HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Special Provisions Project MAVDco~Y vc~. CITY OF BARERSFIELD CALIFORNIA SPECIFICATIONS INFORNtATION TO BIDDERS SPECIAL PROVISIONS BID PROPOSAL FQR ~~~~~~~§~~9~~~~5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~§§~~~~~~~~~5~9~~~~~~~~~~~5~~5~5~~~~ ~ T~'FIC SISAL SYSTEM OOh1 MING AVENUE SAT VALHALLA ~ DRIVE AND MEDIAN MODIFICATIONS O~ MINA AVI~NUE ~ ~ BETWEEN PAINTREE CGURT AND ~~ASTI-ACRES DRIVE ~ ~ ~5 9~ - ~ § ~ BID DA~`E JANt3ARY 5 ~ 19 8 ~ 2 ~ 0 0"`P u l'1 ~ ~ DEPART'MEN'T OF PUBLIC WORD .CITY OF B~RSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1501 TRU~rUN AVENUE BARERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 D3 :1;MAVD GG;~ Addendum No. 1 Sheet 1 of 3 PROJECT: Traffic Signal System on Ming Avene at Valhalla Drive BID OPENING DATE: January 5, 1989 2:00 PM NOTICE Z~ ALL CONTRACTORS BIDDING THIS WORK You are hereby notified of the following changes and/or additions to the Plans and Specifications. Such changes and/or additions are hereby made apart of the Plans and Specifications and shall take precedence over anything to the contrary there~.n. REVISION PLANS No Changes SPECIFICvATIONS l~ Pg. 2, increase working days from 35 to 40. 2} Delete Pg. 26. 3~ Page 31, Add Articles (k~ and {17 to Section 14 as follows: (k) EARTHWORK. Earthwork shall conform to the provisions in Section Section 19, "Earthwork," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Full compensation for earthwork, roadway excavation, structural. excava- tion and backfill, imported borrow, compaction and all related earthwork activities shall be consa.dered as included in the contract prices .paid for the various items of work and no additional com~~ensa- tion will be allowed therefore. (l7 MODIFY EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM. The work performed in connection with the irrigation system shall conform to Section 20, "Erosion Control and Highway Planting" of the. Standard Specie ications, Section 15, "Existing Highway Facilities" of''the Standard Specificationn and these special provisions. 7.~his work involves the realignment of median irrigation lines by place- ment of new PVC lines at locations shown on the plans. 4;ADD,MING ~4 Before irrigation work is started, the existing irrigation systems to remain shall be checked for proper operation. Any repairs ordered by the Engineer after checking of the systems, and any further repairs required thereafter as ordered by the Engineer, will be paid as extra . work as provided for in Section 7 of these .specifications. Where damage to existing irrigation facilities is caused by the Contractor's operations, the Contractor shall, at his expense, repair or replace damaged facilities promptly. Should the Contractor fail to rform the required repairs or replacements, the cost of performing such repairs or replacements will be deducted from any moneys due or to become due the Contractor. Portions of the existing irrigation system permanently removed from the system, shown on the plan to be capped, may be abandoned in place if said facilities are more than 6 inches below the grading plane, otherwise, said facilities shall be removed. Imanediately after disconnecting an existing irrigation facility to be removed from a facility that is to remain in place, the remaining facility shall be connected to the new .irrigation facility, capped, or plugged. , Full c nsation for checking and removing irrigation facilities shall be considered as included in the contract prices paid per linear foot for the various sizes of plastic pipe and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. Placing irrigation lines will be measured and paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot of plastic pipe of the size and type desig- nated in the Engineer's estimate. 4) Page 18, Section 10, Quantities, Add the following items: 14. 175 L.F, 1" Schedule 40 PVC Plastic Pipe 15. 415 L.F. 1.25" Schedule 40 PVC Plastic Pipe 16. 150 L.F. 1.5" Schedule 40 PVC Plastic Pipe 5) Page 33, .Article ~i) TESTING. Add the following paragraph: The signal shall not be placed in flashing mode, with signal faces . uncovered, prior to the Functional Test. 6) Bid Proposal, Page 3 of 3. Replace with the attached revised Page 3. NOTE: All Contractors bidding this work shall denote in their proposal that they have received Addendum No. 1 and bids shall reflect these revisions. APPROVED BY A / ' 1 Step e alker Darlene Wisham Traffic Engineer Purchasing Officer 4:ADD.MING2 PAGE 2 of 3 e, PROPOSAL FOR: Traffic Signal System on Ming Avenue at Valhalla Drive and Median Modifications on Ming Avenue between.Raintree Court and Hasti-Acres Drive. ITEM APPROX. ITEM WITH LUMP SUM PRICE UNIT NO. QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE .TOTAL 11 2 Raise Survey Monuments . _ _ Each. 12 2 Install~Survey Monuments . Each 13 25 Install regulatory signs Each 14 175 1" Schedule 40, PVC Pi Per L.F. 15 415 1.25" Schedule 40, PVC Pi - PER L.F. _ 16 150 1.5" Schedule 0 PVC Pi PER L.F. .w - TOTAL SIGNED _ _ Bidder Page 3 of 3 pages. D3:1:MAVD.41 PAGE 3 of 3 ADDENDUM N0. 1 PROPOSAL FOR: Traffic Signal System on Ming Avenue at Valhalla Drive and Median ' ions on Min Avenue between Raintree Court and Hasti-Acres Drive. Modlf a.cat g ITEM WITH LUMP SUM PRICE UNIT ' ITEM APPROX. . N0. QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE ,TOTAL 11 2 Raise Surve Monuments - _ Each. 12 2 Install Survey Monuments Each 13 25 Install regulatory signs Each 14 175 1" Schedule 40, PVC Pi . Per L.F. 15 415 1.25" Schedule 40, PVC Pi PER L.F. - 16 150 1.5~ Schedule 0 PVC Pipe PER L.F. TOTAL SIC~IED _ Bidder Page 3 of 3 pages. D3:1:MAVD.41 PAGE 3 0~ 3 ADDENDUM N0. 1 x Addendum No.2 Sheet 1 of 1 PRQTECT: Traffic Signal System on Ming Ave. at Valhalla Drive BID OPENING DATE: January 5, 1989 2:00 P.M. NOTICE TO ALL CONTRACTORS BIDDING THIS WORK You are hereby notified of the following changes and/or additions to the Plans and Specifications. Such changes and/or additions are hereby made apart of the Plans and Specifications and shall take precedence over anything to the contrary therein. REVISION: PLANS Sheet No. 4 ~ Change references to Sign R-7 "KEEP RIGHT", to sign R-41 "RIGHT TCJRN ONLY" SPECIFICATIONS ~1~ Page 36, SECTION 16. Add the following paragraph: Signs on median worms shall be installed per Detail T-9 of the City Design Manual, attached. NOTE: All Contractors bidding this work shall denote in their proposal that they have received Addendum No. 2 and bids shall reflect these revisions APPROVED BY raff is Engineer Purchasing Officer Stephen Talker Darlene Wisham 4:A.VALHALA GG:wrn PAGE 1 of 1 Addendum No. 2 _ CURVE DATA ~ = 42'6' 12" ~ = 42'6' 1 '2" R=2.oo' R=6o.o0' L = 1.47' L = 44.09' T = 0.77' T = 23.09' 1' RAD 41.57 10 R11 TYPE "K~ MARKER 2:10 FLARE 18' - - _ _ R10 4' 80'RAD 1' RAD 2'RAD CENTERLINE DRIVEWAY OR STREET _SIGN MOUNTING DETAIL ~ R11 ~R1 CENTER _ OF SIGN _ 2' FlNISH GRADE LEGEND TO SIGNS c~ASS e ' 2~ GALV. STEEL PCC ~ ~ 2' R1 a DENOTES "ONE WAY" PIPE, TYPE B.S.S. • 3" . . SIGN PER CALTRANS TRAFFIC 4 ' MANUAL REVISED 12 21 88 R11 -DENOTES »DO NOT o~~ ENTER" SIGN PER CALTRANS SUBDIVISION DESIGN MANUAL TRAFFIC MANUAL 4NE-WAY MEDIAN OPENING WITH TYPE "K~ MARKER SHALL BE 18' WIDE MEDIAN SCA`~ N~ FLEXIBLE POST MARKER YELLOW APPROVED sr~r Na. 0 N WHITE PER CA LTR AN S crrY of {~aKERS~E~ TRAFFIC MANUAL. C'4LlF~RN~A _g T cmr ~Nar~R E~aNEaz~~c PROc"~RESS of THE ~ AND TIME FOR CoM~'I~TION. Anent .ion is directed to ~e ~ revisions of Section 8, 8-°1.03, '~~egin~,ng of ~~ork, " ~~rtic~.~ 8°1.0~, "T~.me ~ ~ ~ _ » ~ ~ S tandar of Completion and Article 8 1.07, Llquldated Damaq~s, of the d S cifications; and is specifically Hereby made a part of these special prov~.slons. The first paragraph of Section ~-1.03, 'iHeginning of ~~~ork, " of the Standard Specifications, is amended to read: The Contractor shah. begin work within f i.f teen (15 ~ days after receiving written notice the contract has been approved by the City Council and to proceed. The Contractor shall diligently prosecute the. same to camplztion before the expiration of 35 working .days. Contract working .days will cori~ner~ce from the date the Contractor begins work or the~l5th calendar day from the dale of the written notice to proceed, whichever comes first. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with a state~ent fry the vendor that. the order for the -electrical materials required for this contract has been_..r~ceiv~d and accepted by said vendor, and said statez~nt shall be furnished within fifteen ~ ].5 ~ calendar days from the date of tL~.e contract. Said statement shall.. sho~r the date or dates the electrical materials will b~ shipped# t No work shall begin on the project until ail components.-necessar~T . ' for o ratir~r~ of the signal system are on hand. The Contractor will bs ~ , ranted an e.~ter~sion of t~.me and will not be ass~ss~d ~~.th .~~qu~.dated g damages car the cast o~ engineering and inspection for any portion of the, delay in conk le t i on of the ~aorlt qau se d by manufacturing time . The n~unbe ~ ;~f da ~ extension shall be the worl~ing days between the date as determined Y according to Special Previsions Section 4--1.01 ..and. t~~e date of receipt of all cor►~onents as determined b~ the Engineer. Upon race ipt of ail components, the Contractor sha1.1 notify the Enginee~~ i~z writing and the Engineer will order start of work. in writing. e Full co er~sation fore conforming to the rig irement~ of above paraq~aph sha~.l be considered as included in the pr~.ces pa~.d for the various items of work and no additional allowance will be made therefor, CITE OF S.~~ERSFIELD, CA~IFOIA DEPARTMEi~T of PUBLIC woRKS SFC'T:~OI~ PROPOSAL RE~UInE~'~~NTS a) GE~EPAL I~FORMATI0~1. The Purchasing Officer of the City of Bakersf field, California, will receive at her office, City Hall, in said City, until 2 o'clock P.M. on January 5, 199 sealed proposals for - Traf f is Signal. System on Minq Avenue at Valhalla Drive and Median Modif icatons on Ming Avenue between Raintree Court and Hasti-Acrd Drive. ~ ~ ~ PROPt~SAL FORM. All proposals must be made upon :blank forms, to be obtained from the Purchasing Officer, the form of which appears herein~r:~edi- ately fc~~.loT~ing these specifications. ill. proposals must.. give the prices pro~- posed, both ~.n writ-ng and f inures, and must be signed by the bidden, with his . address. If the proposal is made by ~n indi~~dual, his name and post office add~e~s must, be shown.. If :.made by a f a.rm or partnership, the name and post of fic~ address of each member of the firm or partnership must be shown.. If .made by a corporation, the proposal ?st show the naves of the etate ender .the laws of -which the corporation was; chartered ar~d tine names, titles, and busi-° . ness addresses:.©f thepresident,. secretary and treasurer. ~ c) BIDDER'S GU~'1"~E . All bids shall be presented under sea.~.~d .aver and. shall- be accompan~.ed by a certif ied check or bid: bond made. payab~.e . .to the City of Bakersf eldo for an amount equal to ,~t Least ten percent ~l~ of tie ar~o~nt of said bid, ar~d no bid shall be considered unless such certi-~ f ied checi~ or bid Bond is enc'~osed therewith. ~d } RETtJ~N OF BIDDER'S GCIAPTIE~, within ten ~ l0) days after the- award of the contract, the City of Bakersfield will return the ,proposa.l guarantied accompanying sucr~ of the proposals as are not to be considered i making the_ award: Al]~ other proposal guaranties will be held until the. con- tract has been f ina:lly executed, of ter which they will be retlarned tb tine respective bidders whose .proposals they. accompany. ~ CoN~'RAC'~ Bo~1DS . The Contractor sh~a l l furnish two goad and su f f i~. dent bonds. ®ne Qf .the said bonds shall guarantee the faithful performance of the said: contract by the Contractor and_ shall be zn an amount equal to one hundred percent: (1~C1 ~ } of the contract, price. The other of the said fonds ~hal.l be in an amount of fifty percent ~ 50 a ~ of the contract price and.. shall. be furnhsY~ed as required by the terms of an .act entitled: act. to eecure the pa~r~nt Qf the claims of persons employed b~ contractors upon public works, _and the clair~s o~ persons who furnish materials, supplies, teams, imp~.ements, or machinery used or consumed by such contractors in the performance of such work s, and prescribing the duties of certain public officers with respect. thereto.," approved May l0, 1919, ae amended. Forms of ..bonds required. may be obtained at the office of the City . Attorney. ,P D3 :1:i~1AVD. 3 - ~3°- ~:wrn ~lhe neve r any surety or sureties on any such bonds , or on any bonds required by la~v for the protection of the claims of laborers and material non, become insufficient, or the r~iayor has cause to believe that such surety gr sure- ties have become insuff icient, a demand in writa.ng may be made of the Contractor for such further bond or bonds or additional surety, not exceeding that on i- g Wally required, as is cons~.dered necessary, consldar~,ng the extent of the work remaining to be done. ThereaftAr no ~ayrr~nt shall be maade upon such contract to the Contractor or any assignee of the Contractor until such further bond or bonds or additional surety has beAn furnished. { f) RE►7~CTloN of PROPOS.A CoNTA1NING ALTLRATIC~S, EPASURES oR IRGULARiTIES. Proposals may be rejected if they show any a~.terations of form, additions not called for, conditional. or alternative bids, incomplete bids, sra- sores or irregularities of any kind. Proposals in which the prices obvous~.y are unbalanced may be rejected. The right is reserved to reject ar~y and all proposals, {g) A'~?~RD of C~~7'CT. ward of the.: contract, if it be awarded, will: be to~ the lowest responsi~lc bidder. The language "responsible" refers to .not. only the. attribute of ~rustworth~.n~ss, but, also to the quality, fitness and capacity of the how bidder to satisfactorily psr~orm the work. '~1e award of the contract will be made within f orty~f ve (45 ~ days oft~r the opening of the.proposal.s unlsss extension is approved by the lowest responsi~Je bidder. (h) ~C~~~I~ CONTRA, The... contract shall.. be s igried by the succes~f~~l bidder and .returned, toget~ler with the contract bonds within ten { 10) days, not includ~.ng Sundays, after the bidder has r~cAved notice that the contract has been awarded. 11o proposal shall bs considered b`~:nding upon the Gity unttthe execut-ion of the centract. All contracts shall be considered as being made and entered into in the City of Bakersfield, C~lforl'lia. Failure to execute a contract and :file acceptable bonds as provided `herein within ten ~ 10) days, net inc~.uding Sundays, after the bidden has received:.notce that the contract has been awarded, shall b~ just cause :for the canoe l 1.at -ion of t~~~ award and the f or f e i tore. of the proposal guaranty , . { ~I1`~ATIONS 0~ PLANS, SPSCIFI~ATI~TS, SPECIAL PR~vISTONS, :A~1D .SITE OF ' wow. The bidder is required to exan~ne car~~u~.~y the site. of , the proposal, p~.ans and sp~cificatians~ and contract forms for the work Gon~e~platLd~ and it will ba assum~ed that the bidder has i~vestigatedand is satisfied as tQ the conditions to b~ encountered, as to the character, quality, and quantities of ~rork to be performed and materials to be furni-shed, and as to the requirer~nts of the speoa.f ications, the special previsions, and the centract. It is r►tutually agreed that t~~e submission of a proposal shall be considered prima facie evidence that the bidder hasma.de such examination. D3 ~ l ;~iA.j,1~.4 :wrn SECTION Z. SCOPE Off' ~~10P,~ ~ a) WORK TQ BE DUNE. 3~.e work to be donee consists of furnish~.ng all. labor, materials, methods and -processes, mple~r~ts, tools and machinery, except. as otherwise specified, which are necessary and required to construct. the pro posed improvements, as designated in the contract. _ fib) ALTERATioNS. By mutual consent in writing of the parties signa- tort' to the contract, alterations or deviation, increases or decreases, addi~- tons or omissions, ~.n the .plans and specifications, may be made and the saw ~hal1 in no ~~ay of f ect or make void the contract. she City of Bskersf field reserves the. right to~ increase or decrease .the quart i ty of any item or port ion of the work , or to omit port ions of the ~vark as be dcerr~d necessary or expedient by the' Engineer, ~ c) Ex'TPA New and uri~oreseen work will be classed as extra work when such work cannot be covered by any of the various: items or combir~tion of items for which ~~.ere is. a bid price. the contractor..shall do no extra work except upon :written order from the Engineer. ~'or such extra y~ork the contractor shall receive payment as pre- vously agreed upon in writing, cr he shall ~e paid on force account, ~d) ~iOV~L 0~' OBSTRC~CTIflI~1S. 'fie contractor shall remove and.. da.spose of all structures, debris ~ = or other obstructions or any character Qf the- con- struction of the street or :road,- if and as required ~y. _ the Engineer. The contractor shall remove and dispose of all trees designated by the Engir~ecr. as obstructions ~.o the pxoper cor~pleton of t^he work. 't'he re~oving and disposing a~ all obstruct ions to the p~osecut.on of tho contract, unless: otherwise specified, shah„ bw considered as -included ire the various items of contract work and ,no additional. compensation will be allowed therefor. te`} ~I1~L CL~~1z~1G Upon completion anal .:.More tusking application for acceptance of the work, - the contractor 'shall clean the street or road, bcr- row pits, and all ground occupied by him in connection with the work, of all rubbish, excess materials, tez~orary. structures, and equipment; and all -parts of the work shall bA left in a neat and presentable condition. ~3 : l :P~iA~TD. ~ ~5- ~ ` owe s~cTZO~ 3 ® coc~~o~ o~ TAE ~ a } ,AUTHORITY of 'ICE E~GINEE~. 'Ihe engineer- shall decide an and all. estions which j ~ o ~ qu mal arise as to the.quallty or acceptaba.llty of materials,fur- Wished and work performed, .and as to -the manner of eerformance -and rate of nro-° grass of the work; all: questions which arise as to the interpretation of the plans and specifications; all questions as to the acre table fulf illr~ent of the p contract on the part of the contractor, and all questions as to claims and comsat-ion. The Engineer's decision sha11 be final and he shall have executive authority to enforce and make effective -such decisions and orders as the con- tractor fails to carry out .,promptly, PL~~S. X11 authorized alterations affectin the re irements and:. g ~ information given on ~.he approved plans shill be in writing. ~~o changes shall ma.dQ of any plan or drawing after the sarc~ has been approved by the Engineer, except by d~.rection of the Engineer, ~v~larki~g drawings or plans for any structure not included in the fans p . fu~nish~d'by the Engineer shall. be approved. by the Engineer More any work involving these plans shall be perrormed, unless approval. is .waived in writin g b~ the Engineer. Tt is mou~ually agreed, however, that the «pproval. ~ the En ineer of .thee ' Y g contractor s wor~ing plan does not relive the contractor of any responsibility - fir accuracy of d~e~ns-.ions and details and that. the contractor shill be res n~ sible for ag~een~ and confor~ity pf nis working plans c~vth-the approved. plans and specifications. ~c } Co~FO~~1'I'~ WITH PL+AN'~ A~.►Lc~r~BZE ~E~J~TION. Eirished surfaces in all cases shall conform. with the line, grades, cross-seetons and dimen°° liens shown on the approved plans. l~vi~tons from the a proved laps, as pL p Y required by the exigencies of construction will be determined in all cases b y thA Engineer and.-authorized in writing. ~d } CQORDI~ATI(~!I P'LAN~, sP'~CIFICATI~1s, AND SPECIAL P~Ot~'ISIO~ZS. ;These specifications, the plans, s~e~al provsions,:and all sup le~nenta - docu~ n~nt a _ p rY s re essential parts of .the., co~ntra~t, and a requirement occurring in one is a finding as -hough occurring in-all. They are .intended to be coo rave to . describe, and to provide .for. a cor~pl~te ~~~k. Plans hall C~ove~ over s~ecif i-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "u L cations; special provls~ns shall govern over bath-specifications and- Mans. c~.~y speclf icatlons shall govern over State standard Specifications. ~e ~ IIV~'~RPRET;A~TIOi~ OF PLrAi~IS AND S~E~TFIC.AT"IflNS. Should it a ar p that the. work to be done, ar any matter relative thereto, i ~ not cuff cientl Y - detailed or explained in these specifications, plans, and t~.e special provision, the contractor shall apply to the Engineer for such further explanations as .may. be necessary, and shall. conform to such e~pla~lati oz~ or inte~~pretation as part o~ the contract, so far as y be consistent with the intent of the~origi-~ nal specifications. In the event of doubt or question relative to the true meaning of the specifications, reference shall be made to the cit Councf 1, Y whose decision theneon shall be final. D3:l.~AV~.6 :wrn In the event of any discrepancy between any drawings and the figures written thereon, the figures shall be taken as correct. f ~ ~SUPERII~TE~DENCE. Whenever the contractor ~.s not present an any part Qf the work. where ~.t mar be desired to give direction, orders w x.11 be given by the Engineer in writing, and shall be r~cvived and obeyed by the sup~rinten- dent or foreman in charge. of the particular work in reference to which orders are given. (g) LI~1ES A~1D GRADES. All distances and measurements are given and will be made in a horizontal plane. Grades are given from the top of stakes or nails, unless otherwise noted on t~~e plans... Three consecutive points shown on the saner rate of slope must be used in coffin, in order to detect any variation from a straight grade, and in case -any sugh disc~~pancy exists, it must be reported to the Engineer. If such a discrepancy is not repotted to the Engineer, the contractor shall be responsible for. any error in the finished work. The contractor shall give at least 24 hours notice in writing when he will require the services of..theeEngineer for laying out any portion of the. work. The contractor.~hall furnish the. Engineer such facilities and labor, nec~- essary for making and maintaining poi.nt~ and lines, as he nay require . Payment for labor furnished by the Contractor for such purposes is considered as- included in various items of ~rork and rao additional compensation will be a~.lowed therefor. The contractor shall pres~~v~ all stakes ar~d points.. set fcr lines,.. grades or measuren~nts of the week in their proper places until authorzedlto remove then by the Eng~ne~r, :All expenses ~.r~curr~d in replacing stakes that have been.: removed witheut proper autho~~ty sl~a~.l be paid by the contractor.- ~h} INSPEC'~`IC~, e Enginee~° shall: at all tires have access to, the work wring construction, and shall be fuxnisheal with every reasonable facility for dsccrtaning fu~~ knowledge respecting the progress, workman~hip~ and char- aster of materials usod aid e~iployed the work , - ~r~henever :the contractor var~.es the period during which work is carried on each dad, he sha~.l give due notice to the Engineer,.. so that proper inspection mey be provided`. Any' wo~~ done in the absence -ef the Engineer ~vi1.l be subject The in~~aedtion of the work shah. not relieve the contractor. of any. of his obligations to fulfill the contract as prescribed. Defecti~~e work shall be made good, and uns~itable,mate~ials gay be rejected, notwithstanding the f~aet tn~at such defective woxk and unsuitable .;te~°ials have.. been previously over- . looked by the Engine~:r and accepted or estimated for payn~nt~ Projects financed in whole or in part with State funds s~.all be sub~- ject to inspection at all times by the Director of Public ~lorks, or hss agents. (i) RE~fiOVAL of DEFECTIVE AE'~D U~IAUTHORTZED ~1oRK. All work which is defective in its construction or deficient in any of the requirements of these specif ication~ shall be rer~died, or removed and replaced by ..the. contractor in an acceptable manner, and no cor~~ensatlon well be allowed for sucn cor~Gct~.on. ~3 :1: ~~AVD. 7 ~7~ GG: wrn Any work ;done beyond the ~.ines and grades shown on the plans or estab- Tished ~y the Engineer, or any extra work done without written authority, will be considered.. as unauthorised ar~d will not. be-paid for. .Upon failure on the part of the contractor to cor~aly forthwith with any order of the Engineer made under the. provisions of this article, the Engineer shall have authority to cause defective work to be radied, or removed and replaced, and unauthorized worl~ to be removed, and to deduct the costs thereof fram_ any monies due or to become due the contractor. ~j~ FINAL INSPECTION. T~henevPr the work provided and contemplated by the contract shall have been satisfactorily completed and. the final cleaning up performed, the Engineer will make final inspection. s~c~TloN ~cO~oL of r~A~~IALs ~ a ~ sA~~PLE s ~~D 'IES"~s . At the option of the Eny nee r , the source of supply of each of the maters als shall. be approved by the Engineer -before defy- ery is started and before such material is used in the work. Representative preliminary samples. the character and quality prescribed sha.il be submitted by theco~traetor or producer of .all. materials to be used in the .work, for test- ng or examinat~~n as desired by the Engineer.. All .tests of materials furnished by the contractor-sha~.l be. made in accordance with. commonly recognized standards of national organizations, and such special. methods and tests as are prescribed in e sperifcations. '1~.e contractor shall furnish.. such samples of materials as are requested by the. Engineer, without charge. Nc~ matarial shall be used until it has been approved by the Engineer. samples will be secured acid tested whenever. `rxecessary to deter~ne the quality of material. ~ b ~ DE~`E~TIVE I~AATERT~~S. A11. matsr~als not conf orm~.ng c~ the r~guireme~ts of_ these spe~:f ications shall _ be considered as defeLtve, and all. Such materials, whether in place not, shall rejected and shall- be removed _ indiately from the site of the work unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. ~n rejected material, the defects of which have been subser~uently coxr~cted shall: -be used until appro~,ed irl wri`tir~g by the Engineer, ~Jpon failure on .the. part of the c®ntractor to corn~ly with any girder of -the Engineer made under the p~o~r~.s.ons of this article, the Engineer shall have authority to remove .and replace defective materiel and to deduct the cost of removal and. repl.ace~nent from any monies due or to become due the contactor. D3 :1 o1~iA~1D.8 OG;wrn SECTION 5. LEGAL RELATIONS .AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC (a~ LASS To ~E OBSERVED, .The contractor shall keep hin~sel.f fully s informed of all existing and future- State and National Laws and all. municipal.. ordinances .and regulations of the City of Bakersfield which in any nner affect those engaged or employed in the work, or the materials used in the work, or which in any way affect the conduct of the works and of all such orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority aver ,the same. ('o) HOt~RS OF I,~~R. The contractor shall forf4it, a~ panalty to the \ Ct of Bakersfield,. Ten Dollars (~1U.00) for each laborer, worm, or mechanic . Y o ~ subcontractor under employed in e execution of th,, contract by hxm, or by any h ire u n an of the work here i nbe f ore nt Toned for each calendar day during ~ Y which said laborer, workm,~n, or mechanic is required or permitted to.Labor in viol~.tiori of the rovisions of Sect~.on 181 to Section 1$15, inclusive, of the p Labor Code. (cj The contractor shall comply,with.Section 6705 of tl~e Labor Code which rovides that the contractor's responsibility shill be as fo~.~.ows: p If the contract rice for the. rproject includes an expenditure ~n p n excAss of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25, Ooo) for excavation of any trench or trenches five feet or ire in depth, the contractor or ~~s subcontractor shall nod begin ary trench, excavation unless a detailed'p~.an, showing the design of shorin ,bracing, sloping or othe~° . proUsions to be m~adc ~f~r wor'~cr protection g during the excavation of the trench, has " been submitted by the cor~tractar to the Cit En iheer and the deta~:led plans has been ..approved by the City- Engineer. g if such lan varies from the shoring system standards established by the Construction Safety Orders of the Division of I~dust~ia~. Safety, -the ply shall be repared by a registered civil or structural zngineer. p . Nothin- in this section shall :ham deer~ed to _ silo#~ t~`~e use of a shor~.ng, 9 than that required by the sloping:, or protective system less effective Construction Safety Orders of the., Division of Inoustrial safety, Nothing in th~.s section..shall be constrtaed to ise tort liability on the a~rarding body or .any of its er~loyees. The terms " ublic works'" and "awa~dingbody", as used ire this .section, c e e shall have. the same meaning as in Labor Code Sect~Qns 1°~2Q and 122 respectively. D3 d 1 s~VD.9 ~.g~ GG:wrn d E CJAL E~~PLOY~ENT oPPORTUI~ITY . During t'~e performance of th i s ~ contract the Contractor agrees as follows: l e contractor 4~i11 not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race., deed,. co~.or, . sex or national on in. The Contractor ~vill tape offirma- g five action to ensure that applicants are e~rnp~.oyed, and . that e loyees are treated during en~ployn~nt~ without regard to their race, creed, color, sex, or national ori- in. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, .the g following; Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or ter- mination; rates of pay or other forms of c~n~pensation; and - selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post iii conspicuous places, available toe lo~yees end applicants fir employment, notices to be ~ . provided setting forth the provis~.ons of this non- discrmination.clause. ~2) 'The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for err~loyees placed ~y or on behalf of the Contractor, . state that all. qualified applicants ~~vill receive cons~.dQra- - ~ ton for. er►~ployr~nt without. regard to race., .creed, colon°, sex, or nata.~nal origin. 3 The :Contractor will send to each labor union or representa- r ~ ~ ~ r tiv~ of wor~~rs with w~'z.ch he has a colleetlve eargain~.ng a cent or other contr~ot or understandi~ng~ a notice to rovided advising t~~e labor.unan or wo~~ers' represen-~ p tative of the Contractor' s 'cow tments under Sect ian 2~ 2 of Executive ordsr Igo. 11246 of Se~te~r 24, 1~~5 end shall - st co es of the notice in conspicuous places available p ~o e~ployees and applicants for e~np~.oyr~nt. 4 The contz~ctar will co 1 with all provisions of Executive ~ } Order No 1124 as arn~nded by .Executive Wider 11375, and of - the rules, rAgulations, and re~.~vant orders of the Secretary of ~a.bor. PREVAILING DACE. The-Contractor shall, as a penalty to the City. Vie) o~ ~akv rsf ie ld, forfeit $ 25.0 U for each calendar. day or port ion the~rcof , for each work~~n aid less thin the stipulated prevailing rtes for such work or p _ craft in which such workman is employed under this contract or by any subcor~- tractor uhd~r hire, h violata.on of the provisions of Section 1170 to Secton- the Tbor~ Code. The Contractor shall be res~ohsible for its 17~a, lncluS~ve/ o own and subcontractors' c Hance with the requiren~nt of Section 177 of that Code . . Co es of the revailin rate of .per diem wages, for each craft, clan- p p g ~ ` ~ in the sf ication or type of wor~nan needzd to execut~. the contract, are on f ~~.e Director of public forks and shall be made available to any inter°- of f ice of the ested party on request. ~f~ APPRENTICES. All Contractors-and Subcontractors shall. comply w~,t~a e rovision~ of Dabor Code Section 177 7 . ~ relating- to t~1e employr~en~t of p apprentice. ^ D3 :1:~~AVD.10 ~.1~_ GG:wrr~ fig) REGISTRATION of CoNTPA.CTORS. Prior to award, Contractors shall be licensed in accordance with the provisions of section.~o5~~ of Business and Professions Code. ~h) PFRMI'TS r~N~ LICE~1sES. The Contractor shall procure all permits: and licenses, a all charges and fees;. and give all notices necessary. and inci~~ pY dental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work . ~i) PATENTS. The Contractor shall assume all responsibi~.ities aris--~ in from the use of patented materials, equipment, devices, or processes used on g or incorporated in the .work. ~ j) PUBLIC C0~1V~NIENCE Al~~ s.AFE'I'~'. The Contractor shah. so conduct his operations as to cause the :least ypossible obstruction and inconvenience to ublic traffic.. Un~c~s other ex~.sting streQts are stipulated in the special p , provisions to be used as detours, alb. traf f ~.c shall be nerma.tted to pass through the work . residents along the road or street shall ~e prodded passage as far as practicable. Convenient access ~o driveways, houses and buildings along, the L road ar street .shall be maintained and tem~ora~y crossings shall be provided and maintained in good condition. ~~c~t more than one cross or intersecting strut or road. shall be closed at any tires without the approval of the Engineer. -'The Contractor shall furnish, erect, and Maintain such fences, barriers, li hts, end signs as are necessary ~o give adequate warning to the g ~ , public at all t~ s that the ~.mproven~ z.s under the constructa.on and. of and :dangerous conditions to be encountered as a result ~hereof,.and he shall also . e~ec~ and r~ai~tain such warnings and directional s~.c~s as ~na~ be fern~.shed by the city. ~ Full c nsa pion for coif or~i ng to the provi s lone ~L this Soot ian 5 1m~ e ~ ~ . ~ y shall be consl~ered as a.ncluded ~ the prices paid far the var~.ous .contract items of work aid no additional com~ensatian wily. be allowed therefor. . ~ k 7 R~~PON~T~ILI'~' FOB ~?'~fifi~AE . The Ca. ty of Bak~rsf ~.~ld, the c~~~y - Council,. or the Engineer shall. nod be answerable or accdunt~ble_ ~n anyf Winner fog an loss or damage that may happen to the pork or any part thereof; or fQr any, :mat~rlal. or equipment ..used In perform~,ng the.. work, or for ~.n~ury or amage to any person or persons, either workmen or the public; or for damage to adjoining prapert~ caused by the negligence of Contractor or one of his subcon-° tractors during the progress of the .work at any tine More ,final acceptance. The Contractor shall inden~ i fy ahd save h.arm~].e ss the City df -Bakersfield, the City .Council, and the Eng~.neer frcar~ and suits, claims, or actions brought by anY person or persons for or an account of any injuries or damages sustained or arising in the construct-ion of t~'ie work or in consequence thereof . D3 ; ~ :P~AVD.11 °il~ CONTRACTOR'S RE5~ON5IBILITY FOR WORK... Except as provided above, until the for~al ~cceptanee of the work. by the City Engineer, the Contractor shall have the. charge and Dare thereof and shall. bear the risk of injury or damage to any part thereof. by the action of the elements or from.any other cause, whether- arsing from the- e~ec~utiOn or from the non-e~ecut~.on ~f the word. The Contractor shah..rebuild, repair, restoreand.n~~ke good.. all in juriesor da~ages to any portion of the work Occasioned by and of the above causes before final accep- tang. and shah. bear the expense thereof , except such injuries or damages occa-° signed by acts of the Federal Gover~lment or the public enemy ~m~ NO PFPSOI`1~L LIABILITY. Neither the City .Council, the Engineer, nor any other officer or authorized assistance Or agent shall be personally responsible for any liabi~.ity arising under the .contract. n ~ RESPOI~SIDLITY~ OF CITX. The City of Bakersfield shall not be held responsible for the. care or protection of any material or parts Of the word prior to final acceptance, except as Lxpress,~.y provided in these specifications. SECTION 6.0 PROSECUTION AND PRt~RESS ~ a } S~JBLE`ING AND ASSI~~ENT. The .Contractor shall give his per-- sonal attention to the fulfillr~ent of t~'~econtract and.. shall keep the work. under his control. Subcontractors will not. be recognized as such, and all persons engaged in the work of construction will be cOr.~idered as ~~nployees of the Contractor, and. their work ehall subject ~.o the provisions of the contract and _ spec~.flcat~.ons. j~here a portion of the 2,~or~ sublet b~ tk~.e ~ontraotor is not being .pro-~ seated in a manner satisfactory to the City .Engineer, ~.he subcontractor shall. be ~er~oved im~~~ i ate ~y on the re~.:l i s i ~ it n Of the City Engineer and shall not again ~ en~~.oyed on the work . 7 The C.Ontr~ctor shall diligently prosecute the work to eor~ple~tion- ~for~ the. expiration of the per~itted number of working days Or calendar. days _ ~s specified On Page l of this spoc~,fication, ~ c) CH~~ACTER CF WOa'~IE~1. I:~ any subcontractor or person e~ployed by . ~~e Contract~ar shall fad. Or .reuse tocarry out the dr~~tiohs of the Er~gine~r or shall appear to the.Enpineer to be incompetent pr to act in a disorderly or irnprop~r jmanner, he ~ha11 be discharged i~mediately on t~~~ requisition of the Engineer, .and `such person shall not again be employed on the ~v®rk. ~ d) T~MFO~ARY S~JSPENSION O~ WORK. '~,e Engineer shall have tie authority t0 s"aspend the work wholly or In part, for sUCh per~.od as he may deem- necessary, due to unsuitable weather, or to such other conditions as are consid- ered unf avorab? e for the su i ~tab~.e prosecution of the work , or for such t in~e ~:s he may deem necessary, due to the failure on the part of the Contractor to carry out orders given, or to perform any provisions of .the work. The Cr~ntractor shall immediately obey such. Order of the Engineer and shall not resume the,work until Ordered in writing by the Engineer. D3.1 o r~A. l2 ~12-~ ~ ~wrn (e) TII~'~ of COILFTION AND LTQU TDATED D~~AGES . T t is agreed by the _ parta.es to the contract. that in case all: the work called for under the contract is not completed before or upon the expiration of the time lima.t as set forth %n these specifications, damage will.. be sustained. by the City of Bak~rsf field, and. that. it is and will. be impracticable. to determine the actual damage which the City will sustain in the event of and by .reason of such delay, and. it is there- -fore. agreed that the Contractor will.. pay to .the City of Bakersfield the sum of Three Hundred Dollars- ~~300.00) per day for each and every calendar day's delay beyond the time prescribed to complete the work;.and the Contractor agrees to pay such liquidated damages as herein provided, and in case the same are not paid, agrees that the City of ~akersf field may deduct the amount thereof from any money due or that may become due the Contractor under the contract. It is further agreed that in case the work called for under the con- tract is .not f inishe~ and completed in all pmts and. requirements within the time specified the City Council shill have the right to extend. the time for com- pletion or not, as rr~ay seem best to serve .the interest of the City and if it decides to extend the .time limit for the completion of the contract, it shall further have the right.. to charge to the Contractor, his heirs, assigns or sure--. . ta.es, and. to deduct from the final payment for the work, ali or any part, as it may deem proper, of the actual ;cost: of engineering, a.rlspecton, super- intendence, and other overhead expenses which. are directly chargeable to .the contract, and which -accrue dura ng the period of such extension, except that t~'~e cost of final surve~rs and preparation of final estivate shall riot be included firs such charges. The Contractor shall note. be assessed with liqua.dated.damages r~or the cost of engineering and inspection dur~.ng..an~ delay in the cor~letion of the. wo~~k caused by acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the City, fire, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unu- suallysevere weather ~or d~~.ays of subcontractor,~s due to such causes; prov~de:d that the Contractor shall within ten ~l0) days from.the beginning of any such delay, notify the Engineer in writa.ng of tre causes of delay, who shall: ricer- tain the fats and the extent of the delay, and his ~indnc~s of .the faots , thereon shall be final and conclusive. - ~-f ~ SUSPENST~N p~ ~C~NT~ACT. Tf at any tie ~.n the oplnr.on of -thee. City Council, 'the. Contractor has fai~.ed to -.supply. an adequate working force, . or r~ateral of proper quality, or has failed in any. other respect to prosecute 1~he work with the diligence and force specified and intended in and by the tee of the contract; notice thereof in writing wi11. be served upon him, and should he neglect or refuse to provide jeans f or a sat isf actory co~pliance with t'ne contract, ~ as directed by the Engineer, - within the time sp~oified in such notice, the: City Co~neil ~.n any such case shall have the. power to suspend the operation of the contract., Upon receawing..no~~,ce-of such suspension, the Contractor shall disco~~tinue said work, or such parts of it as t'ne City Council may designate. upon such suspension; the Contractor's control shall terminate, and thereupon..the city Council, or its duly authorized representative,-may take possession cf all or any part of the Contractor's r~aterials, tools, equipment, and appliances upon the premises., and use the same for the purpose of cor~pleting sa~.d contract, and hire such force and bu~~ or rent ;such additional s~achinery, tools, appliances and equipment, and buy such. additional materials and supplies at the Contractor's expense as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the work and for the completion thereof ; .or D3 e , T~AVD. l3 -°13°' C~ o wrn . may er~ploy other parties to carry the contract to completion, evploy the neces- sar~,~ workmen, substitute other machinery or vaterials, and purchase the materi- als contracted for, in such .nner as the City Council ~ deem proper; or the v City Council may annul and canal.. the contract and re~-let the work.o~° any. part. thereof . Any excess of cost aris~,ng therefrom .over ar~d above the contract price will be charged against the Contractor and his sureties, who will be liable therefor, In the event of such suspension., all money due the Contractor or retained under the terms of t~ais contract shall be forfeited to the City; but such forfeiture will not release the contractor or his sureties from liability or failure to fulfill the contract. The Contractor and his sureties will be credited with the amount of money so forfeited toward any excess of cost. cve r and above the contract price, arising from the suspension of .the operations of the contract and the completion of the.. work by the C ty as above provided, and the Contractor will be so credited with any surplus revaining after all just claims for such coetion have been paid, In the determination of tl'~e question whether there has been any such .non-con~liance with the contract as to warrant the suspension o~ annulr~ent thereof the decision of the City Council shall be binding on .all parties to t..he contract.. ~ g) RIGHT Off' ~,~Y. The right of way for the work to be constructed will ~ provided by the City. The Contractor shall make his own arrangen~ntsr and pay all expenses for additional area. required by hen outside of ts'~e limits of right of way unless otherwise provid~;d in the Special Provisions. . SECTION 7. ~ILASUREME~V'T A~1D PANT a) BRA AaND ~'~RCE ACCOU~~' CORR. Extra work as here l~bef ore defined, ~7hen ordored ana accept4d, shall be -paid for under ~ ~~°itten work.. order in accordance with the arms therein provided...- Payment for extra. work will be .made at the unit price or lump sup previously agreed upon ~y .the Contractor ar~d the Engineer, or by fare account. If the-work is done on force account the Oontractdr shall receive the actual cosh. of all material ~~rnshed by him as shown by his paid vouchers, plus fifteen ~rcont ~ 15~) , and for all. equ%pment and teams that are necessary he shall receive-the current prices in the locality, which .shall have been previ ously determined and. agreed to in writing by the Engineer and by the .Contractor, p1~us ~ f if teen rcent ~ 15 .and for all labor that is necessary ho shall receive the current pricas in the lodality, plus twenty percent ~20~) provided, however., that the City reserves the right. to fuxnish such materials required. as .it .deems edient, and the Contractor shall..have no claim for prof it on the cost of such materials, Tho price paid for labor shall include all pants imposed by State and Federal laws for all payments made to, or on behalf of , t'~e workmen, other than actual. wages . All extra work and force account shall. be adjusted daily upo~a report sheets,. prepared by tk~.e Engineer., f~rni~hed to the Contractor and. signed by both pa~°ties, which daily reports shall thereafter be considered the true record of extra work or force account work done, PROGRESS PAYMENTS, The Contractor shall., once in each month, submit for approval, an estivate in writing to the Cite Engineer of the total ~3 ~ 1 mr~AVD. l4 = ~1.4~ GG:w~'n amount of work done by the Contractor, to the tine of such. estimate, and, the value- thereof . The City of Bakersfield shall .retain ten percent (10 0 } of such estimated value of the work done as part security for the fulf illr~nt o~ the contract by the Contractor-,. and. shall monthly pay to the Contractor, while carrying on the work, the balance not. retained, as aforesaid, after de~u~ting therefrom all. pre„vious payn~nts and all sums to be kept or retainedunder- - the provisions of the contract.. X30 ,such estimate or payment shall be required to be made,-when in the judgment of the City Engineer e work is not proceeding in accordance with the provisions of the contract, or when in his judgment the total value of the work done since the last estimate amounts to less than Three Hundred Dollars ~$3OO.~o}. ~c } FINAL PA~'~ENT. The City Engineer shall, after the completion of the contract, ~r~ake a f final estimate of the amount of work done thereunder, and .the value of such work, and the City of Bakersfield shall pay the entire sum so found to be due after deducting therefrom all previous payments and all amounts to be kept ~.nd all amounts to be detained under the provisions of the contract. All pr~.or partial estimates and payments shall be subject to correction ir;.the final estimate and payment. The final payrr~nt shall not be due and payable ...until the expiration of thirty ~ 3~ } days fror~ the date: the "No~ICE of coMPLETION" is recorded at the :County Recorder's office. It is mutually agreed between the parties to the contract. that no cer- of irate given or payr~ents made under .the contract, except. the. final certificate or final payn~nt, shall be conclusive evidence o~ the performance of the.. contract, either wholly or in part, against any claim of the party -of the first apart, and no payment .shall.: be construed to be an acceptance of any defective, work or improper r~aterials. And tie contradtor~further agrees,that the payment of the find amount . due under the contract, and the adjustn~nt anal pay~ent fo~° any work dome in - _ ~ ac ord~nce w~~h-. any alterations of the same; :shall release the City -of Bakersfield, the City Council, and the Engineer from. any and all claims or la-° bLlty on account of work performed under the contract on any alteration thereof . (d) SUBSTITUTION of SEC~JRITIES. UJheneve~° herein provision is made .for withholding or retention of moneys to ensure perforn~anee, substitution. of an equivalent amount value} of securities shall be permitted in accordance pith -the.. provis~.ons :and. requirements of Cover~~nent Code Section.. 4590. SECTION ~ . PROVISIONS OF STANDARD SPEC?F ICATTS Thin work emlaraced herein shal~i be done in accordance wl,th the . appropriate provisions of ~pecif icata~ons entitled "'State of California, _ 1pa~~~ment of Trans~artata.on, Standard Spe~if icati,ans, J~a~uary s 1.98, " insofar _ as the sari may apply, which specifications are hereinafter referred to as the Standard Specifications, and in accordance with the following special e proVlslon5. ~ . t~henever in the Standard Specifications th® following ter~~s are used, they shall be ursderstood to mean and refer to the following: Department of_ Transportation,.. CALT]~ANS -The Engineering Department of the City of Bakersf i~eld. D~ : l .MAVD.15 ~1,5-~ ~:wrn 0 Director of Public Works -City Engineer, City of Bakersfield. - Engineer The City Engineer, acting either directly or through properly authorized agents, such agents. acting within the scope of the particular duties- Antrusted to them: i~aboratory The designated laboratory authorized by the City of Bakersfield to test materials and•work involved in the contract. State -The City of Bakersfield, other terms appearing in the Standard 5pecif ications, the gene~:al provi- sions,-and the special provisions, shall have the intent and r~.aning specified in Section Definition of Ter~~s of the Standard. Specifications. In tl'~e event that any portion of the Standard ~pecif ieations incorporated herein, shall conflict With any of the provisions delineated in the special provisions section herein set forth, the provisions~so delineated shall ..take precedence over and shah.. bP uscd in lieu of such conflicting .portions of the Standard Specifications. SECTI~ L~SURANCE In addition to any _ ot~ner form o~~ insurancc or bongs required ~:nder~ the terms of the contract and specif~,eat:~ons, the Cor~t:~aetor w~.l~. be required to carry insurance of the following kinds and amounts: contractor's public liabil-~ ity insurance pol~,cy for property damage, personal injury and automobile ~.iab~.l- its With ~n ir~suran.ce company loeneed to do business `in the State of Ca l Porn i a) ~ n an amount not less than IVE ~UND~ED TBOUSA~3D ooL~~~S f $ 500 , 0 ~ ~ ~ , coined s ing~e-~~: imp. t cov~e~ag~ w th ~ ~n1o N~IL~S~T DOL] ~ $ 2, QOO ,-O~O.OO ) u~brella `policy ~ conta.ning a drop down prov~is.ion } or in lieu thereof, a 2.5 I~iILLION Do combined single-~limi t pcalicy. Thee City of Ba~ersf el~d, its ~a~ror, counol, of dicers, agents and employees ..shall. be- nand as additional `nsureds..under the policy whchshall op°rate as primary insurance. If any pa~°t ~f the Work is sublet, similar insurance shah. be p~~ovided - by or in bw half of the subcontractors to cover their operations The insurance hereinbefore specified-shall be carried until all work...., required to be performed under the terms of the contract is satisfactorily com- pleted as evidenced by the formal acceptance by the City. The Contractor shall furnish .,the Finance Department ~ With one X17 certif- . ieate copy of each of the executed policies or a certified Certificate of - lnsuranoe The certification on -such policies shall guarantee that the ~xalicy will not be amended, altered, modified, or canceled in so far as the coverage con~:em~ plated hereunder is concerned., ~ritho~.t at least five ~ days' notice mailed by. registered mil. to the Finance Departr~ent, C~,ty of Bakersfield, Bakersf ~.eld, California. The insurance herein required shall be obtained by the successful bidder and the certified copy of the policies or Ce~°tf irate of Insurance furnished as . herein prov~-0ded, Within the time f iced herein for his execution of the contract . 1~3 ~ l . M,~~.1 ~ el~°- ~ CG ~varn Full compensation for all prerniurns which the .contractor and t`he subcon-~ tractors ar°e requ~.red to pay on all the insurance described above shall be con~°~ sid~red as included in t~ze prices paid for the various items. of work to perforrr~d under the contract., and no additional allowance will be made therefor or for additional premiums which may be required by extension of the policies of insurance. SECTION 9. I~1St1RANCE The contractor-shall .sage, hold harmless and nder~nify the City, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers from all claims, demands, damages, judgments, costs or expenses in law or equity ghat ray at any time arise from or related, to any work performed by the Contractor, his agent, employees or subcontractors under the terms of ti~is agreement. In addition to any other form of insurance- or bcnd required under the terms of this agreement and speeifications; the Contractor sha11 procure and maimain for the duration of this agreen~nt ~e following types and limits of insurance: Professional liability insurance, providingcoverag~ on an occurrence basis for both-ly injury, including death, of one or more persons, property _ damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than one million x$1:,000,000) per oocurrence; and Automobile la:ab~.l~.ty-insurance; providing coverage on an occurrence :basis ror bodily _ in jury, including doath, of one or more. persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than one rcu.llion _ ~$T,Oo0.000) per occurrence; and General liaL-ilty insurance, providing coverage on a~ occurrence basis for. bodily injury, including -death, of one or more persons, property damage end personal injury, with limits of riot less than one.~nilloh ~$1,000,0OQ) per occurrence. wormers' oornpensation kith statutory limits and emplo~rer's liability insurance with limits of not less than one million ~$1,~0000.0) per accident, All pol~.cies ~equ.~.red of the Co~nt~ractor hereunder sha~.l b~ primary- insurance: as respects tre City; its mayor, couraoil, of fieers, agents,- eloyees: . and volunteers and any insurance o~.self-insurance z~aintained by the City, its mayor, council ~ officers, agents, employees grad volunteers shall be excess. of the Contractor's insurance and shall not eont~°ibute with it. ~e automobile liability policies shall p~°ovide coverage for .owned,. non owned and hired autos. The liability policies shall provide contractual liability coverage for the terms of this agreement. D3 :1:MA.17 ~l GG:wrn The liability policies shall contain an additional insured endorsement in favor- of the C i ~y, its mayor, cQUnci1., of f icer~ a ants e ~ to ee ~ , g r ~ Y sand olunteers, The workers' compensation policy shall contain. a waiver of subr ation endorser~nt in favor of the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers. All policies shall contain the following endorsements: An endorsement providing the City with ten { 10) dat s written notice of I cancellation or ~natc.rial change in policy: language or terms. If any .part of the work under this agreement is sublet similar .insurance. shall be prodded by o~ on behalf of the subcontractors to cover the~.r operations.. The insurance requ~;red under this agreement shall be maintained until a1.1 work required to be performed under the. terms of phis a reement is g satisfactorily co~pleted: ~s evidenced by formal acceptance by ~e Cit Y The Contractor sh~l,l furnish the City Risk Mana er and the. Public g works Department with a c~rtif irate of insurance signed b an a e~~ cat the Y g in~ure~° evidencing the insurance reguixed under this agreement.::. A11 costs of insurance required under this a reent shall be included. g in the Contractor' ~ bid, and no additional allc~vance wi11 rude for additional costs which may ba required by extension of t~'~e insurance polici~s~ SECTION 10, QUANTITIES The. following preliminary estimate of the amities of work to be done and rn ~ ~ a ater~.als to be furna.shed are appro~~.mate oily, being g~.ven as a bass for the cgmparison ~f bids, and the pity of ~~ersfeld does not e, ressl or e xp Y by ~ mpllcatlon agree that ~ the` actual. amount of work will comes and therewi h p t ,but :reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of an class- ~r onion of Y p tie work or tc~ ornit_ portions of the work that may be deer~ed necessa or e~ dig ant by _the Engineer. ENGINEER r S ESTI~~ATE IT~1~ ~UANT~TY UNIT DESCRIPTI{~N 1 Ea. Lump Sinn Ir~s~al~ Traf .f is S i na1 -and Li - h ' g g t~.ng Syste~. X25 SF Remove Striping X33 LF Median Curb, T~~pe Mil 4 . i 47 2 LF Median curb, ~e 5. 285 Ton ABC., Type B 434 Ton Agg. Ease, Clasp II 1 Ea. Lump Sum Misc. Concrete: Cross-Gutter 1 Ea. Lump Sum Misc. Concretes Sidewalk ~~Theelchair - 9. _ _ ~ Ramps 574 C.Y. Excavation 1~, ll i L~' Curb ll ~ 2 Ea. Raise Survey Mor~un~nts l2 • 2 Ea. Install Surve~r Nlonumer~ts l8. 25 Ea. Signs D8 ; l ;I~A~tD, l8 -~18~- o , . GG.~rn SPll SECTI{x~ 1~.. MATER:S .The Contra~tc~r sha~.l finish, for use un~r these special p~avisons,~ alb. materials required to complete the attached contract, except those .materials pra~ided by the City when specified in these special provisions, SECTION 1~ . DESCRIPTT~ OF In~RK The genzral description of work is as follows: Installing traffic signal and lighting system, df~ing median islands and installing chann~lization devices. Said work is shown and d~~:ailed on a.plan entit~,ed: T~a~f is Signal system on ding Avenue at Valhalla Drive and ~~edian ~iodif cations on ding Avenue Between Rantree Court and Hash-Acres Drive. e D : l :1~~ ~ 19 ~el~~ GG:wrn S~~I~ l3. GEC~~AL P~~vISIONS. ~ ~ ~ PUBLIC SAFETY ~~1D PRES~RVATT~ of ~RoPE~T`~. Attention is directed toSectian7of the~Standard~specifa.cati~ns, Thecontractor~sha~ll complywth the.provisionsofthis..section, except as othcr~i~sedirected bythe Engncsr. Such. pro~isiansfor public~~safety shallme~et the minimum requirements and shall be subject to the approvalof theCity Engineer. Fullcocnpensationfor complying with .the. requirements of this section shall bec~ansidered as included inthe contract~prices paid for the various items of work. and no additional co~~ensation will ; allowedtherefor. ~~b) OBST~UCTIQNS, Attention is directed toSection.8-~1.10, "Utility and Non-Highw~.y Facilities of the Standard specifications, the ,Mans, and the spocia~ provisions. ere extra work isrequred by saidsectionit~shall be paid fog as provded..in Sect ion, 7 , ~ a ~ of these sci f cations . T~neContractor will~be required towork around public utility facilities andother~~~improvements that are. to re~ainin placewithin theconstdton area or that are ~to be ~°elocated and relocat~on~ operations have note been completed, In ~ accordance ~ with the ~ pro~isons~ of suction 7~..1 ll, "Preservation of ~°operty, " . and.,. ~ 7--1,,12, "Responsibility for Dan~ge," of the Standard ~Specif ications ~the~ Contractor ~l-1 ~ be liable to owhArs Qf such ~ f aclites and irnprovement~ fer any d~mage~ or~ ..interference ..with-.service resulting ~ro~n conducting his operations. '~h~ exact locators of~ underground facilites ~ and mpr_ovements within t+~~e con- struct~.on-.area shall be a oertai~ed~by the contractor ~efor~~ using eq~~.pnt: that ~ y d~ag© uch~ faci~.it~i~s o~~ ~nte~fo~re w~ah e services. ~ ~ other force ~ . . ~ ~.y ~ ~e~ ~en~aged n ping o~° serving ~utli ty fcl~ites or~ other ~p~o~e:n.ts~~ or ~ ~ ~ ~~maintaning serv~ces~~~ or~~~~~ut~lit~es~. ~ `the-~ ~~Con~traetor shallcooperate with ~su~h . ~ ~ ~ f orce~s ~ ~ a~r~d .conduct his oratons in ~ such a ~ ~ manner ~ ~ as~ to~ avo~i~ and unnecessar, de J. ay or~ ~ hndrance~ to the work ~ be ~ ng ~ pe~rfQrr~ed ~ oy~ ~ather~ -such forces . Any delay to tho Con~ractor~ due toy ut~.~ity relocation .ether or not the ut i ty s shown ~ or~~ correctly located ~ on ~ ~ the ~~lans ~ w not de ~compensat~d f ~r ~as d~l~~s time. However, addi~onal ~~contract ti consurate wrath: such delays ~~nay bo allowed. At locations where i~rrigatior~ systems pexist, ~the~ E~~gineer wi~11 direct the C~n~tractor as to what ~ steps w l l bs raquir ~d ~~to protQct, the i ~rigata:on sys- tem~ and the area it . serves . The. contractor shall r~~lace the~.rr~.ga~t~on syste~~ ~ as ~ directed by ~ the ~nga.neer~, E~i~sting land subdi~is ion monuments and stakesshall be fully protected from- damage. cr d~.splacement end ~ fey shah, nit ~ be disturd un~.ess directed by the- Engineer. Attention is directed to t'~e fact that nuisance water be present at ~l:l ~,irnes along .the project. zt will. ~e t'ne respons~.b ilit~ of the ~o~tractor to _ provide for hand~.a.ng of said water and any expense in~rolved sha11 be considered as included in the prices pai~:for the various items of work and no additional a1l.owance will be made the r~ f or , Exce t in the.. case of extra. work, full c _ p ompensat ~.on for conf orm~.ng to the ~ requirements of this artic~, shai.l be considQred as incl~i.ded ~n the prices . p~~d fo~° the various items of work- a~~d no a.dditiona~. cc~~~.sat~.on w~.~. ode t~~.erefor. ~3 1 ~~~AVD.20 -20- ~ C~:wrn ~c) OMISSIONS IN SPECIFcATIONS ADD DR~wII~GS, Any materials or work. n~ntoned in the specifications and not shown on the drawings or shown on the C. drawings and: not ntionAd in tlhe specifications shall bs of fhe same effect as if shown or n~ntioned in both. Omissions frcxn the drawings or the specifications of the materials or details of work which are manifestly or obviously necessary to car out. the ° ~ intent. of the drawings.. and spec~.flcatlons or wh~.ch are customarily furnished or perforrt~d, shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for furnishing such omitted materials or performing such omitted work; but shall be furnished or performed as if fully shown- or described in the drawings or s cif icatons. ~ d) MA'I~~I~~i~S . wnene ve r any mater i al i s specified by name and n~ r thereof, such specifications shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of faci-~ litatng description of the materials and establishing quality, and shall be deemed and construed to be followed. by t~1e words "or approved.equa~". N® sub- stitution will be permitted other than~as described herein unless authorised by the engineer before the bids- are opened. .All materials sh~.ll be new -and the best of their class and kind.. Vie) AT~USTi~ENT OF O~1EF~F~AD COSTS ~ The provisions of sec~ion 9-~1, 08 of the standard specifications shall not apply to final cost of this contract and no final adjustn~nt for overhead costs will be made. ~ f) ~3s~` Co1~C~L. It shall be the Co~.trac~:or's res nsbilt to re°~ ~ Y p vent, a dust nuisance .from.: ©riginating frcxn .the site of the work as a result of his operations during the effective period of this contract. Pre~er~tative ~as~ ures. ~o be taken by~ the contractor shall include but shall. not be li~nt4d to the n follo~vng: water shall be applied to all unpaged areas as requir-ed to present the surface frcx~ becoming dry enough to permit dust formation. 2. Paved surfaces over which vehicular traff is is permitted to travel shall be kept free of dirt. - Ter~porary su sper~s ion of the work..., either as a re sul t o~ orde ~ b the Y . Engineer, or as a resultof conditions beyond the control of the contractor .shall not relieve the contractor from his- responsibi~it~r far dust con~~.rol a~ set forth herein. _ Full cor~pensat-ion for conforming to. the require~~ents of this article . shall be considered as included in the prices paid fc~r the various contract items of ~vork and no additional c~~ensation will be allowed therefor, ~q) 'f~ATS~1~, Furnishing and applying water shall conform to the nro- vis:ions of section l7 of the Standard specif ieations, except that full c L nsa o~npe t~.on therefor shall be considered as included in the. prices aid for e ° p v~r~ous contract items and no separate payrnt will be made therefor, (h3 L,A~BOR cL~SSIFICATI01~, i~o contractor employee shall be allowed t~ perform work outside his or her prevailing wage trade classification as defined by the California Department of. Industrial Relations. - ~i} ALTERATIONS ~N QU~YTY of ARK. The provisions. of Section 4-1, 43B, ~:~-1.03 ~ 1 } , and ~--1.03B~ 2 } , of the Standard Spec~.ficatons re~.ativ~ to increases or decreases in the quantity of contract item of work when no change in the character of the work iS .involved shall not apply to any contract item of woz~ in this proposal and. the pity reserves the sight to increase or decrease the quantity of any item or portion of work as may be deemed necessary or in the best interest of the .City.: . ~j) IN CITY STREETS. All o~~ the work shown on the plans and included in these specifications that is located in the public sheets in the City of Bakersfield shah. be done i.n accordance with City ordinances reg«Iating the use of public streets within the City, except as otherwise provided herein.. The Contractor shall inform h~~self as to all regulations and require- ments of the. City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield and shall conduct his operations in compliance therewith. ~k} PERMITS ADD LICENSES. The. Contractor shad procure. alaipermiis and licenses, pay all charges and fees and give all notices necessary and inci- dental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. } 1~ANTAI~IING T~~'F~C. :Attention is directed to Sections 7-1.08, "Public Ccnvenence,'~ and 7-1.09 nPubla:c Safety," of the St~nda~d Spec~.fcations. The Contractor-shall comply with the.pravsons of tl'~ese sections and these special. prov~.slons.. The Contactor shall f~rhish, ihstall and maintain signs, lights, ~la~s and .other ~rarning and safety devices: when per~Qrmxn~ work which interferes - with or endangers the safe movement of- traffic on any serest or highway. Sig~s,.lghts, fags and. other warning and..safety devices and their , use shall conform to the requirements set forth ~ in the current "Manual of Traf f~.c Cont~~ls - Darning Signs, Lghte, and Devices fo~° Use ih Per~~rn~ance of w©rk Uoon Highways," published by tae State of ~alifc~n.a, ~epart~at of Transportation. Applicati~n.and,use~of devices shall-be as spedified and as directed by e Enginee~°. The Contactor shall keep the ~ersf field Fire department informed . at . - all times as to`the exact..locaton and progress-of the work and shall notify them i~diately of any streets impassible for fire fighting equpn~en~. . n The full width of the traveled way. sha~.l be open for use by public traffic on Saturdays, Sundays and designated _l.~gal ho~.~days, before 8;30 A.~-~. and aftLr 4 :00 P.~~ o on weekdays, and when construction operations are riot acti~° vely in progress. Designated legal holidays a.~e ~'anuary 1st, the third ~~onday in Fsbr~ary, the last Monday n ~.ay, July 4th, the first. ~or~daY in September, Hover 11th, Thanksgiving Day, and Eecen~ber 25th. then a designated legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be ~ designated legal halday. ~~nen November 11th falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a designated legal holiday. e ~ i ~ Y Lf . /~r ~ ~a ~ o V~ personal vehicles of:.the Contractor's employees shall not be parked on the roadway at any tip, including any section closed to-public traffic. then entering ~r .leaving roads~a~s carrying public traffic, the Contractor's equipment, whether eta or loaded, shall in all cases yield to public traffic. The prov~:sions in this section may be madif ied or~ altered if , in the opinion of the Engineer, public traffic will be better served and work expe-~° diced. Said modifications or alterations shall not be adopted until approved in waiting by ~e Engineer. The. prices paid for the various contract items of work shall be con- sid~ered as full condensation for con~alying with the provisions of this section 13~k) Maintaining Tzaffic, and no additional payr~nt will be made therefor. ~ m) oR~~~ o~ ~ order of work shall conform to the pr®v is ions in section 5~-1.05, "order of fork, " of the Standard ~pecf :cations and ,these see--.. ci~l provisions. X11 striping removal. shall. be comp~.zted a minimum of 2 days prior to signal. being placed into operation. Then initially -installed, all vehicle and pedestrian signal faces shall be aimed:.and covQred with cardboard. or other mater.%al with an observation hole (may. 1" da.) in :front of each sigr~a~. indication. The coves shall remain in~~lace until all signal operations have been checked.: and signal is placed into operation, Prior to co~neer~nt of the traffic signal functional tents, all items of r~rc~rk :rAlatcd to the signal control shall completed and all signs shah. be in pl.acA , ~ n) CUOP~R~TIDNS . 'T~~ _ Co~tx~actors sha1.~. cooperate fully.. with the other Contractors performing *~~ork on the ~s ice It. is not anticipated that the. word tc~ rye done by others. will series ously delay ~ Contractors s c~r~pleton of ~ the work. However, if sueh work does result in extraordinary delay, the Contractor may seek,: relief from l~.quidatzd damagos as set forth in the fourth paragraph of Article ~ Vie) of these ~peoial Previsions, - . ~'u~l co~pensation for complying with the - ~-equiren~ents -off this Article l3 sha~.l be cons~.dered as included in tine prices paid for the various con tract items of work and.. no .additional allowance will be made-thQrefor. - D3 :1: NiA.vD. 23 ~2~~.. m ~ SEC'~IC,~1 14.. SPSCIAL PROVISIONS ~ a) MAINTAINING 'I~:tAFFIC , Attention is directed to Sections 71.08 , "Public Con~ene,nce," 71.09, "Public 5af~ty,".and 12, "Construction area Traffic Control.. Devices, of the Standard Specl~ications and these spec~:al prQ°~ visions. Nothing "in these. special provisions shah. oe construed as relievin 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ tl'~e ContractorY from his respons~.b~.llty as provided z.n said Section 7-1.09.. The sixteenth and nineteenth paragraphs. of Section 7--1..08, "Public Convenience," of the Standard Specifications, shah.. be amended to read as follows: Construction operations shall. be actively in progress oily between the hour of 8 : 3 0 a . m. and 4 ; 00 p . m. , ~~onday through ~'r iday where construction operations are actively in progress, a minim~~n of -one traffic lane, note less than twelve feet irl ~ridth, shall be open for use by pub~,ic traffic. T,~here construction operations are ~n;ot actively in progress, nod less than. twc~ such. ~.anes shall be open for use by public traffic. Public traffic may: be permitted to use the shoulders and, if half -width construction r~thods aye used, ~r~y a~.so be _permtted to use the side of the roadbed opposite to the one under .construction. ~o additional compensation will be allowed for any. si~aping ©f shoulders necessary for the accommodation of public gaff is thereon curing ~ paving operations . In order to expedite the passage of public traffic through: or around the work and whc~e ordered. b~ th3e Engineer, the ~ontracto~ s~.all, at _ his: owr~ e~penso furnish, illsta~l' and ; ratan construction .area. ^ si~ns~ lights, f~:ares, temporary :railing ~'~~pe K~ , barricades, and. _ othex° faciities-for the sale convenience and direction of public traffic. 'also; whzre directed b~ the;Eng~.n~er, the contractor shall :furnish cc~rtent f lacn whose sole dui%es shall consi t of directing the ~ve~ rat of dub l i c traffic through or around the ~ wor.~ . ►n~hen deemed necessary by ~:he City, the sins "Road Construction head," No, C-~18, and ''End Construction," No. Cs~,3, shall be furnished, .installed and mantaa.ned by .the Contractor ~t locations as . directed by - the Engineer at 1Q~ist 48 hours in advance of any const?~ctio~. ~lhenever traffic lanes .are to be closed to pubic traffic, the Contractor shall close lanes as shown in the current ~fsanual of '~raf f is Controls and as directed by .twhe Engineer. Thy first paragraph in section 12-~~.02, "Flagg~.ng Casts, " of the Standard Specf~,cations, is amended to read. The cost of furnishing all flagmen, including transporting f lagn~n, to provide for passage of public traffic through the word under the pro~~ visions in Section 71.08, ;°Public Convenience,'° and 7~,.~. e09, "Public Safety," will ~ borne b~ the. Contactor. The costs of placing :and mov~.ng flagging signs and the cost of providing .stands or towers for use of f lagn~en shall he consider~:d as part of the cost of furnishing f lagn~n. The fourth paragraph in Section 12-3.04, "Portable ~lineators," cif the standard Specif ications~ is amended to road.., A min~:rnum of two ref led~ive bands, each not less: than 3 i~~hes wide,. _ shall be mounted at .east 1-l/2 inches apart- and at: a 'Height on the pQSt so that one reflective band will be between 2.~ feet and 3 feet abo~re the roadway surf ace . The second paragraph in Section 12-3.06, "Construction Area Signs," of the Standard. Specifications, is amended to read: Construction area signs shall be insta~.lod aS designated in the spe~ vial provisions as directed. by the Engineer. At loCatlons where puhllc traf f 1C is being routed Over' a surf ace upon which a seal coat. is to be applied, tho Seal coat shall. nit be applied to more than one~half the width of the trave~.ed way at a time, and the remaining width sha~,l be .kept -free o~ obstructions and open. for use by public traffic until the seal coat f irs~ applied is ready fer use by tra~f ic. At the direction of the. Engineer, or at Contractor's. option, sand may be spread over newly applied seal coat surfaces. The Contractor shall keep the Baker~f field Fire ~partnt informed at all.. times as to the exact location and progress of tho work and shall notify them im~dia~ely of any streets impassable for fire.. fighting equipment. Tne, fuel. width of the traveled ,way .shall be open for use- by: public . _ traffic on Saturdays, Sundays and designatod legal holidays, before 0:30 A.~~~. and` of tsr~~ 4:0~ P.~~i. on weel~days, and when construction apera~ons~ are:. nbt act- - ve ly ~n progre ss ~ . _ Desate~d legal holidays are:, January 1st, the third Monday in February, ~e last Monday in ~~ay, Judy 4th, the- first Monday in -~eptember► _ November ll,th, ~Thanksg~.ving Day, and I~cember 25th. When a designated legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall. be a designated legal holiday:: ti~hen i~ovember llth falls on a~ Saturday, ~ the -preceding ~'ri~ay sha~.l _ be a designated legal holiday. Porsonal vehic~.es of the Contractor's employeos shall not bo parked on the roadway at. any t].me, including any section closed to pudic traffic. . 'When entering or leaping roadways carr,~ng pub:~ic traffic, the C®ntractor's equipment, whether empty or loaded,. shall in ~1l cases Meld to public traffic . The provisions in this seGtior~ may be dif ied or altered if , in the opinion of the ~ng~:neer, public- traffic :will de better seared and work e~ diced. Said rnodif ications or alterations shall not. be adopted until appraved in writing by the engineer, Temporary suspension of the- work,. either as a result. of order by the Engineer, or as a result of Condit-ions beyond the control of the Contractor, shall not relieve the Contractor f rc~n his re spons b i 1 i ty for traffic. contro 1 as set forth . herein. . Full consation for conforming to the requirements of this . article shall be considered as .included.. in the prices paid for various items of work and.- no additional allowance will be made therefor. fib) EXISTING HIGHWAY FACILITIES. The work performed in connection with various-existing facilities shall conforr~ to the provisions in Section 15, "Existing Highway Facilities," of the standard Specifications and these special provzslons. Existing City highway signs and street Barkers shall remain the prop-° arty of the Ca.ty of Bakersfield, such signs and street markers sha3.1 be relo-° sated and ma~,ntained during construction so as to convey the saner intent that existed prior to construction. L Existing City highway signs and street ~nari~ers shall be placed in their permanent position by the Contractor's forces prior to completion of construction. Signs re~oved from the -project area shall be deliverzd to the City corporation Yard at 4101. Truxtu~ Avenue.. Full. compensation fore conforming to the requireiTlents of the two pre ceding paragraphs -shah. be considered as included in the prices paid for ~-.he various items o~ wore and no additional a1,I.owance wi.~l be made. therefor---. Vie) A~PH~LT CoNCR~~TE. Asphalt.-concrete shad be ~°ype $ and shall corifor~ to the proVisionsn Sec~.ion 3~, "Asphalt: Concrete," of the Standard. Specifications and these special provisions. Aggregate fog .the top layer of '~~pe B asphalt concrete shad ~ conform to the rpquire~nt~ for 1/2 inch. m~~xm~~m, medium grading ar~d aggregate.-.far, .any ..lower. ~aye~°s of T~~pe B asphalt concrete shall- confdr~n to the. requirements for 3/4 itch m~xirnum, medium grading, both as specified in section ~9~2.02, "Agg~vgate", - - of he~ Standard ~peci f cat ions . _ When directed by the Engineer, aggregate conforming to any of the grading requirements in Section 39--2.02, "A~gregate," of the Standard sp~c~.ficati~ns shall be used to surface intersections, tapers, and other areas where thin layers of asphalt concrete are being constructed. I~f the `finished surf ace of the as~na~:t concrete deer not yet the spe~ cifed surface tolerances, it shall be brought within .tolerance-by ea~ther ~l) abrasive grinding with equipment utilizing diamond blades with fog seal. coat on the areas which have been ground,) , ~ rer~oval and rep~.acent, or ~ 3) placing an overlay of asphalt concrete. The method will be selected by ~~e Engineer. The co~rect~e work shall be at the Contractors expense. ~f used, the Fig seal. Clot shall be either Asphalt Rejuvenating Agent or Asphaltic,~lsion as directed by the Engineer. If abrasive grinding is used to bring the finished surface to sped- fled surface tolerances, additional grinding shall be perforr~ed as necessary to expend the area ground in each lateral direction so that the lateral 1in~its of D3:l:MAVD.26 _2~~ CG:wrn~ Temporary suspension of the- work, either as a result of order by the Engineer, or as ~ result of conditions.. beyond the control of the Contractor, shall not relieve the Contractor from. his responsibility for traffic control as set fr~rth hereln~ Full compensation for conforming to the requiren~nts of this article - shah.. be considered as included in the prices paid for various iter~s of work and no additional allowance will be made therefor.- fib) EXISTING HIGHWAY F:~CILITIE~, 'the work perforn~d in connection with various existing facilities shall. conform to the provisions in Section 15, "Existing Highway Facilities," o~ the Standard Specifications and these special ~ e provisions. Existing City. highway signs and street markers shall remain the prop-- erty of the City of Bakersfield. Such .signs and street markers shah: be relo-° sated and Maintained during construction so as to convey the:..same intent. that existed nror~to construction. Exist~.ng City. highway signs and street markers shall be placed in their permanent position by the, Contactor' s forces prior to completion of construction. Signs re~oved frog the project aria shall be delivered to the City,CQrporaton Yard at 41:01 '~ruxtun Avenue. Full. cc~npensation fir conforming to the requirements of the two pre~- ceedng paragraphs-shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the . various items of work: and no additional al~.owance wild. be made therefo~°, ~ c) FU's C~NCRI~'1`~ . Removing concreto shah: conform to the prove . slops- in sections "Existing Highway Facilities," 1~, "Clearing and Grubbing," and 19-X1.4:4, "R~n~oval and ~isposa3.. of Bur~,ed Main-~ad~ objects," of the standard . Specifications and these special provisa.dns, Concrete removed shall be disposed of in accordance with the pr~vi- sicans in section ~-1..13, "Disposal of Mate~°ial outside the Highway eight of r~1ay, of the Standard Spocf ica~ons. ~ d) AG~GREG~.T~ BASE , ;Aggregate ` Lase shall be Class 2 and sha3.1 con- ford to the provisions in Section 2~, "Aggregate Sa~ses," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Aggregatz for ^Iass 2 aggregate base shall be clean and free from veg- stable mattar and other deleterious substances. Compact the aggregate base to 95~ relative compaction. Compaction is deter°m.ined b~ the f allowing test methods : Cal ~.f orna No ~ 21~ , California No. ~:~1, or ASS D1557-70, Method C. For verif eatic~n :purposes, the tonnage of c~n~p~cted aggregate base will be caicu~.ated from the di~sions shown oh the plans, adjusted by the ~cnount of any change ordered by the H~gineer. 1~~~SUREI~ENT FAY~E~: Submit a t~eighmaster's summary sheet., show- ing the .tonnage of aggregate base delivered to the job each day, to the inspec~ .tor on the following work day. No a~,lowance will be made for aggregate base ~ 1 aN~A.VI~. 2°1 -~27°- ~ :wrn placed. in excess of the dmensa.ons shown on the plans unless directed. by the. ~ngir~eer. Aggregate base shall. be paid for at -the ,contract unit price per ton,. Said price includes full compensation for furnishing alb labor, materials, tools, and equpn~nt and for doing a.il~work involved in constructing the aggre- gate base. complete in place, as shown-on the. plans and specified herein..: (e) ASPHALT CoI~CRI Asphalt concrete shall be '~~pe B and shall conform to the provisions in Section 39, "Asphalt Concrete," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Aggregate for the top layer of '~~pe B asphalt concrete shall canf orm to the require~ents for 1/'2 inch maximum,~medium grading .and aggregate for an lower layers of '~~pe B asphalt. concrete shall conform to the r~quirents for 3/4 -inch maximum, medium grading, both as specified in Section 39-2.02, "Aggre ate;' , g of the standard Speclf ~.cations~, When directed by the Engineer, aggregate conforming to any of the grading requirel~nts in ~e~tion 39-2.02., "aggregate," of the Standard. Specifications shall be used to surface intersections, tapersf and.. other areas where thin laysrs of asphalt concrete are being constructed. If the finished surface of thy. asphalt concrete does not meet the spe-~~ c if ed surf ace tolerances, t .shall be brought within tolerance by e ther ) abras~.ve grinding with equipment utilizing diamond blades (with ,fog seal coat on the areas. which have been.~roand), (2)_removal and replacement, or (3}-placing an overlay of aspha~.t concrete.: The n~thod will be szlected . by the Enginee. - 'I~e c~~rective word shall be at the Contractor's ~xpens~. If used, the dog deal boat shall, be either Asphalt Rejuvenating Agent or ~s~haltic Emulsion as directed by the Englnee~. If abrasive grinding is used: Ito bring tabs finished surface to spec- f ~.ed surf ace :tolerances, additohal grinding shall be pert orn~d as necessary to extend the area -ground in each lateral ~~.recti~n so that the lateral limits c~ grinding are at a constant -offset from, and parallel to the nearest lane lire or pavement edge, and in each longi~ud~.na1: ` ~i~ecton so mat the -grinding i~egin and ends at links normal.. to the paver~t centerline, within any ground area. All ground. areas shall be neat-rectangular areas ~f uniform surface. appearance. Abrasive grinding shall conform to the requ i rem nts n the f rs t paragraph and. - the last 4 paragraphs in Section 42-2.02, "Construction," o~-the standard . , Sped lcat~ons. Whe~°e the compacted thickness is O.15 fcxat or less, halfwidth surfac- ng operations shall be cor~duc~ed in such a mar~ne~° that, at the end of each day's word, the distance }~tween the ends of adjacent surfaced lanes shall not . be greater than can be coaleted .n the following day of normal s~r°facing Opera° bons. Additional asphalt concrete shall be placed along the transverse edge at the ends of each lane, hand reeked, and compacted to faun tear~ry conform. ~.raf t paper, or other approved bead brea3~er, ..ray be placed under e confores to facilitate the removal of the conforr~s when paving ope~°at~;ons resume. ~3:1:I~AVU.2~ ~2~~ dawn .ere the compacted thickness is n~re than 0.1.5, foot, the Contractor shill schedule his paving operations such that each .layer of asphalt concrete is placed on all. contig~~gus lanes ofd a trave~.ed way- each work shift... th4 end of each work shift, the. distance between the ends of the layers of asphalt. concrete on adjacent lance shall not.. be greater than I4 feet. Additional asphalt can- .v crete shall be placed along the transverse edge at the ends of each lane and along the exposed longitudinal edges between adjacent lanes, hand raked, and- compacted to form temporary conforms Graf t paper, or: other approved bond. breaker, may be placed under the conform feathers to fac i 1 i tate the removal. of the feathers when paving operations resume. The area to which paint binder has been applied shall be closed to public traffic. Care-shall be taken to avoid tracking binder material onto . existing paver~nt eurfaces beyond the limits of construction. A. prime. coat w-ill.. not be required on su~grade prior to placement of .asphalt concrete. Intersections and tapered shoulders shall be surfaced as directed by the Engineer. At road connections and private driv~s,.shown on. the plans and. as directed by the Engineer, additional asphalt concrete surfacing material shall be laced and hand raked, if necessa p ry, and compacted to form smooth, taperAd connections. there,new asphalt concrete paverc~nt is to conform to existing paved surf aces, the exists ng pave~ent shall be say coat. T'~e su~~grade benQath surfacing fc~r ~rn~dien islands :shall be chemically treated for weed control. The chemical. applied shall 2, 6-dichlor~benzoni~tr~~.e and sha11 be applied in -accordance Frith the manufac~ t~rer's recomn~ndation and these special provisions. The ~°ate: of apnlc~ation l ~ shall be 4 ounces o~ active cher►tcal per... lO0 square yards. Asphalt concrete shall be played over the treated::.. subc~ade within ~ hours of chemidal aoplcaton L ~i~en air teerat~-re is higher than 5~° F. At air te~peratu~es lower than, 54° - asphalt concrete shall be placed on treated subgrade within 10 hours o~ che- . _ . ~u.cal app~.icati~n. should "wettable powder." type chemical be used, ~ -suitable fugit~.~e dye shall be incorporated in the mixture so that coverage and spread rate may. `be veri~~ied. ~'ulT cc~nsaton for chemically treating soil a speci~edin this section will be=.considered as included: in the contract price paid per ton asphalt concrete '~~rpe ~iB~' , ME~StT~~E ~1D P~Y~IENT, sun~.t a weighmaster's summary sheet, showing the tonnage of aspha~,~ cor~cret~ delivered to thhe job each day, to the . inspector on ~ following work day. No allowance will be made for asphalt ooncrete placed i~ excess of the dimensions shown on the plans unless directed by the Engineer. l~sphalt Concrete shall be paid for a~t the contract unitprice per tors. said price includes full coraensation for furnishing all Tarr, materials, .tools, and equipment and for doing alTwork invo~,ved i.n constructing the asphalt . concrete clete in place, as shown on the-plans and specified herein. :1: ~~AV~. ~ ewrn { t } SAw' ASPHALT CON~~ETE PAVFt~E~1T. ~~here new asphalt. concrete is to conform to existing asphalt concrete, the existing asphalt concrete shall be saw cut to a neat line.. The depth of cut shall, be sufficient so that da~age to adjacent asphalt concrete, which is to remain ~n place, will not. occur during excavation operations. The Contractor shall conduct his operations so as not to damage tie integrity of the edge of the saw cut pavement. Any damage to the saw cut edge will be corrected by the Contractor by additional gutting prior to the- start. of paving operations) Full compensation for conforming-to the requirements of this article shall. be cor~sid~red as included in the contract price paid per ton for A.C. 'i~~e "B" and no additional. allowance will be made therefore. fig) ~ITSCELLANEC~JS C~~CR~TE CoNST~CzCTION . .Portland.. ce~ent concrete- curbs, sidewalks., wheelchair ramps cross drains,. drive approaches:, driveways and miscellaneous construction shall conform to the provisions in Section ~3, "Concrete Curbs and Sidewalk," of the Standard Specifications and these special prov~slons.: h } PART~CIPATIOI~1 B~ FUREI€~1 CoI~C'TaRS AND S~~BcoNTRAcT4RS , The Depar~nt will~not consider for award any bid .proposals submitted by any Contractor, and will nod consent tQ subletting any portions of the centrac~ to any Subcontractor of a forei~r~ country during .any period ~.n which such foreign country s~ lifted bar e united States Trade ~epr~esentative, as discriminating against U.S,. fire in conducting, procurement for public .works projects. In addi~on~ no product of ary such ~.isted country shal`1 be pe~ma~.ently ~incorpor~ated into the project. - . -This special provison.apple~~ to the participation of Contractors, Subcontractors and products of the f~l~:owng countries which have begin listed by h~ Un~.ted 5t~tes Trade R~pre entat~.ve JAPA~1 ~'or the purpose of this Special Provision: _ - 1. Any Contractor or Subcontractor who is a citizen or national of" a foreign country-o~ ~.s controlled dirzctlY or indirectly by citizens or nationals of a foreign country, shall be co~~sidered to . be: a Contactor or Subcontractor of .such foreign country. Thee terns."contractc~r~ and "S~bcontractor" also .include and' partner ~:n a joint venture. 2 . Any product, of which fifty percent ~ 50~ ~ or ire pf its cosh is attra.btitable to production or rr~:nufacturing in- a foreign country, shall be cons tiered- to bs a product ~of such ~c~re i country. ~ z~) A~7UST SU~V~Y MoI~tJMENI` FNCASEt~NTS ~ Survey monument encaserr~nts shall be adjusted to finish grade at the locations shown on the, plans, in accordance with these special pro~ision.s, and City Standard 5-29. . The surf ace.. of the ,concrete. shall. bP .protected- from public traffic for a mi n ice. o~ three days . ~31:MA~.30 - ~°30~ :wr-n 4 Thee n~nu~:nt shall be provided by the Con~r~:ctar ~:nd will ~e set. by the- City of Bakersfield. M~~ASUt~~NT AND PAS. Far pay~ent purposes,- a survey monument encasement shall:. be considered as a single unit complete in ~1.ace. The contract price .paid for survey monument sncaser~nt shall.. include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials.{including monuments), tools and equipr~;nt, and for doing all work. including Axca~ation and..backfill, involved in constructing the monument encase.nt complete in place. { j) SURVEY MUN(JMENT ENCASEc'~ENTS. purvey monument encasements shall be constructed at the ~.ocations shown on the plans, in accordance witl'~ these special provisions, and City standard 5-29, The surface. of. the concrete shall be protected from public traff id° for a minimum. of three days. At the option of the Contractor, minor concrete comaini~g a r~.nmum: of seven. sacks of cen~nt per cubic yard may be used and `the tip required -for protection. of the concrete surface from public traffic shall be reduced to a minimum of one day. They monument shall be provided by the COntractor and w ~.ll be set by the City of Bakersfield. N~'~S~NiEI`~T AND PA~~NT. For payrr~nt purposes, a survey, r~onurr~n encasement shal~..bP considered as a single unit complete i.n p3.ace . -The contract price paid for survey monurncnt encas~n~nt shall.. include full. connsa~on for furnishing all labor, materials `{including monuzr~nts) , tools and equipment, and fc~r doing all work including excavation and backfill, involved in constructing the mo~un~nt encasemsn~ -complete in plate. SECTION 15. SPECIAL PROVISIONS; - TRA~'~'IC SI~~~I~S . _ . - . - _ AND STREET LIGHTING {a) DESCRIPTIQN, Furnishing, installing and ~.odifying traffic sig- nals and highway lig:~ting and payn~nt therefor shall conform to the provisions in Section 86, "Signals and Lighting", of the. Standard Specifications and .these special provisions. Traffic signal work: a~s to be performed at the fol~.owing locations: Ming Avenue at Valhalla Drive. - { REMQVING A~~D REPLACING ~l'~'ROVE~NT~ . Re~ovng and replay ing improve~r~ts shall confarzn t~ the provisions in Section 8~~2.02, "Removing and Replacing :~m~rovements," of the Standard Specifications and these sp~czal . . provlsa.ons. ~ ~MAVD, 3l ~°3~,~ GG:wrn { c } F(~C~DATIO~15 . Foundations shall conform to the provisions in section 8b~-2.~3, "Foundations,'" of the Standard Specifications and. these special. prov~.sions. The Contractor shall furnish the anchor bolts,. nuts- and washers to be- used. for. new foundations and -shall furnish the appropriate .nuts and washers for existing foundations t© be reused... Portland cen~nt concrete sha11 conform to Section 90-~10, "Minor Concrete,'" of the Standard Specifications and shall contain not ~.ess than 4?0 pounds of cement. per cubit yard, Pxcept for pile foundations shall contain not . less than 5~4 pounds of cement per cubic yard.. {d~ CoN~JIT. Conduit shall conform. to the. provisions in Section 8b-2405, "Conduit.," of the Standard Specifications and these special. provisions. insulated bonding bushings will be required on rnet~l conauit.. {s} PULL BODES. Pull boxes shall conform to the provisions in Sect~.on 8b--2.Ob, "dull Soxes," of the Standard Specifications and these. special provisions. . Recesses for suspension of ballasts ~~vill not be required. { f ~ CoNDq~SOF,S WIRING. Conductors and. wiring.:snall conform to the provisions in Section 8b-X2.0.8, "Conductors," end Section 8b-~~.fl9, "~~iring," of the. Standard: Spec~f~cations and these special provisions. CONDUCTORS -The Contractor shall use multi-conductor e~.ectrioal cables: {~~pe INCA l~~l} for all Circuits: except. between the serc~cc s~vitch and controller caoinet r _ _ only maJ.ti-conductor cable conforming to the following shale.. be used _ 5 Conductor cable consisting of 5 No. I4 conductors colored 1 each red, yellow, brown, white and b ack. Conductor`c:able consisting of l No. 12 conductor colored white and N~, 14 conductors .colored. each red, ye low, brown,,black, redlack stripe yellow black stripe, brown/'black stripy and _ ~ whitA:/black :stripe.. 28 Conductor cable consisting of 1 ~o. ~.0 cond~ct~r colored white and 27 Noe 14~ conductors colored as indicated in t`ne follo~an~ conductor tab e .for a single ring operation.. col~D~1C3~JR TABS Insulation.Colors Signal Phase . Circuit or Function Base Sari 2 b ~ Red; Yellow, Brown Black ~Tehicle _ 4 & .8 - Red, Yello~r, .Brown orange Signals 1 & 5 ~ Red, Yellow., gown Silver :3 & 7 Reds Yel1Qw~ Brown Pu le MaTCIS:~.~"... 1M.2R^u.i!'.. ?ryPS.S^R.9~ .!r!RAIe!~LTPIS:.?R./!R...!`...`.T.'3^..M..Y7i"'~17.y7.~~.t!'^^b"`,nT'Y.[I.e:K, .'t:~JRkWmR.~~' a ~ e o ,d 6e G® ~7ia o ~Pq 1.11 2p & Gp Red, Brown 2 Bl.a~c Pedestrian 4p & 8p .Red, Brown 2 Orange Signals lp & 5p Red, Brown L Silver 3 & 1 Red, Brown 2 Pule 2p & ~p Blue. ~.~Mack Pedestrian 4p S~ ~ Bl~e~ orange Push Buttons lp & 5p Blue. Silver y 3 & 7 Blue Pu: le pedestrian Push Buttons ~~Vhite Black common S i a:l ~~h a. to ~1one Ra~.lroad .Pre-e tion Black Red S are Mack ~1one The cable sheath shall ~ pol~ethyle~e and. the conduotor insulation shall be T~~pe T~1 polyvinyl chloride. Subparagraphs 1, 2, ~ and, 5 of the first paragraph of Section 8b~-2.09, "Splicing," df the Standard Specifications are deleted.. Conductors sell. be spliced by -the use of "c" shaped compression - connector~ as shun on Standard Plan ES 13. Splices shat be insulated by "method B , " ~ g) BUSING A~1U GRQU'NDiNG. Bo~dn~ and grounding steal cor~f n to the previsions in section 86-2.10 "Bonding and Grounding," of the .Standard specifications and these special provis~.ons _ {h) SERVICS~. Service shall conform to the provisions in Section 80-2 ~ ~l, "servl.ce of the .Standard Specifications and these special provisions. . The Bngineer will- arrange with: the serving utility to co~tplete service connections to eer~rce points shown on .the plans aid will pay all required costs and fees required b~ the utility. ~ 1 ~ TESTING. Testing shall eonfo~?n to the provlslons In S~ct~on 8~-2.14, "Teeting," of. the Standard ~pccif catl,ons grid these special p~°o~sons. ~ j) ST~►L ~"Ac~S LAID SIB ~F~ Segna~ ~acee~ signal heads .and auxlia~r equipment, as sham on the plans, and the insta~llati ors thereof ~ snap oor~forn~ to the prov~.~ions in Section; 8~~°4.01, '~vehicl~ S~.gnal ~`dces," ~~~-4.02, »~a~rectional L~u~ers," 8G~-4.03, "Backplatcs~' and `56~4.~6, "signal Mounting Assemblies+" o~ the Standard. Specifa.cations and Wiese special pro~ris-ions Housing, visors, directional.. louvers and badkplates shall not be structural plastic. All lamps for tr~ffis signal units shall be furnished by the contractor. _ bd~ A ~ • L JL i N Ld 0 ~ - ~ a/ ~ ti,J~ O ~I~rn All., signal: faces shall. be provided with 12-inch. sections PEDE5'I'RIA~ SIGNALS . Pedestrian signals sha~.l conform to the provisions in Section s6--4.05, "Pedestrian signal Faces, " of the Standard 5pecf;ications and these special. provisions.. - Pedestrian signals shall be '~~rpe C, and .shad have eher~y efficient heads, equivalent to Indicator Controls Corporat-ion ~~odel 4094. ~ 1,) LUMINAIRES . Luminaires shall conform to the provi s ions i n Section 86-6.01, "high Intensity-Discharge Luminaires," of the standard Specifications and these special provisions. Luminaires small be furnished. with 200-watt 'nigh pressure sodium la~~s and integral ballasts. ~~n) PH~ELECTI~C CoNT~QL~. Photoelectric controls shall conform to the- provisions in Section 86~6.0?~ "~hotoelect~°id Controls", of the Standard Specifications and these s~eci~l provisions. Each lu~nnaire shall be provided with a ~ Ill photoelectrical control.. ~ n) CON'I'ROLLE~S, CABINETS ,D AUXILSA,RY ~~UI~~~iEi~T. T1he pity ~aill furnish the controller and cabinet assAmbly for.. each. location, ~o) DETECTQRS. ~tQctors shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-5,~ "D~et~ctor~," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. =Location and layout. of detector loos shall be as dratted tl~e Engineer. INSTALLATION DETAILS; Installation and tests shah. conf orrn to the details and notes showy - cn t~1e plates _ Slots cut in the paven~nt shall be blow out and dried before installing 1ndLlctlve loop de~tectorS. Af tAr conductors :are installed in slots cut in the paven~nt, the slots shall be f l~.~d with epoxy sealant' conf~rr~.ng to the r~cluirents in Section 95-Z.09, "epoxy sealant for Inductive Loops,." to w-thin 1~'8 'inch of thepavement . :surface. The sealant shall be at .least 1`2 inch thick above the top conductor in the sa~~ cut ~ Before lotting, surplus sealant shall. be r~smoved f roxri the ad jacQnt road surf aegis wi tryout t~~e use of solvents In lieu of the epoxy sealant spe~if led above, slots n~:y be filled wi~.h either of the fallowing materials; 1. An elastor~eric sealant conforming to the follo~ang: . The sealant shall be a poly~urethanA material of ~ eor~pasition. that. gill, within its stated: shelf life, cure only in the presence of moisture. Sealant shall be suitable for use i~ both asphalt concrete aid Portland cerr~nt concrete. D8 ; Q~vD.34 ~~4¢ CGwrin The cured. sealant .shale... have the following perfor~►~ance characteristics:. Measuring standard Parope r. t~ and Results And Cor~di t ions Hardness ~ indentation) - 65-85 .AS'~~i D 2.240. Res. T~,r~e A, Model: 1100 ?7° F.= { 25° C.) 50% relative hu~.dit~°.: Tensile strength _ 500 psi, min. AS~'M D 4.12- Die C, pulled at 20 " ~i.. Elongation 400 minimum AS'i D 412 Die C, pulled at 20 ~I. Flex at 40° F. no cracks 25 mil Free Film Bend ~ 180°) over 1/2" Mandrel... ~~leathering Resistance - Slight ASTM D 8.22. ~Teatherometer 350 Brs. Chalking Cured ?days at 7?° F. X25° C.) 5~~ relative hun~.dity. Salt Spray Resistance - 500 asi, ASS B- ll? 28 days at 100° ~ 38° C.) minimum '~e~sle; 400, m.nim~~n 5~ ~1aC1, Did C, pulled at 20 IP~~. elonga~zon Dielectric Constant Less than ABT~~' D 150. 25~ change o~~er a teerature ..range o~ -~30° C. to 5~° C. 2.. Asphaltic ulson Inductive Loop Sealant shall conform to State of California S~ecf ica~ion 80:40-~41A-~.5~ ~ copy enclosed herein) . _ _ . Taoop conductors shall installed without .splices .and ,shall. term}.na~A i.n the nearest ou].l box, .'fie baps shall joindd in the p~al1 box in cobination of series and parallel so that optimum sensitivity is obtained at the senor unit. Final splices bpt~een loops and lead-in cable shall not.~b~ made until the operation of the loops under actual tzaff ic~ conditions is approved 'pv: t~~e Engineer. All loop conductors,..: f or each direction of gavel for the same phase of a traf~s signal system, in the same pull box, shall be sliced to a cable wh~.ch shall be~ run from the .pull box adjacent- to :fie loop, detector. to ~a senor unit mounted in the controller cabinet ~ Spl~cee to the cable shall be made in pull bogies on~.y. . All loop ganducto~s for t~°af f is c~~un~e r~ shall to rte. rate i n ~ ~u l l box or t~,nal stz°ip in the traf f e ccaur~t st~.tion cabinet when such ~ cabinet is installed. c~anduc~ors for inductive loop traf ~~.c s~ c~~aal and traffic coun~.in~g installations shall be :de~ntif ~.ed and banded in pai~s~ by lane, ~ °n the pu~.l fox . adjacent to the loops and near ~,he termi~aation of the c®nductor~ in the c~sn~.~o:~ler o traff ~.c cc~uht shat-ion cabinet. Bands shall conform to the ~ro~risor~s iri Section SG~2.09, "Wiring." LAS o16MA~.35 ~85~. tr~ If asphalt concrete. surfacing is to be placed, .the- loop detector .conductors: shall be installed prior to placing-the uppermost Layer of asphalt. concrete. The conductors shah. be installed, as shorn an the plans, in the cc~~pacted layer of asphalt. concrete~diately below the u~petost layer,. Installation de~al~ shall be as shown on the plays, except the. e~o~r sealant shall fill the. s:let.: flush to the surface Detector loops in conczetP pads shall. be sealed:with-epoxy sealant. Lead. cables shall. be T~~pe A lead--ins and shall conform to the provisions in Section 8b-5,OlA(4~, "Construction Materials," of the Standard specifications and these. special provisions. { p) PAXS~iE~1T. Pay~r~nt f oar signals and 1 fight ng shall conform to e provisions in Section 86-~~, "Payn~nt", of .the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Full ccx~ensation for cast-in~dri~.led ho~.e concre~.e pile foundations shall be consid~r~d as included in the contract lump sum price paid for the item requd ing foundations and no separate payment will be made therefor., {q} Function Testing:- :All function test shall be adcording to Section $6-2.14 C of: Standard 5pecif icat~on and follr~ing paragraph: "~'uncti onal test period is included in the n~u~er of working days t© cc~.ete o project" as described in FRCGRESS ~F R~ 1~D TIME:: FAR CoMPI~ETI~N of this specif ication~ SECTION l6, SP~C:IAL ~R~vISI~NS SAC S~°~ N~"~ SI~a S~re~t name signs shall conform to the provisions in Section 5+~--2, "Roadside ~ igns, " of the standard Specifications and.- these: Special. Provisions sign panels will be furnished and installed by the City. Mast-arm hangers ~a.ll be furnished and installed by she pity. Street Name signs evil be installed by ...mast-arr~ hanger methods such as Hawkins M10~' series swinging sign bracket, with return:spring remdved or acceptable egu~l. : Regulatory. Signs. A11 Regulatory signs shall be furnished and..... installed by contract~~. ~~;AS~JREN~~T ~i1D P~.YME~1T. For payment purposes, a sign shall be con- sdered as a single unit complete in place. ~ ccntr~ct pr a.de pa:id for sign shall include .full cc~~pensat ion for f~urnishzng a~.l labor., material includi~.g galvanised pipe, sign { s ~ s concrete etc } . Toa~.s ar~d equipment., and for. all work including in installing-the sign comple~.e in place. :Miscellaneous Roadside signs shall confor~ to City. standard TS-4. D3 v 1.:MAVD. Cam: wrn SECTION 1.7. SPECIAL PROVISIONS GUA~AN'~`EE FOR T~~AFFIC SIGNAL AND. STREET LIOHTIN~G S`~ST~S e: Via} GU~T~E., The Contractor shall furnish a Britten guarantee: to the City an the ..form attachzd~ guaranteeing all systems, except traffic signal lamps ~ installed under this contract f or a period:. of one: ~ 1 } year from the date of: acceptance of .the. work. The guarantee, properly executed, shall be. f ,filed with the City before notice of completion and. final. acceptance is made by the City of the work described on the plans and these special provisions. ~ b } PAX~EN`T. The lurk sum prices paid- for installation of traffic s~,gnal and street lighting systems; shall include full Compensation for. furnish~-~ ing the guarantee as required in this section.. SECTroN 1~3. SPECIAL- PROVISIONS Remove Traffic Stripe$ and Pav~n~r~t ~~iarkings a } ROB TJF~'IC STRIPES AND P.AV~~MENT N~~tK7~1GS. Traffic stripes and pavement markings to be removed. gill. be as shun on plans and as designated ~y thee, Engineer. Traffic: stripes and: ,pavement. markings shall. be removed to the fullest.. extent. possible ~rbrn the pavement. by any method. that:.. dc~s not.. material~.y damage thee. surf ace or texture of the pavement or surfacing. ~lhe~e blast:. cleaning is used ~:or~ the removal of painted traffic stripes ar~d pavement mark~.r~gs, the area shill be she.ided s~ that no n~at~rial fr~n the .blasting ~p~ra~tion is allc~~~d to - enter thee area that is n to public traffics,: Sand or other. r~aterial: deposited on the pavement as a.. result... df rer~ioving traffic. stripes and: markings shall be removed. asp the work progresses. AcC~~vu atior~e ®f sand or~ other material which ~ . might interfere : witJ~ drainage or might constitute a hazard to traffic will not be permitted. - Traf f iC stripes shall be removed . bef®re a~ ~ change. is made in -.the tr~ff lc pat~~rn. Blast cleaning far removal. of traffic stripes shall be feathered out to irregular and varying Width Pavement markings shall be removed by blast cleaning a rectangular area, rather than just lettering ar markings, sa -the old message cannot be identified. _ After removal of traffic stripes and paven~nt mark a:ngs, a f og seal coat. shall: be applied in canfornce with the provisions in Secticr~ 37, '~~ituminous Seal.s,'~ of the .Standard Specifications and the fallow:frig: : In traffic stra~pe remQVal areas, the fog seal colt shall be applied over the trafi~c stripe removal area and to irregular and ~aryinp widths with ah average .w_dth cif 2 feet can each. side of the blast cleaned .t~af~ic s~~ipe rer~oval area.. In pavernt marking removal areas, the fog seal Coat shall be applied to the blast cleaned rectangul.a~ area. D3 + 1:I~1AVD. 3~ °~37~ GG:wrn Fu3.1 c ~yiy~, 7(~~nsation for furnishn and. applying. fog seal coat as sped.-~~ f ied herein shall Lobe considered as Included Ln the contract price paid.. per s are foot. for removal of traffic stripe and paven~nt marking.. and no separate paymbn~ will be made therefor, Nothn in .ese s cial provisions shall relieve the:.- Contractor from g his res onsibilitiss as provided in Section 7°-1.-09, "Public Safety," of the. p Standard Specifications. b ODDER OF ~~RK, Order of ~vork shall. conform to the provisions in 7 , Section 5°l. ~5, "Order of ~~ork, " of the Standard Specif icatlons and these spe-~ vial provisions. pavement delineation sha11 be replaced by temporary .delineation before o enin the traveled wa to ,public traffic. Temporary delineation shall consist p g Y of ref lecti.ve traffic line tape applied in pieces not less than 4 inches long nor less than 4 nohe~ wide spaced, no mare thanl~ feet apart on curve nor more 20 f eet a art on tan eats. Ref le~tive traf fi.c line tape shall be applied than p ~ ~ all in accordance with .the.. manufacturer's instructions. Temporary dellneat~.on sh be the same- color. as the rmanent delineation. Full compensation for teorary del`inedton sha11 be considered as included in the prices paid for the contract items of work that. obliterated the existing delineation .and no separate payment will be made therefor. r ineaton removal shall be coordinated with temporary Jelin- paven~nt del aati.on so that lane Lines are provided a~t all tires on traveled ways open to public .traffic. x c ~ IEP.~UREMENT ADD PA~~?T. antites of traffic stripe removed will 7 be determined by t~h~ width of the stripe plus.- 0.67-foot. multzplled.:by the: length of the stripe. The space between d~ubl~ traf f is stripes. 'will be measured as: inted traff i~c st~i Qt~a~tities of pavement markings removed will `be deter- pe ~ mined by the actual size of tie rectangle measured in square feet. vin of traffic :qtr s wi ~ 1 be did for at the contract unit pr~.ce Remo 9 pe p _ r sure foot for :the actual area of authorised stripe removal ontract unit rice r s arc..foot shall include full compensation The c p ~ ~ r furnishin all labor, r~aterals, tools, equipment, signs and. for doing a~:1 f0 9 - word necessary for rerno~ring exista.ng str~.pa.ng as shaw~~ on plan and as directed by the engineer. D~ :1 ei`~~1D. 3~ ~3$~ ~:wrn M,i ~ - ~H' IY; :r~..~. j -..~..e.~~ ~...~.~.w.........~. 7AL1~17 S~,'i~ , .5e~~ ~°I C~~? ~d I ~lc; c~ ~r prapert Lir~e~ L.evee~ ~'i~~~ off' ~~y Cir~~ Wall _ f~"r~~ec~ ~e~~er1%~e. _ ~ Cr~l verb ~ave~c~f. fed . 9~ k ~er~ce~~ ~ ~~f~. • x~x x~ DecrdUou~; 7~~~e C tare! ~d / fiver r erg- T q e r°ee d 1: r l ~On unre f. ~ ~ U~~rre) , ~~~~r~ Lure. ~erv~c~ Pyre r~ Q m ~ L I r~~ C? 1~h M Wa e`er ~t~le fe g - ~ ~ - Burled ~ ~e hone Ca~1e ~ ~ 111.11. Wa, er Yaly~ ~ p B~rJcd ~'ocuer Cad/e ~ ~ ~o - Fri ,yyc~r-~r~~ . -moo ~~r~~r- Lr~e ~ _t7 G;11I1, 5 Ga ~~~e~ ~.o a ~erla~ t~/r°e ~ G. V. ~s ifa~/~e ~ Aeri ~ 1 b/e ~ III. H, i1/h~~a/~~ ' ti' - _ ~ ~~'o~~ echo C1fi /i ale 7"e/eo~a~i~e ~®le ~ ~ 1°ree f ~ hf ~ ~ - t~~1~YC8~1~.. REC~~~~: C~ ~ ~~A1A/1~' ~ /1. KERN C®U!V`iP1f, Cd►LIh~RNill' ~~~A~T~M~NT~ CHECICE~ / n -a-~, F4 ~ t w 1 o ,Q: " ~ ,5:~: . V®lume° = 0.0~3T9 cubic y~ord per lineal foot ~Io/ume = 005803 cubic ord esp tin y p eQl foot CURB AiVD GUTTER ~ CURB A~1Q GUTTER T`~PE T`f P " " E~ ' r tOMR ' 1~sZ P', q ~~wl J / 4~, . ~ 1 ' ~ t ~ Q. ~ Q ',1 ~ 1 r a ~ x ~ • ~ ~ ~ P Ip~t }ye ° ;u~i~ ~ y7R ~Y° I/~ Ex sty ~~N ( > v/ v .p~ H ' i ✓ C `1~a. Bpd ro '!~d/` ~ ~ t I in°• ~olurne~0.04321 CLDJ L...~._.~..~...,,, ~ c yard per Irneol foot:. - , • y volume - 0.0487' cubic: yard per° lines font K ~ Ct~R~~ ANtj GUTT'ER' TYPE: "G~ Rt3L1~-TAP` GUTTER ~~~~RAL ~r~~• All ++a►k sho~wr-shall c~~► tv /h~> plicvbk sections of TXpa „Cp curb and gvtt~ is pr~itled arly ir, Mtabi;~~ t~ the. specifrcotians entitled ""Slvn~doro' S,aeafrcotion State of califcrnia Dep~rrtm~ of llc y1l~irs Qvisran of~~Highway~;' Pbrks, Mb~rk k~~e; Subdivisions o~d ,4®S-~2Z ~ ao►~° the.: followatg specidl pravisiovr,~ (ResideMrol .~uburbon l'wo-~And~On~-Half Acre► Minm~rrp Lct Sire1 Zone• Subgrwale- preporatioh for type A; "B; and "C" curds and grrtter~ shall be constructed true to gro~dle and cross sewn ~rhh campaw,~ran oaf 909: ~ o .~e1bIV sut~rade! ~rn Of QSOf~ ~wmi1' ftv~ curb and gutter° consr"rucriao shop oc~ca►»porry~- tieol wwk and may be a~dtornrd froinr the De~ar°tcr~t ~ Caacn~ .far crarD aid g~tler all ter G,~s "8'" ~~'sa~ off' Friblic ~ork~ i and shall be ~►th~ ;2 ~ to S sfu►r~ I Builder for r~ew, recnade%d dr exoandeb btiikings pte sat . ~mb~° fdrms shall bt s~rfacrd orr the ~ T»w~ ~ next t0 forth in• C/t~OtPr 140, Se+Ctit~ IZ.~ArQ 0/ the tht c~n~te drt4 shall not be leis' tha+r I ~ thrck after 9akersfield hlunicpprrra' Code shall ,pride cr~cr~rfe Garbs ~ being , surft~ced ~ a►ad gutters accrxdiiraq to the stonobrd drawing; lop 4~ ShO~l bit 1r0~,~d ;S11k~Otl1 thin°~ c~rr6s o!'~d gutters shot/ be in ~XiSt~i~CE AP ham theiir fine brush ftn~h, ~ gn~r► o c~nstruCtr®v► gY~ranteed cassr, ct~rtfied check; ~ i c~,~arate surety b~3d q by Plto G'ty rdPtbP1A~ Whe~~ exr,~,►ng~ curbs o~ gutters° are to be replaced new a~ d ~ovrditir,~ Ao fi~A ®p and oc~eptonc~ by the cx~~ra shall crotch exrsting constn~tian un/e~s Chr~f 9uildi~ lns,~tor far cx'CUponcy ~ ~,y ~g j oit►ese directed by they ~`ng~eer. ~ qty C~cxr/e ,shall ccrrt~m ~ oddifr~s unless prhur wpr obtarne~:.+ . r~ the City ~ngmeer rz~rny nor ~ aid ~~uu11~r the ~xrsa~rrg Qc~~ i shad/ be soa+^rrt o tnfnimunr of Zft fry the Irp of g~tte~ When repl~inq curb and grater- the ~nq~neei rnity C~cretc shop b~ cured w►tlr o wl~te ~~~~mer~tpd cu►irrg aAPraye sa~rtting alarg tlk /iA df the sxrsfira fter in canroo~d ~PI~R9 /o se~i+orr 9Q-T Ol of the Stanm~rd g gcr S,oecrfrcotions lieu of ~v/a+crng ®minr of 2ft a~ pa~mant existing sectiars of r~►b and gutter shop be sewrtrt ~ of the limits Qf the area to be re~onstructero! ~ S TA eV~A l~D Feb Z,~.1978 Weakened pM•~ jointl or cold joint~° shall be --~-~'~r~ ! ~+~Z$. s,~,,,,, constructed of 15ft. mte,►►~ols Expa~san joints shall CURB A D G T T E RrJQ . be of etrch side of strvctr~►es and of ends of e~;~, Clrrc~ fetG►~'As. ~ ~ ec ii a rr a' ,'AOe~~ ' ~ ~GS ~p ~ to TypeQ"curb d~rd gutter is regrtired' in all streets ~ ~ ~ ..No wtie~ necessary for dry hype 'curb ona' ~rttex is reguir~d in all streets ~ ~ ~I~~ ~R~~~ exceot wtre~ rye ~'°or'C'i,~ r'egr~►red a~°~m~tted ~ r ~ ~~L1~°~RlV~~4 ~ cry e►ea~eroc~ {ia~'~'~~R4 I D~F~/aPtE~t7° - I ~ealrened ;••Ezponsion Joint ~.~Plane Joint '~Gcrtter-. ~ y 1 "a _ ~ f ~ ; . ~ . ~ ► ~ ~j . ~ ~ • ~ a I , ! E L ~ .411 work sho/I conform to the ?opliccble sec; ions . ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~i of the specifiCapions entitled Standard S,oecifi- 5 , Max.1 1 ~ 1 CQPionS; Slate Cf CQlifc~nio, ~epdrtrnent of irons j i between Jornts ~ ~ ~ ~ ( portatJon and the f0/lowin Specla! rdvi ~ n 1 ~ ~ 9 p sro s. ~ + i Subgrade preporapion shall be co►~structed tree .fio ~ Strppt RI ht•of•Wo ;nA•••• i fn gr®de and cross section, ~ith• Con9pocti0n of ~ Standard Gurb Return radius 909 t®o depth- of 0.50 feet. ~ ~ ~ shall be ZQ feet unl ` ess Concrete shall be Class '9" (5 saclrl end shell o ~ ~ ~ ~•a otherwise directed by the ~I ~ ~ t> hr~e a slump between Z.!/2" and 5-t/~", l'hg City Engineer surface steal! oe finished to grade and crass ~ , z, ~ ~ ~ section with a float, troweled smooth, and . ~ ~ finished with a broom. ~ . , ~ , Concrrt~-shall be~.: c'trred with- a white•pigmented ~~~~~'~A~~~~ "rYP~ curing compound complying to Section- 90-TDIB' ~ of the Standard Specificopions• ~Yeokened Alone.... joints sho/l be-installed at° foot inter~ols and expansion joints at 6d foot ~ f Vora inte~`vo/so Exponsion joints shop be~ locoted ct Var. each side- of a structrlre end at the ends of curb returns4 '~4=6" minimam in R• I and R-2 .lanes;:. Fxponsion joint fi!lAr° moterio/ shale' consist of ,5=~" minimum in al! other- to»es dnd ;arefArmed strips of o dcrrvble, resilient yompaund: nn mojor city. streets; curb°to<wo/l Sr°d~o/ks shrill de~ scored to where wo/l rs construc~'ed. a rnrnrm~unr depth. of I✓E"° unless otherwrsP~ directed by they City' Engneeer ( Fx ansion Joint sldewol~ construction ~n~ vlorks with existing Gutter sidewcrlk~~ steal! conform in dimension and . racation° to those in ploc~e~: • CurbN . ~ Existing sidewollr shoU be sawcut and removed • ~ l5' li4~ox.J ~ ~ at the first scoria tine at or be and the° . Weokened o g y . ~ ~ ~ ~ between Joints. P/cne p/gnned j®nt. ~ • . Joint ~ . 4~ ' , . ~ ~ . - , ~ : ~ ► ~ ~ ~ , A permit for sdewolk construction and reran- . A ~ ~ • ~ ~ . ~ • ~ ~ strucPinn shell b~ abtoined from the Deportment;. Expansion.;, , , . • ~ ~ cf Public works and shod accompony octuo/ work. Joint , ; ' ~ ~ . • ~ , . ~ ,4rry varianee in finish color or moteriol fro m • ~ ~ stvpdard will require rt special permit from ' ~ ~ Street Righ -of-Way G~ine N•'• >he City Council. o > •a ~ q~ o • , ~ Standard Eurb Retr~rn radius ~~~io~rons from tt% ~ combnvtior~ fype sidesro~lk,svc~ e ~ •o ~ > , , . shop be 2~ feet unless ds stondord or meonder~ng type,rnvy be,oermitted by ~a ~ ~ ~ . , ~ otherwise dirrected by the the ®paropri®t~ de~~igr~ provisions o~` Cho tdr 16 ,o .3~ 3 ~ , Cipy Engineer,.: of the ~lue~icipat Cod®. ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ Corrbrnotion ~ypc Vor. ~ . h~. S~'At~DA~t~ GYP ~ ,~,r~. M ~ e :E .~fondard rye ;~c,, . a, ~D SAL K ~ ~ ~ ~ ..4, ~ ~ ,~lo a //'4 inCl~ er foot Va, ~ I J1.~ ry p x'•r, '..;..fi.iii~ ..~.o~ 1y:~.~Q' 't5•~ 'tr•':'°'.:?'~?CC'iv~.~ 'w,' ~~Am~~ „4,,,^ ~ ee TYP1~A1~ 5~~~'1~N Builder for nex►, remodeled, or ezponded buildings os sPt forth in Chopper /Z. 4Q, Section t2, 40.OtO of the Bokersfie/d MunCipol Cade shop provide 4iM11BYR0 ~ ~ OATt o~rr S TANL~~R~ C4 t ~~r ~~I canc°rete cr~rbs, gutp~rs and sidewv/ks Qccvrding O~toh~,~ 2~ to thi.~ stono'ord drawing.. X ~~c~Qutf Sr~r°h curbs, gutpers and sideymolks shall `bP in axis- ~ ~ . 6°1~K~ tenc~e yr hv~e ttfeir cvns~truCtfAn oranteed b ~ f I ~ ~ Q. ~a tiiaor~~ ca>sh, certified check dP corpofope surety bond approved by the G'rty attoFney os a condition to A, ' ~Y~~° :vvne find/ approvol a~7d acceptance by the Chief ® ~ r9u~Odrng Inspector for occuponcy to-the bur'Iding ~~~~~~~;L,D ar property... ~ ~ ~LlF~~~1~ cr~+v:~c+~~oe E14Cs1~0EEP9i~~ OEP~+IRRT'1w11' r! _ • l~. J`~oW' Cut' . ' ' ' ' , , ; CJass''~A" ~6 ~sock~ Portond ~ s'Ex~strn9°~, , • ' ''Cement . ° •Portlond Cerim • Canrret~ Calor•~'; . - ' ' ' ' . m ;and. finish.:., to r»otch . ,o C®ncr~t~~': o Select Mol~rro! v~~~• (lf rtquiitd~ . ~ oa~o~ .►F ~ ~oc~fill ~ , ~ PA~°~H ~N~ CO~CR~,T SURF~C~ Qspholtic ~orht r, Asv/fic paint . finder Sow Cut ,~ornder i•~ w'"s~er•~; ~t~i. ~ ~J~ CDnGr~ A.~SU~' dGrn` x~~sy~fmQ. osw cl~`~cor~crete . • ...,,,..e,,a ~'i~, Closs• A : {6 socxl , par~wnd . ~ Y~ t 7}.~ i k ....,irY•..~wr.a~. a . \a~,. :;',Cent ° ~ai+c~t~.~,;;: . ~xL i ' I .1t ~N •a. 0 Select Motariol ~ elf' rrgtliied~ ~ ~ ` 1 r. 8o~lttill Aspholtic Aar' r n Aspholtic, ,aomh C~'Nf RAL NDT~S ~nde~° I~ Sow Cyt r°~° bind~° e.:r ...y, . , All ~rkm4nslfia~~ and mOterio/s" shall. _ ~rr•..,.~3,y ~ Os olt~ Cr~t4 , xsting'aso~o" ~.~cnn~ • . .ir ii is r • r ~ g ~sr ~ b e. .r,•. x b.. CD/~J`rXrfl" t h ~,:rt., , A; , ~:.l~ , , o t requirements" sit forth,, +~~~"''4' 1Af.~'lll a• ''Vi'a««~'~;~~ ~ rn '2~.'~':../~tr~L°~"' 1h ~ :a~ » Stondor+d~ SpedficotiQns, 51ote•' of . • j ' , ~ ~ Coli~nio, ` ~r;oortrnrnt ai Public- ~ibrks, 6"~Unheotrd rock bose~ Avrsaor►.. of Highways. ~ ' r ~ ' `w ~ , - Sow cyts at on opening in ospho/t 1' cancrex~' 3 or rnarr- inches: in Thickness ~ w Select ~oter►ol. ~ • ~If rr~uredl a rnoY be mode when tTte concret+ ~ potch hos cured and is ready lv I rece~Ye the► ~s~olt carcrete surfi~cing. ~OClrfrll ~ . S4W Cuts Sh4/l ~ 1110dt QCrCII~'~ Or Ot right, or+g/~s to the cent~~lne~ of the PAT~~i 11~ ~P4iAl,T: ~~NCR~►?~. ~~RRA~~ stlee~ L~~~ ~~A~ 3~ ~ th of select moteriQ! if r it equ ed, - stroll b~ dctrrmin~d in the find . ~ the Engi~aee~ "~Al~ p~rr~t binder 7n csphd/t ~ancr~te tQ®d~ Su~'foCes, osoho/t Y ` ' ~ f~/~e. : r►/1y~ ~ rau cc/»~/cret,~ scrrfor~/~ng shol0 b~ mixed with ~t f'~:f , fl~.•d,`. b.• i MMrV7 ~ ' , "y VI7 V~ ~/ti. ~~~~TTT~~"" ft~ llf9'" p ~ g A~ . D Select M~ot~rioi s ~ Patches less thou 2 feet.: from ~ ex~sPi~~ porches, edges of povernent, ~Il r~r~d1. ~ or gutted shell be extended to rnCltide ` the interme~daate iso%ting strio ~ 1 0® existang pov~nrent, &~~rfi!/ ~linimurn- porch width shall DE ~ feet of its sntalles! dimension. PAT~~ ~~i READ ~iIX~~ URF~ A+~aNvos e~ Tws o,►re r. ~ hI0r9~ ~,rr~ede~;. _ ~jT~ ~,~C~~~FIELD~ ~~LIF~JRNIA~ ~ ~s EN~1N~E~1NG DEt~1R7MENT f'Iowrii~ ~leHat~ia, at 11a►s panr=sixril real e~+ot~ar ut vP~er~ rnd ao~ thi~~ reiwn~ ~ for. ~ _ ~ar~ . fxQ Jf~ Street:: R~W, ~ Exp. Jet` ~~'PJ'` Lli9e~ ~ar.~ • ~ ~ Slondord Curd Ret~ Rodlus~ ~t o ~ ft• unless- other- 2", vt~` A ~ ~ wise directed by~ FI li a ~ ~ fi ; . a~ ne of Gutter f i hr Er~q~aeer. i f~'IoWIlf9e`'~ F10iYllne"•,1• t.~jp je...... • ' rcyrN~. .I ~a ~ 1 'Exa Jr ~ fx~a JI Q r tt = Q' ,~lii~~n . Fk~rli~ r~i gctt~ar~•.. ,_,p..;; Tra~sir~n r~i ctpnr~er'~:se~tion~ l ~ :,L ~ T .;r},;" 'ti~11~ ~jtJttel'"KfYkl~'t 03 {~Y`~.'~Ctll~d` ti?',~ Fly. of r7t/1°ter'' 11 ~ ~ •Mru•r, ~M~ 1 4; SE~TinN ~a•a S7~4ND~►R~ CROSS +GUT7"~R` ~'OR~ ST~~S"~~ _ ~LTE~HA?`~.. SEO.Tl~O~ • C~+O~a`~ GUTTER' hb!! qo~-. Ha+~ Plan GENERAL, Nt7TFS c"~3°A!! ~ ;;~',4I1 Stated Specrficvt~artt~ Ikrerrr~ n~trred Pv are, il~s~~ ~tfi' S !cd trrt ~ tkd "Sl+~ndCrd ,oa'f' t S e° ~,cdi~arn~: trr~r . of r"'calic , War~r~ 1~'v~ Lire-~" I ~•'~"i~on'~ Breoii~ t ~ . Y ' ~ P~°eporotrorr ,.,,tar. crops tter shroll cam:. fow~s l® the regrxr~~e~ts a~f t S1a~no'ord ~ S,oll,7fiC9ttAl~. . ~a t~ Slanad»d tondord~,,.,,_ ® C~!crcr,~ far aassgwtter s~vl! be C1~s on~d Rodws shroll ~lror~n M tl~ r Rodw,t ~ ~ , ~ ernents a/ tl~ .Stand fern ~ , 5 feet. aid SpecJrx~vrions Cutt~► ~ ~ Cad Expon~stcrl ,kw~t shall de crx~slructe~ of erery 3~ ar .cat directed ttrr ~f 9~ -~Ex~ Jt Al~rr~t~r Sactdan sho!! be conslrs~ca'rd at at' butter lacdti~s we~ the butter ,~ro!de is 0.30 ~ ~ ar ~rr~ter ar a~ directed by t.'~ ~~neer; e n '~d • S~~T10N ~T~~Vp~AR~ CROSS GUTTER FQR ~t~~.~~' ,er~ves w 1°wt a►R s~v. Jor~ ~ 193 ~ ~TANDA~'A e~ ~a~ ~ o~bapo ~~~~R~~°tI~L~ • ego ~,~~'~~iVf~ ..e , ~a~ o~~~~rrr ~ ~ 1 ~ ~r ~ c ~ r~;;, sao ser to ~ I~eilt9 ,Mf~~ . . Ea~~ Rdr Mgrt~k 5oaavut•. ~ 2~' ~-._......~tluarE , ,,y ''Y 3•, a~ . i' Pottsrn~ 1.:tteKS JJ ~ ~ . s~ „gym... ems. }~.A~s s ~ ..,'yK+i~rn` . , lMr~ aa.!#.' Iro~~': sm~~•..M~w NS,y{[/~~~`~+,~`.~, iµ.1 r~7a~, N K:n '.7 rye -owl. . . o ~,..a,.t 1~,,, ~ C, .~r~r+ .a .~~Ora:. ' IM ~71tJ~ ~ y ~ laatt+erR l.ltt8lr~ ~ L....„.?.,... g 3. P1.AH 12 ~ 3 ~ ~ i ~ g• ~1 ~ f S£~T~~N T~RU MONUMENT l~ -~f, 9 ~ f~ ~ - GENERAL .NOTES= All r+oriC shop ~anformt~ to t#ro~ li~#►1~ sacttons, of;. tha~ s~,rcificatia+:x: 1Q~ •ntitldd 'Stondor4 ~p+rcifications, Stoto of +~aiifornia, 8us~nd~s and Tronsyortotion Agdney, O~~rtmut of Transportot+on,` ovnnnt ~tiai ond- thes~cF tai,, ~ra~ris~onp;= ~E~CTION A-~A stings sholB- conform to~ tt~: provis~ion~.= o~ the- sp«pfiao oa farw flra~ ~ lr+on ~tsngs, sarial ~ir~taae, AST1N~l lotast l d►~9, Clau 1+1a 3C~~a Alt Fri ate;, C__ >IIw~1 ~ Qr~` Caft !8'QA fr~t:> trau M4f~~x.. crac~s4. aea0tsti ands ce~d, a9 shoat howl;. a rroricrn~ohiiican finidh Thy, >u4~. of~' tramfs~ and~+ ~r#q~ faca~•- ~ hd-.: shalt. b~e~, ma~sad:. tor; o. n~aotlt;, nen,• no~dRiaq- fit bietrrlho~ th~~ t~ro~ c+~tinps~. Std di~c~ Frith- R.C~: C~st~ shop: ba;: tliotoogi~►~ ~ aid,, dipped ~ hr~cs.. in, o : aagoroti chard: ar -l,..So nurnbrr-,.,, og aspholt or- coal tor., and:::. cii opplird::: at 340 hoh+~ra"I»it tai f- ~ 0 tlrlll~ ald~, tpn~C8088=- 8iidlo ~ohcrate ~hdll ~ontoin~ 88o additirr: ~untsss prior rrittNr ggprorai • O~tate0td IrMm`t~:' N/r Feil~~at77~a ~ Conc~t® stioll be cs,rad rrilly: s~ +~rhita i , pigmrnf+td rurinq compound _ ; ~ ~~1►w+4 with swct~n- ~ TA! ~ of thR 'Stondord Spreifscotrons=': Tl+t= voce s~al4~ bar°~ finbsndd to grads, trorelad smooth,.+Md ginMa~ Nght loom finiBh< CoMCret~ ~ihoil be~ ~losi ~ 9 {6m 5ocir: ~tla+d ct~+eM c~oncraey.: 'het ~nonnr df the rda~+w~bcfvrin c 9 and s#~ol! bt an 11K rsid+e o! tt~e cower, ~iQ~' C~ sh0it ht lQ' 1.~~,tl:l, a S, ~r ~ d'iflcllld tMt Cit~r l~ginrrr. i e Qi~C `boll X81 Lidtx , No. ~ 9134 • l3 or oppr~nd i3i~ and Sian is Mquol: cost together cf . 1~1 ~ T. ~+r a~wrw~` amt ~ r~ ~ oecr~er is ~ STA N aA R D ~i1.A. Q~ ~Ji,S. ~I ~ ~ iE~~~dEY 1~~~J~~T ~~~IE ~~A~ ~~SC ~~TA~L ~ ~ ne - ~ 9",. 9 ~ rer.~ Oro. ~ ~ I ~N, Qte i 1 /2 R~~ t (r ~ ~ I YO ~ ! . ~ . i 7 . ......a . ~ . ! su . , • ~ 1 I i • . • ~ • , ~ # 4~ lo,~q~dud~nol- 4p rebor F • • ' ~ ' . , D.~ , 2 ~ ~4, rebor long, , , , , ..a . , : , spaced of intervals ' , , ' set r'n Itl PC. Qnd . . • , ~ ~ sand morlor. rrp~ ~ d i~ ME~rQ w: Cr~~~ ~~'ormed>t rYp~~ e,~~, ,~,~~~e~w ~c~~~- ea Note: 3~~ 4 ~ ~ ~ Eparr~, of an,, agvrovtd q~uoll y s/M!l ~ w~rd ~ Oo- oPPv~h~ curtrM9 to Plfd•' pavement, ~ ° p.. ~ . sAoll t~oalornr- to t t~ cwplicab/e- seclio~s of ~ i, tAl~ spe~ciiiCCfions~ ~rtil,M f • , T~ / ~ Ondord Spd6ficQt/OnS, Slo1a• st COlifom~cr 9t►sines~r~' and Tro~sp4rtati genry pe~arlrneo0~ . ~ . • , . 00 `~`~A o Troasp~loliortY vnd~.: ll1e~ Poll ` Subgrodta pr~Aorotiort~ ; slwll b~ wRSt Prue,.. to~ : . . • • : ~ ' , . ~ ' • • • l • r~rc%d ~ grod+~~~ ~ ~ . 1 /z a'nd cross s~rclra+~::>eifA. caCtiarrx of 90~;; io= o ~ Q rd 0.50' fra;t; ' De/a~; wstake COpCrel~' Shall b!' ~ C1oSS stlCe~'e~ Ond' slkl// bl~,,;. ~ e~ di ~►tnin ~ 2-r2" Pt9 Sr? slun►p: T YP ~ ~ 2 1V fED/A!'~ CURfl tifiber forms shall ba surfaced on .the sidt plocrd : next Ya ILEX tJ`i11~~~~ IAa co~crefe and shall nol be; lass lha►rr I~i2 1!ric/r oJte being s~urfosrd. lop Qnd fort shall bt lwN►ekd: smo~lh, then girer~ a !anal - tio~ 1lrvsh fnisA WAera e~riltirrq ~ curbs rrre to ba re~pAortd9 n canstrudia, sllGll Q14M1~ CXist/nQ cr~nslrurlidn vnllss .4tf~lPw/S1! di~~rtd br ~ti• Eny,;;nw, C~nere+lt sbol! ca~tam ~r odditisrsts unl~s~ ,~cia~° ospt~o! i~ abt0en~d f/~nf I✓i't ~l/j' ~iI~EJS~tr Cancre0t~- Shcdll ba~ cared witfF d white t~ege~aarp~d cjorr'a~Q. ea~pauna~ camp/rim to c~ion 9C7->FOI~, of iltt Sloradord S,odsir!tm'fora,~ ~,tistiny slctiont of cur® s~►e~ll bt 3c'weuf of tAt /in►ils a~ lht- area io De r:canstrv~cf+ed. ,faints • (nJ Forbad Cs~bs~ £xp~►nsaon ja~ts shall bd cone sa'rdct~rd wry ,~7`' Frith r~e~#ar+ed plena lo~l~ nt /3: rrbl Extruded Carbs~ weakened plane loiM shall bd canstructad of lie inteiva/s. n ~ are >9~rnc j Two ~ lringiludie~ol r~bars sis®I/ be pl~C~+d 6~.R.~,. a ~ J ~edwe~n P~~ curb and nose seirar~: fors ~i~oll ,~1~/~,~~~ , .c. . , ~e 0 ~inirn v~pficdl c'f~orance ®rd~' shall ~A~~. ; ~~►badded ~ ` info Pl9e curb a~ s1i~ ~ ~ L~ ~ • ~ ~ r~ r~ - tWCi'3C srwtn~~ttllq~ DEPARTMENT ,,e~ ~rao+~w an s~co++q { Porflooe~ or r~ns~.. ~Ln: i~~~GS'. ( loeot~d In cant~r~ of cu~e'neur~;~ if distance from es~rC to back. of sidewalk I ` ~ aow,d„~, ~ is too_ shore to accommoGata- ramp and a` Saf Moto, 7 ~ ~ ~.~,....~..a.~.,......... platform as- in. Cosy: i31, the s~der~ask~ mc9a ~ be depressed ,ongitudinaily as in Gas+$.~ ~2 l ~ 11076,E 4 i Or C2 4r rnay. 0@•; ~xiCened OS: in ° VfJ3.~ {.1. /~~r r., r, ~~~r • Planttnq;;~rr~s ~ ~ ~ Sw~ Noto>8 . f ~ a33~ treas... - 2. ;f sid8walk is. iess.~ thatt° wia~, ihe~ fat! rr'' ~ , 11x71.; ~ J,' ~~~N A'° ~1. Hid#h of the sitiewaik~ snail fig" depressed r o~ ~ i~ ~ , as shown ~n Casey . l Ki , if rtkarapt!y x 111w: 3. If` planting atetl .width iS equal t0 Or' 1 ~ i~ 1~y / . ~ TO¢i of romp ~ o ~ ~ i - greater than rarnQ 'angth, ramp.. side. o;~o i ~ 1/ ; Roundod~`, ~ 2~ 1~1ox't ~ sla t~ ~X" distanca~ _ ' ( ~ ) ~www ? 4, For Ccses Ot and y~ the° !ongitudinai ti2sa~ ua,c-~! • ,ar a• c~ro: ~ r"'''i'''~ 4• portion of the- side~+aik nay ^eeti to be. ~t cw•e ~ 5{• Ear. 8' 8.33x. ~1ox,. depressed as s:town in Cdse ~2 CASE. ~ SECrI~ON 5, loccted~ on a curve tha~ s;des- oz O+oroaes° antirn ssPf rp~~r, th et ramp need not be parallel, but the ~ 3' Rrtoiniq ,~,ro:if minimum width of the romp: shad be r n~teraeo►y st atlgt: . 4, / of srdwaek. 6. fie bottom- of the ramp snail- have a , i 1/a' lip:- at. 45', 1 ' a.33x ~ 7. 1~e ramp.. snail have a 12' wide border withl a` QE i ~ / grooves apDroximvtety 3;`4'° a.c. =r ~ ~ ~ , ( Satr grooving detail. The surface of ramp N~. t /'s''"~ "'0c'>.~ ( K ~ ; ~ S~Neta~~:,T shall have a transverse broomed surface r J ~ texture'.: rougher than ~ the surroundin i g - ~ si6ewaik except wifen ocated> in center:. ti ~t, • flf curb return: ~ 14'1 l ~ ~ ~`1~ ^~o ~ ~f ~ rro+t of ' ~~x i 8. `~YF►ert ramp is loco#eti in cen#er of curb 1 R ,J ► ~ ; ~ Frw„t .d,~. ~ return, it sha11 be grooved in a . herrin bone2pattern with 1/4' grooves approximats~y ac. Sea. grooving detnd Grooves, i ! ~,,,s«~roet. a if ►«ot«1: j should be aligned poraild to aosswalk ~`1 J sn~ e.A:.e~ of aKb:-n7turr~6 '~s ~ 1 s«7. xota a rr:roac.e;~ stripes to direct, 5lirid peaestrigns inta> ~ ,y~~,.y.,~ ~ sn c.nt.FOf are r.era. dPQ~~~4#a crosswalk. LW Y`" EASE 9. Rcmp~ sides slape~ ~►ar+es~ unitorml from a . y maximum:,: of uQ. to 125- at curb tcc cones . farm~ with° longitudin~~ side+vaik slopa~ A~ adjacent to top of the. rarnpo except in ~ ~ Cased CZ dt DZ '}9e ramp pdatfo~ mvy ~r ~ dim+rrated if the grade does° not ex+~tied Sao-Not~e~ T f ! ~ T0, R FlT ; -whem a whedc„rair~ ram : is: ! i. s«~r+ote~a 4' 11r~;~ X} ~ t added to an• axis#ing facility,.: ant-,, folicwinq _ ~ ~ Q~ ~ ~ !l' changatr nreT permitted: x! ~ , ( t r ; (A) Ramp. grade: in Case; C2:. rnay~ be~~. ~l 5~ } oI increased to 4~: =1~ (9) Othetr~ rartip gradet.may be, increosed ~ of ~,,,,x.5~ t~~`t a~ s ne to G rngxlAlutl!'< Of 1 T. ~ ~ t~lev4h'-a ( r +dge of i ` ~ theless. they should be° as flat as . {~f ~ ~j at i~ ~ akleNmMs,: ' ~ fegsible.) f ~j . . ! ~ ~ ` ; j (C) 'Nhere the a' piatform° is; not faasl~fe, t~~a~ . width 'may be detreosed to 3`; _ _ ~ ~ (0), The piatftxm 'may ba eiirr~inated if C S« Mote 8 if lnoeted the grade does not exceed 8.33. m cmt~lr of alts rstUr7i CASE C2 CASE (Side+a®Ik Eeas than 5° wide) 45•. l.. ~ .e....~- ~ ° + 9 D a .°e . ; 1/4 j . °p o~~~ T ~ o • o ~ ~ ~ f e. Plop ~ ~'11~e Frgnt ~ Front ~ ~ a . • • ~ . ~ e ~ ie k ~ ! d! 4 S+B Not. 1 • . f ~ ~ of N{' I ,l r LIB DETAIL., 4` / ~ ~ S~ ~dts ~ Prtls94f»~r~ Pr~7itinq tE Arm old n(~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ l 3/~0' eR • ~ ~ ~~~ofr~ C~~ ~1 CASE D2 ~ ~ ~ `4~~1 ° ~ • ~ ` • °..,b ' Sae Nate a . , s ^ A ~~Qt~ T~ ( b ~ • ~ /'+f Rotadndnq aorta if rtnceraranravvy 1 ~ G~oov~~ DES i r r-- ` ~ rnlr . SEC~I~~ CSC ~uNE ~~ss .R... , a ~ ~ Removal dt reraNOCerrsa74 04 eantracBa's cotian ur~ese, ~ otherrriea ~l9oen .an , ~-~~~s 1~~~ - ~ p . ~.ftnit of . • _'1 crap arc ~~a7s R~nded de . - ® ~~ww p~.Rr~f pqJ r•`1•" _ I ~ ~ .s~s.rn ~e.. _ lfr ~ i ~ RaP ~ ®C7 ~ ~m0 ~ 07 ~ ~ ~ ~ Q! ~ ~~L~~~~~~~ ~~~4~ ruL n owt,ic wane .+..~w ENGINEER1114G DEPARTMENT i ALT`ERNATE` C°AT i+~N T~.. ~ TYPE 8e5~S. USED ~Vi~EN- Ti~#E; SfflEi~iA~i~ 11 2 GA1.VA N i ZED. P i PE EX°~E,ND~ i'ROM< TM: ~:~R~ d; AS PER` A~IERiCAN FENCE TQ THE PROPERTY LANE, PARTiC~1LARLY IN CONi~fERCiA L AREAS, ~t _ ~ ~ i ~ ~ l t~. . ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ! I ~ t ~ 8 i l' I 1' 1 ,.,a ; I i I 111, ! ~ ~ I'~ ; ill) 11~~~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 11 .o • „T ~1~1AiY~ ~la°F1~8RI~, ~tE~E~R~a K~~~ ~©~rrr~re ~~~B~aa~~~ _ ~~~t~E~~~iV~a ~~~e~►~'TN1~NT ~x~+c~c~~ ~$o L44 . r r.. I~~I ~d I~°- f i f I - ~ i~u ~ a ~ Sig IRRI~ATI'QN CQNT~n . - ~8'~ ~0R ~AR~~~ E V~ i WAR TAf~~ & flUN~LE~ , T U R ~ ~ EA a S hT l ~jT 1~f~ Q J~ ' M1 I~b ~i\ ~~Y!"O~aS 1~aiZ.'f~~61 ~.l~M~, ~i~~tu:~ a ~c AND 3U8~i.ERS 4 ri►t.= ~4'fl~ L- ~CI'~tC~1L,. COMOtt'i'~"" A1(D''~ ~tA3'E~ Li41~ 5H~i.4. Eb;~~ 30"' Db s., r~►a~rlc rz~- sa~Lt, a~~ sas. ~o Ro~ow►xs A~~- sxz»cvuua~s Wxz~ c~a~assro~r coax ~nc~i ~o' , s~za r~x~:; p'~ ~ + }'~°4 I1C~T~LLE~9~ I~ SA... 40~ PYC CaIIDDI? 'i ~ V~~~.di 1 I!W MD1t~'`~TSJ111~, 0~ L31R"~' IS IHST1LLtn~ P!u',?>ILIIC~t P~!►IDR< 5'~' B! Hone AI~9~~ VCx?ICA1., 5~Y'AZaII-. ~ Ao ALL.:: tbl:$81J'b~'~ LI:lbS SN~ILt. D&`~ Pll~1SZD~' 1't51~D"Tq 100 'Las. SOR" ~ ~ oss~~: ~ov>~~° t~vt~rn vALVE3'. Ixs'TJI~L~LbD) Ill; 2~d[: p~s>~xczF or, AxD~ ~s<. ~~6t : 1(~1 S. ,i.~. , SOL1~il1't'~ tom) 5>iJ~L,. b~ X711 (il;'~~ 2lI31rK1. ~i F 30 + 6. Ol~l1 3'x'~tLs~ Ate; ~EQQIb~ TO ` I1lSl~1LL vAUOas . I~IIali LI~s , ,i~rDl~~t W3IlLS 9 ~ 3i~L? ~!1'C~11tC SHALL' aE: Ill ~CalsDAl'rCt sil3ll CtTT SSA Iq. Si A~ DIUC~II by ~4~' YJl(DSCAPB' AIID I~ICATIt~ IMPS ,~i117ll11' 1'!!>r~ OtDIC~tm G' , ~~l ' ST,RP~1' AICfl'! CT ~iAY >~1X RL~GUY1~ d. STILT USt I~AMIS:- . C8Et77► : i~ . W1?~ .cI?X F.~GIHL~L>t1lIC DL~PAAI~S fOt RLQDZ'JtL~U'f3. - itiLL Ib~2C~1?lOld' ."~ht'Lh'~3 2~" AMD LA~tCS~ (P~SSZTbi. LI11~S) SBALL. _ a~ srcc~c~a, Ezra ' ca>rcx~TS r~:oex ai~oc~t Ix ~o~w~ u~~ ruuroFax~ s uca~lro~rzax ~m ~z~xcraa si ~ czr~ ~clxa~z. 9. ALt, IbZICATZ~M LASISltA1. LIl~3 SliAti~ bi' Q.Ir4t ~D4 ~'4C ADD z SI7.l~'D AA. Sb~iM Oli 28i PI.A~#. s - 10.AyLppL Ib~Tt~hCA~1~01i 1Mluyl~hLSlyR.y~~*3'~~yDy3~e~p~A~D~LE1ZS{ S'~~1t~,GLs+~y~~SgC'~.■~~4 . - iTMm B/M/{~b MO*~~aR. ~~M.►~~~beli~Way~YW~AipG~~ly ~i~/`1~, 6~■ Y4g~~e ..fig Til~Ygp; r/r }W~4pp6~egq7~. '~W il~ CiV Q~ ~16C7W.i~/-~ ~~~MO i~ LAS W~ - ~dd ~ el. AOfY' AIID" , C~ 5~lLL DZ blrt~9i'6l! bi C3~9E° b>~311~ niaa ro IR4~L~ff.IfTA'~I~lBm 12. C~1?IOiI. I~3TALT,~1?SAN S 3~ X>d' ACGYB~ Sii'T'~ C~?i ~T1lIIDAlW3, `T~ L~11`TS'~ aDITI0t6 n1~ 'I~t`QIIYrC~~ 1~L~SIIG CID[, Ilc~~~►►I~~Ooo~IpA~T`I~~~~~ffT*:1~.~115 ltLGO~tdItDATYflN,- 58f{C~T1Igfl~N ~P 17~} .S?AM'!?Alii} . ~ ii6vi~AWbk~n~,,..aWM: fMi YLA&1c8.GY~1i .•A'A 1ii~ b~#e - . ~ ALb. ~d7AlioAilWr~d US~D~ JOAWn ~b- +ZFr..~Ad10~ G3N6lr!'~~J~A'a~L84d AY♦A1d911i• i~. SE>R. AaI~G1~:D r„~mSCAPE Axo IIUIGATI~0l1' I'I~AlIS n9s, Si"SCTfYC MODR 2~0~ ~ S$2b, QOAlRI17, ?~AItU!'11~T~Ilt>r~, e11~D PbLICl~Ci i Ole 3A8 ~A7tI0U3 I2'IMS, ~v*~bt® ~r rtag _ s . ~A ~a~~~ . ~ ~QR ~~Q~~aR~ a o cira ;~.tA~ ~~R~NG ~ ~'~~NQMiNQ ac~~am~ , { - a4~~an86 ..xrs,~s. , _ ; cr~ t~v~ to EIVGIPI~E141fVK~ DEPARTMENT ,egrs ~rL J' r~ 4 ~y~00Aq ~ ♦ . • ~ . STA~°~ OF CAL~FORNI~ ti ,ri . Spec z f ~ cat ~ on 8t~4Q~~~~ A_ ~ S `l '~iirpMN'A Asphal ti Emu l vn Induct: ve Loop: S~ea~ ant 1.0 SC ~P ~f . Th~ i s specification corers a one cam anent vurab ~ e sand f ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ed, aspha~t~ic~ emulsion for use. in sealing inbuctiv~ were boo s and 3eads ~m d e ~ bed ed ~ n asphalt: and portl and cement concrete. Th ~ s seal ant ~ s. su ~ tab I e.~ f or~ us~e~ i n fre~~e-~~~haw- env i ron~ents. 2`.0 APPL.ICAgL~ SP~C~~~CA~IQN~ The. fvl 1 dwi ng= spec f i c~ti ons,: test ~nethod~ and sta ndards ~n effect ors tb~, open i ~g da~~. of the,.: Inv i tati on to ~ ~ ~ forma art vf~ this:. if p -spec. ~cat~on wh~r~ referencQd . Amen cans So~.i e~y f d~~ Test.i ng and Magri ~l s D~939 0223 Cal ~ ~f 4rr~ i a Test':. i~ett~od ~o._ 434 ~ G"al ifor~ia D:epa~~~r~ent: of~ Trans ortation S~andard~° . a . P pec~f ~cat~~ons l9Sl Sa~e~ of Cal if~rni a~ S e~if carton SOIC~XX~- R 99 Inspection, Tes~~ng and. . D ~er~ Requi resne~ts fog Protective Coatings Code. of Federal Regulations, Hazardous Mater i a 1 s, and Re u 1 ~►t i oh 9 s oard Ref . ~9CF~ ~.0 REQtJ~R~MENTS 3- ~ Co~pos i ~ ~ on a ~'he c~mpositian of tie loop sealant shall de. -a said f i ~ l . • , ed' pQurab ~ e ~ate~°~ eau l s ~ f i ~d b ~ Lumen ~ ~ t w~ 1 l be tie man~f acturers ~espons~bll~t~ tv ~radu~e a ahe~cvmponeht product~.to Beet the prapertes specified herein. 3.2 ~haracteri sties of the deal ant 3.2.1 Residine by evaporation, wei ht ercent , 9 A 70 M~n~mum Use ASTM D2939 3,2.2 Ash content, weight percent 5C to 55 Use ASiM D2939 Aspha~l ~ i ~ Er~u l s i on ~ nduc.tive, soap. Seal ant: 8040~4~~A-~a 3::.2~..3~ rr~n~ set t1me~, hours, 4 max,,tim~s~ t~es~ at- one: hour~ intervals, use... ASTM Q~939 Z~, ~rgokf°i a d: viscosity, Pa i se ~ 5~. to: 125 RVT Spindle ~~3, ~0 RPM... at 75~ +~o~. 3..3 propertie - of the. Dried ~i1m 3.3:,1 F ex i b i l i ty, No f u l l depth- Use ASTM 02939, except air dry: specimens to constant we.ght~~ cracScs at 15: +SaF and ±1~~ relative humidity. Condition mandrel and speciments ~ boors at 15 ~2Q~ before testo Use:- aluminum pane3 s, ~.~3 inches tt~icic {Q ~anei or ~~ual ~ . 3: *3:. ~ Tien s i ~ e: S treng~t~, psi , 20: mi n i mum cast: sheets C.25 i nci~es tip i ck and, ai r° dry at 15 +50~,. 5~~ 0~: re ~ at i ve ~u~mi ~:i ty f or~~ mien i mur~ of 3 fi ~ours~. ~.o ad - rate 0,0'S~ indite (minute, use ASTM~ D25'3. 3.3..3: E,l ongati on, 2.0 mi n i~nu~t Sage: ca~ndit:ions as: 3.3:.Z. use AST~1 D~523~ 3;.3:.4 Sant:-shears strength- to concrete, Ps ~ , _ . C ~ mi n~imu~n~, Uses ~a-i if orn a Test Meft#~ob 1~0. 434, Part:.: ll~ ~ ~ Space dap wi th~ no~ ~ os . b l ock~ w~i t~ 0.25: i nc~e . b~t~een s l ant. f ace ,seal sides: of: adh~s i on to: and botto~r with ~~~e a~d~ fi l) wi tt~ the: weal l stirred concre eY sa~npl,e, ~ strike off the excess Ory gin. 14Qo~ oven to canst~nt we ~ght and coed i t i on l oay at ~5 ~o~ beef ore _ tcs.ti ng ~ Lfl~d rate tv b~ 500 bs~mi nute. 3.3.5 R~esistar~ce to +~~ter - No: bl,ist~~°i_n.9 Use AST~1~ D2939, Alternative 8 re~-~~nuisificati:~ or lossaf adhesion 3.4 workmanship 3.4.1 The seal ant shad l be properl Y di 5perse~d and ariy seal i ng shat ~ be easily rid spe~^sed wit.#~ _mzn~rnum resi stanc:e to tb~ s~d~wi se manual motion of a P~►odle a~rass the: bc~t°t®m ~f the container. .It shall form a sm~ovth uniform pr~4duct: of tt~e proper consisten~yo Lf the r~aterial :cannot be eas i l~ re~i sperse~ due to e~~~ss i v~ settlement as described . above or due to any other cause, the seal ant shat i be cans i dared unfit for use. Aspha.l t~i~:; ECmu 1 s.i on Induo.tive: Loop Seal ant ~040~41A~1 a ~.4~?~: They sealant. steal ~ re a~n a 1 s edified ro ti P p per es under normal . storage:: Condit=ions for 12 months. after a~c~ept~nce~ and:. deliver , ` Thy vendor stealZ be res onsible: fora y . p 11 cost's and transportation charge . ~ ncurred: ~ n replacing maters ai ghat i s unfit. for uses, They r-~o erti es • P R of any replace~nen . ~naterjal, as speclfzed ~n Paragraph 3,o shall re~naj n- s~at~ sf actory for 12 months from date of~ ace fence and l' ~ p de every, 3.4.3 1'he peal ant spa ~ com ~ with al 1 air ' P y po ~ ~ ut ~ on control rules and. regu~ati~ns within the State+ of California in effect at~ the time thy. seal ant is manufactured. 4, ~ QUAL~.TY ASSI~RANCE: PR0~1 ~ S ~o~S:, ~ Inspect.~on . Tb i s Material shall bey ~ nspected and t~s ed in acc~ordan ~ ' ce with State of ~f~orni a ~pe~ifica~ion 80~o-~XX~C-99, or as~ otherwise deem ed ne~es s~ary. . ~ Sar~pa~ing and Testin Un ~ ess ~therw se permi ~~~eo ~ the i neer~ t ' Y g #~e maters al steal b~: s~ampl at the Place of manufacture and appL icati on w ~ 1 ~:ot be perm t~~d anti ~ the. material has been a roved b the.:: i ~ pp Y Eng ne~~, + ~.o PR~P~RATION ~oR oELIV~R~` l ~~.ckagi ~g Tie seal ani seal 1 be prepared in a one pacica e s stem read f r a licati 9 Y Pp on. he material steal l ~be furn~ shed in conta~ner~ Si ~e as -spec ~ f i ed i n the purchase order or contraict. ~ f ord erect.~n ~ gallon s~t~ the cont~:ine~s shah be new round staid and ~i 1 open head with bails, shad b~ nonreac eve w~tn the contents and shall ha . 3 ve -~p.aa~ble~ ~a~kets. The conta~ner~ shah m A~ co ply with the ~,5, Depar~tmen of Transportation or the interstate Commerce ~ommi i s s on r°egu7 ations, a~ appl icab~ ~,2 ~lark~ng . Al 1 ~ont-ainers of mat~eri a~l ~ha 1 be- l ab~eled sh w . ~ ng State. spec ~ f ~ oat i o~i number, manufacturers nave, date of manuf a~ctur~e and manuf act~arers batch number. ~ . Thy ~anuf acturer shat l be res ons i b l e ~'or r e p p oiler sh i pp i rg 1 abe i s as outlined in Code of Federal Regulations, Hazardous ~ater~ials n Re u 1 at i ens Board R f a~ 9 e erence 49CFR. ~3~:. • 0 Asp~~a:l ti c Eau l s ~ air ~nduc-t~ ve Loo , lea l ant ~ 8040~41,q~-j 5 _ b.0 ~NO~~S~ ~ . Direc ions: for Use. Saw,.cuta shall be blown clean with compressed azr- to re~ove~~ excess water and debris The sealant..... must: be t~arou h~ st~rr and. hand ~ oure~ i nt ~ Y ed before,` use:. P o the slots, Due to~ the, sand. content, of th~i s: maters a , Amp ~ ng ~ s no ~ recom~ended. ~n cl ears u or~ tools can Y P ®f .road surf ace be done.. w ~ th water,. before the- seal ant sets a b•Z Patents They Co~ntr~a~ or sfiall a some a ~ 4 costs are sa ng from: the: uses of patented materials, e~u~~ment,deVices. ~r , o processes used on or~ ~ncorpwr~t~d irr tt~e work and: t 3 ~ . agrees to ~ des~n ~ ~y and save h~rr~l ess S.tate of Ca 1 ~ f orb i a;, and ~ is du l authors red, r . _ fror~. al Z Suit ~ ~epresentat~ves:~,, s at 1 aw~~ or~ anti on ~fe every nature f~or~~ o~ on - of,. the use, of an aten f account- Y P ted maters a l s~,. eau ~ pm~nt, deg i ces or~ processes. 8.3 C~ertif ca e- of Com l ian Q ce .The:.: ~nanuf a~.tur~r sha ~ f urn i sh .a ° ° _ CertZ ~ l ~:~dt~w of C~ftt~-l ~ anc a w~l th` a r~C batch of~ seal ~nt~,. i n accor~ance w=-its- they rove r, of Cad f r ' p s ~ on of Sects on 5~:-~1..p o n~a ~epart~ne~t of Transpor~a ion Standard S ec;~fi • . Uan~ar 19:8~~ - ~ Canons, ~4® FUR Traffic Sa.gnal system on 1~ing Avenue at valhal~.a Drive and.. ~~edian ~iodf~icatons on:. Ming :venue Betwoer3 Raintree- court ~~d. ~ast~~eres Drive. To .the: city Cler-k of the pity ~f Bakersfield:; , Then undersigned, as bidder, declares that the- only persons or parties ri~srested in thin:.proposal. as principals are those nar~ed 'nerein;~ that... this. p~o~-. posal. is made without collusion with; anv other person, f ir.~ or c~o~ation; that- he has.. careful~.~r examined the location of the: proposed work, the annexed pro-- posed form of contract and. the plans: therein referred. to; and he proposes and. agrees if this proposal is accepted, tl~.at he will contract with the ~.ity of Bakersf isld, in the prescribed form of contract hereto annexed, to ~~rovide all necessary machirier~r, tools, apparatus and other means of ctinstruction and to do all the- work and furnish all t~.e materials in accordance with ~~.e plans and spe-~ ca:,ficatons for.. the above, filed in e office of the Finance Directer of the. City of Bak~rsf field and as specified in the cQntrac~, in the Winner and: tip therein prescr~.bed, and according to tie- requirements of the Fng.ne~r as therein set forth, and that: he will take in full payment therefor the unit prices or lump sums set-forth in the f ollnwng schedule . - In case of a discrepancy between- words and figures, the words s~al~: prevail; and in case of discrepanciesb~tween unit:. prices and totals, the unit. prices shall prevai . ` undersigned further agzeos: that: in case of default in_ e~ecu~ng the required contract:,l with necessary bonds, wa:thn ten (10 ~ days,- not including ~unday~ after having rece%ved Notice that the contract is ready for signature, the: proceeds of the- chick or bid.- .bond accoan~in~ his bid sh~l~: become tne~ prc~-, petty of the Ci y of: 8ake~sf field. _ Bd~e~: acknowledges receipt off: th~'~ fol~.owi~g' addendum: APPROX. I'I~i WITH LUf~P SU1~ PRI~'E UNIT I'TE NUJ. QUANTITY' : _ wRI'TI`FN IN WAR PRICE TOTAL 1 dump Sinn instal l traffic s al and l ht`n ~ stem; complete and In dace LU~~P SUM 2 225 Remove Stri ~n LINE F S IC~1ED bidder Page cif 3 D3 : l .i'~,vD.39 GG:wrn PROP45~ FORT Traffic Signal System o~i Ming Avenue at Valhalla Drive and Median Mof~icati~ns on Kling Avenue Be~~een Raintree Court. an hash-Acres :Drue:~A.* w. , -ITEM APPR(7X ITEM` NTH LUMP SUM PRLCE ~JNIT- NO. QUANTITY ~RIT"1~EN IN ~PDS PRICE TC~TTAL. 3 .683. y Medan..Curb~ ~+1...... . Per Lineal Foot...... .ti_ R.~a 4 1472 Median Curb, '~~pe w Y e.r :'A .s. a.xJn.r r~.....wf w .r .~....i ..p,. n.. aK+P...'YF+.w. <.l +t...~•~.NW.' - ~ _ N Per. La.neal Foot ,..~...~rw..~..,...._....__... 5 285 ~~.C;. L'~ype B~ . ....y_. ~ Per Ton .,..w A_~_._.~., ..._w..~n_... ,.,~._~..~..a.~,...~... ~ X35 A_..~-~~as~;..MCla~s..~z_.r.......___.......u r Per ,Ton _ w... _ ~ . ~ ~ _ . . y . 7' 1 EA.: Misc.. ~ ~oncz~~e =~onstruc cr~s~ tter _L ...Sum 8 1 EA. M~sc.~ ~Co~crete~-C~ns~ract~ , „ s3:dewalks, whe~lch~air r s L Sum _ .._....,_...__.r...a 9 574 ~xc~~raton........ nw , ..W...... .n .....~..s... ..,.M~~ r..»~... .n«~nri.a ra m..r.`a.ww...+w..n....wu..«<~...,.n,.se.n.... Per Cub1C ~'ar~ 10 117 Curb+~ ......_.......y,.....yK........~ Per L~.neal Foot ~.._......._.__._..a....ri ,..,.....w.._........a...~~.. S IC~1ED Bidder Page 2 of 3~ gages. D3 :1 ~MAwD.40 , . ~ PR~PasAL FORS Traffic signal S~ste~ on Ming Avenue at Valhalla. ~ralve and: l~ied~an . . Modifications on ~ng~ Avenue b~t~reen~ Raintre~~ ~©urt and Haste-~cre~~ I~ve*~ ITF. .APPRO. ITE~~i WITf3 T~UN~'~ . sU~I PRLCE C~1I:T NOS ~UA~'TT' ~T I~1 RDS PRLCE TOTAL: 11 2: Raise Sieve ~~onuraents 12 2 Instal].. Surve Mor~ument~ ` .k.. Each ~ . 13 ~5 Install re 1.atO s i ns~ . ....4. Each _ . ri ♦ .:...y v.Y SLGNED ~idde~ Pago ~ Of 3 panes$ - D3 ;14~~~AVD, 4l _ . . , ~~~~PO~~,:A~ L. . T~af~~~c. Signal System ors ing Avenue at: Valhalla Dri.ve~~ and Median; ~iodfoations. ©n ~ing~ A~re~ue 8et~ve~en°- Ra%~~tree Court and` I~ast.-~Acre~ L~ive~: To the City Clerk of: the City o~ Bakersfie~.d. Thee und~r~gn~d, asp bidder, declares that... the only persons or ~ar~ies interested in t~~ris pr~opasal as princi~~ls a~rQ those named herein; that ~hi~~ fro-- posal is made ~~ithQUt collus-ion with and other person,: f ism o~ corporation, that, he has darefull~ e~~m~.ned tine location of~ they pzoposed work, the. annexed- ~~o-~ dosed fog of contract and the: plans therein referred to,~ and he proposos and. agrees _if thin proposal is accepted, that:. he wild. contract wit~'~ e C:~.ty of Bakersfield, in the p~esd~bo~ form of contract hereto annexod~ to provide a~.l necessary Machinery, toolsr apparatus and other moans of construction and to do all the work and furnish all the m~at~ari~ls in acoordanc~ with the. Mans and spe-~ cif ications for the above, filed in the office of the. Finance Director of the City of Bakersf old and asp specified in thQ~ contact,: in the manner and tire: therein ~rescrb~d, and: according to the requirements of` the Engineer as therein set forth, and ghat he will take in full pant therefor the. unit prices or~ lu~~ Burns set f arth in the f o~lowing sc~edule~ . _ In case- ofn a- discrepancy bet~~een ~~ords and f ores r the words shall - prevail; and in case of discrepancies ~~~ee~ unit nricQs and totals, tho; unit prices shall prevail. The- u~dersig~ed: f~r~her agree that in cases of: default in, executing the requited contract, w~.h necessary bonds, ~thri tsn ~1~~ days',: not including sunda~r,. after having: received notico~ that.: the,., contradt.: is ready: fox sgnature~,- the roceeds, , of he: check: or bid bond.. acco p nying has bid shall, come he: pro- pert~r of the ~z~y of Baker. f e1d. Bidder, acknowledges--receipt o~~ t~.e following a~dendurn; ITS APP~~X. I'NI WITB LE11~P ~ ~~ICE N~. ~UANTZ~'Y :IT'I`EN ~I~ ~OR~S PRTCE TOTAL 1 Lump; Sure Insta~.l tra~f is s al and - 1i hairs : vstem cc~n~Ie~~ and . in dace . L~' SrJ~~ 2 2Z5 Remove Stri in LINBAL FOUT s~C~1EB . Bidder gage l of 3 D3I:MAAVD.39 GG:wrn PROPOSAL FoR.~ Tra~~ic~ Signal. S~tstem~ on ding Avenue- at Va.~alla Drive and Median Mof ioations: on ling, Avenue Between ~aintree Court. an Hasti~Acres give. ITF~~ APP~oX. L'~'E~~i NTH L~JMP SUI~i :PRIG UNIT ~o, ~U~1'IT'~. ti~RI'rTE~ IN ~RDS . ~ PRISE .....'I'oTAL....... . . 3 X83 Median Curb,, '~~pe l_1 _ Per Lineal Foot... _ . _ . 4 1472 Median Curb, M _ . . . ~ Per Lineal Foot....,. ~ ........W~ r........... 5 285 A,C. B - - Per Ton _~..4. ~ 435 A Ba~~~...Class. L~...... a Per 3'on _ ~.~.._.x...~µ:~_:_..~~ P_ .~_~~w.... 7 1 EA~ ; M.sdd ~Cdncrete,~~Construct~Y cross qut~er L: S~ 8 l E~, lsc.~-Condrete~or~struct~ sa.dewalks, wheelCha~r r L Sum ~ 5?4 Excavation.... ,...T..... . , Per Cubic Yard _ w . 1~ 117 Curd... , . _ _ _..~.....__.....~..w~ .R. Per ~~.neal Foot STGNBD .............___T~.~_....o..~.r.,~.......__.....,~. Bidder ~ Page 2 of 3 pages. D3 :1; I'~AVD. ~0 PRCPQSAL ~`OR. T`raf f is Signal ~~rstem on ring. A~enuc at Val~a~.ia Dr~re and~_ Med ` n za M.Lieatons~ on-ring.:. ~~enu~ ~etwe~n Raint~~e; Court, and. Ha~t~-Acres., Drive. l~~ A~'PROX. L`:i~~f ~JI'T~ LU~[P ~SUr PPICE - UNIT ~0~ QUA~~T~TY ZN PRICE TC`I'~I, 11 2 Raiee Surve roniu~erats . Each. _ , ~ Inst~l~ Surve ~z~e~~s . Each n..... . . , 13 z5 Inst~~l~. re lato . si ns . . Each Y TD`I~ . EIGN~D Bider Page 3 0~ 3 a es, D3 :1:MAVD.41 `~FIC~ SIG~'~AL SYS~ oN. ~I~1~ AVENUE A~ VA~L~3A~,LA D~I~ AND MEDIAN MQDIFICAT~t~: ON MIND AVENUE:. BE'I'~EEN RA~II~'IREE~ ~oURT -AND HAS3'I--ACRES DRS _ S~B~CNTRA'ORS~ ~1~D .,N,~TE~.:,.SUPPLI~~S All subcontractors and suppliers of ma~~rials shc~+m below shall he listed as. condition of bid. Ifs the Contractor lists h~msclf for an of these he ma not subcontra r ~ ~ ~ ~ y ct or use a d~.fre~ent suppl~.er w~.thout speclflc. wr~t~en approvel of the-Engineer. SU~~oNTRA~TORS ,...,.~M..., e... x.. ~e x..n~~a.n4r4m...:w«.o....a.r.r.i~+nr+ar.v..e~w ww.wrY:'a.J`.,v. r-v. a. ,...✓.w'~m..'+•rv.n i.W-.ra ~...,M.d.:i w1 .M a.rW.... ..,.a n.N.... w,N~► . Trenching Repav~.ng ~ f _.fN.»._w...~~, f ~ .ar ,..f.. a. w.. o~w.,a . . Concre~e Structures, a.w.a_._ ..f_. M . ~ ....n~«... ...v.. 4 _ I~iATE~C.A~ S~~PLI~RS { . . , i... e... s. :4 . - w~.~N. +.wa ,n+ ra wwu.. ffl.•ww W, w wy +Y++✓.c++i.wN].sla,M.f. i. l..rtl...an Jwww,...vi..w yyOTl.waf_rw. Y.+,»w._.w.M..s~w ,w.w .+Mlaf I~4.a~IiY V.l.b.,.y( 1~ • w„a,h♦ uw eu. W w • ..w ti _1.+ .avJ1I._y.n.r4.».r_1MwrrM~u.4A.Y f..~M +4..+.M M.Y:w►..,waa+n yi\M~w~.w w.y nWw..t1., <.M,..w1 a✓..M..4 »+u w!*+4.A++,I f..}a.+r,w~wwh Base ......~Y^~. ~..aNw.. fa_ w,._,__. _wwY ..wnw__.w ._a.~ •!gnnM.. w.A..wwr,.a. n. w...n Y~a_,v.Y: ..Ir...a.w ree d.w.s.....r... uww ae+~r~..w..YM~.ffa-..ww,s Mr~J..F~wrw_...lNwf.~y,Nf..Y.IAS..MnA,,..»rw.+,#i~NiR f.+.A..MI.,MIaM-_iw.i~,..w.W.1/~+wr,+w,:1/..au.~.wwlfl,N.A.q~~N wwYNalw N'+•.f NNMM~+RY .I WRS.aIW.+p,wfs. Manhole Frames & Cbvers D3 :1:MAVD. 42A 4 SC _ ~ `YO~~i 1~,5,~'1~~~~ ~ J 1l. ~ ~ o. ! o ~..1 ~ ~:..•.••••..e•ero..e•.o.er:ooo•ee••e.•eeoe+►••••••••••e..•••r.•...•ee••e••••••. ♦ r~ 1 1 ~i~01:~(:a:..: ~t1.~+t'l't ~}s-~~ tit'~t•~;s `~('at3jl E~ ..................e.e.~t" set:a.~~1Ci'~b CU£C~," uC~t"~~- ~ecl c3~e!~i,r' ot~ ''~itirRet'15 b~tt~l.r~ the ~aac anaj• b~e}, i~ a~tount e~ua~ ~o at° least ts:n ti~~c~cs~s~t ~3f t~zc total of tlsp-~~ic~. T1se ~t~rssc.~~ of ail j~~t•3vrj4 i~~tert:~t~~l iss the forebuu~ l~t•o~o~al as. prin~• ci~;~Is a~~e as ~o~IowB: . If bidder ot• other in.te: ested ersv~ is a • ~arQ t~on9 state Ieoal r~a~e o~ car~ora Lion, also lnarnes o~ t;~e pressdent, ~ecretar~, trPasurerp and manager thereof; if a cv~arfir~e.rsh.►p, sate tlu.~ Warne cif ~ir~n, also. names o~ a{~ individual co~art- ners com~osin~ ~irz~; i~ b~dder~ ar other int~res~ed perso~~ is a~ indvil~u~l, ~ sate ilr5~ and Iasi names in l'u~i, .•..•.lw••r•.••.•.•.••......+•••.....•...••••••.~...••e.•e..1•..•e..•l..e...me.•eoo 9..o.ee.o.•e....•.ee...e+.s•••'. •e••~..••••-. •.O••••♦ • •.r ....ea.•.••...•...o........•o.e....e..•.e..r.. •e+•. •...•w~.... - ' ..••••w•a. e...•re.'. ~ ...•i•••e..... •.•e •..:.aa•.e.•.e••. •.•ae. ••.e o. •a.•o•. e•.ae.a.o•.aoo.o.•~. .os...•. o.1e~.•..••..•.•a..~ Licpnse~ in accordance wit#~ an act_~ro~idin~ for the registration o~ Contractor's L~c~~s~ ~'o . •.••..r ar.... ee...e. oe ommmo.oo..e•.••.♦ . ``/..`.i'TC e•• • •.••oe.e .o......•e•.•.eee.ee ~e.oe woe ee•..o o..e.e •a.•. • .•••.••..e.o •••a•r•a o.a•oo o• ....•s•....•....a..•..•......•...••.•.•••. •.~.a••~•' N~.RE ......•....e.•.ooe..•ee...•...•.•e..o.ao•.•.•.me.rma..•~..e~<..e...~~~.•••. . ~ Signature o~ ~3idder NoT~~-fit biddfr Ise o a.ar~oEOtiao. the S.oc~o@ aa~i~ of !tree t®rpa~ratima stroll 9~e to". tortit ~o.~+ taget~eP Wlt~ }O~ rtga~t.vre of ttis o!t'tCeP at ot8leer~ outRerlee~ 1@ 916 -co®irattr- oo- bsb~rtl et i84 corp®rataoa: li btd.der fe t1 topattmsret+lg. tdre tr~a• aeer~~e of t~ta tisrgr s5cail Ds tr9 tortts ca,~o~~t r t0y'efn~t Matt' tb~ i9gaettUPe of ttAe DctrPOtr ar ~etrt~ets otatboPl:~4ct to ecga ctPatrartA }ts betioll of ttA~ eogaxriotrehip; orsd blddrt It za ;adt~}dual< IltB rEgatt4ur+r 8?9~1! 6+~ gto~ed ttlk5re, !t Megaataar• ta, h~ asD agrflt.:®th.r thisa art o;t}c:r o't o rorporol9oa or ~ cxg:m,Q~Y of rt Forto~aohrp, ® Pb~eP of ;6ttorge~ rnu,t .Irs oa ails, d*ttb tnt Cttr Ctertit o~ lira Clt~ ~i ao~4retlr}d Frtor to opealog ~t4.~ or e~tt~r~tt+d +►itla t;tre ~3Q: dtbrrw~At. tbs b!d ~t11 b~ di~ts=gcre~aai oe ItPsg~ad and uaa~thaetard. Business address......... ............•e .o..oe.....•e...♦•...•o..e •...•.a.. o... ..e.•.•.. ai•••a••~ j//~ e ~~~~~~.~~~••e•••'•ap•a••Op•••.a.••ea.eeo..ee.ena9•.... om aagpear•vagoa O.e e..eeOe O•Rtl•.ae m..P.. . ' ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ . ~ . • e . 1 A • e . e 9 < . 1 . • 1 ~ • O e 0 1 J Y s O 0 0 0 e . 0 0 0 . • .ere • ~ ~ 0 0 . O . O e m O e e s ~ A~~~3 ~~NY ~R~P~~~L. Not necessary if cash or certified check is with bid} ~NOtiV ALL NiEI~ ~3Y T~FSE FRESE~ITS Teat we ag~ principal, ar~d as surety, are- held and firmly beund unto tl~e City a~ ~al`ers~i°e~d, a body. politic and cc~°porate~ a~ .tke State of ~al~ornia, in the surn o~ dollars to be paid to said City., far which payment., we~I and truly to be made.; we bind aurseIves, our hems, executors and administrators, successors. ar assigns, jointly and sev:crally by tlZese presents. ~V~e~~i~.V1~1. ~~i li~4i:S~ ~~~J./i1/AT~O~ lS S~~~i That i~ t~e certain propo-sal a bereunte annexed , to construct certain work axed mprcnrc~rnents in the City o~ I~alsers~icld as referred to in :the ~otics~ to C®ntract~rs~ attadlaed. hereto, is acc~:pred: . by the ~vunci~ of said pity end i~ the above. bounden principal, heirs, ~~cecutors q, adrnini~trators ~ suc~ ceasors and assigns, s~all~ duly ester into and execute a contract, to construct 'f said isnpr~v~anents aharc~nnentior~erl, and shall execute and deliver the two bonds required b~' law, v~~t~n tea days (not including Sunday} fom, tl~e date o~ `a notice to the above bounden principal,..tbat said contract is ready- for ~a~ecution, then this: obligation shall liecorne null and void, atherNise it shall be and remain in full force and effecta IN ''FITNESS W~ERE~~, ~e Dave Iaereunto s®t ourhands and seals this ,day A.D.19 ~ + Seal} . (seal) (Seal} (Seal) . (Scat) ~To be completed by the Contractor, if he elects to substitute securities in lieu of ret4ntion~ . ESCROW AGREE~~ENT FOR SECURITY DEPOSITS IN LIEU OF P.ET~~ITION THIS E5CR~w AGREE~~ is made and entered into by and between whose address is hereinafter ca~.lcd whose address. is hereinafter called "Contractors' and _ , whose address is hsreinaf tee called "Escrow Agent'' . For the cons~,deraton hereinafter set forth., the O~vner, Contractor, aid Escro~a Agent agree as fo~.lows ; l~ Puzsuant to Section 4590. of Chapter 13 of Division 5 of Ttl~:1 of the Goverment ,ode of t~~e Skate of Calfo~ia, Contractor has the option to duosit socu~ites wits' Escrow Agent as a substitute fog retention. earnings required to be witb~.held by Owner pursuant to thv Censtctor~ Contract entered ,into b~tr,~een the Owner and Contractor- for T~FIC SI1AL SYST~~~ ~N ~~ING AtTENUE AT VAL~~ALLA D~ZVE ` ACID ~~EDIAN ~~ODIFICATIOI~S ON ~~~T~O AVENUE EETt~JEE~ RAIN'~P.EE CoU~`T ADD ~TI--A:CRES DRIVE. in tl'~e amount of :dated (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") , t~~~.en ~ont~actor _de osi is the securi- o p ties as ~ substitute for Contact earn.a.ngs, the Escrow Agent snail r~ota.f~ the ~wne within ten ~ 10) dais o~ the doposit. The market value of tine securities at the time of the substitution steall be at least equal to the cash amount. then x~e fired to be withheld a~ retenti an under the terms of e Oontract bet~reen the owner and Contractor. Securities ~ha1:l be held in the name of , and, sha~,l designate the Contractor as the beneficial owner, 2 . ~'he ~wne r :shat r~~e ~rogre s s p~~ nts to the Con tractor f Ur such funds. ~~~hch otherwise =~rould be withheld f~c~n progress na~nents pursuant to the Contract .provisions, pro~rded that the Escrow Agent r;old securitQs in. the :form and amount specified above. 3. Alternata.vely, the- O~~er mar ma~a pa~~nts directl to Escrow A nt a ~ In the .amount of retention for the benef It of the Otianer until such- time as the escro~r created hereunder is terminated. : ~.:~~AVD.42 A~EAFS➢.l 4. Contractor shall be responsible for a in all fe r e~ n - ~ ~ ~ g es f o.. the ses incurred b~ Escraw Agent in adr~ini~tering the escrow account. .These expenses and ~aynt tee shall be - determined b~ ~:he Contractor -and Escrow Agent. 5, The interest earned. on the securities or the.:mon t e~ marke accounts he d In escrow and all interest earned on that interest shall be for the sole account of Contractor and .shall be subject to withdrawal 'off Contractor at an t~.me and from time to time without notice to the ~ owner. 6. Contractor shall have the right to withdraw all or an art of th ~p e . principal in the Escrow Account onl~r b~ wr~.tten.notice to Escrow A ent g accompanied by written authorisation from ~hvner to the Escrow A ent that Cwn g er consents to the withdrawal of the ar~ount sought to be t'ndrawn b Contractor. . 7. The owner shall ha*~e a eight Ito draw u n the sear ` ° ~ 1t1eS l~~ the event of default by the Contractor, upon seven ~7} days' written notice to the Escrow Agent from the owner of the default, the Escrow Agent shall indiatel convert the securities to cash and shall d~' ~ lstr~.bute the cash as ~.nstruc,.~,d b~ the owner. 8. Upon ~.'ecei~t of ~~itten r~otf ication from the ovan ' er ce.~tl.f~~~~g that: the .Contract ~.s f ina1. arld .cor~al~te, and that. the Contractor nas ca lzed with all requirements and procedures applicable to the Contract, :Escrow A ent shall g release to Contractor all ~ec~rties and interest on depcasit less :~~cr~w fees and charges of- the escrow Acc .punt., Tae escrow shall be c~.osed r~iatQl ~a n Y ~ disbursen~nt of all moneys and securities on deoosit and oa n ~p ch ~ yrc~ is of f u s and arges. r 9 ~ escrow Agent shah. r~l on the written notif icat ° Y Ions from the er and the..Contradtor pursuant to Sections ~4) to t~}, inclusive, of this agreerr~nt _ and tie ~v~ner and Contractor. ,shall hold Escrow Agent har_r~.ess from Escrow Agent's release and:dsbursen~nt of thy securities and interest as set forth above. lo. The na~.es of the arsons who are authorised to ve ~ ° g written not~.ce or to receive written notice on behalf of the Owner and on beha~.f of Contracto. in connection with the fort pin ,and exe tars of ° p -A g g ~ their respectivL s~.gnatur~s, are as follows ; 0 On behalf of ov~ner: on behalf of C • ontractor• Title T i1a _ Signature S r g Address Address L i &.18. iL S ~ . i.i On behalf of Escrow Agent; Ti ale ~na~ure Address At the t~~ the Escrow Account is .opened, the e~° and Contractor steal. dely©r to ~h~ escrow ~g~nt a fully e~ecu~~d c~un~erpart of this A eer~nt IN wI~NESS- wFlEREOF, the parties have executed this A eent b tr~eir Y proper officers on tale dale first set .forth above.... o~mer _ Contractor _ Tt~.e Title Name Name Signature ~ianatura ` r ~zv.1201~7 3 A°~ ~F'SD m 3 SAMPLE SAMPLE Co!~1TR,ACT No. - DESCRIPTION OF ARK To B~ ~ERFQRMED ° CI~'Y OF BAKE~SF IELD TBIS AG~EEME~IT, made and. entered- into this _ day of , 1988, by and between the CI'~Y of B~~ERS~I~LD, a muni ~c pal cor~ora~ion, hereinafter_ called "City," and ,hereinafter called "Contractor"; wI'TNESSETA: 1►~3ER]~S, City has duly advertised -for sealed orooosals for L L ~ai~:h~ the Ci ~y ~ of ~a~ersf field. on the day of 1988, the contract wars awarded to contractor upon hs.prope~l:y e~ec~ated bid; and WHER]~S ~ one of the condi ti one of said award rewired a f orr~al contract to be executed by anc~ between City and C~ntrac~or. NC~1, TI~EREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the art~.~s hereto as follows: - ARTICLE I Contractor agrees to furnish supplies, equipment,.labor:.and materials fir within the..- City of Bakersfield:. ~R'~ICLE II ~'ne following shall be deer~ed to be part of this contract as gull Y set forth: herein: - 1. Information tb Bidden 2. Special Provisions 3. Bid Proposal 4. Bidder's Bond. Performance Bond 6. Material and labor end 7. Letters of ransrnittal, if any 8. All provisions reg~ired by law to be inserted in this contract w~~ether actually. inserted or not. .~1~ CO~1~`RACTl ter; IN ~~IT~ss HEREOF, t~~ ~a~ties herzto have caused this Agreement to ~e executed, the day and year ~irst-°a~ove ~vritten. r C iTY ~ ~RSF IELD By mayor, ~p~ov~~ ~s ~ ~oR,M: By City Attorney cOU~~'TERSIC~I~D: By Fir~a~ce- Di~e~tor ~ OF coN'~'RACTOR) By 11 contrVl,Vto~° co~~:°~c°~2 ~UAR~NTEE EQUIPMENT City of ~aksrsfeld Department of .Public wank s Ba~srsffield, California. In accordance with the terms of Contract No, ,for the Pro'ect: `~~AFFIC SI~~IAL SYSTEM CN ~~INC AVIE~~UE A ~ ~ T vALH~LA DRIVE AND. ~~EDTAN ~~~DZFTCATI~NS,©N ~~IZi~G ~1VEl~UE ~ET`~IEEN PAI~ITREE COUR`~ AND H~~TT-~~CP.ES DRIVE awarded mn ,between the City of Bake~°sf field thereinafter refereed to as the City), and the undersigned, which contract rovides for the p znstallat-ion of ,and under ~vha.ch, contract ~e undersigned has furnished and insta~.led such s stets, Y the following guarantee o~ the said system is hLreby i de , Should. any of t~he equipment installed pursuant to said contract rove defective or should the s stem a w n y s a ha.~~ prav.~ defective, due to faulty wor,~.- ~~anshlp, material furnished, or method of .installation, or should said system or . any. part thereof fail to operate properly, as planned, due to an of the above Y .causes, all within year after date on which said. contract-ia accented by the 'City, the undersigned agrees to reimburse the ,~i t u n demand Y~ po ,..far. its e~nses incurred In restoring said systems to the condition conten~lated in said cor~t~act, including the cost of an e ` menu- o~° materials r , Y ~ ~ plac.,d, ar, upon demand by the ~~ty to. replace any such equ~.pment and rApair .said syster~s completely without cost to tlhe City, so that they will operate succsssfull as Y originally contemplated._ The City shall nave; the option to .ke an needed repairs or redlac Y e meats itself or to have such replacements or repairs dine b the unders ned, L g Prier t~ such replacement or repair wore ben done b the Ct t~~e ' Y y ~ uncle rs a.gned s~aall .:have .the opt.~on to m~~ke any peened repairs ar replacements.. ~n tlhe event the City elects to have said ~vork performed - b the uncle rs i ed the ' Y ~ r underslgne~ agrees ~na~ the repa~.rs shall corr~nence to made and such materials as are nec- essary shall commence to be furni-shed and installed ~rithin 'I~aent --;Four (24 ) Y house of tht date specified in the: City's ~rritten notification. Contra"~tor shall prosecute'~ith due diligence to complete the work within a reasonable period of time, as specified in the Cit 's written notifzcati n, Y a Said system will be deemed defec~~ive ~~vithin the ai~in of this g ....guar antee in t~~o event that they f ai to operate- as or ic~inally ir~ter~ded b the manu-~ f ~cture rs thereof and n , ' Y ' L accordance with the .plans and spedflcatlons included ~.rs said contract. Date Cantractar's Signature Firm Address D3 a 1:MA~D e 43 Q