HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 Special Provisions Project Union AveCOPY N0, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA SPECIFICATIONS INFORP1ATIOfJ TO BIDDERS SPECIAL PROVISIONS BID PROPOSAL FOR INSTALLATION OF IMPACT ATTF.NUATORS ON TRIJXTUN AVENUE - BRIDGE AT UNION AVENUE APRIL, 1985 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF BAKERSFIEI~, CALIFORNIA 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS D E P NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ' received b the City of Bakersfield at the . SEALED PROPOSALS well be Y n Avenue, Bakersfield, ' of the Purchasing. Officer, City Hall, 1501 Truxtu • Office to be ublicly ' ntil 2:00 o'clock P.M. on May 23, 1985 P California, u ' iatel thereafter, for the following work. opened and read immed Y INSTALLATION OF IMPACT ATTENUATORS ON TRUXTUN AVENUE BRIDGE AT UNTON AVENUE ° ions and forms of proposal, bonds, and contract, may Plans and specificat • ~ basin Officer by posting a refundable deposit be obtained at the office of the Purc g ~ lete set. Refund of OLLARS -0- )for each coup of NO D ' ans and s ecifications are returned to the de osit iaill be made provided the pl p award and the p ' Officer within ten (10) days from date of contract Purchasing documents are in reasonably good condition. ° n a ro osal form furnished No bid will be considered unless it is made o p P e s ecifi- • 'ch a ears herein immediately followi~~g th p by the Purc}lasing Officer, whi pp 1 the rovisions set forth ' the ~ ro' ect, and is made in accordance wit} p ifi-- cations of p s and Conditions" of the Standard Spec under Section 2, Proposal Requirement • s o~~r ation, Business ~ Transportation Agency, cations of the Department of Tran p h bid must be accompanied f California, under date of January, 1984. Eac State o • e with the requirements of article 2-1.0 by a proposal guarantee in accordanc • of the said Section Z of the Standard Specifications. v ht to re'ect any or all bids. The City of Bakersfield reserves the rig ~ ~ ' s are re wired on the entire work described herein. Bid q ' one s retained to ensure performance shall Substitution of securities for m Y ernment Code 4590. ' suant to the rovisions and requirements of Gov be permitted pur P ° hall be done in accordance with SPECIFICATIONS: The work embraced herein s ess and ' 'cations of the i~e~~,rtment of Transportation, Bus~n the Standard Specifi 1 and ' c dated January, 1984, insofar as the same may app Y Transportation Agen y, in accordance with the following provisions. ON. Attention is directed to the PROGRESS OF THE WORK AND .TIME FOR COMPLETT 8-1.07 • icle 8-1.06, "Time of Completion" and article , provisions of Section 8, art . S ecifications, and are specifically hereby "Li uidated Damages, of the Standard p a made apart of these special provisions. • endar da s from the date of the The Contractor shall start work within 15 cal Y five. • rom the Cit Engineer or his authorized representa written notice to proceed f Y rosecute the work to completion before the The Contractor shall diligently p ' ion of TWENTY ( 20 ).working days. explrat • ommence from the date the Contractor begins Contract working days will c en notice to roceed, r the 15t}1 calendar day from the date of the writt P work o whichever comes first. 1 r an suret or sureties on any such bonds, or on any bonds re- Wheneve y Y ' law for the rotection of the claims of laborers and material men, quired by p insufficient, or the Mayor has cause to believe that such surety or become ' become insufficient,a demand in writing may be made of the sureties have h .further bond or bonds or additional~suret~y, not exceeding Contractor for sue ' re wired as is considered necessary, considering the extent that originally q mainin to be done . Thereafter no payment s,1a11 be made upon of the work re g , Contractor or arty assignee of the Contractor until such such contract to the f rnished. further bond or bonds or additional surety has been u POSALS CONTAINING ALTERATIONS, ERASURES OR (f) REJECTION OF PRO terations of fo~•m, GULARITIES. Pro osals may be rejected if they show any al IRRE p • for conditional or alternative bids, incomplete beds, eras- additions not called ' ies of an kind. Proposals .in which the prices obviously are ures or irregularit Y unbalanced may be rejected. The r1 ht is reserved to reiect any and all proposals. g f the contract, if it be awarded, will (g) AWARD OF CONTRACT. The award o i him thirt (30) days after the opening of the proposals. be made w t Y C The contract shall be signed by the. success- (h) EXECUTION OF CONTRA T ten 1.0 da ~s, ° ed to ether with the contract bonds within ( ) } ful bidder ~.nd return g ' da s after the. bidder has received notice that the contract not including Sun y , sal shat 1 be - considered binding upon the City un~~i 1 has been awarded. No propo ~ A- considered as being made the execution of the-contract . All cont~ acts ..hall b~ into in the City of Bakersfield, California.. . . and entered and file acce Viable bonds as proi~~ided Failure to execute a contract. p er has received ' 'n ten 10 da s, not including Sundays, after the bidd herein wlthi ( ) y st cause for fihe cancella- notice that the contract has been a~41arded, shall be ~u ion of the award and the forfeiture of the proposal guaranty. t • F IONS OF PLAt~;S, SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, AND (i } ~XAMIl1AT ' -is~re wired to examine carefully the site of, the~pro- - - -SITE OF ~VORK. The bidder a ' t ions and contract forms for the ~~ork cone:emplaced, posal, plans and specifics ° ' that tree bidder. has .investigated and is satisfied as to and it will be assumes and uantities. e conditiozls to be encountered, as to the character, quality, ~ th rmed and materials to be .furnished, and as to the zequ1re~n~.nts of work to be perfo , • ecial rovlsions, and the contract. It is mutually of the specifications, the p p rims facie evidence that the subm►i~sion of a proposal shall be consldez'ed p agreed that the bidder has made such examination. SECTION 2. SCOPE OF WORK to be done consists of furnishing all (a) WORK TO EE DONE. The work a'^~' ' s methors and rocesses, implements, tools .and machir~..~,~ , excep labor, material p wired to construct the as otherwise specified, which are necessary and Yeq ro osed improvement as designated in the contract. . P. p _ al consent ~.n ~aritin~; of the p~.rties signatory (b) ALTERATION~~. ;3y mutu aiteratiorls car dt~~v i~u~tic~n,. i;~creases or decreasoti, adrlitlons .:~r . to the contr. a~.t, ' e tans ar~d s eci.fications, may be made .and the same shall in no omissions , in th p p way affect or make void the contract. 3 "'r ~ for accuracy of dimensions and details, and that the Contractor. shall be respon- sible for agreement and conformity~of his working plans with the approved plans and specifications. ~ ~ (c) CONFORA~ITY ~~ITH PLANS AND ALLOWABLE DEVIATION. Finished surfaces in all cases shall conform with the lines, grades, cross-sections, and dimensions sho~m on the approved plans. Deviations from the approved plans, as may be re- quired by the exigencies of construction will b~ determined in alI cases by the Engineer and authorized in writing. d COORDINATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIGNS, AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS. These specifications, the plans, special. provisions, and all supplementary documents are essential parts of the contract, and a requirement occurring in~ one is as binding as though occurring in a11. ~ They are intended to be cooper- ative, to describe, and to provide for a complete work. Plans shall govern over specifications; special provisions shall govern over both specification s and plans. City specifications shall govern over State Standard Specifications, (e) INTERPRETATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Should it appear', that the work to be done, or any matter relative thereto, is not sufficiently detailed or ex Iained in these specifications, plans, and the special provisions, the con- e tractor shall apply to the Engineer for such further explanations as may be necessary, and shall conform to such explanation or interpretation as part of the contract, so far as may be consistent with the intent. of the original speci- fications. In the event of doubt or question relative to the true meaning of. the specifications; reference shall be made to ~ the-City Council, whose:decision thereon shall be final.-~ In the -event of any discrepancy between any drawings. and the figures written thereon, the figures shall be taken as ~ correct. (f) . SUPERINTENDENCE. Whenever.. ~.he contractor . is .not present on. any~~part . of the work where it may be desired to give direction, orders will be given by thA En ineer in i~~riting, and shall be received and obeyed by the superintendent g or fore~r►an in charge of the particular work in reference to which orders. are given. . (g) LINES AND. GRADES. .All distances and measurements are given and will be made in a horizontal p1a71e. Grades are-given from the top of stakes or nails, unless othei~Tise noted on the plans. Three consecutive oints shown on the same rate of slope must be used in p common, in order t0 detect any variation from a straight grade, and in case any such discre ancy exists, it must be reported to the Engineer. If such a discrep- p ancy is not reported to the Engineer, the contractor shall be responsible for any error in the finished work. The contractor shall give at least 24 hours' notice in writing when he will require the services off' the Engineer for laying; out any portion of the work. The contractor shall furnish the Engineer such .facilities and labor, necessary for makir~ and maintaining points and linos, as hQ may require. Labor furnished g ~ s E tra Work. by the contractor for such purposes will be paid tor. a x The contractor shall preserve a11. stakes and points set for lines, grades, ar measurements ~t the-worn in their px°c~per places until authorized to remove them by the Engineer.. All expenses incurred In replacing stakF;s that have been removed without proper authority shall be paid by the contractor. V aterials not conforming to the reauire- b) DEFECTIVE MATERIALS. all m fective and all such ~ shall be considered as de ments of these specifications •ected and shall be removed immed- ' is whether in place or not, shall be reJ he En ineer. No materia , ' f the work unless otherwise permitted y t g iately from the site o e been subsequently corrected, shall ' ted material, the defects of which hav re~ec the En ineer. be used until approved in waiting by g ractor to comply with any order of U on failure on the part of the coat ~ e En ineer shall have p ' under the provisions of this article, t g f the Engineer made e material and to deduct the cost o authority to remove and replace defectiv due the contractor. acement from any monies due or to become removal and repl LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIE SECTION 5. TO 'I'HE ~'UBLIC tractor shall keep himself fully in- a) LAws TO BE OBSERVED. The con la and all municipal t re State and National ws formed of all existing and futu 'eld which in any manner affect ' d re ulations of the City of Bakersfi or whicl1 ordinances an g ' the work, or the materials used in the wor~, those engaged or employed in of all such orders and decrees of • affect the concluct of. tl~le work, and in any way • • • in an ~ ' urisdiction or authority over tie same . bodies or tz ~.bunals hav g y ~ hall forfeit, as penalty to the City ~ b) HOURS OF LABOR. The contractor s ~ each laborer, ~~~orkman, or l~~echanic f Bakersf~.eld, Ten Dollars (,~10.OC~) for „ subcontractor under o v h~.m, or by an, r .d in the execution of the cc.~ntract b, dar da during emp l o} e hereinbefore mentioned, for each Galen . y h1m, upon any of the work uired or ermitted to labor in ' laborer, workman, or mechanic is req p which said to Section 1815, inclusive, of the anon of the provisions of Section 1810 viol Labor Code. ' h Section b705 of the Labor Code c The contractor shall comply wit ~ as follows: ~ ~ 's res onsibility shall be which provides that the contractor p • ' ect includes an expenditure in excess If the contract price for the prod of and trench or trenches ' thousand dollars(~25,000) for excavation } of twenty-flue • for or his subcontractor shall not begin five feet or more in depth, the contrac • d lan sliawing the design of shoring, an trench excavation unless a detaile p ~ rotection during the Y • r other rovisions to be made far worker p bracing, sloping o P emitted b the contractor to the City excavation of the trench, has been sub y T En ineer. • a.i led lan has been approved by the Cit} g Engineer and the det p ' s stem standards established by the If such p1a11 varies from the. shoring. Y fet the la.n shall • s of. the Division of Industrial Sa y, p Construction Safety Order re istered civil or structural engineer. be prepared by a g med to allow the use of a shoring, Nothin in this section shall be dee by the Construc- g . stern less effect~.ve than that requl~ed , sloping, or protective sy • ers of the Division of Industrial Safety. tion Safety Ord 4 • e construed to impose tort liability on Nothing in this SeCt1011 shall b the awarding body or any of its employees. . . f► nd "~.~ti~~aiding body" ~ as used in this section, The terar15 pulp 1 ~ c ti~oz ~5 a • Sections 1720 and 1722 respectively. have the same meaza~.ng as xn Labor Code shall Contractors Before submitting bids, RATION OF CONTRACTORS. , tion 7055 of Business ~ (g) REGIST ' th t}1e provisions of Sec 11 be licensed in accordance wi sha Professions Code. ~ ~ ermits and A tractor shall procure:all p 1 MITS AND LICENSES. The Con es necessary and incidenta PER fees, and give all notic ses ay all charges and l1Cen ' P rosecution of the work. to the due and lawful p arising 1 assume all responsibilities or • NTS. The Contractor shal . s or rocesses used on PATE ials equipment, device p from the use of patented mater ~incor orated in the work. ct his p ntractor shall so condu IENCE AND SAFETY. The Co ublic PUBLIC CONVEN ction and inconvenience to•p. he least possible obstru s ecial provisions o erat10ns as to cause t is are stipulated in the p e work. p ass through th ic. Unless other existing scree ermined to p traff rs all traffic shall be p to be used as detou e as far as rovided passag road or street shall be p •n s along the road Residents along the ewa s houses and bui 1di g rovded and main- . Convenient access to driv Y ' •n s shall be p practicable. ained and temporary crossi g int secting street or road or street shall be ma, ore than one cross or Inter, ood condition. Not m ineer. tamed in g out the approval of the Eng e closed at any time with shall b barriers, • t and maintain such fences, all ontractor shall furnish, exec , e warning to the public at The C to ive adequat ' as are necessary g f an dangerous conditions lights, and signs under construction and o maintain such that the improvement is e shall also erect and times a result thereof, and h to be encountered as be .furnished by the City... and directional signs as may warnings j ns of this Section 5 . to the provisio om ensation for conforming . or the various contract a.tems Full c p ed in the prices paid f l be considered as includ • be allowed therefor. shal y itional compensation will . of work and no add •t Council, 'of Bakersfield, the Ci Y ILITY FOR DAMAGE. The City loss k RESPONSIB table in any manner for any ~ be answerable or accoun for any material or the, Engineer .shall not rk or any part thereof; or erson e that may happen to .the wo for inj urY or damage to anY p or damag the work, or ro erty i merit used in performing for damage to adjoinin g p P or eau P ub 1 c; or ither workmen. or the p is subcontractors during t e or persons, e • Contractor or one of h sed b the negligence of cau Y tame before final acceptance. ro ress of the work at anY rsfield, p g o.f Bake and save harmless the City ht b ntractor shall indemnify claims, or actions broug Y The Co ineer from any suits, and the Eng es sustained or the City Council, nt of .any injuries or damag erson or persons for or on accou in~conSeauence thereof. any p • he construction of the wor or arising in t s rovided above, until IBILITY FOR wORK. Except a p r shall have 1 CONTRACTOR S RESPONS En ineer, the Contracto ( ) the work by the city g or damage to anY the formal acceptance of ear the risk of injury care thereof and shall b other cause, whether .the charge and the elements or from anY The Contractor thereof by the action of _eXec~tion of the work. part • the execution or from the non arising from 9 Two Hundred Dollars x$200,00) per day for each and .every calendar day's delay beyond the time prescribed to complete the work; aid the Contractor agrees to~ pay such liquidated damages as herein provided, and in ca~se~th~ same are not paid, agrees that the City of Bakersfield may deduct the amount thereof from any money . due or that may become due the Contractor under the contract., It is further agreed that in case the work called for under the. contract is not finished and completed in all parts and requirements within the time specified the City Council shall have the right to extend,the time for comple- tion or not, as may seem best to serve .the interest of the City; and if it decides to extend the time limit for the completion of the contract, it shall further have the right to charge to the Contractor, his 1leirs, assigns or sureties, and to deduct from the final payment for the work, all or any part, as it may deem proper, of the actual cost of engineering, inspe ctian ; superintendence, and other overhead expenses which are directly chargeable to the contract, and which accrue during the period of .such extension,. except that the cost of final surveys and preparation of final estimate shall not be included in such charges. The Contractor shall not be~assessed with liquidated damages~nor~the cost of engineering and inspection during an}T delay in the completion of the work caused by acts of. God cr of the public enemy, acts of the City, fire, floods, . epidemics, quarantine restrictions,~strkes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather or delays of subcontractors due to such causes; provided that the Contractor shall within ten (10) days from the beginning of any such delay,. notif the Engineer in writing of the causes of d.elay,~~who shall ascertain the ~ hereon shall facts and the extent of the delay, and his findings of the facts t . ti be final and conclusive. Cf) SUSPENSION OF CONTRACT. If at any. time in the op~.nion of the City Counc~.l, tY'ie Contractor has failed to supply an~ adequate working force, or material o~ ra er c uality, or has failed in any other respect to prosecute ~-the ,work ~~~;~~ith- p p ~ . the diligence and force specified and intended in and by the terms of the contract, notice ~tr~ereof in writing wi 11 be served ~.xpon him, and should he neglect or refuse to rovide means for a satisfactory compliance with the~contract~; as directed by p the Engineer, within the time.specified~~.n such notice,.the City Council in any such case shall have the power to suspend the operation of the contract. Upon re~eivin notice of such suspension, the Contractor shall discontinue said work, g or such parts of it as the City Council may designate. Upon such s~.xspension; the Contractor's cuntrol shall terminate, and thereupon the City Council, or its dui autho~~ized re resentati~re, may take possession of all or any part of y ~ p e remises the Contractors materials, tools, equlpr~ent, and appliances ~~pon th p , .and use the same for the purpose of comp~.eting said contract, and hire such . - force and buy or rent such additional machinery, tools, appliances and equipment, and buy such additional materials and supplies at the- Contractor's expense as .may be necessary for the proper conduct of the work and for the cor~~pletion thereof; or may employ othe~• parties to carry the contract to completion, employ . the necessary workmen, substitute-other machinery or materials, and purchase the materials contracted fox, in such manner as the City Council may diem proper; or the City Council may annul anri cancel the contract and re-let the work or any' art thereof Any excess of cost arising therefrom over and above the contract p U r and his sureties titi~ho will be liable prl.ce w~.ll be char. wed aga~.nst .the Gontracto , l~ payment shal l be required to be made, when in the J u~ment of the City Engineer the work is not proceeding in accordance with the p r~;visions of the oontract, or when in hs judgment the total value of the work. done. since the last estimate amounts to less than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00): (c) FINAL PAYMENT: The pity Engineer shall, after the completion of the • contract, make a final estimate of the amount of work done thereunder, and the value of such work, and the City of Bakersfield shall pay~the entire sum so found to be due after deducting therefrom all previous payments and all amounts to be kept and all amounts to be, retained under the provisions of the cant tact. A11 prior partial estimates ~ and ~ pa}~ments shall be subject to correction 'in the final estimate and payment. The final payment shall not be due and payable until the expiration of .thirty (30) days from the date of acceptance of the work by the City Council. It is mutua~ly agreed between the parties to the contract that no certif- icate given or payments made under the contract, except the final certificate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of the contract, . either ti~holly or in part, against any claim of the party of the first part, and na payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work or improper materials. And the Contractor .further agrees that the payment of the final a~~ount due under the contract, and the adi ustment and payment fox• any work done in t ccordance with any- alteratirms of the same, s~~all release the City of Bakersfield, 4he City Council, and the Engineer from any and all claims or liability an account of work performed under the contract or any alteration thereof. (d) SUBSTITUTION OF SECUPITIES. tiYhenever herein provision is made for witriholding or retention of moneys to ensure performance, substitutio~l off' an equivalent an~oant (lralue) of securities shall be permitted in accordance Faith the provisions and requirer~ents of Government Code Section 4590. SECTION' 8, PROVISIONS OF STA;~'DARD SPECIFICATIONS. This wort: embraced herein shall be done in accordance with the appropriate provisions of construction details, Section 10 to Section 95, "inclusiti•e, of the Specificati~~ns entitled "State of California, Business Transportation :'agency, .Department of 'transportation, Standard Specifications. July, 1984," insofar as the same may apply, which specit'icatians are hereinafter referred to as the Standard Specifications, and in accordance with the following special provisions. Whenever in the Standard Specifications the following terms are used, they shall be understood to mean and refer to the following: Department of Transportation, Business ~ Transportation Agency, CALTRANrS - The Engineering Department of the City of Bakersfield. Director of Public Works - City Engineer, City of Bakersfield. Engineer - The City Engineer, acting either directly or throubh properly authoriz~~~~l agents, such agents acting within the scope of the particula~~ duties entru~~te~~ to them. I~~~~?~7rator}r - The desi5~nated laborafior}~ au~hori~ed by the City of Ba~;ersfield to te:~r ~~~.~e~rials and word; ir~~~c~Ived in the eont~•~~c~~-. . w . • _ ,y. 11T is Othex terms appearing in the Standard Specifications, the general pro- visions, and the special provisions, shall have~the intent and meaning specified in Section 1, Definition of Terms of the Standard Specifications. In the event that any portion of the Standard Specifications incorporated herein shall conflict with any of the provisions delineated in the special pro- visions section herein set forth, the provisions so delineated shall take prece- dence over and shall be used in lieu of such conflicting portions of the Standard Specifications. SECTION 9. INSURANC E In addition to any other form of insurance or bonds required under the terms of the contract and specifications, the Contractor will be required to carry insur- ance of the fallowing kinds and amounts: contractor's public liability insurance policy for property damage, personal injury and automobile liability (with an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of California) in an amount not Tess than FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000.00), combined single-limit coverage with.a TWO MILLION DOLLAR ($2,000,000.00) umbrella policy (containing a drop down provision) pr, in lieu thereof, a 2.5 MILLION DOLLAR combined single- limit policy. The City of Bakersfield, its mayor, council, officers, agents and employees shall be named as additional insureds under the policy which shall .operate as primary insurance. If any part of the work is sublet, similar insurance shall be provided by or in behalf of the subcontractors to cover their operations. The insurance hereinbefore specified shall be carried until all ~~fork requ~.red to be performed under the terms of the contract is satisfactorily, .completed as evidenced by the formal acceptance by the City. The Contractor shall furnish the Finance Department with one (1) certified copy of each of the executed policies or a certified Certificate of Insurance. The certification on such policies shall guarantee that the policy will not be amended, altered, modified, or canceled insofar as the. coverage contem- plated hereunder is concerned, without at least five (5) days' notice mailed by registered mail to the Finance Department, City of Bakersfield, Bake rsfi~Id, California. The insurance herein required shall be obtained by the successful biddc~~c• and the certified copy of the policies or Certificate of Insurance furnished as herein provided, within the time fixed herein for his execution of the contract. Fu11 compensation for.all premiums which the Contractor and the sub- contractors are required to pay on all the insurance described above shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of ~~~ork to be performed under the contract, and no.additional allowance will be made therefor or for additional premiums which may be required by extension of the polic~.es of`insurance. l4 SECTION 10. QUANTITIES The following preliminary estimate of the quantities of work to be done and materials 'to be furnished are approximate only, being given as a basis for the com arison of bids, and the City of Bakersfield does not expressly or by p im lication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, p but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or ortion of the work or to omit portions of the work that may be deemed p necessary or expedient by the Engineer. The provisions of Section 4-1.03B of the Standard Specifications relative to alterations not involving changes in the character of the work shall not apply to any contract item of work in this proposal. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 1, Lum Sum Install impact attenuators on Truxtun Avenue Bridge p at Unifln Avenue 2, 5.0 L..F. Removal of bridge retaining wall and railing. 3. 500 S.F. Asphalt. concrete, Type "B", (including subgrade). SECTION 11. MATERIALS The Contractor shall: furnish, for use under these special provisions, all materials required to complete the attached contract. SECTION 12. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work to be done consists,. in general of removing bridge retaining wall and constructing paving tie-in and impact attenuators. Such other items or details, not mentioned above, that are required b the laps, Standard Specifications, or these special provisions shall be Y p performed, placed,.. constructed or installed. Said work to be done is specifically shown, marked and detailed upon an enclosed Plan entitled: IMPACT ATTENUATORS ON TRUXTUN AVENUE BRIDGE AT UNION AVENUE 15 SECTION 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS (a) PUBLIC 5AFETY AND PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY. Attention is directed to Section 7 of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of this section, except as otherwise directed by the Engineer. Such provisions for public safety shall meet the minimum requirements and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Full compensation for complying with the requirements, of this sectian shall be considered as included in the col~tract prices paid for the various items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor, (b) OBSTRUCTIONS. Attention is directed to Section 5-1.10, "Utility and Nan-Highway Facilities," of the~Standard Specifications, the plans, and the special provisions. I'~here extra laork is required by.said section it shall. be paid for as provided in Section 7. (a) of these specifications. The Contractor will be required to ~vork around public utility facilities and other improvements that are to remain in place within the construction area or that are to be relocated and relocation operations have not been completed. In accordance, with the provisions of Section 7-l.ll, "Preservation of Property," and 7-1.12, "Responsibility for Damage," of the Standard Specifications, the Contractor will be liable to owners of such facilities and improvements for any damage or interference with service resulting from conducting his operations. The exact location of underground facilities and improvements tiaithin the con- struction area shall be ascertained by the Contractor before using equipment that may damage such t'acilities or interfere with the services. Other forces may be engaged in moving or removing utility facilities or other improvements or~maintaining services or utilities. .The Contractor shall cooperate with shch forces and conduct his operations in such a manner as to avoid any unnecessary delay or hindrance to the work being performed by other such forces. Any delay to the Contractor due to utility relocation whether or not the utility is shown or correctly located on the plans will not be compensated for as idle time. However, additional contract time commensurate with such delays .may be allowed. At~locations where irrigation systems exist, the Engineer will direct the Contractor as to what steps will be required to protect the irrigation system .and the area it serves. The Contractor shall repia~:e the irrigation system as directed by the Engineer. Existing land subdivision mor~uments and stakes shall be fully protected from damage or displacement and they shall not be disturbed unless directed by the Engineer. Except in the case of extra work, full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this article shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of work and no additional compensation will be made therefor. (c) OMISSIONS IN SP ~CIFICATIONS AND DRAI~~INGS. Any materials or work mentioned in the specifications and not shown on the drawings or shown on the drativings and not mentioned in the specifications shall be of the same effect as if shojvn or rnentionet~ in bate. 16 Omissions from the drawings or the specifications of the materials or details of work which are manifestly or obviously necessary to carry out ~;he intent of the drawings and specifications or Which are customarily .furnished or performed, shall not relieve the Contractor o.f h~.s responsibility for furnishing such omitted materials or performing such orriitted work; but shall be furnished or performed as if fully shown or described in the drawings or specifications. d MA'TERTALS. ~~henever an;y material is specified by name arld number thereof, such specificat.io~ns shall b.e deem.ed to be used for the purpose of facilitatin description of the materials and establishing duality, and shall g be deemed and construed to be followed by the words "or approved equal". No substitution will be permitted other than as described herein unless authorized b the Engineer before the bids are opened. A11 materials shall be new and the Y best of their class and ka.nd. e) ADJUSTMENT OF OvER~~EAD COSTS. The provisions of Section 9-1.0~ of ~ , ract~ and the Standard Specifications shall not. apply to final cost of this cons no final adjustment for overhead costs will be made. (f) DUST CONTROL, It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prevent a dust nuisance from originating from the site of the work as a result of his aperations during the effecti~,~e period~of this contract. Preventative measures to betaken by the Contractor shall include beat shall not be limited to the following: ~ . 1. Water shall be applied to all unpaved areas as required to prevent the surface from becoming dry enough to permit dust formation. 2. Paved surfaces over which vehicular. traffic .is permitted to travel shall be kept free of dirt. Tem ora.r sus erasion of the Mork, either as a result of order by the p Y P Engineer, or as a result of conditions beyond the carltrol oa the Contr. acro~:, shall not .relieve the Contractor from his responsibility for dust control as set, forth ~~ere~.n. F~_i11 compe~nsat:ion for conforming to the requir~rnents of this article shall be considered as includec'1 in the prices paid for the va:~ loT~s contract items of. ~~Tork and no add:itio~lal compensation will be al1o~V'ed therefor. (g) wATERTNG. Furnishing and applying water shall conrorm to the provisions of Section. 17 of the Standard Specifications, except that full compensation therefor shall beconsidered as included i.r~ the prices paid for the various contract items of work and no separate payment will be made therefor. l7  SECTION 14. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - IMPACT ATTENUATORS (a) DESCRIPTION. ,Impact attenuators are to be installed on the Truxtun Avenue Bridge over Union Avenue. ~ (b) ORDER OF WORK. Order of work shall conform to the provisions of Section 5-1.05 "Order of Work," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. c IMPACT ATTENUATORS. Imp act attenuators shall be G.R.E.A.T. Imp act Attenuator Model 200200 SF4 as manufactured by Energy Absorption Systems, Inc. or a roved equal. These impact attenuators may be purchased from Energy Absorption pp Systems, Inc, for $6,950.00, until June 30, 1985. Contractor shall furnish, with the bid, a copy of the manufacturer's working drawings. (d) PAYMENT. Installation of the impact attenuators will be paid for at the contract lump sum price for impact attenuator installation which price shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals necessary or required to install the impact attenuators, complete in place. SECTION~15. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - BRIDGE RETAINING WALL AND ROADWAY MODIFICATIONS. (a) DESCRIPTION. This. work consists of the removal. of bridge retaining wall and reconstruction of pavement, concrete removal and other miscellaneous items in conformance to the plans and these special provisions. (b) EXISTING HIGHWAY FACILITIES. The work performed in connection with bridge retaining. wall and roadway modifications and the various existing highway facilities shall conform to the provisions in Section 15, "Existing Highway Facilities," of the Standard Specifications, the plans and these special provisions. Existing facilities removed shall be disposed of in conformance to the rovisions in Section 7-1.13, "Disposal of Material Outside the Highway Right of P Way," of .the Standard Specifications. 1. REMO1lE PAVEMENT. Existing base and bituminous surface shown on the plans to be removed shall be removed to the depths and limits shown. Resulting holes and depressions shall be backfill.ed with aggregate base to the lines and grades established by the Engineer. 2. REMOVE CONCRETE ~ CONCRETE CURBING. Removing concrete, concrete footings, and concrete curbing shall conform to the provisions in Section 15, "Existing Highway Facilities," the plans and these special provisions. Fu11 compensation for conforming to the requirements of Section l7 (b) shall be considered as included in the contract price paid for various items of work and no additional allowance will be made therefor, (c) EARTHWORK. Earthwork shall conform to the provisions in Section 19, "Earthwork," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. The relative compaction limits specified in the second paragraph in Section 19-5.03 of the Standard Specifications are amended to the limits shown on the Typical Cross Sections. 18 Section 19-1.01 shall be amended to include A.S.T.M. D1557-70, Method "C", Standard Test Method for Moisture--Density Relations of soils using 10 lb. (4.5 - Kg) yammer and 18" (457 - mm) drop may be used for all City Compaction Tests . 1. ROADWAY EXCAVATION. Under this item, the Contractor shall excavate the roadway prism, place embankments, and remove asphalt pavement, where shown on the plans or where directed by the Engineer and in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 19 of the Standard Specificat~.ons and these special provisions. Roadway excavation shall consist of all excavation involved in the grading and construction of the various roadways and designated ditches, except structure excavation and any excavation separately designated and paid for as another item. 2. STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND BAC KFILL. Structure excavation and backfill shall conform to the provisions of Section 19-3, "Structure Excavation and. Backfill," of the Standard Specifications, the plans and these special provisions. Where structure excavation is performed and material. is removed outside the limits designated for structure excavation, as shown on the plans or specified in the Standard Specifications or these special provisions, all backfill material placed in said excavation areas shall be camp acted to a relative comp action of not less than that required for the adjacent structure backfill. 4. TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY. The work performed in connection with trench excavation shall conform to the provisions in Section 5-1.02A, "Trench Excavation Safety Plans,"~of the Standard Specifications. All excavations shall be performed, protected, and supported as required for safet and in the manner set forth in the operational rules, orders and regu- Y lations prescribed by the CAL-OSHA State of California Construction Safety Orders. Barriers shall be placed at each side of all excavations and at such places as may be n-cessary along excavations to prevent accidents. Flashing lights shall also be placed along excavations from sunset each day to sunrise of the next day until such excavation is. entirely refilled. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to comply with all safety requirements. Bracing, Shoring, Sheeting - Soils within the project may exhibit unstable characteristics, Particular attention is directed to the following safety requirements concerning, but not limited to, shoring, bracing, etc. A11 excavations shall be properly supported in the manner prescribed by the latest rules orders and regulations of CAL-OSHA State of California Construction Safety Orders and the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California. Existing improvements of any kind, either on public or private property, inclusive of the specified improvements being constructed, will be fully pratected from damage. If any damage does result to such improvements, the Contractor, at his own expense, shall make the necessary rep airs on reconstructions required, as directed by the En ineer. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to comply with all safety g requirements. Fu11 compensation for conforming to all safety requirements shall be considered as included in the contract price paid for various items of work and no additional allowance will be made therefor. 19 5. PREPARING SUBGRADE. The finished subgrade immediately prior to placing aggregate base thereon shall have a .relative compaction of not less than 90. percent for a dpeth of 0.5 foot as determined by Test Methods No. Calif. 2lb or 231. The subgrade shall be smooth and uniform and true to the required grade and cross sections. The surface of the grading plane at any point shall not vary more than 0.05 foot above or 0.10 foot below the grade establishe by the Engineer. subgrade that does not conform to the above requirements shall be reshaped and recompacted to meet the specified requirements at the Contractor's expense. No separate payment for preparing subgrade will be made. Compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and equipment, and for doing all the work necessary and required to construct the subgrade complete in placing including furnishing, hauling, and applying water and compacting the subgrade to a depth of 0.5 foot shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Pre acing subgrade shall be considered as included in the contract price p per square foot of asphalt concrete Type "B", and no additional compensation will .be allowed therefor. (d) FINISHING ROADWAY, Finishing roadway shall conform to the provisions of Section 22 of the Standard Specifications. Full compensation for furnishing roadway shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. (e) AGGREGATE BASE. Aggregate base shall be furnished, spread and compacted in conformity with the lines, grades and dimensions shown upon the plans and in accordance with the requirements of Section 26 of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Aggregate base shall be Class 2 aggregate base. conforming the requirements of Section 26-1.02B of.the Standard Specifications for 3/4 inch maximum sized aggregate. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT. Aggregate base shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per square foot of asphalt concrete Type "B" and shall include. full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment and for doing all the work involved in placing and compacting the aggregate base, and preparing subgrade as specified in Section 15(c)(5) herein. Full compensation for furnishing and applying water as required in these specifications and special provisions and any additional watering required to hold 'the base intact between the time of completion of compaction and the construction of asphalt concrete surfacing shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work and no additional allowance will be made therefor. 20 (f) ASPHALTIC PAINT BINDER. Asphaltic paint binder shall be asphaltic emulsion and shall be furnished and applied as set forth in Section 39-4 of the ` Standard Specifications and at the rate of O.OS gallon per square yard of surface covered. Furnishin all labor, materials, tools and equipment for applying asphaltic g paint binder shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per square foot for Asphalt Concrete Type "B" and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. (g) ASPHALT CONCRETE. Asphalt concrete shall be Type "B" and shall conform to the provisions of Section 39 of the Standard Specifications and these ,special provisions. Asphalt conctete Type "B" shall have a bituminous binder of paving asphalt of AR 4000 viscosity grade, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, and shall conform to the requirements shown in the table for "Steam-Refined Paving Asphalts" in Section 92 of the Standard Specifications. The amount of bituminous binder to be mix-d with the mineral aggregate shall be between S percent and 7 percent by weight of dry mineral aggregate. ~~~~The exact amount of bituminous binder to be mixed with the mineral aggregate will be determined by the Engineer. The combined mineral aggregate for asphalt concrete Type B placed on the roadway shall conform to the grading specified for the 3/4" maximum, medium grading shown in the table under Section 39-2.02 of the Standard Specifications. Asphalt concrete. surfacing shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of Section 39 of the Standard Specifications with the following modifications: A prime coat shall not be applied to the base prior to placing asphalt concrete surfacing. At all joints between the new pavement and existing pavement, the existing pavement shall be sawcut to a vertical face and neat line. Asphalt concrete Type "B" will be paid for at the contract price per square foot which price shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment and for doing all the work involved in placing asphalt concrete as specified, including sawcutting and trimming of bituminous surfacing at pavement joints. Fu11 compensation for furnishing and applying asphaltic paint binder shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per square foot of asphalt concrete Type "B". 21 SECTION 16. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GUARANTEE FOR IMPACT ATTENUATOR SYSTEMS. _ (a) GUARANTEE. The contractor shall furnish a written guarantee to the City on the form attached, guaranteeing all systems installed under this contract for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work. The guarantee, properly executed, shall be filed with the City before notice of completion and final acceptance is made by the City of the work described on the plans and these special provisions. (b) PAYMENT. The lump sum prices paid for installation of impact attenu- ators shall include full compensation for furnishing the guarantee as required in this section. r Pr"t~i~~~A~ FOR INSTALLATION OF IMPACT ATTENUATORS ON TRUXTUN AVENUE BRIDGE AT UNION .AVENUE To the City Clerk of t}~e City of Bake~.•sfiel~~: The undersigned, as bidder, declares th~.t the only p~ursons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named here~.n; that this pro-- . posal is made without co3.lusion with any ot~er person, firm ur corporation; that he has carefully .examined the location of t}~e proposed tivork, t}~.e a.nnexed proposed form of contract and the plans there~~~ referred to; and he proposes and agrees~if this propos~.l is accepted, that he will contract with the C~.t}r of Bakersfield, in the prescribed form of contract hereto ~ an~~e~.ed, to provide all necessary mac~hinerys .tools, apparatus and other. means of construction a.nd to do all.~he work and. furnish all the materials in accordance with the plans and specificat~.oy~s for the above, filed in the office of the Fin~.nce D~.rector of thf~ Gity of Bakersfield and a.s specified ire the contract, in .the mannez~ and time therein prescx°ibed, and a.ccordi;lg to the requirements of the Engineer as therein set forth, and that he will take ire full payment therefor tie unit prices or lump sums set forth in the following schedule: ~ In case of a discrepancy between words and f~.gures, the words shall prevail; and in case of discre.pa.ncies between unit prices and totals, the unit prices shall prevail. The undersigned further agrees that in ease of defaulfi in executing the required contract, with necessary bon~Is, within ti;n (lo) days, ~~o~t i~~c:ludi~~~g St~nd7.}~, after. having received notice that the rontr~:j.ct is ready for signature, the proceeds of the check: or bid bond accompany irlg his b:~.d shad become 4he pr~,~~:►eri:}° o.f -~}~1~ City of Bakersfield.. ' ~ Bidder acknowledges rece~.p~: of th.e following addendu~at: . w ~.ww ML~.~W.wL~~YLww~MA.. w-.~.~ww~.~......»-. ........r..~r...+........e .ITEM APPROX. ITEM wI U~1IT PRICE UNIT . No. UANTITY WRIT'T'EN IN ~~'uRDS ~ PRICE ~ TOTAL, Q ; 1,` Lum Sum Install im act attenuators ~ com lete~ ~ ~ p ~ p p ' a in place, at r ~ O ~2.• 50 Linear Feet, Bridge retaining wall i ~ removal, at f . ! ~ ~ . ~ , . Per L . F ' ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ t ~M , ~R~•..'WM•. LM.l.~f.L.~•~1~Wl...~►rrw.~`•.•Vlr ~~r~.~...+.r.~•WL~rP~..M.~.M..M+M~~f.M•fA.LL~•.ML~LFtL~N~~Y.~~F~F+~.M..•lu.~.fr...wL.Fr..++N...~.w.wriY...w~..FM.wL•~e.•w~.i IMF .~aYN11+'.F~I.+rI.~W/~~a~w.~.~ ~r.~L[1~.~IMA.1wr~tiM FN..w~f/u.•~~.w/~.'~~i•..~•~•W~nM~w•~.~ 5~.gnect Bidder Page I of *2 pages PROPOSAL FOR: INSTALLATION OF TMPACT ATTENUATORS ON TRUXTUN AVENUE BRIDGE AT UNIaN AVENUE APPROX, ITEM SMITH UNIT PRIDE U11~ IT ITEM QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL 3. S00~ ~ Sauare Feet, Asphalt concrete, Type ~,B~~ at .Per S.F. TOTAL- i . ~ ~ } i i ~ , 1 r i r ` i . 1 i Signed . . Bidde~~ ~ Page 2 of 2 pages . ..•ai~Wilitii,J.f'J~`+vl!.sM......ir..~u..~l..'._ _ _ ....~w... , ~ C'..1W1+::.. . ? o . r Accompan~•ing t lj i s proposal is.............. » tc NOTYCE : Insert. tl~t, words ~~ca$h r~cashier's check, certi- Sed check,'' or "bidder's bond," as the case may bed, in amount equal to at least ten percent of the total of the bid. The names of all pei•song interested iv the foregoing proposal as prin- cipals are as follows ' if bidder or other interested person is a cor- In~ octant ~ot,lc~ p poratlon, state legal name of corporation, . also names of the president, secretary, treasurer, and manager thereof; if a copartnership, state true name of firm, also names of all individual co~art- ~ . Hers composing f irm; if bidder or other interested person is an individual, state first and last names in full. • ..............•......................................•........w...w.•..................•...............w..................r........ .•...:....................r•.• .....................................r.................•............ ...........►...........r....... .............••r................•......• ..................w.................r..r..........•........•..........•........... Licensed in accordance .with an act providing for the registration of . Contractor's License No...: SIGN . ~ . .......................................-..........r............................................ HERE ~ ................•...............w...............r.......r.r................................ Signature of Bidder NOTE--Ii bldder It a corporatloo, the legal name of the eorporatioa shall be sat forth above togethtr with the ttgnatute of the ottlcer. or .ottlcert authorised to etgm coatracti ors behalf, et the cotporattoo: It bldder It a capattaer~hip, tde True name of the firm shall be. stet forth aboTe togstbet rrlth tbo ~lgaature of the partear or portoars authorised to ~tiqu coctroch la behalf of the topart~nerthip; and it bldder is as ladi•idual, hij slgaature thaJl be placed abote, tt dgaature V pY Qa agent, other than an ottlcer of a cotporatioa or a merz>ber of a partaer~hlp, a Poorer of ,t~ttorneY must be oo ills vrith the C1tY Clerk of the C1tY of 3akert4tleld prior to opeNaq blot or hwbmttted .Afth the bid; .ottterntee► tlse bid vvlJl be dVtegarded ore ltrequlnr and uAattthorlted. . Business address ~ Place of residence...... Dated ,...:.................:......................,19........... j ' ~ ANY PROPa~AL ~~r~~~~ s ~sar~ ~ ~ro .~~coM ~ Not necessary if cash or certified check is with bid) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we as principal, ~ and as surety, ere held and firmly bound unto the City o4 Takersfield, a body politic and corporate. of .the State of California, in the sum of dollars to be aid to said City, 4or which payment, well and truly to be made; we p bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors or assigns, jointly 'and severally by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH That if the certain proposal, hereunto annexed , to construct certain work and improvements in the Gi of Bakersfield as referred to in the Notice to Contractors attached hereto, is accepted ty b the Council o~ said City and if the above bounden principal, heirs, executors,, administrators, auc- Y eeasors and asai ns, shall duly enter into and execute a contract, to construct said improvements . aforementioned, and shall execute and deliver the two bonds required by law, within ten days tnot includin Sunda from the date o~ a' notice to the above bounden principal, that said contract is ready ~ Y~ for execution, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise it shall be .and remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto sot our hands and seals this _______daY of , A.D. 19 (Seal} (Seal} (Seal} (Seal) (Seal} LIST 0~~ SUB-COP~~ ~'kACTCt~.S All. persons or parties subrlla.tting a bid proposal on the project shall comel.ete the fol? owing fo~•m, setting forth t}~e name; and the location of the m~. ll, s}~:ap or i~j'fi ce of each sub-contractor who will perform work ~~r lar~ti►r or rander ser•~ice to the contractor . in or about the constructio~~ of thc~ work car impravemanfi in excess of one-half. of one percent of ~~~~ime caj~tractor's total bid,. and the portion of the ~ work which w1.1.1 be czane by each sub-cont.~•a.ctor. -This list is to be completed and su~~mitted wit}~ sa.id bid proposa? . The Subl~vtting and Sub~~ontracting ~'~~ir Pra.ctices Act CC~3>>ernmant Code Sec~tior~ 4100 et s~~a.) ur~plies to all contracts except Chase . ,h far const~'uctloil, in~p~°~vemet~t ar re~palr of str~ et or h~gh~~~ays, including; t~rid~;cys, and app].ie~s to s+.~ch ca~~~::~~ac ~s as to t}1e port.ia~,s thereof cove~'ing st.~•eet li.~;htinn <~.nd traf'f.~.a sibiials. Tf a ~on,tractar fails o specify a subco~;~i~rac~r.or for any l:~ox~~tian of t}~e ~vork to be peri'c+rmed t~~tc~er ~:he cor~trac~, he shall be cleem;:d to have a~jxec~d t}~t:~t he is fu11y clu~~~.ified to ~perf'orla that pax''tl.GTl himself and th~~t he sh-L.l]. 1:~e.r~{'orm :~,~:ch pa~Y'tic~n hian:;elf, anc} }le . shall not be pernlittea t~7 sub;-..cc}I~t~•~~ct th~~.t ~}orti.orl of the ~,~oz•k exce~~t as authorised by Sectl.ala ~1~:~~ t~f t.h~ California Governr~elit. Codc~. DIVIU~IC~.ti1 C}; N~~~~F, 0~' SI1B-CONTkF1CT0I~, ~~I~GRESS ~~'URk t~'~,j~Ji~t~ r.~) ...._....._..._-.............._w~...~...._.~...._._.__....._ .._......._.,.._~.......,.._......J........_.._... . GUARANTEE EQUIPMENT City of Ba ke rs f i e l d Department of Public Works Bakersfield, California In accordance with the terms of Contract No. for the Project: awarded on between the City of Bakersfield, hereinafter referred to as the City ,and the undersigned, which contract provides for :the installation of and under which contract the undersigned has furnished and installed such system, the followin guarantee of the said system is hereby made. 9 Should any of the equipment installed pursuant to said contract prove defective or should the system as a whole prove defective, due~to faulty workmanshp, material furnished, or method of installation, or should said system or any part thereof fail to operate properly; as planned, due to any of the above causes, all within ~ year after date on which said contract .is accepted by the City, he ~unders i ned a tees to reimburse the C i ty, upon demand, for its expenses i ncurred t g 9 in~restorin said systems to~~the condition contemplated in said contract, including 9 the cost of any equipment or materials replayed, or, upon demand by the City, to re lace an such equipment and repair said systems completely without cost to the P Y City, so that they will operate successfully as originally contemplated. The Cit shall have the option to make any needed repairs or replacements Y Prior to itself or to have such replacements or repairs done by the undersigned. such replacement or repair work being done by the City, the undersigned shall have t i on to make an. needed. re a i rs o r rep I acements . I n the event the C i~ ty e l ects the op y P to have said work performed by the undersigned, the undersigned agrees that the re airs shall commence to be made and such materials as are necessary shall commence P to be furnished and 'installed within Twenty-Four (24) hours of the date specified in he Cit 's written notification. Contractor shall prosecute with due diligence to t y com 1ete~the work within a reasonable period of time,~as specified~in the City's P written notification. Said s stem will be deemed defective within the meaning of this guarantee Y in the event that they fail to operate as originally intended by the manufacturers thereof and in accordance with the.pians and specifications included in said contract. Contractor's Signature ' F i rm Address Date