HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 03-2 Annual Report No. 8 FY 2009-10 ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $3,045,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (BUENA VISTA RANCHIBELSERA II/MONTARA II/OLIVE PARK II) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS (Final Maturity September 2, 2023, CUSIP(I) No. 057510 WX3) PREPARED FOR THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY WILSON & ASSOCIATES 7600 NORTH INGRAM AVENUE, SUITE 202 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93711 ASSESSMENT ENGINEER FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (559) 436-6644 OCTOBER28, 2010 (I) Copyright 20 I0, American Bankers Association. CUSIP data herein is provided by Standard and Poor's CUSIP Service Bureau, a division ofThe McGrawHill Companies, Inc. This data is not intended to create a database and does not serve in any way as a substitute for the CUSIP services. The CUSIP number above is provided for information only. Neither the City of Bakersfield nor Wilson & Associates is responsible for the accuracy or completeness ofsuch number. ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $3,045,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (BUENA VISTA RANCH/BELSERA II/MONTARA II/OLIVE PARK II) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT 1 ALL IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED FOR AD 03-2 FINANCING HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ALL ELIGIBLE COST CLAIMS HAVE BEEN PAID 2 CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER, THE BONDS, AND THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 2 I. Summary and Current Status of Any Reported Significant Events or Any Prior Failure to Comply With Continuing Disclosure Certificate Covenants 2 II. Annual Report Dissemination Agent 3 III. Issuer's Audited Financial Statement for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 3 IV. Response to Items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" in Issuer's Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 4. Content of Annual Reports." 3 (b)(i). Principal amount of Bonds outstanding, including principal amount and years of maturity of Bonds, if any, called for redemption in advance of maturity ... 4 (b)(ii). Balances in the Improvement, Redemption and Reserve Funds 4 (b)(iii). Identification of and information on parcels with any delinquent assessment installments 4 (b)(iv). A current statement of the status of completion or progress toward completion of the public improvements described in the Official Statement for the Bonds (the "AD 03-2 OS") under the subheading "THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND THE IMPROVEMENTS -Description of the Community Areas and the Improvements." 5 29620gCD8TOC -i-10/5/10 DESCRIPTION PAGE (b)(v). A current statement of the land-secured public financing information summarized in the AD 03-2 OS under the subheading "THE BONDS -Priority of Lien." 6 (b)(vi). A current statement of the parcel information set forth in Columns 5 through 9, inclusive, of Appendix E to the AD 03-2 OS, for both existing and future parcels. . 8 V. Further information that the Issuer has determined may be necessary to make the specifically required statements herein, in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. . 11 MISCELLANEOUS 12 Report Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Issuer's Continuing Disclosure Certificate for Assessment District No. 03-2 Issuer's Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 (To be filed under separate cover subsequent to the filing date for Annual Report No.8) Copies of Pages 5 Through 9 of Annual Report No.6 and a Copy of Appendix C of Annual Report No. 6 ("Letter dated October 29, 2008, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Buena Vista Ranch Area, the Belsera II Area, and the Montara II Area Financed by Assessment District No. 03-2") (On file with the MSRB as Appendix C ofAnnual Report No.7) Copies of Pages 7 Through 9 of Annual Report No.3 and a Copy of Appendix D of Annual Report No.3 ("Letter dated February 18,2006, from Olive Park Land Company Describing the Current Status ofCompletion ofthe Public Improvements for the Olive Park II Area Financed by Assessment District No. 03-2") (On file with the National Repositories as Appendix D of Annual Report No.4) Current Assessment and Assessor's Value Data Current Debt Service Schedule for the Bonds Updated for the 2008 Bond Call Note: Appendix F table provided by Issuer's Finance Department Listing of Parcels with Delinquent Assessment Installment(s) as ofJune 30, 2010 Note: Appendix G table prepared by the Assessment Engineer using data provided by Issuer's Finance Department List of Bonds Called in Advance of Maturity on September 2, 2008, by Year of Bond Maturity and Principal Amount Called in Each Maturity ($350,000.00 Total Principal Amount of Bonds Called) Note: Appendix H table provided by Issuer's Finance Department 29620gCD8TOC -ii-10lSIIO ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $3,045,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (BUENA VISTA RANCHIBELSERA II/MONTARA II/OLIVE PARK II) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT This Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.8 (the "Annual Report No.8") has been prepared pursuant to the covenants set forth in the "City Continuing Disclosure Certificate" dated October 15, 2003 (the "Continuing Disclosure Certificate"), the form of which was filed with the repositories identified by the Securities and Exchange Commission as "Nationally Recognized Municipal Securities Information Repositories" (the "National Repositories") as Appendix A of Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.2 (the "Annual Report No.2") for AD 03-2 (as defined below). The Continuing Disclosure Certificate is attached hereto as Appendix A and incorporated herein by reference to ensure that it is on file with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (the "MSRB"). The Continuing Disclosure Certificate was executed and delivered by the City of Bakersfield, California (the "Issuer"), in connection with the issuance and sale by the Issuer of $3,045,000 aggregate principal amount of its City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 03-2 (Buena Vista Ranch/Belsera II/Montara IlIOlive Park II) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds (the "Bonds"), for its Assessment District No. 03-2 (Buena Vista Ranch/Belsera IlIMontara IlIOlive Park II) ("AD 03-2"). The Bonds were issued pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, being Division 10 ofthe California Streets and Highways Code (the "1915 Act"), the Charter and Municipal Code of the Issuer, and Resolution No. 162-03 (the "Bond Resolution"), adopted by the City Council ofthe Issuer (the "City Council") on September 10,2003. This Annual Report No.8 has been prepared for the Issuer's Finance Department by Edward J. Wilson, a registered Civil Engineer certified by the State ofCalifornia, doing business as Wilson & Associates, Fresno, California, the duly appointed Assessment Engineer for AD 03-2 (the "Assessment Engineer"). This Annual Report No.8 has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of"Section 4. Content ofAnnual Reports" ofthe Continuing Disclosure Certificate and contains the financial information and operating data relating to AD 03-2 and to the property in AD 03-2, which, except as otherwise noted herein, is effective as ofthe June 30, 2010 end ofthe Issuer's Fiscal Year 2009/2010 ("FY09/10") to which this Annual Report No.8 applies. 29620gCD8Rpt -1-10/27/10 ALL IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED FOR AD 03-2 FINANCING HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ALL ELIGIBLE COST CLAIMS HAVE BEEN PAID As reported in Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.6 (the "Annual Report No.6"), during the fiscal year of the Issuer ending June 30, 2008, all of the still remaining work and acquisitions authorized for funding pursuant to the AD 03-2 proceedings were completed, payment requests for that remaining work and acquisitions have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, and all eligible costs have been paid to the applicants. Descriptions ofthe work and acquisitions originally approved for the AD 03-2 Buena Vista Ranch Area, the Belsera II Area, and the Montara II Area financing were provided in Appendix C ofAnnual Report No.7 in the form of copies ofpages 5 through 9 of Annual Report No.6 and a copy of Appendix C of Annual Report No.6 ("Letter dated October 29, 2008, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Buena Vista Ranch Area, the Belsera II Area, and the Montara II Area Financed by Assessment District No. 032"). Appendix C ofAnnual Report No.7 is referenced in Appendix C ofthis Annual Report No.8. Descriptions ofthe work and acquisitions originally approved for the Olive Park II Area AD 03-2 financing were provided in Appendix D ofContinuing Disclosure Annual Report No.4 (the "Annual Report No.4") in the form of copies of pages 7 through 9 of Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.3 (the "Annual Report No.3") and a copy ofAppendix D ofAnnual Report No.3 ("Letter dated February 18,2006, from Olive Park Land Company Describing the Current Status ofCompletion of the Public Improvements for the Olive Park II Area Financed by Assessment District No. 03-2"). Appendix D of Annual Report No.4 is referenced in Appendix D ofthis Annual Report No.8. All future annual reports will refer to the improvements authorized for AD 03-2 financing as being completed and all eligible payment claims for those authorized and completed improvements as having been paid by the Issuer. CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER, THE BONDS, AND THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 1. Summary and Current Status of Any Reported Significant Events or Any Prior Failure to Comply With Continuing Disclosure Certificate Covenants A. Reference is made to Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 5. Reporting ofSignificant Events" for a listing of significant events ("Listed Events") with respect to the Bonds, including its subsection (a)(iv): "optional, contingent, or unscheduled Bond calls." A subsection (a)(iv) Listed Event previously occurred and was reported in Annual Report No. 6. Although the subsection (a)(iv) Listed Event reported in Annual Report No.6 occurred after the June 30, 2008 end of the Issuer's Fiscal Year 2007/2008 to which Annual Report No.6 applied, that event was described in Annual Report No.6 in the interest of providing disclosure information on a timely basis and is summarized below: On September 2,2008, Issuer called $350,000.00 principal amount ofthe Bonds in advance of maturity (the "2008 Bond Call"). Issuer gave notice of the 2008 Bond Call pursuant to the Bond Resolution. Funds for the 2008 Bond Call were obtained from parcel assessment prepayments for which Issuer's Finance Department had recorded lien releases, from interest earned on AD 03-2 funds held by the Issuer, and from the Reserve Fund for the Bonds. Reference is made to Section V of this Annual Report No.8, which begins on page 11, for 29620gCD8Rpt -2-10/27/10 a description of the sources of funds used to pay the total cost of the 2008 Bond Call, to Appendix H ofthis Annual Report No.8 for a list of the Bonds, by year ofmaturity, called on September 2,2008, and to Appendix F of this Annual Report No.8 for the current debt service schedule for the Bonds updated for the 2008 Bond Call. B. According to Issuer's Finance Department, no significant events occurred with respect to the Bonds during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, or from June 30, 2010, to the date ofthis Annual Report No.8, nor have there been any prior failures to comply with the Continuing Disclosure Certificate covenants during that time. II. Annual Report Dissemination Agent Pursuant to the Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 7. Dissemination Agent," the Issuer "may, from time to time, appoint or engage a Dissemination Agent to assist it in carrying out its obligations under" the Continuing Disclosure Certificate. However, the Issuer has not appointed or engaged a Dissemination Agent. The Issuer will act as the Dissemination Agent for the distribution of this Annual Report No.8 to the MSRB. III. Issuer's Audited Financial Statement for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 A. At the time this Annual Report No.8 was prepared, the "City ofBakersfield Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 (Audited)" had not been submitted to Issuer's City Council for approval. When approved by Issuer's City Council, Issuer's Audited Fiscal Year 2009/2010 Financial Report will be filed with the MSRB under separate cover. Issuer's Audited Fiscal Year 2009/2010 Financial Report, when so filed, is incorporated herein by reference as "Appendix B -Issuer's Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010," and is hereafter referred to as "Issuer's Audited Financial Report-FY09/1 0." B. THEISSUER'S AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT-FY09/10 IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO COMPLY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION STAFF'S INTERPRETATION OF RULE 15c2-12. NO FUNDS OR ASSETS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (OTHER THAN THE ASSESSMENTS LEVIED IN THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) ARE REQUIRED TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE ON THE BONDS, ANDTHE CITY IS NOT OBLIGATED TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY TREASURY TO COVER ANY DELINQUENCIES. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE CITY IN EVALUATING WHETHER TO BUY, HOLD, OR SELL THE BONDS. IV. Response to Items "(b)(i)" through "(b)( vi)" in Issuer's Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 4. Content of Annual Reports." The following items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" present the information listed under the Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 4. Content of Annual Reports" as items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)," which are the items that this Annual Report No.8 shall contain or incorporate by reference. The following items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" are presented in the same order as 29620gCD8Rpt -3-10/27/10 the above-referenced "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" items are presented in Section 4 of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate. Except as otherwise noted below, in each case the following information is "current" as of the June 30, 2010 ending of the Issuer's FY09/1O. (b)(i). Principal amount of Bonds outstanding, including principal amount and years of maturity of Bonds, if any, called for redemption in advance of maturity: According to Issuer's Finance Department: A. The principal amount ofthe Bonds outstanding is $2,015,000.00 as of September 3,2010. B. The Bonds called for redemption in advance of maturity on September 2, 2008, are listed by year ofmaturity and by principal amount called in the table provided by Issuer's Finance Department, attached hereto as Appendix H and incorporated herein by reference. The principal amount and years of maturity of the Bonds outstanding, updated for the Bonds that have previously matured and for the 2008 Bond Call, are shown in Appendix F, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. C. The Bonds have not been defeased as of the date of this Annual Report No.8. (b)(ii). Balances in the Improvement, Redemption and Reserve Funds: According to Issuer's Finance Department, as of June 30, 2010, the referenced Fund balances were as follows: A. The Improvement Fund: $ 0.00 B. The Redemption Fund: $278,734.55 C. The Reserve Fund: $225,050.00 Note: The current Reserve Requirement (as defined in the Bond Resolution) for the Reserve Fund is $225,050.00. (b)(iii). Identification of and information on parcels with any delinquent assessment installments: A. The amount delinquent (exclusive of late charges and monthly penalties for reinstatement); B. The date (December 10 or April 10) ofthe first delinquency; C. In the event a foreclosure complaint has been filed respecting such delinquent parcel and such complaint has not yet been dismissed, the date on which the complaint was filed in the Kern County Superior Court; D. In the event a foreclosure sale has occurred respecting such delinquent parcel, a summary of the results of such foreclosure sale. 29620gCD8Rpt 10/27/10 The Issuer's Finance Department has provided the following information in response to Continuing Disclosure Certificate Section 4.(b)(iii): 1. For the preceding items IV.(b)(iii).A and IV.(b)(iii).B: The table entitled "Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.8, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 03-2, Listing of Parcels with Delinquent Assessment Installment(s) as of June 30, 2010," attached hereto as Appendix G and incorporated herein by reference, presents the list of parcels in AD 03-2 that on June 30, 2010, had delinquent assessment installments(s). Each parcel is identified by its assigned AD 03-2 Assessment Number and by its Kern County Assessor's Tax Number ("ATN"). Appendix G shows the total amount delinquent (exclusive ofany late charges or penalties for reinstatement) for each parcel and the date (December 10 or April 10) of the first delinquency. The Appendix G table has been prepared by the Assessment Engineer from data provided by the Issuer's Finance Department. 2. For the preceding items IV.(b)(iii).C and IV.(b)(iii).D: According to Issuer's Finance Department, as of June 30, 2010, no foreclosure complaints had been filed by the Issuer respecting the delinquent parcels shown in Appendix G. Pursuant to the Bond Resolution, the Issuer will, by no later than October 1 in any year, file an action in the Superior Court of Kern County to foreclose the lien on each delinquent assessment if (1) the sum of uncured assessment delinquencies for the preceding fiscal year exceeds five percent (5%) of the assessment installments posted to the tax roll for that fiscal year, and (2) the amount of the Reserve Fund is less than the Reserve Requirement. No foreclosure complaints had been filed by the Issuer as of the date shown on the cover of this Annual Report No.8. Also, since no foreclosure complaints have been filed, no foreclosure sales have occurred. (b)(iv). A current statement ofthe status ofcompletion or progress toward completion ofthe public improvements described in the Official Statement for for the Bonds (the "AD 03-2 OS") under the subheading "THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND THE IMPROVEMENTS -Description of the Community Areas and the Improvements." As stated on page 2 of this Annual Report No.8, all of the public improvements authorized for funding pursuant to the AD 03-2 proceedings have been completed and all eligible costs have been paid to the applicants. A. Buena Vista Ranch Area, Belsera II Area, and Montara II Area: As reported in Annual Report No.6, all work and acquisitions in the Buena Vista Ranch Area, the Belsera II Area, and the Montara II Area authorized for funding pursuant to the AD 03-2 proceedings were completed, payment requests for that work and acquisitions have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, and all eligible costs have been paid to the Applicant. Descriptions of the work and 29620gCD8Rpt -5-10/27110 acquisitions originally approved for the AD 03-2 Buena Vista Ranch Area, Belsera II Area, and Montara II Area financing were provided in Appendix C of Annual Report No.7 in the form ofcopies ofpages 5 through 9 ofAnnual Report No.6 and a copy of Appendix C of Annual Report No.6 ("Letter dated October 29,2008, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Buena Vista Ranch Area, the Belsera II Area, and the Montara II Area Financed by Assessment District No. 03-2"). Appendix C of Annual Report No.7 is referenced in Appendix C of this Annual Report No.8 B. Olive Park II Area: As reported in Annual Report No.3, all work and acquisitions in the Olive Park II Area authorized for funding pursuant to the AD 03-2 proceedings were completed, payment requests for that work and acquisitions have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, and all eligible costs have been paid to the Applicant. Descriptions of the work and acquisitions originally approved for the AD 03-2 Olive Park II Area financing were provided in Appendix D ofAnnual Report No. 4 in the form of copies of pages 7 through 9 of Annual Report No.3 and a copy of Appendix D of Annual Report No.3 ("Letter dated February 18, 2006, from Olive Park Land Company Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Olive Park II Area Financed by Assessment District No. 03-2"). Appendix D ofAnnual Report No.4 is referenced in Appendix D of this Annual Report No.8. (b)(v). A current statement of the land-secured public financing information summarized in the AD 03-2 OS under the subheading "THE BONDS -Priority of Lien." A. Certain ofthe land-secured public financing information summarized on page 11 of the AD 03-2 OS under the subheading "THE BONDS -Priority of Lien," is restated below: Each assessment (and any reassessment) and each installment thereof, and any interest and penalties thereon, constitutes a lien against against the parcel of land on which it was imposed until the same is paid. Such a lien is subordinate to all fixed special assessment liens previously imposed upon the same property, but has priority over all private liens and over all fixed special assessment liens that may thereafter be created against the property. Such a lien is co-equal to and independent of the lien for general property taxes and special taxes, including, without limitation, special taxes created pursuant to the Mello-Roos Act, whenever created against the property. Following the issuance of the Bonds, none of the property in the Assessment District will be subject to any other special assessment lien created under the 1913 Act. The property within the Belsera II Area, the Montara II Area, and the Olive Park II Area, however, is subject to an 29620gCD8Rpt -6-10/27/10 existing special tax lien created by RNR CFD No. 92-1 pursuant to the Mello-Roos Act. As described above, the property within the Belsera II Area, the Montara II Area, and the Olive Park II Area is subject to the existing special tax lien created by Community Facilities District No. 92-1 of the RNR School Financing Authority ("CFD No. 92-1") under the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 ofthe Government Code ofthe State of California (the "Mello-Roos Act"). CFD No. 92-1 includes territory from the Rosedale Union School District, the Norris School District, and the Rio BravoGreeley Union School District. CFD No. 92-1 special taxes will be used to finance, or used as security for bonds issued to finance, the construction of elementary, middle, and other authorized school facilities within CFD No. 92-1. The CFD No. 92-1 special taxes are payable, however, regardless ofwhether any bonds are issued. No other AD 03-2 property is currently subject to the CFD No. 92-1 special taxes. The amount ofspecial taxes, ifany, to which property in CFD No. 92-1 is subject varies based upon the zoning, the entitlements, and the type and level of development of such property. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, the properties in the Belsera II Area, the Montara II Area, and the Olive Park II Area in AD 03-2 are subject to the following CFD No. 92-1 special taxes: No special taxes are collected from property for which no final tract map has been recorded. (Final tract maps have been recorded for all property within the Belsera II Area, the Montara II Area, and the Olive Park II Area.) Upon recordation ofa final tract map and ifno building permit has been issued for a subdivision lot prior to March 1, 2010, an annual special tax of $140.00 (which may be increased by 2% each fiscal year) per subdivision lot net acre of subject property is payable. Upon the issuance of a residential building permit for a lot or parcel prior to March 1, 2010, a one-time charge of $1.75 (which may be increased each fiscal year based upon the percentage change in a designated construction cost index) per building square foot is payable, and such parcel is subject to an annual special tax payment of $548.91 (which may be increased by 2% each fiscal year). In the alternative, at the time ofissuance ofsuch residential building permit, the owner of such parcel may prepay a specified amount, in which case the one-time charge and annual special tax described above will not be levied on such parcel. The prepayment amount is currently $10,910.14 (which may be increased each fiscal year based upon the percentage change in a designated construction cost index). All of the Belsera II Area, the Montara II Area, and the Olive Park II Area assessed properties have a single-family residential land use designation. Therefore, there are no AD 03-2 properties that are subject to the multi-family residential, commercial, or industrial land use designation CFD No. 92-1 special tax rates. Accordingly, the CFD No. 92-1 multi-family residential, commercial, or industrial land use designation parcel special tax rates are not presented in this Annual Report No.8. 29620gCD8Rpt -7-10/27/10 If any new divisions are recorded within the Belsera II Area, the Montara II Area, and the Olive Park II Area ofAD 03-2 subdividing existing lots or parcels into new residential lots, all of those new lots or parcels will be subject to the levy of the CFD No. 92-1 special taxes at the rates as described above, unless the special tax obligation for each new lot or parcel is prepaid at the time a building permit for the lot or parcel is issued. B. The Issuer has reported that, as ofthe date ofthis Annual Report No.8, there are no other special tax or assessment liens against the parcels in AD 03-2. Therefore, none of the assessments against property in AD 03-2 that secure the Bonds is subordinate to any other fixed special assessment liens. However, the CFD No. 92-1 special tax lien on property in the Belsera II Area, the Montara II Area, and the Olive Park II Area of AD 03-2 ranks on a parity with the assessments that secure payment of the Bonds. (b)(vi). A current statement of the parcel information set forth in Columns 5 through 9, inclusive, of Appendix E to the AD 03-2 OS, for both existing and future parcels. The table entitled "Annual Report No.8, City ofBakersfield Assessment District No. 03-2, Current Assessment and Assessor's Value Data," attached hereto as Appendix E and incorporated herein by reference (the "Current Appendix E"), presents the current valuation and assessment data for every AD 03-2 parcel ofrecord (as ofJune 30, 2010) in the five (5) columns of the table that are grouped under the heading "Parcel Current Assessment and Assessor's Value Data for Fiscal Year Ending 06/30/10." This group of five columns (the "Current Data Group") presents the information required by the Continuing Disclosure Certificate to be included in this and successive Annual Reports for AD 03-2. Reference is made to the Current Data Group in the Current Appendix E table and to the notes and references thereon for further details on the current "Total Values (Assessor's Land + Improvement) (5)," "Remaining Assessment Balance (6)," and "Assessor's Value/Lien (7)" ratio for every AD 03-2 parcel with a still remaining assessment lien principal balance amount. A summary of the current parcel information contained in the Current Appendix E table is presented below: A. As generally described in Note (3) of the Current Appendix E, the parcel assessment amounts listed in Column 3 ofthe AD 03-2 OS Appendix E, entitled "AD 03-2 Assessment Amount (3)," are the originally confirmed parcel assessment amounts totalling $3,155,000.00. Since all of the AD 03-2 property owners submitted written waivers ofthe 30-day assessment cash payment period, no assessments were paid in full, or in part, prior to issuance of the Bonds. An Addendum to Notice ofAssessment for AD 03-2 was recorded on November 18, 2003, as Document No. 0203252071 of the Kern County Official Records, because the $3,045,000.00 total amount ofthe Bonds sold on October 15,2003, was $110,000.00 less than the $3,155,000.00 total amount of the unpaid parcel assessment liens. That $110,000.00 share ofthe original total unpaid assessment lien amount that was not used to secure the Bonds has been apportioned among the AD 03-2 parcels as an original unpaid assessment reduction credit, in direct 29620gCD8Rpt -8-10/27110 proportion to each parcel's share of the total original unpaid assessment lien amount. The apportioned credit was deducted from each parcel's original unpaid total assessment, and those lower "adjusted" amounts are the amounts shown for each parcel on the Amended Assessment Roll attached as Exhibit A to the referenced Addendum to Notice of Assessment. Those "adjusted" parcel assessments amounts are also the amounts shown in Column 3 of the attached Current Appendix E entitled "AD 03-2 Assessment Amount (3)." The lower "adjusted" parcel assessment amounts were used to calculate each parcel's "Appraised Value/Lien (4)" ratio that is shown on Current Appendix E, Column 4. Therefore, the Current Appendix E parcel "Appraised Value/Lien (4)" ratio is higher for each parcel than the "Appraised Value/Lien (4)" ratio for the same parcel that is shown on Appendix E of the AD 03-2 OS. Each parcel's Original Appraised Value/Lien ratio, as shown in the Current Appendix E, will not change in future annual reports submitted for AD 03-2. Accordingly, the assessment liens of record shown in Exhibit A to the referenced Addendum to Notice of Assessment on all AD 03-2 assessed parcels remain in place as the security for the Bonds issued on October 15,2003. B. As described in Note (6) of the Current Appendix E, the remaining assessment amounts shown for each AD 03-2 parcel in Column 8 "Remaining Assessment Balance (6)" were calculated by Issuer's Finance Department and, except for the parcels shown in Appendix G of this Annual Report No.8, are equal to each parcel's remaining assessment principal amount at the beginning of the 2010/2011 property tax year. The amounts shown in Column 8 of the Current Appendix E table for the eleven (11) parcels shown in Appendix Gofthis Annual Report No.8 include each parcel's total delinquent bond principal share effective June 30, 2010. Therefore, the grand total amount for Column 8 that is shown in the last row on page 13 of the Current Appendix E table, entitled "Assessment District Totals/Overall," of $2,017,171.36 is higher by the $2,171.36 combined total amount of delinquent principal installments included in the Appendix G delinquent installment amounts than the $2,015,000.00 total remaining principal amount of all unpaid assessments (the "Total Unpaid Principal"). The Total Unpaid Principal amount is equal to the $2,015,000.00 total principal amount of the Bonds outstanding on September 3,2010. C. The "Assessor's Tax Number (ATN) or Description" and "Owner's Name (5)" information presented in the attached Current Appendix E table are the ATN's and owner names for AD 03-2 parcels as they were shown on the records of the Assessor of the County of Kern, California (the "Assessor") for the Assessor's Ownership Roll for the 2010/2011 Tax Year (the "Assessor's Roll"). D. For FY09110, to which this Annual Report No.8 applies, no new land divisions of assessed parcels in AD 03-2 were recorded. However, if a land division of a parcel with an unpaid AD 03-2 assessment lien is recorded, the Assessment Diagram showing the "as existing" parcel configuration will be amended to show the configurations ofthe new parcels created by the land division and to assign a 29620gCD8Rpt -9-10/27110 new, amended Assessment Number to each new parcel. In addition, the adjusted assessment lien for each subdivided "as existing" parcel will be segregated and apportioned to the new lots or parcels created by the land division, and a separate lien recorded on each new lot or parcel in the amount of its apportioned share of the total remaining assessment principal balance for the "as existing" parcels. The subdivided "as existing" parcels will be identified on the then Current Appendix E table by a note in the "Assessor's Tax Number (ATN) or Description" and "Owner's Name (5)" columns, which will state "Deleted from the Roll by Amendment No.__--See Note <'-)." If the subdivided "as existing" parcel was an originally assessed parcel that existed at the time the Notice of Assessment for AD 03-2 was recorded, then the assessment and valuation data for the subdivided "as existing" parcel will be shown in the then Current Appendix E under the "Original Value/Lien as of 10/2003 (Not Updated to Current Year Values)" column group (the "Original Data Group"). However, for each originally assessed parcel that is subdivided, the abbreviation "N/A-2" will be entered into its corresponding five columns of the Current Data Group shown on the then Current Appendix E table. Conversely, if the subdivided "as existing" parcel was created by a prior land division and is not an originally assessed parcel, then the abbreviation "N/A-4" will be entered in each of the parcel's Original Data Group columns in the then Current Appendix E table, indicating that the parcel did not exist at the time the Notice of Assessment for AD 03-2 was recorded. The same "N/A-4" note will also be entered for those parcels in each of their Current Data Group columns because the "as existing" parcel's "Remaining Assessment Balance" would be apportioned to the new lots created by the subdivision ofthe "as existing" parcel. The new lots created by the subdivision of an "as existing" parcel will also have the abbreviation "N/A-4" entered in their Original Data Group columns indicating the new lot did not exist at the time the original assessment lien was recorded, while their Current Data Group columns will show each new lot's apportioned share of the "as existing" parcel's Remaining Assessment Balance and either the new lot's current Assessor's valuation data or the Note "N/A-3" indicating no Assessor's data for the lot was available at the time the then current annual report was prepared. The Note "N/A-l" in the Current Appendix E table refers to non-benefited and nonassessed parcels and to parcels paid off after the original assessments were confirmed but before June 30, 2010. The Notes and References on the Current Appendix E page 14 describe all ofthe abbreviations contained in that table. E. The four columns on the attached Current Appendix E table that are grouped under the Original Data Group present the parcel data available at the time the Bonds were sold. The data shown in the "Assessor's Land Value (1)" column of the Original Data Group is each parcel's Assessor's Land Value as shown on the Assessor's Roll that was used to prepare the 2003/2004 regular property taxes. The Assessor's Land Values shown in the Appendix E table of the AD 03-2 OS were not used to calculate the "Appraised ValuelLien (4)" ratios shown in Column 4 ofthat original Appendix E table, but were provided only for reference 29620gCD8Rpt -10-10/27/10 as baseline Assessor's Land Values at the time the Bonds were sold. Parcels for which no Assessor's Land Values were available at the time the AD 03-2 OS was prepared have the note "It wasn't available" in the "Assessor's Land Value (1)" column of the Current Appendix E. F. Each parcel's Assessor's Value to Assessment Lien Ratio for FY091l 0 is shown on the Current Appendix E table in the Current Data Group in the "Assessor's Value/Lien (7)" column. That ratio has been calculated as the ratio ofthe parcel's "Total Values (Assessor's Land + Improvement) (5)" amount to its "Remaining Assessment Balance (6)" amount. Reference should be made to the Original Data Group "Assessor's Land Value (1)" and to the Current Data Group "Total Values (Assessor's Land + Improvement) (5)" columns on the Current Appendix E table for a comparison of original and current parcel Assessor's valuations, where applicable. This Annual Report No.8 makes no representation with regard to current retail valuations for the AD 03-2 properties. G. As stated in Annual Report No.2, beginning with Annual Report No.2 and continuing for all future annual reports, the AD 03-2 parcels will be listed in Current Appendix E table by sequential Assessment Number. Also beginning with Annual Report No.2, a new column has been added to the Current Appendix E table between the "Owner's Name (5)" and "Assessor's Land Value (1)" columns, entitled "Dist. Area Code (8)." A code abbreviation for each ofthe four AD 03-2 District Areas has been added to the data listed for each parcel to identify the District Area (Buena Vista Ranch as "BVR," Belsera II as "BE2," and Montara II as "M02," and Olive Park II as "OP2") in which each parcel is located. This Annual Report No.8 shows, and all future versions of the Current Appendix E table will show, the District Area Subtotal amounts for the Original Data Group and Current Data Group columns on the table's last data page, along with subtotals of data for the groups of the "Centex Homes (and successors) Owned" ATN's, the the Olive Park Land Company (and successors) Owned" ATN's, and the "Owned by Others" ATN's. V. Further information that the Issuer has determined may be necessary to make the specifically required statements herein, in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. The total cost ofthe 2008 Bond Call was $360,500.00, including $350,000.00 in total principal amount of the Bonds called in advance of maturity and the $10,500.00 Bond Call Premium. Pursuant to information provided by Issuer's Finance Department, the $360,500.00 total cost of the 2008 Bond Call was paid from funds from the following sources: Sources of Funds Re: 2008 Bond Call 1. Accumulated interest earned by AD 03-2 2. Cash held from prior assessment payoffs 3. Reduction in AD 03-2 Reserve Fund 4. Total of Sources 29620gCD8Rpt -11-$323,762.48 $ 3,667.52 $ 33,070.00 $360,500.00 10/27110 Uses of Funds Re: 2008 Bond Call 1. 2. 3. Principal amount of the Bonds called in advance of maturity on September 2, 2008 The 2008 Bond Call Premium Total of Uses $350,000.00 $ 10,500.00 $360,500.00 All expenses ofthe 2008 Bond Call were paid from accumulated interest earnings and from the bond call expenses paid to Issuer by the property owners that had paid their assessment liens in full prior to the 2008 Bond Call. The new Reserve Fund amount after the 2008 Bond Call is $225,050.00. The Reserve Fund amount is equal to the maximum annual debt service on the principal amount of the Bonds remaining after the 2008 Bond Call which occurred in the year ending September 2, 2009. A copy of "Current Debt Service Schedule for the Bonds Updated for the 2008 Bond Call," as provided by Issuer's Finance Department, is attached as Appendix F ofthis Annual Report No. 8 and incorporated herein by reference. The Issuer's Finance Department applied the $350,000.00 in principal reduction for the Bonds as follows: i) $3,667.52 has been credited to the one parcel assessment that has been paid in full, and ii) $346,332.48 applied as a credit to reduce the amount remaining unpaid on the AD 03-2 parcels with unpaid assessment amounts as oftheJune 30, 2008 effective date ofAnnual Report No.6. No information beyond that provided in this Annual Report No.8 is necessary to make the statements and information provided herein, in the light ofthe circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. MISCELLANEOUS The foregoing information on the current status ofAD 03-2 and all references to other materials not purporting to be quoted in full are only brief outlines of some of the provisions thereof and do not purport to summarize or describe all of the provisions thereof, and reference is made to said documents for full and complete statements of their provisions. The appendices hereto are part of this Annual Report No.8, whether attached in their entirety or attached by reference to the document already on file with the National Repositories or the MSRB. Any statement in this Annual Report No.8 involving matters ofopinion, whether or not expressly so stated, are intended as such and not as representations offact. This Annual Report No.8 is not to be construed as a contract or agreement between the Issuer and the owners of any of the Bonds. The execution and delivery of this Annual Report No.8 has been duly authorized by the Issuer. City of Bakersfield By: /s/Nelson K. Smith Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director 29620gCD8Rpt -12-10/27/10 ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $3,045,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (BUENA VISTA RANCHIBELSERA II/MONTARA II/OLIVE PARK II) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIX A ISSUER'S CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (BUENA VISTA RANCHIBELSERA IIIMONTARA II10LIVE PARK II) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS CITY CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE This Continuing Disclosure Certificate (the "Disclosure Certificate") is executed and delivered by the City ofBakersfield (the "City") in conuection with the issuance by the City of $3,045,000 in aggregate principal amount of the above-referenced bonds (the "Bonds") for Assessment District No. 03-2 (Buena Vista Ranch/Belsera II/Montara IIIOlive Park II) (the "Assessment District"), The Bonds are being issued pursuant to a resolution authorizing issuance ofthe Bonds, being Resolution No. 162-03 (the "Resolution"), adopted by the City Council of the City on September 10,2003. The City covenants and agrees as follows: Section 1. Purpose of the Disclosure Certificate. This Disclosure Certificate is being executed and delivered by the City for the benefit of the Holders and Beneficial Owners of the Bonds and in order to assist the Participating Underwriter in complying with Securities and Exchange CommissionRule 15c2-12(b)(5), as amended. Section 2. Definitions. In addition to the definitions set forth above and in the Resolution, which apply to any capitalized term used in this Disclosure Certificate, unless otherwise defined in this section, the following capitalized terms shall have the following meanings: "Anuual Report" shall mean any Annual Report provided by the City pursuant to, and as described in, Sections 3 and 4 ofthis Disclosure Certificate. "Beneficial Owner" shall mean any person who has the power, directly or indirectly, to vote or consent with respect tO,or to dispose of ownership of, any Bonds (including persons holding Bonds through nominees, depositories, or other intermediaries). "Dissemination Agent" shall mean the City, or any successor Dissemination Agent designated in writing by the City and which has filed with the City a written acceptance ofsuch designation. "Fiscal Year" shall mean the l2-month period beginning on July 1 and ending on the next following June 30, unless and until changed by the City. "Holder" shall mean either the registered owner of any Bond, or, if the Bonds are registered in the name 0 f DTC or another recognized depository, any Beneficial Owner or applicable participant in its depository system. "Listed Events" shall mean any ofthe events listed in Section 5(a) ofthis Disclosure Certificate. "National Repository" shall mean any Nationally Recognized Municipal Securities Information Repository for purposes of the Rule. The current National Repositories are listed on the Securities and Exchange Commission website at http;//www.sec.gov/info/municipallnrmsir.htm "Official Statement" shall mean the final Official Statement, dated September 30, 2003; pertaining to the Bonds. "Participating Underwriter" shall mean UBS Financial Services Inc., and any other original underwriters of the Bonds required to comply with the Rule in connection with offering ofthe Bonds. "Repository" shall mean each National Repository and each State Repository. "Rule" shall mean Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as the same may be amended from time to time. "State Repository" shall mean any public or private repository or entity designated by the State of California as a state repository for the purpose of the Rule and recognized as such by the Securities and Exchange Commission. As ofthe date ofthis Disclosure Certificate, there is no State Repository. Section 3. Provision ofAnnual Reports. (a) The City shall, or shall cause the Dissemination Agent to. not later than nine (9) months after the end ofthe City's Fiscal Year (i.e., currently not later than April 1 of each year), commencing with the report for the 2002-03 Fiscal Year, provide to each Repository an Annual Report which is consistent with.the requirements of Section 4 of this Disclosure Certificate. The Annual Report may be submitted as a single document or as separate documents comprising a package, and may include by reference other information as provided in Section 4 of this Disclosure Certificate; provided that the audited financial statements of the City may be submitted separately from the balance of the Annual Report, and later than the date required above for the filing of the Annual Report if not available by that date. If the City's Fiscal Year changes, it shall give notice of such change in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section S(c). (b) Not later than fifteen (15) Business Days prior to the date required in subsection (a), the City shall provide the Annual Report to the Dissemination Agent (if other than the City). If the City is unable to provide to each Repository an Annual Report by the date required in subsection (a), the City shall send to each Repository a notice in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. (c) The Dissemination Agent shall: (i) determine each year, prior to the date for providing the Annual Report, the name and address of each Repository, and file the Annual Report with each Repository, and (ii) if the Dissemination Agent is other than the City, file a report with the City certifying that the Annual Report has been provided pursuant to this Disclosure Certificate, stating the date it was provided and listing all the Repositories to which it was provided. Section 4. Content of Annual Reports. The City's Annual Report shall contain or incorporate by reference the following; (a) The audited financial statements of the City for the prior Fiscal Year, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as promulgated to apply to governmental entities from time to time by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. If the City's audited financial statements are not available by the time the Annual Report is required to be filed pursuant to Section 3(a). the Annual Report shall contain unaudited financial statements in a format similar to the fmancial statements contained in the final Official Statement. and the audited financial statements shall be filed in the same manner as the Annual Report when they become available. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Annual Report or other filing containing the City's financial statements may include the following or other similar statement; THE FOLLOWING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE PROVIDED SOLELY TO COMPLY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION STAFF'S INTERPRETATION OF RULE 15c2-12. NO FUNDS OR ASSETS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (OTHER THAN THE ASSESSMENTS LEVIED IN THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) ARE REQUIRED TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE ON THE BONDS, AND THE CITY IS NOT OBLIGATED TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY TREASURY TO COVER ANY DELINQUENCIES. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE CITY IN EVALUATING WHETHER TO BUY, HOLD, OR SELL THE BONDS. (b) The following information with respect to the City for the Fiscal Year to which the Annual Report relates, which information may be provided by its inclusion in the audited financial statements of the City for the prior Fiscal Year described in subsection (a) above; 2 (i) The principal amount of Bonds outstanding, including principal amounts and years of maturity ofBonds, ifany, called for redemption in advance ofmaturity. (ii) The balances as of the end of such Fiscal Year in each of the following funds established pursuant to the Resolution: (A) the Improvement Fund; (B) the Redemption Fund; and (C) the Reserve Fund. (iii) Identification of each parcel for which any installment of the unpaid assessment is delinquent, together with the following information respecting each such parcel: (A) the amount delinquent (exclusive of late charges and monthly penalties for reinstatement); (B) the date (December 10 or April 10) ofthe first delinquency; (C) in the event a foreclosure complaint hasbeen filed respecting such delinquent parcel and such complaint has not yet been dismissed, the date on which the complaint was filed in the Kern County Superior Court; and (D) in the event a foreclosure sale has occurred respecting such delinquent parcel, a summary of the results of such foreclosure sale. (iv) A current statement of the status of completion or progress toward completion of the public improvements described in the Official Statement under the subheading "THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND THE IMPROVEMENTS -Description ofthe Community Areas and the Improvements." (v) A current statement of the land-secured public financing information summarized in the Official Statement under the subheading "THE BONDS -Priority ofLien." (vi) A current statement ofthe parcel information set forth in Columns 5 through 9, inclusive, ofAPPENuIX E to the Official Statement, for both existing and future parcels. (c) In addition to any of the information expressly required to be provided under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section, the City shall provide such further information, if any, as may be necessary to make the specifically required statements, in the light ofthe circumstances under which they are made. not misleading, Any or all of the items listed above may be included by specific reference to other documents, including official statements of debt issues of the City or related public entities, which have been submitted to each of the Repositories or the Securities and Exchange Commission. If the document included by reference is a final official statement, it must be available from the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. The City shall clearly identify each such other document so included by reference. Section 5. Reporting ofSignificant Events. (a) Pursuant to the provisions ofthis Section 5, the City shall give, or cause to be given, notice of the occurrence ofany ofthe following events (each, a "Listed Event") with respect to the Bonds, if material: (i) principal and interest payment delinquencies; (ii] . non-payment related defaults; (iii) modifications to rights ofBond Holders; (iv) optional, contingent. or unscheduled Bond calls: (v) defeasances; (vi) rating changes; (vii) adverse tax opinions or events adversely affecting the tax-exempt status ofthe Bonds; (viii) unscheduled draws on the debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; (ix) unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; (x) substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; or (xi) release, substitution, or sale ofproperty securing repayment ofthe Bonds. (b) Whenever the City obtains knowledge of the occurrence of a Listed Event, the City shall as soon as possible determine ifsuch event would be material under applicable Federal securities law. (c) If the City determines that knowledge of the occurrence of a Listed Event would be material under applicable Federal securities law, the City shall promptly file a notice of such occurrence with either (i) the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board and the State Repository or (ii) the Repositories. Notwithstanding the foregoing, notice of Listed Events described in subsections (a)(iv) and (v) need not be given under this subsection any earlier than the notice (if any) of the underlying event is given to Holders of affected Bonds pursuant to the Resolution. Section 6. Termination of Reporting Obligation. The City's obligations under this Disclosure Certificate shall terminate upon the legal defeasance, prior redemption, or payment in full of all of the Bonds. If such termination occurs prior to the final maturity of the Bonds, the City shall give notice of such termination in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). Section 7. Dissemination Agent The City may, from time to time, appoint or engage a Dissemination Agent to assist it in carrying out its obligations under this Disclosure Certificate, and may discharge any such Dissemination Agent, with or without appointing a successor Dissemination Agent Section 8. Amendment; Waiver. Notwithstanding any other provision ofthis Disclosure Certificate, the City may amend this Disclosure Certificate, and any provision of this Disclosure Certificate may be waived, provided that the following conditions are satisfied; (a) if the amendment or waiver relates to the provisions of Section 3(a), 4, or 5(a), it may only be made made in connection with a change in circumstances that arises from a change in legal requirements, change in law, or change in the identity, nature, or status of an obligated person with respect to the Bonds, or type of business conducted; (b) the undertakings herein, as proposed to be amended or waived, would, in the opinion ofnationaHy recognized bond counsel, have complied with the requirements ofthe Rule at the time of the primary offering ofthe Bonds, after taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule, as well as any change in circumstances; and (c) the proposed amendment or waiver either (i) is approved by Holders of the Bonds in the manner provided in the Resolution for amendments to the Resolution with the consent of Holders, or (ii) does not, in the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel, materially impair the interests of the Holders or Beneficial Owners ofthe Bonds. If the annual financial information or operating data to be provided in the Annual Report is amended pursuant to the provisions hereof, the first annual financial information filed pursuant hereto containing the amended operating data or financial information shall explain, in narrative form, the reasons for the amendment and the impact ofthe change in the type of operating data or financial information being provided. In the event of any amendment or waiver of a provision of this Disclosure Agreement, the City shall describe such amendment in the next Annual Report, and shall include, as applicable, a narrative explanation of the reason for the amendment or waiver and its impact on the type (or, in the case of a change ofaccounting principles, on the presentation) of financial information or operating data being presented by the City. If an amendment is made to the undestaking specifying the accounting principles to be followed in preparing financial statements, the annual financial information for the year in which the change is made shall present a comparison between the 20467433JDOC 4 financial statements or information prepared on the basis ofthe new accounting principles and those prepared on the basis ofthe former accounting principles. The comparison shall include a qualitative discussion ofthe differences in the accounting principles and the impact of the change in the accounting principles on the presentation of the financial information, in order to provide information to investors to enable them to evaluate the ability of the City to meet its obligations. To the extent reasonably feasible, the comparison shall be quantitative. A notice of the change in the accounting principles shall be sent to the Repositories in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). _Section 9. Additional Information. Nothing in this Disclosure Certificate shall be deemed to prevent the City from disseminating any other information, using the means of dissemination set forth in this Disclosure Certificate or any other means of communication, or including any other information in any Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event, in addition to that which is required by this Disclosure Certificate. If the City chooses to include any information in any Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event in addition to that which is specifically required by this Disclosure Certificate, the City shall have no obligation under this Disclosure Certificate to update such information or include it in any future Annual Report or notice of occurrence ofa Listed Event. Section 10. Defuult In the event of a failure of the City to comply with any provision of this Disclosure Certificate any Holder or Beneficial Owner of the Bonds may take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking mandate or specific performance by court order, to cause the City to comply with its obligations under this Disclosure Certificate. A default under this Disclosure Certificate shall not be deemed an Event of Default under the Resolution, and the sole remedy under this Disclosure Certificate in the event of any failure ofthe City to comply with this Disclosure Certificate shall be an action to compel performance. Section 11. Duties, Immunities, and Liabilities of Dissemination Agent. The Dissemination Agent shall have only such duties as are specifically set forth in this Disclosure Certificate, and the City agrees to indemnify and save the Dissemination Agent, its officers, directors, employees, and agents, harmless against any losses, expenses, and liabilities which it may incur arising out ofor in the exercise or performance of its powers and duties hereunder, including the costs and expenses (including attorneys fees) of defending against any claim of liability, but excluding liabilities due to the Dissemination Agent's negligence or willful misconduct. The obligations of the City under this Section shall survive resignation or removal of the Dissemination Agent and payment ofthe Bonds. [Remainder ofPage Intentionally Left Blank] 5 Section 12. Beneficiaries. This Disclosure Certificate shall inure solely to the benefit ofthe City, the Dissemination Agent, the Participating Underwriter, and Holders and Beneficial Owners from time to time of the Bonds, and shall create no rights in any other person or entity. Date: October 15,2003 CITY OFBAKERSFIELD BY.~ ~or 6 EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF FAILURE TO FILE ANNUAL REPORT Name ofIssuer: City ofBakersfield, California Name ofBond Issue: Assessment District No. 03-2 (Buena Vista Ranch/Belsera Il/Montara Il/Olive Park II) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds Date of Issuance: October 15,2003 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Bakersfield, California (the "City), has not provided an Annual Report with respect to the above-named Bonds as required Section 4(a) of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate executed by the City on October 15, 2003. The City anticipates that the Annual Report will be filed by Dated: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Finance Director By: _ 20467433JDOC A-l ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $3,045,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (BUENA VISTA RANCH/BELSERA II/MONTARA II/OLIVE PARK II) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXB ISSUER'S AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 (To be filed under separate cover subsequent to the filing date for Annual Report No.8) THE ISSUER'S AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT-FY09110 IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO COMPLY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION STAFF'S INTERPRETATION OF RULE 15c2-12. NO FUNDS OR ASSETS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (OTHER THAN THE ASSESSMENTS LEVIED IN THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) ARE REQUIRED TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE ON THE BONDS, AND THE CITY IS NOT OBLIGATED TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY TREASURY TO COVER ANY DELINQUENCIES. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE CITY IN EVALUATING WHETHER TO BUY, HOLD, OR SELL THE BONDS. ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $3,045,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (BUENA VISTA RANCH/BELSERA II/MONTARA II/OLIVE PARK II) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXC COPIES OF PAGES 5 THROUGH 9 OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 AND A COPY OF APPENDIX C OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 ("LETTER DATED OCTOBER 29,2008, FROM PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVE TRANSMITTING THE CURRENT ACQUISITION SCHEDULE AND DESCRIBING THE CURRENT STATUS OF COMPLETION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE BUENA VISTA RANCH AREA, THE BELSERA II AREA, AND THE MONTARA II AREA FINANCED BY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2") (On file with the MSRB as Appendix C of Annual Report No.7) ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $3,045,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (BUENA VISTA RANCH/BELSERA II/MONTARA II/OLIVE PARK II) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXD COPIES OF PAGES 7 THROUGH 9 OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.3 AND A COPY OF APPENDIX D OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.3 ("LETTER DATED FEBRUARY 18,2006, FROM OLIVE PARK LAND COMPANY DESCRIBING THE CURRENT STATUS OF COMPLETION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE OLIVE PARK II AREA FINANCED BY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2") (On file with the National Repositories as Appendix D of Annual Report No.4) ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $3,045,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (BUENA VISTA RANCH/BELSERA II/MONTARA II/OLIVE PARK II) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXE CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMEND(S BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1 497-261-01-00-8 TENORIO ROBERT Q & MINA K BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4.88512 4.35 35.000 167,000 202.000 3,243.49 62.28 2 497-261-02-00-1 HAYWARD JEFF & AMY BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 193,000 228,000 3,243.49 70.29 3 497-261-03-00-4 ROMERO JOSE JR & DOLORES M BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4,885.12 4.35 35.000 219,000 254,000 3,243.49 78.31 4 497-261-04-00-7 MONTEJANO RAMON L & GONZALEZ LUCIA A BVR 11 wasn't available 21,237 4.88512 4.35 35.000 166,000 201.000 3,243.49 61.97 5 497-261-05-00-0 SAFE 1 CREDIT UNION BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 50.000 170,000 220.000 3,243.49 6783 6 497-261-06-00-3 ROMERO JOSE SR BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 35.000 219.000 254.000 3,243.49 78.31 7 497-262-01-00-5 LOPEZ JOEL & TRENA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 58,774 208,422 267.196 3,243.49 82.38 8 497-262-02-00-8 TSUDA ROGER & JANE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 31,831 100,565 132,396 3,243.49 40.82 9 497-262-03-00-1 BASTAIN BLAKE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35.000 168,000 203,000 3,243.49 62.59 10 497-262-04-00-4 BALTZ WAYNE & CHERYL BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35.000 204,000 239,000 3,243.49 73.69 11 497-262-05-00-7 CLEROU JOHN P BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 43.370 111,982 155,352 3,243.49 47.90 12 497-262-06-00-0 ESCAMILLA BRIAN & MARLO BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 35.000 218,000 253.000 3,243.49 7800 13 497-263-01-00-2 BARKER TERENCE A & JEANETIE M BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 228,000 263,000 3,243.49 81.09 14 497-263-02-00-5 SOLORIO MIKE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35.000 167,000 202,000 3,243.49 62.28 15 497-263-03-00-8 GRAY MICHAEL & TIFFANY BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 166.000 201.000 3,243.49 61.97 16 497-263-04-00-1 QUINTANA ESDRAS & LAURA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35.000 203.000 238.000 3,243.49 73.38 17 497-263-05-00-4 FIELD EDWIN G & TERRI L BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 203,000 238.000 3.243.49 73.38 18 497-263-06-00-7 HSBC BANK USA N A BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4.885.12 4.35 59.857 179,573 239,430 3,243.49 73.82 19 497-263-07-00-0 NGUYEN TRINH BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4.885.12 4.35 35.000 204,000 239,000 3,243.49 73.69 20 497-264-01-00-9 FLOREZ CHRISTOPHER S & KARl E BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4,885.12 4.35 74.822 172,490 247,312 3,243.49 76.25 21 497-264-02-00-2 CARDAMONE CHRISTOPHER & KARA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 35.000 218.000 253,000 3,243.49 7800 22 497-264-03-00-5 BRAVO JOSEPH V & LAURIE L BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 209,000 244,000 3,243.49 7523 23 497-264-04-00-8 ACOSTA PEDRO V BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 35,000 236,000 271.000 3,243.49 83.55 24 497-264-05-00-1 MOOKIE PAULA & MOO THAY EH BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 203,000 238.000 3,243.49 73.38 25 497-264-06-00-4 SHEA JERI BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 35.000 195,000 230.000 3,243.49 70.91 26 497-265-03-00-2 YACTAYO JUAN & VILORIA KARINT BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 60.000 175,000 235.000 3,243.49 72.45 27 497-265-04-00-5 MANESS RICKY & BECKY BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 40,000 161,000 201,000 3,243.49 61.97 28 497-265-05-00-8 THERON RICHARD C BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 40.000 195,000 235.000 3,243.49 72.45 29 497-265-06-00-1 LOPEZ MARIO R & GLORIA E BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 221,000 256.000 3,243.49 78.93 30 497-265-07-00-4 ROMERO RAUL & VERONICA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 214,000 249,000 3,243.49 76.77 31 497-265-08-00-7 LE PHUONG BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.88512 4.35 60,000 152.000 212,000 3,243.49 65.36 32 497-265-09-00-0 OLSON CATHY SUE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 203,000 238,000 3,243.49 73.38 33 497-265-10-00-2 LE TUAN DUY BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 209,000 244,000 3,243.49 75.23 34 497-265-11-00-5 JOHNSON GARY W & JENNIFER L BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 164,000 199.000 3,243.49 61.35 35 497-265-12-00-8 MARTINEZ HECTOR BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 166,000 201.000 3,243.49 61.97 36 497-265-13-00-1 GAMBOA ESPERANZA BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4.885.12 4.35 35.000 135,000 170.000 3,243.49 52.41 37 497-265-14-00-4 BLANKENSHIP KEVIN & MICHELLE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 166.000 201.000 3,243.49 61.97 38 497-265-15-00-7 VAN MIKE & LAM NGUYET BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 204.000 239.000 3.243.49 73.69 39 497-265-16-00-0 KUMAR RAJ BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35.000 204,000 239,000 3,243.49 73.69 40 497-265-17-00-3 PATTERSON LARRY W & GAIL L BVR 11 wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 50,000 170,000 220,000 3,243.49 67.83 41 497-265-18-00-6 CROWDER DAVID P & BONNIE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 35.000 203,000 238,000 3,243.49 73.38 42 497-265-19-00-9 SMITH ALLEN S & SHARLENE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 35,000 193,000 228,000 3,243.49 70.29 43 497-265-20-00-1 SANCHO JAMES B & WENDY S BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 45,691 195,599 241,290 3,243.49 74.39 44 497-265-21-00-4 KHATKAR BHAJAN & KAUR RASHPAL BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35.000 203,000 238,000 3,243.49 73.38 45 497-265-22-00-7 KELLY MICHAEL M BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 50,000 187.000 237,000 3,243.49 73.07 46 497-265-23-00-0 GONZALEZ GLORIA BVR It wasn'tavailable 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 152,000 187,000 3,243.49 57.65 47 497-265-24-00-3 BRADFORD ELOTIS & ANGELA M BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 203,000 238,000 3,243.49 73.38 48 497-265-25-00-6 RINCON MARCO & GRACIELA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 35,000 152,000 187.000 3,243.49 57.65 49 497-265-26-00-9 DENISON DEBRA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 41,787 201,146 242,933 3,243.49 74.90 50 497-265-27-00-2 VIGIL CHRISTOPHER J BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 40,000 211.000 251,000 3,243.49 77.39 51 497-265-28-00-5 CAVENAUGH MICHAEL P BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 40,000 170.000 210,000 3.243.49 64.75 52 497-265-29-00-8 WINTERS NICHOLE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35.000 140,000 175.000 3,243.49 53.95 53 497-265-30-00-0 MUNOZ ROBERT P & DEANNA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 153,000 188.000 3,243.49 57.96 54 497-265-31-00-3 JOHNS JOHNATHON D & CARLA L BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 193,000 228,000 3,243.49 70.29 55 497-265-32-00-6 GIL NANETIE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 59,857 170,594 230,451 3,243.49 71.05 29620G-E 1015/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENn(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 56 497-265-33-00-9 PADLEY RONALD L BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 78,968 162,322 241,290 3,243.49 74.39 57 497-265-34-00-2 REYES EDWARD E & TERESA A BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 208,000 243.000 3,243.49 74.92 58 497-265-35-00-5 PRESTON DAVID R & BARBARA G BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35.000 167,000 202.000 3,243.49 62.28 59 497-265-36-00-8 ROCHA RICK & STEFANI BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 204,000 239,000 3.243.49 73.69 60 497-261-07-00-6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 61 497-265-02-00-9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 62 497-265-01-00-6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 63 497-151-01-00-6 PHAM KAREN BVR 11 wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 234,000 269,000 3,243.49 82.94 64 497-151-02-00-9 PARK SEUNG HEE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 59,857 177,578 237,435 3,243.49 73.20 65 497-151-03-00-2 ORTIZ HECTOR A & LORRAINE V BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 61.078 226,254 287.332 3,243.49 88.59 66 497-151-04-00-5 FOLTZ GARY & NIKKI BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 193,000 228,000 3,783.27 60.27 67 497-151-05-00-8 WELLS JOHNNY BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 203,000 238,000 3,243.49 73.38 68 497-151-06-00-1 BOREN RUSSELL E & VICKI R BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 49,413 135,409 184,822 3,243.49 56.98 69 497-151-07-00-4 US BANK N A TRS BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 60,000 234,000 294,000 3,243.49 90.64 70 497-151-08-00-7 CAlLING MYRA SOLEDAD D & ARNOLD R BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 35,000 166,000 201,000 3,243.49 61.97 71 497-151-09-00-0 WILLIAMS TODD M & JULIE M BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 149,000 184,000 3.243.49 56.73 72 497-151-10-00-2 LEACH JAMES J & VANESSA BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 166,000 201,000 3,243.49 61.97 73 497-151-11-00-5 SOTELO JUAN P & YESINIA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 50,000 177,000 227,000 3,243.49 69.99 74 497-151-12-00-8 TELLO ANGEL & AVILA RITA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 166,000 201,000 3,243.49 61.97 75 497-151-13-00-1 SAN MIGUEL GEORGE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 204,000 239,000 3,243.49 73.69 76 497-152-01-00-3 CALDERON OCTAVIO & NORMAA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 181,000 216,000 3,243.49 66.59 77 497-152-02-00-6 CAMEY ELMER R & MARISELA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 227,000 262,000 3,243.49 80.78 78 497-152-03-00-9 SEKHON JASBIR S & PARMJIT K BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 193,000 228,000 3,243.49 70.29 79 497-161-01-00-9 KING JOHN & CARRIE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 167,000 202,000 3,243.49 62.28 80 497-161-02-00-2 YADEGAR FARSHID BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 219,000 254,000 3,243.49 78.31 81 497-161-03-00-5 PHILLIPS BRYAN & MICHELLE BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 167,000 202,000 3,243.49 62.28 82 497-161-04-00-8 SIRIPANE SOMPHOU & JIEMBURAPALERT PRANEE BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4,885.12 4.35 82,193 144,578 226,771 3,243.49 69.92 83 497-162-01-00-6 CAFUENTES MARIA G BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4,885.12 4.35 63,997 120,884 184,881 3,243.49 57.00 84 497-162-02-00-9 ALVARADO MANUEL & GLORIA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 55,221 179,865 235,086 3,243.49 72.48 85 497-162-03-00-2 CARPENTER KEVIN BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 38,069 160,435 198.504 3,243.49 61.20 86 497-162-04-00-5 CISNEROS JOYCE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 69,732 127,946 197,678 3,243.49 60.95 87 497-162-05-00-8 STRASSER LOUIS & GENEVIEVE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 73.374 150,759 224,133 3,243.49 69.10 88 497-162-06-00-1 MC COY HADADEE & LLOYD BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 69.333 128,346 197,679 3,243.49 60.95 89 497-162-07-00-4 SANCHEZ CELSO BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 75,384 158,659 234,043 3,243.49 72.16 90 497-162-08-00-7 LOPEZ ANGELICA BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4,885.12 4.35 73,619 177,812 251,431 3,243.49 77.52 91 497-163-01-00-3 PUGAMARTHA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 188,000 223,000 3,243.49 68.75 92 497-163-02-00-6 ACOSTA ZENNY G & JUAN V BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 40,000 264,000 304,000 3,243.49 93.73 93 497-163-03-00-9 REGAN MICHAEL D & LAURA A BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 85,597 164,323 249.920 3,243.49 77.05 94 497-163-04-00-2 ORNELAS JOSE & GLORIA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 219,000 254,000 3,243.49 78.31 95 497-163-05-00-5 OLSON FAMILY TR BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 46.567 121,485 168,052 3,243.49 51.81 96 497-163-06-00-8 CLARK DEBORAH R BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 56,962 178,845 235,807 3,243.49 72.70 97 497-163-07-00-1 PETERSON AUBRAY & KENYADA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 219,000 254,000 3,243.49 78.31 98 497-164-01-00-0 FRANCO JAIME C BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 49,170 149,207 198,377 3,243.49 61.16 99 . 497-164-02-00-3 EYRAUD BRED & SANDRA BVR It wasn't available 21.237 4,885.12 4:35 35,000 218,000 253,000 3,243.49 78.00 100 497-164-03-00-6 DELGADO JOSE N & LISA A BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 60,027 164,936 224,963 3,243.49 69.36 101 497-164-04-00-9 TIERNEY JAMES F & MELANIE K BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885,12 4.35 35,000 219,000 254,000 3,243,49 78.31 102 497-164-05-00-2 ABLiN LANCE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 50,000 186,000 236,000 3,243.49 72.76 103 497-164-06-00-5 PANNELL JASON & KASEY BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 74,743 150,219 224,962 3,243.49 69.36 104 497-164-07-00-8 LOPEZ UBERTINO & JASMIN BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 71.347 127,030 198,377 3,243.49 61.16 105 497-164-08-00-1 CHAIDEZ MARIA L MENDEZ BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 75,071 123,306 198,377 3,243.49 61.16 106 497-165-01-00-7 SCANNELL STEPHEN D & LAVONUE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 53.349 145,028 198,377 3,243.49 61.16 107 497-165-02-00-0 CALDERON LEOPOLDO BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 181,000 216,000 3,243.49 66.59 108 497-165-03-00-3 PETRUNCIO DAVID STEPHAN JR BVR It wasn't available 21,237 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 256,000 291,000 3,243.49 89.72 109 497-165-04-00-6 CARMONA GERARDO BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 42,403 157,498 199,901 3,243.49 61.63 110 497-165-05-00-9 COTA JOHN R & JAMIELYNN BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 219,000 254,000 3,243.49 78.31 29620G-E 2 10/5/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LANO ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENT}(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 111 497-165-06-00-2 SCULLY WILLIAM & GABRIELA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 69,281 212,002 281,283 3,243.49 86.72 112 497-165-07-00-5 RICHARDS FAMILY TRUST BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 79,873 119,330 199,203 3,243.49 61.42 113 497-165-08-00-8 PEREZADAN BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 69,044 166,924 235,968 3,243.49 72.75 114 497-153-01-00-0 BLOWERS JAMES 0 & MARICRUZ BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 63,045 179,217 242,262 3,243.49 74.69 115 497-153-02-00-3 POWERS ROBERT BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 150,000 185,000 3,243.49 57.04 116 497-153-03-00-6 FERNANDEZ OLEGARIO JR BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 193,000 228,000 3,243.49 70.29 117 497-153-04-00-9 FERNANDEZ ANTONIO F & MARIA D C BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 57,000 209,850 266,850 3,243.49 82.27 118 497-153-05-00-2 CHAUDHRY KHALID & SHAHNAZ K BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 181,000 216,000 3,243.49 66.59 119 497-153-06-00-5 ABASA STEPHEN BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 203,000 238,000 3,243.49 73.38 120 497-153-07-00-8 PRITCHETI GARY BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 153,000 188,000 3,243.49 57.96 121 497-154-01-00-7 HENDERSON JAMES L & WENDY L BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 42,293 160,940 203,233 3,243.49 62.66 122 497-154-02-00-0 FRANCO JAIME A BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 51.517 189,773 241,290 3,243.49 74.39 123 497-154-03-00-3 SHOVER DEANA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 47,291 108,752 156,043 3,243.49 48.11 124 497-154-04-00-6 DEUTSCHE BK NATL TR CO TR BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 50,000 152.000 202,000 3,243.49 62.28 125 497-154-05-00-9 TYRE JOSHUA J & TRISHA K BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 59,857 154,632 214,489 3,243.49 66.13 126 497-154-06-00-2 MENDEZ POMPEYO & MARIA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 155,000 190,000 3,243.49 58.58 127 497-151-14-00-4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 128 497-163-08-00-4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 129 497-181-01-00-5 CURRIE JAMIE R & OLIVER 0 JR BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 166,000 201,000 3,243.49 61.97 130 497-181-02-00-8 ZABATTA JOHN A & MARIA G BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237,000 3,243.49 73.07 131 497-181-03-00-1 ZENDEJAS RAFAEL BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237,000 3,243.49 73.07 132 497-181-04-00-4 DEUTSCHE BK NATL TR CO BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 59,857 124,703 184,560 3,687.01 50.06 133 497-182-01-00-2 JOSEPH MINIMOL & ALEX SALIM BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 50,000 205,000 255,000 3,243.49 78.62 134 497-182-02-00-5 BYLUND STEVEN L & HANNY L BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 35,000 165,000 200,000 3,243.49 61.66 135 497-182-03-00-8 ELENES ABELARDO BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 151,000 186,000 3,243.49 57.35 136 497-182-04-00-1 MICHAEL ASH LEIGH JO BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237,000 3,243.49 73.07 137 497-182-05-00-4 RICE ROBERT & BETHANY BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 192,000 227,000 3,243.49 69.99 138 497-182-06-00-7 ORR CHRISTOPHER J & JODY C C BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 49,303 218,067 267,370 3,243.49 82.43 139 497-191-01-00-8 NORIEGA CECILIO & IMELDA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237,000 3,243.49 73.07 140 497-191-02-00-1 STEWART YORENA & HOSEY BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 165,000 200,000 3,243.49 61.66 141 497-191-03-00-4 INGRAM DONALD & WOOD KAREN R BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237,000 3,243.49 73.07 142 497-191-04-00-7 CASTRO CHRISTOPHER A & JUDY L BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 49,210 193,052 242,262 3,243.49 74.69 143 497-191-05-00-0 VARGAS FILIMON V & LAURIE A BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 64.676 166,891 231,567 3,417.12 67.77 144 497-191-06-00-3 MEDINA MARTIN OROZCO & OROZCO EVANGELIN BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 51,069 189,400 240,469 3,243.49 74.14 145 497-192-01-00-5 MORALES JAMES BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 51,567 193,010 244,577 3,243.49 75.41 146 497-192-02-00-8 LOPEZSUZE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 40,000 255,000 295,000 3,243.49 90.95 147 497-192-03-00-1 ESQUEDA NICHOLAS BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 45,000 247,000 292,000 3,243.49 90.03 148 497-192-04-00-4 MARTINEZ RUBEN BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 30.000 222,000 252,000 3,243.49 77.69 149 497-192-05-00-7 SINGH HARKIRAT & GURMAIL K BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237,000 3,243.49 73.07 150 497-192-06-00-0 OH DIANA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35.000 226,000 261,000 3,243.49 80.47 151 497-192-07-00-3 MARK ROBERT BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 44,730 196,709 241,439 3,243.49 74.44 152 497-192-08-00-6 SAHOO RABIRASMI BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 192,000 227,000 3,243.49 69.99 153 497-192-09-00-9 CISNEROS JOSE & ELISABETH BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237,000 3,243.49 73.07 154 497-192-10-00-1 PUGA MIGUEL & SILVINA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 151,000 186,000 3,243.49 57.35 155 497-193-01-00-2 SANTANA MARICELA BVR It wasn't avaueete 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 50,708 121,698 172,406 3,243.49 53.15 156 497-193-02-00-5 SALDIVAR SALVADOR BVR 11 wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 249,000 284,000 3,243.49 87.56 157 497-193-03-00-8 HILL JESSE LEE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 50,000 155,000 205,000 3,243.49 63.20 158 497-193-04-00-1 RAY WILBURN E JR & ROSA MANALOTO BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 165,000 200,000 3,243.49 61.66 159 497-193-05-00-4 BASHOUR GEORGE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 134,000 169,000 3,243.49 52.10 160 497-193-06-00-7 TANG SAM & THAI THAO BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 30,000 169,000 199,000 3,243.49 61.35 161 497-193-07-00-0 PITCHER DAREN L & AMY BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 40,000 206,000 246,000 3,243.49 75.84 162 497-193-08-00-3 RAMOS JESUS BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 40,000 240,000 280,000 3,243.49 86.33 163 497-193-09-00-6 LOZANO HILDA Y BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 60,000 170,000 230,000 3,243.49 70.91 164 497-193-10-00-8 MYERS JACOB & KIRSTEN BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 151,000 186,000 3,243.49 57.35 165 497-193-11-00-1 ULANDAY DAVID A BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237,000 3,243.49 73.07 29620G-E 3 10/5/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5\ + IMPROVEMENTIl5 BALANCE (6\ LIEN m NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 166 497-193-12-00-4 NGUYEN DANH & LAM MY DUNG BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4.885.12 4.35 35.000 202,000 237,000 3,417.12 69.36 167 497-193-13-00-7 RAWLES TERRY 0 & JARAE M BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 165,000 200,000 3,243.49 61.66 168 497-193-14-00-0 GOSWAMI AJAY & ARCHANA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 240,000 275,000 3,243.49 84.79 169 497-193-15-00-3 RAMOS LONNIE L & ALICIA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 50.000 175,000 225,000 3,243.49 69.37 170 497-193-16-00-6 JOHNSON 0 C & GEORGIA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237.000 3,243.49 73.07 171 497-193-17-00-9 KIM STEVENY BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237.000 3,243.49 73.07 172 497-193-18-00-2 PARKS EDWARD JR BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 165,000 200,000 3,243.49 61.66 173 497-193-19-00-5 PHAM CATHERINE B BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 227,000 262,000 3,243.49 80.78 174 497-193-20-00-7 PADRON GERMAN N BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 256,000 291,000 3,243.49 89.72 175 497-193-21-00-0 BUENROSTRO MIGUEL A & ADRIANA G CHAVEZ DE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 165,000 200,000 3,243.49 61.66 176 497-193-22-00-3 OWENS RICHARD A JR & BRIANA J BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237,000 3,243.49 73.07 177 497-193-23-00-6 BRANDT MICHAEL A & DENISE R BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 192,000 227,000 3,243.49 69.99 178 497-193-24-00-9 DHINSA JAGTAR S BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 165,000 200,000 3,243.49 61.66 179 497-193-25-00-2 SALAZAR WILSON P BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35.000 134,000 169,000 3,243.49 52.10 180 497-193-26-00-5 BUENROSTRO CARLOS BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 180,000 215,000 3,243.49 66.29 181 497-193-27-00-8 BRYAN PAUL S & HOLLY A BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 50,000 115,000 165,000 3,243.49 50.87 182 497-193-28-00-1 SHUBIN DANILE H & ANNAMARIE M BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 151,000 186,000 3,417.12 54.43 183 497-193-29-00-4 LOPEZ GABRIEL & ELAINE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 165,000 200,000 3,243.49 61.66 184 497-193-30-00-6 DEVAL DESIREE BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 50,000 168,000 218,000 3,243.49 67.21 185 497-193-31-00-9 WELCH MARK MATTHEW & RACHEL M BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,88512 4.35 35,000 152,000 187,000 3,243.49 57.65 186 497-183-01-00-9 BAEK DONG BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 204,000 239,000 3,243.49 73.69 187 497-183-02-00-2 ALLMAN TERENCE & MARY E BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 43,586 175,436 219,022 3,243.49 67.53 188 497-183-03-00-5 DALERE RHODALINE NOEMI C BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 165,000 200,000 3,243.49 61.66 189 497-183-04-00-8 FED NATL MTG ASSN BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 56,143 128,798 184,941 3,243.49 57.02 190 497-183-05-00-1 LUNSFORD JOHN K & KATJA I BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 166,000 201,000 3,243.49 61.97 191 497-183-06-00-4 OLIVAS JESUS & CAROLINA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 48,214 193,225 241,439 3,243.49 74.44 192 497-183-07-00-7 KAUS DAVID BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 153,000 188,000 3,243.49 57.96 193 497-183-08-00-0 BARNICK AMBER L BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 166,000 201,000 3,243.49 61.97 194 497-183-09-00-3 ISTER UMIT & YUSRA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237,000 3,243.49 73.07 195 497-183-10-00-5 JIMENEZ RITA M BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 38,411 203,029 241,440 3,243.49 74.44 196 497-183-11-00-8 SOLIS SERGIO B BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 165,000 200,000 3,417.12 58.53 197 497-183-12-00-1 LIVINGSTON JAMES R & CELINA BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 180,000 215,000 3,243.49 66.29 198 497-183-13-00-4 ONG AGNES G & JAVIER SALVADOR BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 35,000 202,000 237,000 3,243.49 73.07 199 497-183-14-00-7 MONKIEWICZ STEVEN J BVR It wasn't available 21,237 4,885.12 4.35 43,913 176,753 220,666 3,243.49 68.03 200 497-181-05-00-7 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 201 497-184-03 and 04 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 202 497-184-01-00-6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 203 497-201-02-00-3 CABASAG CECILIA L BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 188,000 218,000 2,591.33 84.13 204 497-201-03-00-6 VALDEZ ELBA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 35,000 187,000 222,000 2,591.33 85.67 205 497-201-04-00-9 HEARTSILL ROBERT & ANNALISE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,000 229,000 269,000 2,591.33 103.81 206 497-201-05-00-2 ARELLANO JOSE ESTEBAN & RAMONA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 195,000 245,000 2,591.33 94,55 207 497-201-06-00-5 GREGORIO INVS INC BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 151,000 201,000 2,591.33 77.57 208 497-201-07-00-8 CONTRERAS DEMETRIO & MARIA C BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 41,122 225,842 266,964 2,591.33 103.02 209 497-201-08-00-1 COLAZO JUAN J BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 134,680 184,561 2,591.33 71.22 210 497-201-09-00-4 DEAN MATTHEW S BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 191,000 241,000 2,591,33 93.00 211 497-201-10-00-6 FED NATL MTG ASSN BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 35,504 202,908 238,412 2,591.33 92.00 212 497-201-11-00-9 BARRON JESSE & ISABEL BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 186,000 216,000 2,591.33 83.35 213 497-201-12-00-2 TORRES MARCO & YOLANDA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 52,618 213,160 265,778 2,591.33 102.56 214 497-201-13-00-5 OCHOA ASCENCION & ANTONIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 174,000 204,000 2,591.33 78.72 215 497-201-14-00-8 FARIA AGNES FERRER BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 60,107 205,671 265,778 2,591.33 102.56 216 497-201-15-00-1 CONCHA RITA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 45,450 204,114 249,564 2,591.33 96.31 217 497-201-16-00-4 CONRIQUE CARLOS & CARMEN BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 59,367 207,597 266,964 2,591.33 103.02 218 497-201-17-00-7 FLORES LORENZO & YESENIA BVR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 250,000 280,000 2,591.33 108.05 219 497-202-01-00-7 NGUYEN LUONG V & KERRY A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 59,363 208,604 267,967 2,591.33 103.41 220 497-203-01-00-4 CHENG YING PING & TRUONG WENDY BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 190,000 220,000 2,591.33 84.90 29620G-E 4 10/5/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENn(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 221 497-203-02-00-7 HANEL GREG J & MARY E BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 222 497-203-03-00-0 ANDRADE MARTHA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 223 497-203-04-00-3 JOHNSON CHERIE W BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 209,000 239,000 2,591.33 92.23 224 497-203-05-00-6 RODRIGUEZ VIDAL & VERONICA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 61,306 198,631 259,937 2,591.33 100.31 225 497-203-06-00-9 AYAD INGY BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 170,000 220,000 2,591.33 84.90 226 497-204-01-00-1 KAHlON MAHENDER S & SUKHVEER K BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 187,000 217,000 2,591.33 83.74 227 497-204-02-00-4 MONSIBAIS GABRIEL & SYLVIA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 43,630 222,148 265,778 2,591.33 102.56 228 497-204-03-00-7 SINGH BAlWINDERJIT BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 74,822 174,585 249,407 2,591.33 96.25 229 497-204-04-00-0 IRWIN KEN & DEDE FAM TR BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 146,651 196,532 2,591.33 75.84 230 497-204-05-00-3 GALAVIZ LINDA M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 89,786 163,611 253,397 2,591.33 97.79 231 497-204-06-00-6 NATIONSTAR MTG llC BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 178,000 228,000 2,591.33 87.99 232 497-204-07-00-9 OROZCO ANTONIO BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 140,000 190,000 2,591.33 73.32 233 497-201-01-00-0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn'tavailable 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 234 497-271-01-00-1 CEDILLO MIGUEL & ANA ROSA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 235 497-271-02-00-4 PATEL SATISH BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 236 497-271-03-00-7 MORA FRANCISCO RAMIREZ & ROMERO LETICIA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 134,680 184,561 2,591.33 71.22 237 497-271-04-00-0 L10NG AMANDO & MARCIA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 226,000 256,000 2,591.33 98.79 238 497-272-02-00-1 TORRES MARIO DE lA TORRE BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,299 142,710 187,009 2,591.33 72.17 239 497-272-03-00-4 RIOS JOSE l BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 45,007 149,487 194,494 2,591.33 75.06 240 497-272-04-00-7 NEVAREZ DANIEL & ALMA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,000 152,000 192,000 2,591.33 74.09 241 497-272-05-00-0 AMAYA CONSTANCIO & JAIMES MARIA FELIX BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 180,000 210,000 2,591.33 81.04 242 497-272-06-00-3 SANCHEZ ELAINE BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 133,000 163,000 2,591.33 62.90 243 497-272-07-00-6 JONES DONALD DUANE & KAREN lUCILLE REV TR BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 97,767 147,648 2,591.33 56.98 244 497-272-08-00-9 PATEL KAlPANA TR BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3.902.88 3.67 50,000 151,000 201,000 2,660.69 75.54 245 497-272-09-00-2 ECHEVERRIA EDUARDO TR BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 36,176 123,945 160,121 2,591.33 61.79 246 497-272-10-00-4 DE lEON ROY R BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 109,000 159,000 2,591.33 61.36 247 497-272-11-00-7 FERNANDEZ ALBERT & SUSAN AGUAYO BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 147,000 177,000 2,591.33 68.30 248 497-272-12-00-0 HECHT ANDREW & CHRISTINA GRACE BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 107,744 157,625 2,591.33 60.83 249 497-272-13-00-3 RIVERA CARLOS BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 163,000 193,000 2,591.33 74.48 250 497-272-14-00-6 PIMENTEL JOSE E BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 39,007 145,720 184,727 2,591.33 71.29 251 497-272-15-00-9 SATTERFIELD THEODORE D & DEBRA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 147,000 177,000 2,591.33 68.30 252 497-272-16-00-2 JIMENEZ EMILIA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 45,159 95,710 140,869 2,591.33 54.36 253 497-272-17-00-5 SANCHEZ CARLOS & JUANA FAM TR BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 42,753 98,117 140,870 2,591.33 54.36 254 497-272-18-00-8 HERNANDEZ ISAAC JOSUE BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,337 128,376 168,713 2.591.33 65.11 255 497-272-19-00-1 SANCHEZ EFRAIN SR & TERESA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 36,660 104,209 140,869 2,591.33 54.36 256 497-273-01-00-5 RACE ROY G & PENELOPE A BVR BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194,000 2,591.33 74.87 257 497-273-02-00-8 GRIFFIN DEREK J BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,565 167,420 216,985 2,591.33 83.73 258 497-274-01-00-2 ELAN WHEATON BABRA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 38,952 186,471 225,423 2,591.33 86.99 259 497-274-02-00-5 LOPEZ DANIEL ORTIZ BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,056 176,121 220,177 2,591.33 84.97 260 497-274-03-00-8 WREN ROBERT E & LORENE D BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 41,853 216,112 257,965 2,591.33 99.55 261 497-274-04-00-1 PATOC EDRALIN & ELIZABETH BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 79,810 139,668 219,478 2,591.33 84.70 262 497-274-05-00-4 FED NATL MTG ASSN BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,056 220,839 264,895 2,591.33 102.22 263 497-274-06-00-7 FRUTOS FRED & VICTORIA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 59,857 154,632 214,489 2,591.33 82.77 264 497-275-01-00-9 CHAHAL MOHINDERPAL S & GULJINDER BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 226,000 256,000 2,591.33 98.79 265 497-275-02-00-2 REICH DAVID & GINGER BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 30,000 209,000 239,000 2,660,69 89.83 266 497-275-03-00-5 ZUNIGA JOSE l BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 174,000 204,000 2,591,33 78.72 267 497-275-04-00-8 PlAZA SHANNON BVR Itwasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 192,000 222,000 2,591.33 85.67 268 497-275-05-00-1 Gill BAlRAJ BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 190,000 220,000 2,591.33 84.90 269 497-275-06-00-4 VASQUEZ GENARO JR & ERICA R BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 270 497-275-07-00-7 JOSEPH JULIE BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 144,656 194,537 2.591.33 75.07 271 497-276-01-00-6 CONTRERAS GUillERMO & MAGDALENA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,212 217,570 266,782 2,591.33 102.95 272 497-276-02-00-9 BLACKBURN CLIFTON J & LINDA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 46,529 179,833 226,362 2,591.33 87.35 273 497-276-03-00-2 ESCOBAR DANIEL & SILVIA S BVR Itwasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,739 225,039 265,778 2,591.33 102.56 274 497-276-04-00-5 MORENO FERNANDO M & SONIA BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 186,000 216,000 2,591.33 83.35 275 497-276-05-00-8 MAYEN RONIE H BVR It wasn'tavailable 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,056 207,073 251,129 2,591.33 96.91 29620G-E 5 10/5/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENn(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 276 497-276-06-00-1 OWENS GREGORY G BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,056 172,817 216,873 2,591.33 83.69 277 497-276-07-00-4 WIEGMAN PATRICIA D BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30.000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 278 497-276-08-00-7 MORONES VICTOR JR & YVETTE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 190,000 220,000 2,591.33 84.90 279 497-276-09-00-0 GILDER GEETA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,056 181,518 225,574 2,591.33 87.05 280 497-276-10-00-2 ADVANI BASANT BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,056 169,623 213,679 2,591.33 82.46 281 497-276-11-00-5 RANDALL RACHELLE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 181,568 231,449 2,591,33 89,32 282 497-276-12-00-8 VALDIVIA LOURDES & MIGUEL A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 30,000 191,000 221,000 2,591.33 85.28 283 497-276-13-00-1 DHARMVEER SIDHU & BRAR VICKY BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 135,000 165,000 2,591.33 63,67 284 497-276-14-00-4 BECK RUSSELL J & KRISTY L BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 118,000 168,000 2,591,33 64,83 285 497-276-15-00-7 BANUELOS ESPIRIDION BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 48,375 91,913 140,288 2,591.33 54,14 286 497-276-16-00-0 NAVARRO SAMUEL J & SUSANA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 147,000 177,000 2,591,33 68,30 287 497-276-17-00-3 GALLARDO RAMON & JOSEFINA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 134,000 164,000 2,591.33 63.29 288 497-276-18-00-6 BROWN THOMAS F & BETTY BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 37.762 102,527 140,289 2,591.33 54.14 289 497-276-19-00-9 HWANG CHIAO KAI BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 163,000 193,000 2,591.33 74.48 290 497-276-20-00-1 STUBBLEFIELD NICHOLAS D BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902,88 3,67 30,000 163,000 193,000 2,591.33 74.48 291 497-276-21-00-4 STRAHAN CLAYTON W & RALSTON SARAH BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902,88 3.67 30,000 117,000 147,000 2,591.33 56.73 292 497-276-22-00-7 FED NATL MTG ASSN BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902,88 3.67 49,881 109,739 159,620 2,591.33 61.60 293 497-276-23-00-0 BARRIENTOS RICARDO BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 32,975 108,475 141,450 2,591,33 54.59 294 497-276-24-00-3 SILVA CARLOS R & ESTHER G BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902,88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194,000 2,591.33 74.87 295 497-272-01-00-8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 296 497-271-05-00-3 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 297 497-221-01-00-6 PAREKH CHIRAG A & PARIKH NISHA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 60,855 154,377 215,232 2,591.33 83.06 298 497-221-02-00-9 HSBC BANK USA TRS BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 151,000 201,000 2,591.33 77.57 299 497-221-03-00-2 MARTINEZ LEO BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 35,000 210,000 245,000 2,591.33 94,55 300 497-221-04-00-5 TORRES JUAN A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,000 229,000 269,000 2,591,33 103.81 301 497-221-05-00-8 REGALADO JOSE G & LORENA M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902,88 3.67 87,755 181,215 268,970 2,591.33 103,80 302 497-221-06-00-1 DANIEL SHAH M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 174,000 204,000 2,591.33 78,72 303 497-221-07-00-4 ROMERO APOLONIO MARTINEZ & MARTHA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 224,000 254,000 2,591,33 98.02 304 497-221-08-00-7 REYES BULMARO & ENORINA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 55,294 212,673 267,967 2,591,33 103.41 305 497-221-09-00-0 ROMAN MIGUEL A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591,33 98.41 306 497-221-10-00-2 RAMIREZ LILIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902,88 3,67 30,000 218,000 248,000 2,591,33 95.70 307 497-221-11-00-5 VALERIANO ENRIQUE & GRIMILDA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902,88 3.67 45,440 204,290 249,730 2,591,33 96.37 308 497-221-12-00-8 GARCIA HECTOR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 218,000 248,000 2,591.33 95,70 309 497-221-13-00-1 LOPEZ CARLOS A JR & ELIZABETH BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 224,000 254,000 2,591.33 98,02 310 497-221-14-00-4 BAGALLON MARIO E & REGINA A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 89,786 141,663 231,449 2,591.33 89,32 311 497-221-15-00-7 TOVAR JOHN R BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 224,000 254,000 2,591,33 98,02 312 497-221-16-00-0 ALVARADO FILEMON BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 49,881 179,573 229,454 2,591.33 88,55 313 497-221-17-00-3 FITCH LUZA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,254 160,580 204,834 2,591.33 79.05 314 497-221-18-00-6 ESPINOZA FRANCISCA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 46,009 180,497 226,506 2,591,33 87.41 315 497-221-19-00-9 REATE FAMILY TRUST BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902,88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 316 497-222-01-00-3 SINGH HARNAM BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902,88 3.67 30,000 226,000 256,000 2,591,33 98,79 317 497-231-01-00-9 SIDHUTEGS BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591,33 98.41 318 497-231-02-00-2 GARIBAY ESTEVAN J BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 30,000 186,000 216,000 2,591.33 83,35 319 497-231-03-00-5 SULLIVAN SEAN P & KELLY A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,074 222,890 266,964 2,591.33 1D3,02 320 497-231-04-04-00-8 CORTES ELSA A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 226,000 256,000 2,591,33 98,79 321 497-231-05-00-1 ESCOBAR NOE A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 53,609 148,924 202,533 2,591.33 78,16 322 497-231-06-00-4 STEVENS LORI BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 30,000 132,000 162,000 2,591.33 62,52 323 497-231-07-00-7 DHILLON MOHAMMAD S BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 163,000 193,000 2,591.33 74.48 324 497-231-08-00-0 DEUTSCHE BK NATL TR CO TR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 50,000 135,000 185,000 2,591.33 71.39 325 497-232-01-00-6 MC GOVERN RONALD K & DENISE J BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 41,877 98,992 140,869 2,591.33 54,36 326 497-232-02-00-9 HUFFMAN CLAY M & LISA A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 38,454 145,576 184,030 2,591.33 71.02 327 497-232-03-00-2 FURUKAWA WARD BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902,88 3,67 30,000 149,000 179,000 2,591.33 69.08 328 497-232-04-00-5 HINES HELEN BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 30,000 163,000 193,000 2,591.33 74.48 329 497-232-05-00-8 GREEN MITCHELL EDWARD BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 50,000 135,000 185,000 2,591.33 71.39 330 497-232-06-00-1 IRIZARRY EDWIN BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 59,937 81,514 141,451 2,591,33 54,59 29620G-E 6 10/5/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENn(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 331 497-232-07-00-4 CHAVEZ JOSE L & ZUNIGA MARIA G BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 163,000 193,000 2,591.33 74.48 332 497-232-08-00-7 HERNANDEZ LEONEL J & MARIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 163,000 193,000 2,591.33 74.48 333 497-232-09-00-0 GALINDO JOSE A & GUADALUPE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 133,000 163,000 2,591.33 62.90 334 497-232-10-00-2 LEAL OSCAR J & FATIMA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194,000 2,591.33 74.87 335 497-233-01-00-3 STAPLES FAMILYTR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 89,786 139,667 2,591.33 53.90 336 497-233-02-00-6 MITCHELL JOE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 34,444 121,688 156,132 2,591.33 60.25 337 497-233-03-00-9 MARTINEZ JOSE B & MARIA R BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 37,181 103,197 140,378 2,591.33 54.17 338 497-233-04-00-2 COLEMAN JEREMY M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 116,000 146,000 2,591.33 56.34 339 497-233-05-00-5 LOR SINCLAIR & LY LYNA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 39,730 128,370 168,100 2,591.33 64.87 340 497-233-06-00-8 HUANG ERIC & ANA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,692 109,195 139,887 2,591.33 53.98 341 497-234-01-00-0 ESPARZA ISIDORO MEDINA & MEDINA NORMA BVR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 33,423 106,955 140,378 2,591.33 54.17 342 497-234-02-00-3 TWOHY NIKITA MAl TR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 62,739 77,639 140,378 2,591.33 54.17 343 497-234-03-00-6 JOSTTROY BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 115,000 165,000 2,591.33 63.67 344 497-234-04-00-9 PATEL FAMILY TRUST BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 108,000 158,000 2,591.33 60.97 345 497-235-01-00-7 DERCK KATHERYN E BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 35,600 105,760 141,360 2,591.33 54.55 346 497-235-02-00-0 GONZALEZ LUIS A REV TR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194,000 2,591.33 74.87 347 497-235-03-00-3 THURSTON ROBERT W BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 136,000 166,000 2,591.33 64.06 348 497-235-04-00-6 LEAL FERNANDO BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,000 166,000 206,000 2,591.33 79.50 349 497-235-05-00-9 SMITH ROBERT L & JENNIFER M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 61,500 61,500 99,666 161,166 2,591.33 62.19 350 497-235-06-00-2 JOHNSON KYLE BVR 11 wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 130,000 180,000 2,591.33 69.46 351 497-235-07-00-5 CONDE JOSE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 39,621 101,249 140,870 2,591.33 54.36 352 497-235-08-00-8 THOMPSON GREGORY S & KARA J MORRISON BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194,000 2,591.33 74.87 353 497-235-09-00-1 LINCOLN RICHARD CHASE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 104,000 154,000 2,591.33 59.43 354 497-235-10-00-3 SANCHEZ EVERARDO M & LOPEZ IRMA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 119,000 149,000 2,591.33 57.50 355 497-235-11-00-6 RINI FRANK L & SERENA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194,000 2,591.33 74.87 356 497-235-12-00-9 FERRER PEDRO V BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 46,823 159,123 205,946 2,591.33 79.48 357 497-235-13-00-2 SMITH MART BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 35,000 123,000 158,000 2,591.33 60.97 358 497-235-14-00-5 NAWROT JASON BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194,000 2,591.33 74.87 359 497-235-15-00-8 CABELLO GUILLERMO & IRENE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 51,966 88,903 140,869 2,591.33 54.36 360 497-235-16-00-1 LEAL ALEJANDRO & IRENE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 163,000 193,000 2,591.33 74.48 361 497-235-17-00-4 DEEMER AARON J BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 69,334 99,379 168,713 2,591.33 65.11 362 497-235-18-00-7 RIPPEE DANIEL F & SHARON D BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194,000 2,591.33 74.87 363 497-235-19-00-0 HARMON CURTIS BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 41,544 226,423 267,967 2,591.33 103.41 364 497-235-20-00-2 DESAI MANGLESH D BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 365 497-235-21-00-5 MUNOZ VICTOR & DELMY BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 46,460 172,570 219,030 2,591.33 84.52 366 497-235-22-00-8 PEREZ MIGUEL A & JUANA JUANA M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 367 497-235-23-00-1 ALFARO SALVADOR J BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 368 497-235-24-00-4 KAUR BINDERJIT BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 73,010 146,020 219,030 2,591.33 84.52 369 497-235-25-00-7 ESCOBEDO LEONEL & HILDA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 226,000 256,000 2,591.33 98.79 370 497-235-26-00-0 MATI ERIC & CRIS BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 62,588 205,379 267,967 2,591.33 103.41 371 497-235-27-00-3 SHANLEY MICHAEL BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 43,023 185,072 228,095 2,591.33 88.02 372 497-235-28-00-6 MONTES FERNANDO & BLANCA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 373 497-235-29-00-9 BLAKE PATRICK BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 374 497-235-30-00-1 SINGH JARNAIL BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 190,000 220,000 2,591.33 84.90 375 497-235-31-00-4 NGUYEN KHIEM THI DOAN BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 376 497-223-01-00-0 GARCIA JESSE & MARIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 225,000 255,000 2,591.33 98.41 377 497-223-02-00-3 OLIVARES JUAN & THELMA M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 58,514 209,453 267,967 2,591.33 103.41 378 497-223-03-00-6 RODRIGUEZ EVI M & ANA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 68,727 199,240 267,967 2,591.33 103.41 379 497-223-04-00-9 SHAKOOR MALIK & ANA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 186,000 216,000 2,591.33 83.35 380 497-241-01-00-2 SIXTOS ONESIMO R BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 42,956 128,869 171,825 2,591.33 66.31 381 497-241-02-00-5 MURPHY DARWIN & TRACIE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 43,301 140,729 184,030 2,591.33 71.02 382 497-241-03-00-8 CRUZ CUAUHTEMOC & MARISSELA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 46,229 125,006 171,235 2,591.33 66.08 383 497-241-04-00-1 GONZALEZ NEFTALI R BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 34,062 107,880 141,942 2,591.33 54.78 384 497-241-05-00-4 MORELAND MICHAEL & MALLORY E BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194,000 2,591.33 74.87 385 497-241-06-00-7 SYRYPANE OUDAVON BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194,000 2,591.33 74.87 29620G-E 7 10/5/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 11\ VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENniS BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN B COLUMN 9 386 497-241-07-00-0 HAASE JEREMY R & KENDI BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,707 92,234 141,941 2,591.33 54.78 387 497-241-08-00-3 RODRIGUEZ HUGO & ELSIE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,514 92,427 141,941 2.591.33 54.78 388 497-242-01-00-9 MATHEWS GLEN BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,459 127,987 172,446 2,591.33 66.55 389 497-242-02-00-2 ARRIAGA JOE & BARBARA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 45,300 138,730 184,030 2,591.33 71.02 390 497-242-03-00-5 SALCEDO AURELIO BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 36,006 105,445 141,451 2,591.33 54.59 391 497-242-04-00-8 HERNANDEZ SAMANTHA M & ROLANDO JR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 367 42,916 114,437 157,353 2,591.33 60.72 392 497-242-05-00-1 DAVIS JEFF E BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 39,448 102,002 141,450 2,591.33 54.59 393 497-242-06-00-4 LOUEY QUON T & MARIVIC VICTORIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 65,811 75,639 141,450 2,591.33 54.59 394 497-242-07-00-7 JOHNSON GREG & PATRICIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,383 143,647 184,030 2,591.33 71.02 395 497-242-08-00-0 HARTSFIELD PHILLIP & JOANN BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194.000 2,591.33 74.87 396 497-243-01-00-6 PURl ANIL & SANGEETA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 37,506 103,945 141,451 2,591.33 54.59 397 497-243-02-00-9 GAILEY KENT & KATHY BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,465 119,084 159,549 2,591.33 61.57 398 497-243-03-00-2 GARCIA JESUS & MARIA J BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 42,497 140,850 183,347 2,591.33 70.75 399 497-243-04-00-5 PATIERSON MARLENE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 38,190 102,768 140,958 2,591.33 54,40 400 497-243-05-00-8 LAU FAMILY TRUST BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 37,859 121,690 159,549 2,591.33 61.57 401 497-244-01-00-3 VERMA RAJEEV & RATIKA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 33.779 107,671 141,450 2,591.33 54.59 402 497-244-02-00-6 LAMB NATHAN M & LESLIE E BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 65,433 118,597 184,030 2,591.33 71.02 403 497-244-03-00-9 HUNT CHRISTA S BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 37,527 103,923 141,450 2,591.33 54.59 404 497-244-04-00-2 ANDRADE ALFONSO & MARIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 42,236 141,794 184,030 2,591.33 71.02 405 497-244-05-00-5 ESPINOZA BASILIO & MARIA G BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 42,656 141,374 184,030 2,591.33 71.02 406 497-244-06-00-8 MONTES SALVADOR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 39,815 131,389 171,204 2,591.33 66.07 407 497-244-07-00-1 HENDERSON NICHOLAS L BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 127,500 177,500 2,591.33 68.50 408 497-244-08-00-4 WILKERSON RYAN J BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 39,621 117,731 157,352 2,591.33 60.72 409 497-244-09-00-7 ORNELAS SEAN E BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 63,792 93,561 157,353 2,591.33 60.72 410 497-244-10-00-9 WILEY YROMIKI BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 66,084 136,573 202,657 2,591.33 78.21 411 497-244-11-00-2 TJOARMAN WINOTO & CHU HAl A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 41,733 99,717 141,450 2,591.33 54.59 412 497-244-12-00-5 LYNCH STEPHEN T & CARLA D BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 77,036 106,994 184,030 2,591.33 71.02 413 497-244-13-00-8 VAZQUEZ ESPINOZA ERIKA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 42,096 99.354 141,450 2,591.33 54.59 414 497-244-14-00-1 HERNANDEZ MARIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 41,485 100,457 141,942 2,591.33 54.78 415 497-244-15-00-4 HUANG ALICE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,304 141,092 185,396 2,591.33 71.54 416 497-244-16-00-7 MATA SERGIO L BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,326 101,125 141,451 2,591.33 54.59 417 497-244-17-00-0 GONZALEZ MARIA A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 51,879 119,324 171,203 2,591.33 66.07 418 497-244-18-00-3 KAZZI RAMSEY D & NICOLE M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 42,418 141,612 184,030 2,591.33 71.02 419 497-244-19-00-6 DUQUE CRUZ BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 43,200 111,656 154,856 2,591.33 59.76 420 497-244-20-00-8 ESPINOZA JESUS M & MARTHA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 47,719 112,325 160,044 2,591.33 61.76 421 497-245-01-00-0 LIGHTNER JOSHUA & HOWARD HEATHER BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 61,884 79,566 141,450 2,591.33 54.59 422 497-245-02-00-3 JUAREZ IGNACIO NAJERA & NAJERA IRENE FLORE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 36,933 123,111 160,044 2,591.33 61.76 423 497-245-03-00-6 REED AARON B & PATRICIA A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,969 139,061 184,030 2,591.33 71.02 424 497-245-04-00-9 RAMIREZ MELITON & MARIA D BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 48,824 135,206 184,030 2,591.33 71.02 425 497-245-05-00-2 ROMAN MARIA REV TR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,159 127,044 171,203 2,591.33 66.07 426 497-245-06-00-5 SILLER MANUEL BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194,000 2,591.33 74.87 427 497-245-07-00-8 KHAUDADELA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 220,000 250,000 2,591.33 96.48 428 497-245-08-00-1 PEREZ FEDERICO & MARIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 59,546 201,537 261,083 2,591.33 100.75 429 497-245-09-00-4 MEDELLIN HECTOR JR & MEDELLIN MARIA I BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 209,000 239,000 2,591.33 92.23 430 497-245-10-00-6 PABLEO JUNEFER & KAMA NIEOS R BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 160,000 210,000 2,591.33 81.04 431 497-245-11-00-9 JEGEDE MARGARET BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,000 130,000 170,000 2,591.33 65.60 432 497-245-12-00-2 SANTOS MARY JANE B BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 209,000 239,000 2,591.33 92.23 433 497-246-01-00-7 MIRANDA JOSE M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 141,663 191,544 2,591.33 73,92 434 497-246-02-00-0 FENG EDDIE & GRACE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 179,573 229,454 2,591.33 88.55 435 497-246-03-00-3 RUBENSTEIN TODE D BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 186,000 216,000 2,591.33 83.35 436 497-246-04-00-6 GMAC MTG LLC BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 160,000 210,000 2,591.33 81.04 437 497-246-05-00-9 PETRINI SHANNA C BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 168,599 168,599 218,480 2,730.05 80.Q3 438 497-246-06-00-2 CABELLO RAQUEL H & JUAN M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 52,757 143,617 196,374 2,591.33 75.78 439 497-246-07-00-5 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 35,000 225,000 260,000 2,591.33 100.33 440 497-246-08-00-8 PENA MARIA G BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 57,614 176,043 233,657 2,591.33 90.17 29620G-E 8 10/5/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE I LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE I ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE 12\ AMOUNT 13\ LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) • IMPROVEMENT1(S BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 441 497-246-09-00-1 BLAIN INVS BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 126,000 176,000 2,591.33 67.92 442 497-241-09-00-6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 443 497-251-01-00-5 MEDRANO JULIO C & PRIETO MAYRA A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 46,481 126,079 172,560 2,591.33 66.59 444 497-251-02-00-8 MENDOZA DELIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 48,268 124,291 172,559 2,591.33 66.59 445 497-251-03-00-1 CURRY LACY L BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 41,014 101,509 142,523 2,591.33 55.00 446 497-251-04-00-4 RODRIGUEZ CARLOS BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 77,279 118,495 195,774 2,591.33 75.55 447 497-251-05-00-7 TERRY SUSIE J BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 35,000 161,000 196,000 2,591.33 75.64 448 497-251-06-00-0 GONZALEZ JOSE M & FLORIDALMA ACEITUNO DE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,000 121,000 161,000 2,660.69 60.51 449 497-251-07-00-3 GARCIA GEORGE & AMANDA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 126,000 176,000 2,591.33 67.92 450 497-251-08-00-6 BEHL MANPREET S BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 96,770 146,651 2,591.33 56.59 451 497-251-09-00-9 RENTERIA NEGRETE EllA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 41,688 100,834 142,522 2,591.33 55.00 452 497-251-10-00-1 L1NTAGISAGANI B JR & ANGELITA V BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 43,270 142,250 185,520 2,591.33 71.59 453 497-251-11-00-4 ROFKAHR RONALD E & KIMBERLY K BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 43,460 142,060 185,520 2,591.33 71.59 454 497-251-12-00-7 SOM DAVID B & DARA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 82,300 89,524 171,824 2,591.33 66.31 455 497-251-13-00-0 FERNANDEZ ERWIN GUILLERMO JR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 39,257 164,765 204,022 2,591.33 78.73 456 497-251-14-00-3 BALFOUR ALEX M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 62,025 99,239 161,264 2,591.33 62.23 457 497-251-15-00-6 ANGLIN DAVID J BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 164,000 194,000 2,591.33 74.87 458 497-251-16-00-9 MARTINEZ CESAR & RUIZ ADRIANA ELIZABETH BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 170,000 220,000 2,591.33 84.90 459 497-251-17-00-2 FANNIE MAE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 115,000 165,000 2,591.33 2,591.33 63.67 460 497-251-18-00-5 NI YUN J BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,219 145,859 186,078 2,591.33 71.81 461 497-252-01-00-2 MACK KWAIFA KARY BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 222,000 252,000 2,591.33 97.25 462 497-252-02-00-5 RAMIREZ JOSE M & MARIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,148 115,062 159,210 2,591.33 61.44 463 497-252-03-00-8 HSBC BANK USA NA TRS BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 120,000 170,000 2,591.33 65.60 464 497-252-04-00-1 JIMENEZ L1ZETT BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 157,000 207,000 2,591.33 79.88 465 497-252-05-00-4 PEREZ JUAN M JR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 221,000 251,000 2,591.33 96.86 466 497-252-06-00-7 ROMERO GLORIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 39,281 156,493 195,774 2,591.33 75.55 467 497-252-09-00-6 ORTIZ DANIEL BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 43,755 128,805 172,560 2,591.33 66.59 468 497-252-10-00-8 HERNANDEZ MARLEN Y & RUBI HECTOR 0 BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 43,748 141,089 184,837 2,591.33 71.33 469 497-252-11-00-1 EASTON CLINT ACE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 35,000 119,000 154,000 2,591.33 59.43 470 497-252-12-00-4 MALDONADO JOSE F & NUVIA V BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 35,000 116,000 151,000 2,591.33 58.27 471 497-252-13-00-7 RIVERA JOEL & LOPEZ YESENIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 137,000 187,000 2,591.33 72.16 472 497-252-14-00-0 ORTIZ PAUL H & ELAIHO AME BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 56,841 85,190 142,031 2,591.33 54.81 473 497-252-15-00-3 CABALLERO GADIEL & DAMARIS G BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,334 141,869 186,203 2,591.33 71.86 474 497-252-16-00-6 BRAR PARDIP S BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 41,783 148,358 190,141 2,591.33 73.38 475 497-252-17-00-9 THOMAS LARRELL J REV TR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 39,249 102,782 142,031 2,591.33 54.81 476 497-252-18-00-2 MONTANO HECTOR BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 59,857 124,703 184,560 2,591.33 71.22 477 497-252-19-00-5 GARCIA VICTOR & JENNIE A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 60,000 137,000 197,000 2,591.33 76.02 478 497-252-20-00-7 GUTHRIE DIANE K & RANDALL D BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 35,000 124,000 159,000 2,591.33 61.36 479 497-252-21-00-0 CASTRO PEDRO & MARIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 44,472 140,365 184,837 2,591.33 71.33 480 497-252-22-00-3 BENITEZ SANTOS J & ARBELICA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 41,843 144,360 186,203 2,591.33 71.86 481 497-252-23-00-6 FLORES MERCEDES & SERGIO BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 162,000 212,000 2,591.33 81.81 482 497-252-24-00-9 RAMIREZ CARLOS BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 38,580 102,960 141,540 2,591.33 54.62 483 497-252-25-00-2 ELSBERRY DARBY WAYNE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 40,512 101,028 141,540 2,591.33 54.62 484 497-252-26-00-5 SCHULTZ ALAN W & LYNNORA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 48,953 154,510 203,463 2,591.33 78.52 485 497-253-01-00-9 EMY ENTERPRISES LLC BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 50,000 147,000 197,000 2,591.33 76.02 486 497-253-02-00-2 SERRANO OLIVIA BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3,67 40,952 100,588 141,540 2,591.33 54.62 487 497-253-03-00-5 PHOP SOPHANN BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 129,691 179,572 2,591.33 69.30 488 497-253-04-00-8 MIX SAl & DOUANGVONGSA MANISONE BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 43,943 140,894 184,837 2,591.33 71.33 489 497-253-05-00-1 DECK DENVER & KIMBERLY BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 47,692 125,490 173,182 2,591.33 66.83 490 497-253-06-00-4 MANSKER JHANAYE M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 39,660 102,371 142,031 2,591.33 54.81 491 497-253-07 -00-7 FED NATL MTG ASSN BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 47,238 165,102 212,340 2,591.33 81.94 492 497-253-08-00-0 SMITH SARA ASHLEY BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 35,000 161,000 196,000 2,591.33 75.64 493 497-253-09-00-3 LOPEZ JOSE V BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 46,220 203,081 249,301 2,591.33 96.21 494 497-253-10-00-5 LUNA JOHN M BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 42,465 143,055 185,520 2,591.33 71.59 495 497-253-11-00-8 KNIGHT BRENDA L BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 42,498 130,683 173,181 2,591,33 66.83 29620G-E 9 10/5/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 11\ VALUE 12\ AMOUNT 13\ LIEN (4\ VALUE (5\ VALUE (5\ + IMPROVEMENniS BALANCE (6\ LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 496 497-253-12-00-1 CALLAGY CASEY D BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 99,763 149,644 2,591.33 57.75 497 497-253-13-00-4 PHELPS CURTIS BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 30,000 116,000 146,000 2,591.33 56.34 498 497-253-14-00-7 MUNOZ RAMON PEREZ BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 49,881 129,691 179,572 2,591.33 69.30 499 497-253-15-00-0 BARRAZA ROSALIO & IRMA A BVR It wasn't available 14,338 3,902.88 3.67 42,984 152,057 195.041 2,591.33 75.27 500 497-251-20-00-0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 501 497-251-19-00-8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 502 497-252-08-00-3 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 503 497-252-07-00-0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BVR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 504 528-181-01-00-0 TORO JOSE G & JULIE ANN MORRIS BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 42,000 143,000 185,000 2,741.13 67.49 505 528-181-02-00-3 TAPIA FERNANDO & YOLANDA BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4.128.50 5.14 39,157 105,182 144,339 2,741.13 52.66 506 528-181-03-00-6 D SOUZA WILFRED & LILLIAN M BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4.128.50 5.14 39,989 121,460 161,449 2,741.13 58.90 507 528-181-04-00-9 LAGERBERG JAMES L & LESLI BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4.128.50 5.14 44,420 132.669 177,089 2,741.13 64.60 508 528-181-05-00-2 VASQUEZ JUAN III & CAMPOS DENICE BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 42,000 158,000 200,000 2.741.13 72.96 509 528-181-06-00-5 NGUYEN THUY G BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 42,000 143,000 185,000 2,741.13 67.49 510 528-181-07-00-8 MAESTAS ANNA BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 143,000 186,000 2,741.13 67.86 511 528-182-01-00-7 PAUGA SARA & OLESA BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,460 109,285 152,745 2,741.13 55.72 512 528-182-02-00-0 FANKHAUSER GLENN T & ALEXANDRA A BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 42.032 110,183 152,215 2,741.13 55.53 513 528-182-03-00-3 LOZANO ODI & LAURA BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 144,000 187,000 2,741.13 68.22 514 528-182-04-00-6 OSUNA MONICA BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 38,054 114,162 152,216 2,741.13 55.53 515 528-182-05-00-9 MEACHAM JAMES G & JOYCE A BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 50,723 111,873 162,596 2,741.13 59.32 516 528-182-06-00-2 IZER JILL & KEVIN BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 47,610 110,878 158,488 2,741.13 57.82 517 528-182-07-00-5 ORTIZ MARIA & JOSE JESUS BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 56,711 132,031 188,742 2,741.13 68.86 518 528-183-01-00-4 VILLANUEVA OSCAR M BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43.000 158,000 201,000 2,741.13 73.33 519 528-183-02-00-7 BRICHFIELD MICHAEL BE2 11 wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 129,000 172,000 2,741.13 62.75 520 528-183-03-00-0 CAMERON BRENT & MICHELE BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 158,000 201,000 2,741.13 73.33 521 528-183-04-00-3 PERIMAN SALLY DENISE BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43.000 158,000 201,000 2,887.87 69.60 522 528-183-05-00-6 MC CONN JOHN BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 44,049 122,065 166,114 2,741.13 60.60 523 528-183-06-00-9 ACOSTA GABRIEL BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 143,000 186,000 2,741.13 67.86 524 528-183-07-00-2 GRANT SUZANNA 0 BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 40,718 124,868 165,586 2,741.13 60.41 525 528-183-08-00-5 TREVINO LUIS G & REBECCA BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 38,255 112,902 151,157 2,741.13 55.14 526 528-183-09-00-8 FERNANDEZ JOSE & CELIA BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 143,000 186,000 2,741.13 67.86 527 528-183-10-00-0 KAUFFMAN STEPHEN A & LESLIE B BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 40,645 120,805 161,450 2,741.13 58.90 528 528-183-11-00-3 BURGOS HERLINDA BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 36,848 124,601 161,449 2,741.13 58.90 529 528-183-12-00-6 HIROSHIMA STACIE BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 39,905 143,658 183,563 2,741.13 66.97 530 528-183-13-00-9 PACA DAVID SR & SHERRY BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 42,000 158,000 200,000 2,741.13 72.96 531 528-183-14-00-2 SANCHEZ ROBERT S BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 40,361 121,088 161,449 2,741.13 58.90 532 528-183-15-00-5 KOVALY KARYN E E SEPARATE PROP TRUST BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 42,870 118,579 161,449 2,741.13 58.90 533 528-183-16-00-8 GARCIA GABRIEL ANTONIO VASQUEZ BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 42,000 143,000 185,000 2,741.13 67.49 534 528-183-17-00-1 CLARKE GEORGE C & JENNIFER BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 40,319 136,769 177,088 2,741.13 64.60 535 528-183-18-00-4 NIETO EMERNCIAN BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 42,000 143,000 185,000 2,741.13 67.49 536 528-183-19-00-7 OSOTEO REVTR BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 42,000 143,000 185,000 2,741.13 67.49 537 528-183-20-00-9 GOMEZ GERARDO BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,595 134,066 177,661 2,741.13 64.81 538 528-183-21-00-2 DUTTON JAMES L & BARBARA E BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 19,285 104,666 123,951 2,741.13 45.22 539 528-183-22-00-5 FERMIN ANDRES C & CAROLINA H BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 42,000 143,000 185,000 2,741.13 67.49 540 528-183-23-00-8 CHACON IVAN & TENILLE BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 143,000 186,000 2,741.13 67.86 541 528-183-24-00-1 ROMERO ERMINDA L BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128,50 5.14 43,102 108,585 151,687 2,741.13 55.34 542 528-183-25-00-4 FLYNN DAVID BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 47,707 114,315 162,022 2,741.13 59,11 543 528-183-26-00-7 REID JASON L BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 46,231 140,562 186,793 2,741.13 68.14 544 528-183-27-00-0 BUI STEVEN ANH & VO MAl KHANH THI BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 114,000 157,000 2,741.13 57.28 545 528-183-28-00-3 VELA NICHOLAS BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 39,905 119,715 159,620 2,741.13 58.23 546 528-184-01-00-1 MENJARES DANIEL & ISABEL BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 47,822 114,774 162,596 2,741.13 59.32 547 528-184-02-00-4 MONDRAGON HERNANDO JR & MARIE BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 114,000 157,000 2,741.13 57.28 548 528-184-03-00-7 CHAVEZ JOSE G & BERTHA BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 143,000 186,000 2,741.13 67.86 549 528-184-04-00-0 MAGANA GONZALO & SILVIA BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 143,000 186,000 2,741.13 67.86 550 528-184-05-00-3 LAMAS SAMANTHA BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5,14 43,000 114,000 157,000 2,741.13 57.28 29620G-E 10 10/5/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN 14\ VALUE 15\ VALUE 15\ + IMPROVEMENniS BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 551 528-184-06-00-6 ARREOLA HILDA BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 114,000 157,000 2,741.13 57.28 552 528-184-07-00-9 BOARD MARGARET A BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 69,834 110,736 180,570 2,740.31 65.89 553 528-184-08-00-2 BEE DANNY BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 42,000 114,000 156,000 2,741.13 56.91 554 528-184-09-00-5 WINN STEPHEN J BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 143,000 186,000 2,741.13 67.86 555 528-184-10-00-7 BRENNAN PATRICK & HEATHER BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 143,000 186,000 2,741.13 67.86 556 528-184-11-00-0 JAUCH JESSE BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 43,000 143.000 186,000 2,741.13 67.86 557 528-184-12-00-3 IGNACIO CORNELIO M JR BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 42,487 118.963 161,450 2,741.13 58.90 558 528-184-13-00-6 TRUXTON FAMILY TRUST BE2 It wasn't available 21,200 4,128.50 5.14 N/A-1 N/A-1 N/A-1 0.00 N/A-1 559 528-170-01-00-0 HAYES DONALD M M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 60,000 195,000 255,000 3.119.71 81.74 560 528-170-02-00-3 GREGORIO INVS INC M02 It wasn'tavailable 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 60,000 170,000 230,000 3,119.71 73.72 561 528-170-03-00-6 MARTON BRYAN J M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 59,857 194,537 254,394 3.119.71 81.54 562 562 528-170-04-00-9 DANIELSON DAVID & MARTI M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 52,784 199,381 252,165 3,119.71 80.83 563 528-170-05-00-2 DRUMMOND DENNY L & AMY S M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 53,294 193,467 246,761 3,119.71 79.10 564 528-170-06-00-5 MARTINEZ JUVENAL R JR M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.86 39,905 214,490 254,395 3,119.71 81.54 565 528-170-07-00-8 BRABOY RALPH E M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 488 57,202 204,029 261,231 3,119.71 83.74 566 528-170-08-00-1 GALLIEN FRANCES J M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 68,207 204,621 272,828 3,119.71 87.45 567 528-170-09-00-4 ARAMBULA SANTIAGO & CRISTINA M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 61,680 192,864 254.544 3,119.71 81.59 568 528-170-10-00-6 GUERRA VICTOR & VERONICA M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 55,683 167,262 222,945 3,119.71 71.46 569 528-170-11-00-9 PRADO MALCOLM D & ARLENE M M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 55,830 186,590 242,420 3,119.71 77.71 570 528-170-12-12-00-2 SANDS EMIL & FABIOLA J M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 53,393 170,365 223,758 3,119.71 71.72 571 528-170-13-00-5 VELA ESTEBAN & CECILIA M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 57,416 178.544 235,960 3,119.71 75.64 572 528-170-14-00-8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD M02 It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 573 528-170-15-00-1 VALADEZ SUSAN M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 52,453 144,250 196,703 3,119.71 63.05 574 528-170-16-00-4 SINGH BALWINDER & KAUR SUKHDEEP M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 54,052 168,892 222,944 3.119.71 71.46 575 528-170-17-00-7 SERRANO DANIEL M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 55,853 189,280 245,133 3,119.71 78.58 576 528-170-18-00-0 FALLAS ANDRES J & LORRAINE J M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 46,684 176,260 222,944 3,119.71 71.46 577 528-170-19-00-3 AGUILAR JEFFRY A & PAULA M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 53,573 154,255 207,828 3,119.71 66.62 578 528-170-20-00-5 LE ROY DANIEL & JENNIFER L M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 52,538 170,406 222,944 3,119.71 71.46 579 528-170-21-00-8 HOLLIMAN BRIAN & CHRISTINE M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 53,105 169,840 222,945 3,119.71 71.46 580 528-170-22-00-1 GROVE ROBERT & ANGELA M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 67,626 189,353 256,979 3,119.71 82.37 581 528-170-23-00-4 ALVEY LYNN & SUSAN L M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 58,724 191,289 250,013 3,119.71 80.14 582 528-170-24-00-7 BUCHANAN ANGELA M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 59,558 163,387 222,945 3,119.71 71.46 583 528-170-25-00-0 GOENAWAN VINCENT & LANI M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 52,476 155,352 207,828 3.119.71 66.62 584 528-170-26-00-3 MARTIN DARRELL & LOREnA 2009 TRUST M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 49,224 217,149 266,373 3,119.71 85.38 585 528-170-27-00-6 ROCHA TERESA M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 62,823 188,265 251,088 3,119.71 80.48 586 528-170-28-00-9 EDWARDS RUSSELL & MECHELLE M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 60,511 217,317 277,828 3,119.71 89.06 587 528-170-29-00-2 FERNANDEZ HUMBERTO & ZAMORA MARIA M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 78,202 223,347 301,549 3,119.71 96.66 588 528-170-30-00-4 LONG WILLIAM 0 & STEPHANIE D M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 61,642 215,668 277.310 3.119.71 88.89 589 528-170-31-00-7 EARNEST JAMES D & LISA M M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 61,611 190,029 251.640 3,119.71 80.66 590 528-170-32-00-0 CAMPBELL GREGORY P & JILL V M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 63,713 209,952 273,665 3,119.71 87.72 591 528-170-33-00-3 MADDOX PATRICK & TANYA M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 50,000 198,000 248,000 3,119.71 79.49 592 528-170-34-00-6 PAYLAGA CHENITA & ELVEN M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 64,947 163,666 228,613 3,119.71 73.28 593 528-170-35-00-9 ENRIQUEZ ROBERT JR & YVONNE M M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 64,218 178,895 243,113 3,119.71 77.93 594 528-170-36-00-2 DHIMAN NAVEEN & POONAM M02 It wasn't available 22,927 . 4,698.70 4.88 49,727 193,386 243,113 3,119.71 77.93 595 528-170-37-00-5 GAMEZ FARRAH K M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 59,338 214,327 273,665 3,119.71 87.72 596 528-170-38-00-8 PEREZ JOEY & SARA M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 65,987 175,934 241,921 3,119.71 77.55 597 528-170-39-00-1 GRAYS TIMMIE SR M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 68,288 207,783 276,071 3,119.71 88.49 598 528-170-40-00-3 FRICKEL DAVID C & MARIA D M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 52,538 191,767 244,305 3,119.71 78.31 599 528-170-41-00-6 REYNOLDS JASON M & MELISA S M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 70,491 170,725 241,216 3,119.71 77.32 600 528-170-42-00-9 KOENIG ANDREW E JR M02 It wasn't available 22,927 4,698.70 4.88 66,074 200,258 266,332 3,119.71 85.37 601 528-170-43-00-2 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE CO M02 It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 N/A-1 N/A-1 N/A-1 0.00 N/A-1 602 528-211-01-00-8 BENTLEY STEVEN & LINDSAY OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 67,957 278,986 346.943 4,223.76 82.14 603 528-212-01-00-5 ALMOND KEVIN & VALERIE OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 47,000 274,000 321,000 4,223.76 76.00 604 528-212-02-00-8 GRISHAM DARREN & STACEY OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 46,000 277,000 323,000 4,223.76 76.47 605 528-212-03-00-1 DOERING ROBERT E & KIMBERLY L OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 46,000 261,000 307,000 4,223.76 72.68 29620G-E 11 10/5/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT13l LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENn(S BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 606 528-212-04-00-4 SEDENO DONALD C & ERMALINDA OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 46,000 275,000 321,000 4,223.76 76.00 607 528-212-05-00-7 LACERTOSO JOHN ROCKY & CHRISTA LYNN OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 47,000 257,000 304,000 4,223.76 71.97 608 528-212-06-00-0 DEL ROSARIO RICARDO & DIVINA OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 47,000 274,000 321,000 4,223.76 76.00 609 528-212-07-00-3 BERRY CHRISTOPHER W & STEPHANIE J OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 47,000 277,000 324,000 4,223.76 76.71 610 528-212-08-00-6 PRATER ROGER G II & NICOLE R OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 47,000 259,000 306,000 4,223.76 72.45 611 528-212-09-00-9 BACHTEL DAVID OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 60,000 338,000 398,000 4,223.76 94.23 612 528-212-10-00-1 RICHARDSON STEVEN H & KIMBERLEY C OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 88,466 265,397 353,863 4,223.76 83.78 613 528-212-11-00-4 CHRISTOPHER ROBERT & SUSAN OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 62,325 234,940 297,265 4,223.76 70.38 614 528-212-12-00-7 SMITH STEPHEN B & TERRI LAB L1VTR OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 55,605 315,484 371,089 4,223.76 87.86 615 528-212-13-00-0 JOHNSON DOUGLAS A & KANDAS OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 48,000 292,000 340,000 4,223.76 80.50 616 528-212-14-00-3 GRIFFIN HOWARD & MICHELLE OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 69,238 260,014 329,252 4,223.76 77.95 617 528-212-15-00-6 LEE JENNIFER OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 283,000 332,000 4,223.76 78.60 618 528-212-16-00-9 HARRELSON TRACY H & YIOTA OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 57,592 234,377 291,969 4,223.76 69.13 619 528-212-17-00-2 TAWIL SUZEDE OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 48,000 283,000 331,000 4,223.76 78.37 620 528-212-18-00-5 MILICIC STEVE OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 82,372 257,641 340,013 4,223.76 80.50 621 528-212-19-00-8 ROSSINI DOMONIC & REBECCA OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 80,000 290,000 370,000 4,223.76 87.60 622 528-212-20-00-0 HULSEY TRUST OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 251,000 300,000 4,223.76 71.03 623 528-212-21-00-3 MONTANA NICK & RUBY OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 66,510 242,365 308,875 4,223.76 73.13 624 528-221-01-00-1 STIEBER MARY ANN OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 46,000 257,000 303,000 4,223.76 71.74 625 528-221-02-00-4 MAYO SCOTT & LISA OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 46,000 287,000 333,000 4,223.76 78.84 626 528-221-03-00-7 MERSHON FAMILY TRUST OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 272,000 321,000 4,22376 76.00 627 528-221-04-00-0 LOPEZ ROLAND & DONNA OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 46,000 280,000 326,000 4,223.76 77.18 628 528-221-05-00-3 ROHR GERALD L & JULIE L OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 46,000 252,000 298,000 4,223.76 70.55 629 528-221-06-00-6 WALDRIP GERALD & CAROLYN OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 77,656 264,032 341,688 4,223.76 80.90 630 528-221-07-00-9 CREDOL BRIAN & JAIME OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 48,000 266,000 314,000 4,223.76 74.34 631 528-221-08-00-2 GARCIA MANUEL Y & KATRINA C OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 78,393 250,859 329,252 4,223.76 77.95 632 528-221-09-00-5 SERDINSKY DANIEL E II & KRISTEN ZACHARY OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 48,000 283,000 331,000 4,223.76 78.37 633 528-221-10-00-7 CAPUNO AMADO S & AURITA M OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 293,000 342,000 4,223.76 80.97 634 528-221-11-00-0 PADERSON BRYAN L & ANGELA M OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 80,000 245,000 325,000 4,223.76 76.95 635 528-221-12-00-3 TURNEY EVELYN OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 48,000 266,000 314,000 4,223.76 74.34 636 528-221-13-00-6 BAILEY DENNIS L & SANDRA K OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 48,000 292,000 340,000 4,223.76 80.50 637 528-221-14-00-9 FEHR JUSTIN W & BROOKE A OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 75,000 252,000 327,000 4,223.76 77.42 638 528-221-15-00-2 BEATON LAURIE M & JACK R JR OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 79,912 225,095 305,007 4,223.76 72.21 639 528-221-16-00-5 SALLEE JEFF M & JONI M OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 74,822 214,490 289,312 4,223.76 68.50 640 528-221-17-00-8 SHERRILL BRIAN & MICHELLE OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 251,000 300,000 4,223.76 71.03 641 528-221-18-00-1 WATERFIELD KIRK A& SYLVIA M OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 73,009 240,547 313,556 4,223.76 74.24 642 528-221-19-00-4 DEAL JAMES R OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 64,000 237,000 301,000 4,223.76 71.26 643 528-221-20-00-6 SUPERTINO REV L1VTR OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 109,103 223,217 332,320 4,223.76 78.68 644 528-221-21-00-9 DUKE DAVID P & ROSA E OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 70,005 243,551 313,556 4,223.76 74.24 645 528-221-22-00-2 GOLLEHER MICHAEL & MARILYN OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 292,000 341.000 4,223.76 80.73 646 528-221-23-00-5 WOOD JASON D & MELISSA A OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 85,719 226,621 312,340 4,223.76 73.95 647 528-221-24-00-8 MEDINA MARIA G OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 74,822 211,497 286,319 4,223.76 67.79 648 528-221-25-00-1 BURRIS WAYNE E & MICHELE D OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 257,000 306,000 4,223.76 72.45 649 528-221-26-00-4 FRIAS MIGUEL & NICHOLE OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 265,000 314,000 4,223.76 74.34 650 528-222-02-00-1 TABER MARK A & CHRISTINA OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 82,306 248,517 330,823 4,223.76 78.32 651 528-222-03-00-4 AGUIRRE ADRIANA & DANIEL OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 275,000 324,000 4,223.76 76,71 652 528-222-04-00-7 GRIFFIN CHARLIE & KAREN OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 72,231 286,395 358,626 4,223.76 84.91 653 528-222-05-00-0 HANOSKI RAY & RENEE OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 51,000 321,000 372,000 4,223.76 88.07 654 528-222-06-00-3 ALLARD CHERI L OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 52,407 283,480 335,887 4,223.76 79.52 655 528-222-07-00-6 CERVANTEZ AQUILEO & ALICIA OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 45,000 261,000 306,000 4,223.76 72.45 656 528-223-02-00-8 HARMON WILLIAM W JR & JODI OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 248,000 297,000 4,223.76 70.32 657 528-223-03-00-1 CHUPA BARRY & VICKI OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 71,319 318,084 389,403 4,223.76 92.19 658 528-223-04-00-4 HAMMED MONTE P & CHRISTIE L OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 80,751 244,063 324,814 4,223.76 76.90 659 528-223-05-00-7 COSTAMAGNA PAUL A & CARA J OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 257,000 306,000 4,223.76 72.45 660 528-223-06-00-0 GORMAN TIMOTHY D & DEBRA L OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 72,424 233,923 306,347 4,223.76 72.53 29620G-E 12 10/5/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN AS OF 10/2003 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE/LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE/ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE 12\ AMOUNT (3\ LIEN (4) VALUE 15\ VALUE 15\ + IMPROVEMENTIrS BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 661 528-223-07-00-3 CASTRO ARTHUR A & PAM L OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 86,422 277,663 364,085 4,223.76 86.20 662 528-223-08-00-6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OP2 It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 663 528-223-09-00-9 SMITH TERRY W & JUDY G OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 96,063 260,861 356,924 4,223.76 84.50 664 528-223-10-00-1 CASTRO FAMILY TRUST OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 58,930 248,958 307,888 4,223.76 72.89 665 528-223-11-00-4 ZOELLER BARRY G & MICHELLE J OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 74,343 269,435 343,778 4,223.76 81.39 666 528-223-12-00-7 BONILLA ROY & TERRI OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 46,000 259,000 305.000 4,223.76 72.21 667 528-223-13-00-0 TREASTER PHILIPPE & TARA OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 48,000 285,000 333,000 4,223.76 78.84 668 528-223-14-00-3 DAWARMONA OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 80,000 294,000 374,000 4,223.76 88.55 669 528-224-01-00-2 BAILEY JILL & CHRISTOPHER OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 74,398 231,949 306,347 4,223.76 72.53 670 528-224-02-00-5 MELLOR TRUST OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 81,818 262,292 344,110 4,223.76 81.47 671 528-224-03-00-8 QUIGLEY ROBERT S OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 251,000 300,000 4,223.76 71.03 672 528-224-04-00-1 LYNCH THOMAS B JR OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 48,000 260,000 308,000 4,223.76 72.92 673 528-224-05-00-4 MYERS THOMAS M & DEBORAH R OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 48,000 293,000 341,000 4,223.76 80.73 674 528-224-06-00-7 BARRERA ASCENCION & TAMARA D OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 46,000 262,000 308,000 4,226.60 72.87 675 528-213-01-00-2 HURTADO MARIA OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 82,184 239,171 321,355 4,223.76 76.08 676 528-213-02-00-5 SIMONSON TUTTLE TRUST OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 48,000 292,000 340,000 4,223.76 80.50 677 528-213-03-00-8 NESHEIWAT TAMARA OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 46.000 259,000 305.000 4,223.76 72.21 678 528-213-04-00-1 ELLIOTT JAMES N & DINA OP2 It wasn't available 33.614 6,434.08 5.22 77,556 228,791 306,347 4,223.76 72.53 679 528-214-01-00-9 RICHARDSON REV L1VTR OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 47,000 257,000 304,000 4,223.76 71.97 680 528-214-02-00-2 RICHINA PHILIP & CYNTHIA FMLY TR OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 40,116 149,659 189,775 4,223.76 44.93 681 528-214-03-00-5 SANTORA GAIL M OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 48,000 264,000 312,000 4,223.76 73.87 682 528-215-01-00-6 MC KINTY CECIL DON & JOANNA MARIE OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 49,000 265,000 314,000 4,22376 74.34 683 528-215-02-00-9 LECLERC GREG E & JENNIFER OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 72,109 234,238 306,347 4,223.76 72.53 684 528-215-03-00-2 YOUNG RYAN M & AMY J OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.08 5.22 70,312 234,899 305,211 4,223.76 72.26 685 528-215-04-00-5 MONROE SCOTT W & ROBIN R OP2 It wasn't available 33,614 6,434.12 5.22 65,532 246,808 312,340 4,223.78 73.95 SUMMARY OF DISTRICT AREA TOTALS BUENA VISTA RANCH AREA SUBTOTAL: BVR It wasn't available 8,321,000 2,091,257.12 3.98 20,774,432 80,746,271 101,520,703 1,390,521.37 73.01 BELSERA II AREA SUBTOTAL: BE2 It wasn't available 1,166,000 227,067.50 5.14 2,318,094 7,017,440 9,335,534 148,166.94 63.01 MONTARA II AREA SUBTOTAL: M02 It wasn't available 940,000 192,646.70 4.88 2,391,227 7,700,182 10,091,409 127,908.11 78.90 OLIVE PARK II AREA SUBTOTAL: OP2 It wasn't available 2,790,000 534,028.68 5.22 5,026,727 21,729,299 26,756,026 350,574.94 76.32 TOTALS/OVERALL FOR ALL FOUR DISTRICT AREAS: It wasn't available 13,217,000 3,045,000.00 4.34 30,510,480 117,193,192 147,703,672 2,017,171.36 73.22 SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TOTALS CENTEX HOMES (and successors) OWNED TOTALS/OVERALL: It wasn't available 10,427,000 2,510,971.32 4.15 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 OLIVE PARK LAND COMPANY (and successors) OWNED TOTALS/OVERALL: It wasn't available 2,790,000 534,028.68 5.22 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 OWNED BY OTHERS TOTALS/OVERALL: It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 30,510,480 117,193,192 147,703,672 2,017,171.36 73.22 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TOTALS/OVERALL: It wasn't available 13,217,000 3,045,000.00 4.34 30,510,480 117,193,192 147,703,672 2,017,171.36 73.22 SEE NEXT PAGE FOR EXPLANAnON OF REFERENCES AND NOTES. 29620G-E 13 10/5/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA NOTES AND REFERENCES N/A-1 REFERENCES DATA FOR NON-BENEFITED AND NON-ASSESSED PARCELS OR PARCELS THAT WERE PAID OFF AFTER THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENTS WERE CONFIRMED, BUT BEFORE 06/30/10. N/A-2 REFERENCES DATA FOR ORIGINALLY ASSESSED PARCELS THAT WERE SUBDIVIDED BETWEEN 09/30103 AND 06/30/10, AND WHICH, ACCORDINGLY, NO LONGER EXIST. N/A-3 REFERENCES DATA THAT WAS NOT AVAILABLE FROM THE KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE AS OF THE DATE OF PREPARATION OF THIS REPORT. N/A-4 REFERENCES DATA FOR PARCELS CREATED BY SUBDIVISIONS RECORDED BETWEEN 09/30103 AND 06/30/10 THEREFORE, THE "ORIGINAL VALUEILIEN DATA AS OF 10/2003" SHOWN IN THE APPENDIX E TABLE DOES NOT APPLY TO THESE PARCELS AND IS, ACCORDINGLY, NOT SHOWN. THE "PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA" FOR THESE PARCELS IF FURTHER SUBDIVIDED ALSO NO LONGER APPLIES AND IS NOT SHOWN. THE SUBDIVIDED PARCEL'S "REMAINING ASSESSMENT BALANCE" HAS BEEN APPORTIONED TO THE NEW LOTS AND PARCELS CREATED BY THE SUBDIVISION OF THE PARCEL AND THOSE APPORTIONED ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS ARE SHOWN FOR EACH NEW LOT AND PARCEL IN THE APPENDIX E TABLE. (1) COLUMN 1 SHOULD SHOW KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S LAND VALUES FOR THE ASSESSOR'S ROLL FOR KERN COUNTY USED TO BILL THE 2003/2004 REGULAR PROPERTY TAXES. THE ASSESSOR'S VALUES PLANNED TO BE SHOWN IN COLUMN 1 ARE NOT USED TO CALCULATE THE COLUMN 4 VALUE TO LIEN RATIO. THEY WERE PLANNED TO BE PROVIDED ONLY FOR REFERENCE AS BASELINE ASSESSOR'S LAND VALUES AT THE TIME OF THE AD 03-2 BOND SALE HOWEVER, THE AMOUNTS FOR ASSESSMENTS 1THROUGH 685 WERE NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF PREPARATION OF THE APPENDIX E TABLE FOR THE AD 03-2 OFFICIAL STATEMENT SINCE THOSE ASSESSMENTS WERE STILL PARTS OF UNSUBDIVIDED KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBERS (ATNs) ASSIGNED TO THE PARCELS THAT WERE SUBDIVIDED BY VARIOUS SUBDIVISION TRACT MAPS RECORDED AFTER JANUARY 1, 2003, BUT BEFORE THE AD 03-2 BOND SALE (TRACT NO. 6104-PHASES 1 THROUGH 8 IN THE BUENA VISTA RANCH AREA, TRACT NO. 5831 UNIT NO.3 IN THE BELSERA II AREA, TRACT NO 5829 UNIT NO.4 IN THE MONTARA II AREA, AND TRACT NO. 6117 UNIT ONE IN THE OLIVE PARK II AREA). CONSEQUENTLY, AT THE TIME APPENDIX E WAS PREPARED FOR THE AD 03-2 OFFICIAL STATEMENT, THERE WERE NO ATNs OR LAND VALUES AVAILABLE FROM THE KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR FOR ASSESSMENTS 1 THROUGH 685. (2) THE AMOUNTS SHOWN IN COLUMN 2 FOR ASSESSMENT NOS. 1 THROUGH 685 ARE "BULK VALUE OF RECORDED LOTS AND LAND" FOR ALL RESIDENTIAL LOTS IN TRACT MAPS THAT HAD BEEN RECORDED PRIOR TO THE TIME APPENDIX E TABLE FOR THE AD 03-2 OFFICIAL STATEMENT WAS PREPARED, ALL AS PRESENTED IN THE APPRAISAL REPORT FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2, PREPARED BY LAUNER & ASSOCIATES, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DATED AUGUST 10,2003. THE VALUE OF EACH ASSESSED RESIDENTIAL LOT WAS COMPUTED BY DIVIDING SAID "BULK VALUE OF RECORDED LOTS AND LAND" FOR EACH TRACT WITHIN EACH DEVELOPMENT AREA IN AD 03-2 BY THE NUMBER OF ASSESSED LOTS WITHIN EACH TRACT. (3) THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ARE THE AMOUNTS REMAINING UNPAID ON AD 03-2 ASSESSMENTS AFTER ADJUSTMENTS FOR THE LOWER THAN ANTICIPATED TOTAL BOND SALE AMOUNT, AS RECALCULATED BY THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCE DEPARTMENT. AMOUNTS SHOWN IN COLUMN 3 OF APPENDIX E TO THE AD 03-2 OFFICIAL STATEMENT ARE THE ORIGINAL AD 03-2 ASSESSMENTS. THE 30-DAY CASH PAYMENT PERIOD HAS BEEN WAIVED. (4) RATIO OF APPRAISED VALUES (COLUMN 2) DIVIDED BY THE AD 03-2 REDUCED ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT (COLUMN 3). (5) OWNERS' NAMES AND ASSESSOR'S VALUES IN COLUMNS 5, 6, AND 7 ARE AS SHOWN ON THE ASSESSOR'S ROLL FOR THE 2010/2011 TAX YEAR, AS OBTAINED FROM THE KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR ON JULY 29, 2010. (6) THE REMAINING ASSESSMENT AMOUNT SHOWN IN THE "REMAINING ASSESSMENT BALANCE" COLUMN 8 IS THE PARCEL'S REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2010/2011 TAX YEAR, INCLUDING THE DELINQUENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR THE ELEVEN (11) PARCELS LISTED IN APPENDIX G TO THIS ANNUAL REPORT NO.8. THEREFORE, THE TOTAL "REMAINING ASSESSMENT BALANCE" SHOWN IN COLUMN COLUMN 8 IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,017,171.36 INCLUDES $2,171.36 IN DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR THE 11 PARCELS LISTED IN APPENDIX G. (7) COLUMN 9 IS THE RATIO OF THE CURRENT TOTAL ASSESSOR'S VALUE (COLUMN 7) DIVIDED BY THE AD 03-2 REMAINING ASSESSMENT BALANCE. (8) COLUMN ENTITLED "DIST. AREA CODE" SHOWS ABBREVIATIONS FOR EACH DISTRICT AREA NAME FOR EACH ASSESSMENT NUMBER AS FOLLOWS: "BVR" FORTHE BUENA VISTA RANCH AREA, "BE2" FOR THE BELSERA II AREA, "M02" FOR THE MONTARA II AREA, AND "OP2" FOR THE OLIVE PARK II AREA. 29620G-E 14 10/5/2010 ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $3,045,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (BUENA VISTA RANCH/BELSERA II/MONTARA II/OLIVE PARK II) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXF CURRENT DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE FOR THE BONDS UPDATED FOR THE 2008 BOND CALL Note: Appendix F table provided by Issuer's Finance Department City of Bakersfield 03-2 -BUENA VISTA RANCH/BELSERA II/MONTARA IIIOLVE PK II Current Debt Service Schedule Bonds Dated: 10/15/2003 Bonds Issued: $3,045,000.00 Payment Interest Payment Annual Call Date Rate Balance Principal Interest Total Total Premo Status 03/02/2004 0.0000% $3.045,000.00 $0.00 $55,212.90 $55,212.90 $0.00 3.0000% Paid 09/02/2004 0.0000 $3,045,000.00 0.00 72,542.50 72,542.50 127,755.40 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2005 0.0000 $3,045,000.00 0.00 72,542.50 72,542.50 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2005 1.9000 $3,045,000.00 110,000.00 72,542.50 182,542.50 255,085.00 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2006 1.9000 $2,935,000.00 0.00 71,497.50 71,497.50 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2006 2.5000 $2,935,000.00 115,000.00 71,497.50 186,497.50 257,995.00 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2007 2.5000 $2,820,000.00 0.00 70,060.00 70,060.00 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2007 2.8000 $2,820,000.00 115,000.00 70,060.00 185,060.00 255,120.00 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2008 2.8000 $2,705,000.00 0.00 68,450.00 68,450.00 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09102/2008 3.1500 $2,705,000.00 120,000.00 68,450.00 188,450.00 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2008 Bond Cail $2,585,000.00 350,000.00 0.00 350,000.00 606,900.00 0.0000 Paid 03/02/2009 3.1500 $2,235,000.00 0.00 57,525.00 57,525.00 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2009 3.5500 $2,235,000.00 110,000.00 57,525.00 167,525.00 225,050.00 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2010 3.5500 $2,125,000.00 0.00 55,572.50 55,572.50 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2010 4.0000 $2,125,000.00 110,000.00 55,572.50 165,572.50 221,145.00 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2011 4.0000 $2,015,000.00 0.00 53,372.50 53,372.50 0.00 3.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2011 4.3000 $2,015,000.00 110,000.00 53,372.50 163,372.50 216,745.00 3.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2012 4.3000 $1,905,000.00 0.00 51,007.50 51,007.50 0.00 3.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2012 4.6000 $1,905,000.00 120,000.00 51,007.50 171,007.50 222,015.00 3.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2013 4.6000 $1,785,000.00 0.00 48,247.50 48,247.50 0.00 3.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2013 4.8000 $1,785,000.00 125,000.00 48,247.50 173,247.50 221,495.00 3.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2014 4.8000 $1,660,000.00 0.00 45,247.50 45,247.50 0.00 2.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2014 4.9500 $1,660,000.00 130,000.00 45,247.50 175,247.50 220,495.00 2.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2015 4.9500 $1,530,000.00 0.00 42,030.00 42,030.00 0.00 1.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2015 5.1000 $1,530,000.00 140,000.00 42,030.00 182,030.00 224,060.00 1.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2016 5.1000 $1,390,000.00 0.00 38,460.00 38,460.00 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2016 5.2000 $1,390,000.00 145,000.00 38,460.00 183,460.00 221,920.00 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2017 5.2000 $1,245,000.00 0.00 34,690.00 34,690.00 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2017 5.3000 $1,245,000.00 150,000.00 34,690.00 184,690.00 219,380.00 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2018 5.3000 $1,095,000.00 0.00 30,715.00 30,715.00 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2018 5.4000 $1,095,000.00 160,000.00 30,715.00 190,715.00 221,430.00 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2019 5.4000 $935,000.00 0.00 26,395.00 26,395.00 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2019 5.5000 $935,000.00 170,000.00 26,395.00 196,395.00 222,790.00 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2020 5.5000 $765,000.00 0.00 21,720.00 21,720.00 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2020 5.6000 $765,000.00 175,000.00 21,720.00 21,720.00 196,720.00 218,440.00 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2021 5.6000 $590,000.00 0.00 16,820.00 16,820.00 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2021 5.6500 $590,000.00 185,000.00 16,820.00 201,820.00 218,640.00 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2022 5.6500 $405,000.00 0.00 11,593.75 11,593.75 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2022 5.7000 $405,000.00 200,000.00 11,593.75 211,593.75 223,187.50 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2023 5.7000 $205,000.00 0.00 5,893.75 5,893.75 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2023 5.7500 $205,000.00 205,000.00 5,893.75 210,893.75 216,787.50 0.0000 Unpaid Grand Total: $3,045,000.00 $1,771,435.40 $4,816,435.40 $4,816,435.40 Copyright © 1999-2007 NBS Page 1 of 1 9/15/2010 9:32:03 AM ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $3,045,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (BUENA VISTA RANCHIBELSERA II/MONTARA II/OLIVE PARK II) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXG LISTING OF PARCELS WITH DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENT(S) AS OF JUNE 30, 2010 Note: Appendix G table prepared by the Assessment Engineer using data provided by Issuer's Finance Department APPENDIX G CONTINUING DISCLOSURE ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 LISTING OF PARCELS WITH DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENT(S) AS OF JUNE 30, 2010 AD 03-2 ASSESSOR'S DATE ASSESSMENT TAX NUMBER (ATN) DELINQUENT FIRST NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (1) DELINQUENT 66 497-151-04-00-5 $1,163.62 12/10/2007 132 497-181-04-00-4 $952.95 4/10/2008 143 497-191-05-00-0 $369.56 12/10/2009 166 497-193-12-00-4 $369.56 12/10/2009 182 497-193-28-00-1 $372.72 12/10/2008 196 497-183-11-00-8 $369.56 12/10/2009 244 497-272-08-00-9 $149.36 4/10/2010 265 497-275-02-00-2 $149.36 4/10/2010 437 497-246-05-00-9 $298.72 12/10/2009 448 497-251-06-00-0 $149.36 4/10/2010 521 528-183-04-00-3 $314.98 12/10/2009 Totals: 11 ATNs $4,659.75 29620G-G (1) Source: Delinquent Amount includes assessment principal and interest, exclusive of any late charges or penalties for reinstatement Appendix G prepared by the Assessment Engineer using data provided by Issuer's Finance Department 10/5/2010 ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $3,045,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 (BUENA VISTA RANCH/BELSERA II/MONTARA II/OLIVE PARK II) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXH LIST OF BONDS CALLED IN ADVANCE OF MATURITY ON SEPTEMBER 2,2008, BY YEAR OF BOND MATURITY AND PRINCIPAL AMOUNT CALLED IN EACH MATURITY ($350,000.00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF BONDS CALLED) Note: Appendix H table provided by Issuer's Finance Department City of Bakersfield BUENA VISTA RANCH/BELSERA II/MONTARA IIIOLVE PK II Bond Call Maturities Detail Bonds Dated: 10/15/2003 Bond Issue Amount: $3,045,000.00 Call Date Maturity Date Amount 09/02/2008 09/02/2009 $15,000.00 0910212010 15,000.00 0910212011 20,000.00 0910212012 20,000.00 0910212013 20,000.00 0910212014 20,000.00 09/02/2015 20,000.00 09/0212016 20,000.00 09/02/2017 25,000.00 09/02/2018 25,000.00 09/0212019 25,000.00 09/0212020 30,000.00 09/0212021 30,000.00 09/02/2022 30,000.00 09/02/2023 35,000.00 Subtotal: $350,000.00 Total: $350,000.00 Page 1 of 1 Copyright © 1999-2003 NBS 8/19/2008 11:44:19 AM CONTINUING DISCLOSURE (Submission Status: Published) FINANCIAL/OPERATING FILING (CUSIP-9 Based) Rule 15c2-12 Disclosure Submission ID:EP416263 11/01/2010 18:21:34 Annual Financial Filing: Annual Report No. 8 for AD 03-2 Bonds dated October 28, 2010, for the period from 07/01/2009 to 06/30/2010 DOCUMENTS Financial Operating Filing Annual Report No. 8 for AD 03-2 dated October 28, 2010.pdf posted 11/01/2010 The following Issuers are associated with this Continuing Disclosure submission: The following 19 securities have been published with this Continuing Disclosure submission: CUSIP-6 State Issuer Name 057510 CA BAKERSFIELD CALIF IMPT BD ACT 1915 CUSIP-9 Maturity Date 057510WD7 09/02/2005 057510WE5 09/02/2006 057510WF2 09/02/2007 057510WG0 09/02/2008 057510WH8 09/02/2009 057510WJ4 09/02/2010 057510WK1 09/02/2011 057510WL9 09/02/2012 057510WM7 09/02/2013 057510WN5 09/02/2014 057510WP0 09/02/2015 Submission Preview Print Page 1 of 2 http://dataport.emma.msrb.org/Submission/SubmissionPreviewPrint.aspx?submissionId=E... 11/1/2010 057510WQ8 09/02/2016 057510WR6 09/02/2017 057510WS4 09/02/2018 057510WT2 09/02/2019 057510WU9 09/02/2020 057510WV7 09/02/2021 057510WW5 09/02/2022 057510WX3 09/02/2023 Submitter's Contact Information Company: Goodwin Procter LLP Name: GEOFFREY GEDDES Address: 10250 CONSTELLATION BOULEVARD City, State Zip: LOS ANGELES, CA 90067 Phone Number: 3107885111 Email: ggeddes@goodwinprocter.com © 2009 Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) Submission Preview Print Page 2 of 2 http://dataport.emma.msrb.org/Submission/SubmissionPreviewPrint.aspx?submissionId=E... 11/1/2010