final certlflcate or .final payment, shall be conclusive evidence ot` the performance of the contract, either ~~hol ly or in part, against. any claim of the party of° the first part , aad~j nc payment sha? l be construed. to be an acceptance of any deec$1ti°e work or improper materials. And the Contractor further agrees that the payment ~1f ~:a~e final aJllo;.~:.t :.~F..: u=~-~~~r the contract, .and the ads ustment ar►d pa~~~~ent for an~~ taopN~ done in ~ ::~1~,;~. , J.., . ~ , w4.tr: any alterations of the same,. shall :ele.~.:~F~ ~~ne tilt c_,~ ~;~..h;erstlei~, ~~~E° Cit;• Cour.c~.l, and the Engineer from an~r ar~d all claims or l.labi lit}- on acc.~~:r~. 4 o~" ,~tc~rk perfor,~ ed under the contract or any al ~ oration therLu~ . yv • 1 i b ~ V ~ 1 L. O . L 1 i• < < w' ~ `:1011 ~ ~ 1.t t2 L .1. (G) SLESTITUTIO~' 0~ ~ECT'RT~'I`~5 '~~~ere~.~e~° heM.~ ~ ;,~::~..Yi~lolciir:~ or re~entioi. at money°.~ to ensure pertarms.nce, ~~~~~:.ti.ition o~ e~~L_~.. al~.:~~ Jt.:r,t alu~) o~ ~e~~:~. z ...~e~ sl.a~ ~ e a~r,~.l ~ L~ ~ ~ . previsions a~la require~:e~~ts of Government Code Section SECTIC:~' 8 . PRQV IS IC1~S OE ST~~~tiDARD SP EC I ~ i C.~TIQNS . This Eor~; embraced here ~.n shall be done in accordahoe with *he ap~~ropr.~ ~~r~,~~i s~.ons ;:~~nStructloi~ deta~.ls, Sect.ic~n l~? to Section ~'ir.clusive, c~~' Srf`cificu ~c~1S entitled ''Matt CI ~allforr.ia, Bus?ness Transportatior..'tgency, Uepa~rtm~ent of ~Iransportation, St~.ndard 5pecificatiorls. July, 1984,p' 'nsolai' as the sa~,~ ~~a~, apply, ~+~thich specifications are hereinafter referred t4 ~.S Lho St a~ia~.rt~ 5~~~ i 1=1.cations , and in accordance ~4~ith tree folloj~ing special pro 4~isi~:~T~ > , E~~er:e,rer in the Standard Specl.fications the follo`~ing terms are used, tr,e4r shall be ~~~?derstood to mean and ref°er to the following: ~?~~~~~r`~~~f~nt of Transportati.or., Eus~.ness ~ Transportation agency, ~_,:~L ~R.r~~°S - ~ ~n ~ineering Depar~nznt of the City of ~3akersfield. Director of Public 6~orks - C1ty Engineer, City of Bakersfield. Engineer -The City Engineer, acting either directly or trlrough prepzrl;~ authored agents, s~zch agents acting within the scope of the particula~° dut~; es entrusted to they . Laborator,. ~ The designated laboratory authorised b;f the City of Ba~ers ~ ~ . to t?st materials ~znd word; Involved in the contract. z. ~ State - Ti~it; ~~:;ty of Bakersfield. . i3 Other terms appearing in the Standard Specifications, the general pro- visions,.and the special provisions, shall have the intent and meaning specified in Section 1, Definition of Terms of the Standard Specifications. In the event-that any portion of the Standard Specifications incorporated herein shall conflict with any of the provisions delineated in the special pro- visions section herein set forth, the provisions so delineated shall take prece- dence over and shall be used in lieu of such conflicting portions of the Standard Specifications. SECTION 9. INSURANCE In addition to any other form of insurance or bonds required under the terms of the contract and specifications, the Contractor will be required to carry insur- ante of the following kinds and amounts: contractor's public liability insurance policy: for property damage, personal injury and automobile liability (with an .insurance company licensed to do business in the State of California) in an .amount not less than FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000.00), combined single®limit coverage ,with a TWO MILLION DOLLAR- ($2,000,000.00) umbrella policy (containing a drop down provision) or, in lieu thereof, a 2.5 MILLION DOLLAR combined single-~ Limit policy. The City of Bakersfield, its mayor, council, officers, agents and employees shall be named as additional insureds under the policy which ,shall operate as primary insurance. Lf any part of the work is sublet, similar insurance shall be provided by or in behalf of-the subcontractors to cover their operations, The insurance hereinbefore spe d fled shall be carried until all ~~~ork required to be performed under the terms of the contract is satisfactorily. :.completed as evidenced by the formal acceptance by the. City. The Contractor shall furnish the Finance Department with one (1) certified cop}, of each of the executed policies or a certified Certificate of Insurance.. The certification on such policies shall. guarantee that the policy will not be amended, altered, modified, or canceled insofar as the coverage concern- plated hereunder~is.concerned, without at least five (5) days'. notice mailed by registered mail to the Finance .Department,. City of~ Bakersfield, Bakersfi~Id, .California. The insurance herein required shall be obtained by the successful bidder and the certified copy of the policies or Certificate of Insurance furnished as herein provided, within the time fixed herein .for his execution of the contract. Full compensation for.all premiums which the Contractor and the sub- contractors are required to pay on ail the insurance described above shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of ti4iork to be performed under the contract, and no additional alloti~ance will be made therefor or for additional premiums which may be required by extension of~the palici.es of insurance. 14 D SECTIQN lo. QUANTITIES The following preliminary estimate of the quantities of work to be done and materials to be furnished are approximate .only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids, and the City of Bakersfield does not expressly or by implication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work or to omit portions of the work that may be deemed necessary or expedient by the Engineer., The provisions of Section 4-1.038 of the Standard Specifications relative to alterations not involving changes in the character of the work shall not apply to any contract item of work in this proposal. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 1. LUMP SUM Signals and Lighting - (Location A) 2 Pr PP Pi PP PP - (Location B) . 3. 8 Each Install sign (mast-arm hangar, street name sign) 4. 1,400 S.F. Remove traffic stripes and p avement-marking,. 15 a .SECTION 11. MATERIALS The City of Bakersfield shall furnish the controllers and cabinet assemblies- and the street name sign panels. The Contractor shall furnish, for use under these special provisions, all other materials required to complete the attached contract. City furnished materials shall be made available to the Contractor at the City Corporation Yard, 41DI Truxtun Avenue. SEGTTON 12. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work ~o be done consists, in general, of installing signs, traffic signals and lighting. Such other items or details, not mentioned above, that are required by the. plans, Standard Specifications, or these special provisions shall be performed, placed, constructed or installed.. Said work to be done is specifically .shown, marked and detailed upon a Plan entitled: - TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS .AT MINE AVE. AT WESTHOLME BLVD, S0. CHESTER AVE. AT PLANZ ROAD 16 0 SECTION 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS (a) PUBLIC .SAFETY AND PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY, Attention is directed to Section 7 of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of this section, except as otherwise directed by the Engineer. Such provisions for public safety shall meet the minimum requirements and shall be s~~bject to the approval of the City Engineer. Full compensation for complying with the requirements of this section shall be considered as included in the contract prices paid for the various items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. (b) OBSTRUCTIONS. Attention is directed t~o Section 8-1.1D, "Utility and Non-Uighdaay Facilities," of the Standard Specifications., the plans, and the special provisions, j4'here extra work is required by.said section it shall be paid for as provided in Section 7. (a) of these specifications . The Contractor will be required to work around public utility facilities and other improvements that are to remain in place within the construction area or that are to be relocated and relocation operations have not been completed. In accordance with the provisions of Section 7-l.ll, "Preservation of Pron~rty," and i-1.12, "Responsibility for Damage," of the Standard Specifications, the Contractor will be liable to owners of such facilities and improver~~ents for any damage. or interference with service resulting from conducting his operations. The exact location of underground facilities and improvements within the con- - struction area s~1a11 be ascertained by the Contractor ~bef'ore using egt~l.pment that .may. damage such facilities or interfere ~tiith the services. Other forces may be eng-aged in moving or removing utility facilities or other improti~ements or ~mraintaining se~ti,ices or utilities. The Contractor. steall cooperate with such forces and conduct.-his operations in such a manner as to avoid any unnecessary delay or hindrance to the work being performed by other such forces, Any delay to the Contractor due to utility relocation whether or not the utility 1s shown or correctly located on the plans will not be compensated for as idle-time. However, additional contract time commensurate with such delays may be allowed. At~locations where irrigation systems exist, the Engineer will direct-the Contractor as to what steps will be required to protect the irrigation syste;~ and the area it serves, The Contractor shall rep~ac;e the irrigation system as directed bti* the Engineer. Existing land subdivision monuments and stakes s~iall be fully protected from damage or displacement and they shall not be disturbed unless directed by the Engineer. Except in the case of extra work, full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this article shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of work and no additional compensation will be .made therefor. 1 (c) O~~ISSTO`S Iti' SPECIFICATIO'S :4ND DRAti~'INGS. Any materials or work mentioned in the specifications and not shown on the drawings or shown ors the drawings and not r~entioned in the specifications shall be of the same effect as 1.~ 5no ~n o~ ~~„~~.1 ,.~1 ~o~ ~l. 17 0 . .gym+ssl.ons from the drazr~r~gs or tie spe~if~cations of the i~ateriass ur a details of work which are manifestly or obviously necessary, to carry taut tree intent of the d-raraings .and specifications or which are customarily fuz~nisht~d or performed, shall not relieve the Contractor of-~iis responsibilit;~ for furnis~~ing .such omitteu materials or performing .such or~itted work; but shat. I be furnished cr performed as if fully shown or described in the drawings o~~ specificdtion.s. ~d j M~ATEPT.~~S. Whenever any material is speci fled by name and nuirber thereof, si~cl~ specifications shall be dee~red to be used for she purpose of fa.cili.*ating description of the materials .and estabaishing quali ~y~ and sha? 1 be deemed and construed to be followed by the words iron,, approved equal''. s~cibstitution will be permitted other than as described herein unless az~thori~ed by the Engineer before the bids are opened. All materials shall be new and th.r best of their class and kind. Vie) ADJUSTMENT OF OVERHEAD COSTS. The ~rotiris~ions of Section ~-1.08 of the Standard Specifications shall not apply to f-final cost of this eontra~,t~ and nc~ final adjustment for overhead costs wi l I be made . (f~ DUST CONTFOL. It 5ha11 be the Contractor's responsibility to prevent a dust. nuisance Born originating from the site of the work as a result of his operat~.an> during the effective period ~~of this contract . Preventative ~neas~~res ~~o be t~.ken bti* the Contractor .shall inc~.ude but shall got be Ii~nited to the .l.~l_Lo~.'~.n~. 1. l~'ater shall be appl:Led to alI unp~.ved areas as requi~.°e~. to prevent t.rae surface from becoming dry enough to permit dust formation. - Paved s~~rfaces o~ye~ T~Thich vehicular traffic is p~rmittLd to t~°auel shal.i be kept free of dirt.. ~°empo:r°arti~ s~~spension of th~r ~~Tork, either. as a result of order b~~ the .E:~.gineer, cr a;~ a result of conditions beyond. t:ne control of thr~ Contractor. sh:~.ll nor r?ii ~v~ the Contractor from► his responsibili~~y for dust co~:tr~~' as, set forte herein. Full compensation for conforming to the requi rem.ent~s of this article shG~l l be cons~.dered as incl,aded in~ -the prices paid for the various contrac~ items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. ~,g~ ~~lATERING. Furnishing and applying water snail cones"o:°m to the provisions of Section 17 or the Standard Specifications, except that full cor~pensatioll therefor shall ne considered as inoluded in the prices paid A ~ ! ~ r ~ A T ~ ro ~ . 'q 1 tar ~.he ~ a~ loos cont~ ai. ~ it~,ms of work al.d no separate payment w~.~ 1 oe made therefor. I8 a.:, . 1 ~ 4-1.038(1), and ~-1.038(2), of the ~~:,~ndard Specifications relative to increases or decreases in. the quantity of. a :tract item of cork when no change in the character of the work is involved ~..:~j not apply to any contract item oi' work . in this proposal and the City reser~fes the right to increase or decrease the. quantity of any item or portion of wor°k as may. be deen~od necessary or in the best interest of the City, 1) WORK IN CITY STREETS. All of the work shown on the laps and °nclude . p ~ d in these specifications. that is located in the public streets in the City of Bakersfield shall be done in accordance with City Ordinances regulating the use of public streets within .the .City, except as otherwise provided herein. The Contractor shall inform himself as to all regulations and requirements of the City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield and shall conduct his operations in compliance therewith. (j} PERMITS AND LICENSES. The Contractor shall procure .all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees and give all notices necessary and incidental t~ the due and lawful prosecution of the tilork . (k) ~~AINTAINING TRAFFIC, Attention is directed to Sections7-I.OS, "Public Convenience," 7-1.09, "Public Safety," 1-1.092, "L~.:~e Closure," ar~d ' 7-1.093, "Portable Delineators," of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions. of these sections and these special provisions. The Contractor.shall furnish, install .and maintain all signs, lights, flares, barricades, and ather facilities required by this Section. The Contractor shall keep. the Bakersfield Fire Departmentintormed at all times as to the exact location and progress `of the j~~ork ar~d shall notify them immediatzly of any streets a.mpassable for fire fighting equipment . Personal vehicles of the Contractor's employees shall nat be parked on the roadway at any time, including any section closed to public traffic. ~s {~Jhen entering. or leaving road~Tays carrying public traffic, the Contractor's equipment, whether empty or loaded, shall in all cases. yield to public traffic. The provisic~ns in this section may be modified or altered if, in the opinion of the Engir~~,~er, public traffic will be better served ~ aiid work expedited. Said modifications. or dl~~,rations shall not be adopted until approved in writing by the Engineer. The. pric~;s paid .for the vaz°ious contract itc~r~s of work shall bo considered as full compensation for complying with the. provisions of this Section 13 (k) C~aintaining 'traffic, and no additional payment will be made therefor. (1) ORDER OF ~~'4RK. Order of .work shall conform to the provislol~s in Section 5-1. ~~5, "Ordez• of ~rark," of the Standard Sp~:cificatians and t~~e: e special provisions. 19 Prior to commencement of the trffic signal functional tests, all items of work related to the signal cantro]. shall be completed and roadside signs shall be in place, {m) COOPEFATIOIv. The ContractQi° shall cooperate fully with the other Contractors performing work on the site. It is not anticipated that the work to be done by others will sericusly delay the Contractor's completion of the work. However, if such work does result in extraordinary delay, the Contractor may seek relief from liquidated damages as set forth in the fourth pararaph of Article 6~e) of these Special. Provisions. Full compensation for complying with tie requirements of this Article 13 (m) shall be considered as included in the prices paid .for the various c:ontrart items of work and no additional allowance will he made therefor,- . 2 0 SECTION 14 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TRAFFIC SIGNALS ~ STREET LIGHTING (a) DESCRIPTION. Furnishing, installing and modifying traffic signals and highway lighting. and payment therefor shall conform to the provisions in Section 86, "Signals and Lighting," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Traffic signal work is to be performed at the following locations: SOUTH CHESTER AVE. AT PLANZ ROAD (LOCATION B) MING AVENUE AT WESTHOLME BLVD. (LOCATION A) 21 R (b) REMOVING AND REPLACING IMPROVEMENTS. Removing and replacing improvements shall conform~to the provisions in Section 86-2.02, "Removing and Replacing Improvements," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. (c) FOUNDATIONS. Foundations shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.03, "Foundations," of the ,Standard Specifications ~.nd these special provisions. Portland cement concrete shall conform to Section 90-10, "Minor Concrete," of the Standard Specifications and shall contain not less than 470 pounds of cement per cubic yard, except Concrete for pile foundations shall contain not less than 564 pounds of cement per cubic yard. (d) CONDUIT. Conduit shall conform to the provisions. in Section 86-2.0$, "Conduit," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Insulated bonding bushings will be required on metal conduit. (e) PULL BOXES. Pull boxes shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.06.,. "Pull Boxes," of the Standard Specifications and these special .o provisions. Recesses for suspension. of ballasts will not be required. (f) CONDUCTORS AND~wTRING. Conductors and wiring shall conform to the provisions in Section 8b-2.08, "Conductors," and Section 86-2.09, "Wiring," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Conductors..shall be spliced by the use of "C" shaped compression connectors as shown on the plans. Splices shall be insulated~by "Method B." . ~ 2 2 R (g) DETECTORS. Lead-i.n cables shall consist of 2 No. 12 copper conductors. with each conductor insulated with 35 mils minimum, at any point, high molecular weight, heat-stablized, colored polyethylene. The conductors shall be twisted and the twisted pair shall be protected with a shield of tinned copper-brass, or aluminum-polyester, A No. 16 minimum, stranded tinned copper ground drain wire shall be provided and connected to the equipment ground within the cabinet. The cable shall be provided with a chrome vinyl outer jacket with a minimum thickness, at any point, of 37 mils. (h) BONDING AND .GROUNDING. Bonding and grounding shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.10, "Bonding and Grounding," of the Standard Specifica- tions and these special provisions. (i) SERVICE. Service shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.1I, "Service," of the Standard Specifications and these. special provisions. The Engineer will arrange with the serving utility to complete service connections to service points shown on the pla.ns~and will pay all required costs and fees required by the utility. (j) TESTING. Testing shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.14,. "Testing," of the Standard Specificat-ions and these special provisions. B C iy 23 w (k) LUMTNAIRES, Luminaires shall conform to the. provisions in r Section 8G-6.01, "High Intensity-Discharge Luminaires," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Luminaires shall be furnished with 200-watt high pressure sodium lamps and integral ballasts. f (1) PHOTOELECTRIC CONTROLS... Photoelectric controls shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-6.07, "Photoelectric Controls," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Each luminaire shall be provided with a-Type Iv photoelectrical .control. STGNAL FACES AND SIGNAL HEADS. Signal faces, signal heads and auxiliary equipment, as .shown on the plans, and the installation thereof, shall conform. to the.. provisions in Sections 86-.4.01, "Vehicle-S%gnal Faces," 86-4.0~ "Directional Louvers," 86-4.03, "Backplates" and 86-4e0b, "S~.gnal Mounting Assemblies," of the Standard Specifications -and these special provisions. Housings, visors, directional louvers and backpl~.tes shall not be ..structural plastic. A11 lamps for traffic signal units shall be furn-fished by the Contractor, A11 mast arm mounted signal faces and. all arrow indications. shall be provided with 12-inch sentions. (n~) PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS. Pedestrian signals shall conform to the provisions in Section 8:x..4, 05, "Pedestrian Signal Face of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Pedestrian signals shall be in accordance with Type C specifications, .except as follows 1) Signal faces shall be international symbol type. 2) Minimum brightness requirement shall be 150 foot-lamberts for the.. ''upraised hand'' symbol message and Z10 foot-lamberts for .the "walking person" symbol message.. 3) Disregard. the reference to the sample. that is available at the Transportation 1 aborat ory . Salvage .pedestrian signal faces may be reused at 5, Chester Ave. ~ l'lanz Koad. Lf salvage pedestrian signal faces are reused fora a portion of the required signal faces, the remaining~new.signal faces shall be of the same type. Message-type faces shall not be mixed with international symbol type faces at the same inter- section. - Z4 ✓ (r~) PAYMENT. Payment for signals and lighting shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-8, "Payment," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions.. Furl compensation for cast-ln-drilled hole concrete pile foundations shall be considered as included in the contract lump sum prig paid for the item requiring foundations and no separate payment will be made therefor. SECTION 15. SPECIAL PROVISIONS -ROADSIDE SIGNS (a) ROADSIDE SIGNS. .Roadside signs shall conform to the provisoes in Section. 56-2, ..''Roadside Signs," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions . .Sign panels shall be furnished by the City, Mast^arm hangers sh~.11 be furnished: by the Contractor. Roadside signs shall be installed by mast-arm hanger methods as shown on Standard Plan Sheet TS-3, 3A (Street Name Sign) or acceptable equal such as Hawkins . M~IOJ Series swinging sign bracket. (b) PAYMENT. Payment. per ..unit .for installing sign (Mast.-arm Hanger, Street Name Sign} shall conform to .the provisions in Section 56-2.06, "Payment," of the Stand~.rd Specifications. SECTION 16. SPECIAL PROVISLONS -GUARANTEE-FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET LIGHTING SYSTEMS. (a) GUARANTEE.. The Contractor shall furnish a written guarantee to the City on the. form attached, guaranteeing all systems, except traffic signal lamps, installed under this contract for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work. The guarantee, properly. executed., shall be fired with the City beforenotice of completion and final acceptance is made by the City of the work described on the plans and.. these special provisions. (b) PAYMENT.. The. lump sum prices paid for inst~.llaton of traffic signal and street lighting systems shall include full compensation for furnishing the guarantee as required in this section. 25 SECTION 17. SPECIAL PROUISIONS - Remove Traffic Stripes r and Pavement Markings. a) REMOVE TRAFFIC STRIPES AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS. Traffic stripes and pavement markings to be removed will be as shown on plans and as designated by the Engineer. f Traffic stripes and pavement markings shall be removed to the fullest extent possible from the pavement by any. method that does not materially damage the surface or texture of the pavement or surfacing. Where blast cleaning i s used for the remova l of painted traffic s tripes and pavement markings , the area shall be shielded so that no material from the blasting operation is allowed to enter the area that is open to public traffic. Sand or other material deposited on the pavement as a result of removing traffic stripes and markings shall be removed as the work progresses. Accumulations of sand or othe r material which might interfere with drainage or might consti tutu ~a hazard to traffic. will not be permitted. Traffic stripes shall be removed before any change is made in the traffic pattern.. ...Blast cleaning for removal of traffic stripes shall be feathered out to irregular and varying widths. Pavement markings shall be removed by blast cleaning a rectangular area, rather than just lettering or markings, so the 01dmessage cannot be identified. After removal of traffic stripes and pavement markings, a fog seal coat shall be alpplied in conformance with the provisions in Section 37, "Bituminous Seals," of the Standard Specification's and the following:' In traffic stripe removal areas, the fog seal coat shall be applied over the traffic str°rpe removal area. and to irregular and varying widths with an average width of 2 feet on each side of the blast cleaned traffic stripe removal area. In pavement marking removal areas, the fog seal coat shall be applied., to the blast cleaned rectangular area. Full compensation for furnishing and applying fog seal coat as specified .herein shall be considered as included, in the contract price paid per square foot for removal of traffic stripe and pavement marking and no separate payment will be made therefor. Nothing in .these special provisions shall relieve. the Contractor from his responsibilities as provided in Sec__tion 7-1.09, "Pub lic Safety," off the Standard Specifications. b) OR-DER OF WORK. Order of work shall conform to the provisions in Section 5-1.05, "Order of Work," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Pavement delineation shall be replaced by temporary delineation before opening the traveled way to public traffic. Temporary delineation shall consist of reflective traffic line tape applied in pieces not less than 4 inches long nor less than inches wide spaced no more than 10 feet apart on curve nor more than 20 feet apart on tangents. Reflective traffic line tape shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Temporary delineation sha h 26 be the same color as the permanent delineation. Full compensation for temporary delineation shall be considered as included in the prices .paid for the contract items of work that obliterated the existing delineation and no separate payment will be made. therefor. Pavement delineation removal shall be coordinated with temporary delineation so ~t.hat bane lines are provided at ail times on traveled ways open to public traffic. c) MEASUREMENT .AND PAYMENT. .Quantities of traffic stripe removed will be determined by the width of the stripe plus 0.67-foot multiplied by .the length of the stripe. The space between double traffic stripes will be measured as painted traffic stripe. Quantities of pavement markings .removed will be determined by the actual size of the rectangle measured in square feet. Removing of traffic stripes will be paid for at the contract unit price per square foot for the actual area of authorized stripe removal The contract unit price per square foot shall include full compensa°- tion for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, signs and for doing all work necessary for removing existing striping as shown on plan and as directed by the Engineer. C y - 1 ~7 I ~ ~ • • •,...pC~E ap~sr®r~d . /00,4mp co~m~rca/ • ~ ¢crrcui~ /c~~ c~n~~r! fo/!~~ safely soc/CP¢ bo,~ ee...oe /°030 Amy Z podgy ~a~/ ~ ~►rcake►r C/i9li~sn~~ e••4 cirwit /oJd c~~terr, • e•~ .ee ee .a.0.o,q,~nfi9Jsf conduit /il~b~ 1 •.~•4 A,~ia / ,oQl~ e ~brcakar (siy^~ta1s,1..... e 4 ~ J 1 w •0.~~~~.I~V ~'I~ N~/ I~Y~ ',.j eea i' ~/~iI G~~~~ ~~r~~~ • Co~dyc ~`or,• as sho cvr~ on .crgnal ~Jns ,~1us pull hox • • • ~ ~i ~ ~i ft i ~ ~ 1 ~ it ~ 1if~Ii If + ~ 111 i j~ L.. ~ 1 i+ ~.....{i.~ . J 1~ 1; t. s✓ ~f • To s~rYic~° c©r~n~c~i~rr • ° Lf '•••)o /i ~~in tlrc~rt Cona'uit f condvc~`crs as 1 ~ ,~~►our~ on ~~~~a/ .shown ars ~:i9r~~l plan. phi. ld~r~l'1fr ~~~r~P~r~ Condr~o ~'a~r,~ Drell Saxe e 9~ovnd r~~d•°°°°° C`e~rt~r of fn~ter .hall 6c ~ frlin. of 4B' above y~~ ~d~ o~ ~rc~,~ ®p~®S°ifG Poi~e~ ~n~l. JI:~PRCYED GY TF1E D~T~ CITY COUf~iCfL ~ ~~~I~~Q/ DRI►~IIPt 0~....ve~ ~ ~ f. ~S, CHECK~:D ~ ~ ~ L FAR 7~~,~~f1C GN~~.S° T1~ ,E~ B F ~ ~Q~ C17°Y C1~Er~K ~/1CF .....e., ACA LE T ~r r . s~wte/y w~/,~~►d ~'o . vnd~rsiclc o f ~lat~ ' req - 9 i~ Z ~ . ~~,0 Z~ ~i~ ' . ~ - ~ sue' y~~ ~7~ 0 i tx M~ T~fi IA L ~ ~.1~~,3''` Thlckn~s~ s~`ee/ late P - Galvanizing. shahl conform. to the specifications of ASTM Designation o A 123, ~alvani zing of material shall be per~°ormed after f~.bricati on. Fabrication shall include all operations such ~s shearing, cuttin unch~ o e a e gfp ing, forming, dr1111ng, mllling, bending, welding and riveting, ~ All welded areas shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to galvanizing to rernov~ all slag or other material that would interfere with the adherence of the zinco tiVhen,it is necessary to straighten any sections after galvanizing, such work shall be performed without damage to the zinc coating. i The minimum pitch diameter of the threaded portion of all bolts, anchor bars, or studs. shall conform to ANSI Standard. ~l.l, having a Class 2A tolerance bef~~e galvanizing, Galvanized surfaces that are abraded or damaged at any tune after the application of the .zinc coating shall be repaix°ed by thoroughly wire brushing the damaged areas and removing all loose and cracked coating, after which the cleaned areas shall be painted with 2 applications of Zinc-Rich Primer, Organic vehicle Type, Type II, Section 91®Zo01, without thinner, or zinc-rich paint conforming to the requirements of Military Specification MIL-P-21035. Spray cans shall not be used. IPi `Y' ~A~Em~~ ~ ~ ®RAy1fAt ~ ~ CI~RICIJI~, RED®RD! O~ Kr~~ cou~rnr, c~i~ECaRwt~► ~~i~~~~ER11y~s' D~PA1~T'M~~V`T c~tg~x~~ J~~ 3./6~ DIETERICN-?COST :LEARIRINT IWM ~ ~4 ~ ~ Vj iAA I N ~ ~ ~ a~6c~~WaJ. ~ Q W U' - a °w ~ Q Z ~ NO J W N ~oc J W m - ~ a _ 4, ~ a W ~~•z w ~ Nt4 ' a 3 V J W O ~ ItJ ~ Z 111 ~ ~ o O N Z D ~Qe~ a ~ Zo o YQ J J O O~1W ~ Q~ p J Q iA ~ F- J Z Z Z m Z ~ 2 ~ ~ O ZOO ~ f' O O Z ~ I3° Q a ~Z N W ~ ~~W N O oUW 2 ~ Q Q Q u a ~ t o ~ x N z z U w O W 1- N F. Q W~ I dlt t7 W W NCO J J~ Z_ J ~ Q J J W Q~ O V Z N Z N d. ~ H Q JOQWO ~ O (n N W mOW~Q!- cD J WZ~OWtLa c v1 -IN ~ ~ N N Q J N O j Z=WW t0 W W O _T z a z~i° Q Z N ~ ~ ~n.ZJ-~ c Q C ~ Q Q _ ~O~NO W -h ~ ~ >QUIOW W N W s O Z_ J C7 N ~ Z Z O J N ~ ~ W W J O ~ a~ J W W O~ Z J O C = I Q maF. XW V Q ~ OQ12 =y0 Z N =~Y Q-~ c7 N Wwo z3~ INJ tLHO 23W W Jp ~ W O NIL F- ~Q~ rW~O % a a -k K -h 1 r -__T~ ~ ~ ~l > I ~ ~ 1I ZO ~ 1 O ~ Z J Q ~ ~ H ' W .J ~ - "'J J W N J ^ O a Q W O m ? W4.W O~Z Q (f ~ ~ X W U NWt=9 =N~ d zmF ~3~ a J yOW ~JO V W J O O Q Z ~ U O~ W -IN N Z N ntr v a x sx j Q -IN x J ~ ~ H J i I ~ `j~ Q ~ I I I ( t, _ -I~ 3 _ ~ I W N J W Z na. z c~ N 1 e 6 .I ww ~'Ro~'~QSAi~ FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTE~7S AT MING AVE . AT W~STHOL~~1E BLVD . S0. CHESTER AVE. AT PLANZ ROAD To the City Clerk of ~:he City of Bakersfield: Tre undersigned, ~.s bidder, declares that t~~Q only persons or parti~;s interested in this proposal as principals are. those ~~am~ed herein; that th~.s px°o- puaa.l made Wlthout collusion c~ith any other per~so~!, firm or corporation; t~}at he hds carefully examined the Ic~cation of the proposed-work, the. annexed propoGed foam of contract and the plans therein referred tc~; and he proposes and agrees if t~ ~.s proposal is accepted, that he wi 11 contract 4~ti•i ~h: the City of i3a.kers fie ~.d, in ~~ae prescribed form of contract hereto annexed, r provide a 11 ne cc ti s ~~ry mac~.~.n ery, tools, apparatus and other r~eans of construction a.nd to do all th.e }~°~rk and fur.~isl1 ~:ll t'~e ms.terals in accordance with the plans and specifications for the ~~bove, }~i3ed ~.n tie office o~ the Finance. Director of the C~ t7~r of ~~akez~sfl.e.ld and as pecified in the contract, in the. manner and time therein pre~cx•~.btd, a«d a~.cording to ~~he requirements of the Engineer as therein set forth, and t~~at hQ a I ! take in. full. payr~ent therefor the unit pries or lump su~~ns s;t forth in t~.~, fol~oj~~~.ng sc~hed~~.le : In case of a discrepancy between words any. fi;.~~~res, ~h;., ~A~ords sha1~. ?r.e~~all; and in case of ~.iscrepancies between. unit prices a.nd to~:~.:~s ~ the ::nit pr:~.c:es ~~~al? preva.~.~.. The undersigned f~.~rther a.graes ghat in case of d~~~~~"I~. 3.a .n.~e~:~~ i nb ~(~~,~,j.~.,:~.~ ~o:~~:ract, ;~~it~~ nec~s5ar~1 bonds, within ten (l~E c~.r~;'~s _~..'1~....►fi~.~~i~ S~.n;4;~.}~', . 8 ff.a . ~ received :aot ice that the contract is read~~ f u~: s i gr at~.~~~~ , e pr o~,ee car bi~i bold ac~;o;~pany~.ng his bicl shall bE~:~~~°L~ .~.`~e ~~s°,';`v~ :~7 .:i r' ~ y irzdr~r ~..c~~:~0;~':1.°~.~sc'.ri recel.p~~ oi' tho follcr~rir~; ~~~~c~~~~ ~?,7; i.: e.i _y.._,.., M.....,.,..,.~...,.._..~...,,...,_..,._,...._...._..:...~..,..,.... .....,+v r+. ~.w.~w.~~-~.:.w.,~•.~.~..... ~s .....«~.,w•+»..ran.....++..+o~.wwwMrr.rr..+..w ..M.+.+nr.+.rww~+.~..+w..~...+.~w•..i...w.w.r w~..~ ~ ; iT.~~~ t~tlff'H Ui~I7` ~'F~ICE H-~, ~•i~~ j ~'R.%~,"~ ~ TOTAL . f')~~'r~i~~'~I:T~~,~ ; ~11~~tI~I'TEN IN ~VCJRDS ~ ........_.._..,.a.~.....~..~:. 1. Lum Sum ~ Si pals and li htin Location A ~ ' p ~ g g g. C ) ; complete in place for the lump sum. . ~ price of ~ 1 - .t ~ ~ ~ l ` # ii ~ .f ~ ; ~ s ~ ~ ~ . t j ~ p ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ Lum Sum Si na~ls and Ii htin Location B . P g g g C ) com lete in place for the lump sum p , . ~ price of ~ ~ f ~ ~ f 1 ~ ~ ~ ! t ~ f ; ~ { . i .rr..w~.rr..w...~...w...r..ti....»..w.n...w~°awl.w.+r•-..~r.~saw. ~..a+~.~..~rw~.~nr+~~•rw.wrv..w~~.www r+.+rpo+~w...ww.. w..wwe.r~~.r~.+«..r nnr.r.w.+rwa.•maw..w-«.nr..ww..r~r.s~e•w~a.•r. +rwr.s.e~rr~r~+.mrftiww.w.~w....rww.wwr.~r~•~www.+w.+►~•.r.w~ww•.r+ww~+~~rrire.~.rw~s..w.~s...+..aww.w.,rw+....~ • ' c~ .....~..~.~..~~....._,,...d..~...,e...~..:..~..., _ ~ : ; ' Page 1 .0 2 plages. PROPOSAL FOR:. TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS, AT M. l PJC AVE, AT WESTHOLME BLVD, S0, CHESTER AVE. AT PLANZ ROAD APPROX. ITEM WITH UNTT PRICE UNIT ' ITEM QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WARDS PRICE TOTAL 3 • 8 Each , I ns ta`l 1 sign Xmas t-arm hangar, ,street name sign), at Each - 4. 1,00 Square Feet, Remove traffic stri e . Ps and pavement markings, at~ Per S.F, . o TOTAL. Signed . Bidder Page 2 of 2 pages . Accompal~rinb t ll i s proposal i s. u (~OTrtr~ : Ill~ert the words `cash "caghier'~ checb, certi- fied check,'' or "bidder's bona," as the case may be), in amount equal to at least-ten ptircent Qf the total of ~thP bid. The. Hai}ies of all i~erson~ interested iu the foregoing proposal as prin• cpals ai~e a$ follows ' If bidder or other ,interested person is a cor- octant I~ot~~e p poration, state Legal. name of corporation, also names of the president, secretary, treasurer,. and manager thereof; if a copartnership, state true name of firm, also. names of all individual copar t- r~ers composing firm; if bidder or other interested person is an individual, state first and last names in full. Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the- registration of .Contractor's License No . SIGN HERE ~ Signature of Bidder NOTE-It hldder is a corporation, the legal House of the corporation shall be ut torch above togetDer with the ~igaature o! the ottlcer or otticen authcri=ed to elfin coatrcctt oa behalf ei the corporahoa; it bidder i~ a cops:trier hip, the true .same of .the ftrrn shall be art. iortw above. r together arith the .~ignaturr of tha partner. or partaer~ authottzed to ~lqn contracts is behalf o! the copartner~hlp; sad d! bidder is as ladiNduai. hls ~igaature shall . be placed above. 1! :lgaature u Dy as agent, other rhos as ottlcer of a rorporatioa or a member of a partaers~hip, a Power o! Attorney must be oa the v~rith the Clty Clerk o! the Clty of Eokentleld prior to opeainq bids or :ubmitt~d witD the bld; otherr►iie, the bict :mill bs dLtegard~d at irregular and uaauthort:ed. Business address Place of residence Dated ...............................................,19........... s,  N»G44003 t ~j .r 1 ~l i~1 ~~I a ~ ~ ~ J l (Not ntccssary if cash or certified check is with bid) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That we . as principalo and as sur~tya 4r~ held and, firmly bound unto tl~e City o~ Bakers~icld, a body p®litic end corporate ~ the State ~f Calilorr~iao in ~ the sum o~ dollars to be paid to .said City, 4or which payment, well and truly to be made a we bind ourselves, QUr heirs, executors and administrators., successors or assigns, j®intly and ~ev~rally by these presents. ~.o.~_ TAE CONDITION OF THIS- CJBLIGATION I5 SUCH o ` Th~~ if .thee certain proposal, h~re~nt® annexed, to c®nstruct certain work and inlprcrvcrraents in the,.:. Cety of I~akersfield as referred to in the l~lotce to Contractors attached beret®, is accepted by thee. C®uncil o~ said City and i~ the above bounden principal, heirs,. executors, administrators, auc~ - eeasors and a~sai~ns, Shall duly enter into and execute a contract® to construct paid improvements a~arementioned~ and shall execute and deliver the two bonds requared by law, within ten days {not including Sunday from the date of a notice to the above bounden principal, that said contract is .ready f®r execution, then this obligation shall.becon~e gull and void, otherwise- it shall be and remain in fuU f®rc~ ar~d e~~cct. IN WITNE55 WHEREOF, we have hereunto a®t our hands and. se~la this day ~ , A.~D.19 0 Seal} pialss ~S~al) (Seal) tea.. . . Seal ) ~Scal) LIST QF SUB-COh~TRACTORS AlI persons or parties submitting a bid proposal on the project shall complete the following form, setting forth the name and the location of the mill,. shop or office of each sub-contractor ' who will perform work or labor or render service to the contractor in or about the construction of the work or impro~rement in excess of one-half of one percent of prime contractor's total bi.d, and the portion of the~work which will b~ done by each sub.-contractor. This list is to be completed and submitted w~.th said bid proposal. The Subletting and Subcontracting F«~.r Practices fact ;Government Cod~~ Section 410 et sea.) apple s to <~l I contract; :':~Cept those for construction, i~~provement ~~~r re~~a~r of street. =..tih~~ays, inclu~.ing bridges, and a~~plies to sl_~~~rl ~~antracts i~L, 'fit":.C ~;l~aZS ..portions thereof' covering str.ec~~ l.i~ht~.,. and. ~:ra.:~= ~ ~ ~f a L~ntr~.Ctor falls to specl~y` a Su~3r~~?',~:~~CtGr l,i~i ~1"'~.~-~ ~u~' zaji o f the c~~ar~ to ~>e serf orj~ed ~~nuex~ tl~{~ f~~{~~f~ 4 'act~~ ~1~~ ~ be ~c~e~e,A t~~ Dave a.~°eed that he .s fulls rtua.f.ls'~.l:~t: try ,~t,z,~a~`;~ ~'or~~.un h~~:~~:~y a~zd that he shall pez°farr~ -~~~~tzon l~i~~,s~ ~ _ L~z~d ~~e sr~all nog be permitted tc sub~contl~act 4~~t~~~t ~,~~~~~`:i~~~ o~ 4~~~ ~~~or~; e c~:pt as at~tho~.~i zed by Sec Li an ~ l Q~ of G:~i t'or,~ ~ u. ~~r~tl~; r~ri~er:t. Coc'~e, - e ~:It~'1SIU~~~ U~~ ~.:~;ti~~: ~F SUS-CG~~;'I'RACT~R .~DD:~FSS ~ ~~'Q.~~; ~~~'~~u~r'~Fi::~ .__.....~..,.......~.....4. GUARANTEE TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT City of BakerSf i el d Department of Pub i i c Works 8alcersfield, Cal ifornia In accordance with the terms of Contract No. ,for the,. Project: awarded on ,between the City of Bake.rsf i e i d, hereinafter referred to as the. City ,and the undersigned, which, contract provides for the. ins allation of lighting and/or traffic signal system ~ ,and under which contract the undersigned has furnished and installed such system, the fol owing guarantee of the said system i s hereby made. Should any. of the equipment installed .pursuant to said-contract, except Lighting elements,~prove defective or should the system as a whole prove defective., due to~~«faulty workmanship, ma-terial furnished, or method of installation, or should sand system or any part-thereof fail to operate, as planned, due to .any of the above causes, all within one (1) year of er date on which said contract i s accepted by the Ci t.y, the undersigned agrees to reimburse the City, !apon demand., for its expenses incurred in restoring said systems to the condition con:.temp 1 ated i n said contract, .including the cost .of any equipment o r mate r i a 1 s replaced, car, up,c~n demand by the City, to replace any such equipment and repo i r said systems completely without cos to the City, so that they wi►1 operate: - succe~.sfully a~ original l.y~ contemplated. -.The City shall have the option to~make any needed repairs or replacEments ~ tsel f or t4 have such replacements or repairs done by the unders gnecl~, Pr i Qr to such rep l ace~ent or repai-r work be~i ng done by the City, the undersigned shall have the option to make any needed repairs or replacements. 1n the event the City elects to have said work performed by the undersigned, the undersigned agrees that the repairs shall commence to be made and such materials as are necessary shall commence ta~ be furnished and instal led within Twenty-Four (Z~) hours of the date- specified i n _ the City's written notification . Con~t ractor sha 1 i prosecute with due diligence to ~compl.ete the work within a reasonable period of time, as specified in the City's written not i f i cat i on. Said system will be deemed defective within .the meaning. of this guarantee in the event thatahey fail to operate as originally intended by the manufacturers thereof and i n accordance with the plans and sped f i cat i ons included i n said contract. Contractor`s Signature Firm Address Cate 1 J i