HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/11/2009CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM December 11, 2009 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council aT FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager /.I SUBJECT: General Information -� The GSA has given us a very general time frame for the construction of the Federal Courthouse. They anticipate pouring the foundations in early October, 2010 and beginning construction on the structure itself in late February, 2011. If all goes well, the interior finishes should be done approximately early October, 2011, and the building occupied by late January, 2012. -� CalPERS suffered a thee -step drop in their credit rating due to investment losses. More information is provided in the enclosed article from the LA Times. According to a Manpower Employment Outlook Survey, Bakersfield area employers expect to hire at a slow pace during the first quarter of 2010. Only about 15 percent of employers interviewed plan to hire new employees. Indications are that there is less optimism about hiring activity compared to one year ago. MISCELLANEOUS CITY NEWS -� As a reminder to Councilmembers, any comments or changes to the Council Goals that were provided at the November 18, 2009 City Council meeting should be provided to John Stinson. The Goals will be back on the Council's agenda in January for consideration and approval by the Council. B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM December 11, 2009 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council aT FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager /.I SUBJECT: General Information -� The GSA has given us a very general time frame for the construction of the Federal Courthouse. They anticipate pouring the foundations in early October, 2010 and beginning construction on the structure itself in late February, 2011. If all goes well, the interior finishes should be done approximately early October, 2011, and the building occupied by late January, 2012. -� CalPERS suffered a thee -step drop in their credit rating due to investment losses. More information is provided in the enclosed article from the LA Times. According to a Manpower Employment Outlook Survey, Bakersfield area employers expect to hire at a slow pace during the first quarter of 2010. Only about 15 percent of employers interviewed plan to hire new employees. Indications are that there is less optimism about hiring activity compared to one year ago. MISCELLANEOUS CITY NEWS -� As a reminder to Councilmembers, any comments or changes to the Council Goals that were provided at the November 18, 2009 City Council meeting should be provided to John Stinson. The Goals will be back on the Council's agenda in January for consideration and approval by the Council. Honorable Mayor and City Council December 11, 2009 Page 2 Required maintenance repairs are scheduled on the bank of the Carrier Canal adjacent to the bike path below the Panorama bluffs. To accomplish this, a section of the bike path will need to be closed in both directions from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each day next week. The public will be able to access the bike path both before and after the closure. The attached press release provides more information. -� The following reports are enclosed: • Special Enforcement Gang Violence Report; • The Recreation and Parks November, 2009 Monthly Report; • Construction Division's weekly update of the roadway paving projects; and • Streets Division's weekly work schedule. RESPONSES TO COUNCIL REQUESTS -� Councilmember Scrivner • SR -178 /Fairfax Interchange Noise and Landscaping AT:rs:al cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Roberta Gafford, Assistant City Clerk Ca1PERS, CaISTRS see long -term credit ratings lowered - latimes.com latimes.com /business /la -fi- pensions- ratings 1 1- 2009dec 11,0,7977157.story latimes.com PENSIONS CalPERS, CaISTRS see long -term credit ratings lowered Page 1 of 2 Moody's cites the pension funds' steep investment losses in downgrading them three notches to Aa3. The firm keeps their short -term ratings unchanged. By Marc Lifsher December 11, 2009 Reporting from Sacramento Hurt by big investment losses, California's two biggest state -ru pension funds lost top long -term credit ratings from Moody's Investors Service on the insurance they sell to municipal governments to make it easier for them to sell bonds. Moody's blamed the downgrade on steep losses suffered by the funds, which could affect their future ability to meet obligation, to retirees. "Today's rating action reflects our expectation that the cumulati back -to -back market value declines in the investment portfolios of both Ca1PERS and CaISTRS for the fiscal years ended June 2008 and 2009 will exacerbate long -term projected actuarial funding shortfalls, recent market gains notwithstanding," said Martin Duffy, Moody's vice president and senior credit officer. The long -term ratings of financial strength for the troubled $200 - billion California Public Employees' Retirement System and the $128- billion California State Teachers' Retirement System, fell three notches from the top Aaa category to Aa3. But short-term ratings remained at their previously high levels, Moody's said. The downgrade is the latest bad news about Ca1PERS, the country's largest public pension fund. The Sacramento -based fund, which is closely monitored by the financial media, market analysts and investors around the world, has been rocked by revelations that a former board member was paid more than $70 million to use his political connections and salesmanship to help private investment managers gain billions of dollars' worth of business from Ca1PERS after leaving the board. Ca1PERS has hired a Washington law firm to conduct a review of pension fund investments. The last two years' investment losses also focused attention on Ca1PERS. The fund's assets, which hit a fiscal year- end record high of $247.7 billion on June 30, 2007, fell 27% over the next two years. They've since rebounded somewhat. The teachers fund fell 25% in the fiscal year that ended June 30 compared with the previous year. http: / /www.latimes.com /business /la -fi- pensions- ratings 11- 2009dec 11,0,2838978,print.story 12/11/2009 Ca1PERS, CaISTRS see long -term credit ratings lowered - latimes.com Page 2 of 2 Spokesmen for both funds said they weren't surprised by the lowered ratings, which they pegged to the ongoing international economic recession. "Clearly this is a direct impact of the market downturn that has impacted all investors," CalPERS spokesman Brad Pacheco said. "We are confident this downgrade won't impact our ability" to sell bonds. CaISTRS spokesman Ricardo Duran acknowledged that his pension lost a lot of money and noted that the lowered rating was linked to the overall financial crisis that has hit California's state and local government agencies. Losses at Ca1PERS, which covers 1.6 million government workers and retirees, have been particularly heavy in the so- called alternative investments, including real estate and private equity partnerships. The value of the real estate portfolio fell by nearly half as of June 30, compared with the previous year. Private equity holdings lost 24.6% over the period. Despite their losses and the rating downgrades at both pension funds, the bond insurance programs, which collect fees for helping local governments gain access to credit, "represent low -risk commitments," Moody's said. niarq.lifshe.r@jat-imes-.com Copyright © 2009, The Los An eles_Tiin http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-pensions-ratingsl 1-2009dec 11,0,2 83 8978,print.story 12/11/2009 WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Florn Core • Water Resources Manager PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mark Lambert Thursday, December 10, 2009 Water Resources Superintendent (661) 326 -3715 A section of the bike path beginning on the east side of Manor Street to the bike path bridge crossing approximately 1.5 miles east of Manor will be closed in both directions from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM daily during the week of Monday, December 14 through Friday December 18, 2009. This temporary closure is due to required maintenance repairs on the bank of the Carrier Canal adjacent to th e bike path below the Panorama bluffs. The bike path is expected to be accessible for public use prior to 8:00 am each morning and again after 3:00 PM each afternoon. We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience while the repairs are being performed on this section of canal. For more information, please contact Mark Lambert, Water Resources Superintendent, at (661) 326 -3715. 1000 Buena Vista Road . Bakersfield . California 93311 (661) 326 -3715 9 Fax (661) 852 -2127 . E -Mail: water @ci.bakersfield.ca.us B A K E R S F I E L D WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Florn Core • Water Resources Manager PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mark Lambert Thursday, December 10, 2009 Water Resources Superintendent (661) 326 -3715 A section of the bike path beginning on the east side of Manor Street to the bike path bridge crossing approximately 1.5 miles east of Manor will be closed in both directions from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM daily during the week of Monday, December 14 through Friday December 18, 2009. This temporary closure is due to required maintenance repairs on the bank of the Carrier Canal adjacent to th e bike path below the Panorama bluffs. The bike path is expected to be accessible for public use prior to 8:00 am each morning and again after 3:00 PM each afternoon. We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience while the repairs are being performed on this section of canal. For more information, please contact Mark Lambert, Water Resources Superintendent, at (661) 326 -3715. 1000 Buena Vista Road . Bakersfield . California 93311 (661) 326 -3715 9 Fax (661) 852 -2127 . E -Mail: water @ci.bakersfield.ca.us 111111: J J / 1 / / / ry ��•''4 BAKERSFIELD POLICE X11 MEMORANDUM RYIL p \`0 F aA/101111 Date: December 7, 2009 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: W. R. Rector, Chief of Police U' Subject: Special Enforcement Gang Violence Report ftcely D DEC D T 2009 Ci Y 4 $gager", Otre� I have enclosed the Special Enforcement Unit's monthly report for November, 2009. Please call if you have any questions. WRR /vrf BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT At" GANG UNIT MONTHLY REPORT EM NOVEMBER 2009 Gang Unit Monthly Stats for November 2009 �66 Felony Arrests 339 FI's 11 Vehicle Re ort p s 31 6 24 Misdemeanor Arrests Felony Warrant Arrests Misdemeanor Warrant Arrests 31 395 751 Citations Probation and Parole Searches Hrs. Assisting Other Department Sections 142 Patrol Call Response 14 Search Warrants 115 Court Prep 248 24 Hours In Training Guns Seized 70 60 Supplemental Reports General Offense Reports 2 7 1 3 2009 Shootings 2008 Shootings 2007 Shootings 2006 Shootings Year to Date Gang Unit Statistics January - November 2009 829 Felony Arrests 4356 FI's 369 Misdemeanor Arrests 411 Citatior 118 Felony Warrant 72t08 Probati nental Reports Arrests 5238 Search 406 Misdemeanor Warrant Offense Hrs. As Arrests 5285 De artr 950.5 Hours In Training 738 Suppler 201 Guns Seized 839 Genera Reports 87 Vehicle Reports E2119 Patrol Call Response e 89 Search Warrants Fisting Other gent Sections 72t08 urt Prep nental Reports 09 Shootings Shootings 07 Shootings Offense 06 Shootings BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT GANG UNIT MONTHLY REPORT J EM NOVEMBER 2009 November 2008 -2009 COMPARISON 11: M 2009 � 2008 � 2009 BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT GANG UNIT 1 MONTHLY REPORT E NOVEMBER 2009 GANG VIOLENCE INDEX 2007 -2009 (2009 - YEAR TO DATE ONLY) BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT GANG UNIT MONTHLY REPORT E NOVEMBER 2009 2007 -2009 (2009 YEAR TO DATE ONLY) - YEARLY TOTALS COMPARISON 2500 _____ _ 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -71 ; .. Vests Guns Seized Search Warrants 2007 1120081712009 YTD 8000 - - -- 7000 -K i 6000 i 5000 ;4 4000 3000 i 2000-11 i ( F 1000 - -- Probation / Parole Assisting Other Field Interveiws / Searches Departments Street Checks *200713 200 8 n 2009 YTD z ot oz r d yy >d �rzo N�zr) ®0-t d B j y v a y Zoo B A K E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks 'tC' 3Lf�, � Date: December 7, 2009 b�r�®rrce To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: Dianne�Flo over, Director of Recreation & Parks Subject: November 2009 Monthly Report ADMINISTRATION: • City in the Hills - D.R. Horton is cooperating with City staff to develop a west park concept and cost estimate that can be provided to the homeowners association for their consideration. • Sports Village - A construction fence has been installed. • Mesa Marin Softball - Grading nearing completion. • Mill Creek Maintenance District - Staff is reviewing possibilities for a maintenance district. • Kern River Upland Park - City has checked 90% plans and returned to designer. • Maintenance Assessment Districts - A meeting was held to discuss the formula for assessment. A policy change will be made to the general plan density vs. actual lots multiplier part of the formula. The actual lots will now be used as soon as a tentative map is approved. • Adopt -a- bench /Plaque Program - A bench was sold for placement on the Kern River Parkway Trail near Aera Park. • Special events for the month of November included: Candlelight Vigil - Suicide Prevention; AFSP Fundraiser; BPD Memorial Walk /Run 300 guests at TPRW; Juvenile Diabetes Walk /Run 300 guests; Homeless Shelter Turkey Run 300 guests. • Approximately 6,348 guests were served with reservations and special events at parks during the month of November. AQUATICS: • November attendance at the McMurtrey Aquatic Center increased by 11% over the same period last year. • The third annual 100 Mile Club Social took place on December 1 st. The ceremony was held to recognize club members and celebrate their individual accomplishments, as well as their combined 51,807 miles. CAPRA The Department of Recreation and Parks enhances the quality of life through a variety of p r g rams, p arks and partnerships. ' DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS November 2009 MONTHLY REPORT PAGE TWO ATHLETICS: • Disc Golf Championship • The Recreation and Parks Department partnered with the Kern County Disc Golf Club to hold the City's Third Annual Disc Golf Championship Tournament on Saturday, November 71h at Silver Creek Park. Winners were presented with a special medal and First place winners received a plaque with their names displayed on it. • Total overall attendance was 66 and total revenue generated $840.00 • The Hershey's Track & Field After School Program meet took place on Thursday, November 19th at the Silver Creek Community Center with an overall attendance of 38. • The League of Dreams - Adaptive Basketball program celebrated finishing their six week league by holding an Awards Ceremony on Sunday, November 15th at the Silver Creek Community Center • Individuals from 5 -22 years old with all levels of disabilities (severe to mild) participated in this league. • Total overall attendance for this event was 805 • Saunders Recreational Facility o The City has contracted James Buchanan to coordinate the Roller Hockey Leagues and tournaments at Saunders Recreational Facility. A successful Roller Hockey Tournament was held on Saturday, November 7th with seven (7) teams competing. Total overall attendance was 92 with a generated revenue of $1,680.00/20% City Split $336.00 • Roller Hockey and Indoor Soccer Leagues will start in January as well as P.E. Class for Homeschoolers, and Zumba classes for adults and youth. • Total overall facility attendance was 697 with generated revenue of $405.00. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. COMMUNITY CENTER: • Total attendance at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center for November was 3, 402. • The Good Neighbor Festival was held on Saturday, November 7th with over 50 agencies participating. Several Community members were honored by the Mayor, Supervisor Rubio's office and Assemblyman Gilmore's office. The event was attended by over a thousand people. • The Hershey's Track & Field event took place on November 19th at Silver Creek Community Center. • The Homework Program at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center continues to gain participants each week. CAPRA '. The Department of Recreation and Parks enhances the quality of life `° through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS November 2009 MONTHLY REPORT PAGE THREE SILVER CREEK COMMUNITY CENTER: • The Silver Creek After School Program had 260 attendees in November with an average of 13 children per day. The special activity for the month was a Thanksgiving Celebration. Participants made popcorn ball turkeys with all the trimmings, decorations and a special turkey hat for their parents. • Overall attendance at the center, including rentals, classes and the after school programs was 2,332 for November. PARKS: • Playground equipment replacement projects were awarded to Dave Bang Associates, Inc., representing PlayWorld playground equipment at the November 18, 2009, City Council meeting. Project sites included Amberton, Beach, Campus Park South, Corvallis and Kroll parks. • The last of the exercise units for AERA Park arrived and was set into place early in November. This completes the 1,600 square foot, 6 station exercise area that is located along the walking path at the west side of Aera Park. • The new, pre- fabricated restroom from Rest Room Facilities Company was installed at Central Park as part of the Mill Creek Improvements. The facility includes a storage facility with separate men's and women's facilities plus a family restroom. • Trees: Trimmed: 183 Clearance: 219 Removals: 13 UPCOMING EVENTS: • Kwanzaa at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center on December 26'" • Polar Bear Plunge, McMurtrey Aquatic Center on January 1, 2010. C. ,APRA -.. The Department of Recreation and Parks enhances the quality of life ' 46 �w " " " " "" through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. CONSTRUCTION DIVISION WEEKLY UPDATES ROADWAY PAVING PROJECTS Status update of the roadway paving projects currently awarded as of December 1'l, 2009: Stockdale Highway - California to Wetherly and Country Club Lane to Ashe Road Work on installation of irrigation, landscape, and hardscape is being done between Wetherly and California. Traffic is currently open to thee lanes in each direction with some lane closures occurring between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM on weekdays. There is still one course of paving that needs to be placed which will be done after the Christmas Holidays. The scheduled completion date of this project is February 10, 2010. AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT PROJECTS: Mt Vernon Ave - SRI 78 to University Avenue All construction on Mt. Vernon Ave. is complete except for the installation of traffic detection loops at Highway 178. This work has been delayed due to Caltrans permit issues and is expected to be finished in about two weeks. Once this work is done the project will be complete. Ashe Road - White Lane to Ming Avenue Paving operations are complete and striping operations are underway; however, weather conditions are preventing the contractor from completing the striping of the street. Traffic signal detection loops are currently being installed. This project is expected to be complete on December 14, 2009. Wilson Road - White Lane to Planz Road Paving operations on Wilson Road are complete. Striping of the street is nearly complete; however, weather conditions are preventing the contractor from completing the striping of the street. This project is expected to be complete by December 16, 2009. Hughes Lane - White Lane to Planz Road Paving operations on Wilson Road are complete. Striping of the street is nearly complete; however, weather conditions are preventing the contractor from completing the striping of the street. This project is expected to be complete by December 16, 2009. Wible Road - Pacheco Road to White Lane Work on this street has been postponed until after the Christmas holidays. This project is expected to be complete in January 2010. C: \DOCUME- 1 \alawrenc \LOCALS -1\ Temp\ XPGrpWse\ RoadwayProjectsUpdates_December 11.doc CDBG -R Pavement Rehabilitation Proiect Paving operations are complete on all streets in the project area. The contractor is finishing some cleanup and repair work. The streets being done as part of this project are as follows: • King Street - Chico St. to E. 18th Street • Chico Street - Owens Street to King Street • Owens Street - Chico St. to E. 18th Street • Eureka Street - Owens Street to King Street • Dolores Street - Gage Street to Beale Avenue • Beale Ave. - Chico Street to Eureka Street This project is scheduled to be complete by December 18, 2009. C: \DOCUME- 1\alawrenc \LOCALS -1\ Temp\ XPGrpWise\ RoadwayProjectsUpdates_December 11.doc Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF DECEMBER 14, 2009 — DECEMBER 18, 2009 Resurfacing/Reconstructing-streets in the following areas: Finishing the street reconstruction project in the area between Valley View Drive & Highland Knolls Drive, west of Fairfax Road. Preparing streets for reconstruction (lowering utility manholes) in the area between District Boulevard & White Lane, west of Gosford Road. Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Installing curb & gutters in the area between California Avenue & 4th Street, east of Chester Avenue (CDBG FUNDED PROJECT). Working on the Ming Avenue widening project. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Week of December 14_2009—Work Schedule.doc Page 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Mondav, December 14 2009 Between So. "H" St. & Union Avenue — Pacheco Rd. & Hosking Rd. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Truxtun Ave. (ext.) — Coffee Rd & Partridge Ave. Tuesdav, December 15 2009 Between Panama Lane & Woodmere Dr. — Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. Between District Blvd. & Panama Ln. -- Gosford Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Akers Rd. & Phyllis St. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. City areas between Akers Rd. & Stine Rd. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Cul -de -sacs on the north side of Angela Way, between Manely Ct. & Cris Ct. Between Oswell Park Dr. & Brundage Ln. — Oswell St. & Leeta St. Wednesday, December 16 2009 City areas between Workman St. & Sterling Rd. — 58 Hwy. & Baja Dr. Between Morning Dr. & Park Dr. — College Ave. & Willis Ave. Between Buena Vista Rd. & Old River Rd. — White Ln. & Panama Ln. Between Old River Rd. & Gosford Rd. — White Ln. & Pacheco Rd. Thursday, December 17, 2009 City areas between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. —Ashe Rd. & Gosford Rd. Between El Portal / Laurelglen Blvd. & Ashe Rd. — Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon /Olympia Dr. Between Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. — Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon / Edgemount Dr. Between Coffee Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) — White Ln. & So. Halfmoon / Olympia Dr. Fridav, December 18, 2009 Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — Allen Rd. & Old River Rd. Between Old River Rd. & Coffee Rd. — Ming Ave. & Ridge Oak / Westwold Dr. Between Ridge Oak / Westwold Dr. & White Ln. — Old River Rd., east to the PG &E easement. Between White Ln. & Asperata Dr. — Gosford Rd., west to the PG &E easement. Between White Ln. & Cedarwood Dr. — Stine Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) Week of December 14_2009_Work Schedule doc CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: December 8, 2009 SUBJECT: SR- 178 /FAIRFAX INTERCHANGE NOISE AND LANDSCAPING Referral No. 146 ZIP COUNCILMEMBER SCRIVNER REQUESTED THAT STAFF PROVIDE A REPORT THAT ADDRESSES MR. REED'S CONCERNS REGARDING THE LACK OF LANDSCAPING THAT HAD BEEN PROMISED, AND THE NOISE ISSUES RELATED TO THE FAIRFAX AND HIGHWAY 178 INTERCHANGE. Staff has had many meetings, conversations, and email correspondence with Mr. Reed during the course of this project. On Sept. 5, 2007, TRIP held a pre- Construction public information meeting at Highland High School to present the landscape plan and construction schedule for the SR 178 /Fairfax Road Interchange project. Mr. Robert Reed attended this meeting and voiced concerns regarding noise. In February 2008, Mr. Reed's neighbor, Pete Leveroni, contacted TRIP to inquire whether there were plans to build a sound wall on the south side of the eastbound off -ramp. Mr. Leveroni was told that the noise studies prepared for the environmental document did not warrant construction of a sound wall in this area and accordingly there were no plans for a sound wall in this area. Mr. Leveroni responded that privacy was also an issue and requested that a high density of trees be planted to reduce noise and maintain privacy. Mr. Reed requested and received information regarding noise sensor placement and the timing of readings for the noise study. Following additional discussions, David Clark, Parsons Environmental Manager, reviewed the Technical Noise Report for the SR 178 /Fairfax Road Interchange and reported to Mr. Reed that "based on the modeling analysis, and the projected traffic for the 2025 condition, noise impact is minimal and does not exceed either local, state or federal standards. No sound walls at these locations are warranted. The presence of mature landscaping as providing possible shielding effect to dampen traffic - related impacts has no demonstrable effect on mitigating traffic noise." G: IGROUPDAT1Referrals0009111- 181 #146_SR178 - Fairfax XX.doc B A K E R S F I F. T. n CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: December 8, 2009 SUBJECT: SR- 178 /FAIRFAX INTERCHANGE NOISE AND LANDSCAPING Referral No. 146 ZIP COUNCILMEMBER SCRIVNER REQUESTED THAT STAFF PROVIDE A REPORT THAT ADDRESSES MR. REED'S CONCERNS REGARDING THE LACK OF LANDSCAPING THAT HAD BEEN PROMISED, AND THE NOISE ISSUES RELATED TO THE FAIRFAX AND HIGHWAY 178 INTERCHANGE. Staff has had many meetings, conversations, and email correspondence with Mr. Reed during the course of this project. On Sept. 5, 2007, TRIP held a pre- Construction public information meeting at Highland High School to present the landscape plan and construction schedule for the SR 178 /Fairfax Road Interchange project. Mr. Robert Reed attended this meeting and voiced concerns regarding noise. In February 2008, Mr. Reed's neighbor, Pete Leveroni, contacted TRIP to inquire whether there were plans to build a sound wall on the south side of the eastbound off -ramp. Mr. Leveroni was told that the noise studies prepared for the environmental document did not warrant construction of a sound wall in this area and accordingly there were no plans for a sound wall in this area. Mr. Leveroni responded that privacy was also an issue and requested that a high density of trees be planted to reduce noise and maintain privacy. Mr. Reed requested and received information regarding noise sensor placement and the timing of readings for the noise study. Following additional discussions, David Clark, Parsons Environmental Manager, reviewed the Technical Noise Report for the SR 178 /Fairfax Road Interchange and reported to Mr. Reed that "based on the modeling analysis, and the projected traffic for the 2025 condition, noise impact is minimal and does not exceed either local, state or federal standards. No sound walls at these locations are warranted. The presence of mature landscaping as providing possible shielding effect to dampen traffic - related impacts has no demonstrable effect on mitigating traffic noise." G: IGROUPDAT1Referrals0009111- 181 #146_SR178 - Fairfax XX.doc Referral # 146 Page 2 In March -April 2008, Mr. Reed and Mr. Leveroni requested construction of a berm, a block wall and additional landscaping. They said they had been told that there would be a berm in the southwest quadrant when the initial public meeting was held several years earlier; however, there is nothing in the environmental document mentioning any berms in this or other areas of the project. City staff spoke with Caltrans about enhancing the landscape plan. Following consultations with City staff and PB Americas (the interchange design firm), Caltrans stated that it would not approve a block wall on Caltrans right -of -way if it was not warranted by the environmental document. It was also determined that a berm was not feasible in this location due to maintenance issues. City TRIP Staff and consultants met with Mr. Reed and Mr. Leveroni on June 25, 2008 to further discuss the project. Staff from Caltrans were also in attendance. The landscape plans were reviewed and discussed; the plans showed a variety of trees in the southwest quadrant of the interchange. Mr. Reed and Mr. Leveroni requested that a row of Cypress trees be added to the plan and planted between the neighborhood and interchange. Caltrans agreed to this addition to the landscaping and the City had an artist's rendering made to show how this row of trees would look. Mr. Leveroni attended a follow up meeting at the TRIP office on August 1, 2008 to review the artist's rendering. He was given the rendering to show his neighbors for their input. Mr. Leveroni requested that the Cypress trees be planted in a higher density than that shown on the rendering. He requested that 100 trees be planted at 3.5 -foot intervals. On August 7, 2008, Mr. Reed reviewed the Environmental Impact Statement and the Technical Noise Study Report for the SR 178 /Fairfax Road Interchange project at the TRIP office. On August 20, TRIP staff notified Mr. Reed and Mr. Leveroni that the Public Works Director had approved the planting of 100 Cypress trees. Mr. Leveroni sent a reply email stating that he had re- measured the area and more trees would now be required. At the request of Mr. Reed and Mr. Leveroni, TRIP and Caltrans staff met with them in the field on October 3, 2008 to measure and determine the number of trees they desired and planting location. As a result of the meeting, it was determined that a row of 133 (5- gallon) Cypress trees would be planted along a line located approximately four feet from and parallel to the existing property wall. The trees would begin at a point in -line with the western edge of the Eastview Court cul -de -sac and would be planted at three -foot intervals for a distance of 400 feet. It was noted that the contractor might need to trim tree limbs that were overhanging the State right -of -way if they interfered with either the Cypress trees' installation or establishment. Additional irrigation lines were installed and the contractor planted and staked the Cypress trees (5- gallon) in late summer /early fall 2009. Ten additional Cypress trees were ordered and planted to complete the agreed -upon distance, for a total of 143 trees. The contractor will maintain the SR 178 /Fairfax Road interchange landscaping, including the row of Cypress trees, for a period of three years, after which Caltrans will assume responsibility for the landscape maintenance. GAGR0UPDA'R Referra1s 12009111- 181#146_SR178- Fairfax XX.doc