HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 Special Provisions Project Wilson RoadCOPY PLO. CITY OF BAKERSFI'ELD CALIFORNIA SPECIFICATIONS INFORP1ATIOiV TO BIDDERS SPECIAL PROVISIONS BID PROPOSAL FOR I~' TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS ON WIBLE ROApAT WILSON ROAD APRIL, 198$ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF BAI<ERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1501 7RUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 ~ r,: ,~o~oa,~ aou~u ~u~~s tss~ s~Co~ ~~aq~~~ . I r ° s3ads pine sine ~d ~0 6u ~ ~pu~y pu'~ a~~~sod ~~o~ pay ►nbaa ~o ° £ fiu ~ l ~~w p ~~da~d ~ ° l0££5 ~u~o~ c lp3 `p ~a ~~Saa~pB `~an~ un~xn,~~ lo5i `uo~s«i~ 6u:~s~yo.~nd `~uaw~~~caQ a~u~u~~ ~y~ ~p - a lq~ l ~p~~ au~ s~u.~o~ l~sodoad pup suo z~3na~s~ t `suo ~~eo i~ i ~adS ~~0~ ~!JOS1 LM ~ ab0~ ~1£ IM ~0 SNO I1d~ I ~ I DOW 1b~N~ I S ~ I ~~~~rl. . • 6u l o~ aye ~ca~ wood snon~~ I ~3uno~ aye u ~ aa~~~a.~ay~ ~Cla~p ~pau~u~~ p~a,~ pup pauado ~~3 < <qnd aq o~ ~w~s aye ~ 5861 ` 5Z L ~a d d oD ~ Z ~ ~~un `e ~u~o~ t l~~ - _ `p la ~~saa~es `~nuany un~,xnul 105 ~ `~ua6~ fiu cs~yo,~nd a~y~ ~o a~ aye pan~aoa,~ aq l l EM sp~q pal~eas ~~y~ N~III~ A8~2~~H SI 3~IloN S1bSOdD~d ~31~i3S ~N I.C I !tN 13~ I loN , t~ CITY OF BAKLRSF I E LD, CALi TORN ~IA D l'ARTMEN'~' OP' PUBLIC E NOTICE ~'O CONTR.AC'I'~0_RS l„ n will be received by the City of Bakersffield at the SEALFI~ I'ROP~S..LS . r ~ icer_ Cit ~ ~~all, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, v O~rflce of tht Purchasing Off y to be ublicly ' ' ~ unt i 1 2 : 00 O' c 1 o ck P . ~~i , on Ap ri 1 2 5 , 19 85 P Callfc►r~.l~., p immediatel thereafter, for the fol lowing ~tiork : opened andr~ad Y TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS ON WIBLE ROAD AT WILSON ROAD ' s and forms of proposal, bonds, and contract, may Plans and speclflcat~.on in a refundable deposit be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Officer by post g ~ _ for each complete set. Refund of of NO DOLLA S - ~ 0 rovided the lens and specifications are returned to the deposit well be made p p ontract award and the Purchasin Officer within ten (10) days from date of c g documents are in reasonably good condition. it is made on a roposal form furnished. No bid will be cons~.dered unless p s ecifi- i Officer which appears herein immediately follow~.ng the p by the Purchas n g ~ nce with the rov~.slons set forth cations of the project, and is made in accorda P ifi- ' "Pro osal Re uirements and Condlt~ons of the Standard Spec -under Section Z, p q Qenc , ' f the De artment of Transportation, Business ~ Transportation b y cations o P Each bid must be accompan1ed State of California, under date of Ju1Y, 1984. e 2_1,07 uarantee in accordance with the requirements of artlcl by a proposal g of the said Section 2 of the Standard Specifications. • ernes the ri ht to reject any or all bids. The City of Bakersfield res g Bids are re wired on the entire work described herein. q ' ies for mone s retained to ensure performance shall Subst1tution of securlt y nt Code 4590. ermitted ursuant to the provisions and requirements of Governme be p p • The work embraced herein shall be done in accordance with SPECIFICATIONS. 'fi ations of the Department of Transportation, Business and the Standard Specl c ' dated Jul 1984 ,insofar as the same may apply and Transportat ~.on Agency, y, , in accordance with the following provisions. 1 : ~ . , ~ AI•,TU 'T'II`-~F ~ UR COi~~I'LDTION. Attent~.on ~.s dir.ected PROC,RLSS o~ Z CIE ~40RK ro~~ision.s of Section 8,~.rti.c.l.e 8-i.C~~, "Time of Co;npleti~on" and to the p ' -1..07 "Li uidated Daiiages," of the Standard Spociflcatlons, and is article 8 Q specifically herr~by made part of these special provis~.ons, e ,Contr~ictor sha11 f~arnisll the Engineer wit~~i a st~.terr;ent from the Th b ~ vendor that the order .for the olec-rir~.1 rn~.terials r.er}vired for this contract received and acce ted by ;~a~id v~'ndor, and said statement shall be has been p furnished within l~_fteen (15) calendar days from the d~.te of .the contract. i statement shall show the date or dates the electrical materials will Sa d be shipped. Tie Contractor shall begin work within fifteen (15} calendar days from the date of the contract and shall di 1 i.gent 1y prosecute the same to n exce t for si a]. and. ligrlting standards and other above ground completlo , p ~ ' e uinment: 7.f s~:id electrical equipment has not yet: been rECeived, electrical a j before the expiration of THTR.'I'Y (30) ~ti'ORKII~G DAYS ' with tY~~e fifteen'~h (15th) d~.y follotiv~ing t~~.e date of the co~~~tract. beginning Si nat. and 1i ht.ing sta~ldards ~a11d uth.er above ground electrical g g nt sha.ll not be erected u1~ti1 a.ll electrical materials are received. . eau1pme recei t of said ele~tric~.l materials the Contractor s1~~.11 con;ple~:e a.11 Upon p ~ sts before the expiration of . electrical wore:, znclt~d~.ng funct~.onal to TV~'ENTY- F IvE (25 ? ~~'ORI~I rdG Dn~'S electrical materials ~.re recey~red, bat ~.n Tie case sha11 the from the date all work be c,on;pleted Zater than the expir~.~:ion of QivF ~tdNDRFD (100} yVOs~KING DAB'S ' ~ t~'ith the fife:eer~th (15th) day follo~ring the date, of the contr~.ct begi~lnln, fox said wary. 1:~ CI'T'Y 4F BAKERSFIELD, CALZFORNXA , DEJPART;~iENT ~C)F PUBLIC WORKS . SECTION I. PROPOSAL RE~UIRE'L~iENTS a GENERAL INFO~L~",ATiON. Tae Pu:rchas.ing Officer of the City of Bakers- field, California, will recei ,~e at he~• off~tce, C~.ty Ha].l, ~ ald Czt)r, unt~.l 2 otclock P.M, on April 25, 1985 sealed proposals far TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS ON WI BLE ROAD A~' WILSON ROAD . (b) PROPOSAL FORI~i. ~~11 proposals must be made upan blank forms to be obtained from the Purchasing Officer, thy: fora of which appears herein immediately following these specifications. A11 proposals gust give the prices proposed, bo~.h rn writing and figures, and must be signed by the bidder, with his address. If the proposal is made ~b;r an indi~fidual, his name and post office address must be shown. If made by a firm or partnership, the n ama and post oi'fice address of each member of the firm or partnership must Ue sh.otan. If rude by a coloration, the proposal must show the names of the state under the la~~rs ~f which the corporation was chartered and the names, titles, and business addresses o.f the president, secretary and treasurer. (c) BIDDER'S GUARANTEE. All bids shall be presented under sealed caves and shall be accompanied by a oertified check ar bid bond made payable to the City of Bakersfield, for an amount ec{ual Co at least ten percent (IO°4 of the amount of said bid, and no bid shall be considered unless such cer~t~.fied check or bid bond is enclosed therewith. (d) RETURN OF BIDDER'S GUAI~..NTIES. Wifi.~~jn t~~r~ (I~) da1rs aftex• the awaxci of the contact, the City of Bakersfield will return the proposal guaranties ' accompanying such of the proposals as are ~~ot to be ccn~idered ir. r~~~~~;ing the award. A11 other proposal guaranties Tai11 be held until the contract has been finally executed, after whic'n they will be returned 'to the respecti•~re bidders whose proposals trey accompany. (e). CONTRACT BONDS. Tyre Contractor shall furnish two good and sufficient bonds . One of the said bonds shall guars.ntee the faithful perforr~ance of the said contract by the Contractor and shall be in an amount equal to one rundred percent (100%) of the contract price. The other of the said bcnu.s shall be in an amount. of fifty percent (50 0) of the contract price and shall oo furnished as required by the terms of an act entitled: "An act to secure the payment of tl~e claims of persons employ°d by contractors upan p~a.bli~c works, and the cla~.;~s of P°rsons ~wro £u~•n::sh materials, supplies, teams, al~lplements, ar mach:inery used cr consumed by such contractors in the performance of such works, and prescribing ' ~ the dl~~ties of certain public officers ►~ith respect thereto," appro~red ~iay 10,1919, as amended. Farms of bonds roquired may be outaine,~ at the office of the Cit~r Attorney. ~ . . Whenever any surety or sureties on any such bonds quired by Iaw for the rotection of ~ or on any bonds r~,- p the claims of laborers a.nc:{ material me;~, become insufficient, or the Mayor has cause to bell sureties have become ins eve that such surety or ufflclent,a demand in writing may be made of the Contractoz• f`or such .further bond or bonds or additi onal 'suret'y, not exceeding that originally required, as ,is considered necessar ' of the work remainin to Y, considering the extent g be done. Thereafter no pa}~ment shall be made u on such contract to the Contractor oY• any assi ee of the p ,further bond or bonds ~ Contractor until suc~l or additional surety has been furnished. (f) REJECTION OF PROPOSALS COIV'TAINING ALTERATIONS R IRREGULARITIES. Pro osal E ASURES OR p s may be rejected if they show any alterations of forme . additions not called for, conditional or alternative beds, incomplete bids, eras- ures or irregularities o.f any kind. Proposals in which t ' he prices obviously are unbalanced may be rejected. The right is reserved to re'ect a.n a ~ y nd all proposals. (g) AWARD OF CONTRACT. .The award of the contra ct, if It be a~arded, will be .made within thirty (30) days after the o enin p g of the propo,~als . (h) EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. The contract shall b ° ful bidder and returned to e slgr~ed by the :success- , gether with the contract bonds w1th111 ten (~.0' da s not including Sundays, after the bidder has r ~ y ' ecelved notice that tie co.~~ract has been awarded. No proposal shall be considers d binding upon thf~ Clt.} ,a11ti1 the execution of the contract.. A11 contracts shall be considered as being made and entered into in the City of Bakersfield CaI zfornia. Failure to execute a contract and file acce to ° herein within ten 10 p ble b°nd' as provided ( )days, not including Sundays, after the bidder ' notice that the contract has been c,7 ~ has z ecelved a azded, shall be just cause for the cancella- tion of the award and the forfeiture of the ro osal uara p p g nt}T. (i) EXAt,1IiVATI0N5 OF PLANS, S°~ CIFICATIONS SPECIA P SITE OF WORK. The bidd r ~ L ROVISION~, ANn e is required to examine carefully the site of the ro- posal, plans and specifications, and contract forms f ~ ~ p and it will be assumed ~ or the work contemplated, teat the bidder has investigated and i~ satisfied as to the conditions to be encountered, as ~o fibs chary ' test, c~ua.llty, and quantities of work to be pe~•formed and materials to be furnis' ned, and as to the requirements of the specifications, the special revisions an ° agreed that the s P ~ d the contract. It is mutually ubmission of a proposal shall be considered rimy fa ° that the bidder has made such examination p tie evidence SECTION 2. SCOPE OF WORK (a) WORK TO EE DONE. The work to be do - ne con~ists of furnishing all labor, materials, methods anal processes, im lements as otherwise s ecified w p , tools and machinery, except p hich ,are necessary and x•equired ~ to construct the proposed improvements, as designated in the contract, (b) ALTERATIONS ° Bar m;,~tual consent in t~~r' + ~ ° to the contract altor,~ , ~ r. ~ zting of tie par~zc.s Sz,~nator}~ , fi+vns u~ ~ieti ~at.zorl, increases or d~~crcaseS, ad;!itioris or omissions, in the plans and specifications Ina be ~ jay affect ar make voi ~ y made and the same ..aha.17. in no d the contract. .,for accuracy of dimensions and details a sib ~ nd that the Contractor, shall be respon- le for agreement and conformity~of h~.s workin fans with the and specifications, g p approved plans (c) CONFORI~~ITY ti'VITH PLANS AND ALLOWABL E DEVIATION. Finished surfaces 4 in all cases shall conform with the lines, rades cross- shown on the a roved lan g ~ sections, and dimensions pp p s. Deviations from the approved plans, as may be re- qulred by the exigencies of construction will be determined in Engineer and authorized in wri s all cases by the t~n~,. (d) COORDINATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND SPECIAL PROV These specifications, the laps ISIONS. do p ~ special provisions, and all supplementary ctrments are essential parts of the contract, and a re uirement occur ' ° one is as binding as thou h occurri q ring in g ng in a11. They are intended to be cooper- ative, to describe, and to provide for a complete work. Plans s a over specifications• s ecia h 11 govern p 1 provisions shall govern over both specifications and plans. City. specifications shall govern over State S tandard SpeC1fications. (e) TNTERPRETATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICAT 0 ° I NS. Should it appear that the work to be done, or any matter relative thereto is or ex lained in these s ~ not sufficiently detailed p pecifications, plans, and the special rovisions the co - tractor shall .apply to the En hoer for su p n ~ g ch further explanations as may be necessary, and sha~1. conform to such explanation or inter z•etation as a~ the contract, so far as may be consis p p It of tent with the intent of the-original speci- fications, Tn the event of doubt or tlestion relativ • the s ecifications q e to the true meaning of p reference shall be made to the City Council, whose decisio thereon shall be final. n Tn the event of any discrepancy between an dra written thereon. the fi ur Y wings and the figures g es shall be taken as correct. (f) SUPERINTENDENCE, whenever the contractor of the work where it ma be desi is not present on any part • Y red to glue direction, orders will be given by the Engineer in writing, and shall oe received and obe yed by the superintendent or foreman in charge o.f the particular tiaork in reference ' given. to which orders are (g) LAVES AND GRADES. All distances an d measurements aie given and will be made_in a horizontal plane. Grades are iven from unless otherwise g the top of stakes or nails, noted on the plans. .Three consecutive points shown on the same rate of slo • common, in order to detect an var' Pe must be used in y cation from a straight grade, and in case any such discrepancy exists, i.t must be reported to the Ln i • ancy is not reported to the En i g near. If such a discrep- g ne~;r, the contractor shall be responsible for an error in the finished work, Y The contractor shall give at least 24 hours' notice i w ' will rewire the services of the n rating when he Engineer for laying out any portion o.f the work. The contractor shall furnish the Engineer such faci i far makin and main a' 1 Iles and labor, necessary g t fining points and lines, as he may require. Labor furnished by the contractor for such purposes will be aid f p or. a5 Extra ~~ork , The contractor. shad l }resez~v~~ a.l .l • ~ • ~ stakes ~.nd points yet for lines, grades, or measur•emel~t: tf~~~ ~vork sip their ~ z•o~~;~r lace ' remove them b the En fine p - P s until authc}razed to Y g er, All expenses incurred in replacing stakE;s that have been removed without proper authority shall be ai ~ r.- p d by the cn;ntl ~.ctor. 5 . ~ . aterials not conforming to the require- DEFECTIVE r~-1TERIALS . Al l m defective,, and all such 'ons shall be considered as f these speclficat:~ ed and' shall be removed immed- ments o • her in lace or not, shall be re~ec ~ the En i.neer. No matera~als, whet p unless otherwise permitted by g 1 1 from the site of the work subse ~uently corrected, shal late y the defects of which have been a rejected material, the Engineer. until approved in wlitin g by be used to com ~y with any~ord°r of • on the art of the contractor p er shall have Upon failure p of this article, the Engine he En ineer made under the provisions t g ive material and to deduct the cost o it to remove and replace defect ome due the contractor. author Y from any monies due or to bec removal and replacement ELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES SECTION 5. LEGAL R TO T~~E PUBLIC e himself fully in- RVED. The contractor shall ke P al (a) LAWS TO BE OBSE National laws and all municlp existin and future State and • n an manner affect formed of all g, he Cit of Bakersfield which i Y which ordinances and regulations of t y terials used in the work, or or em lo*ed in the work, or the ma rders and decreES of those engaged p y f the work, and of all such o in any ~~ay affect the conduct o • or authority over the same. • or tribunals having any ~ urisdictl on bodies orfeit as penalty to the r;ity ABOR. The contractor shall f echanic (b) HOURS OF L workman, or m • Dollars ($10.00) for each laborer, ~-ractor under of Bakersfield, Ten 9 t b h~..m, or by any subcon~, d in the execution of the c,ontrac Y each calendar day during employe . e work hereinbefore mentioned, ar to labor in. him, upon any of th ermined . or mechanic is required or p f the ,N.„~ which said- laborer, workman, ~.nclu~ive, o . f Section 1810 to Section 1815 , violation of the provisions o Labor Code. • coon 6705 of the Labor Code ntxactor shall comply with Se ollc~ws: (c) The co r s onsibil~.tY shall be as f h xovides that the contractor s re p wh~.c p . t includes an expenditure irl excess If the contract price for the pro~eC trench or trenc~es s 2S 004) .for excavation of any t in t ~-five thousand dollar a ~ ~ ontractor shall l~at bog of twen y re in de th, the contractor or nis su c af. shoring, .five fe:.t or mo p -ailed plan, showing the design n trench excavation unless a det ~ worker rotec~~ion during the ay • other rov1s1o11s to be made for the City bracl.ng, sloping or p ubmitted by the contractor to xcavation of the trench, has been s b the City Engineer. e p roved y ' er and the detailed plan has been a p Engine • r standards established by the lan varies from the shoring system t the plan shall If such p - e Division of Industrial, Safe y, nstruction Safety Orders o#- th Co istered C1V11 or structural engineer. be prepared by a reg . erred to allow the use of a shoring, °n in this section shall be de i ed b thE~ Canstruc- Nothi g . s stem less ef.fec~ive than that requ r sloping, or protect~ve~ Y . of Industrial Safety. tion Safety Orders of she Division. • rind to impose tort liability on ins in this section shall be coast Noth wardin body or any of its employees. , the a g in bod as used in this sec.~~zon, ms " ublic works and award g Y d 1722 respectively. The t.er p as in Labor Code Sections 1720 an shall have the sane meaning 7 Before submitting bids, Co~ltractors REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTORS. ~ ction 7055 of Business u (g) e with the provisions of Se shall be licensed in accordanc Professions Code• shall ,rocure all permits and ,x`~ AND LICENSES. The Contractor p~ and incidental PEk~~1TS r ~ and ive all notices necessary ' enses ay all c~llarges ~.nd fee. , g lic ~ p :~i,,a~"' 1 roseoution of the work. to the due and ~ ~ l P e all responsibilities arising PATE:~~ • The Contractor shall assum r recesses used on or (i) ui meat, devices, o p rem the use of ~~~~.'.~~nted materials, eq f . incorporated in ~ ~ work . ontractor shall so conduct his. • t~NVENIENCE AND SAFETY. The C ~ PUBLIC C teen and inconvenience to public yeast ossible obstruc erations as to cause the i p fated in the special provisions op ess other existing streets are stipu ss through the work. traffic. Unl ermitted to pa s detours, a11. traffic shall be p to be used a 11 be rovided passage as far as - s alon the road or street sha p in s along the road Resident g driveways, houses and build g icable. Convenient access to s shall be provided and main- pract 1 be maintained and temporary crossing eet shat intersecting street or road or str • ondition. Nit more than one cross or • eer. tamed in good c royal of the Engin closed at any time without the app shall be ,maintain such fence, barriers, for shall furnish, erect, and he ublic at all The Contrac • ~ ar to ive adequate warning to p 'ions i hts and signs as are nece.~s Y g and of any dangerous c~ond1.t lg • he im xovement is under construction rect and maintain such times that t P t thereof, and he shall also e to be encountered as a resul fished by the City. • irectional Signs as ray be fern warnings and a . • 'sions of this Section 5 (i) ensat ion for conforming to the prove 10US contract items Full comp ded in the prices paid for the var 1 be considered as inclu wed therefor. shat ' Tonal com ensation will be a~.lo of work and no addle p Bakersfield, the City Council, LITY FOR DAMAGE . The City of ffr any loss (k~ RESPONSIBI manner of be answerable or accountable in any material or the Engineer.. shall n or an art thereof; or for arty that may happen to the V~ork Y P or dama e. to any person or damage • in uerforming the work, or fer in~urY in ro erty or equipment used ~ ic• or for damage to adjoin g p p. rnS either workmen or the publ , ers~ is subcontractors during t~1e or p ~T ence of Contractor or one of caused by the ne~,l~.g fore final acceptance. ress of the work at any time be prog less the City o.f Ba.~,ersfield, or shall indemnify and save harm The Contract claims or actions brought by • i and the Engineer .from any salts, a es susl:ained or the City Count 1~ ccount of any in)ur1es or dam g any person or persons for or on a • work or in consequence thereof. isin in the construction of the ar g vided above, until ~ SPONSIBILITY FOR ti~ORK. Except as pro shall have (1) CONTRACTOR S RE Engineer, the Contractor ce tance of the work by the City b or damage to any the formal ac p f and shall bear the risk of injury then the. charge and care thereo or f=rom any. other cause, whe reef by the action of .the elements the work. The, Contractor paxt the • execution or from the non-execution o arising from the 9 Two Hundred Dollars 0200,00) per day f'or each and.everv beyond the time rescribed to calendar day's delay . P complete. the work; and the Contractor a tees t pay such liquidated damages as herein rovided a.nd i ~ g o agrees that the Cit of p n ca..e the same are not paid, y Bakersfield mayr deduct the amount t}lereof from a due. or that .may become due the Contractor under the nY money contract. It is further agreed that in case the work called for under the contract w is .not finished and completed in all. parts and re uirements wi ' specified the Cit Counci q then the time Y 1 shall have the. right to extend. the time for com le- Lion or not, as may seem best to serve the interes P t of the City; and if it decides to extend the time limit for the completion of the contract it sh the right to char e to the Contr ~ all further have g actor, his heirs, assigns or sureties, and to deduce from the final payment for the work, all or an art ' proper, of the actual cost of . Y P as zt may deem engineering, inspection, superintendence, and other overhead expenses which are directly chargeable to the which accrue durin the eriod of ~ b contract, and g p Such extension, except that the cost of final surveys and preparation of final estimate shall not be included in si~ch char ges. The Contractor shall not be assessed with 11 ui q dated damages nor the cost of engineering and inspection during any Bela in the com le ' Y p txon of the work caused by acts of God or o.f the public enemy, acts of the Cit fire r epidemics, quarantine restrictl.ons Y' ll.~od.~, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather or delays of subcontractors dile to such causes• rovided th~° the Contractor shall within ten 10 days p a.t ( ) from the beginning of any such delay, notify the Engineer In writing of the causes of delay who shall as ' facts and the extent of the Bela and ~ ' certain the b y, his findings of the facts thereon shall e final and .conclusive. (f) SUSPENSION OF CONTRACT. If at an time Council the C Y In the opinion of. the Clty ontractor has failed to supply an adequate working force, or material o£ proper quality, or hus failed in any other res ect to rosy . the d.i 1. ~.gence and .force s e ' . ° p p cute the work w_i ~h p czf~.ed and xlatellded In and by the forms of the contract novice thereof in writing will be served u on l~im and should P ~ he neglect or refuse to provide means for a satisfactory compliance with the contract as ~ v the Engineer, within the tune s ~ ~ dtrec~ed b, peclfxed In such notice, the City Council in any such case shall have the po~~er to suspend the o eration of the o receiving notice of such s p c ntract. C1pon uspensien, the Contractor shall discontinue said work, or such parts of It as the Clty Council may desi ate. U on s ch the Contractor' C control sh~.l: ~ p u suspen.,lon, 1 ~-ermxna~tn, and thereupon t}le City Council, or its duly authorized representative, may take ossession of the Contractor's materials p all or any part of tools, equipment, and appliances upon the premises, and use the same for the purpose of cempletin said ,contract an ' g d here such force and buy or rent such additional ma.chiner tools a li ' Y~ pp antes and equipment, and buy such additional materials and supplies at the Contra t ' may be necessary for the ro er conduct c or s expen~e as p p of the work and f'or the completion thereof; or may employ other parties to cars the contract Y to completion, employ the necessary workmen, substitute other machines or ma ' y terlals, and purchase the materials contracted for, in such manner as the Cit Co ~ ~ or the Cit Council ma a Y until may dt~em proper, Y y nnul and cancel the contract and re-let the w~~rk or an part thereof. Any excess of cost arisirl~ therefrom o Y g vet and above the contract price will be charged against the Co~n.tractor and his sureties ' who W11I be liable lI al .l be re uired. to be made, when in the j u:~:~,;ment of the City Engineer payment sh a the work is not roceeding in accordance with the provisions of the contract, or P when in his judgment the total value of the work done. since the last estimate s amounts to less than Three Hundred Dollars ($x00,00): ~ c FINAL PAYi~~iENT: The pity Engineer shall, after 'the completion of the O the . ~ contract make a final estimate of the amount of work done thereunder, and value of~such work, and the City of Bakersfield shall pay~the entire sum so found to~be due after deducting therefrom all previous payments and all amounts to be ke t and all amounts to be retained undex the provisions of the contract. All P rior artial estimates and ~ payments shall be subject to correction 'in the final P P estimate and ayment. The final payment shall not be due and payable until the . P ex iration of thirty (30) days from the date of acceptance of the work by the P City Council. Qreed between the arties to the contract that no certif- Tt is mutually aD P irate iven or payments made under the contract, except the final certlf~.cate or g final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of the contract, either ~Jholly or in part, against any claim of the party of the first part, and no a ent shall be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work or P Ym in;proper materials. d .he Contractor further a Tees that the payment of the .final amount due An t g under the contract, and the adjustment and payment far any work. done in accordance with any alterations of the same, shall release the !~ity of Bakersfield, the Cit• Council, and the Engineer from any and all claims or liability on account y of work performed under the contract or any alteration thereof. d SUBSTITUTION,' OF SECURITIES. ti~henever herein provision is made for _ O w~it~iholding or retentiol~ of moneys to ensure performance, substitution of an e uivaler►t anlc~ant (~~alue) of securl.t::.es shall be permitted in accordanc° ~~.th the a ~1~ provisions and requirer~Ants of Government Code Section X590. SECTION 8. PROVISIONS OF STAN;DA~D SPECIFICATIOtiS. This ~,ork embraced herein shall be done in accordance with *he appz~apri~te rovi5ic~ns o.f construction details, Section l~ to 5ectiun 95, "inclusiti~e, ~t tha P . Specifications entitled "State of California, ,Business Transpartatior~ ~,ency, De artment cf Transportation, Standard Specificatier~s. July, 1984," ~.ns~►far P as the sam:~ may apply, which specit'ications are hereinafter referred to ~.s the Standard S~~ecifications, and in accordance with the followin special pro~~isions. Whenever. in the Standard Specifications the following terms are used, they shall be understood to mean and refer to the follawi.ng: Dep~.r.tTr~ent of Transportation, Business ~ Transportation Agency, CALTRANS - i'.~~ ~:Ilgineering Department of the City of Bakersfield. Direc~~:►:~r of Public ~Vorks -City Engineer, City of Bakersfield. En i ri~~~e - 'I`he -City Engineer, acting either ~ direct 1}f or through props rly g authorised ~"r': ~:s, such agents acting within the scope of the particular duties entrusted ~r.cl L~.h~:,~.,~~:r~~~, -Tile designated Ia~~oratory authorised by the .City of.• Bakersfi~~lcl to t~ st r:~~:i~: f. <~nd work involved iri the contract. . ~Lt.,~.:. ~:,~lu t.,Zt;►' C1I $3~e~'5.~1e~ 13 Other terms appearing in the Standard Specifications, the general pro- v~.sions, and the special provisions, shall have the intent and meaning specified in Section 1, Definition of Terms of the Standard Specifications. In the event that any portion of the Standard Specifications incorporated herea.n shall conflict with any of the provisions delineated in the special pro- visions section herein set forth, the provisions s.o delineated shall take prece- deuce over and shall be used ~in lieu of such conflicting portions of the Standard Specifications. SECTION 9. INSURANCE In addition to any other form of insurance or bonds required under the terms of the contract and specifications, the Contractor will be required to carry insur- ance of the following kinds and amounts: contractor's public liability insurance policy for property damage, personal injury and automobile liability (with an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of California) in an amount not less than FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000.00), combined single-limit coverage with a TW0 MILLION DOLLAR ($2,000,000.00) umbrella policy (containing a drop down provision) or, in lieu thereof, a 2.5 MILLION DOLLAR combined single- limit policy. The City of Bakersfield, its mayor, council, officers, agents and employees shall be named as additional insureds under the policy which shall operate as primary insurance. If any part of the work is sublet, similar insurance shall be provided by or in behalf of the subcontractors to cover their operations. The insurance hereinbefore specified shall be carried until all ~tilork required to be performed under the terms of the contract is satisfactorily. ..completed as evidenced by the formal acceptance by the City. The Contractor shall furnish the Finance Department with one (1) certified copy of each of the executed policies or a certified Certificate of Insurance. The certification on such policies shall guarantee that the policy will not be amended, altered, modified, or canceled insofar as the coverage contem- plated hereunder is concerned, without at least five (5) days' notice mailed by registered mail to the Finance Department, City of~ Bakersfield, Bake rsfi~Id, California. The insurance herein required shall be obtained by the successful bidder, and the certified copy of the policies or Certificate of Insurance furnished as .herein provided, within the time fixed herein for his execution of the contract. Full compensation for.all premiums which the Contractor and the sub- contractors are required to pay on all the insurance described above shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of ~~~ork to be performed under the contract, and no additional allowance will be made therefor or for .additional premiums which may be required by extension of the policies of insurance. 14 1 SECTION 10.. QUANTITIES The following preliminary estimate of the au~ailtities of work to be done and materials to be furnished are approximate only, being given as a basis for ~the~com arison of_ bids, and the .City of Bakersfield does not expressly or by p implication agree that the actual .amount of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the woz•k or to omit portions of the work that may be deemed necessary or expedient by the Engineer. The rovisions of Section 4-1.03B of the Standard Specifications relative, p to alterations not involving changes in the character of the work shall not apply to any contract item of work in this proposal. ENGTNEER'S ESTIMATE 1. Lump Sum Signals and Lighting 2. 1 Each Install Sign (Mast Arm Hanger, Street Name Sign} 15 "1','- SECTION 11. MATERIALS The City of Bakersfield shall furnish the controllers and cabinet .w assemblies and the street name sign panels. The Contractor shall furnish, for use under these special provisions, all other materials required to complete the attached contract. City. furnished materials shall be made available to the Contractor at the City Corporation Yard, 4101 Truxtun Avenue. SECTION 12. DESCRIPTTON OF WORK The work to be done consists, in general, of installing signs, traffic signals and lighting. Such other items or details, not mentioned above, that are required by the plans, Standard Specifications., or these special provisions shall be performed,. placed, constructed or installed. Said work to be done is specifically ,shown, marked and detailed upon a Plan entitled; TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFTCATION ON WIBLE ROAD AT WILSON ROAD 5 16 SECTION 13. GEI~'ERAL PROVISIONS (a) PUBLIC SAFETY AND PRESER~lATION OF PROPERTY. Attention is directed to Section 7 of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of this section, except as otherwise directed by the Engineer. Such provisions for public safety shall meet the minimum requirements and . shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Full compensation for complying with the requirements of this section shall be considered as included in the contract prices paid for the various items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. (b) OBSTRUCTIONS. Attention is directed to Section 8-1.10, "Utility and Non-Hig}~way Facilities," of the` Standard Specifications, the plans, and the special provisions, j~here extra work is required by.said section it shall. be paid for as provided in Section 7. (a) of these specifications . The Contractor will be required to work around public utility facilities and other improvements that are to remain in place within the construction area or that are to be relocated and relocation operations have not been completed. In accordance Faith the provisions of Section 7-l.ll, "Preserva.tion of Property," and 7-1.12, "Responsibility for Damage," of the Standard Specifications, the Contractor titirill be liable to owners of such facilities and irnprovemerlts for any damage or interference with service resulting from conducting his operations. The exact location of underground facilities and improvements within the con- struction area shall be ascertained by the Contractor before using equipment that may damage such facilities or interfere ti~~ith the services. Other forces may be engaged i1i moving or removing utility facilities or other improvements or maintaining services or utilities. The Contractor shall cooperate with such forces ajzd conduct his operations in such a manner as to avoid any unnecessary delay or }~indrance to the work being performed by ot}~er such forces . Any delay to the Contractor due to utility relocation whether or not the utility is shola~l or correctly located on the plans will not be compensated for as idle time. However, additional contract time commensurate with such delays may be allotiyed. At~locations where irrigation systems exist, the Engineer will direct the Contractor as to what steps will be required to protect thy; irrigatio7~ system and the area it serves. The Contractor shall replace the irrigation system as directed by the Engineer. Existing land subdivision monuments and stakes shall be fully protected from damage or displacement axed they shall not be disturbed unless directed by the Engineer. Except in the case o.f extra work, full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this article shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of ~aork and no additional compensation will be made therefor. (c) OMISSIONS IN SPECIFICATIONS AND DRA~ti~INGS. Any materials or work y mentioned in the specifications and taot shown on the drawings or shown on the drawings and not mentioned in the specifications shall be of the same effect as if shown or mer~lti.or~ed .~.il both. 17 tJr~~issions .from the drawings or tl*~e specifications of tn.e ~nater].als or . details of work which are manif;;stly or obviouslyT necessary to carry out the-- . intent of the drawings and specifications or wh]_ch are .custorrlari.ly furnished ar performed, shall not relieve the Contr~ictor of his responsibility for furnishing such omitted materials ar. pert"orming such omitted w~~rk; but shall be furnished or performed as if fully shown or. desc~•ibed in the drawings or specifications, (d) MATERIALS. Whenever any mater~~.al is specified by name and number thereof, such specifications shall be deemed to be used far the purpose of facilitating description of the materials ;and establishing Quality, and shall be deerned and construed to be followed by the ~aords "or approved equal". No substitution will be permitted other than as described herein unless authorized by the Engineer before the bi;is are opened. All materials shall be new° and the best of tlxeir class and kind. (e) ADJUSTMENT OF OvE~cHE.aD COSTS, The provisions of Section 9W 1.08 of the Standard Specifications shall not apply to f1.na1 cost of this corltract~ and no final adjustment for overhead costs will be made, f~ DUST CONTROL, It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prevent C1 ~ . a dust nuisance from orzginating from the site of the work as a result of his operations during the effective period~of this contract. Preventative measures to be taken by the Contractor shall include but shall not be limited to the fallowing: ~ \ . 1, .Water shall be applied tca all unpaved areas a.s regl.~ired to prevent tht surface from be~4oming dry eno~..~gh to permit dust formation. 2. Paved surfaces over h~l~ich vehicular traffic is permitted to travel shall be kept free o.~ dirt . Temporary suspensl.on of the work, either as a result of order by the Engineer, or as a result of candit~ms beyond the control of the Contractor shall not relieve the Car~tractar from his responsibility for dust control as set forth herein, Full compensation. for conforrn~.ng t-~ tl~~e ~~equ~.rements of thus artYCle sha].1 be considered as incluC'ed in the pri~:es paid f'or the various contract i~:ems of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. (g) WATERING. Furnishing and applying water shall conform to the provisions of Section. l7 of the Standard Specifications, except that .full compensation therefor shall be considered as included in the prices paid fox the various contract items of work and no separate payment will be madam therefor. ]7 1 h .ALTEkATIONS IN QU~INTITY OF b~OR~{.~ The provisions of Section ~+-1.03B, 4-1.03B 1 ,and 4-1.03B(2), o.f t~~.e Standard Specifications relative to ~.ncreases c) ecreases in the uantity of a contract ~.te~n of work wl~len no chance in tale or d q racier of the work is involved s~1a11 not apply to any contract item! of work cha 'A i this ro osal and the. City reserves the right to increase or. docrease the n p p antit of an item or portion of work as may be deemed necessary ar ~.n t~~e Qu Y Y best interest of the City. • i Y STREETS. All of the work sho►Jn on the plans and laiclud~= (i) {h~Rh IN C IT i these s ecl.ficatio~;s that ~.s located in the public streets in the City of n p Bakersfield shall be done in accordance with City Ordinance3 regulating the usc~ of ublic streets within the City, except as otherwise provided herein. P The Contractor shall inform himself as to all regulations and requirement:? f he Cit En ineer and Superintendent of Streets of the Cl.ty of Bakersfield o t Y g lance t.her.ewith. and shall conduct his operations In compl ' ~ ITS AND LICENSES. The Contractor shall procure all perr►~its and . c~) PER ~ • ~ n ssar .and inc.i~.ental licenses, pa.y all charges and fees and glue all noti~es n.,ce y to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. k I~i~INTAINING RArFIC . Attention is directed to Sections 7-1.0$, ~ " e Closure "and "Public Convenience," 7-1.09, Pub11c Safety, 7-1.09., La.n , 7-1.093 "Portable Delineators," of the Standard Specifications° Tl~e Contractor shall com ly with the provisions of these sections and these spec7.al prov:~sloris. P The Contractor. shall furnish, install and maintain all sl.gns, lights, fl.ares~ barricades, and other facilities required by this Sert~.on. i tractor shall kee .the Bakersfield Fire Depa~.'tmen-~ informed at all . The Con p s~iall ;~c~~tl.fv them times as to~ the exact location and probress of the work ane. immediatel of any streets impassable for fare fi.~ht~ing ecaui~nmen~t Y he Contractor's em~lo ees shall not be parked on the Personal vehs.cles oft ~ Y roadwa at any time, including any section closed to public traffic. Y ~ T oadwa s Carr in ublic .traffic, the Contactor's~ When entering or lea.vin,~ r y Y g P ° . ui ment whether em ty or loaded, shall in all cases yield to public tr.a.ffl.c. eq p p The rovisions a.n this section may be modified or altered f, iII thfw~ • p will be better served and we►rk exp~od:ited. . opinion of the Engineer, public traf.fsc S ' d modific~.tions or alterations shall not be adopted until approved ~.n ti~~rit~l.ng al by the Engineer. he various contract items of work shall be c~•nsidered The prices paid for t as full com ensation far cor.~plyino with the provisions of this Sect~.on 1? l~.) P Maintainin Traffic, and no additional pay~lent will be made thEarefar. g ORDER OF WORK. Qrder of` ~tiTork shall conform to the pro~•isions ire . ~ ~ ~ ° ~ ~ and these s~ eclat . Section 5-1.0~, "Order of ti~orx, ot~ the Standard Spec.lflc~.tzo~.s p prC~V1..S1411S . ~g .Prior t~~ commencement of. the traffic signal functiont~.l tests, ~~11 .items of .work related to..the sigr~al control shall ~be co~ipleted gild roadside signs s~~~ll 'fie in place., , (m) COOPERATION. 'I~e Contractox shall cooperate fully with the other Contractors performing .work on the site. ~ . It is not anticipated that the work ~o be done by others ~~Till seriousl~r delay the Contractor's completion of_ the work. ~lowever, if such l~~ork does .result in extraordinary delay, the Contractor may seek relief from liquidated damages as set forth in the fourth paragraph ~ of A1•ticl.e 6 (e) of these .Special Provisions, Fu11 compensation for complying with the reauirerr~ents "of this Article ? ~ (m} shall be considered ~.s included in the prices paid for the various contract items of .work and no additional allowance will be made therefor. 19 e ~ ~ . 1 ~ SECTION 14. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TI~tA~FIG.SIGNALS AND STREET LIGHTING . a DESCRIPTION. Furnishing, installing and modifying traffic signals ~ ) and highway lighting and payment therefor sha11 conform to the provlsion~ ln. section 86 "Si als and Lighting," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Traffic signal work is to be performed at the following locations: WIBLE ROAD AT WILSON ROAD 5' O (b) RE~~~O'y'TNG AND RE~'L,gCING i~iFROVEI~IENTS. Removing and replacing impro~~ements shall conform~to the provisions in Section 86-2.02, "R.emoving and Replacing Tmprove~tlents," of thE. Standard Specifications and. these special provisions. r (c) FO(1NUATIONS . Fouridat ions steal 1 conform to the provisions in Section $6-2.03, "Foundations," of the Standard Speci.t'ic~.tions and these special prov~.sions . The Contractor shall fur~lish the anchor bolts, nuts anu washers to be used for new foundations and shall furnish the appropriate nuts and washers for existing foundations to be reused. Existing foundations not to be reused may be abandoned, except where removal is necessary to install a new foundation. Portland cement concrete shall. conform to Section ~~0-lU, "Minor Concrete," of the Standard Specificat ions and steal 1 contain not less than 470 pounds of cemont per cubic yard, except concrete .for pile foundations sriall contain not less than 564 pounds of cement per cubic yard. (d) CC~NDCIIT. Conduit shall conform to the provisions in Sect.i0n 86-2.05, "Conduit," of the Standard. Specifications and these special rovisions. P Izlsulafied bonding bushings will be required on metal conduit , (e) Pty"LL BOXES. Pull boxes shall confor~l to t~~e prov~.sions ~.n Section 86-2,06, "Pull Boxes," cf tl~,e Standard Specifi.ca.tions a.P~d t~►esE s eci~.l P provislor~s. Recesses for suspension. of ballasts will r~i.ot be z}equired. s At locateions j~There existing pull boxes a.re too small to a.Lcommodate ~.dditional r.~ew conduit, the Contractor Ghall furnish and install a lar. er g pull box. . (f) CO~~UUCTO~~zS r!ND ~~IP~TNG. Conductors and ~~v:lriri~ shall conform to the b provi.~ons in Section 86-2.08, "Conductors," and Section 86-2, 09, ''Wiring," of the Standard Specifications ar~d these special provisions. Cor~du~;tors s~~al1 be spliced by th.e use of "C" sha~aed core cession . ~ p c.onnectcrs as shoran on. t~~e plans . Splices shall be insulated by "Method B." Nt~rr~bered scr~tence 2 in ~~he first paragraph of Section 86-2.09D, "Splicing,"is ariended to read: 2 . Pedestrian push button cor~imons .in pull boxes . } 21 r ING. Bonding and rounding shall conform to the (g~ BONDING AND GROUND g ra isions in Section 86-2.10, "Bonding and Grounding," of the Standard P v Specifications. and these special-provisions. SERVICE. Service shall conforr~ to the provisions in Section 86--2.11, "Service " of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. ' will arran e with the, serving utility to complete service The Engineer g e Lions to service Dints shown on the plans and will pay ali required costs corm c P and fees required by the utility.. • shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.14, (i) TESTING. Testing "Testin " of the Standard Specifications and these Special provisions, g~ 5 :ti, SIGNAL FACES AND SIGNAL HEADS, Sign~.l faces, signal heads and (3 ) auxiliary eQuipment, as shown on tale plans, and the installation thereof, shall conform to the provisions in Sections 86-4.01, "~'el~icle Signal Faces," 8b-4.0~, "Directional Louvers," 86-4.03, "Backplates" and 86-~.t~6, "Signal Mounting Assemblies," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Housing, visors, directional louvers and backplates shall not be structural .plastic. AI1.lamps for traffic signal units shall be .furnished by the Contractor. . ~ A11 mast arm mounted signal faces and all arrow indications shall be provided with 12-inch sections, (k) PEDEST~tIAN SIGNALS. Pedestrian .signals shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-4.05, "Pedestrian Signal Faces," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Pedestrian sign a1s shall be in accordance with Type C specifications, except as follows: 1) Signal faces shall be international symbol type. . ~r 2 l~sinimum brightness reQuirements shall be 150 foot-lamberts ) for .the "upraised hand" symbol message and 210 foot-lamberts for the "walking person" symbol message. 3) Disregard the reference to the sample that is available at .the Transportation ~ laboratory. 1 LUMINAIRES. Luminaires shall. conform to the provisions. in . ~ ) Section 86-6.01, "High Intensity-Discharge Luminaires," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Luminaires shall be furnished with 200-watt high pressure sodium lamps and integral ballasts. m PHOTOELECTRIC CONTROLS. Photoelectric controls shall conform to the provisions in Section 86~-6.07, "Photoelectric Controls," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Each luminaire shall be rovided with a Type Tv~photoelectrical control. p 23 r~ CONTROLLERS, CABINET'S AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT. rI'he City will furnish the controller acid cabinet assembly .fo.r each location. The Contractor shall furnish the cabinet; adapter. (o ~ Dr~leted . 9 DETECTORS. Detectors shall conform to the provisions in Section (P) 86-5, "Detectors," of the Standard Speci.ficatioxis and these special provisions. I11 lieu of sealing methods specified in Section $6-S.OIA(5), "Installation Details," of the Standard Specifications, the Contractor may seal loops in A.C. in accordance with the following: After conductors are installed in the ,slots cut i7~ the pavement, the slots shall be filled with asphaltic emulsion Type CSS-1, Section 94, "Asphaltic Emulsion," to within 1/8 inch of the pavement surface. The emulsion shall be at least 1/q inch thick above the top conductor in the sawcut. Plant mixed RMAS, composed of 4 to 8% MC-8o0 conforming to Section 93, "Liquid Asphalts," and aggregate of Type 'C', No. 4 max. grading, conforming to Section 39, "Asphalt Concrete," shall be mixed with asphaltic emulsion placed i7~ the slots and tamped, all as . directed by the Engineer. Surplus materials shall be removed from the adjacent surfaces without the use of solvents, Asphaltic emulsion shall be applied to the filled slot acid sand applied to the surface, all as directed by the Engineer. 24 s ' als arld li hting shall conform to the (q) PAYMENT. .Payment for sign g sand these ' in Section 86-8, "Payment," of the Standard Specification provisions special provisions. • - filled hole concrete pile foundations Full compensation for cast-in dr he ' red as included in the contract lump sum price paid for t shall be conside • dations and.no separate payment will be made therefor. item requiring four SPECIAL PROVISIONS - ROADSIDE SIGNS SECTION 15. S. Roadside si s shall conform to the provisions in (a) ROADSIDE SIGN sand these s ecial ion 56-2 "Roadside Signs,"~of the Standard Specification P Sect , provisions. Si anels shall be furnished by the City. ~P Mast-arm han ers shall be furnished by the Contractor. g ' ed b ~ mast -arm hanger ~ methods as shown on Roadside signs shall be install y P an Sheet TS-3, 3A (sign. hanger mounting details) . Standard 1 t er unit for installing sign (Mast-arm Hanger, . (b) PAYMENT. Paymen p ' onform to the rovisions in Section Sb-2.06, "Payment," Street Name Sign) shall c p of the Standard Specifications. c PECIAL PROVISIONS - GUARANTEE FOR TRAFFIC SECTION 16. S EET LIGHTING 5.IGNAL AND STR SYSTEMS. t ractor shall furnish a written guarantee to the (a) GUARANTEE. The Cont ' attached uaranteein g all systems, except traffic signal lamps, Ca.ty on the form ~ g ear from the date of installed under, this contract for a period of one (1) y • k. The uarantee, properly. executed, shall be filed with acceptance of the wor g . , nce• is made b the City the Cit before notice of completion and final accepta Y Y of the work described on the plans and these special provisions. The lum sum ricer paid for installation of traffic signal (b) PAYMENT. P p ion for furnishing the and street lighting systems shall include full compensat uarantee as required in this section. g 25 . 1 i, wn i Sec 'ion f~'ai /road or Property Line ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ evee _ _ Righf of Way Line Wall Pro~eef Centerline _ . Culvert . - E'x~'st/nq ~dqe of - _ _ _ _ l~ea'ge PaVernenT` . Deciduov5 7rce x--x x x Fence Ca~`e ~di~ ~vergreer~ Tree C uard Monument ~Future~ Service ~°a1e ~ _ ~la~er L ire • Power Pole r - _ Gas Line L ire 0 W. M. Water ~tile~er 0 a~ ' Cable ~ W, V. Wafer I/a/ve g - - - Bury ear Te/epho~e • F H Fire h~ydran~ B P--- - _ _ _ ~ur~ed Power Cable . ire ~ G. M. Cos /deter c~.............._...-. 5eu~er L~ ire t9 G. V. Gas I /ve 0o Aerr~l W • r M. H. Mar~ho~e (~Xlsfirl~) p Acre a I Ca b1e 0 M.H. Nlanho~e (Future ~ _ Pole Anchor ?e lephor~ e f'o le Ufi li fy Po% ~ ~s fi' ~ S tree f L ighf ® /Ylonumen ~~xi nq ~ r J „ a DATE JV / 8~ RECORDED 1~-- C1TY CJF ~iAKERSF'IEL.D OK - AT PAGE ~L~ F~IZN ~ ~ DRAWN L. IN 80 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMEN"f CNECKED . KERN COUNTY CAI.iFORNIA ! ~ ~l 1 C 1 ;,,,.,,~~Y t d~w~av~"~r~ ~ tt•~ci~cvi~` /c~a~ ~~nle~r, .~.w-.-~.. IDO,~r~t;~ c.~rt~~~r~~ci~/ Po /r~~ s~~ ~~fy sG~~'r't ~~X ~,"'~'~~t~'°J" (li h~`in ~ 9 ~ar~/ t. .tt c;i~c~~i~ lo~a' carr7~`c~°"t, T~1 ~ ......r.,..~w~/!Ifl~i7J~ C0171~1~%1°' ~lU~J / .5'~1 ~~t~,c~ ,l ,avl~ 'fir.,, i ~ c ~ ~ Co» dvi sfr~ s M •A Co11A✓~~~4ta' dS SJ~IALUI"1 Oil ,cl~C1~d / ~u'17 S ~UrI US ~ c f~ ~i I ! a ! ~ I ~ ~ ~ ( . Eli~~itw ! ~I I! ~ ~ I A ~ ~I ~w.w r.i. •.w 5 ~I e t . ' 'r>~~t~'~P~ ctrcvi~` ~ • ' ~ ~ ,r /A 5~~'1"~'/C~' CC~nI7~~C1~i~%~fJ 1 1t Cufra'ui~` ~ CDndi~~x`~r".~ ~i~;~ µ~11~G~r? 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U I U~ -rl -1'1 Z U W N Z o oz Z J ~ m C1 ~ W ~ Q • O J ~ W a ~W ~ ~ H ~ ~ W i~ N Q N ~ Q p W FO ~ o Z wiz uZ m W W N J O W J> W Q f-N~W J> ~ W ZwOD~wa 0 ooZxaQ a ~ O N = ~ O W V W } 0 ~ N J2dZyxjQ a»ax3 N W ~ 111 ~ O - N z 0 ar • nlm 111 1 1 1 ; 1 - I 1 _ t 'NIYV N 1 1 t a 1" - ~j~ I 1 1 1 j 1 1 m t" ~ ~ (ll Q O 0 ,~~11~~ U V M~ NI 11 ( Z ~ ~l 1 1 ~ m 1 t } - ~ Q M ~ ~ e =fit -IN i ~ l 1 R NZ F- O = J H to O A a Q ~ W '"K O a ~ ~ a 1~± 1 M~ N K ~ ~ f ~ , * ~ 1 1 i + ~~b ~~Z N ~ ~ s 1 O N N • 4 N ',~I 11 ~ 11 I " " J D. U Q J r~ v , Flo - ~ ~~I ~~I -K 1 _L ' -k ~It, TRAFFIC SIGNAL ~10DIF ICATION QN . WIBLE ROAD AT WILSON ROAD To the City Clerk of the 4it y cf Bakersfiel The undersigned interested in ~ s bidder, declares that the th~.s pa~opc.~al as ~ Unly persons or parties ~ pra.~~c~.n~.ls are those named h posal is made wltl~ou~ co~lus~ors erein; that this he has carefull e-- with ~.ny otter per~.~on, fi~~m or pro- y .~a~r~.ined the locatio:►1 of tie - corporat~.on; that form of contract and the ~ - prop~~sed work ~ the ~.~~ne tha~s ~ro~asal p a.ns therein refe;cred tca• and xed proposed ~ ~ is accepted, t}lat he will }~e proposes anal agrees if the prescr,:`~ed i'orm of cone conLrac~ ~~lth the Ca.ty of f~a.}:er too~.s ~ a ract hereto a.nne~;ed, t,~ ro Q . sf~el.d, In } p ratus and other means of con v1d., a.ll z~~ec~ s;,~lry machiner al the materials in accorda a stru~tion <?nd to do all th.~~ ~~1ar. k • y' nc~. with the plans and s ecif • - and furnish filed in the office off' the F' p ~.c~.t~ons for . . ~.na.nce Director of tho Cit the above., specified Y1~ the contract ire y or" .L'akex°s f1elc~ G~nd to the re uire;l~- ~ ~ ~he malR,ler axlc} time ~~}xerein ~ as ents of the Enga~neer a.s there' ,~rescx~.ved, a.nd accordin full pa.y~rnent therefor the a Nln set.. fort}~, and ~G~la.t }lr ~ g n~.t pra.ces or lu~p sums set f. ►a.ll take in schedule: ~ ort}z ~.rt t:~~o fo1 ' low~.ng In case of a discre ancr . pre,~az l; and in cap p y , be~:ween ~~~~ords and fi ~;~~r. es . .1. e of. disc~e~;ancie~ between ~l~.c. .fo.~ c.~.~ shall prices shall preva.:il. Unit prices and tf~~.a.l.w ~ h ~ ~,.in~. 't The undr~rsigncd furthe~• a r . ~.°t~ u.li1~-~~' n gees that i.n ~ . ..r -~.tr~~c,t, l~~it}1 necess~~r. r~ boy - . ~ ~G.se of .f _z~~ F:'.{L~. ~~ta~~~ ~~h reCe~vcd notece t}~ tLn c~~~.,~s y Ji.~J~: ~.'i.".! ~.'~.~:I , oy. . at the contact .is } ~ -1~, Si.r~dav .ry, , . o1r<i accompan.yxn~. his h' f i~ ~:t,::~ , ,,e p~'oceeds o . z ~f.;~.e.1d • ~.d shat! l be~.at~~~? t}~e ~ ~ ~ fy the ~.ddr~, ~~c~t:r~.c~c~r:~.e~J ~~;t; ~'e g ce:~..p;~ o~ follo~~~air.~; ~3t~d~".i~ Y,; • L 4t 4F~ M1 w...... .w...^...+.. w............~,,,,..~+.w....+r.~......w.......~,~,~,ww......... ......yam...,., i..i..w.r..`......,rn.,..~.w..w..., . r r ~A~ ---~--~.-M......._,., J i J.. ~ ~ , . I. f r~i1~ 1 ~.1~ , , L ~ t1~t ~ r~~' , . ~ ~'R :CCU; TC`TAL 1. Lum S p um . S 1 g .and Light ' n ~ pals 1 g com lete ~ ~ M place, for the lum p In ' ~ p sum price of . i ~ • ~ , f . • I. . , 2. ~ 1 . Each, Install s igp Mast _ ' . Street C ,Arm Hanger Name Sign) at ~ , ~ . . ~ F , ~ Each ~ . -~-~.-.......,.«...,..~.,..,,,,,,,.,,,w ~ ~ TOTAL signed . ~ d o.r . Rage 1 of 1. ~a e~ .I. g • . . , . . Accom an •ing this proposal is. P S « " ~~casbier's check " "certi- (NUTYCE : Ii~~►ert. the words cash , ~ r ~~bidder's boad," as the case may be) ~ in amount equal to at died checb, o least ten, percent of the total of the bid. . ~ erested iv the foregoing proposal a~a prin- The names of all persons mt cipals air a$ follows If bidder or other interested person is a cor- oztcxrlt ~ me of cor oration, . Lion state le al na p pora ~ also names of the president, secretary, treasurer, and manager thereof ; if a , . . co artnership, state true name of firm, also names of all individual capart- P rs com osin firm; if bidder or other interested person is an individual, ne p g state first and last names in full. ,r . ~ rdance with an act pro~~-i~~ing for the registration cif ~.tcensed in acco .,r ~ ..........................•.....•r..........r...........r..s...............r...... SIGN HERE Signature of Bidder N4?E-lt bidder a totporatlon, the legal name of the torpo;atlno ccn ac~t~on bebalt et~tbe together afth ett~ slgaature of the ot!lcer. or ottlcers authvri:ed to 9 eotpotatioa: It bldder 1: a copartaartoep, arnpartaerenauthors ed tottlgn coattactti tat bebaft. of the together with tbo signature of the p topattatrthip; aad !t bldder 1: as favd`ead cofrpo:atloaa or a member otaa pdr nerehlp! a9Power o! by as agent. other than an ottlcer . 1lttotaeY muet be oa rife v►ttb th to ! bid Moll bra dietdgatdedtae 1r te9'ulardaod unauthOrhed. bldt of tubatttted with the btd; othetvrite. Business address . Place of resldence......: . ~ ~ ~te~ r.........f ~ r........ . . . ~ ~R ~It~D~R'~ ~CJ~1C ~O ~~CO1~P~,~IY PRC~PC?~AL. (Not necessary if cash or certified check is with bid) KN01N ALL MEN BY T~iESE PRESENTS ; That we a8 principal, and as surety, are held and, firmly bound unto thee. City of Bakersfield, a body politic and corporate of .the State o~ California, in the sum o~ dollars to be paid to said City, for which payment, well and truly to ~be made; we ~ , bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors or assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. TAE CONDITION O~F THIS OBLIGATION I5 SUCH Thai if the certain .proposal, .hereunto annexed , to construct certain work and improvements in the City of Bakersfield as referred to in the Notice to Contractore~ attached hereto, is accepted by the Council o~ said City and i~ the above bounden principal, heirs, executors, administrators, auc- e eeasors an asai~ns, shall .duly enter into and execute a contract, to construct said improvements aforementioned, and shall execute and deliver the two bonds required by law, within ten days tnot ineludin~ Sunday) from the date of a notice to the above bounden principal, that said contract is ready for execution, then this obligation shall became null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. IN FITNESS WHEREOF, we havc hereunto aot our hands and seals this, ,~____~_.day (Seal) (Seal) _ {Seal} (Seal) ~Scal) . , r 1 'K 9M. 1 t GUARANTEE TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT City of Bake rs f i e l d Department of Public Works Bakersfield, California In accordance with the terms of Contract No. ,-for the Project: awarded on between the C ity of Bakersf i e l d, here i na.f ter referred to as the City and .the undersigned, which contract provides for the installation of lighting and/or traffic signal, system and under which contract the undersigned has fur-ni~shed-and-installed such system, the following guarantee of the said system is hereby made. Should any of the equipment ins~tailed pursuant to said contract, except lighting elements, prove defective or should the system as a whole prove defective, due to faulty workmanship, material furnished, or method of installation, or . should said system or any part thereof fail to operate, as planned, due to any of the above causes, all within one (1) year after date on which said contract _ is accepted by the City, the undersigned agrees to reimburse the City, upon demand, for its expenses incurred in restoring said systems to ,the. condition contemplated in said contract,. including the cost of any equipment or..materials , replaced, or, upon demand by the City, to replace. any such equipment and repair said systems completely without cost to the City, so that they will operate successfully as originally contemplated. The City shall have fihe option to~make any needed repairs or replacements i tsel for to have such replacements -or r-epa i rs done by the undersigned. Prior to such replacement or repair work being done by the C i ty, the undersigned shat l have the option to make,any needed repairs or replacements. In the event the City elects to have said work performed by the undersigned, the undersigned agrees that the repairs shall commence to be made and such materials as are necessary shall commence to be furnished and installed within Twenty-Four (24) hours of the date speci-fled in the City's written notification. Contractor shall prosecute with due diligence to complete the work within a reasonable period of time, as specified in the City's written notification. Said system will be deemed defective within the meaning of this guarantee in the event that they fail to operate as originally intended by the manufacturers thereof and in accordance with the plans and specifications included in said contract. Contractor's Signature Firm . . Add res s Date • LTS'r 0,~ SU~~COIti~`I'~ACTOI~a A11 persons or arti • p es ;~ubmitti.rg a bid re shall complete the full p posal o~~ the r owing f'orlrl, settin fort p lect the loca o 11011 of the m111, sho o r- ~ h tt~e name and who will pErforrn work o ~ r a..f~.ce ca.a. each sub-c(~nt~'r r labor ox z~ ~.ctcx' ~ . in or about the con str '..nder •~ervice to tr;.e c one-half' of uct.ion o~ the work ~~r im r ontrdctor one percent of Y , :a p oti argent i.n excess o_f portion of ~ p.'.. ir~~, ca~atrC~.ctor ~ s ~ , he~work which will be total blc~, and the This list is to be com dor.~, b~~ each sub--contra., . c.toz p eted a.na suhmx~:te~:i with sa' ~.d hzd propos2l. The Sable±tirg and sub Code Scotian '100 ~ ~ °n racy ~ ~ jlg ~~~.i. ~z~a ~t:i. ces ~ -t se. ,~~4Ve~'nmen,. ~ arf~~J 7.t,., l~~s:~ ,a.J 1. contx~a~. for canstrLictian ' . lll~prc~~'eme1~* c:~r r~ ~'ts .~:~s,Opt thosE' ~I1c 1t1c~7 jl.~: 'r~x d ~ Tti t,~.~Ir lj,~ Str~1.fi LlZ~ (tier ~ gc•.~, ~~nd ~ r~~~~ti ozti,~~ns f- //ll al~~~l~c:.s r~, Y . r ~jlerelJf ~ lc (..,~.~1~~.~l~~tL) ~~G` 4 ~',~1f1 ~7 1.. r i ~ 1, t; ~oI t:~ ~~.cto~~ fa-a.l s t~ sr~ • ~:.~t~- ; ~,.3 ,~.ncl tr~i~':f_~ . ; a ~ aft n , 1 ~ _ . la ~~1~~ ~'1!T ~r'~~ ~ llrill~d ti jl~t.1.1' ~;;~'a i••~•,,,,r.,7„ ~ ~~11,:.l~ili ?.~1,,;(;~ ~ I ?I~It~! that }~1e a' _ 1 E~ ~ .I rr ~~t.~,~{~.I,~;, , ~ ~.~~r~ ~ 1 r i 5h~...~. I ro~? r` ~ , . t ~r,.~. ~~,~.rt:t~;,~ r ~ f+ p ~~!~i.L t ~d 1.~~ ~lll) ~:t' 11 ~l I..i~l,.i(~ i. C.41~.t~ ~•~1..: u~~10r.~.2C;,~ bV ~ ~a r~ ~ ~~•~,•~a i~~,,~~,~ tv~ ~ a;.l , e .:i. gall J ; c~ , r_ ~ i ~ , i.► z~•k ~ a ~ r ~~a L _ _ i _ I ~ i is - , . ~I ~ _ r , y ~i ~i i li. ~ = ~ I~, i ~