HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 Special Provisions Project T9K026CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, BID PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT FOR Installation of Traffic Signal Interconnect on South H Street from White. Lane to Belle Terrace TSM98-5109(038) BID OPENING: DATE March 15,1999 TIME 11:00 A.M. PROJECT NO. T9K026 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~EfS$(0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT QR ANNEX BUILDING, 2j'1D FLOOR Qti~ ~~GN W.4 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE y ~~~Q ~`~2~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 ~ m Project Engineer: Ryan Starbuck a• 32300 ~p Telephone: (805) 326-3995 EXP.~2' 3~' 2~ Filename: P:~Data\WP~Fi St ICON Spec NONFED.wpd • . _ c1'~q~ C I V ~ ~~s~P ~F CR~\ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the City of Bakersfield at the Office of the Purchasing Officer, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, until 11:00 o'clock A.M. on March 15,1999 to be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter in the City Council Chamber, for the following work: INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT ON H STREET WHITE LANE TO BELLE TERRACE Plans and specifications, and forms of proposal, bonds, and contract, may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Officer by posting a refundable deposit of zero dollars 0.00) for each complete set. Refund of deposit will be made provided the plans and specifications are returned to the Purchasing Officer within twenty-one (21) days from date of bid opening and the documents are in reasonable good condition. The City assumes no responsibility for non-receipt of bids due to any delay, including but not limited to carrier delay. It is the bidder's responsibility to meet the deadline stated above. No bid will be considered unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the Purchasing Officer, which appears herein immediately following the SPECIAL PROVISIONS of the project, and is made in accordance with the provisions set forth under Section 2, "Proposal Requirements and Conditions", of the Standard Specifications. Each .bid must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee in accordance with the requirements of Section 2-1.07, "Proposal Guaranty", of the Standard Specifications. The City of Bakersfield reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids are required on the entire work described herein. Substitution of securities for moneys retained to ensure performance shall be permitted pursuant to the provisions and requirements of Public Contracts Code 22300. Eligible securities include interest bearing demand deposit accounts, standby letters of credit, or any other security agreed to by the Contractor and the City of Bakersfield. The request for substitution of securities to be deposited shall be submitted on the form entitled "Escrow Agreement for Security Deposits in Lieu of Retention", included in the back of these special provisions. The Contractor must possess a valid Class A or a Class C-10 Contractor's License at the time this contract is awarded. The proposed work shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the Department of Transportation, Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, dated July,1992, insofar as the same may apply. This project is federally funded. Minimum wage rates for this project as predetermined by the Secretary of Labor are set forth in the special provisions. Pursuant to Part 7 of Division 2 of the California Labor Code (Section 1720 et seq.), the Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rate of wages to workers on this project as determined by the Director of California Department of Industrial Relations. The Director's schedule of prevailing rates is on file and open for inspection at the City of Bakersfield, Department of Public Works, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. A sample contract is include in this bid package. Please review it carefully, this is the contract the Contractor shall be expected to execute without alteration. If any changes are desired they must be submitted to the City for approval. If approved, the changes will be issued to all. prospective contractors: Contractor shall not be allowed to alter or negotiate contract language after the acceptance of Contractor's proposal. Failure to execute the contract without alteration may result in the rejection of the Contractor's proposal and the retaining of a different contractor by the City. 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work to be performed consists, in general of installation of conduit, pull boxes, conductor cable and modems remova and construction of concrete sidewalk. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RAUL M. ROJAS Public Works Director 2 . ADDENDUM N0. 1 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Installation of Traffic Signal Interconnect on South H Street From White Lane To Belle Terrace BID OPENING DATE: March 15, 1999 TIME: 11:00 AM TODAY' S DATE: March 5, 1999 NOTICE TO ALL CONTRACTORS BIDDING THIS wORK You are hereby notified of the following changes and/or additions to the Plans and Specifications for the aboved referenced project. Such changes andlor additions are hereby made a part of the Plans and Specifications and shall take precedence over anything to the contrary therein. 1. As stated on Page 7, Section 4-101,, of the Special Provisions; "The Contractor shall begin work within fifteen (15} days after receiving written notice to proceed. The Contractor shall diligently prosecute the same to completion before the expiration of 20 working days." Shall now read: "The Contractor shall begin work within fifteen (15) days after receiving written notice to proceed. The Contractor shall diligently prosecute the same to completion before the expiration of 40 working days." 2. Attached is a sample copy of Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement permit with the Union Pacific Railroad Company, instructions, Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" which are, necessary to complete before the Railroad Company can permit work to be performed its right of way for the installation of a traffic signal wireline crossing. NOTE: All contractors bidding this work shall denote in their proposal that they have received ADDENDUM N0.1. d ~ Design Engineer Purchasing Officer 0 n UNION PACIFIC RAILRQAD COMPANY Real Estate Department ~ R. D. Uhrich ~ J. L. Hawkins • Oirector•Operations Support Assistant Vice President , . J.A. Anthony M. E. Heenan Director-Contracts : Oirector•Administration ~ budgets D. D. Brown D. H. Lightwine Director-Real Estate Director-Real Estate T. K. Love M. W. Casey 1800 Farnam Street Director-Real Estate General Director-Special Properties J. P. Gade Omaha, Nebraska 68102 Director-Facility Management Fax (402) 997.3801 Folder No.:294-83 To the Contractor: om an can ermit ou to erform work on its right of way for the installation of a traffic signal Before the Railroad C p y p y p wireline crossing, for City of Bakersfield, it will be necessary to complete the enclosed Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement as follows: 1. Fill in the complete legal name of the contractor in the space provided on Page 1 of the Contractor's Right. of Entry Agreement. If a corporation, give the state of incorporation. If a partnership, give the names of all partners. 2. Fill in the date construction will begin and be completed in Article 5, Paragraph A. 3. Fill in the name of the contractor in the space provided in the signature block at the end of the Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement. If the contractor is a corporation, the person signing on its behalf must be an elected corporate officer. Return all co ies of the Contractor's Ri ht of Entry Agreement~together with your Certificate of Insurance as required in 4. _ P g Exhibit B- 1, in the attached, self-addressed envelope. Check made a able to the Union Pacific Railroad Company in the amount of $500.00. If you require foi~nal billing, you 5. py may consider this letter as a formal bill. Incompliance with the Internal Revenue Services' policy regarding Form 1099, I certif that 94-6001323 is the Railroad Company's correct Federal Taxpayer Identification Number and that Union Pacific Y Railroad Company is doing business as a corporation. After a proval of the Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement and the Insurance Certificate, your fully-executed document P will be returned to you, with instructions to proceed. In no event should you begin work until you have received a copy of the signed Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement. Yours truly, Jon Devish Contracts -Representative (402) 997-3563 G C CR01✓PL.DOC 941115 Folder No, 2t)4-8? Form Approved, AVP-Law CONTRACTOR'S • RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the da of ~ ~ , 199 , by and Y between UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Railroad"); and a corporation (hereinafter the referred to as the "Contractor"). RECITALS: The Contractor has been hired by City of Bakersfield for the purpose of constructing (hereinafter "work") a traf#ic signal wireline crossing on property of the Railroad at or near Mile Post 318.21, Buttonwillow Branch, at or near Bakersfield, California. The Contractor has requested the Railroad to permit it to perform the work and Railroad is agreeable thereto, subject to the following terms and conditions. AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the Railroad and Contractor, as follows: ARTICLE 1. DEFINITION OF CONTRACTOR For purposes of this agreement, all references in this agreement to the Contractor shall include the Contractor's contractors, subcontractors, officers, agents and employees, and others acting under its or their authority. ARTICLE 2. RIGHT GRANTED: PURPOSE The Railroad hereby grants to the Contractor the right, during the term hereinafter stated and upon and subject to each and all of the terms, provisions and conditions herein contained, to enter upon and have ingress to and egress from the property .described in the Recitals hereof and as shown on the attached- print dated December 1 1, 1998, marked Exhibit A for the purpose of performing the work described in the Recitals above. The right herein granted to Contractor is limited to those portions of the Railroad's property speciEcally described herein, or designated by the Railroad representative named in Article 4. ARTICLE 3. TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN EXHIBITS B AND B-1 The terms and conditions contained in Exhibits Band B-l, heretoattached,are hereby made a part of this agreement. ARTICLE 4. ALL EXPENSES,TO B___~,E B_fJRNE BY CONTRACTOR; RAI ROAD REPRESENTATIVE The Contractor shall bear any and all costs and expenses associated with any work performed by the Contractor, or any costs or expenses incurred by the Railroad relating to this agreement. All work performed by Contractor on Railroad's property shall be performed in a manner satisfactory to the respective local Superintendent of Transportation Services of the Railroad oi• his authorized representative (hereinafter the Railroad Representative). ARTICLE 5 -ADMINISTRATIVE H. N~DLRNG,CHARGE Upon execution and delivery of this Contractor's Agreement, the Contractor shall pay to the Railroad an administrative handling charge of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00}. croepl.doc Articles of Agreement .lanuary 15,1949 Page 1 of 2 . P CROEPL.DOC 941115 Folder No.294-53 Form Approved, AVP-Law ARTICLE b. TERM; TERMINATION a}. The grant of right herein made to Contractor shall commence on ,and continue until unless sooner terminated as herein provided, or at such time as Contractor has completed its work on Railroad's property, whichever is earlier. Contractor agrees to notify the Railroad Representative in writing when it has completed its work on Railroad property, - b). This agreement may be terminated by either party on ten (10) days written notice to the other party. ARTICLE 1. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE a). Before commencing any work, the Contractor will provide the Railroad with a Certificate issued by its insurance carrier providing the insurance coverage required pursuant to Exhibit B-1 of this agreement in a policy which contains the following type of endorsement: Union Pacific Railroad Company, is named as additional insured with respect to all liabilities arising out of Insureds, as Contractor, performance of any work on the property of the Railroad. b). Contractor warrants that this agreement has been thoroughly reviewed by its insurance agent(s)/broker(s} and that said agent(s)/broker(s}hri been instructed to procure insurance coverage and an endorsement as required herein. C. All insurance correspondence shall be directed to: File No. 294-83 Union Pacific Railroad Company, Director -Contracts 1$00 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 ARTICLE 8. CHOICE OF FORUM Litigation arising out of or connected with this agreement may be instituted and maintained in the. courts of the states of Nebraska. and California only, and the parties consent to jurisdiction over their person and over the subject matter of any such litigation, in those courts, and consent to service of process issued by such courts. ARTICLE 9. SPECIAL PROVISIONS None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement in duplicate as the date first herein written. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY By CONTRACT -REPRESENTATIVE WITNESS: (Name of Contractor) X Title: croepl.doc Articles of Agreement January 15,1999 Page 2 of 2 FDnM Cr•24~y•= b PLACE ARROW INDICATING NORTH aEv. ;z•i0.9' OIRECTIOti RELATIVE TO CROSSING w~~1. UNDE G ~ N ® D I ELI E z ~ ~ ~ ~I ~~Q 75~ V~LT~ ~ L E~ 5 NO SCALE NOTE ~ ALL ava ILa6LE D i MENS i ONS MUST BE ~ FILLED. IN TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION. a~+~ ~ RR' S Rir war■a ~ w• ■w ■w J ti Q ~/,,.~FT. ~ ~ ~7 FT. cSEENOE4~s~ ~SEENoTE4~sf ~ •~F=~ Ta~,'~v►wi~~~w ~ ~ ~tinc~dw t NEAREST R.R. TOIA! f ~ ~ (ANGLE OF CR055ING) ~ ~ TO ~ ~ MA IN tRAC1c f NEARES' R.R. TOWN s ~ i t ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Q' DESCRIBE FIxED 08~ECT (OESCRI5EE NOTE ~~ECt , , ISEE NOTE 6 y ~ 1 ti v FT. y T ~ ~o1stANCE ALONO TpAC SECTION LINE CROSSING ,~'~1 ~ i ~ ~ ~NOTE~ THIS DIMENSION REOUIREO IN AU, CASES. AT LaATIONS NoT usING sFCTIONS• o1sTANCE RR'S R/ ~ ■ TO A LEGAL SIJRvEY LINE IS REGl~1i~O~ • w ww r~,~.-~ ~ FT. - FT. ' ~ _ ~ _~T. ~ ~ ' MIN.OI5T ~ St~tiACE ~ SEE NOTE 2~ ~ ~ SIIBGRAOE ~ ~ ~T. ~ (4.5 FT MIN.y ~ ~ ~ ~T. (5 FT. MIN. FOR FIBER OPTICS) FT• ~ (3 FT. MIN.) ` (3 FT. MIN.) I MIiiE1.11~E (S FT. MIN. FOR FIBER OPTICS) FT. MIN. FOR FIBER OPTICS) . ~ ~ ~ I ~FT. ~ _...,,,FT. ~ ~ ~ FT. FORMULA TO FIGURE CAS ! ~ LENGTH v I TH ANG~.E OF ~ SEE NOTE 2) CROSSING OTHER THAN 90 FT. ~ TOTES ~ (CASING LENGTH MHEN t~EASUREO ALONG PIPELINE.) ll ALL HORIZONTAL DISTANCES TO 9E MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM OF TRACK. EXCEPT AS NOTED. ~r ~ ~ CASING MUST EX~ENO A M I N I MUM OF 38' OUt FROM OF tRACK. MEAStX~O AT R I GNt ANGLES. S I N ~ 8 ~t~, 3~ CASING MATERIAL ~ STEEL. RIGID NEIALLIC COt~UIT ENO PVC). MIN.OIS". t1 MININUN OF 'S0' FROM THE EIS OF ANY RAILROAD BRiDGE+ 4. OF ANY CULVERT. OR FROM ANY SvItCH1NG AREA. Z~ T ~ ~ Sf SIGNAL REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT DURING INSTALLATION IF RAILRO~ SIGNALS ARE IN THE VICINITY OF CROSSING. ALlOMABLE FIXED OBJECTS INCIUDE~ BACKVALLS OF BRIOGES~ OF ROAD CROSSINGS ~ OVERHEAD VIADUCTS ~GIYE ROAD NAME). OR ~ OF CULVERT; ~1 CASING ANO CARRIER PIPE MXlST BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET BELOy THE EXISTiHG FIBER OPTIC CABLE. ANY ExCAYATiON REQUIRED MITHiN 5 FEET~OF T~ EXISTING FIBER OPTIC CABLE MUST BE HAt~ DUG. .h~ti~n~4 ti ~ » ~ i i S W I REL I NE CRASS I NG WITHIN AT TR ? Ki'~,e,,~,i ~'EKHI~IT A D IC ~ S EET _.....-YES~_._..NOi tFOR RAt~A0A0 USE fAt,r • oo DoT ~R;*s tK ~+ts eo~~ 3I IF YESt NAME OF STREET t~v~~ I TYPE V I REL i NE CROSS t NG ~ TELEPHONE i_......tELEV I S I ONE F IBER OPT 1 C i ~r ' ~ ~ ~'~L~ ' PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. OTl~ER~ / I}~v ~ ~~c~.. ~ Vo('~w ~ f I , • ~ ~'/j ~f• ~ f.f I! , f ~~i: +l 1 ~.r%Z ~r~%fi.~,~1 ,~L'?1~~~~✓'I~ fir/ ~ .t r )1 VOLTAGE TO BE CARRIED UNDER TRACK i.~ J N0. OF WIRES.1...._.... ~su~oi~~sco~~ ;1 CASING TYPE TQ BE INSTALLED ~ ~ a ~ ~ METHOp OF INSTALLING CASING PIPE UNDER TRACK c S 3 ~ M' P . F • S' " ` ____r_.ORY BORE AND JACK t WET BORE N4T PERM I TTEO ~ t UNDERGROUND W I REL ~I NE CROSSING .____~,TUNNEL ~ OTHER 3~ DISTANCE FRAM CENTER LINE OF TRACK TO NEAR FACE OF BORING ANO .,'~1~~`~~~~•~r~~Gl~~ ~ ,l~ N i NE~RE3T pR STAt ifkl ~ c C~,~;! ~ ~ ~rAtE JACKING PITS WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO TRACK ~ . c30~ MIN. ~ FOR ~ ~t~ i'ce' DISTANCE T4 NEAREST RQAO CRQcS I NG V I TN SIGNAL LIGHTS OR GATES ~ ~+~.scANT. I ~ c I F LESS THAN ONE MILE) ~ ~ /~~l ~ I~ RR FILE N0. ~ - DATE 11 APPLICANT NAS CONTACTED 1.800.336-9193. ~ M A R N I N G U. P, CQMM~~NIC~TION OEPARTME~To AND MaS DETERMINED FIBER OPTIC ~ NABL;=~ DOES i_._~ ~ ~ NOT s ~.,,.n.•.._.E~ I ST I N V I C I NT I~t Au ac~ata+a, u. R, ca++u~ccATlo~s d UR'1Li'!i~S X~ E BOE 980112 FormAppr+oMed, AVP•Lsw~ EXHIB~'_i' B TO CONTRA_C"I'0R_'S R~RT OF ENTRY A~RFFMENT Section 1. NOTICE OF GOM11rIlJ'NCEMENT OF WORK -FLAGGING. The Coatxactocagrees to notify the Railroad Representative at least 48 hours in advance of Contractor commencing its work and at least 24 hours madvarsye ofd pelfannance of any work by the Contractor in which any person or equipment will be within 25 feet of any track, orwill benear m anytredcthatany equipment ex~nsion (such as, but not limited to, a cue boom) will reach to within 25 feed of any ~ Upoarec~ptof suchnot~theRailnoad Representative will d~;teamine and informthe Contractor whether a flag~nanneed be prat and wih~ethar the Caentractocnood imPlementanY protective or safety mom. If any ~ or other special pso~tive or safety measures ate performed bythe Railroad, such services will be ~ at Contractor's expease with the uadetstanding that if the Railroad ~ say fl~~gging or other services the CoR~tar shall not be relieved of any of its responsibilities or liabilities ~ fortb~h~erein. section 2. NO INTERFERENCE WTTx RAILR4AI~'S OPERATION. Nowcckpex~armed byContrsc~orshall cause any interference with the constant, continuous and uainte~pted use of the tracks,property and of the Raihned itr licea~ or others, rmless specifically permitted wader this agreed or specifically authorised in advance by the Railroad Represenmtiv~e. Niothing shall be done or suffer+od to be done by the Contractor at any Made that would in any manner impair the safi~yth~eof. Wheat not muse, Contractor's machinery aryd materials shall be kept at least 50 feet fromthe centerline of Railroad's nearesktrack, and there shall be no v~ehi~rular crossings of Railroad's tracks eausrppt at existing open public crossings. SEx~ion 3. MECHANIC'S LIENS. The Contractor shall pay is full all persons who perform labor or provide m~ for the work to be performed by Contractor. The Cantrac~arsball rat create, penaait or anymechanic's acmatetialmen's liens of any kind or nab to be created or enforcod against any property of the Railroad for any such wodc performed. The Contractor shall ind~sanify and bold harmless the Railroad fron►and against any and all liens, claims d~snaads, Doers ore~cpensesofwl~atsoevernatore inaaywaYcxmn~ected with or grcnving out of such work done, laborpetfonned, orm fiunished. Section 4. PROTECTION OF FIBER OPTIC CABLE SYS S. a). F~eroptic cable systems may be buried on the Railroad's property. Protection of the fiber optic cable systems is of extreme imp~tance since any break could disrupt service to users resulting in business inteerruptioa and loss of revenue and profits. Contracctor shall telephone the Railroad at 1-800-336-9193 (a 24-Maur number} to determine if fiber optic cable is ba~ried any~vhere on the Railroad's premises to be used by the Contractor. If it is, Contractor will telephone the telecornmuaications company(ies) iavolved, arrange for a cable locator, make arraagem~ents for relocation or other protection of the fiber optic cable, all at Contractor's expense, and will ~smmence no work on the right of way until all such protection or relocation has bees acxomPli~shed. b). In addition to other indemnity p9covisions in this Agreement,the Contractor shall indddernnfy and hold tb►e Railroad harmless fi~ and againstall oostsy ~ and expense what,~oever (including, without limitation, atta~rneys'fees, crnut costs.and expenses) arising out of ~ayact or omission of the Contractor, its c~ntracctor, agents and/or employees, that causes or contributes to (I) any damage to or d~~on of any telecommuaications sy►ste~n on Railroad's property, andlor (2) say injury to or death of any person employed by or on behalf of any teleconamuaicatia~ns company, andlox its contractor, agents and/or employees, on Railroad's prroperty. Contractor shall not have or seek recourse against Railroad for say claim or cause of action for alleged loss of profits ~ revenue or loss of service or other consequential damage to a telocammunication company using Railroad's property or a customer or user of services of the fiber optic cable on Railroad's proper~y. Section S. COIufi'I1'ANCE WITHLAWS. lntheprosocs~+oaofthewrxkcav~ated by this agreement,the Contractor shall secure any and all nece.4sarypermits and shall complywith all applicable federal, state sad local laws, regulations sad enactments affecting the work. The Contractor shall use only such methods as are coDSi.~tent with safety, both as a~erns the Contractor, the Contractor's agents and employees, the officers, agents, employees and property of the R~~ilnoad andthepublic iagenerrai. Tb~e Carjtracbar(vvithoutlimitingthe generality of the foregoing) shall complywith all applicable state and federal ocaapational sasdyaad health acsss sad regulations. All Federal Railroad Administration moons shall be followed when work is performed on ~eRailroad'sptopetty. Ifanyfailunebytbe Contractor to complywitheay suchlaws, moons, and enactments, shall t~esultinany fine, penalty, cost orcharge .being assessed,nmposod err charged against the Railroad, the Contactor shall reimburse and indemnifythe Railroad for any such fine, penalty, ~ ark iachxlingwithout limitation attameys' ~ court costs and expenses. The Contractor further agrees in the event of any such action, upon, notice thereof being praovided by the Railroad, to defend such action free of cost, charge, or expense to the Railroad. ~lai>~relebllcx~aeexb PsBe 1 of 4 Exb~'bit 8 ~UTIL~I'!ES X~ E RAE 9'0112 FamApproved, AvP-Law Section b. SAFET'YIl1S~$UGCTT. N_S, . Safety of personnel, p~~, rail operations and the public is of paramount imp~ntance in the prosecution of the work ~ to this agreement. As reinfrnresnent and in ~,e of overall safety measures to be observed by the Contractor (and not by way of limitation), the following special safety Hiles shall be followed: a). The Contractor shall keep the job site free from safety and health hazards and ensm+e that its employees are competent and adequatelytirained in all safety and health aspects of the job. The Contractor shall have proper first aid supplies a~railable on the job site so that prompt first aid seavices can be provided to any person that may be injured on the job site. The Contractor shall promptly notify tbeRailrosd of aayU.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration reportable injuries occ;~uring to any person that may arise during theworkprxfa~mad onthe job site. The Contractor shall have anon-delegable duty to control its employees, while they are on the job site or any other property of the Railroad to be certain they do not use, be wader the influence ofi or have in their possession any alcoholic bcwerage,chug, narootie or other su>~tance that may inhibit the safe performance of work by the employee. b). 'The employees of the Contractor shall be suitably dressed to perform their duties safely and in a manner that will not interfere withtheirv~i+on, bring orfnoeuse of their hands or feek Only waist length shirts with sleeves and trousers that cover the entire leg are to be worn. If 8~o~legged trau.~rsarewncn, thetnouser bottoms must be tired to pz~event catching. T'11e employees should wear sturdy and protective work boots and at least the following protective equipment: (1) ~'ro~ective had gearlhatrneets AmericanNational Standard•Z89.1-latest revision. It is suggested that all hardhats be affixed with Conorrac„tor's or subcar~uctor's company logo or name. (2~ Eye protection that meets American National Standard for axupational and educational eye and. face protecti~, 287.1-latest revision. Additional eye ia'~ must be pmovided to meet specific job situations such as welding, b~miing, etc.; and (3) ~~ing promotion which affords enough attenuation to give won from noise levels that will be oc~ on the job site. c). All heavy equipment pra►vided or leased by the Contractorshall beequippedwithaudibleback-up warning devices. If in the opinion of the Railroad Representative any of Contract's or any of its sub~;ontractor's equipment is unsafe for use on the Railroad's right~of-way, three Cantrac~tcc, atthe request of the Railroad Rep~entative, shall rmn+o~ve such equipment fmm the Railroad's right-of-way. Section 7. ~~~Y• a). Asusod inthis Section, "Railroad" inehides otl~raihae~d voa~peniesusiagtheRailroad's property at or near the location ofthe Contnu-ton's installationaond theirs agents,, aad employees; "boss" includes loss, damage, claims, demands, actions, cacuses of action, penalties, costs, end expenses of whatsoever nature, including court costs and attorneys' fees, which may result from: (a} injury to or death of persons whomsoever (including the Railmad's offers, aggents, and employees, tlrce Contractor's officers, agents, and .employees, as well as any other person); and/or (b) ~ to or loss or d~~u~ction of property wbatsoev~er (including Contr~wrtor's property, damage to the roadbed, tracks, equipment, or other property of the Railroad, or property in its cane or custody). b). As a major indueemc~nt and in consideration of the license and permission herei~a g~~ntod, the Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Railroad from any Loss which is due to or arises from any cause and is associa#ed in whole or in part with the work perforao~ed urlde~r this agreement, a breach of the agreement or the failure fQ observe the health and safety moons herein, or any activity, omission or negligence aritingoutofperfam~oce anonper€onnance ofthis agreeament. However, the Crnxb~ctor sha11 not indea~nifythe Railroad whey ~ Loss is caused by the sole negligence of the Railroad. c}. The Cofactor shall maintainwhatevarinsau~ce oo~erage is m'tA adequately underwrite its general and contractual liability under the terms of this Agree~nea~t. Section 8. RESTORATION OF PItOP'ERTY. 1n the avant the Raih~oad authorizes the Contractor to take down any fence of the Railroad or in anymanner move or disturb any ofthe otherproperty of theRaihoa~d is connoctianwiththew~orrk to be performed by Contractor, then in that event the Corv~actor shall, as soon as possible and atCorrtractc~s sole asperse,restore such fence and other property to the same condition as the same w~e~ne in before such fence was tal~een down or such other p~ropeity was moved or disturbed. . gl~battil~ibitbl~atie.exb Page 2 of 4 F.xtu'bit B a ~~TiLI1ZES X ~ E ROE 980112 Fam Approved, AVP•L~w Section 9. WAIVER OF BBEAC~ The waiver by the Railroad of the breach of nay condition, covenant or alb' herei~a contained to be kept, observed and performed by the Contractor shall in no way impair the right ofthe Raib~o~ad to avail itself of any re~aoeedy for any subsequent breach'thereof. Section 10. ASSIGNN~~'I' -SUBCONTRACTING. The Contractor shall not assign, sublet or subcor~ract this agreement, or any interest #b~erein, without the written consent of the Railroad end any attempt to so assign, sublet or subcontract without tie written consent of the Raih~oad shall be void. If the Railroad gives the Contta~ctar pamissioato subcoatractall aanypationoftheworkhereua de~rit~e~d, the Cam is and, shall remain responsible for all work of subco,~ractcu~s and all wo~C of subcontractors shall be ga►vern~od bythe terms ofthis agreement. ~1~mel~xiu'bi~bl~+oacxb Pie 3 af4 E H 110E 1NS ,9~6483d No RR P~+ot~ctir~e Itu. Farm Ap~rcwed, AVP•Liw ~~HIBIT Right of Entry Agreements Contract Insurance Requirements Third Party Contractors Contractor shall, at its sole cost and expense, procure and maintain during the lif a of this Agreement the f olloWing insurance coverage: a) General Liab' 'tv insurance providing bodily injury including death, personal injury and property damage coverage with a combined single ' 't of at least $2,000,000 each occurrence or claim and an aggregate ' 'f of at least x,000, 000. This insurance shall contain broad f ornn contractual liab' 'ty with a sepaa~ate general aggregate f or the project (ISO Form CG 25 03 or equiv+alent). Exclusions for railroads (except Where the Job Site is more than fifty feet (50'} from any railroad tracks, bridges, trestles, roadbeds, terminals, underpasses or crossings}, and explosion, collapse and underground hazard shall be removed. Coverage purchased on a claims made form shall provide for at least a two (2) year extended reporting or discovery period if (a) the coverage changes from a claims made f orm to an occurrence form, (b} there is a lapsekancellation of coverage, or (c) the succeeding claims made policy retroactive date is different for the egpuing policy. b} Automobile Liab' 'tv insurance providing bodily injury, property damage and uninsured vehicles coverage with a combined single ' 't of at least X2,000,000 each occurrence or claim. This insurance shall coverall motor vehicles including hired and non-owned, and mobile equipment if excluded from coverage under the general public liab' 'ty insurance. c) Workers' Compensation insurance covering Contractor's statutory liab` 'ty under the workers' compensation laws of the states} affec#ed by this Agreement, and Employers' Liao' 'ty. if such insurance will not cover the liab' 'ty of Contractor in states that require participation in state workers' compensationfund, Contractor shall complywiththe lams of such states. If Contractor isself-insured, evidence of state approval must be provided. Contractor and their insurers shall endorse the r~~quire~d inswrance policy(ies) to wadv+e their right of subrogation against Railroad. Contractor`s inswraar~ce Shall be primary with respect to any insurance carried by Railroad. The policies under ~a~ and (b) above shall provide severab' 'ty of interests and shall name Rcslroad as an additional insured. Prior to commencing the Work, Contractor shall f urnish to Railroad ce ' 'cafe(s) of insunmce evidencing the required coverage.. and endorsements and upon request, a ce ' 'ed duplicate oric,~in~rl of any required policy. The ce ''cafe(s) shall contain a provision that obligates the insurance company(ies) issuing such policy(ies) to notify Railroad in writing of any. material alteration including any change in the retroactive dafe in any'cl .aims-made" policies or substantial reduction of aggregate ' 'ts, if such ' 'ts apply, or any cancellation at least thirty (30) days prior thereto. The insurance policy(ies) shall be written by a reputable insurance company(ies) acceptable to Radlroacd or with a current Best's Insurance Guide Rating of B and Class III or better, and authorized to do business in the state(s) in which the Job Site is located. Contractor WAFTS that this Agreement has been thoroughly reviewed by Contractor's insurance agents}Ibroker(s), who have been instructed by Contractor to procure the insurance coverage re~~ured by this Agreement. If Contractor f ails to procure and maintain insurance as required, Railroad may elect to do so at the cost of Contractor. The fact that inswrance is obtained by Contractor shall not be deemed to release or ' ' ' h the liab' 'ty of Contractor, including, without ' 'tation, liab' 'ty under the indemnity provisions of this Agreement. Damages recoverable by Railroad shall not be ' 'fed by the amount of the required insurance coverage. G:ISHAREIINSURANCICROEINSN.EXB Page 4 of 4 EJCt~t B-1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ACCEPTING BIDS INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT ON SOUTH `H' STREET FROM WHITE LANE TO BELLE TERRACE Deadline: March 75, 1999 @ 11:00 A.M. Engineer's Estimate: $190,000.00 Contractor's License Required: CLASS "A" or "C-10" MAILING FEE:$5.00 (non-refundable) per set NLE you suppty ` your Federal Express or Airborne Express Account Number. COST TO BUILDERS' EXCHANGE OFFICE lS 515.00 NON-REFUNDABLE PROPOSED COUNCIL A WARD DATE /S APRIL-14-1999. BID PACKAGE PURCHASING DIVISION avai~ae~e FROM: 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 805-326-3914 Loretta (AD V678] Published 2/22/99, 2/24/99 and 2/28N9 NEED A PLANHOLDER'S LIST? . Please send your request to the Purchasing Division at F.AX # 805-324-7483. Please supply your name, company, fax number and project(s) you are requesting planholders on. If you need further assistance, please call Loretta at 805-326-3914. THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE VISIBLE ON THE BID RETURN ENVELOPE: • Your Company Name and Address • Name of Project or Bid • Address Labei • Addenda Information Label PLEASE SUBMIT BIDS TO• D. WISHAM /PURCHASING City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 LIST ALL ADDENDA RECEIVED: #'s: or i None Received: (Indicate above & place on envelope.) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SPECIAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1-DEFINITIONS AND TERMS 1-1.01 GENERAL. This work embraced herein shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications entitled "State of California, Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications, July, 1992," as referenced herein, insofar as the same may apply, which specifications are hereinafter referred to as the Standard Specifications, and in accordance with the following special provisions. Incase of conflict between the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, the special provisions shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. 1-1.02 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS. All definitions and terms in Sections 1, "Definitions and Terms," of the Standard Specifications shall apply, except whenever the following terms or pronouns are used, the intent and meaning shall be as follows: City -City of Bakersfield, California. Department of Transportation, CALTRANS -The Engineering Department of the City of Bakersfield. Director -City Engineer. Engineer -The City Engineer, acting either directly or through properly authorized agents, such agents acting within the scope of the particular duties entrusted to them. Laboratory -The designated laboratory authorized by the City to test materials and work involved in the contract. Standard Specifications -Standard Specifications of the State of California, Department of Transportation, dated July, 1992. State -The City of Bakersfield. State Contract Act -Chapter 1, Division 2 of the Public Contract Code. The provisions of this act do not apply to this contract. Other terms appearing in the Standard Specifications, the general provisions, and the special provisions, shall have the intent and meaning specified in Section 1, Definition of Terms of the Standard Specifications. The terms bid and proposal are used in the same way and can be freely interchanged herein. 3 SECTION 2 -PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 2-1.01 GENERAL INFORMATION. The Purchasing Officer of the City of Bakersfield, California, will receive at her office, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, in said City, unti111:00 o'clock A.M. on March 15, 1999 sealed proposals for: INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT ON H STREET WHITE LANE TO BELLE TERRACE 2-1.02 APPROXIMATE ESTIlVIATE. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities of work to be done and materials to be furnished are approximate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids, and the City of Bakersfield does not expressly or by implication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work or to omit portions of the work that may be deemed necessary or expedient by the Engineer. 2-1.03 EXAMINATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, AND SITE OF WORK. The bidder is required to examine carefully the site of work, the proposal, plans and specifications, and contract forms. It will be assumed that the bidder has performed said examination, and is satisfied as to the conditions to be encountered, the character, quality, and quantities of work to be performed and materials to be furnished, and as to the requirements of the speciftcations, the special provisions, and the contract. It is mutually agreed that the submission of a proposal shall be considered prima facie evidence that the bidder has made such examination. 2-1.04 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS CONTAINING ALTERATIONS, ERASURES OR IRREGULARITIES. Proposals may be rejected if they show any alterations of form, additions not called for, conditional or alternative bids, incomplete bids, erasures or irregularities of any kind. Proposals in which the prices obviously are unbalanced may be rejected. The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals and waive any irregularity. 2-1.05 PROPOSAL FORM. All proposals must be made upon blank forms to be obtained from the Purchasing Officer, the form of which appears herein immediately following these special provisions. All proposals must give the prices proposed and must be signed by the bidder, with his address. If the proposal is made by an individual, his name, telephone number and post offtce address must be shown. If made by a firm or partnership, the .name and post office address of each member of the firm or partnership must be shown. If made by a corporation, the proposal must show the name of the state under the laws of which the corporation was chartered and the names, titles, and business addresses of the president, secretary and treasurer. 2-1.06 BIDDER' S GUARANTEE. All bids shall be presented under sealed cover and shall be accompanied by a Proposal Guaranty made payable to the City of Bakersfteld, for an amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the amount of said bid, and no bid shall be considered unless such Proposal Guaranty is enclosed therewith. 2-1.07 REQUIRED LISTING OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS. Each proposal shall have listed therein the name and address of each Subcontractor to whom the bidder proposes to subcontract portions of the work in the amount of '/2 of one percent of his total bid or ten-thousand ($10,000) dollars, whichever is greater, in accordance with the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act, commencing with Section 4100 of the Public Contract Code. The bidder's attention is invited to other provisions of said Act related to the imposition of penalties for a failure to observe its provisions by using unauthorized subcontractors or by making unauthorized substitutions. A sheet for listing the Subcontractors, as required herein, is included in the Proposal. Bidders are cautioned that this listing requirement is in addition to the requirement to provide a list of DBE Subcontractors after the opening of the proposals for projects utilizing Federal funds. 4 2-1.08 BID SUBMITTAL ITEMS. All submitted bids shall include the following, completed forms: • Proposal Form; • Bidder's Bond Form; • Non-Collusion Affidavit Form; 2-1.09 OMISSIONS IN SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS. Any materials or work mentioned in the specifications and not shown on the drawings, or shown on the drawings and not mentioned in the specifications a shall be of the same effect as if shown or mentioned in both. Omissions from the drawings or the specifications of the materials or details of work which are manifestly or obviously necessary to carry out the intent of the drawings and specifications or which are customarily furnished or performed, shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for furnishing such omitted materials or performing such omitted work; but shall be furnished or performed as if fully shown or described in the drawings or specifications. 2-1.10 WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS. Any bid may be withdrawn at any time prior to the time fixed in the public notice for the opening of bids by written request for the withdrawal of the bid filed with the Purchasing Department. The written request shall be on the bidder's letterhead and shall be executed by the bidder or his duly authorized representative. The withdrawal of a bid does not prejudice the right of the bidder to file a new bid. whether or not bids are opened exactly at the time fixed in the public notice for opening bids, a bid will not be received after that time, nor may any bid be withdrawn after the time fixed in the public notice for the opening of bids . 2-1.11 PUBLIC OPENING OF PROPOSALS. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at the time and place indicated in the "Notice to Contractors" . Bidders or their authorized agents are invited to be present. 2-1.12 RELIEF OF BIDDERS. Attention is directed to the provisions of Public Contract Code Sections 5100 to 5107, inclusive, concerning relief of bidders and in particular to the requirement therein, that if the bidder claims a mistake was made in his bid, the bidder shall give the Department written notice within five (5) days after the opening of the bids of the alleged mistake, specifying in the notice in detail how the mistake occurred. Public Contract Code Section 10285.1 (Chapter 376, Stats, 1985) provides as follows: Any state agency may suspend, for a period of up to three (3) years from the date of conviction, any person from bidding upon, or being awarded, a public works or services contract with the agency under this part or from being a subcontractor at any tier upon the contract, if that person, or any partner, member, officer, director, responsible managing officer, or responsible managing employee thereof, has been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any charge of fraud, bribery, collusion, conspiracy, or any other act in violation of any state or federal antitrust law in connection with the bidding upon, award of, or performance of, any public works contract, as defined in Section 1101, with any public entity, as defined in Section 1100, including for the purposes of this article, the Regents of the University of California or the Trustees of the California State University. A state agency may determine the eligibility of any person to enter into a contract under this article by requiring the person to submit a statement under penalty of perjury declaring that neither the person nor any subcontractor to be engaged by the person has been convicted of any of the offenses referred to in this section within the preceding three (3) years. A form for the statement required by Section 10285.1 is included in the proposal. 2-1.13 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS. More than one proposal from an individual, firm, partnership, corporation, or combination thereof under the same or different names will not be considered. Reasonable grounds for believing that any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or combination thereof is interested in more than one proposal for the work contemplated may cause the rejection of all proposals in which such individual, firm, partnership, corporation or combination thereof is interested. If there is reason for believing that collusion exists among the bidders any or all proposals may be rejected. Proposals in which the prices obviously are unbalanced may be rejected. 5 SECTION 3 -AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 3-1.01 GENERAL. The award of the contract, if awarded, will be to the lowest responsible bidder. The language refers to not only the attribute of trustworthiness, but also to the quality, fitness and capacity of low bidder to satisfactorily perform the proposed work. 3-1.02 AWARD OF CONTRACT. The award of the contract, if awarded, will be made within forty-five (45) days F after the opening of the proposals unless extension is approved by the lowest responsible bidder. 3-1.03 CONTRACT BONDS. The Contractor shall furnish two good and sufficient bonds insured by an admitted surety insurer as set forth in Title XIV, Chapter 2, Article b of the California Code of Civil Procedure. One of the said bonds shall guarantee the faithful performance of the said contract by the Contractor and shall be in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. The other of the said bonds shall be in an amount of fifty percent (SO%) of the contract price and shall guarantee payment to laborers, mechanics and material workers employed on the job under the contract and shall be in the amount and satisfy the requirements specified in Section 3248 of the California Civil Code. Whenever any surety or sureties on any such bonds required by law for the protection of the claims of laborers and material men, become insuffcient, or the City has cause to believe that such surety or sureties have become insufficient, a demand in writing may be made of the Contractor for such further bond or bonds or additional surety, not exceeding that originally required, as is considered necessary, considering the extent of the work remaining to be done. Thereafter no payment shall be made upon such contract to the Contractor or any assignee of the Contractor until such further bond or bonds or additional surety has been furnished. 3-1.04 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. The contract shall be signed by the successful bidder and returned, together with the contract bonds and required insurance documents, within ten (10) days, not including Sundays, after the bidder has received notice that the contract has been awarded. The Commercial General Liability and Workers' Compensation insurance policies shall contain additional insured endorsements in favor of the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers, as required in these specifications. No proposal shall be considered binding upon the City until the execution of the contract. All contracts shall be considered as being .made and entered into in the City of Bakersfield, California. Failure to execute a contract, file acceptable bonds and submit acceptable insurance documents as provided herein within ten (10) days, not. including Sundays, after the bidder has received notice that the contract has been awarded, shall be just cause for the cancellation of the award and the forfeiture of the proposal guaranty. 3-1.05 RETURN OF BIDDER'S GUARANTEES.. Within ten (10) days after the award of the contract, the City of Bakersfield will return any monies or form for deposit of money that are not to be considered in making the award. All other proposal guarantees will be held until the contract has been finally executed, after which they will be returned to the respective bidders whose proposals they accompany. 6 SECTION 4- BEGINNING OF WORK, TIME OF COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 4-1.01 GENERAL. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 8-1.03, "Beginning of Work," Section 8-1.06, "Time of Completion," and Section 8-1.07, "Liquidated Damages," of the Standard Specifications, and is specifically hereby made a part of these special provisions. The first paragraph of Section 8-1.03, "Beginning of Work," of the Standard Specifications, is amended to read: The Contractor shall begin work within fifteen (15) days after receiving written notice to proceed. The Contractor shall diligently prosecute the same to completion before the expiration of 20 working days. Contract working days will commence from the date the Contractor begins work or the 15~' calendar day from the date of the written notice to proceed, whichever comes first. The Contract shall pay to the City of Bakersfield the sum oftwo-hundred fifty ($250) dollars per day for each and every calendar day's delay in finishing the work in excess of the number of working days prescribed above. Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of above paragraph shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of work and no additional allowance will be made therefor. 7 SECTION 5 -GENERAL 5-1.01 STATE CONTRACT ACT NOT APPLICABLE. Section 1-1.40, "State Contract Act," and Section 9- 1.10, "Arbitration," of the Standard Specifications are deleted. This contract is not governed by the provisions of the State Contract Act. The adoption and use of the Standard Specifications in the performance of the work called for in this contract shall not be construed as an election by the City to proceed under Section 20396 of the Public Contract Code. In the event that a dispute arises between the parties, they are not obligated to submit the matter to arbitration in any form (although they may do so upon written agreement}. 5-1.02 ALTERATION IN QUANTITY OF WORK. Increases or decreases in work exceeding anamount often- thousanddollars ($10,000) or which, together with all other previously approved change orders for that contract s exceeds twenty-five percent (25%) of the original contract amount, must be authorized by the City Council. 5-1.03 CONTROL OF WORK. Control of work shall conform to the provisions in Section 5, "Control of Work," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Section 5-1.02, "Plans and Working Drawings," of the Standard Specifications is amended by adding the following paragraph after the fourth paragraph: Working drawings or plans for any structure not included in the plans furnished by the Engineer shall be approved by the Engineer before any work involving these plans shall be performed, unless approval is waived in writing by the Engineer. Section 5-1.07, "Lines and Grades," of the Standard Specifications is amended by adding the following paragraph after the first paragraph: Three consecutive points shown on the same rate of slope must be used in common, in order to detect any variation from a straight grade, and in case any such discrepancy exists, it must be reported to the Engineer. If such a discrepancy is not reported to the Engineer, the Contractor shall be responsible for any error in the finished work. The second paragraph in Section 5-1.07, "Lines and Grades," of the Standard Specifications is amended to read: When the Contractor requires such stakes or marks, he shall notify the Engineer of his requirements in writing a reasonable length of time in advance of starting operations that require such stakes or marks. In no event, shall a notice of less than twenty-four (24) hours be considered a reasonable length of time. Section 5-1.08, "Inspection" , of the Standard Specifications is amended by adding the following paragraph after the first paragraph: Whenever the Contractor varies the period during which work is carried on each day, he shall give due notice to the Engineer, so that proper inspection may be provided. Any work done in the absence of the Engineer will be subject to rejection. 5-1.04 PREVAILING WAGES. Pursuant to Chapter 1 of Part 7 Division 2 of the Labor Code (commencing with Section 1720), Contractor agrees that in performing said work, by himself or through any subcontractor, eight hours labor shall be a days work and forty hours labor shall be a weeks work, and that Contractor shall keep an accurate record showing the name and actual hours worked for all workers employed in said work, and that said record shall be kept open at all reasonable hours for inspection pursuant to Section 1812 of the Labor Code. The Contractor and all Subcontractors shall pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime to all workers employed in the construction of this project. The prevailing rate for each craft, classification or type of work is determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations, and his schedule of prevailing rates is on file and available for inspection in the Public Works Department. The schedule is incorporated herein by this reference. The City shall have the right to inspect payroll ` records during normal working hours and shall have the right to question workers at any time concerning the wages being paid. Contractor shall not interfere in any way with the City's right to investigate conformance with the wage provisions of this contract. 8 Contractor shall forfeit to the City for each worker employed for each calendar day or portion thereof: a. FIFTY DOLLARS ($50) pursuant to Section 1775 of the Labor Code, per worker paid less than the amount to which he is entitled under said general prevailing rate of wages; and b. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25) pursuant to Section 1813 of the Labor Code, per worker required to work more than eight (8) hours per day or more than forty (40) hours per week, except as provided in Section 1815 of the Labor Code. 5-1.05 PAYROLL RECORDS. The fourth paragraph in Section 7-I.OIA(3), "Payroll Records," of the Standard Specifications is deleted and shall not apply to this contract. 5-1.Ob LABOR NONDISCRIMINATION. Attention is directed to Section 7-1.01 A(4), "Labor Nondiscrimination," ofthe Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Attention is also directed to the requirements of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code Sections 12900 through 12996), to the regulations promulgated by the Fair Employment and Housing Commission to implement said Act, and to the nondiscrimination, affirmative action and equal employment opportunity requirements in the special provisions. 5-1.07 APPRENTICES. The Contractor's attention is directed to Section 7-I.OIA(5), "Apprentices," of the Standard Specifications. All Contractors and Subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of Labor Code Sections, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1777.7 relating to the employment of apprentices. If the Contractor does not have a union contract which provides for apprentices, the Contractor and all Subcontractors shall submit one of the following: a. A copy of a "REQUEST FOR AN APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL TO EMPLOY AND TRAIN APPRENTICES ON PUBLIC WORKS". This request shall be submitted to the local Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Apprenticeship Standards on the Contractor's and each Subcontractor's letterhead or DAS 140, enclosed with these specifications. b. A copy of an approval to employ and train apprentices from the local Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Apprenticeship Standards. c. Proof of a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Joint Apprenticeship Committee providing for apprentices. One of the above shall be submitted by the low bidder to the City of Bakersfield with the signed contract documents. 5-1.08 TRENCH SAFETY. The Contractor shall comply with Section 6705 of the Labor Code which provides that the Contractor's responsibility shall be as follows: If the contract price for the project includes an expenditure in excess ofTWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000) for excavation of any trench or tenches five (S) feet or more in depth, the Contractor or his Subcontractor shall not begin any trench excavation unless a detailed plan, showing the design of shoring, bracing, sloping or other provisions to be made for worker protection during the excavation of the trench, has been submitted by the Contractor to the City Engineer and the detailed plans have been reviewed by the City Engineer. If such a plan varies from the shoring system standards established by the Construction Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety, the plan shall be prepared by a Registered Civil or Structural Engineer. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to allow the use of a shoring, sloping, or protective system less effective than that required by the Construction Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety. 9 Nothing in this section shall be construed to impose tort liability on the awarding body or any of its employees. The terms "Public Works," and "Awarding Body," as used in this section, shall have the same meaning as in Labor Code Sections 1720 and 1722 respectively. 5-1.09 SOUND CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. Sound control shall conform to the provisions in Section 7- 1.011, "Sound Control Requirements," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. r The noise level from the Contractor's operations, between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M., shall not exceed eighty-six (86) db at a distance of fifty (50) feet. This requirement in no way relieves the Contractor from responsibility for complying with local ordinances regulating noise level. a Said noise level requirement shall apply to all equipment on the job or related to the job, including but not limited to trucks, transit mixers or transient equipment that may or may not be owned by the Contractor. The use of loud sound signals shall be avoided in favor of light warnings except those required by safety laws for the protection of personnel. Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this section shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work involved and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 5-1.10 PERMITS AND LICENSES. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work from any and all governmental organization which requires such permits, licenses or fees. The Contractor shall procure a business license in the City of Bakersfield. 5-1.11 WORKING HOURS. Contractor shall limit his field working hours from 7:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday throw h Friday. Any deviations must be requested in writing and directed to the Engineer at the Pre-Job Conference. Written approval from the Engineer'is required for work beyond these limits. Any time work proceeds which requires inspection services for more than a nine and one-half (9.5) hour work .day or on legal holidays or weekends, the Contractor will be charged for all associated overtime charges and said charges may be withheld from contract retention. 5-1.12 LAWS TO BE OBSERVED. The Contractor shall keep himself fully informed of all existing and future State and National laws and all municipal ordinances and regulations of the City of Bakersfield which in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work, or the materials used in the work, or which in any way affect the conduct of the work, and of all such orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority over the same. 5-1.13 CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE. The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance required under this section and the required certificates of insurance have been filed with and approved by the City Risk Manager and the Public Works Department, nor shall the Contractor allow any Subcontractor commence work on his subcontract until said certificates of insurance have been filed and approved by the City Risk Manager and the Public Works Department. Contractor shall be responsible for any deductibles under all required insurance policies. 5-1.13A INDEMNITY. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or caused by CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR's employees, agents or independent contractors or companies in the performance of, or in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this Agreement whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except as limited by California Civil Code § 2782. 5-1.13B INSURANCE. In addition to any other insurance or bond required under this Agreement, the ' CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement the following types and limits of insurance ("basic insurance requirements")herein: 10 1. Automobile liabili , insurance, providing coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and the policy shall: a. Provide coverage for owned, non-owned and hired autos. b. Provide contractual liability coverage for the terms of this Agreement. m 2. Broad form commercial general liability insurance, providing coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and the policy shall: ,f a. Provide contractual liability coverage for the terms of this Agreement. b. Contain an additional insured endorsement in favor of the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers. 3. Workers' compensation insurance with statutory limits and employer's liability insurance with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident; and the policy shall contain a waiver of subrogation endorsement in favor of the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers. All policies required of the CONTRACTOR shall be primary insurance as to the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees, or volunteers and any insurance orself-insurance maintained by the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers shall be in excess of the CONTRACTOR'S insurance and shall not contribute with it. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no less than A:VII. Any deductibles, self insured retentions or insurance in lesser amounts, or lack of certain types of insurance otherwise required b this Y Agreement, or insurance rated below Bests' A:VII, must be declared prior to execution of this Agreement and approved by the City in writing. All policies shall contain an endorsement providing the City with thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation or material change in policy language or terms. All policies shall provide that there shall be continuing liability thereon, notwithstanding any recovery on any policy. The insurance required hereunder shall be maintained until all work required to be performed by this Agreement is satisfactorily completed as evidenced by written acceptance by the City. The Contractor shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of insurance and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required under the Agreement. This certificate with the required endorsements must be returned with the executed contract as specified in Section 3-1.04, "Execution of Contract", of these special provisions. The City may withhold payments hereunder if certificates of insurance and endorsements required in the Agreement are not maintained. Unless otherwise approved by the City, if any part of the work under this Agreement is subcontracted, the "basic insurance requirements" set forth above shall be provided by, or on behalf of, all subcontractors even if the City has approved lesser insurance requirements for Contractor. 5-1.14 CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORITY. At the preconstruction meeting, the Contractor shall provide the City with the foreman's or superintendent's name who will be in charge of this project. 5-1.15 wORK IN CITY STREETS. All of the work shown on the plans and included in these specifications that is located in the public streets in the City of Bakersfield shall be done in accordance with City Ordinances regulating ' the use of public streets within the City, except as otherwise provided herein. The Contractor shall inform himself as to all regulations and requirements of the City Engineer and Superintendent 11 of Streets of the City of Bakersfield and shall conduct his operations in compliance therewith. 5-1.16 RIGHT OF WAY. The right of way for the work to be constructed will be provided by the City. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements, and pay all expenses for additional area required by him outside of the limits of right of way unless otherwise provided in the special provisions. 5-1.17 SUSPENSION OF CONTRACT. If at any time in the opinion of the City Council, the Contract has violated any terms of this contract, failed to supply an adequate working force, or material of proper quality, or has failed in any other respect to prosecute the work with the diligence and force specified and intended in and by the terms of the contract, notice thereof in writing will be served upon him, and should he neglect or refuse to provide means for a satisfactory compliance with the contract, as directed by the Engineer, within the time specified in such x notice, the City Council in any such case shall have the power to suspend the operation of the contract. Upon receiving notice of such suspension, the Contractor shall discontinue said work, or such parts of it as the City Council may designate. Upon such suspension, the Contractor's control shall terminate, and thereupon the City Council, or its duly authorized representative, may employ other parties to carry the contract to completion, employ the necessary workmen, substitute other machinery or materials, and purchase the materials contracted for, in such a manner as the Engineer may deem proper; or the City Council may annul and cancel the contractand re-let the work or any part thereof. Any excess of cost arising therefrom over and above the contract price will be charged against the Contractor and his sureties, who will be liable therefor. In the event of such suspension, all money due the Contractor or retained under the terms of this contract shall be forfeited to the City; but such forfeiture will not release the contractor or his sureties from liability or failure to fulfill the contract. The Contractor and his sureties will be credited with the amount of money so forfeited toward any excess of cost over and above the contract price, arising from the suspension of the operations of the contract and the completion of the work by the City as above provided, and the Contractor will be so credited with any. surplus remaining after all just claims for such completion as determined by the Engineer have been paid. In the determination of the question whether there has been any such non-compliance with the contract as to warrant the suspension or annulment thereof, the decision of the City Council shall be binding on all parties to the contract. 5-1.18 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF WORK. The Engineer shall have the authority to suspend the work wholly or in part, for such period as he may deem necessary, due to unsuitable weather, or to such other conditions as are considered unfavorable for the suitable prosecution of the work, or for such time as he may deem necessary, due to the failure on the part of the Contractor to carry out orders given, or to perform any provisions of the work, or extra work that maybe done by City Forces. The Contractor shall immediately obey such order of the Engineer and shall not resume the work until ordered in writing by the Engineer. 5-1.19 PAYMENTS. Attention is directed to Section 9-1.06, "Partial Payments," and Section 9-1.07, "Payment After Acceptance," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. No partial payment will be made for any materials on hand which are furnished but not incorporated in the work. 5-1.20 FINAL PAYMENT. In addition to the conditions, provisions, and requirements of Article 9-1.07B, "Final Payment and Claims," of the Standard Specifications, the following shall apply: The City may withhold funds, or because of subsequently discovered facts, nullify the whole or any part of any certificate for payment, to such extent as may be necessary to protect the City from loss due to causes including but not limited to the following: a. Defective work not remedied; b. Claims filed or information reasonably indicating probable filing of claims; c. Failure of Contractor to make payment due for materials andlor labor; d. Information causing reasonable doubt that the contract can be completed for any unpaid balance; e. Damages to another Contractor; and f. Breach of any terms of this contract. When any and all such causes are removed, certificates shall be issued for amount withheld. 12 The fifth paragraph in Section 9-1.07B, "Final Payment and Claims," of the Standard Specifications is amended to read: The Director will make the final determination of any claims which remain in dispute after completion of claim review. Aboard or person designated by said Director will review such claims and make written recommendation thereon. . The City Engineer shall, after the completion of the contract, make a final estimate of the amount of work done thereunder, and the value of such work, and the City shall pay the entire sum so found to be due after deducting therefrom all previous payments and all amounts to be kept and all amounts to be retained under the provisions of the contract. All prior partial estimates and payments shall be subject to correction in the final estimate and payment. The final payment shall not be due and payable until the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date the "NOTICE OF COMPLETION" is recorded at the County Recorder's Office and after execution and return by the Contractor of the attached GUARANTEE when applicable. It is mutually agreed between the parties to the contract that no certificate given or payments made under the contract except the final certificate or final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of the performance of the contract, either wholly or in part, against any claim of the party of the first part, and no payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work or improper materials. The Contractor further agrees that the payment of the final amount due under the contract, and the adjustment and payment for any work done in accordance with any alterations of the same, shall release the City, the City Council, and the Engineer from any and all claims or liability on account of work performed under the contractor any alteration thereof. 5-1.21 INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES. The word "compensation" in the following paragraphs of the Standard Specifications is replaced with the words "unit price": Third paragraph of Section 18-1.05, "PAYMENT". Fourth paragraph of Section 24-1.1 1, "PAYMENT". Eleventh paragraph of Section 39-8.02, "PAYMENT". 5-1.22 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. The Contractor shall be held responsible for his worker's and subcontractor's well-being and their education of handling hazardous materials when hazardous materials are encountered during this project. 13 SECTION 6 -CONTROL OF MATERIALS 6-1.01 GENERAL. Control of materials shall conform to the provisions in Section 6, "Control of Materials", of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. At the option of the Engineer, the source of supply of each of the materials shall be approved by the Engineer before delivery is started and before such material is used in the work. Representative preliminary samples of the character y and quality prescribed shall be submitted by the contractor or producer of all materials to be used in the work, for testing or examination as desired by the Engineer. All tests of materials furnished by the contractor shall be made in accordance with commonly recognized standards of national organizations, and such special methods and tests as are prescribed in the specifications. 6-1.02 BORROW, DISPOSAL AND MATERIAL SITES. The operation of any borrow or disposal sites used by the Contractor to produce or dispose of material for this project shall comply with the requirements in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. All provisions for water pollution,, and sound control that apply within the limits of the contract shall apply to all borrow or disposal sites utilized by the Contractor. Upon completion of the work, all such sites and haul roads shall be graded and treated so that, at the time of final inspection of the contract, they will drain, will blend with surrounding terrain, and will have a potential as a source of blowing dust or other pollution which is no greater than when in their original condition. If the Contractor obtains necessary permits for borrow, disposal or material sites from the authority having jurisdiction or .from the appropriate pollution control boards and such permits contain requirements which conflict with the requirements in the first and second paragraphs of this section, the requirements of the permits shall govern over the conflicting requirements of this section .provided the permit requirements have been approved by the . Engineer. Full .compensation for complying with the requirements for borrow, disposal and material sites in this section shall be considered as included in the contract prices paid for the items of work which require the use of the sites and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 6-1.03 CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE. In accordance with Section 6-1.07, "Certificates of Compliance", of the Standard Specifications, the Engineer may permit the use of certain materials or assemblies, prior to sampling and testing, if accompanied by a Certificate of Compliance. 14 SECTION 7 -CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 7-1.01 RELATIONS WITH RAILROAD COMPANY. The City has been issued a permit for work within the Railroad Right of Way. However, prior to beginning work, the Contractor shall obtain a permit in the Contractor's name. The Contractor shall comply with all the provisions of said permit. The Contractor shall contact San Joaquin Railroad (209) 592-1857 at least 48 hours prior to any work performed within the railroad right of way. The Contractor shall be responsible for payment to the Railroad for the permit, inspection services and insurance required by the Railroad. t PAYMENT. Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this article shall be considered as included in the unit prices paid for various items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 7-1.02 OBSTRUCTIONS. Attention is directed to Section 8-1.10, "Utility and Non-Highway Facilities", of the Standard Specification, the plans, and the special provisions. The Contractor shall be required to work around public utility facilities and other improvements that are to remain in place within the construction area or that are to be relocated and relocation operations have not been completed. In accordance with the provisions in Section 7-1.11, "Preservation of Property", and Section 7-1.12, "Responsibility for Damage", of the Standard Specifications, the Contractor shall be liable to owners of such facilities and improvements for any damage or interference with service resulting from conducting his operations. The exact location of underground facilities and improvements within the construction area shall be ascertained by the Contractor before using equipment that may damage such facilities or interfere with the services. Other forces maybe engaged in moving or removing utility facilities or other improvements or maintaining services or utilities. The Contractor shall cooperate with such forces and conduct his operations in such a manner as to avoid any unnecessary delay or hindrance to the work being performed by other such forces. Any delay to the Contractor due to utility relocation whether or not the utility is shown or correctly located on the plans will not be compensated for as idle time. However, additional contract time commensurate with such delays maybe allowed. Prior to commencement of any phase of construction involving landscaping or irrigation systems, the Contractor shall contact the City Parks Division at 326-3117 for the purpose of ascertaining the locations and current operational status of all landscape irrigation wiring, mainlines, laterals and other facilities. Due care shall be taken to minimize damage to existing irrigation systems and plant materials. The Contractor shall be responsible for repairing and reconnecting severed or damaged linesand/or wiring and replacement of damaged plant material at his own cost. In the event of interruption of irrigation operations due to damage by the Contractor, the Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the health of plant material in the area for the duration of irrigation interruption. Attention is directed to the fact that nuisance water may be present at all times along the project. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide for handling of said water and any expense involved shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of work and no additional allowance will be made therefor. PAYMENT. Except in the case of extra work, full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this article shall be considered as included in the unit prices paid for various items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 7-1.03 ~AIlVIlVG TRAFFIC. The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain signs, lights, flags and other warning and safety devices when performing work which interferes with or endangers the safe movement of traffic on any street or highway. Signs, lights, flags and other warning and safety devices and their use shall conform to the requirements set forth in the current "Manual of Traffic Controls -Warning Signs, Lights, and Devices for Use in Performance of Work Upon 15 Highways", published by the State of California, Department of Transportation. Application and use of devices shall be as specified and as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall keep the Bakersfield Fire Department informed at all times as to the exact location and progress of the work and shall notify them immediately of any streets impassable for fire fighting equipment. The sixteenth and nineteenth paragraphs of Section 7-1.08, "Public Convenience", of the Standard Specifications, shall y be amended to read as follows: Lane closures shall be allowed only between the hours indicated below, Monday through Friday, except legal A holidays. Street Direction of Travel Hours H Street Northbound/Southbound 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM where construction operations are actively in progress, a minimum of one traffic lane for each direction of travel shall be open for use by public traffic. Such lanes shall not be less than twelve (12) feet in width. Where construction operations are not actively in progress, all lanes shall be open for use by public traffic. Public traffic may be permitted to use the shoulders and, if half width construction methods are used, may also be permitted to use the side of the roadbed opposite to the one under construction. No additional compensation will be allowed for any shaping of shoulders necessary for the accommodation of public traffic thereon during paving operations. Maximum length of lane closures and minimum distance between lane closures may be restricted by the Engineer. In order to expedite the passage of public traffic through or around the work and where ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish, install and maintain construction area signs, lights, flares, temporary railing (Type K), barricades, and other facilities for the sole convenience and direction of public traffic. Also, where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish competent flagmen whose sole duties shall consist of directing the movement of public traffic through or around the work. When deemed necessary by the City, the signs "Road Construction Ahead", No. C-18, and "End Construction", No. C-13, shall be furnished, installed and maintained by the Contractor at locations as directed by the Engineer at least forty-eight (48) hours in~ advance of any construction. The Contractor shall report all accidents to the Engineer. PAYMENT. Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this article shall be considered as included in the unit prices paid for various items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 7-1.04 EXISTING HIGHWAY FACILITIES. The work performed in connection with various existing facilities shall conform to the provisions in Section 15, "Existing Highway Facilities", of the Standard Specifications and these W special provisions. Existing City highway signs and street markers shall remain the property of the City. Such signs and street markers shall be relocated and maintained during construction so' as to convey the same intent that existed prior to construction. Existing City highway signs and street markers shall be placed in their permanent position by the Contractor's forces 16 prior to completion of construction. Signs removed from the project area shall be delivered to the City Corporation Yard at 4101 Truxtun Avenue . PAYMENT, Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this article shall be considered as included in the unit prices paid for various items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 7-1.05 CLEARING AND GRUBBING. Clearing and grubbing shall conform to the provisions in Section 16, "Clearing and Grubbing", of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Clearing and grubbing shall be limited to those areas actually affected by the planned construction as directed by the Engineer. PAYMENT. Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this article shall be considered as included in the unit prices paid for various items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 7-1.06 DUST CONTROL. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prevent a dust nuisance from originating from the site of the work as a result of his operations, or the traveling public, during the effective period of this contract. Preventative measures to be taken by the Contractor shall include but shall not be limited to the following: a. Water shall be applied to all unpaved areas as required to prevent the surface from becoming dry enough to permit dust formation. b. Paved surfaces over which vehicular traffic is permitted to travel shall be kept free of dirt. In residential areas, a self contained, pick-up type, power broom with water distribution system shall be used. Temporary suspension of the work, either as a result of order by the Engineer, or as a result of conditions beyond the control of the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility for dust control as set forth herein. PAYMENT. Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this article shall be considered as included in the unit prices paid for various items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 7-1.07 FINISHING ROADWAY. Finishing roadway shall conform to the provisions in Section 22, "Finishing Roadway", of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. In addition to the conditions, provisions and requirements of Section 22-1.01, "Description", of the. Standard Specifications, the following shall apply: The Contractor. shall remove, from all affected areas, whether inside or outside the project limits, all excess andlor objectionable material originating within the project limits and transported by public traffic or by the Contractor's operations. The Contractor may use any method, approved by the Engineer, that does not create a dust problem to remove the excess and/or objectionable material from the affected areas. However, in residential areas, when a broom is used, a self contained, pick-up type, power broom with water distribution system shall be used. PAYIVIENT. Full compensation for Finishing Roadway as specified will be paid for at the contract lump sum price, which price shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment and for doing all the work involved in Finishing Roadway as specified. 7-1.08 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Portland Cement concrete curbs, median curbs, sidewalks, wheelchair ramps, cross drains, drive approaches, driveways and miscellaneous construction shall conform to the provisions in Section 73, "Concrete Curbs and Sidewalk", of the Standard Specifications and these special 17 provisions. Concrete curbs, median curbs, curb and gutter may be constructed by the fixed form method or b extrusion or slip forming. However, it is required to use a ui ment which is controll y q p ed automatically for alignment, grade, and cross slope by sensing from preset string lines for construction using the extrusion or slip form methods. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT. uantitles of Minor Concrete used in wheelchair ramp construction shall be considered as minor concrete (Wheelchair Ramp) and paid for at the contract price per square foot of Minor Concrete (Wheelchair Ramp). Section 4-1.03B 1 and 4-1.03B 2 of the Standard S cifi ( ) pe cations shall not apply to this item of work. Payment for this item of work will be made only at locations specified on the plans. tt The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials (includin adhesive g or reinforcing steel and dowels for anchoring curbs to existing pavement), tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in constructing curb, gutter depressions, sidewallcs, wheelchair ramps, cross drains, drive approaches, driveways, and median curbs complete in place, including but not limited to, sawcutting, excavation, compaction, concrete removal, pavement removal and driveway tie-in, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. 7-1.09 BOREDlJACKED PIPE. Casing shall be installed so as to prevent formation of waterways under round. It shall have even bearing throughout its len and shall slo a toward g g~ p one end. Space between casing and pipeline shall be backfilled with sand. If the pipe and casing are installed by boring, the space around the casin also shall g be backfilled with grout or sand. The ends of space between the casing and the pipe shall be sealed with grout. The strength of pipe designated in the plans or specifications is determined for vertical load onl an additional stren Y Y gth required by Boring/Jacking operations shall be furnished at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval all plans of boring/jacking operations prior to borin or jacking. Casing shall be installed for all additional allowance will be mad g e therefor. Boring/jacking operations shall be conducted in a safe and efficient manner, consistent with current acce ted procedures. Water boring shall not be rmitted. The casin i shall be ' ' ' p l~ g p pe hacked with such precision that will allow the placement of the pipeline to the line and grade as indicated on the Plans. Upon completion of the installation of the casing and installation of the pipeline to grade, .the void between the casin or RC pipe and the excavation shall be com letel filled with sand co g P Y mpacted by the use of air-blowing sand equipment or any other means acceptable to the Engineer upon his approval. Pipe laid within the jacking pit area, but not within the casing or structures shall be cradled with ' concrete m accordance with the detail shown on the Plans. It is the Contractor's responsibility to maintain a safe operation at all times. Should the tunnel heading operations result in dangerous or unreasonable sloughing of each material which may jeopardize. the safety of workers or the stability of the soil and roadway above, the Contractor shall furnish and install breastboarding andlor face closure with sufficient jacks to inhibit the sloughing and/or closing the work face. The Contractor, before resuming work, shall furnish the Engineer with a detailed plan of proceeding with the work, for his review and approval. Any and all expenses therefor will be considered as included in the bid price and no additional compensation will be made therefor. PAYMENT. The contract price paid per linear foot for Bored/Jacked Pipe shall include full .compensation for furnishing the steel casing, pipeline pipe, excavating, boringljacking, furnishing and lacin backfill material P g , constructing jacking pits and backfilling all pits after the pipe is bored/jacked, and all incidentals necessary to boring/jacking the pipe, complete m place, as specified. 7-1.10 CONDUIT. Conduit shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2, "Conduit," of the .Standard Specifications and these special provisions . 18 7-l.ll MtJLTIDUCT CONDUIT. where 4-inch conduit with innerduct is to be installed by trenching or boring as specified in the plans, a factory assembled conduit system with four (4) innerducts is required. Other systems in accordance with these special provisions will be allowed. The conduit shall be Schedule 40 PVC. Each innerduct shall be 1.15-inch (I.D.minimum), manufactured from polyethylene or PVC. For alignment purposes, one innerduct shall be a different color than the others and shall be consistent for the project. UL listing is not required. Polyethylene for innerduct shall have a density of 0.933 ± 0.003 gm/cm3 (ASTM Standard D-1505), and shall conform to the applicable portions of ASTM Designations: D3433, D3035, D2239, and D2447, and the applicable portions of NEMA TC7 and TC2. Tensile strength shall be 3.625 psi, minimum (ASTM D-622). Polyethylene innerduct shall be longitudinally ribbed, with minimum wall thickness of 0.075 inch. PVC innerduct shall be pre-tubed and have a wall thickness of 0.06-inch minimum. Bends shall be rigid factory assembled sections with a radius of 4' minimum. Prior to joining the last sections of the conduit run, the innerduct colors at the ends shall be verified to be consistent. 7-1.12 MULTI-CONDUIT SYSTEM. Where 4-inch conduit with innerduct is to be installed by trenching or boring as specified in the plans, a factory assembled multi-conduit system with four conduits will be allowed. The conduit shall be "orange" in color, indication "fiber optic duct." All conduit shall have a continuous print line on top and bottom, in accordance with UL-651 using different colors, i.e. red, blue, black and white. The conduit marking shall include: "Manufacturer name -1 '/a " Sch.40." Straight segments of the multi-conduit system shall be nominal 20' lengths with a minimum 21h" slip joint. Joints shall be provided with a seating mark to verify proper assembly. The joint shall be solvent welded as recommended by the manufacturer. Bends shall be rigid factory assembled sections with a radius of 4' minimum. The multi-conduit system shall be connected by the "spacer method." Spacers shall be located at approximately every 28 '/2". The spacers shall provide a minimum of S18" separation between ducts. All spacers shall be of high impact thermoplastic "ABS" material. The spacers shall be 4"x4" and allow for the removal of one or more conduits from the multi-conduit system in the field. 7-1.13 CONDUIT AND Ir~1NERDUCT SEALING PLUGS. Except as otherwise noted, all empty conduits and empty innerducts shall have their ends sealed with commercial preformed plugs which prevent the passage of gas, dust and water into these conduits and their included innerducts. Sealing plugs shall be installed within each spline vault or pull box. Sealing plugs shall be removable and reusable. Plugs sealing innerducts shall be the split type. Sealing plugs that seal the innerducts shall seal each innerduct individually with appropriate sizes and configuration to accommodate empty ducts . A sealing plug that seals an empty conduit or innerduct shall have an eye or other type of capturing device (on the side of the plug that enters the conduit) to attach onto the pull rope, so the pull rope will be easily accessible when the plug is removed. Full compensation for conduit and innerduct sealing plugs shall be considered as included in the contract price paid for Traffic Signal Interconnect and no separate payment will be made therefor. 19 7-1.14 CONDUIT INSTALLATION. Conduits may be installed by either jacking/drilling or open trench methods. Installation using jacking or drilling shall conform to Section 86-2.OSC, "Installation," of the Standard Specifications. Open trench installation m pavement shall conform to the following specifications: 1. Conduit shall be rigid non-metallic type. Conduit shall be placed under existing pavement m a trench not to exceed 12 inches in width. Trench shall be cut using a rock saw or backhoe and all loose uncompacted material shall be removed from the bottom of the trench prior to placement of conduit. The trench shall have a minimum depth of 24 inches below finished grade. 2. The conduit shall be placed in the bottom of the trench and the trench shall be backfilled t with a two (2) sack slurry cement backfill. Slurry cement backfill shall be placed to within 0.20 feet of the pavement surface. The top 0.20 feet shall be backfilled with asphalt concrete produced from commercial quality paving asphalt and aggregates. 3. Prior to spreading asphalt concrete, paint binder shall be applied as specified in Section 39- 4.02, "Prime Coat and Paint Binder," of the Standard Specifications. Spreading and compacting of asphalt concrete shall be performed by any method which will produce an asphalt concrete surface of uniform smoothness, texture, and density. 4. All excavated areas in the pavement shall be backfilled except for the top 0.20 foot, by the end of each workday. The tope 0.20 foot shall be placed within three (3}working days after trenching. Temporary roadmix or other acceptable temporary surface will be allowed on the top 0.20 feet until such a time as the permanent asphalt surface is placed. Permanent asphalt surface shall be placed within 15 working days of trench being opened. 5. Trenches horizontal to traffic that are greater than 6" in width shall be plated until permanent asphalt is placed in top 0.20 foot. Trenches parallel to traffic that are greater than 6" in width shall be plated until temporary surface is placed in top 0.20 foot. 6. No trench shall be opened in any street for the purpose of laying pipes or conduits more than six hundred (600) feet in advance of the pipe or conduit placed therein. 7-1.15 PULL BOXES. Pull boxes shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-2.06, "Pull Boxes," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. All pull box assemblies shall include one knockout for 2" conduit and one knockout for 4" multi-duct conduit on all sides to accommodate installation of conduit. Should an approved alternate multi-duct conduit assembly be chosen b y the Contractor, the knockout for 4" multi-duct conduit at each end maybe substituted by a larger size to accommodate this alternate conduit assembly. Recesses for suspension of ballasts will not be required. PAYMENT. Full compensation for pull boxes shall be considered as included in the contract price paid for Traffic Signal Interconnect and no separate payment will be made therefor. 7-1.16 SPLICE VAULTS. Splice Vaults shall be 48"L x 30"W x 30"D nominal inside dimensions and shall conform to Section 86-2.06 of the Standard Specifications. Hold down bolts or cap screws and nuts shall be of brass, stainless steel or other con-corroding metal material. Each cover portion shall have inset lifting pull slots. Cover marking shall be "COMMUNICATION" on each cover section. Enclosures, covers and extensions shall be concrete gray color. Vaults and covers maybe constructed of reinforced portland cement concrete or of non-PCC material. Non-PCC vaults and covers shall be of sufficient rigidity that when a 100-pound concentrated force is applied perpendicularly tothe midpoint of one of the long sides at the top while the opposite long side is supported by a rigid surface, it shall be possible to remove the cover without the use of tools. When a vertical force of 1,500 pounds is applied, through a %2 inch by 3-inch by 6-inch steel plate, to a non-PCC cover in place on a splice vault, the cover shall 20 not fail and shall not deflect more than 1/a inch. Splice vaults shall be installed as detailed and where shown on the plans. All splice vaults and covers shall have an AASHTO HS 20-44 rating. Splice vaults shall be installed at grade in paved areas. Metallic ornon-metallic cable racks shall be installed on the interior of both sides of the splice vaults. The rack shall z be capable of supporting a load of 100 pounds, minimum, per rack arm. Racks shall be supplied in lengths appropriate to the box in which they will be placed. Rack arms shall not be less than 6 inches in length. All metallic cable racks shall be fabricated from ASTM Designation: A36 steel plate and shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. Steel plate, hardware and galvanizing shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 75, "Miscellaneous Metal " of the Standard Specifications. PAYMENT. Full compensation for Splice Vaults shall be considered as included in the contract price aid for Traffic P Signal Interconnect and no separate payment will be made therefor. 7-1.17 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT. Signal Interconnect Cable shall be six (6) conductor cable or twelve (12) conductor cable as shown on plans and shall conform to the following: The conductors shall be solid #19 AWG annealed copper in twisted pairs. The conductors shall be no less than three and one-half (3.5) turns per fourteen (14) inches for six (6) pair cable. The cable shall have a corrugated copolymer-coated eight (8) mil. aluminum tape and applied longitudinally over the core wrap. These cables must meet the requirements of PE-39 and ANSIIICEA 5-84-608-1988. A certificate of compliance to these special provisions will be required from the manufacturer prior to installation. A pull rope conforming to Section 86-2.OSC "Installation", of the Standard Specifications shall be included in all interconnect conduit (including all innerducts) for installation of future conductors. PAYIVIENT. Full compensation for installing traffic signal interconnect including conduit, (PVC, Multiduct Conduit or Multi-.Conduit System), conduit and innerduct sealing plugs, cable, modem, wiring, .splice vaults, pull boxes, `LB' connectors, sidewalk replacement, excavation, trenching, backfilling and pavement patching, will be considered as included in the prices paid per linear foot of Traffic Signal Interconnect (2" PVC) or Traffic Si nal Interconnect 4" g Multiduct Conduit), and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 3" PVC conduit shall be paid for per linear foot as Traffic Signal Interconnect (2" PVC). 7-1.18. DETECTORS. Detectors damaged during interconnect installation shall be replaced by the Contractor. Detectors shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-5, "Detectors", of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Location and layout of detector loops shall be as directed by the Engineer. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: Loop. detector lead-in cables shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-S.OIA (4), "Construction Materials", of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Loop detector lead-in cables shall be Type B, and shall conform to the following: Loop wires in the pull box shall be twisted at a minimum rate of five. (5) turns per foot, and the splice must be soldered and completely waterproof. Connect one end of the shield to earth ground (at cabinet) and insulate the other end with no possible path to earth ground. All spade connectors used to attach to terminals inside the controller cabinet shall be crimped and soldered to the 1 conductor. INSTALLATION DETAILS: Installation details shall conform to the provisions in Section 86-S.OIA (5), "Installation 21 Details", of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Slots cut in the pavement shall be blown out and dried before installing inductive loop detectors. After conductors are installed in slots cut in the pavement, the slots shall be filled with epoxy sealant conforming to the requirements in Section 95-2.09, "Epoxy Sealant for Inductive Loops", to within one-eighth (118) inch of the pavement surface. The sealant shall be at least one-half (1/2) inch thick above the top conductor in the saw cut. Before setting, surplus sealant shall be removed from the adjacent road surfaces without the use of solvents. s In lieu of the epoxy sealant specified above, slots maybe filled with either of the following materials: a. An elastomeric sealant conforming to Section 86-S.OIA (5), "Installation Details", of the Standard Specifications. b. Asphaltic Emulsion Inductive Loop Sealant conforming to Section 86-5.01 A (5), "Installation Details", of the Standard Specifications. Identification of each conductor pair shall consist of labeling the phase and detector slot number (e.g. - 6J2L, 8J8U, 3ISU, etc.) in permanent ink on a tag suitable for such purposes (Stuart Electric Ty Rap, Catalog No. TY5532 or approved equal). Detector loops in concrete pads shall be sealed -with epoxy sealant. PAYMENT. Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals and for doing all the work involved for installing traffic loop detectors will be considered as included in the Price paid per lineal foot of Traffic Signal Interconnect and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 22 STATE OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICATION ASPHALTIC EMULSION INDUCTIVE LOOP SEALANT 1.0 SCOPE. This specification covers a one component, pourable sand filled, asphaltic emulsion for use in sealing inductive wire loops and leads imbedded in asphalt and portland cement concrete. This sealant is suitable for use in freeze-thaw environments. . 2.0 APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS. The following specifications, test methods and standards in effect on the opening date of the Invitation to Bid form a part of this specification where referenced: American Society for Testing and Materials D2939, D2523 California Test Method No. 434 California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications 1988 State of California Specification 8010-XXX-99 Inspection, Testing and Other Requirements for Protective Coatings Code of Federal Regulations, Hazardous Materials and Regulations Board, Ref. 49CFR. 3.0 REQUIREMENTS. 3.1 Composition The composition of the loop sealant shall be a sand filled, pourable, water emulsified bitumen. It will be the manufacturers responsibility to produce aone-component product to meet the properties specified herein. 3.2 ~ Characteristics of the Sealant 3.2.1 Residue by evaporation, weight percent 70 Minimum Use ASTM D2939 3.2.2 Ash content, weight percent 50 to 65 Use ASTM D2939 3.2.3 Firm set time, hours, 4 maximum test at one (1) hour intervals, use ASTM D2939. 3.2.4 Brookfield viscosity, Poise 50 to 125 RVT Spindle #3, 10 RPM at 75 + 2" F. 3.3 Properties of the Dried Film 3.3.1 Flexibility No full depth use ASTM D2939, except air dry specimens to cracks constant weight at 75 +l- 5 deg. F. and 50 +l-ten percent (10%) relative humidity. Condition mandrel and specimens two (2) hours at 75 2 deg. F. before test. Use aluminum panels, 0.03 inches thick (Q panel or equal) . 23 3.3.2 Tensile Strength, Psi, 20 minimum cast sheets 0.25 inches thick and air dry at 75 + 5 deg . F. , 50 +l- ten percent (10 relative humidity for minimum of sixteen (16} hours. Load rate 0.05 inches/minute, use ASTM D2523. 3.3.3 Elongation, % 2.0 minimum Same conditions as 3.3.2 use ASTM D2523 3.3.4 Slant-shear strength to concrete, psi, 150 minimum Use California Test Method No. 434, Part VIII. Space damp with no loss of blocks with 0.25 inches between slant faces, seal sides and adhesion to concrete bottom with tape and fill with the well stirred sample, strike off the excess. Dry in 140 deg. F. oven to constant weight and condition one (1) day at 75 2 deg. F. before testing. Load rate to be 5000 lbs/minute . 3.3.5 Resistance to water, No blistering Use ASTM D2939, Alternative B re-emulsification or loss of adhesion 3.4 Workmanship 3.4.1 The sealant shall be properly dispersed and any settling shall be easily redispersed with minimum resistance to the sideways manual motion of a paddle across the bottom of the container. It shall form a smooth uniform product of the proper consistency. If the material cannot be easily redispersed .due to excessive settlement as described above or due to any other cause, the sealant shall be considered unfit for use. 3.4.2 The sealant shall retain all specified properties under normal storage conditions for twelve (12) months after acceptance and delivery. The vendor shall be responsible for all costs and transportation charges incurred in replacing material that is unfit for use. The properties of any replacement material, as specified in Paragraph 3.0, shall remain satisfactory for twelve (12) months from date of acceptance and delivery. 3.4.3 The sealant shall comply with all air pollution control rules and regulations within the State of California in effect at the time the sealant is manufactured. 4.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS. 4.1 Inspection This material shall be inspected and tested in accordance with State of California Specification 8010-XXX-99, or as otherwise deemed necessary. 4.2 Sampling and Testing Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, the material shall be sampled at the place of manufacture and application will not be permitted until the material has been approved by the Engineer. 5.0 PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY. 5.1 Packaging The sealant shall be prepared in a one package system ready for application. The material shall be furnished in container size as specified in the purchase order or contract. If ordered in five (5) gallon size the containers shall be new, round standard full open head with bails, shall be nonreactive with the contents, and shall have compatible gaskets. The containers shall comply with the U.S. Department of Transportation or t the Interstate Commerce Commission regulations, as applicable. 5.2 Marking 24 All containers of material shall be labeled showing State specification number manufacturers name, date of manufacture and manufacturers batch number. The manufacturer shall be responsible for proper shipping labels as outlined in Code of Federal Regulations, Hazardous Materials and Regulations Board, Reference 49 CFR. 6.0 NOTES. 6.1 Directions for Use Saw cuts shall be blown clean with compressed air to remove excess water and debris. The sealant must be thoroughly stirred before use and hand poured into the slots. Due to the sand content of this material, pumping is not recommended. Any clean up of road surface or tools can be done with water, before the sealant sets . 6.2 Patents The Contractor shall assume all costs arising from the use of patented materials, equipment, devices, or processes used on or incorporated in the work, and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State of California, and its duly authorized representatives, from all suits at law or action of every nature for, or on account of, the use of any patented materials, equipment, devices or processes. 6.3 Certificate of Compliance The manufacturer shall furnish a Certificate of Compliance with each batch of sealant, in accordance with the provision of Section 6-1.07, of California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, January 1988. 1 25 PROPOSAL FOR INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT ON H STREET WHITE LANE TO BELLE TERRACE To the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield: The undersigned, as bidder, declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that this proposal is made without collusion with any other person, firm or corporation; that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, the annexed proposed form of contract and the plans therein referred to; and he proposes and agrees if this proposal is accepted, that he will contract with the City of Bakersfield, in the prescribed form of contract hereto annexed, to provide all necessary machinery, tools, apparatus and other means of construction and to do all the work and furnish all the materials in accordance with the plans and specifications for the above, filed in the office of the Finance Director of the City of Bakersfield and as specified in the contract, in the manner and time therein prescribed, and according to the requirements of the Engineer as therein set forth, and that he will take in full payment therefor the unit prices or lump sums set forth in the following schedule: If this proposal is accepted and the undersigned fails to execute the aforesaid contract and to provide surety bonds and evidence of insurance acceptable to the City as is required within ten (10) days, not including Sundays, after the bidder receives notice from the City that the contract is ready for signature, the City may, at its option, determine that the bidder has abandoned the bid proposal and the bidder's .security shall be forfeited and shall become the property of the City. City shall then be free to accept the bid of another bidder. ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT OF ITEM UNIT PRICE EXTENSION N0. QU~TY MEASURE (in figures) PRICE (in figures) 1. 10,690 LF Traffic Signal Interconnect (4" Multiduct Conduit) 2. 388 LF Traffic .Signal Interconnect (2" PVC/3" PVC) 3. 187 LF 6" Steel Pipe 4. 1 LS Finishing Roadway TOTAL $ BIDDER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE FOLLOWING ADDENDA: CLEARLY LIST ANY AND ALL ADDENDA NUMBERS RECEIVED ON THIS PROJECT, ABOVE AND ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER OF THE SEALED BID RETURN ENVELOPE. THE REPRESENTATIONS MADE HEREIN ARE MADE UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY Signed Bidder Company Address P.O. Box City, State Zip Code Area Code Telephone No. License No./Expiration Date Page 1 of 4 2d PROPOSAL FOR: INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT ON H STREET, WHITE LANE TO BELLE TERRACE The Extension Price has been calculated by multiplying the Estimated Quantity by the Unit Price. In the case of lump sum items, the Estimated Quantity shall be unity. The Bid Total is the sum of all Extension Prices. Bidder agrees that in case of any discrepancy between the Unit Price(s) and the respective Extension Price(s) andlor the Bid Total, the Unit Price(s) shall prevail, and the bid submitted shall be the correctly computed sum of all correctly computed Extension Prices, provided, however, if the amount set forth as a Unit Price is unintelligible or omitted, then the amount set forth in the Extension Price column for the item shall be used to determine the correct Unit Price in accordance with the following: a. As to lump sum items, the amount set forth in the Extension Price column shall be the Unit Price. b. As to unit basis items, the amount set forth in the Extension Price column shall be divided by the estimated quantity for the item and the price thus obtained shall be the Unit Price. Page 2 of 4 27 PROPOSAL FOR: INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT ON H STREET WHITE LANE TO BELLE TERRACE LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS All persons or parties submitting a bid proposal on the project shall complete the following form, setting forth the name and the location of the mill, shop or office of each subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render service to the Contractor in or about the construction of the work or improvement in excess ofone-half of one percent (0.5%) of prime Contractor's total bid, or TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000), whichever is greater, and the portion of the work which will be done by each subcontractor. This list is to be completed and submitted with said bid proposal. Subcontractor's Name/ Description of portion Street Address (City, State, Zip) of work subcontracted (attach additional sheets if needed) Page 3 of 4 28 PROPOSAL FOR: INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT ON H STREET WHITE LANE TO BELLE TERRACE Accompanying this proposal is [NOTICE: Insert the words "cash " "cashier's check " "certified check " or "bidder's bond " as the case maybe], in an amount equal to at least ten percent of the total of the bid. The names of all persons interested in the foregoing proposal as principals are as follows: IMPORTANT NOTICE: If bidder or their interested person is a corporation, state legal name of corporation, also names of the president, secretary, treasurer, and manager thereof; if a copartnership, state true name of firm, also names of all individual copartners composing firm; if bidder or other interested person is an individual, state first and last names in full. Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of Contractor's License No. SIGN HERE Signature of Bidder NOTE--If bidder is a corporation, the legal name of the corporation shall be set forth above together with the signature of the officer or officers authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the corporation; if bidder is a copartnership, the true name of the firm .shall be set forth above together with the signature of the partner or partners authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the copartnership; and if bidder is an individual, his signature shall be placed above. If signature is by an agent, other than an officer of a corporation or a member of a partnership, a Power of Attorney must be on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield prior to opening bids or submitted with the bid; otherwise, the bid will be disregarded as irregular and unauthorized. Business Address Telephone No. Place of Residence Date Page 4 of 4 29 BIDDER'S BOND (To Accompany Proposal) (Not necessary if cash or certified check is with bid) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WE as principal, and as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, a body politic and corporate of the State of California, in the sum of dollars to be paid to said City, for which payments, well and truly to be made; we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors or assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH: That if the certain proposal, hereunto annexed, to construct in the City of Bakersfield as referred to in the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS attached hereto, is accepted by the Council of said City and if the above bounden principal, heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, shall duly enter into and execute a contract, to construct said improvements aforementioned, and shall execute and deliver the two bonds required by law, within ten days (not including Sunday) from the date of a notice to the above bounden principal, that said contract is ready for execution, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set out hands and seals this day of ,19 (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) Page 1 of 2 30 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ss. COUNTY OF ~ On before me, Date personally appeared Personally known tome Proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within. instrument and acknowledged to me that helshelthey executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that byhis/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature of Notary _N=OPTIONAL--- Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ CORPORATE OFFICER Title or Type of Document Title(s) ❑ PARTNER(S) ❑ LIMITED ❑ GENERAL Number of Pages ❑ ATTORNEY-IN-FACT ❑ TRUSTEE(S) ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR ❑ OTHER: Date of Document SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(ES) Signer(s) Other than Named above Page 2 of 2 31 NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT (To be Executed by Bidder and Accompany Proposal) INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT ON H STREET WHITE LANE TO BELLE TERRACE STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ss. COUNTY OF ) t ,being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he or Name she is of , Title Company the party making the foregoing bid; that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly. or indirectly, submitted his or her bidprice or any breakdown thereof , or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. Under penalty of perjury, the bidder declares. that neither the bidder nor any subcontractor to be engaged by the bidder for this project has been convicted of any offense referred to in the California Public Contract Code. Business Address Telephone No. Place of Residence Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of ,19 Page 1 of 1 32 SAMPLE SAMPLE AGREEMENT N0. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR' S AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on , by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation, referred to herein as "CITY" and a (California Corporation. Hawaii Corporation, Delaware Corporation, Individual, etc. referred to herein as "CONTRACTOR. " RECITALS WI~REAS, CONTRACTOR represents CONTRACTOR is experienced and well qualified in the field of installation of traffic signal interconnects; and WI~REAS, CITY desires to employ CONTRACTOR to install traffic signal interconnects, as set forth herein. NOW, TI~REFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, CITY and CONTRACTOR mutually agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF WORK. The scope of work to be performed consists, in general, of installation of conduit, pull boxes, conductor cable and modems, removal and construction of concrete sidewalk and wheelchair ramps. The scope of work shall include all items and procedures. necessary to properly complete the task CONTRACTOR has been hired to perform, whether specifically included in the scope of work or not. The following shall be deemed to be part of this agreement as if fully set forth herein: a. Notice to Contractors b. Special Provisions c. Bid Proposal d. Bidder's Bond e. Performance Bond f. Material and Labor Bond g. Letters of transmittal, if any h. All provisions required by law to be inserted in this contract whether actually inserted or not. i. Current State of California DAS 140 Form (if required by Specifications} 2. COMPENSATION. CONTRACTOR shall be paid for services performed under this Agreement as follows: r . The compensation set forth in this paragraph shall be the total compensation for-the services provided by CONTRACTOR, including all out-of-pocket costs incurred. CITY shall pay no fee other than the compensation listed in this paragraph unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the CITY. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR' S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 3 3 FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. 3. PAYMENT PROCEDURE. CONTRACTOR shall be paid for services rendered after receipt of an itemized invoice for the work completed and approved by City in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Payment by City to CONTRACTOR shall be made within thirty (30) days after receipt and approval by City of CONTRACTOR's itemized invoice. However, where required by the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code a portion of the payment will be withheld for the time and purposes set forth therein. 4. WAIVER OF DEFAULT. The failure of any parry to enforce against another a provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that party's right to enforce such a provision at a later time, and shall not serve to vary the terms of this Agreement. 5. LICENSES. CONTRACTOR shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect or obtain at all times during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits and approvals which are legally required for CONTRACTOR to practice its profession. b. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE. All work shall be performed in conformity with all legal requirements and industry standards observed by a competent practitioner of the profession in California. 7. MERGER AND MODIFICATION. This Agreement sets forth the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all other oral or written representations. This agreement may be modified only in a writing approved by the City Council and signed by all the parties. 8. EXHIBITS. In the event of a conflict between the terms, conditions or specifications set forth in this Agreement and those in exhibits attached hereto, the terms, conditions, or specifications set forth in this Agreement shall prevail. All exhibits to which reference is made in this Agreement are deemed incorporated in this Agreement, whether or not actually attached. 9. TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by any party upon ten (10} days written notice, served by mail or personal. service, to all other parties. lo. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS. CONTRACTOR shall, at CONTRACTOR's sole cost, comply with all of the requirements of Municipal, State, and Federal authorities now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to this Agreement, and shall faithfully observe in all activities relating to or growing out of this Agreement all Municipal ordinances and State and Federal statutes, rules or regulations now in force or which may hereafter be in force. 11. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. This Agreement calls for the. performance of the services of CONTRACTOR as an independent contractor. CONTRACTOR is not an agent or employee of the City for any purpose and is not .entitled to any of the benefits provided by City to its employees. This Agreement shall not be construed. as forming a partnership or any other association with CONTRACTOR other than that of an independent contractor. 12. INSURANCE. In addition to any other insurance or bond required under by this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement the following types and limits of insurance ("basic insurance requirements" herein): a. Automobile liability insurance, providing coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and the policy shall: 1)Provide coverage for owned, non-owned and hired autos. 2}Provide contractual liability coverage for the terms of this Agreement. ` b. Broad form commercial general liability insurance, providing coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR' S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 34 FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and the policy shall: 1)Provide contractual liability coverage for the terms of this Agreement. 2)Contain an additional insured endorsement in favor of the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers. c. Workers' compensation insurance with statutory limits and employer's liability insurance with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident; and the policy shall contain a waiver of subrogation endorsement in favor of the Ciry, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers. All policies required of the CONTRACTOR shall be primary insurance as to the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees, or volunteers and any insurance or self insurance maintained by the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers shall be excess of the CONTRACTOR's insurance and shall not contribute with it. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no less than A:VII. Any deductibles, self insured retentions or insurance in lesser amounts, or lack of certain types of insurance otherwise required by this Agreement, or insurance rated below Bests' A:VII, must be declared prior to execution of this Agreement and approved by the City in writing. All policies shall contain an endorsement providing the City with thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation or material change in policy language or terms. All policies shall provide that there shall be continuing liability thereon, notwithstanding. any recovery on any policy. The insurance required hereunder shall be maintained until all work required to be performed by this Agreement is satisfactorily completed as evidenced by written acceptance by the City. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of insurance and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The City may withhold payments hereunder if certificates of insurance and endorsements required have not been provided. Unless otherwise approved by the City, if any part of the work under this Agreement is subcontracted, the "basic insurance requirements" set forth above shall be provided by, or on behalf of, all subcontractors even if the City has approved lesser insurance requirements for CONTRACTOR. 13. INDENIlVITY. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or .caused by CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR's employees, agents or independent contractors or companies in the performance of, or in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this Agreement whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except as limited by California Civil Code § 2782. 14. EXECUTION. This Agreement is effective upon execution. It is the product of negotiation and therefore shall not be construed against any parry. 15. NOTICES. All notices relative to this Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be personally served, or sent by certified or registered mail, and be effective upon actual personal service or depositing in the United States mail. The parties shall be addressed as follows, or at any other address designated by notice: IlVDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR' S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 3 5 FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. CITY:CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Annex Building, 2nd Floor 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3724 CONTRACTOR: 16.FORUM. Any lawsuit pertaining to any matter arising under, or growing out of, this Agreement shall be instituted in Kern County, California. 17.ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall not be assigned by any party, or any party substituted, without prior written consent of all the parties. 18.BINDING EFFECT. The rights and obligations of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties to the Agreement and their heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors. and assigns. 19.ACCOUrNTING RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall maintain accurate accounting records and other written documentation pertaining to all costs incurred in performance of this Agreement. Such records and documentation shall be kept at CONTRACTOR's office during the term of this Agreement, and for a period of three years from the date of the final payment hereunder, and said records shall be made available to City representatives upon request at any time. during regular business hours. 20.CORPORATE AUTHORITY. Each individual executing this Agreement represents and warrants they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the corporation or organization, if any, named herein and this Agreement is binding upon said corporation or organization in accordance with its terms. 21. TAX NUMBERS. "CONTRACTOR's" Federal Tax Identification Number CONTRACTOR is a ._(corPoration/part_nershl~/Sole ProPrietorshi~, etc.,L-. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR' S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 3 6 FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed, the day and year first-above written. "CITY" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD R By: BOB PRICE Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield By: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT By: RAUL M. ROJAS Public Works Director COUNTERSIGNED: FINANCE DEPARTMENT By: GREGORY KLIMKO Finance Director INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 3,~ FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT, WHEREAS, THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, County of Kern, State of California, a municipal corporation, hereinafter designated the "Owner," has on ,19 , awarded to , a organized and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, hereinafter designated as the "Principal," a contract for INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT ON H STREET -WHITE LANE TO BELLE TERRACE; and r WHEREAS, said Principal is required under the terms of said contract; and NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Principal, and , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Owner in the sum of Dollars lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the above mentioned Principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and faithfully perform the covenants, conditions, and agreements in the said contract and any alterations made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless, the Owner, its officers and agents as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue and Principal and Surety, in the event suit is brought on this bond, will pay to the Owner such reasonable attorney's fees as shall be fixed by the court. As a condition precedent to the satisfactory completion of the said contract, the above obligation in the said amount shall hold good for a period of one (1) year after the completion and acceptance of the said work, during which time if the above mentioned Principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns shall fail to make full, complete, and satisfactory repair and replacements or totally protect the said Owner from loss of damage made evident during said period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of said work, and resulting from or caused by defective materials and/or faulty workmanship in the prosecution of the work done, the above obligation in the said amount shall remain in full force and effect. However, anything in this paragraph to the contract notwithstanding, the obligation of the Surety hereunder shall continue so long as any obligation of the Principal remains. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR' S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 3 g FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. And the said surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall, in any way, affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. Said Surety hereby waives the provisions of Sections 2819 and 2845 of the Civil Code of the State of California. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the amount specified therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the Owner in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above mentioned parties have executed this instrument under their seals this day of ,19 ,the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. (Seal) Principal .Signature for Principal, Title (Seal) Surety Surety Address & Telephone No. Signature for Surety, Title (Attach notarization form for each required signature) INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. ~ 3 9 MATERIAL LABOR BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT, WHEREAS, THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, County of Kern, State of California, a municipal corporation, hereinafter designated the "Owner," has, on Date of Council Meeting_,__,19 , awarded to Name of Contractor , a organized and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, hereinafter designated as the "Principal," a contract for INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT ON H STREET -WHITE LANE TO BELLE TERRACE; and WHEREAS, said Principal is required to furnish a bond in connection and with said contract, providing that if said Principal, or any of his or its subcontractors, shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, or other supplies used in, upon, for, or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor done thereon of any king, the Surety of this bond will pay the same to the extent hereinafter set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Principal, and Leave Blank for Bonding Compan, , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Owner the penal sum of 50% of Amount Awarded at Council Meeting .Dollars ~ lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if said Principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, or other supplies used in, upon, for, or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind or for any amount .due under the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to work or labor performed under the contract, or for any amounts due, or to be withheld pursuant to Sections 18806 of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California with respect to such work or labor, as required by the provisions of Chapter III, Division V, Title I of the Government Code of the State of California, or with respect to any work or labor for which a bond is required by the provisions of Sections 3247 through 3252 of the Civil Code of the State of California, and provided that the persons, companies, or corporations so furnishing said materials, provisions, or other supplies, appliances, or power use, in, upon, for, or about the performance of the work contracted to be executed or performed, or any person who performs ,work or labor upon same,. or any person who supplies both work and materials, thereto, shall have complied with the provisions of said Civil Code, then said Surety will pay the same in or to an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also will pay incase suit brought upon this bond, such reasonable attorney's fees to the Owner as shall be fixed by the court. This bond shall insure to the benefit of the Owners and any and all persons, companies, and corporations and their respective assigns entitled to file claims under applicable State law, including, but not limited to, California Civil Code Section 3181, so as to -give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 40 FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. And the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition of the terms of the contract or the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall, in any way, affect its obligations of this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. Said Surety hereby waives the provisions of Sections 2819 and 2845 of the Civil Code of the State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above mentioned parties have executed this instrument under their seals this day of ,19 ,the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. (Seal) Principal Signature for Principal, Title (Seal) Surety Surety Address & Telephone No. Signature for Surety, Title (Attach notarization form for each required signature) INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR' S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 41 FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR SECURITY DEPOSITS IN LIEU OF RETENTION (To be completed by the Contractor, if he elects to substitute securities in lieu of retention) THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between: whose address is hereinafter called "Owner," whose address is hereinafter called "Contractor" and whose address is hereinafter called "Escrow Agent". For the consideration hereinafter set forth, the Owner, Contractor, and Escrow Agent agree as follows: 1. Pursuant to Section 22300 of the Public Contract Code of the State of California, Contractor has the option to deposit securities with Escrow Agent as a substitute for retention earnings required to be withheld by Owner pursuant to the Construction Contract entered into between the Owner and Contractor for in the amount of dated (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"). When Contractor deposits the securities as a substitute for Contract earnings, the Escrow Agent shall notify the Owner within ten (10) days of the deposit. The market value of the securities at the time of the substitution shall be at least equal to the cash amount then required to be withheld as retention under the terms of the Contract between the Owner and Contractor. Securities shall be held in the name of ,and shall designate the Contractor as the beneficial owner. 2. The Owner shall make progress payments to the Contractor for such funds which otherwise would be withheld from progress payments pursuant to the Contract provisions, provided that the Escrow Agent hold securities in the form .and amount specified above. 3. Alternatively, the Owner may make payments directly to Escrow Agent in the amount of retention for the benefit of the Owner until such time as the escrow created hereunder is terminated. 4. Contractor shall be responsible for paying all fees for the expenses ,incurred by Escrow Agent in administering the escrow account. These expenses and payment terms shall be determined by the Contractor and Escrow Agent. 5. The interest earned on the securities or the money market accounts held in escrow and all interest earned on that interest shall be for the sole account of Contractor and shall be subject to withdrawal by Contractor at any time and from time to time without notice to the Owner. 6. Contractor shall have the right to withdraw all or any part of the principal in the Escrow Account only by written notice to Escrow Agent accompanied by written authorization from Owner to the Escrow Agent that Owner consents to the withdrawal of the amount sought to be withdrawn by Contractor. 7. The Owner shall have a right to draw upon the securities in the event of default by the Contractor. Upon seven (7) days written notice to the Escrow Agent from the Owner of the default, the Escrow Agent shall immediately convert the securities to cash and shall distribute the cash as instructed by the Owner. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 42 FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. 8. Upon receipt of written notification from the Owner certifying that the Contract is final complete, and that the Contractor has complied with all requirements and procedures applicable to the Contract, Escrow Agent shall release to Contractor all securities and interest on deposit less escrow fees and charges of the Escrow Account. The escrow shall be closed immediately upon disbursement of all moneys and securities on deposit and payments of fees and charges. 9. Escrow Agent shall rely on the written notifications from the Owner and the Contractor pursuant to Sections (4) to (6), inclusive, of this agreement and the Owner and Contractor shall hold Escrow Agent harmless from Escrow Agent's release and disbursement of the securities and interest as set forth above. 10. The names of the persons who are authorized to give written notice on behalf of the Owner and on behalf of Contractor in connection with the foregoing, and exemplars of their respective signatures, are as follows: On behalf of Owner: ~ On behalf of Contractor: Title Title Name Name Signature Si afore Address Address On behalf of Escrow Agent: Title Name Signature Address At the time the Escrow Account is opened, the Owner .and Contractor shall deliver to the Escrow Agent a fully executed counterpart of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their proper officers on the -date first set forth above. Owner: Contractor: Title Title Name Name Signature Signature INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 4 FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. 3 GUARANTEE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Public Works Department Annex Building, 2°d Floor 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 In accordance with the terms of the Contract for: INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT ON H STREET -WHITE LANE TO BELLE TERRACE awarded on ,between the City of Bakersfield (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and the undersigned, which contract provides for installation of traffic signal interconnects, and other facilities and under which contract the undersigned has installed such facilities, the following guarantee of the said facilities is hereby made: When the project is completed and accepted, we guarantee the same to be free from imperfect workmanship andlor materials, and we agree to repair and/or replace at our own cost and expense, any and all such work, andlor materials which may prove defective in workmanship or materials within a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the above named construction project, ordinary wear and tear or neglect excepted. We also agree to repair and/or replace, at our own cost and expense, any work and/or materials that we may disturb or displace in making good such defects. Withintwenty-four (24) hours after being notified in writing by the City or the City's representative, or the agent of either of them, of any defects in said work or materials, we agree to commence and prosecute with due diligence, all work necessary to fulfill the terms of this guarantee and to complete the work within a reasonable period of time, and in the event of our failure to so comply, we collectively and expressly do hereby authorize the City andlor the City's representative, or the agent of either of them, to proceed to have such work done at our expense and we will honor and pay the cost and charges therefor upon demand. This guarantee is made expressly for and tuns to the benefit of both the City of the above mentioned construction .project and the City's representative, and shall be enforceable by either of them. Dated Contractor's Name Authorized Signature INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR' S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 44 FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. GUARANTEE EQUIPMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Public V~orks Department Annex Building, 2nd Floor 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 In accordance with the terms of the Contract for:INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT ON H STREET -WHITE LANE TO BELLE TERRACE awarded on ,between the City of Bakersfield (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and the undersigned, which contract provides for installation of traffic signal interconnects, and under which contract the undersigned has furnished and installed such system, the following guarantee of the said system is hereby made: Should any of the equipment installed pursuant to said contract prove defective or should the system as a whole prove defective, due to faulty workmanship, material furnished, or method of installation, or should said system or any part thereof fail to operate properly, as planned, due to any of the above causes, all within one (1) year after date on which said contract is accepted by the City, the undersigned agrees to reimburse the City, upon demand, for its expenses incurred in restoring said systems to the condition contemplated in said contract, including the cost of any equipment or materials replaced, or, upon demand by the City, to replace any such equipment and repair said systems completely without cost to the City, so that they will operate successfully as originally contemplated. The City shall have the option to make any needed repairs or replacements itself or to have such replacements or repairs done by the undersigned. Prior to such replacement or repair work being done by the City, the undersigned shall have the option to make any needed repairs or replacements. In the eventthe -City elects to have said work performed by the undersigned, the undersigned agrees that the repairs shall commence to be made and such materials as are necessary shall commence to be furnished and installed withintwenty-four (24}hours of the date specified in the City's written notification. Contractor shall prosecute with due diligence to complete the work within a reasonable period of time, as specified in the City's written notification. Contractor shall prosecute with due diligence to complete the work within a reasonable period of time, as specified in the City's written notification. .Said system will be deemed defective within the meaning of this guarantee in the event that they fail to operate as originally intended by the manufacturers thereof and in accordance with the plans and specifications included in said contract. Dated Contractor's Name Authorized Signature INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 4S FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES. This fantt should be lint to tho Joint Appnndoo~hip Corta~tne ~ . of the craft a trio in •the sna of tho ~ of ~the~ ~pudgc wont, if you haw snt► qu~stio~s s: to the sddreu of the aopropriito PU 8ll C WO Joint Apprendasatp• .contact the newest office of RKS . •~•9 Division of Apprenticeship Standards IDAS1. can:Wt your CONTRACT AWARO INF~~MAT10N telephone directory under Callfomii, State ot, industrial p4lAtioA=, for the OAS office ~ your area. . ~~~tRAG=OR ~ ~ COKTAACTOR'S STATE UCFMSE No. I S WIA~YVG AOOAE~••pi STREET, C,?Y. ZAP CCCE , AA6r1 CDOE a TP..E~~ONE 1Va i r wuuE t LOGtT~1 OF PU9UC WOiECS PAO,JECT , SATE OF COMfRAt? AwWip " ; CATF OF EXPECTEp OR ACTUAL START OF PAOjEC? WME iA00AESSOF PlBUC 1~GE~VCY AWAi~I~q CoNTRAC? ~ t"S.'TIWIAT~ I~EROF,JD~EYM8~1 MOUFLS APf~fif NTiCSS ^uCCUPATIdV OF APPA~g ~ R TO 8E EMPLOYED APPFgXIMATE DATgS'0 B~EMPlO1K.~J ~1 Check One Of The Boxes Below: ;x ; 'Ne reauest dispatch of aoprentice(sy for this job. We voiuntaniy choose to comol with the ao 1~ . Y p ~caole Joint Apprenticeship Committee Standaras for the duration of this ~ob oni 'n y, i training the aoprenticecs). ~11e assume no other obligations to the committee or unions under State or Feoerat laws. Sox Z -C" We request dispatch of aaprent~cetsl for this ~oo. We do not wisp ~ , t to follow the appiicaoie Joint Apprenticeship Committee Stanaards in training the apprentices; insteaa, we a tee to em to apprentice(sy in accordance with the California A ~ p y ana tram pprenttceship Council regulations governing employment of apprentices on public work protects. We assume no other ooligat~ons to the committee or unions un State or Fedora! laws. - aer Box 3 We are already approved to train apprentices b the a ii i y pp cab a Jant Apprenticeship Committee and we will employ and train under the Standards. Box a ~ We do not request the dispatch of aoprentice~s) since entices are not re apPr qu►red on this fob under the provisions of California Labor Code Section 1777.5, because; Signature Typed Name ~ ~ Ti t1e Date State of C~liforni• - Dep~rtme~t of Indu:tti~l Relations r oAS :~o rnr.. »o~ DIVISION of aPPAENTICESHIP- STANDARDS i