HomeMy WebLinkAbout2-18-10 FINAL MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES � o ..�� MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18, 2010 - 5:30 p.m. rag Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue ACTION TAKEN ROLL CALL Present: Chair McGinnis, Vice Chair Stanley Commissioners Blockley, Haddock, Strong, Tkac Absent: Commissioner Tragish 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. t. CONSENT CALENDAR 4.1 NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 4.1 a Approval of minutes for Planning Commission Meetings TRAGISH of November 19, 2009 & December 17, 2009. ABSENT Motion by Commissioner Blockley, second by APPROVED Commissioner Tkac to approve Non-Public Hearing Item 4.1 a. 4.2 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 4.2a Approve Continuance of Public Hearing for an CONT. TO Amendment to Bakersfield Municipal Code, Title 17, 3/18/10 Chapter 17.61 to March 18, 2010 (City of Bakersfield) TRAGISH Commissioner Tkac recused from item 4.2a. ABSENT Commissioner Stanley moved, second by . APPROVED Commissioner Haddock to continue Consent Calendar Item 4.2a to March 18, 2010 with hearing open. PC Minutc s February 8, 2010 Page 2 ei. PUBLIC HEARINGS—Vesting Tentative Parcel Maps/Vesting Tentative Tract Maps 5.1 Amendment to Bakersfield Municipal Code Titles 16 & RES NO 17 Chapters 16.28 (City of Bakersfield) 1/10 Public hearing open, Timothy Storment referenced his letter suggesting some changes to the proposal. Public hearing closed. Planning Director, Jim Eggert, read into the record 5 changes not in print. The first change is to Chapter 17.08.140.C.5 sentence 3 and shall be corrected to read as follows: "If parapets are used they shall not at any point exceed one-third (1/3) of the height of the supporting wall. All parapets shall feature three-dimensional cornice treatment." The second change is in the diagram of the same section. The third change is to be added at the end of Chapter 17.71.040.B.1 as sentence 3 as follows: "Illumination should also meet, without exceeding, the IESNA recommendations or the IESNA defined illumination class appropriate for the predominant use of the facility." The fourth change is to Chapter 17.71.060.M and will read as follows: "Emergency exiting or other public safety related lighting under the applicable California Code." The fifth change is to Chapter 17.71.080 and includes ! TRAGISH diagrams only. ABSENT Commissioner Blockley moved, second by APPROVED Commissioner Stanley to approve the proposed amendments to Titles 16 & 17 and adjusting the southerly boundary to the railroad as proposed, with amendments read into the record by the Planning Director with findings set forth in the attached resolution and recommend the same to City Council. PC Minute?s February 13, 2010 Page 3 t a. COMMUNICATIONS Jim Eggert announced there will be no meeting on March 4th but we will have a General Plan Cycle for March 18th with a GPA., the EIR for Stockdale Ranch and an Adequacy Hearing for the Bakersfield Commons. There will be no Pre-Meeting on March 15tH A reminder of the joint City/County meeting on March 8th and will be at the County Board of Supervisors Chambers. Planning Commissioners will be receiving another EIR for Saco Ranch. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner McGinnis asked if there was money in the budget for the Commissioners to attend a conference in Monterey this year, to which the Planning Director replied there is no travel budget this year. �3 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair McGinnis adjourned the meeting at 6:22 p.m. Robin Gessner, Recording Secretary *in etary ebruary 26, 2010