HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/10/10 RDA AGENDA v o BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 10, 2010 Conference Room A, City Hall North 1600 Truxtun Avenue 4:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Minutes of the April 20, 2010 special meeting. b. Approval of department payments from April 9, 2010 to April 29, 2010 in the amount of $241,116.82. C. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. RA03-012 with Parkview Cottages, LLC for the development of 74 affordable residential units known as Parkview Cottages located at the corner of 21 st Street and R Street. d. Resolution to find that Fiscal Year 2010-11 planning and administrative expenses from the Agency's low and moderate income housing funds are necessary for the production, improvement or preservation of low and moderate income housing in the City of Bakersfield. Staff recommends approval of Consent Calendar items 3. a. through 3. d. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Public Hearing to consider Resolutions Adopting the 2009/2010 to 2013-14 Five Year Implementation Plans for the Downtown, Old Town Kern-Pioneer and Southeast Bakersfield Project Areas. Staff recommends adoption of Resolutions. b. Public Hearing to consider the following; 1. Resolution approving the Sale of Real Property, located at the corner of East California Avenue and South Robinson Street ( a portion of parcel #018-040-02) by the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, for $1.00 to Clinica Sierra Vista, a non-profit corporation. 2. Disposition and Development Agreement with Clinica Sierra Vista, a non-profit corporation, for the construction and development of an approximate 3,863 square foot Dental Clinic located at the corner of East California Avenue and South Robinson Street. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution and Disposition and Development Agreement. 5. REPORTS a. Legislative update regarding the Supplemental Revenue Augmentation funds (SERAF) lawsuit for 2010 and new strategic plan for redevelopment. b, Update status of Baker Street Mixed Use Project C. Update status of Mill Creek Project 6. DEFERRED BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Proposed Budget for the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency (RDA) - Fiscal Year 2010-11. Staff recommends approval and transmittal to City Council. 8. AGENCY STATEMENTS 9. CLOSED SESSIONS 10. WORKSHOPS 11. ADJOURNMENT Res tfully s ► ed andy / Executive Director BAKEn COFPOR4 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT cyL~i0~ MEETING DATE: May 10, 2010 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 3.a. TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency APPROVED FROM: Roberta Gafford, Secretary DEPARTMENT HEAD c DATE: April 29, 2010 GENERAL COUNSEL A -Al- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Minutes of the April 20, 2010 special meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the minutes. BACKGROUND: 0 42~ V ~ d ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 10 MEETING DATE: May 10, 2010 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: TO: Bakersfield RDA APPROVED FROM: Nelson K. Smith, Finance Officer DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: April 29, 2010 GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Approval of department,payments from April 9, 2010 to April 29, 2010 in the amount of $241,116.82. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of payments totaling $241,116.82. BACKGROUND: Individual payments exceeding $3,500 in the above total are listed below. California Utility Consultants Inc $ 12,250.00 Design and consulting services era rmt #BRDAO-008 Housing Authority of the Count of Kern $ 33,401.41 Baker St. Village Phase I draw request era rmt #RA10-003 California Eminent Domain Law Group $ 4,401.60 Legal services era rmt #BRDA08-018 Creekview Villas LLC 22,594.66 Disbursement request era rmt #RA09-001 University of La Verne 6,000.00 Semi-annual installment of Real Property interest era rmt #RA07-001 Creekview Villas LLC $ 113,826.43 Disbursement request era rmt #RA09-001 Mercy Housing of California 32,381.09 Madison Place rehab draw request #4 era rmt #RA09-005 City of Bakersfield 5,615.25 Planning fees for Creekview Villas tract ma SAKim GIADMIN-BRDA\ADMIN-BRDA-AP-201 MADMIN-BRDA-AP-05-10-10.doc 1 ,ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: May 10, 2010 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency APPROVED FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Deputy Executive Director DEPARTMENT HEA DATE: April 29, 2010 GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Amendment No, 3 to Agreement No. RA03-012 with Parkview Cottages, LLC for the development of 74 affordable residential units known as Parkview Cottages located at the corner of 21 Si Street and R Street. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: On May 9, 2003 the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency entered into an agreement with Parkview Cottages, LLC for the development of 74 affordable residential units. Parkview Cottages, LLC has completed phase 1 and 2 of the project which consists of the construction of 45 affordable residential units. Due to the general economic downturn, construction on phase 3 was stalled. Before the economic downturn the developer was successful in selling 30 of the units to affordable homebuyers, however 15 of the units remained unsold and vacant for the past two years. In July of 2009, the developer reduced the prices of the homes substantially and began an aggressive marketing strategy which has led to the sale of the remaining constructed units. The developer and staff have negotiated new terms and conditions to extend the time for the developer to complete the construction of the final 29 affordable residential units in phase 3. Under the terms of this amendment, the developer will construct on a schedule, a minimum of two units to be built as speculative homes at all times within an approximate 4 month construction period. In addition, prior to the sale of each home a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued and 2 more homes constructed until the completion of the project. Construction on Phase 3 will begin within 60 days of approval of this Agreement. It is anticipated that it may take as long as four years to build, market and sell to qualified buyers the remaining 29 units. In addition, if at any time prior to the completion of the construction and sale of the 29 units, the Developer ceases active construction and marketing of the project for a period of greater S:\Admins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\ amend #3 Parkview.doc 4/29/2010 4:06 PM --ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 than 12 months then the Project will be considered abandoned and the Agency will have the right to exercise its option to repurchase any unsold lots for the price of one (1) Dollar per lot and retain all construction plans and related documents. Construction financing will be provided by the developer. The Agency will continue to provide down payment assistance to continue to make the project affordable to eligible borrowers. Completion of the entire project is anticipated for 2014. S:\Admins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\amend #3 Parkview.doc 4/29/20102:20 PM HA ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: May 10, 2010 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 3. d TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency AMROVED FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Deputy Executive Director DEPARTMENT HEA DATE: April 29, 2010 GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Resolution to find that Fiscal Year 2010-11 Planning and Administrative Expenses from the Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds are necessary for the Production, Improvement or Preservation of Low and Moderate Income Housing in the City of Bakersfield. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the resolution. BACKGROUND: In accordance with State Health and Safety Code Section 33334,3 (d), redevelopment agencies may use a portion of monies from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds to provide planning and general administrative costs. The Agency must determine annually that the planning and administrative expenses are necessary for the production, improvement, or preservation of low-and moderate-income housing. For fiscal year 2010-11, the Agency has budgeted $108,117 in the Housing Funds for planning and administrative services for housing related projects. The elimination of the Economic and Community Development Department's General Fund Budget resulted in planning and administrative expenditures previously paid through the General Fund for the Redevelopment Agency to be shifted to the Redevelopment Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds. These appropriations are supported by the high level of affordable housing development activity currently underway. Attached is a resolution finding that planning and administrative costs are necessary for the production, improvement, or preservation of low-and moderate-income housing for fiscal year 2010-11. S:\Admins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\Bak RDA Housing Fund 10-11.doc 4/29/2010 12:17 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: May 10, 2010 TAGENDA SECTION: Public Hearings ITEM: TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency APPROVED FROM: Donna L, Kunz, Deputy Executive Director DEPARTMENT HEX~W DATE: April 29, 2010 GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Public Hearing to consider Resolutions Adopting the 2009/10 to 2013/14 Five-Year Implementation Plans for the Downtown, Old Town Kern-Pioneer, and Southeast Bakersfield Project Areas. 1. Resolution adopting the 2009/10 to 2013/14 Five-Year Implementation Plan for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area 2. Resolution adopting the 2009/10 to 2013/14 Five-Year Implementation Plan for the Old Town Kern-Pioneer Redevelopment Project Area 3. Resolution adopting the 2009/10 to 2013/14 Five-Year Implementation Plan for the Southeast Bakersfield Project Area RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends conducting the public hearing and approve resolutions adopting the 2009/10 to 2013/14 Five-Year Implementation Plans for the Agency's Downtown, Old Town Kern-Pioneer, and Southeast Bakersfield Project Areas. BACKGROUND: In 1993, the State of California enacted Assembly Bill 1290 adding Section 33490 to the California Community Redevelopment Law ("Law"). Section 33490 of the Law, requires Five Year Implementation Plans ("Plan") to include the following for each project area : • Specific Agency goals and objectives for the Project Area. • Specific programs, potential projects, and estimated expenditures proposed by the Agency over the five-year planning period, • An explanation of how Agency goals, objectives, programs, and expenditures will eliminate blight within the Project Area and improve and increase the supply of housing affordable to very low, low, and moderate income households. SAAdmins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\2010 Public Hearing Implementation plans.docx 4/29/2010 2:38 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 The Law also requires the Plan to address the Agency's affordable housing production and replacement housing needs and achievements, These items are specifically addressed in the Housing Component of the Plan. The Plans serve as a blueprint for current and future Agency activities to eliminate blight and the Agency's implementation of its low and moderate income housing obligations under the Law within the Project Areas for the five year period from 2009/10 to 2013/14 ("Planning Period"). The Plans are divided into two separate components: a Redevelopment Component and a Housing Component. The Redevelopment Component addresses the following issues: • Reviews the goals and objectives of the Project Area; • Identifies the Agency's strategy to achieve these goals and objectives; • Presents the projects, programs and expenditures (other than those relating to low and moderate income housing) that have been developed as a means to attain the goals and objectives; and • Describes how the goals and objectives, projects, programs and expenditures will eliminate blight within the Project Area. Additionally, pursuant to Section 33490 of the Law, the Plan must explain how the Agency will meet its various requirements regarding low and moderate income housing which are contained in the Housing Component of the Plan. The Housing Component addresses the following areas: • Outlines how the Agency intends to implement the requirements of the Law regarding the use of the tax increment for affordable housing; and • Identifies any unmet obligations for affordable housing; and • Shows how the Agency's goals and objectives for low and moderate income housing preservation and production will be implemented. The Plan is a guiding tool for the Agency and is not intended to obligate and commit Agency funds to any specific projects or programs. It was prepared to set priorities for redevelopment activities within the Project Areas for the five-year period covered by the Plan and incorporates the currently known financial resources and constraints in developing a program of activities to accomplish the Agency's goals. However, challenges and opportunities are commonly encountered during the course of administering the Plan during the five-year period and therefore, the Plan may be amended if necessary, Redevelopment Activities The Agency will undertake projects and activities in the Project Areas over the next five years to alleviate blighting conditions and achieve its goals and objectives. The projects are designed to remove economic and physical blight while promoting the generation of revenue and employment in the Project Areas. The activities to be undertaken by the Agency include property acquisition, business retention and attraction, commercial rehabilitation, and assistance with on-site and off-site public improvements if necessary for the redevelopment of inadequate and underutilized property as well as obsolete, unsafe, and nonconforming structures. S:\Admins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\2010 Public Hearing Implementation plans.docx 4/29/20102:38 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page3 The Agency will be focusing its activities over the next Planning Period to address any high concentration of older, inadequate, and nonconforming uses. Additionally, the Agency is targeting economic blight by promoting the attraction of retail and service operations that are currently lacking in the community, and that will service the daytime population, as well as the residents of the City, Necessary commercial amenities such as pharmacies, restaurants, and commercial retail shops will be the main uses within redeveloped commercial centers, Affordable Housing Activities The Agency will achieve its affordable housing goals to create and preserve affordable housing by meeting the housing requirements set forth by the Law during the 2010-2014 Planning Period. The following housing goals were developed using the goals and activities set forth in the Housing Element: • Create and promote home ownership and improved housing facilities for individuals and families. • Encourage the coordination of services provided by public agencies and other service providers, • Encourage the cooperation and participation of property owners, public agencies and community organizations in the elimination of blighting conditions and the promotion of new or improved development in the Project Areas. FISCAL IMPACT There is no immediate fiscal impact. The first year (fiscal year 2009/10) of the Plans and Affordable Housing Implementation Plans includes programs, projects, and expenditures that were approved in the fiscal year 2009/10 Agency Budget, Those for fiscal years 2010/11 to 2013/14 are shown for planning purposes only. No funds are committed at this time. PUBLIC HEARING Notice of Public Hearing was published on April 9, April 16 and April 23, 2010 as required by state law. S:\Admins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\2010 Public Hearing implementation plans.docx 4/29/20102:38 PM 46 ;xADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: May 10, 2010 AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing ITEM: b, TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency APPROVED FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: April 29, 2010 GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Public Hearing to consider Resolution to authorize the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency to sell Real Property located at the corner of East California Ave. and South Robinson St. (a portion of parcel #018-040-02) for $1.00 to Clinica Sierra Vista, a Non-profit Corporation for the development of an approximately 3,863 square foot Dental Clinic. (Ward 1). 1. Resolution approving the Sale of Real Property, located at the corner of East California Ave. and South Robinson St. (a potion of parcel #018-040-02) by the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, for $1.00 to Clinica Sierra Vista, a Non-profit Corporation. 2. Disposition and Development Agreement with Clinica Sierra Vista, a non-profit Corporation for the construction and development of an approximate 3,863 square foot Dental Clinic located at the corner of East California Ave. and South Robinson. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of resolution, approval of sale of Real Property, and approval of the Disposition and Development Agreement. BACKGROUND: On May 7th, 2008 the City of Bakersfield Economic and Community Development Department posted a Request for Proposal & Qualifications on the City of Bakersfield's EDCD webpage to acquire and develop the 2.69 acre commercially zoned parcel on East California Ave. between South Owens Street and South Robinson Street. Clinica Sierra Vista expressed an interest and willingness to negotiate with the Redevelopment Agency for the development of the property. In August of 2009 the Redevelopment Agency entered into an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with Clinica Sierra Vista to cover a period of 180 days with an option for a 90 day extension from the date of execution of the Agreement. During this period, the deal points have been incorporated into a Disposition and Development Agreement for the development of an approximately 3,863 square foot dental office on the .6 acre eastern portion of the parcel. Clinica Sierra Vista applied for and was awarded funding for the construction of the project from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 S:\Admins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\Clinica SV May 10 RDA Admin2.docx 4/29/2010 4:30 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 (A.R.R.A). One of the major requirements of receiving the Stimulus funds is the applicant has to demonstrate reasonable site control prior to the start of project construction. 1. Public Hearing Pursuant to Section 33433 of the California Health and Safety Code, the Bakersfield City Council may, after a duly noticed public hearing, authorize the Redevelopment Agency to sell or lease the property, for development pursuant to the Southeast Area Redevelopment Plan upon a determination by the City Council that the proposed consideration is not less than the fair reuse value of the Property, that the disposition of the Property will assist in the elimination of blight, and is consistent with the implementation plan adopted for the Southeast Redevelopment Project Area. Under Redevelopment Law, Health and Safety Code Section 33433, whenever an agency disposes of property acquired directly or indirectly with tax increment funds, the agency must sell the property for not less than the fair market value at its highest and best use in accordance with the redevelopment plan, or at a price not less that the fair reuse of the propose use and with the affordability covenants, conditions and development costs authorized by the sale. A summary report and reuse analysis prepared by GRC and Associates has been attached that reflects that the Agency's sales price of $1.00 for the property is not less than the fair reuse value for the property and with the required covenants and restrictions, and validated in the enclosed reuse analysis that is based on the proposed use. The summary report and reuse analysis were available for public inspection consistent with the requirements of Health and Safety Code Section 33433. In addition, the project will not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air or water quality and therefore qualifies as CEQA exempt under Section 15332 under Infill Development. 2. Disposition and Development Agreement The City of Bakersfield will convey the .6 acre site to Clinica Sierra Vista at a cost of One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand and One Dollars. The purchase price shall be paid in $1.00 of cash and a performance promissory note of $125,000.00. Credit towards payment of the performance note shall begin at issuance of the certificate of completion, and the payment shall be credited each year thereafter for fifteen (15) years of continuous operation of the dental clinic uses by Clinica Sierra Vista. The City has also agreed to complete street improvements, including curb, gutter, a right turn lane, drive approach, and a handicap access ramp. The street improvements will cost a total of $54,000 funded through Southeast Tax Increment funds. The Bakersfield City Council as the legislative body authorized the Redevelopment Agency to sell the property at the May 5, 2010 meeting. S:\Admins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\clinica SV May 10 RDA Admin2.docx 4/29/20104:30 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: May 10, 2010 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 5. q . TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency APPROVED FROM: Donna L, Kunz, Deputy Executive Director DEPARTMENT HEAC(W DATE: April 29, 2010 GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Legislative update regarding the Supplemental Revenue Augmentation Funds (SERAF) lawsuit for 2010 and new strategic plan for redevelopment. RECOMMENDATION: No action required, BACKGROUND: Staff will provide a legislative update regarding the SERAF lawsuit for 2010 in addition to the new strategic plan for redevelopment. S:\Admins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\SERAF lawsuit 2010 update.docx 4/29/2010 3:25 PM k ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: May 10, 2010 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency APPROVED FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Deputy Executive Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: April 27, 2010 GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Update status of Baker Street Mixed Use Project RECOMMENDATION: No action required. BACKGROUND: Staff will provide an update on the Baker Street Mixed Use Project. S:\Admins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\Baker Street update 051010.docx 4/27/2010 8:58 AM ADMINISTRATIVE ,,.r 1dr REPORT MEETING DATE: May 10, 2010 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency APPROVED FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Deputy Executive Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: April 27, 2010 GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Update status of the Mill Creek Project RECOMMENDATION: No action required. BACKGROUND: Staff will provide an update on the Mill Creek Project. S:\Admins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\Mill Creek update 051010.docx 4/27/2010 9:01 AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: May 10, 2010 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: 1. q TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency APP ED FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director DEPARTMENT HE D DATE: April 30, 2010 GENERAL COUNCIL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Proposed Budget for the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency (RDA) - Fiscal Year 2010-11 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Agency authorize the transmittal of the Fiscal Year 2010-11 RDA budget to the City Council for approval. BACKGROUND: Attached is the proposed Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Budget for Fiscal Year 2010-11, which has been prepared in accordance with the Agency's goals and objectives. There continues to be significant redevelopment activity in each of the three project areas with several projects in various stages of planning, negotiation, demolition or construction. The following is a summary of the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2010-11 in addition to key highlights of redevelopment project activity. Redevelopment Aaencv Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 2010-11 The Redevelopment Agency budget is comprised of nine separate funds. Each of our three redevelopment project areas has three distinct funds; an Operating fund, a Housing Set Aside fund and a Debt Service fund. California Redevelopment Law requires redevelopment project area operating funds be kept separate from those of other areas and that Tax Increment Revenues are only used within the area of which it was generated. The Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency may, however, use its Housing Set Aside monies anywhere deemed necessary within the City, provided an "of benefit" finding is made by the governing body. Major changes based on the reductions in the general fund budget for Fiscal 2010-11 include the reallocation of staff salaries and benefits according to area of benefit within the three redevelopment areas; resulting in an increase in total salaries of over $741,000 in the redevelopment funds. In addition, pending the outcome of the California Redevelopment Association law suit against the State of California regarding the State Educational Revenue S:\Admins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\RDA FY10-11 Budget Admin.dom 4/30/20101:59 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 Augmentation Fund (SERAF), $2,780,190 has been set aside to be paid May of 2010 should the CRA not prevail. For fiscal year 2010-11, $600,000 has been budgeted for the SERAF state take. In addition to the Capital and Operating Budgets, the Debt Service Budgets include appropriations for contractual long term debt, including the payment of principal and interest on Redevelopment Tax Allocation Bonds, Certificates of Participation, Notes, Interagency loans, Section 108 loans for Baker Street and Mill Creek South, the I-Bank loan for Mill Creek Linear Park, Residential Development Loan Program Site Acquisition for Creekview Villas Townhomes, and 2009 RDA Bonds Series A & B. Highlights of the redevelopment budget proposed for Fiscal year 2010-11 include the following appropriations: Downtown Redevelopment Project Area The Downtown Project Area has budgeted $125,000 for the Downtown Enhancement Program, including lighting, banner replacement, maintenance, and trolley service; $50,000 for graffiti removal in the Downtown Redevelopment area; and $600,000 for affordable housing projects in the Downtown Redevelopment area. Old Town Kern Redevelopment Project Area The Old Town Kern Project Area has budgeted $50,000 for professional and consulting services for Old Town Kern Redevelopment Projects and $300,000 for affordable housing projects in the Old Town Kern Redevelopment area. Southeast Redevelopment The Southeast Project Area has budgeted $100,000 for outside legal counsel and relocation services for Southeast Redevelopment projects; $50,000 for graffiti removal in the Southeast Redevelopment area; and $200,000 for affordable housing projects within the Southeast Redevelopment area. Focus on Implementation of Redevelopment Protects in the Mill Creek Area FY 2010-11: South Mill Creek There are 5 major redevelopment projects in the Mill Creek Area that are in the implementation, pre-construction or construction phase for fiscal year 2010-11. Currently, staff is marketing the Village at Millcreek, a proposed 65,000 square feet of commercial space for retail, restaurants, community events, and neighborhood services. The South Millcreek Affordable Apartments, a 70-unit mid-rise garden style affordable rental complex is anticipated to begin construction in the Fall of 2010 with completion of the project in the Fall of 2011. The Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency amended the Disposition and Development Agreement with Chelsea Investment Inc. to develop seventy (70) units of affordable mid-rise multi-family apartments urban market rate apartments. Chelsea Investment Inc. anticipates finalizing building permits and lender/investor financing during the summer of 2010, with construction to start in December 2010. Completion is estimated to be December 2011. The Disposition and Development Agreement with Southwest Consulting to develop the Creekview Villas consisting of thirty-six (36) for-sale condominiums and the Mill Creek Courtyard consisting of fifty-seven (57) units is moving forward. Southwest Consulting encountered S:\Hdmins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\RDA FY10-11 Budget Admin.docx 4/30/20101:59 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 3 numerous obstacles in obtaining construction financing due to the persistent economic crisis. Therefore, the Agency recently approved amendments to both Disposition and Development Agreements, to borrow $1.5 million from the Millcreek Courtyard affordable mid-rise apartment project, to provide a cash flow loan for construction of the first 14 units of the Creekview Villas townhomes. The Developer will be required to pay back the entire loan from sales proceeds from the first 14 units, or construction on the Millcreek Courtyard project will not be permitted. The Millcreek Courtyard project is deferred up to 36 months to allow additional time for repayment of the cash flow loan from the sales of the Creekview Villas townhomes. Construction on the Creekview Villas is anticipated to begin in May 2010. In addition, staff is currently working with a local engineering firm and landscape architect to provide engineering design, surveying, landscaping, and preparation of construction documents for construction of the interior streets within the South Millcreek project area. Funds for these improvements will mostly be paid from the State of California, Infill Infrastructure grant secured in 2009. 19th Street Plaza (OTK-P) The final area of focus includes the 19th Street Plaza which is a mixed use project including office, commercial and residential space adjacent to the Mill Creek Linear Park. The site has been cleared and graded, but construction is on hold pending the developer obtaining the financing for the construction loan. Due to tight lending practices, securing the loan has been difficult. When completed, the project will offer 67 units of affordable senior rental housing, a food court, and a 132 space parking garage. On-going Redevelopment Activity: The Parkview Cottages - Single Family Housing Project (OTK P) The Parkview Cottages consists of 74 single-family housing units, ranging from 1,280 to 1,820 square feet. Each unit will be two stories and have a two/three car garage. Currently, home buyers occupy 41 units leaving 4 pre-constructed units to sell. Staff hopes to have these escrows closed by the end of the July 2010. Staff has negotiated an amendment to the disposition agreement requiring the developer/builder to construct two speculative homes at a time and continue to build out the development as the houses sell. With this revised schedule the project should achieve sellout in four years or less. Baker Street - Old Town Kern Mixed Use Project (OTK-P) Baker Street Village Phase 1 is moving forward, with the purchase of the project by the Housing Authority of the County of Kern from the previous developer. The Housing Authority received a federal grant that will enable it to complete the construction of 37 units of affordable housing. Construction is expected to resume in September 2010. South Mill Creek Plaza Maya Cinema Complex opened its doors in July 2009 and has sold 420,000 tickets since opening. When complete, the $32 million dollar South Mill Creek Plaza will include a 78,140 square foot 16 screen state of the art movie theater and 25,000 square feet of retail and commercial space including restaurants. The project is located south of the railroad tracks between California S:Wdmins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\RDA FY10-11 Budget Admin.docx 4/30/20101:59 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 4 Avenue, "M" Street, and "P" and "Q" streets, on approximately 8.4 acres. The commercial component of the project has been delayed due to a lack of construction financing. State of California Infill Infrastructure Grant The Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was awarded a $10.8 State of California, Infill Infrastructure grant to provide funding to assist with the costs of construction, rehabilitation, demolition, acquisition, or other infrastructure improvements in the Mill Creek Area. Specifically, the 171h/18th Street Mill Creek Plaza, 201h Street Parking structure, Q Street Streetscape, interior street improvements for South Mill Creek and the Friendship Gardens in Central Park. These infrastructure improvements support higher-density affordable and mixed-income housing in locations designated as infill within the Mill Creek Qualifying Infill Area. Construction on these projects will commence as soon as the funds are released by the State of California. SAAdmins\RDA\RDA Admins 2010\RDA FYI 0-11 Budget Admin.dom 4/30/20101:59 PM