HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrainage Report - Calloway Temp Drainage Table of Contents 1.0 General .................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Introduction...................... ..................................................................................4 1.2 Description of Watershed ..................................................................................5 1.2.1 Watershed Limits ..................................................................................5 1.2.2 Existing Land Use .................................................................... .............5 1.2.3 Existing Drainage Patterns ....................................................................5 1.2.4 Proposed Drainage Patterns ................................................ ..................7 1.3 Study Methodology............................................................................................7 2.0 Hydrology .................................................. ...............................................................................9 2.1 Design Standards & Criteria ..............................................................................9 2.2 Rainfall Characteristics......................................................................................9 2.2.1 Climate ..................................................................... .............................9 2.2.2 Intensity Frequency Duration................................................................9 2.4 Hydrologic Calculations ........................................ ..........................................11 2.4.1 Surface Runoff Conditions..................................................................11 2.4.2 Time of Concentration .......................... ..............................................11 2.4.3 Rational Method..................................................................................13 2.5 Drainage Inlet Sizing .................. .....................................................................13 2.6 Temporary Retention Basin Design.................................................................15 2.6.1 Required Storage Capacity..................................................................15 2.6.2 Basin Elevation ................................................................................... 15 2.6.3 Infiltration............................................................................................16 2.7 Floodplain & Ground Water Table ............................................... ...................17 3.0 Hydraulics ...............................................................................................................................18 3.1 Design Standards & Criteria ...................... ......................................................18 3.2 Existing Facilities.............................................................................................18 3.3 Proposed Roadway Profile...............................................................................18 3.4 Proposed Roadway Drainage Inlet Spacing.....................................................19 3.5 Pipe Flow Calculations ....................................................................................21 3.6 Hydraulic Grade Line Calculations ............................................... ..................22 3.7 Swale & Flume Hydraulic Calculations ..........................................................23 4.0 Water Quality........................................................... ...............................................................24 5.0 Summary ......................................................................................................................... ......24 Appendix ...............................................................................................................................25 Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 4 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 1.0 General 1.1 Introduction Thomas Roads Improvement Program (TRIP) was created in 2005 and named in honor of former congressman William M. Thomas. The program exists to improve the transportation infrastructure of the greater Bakersfield area. TRIP is a cooperative effort between City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, California Department of Transportation, and Kern Council of Governments. Westside Parkway (Parkway) is a proposed TRIP freeway project through western Bakersfield, for which City of Bakersfield (City) is the lead agency (see Figure 1). When fully constructed, the Parkway will connect Heath Road at Stockdale Highway to State Route 99; approximately eight miles in length. The alignment follows roughly along and north of the Kern River. For funding and construction purposes, the Parkway is divided into six phases. -Phase 1 is the extension of Mohawk Street from Truxtun Extension to Rosedale Highway (State Route 58). -Phase 2 is the main Parkway alignment from and including the Mohawk Street interchange to and including the Coffee Road interchange. -Phase 3 is the main Parkway alignment from just west of Coffee Road to Calloway Drive. -Phase 3A is the interchange at Calloway Drive. -Phase 4 is the main Parkway alignment east of Mohawk Road to Truxtun Extension. -Phase 5 is the main Parkway alignment from Calloway Drive to Allen Road. -Phase 6 is the main alignment from Allen Road to Heath Road. Phases 2, 3, 3A, 5 and 6 are being designed for the City by AECOM Transportation. Runoff generated from within the Parkway right-of-way is addressed in separate reports, one for each phase. This report addresses runoff generated from outside of Parkway right-of-way. This report describes the storm water collection and retention design parameters and requirements for Drainage System Nos. 340, 341, and 342 (Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage), which is part of Phase 3. These drainage systems will collect storm water runoff from City roadways during the interim basis until the Calloway Interchange is constructed with Phase 3A. Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 5 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 Figure 1. Westside Parkway location shown in relation to the greater Bakersfield area. 1.2 Description of Watershed 1.2.1 Watershed Limits Drainage System No. 341 generally encompasses the east half of Calloway Drive (northbound lanes) from the westbound offramp (“F2” Line) to the intersection with Marby Grange Way. Drainage System No. 340 generally encompasses the east half of Calloway Drive (northbound lanes) from the eastbound on-ramp (“F4” Line) to the westbound offramp (“F2” Line). Drainage System No. 342 encompasses the east half of Calloway Drive (northbound lanes) from Gleneagles Drive to the eastbound on-ramp (“F4” Line) and the west half of Calloway Drive (southbound lanes) from Marby Grange Way to Gleneagles Drive. The watershed for Drainage System Nos. 340, 341, and 342 is 1.15 acres, 0.90 acres, and 2.95 acres respectively. 1.2.2 Existing Land Use The watershed is currently paved roadway surface and median landscaping. 1.2.3 Existing Drainage Patterns The east half of Calloway Drive (northbound lanes) drains south via concrete curbs and gutters from Marby Grange Way to a low point 400 feet north of Gleneagles Drive (STA 23+00 “F”). Storm water is captured by a single City Type-A catch basin, transported in an 18-inch RCP, and retained in a shallow retention basin within Parkway right-of-way east of Calloway Drive. The west half of Calloway Drive (southbound lanes) drains south via concrete curbs and gutters from Marby Grange way to a low point 370 feet north of Gleneagles Drive (STA 23+00 “F”). Storm water is captured by a single City Type-A catch basin, transported in an 8-inch PVC pipe, and retained in a retention basin within Parkway right-of-way west of Calloway Drive. See Figure 2 for existing drainage detail. Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 7 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 1.2.4 Proposed Drainage Patterns Calloway Drive is one of 5 access points for the Parkway, and one of 3 full interchanges. The interchange at Calloway Drive will be constructed with Phase 3A and will include a depressed section of Parkway and an elevated bridge structure for Calloway. Between the completion of Phase 3 and the start of construction of Phase 3A an interim drainage condition will exist for Calloway Drive which necessitates temporary drainage facilities. The on and offramps associated with the Parkway terminus (“F2”, “F4”, and “F4A” Lines) require the alteration of the existing drainage patterns along Calloway Drive. Although the Parkway will eventually become a Caltrans facility, TRIP has stated that they will not adopt the route until the full Calloway interchange is complete. Because of this, drainage from outside the Parkway right-of-way is proposed to drain onto the right-of-way for the interim until the interchange with Phase 3A is constructed. Each of the three drainage systems proposed have City Type-A catch basins immediately upstream of each ramp. Storm water will be conveyed under Parkway ramps by storm drain pipes. The water from Drainage System Nos. 340 and 341 will then be discharged into an asphalt concrete swale to a temporary retention basin at the terminus of the Parkway mainline east of Calloway Drive. Storm water will enter the basin from the swale by means of a standard Caltrans overside drain. Drainage System No. 342 will convey water westerly under Calloway Drive, replace an existing catch basin on the west side of Calloway, and reconstruct an existing retention basin west of Calloway Drive. See “Drainage Area Exhibit,” Figure 3. 1.3 Study Methodology All design calculations, assumptions, procedures, and references in this study are done per Division Two “Standards for Drainage” of the City of Bakersfield Subdivision and Engineering Design Manual, dated July 1989; hereinafter referred to as “Design Manual.” Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 9 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 2.0 Hydrology 2.1 Design Standards & Criteria Chapter 2.3 of the Design Manual governs hydrologic design. The project limits are less than one square mile and the project is thus defined as a “Local Waterway” (§ Local waterways are designed for an average recurrence interval of 10-years. 2.2 Rainfall Characteristics 2.2.1 Climate This section adapted from NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS WR-281 “The Climate of Bakersfield, California” by Chris Stachelski and Gary Sanger, dated February 2008. The climate of Bakersfield is heavily influenced by the mountain ranges that border the San Joaquin Valley. The Diablo Range rises to elevations as high as 2,000 to 3,000 feet and is located roughly 65 miles to the west of the city and the Tehachapi Mountains are located roughly 15 miles to the east and range in elevation from 4,000 to 8,500 feet high. Both of these ranges act to create a rain shadow effect on the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley. The Diablo Range blocks a considerable amount of moisture from flowing into the San Joaquin Valley from the Pacific while influxes of tropical moisture from the south are reduced by the Tehachapi Mountain range. As a result, the climate of Bakersfield is dry. The location of the City at the base of the Sierra Nevada (foothills 10 miles east; highest peaks 70 miles east) and Tehachapi Mountains and its proximity to these ranges also enables it to be impacted by downslope winds from the south or southeast. As air descends downward over these ranges, it warms and dries out, allowing temperatures in the City and adjacent areas of the southeastern San Joaquin Valley to run warmer than areas further north and help to further reduce precipitation totals in the area. During the six month period from November through April, Bakersfield receives 90 percent of its normal annual precipitation, which is 6.49 inches. Often this precipitation falls in association with largescale frontal systems. 2.2.2 Intensity Frequency Duration Rainfall intensities to be used for hydrologic design are provided by the City on Sheet D-1 of the Design Manual (Figure 4) for 5-year, 10-year, 25-year, 50-year, and 100-year storm events. Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 10 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 Figure 4. Rainfall Intensity-Duration Chart (City of Bakersfield Std. D-1). Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 11 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 2.4 Hydrologic Calculations The rational method (§2.3.2) is used for all hydrologic calculations. 2.4.1 Surface Runoff Conditions Runoff coefficients are defined by Sheet D-2 of the Design Manual (see Figure 5). Because of uncertainties in defining landscaped areas verses paved areas, for the purposes of this analysis all subareas are assumed to be paved and have a runoff coefficient of 0.95 (the maximum value specified by the Design Manual). 2.4.2 Time of Concentration The time of concentration is the total time required for water to flow from the farthest point of each subarea to the drainage inlet. The longest time governs (§ The initial time of concentration, which represents the roof to gutter time, is defined by the Design Manual based upon land use. All subareas are primarily roadway and are assumed to have an initial time of concentration of 5-minutes. Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 12 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 Figure 5. Rational Method Urban Runoff Coefficients (City of Bakersfield Std. D-2). Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 13 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 2.4.3 Rational Method The Design Manual states that the rational method (§2.3.2) is used for all hydrologic calculations. The formula is outlined as follows: Q = C ⋅ i ⋅ A (§ Where: C = runoff coefficient i = rainfall intensity in inches per hour A = drainage area in acres Q = Design runoff in cubic feet per second Using the formula above, flow at each inlet was calculated for both 5-year and 10-year storm events (see Table 1). Gutter velocity was determined from Figure 9. Table 1. Gutter runoff flow at inlets. Drainage Area Time of Concentration Flow at Inlet Slope Flow Path Velocity Initial Tc Btwn Subarea Inlet Acres C CA Pnts Tc I (in/hr) Q (cfs) (%) Length (ft) (ft/s) (min) (min) (min) 5-year 10-year 5-year 10-year 1 341a 0.90 0.95 0.86 0.20% 700 1.5 0 7.8 8 1.50 1.80 1.28 1.54 2 340c 0.77 0.95 0.73 0.20% 600 1.4 0 7.1 7 1.50 1.80 1.10 1.32 3 340a 0.38 0.95 0.36 0.20% 300 1.3 0 3.8 4 1.50 1.80 0.54 0.65 4 342a 0.45 0.45 0.95 0.43 0.80% 310 2.5 0 2.1 2 1.50 1.80 0.64 0.77 5 342c 2.50 0.95 2.38 0.20% 1700 1.7 0 16.7 17 1.12 1.35 2.66 3.21 2.5 Drainage Inlet Sizing The City requires that drainage inlets be curb inlet catch basins, specified as “Type-A Catch Basin” (City Std. D-14) with a 2-inch depression at curb opening (City Std. D-17); see Appendix for both details. These inlets are cast-in-place concrete structures with a minimum curb opening of 3.5 feet. The City requires that inlets be designed for a 10-year storm event. The capacity of the inlet, per foot of opening, is calculated for sump conditions at 1.6 cfs/ft (see Figure 6 nomograph). The capacity of the inlets on grade is calculated using “FHWA Urban Drainage Design Program, HY-22.” See the Appendix for detailed calculation sheets for each inlet. See Table 2 for curb opening design. Table 2. Drainage inlet sizing table. Subarea Inlet Q (cfs) Gutter 10 -year Slope Opening Required (ft) Opening Provided (ft) 1 341a 1.54 0.20% 4.40 4.50 2 340c 1.32 0.20% 3.98 4.00 3 340a 0.65 0.20% 2.53 3.50 4 342a 0.77 0.80% 3.91 4.00 5 342c 3.21 Sag 2.00 3.50 Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 14 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 Figure 6. Nomograph for capacity of curb opening inlet at low points. Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 15 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 2.6 Temporary Retention Basin Design The Design Manual defines a retention basin as a terminal drainage facility which is used for the storage of runoff (§ Stored water then infiltrates into the soil or evaporates. Retention basins are required to store runoff from a 24-hour, 100-year storm event (§ and must completely infiltrate within seven days (§ 2.6.1 Required Storage Capacity The equation used to determined required storage capacity is as follows: V = 0.15×Σ(C ⋅ A) (§ V = design volume in acre-feet 0.15 = rainfall volume (24-hr, 100-yr) C = runoff coefficient A = drainage area in acres Design Calculations for Drainage System Nos. 340 and 341 C = 0.95 (assumed for entire watershed) A = 2.05 acres V = 0.15 * 0.95 * 2.05 = 0.29 acre-feet (required additional storage capacity) The temporary basin, as shown in Figure 7, is a continuation of the grading for the main Parkway alignment. The basin retains water from the main Parkway alignment. At a 6-foot water depth, the basin retains approximately 7 acre-feet. Approximately 1.7 acre-feet of the basin’s capacity is currently used for Parkway water. When combined with the additional storage required for Drainage System Nos. 340 and 341, there is approximately 5 acre-feet of capacity remaining. Design Calculations for Drainage System No. 342 C = 0.95 (assumed for entire watershed) A = 2.95 acres V = 0.15 * 0.95 * 2.95 = 0.42 acre-feet (required storage capacity) The temporary basin, as shown in Figure 8, was originally constructed with Tract 6128 in the late 1990’s. The existing basin and storm drain system are substandard will be replaced and expanded with this project. 2.6.2 Basin Elevation The Design Manual requires that the water surface elevation be a minimum of one-foot below the lowest gutter inlet (§ Standard basins are required to have a minimum one-foot of freeboard between the maximum water surface and top of basin (City Std. D-9). Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 16 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 Basin Elevations for Drainage System Nos. 340 and 341 The existing ground elevation at the proposed basin is 372±, which will be the proposed top of basin. The 6-foot water depth is at approximately elevation 354±, which is 18-feet below the top of basin and is more than one foot below the lowest gutter inlet (371.26). Basin Characteristics: Top of Basin = 372 Water Surface = 354 Bottom of Basin = 348 Overall Depth = 24 feet Max. Water Depth = 6 feet See Figure 6 for complete basin design details. Basin Elevations for Drainage System No. 342 The existing ground elevation at the proposed basin is 370±, which will be the proposed top of basin. The maximum water surface is set at 12-inches below the top of basin at 369, which is more than one foot below the lowest gutter inlet (370.18). Basin Characteristics: Top of Basin = 370 Water Surface = 369 Bottom of Basin = 365 Overall Depth = 5 feet Max. Water Depth = 4 feet See Figure 7 for complete basin design details. 2.6.3 Infiltration At present, no soil permeability data is available for the proposed basin to demonstrate that it will drain within seven days. As the proposed basins are in the proximity of existing basins, which do drain in seven days, there is a reasonable expectation that the proposed basins will function similarly. Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 17 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 Figure 7. Proposed temporary drainage basin for System Nos. 340 & 341, east of Calloway Drive. Figure 8. Proposed shallow drainage basin design for System No. 342, west of Calloway Drive. 2.7 Floodplain & Ground Water Table The proposed basin will be located outside the floodplain of the Kern River. Groundwater was not encountered in the geotechnical investigation by Kleinfelder (see Appendix for Log of Boring). Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 18 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 3.0 Hydraulics 3.1 Design Standards & Criteria Chapter 2.4 of the Design Manual governs hydraulic design. Inlets are spaced so that depth of flow in gutters does not exceed the top of a 6-inch curb for a 5-year storm event (§ Storm drain pipes and inlets are designed to convey 10-year flows (§ Storm drain pipes are designed to flow full and under pressure (§ The hydraulic grade line for all closed conduits must be a minimum of 0.5-foot below all inlet or lid elevations (§ The minimum size of storm drain pipes is 18-inches in diameter (§ and are required to be reinforced concrete pipe (§ The Manning’s roughness coefficient for concrete pipe is defined as n = 0.013 (§2.4.2). 3.2 Existing Facilities The east side of Calloway Drive between Marby Grange Way and Gleneagles Drive is drained by a single City Type-A catch basin in a sump condition. The inlet has an invert of 2.6 feet and connects to an 18-inch pipe, which drains to a shallow retention basin within Parkway right-of-way (east of Calloway Drive). The west side of Calloway Drive between Marby Grange Way and Gleneagles Drive is drained by a single City Type-A catch basin in a sump condition. The inlet has an invert of 3.9 feet and connects to an 8-inch PVC pipe, which drains to a basin within Parkway right-of-way (west of Calloway Drive). The existing basin is nothing more than a hole in the ground approximately 6-feet deep and 12-feet in diameter. The side slopes range from 1:1 to near vertical and the bottom is covered by a variety of vegetation, including a large tree. 3.3 Proposed Roadway Profile See Appendix for construction detail sheets showing flowline elevations at ramps. Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 19 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 3.4 Proposed Roadway Drainage Inlet Spacing System No. 340 (Subarea 1) has one inlet proposed at the north curb return to the eastbound offramp (“F2” Line). System No. 341 has two inlets. Inlet “a” (Subarea 3) is proposed at the north curb return of the eastbound onramp (“F4” Line). Inlet “c” (Subarea 2) is proposed at the north curb return of the eastbound onramp (“F4A” Line). System No. 342 has two inlets. Inlet “a” (Subarea 4) is proposed at the south curb return of the eastbound onramp (“F4” Line). Inlet “c” (Subarea 5) is proposed on the west side of Calloway Drive at the same location as the existing inlet. The Design Manual requires that gutter depth of flow cannot exceed the top of a 6-inch curb for a 5-year storm event (§ To verify maximum depth of flow for each subarea (which occurs at the inlet) meets this requirement, a gutter flow chart from the Kern County Hydrology Manual was used (see Figure 9) the results of which are shown in Tables 3. Table 3. Depth of gutter flow at inlet. Q (cfs) Slope Depth Subarea Inlet of 5-year (%) Flow (in) 1 341a 1.28 0.20% 3.6 2 340c 1.10 0.20% 3.5 3 340a 0.54 0.20% 2.8 4 342a 0.64 0.80% 2.5 5 342c 2.66 0.20% 4.2 Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 20 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 Figure 9. Gutter flow chart for half-width arterial street (KCHM Figure D-2d). Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 21 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 3.5 Pipe Flow Calculations Flow through pipes is calculated per the rational method for a 10-year storm. All proposed facilities are designated by alphabetical letters, in accordance with the Caltrans naming convention. Storm drain pipes are assumed to flow full (§ Velocities are computed per Manning’s Equation with n = 0.013. The proposed storm drain layout is shown on “Drainage Area Exhibit,” Figure 3. See Tables 4-6 for pipe flow calculations. Table 4. Pipe flow calculations for System No. 340. 10-year Flow Pipeline Tc I Qtotal Qpipe Length Dia. Pipe Velocity Tpipe Type Element (min) (in/hr) ΣCA (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) Slope (ft/s) (min) Inlet c 7 1.80 0.73 1.32 Pipe d 1.32 30 18 1.00% 3.3 0.1 Junction e 7 1.80 1.09 1.97 Pipe f 1.97 10 18 1.00% 3.8 0.0 Inlet a 4 1.80 0.36 0.65 Pipe b 0.65 290 18 1.00% 2.7 1.8 Junction e Table 5. Pipe flow calculations for System No. 341. 10-year Flow Pipeline Tc I Qtotal Qpipe Length Dia. Pipe Velocity Tpipe Type Element (min) (in/hr) ΣCA (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) Slope (ft/s) (min) Inlet a 8 1.80 0.86 1.54 Pipe b 1.54 175 18 1.00% 3.5 0.8 Table 6. Pipe flow calculations for System No. 342. 10-year Flow Pipeline Tc I Qtotal Qpipe Length Dia. Pipe Velocity Tpipe Type Element (min) (in/hr) ΣCA (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) Slope (ft/s) (min) Inlet a 2 1.80 0.43 0.77 Pipe b 0.77 110 18 0.20% 1.6 1.1 Inlet c 17 1.12 2.80 3.14 Pipe d 3.14 110 18 0.50% 3.4 0.5 Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 22 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 3.6 Hydraulic Grade Line Calculations Storm drain pipes are designed to flow full and under pressure (§ The hydraulic grade line for all closed conduits must be a minimum of 0.5-foot below all inlet or lid elevations (§ Hydraulic grade line is calculated assuming drainage basin is half full (§ Entrance, exit, and friction losses are also considered (§ See Table 7-9 for hydraulic grade line calculations. Table 7. Hydraulic grade line calculations for System No. 340. Segment Length Dia. Area Q Veloctiy Friction Exit Friction Entrance HGL Flowline Free-(ft) (in) (ft2) (cfs) (ft/s) Slope Loss Loss Loss Elev. board Swale 363.16 363.16 n/a Pipe f 10 18 1.767 1.97 1.11 0.04% 0.01 0.00 0.02 Junction e 363.19 372.00 8.81 Pipe d 30 18 1.767 1.32 0.75 0.02% 0.00 0.00 0.01 Inlet c 363.21 371.52 8.31 Junction e 363.19 372.00 8.81 Pipe b 290 18 1.767 0.65 0.37 0.00% 0.00 0.01 0.00 Inlet a 363.21 371.26 8.05 8.05 Table 8. Hydraulic grade line calculations for System No. 341. Segment Length Dia. Area Q Veloctiy Friction Exit Friction Entrance HGL Flowline Free-(ft) (in) (ft2) (cfs) (ft/s) Slope Loss Loss Loss Elev. board Swale 366.40 366.40 n/a Pipe b 175 18 1.767 1.54 0.87 0.02% 0.01 0.04 0.01 Inlet a 366.46 372.40 5.94 Table 9. Hydraulic grade line calculations for System No. 342. Segment Length Dia. Area Q Veloctiy Friction Exit Friction Entrance HGL Flowline Free-(ft) (in) (ft2) (cfs) (ft/s) Slope Loss Loss Loss Elev. board Outlet 367.00 370.00 3.00 Pipe d 110 18 1.767 3.14 1.78 0.09% 0.02 0.10 0.05 Inlet c 367.17 370.18 3.01 Pipe b 110 18 1.767 0.77 0.44 0.01% 0.00 0.01 0.00 Inlet a 367.18 370.72 3.54 Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 23 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 3.7 Swale & Flume Hydraulic Calculations Upon exiting the closed conduit storm drain pipe system, storm water from Drainage System Nos. 340 and 341 are conveyed to the top of the temporary basin by an asphalt concrete swale. Storm water is then conveyed down the slope of the basin to the bottom by a standard Caltrans overside drain (Std. D87D). The following calculations for swale and flume design are done using Manning’s equation for open channel flow, as follows: Q vA R s n v = = 3 1.49 2 n = Manning’s Coefficient s = longitudinal slope R = hydraulic radius (A/P) A = flow area P = wetted perimeter Q = flow Table 10. Swale and flume hydraulic calculations. Drainage System Element Q (cfs) Actual Section Material n Long. Slope Cross Slope Depth (in) Width (ft) A (sf) P (ft) R (ft) V (fps) Q (cfs) Calc. 340 h 1.66 Triangular AC 0.016 0.50% 4 :1 3.53 2.35 0.69 2.43 0.29 2.85 1.98 i 1.66 Rectangular CMP 0.024 50% n/a 1.94 2.18 0.96 0.17 1.32 0.13 11.37 341 d 1.35 Triangular AC 0.016 0.50% 4 :1 3.22 2.15 0.58 2.21 0.26 2.68 1.55 e 1.35 Rectangular CMP 0.024 50% n/a 1.69 1.85 0.96 0.15 1.27 0.12 10.48 Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 24 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 4.0 Water Quality All storm water will be retained within a drainage basin, where it will either infiltrate into the soil or evaporate. As water will not be discharged, water quality is not impaired. 5.0 Summary This study shows that adequate drainage can be provided for Drainage System Nos. 340, 341, and 342 with the storm drain system that has been designed, a summary of which is provided below. 1. Inlet Considerations: a. For each inlet location, top of 6-inch curb is not exceeded for 5-year flows. b. Drainage inlet widths are sufficient for 10-year flows. 2. Pipe Considerations: a. Storm drain pipes are designed for 10-year flows. b. Hydraulic grade line established from half full water depth of basin. c. Hydraulic grade line remains a minimum of 1-foot below all inlets and lids. 3. Basin Considerations: a. Retention basins designed for 24-hour, 100-year storm. b. Overall basin depth does not exceed 10-feet. c. Maximum water water depth does not exceed 8-feet. d. Basin design provides side slopes of 2:1. Drainage Study for Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage 25 AECOM 16811.00-0003-005 Appendix FHWA Urban Drainage Design Program, HY-22 Drainage of Highway Pavements Inlets on Grade Date: 11/26/2008 Project No. :16811.00-0003-005 Project Name.:Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage Computed by :DSC Project Description Westside Parkway -Phase 3 Drainage System No. 341 Inlet 'a' Inlets on Grade: Curb Opening Inlet Roadway and Discharge Data ____________________________________________________________ Cross Slope Composite S Longitudinal Slope (ft/ft) 0.0020 Sx Pavement Cross Slope (ft/ft) 0.0200 Sw Gutter Cross Slope (ft/ft) 0.0833 n Manning's Coefficient 0.013 W Gutter Width (ft) 2.00 a Gutter Depression (inch) 4.00 Q Discharge (cfs) 1.540 T Width of Spread (ft) 9.51 Gutter Flow _________________________________________ ___________________ Eo Gutter Flow Ratio 0.602 d Depth of Flow (ft) 0.32 V Average Velocity (ft/sec) 1.49 Inlet Interception ____________________________________________________________ Inlet Type Curb-Opening LT Length for 100% Inteception (ft) 4.56 L Curb-Opening Length (ft) 4.40 e Inlet Efficiency 1.000 Qi Intercepted Flow (cfs) 1.540 Qb By-pass Flow (cfs) 0.000 FHWA Urban Drainage Design Program, HY-22 Drainage of Highway Pavements Inlets on Grade Date: 11/26/2008 Project No. :16811.00-0003-005 Project Name.:Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage Computed by :DSC Project Description Westside Parkway -Phase 3 Drainage System No. 340 Inlet 'c' Inlets on Grade: Curb Opening Inlet Roadway and Discharge Data _______________________________________ _____________________ Cross Slope Composite S Longitudinal Slope (ft/ft) 0.0020 Sx Pavement Cross Slope (ft/ft) 0.0200 Sw Gutter Cross Slope (ft/ft) 0.0833 n Manning's Coefficient 0.013 W Gutter Width (ft) 2.00 a Gutter Depression (inch) 4.00 Q Discharge (cfs) 1.320 T Width of Spread (ft) 8.85 Gutter Flow ____________________________________________________________ Eo Gutter Flow Ratio 0.638 d Depth of Flow (ft) 0.30 V Average Velocity (ft/sec) 1.45 Inlet Interception ____________________________________________________________ Inlet Type Curb-Opening LT Length for 100% Inteception (ft) 4.14 L Curb-Opening Length (ft) 3.98 e Inlet Efficiency 1.000 Qi Intercepted Flow (cfs) 1.320 Qb By-pass Flow (cfs) 0.000 340a.txt FHWA Urban Drainage Design Program, HY-22 Drainage of Highway Pavements Inlets on Grade Date: 10/17/2008 Project No. :16811.00-0003-005 Project Name.:Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage Computed by :DSC Project Description Westside Parkway -Phase 3 Drainage System No. 340 Inlet 'a' Inlets on Grade: Curb Opening Inlet Roadway and Discharge Data ______________________________ ______________________________ Cross Slope Composite S Longitudinal Slope (ft/ft) 0.0020 Sx Pavement Cross Slope (ft/ft) 0.0200 Sw Gutter Cross Slope (ft/ft) 0.0833 n Manning's Coefficient 0.013 W Gutter Width (ft) 2.00 a Gutter Depression (inch) 4.00 Q Discharge (cfs) 0.650 T Width of Spread (ft) 6.06 Gutter Flow ____________________________________________________________ Eo Gutter Flow Ratio 0.817 d Depth of Flow (ft) 0.25 V Average Velocity (ft/sec) 1.32 Inlet Interception ____________________________________________________________ Inlet Type Curb-Opening LT Length for 100% Inteception (ft) 2.70 L Curb-Opening Length (ft) 2.53 2.53 e Inlet Efficiency 1.000 Qi Intercepted Flow (cfs) 0.650 Qb By-pass Flow (cfs) 0.000 Page 1 342a.txt FHWA Urban Drainage Design Program, HY-22 Drainage of Highway Pavements Inlets on Grade Date: 10/21/2008 Project No. :16811.00-0005-003 Project Name.:Calloway Drive Temporary Drainage Computed by :DSC Project Description Westside Parkway -Phase 3 Drainage System No. 342 Inlet 'a' Inlets on Grade: Curb Opening Inlet Roadway and Discharge Data ______________________________ ______________________________ Cross Slope Composite S Longitudinal Slope (ft/ft) 0.0080 Sx Pavement Cross Slope (ft/ft) 0.0200 Sw Gutter Cross Slope (ft/ft) 0.0833 n Manning's Coefficient 0.013 W Gutter Width (ft) 2.00 a Gutter Depression (inch) 4.00 Q Discharge (cfs) 0.770 T Width of Spread (ft) 4.24 Gutter Flow ____________________________________________________________ Eo Gutter Flow Ratio 0.937 d Depth of Flow (ft) 0.21 V Average Velocity (ft/sec) 2.51 Inlet Interception ____________________________________________________________ Inlet Type Curb-Opening LT Length for 100% Inteception (ft) 4.07 L Curb-Opening Length (ft) 3.91 3.91 e Inlet Efficiency 0.997 Qi Intercepted Flow (cfs) 0.768 Qb By-pass Flow (cfs) 0.000 Page 1 10/29/2008 4:25:19 PM PLOT DRIVER => PEN TABLE => PDF_Half_BW.plt TIME PLOTTED => P2_WSP_BW.tbl DATE PLOTTED => USERNAME =>USER=dghilarducci DGN FILE => S:\DMJM Harris\16811.0012\Subs_CD\29866227\CAD D\Civil\Sheet\S3ib006.plg PLANS APPROVAL DATE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA 93301 Prepared for: Prepared by: Engineer: Drawn: Date: File Name: Job No.: Checked by: Revision: Date: Description: E T R E I LA E No. Exp. R G IS E RED P OF SS ONA ENG INEER ST T OF CALIFORNIA 5001 E. COMMERCENTER DR. SUITE 100 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93309 661-325-7253 300 SOUTH GRAND AVE, 2ND FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CA. 90071 SHEET NO. TOTAL SHEETS XXX REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER DRAINAGE PROFILES DP-6 370 380 390 360 350 340 370 380 390 360 350 340 THIS PLAN ACCURATE FOR DRAINAGE WORK ONLY. E. BINGGELI D. GHILARDUCCI M. ROBERTS DRAINAGE SYSTEM No.3 4 0 EDWARD BINGGELI481466/30/10 340 341 342 390 370 380 360 350 390 370 380 360 350 340 340 RIM 371.10 49.79’ Rt STA "F" 24+75.54 OUTLET STRUCTURE 370 380 360 350 FL 348.00 FL 362.36 FL 366.26 FL 363.16 FL 363.26 FL 363.36 FL 366.12 FL 366.52 RIM 371.10 a b e f g h i c d e 0.96% abSYSTEM No. 340 cd 18" x 42.2 LF RCP e fgh MANHOLE, H=7.8’ 18" x 15.0 LF RCP OUTLET STRUCTURE PER 4’ WIDE AC SWALE x 178.2 LF CONSTRUCT SWALE PER DETAIL 2 DD-1 2 DD-3 i D87D OVERSIDE DRAIN x 30.6 LF IDENTICAL POINT 0.45% 0.67% 46.88% 0.95% 50.76’ Lt STA "F2" 399+85.38 32.60’ Rt STA "F2" 400+46.65 OUTLET STRUCTURE FL 367.40 FL 366.40 FL 365.30 FL 348.00 a b 0.97% c d 0.47% e 46.59% DRAINAGE SYSTEM No.3 4 1 abSYSTEM No. 341 cde OUTLET STRUCTURE PER 2 DD-3 4’ WIDE AC SWALE x 233.1 LF CONSTRUCT SWALE PER DETAIL 2 DD-1 D87D OVERSIDE DRAIN x 37.1 LF 390 370 380 360 350 340 OUTLET STRUCTURE 61.62’ Rt STA "F" 22+74.21 FL 365.72 FL 365.50 FL 365.50 FL 365.00 OG FG OG OG FG DRAINAGE SYSTEM No.3 4 2 a b 0.19% d 0.43% c e abSYSTEM No. 342 cde OUTLET STRUCTURE PER DD-3 2 390 370 380 360 350 340 FLOWLINE 371.26 FLOWLINE 371.52 FLOWLINE 372.40 FLOWLINE 370.72 FLOWLINE 370.18 TYPE-A CATCH BASIN, H=5.0’ W/4.0’ WIDE OPENING 18" x 116.1 LF RCP TYPE-A CATCH BASIN, H=4.7’ W/3.5’ WIDE OPENING 18" x 115.2 LF RCP TYPE-A CATCH BASIN, H=5.0’ W/4.5’ WIDE OPENING 18" x 103.5 LF RCP TYPE-A CATCH BASIN, H=5.0’ W/3.5’ WIDE OPENING 18" x 301.2 LF RCP TYPE-A CATCH BASIN, H=5.0’ W/4.0’ WIDE OPENING 1 DD-2 109.61’ Rt STA "F2" 402+66.59 122.22’ Rt STA "F2" 402+96.05 18.45’ Lt STA "F4A" 600+07.96 51.41’ Lt STA "F4A" 602+33.40 18.48’ Lt STA "F4A" 599+65.76 46.73’ Lt STA "F4A" 602+05.33 20.58’ Lt STA "F4A" 600+22.81 18.45’ Lt STA "F4A" 600+07.96 51.35’ Lt STA "F" 22+47.28 125.13’ Lt STA "F" 23+35.80 6.0’ Curb Opening 3.0’ 1.0’ 2.0’ C.H.&D. Limits Normal C.H. Gutter Depression Normal C.H. C.H. 6.0’ Clear Opening 3.0’ 1.0’ 1.0’ 2.0’ 6.0’ 6.0’ C.H.&D. Limits 6.0’ 6.0’ 1.0’ 1.0’ 2.0" 2.0" 6" 2’-0" 4’-0" 11/17/2008 3:25:07 PM PLOT DRIVER => PEN TABLE => PDF_Half_BW.plt TIME PLOTTED => P3_WSP_BW.tbl DATE PLOTTED => USERNAME =>USER=ghilarduccid DGN FILE => S:\DMJM Harris\16811.0012\ Subs_CD\29866227\CADD\Civil\Sheet\S3ic001.plg PLANS APPROVAL DATE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA 93301 Prepared for: Prepared by: Engineer: Drawn: Date: File Name: Job No.: Checked by: Revision: Date: Description: E T R E I LA E No. Exp. R G IS E RED P OF SS ONA ENG INEER ST T OF CALIFORNIA 5001 E. COMMERCENTER DR. SUITE 100 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93309 661-325-7253 300 SOUTH GRAND AVE, 2ND FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CA. 90071 SHEET NO. TOTAL SHEETS XXX REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER D. GHILARDUCCI M. ROBERTS DD-1 DRAINAGE DETAILS DD-1 2 4:1 4:1 Normal C.H. Normal C.H. Valley P.C.C. Gutter PLAN Normal Gutter Flowline D. CRONQUIST 73077 12/31/08 DD-1 3 GUTTER DEPRESSIONS Normal C.H. Normal C.H. P.C.C. Gutter PLAN Valley Curb Opening PROFILE PROFILE Normal Gutter FlowlineLevel Top of Curb Top of Curb NOTES: 1. Gutter depression shall be class "B" P.C.C. 6.0" thick. 2. Expansion material or 2.0" deep joint between box and wings. 3. C.H. = Curb Height INLET ON GRADE INLET ON GRADE INLET IN GRADE SAG INLET IN GRADE SAG Clear Opening DANIEL S. CRONQUIST 2:1 max. 2:1 max. 3" AC paving over 12" NG compacted to 95% max. compaction SWALE DETAIL PLANS APPROVAL DATE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA 93301 Prepared for: Prepared by: Engineer: Drawn: Date: File Name: Job No.: Checked by: Revision: Date: Description: No. Exp.CIVIL 300 SOUTH GRAND AVE, 2ND FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CA. 90071 XX MM/DD/YY XX xxxxx Xxxxx xxxxx Xxxxx xxxxx Xxxxx SHEET NO. TOTAL SHEETS XX XXX REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 100% DESIGN SUBMITTAL R=4’ SAWCUT SAWCUT CURB RAMP (CASE CM) CURB RAMP (CASE CM) 29.76’ Rt "F4A" 599+57.64 371.46 FL 4.00’ Lt "F4A" 599+65.60 ECR 371.54 FL "F" 27+36.06 ="F4A" 599+09.66 POB R=6.42’ SAWCUT 47.94’ Rt "F" 27+06.50 Beg REMOVE Conc CURB & GUTTER Beg REMOVE 348 SQFT Conc SW (371.42 FL) 6.66’ Lt "F" 30+72.00 END REMOVE Conc CURB & GUTTER END REMOVE RAISED MEDIAN Beg CURB (BSD TYPE M) 48.13’ Rt "F" 27+70.21 END REMOVE Conc CURB & GUTTER END REMOVE Conc SW (371.52 FL) 48.16’ Rt "F" 27+58.01 BCR (371.50 FL) 6.18’ Rt "F" 30+72.00 END REMOVE Conc CURB END CURB (BSD TYPE M) 28.30’ Rt "F4A" 599+51.88 (371.44 FL) PLANS APPROVAL DATE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA 93301 Prepared for: Prepared by: Engineer: Drawn: Date: File Name: Job No.: Checked by: Revision: Date: Description: No. Exp.CIVIL 300 SOUTH GRAND AVE, 2ND FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CA. 90071 SHEET NO. TOTAL SHEETS XXX REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 100% DESIGN SUBMITTAL R=3’ +88.56 BC SAWCUT SAWCUT SAWCUT 60.16’ Rt "F" 22+79.20 370.72 FL 54.44 BC 32’ Rt "F4" 498+28.77 END SW AND CURB (A2-8) Beg HMA DIKE (TYPE E) N 0^43’17" E 916.41’ R=6.28’ 65.16’ Rt "F" 22+72.41 371.41 FS 4.00’ Lt "F4" 497+75.17 ECR Beg 73 SQFT SW (371.73 TC) 6.14’ Rt "F" 26+28.00 Beg REMOVE 443’ Conc CURB END CURB (BSD TYPE M) 6.41’ Lt "F" 26+28.00 Beg REMOVE 445’ Conc CURB Beg REMOVE RAISED MEDIAN Beg CURB (BSD TYPE M) 4.00’ Lt "F4" 498+28.77 END CURB (A1-8) 60.16’ Rt "F" 21+15.10 Beg REMOVE 357’ Conc CURB & GUTTER Beg REMOVE 2355 SQFT Conc SW Beg SW AND CURB (A2-8) (371.68 FL) 48.39’ Rt "F" 24+70.84 BCR END REMOVE Conc CURB & GUTTER Beg CURB (A1-8) (371.76 TC) 15.08’ Lt "F4" 498+07.77 END REMOVE Conc SW "F4" Rt 498+18.27 CURB RAMP (CASE C) "F4" Lt 498+18.27 CURB RAMP (CASE A) PLANS APPROVAL DATE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA 93301 Prepared for: Prepared by: Engineer: Drawn: Date: File Name: Job No.: Checked by: Revision: Date: Description: No. Exp.CIVIL 300 SOUTH GRAND AVE, 2ND FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CA. 90071 SHEET NO. TOTAL SHEETS XXX REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 100% DESIGN SUBMITTAL NO R D T L 35’ 1 63.82’ Rt "F" 33+45.97 3/4 372.10 FL D 55.40’ Rt "F" 33+53.96 1/2 372.23 FL 49.93’ Rt "F" 33+64.23 1/4 372.37 FL D D 20.00’ Lt "F2" 400+22.92 BCR END CURB (A2-8) END SW Beg HMA DIKE (TYPE E) ECR 371.99 FL SAWCUT 16.00 Rt "F2" 400+24.84 ECR 372.11 FL 2700’ 50^02’37" 1260.28’ 2358.25’ 27.112’ 46.136’ "F" 33+39.99 ="F2" 399+51.35 POB R=6.41’ R=6.45’ CURB RAMP (CASE A) 2 15’ 106^22’41" 20.043’ 27.850’ 312 49.24’ Rt "F" 32+96.86 1/4 372.25 FL D 53.59’ Rt "F" 32+02.31 1/2 372.20 FL D59.88’ "F" 33+05.22 3/4 D 372.15 FL SAWCUTCURB RAMP 75^31’32" (CASE A) 6.58’ Lt "F" 32+65.0 Beg REMOVE 95’ Conc CURB & GUTTER Beg REMOVE 1089 SQFT RAISED MEDIAN Beg CURB (BSD TYPE M) 6.37’ Lt "F" 33+65.00 END REMOVE Conc CURB & GUTTER END REMOVE RAISED MEDIAN Beg CURB (BSD TYPE M) 47.73’ Rt "F" 32+90.00 Beg REMOVE 85’ Conc CURB & GUTTER Beg REMOVE 504 SQFT Conc SW BCR (372.27 FL) 48.00’ Rt "F" 33+75.77 ECR END REMOVE Conc CURB & GUTTER END REMOVE Conc SW Beg SW Beg CURB (A2-8) BCR (372.40 FL) 6.48’ Rt "F" 33+65.00 END REMOVE Conc CURB END CURB (BSD TYPE M) 6.25’ Rt "F" 32+65.00 Beg REMOVE 95’ Conc CURB END CURB (BSD TYPE M)