HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/10/10 RDA MINUTES 340 B A „BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING OF L'L~ MAY 109 2010 FO Conference Room A, City Hall North, 1600 Truxtun Ave Regular Meeting - 4:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING ACTION TAKEN 1. ROLL CALL Present: Agency Members Koman, Knapp, Ordiz, Prince, Bentley Absent: Agency Member Pickett 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Minutes of the April 20, 2010 special meeting. b. Approval of department payments from April 9, 2010 to April 29, 2010 in the amount of $241,116.82. C. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. RA03-012 with REMOVED FOR Parkview Cottages, LLC for the development of 74 SEPARATE DISCUSSION affordable residential units known as Parkview Cottages located at the corner of 21 st Street and R Street. d. Resolution to find that fiscal year 2010-11 planning and REMOVED FOR administrative expenses from the Agency's low and SEPARATE DISCUSSION moderate income housing funds are necessary for the production, improvement or preservation of low and moderate income housing in City of Bakersfield. Motion by Koman, seconded by Odiz, to approve Consent APPROVED Calendar items 3.a. and 3.b. with the removal of item 3.c. AB PICKETT and 3.d. for discussion. C. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. RA03-012 with RA03-012(3) Parkview Cottages, LLC for the development of 74 affordable residential units know as Parkview Cottages located at the corner of 2111 Street and R Street. Motion by Knapp, seconded by Prince, to approve item 3.c. APPROVED AB PICKETT 3 4 1 Bakersfield, California, May 10, 2010- Page 2 3. CONSENT CALENDAR CONT. ACTION TAKEN S d. Resolution to find that fiscal year 2010-11 planning and RA002-10 administrative expenses from the Agency's low and moderate income housing funds are necessary for the production, improvement or preservation of low and moderate income housing in City of Bakersfield. Motion by Ordiz, seconded by Prince, to approve item 3.d. APPROVED AB PICKETT 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Public Hearing to consider Resolutions Adopting the RA003-10 2009-2010 to 2013-2014 Five Year Implementation Plans RA004-10 for the Downtown, Old Town Kern-Pioneer and South- RA005-10 east Bakersfield Project Areas. Presentation was given by ED/CD Assistant Director Rhonda Barnhard. Hearing opened at 4:23 p.m. Hearing closed at 4:29 p.m. Motion by Knapp, seconded by Prince to approve the APPROVED Resolutions. AB PICKETT b. Public Hearing to consider the following; 1. Resolution approving the Sale of Real Property, RA006-10 located at the corner of East California Avenue and South Robinson Street (a portion of parcel # 018-040-02) by the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, for $1.00 to Clinica Sierra Vista, a non- profit corporation. 2. Disposition and Development Agreement with RA 10-006 Clinica Sierra Vista, a non-profit corporation for the construction and development of an approximate 3,863 square foot Dental Clinic located at the corner of East California Avenue and South Robinson Street. Hearing opened at 4:31 p.m Staff report given by ED/CD Director Donna Kunz. Mr. Stephen Schillings, CEO of Clinia Sierra Vista spoke in favor of the sale. Hearing closed at 4:42 p.m. Motion by Prince, seconded by Ordiz to approve the APPROVED Resolution and Disposition and Development Agrmt. AB PICKETT 342 Bakersfield, California, May 10, 2010- Page 3 5. REPORTS a. Legislative update regarding the Supplemental Revenue Augmentation funds (SERAF) lawsuit for 2010 and new strategic plan for redevelopment. ED/CD Director Donna Kunz gave a staff report. City Manger Tandy gave additional comments. b. Update status of Baker Street Mixed Use Project. C. Update status of Mill Creek Project. ED/CD Director Donna Kunz gave an overview on both Projects. 6. DEFERRED BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Proposed Budget for the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency (RDA)-Fiscal Year 2010-11. L Motion by Koman, seconded by Ordiz, to approve and APPROVED transmit to City Council. AB PICKET, PRINCE 8. AGENCY STATEMENTS Agency Member Koman thanked staff for pursuading the Agency to acquire the sale of the Transmission shop on California Ave., near the Millcreek Project. Agency Member Ordiz commented that family and friends will be able to experience Mill Creek at his daughter's wedding's. He thanked staff for having the grand opening on May 18, 2010. Agency Member Knapp asked if there was an internal document to track documents, amendments of projects. ED/CD Director Kunz and ED/CD Asst. Director Barnhard responded. 9. CLOSED SESSION None 10. WORKSHOP None 3 4 3 Bakersfield, California, May 10, 2010- Page 4 11. ADJOURNMENT Agency Chair Bentley adjourned the meeting at 5:47 p.m„ kae'IA2~~' HAIR ERSON of th Bakersfield Redevelo nt Agency ATTEST: SECRETARY and Ex Offi Ql Clerk of the Council of the City of Ba <ersfield