HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 Special Provisions Project California AvCOPY i`I0, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORVIP, SPECIFICATIOidS INFORP1ATIOM TO BIDDERS SPECIAL PROVISIONS BID PROPOSAL FOR T^.4FF IC .SIGYAL `tOD IF ICATI0N5 ON CALIFORNIA AVE`iUE .4T STOCKDALE HIGHWAY APRIL, 1936 DEPARTP1ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CALIFOP,PlIA 1501 TRUXTUM AVEPIUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORUTA 93301 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD D E PA R T M E N T O F P U B L I C W O R K S NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the City of Bakersfield at the ' of the Purchasing Officer, City Ha11, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, Office lifornia until 2:00 o'clock P.M. on June b, 1986 to be publicly opened Ca and read immediately thereafter, for the following work: TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS ON CALIFORNIA AVENUE AT STOCKDALE HIGHWAY Plans and specifications, and forms of proposal, bonds, and contract, ma be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Officer by posting a refundable y de osit of ZERO ($--0- )for each complete set. Refund of P r de osit will be made provided the plans and specifications are returned to the P Purchasin Officer within ten (10) days from date of contract award and the doc- g uments are in reasonable good condition. No bid will be considered unless it is made on a proposal form furnished sin Officer which a ears herein immediately following the speci- by the Purcha g PP fications of the project, and is made in accordance with the provisions set forth under .Section 2, "Proposal Requirements and Conditions" of the Standard S ecifications of the Department of Transportation, Business & Transportation P A enc State of California,-under date of July, 1984. Each bid must be accom- g ntee in accordance with the requirements of article paned by a proposal guara 2-1.0? of the said Section 2 of the Standard Specifications. . he Cit of Bakersfield reserves the right to reject any or .all bids. T y Bids are required on the entire work described herein. Substitution of securities for moneys retained to ensure performance shall be ermitted pursuant to the provisions and requirements of Government P Code 4590. r must ossess a valid Class A or a Class C-10 Contractor's The Contracto p License at the time this contract is awarded. ATIONS: The work embraced herein shall be done in accordance SPECIFIC with the Standard Specifications of the Department of Transportation, Business and Trans ortation Agency, dated July, 1984, insofar as the same may apply and F in accordance with the following provisions. 1 A PROGRESS OF THE WORK AND TIME FOR COMPLETION. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 8, article 8-l.Ob, "Time of Completion" and article 8-l,Q?, "Liquidated Damages," of the Standard Specifz.cations~ and is specifically hereby made a dart of these special provisions, The Contractor shall furnish: the Engineer with a statement from the vendor that the order for the electrical materials required for this contract _ has been received and accepted by said vendor, and said statement shat be furnished within fifteen CIS} calendar days from the date of the ;contract. Said statement shall show the date or dates the electrical materials will be shipped. The Contractor shall begin work within fifteen X15) calendar bays from the date of the contract and shall diligently prosecute the same to completion, except for signal and lighting standards and other above ground electrical equipment if said electrical equipment has not yet been received, before the expiration of TWENTY (20) W~JRKING DAYS beginning with the f°ifteent:~ i 1,5th ~ day fol Ia~.~~ing the date of the ~~ontract . Signal and lighting standards and other above ground elertr•ic:a. equipment shall not be erected until all electrical materials- are receivedr Upon receipt of said electrical r~aterials the Contractor shall complete al' electrical work, including functional, tests, before the ex~piratioz~~ of ~ FIFTEEN (1S) ~~ORKING DAB'S from the date all electrical materials are received, but ~in no case shall the work be completed Later than the expiration of SEVENTY. FIVE (75) ~~ORKING DAYS beginning with the fifteenth (15th} day following the date of the contract for said work. lA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC j~'ORKS SECTION 1. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS ~a GENERAL INFORP~~ATION. The Purchasing Officer of the City of Bakers-A field, California, will receive at her office, City Hall, In said City, until 2 o'clock P.M. on June 6, l9$b sealed proposals .for TRAFFIC SIGNAL ~~ODT_FICATIONS ON CALIFORNIA AVENUE AT STOCKDALE IIIGH~~~AY PROPOSAL FOR~1. All ro osais must be made upon, blank forms to be (b) p p obtained from the Purchasing Officer, the farm of which appears herein imrned?.ately followin these s ecifications. All proposals must give the prices proposed, both g p in c4~ritin and figures, and must be signed by the bidder, with his address. If g ~ l '~f' al his name and ost office address must be she proposal zs made b} an znd.~ . zdu , p shoran. If made b~~ a firm or partnership, the name and post office address of y each member of the firm ar partnership must 'Qe shown. If made by a ~.o~.~oxation, the ,.~x~o osal must show the names of the state under the laws. of which the ~ P cor oration tiaas chartered and the names, titles, and business addresses of the p president, secretary and treasurer. c BIDDER'S GUARANTEE. °All bias shall be presented under sealed ;over and shall be accom anied by a certified check or bid bond made payable to the p Cit of Bakersfield,, for an. amount equal to at least ten percent (10% of the Y _ amount of said bid, and no bid shall be considered unless such certified check or bid bond is enclosed therewith. d RETURN OF BIDDER' S GUARANrI'IES. ~~ithin ten (IO) days after the award of the contract, the City. of Bakersfield will return the proposal guarantees accom an in such of the proposals as are not to be considered in making the p Y g award. All other proposal guaranties will be held until the,. contract has been finale executed, after. which they will be returned to the respective bidders Y whose proposals they accompany. RACT BONDS.. The Contractor shall furnish two good and sufficient (e) CONT bonds. One of the said bonds shall guarantee the faithful performance of the said contract by the Contractor and shall be in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100°~) of the contract price. The other of the said. bonds shall be in an amount of fiftT ercent (500} of the contract price and shall be furnished as required yp by t~ze terms of an act entitled: "An act to secure the payment of the claims of persons employed by contractors upon public works, and the claims of .persons whe furnish materials su lies, teams, implements, or machinery used or consumed pp by such contractors in the performance of such works, and prescribing the duties of certain public officers with respect thereto," approved ~iay 10,1919, as amended. Forms of bonds required may be obtained at, the office of the C~_t;~ Attorney. V Whenever any surety or sureties on any such bonds, or on any bonds re- quired by law for the protection of the claims of laborers and material men,. become insufficient, or the Mayor has cause to believe that such surety or sureties have become insufficient,a demand in writing may be made of the Contractor for such further bond or bonds or additional surety, not exceeding that originally required, as is considered necessary, considering the extent of the work remaining to be done. Thereafter no payment shall be made upon such contract to the Contractor or any assignee of the Contractor until such. further bond or bonds or additional surety has been .furnished. (f) REJECTION OF PROPOSALS CONTAINING ALTERATIONS, ERASURES OR~ IRREGULARITIES. Proposals may be rejected if they show any alterations of form, additions not called for, conditional. or .alternative bids,, incomplete bids, eras- ures or irregularities of any kind. Proposals in which the prices obviously are unbalanced may be rejected. The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals. (g) AWARD OF CONTRACT. The award of the contract, if it be awarded, will be made within thirty (30) days after the opening of the proposals. (h) E~CECUTION OF CONTRACT.,. The..contract shall be signed, by the success- ful bidder and returned, together with the contract bonds within ten (10) days, not including Sundays, after the bidder has received notice that the contract has been awarded.. No proposal shall be .considered binding upon the City until the execution of the contract. All contracts shall be considered as being made and entered into in the City. of Bakersfield, California. t~ Failure to execute a contract and file acceptable bonds as provided herein within ten (10) days, not including Sundays, after the bidder has received notice that the contract has been awarded, shall be just cause for the cancella® Lion of the award and the forfeiture of the proposal guaranty. (i) EXAMINATIONS OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS., SPECIAL PROVISIONS, AND SITE OF .WORK.. The .,bidder is required to examine carefully the site. of, the pro® posal, plans and specifications, and contract forms for the work contemplated, and it will be assumed that the bidder has investigated and is satisfied as to the conditions to be encountered, as to the character, quality, and quantities., of work to be performed and materials to be furnished, and as to the requirements of the-specifications, the special provisions, and the contract. It is mutually- agreed that the submission of a proposal shall be considered prima facie evidence that the bidder has made such examination. SECTION 2. SCOPE OF WORK (a) WORK TO BE DONE. The work to be done consists of furnishing all labor, materials, methods and processes, implements, tools and machinery, except as otherwise. specified, which are necessary and required to construct the proposed improvements, as designated in the contract. (b) ALTERATIONS. By mutual consent in writing of the parties signatory to the contract, alterations or deviation, .increases or decreases, additions or omissions, in the plans and specifications, may be made .and the same shall in no way affect or make void the contract. 3 f for accuracy of dimensions and details, and that the Contractor shall be respon- ^ sible for agreement and conformity of his working plans with the approved plans and specifications . . (c) CONFOR~IITY~WITH PLANS AND ALLOWABLE DEVIATION. Finished surfaces in all cases shall conform with the lines, grades, cross-sections, and dimensions shown on the approved plans. Deviations from the approved plans, as may be re- quired by the exigencies of construction will be determined in all cases by the Engineer and authorized in writing. (d) COORDINATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS. These specifications, the plans, special provisions, and all supplementary documents are essential parts of the contract, and a requirement occurring in one is as binding as though occurring in all. They are intended~to be cooper- ative, to describe, and to provide fora complete work, Plans shall govern- over specifications; special provisions shall govern over both specifications and plans. City specifications shall govern over State Standard Specifications. (e) INTERPRETATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Should it appear that the work to be done, or any matter relative thereto, is not sufficiently detailed or explained in these specifications, plans, and the special provisions, the con- tractor shall apply to the Engineer for such further explanations as may be necessnry, and shall conform to such explanation or interpretation as part of the. contract, so far as may be .consistent with the intent of the original speci- fications. In the event of doubt or question relative to the true meaning of the specifications, reference shall be made to the City Council, whose decision thereon shall be final. In the event of any discrepancy between any drawings and the figures written thereon, the figures shall be taken as correct. fJ {f) SUPERINTENDENCE. Whenever the contractor is not present on any part t of the work where it may be desired to give direct-ion, orders w-ill be given by .the Engineer in writings and shall be received and obeyed by the superintendent or foreman in charge of the particular work in reference to which orders are given. - (g) LINES AND GRADES. All distances and measurements are given .and will- be made in a horizontal plane. Grades are given-from the top of stakes or nails, unless otherwise noted on the plans. Three consecutive points shown on the same rate of slope must be used in common, in order to detect any variation from a straight grade, and in case any such discrepancy exists, it must be reported to the Engineer. If such a dscrep- ancy is not reported to the Engineer, the contractor shall be responsible for any error in the finished work. The contractor-shall give at least 24 hours' notice in writing when he will rewire the services of the Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. The contractor shall furnish the Engineer such facilities and labor, necessary for making and maintaining points and lines, as he may require. Labor furnished by the .contractor for such purposes will be paid for. as Extra Work. The contractor shall preserve all stakes and points set for lines, grades, or measurements of the work. in their proper places until authorized to remove them by the Engineer. All expenses incurred in replacing stakes that have been removed without proper authority shall be paid by the contractor. 5 b DEFECTIVE P~~ATERIALS. All materials not conforming to the require- sch ments of these specifications shall be considered as defective, and all u materials, whether in place or not, shall be rejected and shall be removed immed- ' tel from the. site of the work unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. No is y re'ected material, the defects of which have been subsequently corrected, shall J be used until approved in writing by the Engineer. failure on the art of the contractor to comply with any order of Upon p the En ineer made under the provisions of this article, the Engineer shall have g authorit to remove anal replace defective material and to deduct the cost of Y removal and replacement from any monies due or to become due the contractor, SECTION 5. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC LAWS TO BE OBSERVED. The contractor shall keep himself fully in- Ca) formed of all existing and. future State, and National lbws-and all municipal ordinances. and regulations of .the City of Bakersfield which in .any manner affect ed in the work or the materials, used in the work, or which those engaged or employ in an wa affect the conduct of the work, and of all such orders and decrees of Y Y bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority over the same. 0 R OF LABOR. .The contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City. (b) HUS of Bakersfield, Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic em to ed in the .execution of the contract by him, or by any subcontractor under p Y him u on an of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during P Y - which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor in ~ violation of the rovisions of Section 1810 to Section 1815, inclusive, of the P 4~ r, Labor Code . all com 1 with Section 6705 of the Labor Code (c) The contractor sh p y which rovides that the contractor's responsibility shall be as follows: p ontract rice for the project includes an expenditure in excess If the c p -five thousand dollars ($25., 000) for excavation of any trench or trenches of twenty .five feet or more in depth, the contractor or his subcontractor shall not begin . aviation unless a detailed plan, showing the design of shoring, any trench exc ra in slo in or other rovisions to be made ,for worker protection during the b e g, p g p ~ ractor to the Cit excavation of the trench, has been submitted by the cont. Y ' er and the detailed lan has been approved by the City Engineer. Engine p varies from the shoring system standards established by the. If .such .plan Construction Safet Orders of. the Division of Industrial Safety, the plan shall Y be repared by a registered civil or structural engineer. p ' ction shall be deemed to allow the use of a shorin g, .Nothing in this se ~slo in or rotective system less effective than that required by the Construc- p g~ P tion Safety Orders of ,the Division of Industrial Safety. ' 's section shall be construed to impose tort liability on Nothing in thi the awarding body or any of. its employees . works" and "award.ing body", as used in this section, . The terms public 1 have the same meaning as in Labor Code Sections 1720 and 1722 respectively. shal 7 (g) REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTORS. Before submitting bids, Contractors shall be licensed in accordance with the provisions of Section 7055 of Business ~ Professions Code. (h) .PERMITS AND LICENSES. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. (i) PATENTS. The Contractor shall assume all responsibilities arising from the use of patented materials, equipment, devices, or processes used on or incorporated in the work. (j) PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY. The Contractor shall so conduct his operations as to cause the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to public traffic. Unless .other existing streets are stipulated in the special provisions to be used as detours, all traffic shall be permitted to pass through the work. Residents along the road or street shall be provided passage as far as practicable. Convenient access- to driveways,. houses and buildings along the road or street shall be maintained and temporary crossings shall be provided and main® tamed in good condition. Not more than one cross or intersecting street or road shall-be closed at any time without the approval of the Engineer. The. Contractor shall furnish, erect, and maintain such fences, barriers, lights, and signs as are necessary to give adequate warning to the public at all times.that the improvement is under construction, and of any dangerous conditions o be encountered as a result thereof, and he shall also erect and maintain such warnings and directional signs as may be furnished by the City. - .a Full compensation for conforming to the provisions of this Section 5 shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items ~of work and no additional compensation will be~ allowed therefor. (k) ..RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE. The City of Bakersfield, the City Council, or the Engineer shall not be~answerable or accountable in any manner for any loss:. or damage that may happen to the work or any part thereof; or for any material or equipment used in performing the work, or ..for injury or damage to any.... person or persons, either workmen or the public; or for damage to adjoining property caused by the negligence of Contractor or one of his subcontractors during the progress of the work at any time before final acceptance. The Contractor shall indemnify and save ..harmless the City of Bakersfield,. the City Council., and the Engineer from .any suits, claims, or actions brought by any person or persons for or on account of any injuries or damages sustained or ara.sing in the construction of the work or in!conseauence thereof. (1) CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR ~~ORK. .Except as provided .above., unti l the formal acceptance of the work by the City Engineer, the Contractor shall have the charge and care thereof and shall bear the risk of injury or damage to any part thereof by the .action of the elements or from any other cause, whether arising from. the execution or from the non-execution of the work. The Contractor 9 Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per day for each and every calendar day's Bela Y beyond the time prescribed to complete the work; and the Contractor agrees to pay such liquidated damages as herein provided, and in case the same are not paid,- agrees that the City of Bakersfield may deduct the amount thereof from any money due or that may become due the Contractor under the contract.. It is further agreed that in case the work called for under the contract is not finished and completed in all parts, and requirements within the time specified the City Council shall have the right to extend the time for comple- tion or not, as may seem best to serve the interest of the City; and if it decides to extend the time limit for the completion of the contract, it shall further have the right to charge to the Contractor, his heirs, assigns or sureties, and to deduct from the final payment for the work, alI or any part, as it may deem proper, of the actual cost of engineering, inspection, superintendence, and other overhead expenses which are directly chargeable to the contract, and which accrue during the period of such extension, except that, the cost of final surveys and preparation of final estimate shall not be included in such charges. The Contractor shall not be assessed .with liaui-dated damages nor the cost of engineering and. inspection during any delay in the completion of the work. caused by acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the City, fire, floods, ,epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather or delays of subcontractors due to such causes; provided that the. Contractor shall within ten (10) days from the beginning of any such delay, notify the Engineer in writing of the causes of delay, who shall ascertain the facts and the extent of the delay, and his findings 'of the facts thereon shall be final and conclusive. (f) SUSPENSION OF CONTRACT. If at any time in the opinion of the City Council, the Contractor has failed to supply an adequate working force, or material o.f proper duality, or has` failed in any other respect to prosecute the work with- the diligence and force specified and intended in and by the terms of the contract,. notice thereof, in writing will be served upon him, and should he neglect or refuse to provide means fora satisfactory compliance with the contract, as directed by the Engineer, within the time specified in such notice, the City Council in any such case shall have the power to suspend the operation of the contract. Upon receiving notice of such suspension, the Contractor shall discontinue said work, or such parts of it as the City Council may designate. Upon such suspension, the Contractor's control shall terminate, and thereupon the City Council, or its .duly authorized representative, may take possession of all or any part of the Contractor's materials, tools, equipment, and appliances upon the premises, and use the same for the purpose of completing said contract, and hire such force and buy or rent such additional machinery, tools, appliances and equipment, and buy such additional materials and supplies at the `Contractor's expense as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the work and for the completion thereof; or may employ other parties to carry the contract to completion, employ the necessary workmen, substitute other machinery or materials, and purchase the materials contracted for, in such manner as the City Council may deem proper; or the City Council may annul and cancel the contract and re-let the work or any part thereof. Any excess of cost arising therefrom over and above the contract price will be charged against the Contractor and his sureties, who will be liable 11 payment shall be required to be made, when in the judgment of the City Engineer the work is not proceeding in accordance with the provisions of the contract, or when in his judgment the total value of the work done since the last estimate amounts to less than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00}. (c} FINAL PAYMENT. The City Engineer shall, after the completion of the contract, make a final estimate of the amount of work done thereunder, and. the value of such work, and the City of Bakersfield shall pay the entire sum so found to be due after deducting therefrom all prev%ous payments and alI amounts to be kept and all amounts to be retained under the. provisions of the contract. All prior partial estimates and payments shall be subject to correction in-tihe final estimate and payment. The final payment shall not be due and payable until the expiration of thirty (30} days from the date of acceptance of the work by the city Council. . It is mutually agreed between the parties to the contract that no cer® tificate given or payments made under the contract, except the final certificate or final payment., shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of the contract, either wholly or in part, against any claim of the. party of the first. part, and no payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work or improper materials. And the Contractor further agrees that the payment of the final amount. due under the contract, and the adjustment and payment for any work done in accordance with any alterations of the same,~shall release the City of Bakersfield, the City Council, and the Engineer from any and all claims or lia-° bility on account of work performed under the contract or any alteration thereof . (d} SUBSTITUTION OF SECURITIES. Whenever herein provision is made for withholding or retention of moneys to ensure performance, substitution o~ an equivalent amount (value} of securities shall be permitted in accordance with u the provisions and requirements of Government Code Section 4590. SECTION 8. PROVISIONS OF STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS this work emaraced herein shall be done inaccordance with the appro- . priate provisions of construction details, Section l0 to Section 95, "inclusive, of the Specifications entitled ''State of California, Department o~ Transportation, Standard Specifications, July, 1984," insofar as the same may apply, which specifications are hereinafter referred to ws the Standard Specifications, and in accordance with the following special provisionse Whenever in the Standard Specifications the following terms are used, they shall be understood to mean and refer to the following: Department of Transportation., CALTRANS - The Engineering Department of the City of Bakersfield. Director of Public Works - City Engineer, City of Bakersfield. Enginear - The City Engineer, acting either directly or through prop- erly authorized agents, such agents acting within the scope of the particular duties entrusted to them. Laboratory - The designated laboratory authorized by the City of Bakersfield to test materials and work involved in the contract. State -The City of Bakersfield. 13 other terms appearing in the Sta~ldard Specifications, the general pro- visions, and the special provisions, shall have the intent and meaning specified' y in Section 1, Definition of Terms of the Standard Specifications. In the event that any portion of the Standard Specifications incorporated herein shall conflict with any of the provisions delineated in the special pro- visions section herein set forth, the. provisions s.o delineated shall take prece- dence over and shall be used in lieu of such conflicting portions of the Standard specifications. SECTIQN 9. INSURANCE In addition to any other form of insurance or bonds required under the terms of the contract and specifications, the Contractor will be required to carry insur- ance of the f~?llowing kinds and amounts: contractor's public liability insurance policy for property damage, personal injury and automobile liability (j+~ith an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of California) in an amount not less than FIDE .HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS 0500,000.00), combined single-limit coverage with a T~'O MILLION DOLLAR ($2,000,000.00) umbrella policy (containing a drop, down .provision) or, in lieu thereof, a 2.5 MILLION DOLLAR combined single- limit policy. The City of Bakersfield, its mayor, council, officers, aq~ants and er~tployees shall be named as additional i nsl':reds under the policy which ,shall operate as primary Insurance. If any part of the work is sublet, similar insurance shall be prol~ided by or in behalf of the subcontractors to cover their operations. The insurance hereinbefore specified shall be carried until all ~+~a-r:{ required to be performed under the terms of the cola ract is satisfactorily, .completed as evidenced b~y the formal acceptance by the City. ~ The Contractor shall furnish the Finance Department with one (1) certified copy of each of the executed policies or a certified Certificate of Insurance. The certification. on such policies shall guarantee that the policy will not be amended, altered, modified, or canceled insofar as the coverage contem- plated hereunder is concerned, without at least five (S) days' notice. mailed by registered mail to the Finance Department, City of Bakersfield, Bake rsficld, California. The insurance herein required shall be obtained by the successful bidder and the certified copy of the policies or Certificate of Insurance furnished as herein provided, within the time fixed herein for his execution of the contract. r Full compensation for.all premiums which the Contractor and the sub- contxactors are required to pay on all the insurance described above shall 'oe considered as .included. in the prices paid for the various items of ~titark to be performed under the contract, and no additional allowance will be made therefor or far additional premiums which may be required by extension. of the policies of insurance. 14 SECTION 10. QUANTITIES The following preliminary estimate of the quantities of work to be done and materials to be furnished are approximate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids, and the City of Bakersfield does not expressly or by implication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work or to omit portions of the work that may be deemed necessary or expedi- ent by the Engineer. The provisions of Section 4-1.03B of the Standard Specifications relative to alterations not involving changes in the character of the work shall not apply to any contract item of work in this proposal. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE ITEM QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION. 1. Lump Sum Signals and Lighting 2. 3 Each Install Sign Mast Arm Hanger, Street Name Sign) 3. 790 L.F. Type M Median Curb 4. 720 L.F, Type M-2 Median Curb. 5. 245 Tons Class II Aggregate Base b. 120 Tons Asphalt Concrete, Type B 7. 825 S.F. Remove Striping SECTION I1. MATERIALS The City of Bakersfield shall furnish the street name sign panels. The Contractor shall furnish, for use under these special provisions, all materials required to~complete the attached contract. SECTION 12. DESCRIPTION-OF WORK The work to be done consists, in general, of installing. signs, modify- . ing traffic signals and lighting, and median modification. Such other items or details, not mentioned above, that are required by the plans, Standard Specifications, or these special provisions shall be per® formed, placed, constructed or installed. Said work to be done is specifically shown, marked and detailed upon a Plan entitled: TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS ON CALIFORNIA AVENUE AT STOCKDALE HIGHWAY 15 SECTION 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS (a) PUBLIC SAFETY AND PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY.- Attention is directed to Section 7 of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of this section, except as otherwise directed by the Engineer. Such provisions for public safety shall meet the minimum requirements and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Full compensation for complying with the requirements of this section shall be considered as included in the contract prices paid for the various items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. (b) OBSTRUCTIONS. Attention is directed to Section 8-1.10, "Utility and Non-.Highway Facilities," of the Standard Specifications, the plans, and the special provisions. ~~here extra work is required by-said section it shall be paid for as provided in Section 7. (a} of these specifications. TheContractor will be required to work around public utility facilities and other improvements that are to remain in place within the construction area or that are to be relocated and relocation operations have not been completed. In accordance with the provisions of Section 7-1..11, "Preservation of Property," and 7-1.12, "Responsibility for Damage," of the Standard Specifications, the Contractor will be liable to owners of such facilities and improvements for any damage or~ interference with service resulting from-conductin g his operations. The exact location of underground facilities and ,improvements within the can- struction area shall be ascertained by the Contractor before using equipment that may damage such facilities or interfere with the services. Other forces. may be engaged in moving or removing utility facilities or other improvements V or maintaining services or utilities. The Contractor shall cooperate with such forces. and conduct his operations in such a manner as to avoid any unnecessary delay or hindrance to the work being performed by other such farces., .Any delay to the Contractor due to utility relocation whether or not the utility i.s shown or correctly located on the plans wi:11 not be compPnGated for as idle time. However, additiol~al contract time commensurate with such delays may be allowed. At locations. where irrigation systems exist, the Engineer will direct the Contractor as to what steps will be required to protect the irrigation system and the area it serves. The~Cantractor shall replace the irrigation. system as directed by the Engineer. Existing land subdivision monuments and stakes shall be fully protected from damage or displacement and they shall not be disturbed unless directed by the Engineer. Except in the case of extra work, full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this article shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of work and no additional compensation will be made therefor. (c) O1~IISSIONS IN SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS. Any materials or work mentioned in the specifications and not shown on the drawings or shorn on the drawings and not mentioned in the specifications shall be of the same effect as if shown or mentioned in both. 16 Omissions from the drawings or the specifications of the materials or q details of work which are manifestly or obviousl necessar to carr out Y Y y the intent of the drawings and specifications or which ar.e customarily furnished ' or performed, shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for . furnishing such omitted materials or performing such omitted work; but shall be furnished or performed, as if fully shown or described in the drawin s or g specifications. . (d) MATERIALS. Whenever any material is specified by name and number thereof, such specifications shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of~ facilitating description of the materials and establishing quality, and shall be deemed: and construed to be followed by the words "or approved equal". ~ No substitution will be permitted other than as described herein unless authorized by the Engineer before the bids are opened. All materials shall be new and the best of their class,,~~nd kind. (e) ADJUSTMENT OF OVERHEAD COSTS. The rovi$ions of Section 9-1.0$ of p the Standard Specifications shall not apply to final cost of this contract and no final adjustment for overhead costs will be made. (f) DUST CONTROL. 1t shall be the Contractor's res onsibilit to revent p Y p a dust nuisance ~ from originating .from. the site of ~ the work as a result of his operations during the effective period of this contract. Preventative measures to be taken by the Contractor shall include but shall not be limited to the following; 1. Water shall be applied to all unpaved areas as required to prevent the surface from becoming dry enough to permit dust formation. . 2. Paved surfaces over which vehicular traffic is ermitted P . to travel shall be kept free of dirt. Temporary suspension of the ~~ork, either as a result of order b the Y Engineer, or as a result of conditions beyond :the control of the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor from-his responsibility for dust control as set forth herein. Full compensation for conforming to the re uirements of this arti q cle shall be considered as~included in the prices paid for the various contract .items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor, (g) WATERING. Furnishing and applying water shall conform to the provisions of Section 17 of the Standard Specifications exce t that full compensation therefor shall be considered as included in the prices aid for~the various contract Items f w p 0 ork and no separate payment will be made therefor.. 17 a (h} ALTERATIONS IN QUANTITY OF WORK. The provisions of Sect ion 4-1.038, ~-l. 03B~ 1 } , and ~+-1.03 ~ 2) , of the Standard ~Specificat ions relative to increases or decreases in the quantity of a contract item of work .when no change in the c haract er ~ o f t he work i s involved shall not apply to any contract item of work in this proposal and the City reserves the right to increase. or decrease the quantity of any item or portion of work as may be deemed necessary or in the best interest of the City. ~ i } WORK IN CITY STREETS. All of the work shown on the plans and included in these specifications that is located in the public streets in the City of Bakersfield shall be done in accordance with City Ordinances regulating the use of public streets within the City,. except as otherwise provided. herein. The Contractor shall inform himself as to all regulations and requirements of the City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield and shall conduct his operations in compliance therewith. ~ j) PERMITS AND LICENSES. The contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees and give all notices necessary and incidental to the .due and lawful prosecution of the work.. (k) MAINTAINING TRAFFIC . Attention is directed to Sect ions 7 -1.08 , "Public Convenience," 7-1.09, "Public Safety," and 1~2, "Construction Area traffic Control Devices," of the Standard Specifications and to the Section entitled "Public Safety" elsewhere in these general provisions, and these special provisions. Nothing in these special provisions shall be construed as relieving the Contractor from his responsibility as provided in said Section 7-1.Og. a . Lane closures shail~ conform t~o the provisions. in the section of these s ecial rovisions entitled "Traffic Control System for Lane Closure". p p Personal vehicles of the Contractor's employees shall not be parked on the traveled way or shoulders, including any section clooed to public traffic. Lanes shall not be closed between 7 ; 00 am and 8 :30 am and between x:30 pm and 6:00 pm. Except work required under said Sections 7-1.08 and 7-1.09, work that interferes with public traffic shall be performed only during .the hours shown for lane closures. The full width of the traveled way shall be open for use by public traffic on Saturdays, Sundays and designated legal holidays, after 3:00 pm on Fridays and the day preceding designated legal holidays, and. when construction operations are not actively in progress. . Designated legal holidays are: Play 26, July 4, September 1, __l~ovember 1? , November 27, ~lovember_ 28,-..December 24, December 25,__ December 31., of 1986. Traffic shall be permitted access to abutting property at all time s over the entire project limits. The Contractor shall direct and supervise traffic as instructed by the Engineer and shall .comply with the instructions and direct ions relative thereto . 18 v SECTION 15. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - STREET IMPROVEMENTS (a) DESCRIPTION. This work consists of the removal of median islands on California Avenue and Stockdale Highway, concrete removal and other miscella- neous items in conformance to the plans and these special provisions. Median modification. shall be made prior to placing asphalt overlay. (b) EXISTING HIGHWAY FACILITIES. The work performed in connection with median modifications and the various existing highway facilities shall.con- form to the provisions in Section 15, "Existing Highway Facilities," of the Standard Specifications, the plans and these special provisions. Existing facilities removed shall be disposed of in conformance to the provisions in Section 7-1..13, "Disposal of Material Outside the Highway Right of Way," of the Standard Specifications. 1. REMOVE PAVEMENT. Existing. base and bituminous surface shown on the plans to be removed shall be removed to the depths and limits shown. Resulting holes and depressions shall be backfilled with earthy material selected from excavation or imported fill to the lines and grades by the Engineer. Full compensation for removing pavement, unles-s otherwise specified in these special provisions, shall be considered as included in prices paid for the various contract items of work and no additional allowance will be made therefor. 2. REMOVE CONCRETE- & CONCRETE CURBING. Removing concrete, concrete footings, and concrete curbing shall conform to the provisions in Section 15, v "Existing Highway Facilities," the plans and-these special provisions. Full compensation for removing concrete and concrete curbing, unless otherwise specified in these special provisions, shall be considered as included in prices paid for the various contract items of work and no additional a11ow- ance will be made therefor. 3. REMOVE MEDIAN ISLANDS. Existing median islands shown on the plans to be removed shall be removed to the depths and limits shown. Resulting holes and depressions shall be filled as shown by the typical sections on these plans. Full compensation for removing median islands, unless otherwise speci- fied in these special provisions, shall be considered as included in prices paid for the various items. of work and no additional. allowance will be made therefor. 19 (c) EARTHWORK. Earthwork shall conform to the provisions in Section 19, "Earthwork," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. The relative compaction limits specified in the second paragraph in Section 19-5.03 of the Standard Specifications are amended to the limits shown on the Typical Cross Sections. Section 19-1.01 shall be amended to include A.S.T.M. D1557-10, Method_~ "C", Standard Test Method for Moisture°Density Relations of soils using 10 lb. (4.5 - kg) ramiaer and 1$" (457 - mm) drop may be used for all City Compaction Tests. 3. IMPORTED BORROW. Imported borrow shall be placed as directed by the Engineer and shall conform to the provisions of Section 19-7, "Borrow Excavation," of the Standard Specifications, the plans and these special provisions. 4. BACKFILL AND PAVEMENT PATCHING. Backfill shall be in conformance with City Standard Trench Backfill .and Compaction Requirements (see Detail 5-39 attached), except that relative compaction shall be 95% as per plans. Patches in existing pavement shall meet the City Standard for pavement patches (see Detail S-b attached). Pavement patches shall be completed prior to resurfacing., 5 . PREPARING SUBGRADE . The finished subgrade i~unediately prior to placing aggregate base thereon shall have a relative compaction of not less than 95 percent for a depth of 0.5 foot as determined by Test. Methods No. Calif. Zlb or 231. The subgrade shall be smooth and uniform and true to the required grade h and. cross sections, The surface of the grading plane at any point shall not vary more than 0.05 foot above or O.10 foot below the grade established by the. .o Engineer. . subgrade that does not conform to the above requirements shall be reshaped and recompacted to meet the specified requirements at the Contractor's expense. No separate payment for preparing subgrade will be made... Compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and equipment, and for doing. all the work necessary and required to construct the subgrade complete in place includ- ing furnishing, hauling, and applying water and compacting the subgrade to a depth of 0.5 foot shall be considered as included in the prices paid. for the various contract items of work and no additional. compensation will be allowed therefor. (d) FINISHING ROADWAY, Finishing roadway shall conform to the provi- sions of Section 22 of the Standard Specifications. Full compensation for fin- ishing roadway shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. (e) AGGREGATE BASE. .Aggregate base shall be furnished, spread and compacted in conformity with the lines, grades and dimensions shown upon the plans and in accordance with the requirements of Section 26 of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Aggregate base shall be Class 2 aggregate base conforming to the requirements of Section 26-1.02B of the Standard Specifications for 3/4 inch maximum sized aggregate. 20 FJ MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT. Aggregate base will be measured by the ton, weighed on platform scales furnished by the Contractor or on public scales, in accordance with Section 9 of the Standard Specifications. The expense of weigh- ) ing-shall be borne by the Contractor. Aggregate base will. be paid for at the contract price per ton which price shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment and for doing all the work involved in placing and compacting the_~ aggregate base, and preparing subgrade as specified in Section l4(c) (6) herein. Full compensation for furnishing and applying water as required in these specifications and special provisions and additional watering required to hold the base intact between the time of completion of compaction and the con- struction of asphalt concrete surfacing shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work and no additional allowance will be made therefor. (f) ASPHALTIC PAINT BINDER. Asphaltic paint binder shall be asphaltic emulsion and shall be furnished and applied as set forth in Section 39-4 of the Standard Specifications and at the rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard of surface covered. Furnishing all .labor, materials, tools and equipment for applying asphaltic paint binder shall be considered as included in the con- , tract price paid per ton of Asphalt Concrete Type "B" and no additional compen- sation will be allowed therefor. (g) ASPHALT CONCRETE. Asphalt concrete shall be Type "B" and shall conform to the provisions of Section 39 of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Asphalt concrete Type "B" shall have a bituminous binder of paving r asphalt of AR 4000 viscosity grade, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, and shall conform to the requirements shown in the table for "Steam-Refined Paving Asphalts" in Section 92 of the Standard Specifications. The amount of bituminous binder to be mixed with the mineral aggregate shall be between 5 percent and 7 percent. by weight of dry mineral aggregate. The exact amount of bituminous binder to be mixed with the mineral aggregate will be determined by the Engineer. The combined mineral aggregate for asphalt concrete Type B placed on the roadway shall conform to the grading specified for the 3/4" maximum, medium .grading shown in the table under Section 39-2.02 of the Standard Specifications. Asphalt concrete surfacing shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of .Section 39 of the Standard Specifications with, the following modifications: A prime coat shall not be applied to the base prior to placing asphalt concrete surfacing. At all joints between the new pavement and existing pavement, the existing pavement shall be sawcut to a vertical face and neat line. Asphalt concrete Type "B" will be measured by the ton of completed mixture in accordance with the provisions of Section 9-1.01."Measurement of Quantities," of the Standard Specifications. ZI Asphalt concrete Type B will be paid for at the contract price per ton which price shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment and for doing all the work involved in placing asphalt con- crete as specified, including sawcutting and trimming of bituminous surfacing at pavement joints. Full compensation for furnishing and applying asphaltic paint .binder shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per ton of asphalt concrete Type "B". Full compensation for placing asphalt concrete in miscellaneous area, including backfill, shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per ton of asphalt concrete Type "B". ~h) MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE. Miscellaneous concrete shall be Class B conforming to Section 13, "Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks," of the Standard Specifications, the plans and these special provisions. 22 SECTION 16 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND STREET LIGHTING (a} DESCRIPTION, Furnishing, installing and modifying traffic signals ~ and highway lighting and payment .therefor shall conform to the provisions in Section 86, "Signals and Lighting," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions Traffic signal work is to be performed at the following location: California. Avenue at Stockdale Highway (b} REi~1OVING AND REPLACING. IMPROVEMENTS. Removing and replacing im rovements shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.02, "Removing and p ~ . Replacing Improvements, of the Standard Specifications and these special • 0 ~ ~p~OV1S10nS. (c} FOUNDATIONS.. Foundations shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.03, "Foundations," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions.. The Contractar shall furnish the anchor bolts, nuts and washers to be used f.or new foundations and. shall furnish the appropriate nuts and washers for existing foundations to be reused. . ~ Existing foundations not to be reused may be abandoned, except where. removal is necessary to install a new foundation. 4 Portland cement concrete shall conform to Section 90-10, "~~Iinor eoncrete," of the Standard S ecifications~and shall contain not less than 470 pounds of p i cement per cubic yard, except for pile foundations shall contain not less than 5U4 pounds of cement per cubic yard. ~ . d CJNDUIT. Ccnd~~it shall conforr° to the provi~ ~.ons i1. Sect~.cn C ~ e a 86-Z. 05., "Conduit," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions . Insulated bonding bushings will be required on metal conduit. (e} .PULL BQXES. Pull boxes shall conform'to the provisions in Section 86-2.06, "Pull Boxes," of the Standard Specifications and these speci aI provisions. Recesses for suspension of ballasts will not be required. At locations where existing pull boxes are tao small to accommodate additional new conduit, the Contractor shall furnish and install a larger pull box. 23 (f) CONDUCTORS AND WIRING. Conductors and wiring shall conform to - the provisions in Section 86-2.08, "Conductors," and Section 86-2.09, "Wiring," ' of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Conductors shall be spliced by the use of "C" shaped compression con- . Hectors as shown on the plans. Splices shall be insulated by "Method B". Numbered sentence 2 in the first paragraph of Section 86-2.09D, "Splicing," is amended to read: 2. Pedestrian push button comm~ons in pull boxes. (g) BONDING AND GROUNDING. Bonding and grounding shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.10, "Bonding and Grounding," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. (h) SERVICE. Service shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.11, "Service", of the Standard Specifications .and these special provisions. The Engineer will arrange with the serving utility to complete service connections to service points shown on the plans and will pay all required costs and fees required by the utility. (i) TESTING. Testing shall conform to the provisions in Section j 8b-2.14, "Testing,'' of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. (j} SIGNAL FACES AND SIGNAL HEADS. Signal faces, signal. heads and auxiliary equipment, as shown on the plans,. and the installation thereof, shall conform to the provisions in Sections 86-4.01, "Vehicle Signal Faces,." 8b-4..02, "Directional Louvers," 86-4.03, ''Backplates" and. 86-4.06, "Signal Mounting Assemblies," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. .Housing, visors, directional louvers and backplates shall not be structural ,plastic. All lamps for traffic signal units shall be furnished by the Contractor. All mast arm mounted signal faces and all arrow indications shall be provided with 12-inch sections. (k) PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS. Pedestrian signals shall conform to the pro- visions in Section 86-4..05, ''Pedestrian Signal Faces," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Pedestrian signals may be reconditioned and reused on new mounting hardware. 24 (1) LUMINAIRES. Luminaires shall conform to the provisions in r Section 86-b.01, "High Intensity-Discharge Luminaires," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Luminaires shall be furnished with 200-watt high pressure sodium lamps and integral ballasts. (m) PHOTOELECTRIC CONTROLS. Photoelectric controls shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-6.07, "Photoelectric Controls, of the Standard, Specifications and these special provisions. Each luminaire shall be provided with a Type IV photoelectrical control. (n) CONTROLLERS, CABINETS AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT. The controller and cabinet assembly are existing at this location. (o) DETECTORS. Detectors shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-5, "Detectors," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. In lieu of sealing methods specified in Section 86-5.01A(5), "Installation Details," of the Standard Specifications, the Contractor may seal loops in A.C. in accordance with the following: After conductors are installed in the slots cut in the pavement, the slots shall be filled with asphaltic emulsion Type CSS-1, Section y 94, "Asphaltic Emulsion," to within 1/8 inch of the pavement surface. The emulsion shall be at least 1/2 inch thick above the top conductor in the sawcut. Plant mixed RMAS, composed of 4 to 8% MC-800 0 conforming to Section 93, "Liquid Asphalts," and aggregate of Type 'C' No. 4 max. railing, conforming to Section 39, "Asphalt Concrete," g shall be mixed with asphaltic emulsion placed in the slots and tamped,. all as .directed. by the Engineer.- Surplus materials shall be removed from the adjacent surfaces without the use of solvents. Asphaltic emulsion shall be~ applied to the filled slot and sand applied to the surface all as directed by the Engineer. Lead-in cables shall consist of 2 No. 12 copper conductors with each conductor insulated with 35 mils minimum, at any point, high molecular weight, heat-stablized, colored polyethylene. The conductors shall be twisted and the twisted pair shall be protected with a shield of tinned copper brass, or aluminium-polyester. A No. lb minimum, stranded tinned copper ground drain wire shall be provided and connected to the equipment ground within the cabinet. The cable shall be provided with a chrome vinyl outer jacket with a minimum thickness, at .any point of 37 mils. (p) PAYMENT. Payment for signals and lighting shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-8, "Payment," of the Standard. Specifications and these special provisions. Full compensation for cast-in-drilled hole concrete pile foundations shall be considered as included in the contract lump sum price paid. for the item requiring foundations and no separate payment will be made therefor. 25 SECTION 17. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - Remove Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings. a } REI'~10VE TRAFF I C STRIPES AND PAVEMENT MARK 1 NGS . Tra f f i c s tripes and pavement markings to be removed will be as shown on plans and as designated by the Engineer . Traffic stripes and pavement markings shall be removed to .the fullest extent possible from the pavement by any method that does not materially damage the surface or texture of the pavement or surfacing. Where blast cleaning is used for the removal of painted traffic stripes and pavement markings, the area shall be shielded so that no material from the blasting operation is allowed to enter the area that i s open to public traffic. Sand or other material deposited on the pavement as a result of removing traffic stripes and markings shall be removed as the work progresses. Accumulations of sand or other material which might interfere with drainage or might constitute a hazard to traffic will not be permitted. Traffic stripes shall be removed before any change is made in the traf f i c pattern. Blast cleaning for removal of traffic stripes shall be feathered out to i rreguiar and varying widths. Pavement markings shat 1 be removed by~ blas,t cleaning a rectangular -area, rather than just lettering or markings, so the old message cannot be identified. After removal of traffic stripes and pavement markings, a fog seal coat shall be applied in conformance-with the provisions in Section 37, "Bituminous Seals," of the Standard Specifications and the following: In traffic stripe removal areas, the .fog seal coat shall be applied over the traffic stripe removal area and to irregular and varying widths with an average width of Z feet on each side of the blast cleaned traffic stripe .removal area. In pavement marking removal areas, the fog seal coat shall be applied ~to the blast cleaned rectangular area. Full compensation for furnishing and applying fog seal coat as specified herein shall be conside-red as included in the contract price paid per square foot. for remova 1 of traffic s tripe and pavement ma rk i ng ~ and no separate payment w i 11 be made therefor. Nothing in these special provisions shall relieve the Contractor from his responsibilities as provided in Section 7-1.09, "Public Safety," of the Standard Specifications. b) ORDER OF WORK. Order of work shat i conform to the provisions in Section 5-1.05, "Order of Work,'' of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Pavement delineation shall be replaced by temporary delineation before opening the traveled way to public traffic. Temporary delineation shall consi$t of reflective traffic line tape applied in pieces not less than 4 inches long nor less' than 4 inches wide spaced no more than 10 feet apart on curve nor more than ZO feet apart on tangents. Reflective traffic line tape shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Temporary delineation shall 2h be the same color as the permanent delineation. Full compensation for temporary delineation shall be considered as included. in the prices paid for the contract items of work that obliterated the existing delineation .and no separate payment will be made therefor. Existing striping to be removed shall be removed before any modification to medians.. Pavement delineation removal shall be coordinated with temporary delineation so .that a ane linen are provided. at all times on traveled ways open to public traffic. c) MEASUREMENT AND PAY~~ENT, Quantities of traffic stripe removed will be determined by thh width of the stripe pluse O.b7-foot multiplied by the length of the stripe. The space between double traffic stripes will be measured as painted traffic. stripe. Quantities of pavement markings removed will be determined by the actual size of the rectangle measured in square feet. Removing of traffic stripes will be paid for at the contract unit .pride per square foot for the actual area of authorized stripe removal. -The contract unit price per square foot shall include full compensa- tion for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, signs and fors doing all work necesary for removing existing striping as shown on plan and as directed by the Engineer. s 27 SECTION 18. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - ROADSIDE SIGNS (a) ROADSIDE SIGNS. Roadside signs shall conform to the provisions in Section 5b-2, "Roadside Signs," of the Standard Specifications and these spe- cial provisions. Sign panels are existing and shall be removed from existing mast-arms and reused with new mast-arm hangers.. Mast-arm hangers shall be furnished by the Contractor. Roadside signs shall be installed by mast-arm hanger methods as shown on Standard Plan Sheet TS-3, 3A (Street Name Sign), or acceptable equal such as Hawkins M10J Series swinging sign bracket. (b) PAYMENT. Payment per unit for installing sign (Mast-arm Hanger, Street Name Sign) shall conform to the provisions in Section Sb-2.Qb, "Payment," of the Standard Specifications. SECTION 19. SPECIAL PROVISIONS -.GUARANTEE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET LIGHTING SYSTEMS (a) GUARANTEE. The Contractor shall furnish a written guarantee to -thee City on the form attached, guaranteeing all systems, except traffic signal lamps, installed under this contract for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work. The guarantee, properly executed, shall be filed with the City before notice of completion and final acceptance is made by the City of the work described on the plans and these special provisions. (b) .PAYMENT. The .lump sum prices paid for installation of traffic signal and. street lighting systems. shall include full .compensation. for furnish- ing the guarantee as required in this section. 28 ?ournShio , See tio~ h'~i/roacf or proper Line levee _ 1c'i hf of k/ay Lyre 9 Wall Pro'ecf Centerline J _ _ _ Culverf ~ r...._ _ ~ . _ _ _ _ _ _ Ex1 st/nq ~o~qe o f Pavcmenf ~1ea~9e Fence safe Dr.~id~ou~ ?rcc . x---•--x x------x ~ card /f'ai 1 ~vcrgreen Tree f • ~ ~onu/1'fCl1~' fufure~ Y W 1~/afcr Line ~ 5~ryiee i'olE - - ~'as Cie Power fble G 0 di / C i rye Q W. M. 1n/dfer ~1etcr B T---- - Buried. Telc bane Cade ~ W. V. 1,~ater~ V`a1~e~ P - - - - Buried ,dower Cade ~ F ~i. F re ~ c~ra~~` ~P ~ Sewer Lime " Q G. M. ~a~ ,fie ter s . o o Aerial Inlirc ~ G. tl. Cas l~a~i~e ~ Aerial Ca61e . 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Color;.',':~ ~ •~Porllond , Ceml~M ' ~ : , : ~ ~ ~ ;and finish to mvtch ; : G'oncrEte ~ ' ~ od%oc~nt porernenl. ; i 3 S!llCt A~IOrl7141 0 0 • (!I /rQrli/1~d1 ~ • Bocklill PATCH IN CONCRETE, SURFACE . , • Aspholti~cpo~1 Asp~hollic paint • birder I~ Sow Cu/ bindrr oS ire e.'sur ocrh * ~ ~ ' • xl~sllriQ ~ OS Gf1~`'Carrcrlte • ~~'.'~'loss~ A,.~S soc~r~• PQr~orid ;x Y. k ' ~r • • ~,~j~•~ilnrlnl• ~oncrrto;' ~:i.i~•!•'•~' ~'r . s Sllect Mote>ryo1 ~ (If regtr~red~ 8ocklill PATCH !N ASPHALT CONCRETE .SURFACE MARE THAN 3" IN THICKNESS . ~ ' GENERAL MDTFS.' As~hoh►c awr! „ Aapho/hc posit y b►no~0► i~ Sow. Cul binder . , , . , All. workmonship and mottr~o/s shoo • ~•'r+~~ty ~t'~~; ~ti~ ► , osptio/t' ~on~crPt~ ~«'~r~ • xi tinQ:.aS,o a c10na ~/orm~ la 11tE regvirrnt~nts st/ loath in . ~ ~ • •y1 ~y~/ L • 4 ' ►r Ir,. b f ~1 +h~.~~,'! ~~i~~ , 1~'• ~ ~~••'~/Sr~t . M ~ ~i' A}~•~:~;•~ ~ ,t~r~' :~~f, • , the Stonarard Splcrficoticvfs 51010 of , • ` ~ ~ ~ + .Colilornio, 0lporlrnln,~ al PobliC H~brks. 6" ~r~lre+otrd rock Bose , } Dirrs~on of Highwoysr ` t•' ' ~ Sow cats. of orr oprning in ospho/l ~ concrtte 3 or mae inches in /hitkrr~ss s~. ; Select tiloteriol ~ ~ moy b! modr when the concrete s , (l/ rrgtniedl ~ pott~ly hos cured and is rrody to ~ rrcrire the os~vto/l Ca~crefr surfa►car~ Bockfil! ~ Sow cuts sboll be~ mwde parofle! or al right onQ/es l0 1h~ canlerl~ne~~ of than PATCH IN ASPHALT CONCRETE. SURFACE - LESS THAN 3N IN THICKNESS oeplh of select mot0riol if required . - ~ sho/l be drtrinrined in tl~~ field b,~ '1hr Engineer ,r-AspholM'c point binder k ospholt co~nccrete moor swkfoces, asaha►t . ..:,:f°,~,4:: :~f°~;:~~:~ ~ •~i .rrs ~ . roo ~ • carcrete surfoung shoo b0 mixed with ~ gs~al~ CGrrcre a n9. ; ~ , , pav,;r~ 9rodr ospho/t, sumo ink ~ ~ , • t M t . , ; Potches less lhon feol from ~ Se ce o Trio/ existing potcher, .edges of poKenrent, • , (ll requiredl ~ , . ~ ' ' or gsrtte0 sho/i be !xltndrd to Inch~de~ the inhrm~diotr iso/4tiirQ str~ of existing porer»rnt, - ~ eo~krn Minimum kh width shot! br Z fit of - ~ ~ .its smolkst dimensiov~ • PATCH IN ROAQ MIXED SURFACE • T, J. tit. 1iE~fENT PATC~E~ ~'""'JQN. PAS ..~w. . s,rr eu~ NAB , CITY OF~ @AKERSFIELD ~ ~ . - EN~INEERfNG DEPARTMENT' illl Mww~w ' finish Grodt~~~•'''~••~'' • ~ 8ackfill c~ompxted 1a 9►Ox relohi~ ' ` ~ compactran be/wren existrrg ar lut~rP ~ bock of eta►b lines o/ stret/s or exrStin~► i ti a fuhxe rightal wqy lints ar ollty~ 8or~fill c~ov~octed 10 fix reloh~t f, t~a►nportx~ in al! other a~~ . % 0 ~ . ~ Bocklill canoo+cttd td g3x ' • 3 ~ . ~ ~ rt/otiVe Compaction t . u ~ ~ ~ Upotr limit of pipe ,tape sho/l be twt/vt (t?1 ' lZ"Mox ~~'"Mox, r inches obovt t Qf i beN a tht Owiside ~ 6"Mint ~ 6"Mitt ~ p pe,. diom~ter of p/oin ead prp~ y _ _ Pipe Lone, Boclrf~l canpocttd to B5~ rtlotivr cornpoctiar ~ /r ~ ~/s~ . . ~ '~p~i~` CGhd~lit NOTES: l All work sho/l conform !o Pub opp/icob/t setfioRS of Pub 4 Testing of boclrfiN moteriofs and ~canooctia~ spoil bye u~ specificoti~s entitled Stondord Sptc~ficotrons, Sbte of occordonce with the Jests listed. in Section t9-L01 of the . ~ Coli/a►aio, Qtportment of Ptiblr'c Worlrs, Div~'sioR of H~liwnys" S/orrdord SpECificotions ~ ' Z Bock/ill moteriol within Iht pipe Iqn shop lx fret of S Eoch loytr of b~Ffilt moteriof shop meet the compocliavt, f dele/ericws mo/erio/ and shot/ hove. o Sand Egaivo%n1 of Bond egr~iv~o/tnt and 9radati~ requirements before tht . . not kss thou .and sho// ca►fornt >b tht idlowmg grodia9; next toyer is p/a+ced ~ . • i i s r nlogt in 100 ~ S Refer 1d City ai Bokt+rsfreld Stoadord tl►owiag S-6 fdr /Nf~a ~ 55'l4~4~ povtRxi►~t polches within pnvtd areos !IK ~ This boclrfill motrrio/ shod be placrd in trot to exceed two t~ l21 /Dyers, snnultoatous/y on eneh side of Mn pipe in such o moaner os not ~ damog~ ~ distu►b the pviot or its • ~ olignnnat and g~?d a Eoch layer shop bt thc~•~t ~u~h/y ~np- octed by %looding, mechani~l tompibg a by o cambiaotiort 01 /here mt1h~ 8ocklill moltriol obovE /ht p~ lone shall bt lrer of de/tterior~s mo/erio/s Dad lumps or slants txteedng 1hrK • inChts rn greoltst dimension and shall bt placed in ~GI >a exceed /ou► Toot (4~ layers and exh toyer shall bt ~'~9hh' caflpocted by i/oadiag► ietri~g a► mtchonicol tompiag or° by o cambmot~ of these methods However ~ flooding vnd jelling shot! orrry► bt ollowtd oh boc~fil! mo~et►iol ~ ' hova~g a Sand Equivo/trrf of not less Ihen 2~t ' srQNOQ~/ M~ ~J Jul 2T/9Tl . ~RENCf~~,~CK~1LL . Q Ew.r~ ~o co~~~c rioN R~C~IIf~E~I~'l~T~ ~x~r Nont AMMr4 CITY CAF BAtC~RS~I~LD ~ cA~.~FO~~rA ~-39 ~ ENGINE~RIN€s O~~ART'M~tT PROPOSAL FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS ON CALIFORNIA AVENUE AT STOCKDALE HIGHWAY To the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield: The undersigned, as bidder, declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that this pro- posal is made without collusion with any other person, firm or corporation; that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, the annexed pro- posed form of contract and the plans therein referred to; and he proposes and agrees if this proposal is accepted, that he will contract with the City of~ Bakersfield, in the prescribed form of contract hereto annexed, to provide all necessary machinery, tools, apparatus and other means of construction and to do all the work and furnish all the materials in accordance with the plans and spe- cifications for the above, filed in the office of the Finance Director of the. City of Bakersfield and as specified in the contract, in the manner and time therein prescribed, and according to the requirements of the Engineer as therein set forth, and that he will take in full payment therefor the unit prices or lump sums set forth in the following schedule: In-case of a discrepancy between words and figures, the words shall prevail; and in case of discrepancies between unit prices and totals, the unit prices shall prevail. The undersigned further agrees. that in case of default in executing the required contract, with necessary bonds, within ten X10} days, not including. Sunday, after having received notice that the contract is ready for signature, the proceeds of the check or bid bond accompanying his bid shall become the pro- perty of the City of Bakersfield. Bidaer acknowledges receipt of the following addendum: ITEM APPROx. ITEM WITH LUMP SUM PRICE UNIT N0. QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL 1. Lump .Sum Signals and lighting, complete in place for the Lump sum of . 2. 3 Each, Relocate street name sign Mast-arm hanger, street name sign, at Each SIGNED ~ er Page 1 of 2 PROPOSAL FOR: TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATION ON CALIFORNIA AVENUE AT STOCKDALE HIGHWAY ` ITEM WITH LUMP SUM PRICE UNIT ITEM APPROX. N0. QUANTITY ~ WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL 3. 790 Linear Feet, Type M Median Curb, at Per L.F. 4. 720 Linear Feet, Type M-2 Median Curb, at Per L.F. 5. 245 Tons, Class II Aggregate Base,. at Per Ton 6. 120 Tons, Asphalt Concrete, Type B, at _ - Per Ton 7. 825, Square Feet, Remove striping, . at J i Per S.F. TOTAL _ - SIGNED _ Bidder Page 2 of 2 pages . ..p.►.w...r~' ~ ° . r'` t~CCOQlpSll~'f tl~ t 111: p r a p o s a l l s.. ............................WN...I..I.......N.....NN......1.......• r: i».~el~t t~l~ tiliOl't~s «t~11 ~~...•...01......MN1..~~~ C~eCMtl/ ttCgr~~ ~NOTZC ~ ual to at~ fled. cheek,'' or "bidder's bond, as the ra~e~e mad bob. ~u amount eq lest tea ~rcent of the total o! ~tbe bid. ' ~ of all ' i~ona intereat~i Iu the lore~iug proposal a$ prim . Tve nani~.a ~ • . cip~ are a$ follo~►e . ' If bidder or other interested person is a cor- t ~ot~~~. ins oxtan poratran, state jegal name of eorporatlon, . also names of the. president, secretary, treasurer, and manager thereof ; if a ~ cv artnershi ,state true name of firm, also names. of all.individual copart- P P • ' r other interested rson~ is an individual, Hers composing firm, if bidder o Pe state f first and last names m f uU. .1..N... •0............................... ••~.N •iNN..O.O...i .............O..NN.a.............1... N.N..M.........1...... N~i• ..~.........0............... •........0..•.......•...N..e.a...NNO.....~......N.....sl.N..N.. N........... N...NN.NN... A... ~ s t e. •.......0.......•......••.....•...e.•0......f.......•NOI.....•O.O.O........1.....••.......I...e..........1.....1•.....I. 1.... • ~ • ti .....x...0...4..................0 ..............0.......0.........0 •0........N.O....•..•..•N...1.........I..N...........0.....1.~ Licensed in accordance with an act providing far the reg~traton of Contractor's Incense No..... ...............................,.............N.......... N...•...NN..•N.•N.NN.N.NI.N.NN•N.N......1....N..M..N...........NMN..• SIGN. •...M........... N.INN..NI..•M......MM..WN~•M.N~tI.PMw.M~/O/a...1.~..../N...1./M~ HERE ...................N...1...~N...•NNE.....N...N•/...1NNI......1..0.1... s.....N1.• Signature of Bidder • xOYL--tt bidder ti o eotoorettes, tse lefal some et tse eorpetstte:: ~ltafl be stt iertb above to~ettier with tbs Ngaaeur• o! the. elttesr et ottktro aytlatftod to tlge toatrart= oe bebati at ttie aorperot~ea: bidder 1s a eoparteersblp. the true some of the that tQaJ! De tet :ortti abe+e togMAet *tth Ibe rigneturo at the pattaer or partners authort:ed to llgs coettarts fa bobatt o! tbt eopatteotshJp: and tt bidd*r U as tadl+Idttial, hlo ilgeatare rf~af! b• placed chore, it tlgaatnre is • as agoet, ether than an otlletr of a ecrperabae or a a+eeabor of o pareaoreblp, a Poser of llttsrseY n+wt ho oe ,ifte Mrttit the CItY Clerlt of ttie CItY of 3alcettilela prior io opeaiaq bldo. or • wbotttei wttt tits b►d: other+etae. tl#e bid wUt be dlu~orde0 as Ittegt;lat and veovtl~tlsed. . j • Business address •N........M.......I.1.......1.. • N..1...........1..I....N • 1 • . • Place of residence....... ......................................NN.........,.N........:............e.. r~+~ - 4W%&i%+r ...•..•s ..............~.~~..•N~~s~.N~~N ~~.~N •.N~~~.~NN~N~N.. a 9 ~~at necessary ir' cash or c;uritied check s ~~,i45~ ~iCa ~i`~t0~+' .~L~. i'1 ~3~ ~FSE P~ES~IV'~'S 'x nat we as principal, and as surety, nd firrr~l bound unto t~e Cit of 13al:ersf field, a body politic and corporate of the State of are held a y Y California in the sure of dollars ~ to be paid to said .City, ~or Which payment, •~,~•ell and truly to be made; we ~ . , •w; ~ ;~ssi~=~.s 'ointl;r zncl ,severall by ornd ourselves ; our :~e.r ~..~z~.crtors ~~r~ a~,,~~,~:,~rr~~v.ra, ~,,.,.ti~,.:..o_~ r ~ J d Y d l~E C~l~~~ ~'~~~1 '~~5~ ~1~1JiCat~~'~~1~ 1S ~~~Cx~ What ii the certain propa~al, hereunto annexed , to construct certain work and improvements zn the Ci of L~al`ersfield as re4'erred to in the Notice to Contractors attached herAta, i5 accepted b the Council of said City and if the above bounden principal, heirs, executors, administrators, suc~ y eessors and assigns, shall duly enter into and execute a contract, to construct said improvements , aforementioned, and shall execute and. deliver the two bonds required by law, within ten days tnot including Sunday} from the date of a r°.otice to the above bounden principal, that said contract is ready xecution then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise it shad be and remain in full fore , force and effect. jj~j ~VI~'i~'~SS `~+I~ERE~F, we have hereunto set our hands and seals }his .r.___._day ~ of , :~a.'~ . 1 ~ (Seal) Seal) Seal} ~ Seal } ~ Scal ) z ~ ~ LIST OF SUBwC0~~1TRACTGRS All persons or parties subfi~ittirg a bid proposal on the - project shall ca~r~plete the follu~~ing fora, setti:~g forth tree name and the location of the mill, shop or office of each sub-contractor ~~l~o will perforr~z ~~~ork ar labor or. render service to tre contractor in or about the ccnstr~Iction of the i~~ork or im,prave~ent in excess of one-r.~►lf of ore percent of prime contractor's total bid, and the portion of the work which wi,l.l be done b~~ earh sub-contractor. This list is to be co~:pleted and stab~itted ~•ith. said bid proposal. The Sublettinc and Subcontracting Fair Prac ices Act ~~overn- ment~ CodL Sect ion, 41G 0 et s~a.s ~.ppl ies to all contracts except th^se for construction, ir~pravement or repair of streets or hich~~a.~•s, including br~.aaes, and applies t.o such: contr~~cts as to the ~artio~.s tr~reoz coverinc street ligr.t-~ ink and traffic aignals, If a contractor fails to specif~~ a suu~ont.-rG•.ctor fcr arid, pc~rt~.an of the z~,or: to be perfoLmec, under th,c co~tr~.ct, he shall be Jeered tc~ havE Grreed that rle is fully ~~~:~;lified to L~erfarm that p~~rt~.on ~~i~~~:e~.f ~nG that he shall per`orl~ suer: part ion himself, ~r~d ne s hall not be p~rm.itted to sub-cc~ntr~:ct that por ticn of the ~•~cr:~ exc~`~~►t . as authorized by Section ~10~ of the Calilorni~, Uvv~ernment Code D I <<I 5 I C~I~I CAF ~AI~E OF SU~~CC'~'~TP.ACTOP, ADDP.ESS t~~rCFK ITVCL~'~'L~ a 9 GUARANTEE . TRAFFIC SIGNAL EpUIPMENT . City of Bake rs f i e i d ~ ~ ~ • Department of Public Works eakersf field, Cai i ~l•ornia - In accordance.with the terms of Contract Na. ,for the Prol.ect: e t awarded on ,between the City of gakersf laid, hereinafter referred ~to as the City ,and .the undersigned, which contract provides for the i nsta ~ l at i on of l i ght i nq andlor traffic signal system ,and uncle r ~rh i ch contract the undersigned has furnished and instal led such system, .the poi lowing guarantee of the said system i s herreby made. ~ . _ Should any of the equipment installed pursuant to said. contract, except lighting elements, prove defective or should the system as a whole prove defective, i due to faulty ~rorkmanship, material furnished, or method of installation, or shoo 1 d said system or any part -that. eof fail to operate, as p l armed, due to any of the above causes, all w; thin one ~l} year after date on which said contract is accepted by the City, the undersigned agrees to reimburse the City, upon ' demand, for its expenses incurred in restoring said systems to the condition contemplated in said contract, including the cost of any equipment or materials: replaced, or, upon demand by the City, to replace any such. equipment and repair _ sand syster7s completely without cost to the City, so that they will operate successful l}~ :~s origina3 ly contemplated. ~ ~ - . . T'~e C i tt~ shat 1 have the opt ion tomake any needed reps i rs oa replacements i tse ~ f ~~r tc r': ~i~~ such rep i acements or reps + rs done by the unders i tined. Prior to rtp i ac ~ ~ r. cr reoa i r ~Yor~ ~e i hg done by the City, the uncle rs i geed s`~a i i have the 4p t ~ Oil t~ 1T:3~e a.ny needed repairs or rep 1 acements . I n the event the i t~, a !acts to have ~a i ~~~~nN'< per for; ;e~ dy t,~e undersigned, the ur~~c~ers i gried agr :es thot the repa: rs na : c:or,^enr~ to b~ :~aue 2nd such r~3ter r a i s as are necessa r},~ sha i i ;:omrnerce to be fu rn i sre+~~ end i r:~ to i ; ed ~a ;thin Twenty~rour ~2~} hours. of the da 4¢ sp2ci f i ed i n thL City's ~ i ~ ~cn no t i f i cat. ► on . Contractor shall prosecute w i t.h due d i i i ence to g Corp l at e t k w i th i n Q reasonab l e period of time, as specified i n the City' s wr i teen nc: ' r c.at i on. Said system will be deemeai defective within the mean i ng of this ua~artee . g ~n the event that they fail to operate as or~g~nally intended by the manufacturers thereof and in accordance ~lith the plans and specifications included in said :antract. . ~ ~ Contractor`s Signature . - - Firm i Add res s - - . ~ - ~ Date