HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 01-2 Annual Report No. 9 FY 2009-10 ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $7,880,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 (SEVEN OAKS WEST II/RIVER WALKISOUTHERN OAKS) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS (Final Maturity September 2, 2022, CUSIP<l) No. 057510 UQO) PREPARED FOR THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY WILSON & ASSOCIATES 7600 NORTH INGRAM AVENUE, SUITE 202 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93711 ASSESSMENT ENGINEER FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 (559) 436-6644 DECEMBER 17, 2010 (I) Copyright 2010, American Bankers Association. CUSIP data herein is provided by Standard and Poor's CUSIP Service Bureau, a division ofThe McGrawHill Companies, Inc. This data is not intended to create a database and does not serve in any way as a substitute for the CUSIP services. The CUSIP number above is provided for information only. Neither the City of Bakersfield nor Wilson & Associates is responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such numbe r.ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010, ON $7,880,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 (SEVEN OAKS WEST nlRIVER WALK/SOUTHERN OAKS) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT 1 ALL IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED FOR AD 01-2 FINANCING HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ALL ELIGIBLE COST CLAIMS HAVE BEEN PAID 2 CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER, THE BONDS, AND THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 2 I. Summary and Current Status ofAny Reported Significant Events or Any Prior Failure to Comply With Continuing Disclosure Certificate Covenants 2 II. Annual Report Dissemination Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 3 III. Issuer's Audited Financial Statement for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 3 IV. Response to Items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" in Issuer's Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 4. Content of Annual Reports." 4 (b)(i). Principal amount of Bonds outstanding, including principal amount and years of maturity of Bonds, if any, called for redemption in advance of maturity ... 4 (b)(ii). Balances in the Improvement, Redemption and Reserve Funds 5 (b)(iii). Identification of and information on parcels with any delinquent assessment installments 5 (b)(iv). A current statement of the status of completion or progress toward completion of the public improvements described in the Official Statement for the Bonds (the "AD 01-2 OS") under the subheading "THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND THE IMPROVEMENTS -Description of the Community Areas and the Improvements." 6 (b)(v). A current statement of the land-secured public financing information summarized in the AD 01-2 OS under the subheading "THE BONDS -Priority of Lien." 7 29500iCD9TOC -i-12/17/10 DESCRIPTION PAGE (b)(vi). A current statement of the parcel information set forth in Columns 5 through 9, inclusive, of Appendix E to the AD 01-2 OS, for both existing and future parcels. . 8 V. Further information that the Issuer has determined may be necessary to make the specifically required statements herein, in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. 11 MISCELLANEOUS 13 Report Appendices Appendix A Issuer's Continuing Disclosure Certificate for Assessment District No. 01-2 Appendix B Issuer's Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 (To be filed under separate cover subsequent to the filing date for Annual Report No.9) Appendix C Copies ofPages 6 Through 15 ofAnnual Report No.8 and a Copy ofAppendix C of Annual Report No. 8 ("Letter dated October 29, 2009, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Seven Oaks West II Areas, Areas, the River Walk Area, and the Southern Oaks Area Financed by Assessment District No. 01-2") Appendix D Copies ofPages 11 and 12 of Annual Report No.4 and a Copy of Appendix D of Annual Report No.4 ("Letter dated January 29,2004, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Westdale Area Financed by Assessment District No. 01-2") (On file with the National Repositories as Appendix D of Annual Report No.5) Appendix E Current Assessment and Assessor's Value Data Appendix F Listing ofParcels with Delinquent Assessment Installment(s) as of June 30, 2010 Note: Appendix F table prepared by the Assessment Engineer using data provided by Issuer's Finance Department Appendix G List of Bonds Called in Advance of Maturity on September 2, 2006, by Year of Bond Maturity and Principal Amount Called in Each Maturity ($350,000.00 Total Principal Amount of Bonds Called) and List of Bonds Called in Advance of Maturity on September 2,2009, by Year of Bond Maturity and Principal Amount Called in Each Maturity ($860,000.00 Total Principal Amount of Bonds Called) Note: Appendix G table provided by Issuer's Finance Department Appendix H Current Debt Service Schedule for the Bonds Updated for the 2006 Bond Call and the 2009 Bond Call Note: Appendix H table provided by Issuer's Finance Department 29500iCD9TOC -ii-12/17/10 ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010, ON $7,880,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 (SEVEN OAKS WEST IIIRIVER WALK/SOUTHERN OAKS) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT This Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.9 (the "Annual Report No.9") has been prepared pursuant to the covenants set forth in the "City Continuing Disclosure Certificate" dated April 24, 2002 (the "Continuing Disclosure Certificate"), the form of which was filed with the repositories identified by the Securities and Exchange Commission as "Nationally Recognized Municipal Securities Information Repositories" (the "National Repositories") as Appendix A of Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.1 (the "Annual Report No.1") for AD 01-2 (as defined below). The Continuing Disclosure Certificate is attached hereto as Appendix A and incorporated herein by reference to ensure that it is on file with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (the "MSRB"). The Continuing Disclosure Certificate was executed and delivered by the City of Bakersfield, California (the "Issuer"), in connection with the issuance and sale by the Issuer of $7,880,000 aggregate principal amount of its City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 01-2 (Seven Oaks West II/River Walk/Southern Oaks) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds (the "Bonds"), for its Assessment District No. 01-2 (Seven Oaks West II/River Walk/Southern Oaks) ("AD 01-2"). The Bonds were issued pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, being Division 10 of the California Streets and Highways Code (the "1915 Act"), the Charter and Municipal Code of the Issuer, and Resolution No. 042-02 (the "Bond Resolution"), adopted by the City Council of the Issuer (the "City Council") on March 20,2002. This Annual Report No.9 has been prepared for the Issuer's Finance Department by Edward J. Wilson, a registered Civil Engineer certified by the State ofCalifornia, doing business as Wilson & Associates, Fresno, California, the duly appointed Assessment Engineer for AD 01-2 (the "Assessment Engineer"). This Annual Report No.9 has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of"Section 4. Content ofAnnual Reports" ofthe Continuing Disclosure Certificate and contains the financial information and operating data relating to AD 01-2 and to the property in AD 01-2, which, except as otherwise noted herein, is effective as ofthe June 30, 2010 end ofthe Issuer's Fiscal Year 2009/2010 ("FY09/10") to which this Annual Report No.9 applies. 29500iCD9Rpt -1-12/17110 ALL IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED FOR AD 01-2 FINANCING HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ALL ELIGIBLE COST CLAIMS HAVE BEEN PAID As reported in Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.7 (the "Annual Report No.7"), during the fiscal year of the Issuer ending June 30, 2008, all of the still remaining work and acquisitions authorized for funding pursuant to the AD 01-2 proceedings were completed, payment requests for that remaining work and acquisitions have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, and all eligible costs have been paid to the applicants. Descriptions ofthe work and acquisitions originally approved for the AD 01-2 Seven Oaks West II Areas, River Walk Area, and Southern Oaks Area financing are provided in Appendix C ofthis Annual Report No.9 in the form ofcopies ofpages 6 through 15 ofContinuing Disclosure Annual Report No.8 (the "Annual Report No.8") and a copy of Appendix C of Annual Report No. 8 ("Letter dated October 29, 2009, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Seven Oaks West II Areas, the River Walk Area, and the Southern Oaks Area Financed by Assessment District No. 01-2"). Descriptions of the work and acquisitions originally approved for the AD 01-2 Westdale Area financing were provided in Appendix D of Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.5 (the "Annual Report No.5") in the form of copies ofpages 11 and 12 of Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.4 (the "Annual Report No.4") and a copy of Appendix D of Annual Report No.4 ("Letter dated January 29, 2004, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Westdale Area Financed by Assessment District No. 01-2"). Appendix D of Annual Report No.5 is referenced in Appendix D of this Annual Report No.9. All future annual reports will refer to the improvements authorized for AD 01-2 financing as being completed and all eligible payment claims for those authorized and completed improvements as having been paid by the Issuer. CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATIONON THE ISSUER, THE BONDS, AND THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 1. Summary and Current Status of Any Reported Significant Events or Any Prior Failure to Comply With Continuing Disclosure Certificate Covenants A. Reference is made to Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 5. Reporting of Significant Events" for a listing ofsignificant events ("Listed Events") with respect to the Bonds, including its subsection (a)(iv): "optional, contingent, or unscheduled Bond calls." A subsection (a)(iv) Listed Event previously occurred and was reported in Annual Report No.5. Although the subsection (a)(iv) Listed Event reported in Annual Report No.5 occurred after the June 30, 2006 end ofthe Issuer's Fiscal Year 2005/2006 to which Annual Report No. 5 applied, that event was described in Annual Report No.5 in the interest ofproviding disclosure information on a timely basis and is summarized below: On September 2,2006, Issuer called $350,000.00 principal amount ofthe Bonds in advance of maturity (the "2006 Bond Call"). Issuer gave notice of the 2006 Bond 29500iCD9Rpt -2-12/17110 Call pursuant to the Bond Resolution. Funds for the 2006 Bond Call were obtained from parcel assessment prepayments for which Issuer's Finance Department had recorded lien releases, from interest earned on AD 01-2 funds held by the Issuer, and from the Reserve Fund for the Bonds. Reference is made to Section V of this Annual Report No.9, which begins on page 11, for a description of the sources of funds used to pay the total cost ofthe 2006 Bond Call, to Appendix G ofthis Annual Report No.9 for a list of the Bonds, by year of maturity, called on September 2, 2006, and to Appendix H of this Annual Report No.9 for the current debt service schedule for the Bonds updated for the 2006 Bond Call. B. A subsection (a)(iv) Listed Event occurred during FY09/10 to which this Annual Report No.9 applies, and was reported in Annual Report No.8. Although the subsection (a)(iv) Listed Event reported in Annual Report No.8 occurred after the June 30, 2009 end of the Issuer's Fiscal Year 2008/2009 to which Annual Report No.8 applied, that event was described in Annual Report No.8 in the interest of providing disclosure information on a timely basis and is summarized below: On September 2,2009, Issuer called $860,000.00 principal amount of the Bonds in advance of maturity (the "2009 Bond Call"). Issuer gave notice of the 2009 Bond Call pursuant to the Bond Resolution. Funds for the 2009 Bond Call were obtained from interest earned on AD 01-2 funds held by the Issuer, from savings on various previously budgeted items, and from the Reserve Fund for the Bonds. Reference is made to Section V of this Annual Report No.9, which begins on page 11, for a description ofthe sources offunds used to pay the total cost ofthe 2009 Bond Call, to Appendix G of this Annual Report No. 9 for a list of the Bonds, by year of maturity, called on September 2, 2009, and to Appendix H of this Annual Report No.9 for the current debt service schedule for the Bonds updated for the 2009 Bond Call. C. According to Issuer's Finance Department, no other significant events occurred with respect to the Bonds during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, or from June 30, 2010, to the date ofthis Annual Report No.9, nor have there been any prior failures to comply with the Continuing Disclosure Certificate covenants during that time. II. Annual Report Dissemination Agent Pursuant to the Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 7. Dissemination Agent," the Issuer "may, from time to time, appoint or engage a Dissemination Agent to assist it in carrying out its obligations under" the Continuing Disclosure Certificate. However, the Issuer has not appointed or engaged a Dissemination Agent. The Issuer will act as the Dissemination Agent for the distribution of this Annual Report No.9 to the MSRB. 29500iCD9Rpt -3-12/17110 III. Issuer's Audited Financial Statement for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 A. At the time this Annual Report No. 9 was prepared, the "City of Bakersfield Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,2010 (Audited)" (hereafter referred to as "Issuer's Audited Financial Report-FY09/l0") had been approved by Issuer's City Council. Subsequent to the date this Annual Report No.9 is filed with the MSRB, Issuer's Audited Financial Report-FY09/l0 will be filed with the MSRB under separate cover. Issuer's Audited Financial Report-FY09/10, when so filed, is incorporated herein by reference as "Appendix B -Issuer's Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010." B. THE ISSUER'S AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT-FY09110 IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO COMPLY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION STAFF'S INTERPRETATION OF RULE 15c2-12. NO FUNDS OR ASSETS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (OTHER THAN THE ASSESSMENTS LEVIED IN THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) ARE REQUIRED TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE ON THE BONDS, AND THE CITY IS NOT OBLIGATED TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY TREASURY TO COVER ANY DELINQUENCIES. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE CITY IN EVALUATING WHETHERTO BUY, HOLD, ORSELL THE BONDS. IV. Response to Items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" in Issuer's Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 4. Content of Annual Reports." The following items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" present the information listed under the Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 4. Content of Annual Reports" as items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)," which are the items that this Annual Report No.9 shall contain or incorporate by reference. The following items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" are presented in the same order as the above-referenced "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" items are presented in Section 4 of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate. Except as otherwise noted below, in each case the following information is "current" as of the June 30, 2010 ending of the Issuer's FY09/l O. (b)(i). Principal amount of Bonds outstanding, including principal amount and years of maturity of Bonds, if any, called for redemption in advance of maturity: According to Issuer's Finance Department: A. The principal amount ofthe Bonds outstanding is $4,575,000.00 as ofSeptember 3,2010. B. The Bonds called for redemption in advance of maturity on September 2, 2006, and on September 2, 2009, are listed by year ofmaturity and by principal amount called in the table provided by Issuer's Finance Department, attached hereto as 29500iCD9Rpt -4-12/17/10 Appendix G and incorporated herein by reference. The principal amount and years of maturity of the Bonds outstanding, updated for the Bonds that have previously matured and for the 2006 Bond Call and the 2009 Bond Call, are shown in Appendix H, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. C. The Bonds have not been defeased as of the date of this Annual Report No.9. (b)(ii). Balances in the Improvement, Redemption and Reserve Funds: According to Issuer's Finance Department, as ofJune 30, 2010, the referenced Fund balances were as follows: A. The Improvement Fund: $ 0.00 B. The Redemption Fund: $555,192.63 C. The Reserve Fund: $554,900.00 Note: The current Reserve Requirement (as defined in the Bond Resolution) for the Reserve Fund is $554,900.00. (b)(iii). Identification of and information on parcels with any delinquent assessment installments: A. The amount delinquent (exclusive of late charges and monthly penalties for reinstatement); B. The date (December 10 or April 10) ofthe first delinquency; delinquency; C. In the event a foreclosure complaint has been filed respecting such delinquent parcel and such complaint has not yet been dismissed, the date on which the complaint was filed in the Kern County Superior Court; D. In the event a foreclosure sale has occurred respecting such delinquent parcel, a summary of the results of such foreclosure sale. The Issuer's Finance Department, has provided the following information in response to Continuing Disclosure Certificate Section IV.(b)(iii): 1. For the preceding items IV.(b)(iii).A and IV.(b)(iii).B: The table entitled "Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.9, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 01-2, Listing of Parcels with Delinquent Assessment Installment(s) as ofJune 30, 2010," attached hereto as Appendix F and incorporated herein by reference, presents the list ofparcels in AD 01-2 that on June 30, 2010, had delinquent assessment installments(s). Each parcel is identified by its assigned AD 01-2 Assessment Number and by its Kern County Assessor's Tax Number ("ATN"). Appendix F shows the total amount delinquent (exclusive ofany late charges or penalties for reinstatement) for each parcel and the date (December 10 or April 10) of the first delinquency. The 29500iCD9Rpt -5-12/17/10 Appendix F table has been prepared by the Assessment Engineer from data provided by the Issuer's Finance Department. 2. For the preceding items IV.(b)(iii).C and IV.(b)(iii).D: According to Issuer's Finance Department, as of June 30, 2010, several foreclosure complaints had been filed by the Issuer respecting the delinquent parcels shown in Appendix F. Pursuant to the Bond Resolution, the Issuer will, by no later than October 1 in any year, file an action in the Superior Court of Kern County to foreclose the lien on each delinquent assessment if (1) the sum of uncured assessment delinquencies for the preceding fiscal year exceeds five percent (5%) of the assessment installments posted to the tax roll for that fiscal year, and (2) the amount of the Reserve Fund is less than the Reserve Requirement. The foreclosure complaints that had been filed by the Issuer as of the June 30, 2010 effective date of this Annual Report No.9 are identified in Appendix F. However, no foreclosure sales have occurred as of June 30, 2010. (b)(iv). A current statement ofthe status ofcompletion or progress toward completion ofthe public improvements described in the Official Statement for the Bonds (the "AD 01-2 OS") under the subheading "THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND THE IMPROVEMENTS -Description ofthe Community Areas and the Improvements." A. Seven Oaks West II Areas, River Walk Area, and Southern Oaks Area: As reported in Annual Report No.8, all work and acquisitions in the Seven Oaks West II Areas, the River Walk Area, and the Southern Oaks Area authorized for funding pursuant to the AD 01-2 proceedings were completed, payment requests for that work and acquisitions have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, and all eligible costs have been paid to the Applicant. Descriptions ofthe work and acquisitions originally approved for the AD 01-2 Seven Oaks West II Areas, River Walk Area, and Southern Oaks Area financing are provided in Appendix C of this Annual Report No.9 in the form of copies of pages 6 through 15 of Annual Report No.8 and a copy ofAppendix C ofAnnual Report No.8 ("Letter dated October 29, 2009, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Seven Oaks West II Areas, the River Walk Area, and the Southern Oaks Area Financed by Assessment District No. 01-2"). B. Westdale Area: As reported in Annual Report No.4, all work and acquisitions in the Westdale Area authorized for funding pursuant to the AD 01-2 proceedings and all approved changes in work and proceedings for the Westdale Area were completed, payment requests for that work and acquisitions have been submitted 29500iCD9Rpt -6-12/17/10 to the Issuer and evaluated, and all eligible costs have been paid to the Applicant. Descriptions of the work and acquisitions originally approved for the AD 01-2 Westdale Area financing and as subsequently modified by the Issuer were provided in Appendix D of Annual Report No.5 in the form of copies ofpages 11 and 12 of Annual Report No.4 and a copy of Appendix D of Annual Report No. 4 ("Letter dated January 29, 2004, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Westdale Area Financed by Assessment District No. 01-2"). Appendix D of Annual Report No.5 is referenced in Appendix D of this Annual Report No.9. (b)(v). A current statement ofthe land-secured public financing information summarized in the AD 01-2 OS under the subheading "THE BONDS -Priority of Lien." A. The land-secured public financing information summarized on page 11 of the AD 01-2 OS under the subheading "THE BONDS -Priority ofLien," is restated below: Each assessment (and any reassessment) and each installment thereof, and any interest and penalties thereon, constitutes a lien against the parcel of land on which it was imposed until the same is paid. Such a lien is subordinate to all fixed special assessment liens previously imposed upon the same property, but has priority over all private liens and over all fixed special assessment liens that may thereafter be created against the property. Such a lien is co-equal to and independent of the lien for general property taxes and special taxes, including, without limitation, special taxes created pursuant to the Mello-Roos Act, whenever created against the property. Upon the issuance of the Bonds, none ofthe property in the Assessment District will be subject to any other special assessment lien created under the 1913 Act or any special tax lien created under the Mello-Roos Act. The Seven Oaks West II-A Area is located within the existing AD 96-2 boundaries but it does not have an existing AD 96-2 assessment. Prior to confirmation of AD 99-2, the AD 96-2 former Assessment No. 19 (covering the Seven Oaks West II-A Area) was paid offand the AD 96-2 lien for said parcel was subsequently released by the Finance Director. The Seven Oaks West II-B Area and Seven Oaks West II-C Area each is subject to an existing AD 96-2 assessment lien, which will be paid off from a portion of the proceeds of the Bonds. The River Walk Area is subject to an existing AD 94-3 assessment lien, which will be paid off from a portion of the proceeds of the Bonds. B. The Issuer has reported that, as ofthe date ofthis Annual Report No.9, there are no other special tax or assessment liens against the parcels in AD 01-2. 29500iCD9Rpt -7-12/17/10 Therefore, none of the assessments against property in AD 01-2 that secure the Bonds is subordinate to any other fixed special assessment liens, nor are they coequal to any Mello-Roos special tax liens. (b)(vi). A current statement of the parcel information set forth in Columns 5 through 9, inclusive, ofAppendix E to the AD 01-2 OS, for both existing and future parcels. The table entitled "Annual Report No.9, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 01-2, Current Assessment and Assessor's Value Data," attached hereto as Appendix E and incorporated herein by reference (the "Current Appendix E"), presents the current valuation and assessment data for every AD 01-2 parcel of record (as of June 30, 2010) in the five (5) columns of the table that are grouped under the heading "Parcel Current Assessment and Assessor's Value Data for Fiscal Year Ending 06/30/10." This group of five columns (the "Current Data Group") presents the information required by the Continuing Disclosure Certificate to be included in this and successive Annual Reports for AD 01-2. Reference is made to the Current Data Group in the Current Appendix E table and to the notes and references thereon for further details on the current "Total Values (Assessor's Land + Improvement) (5)," "Remaining Assessment Balance (6)," and "Assessor's Value/Lien (7)" ratio for everyAD 01-2 parcel with a still remaining assessment lien principal balance amount. A summary of the current parcel information contained in the Current Appendix E table is presented below: A. As generally described in Note (3) of the Current Appendix E, the parcel assessment amounts listed in Column 3 of AD 01-2 as Appendix E, entitled "AD 01-2 Assessment Amount (3)," are the originally confirmed parcel assessment amounts totaHing $8,080,000.00. Since all ofthe AD 01-2 property owners submitted written waivers ofthe 30-day assessment cash payment period, no assessments were paid in full, or in part, prior to issuance of the Bonds. An Addendum to Notice ofAssessment for AD 01-2 was recorded on May 24,2002, as Document No. 0202085003 ofKem County Official Records, because ofthe fact that the $7,880,000.00 total amount of the Bonds sold on April 10,2002, was $200,000.00 less than the $8,080,000.00 total amount of the unpaid parcel assessment liens. That $200,000.00 share ofthe original total unpaid assessment lien amount that was not used to secure the Bonds has been apportioned among the AD 01-2 parcels as an original unpaid assessment reduction credit, in direct proportion to each parcel's share of the total original unpaid assessment lien amount. The apportioned credit was deducted from each parcel's original unpaid total assessment, and the lower "adjusted" amount is the amount shown for each parcel on the Amended Assessment Roll attached as Exhibit A to the referenced Addendum to Notice of Assessment. Those "adjusted" parcel assessment lien amounts are also the amounts shown in Column 3 of the attached Current Appendix E entitled "AD 01-2 Assessment Amount (3)." 29500iCD9Rpt -8-12/17/10 The lower "adjusted" parcel assessment amounts were used to calculate each parcel's "Appraised Value/Lien (4)" ratio that is shown on Current Appendix E, in Column 4. Therefore, the Current Appendix E parcel "Appraised Value/Lien (4)" ratio is higher for each parcel than the "Appraised Value/Lien" ratio for the same parcel that is shown on Appendix E of the AD 01-2 OS. Each parcel's Original Appraised Value/Lien ratio, as shown in the Current Appendix E, will not change in future annual reports submitted for AD 01-2. Accordingly, the assessment liens of record shown on Exhibit A to the referenced Addendum to Notice of Assessment on all AD 01-2 assessed parcels remain in place as the security for the Bonds issued on April 24, 2002. B. As described in Note (6) of the Current Appendix E, the remaining assessment amounts shown for each AD 01-2 parcel in Column 8 "Remaining Assessment Balance (6)" were calculated by Issuer's Finance Department and, except for the parcels shown in Appendix F of this Annual Report Report No.9, are equal to each parcel's remaining assessment principal amount at the beginning of the 2010/2011 property tax year. The amounts shown in Column 8 of the Current Appendix E table for the twelve (12) parcels shown in Appendix F of this Annual Report No.9 include each parcel's total delinquent bond principal share effective June 30, 2010. Therefore, the grand total amount for Column 8 that is shown in the last row on page 14 of the Current Appendix E table, entitled "Assessment District Totals/Overall," of $4,578,659.64 is higher by the $3,659.64 total amount of delinquent principal installments included in the Appendix F delinquent installment amounts than the $4,575,000.00 total remaining principal amount for all unpaid assessments (the "Total Unpaid Principal"). The Total Unpaid Principal amount is equal to the $4,575,000.00 total principal amount of the Bonds outstanding on September 3, 2010. C. The "Assessor's Tax Number (ATN) or Description" and "Owner's Name (5)" information presented in the attached Current Appendix E table are the ATN's and owner names for AD 01-2 parcels as they were shown on the records of the Assessor of the County of Kern, California (the "Assessor") for the Assessor's Ownership Roll for the 2010/2011 Tax Year (the "Assessor's Roll"). D. For FY09110, to which this Annual Report No.9 applies, no new land divisions of assessed parcels in AD 01-2 were recorded. However, for each land division recorded within AD 01-2 since the AD 01-2 original assessment was approved, the Assessment Diagram showing the "as existing" parcel configuration has been amended to show the configurations of the new parcels created by the land division and to assign a new, amended Assessment Number to each new parcel. In addition, the adjusted assessment lien for each subdivided "as existing" parcel has been segregated and apportioned to the new lots or parcels created by the land division, and a separate lien has been recorded on each new lot or parcel in the amount of its apportioned share of the the total remaining assessment principal balance for the "as existing" parcels. For all past land divisions of AD 01-2 29500iCD9Rpt -9-12/17/10 assessed parcels, the subdivided "as existing" parcels are identified on the Current Appendix E table by a note in the "Assessor's Tax Number (ATN) or Description" and "Owner'sName (5)" columns, which states "Deleted from the Roll by Amendment No.__ --See Note ~." If the subdivided "as existing" parcel was an originally assessed parcel that existed at the time the Notice of Assessment for AD 01-2 was recorded, then the assessment and valuation data for the subdivided "as existing" parcel is shown in the Current Appendix E table under the "Original Value/Lien Data as of 04/2002 (Not Updated to Current Year Values)" column group (the "Original Data Group"). However, for each originally assessed parcel that has been subdivided, the abbreviation "N/A-2" is entered into its corresponding five columns of the Current Data Group shown on the Current Appendix E table. Conversely, ifthe subdivided "as existing" parcel was created by a prior land division and is not an originally assessed parcel, then the abbreviation abbreviation "N/A-4" is entered in each of the parcel's Original Data Group columns in the Current Appendix E table, indicating that the parcel did not exist at the time the Notice of Assessment for AD 01-2 was recorded. The same "N/A-4" note is also entered for those parcels in each oftheir Current Data Group columns because the "as existing" parcel's "Remaining Assessment Balance" has been apportioned to the new lots created by the subdivision of the "as existing" parcel. The new lots created by the subdivision ofan "as existing" parcel also have the abbreviation "N/A-4" in their Original Data Group columns indicating the new lot did not exist at the time the original assessment lien was recorded, while their Current Data Group columns show each new lot's apportioned share ofthe "as existing" parcel's "Remaining Assessment Balance" and either the new lot's current Assessor's valuation data or the Note "N/A-3" indicating no Assessor's data for the lot was available at the time this Annual Report No.9 was prepared. The Note "N/A-I" in the Current Appendix E table refers to non-benefited and non-assessed parcels and to parcels paid offafter the original assessments were confirmed but before June 30, 20 I O. The Notes and References on the Current Appendix E pages 15 and 16 describe all of the abbreviations contained in that table. E. The four columns on the attached Current Appendix E table that are grouped under the Original Data Group present the parcel data available at the time the Bonds were sold. The data shown in the "Assessor's Land Value (I)" column of the Original Data Group is each parcel's Assessor's Land Value as shown on the Assessor's Roll that was used to prepare the 200212003 regular property taxes. The Assessor's Land Values shown in the Appendix E table ofthe AD 01-2 OS were not used to calculate the "Appraised Value/Lien (4)" ratios shown in Column 4 of that original Appendix E table, but were provided only for reference as baseline Assessor's Land Values at the time the Bonds were sold. Parcels for which no Assessor's Land Values were available at the time the AD 01-2 OS was prepared have the note "It wasn't available" in the "Assessor's Land Value (I)" column of the Current Appendix E. 29500iCD9Rpt -10-12/17110 F. Each parcel's Assessor's Value to Assessment Lien Ratio for FY 09/10 is shown on the Current Appendix E table in the Current Data Group in the "Assessor's Value/Lien (7)" column. That ratio has been calculated as the ratio of the parcel's "Total Values (Assessor's Land + Improvement) (5)" amount to its "Remaining Assessment Balance (6)" amount. Reference should be made to the Original Data Group "Assessor's Land Value (I)" and to the Current Data Group "Total Values (Assessor's Land + Improvement) (5)" columns on the Current Appendix E table for a comparison of original and current parcel Assessor's valuations, where applicable. This Annual Report No.9 makes no representation with regard to current retail valuations for the AD 01-2 properties. G. As stated in Annual Report No.1, beginning with Annual Report No. 1 and continuing for all future annual reports, the AD 01-2 parcels will be listed in the Current Appendix E table by sequential Assessment Number. Also beginning with Annual Report No.1, a new column has been added to the Current Appendix E table between the "Owner's Name (5)" and "Assessor's Land Value (I)" columns, entitled "Dist. Area Code (8)." A code abbreviation for each of the six AD 01-2 District Areas has been added to the data listed for each parcel to identify the District Area (Seven Oaks West II-A as "SOW-A," Seven Oaks West II-B as "SOW-B," Seven Oaks West II-C as "SOW-C," River Walk as "RW," Southern Oaks as "SO," and Westdale as "WD") in which each parcel is located. This Annual Report No.9 shows, and all future versions ofthe Current Appendix E table will show, the District Area Subtotal amounts for the Original Data Group and Current Data Group columns on the table's last data page, along with subtotals of data for the groups of the "Castle & Cooke California, Inc Owned" ATI...J' s, "Castle & Cooke Commercial-CA, Inc Owned" ATN's, "Soper Homes, Inc & J. B. Batey Trust Owned" ATN's, and the "Owned by Others" ATN's. V. Further information that the Issuer has determined may be necessary to make the specifically required statements herein, in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. The total cost ofthe 2006 Bond Call was $360,500.00, including $350,000.00 in total principal amount of the Bonds called in advance of maturity and the $10,500.00 Bond Call Premium. Pursuant to information provided by Issuer's Finance Department, the $360,500.00 total cost of the 2006 Bond Call was paid from funds from the following sources: Sources of Funds Re: 2006 Bond Call 1. Accumulated interest earned by AD 01-2 2. Cash held from prior assessment payoffs 3. Reduction in AD 01-2 Reserve Fund 4. Total of Sources 29500iCD9Rpt -11-$ 0.00 $327,194.50 $ 33,305.50 $360,500.00 12/17110 Uses of Funds Re: 2006 Bond Call 1. 2. 3. Principal amount of the Bonds called in advance of maturity on September 2, 2006 The 2006 Bond Call Premium Total of Uses $350,000.00 $ 10,500.00 $360,500.00 All expenses ofthe 2006 Bond Call were paid from accumulated interest earnings and from the bond call expenses paid to Issuer by the property owners that had paid their assessment liens in full prior to the 2006 Bond Call. The Reserve Fund amount after the 2006 Bond Call was $651,637.50. The Reserve Fund amount was equal to the maximum annual debt service on the principal amount of the Bonds remaining after the 2006 Bond Call. The Issuer's Finance Department applied the $350,000.00 in principal reduction for the Bonds as a credit to the four parcel assessments that have been paid in full. The total cost ofthe 2009 Bond Call was $885,800.00, including $860,000.00 in total principal amount of the Bonds called in advance of maturity and the $25,800.00 Bond Call Premium. Pursuant to information provided by Issuer's Issuer's Finance Department, the $885,800.00 total cost of the 2009 Bond Call was paid from funds from the following sources: Sources of Funds Re: 2009 Bond Call 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Accumulated interest earned by AD 01-2 Savings on various improv. items in the Seven Oaks West II-B Area Savings on various previously budgeted items district wide Reduction in AD 01-2 Reserve Fund Total of Sources $727,387.33 $ 18,875.56 $ 42,800.11 $ 96,737.00 $885,800.00 Uses of Funds Re: 2009 Bond Call 1. 2. 3. Principal amount of the Bonds called in advance of maturity on September 2, 2009 The 2009 Bond Call Premium Total of Uses $860,000.00 $ 25,800.00 $885,800.00 All expenses of the 2009 Bond Call were paid from accumulated interest earnings. The new Reserve Fund amount after the 2009 Bond Call is $554,900.00. That Reserve Fund amount is equal to the maximum annual debt service on the principal amount of the Bonds remaining after the 2009 Bond Call which will occur in the year ending September 2, 2018. A copy of"Current Debt Service Schedule for the Bonds Updated for the 2006 Bond Call and the 29500iCD9Rpt -12-12/17/10 2009 Bond Call," as provided by Issuer's Finance Department, is attached as Appendix H of this Annual Report No.9 and incorporated herein by reference. The Issuer's Finance Department applied the $860,000.00 in principal reduction for the Bonds as follows: i) $18,875.56 applied as a credit to reduce the amount remaining unpaid on the AD 01-2 Seven Oaks West II-B Area parcels with unpaid assessment amounts as ofthe June 30, 2009 effective date of Annual Report No.8, and ii) $841,124.44 applied as a credit to reduce the amount remaining unpaid on all AD 01-2 parcels with unpaid assessment amounts as ofthe June 30, 2009 effective date of Annual Report No.8. No information beyond that provided in this Annual Report No.9 is necessary to make the statements and information provided herein, in the light ofthe circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. MISCELLANEOUS The foregoing information on the current status ofAD 01-2 and all references to other materials not purporting to be quoted in full are only brief outlines of some of the provisions thereof and do not purport to summarize or describe all of the provisions thereof, and reference is made to said documents for full and complete statements of their provisions. The appendices hereto are part of this Annual Report No.9, whether attached in their entirety or attached by reference to the document already on file with the National Repositories or the MSRB. Any statement in this Annual Report No.9 involving matters of opinion, whether or not expressly so stated, are intended as such and not as representations of fact. This Annual Report No.9 is not to be construed as a contract or agreement between the Issuer and the owners of any of the Bonds. The execution and delivery of this Annual Report No.9 has been duly authorized by the Issuer. City of Bakersfield By: lsi Nelson K. Smith Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director 29500iCD9Rpt -13-12/17110 ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $7,880,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 (SEVEN OAKS WEST nlRIVER WALK/SOUTHERN OAKS) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIX A ISSUER'S CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DlSTRICT NO. 01-2 (SEVEN OAKS WEST IIIlUVER WALKlSOlJTBERN OAKS) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONOS CITY CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE This Continuing Disclosure Certificate (the "Disclosure Certificate") is executed and delivered by the City of Bakersfield (the "City") in connection with the issuance by the City of $7,880,000 in aggregate principal amount of the above-referenced bonds (the "Bonds") for Assessment District No. 01-2 (Seven Oaks Westll/River WallcISouthem Oaks) (the "Assessment District"). The Bonds are being issued pursuant to a resolution authorizing issuance of the Bonds, being Resolution No. 042-02 (the "Resolution"), adopted by the City Council ofthe City on March 20, 2002. The City co-venants andagrees as follows: Section L Purpose of the Disclosure Certificate. This Disclosure Certificate is being executed and delivered by the City for the benefit of the Holders and Beneficial Owners of the Bonds and in order to assist the Panicipating Underwriter in complying with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2.12(b)(5), as amended, Section 2. Definitions. In addition to the definitions set forth above and in the Resolution, which apply to any capitalized term used in this Disclosure Certificate, unless otherwise defined in this section, the following capitalized terms shall have the following meanings: "Annual Report" shall mean any Annual Report provided by the City pursuant to, and as described in, Sections :3 and 4 of thisDisclosure Certificate, "Beneficial Owner" shall mean any person who has the power, directly or indirectly, to vote or consent with respect to, or to dispose of ownership of; any Bonds (including persons holding Bonds through nominees, depositories, or other intermediaries). "DisseminationAgent" shall mean the City, or any successorDissemination Agent designated in writing by the City and whichbas filed with the City a 'Written acceptance ofsuch designation, "Fiscal Year" shall mean the 12-month period beginning OIl July I and ending on the next following June 30, unless and until changed by the City. "Holder" shall mean either the registered owner of any Bond, or, If the Bonds are registered in the name of DTC or another recognized depository, any Beneficial Owner or applicable participant in its depositorysystem. "Listed Events" shall mean any ofthe events listed in Section Sea) of'this Disclosure Certificate. "National Repository" shall mean any Nationally Recognized Municipal Securities Information Repository for purposes of the Rule. The current National Repositories are listed on the Securities and Exchange Commission website at httpjlwww.sec.gov/info/municipallnrmsir.htm. "Official Statement" shall mean the final Official Statement, dated April 10, 2002, pertaining to the Bonds, "Participating Underwriter" shall mean REe Dain Rauscher Inc., and anyother original underwriters of the Bonds required to comply with the Rule in connection with offering of the Bonds. "Repository" shall mean each National Repository and each State Repository. "Rule" shall mean Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as the same may be amended from time to time. 2037600Svl 1 (-"State Repository" shall mean any public Or private repository or entity designated by the State of \ California as a state repository for the purpose of the Rule and recognized as such by the Securities and Exchange Commission. As of the date ofthis Disclosure Certificate, there is no State Repository. Section 3. Provision ofAnnual Reports. (a) The City shall, or shall cause the Dissemination Agent to, not later than nine (9) months am the end of the City's Fiscal Year <i&.. currently not later than April 1 of each year), commencing with the report for the 2001/2002 Fiscal Year, provide to each Repository an Annual Report which is consistent with the requirements of Section 4 of this Disclosure Certificate. The Annual Report may be submitted as a single document or as separate documents comprising a package, and may include by reference other information as provided in Section 4 of this Disclosure Certificate: provided that the audited fmancial statements of the City may be submitted separately from the balance of the Annual Report, and later than the date required above for the filing of the Annual Report if not available by that date. If the City'S Fiscal Year changes, it shall give notice of such change in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). (b) Not later than fifteen (IS) Business Days prior to the date required in subsection (a), the City shall provide the Annual Report to the Dissemination Agent (if other than the City). Ifthe City is unable to provide to each Repository an Annual Report by the date required in subsection (a), the City shall send to each Repository a notice in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. (c) The: Dissemination Agent shall: (i) determine each year, prior to the date for providing the Annual Report, the name and address of each Repository, and file the Annual Report with each Repository, and (ii) if the Dissemitlation Agent is other tl1au the City, file a report with the City certifYing that the Annual Report has been provided pursuant to this Disclosure Certificate, stating the date it was provided and listing all the Repositories to which it was provided. Section 4. Content of Anum:!} Reports. The City's Annual Report shall contain or incorporate by reference the following: (a) The audited financial statements of the City for the prior Fiscal Year, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as promulgated to apply to governmental entities from time to time by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. If the City's audited financial statements are not available by the time the Annual Report is required to be filed pursuant to Section 3(a), the Annual Report shall contain unaudited financial statements in a format similar to the financial statements contained in the final Official Statement, and the audited financial statements shall be filed in the same manner as the Annual Report when they become available. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Annual Report or other filing containing the City's financial statements may include the following or other similar statement': THE FOLLOWING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE PROVIDED SOLELY TO COMPLY wrrs THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION STAFF'S INTERPRETATION OF RULE 15c2-12. NO FUNDS OR ASSETS OF THE CITY OF BAKER.SFIELD (OTIIER TIIAN THE ASSESSMENTS LEVIED IN ras ASSESSMENT DISTRlC1) ARE REQUIRED TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE ON TIlE BONDS, AND THE CITY IS NOT OBLIGATED TO ADVANCE AVAlLABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY lREASURY TO COVER ANY DELINQUENCIES. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF 'IRE CITY IN EVALUATING WHETHER TO BUY, HOLD, OR SELLTHE BONDS. (b) The following information with respect to the City for the Fiscal Year to which the Annual Report relates, which information may be provided by its inclusion in the audited financial statements of the City for the prior Fiscal Year described in subsection (a) above: 20.37600Svl 2 (i) The principal amount of Bonds outstanding, including principal amounts and years of maturityof Bonds, if any, called for redemption in advance of maturity. (ii) The balances as of the end of such Fiscal Year in each of the following funds established pursuant to the Resolution: (A) the ImprovementFund; (B) the RedemptionFund; and (C) the Reserve Fund. (iii) Identification of each parcel for: which any installment of the unpaid assessment is delinquent, together with the following information respecting each such parcel: (A) the amount delinquent (exclusive of late charges and monthly penalties for reinstatement); (8) the date (December 10 or April 10) of the first delinquency; (C) in the event a foreclosure complainthas been filed respecting such delinquent parcel and such complaint has not yet been dismissed, the date on which the complaint was filed in the Kern County Superior Court; and (D) in the event a foreclosure sale has occurred respecting such delinquent parcel, a summary of the results of such foreclosure sale. (iv) A current statement of the status of completion or progress toward completion of the public improvements described in the Official Statement under the subheading "THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ANDTHEIMPROVEMENTS -Description of the CommunityAreas and The Improvements." (v) A current statement of the land-secured public financing information summarized in the Official Statement under the subheading "TIIE BONDS-Priority of Lien." (vi) A current statement of the parcel information set forth in Columns 5 through 9, inclusive, of APPENDIX E to the Official Statement, for both existingand future parcels. (c) In addition to any of the information expressly required to be provided under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section. the City sball provide such further information. if any, as may be necessary to make the specifically required statements, in the light ofthe circumstancesunder whichthey are made, not misleading. Any or all of the items listed above may be included by specific reference to other documents, including official statements of debt issues of the City or related public entities, which have been submitted to each of the Repositories or the Securities and Exchange Commission. If the document included by reference is a final official statement, it must be available from the: Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. The City shall clearly identify each such other document so included by reference, Section 5. Reporting of SignificantEvents. (a) Pursuant to the provisions of this Section 5, the City shall give, or cause to be given, notice of the Occurrence of any ofthe following events (each, a "Listed Event") with respect to the Bonds, if material: (i) (n) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) '."'.~. ' 20376005vl principaland interestpayment delinquencies; non-payment related defaults; modifications to rights of Bond Holders; optional, contingent, or unscheduledBond calls; defeasances: adverse tax opinions or events adverselyaffecting the tax-exempt statusofthe Bonds; unscheduled draws on the debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; 3 (ix) unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; C' (x) substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; or (xi) release, substitution, or sale ofproperty securing repayment of the Bonds. (b) Whenever the City obtains knowledge of the occurrence ora Listed Event, the City shall as soon as possible determine if such event would be material under applicableFederal securities law. (c) If the City determines thatknowledge of the occurrence ora Listed Event would be material under applicable Federal securities law, the City shall promptly file a notice of such occurrence with either (i) the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board and the State Repository or (ii) the Repositories. Notwithst.anding the foregoing, notice of Listed Events described in subsections (a)(iv) and (v) need not be given under this subsection any earlier than the notice (if any) of the underlying event is given to Holders of affected Bonds pursuant to the Resolution. Section 6. Tennination of Rtmorting Obligation. TIJe City's obligations under this Disclosure Certificate shall terminate upon the legal defeasance, prior redemption., or payment in full of all of the Bonds. If such termination occurs prior to the final maturity of the Bonds, the City shall give notice of such tennination in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). Section 7. Dissemination Agent. The City may, from time to time, appoint or engage a Dissemination Agent to assist it in carrying out its obligations under this Disclosure Certificate, and may discharge any such Dissemination Agent, with or without appointing a successor Dissemination Agent. Section 8. Ameudmem; Waiver. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Disclosure Certificate, the City may amend this Disclosure Certificate, and any provision of this Disclosure Certificate may be waived, provided that the following conditions are satisfied: (a) if the amendment or waiver relates to the provisions of Section 3(a), 4, or 5(a), it may only be made in connection with a change in circumstances that arises from a change in legal requirements, change in law, or change in the identity, nature, or status of an obligated person with respect to the Bonds, or type of business conducted; (b) the undertakings herein, as proposed to be amended or waived, would, in the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel, have complied with the requirements of the Rule at the time of the primary offering of the Bonds, after taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule, as well as any change in circumstances; and (0) the proposed amendment Of waiver either (i) is approved by Holders of the Bonds in the manner provided in the Resolution for amendments to the Resolution with the consent of Holders, or (ii) does not, in the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel, materially impair the interests of the Holders or Beneficial Owners of the Bonds. If the annual financial information or operating data to be provided in the Annual Report is amended pursuant to the provisions hereof, the first annual financial information filed pursuant hereto containing the amended operating data or financial information shall explain, in narrative form, the reasons for the amendment and the impact of the change in the type of operating data or financial information being provided. In the event of any amendment or waiver of a provision of this Disclosure Agreement, the City shall describe such amendment in the next Annual Report, and shall include, as applicable, a narrative explanation of the reason for the amendment or waiver and its impact on the type (or, in the case of a change of accounting principles, on the presentation) of financial information or operating data being presented by the City. If an amendment is made to the undertaking specifying the accounting principles to be followed in preparing financial statements, the annual financial information for the year in which the change is made shall present a comparison between the 20376005vl 4 /\ ~-financial statements or information prepared on the basis of the new accounting principles and those prepared on the basis ofthe former accounting principles. The comparison shall include a qualitative discussion of the differences in the accounting principles and the impact of the change in the accounting principles on the presentation of the financial information, in order to provide information to investors to enable them to evaluate the ability of the City to meet its obligations. To the extent reasonably feasible, the comparison shall be quantitative. A notice of the change in the accounting principles shall be sent to the Repositories in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(0). Section 9. Additional Informatio!!. Nothing in this Disclosure Certificate shall be deemed to prevent the City from disseminating any other information, using the means of dissemination set forth in this Disclosure Certificate or any other means of communication, or including any other information in any Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event, in addition to that which is required by this Disclosure Certificate. If the City chooses to include any information in any Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event in addition to that which is specifically required by this Disclosure Certificate, the City shall have no obligation under this Disclosure Certificate to update such information or include: it in any future Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event. Section 10. Default In the event of a failure of the City to comply with any provision of this Disclosure Certificate any Holder or Beneficial Owner ofthe Bonds may take such actions as maybe necessary and appropriate, including seeking mandate Or specific perfonnance by court order, to cause the City to comply 'With its obligations under this Disclosure Certificate. A default under this Disclosure Certificate shall Dot be deemed an Event of Default under the Resolution. and the sole remedy under this Disclosure Certificate in the event of any failure ofthe City to comply with this Disclosure Certificate shall be an action to compel performance. Section 1L Duties. Imropnities, and Liabilities of Dissemination Agent. The Dissemination Agent shall have only such duties as are specifically set forth in this Disclosure Certificate, and the City agrees to indemnify and save the Dissemination Agent, its officers, directors, employees, and agents, harmless against any losses, expenses, and liabilities which it may incur arising out of or in the exercise or performance of its powers and duties hereunder, including the costs and expenses (including attorneys fees) of defending against any Claim of liability, but excluding liabilities due to the Dissemination Agent's negligence or willful misconduct. The obligations of the City under this Section shall survive resignation or removal of the Dissemination Agent and payment ofthe Bonds. Section 12. .Beneficiaries. This Disclosure Certificate shall inure solely to the benefit of the City, the Dissemination Agent, the Participating Underwriter, and Holders and Beneficial Owners from time to time of the Bonds, and shall create no rights in any other person or entity. Date: April 24, 2002 CITY OF BAKERSFtELD 20376005vl 5 EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF FAn..URE TO FILE ANNlJAL REPORT Name of Issuer: City ofBakersfield, California Narne of Bond Issue: Assessment District No. 01-2 (Seven Oaks West Il/River Walk/Southern Oaks) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds Date ofIssuance: April 24, 2002 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Bakersfield. California (the "City), has not provided an Annual Report with respect to the above-named Bonds as required Section 4(a) of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate executed by the City on April 24, 2002. The City anticipates that the Annual Report will be :filed by Dated: _ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Finance Director By: ~ _ A-l ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $7,880,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 (SEVEN OAKS WEST II/RIVERWALKISOUTHERN OAKS) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXB ISSUER'S AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 (To be filed under separate cover subsequent to the filing date for Annual Report No.9) THE ISSUER'S AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT-FY09110 IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO COMPLY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION STAFF'S INTERPRETATION OF RULE 15c2-12. NO FUNDS OR ASSETS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (OTHER THAN THE ASSESSMENTS LEVIED IN THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) ARE REQUIRED TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE ON THE BONDS, AND THE CITY IS NOT OBLIGATED TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY TREASURY TO COVER ANY DELINQUENCIES. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE CITY IN EVALUATING WHETHER TO BUY, HOLD, OR SELL THE BONDS. ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $7,880,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 (SEVEN OAKS WEST II/RIVER WALKISOUTHERN OAKS) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXC COPIES OF PAGES 6 THROUGH 15 OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 AND A COPY OF APPENDIX C OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.8 ("LETTER DATED OCTOBER 29,2009, FROM PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVE TRANSMITTING THE CURRENT ACQUISITION SCHEDULE AND DESCRIBING THE CURRENT STATUS OF COMPLETION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE SEVEN OAKS WEST II AREAS, THE RIVER WALK AREA, AND THE SOUTHERN OAKS AREA FINANCED BY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2") or the preceding items IV.(b)(iii).C and IV.(b)(iii).D: Accordin 0 Issuer's Finance Department, as of June 30, 2009, ral foreclosure co ints had been filed by the Issuer respecting t elinquent parcels shown in App ix F. Pursuant to the Bond Resol . n, the Issuer will, by no later than October 1 1 ny year, file an acti ·n the Superior Court of Kern" County to foreclose the lien each d . quent assessment if (1) the sum of uncured assessment delinquencies preceding fiscal year exceeds five percent (5%) of the assessme . stallments po d to the tax roll for that fiscal year, and (2) the at t of the Reserve Fund ] ess than the Reserve Requirement. T oreclosure complaints that had been fi e the Issuer as of the June ,009 effective date of this Annual Report No.8 ar . entified in A ndix F. However, no foreclosure sales have occurred as of June 3 , 009. (b)(iv). A current statement ofthe status ofcompletion or progress toward completion ofthe public improvements described in the Official Statement for the Bonds (the the "AD 01-2 OS") under the subheading "THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND THE IMPROVEMENTS -Description ofthe Community Areas and the Improvements." A. Seven Oaks West II Areas, River Walk Area, and Southern Oaks Area: Appendix C, attached hereto and incorporated herein, includes a copy of the letter dated October 29,2009 (the "October 29 Letter"), addressed to the Issuer's Department of Public Works ("City Public Works") and sent by the civil engineering firm ofMcIntosh& Associates, Bakersfield, California, acting as the consulting civil engineer (the "Design Engineer") for the design and construction administration ofthe AD 01-2 Seven Oaks West II Areas, the River Walk Area, and the Southern Oaks Area improvements financed by AD 01-2 that have been constructed by Castle & Cooke California, Inc., a California corporation ("C&C California"), and by Castle & Cooke Commercial-CA, Inc., a California corporation ("C&C Commercial"), and acquired by the Issuer using proceeds from the sale ofthe Bonds. The Design Engineer has prepared the improvement construction plans for the improvements financed by AD 01-2. Transmitted with that October 29 Letter from the Design Engineer and also included in Appendix C is a table entitled "Exhibit "A," Assessment District 01-2, Acquisition Schedule" (the "C&C Current Acquisition Schedule"). The referenced October 29 Letter and C&C Current Acquisition Schedule summarize the current status ofall ofthe AD 01-2 public improvements for the Seven Oaks West II Areas, the River Walk Area, and the Southern Oaks Area, described at pages 16, 17, and 18 of the AD 01-2 OS. The descriptions of the improvements contained in the AD 01-2 OS for the Seven Oaks West II Areas, the River Walk Area, and the Southern Oaks Area are restated below, followed in each case by a summary of their current status of completion by reference to the information contained in Appendix C or as provided by City Public Works. The term "Engineer's 29500hCD8Rpt -6-II/18/09 Report" used herein refers to the Engineer's Report for AD 01-2 prepared by the Assessment Engineer and on file with the Issuer. 1. Seven Oaks West II-A Area: The Seven Oaks West II-A Area boundaries encompass a 55.18-acre block ofland that has been subdivided as Tract No. 6043 pursuant to final tract maps that have been recorded in the official records ofthe County. C&C California, the owner/subdivider of Tract No. 6043, plans to develop the Seven Oaks West II-A Area as a residential subdivision with a combined total of208 R-2 lots ... a storm drain sump and a common area/recreational site .... The general location and extent of the planned Improvements on Ming Avenue include completion from the Seven Oaks West II-A Area easterly boundary to Grand Island Avenue of the not presently constructed improvements, such as 6-foot wide sidewalk, handicap ramps, street signs, street lights and conduits, 8-foot high subdivision block wall, 18-inch diameter storm drain pipeline with catch basins and manholes, 2-inch diameter irrigation service, and natural gas main. The general location and extent of planned Improvements on Ming Avenue also include completion from Grand Island Avenue on the east to the westerly boundary of the Seven Oaks West II-A Area of the westbound half of the street (north half of the street) to its full design width, complete with street paving, curb and gutter, 6-foot wide sidewalk, street signs, street lights, median curb, natural gas main, 1O-inch diameter sewer main with an 8-inch diameter stub-out and manholes, fire hydrants and 16-inch diameter water main stubout, and a four-way traffic signal at Grand Island Avenue. The Seven Oaks West II-A Area storm drain improvements include excavation of a storm drain sump and construction of the sump outlet structure and perimeter fencing (located in Tract No. 6043), together with 24and 30-inch diameter storm drain pipelines, catch basins, and manholes in Ming Avenue along the Tract No. 6043 frontage. Also included in the scope of Seven Oaks West II-A Area Improvements are City Water Inspection Fees and C&C California incidental costs for design engineering, construction staking, soils analysis and testing, and general contractor supervision and overhead, all as itemized in the Engineer's Report. Reference to the October 29 Letter in Appendix C indicates that the Seven Oaks West II-A Area improvements, referred to in the C&C Current Acquisition Schedule as the "Seven Oaks West II-A Area (Tract 6043)" improvements, have been completed. An "Application and Certificate for Payment" was filed by C&C California with City Public Works on October 16,2006, for all completed improvements in the Seven Oaks West II-A Area (except for the traffic signal 29500hCD8Rpt -7-11118/09 which was to be constructed at the intersection of Ming Avenue and Grand Island Avenue, as further described below). Information provided by City Public Works confirmed that all of the Seven Oaks West II-A Area improvements financed by AD 01-2 have been completed (except for the above-referenced traffic signal) and are in conformance with the scope ofimprovements described in the AD 01-2 OS. The C&C California total cost to construct the Seven Oaks West II-A Area completed improvements was $1,179,929.80. The total acquisition amount funded by AD 01-2 for those improvements is $899,143.00 and the total Issuer-approved acquisition price paid for those improvements was $899,143.00. The $280,786.80 portion of the total cost above the acquisition price paid by the Issuer is the C&C California contribution toward the AD 01-2 acquisition of those improvements. The above-referenced traffic signal to be constructed at the intersection of Ming Avenue and Grand Island Avenue was planned for completion at a later date. date. The total estimated cost for this item (including its share of Construction Contingency and Incidental Cost) in the amount of$163,623.00 had been "reserved" (set aside) and was not included in the above-referenced $899,143.00 paid to C&C California for the completed improvements in the Seven Oaks West II-A Area. On August 7, 2008, C&C California requested, and on August 14, 2008, City Public Warks approved that request, that the unspent $163,623.00 be used to cover a portion of the cost of the improvement items shown in the October 16, 2006 Application and Certificate for Payment, but which were not paid to C&C California at that time. The "release" of those funds ($163,623.00) was based on the fact that the referenced traffic signal was not required to be installed at that time, nor was there a plan for construction ofthat traffic signal any time in the near future. The $899,143.00 already paid to C&C California and the $163,623.00 previously reserved for said traffic signal total $1,062,766.00, which is the total amount funded by AD 01-2 for the improvements in the Seven Oaks West II-A Area. Therefore, pursuant to the information presented above, all of the Seven Oaks West II-A Area improvements originally presented in the Engineer's Report and described in the AD 01-2 OS have been completed by C&C California (except for the referenced traffic signal), payment requests for all of those completed improvements have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, all eligible costs have been paid to C&C California within the limits of available AD 01-2 funds, and all ofthose completed and acquired improvements are in conformance with the scope of work described in the AD 01-2 OS. 2. Seven Oaks West II-B Area: The Seven Oaks West II-B Area boundaries encompass a 85.14-acre block of land that has been subdivided as Tract No. 6030 and Tract No. 6055 pursuant to final tract maps that have been recorded in the official records of the County. C&C California plans to develop the Seven Oaks West II-B Area as a residential subdivision with a combined total of 193 R-1 lots .. " The general location and extent 29500hCD8Rpt -8-11/18/09 ofthe planned Improvements along the Ming Avenue frontage ofthe Seven Oaks West II-B Area include completion ofthe eastbound half of the street (south half of the street) to its full design width, complete with street paving, curb and gutter, 6-foot wide sidewalk, handicap ramps, street signs, street lights with conduits, 18-inch diameter storm drain pipeline with a catch basin and an outlet structure, 16-inch diameter water line with fittings and valves, natural gas main, and 12.5-foot wide landscaping along the south right of way. The general location and extent of the planned Improvements for the Ming Avenue crossing ofthe Kern River Canal include construction ofthe entire structure complete with 20-foot by 7-foot single box culvert, wing walls, fencing, lO-inch diameter sewer line crossing, 12-and 16-inch diameter water line crossing with valves and fire hydrant, street paving, curb and gutter. Also included in the scope of the Seven Oaks West II-B Area Improvements are City of Bakersfield Water Inspection Fees and C&C California incidental costs for design engineering, construction staking, soils analysis and testing, and general contractor supervision and overhead, all as itemized in the Engineer's Report. Reference to the October 29 Letter in Appendix C indicates that the Seven Oaks West II-B Area Improvements, referred to in the C&C Current Acquisition Schedule as the "Seven Oaks West II-B Area (Tracts 6030 & 6055)" improvements, have been completed. An "Application and Certificate for Payment" was filed by C&C California with City Public Works on October 16, 2006, for all completed improvements in the Seven Oaks West II-B Area (except for the water improvements at the Ming Avenue canal crossing, as further described below). Information provided by City Public Works confirmed that all of those Seven Oaks West II-B Area improvements financed by AD 01-2 (and shown in the October 16, 2006 Application and Certificate for Payment) have been completed and are in conformance with the scope of improvements described in the AD 01-2 OS. The C&C California total cost to construct those Seven Oaks West II-B Area completed improvements was $1,347,561.94. The total Issuer-approved acquisition price paid for those improvements was $1,337,936.94. The $9,625.00 difference between the $1,347,561.94 C&C California cost for those improvements and the $1,337,936.94 Issuer-approved and paid amount for those improvements is the total cost of some minor improvement items that were found ineligible for the AD 01-2 funding. Another "Application and Certificate for Payment" was filed by C&C California with City Public Works on March 13,2007, for the completed water improvements at the Ming Avenue canal crossing in the Seven Oaks West II-B Area. Information provided by City Public Works confirmed that those Seven Oaks West II-B Area water improvements financed by AD 01-2 have been completed and are in conformance with the scope ofimprovements described in the AD 01-2 as. The C&C California total cost to construct the Ming Avenue canal crossing water 29500hCD8Rpt -9-III 8/09 improvements in the Seven Oaks West II-B Area shown in the March 13,2007 "Application and Certificate for Payment" was $18,700.00. The total Issuerapproved acquisition price paid for those improvements was $18,700.00. After the $18,700.00 water improvements at the Ming Avenue canal crossing were acquired by the Issuer, C&C California indicated that a "supplemental" payment request would be submitted for those water improvements, covering certain AD 01-2 eligible costs that were inadvertently omitted from the March 13, 2007 "Application and Certificate for Payment." That "supplemental" "Application and Certificate for Payment" was filed by C&C California with City Public Works on August 20, 2007, for the completed (but previously not acquired) water improvements at the Ming Avenue canal crossing in the Seven Oaks West II-B Area. Information provided by City Public Works confirmed that those Seven Oaks WestII-B Area water improvements financed byAD 01-2 have been completed and are in conformance with the scope ofimprovements described in the AD 01-2 OS. The C&C California total cost to construct those "supplemental" Ming Avenue canal crossing water improvements in the Seven Oaks West II-B Area shown in the August 20, 2007 "Application and Certificate for Payment" was $17,407.50. The total Issuer-approved acquisition price paid for those improvements was $17,407.50. The C&C California total combined cost to construct the Seven Oaks West II-B Area improvements (as submitted for payment through June 30, 2009) was $1,383,669.44. The total acquisition amount funded by AD 01-2 for all of the Seven Oaks West II-B Area improvements is $1,392,920.00 and the total Issuer-approved combined acquisition price paid for those improvements through June 30, 2009, is $1,374,044.44, leaving $18,875.56 still available in the AD 01-2 funds for acquisition of the Seven Oaks West II-B Area improvements. As C&C California has not submitted any additional payment requests for the remaining $18,875.56 since August 20,2007, the Issuer used that unspent money as a part of the 2009 Bond Call (as further described in Section V of this Annual Report No.8). Therefore, pursuant to the information presented above, all of the Seven Oaks West II-B Area improvements originally presented in the Engineer's Report and described in the AD 01-2 OS have been completed by C&C California, payment requests for all ofthose completed improvements have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, all eligible costs have been paid to C&C California within the limits of available AD 01-2 funds, and all of those completed and acquired improvements are in conformance with the scope of work described in the AD 01-2 OS. 3. Seven Oaks West II-C Area: The Seven Oaks West II-C Area boundaries encompass a 47.85-acre block of land that has been, or is in the processing of being, subdivided as Tract No. 6001 (Phases B and C), Tract No. 6045 and Tract No. 6046, pursuant to final tract maps (for Tract No. 6001) that have been recorded in the official records of the County, and 29500hCD8Rpt -10-11/18/09 approved vesting tentative tract maps (for Tract No. 6045 and Tract No. 6046). C&C California plans to develop the Seven Oaks West II-C Area as a residential subdivision with a combined total of 112 R-1 lots . . .. The general location and extent of the planned Improvements along the White Lane frontage of the Seven Oaks West II-C Area include the construction along the Tract No. 6001 southerly boundary of 12-and 16-inch diameter water main with appurtenances and 8-inch diameter water line stub-out into Tract No. 6001, along with 18-and 36-inch diameter storm drain pipelines with catch basins and manholes. The general location and extent of the planned Improvements in Windermere Street in the Seven Oaks West II-C Area include construction from White Lane on the south to Chamber Boulevard on the north of 18-and 36-inch diameter storm drain pipelines with catch basins and manholes, 8-inch diameter sewer main with manholes, and 12-inch diameter water main with appurtenances and 8-inch diameter stub-outs into Tract No. 6001 and Tract No. 6046. The general location and extent of the planned Improvement Acquisitions in Chamber Boulevard include completion along the Tract No. 6045 and Tract No. 6046 frontages of the entire street to its full design width, complete with street paving, curb and gutter, 6-foot wide meandering sidewalk, street signs, street lights with conduits, handicap ramps, median curb, 24-inch diameter storm drain pipeline, and 12-inch diameter water main with appurtenances and 8-inch diameter stub-outs into Tract No. 6045 and Tract No. 6046. Also included in the scope of Seven Oaks West II-C Area Improvements are City Water Inspection Fees and C&C California incidental costs for design engineering, construction staking, soils analysis and testing, and general contractor supervision and overhead, all as itemized in the Engineer's Report. Reference to the October 29 Letter in Appendix C indicates that the Seven Oaks West II-C Area improvements, referred to in the C&C Current Acquisition Schedule as the "Seven Oaks West II-C Area (Tracts 6001, 6045 & 6055)" improvements, have been completed. An "Application and Certificate for Payment" for all Seven Oaks West II-C Area improvements was filed by C&C California with City Public Works on May 3, 2005. After some minor items of work were completed pursuant to City Street Permit No. 05-24154, on February 14, 2006, City Public Works certified that the Seven Oaks West II-C Area improvements had been completed. Information provided by City Public Works confirms that the completed Seven Oaks West II-C Area improvements are in conformance with the scope ofimprovements described in the AD 01-2 OS. The C&C California total cost to construct the Seven Oaks West II-C Area improvements was $668,780.65. The total acquisition amount funded by AD 01-2 is $623,817.00 and the total acquisition price paid by the Issuer for those improvements was $623,817.00. The $44,963.65 portion ofthe total cost above 29500hCD8Rpt -11-11/18/09 the acquisition price paid by the Issuer is the C&C California contribution toward the AD 01-2 acquisition ofthose improvements. Therefore, pursuant to the information presented above, all of the Seven Oaks West II-C Area improvements described in the AD 01-2 OS have been completed by C&C California and acquired by the Issuer within the limits of available AD 01-2 funds, and those completed and acquired improvements are in conformance with the scope of improvements described in the AD 01-2 OS. 4. River Walk Area: The River Walk Area boundaries encompass a 57.89 acre block of land that is planned for development as a general commercial! regional commercial site. C&C Commercial is the owner!subdivider of the River Walk Area .... The general location and extent of the planned Improvements on Stockdale Highway include completion from Calloway Drive on the east to the Kern River on the west ofthe remaining two traffic lanes (both eastbound and westbound) to the full design width ofStockdale Highway, complete with street paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, handicap ramps, street signs, street lights and conduits, 18-, 24-, 30-, 36-, 42-, and 48-inch diameter storm drain pipelines with manholes, catch basins, outlet structures and a storm drainage retention basin (located on the south side ofStockdale Highway) with perimeter fencing and a 12-foot wide gate. The general location and extent of planned Improvements in the planned Kern River Cul-de-Sac include completion of a northerly extension of Buena Vista Road terminating in a cul-de-sac supporting future commercial development and an adjacent City-owned park site parcel as follows: the entire street to its full design width, complete with street paving, curb and gutter, side-walk, street signs, street lights with conduits, natural gas main, and 8-inch diameter water line with appurtenances. The River Walk Area Pioneer Canal Relocation improvements include construction of four barrels of 66-inch diameter RCP piping to underground the existing Pioneer Canal, connection to the existing canal piping, extension of that piping to the Kern River Canal and construction of an outlet structure into the Kern River Canal. Also included in the scope of River Walk Area Improvement Acquisitions are City Water Inspection Fees and C&C Commercial incidental costs for design engineering, construction staking, soils analysis and testing, and general contractor supervision and overhead, all as itemized in the Engineer's Report. Reference to the October 29 Letter in Appendix C indicates that a portion ofthe River Walk Area improvements, referred to in the C&C Current Acquisition Schedule as the "Pioneer Canal Relocation" improvements, have been completed and an "Application and Certificate for Payment" was filed by C&C California 29500hCD8Rpt -12-11118/09 with City Public Works on June 2, 2002. After some minor items ofwork were finalized, a Notice of Completion was issued on February 7, 2003. Information provided by City Public Works confirms that the Pioneer Canal Relocation improvements have been completed and are in conformance with the scope of improvements described in the AD 01-2 as. The C&C California total cost to construct the River Walk Area Pioneer Canal Relocation improvements was $665,796.61. The total acquisition amount funded by AD 01-2 is $565,521.00 and the total acquisition price paid by the Issuer for those improvements was $565,521.00. The $100,275.61 portion of the total cost above the acquisition price paid by the Issuer is the C&C California contribution toward the AD 01-2 acquisition of those improvements. Therefore, pursuant to the information presented above, all of the River Walk Area Pioneer Canal Relocation improvements described in the AD 01-2 as have been completed by C&C California and acquired by the Issuer within the limits limits of available AD 01-2 funds, and those completed and acquired improvements are in conformance with the scope of work described in the AD 01-2 as. Reference to the October 29 Letter will also show that the portions of the River Walk Area improvements, referred to in the C&C Current Acquisition Schedule as the "Stockdale Highway" and the "Kern River Park Cul-de-sac" improvements, have been completed. An "Application and Certificate for Payment" for those two portions of the River Walk Area improvements, covering the remaining scope of improvements in the River Walk Area authorized for AD 01-2 financing, was filed by C&C California with City Public Works on December 6, 2005, and a revised "Application and Certificate for Payment" for those improvements was filed with City Public Works on June 2, 2006. Information provided by City Public Works confirmed that all of the "Stockdale Highway" and the "Kern River Park Cul-de-sac" improvements in the River Walk Area financed by AD 01-2 have been completed and are in conformance with the scope of improvements described in the AD 01-2 as. The C&C California total cost to construct those River Walk Area improvements was $1,776,150.81. The total acquisition amount funded byAD 01-2 for those improvements is $1,300,733.00 and the total Issuer-approved acquisition price paid for those improvements was $1,300,733.00. The $475,417.81 portion of the total cost above the acquisition price paid by the Issuer is the C&C California contribution toward the AD 01-2 acquisition of those improvements. Therefore, pursuant to the information presented above, all of the River Walk Area improvements originally presented in the Engineer's Report and described in the AD 01-2 as have been completed by C&C California, payment requests for all of those completed improvements have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, all eligible costs have been paid to C&C California within the limits ofavailable AD 01-2 funds, and all ofthose completed and acquired improvements are in conformance with the scope of work described in the AD 01-2 as. 29500hCD8Rpt -13-11/18/09 5. Southern Oaks Area: The Southern Oaks Area boundaries encompass a 67.34-acre block ofland that has been subdivided as Tract No. 5940 pursuant to final tract maps that have been recorded in the official records of the County. C&C California plans to develop the Southern Oaks Area as a residential subdivision with a total of 176 R-1 lots ... and a storm drain sump . . .. The general location and extent of the planned Improvements along the Campus Park Drive frontage ofthe Southern Oaks Area include completion of the eastbound half of the street (south halfofthe street) to its full design width, complete with street paving, curb and gutter, 5-foot wide sidewalk, street lights with conduits, median curb, subdivision block wall, landscaping, and subdivision comer sign monuments. The general location and extent of the planned Improvements along the Jameson Drive frontage of the Southern Oaks Area include construction of a subdivision block wall and landscaping. The general location and extent ofthe planned Improvements along the Old River Road frontage of the Southern Oaks Area include completion of the southbound half of the street (west half of the street) to its full design width, complete with street paving, curb and gutter, 5.5-foot wide sidewalk, median curb, street lights with conduits, subdivision block wall, and landscaping. The general location and extent ofthe planned Improvement Acquisitions along the Mountain Vista Drive frontage of the Southern Oaks Area include completion of the northbound half of the street (east half of the street) to its full design width, complete with street paving, curb and gutter, 5-foot wide sidewalk, street signs, street lights with conduits, median curb, subdivision block wall, subdivision comer sign monuments, landscaping, 36-inch diameter storm drain pipeline with manholes and an outlet structure, 6-foot high perimeter fencing with a 12-foot wide gate to the storm drain sump, and 12-inch diameter water line with appurtenances. The general location and extent of the planned in-tract (on-site) Improvements include the construction of 18-,24-, and 30-inch diameter storm drain pipelines with manholes from Jameson Drive to the sump located at the southwest comer of Tract No. 5940. Also included in the scope of the Southern Oaks Area Improvements are City Water Inspection Fees and C&C California incidental costs for design engineering, construction staking, soils analysis and testing, and general contractor supervision and overhead, all as itemized in the Engineer's Report. Reference to the October 29 Letter in Appendix C indicates that all of the Southern Oaks Area improvements, referred to in the C&C Current Acquisition Schedule as the "Southern Oaks Area (Tract 5940), Campus Park Drive" 29500hCD8Rpt -14-11118/09 improvements, the "Southern Oaks Area (Tract 5940), Mountain Vista Drive" improvements, the "Southern Oaks Area (Tract 5940), Old River Road" improvements, and the "Southern Oaks Area (Tract 5940), On-site" improvements, have been completed. An "Application and Certificate for Payment" for the "Southern Oaks Area (Tract 5940), Campus Park Drive" improvements, the "Southern Oaks Area (Tract 5940), Mountain Vista Drive" improvements, and the "Southern Oaks Area (Tract 5940), On-site" improvements was filed by C&C California with City Public Works on September 8, 2006, and an "Application and Certificate for Payment" for the "Southern Oaks Area (Tract 5940), Old River Road" improvements was filed by C&C California with City Public Works on May 7, 2007. Information provided by City Public Works confirmed that all of the Southern Oaks Area improvements financed by AD 01-2 have been completed and are in conformance with the scope ofimprovements described in the AD 01-2 as. The C&C California total combined cost to construct the Southern Oaks Area improvements was $1,246,023.54. The total acquisition amount funded by AD 01-2 for those improvements is $1,212,294.00 and the total Issuer-approved combined acquisition price paid for those improvements was $1,212,294.00. The $33,729.54 portion of the total cost above the acquisition price paid by the Issuer is the C&C California contribution toward the AD 01-2 acquisition of those improvements. Therefore, pursuant to the information presented above, all ofthe Southern Oaks Area improvements originally presented in the Engineer's Report and described in the AD 01-2 as have been completed by C&C California, payment requests for all ofthose completed improvements have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, all eligible costs have been paid to C&C California within the limits of available AD 01-2 funds, and all of those completed and acquired improvements are in conformance with the scope of work described in the AD 01-2 OS. As rep d in Annual Report No.4, all work and acquisitions i e Westdale Area author' d for funding pursuant to the AD 01-2 ceedings and all approved change .n work and proceedings for t estdale Area were completed, payment req ts for that work and ac . itions have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, an 11 eligible co ave been paid to the Applicant. Descriptions of the work and acqif itio originally approved for the AD 01-2 Westdale Area financing and as s ently modified by the Issuer were provided in Appendix D ofA al Report . in the form of copies of pages 11 and 12 of Annual Re 0.4 and a copy ofA ndix D of Annual Report No. 4 ("Letter d January 29, 2004, from erty Development Representative ansmitting the Current Acquisition Schedu nd Describing the Curre tatus of Completion of the Public Improvements for t Westdale Area inanced by Assessment District No. 01-2"). Appendix D of ual port No.5 is referenced in Appendix D of this Annual Report No.8. 29500hCD8Rpt -15-11/18/09 MclNTOSH -8i ASSOCiATES October 29,2009 City of Bakersfield Public Works 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Marian Shaw Reference: Assessment District 01-2 Continuing Disclosure Mc #6800.48 (01-2) Dear Marian: Please find attached the revised "Acquisition Schedule" for the above referenced assessment district. Following is a summary of construction status through June 30,2009: The follovving 01-2 projects are complete and the developer has been reimbursed: 661-834-4814 Fox 661 -834 -0972 2001 Wheelan Court Bokersfield , CA 93309 ••••••••• •••• • Pioneer Canal Relocation Windermere Street Chamber Blvd. (West of Windermere Street) Stockdale Highway Kern River Park Cul-de-sac Ming Avenue -north side (Grand Island to west of commercial) Ming Avenue -north half (Grand Island to canal) Storm Drain -north Ming Avenue Ming Avenue Canal Crossing (*City of Bakersfield called bonds on unspent portion) Ming Avenue -south half (Grand Island to canal) Mountain Vista Drive Campus Park Drive On-site Improvements (So. Oaks area Tract 5940) Old River Road www.mcintoshassoc.com ." . .. Q:\PROJECTS\680048\ PAYMENT\O1-2\ContmumgDlselosureO I-2.doe mcengr@mcintoshassoc.com Improvements for White Lane will not be requested, since the improvements were reimbursed by funds from assessment district 99-2. * The unspent balance in Ming Avenue Canal Crossing of $18,875.56 will not be requested in the future. The City of Bakersfield called bonds. Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Roger Mcintosh RCE 33322 RM:jk cc: Laura Whitaker Ed Wilson/Dejan Pavic Q:\PROJECTS\680048\PAYMENT\O 1-2\ContinuingDisclosureO 1-2.doc EXHIBIT "A" Assessment District 01-2 Acquistion Schedule Exhibit "B" Certificate Estimated Estimated Payment for Payment Completion Acquisition Request Amount Paid to Filed Date Improvement Cost (actual costs) Date Unused Funds Seven Oaks West II-A Area (Tract 6043) 10/1612006 Dec-01 Ming Ave. -North Side (Grand Island to west of cornmet $155,873 $163,958.98 $163,958.98 ($8,085.98) 10/1612006 Jan-04 Ming Ave. -North Half (Grand Island to canal) $693,185 $828,948.70 $729,311.26 ($36,126.26) 1011612006 Jan-Q4 Storm Drain North Ming Ave. $213,708 $187,022.12 $169.495.76 $44,212.24 Subtotal Seven Oaks West II-A Area $1,062,766 $1,179,929.80 $1,062,766.00 0.00 Seven Oaks West II-B Area (Tracts 6030 & 6055) 1011612006 Sep-03 Ming Ave. Canal Crossing $1,043,825 $853,996.61 $853,996.61 $189,828.39 3113/2007 Water Improvements $18,700.00 $18,700.00 ($18,700.00) S/20/2007 Water Improvements -Supplemental $17,407.50 $17,407.50 ($17,407.50) 10/1612006 Oct-03 Ming Ave. -South Half (Grand Island to canal) $349,095 $493,565.33 $483,940.33 ($134,845.33) . Subtotal Seven Oaks West II-B Area $1,392,920 $1,383,669.44 $1,374,044.44 $18,875.56 Seven Oaks West II-C Area (Tr,acts 6001,6045&6055) 513/2005 Aug-03 White Lane $57,S66 0 ° $57,866.00 5(3/2005 Dec-04 Windermere Street $111,667 $302,877.91 $257',914.26 ($146,247.26) 5(3/2005 Nov-03 Chamber Blvd (West of Windermere St.) $454,284 $365,902.74 $365,902.74 $88.381.26 Subtotal Seven Oaks West II-C Area $623,817 $668,780.65 $623,817.00 0.00 River Walk Area Revised 6(2/2006 Oct-04 Stockdale Highway $1,216,008 $1,699,927.14 . $1,224,509.33 ($8,501.33) 6/2/2002 Apr-02 Pioneer Canal Relocation $565,521 $665,796.61 $565,521.00 0.00 Revised 612/2006 Oct-04 Kern River Park Cul-de-sac $84,725 $76,223.67 $76,223.67 $8,501.33 Subtotal River Walk Area $1,866,254 $2,441,947.42 $1,866,254.00 0.00 Southern Oaks Area (Tract 59401 9/S/2006 Aug-03 Campus Park Drive $473,794 $576,503.27 $555,660.23 ($81,866.23) 9/S/2006 Jul-04 Mountain Vista Drive $364,699 $368,865.38 $355,978.88 $8,720.12 5/712007 712007 Nov-06 Old River Road $260,002 $187,075.23 $187,075.23 $72,926.77 9/S12006 Dec-02 On-site Improvements $113,799 $113,579.66 $113,579.66 $219.34 Subtotal Southern Oaks Area $1,212,294 $1,246,023.54 $1,212,294.00 0.00 $6,920,350.85 Total per Engineer's Report $6,158,051 $6,139,175.44 $18,875.56 10129/2009 A-1 Acquisition ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $7,880,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 (SEVEN OAKS WEST nlRIVER WALK/SOUTHERN OAKS) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXD COPIES OF PAGES 11 AND 12 OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.4 AND A COPY OF APPENDIX D OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.4 ("LETTER DATED JANUARY 29, 2004, FROM PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVE TRANSMITTING THE CURRENT ACQUISITION SCHEDULE AND DESCRIBING THE CURRENT STATUS OF COMPLETION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE WESTDALE AREA FINANCED BY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2") (On file with the National Repositories as Appendix D of Annual Report No.5) ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $7,880,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 (SEVEN OAKS WEST nlRIVER WALK/SOUTHERN OAKS) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXE CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01·2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2\ AMOUNT (3\ LIEN (4\ VALUE (5\ VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENnlS BALANCE (6\ LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1 522-470-01-00-5 BRADLEY DON M & MARILYN B SOW-A It wasn'tavailable 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,343 127,059 180,402 3,690.83 48.88 2 522-470-02-00-8 LEE VALARI J SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 35,403 146,806 182,209 3,690.83 49.37 3 522-470-03-00-1 POHANDYT POHANDYT SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 66,034 117,983 184,017 3,690.83 49.86 4 522-470-39-00-6 LERRO JASON S & JULIE A SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 65,000 179,000 244,000 3,690.83 66.11 5 522-470-38-00-3 BASHIRTASH VAHID SOW-A It wasn'tavailable 20,839.25 6040.68 3.45 57,015 172 568 229,583 3,690.83 62.20 6 522-470-06-00-0 LARSEN PAUL E & MILDRED F SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 49,851 136,260 186,111 3,690.83 50.43 7 522-470-07-00-3 CHRISTENSON THOMAS A & MARY REV TR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 57,713 128,171 185,884 3,690.83 50.36 8 522-470-08-00-6 GRATHWOL KAREN A SOW-A It wasn'tavailable 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 42,565 180,599 223,164 3,690.83 60.46 9 522-470-09-00-9 SCHWEITZER KARLA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 55,472 121,225 176,697 3,690.83 47.87 10 522-470-10-00-1 PAPENHAUSE DAVID V SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,703 92,810 145513 3,690.83 39.43 11 522-470-11-00-4 TODER NANCY TR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 55,401 127,754 183,155 3,690.83 49.62 12 522-470-12-00-7 WITHAM SHERRY SEPARATE PROP TRUS SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 345 46,820 99,176 145,996 3,690.83 39.56 13 522-470-13-00-0 WITCHER JASON A SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 55,774 105,976 161,750 3,690.83 43.82 14 522-470-14-00-3 HOLMES ROBERT C & SALLY A 2003 TRUS SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 34,960 109,989 144,949 3,690.83 39.27 15 522-470-15-00-6 DENARI LIVING TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 47,135 96 589 143724 369083 38.94 16 522-470-16-00-9 o ROURKE CAROL YNE M SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 56,899 130,433 187,332 3,690.83 50.76 17 522-470-17-00-2 WOODWARD LIVING TR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 33,975 101,924 135,899 3,690.83 36.82 18 522-470-18-00-5 MATHEWS THEODORE J & AUDREY FMLY SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 31.837 62,988 94,825 3,690.83 25.69 19 522-470-19-00-8 FAALAMIE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 67,319 122,298 189,617 3,690.83 51.38 20 522-470-20-00-0 JALVING CHRISSY SOW-A It wasn't available 20839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53306 71,698 125,004 3690.83 33.87 21 522-470-21-00-3 PAULIN RAUL & MERCEDES SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 42,625 121,179 163,804 3,690.83 44.38 22 522-470-22-00-6 HAYMOND CARL D & YOUNG S SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 40,000 140,000 180,000 3,690.83 48.77 23 522-470-23-00-9 COUCH WEAVER R & PEGGY L SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 55,757 124,091 179,848 3,690.83 48.73 24 522-470-24-00-2 MITCHELL JOE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 38,897 124,444 163,341 3,69083 44.26 25 522-470-25-00-5 WILSON CAROLE & PERRY L1VTR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 44190 119946 164,136 3,690.83 44.47 26 522-470-26-00-8 MARAGOS GREGORY G & ELIZA E SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 58,208 120,262 178,470 3,690.83 48.35 27 522-470-27-00-1 TODER FAMILY TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 45,846 98,569 144,415 3,690.83 39.13 28 522-470-28-00-4 KILPATRICK DUSTIN SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 38,388 142,038 180,426 3,690.83 48.88 29 522-470-29-00-7 KARAHMET AIDA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 39,894 140,960 180,854 3,690.83 49.00 30 522-470-30-00-9 GOKLANEY RAVI K & HASMITA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 55394 125,033 180,427 3690.83 48.89 31 522-470-31-00-2 SPYRKA CHRISTINE A TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 51,046 113,089 164,135 3,690.83 44.47 32 522-470-32-00-5 SINGH SARABIT & JOY SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 345 46,075 119,334 165,409 3,69083 44.82 33 522-470-33-00-8 MC GLOTHLIN JENNIFER L SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 345 56,493 91,887 148,380 3,690.83 4020 34 522-470-34-00-1 MITCHELL JOE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 39,383 126,026 165,409 3,690.83 44.82 35 522-470-35-00-4 GRAND ISLAND PLACE HOMEOWNERS AS SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 NIA-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 36 522-470-36-00-7 GRAND ISLAND PLACE HOMEOWNERS AS SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 NIA-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 37 522-460-01-00-2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 000 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 38 522-460-03-00-8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 39 522-460-02-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIF INC SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 000 N/A-1 40 522-480-01-00-8 HILL KRISTINE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 41,030 158,652 199682 3,690.83 54.10 41 522-480-02-00-1 GARCIA LYNETTE K & JAIME SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,898 93,424 147,322 3,690.83 39.92 42 522-480-03-00-4 CHANG SUNG AE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,202 94,062 146,264 3,690.83 39.63 43 522-480-04-00-7 LOCKARD LISSA REV L1VTR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 57,026 104,724 161,750 3,690.83 43.82 44 522-480-05-00-0 MC DOWALL JOHN & ROBERTA G TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 345 21,322 62,480 83,802 3,690.83 22.71 45 522-480-06-00-3 TRIMBLE CHRISTINE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 345 50,000 130,000 180,000 3,690.83 48,77 46 522-480-07-00-6 POTEETE JAMES P & CAROL J SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 26,018 144,312 170,330 3,690.83 46.15 47 522-480-08-00-9 BRADFIELD ERIC & EMILY SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 37,694 142,733 180,427 3,690.83 48.89 48 522-480-09-00-2 ZIMMERMAN PATRICIA I SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 41,085 105,178 146,263 3,690.83 39.63 49 522-480-10-00-4 DI SALVO L1VTR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,04068 3.45 53,793 93,407 147,200 3,690.83 39.88 50 522-480-11-00-7 DANIEL KATHLEEN M SOW-A It wasn't available 20839.25 6,04068 3.45 84,131 121,753 185,884 3,690.83 50.36 51 522-480-12-00-0 HUDSON RONALD & AMY SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 50,628 81,529 132,157 3,690.83 35.81 52 522-480-13-00-3 BREY JOHN MICHAEL & JEANNE 2004 REV SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 50,242 90,256 140,498 3,690.83 38.07 53 522-480-14-00-6 REEDLARRYE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 55,588 94,908 150,496 3,690.83 40.78 54 522-480-15-00-9 GRANT PATRICK W & CANDACE R SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 57,255 127,719 184,974 3,690.83 50.12 55 522-480-16-00-2 SUH DAVID J & GRACE S SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 60,609 93,414 154,023 3,690.83 41.73 295001-E 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3\ LIEN (4\ VALUE (5\ VALUE (5\ + IMPROVEMEND(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8\ COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 56 522-480-17-00-5 MEDRANO SANTOS S & SANTOS H SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 54,773 91,724 146,497 3,690.83 39.69 57 522-480-18-00-8 BYNUM DAVID C SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,399 93,449 146,848 3,690.83 39.79 58 522-480-19-00-1 DORSEY GARY & SUSAN SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 34,009 87,574 121,583 3,690.83 32.94 59 522-480-20-00-3 KRAUSGRILL TERRENCE P & LYNDIA A SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 40,000 84,500 124,500 3,690.83 33.73 60 522-480-21-00-8 REYNOLDS FAMILY REV TR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 35,322 146469 181,791 3,690.83 49.25 61 522-480-22-00-9 GRAND ISLAND PLACE HOMEOWNERS AS SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 62 522-480-23-00-2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 63 522-490-01-00-1 ABDOU WAFIK & GAIL M SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,969 92,552 145,521 3,690.83 39.43 64 522-490-02-00-4 STARBUCK RYAN SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 54,484 124,917 179,401 3,690.83 48.61 65 522-490-03-00-7 ROHATSCH THOMAS J & DEBRA A SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 50,497 131,294 181,791 3,690.83 49.25 66 522-490-04-00-0 PELLIN BRIAN SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,440 110,766 164,206 3,690.83 44.49 67 522-490-05-00-3 CHASE TRUMAN SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 50,769 96,553 147,322 3,690.83 39.92 68 522-490-06-00-8 MITCHELL PAUL E SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 51,432 130,358 181,790 3,690.83 49.25 69 522-490-07-00-9 RADON RICHARD SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 43,330 103,992 147,322 3,690.83 39.92 70 522-490-08-00-2 HALL JEFFREY S SOW-A It wasn't available 20839.25 6,040.68 3.45 54969 158681 213650 3,690.83 57.89 71 522-490-09-00-5 SPAULDING FAMILY TRUST SOW-A It wasn'tavailable 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,553 128,238 181,791 3,690.83 49.25 72 522-490-10-00-7 GRABER GINA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 34,751 110,770 145,521 3,690.83 39.43 73 522-490-11-00-0 YOUNG LIVING TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,484 126,917 179,401 3,690.83 48.61 74 522-490-12-00-3 ARROWHEAD TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 55,949 126,261 182,210 182,210 3,690.83 49.37 75 522-490-13-00-8 BRESSO MICHELE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,472 130,228 182,700 3,690.83 49.50 76 522-490-14-00-9 KHANI SAIED R & REBECCA J SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,359 129,279 181,638 3,690.83 49.21 77 522-490-15-00-2 LOSEY CAROL SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,562 110,381 162,943 3,690.83 44.15 78 522-490-16-00-5 GALICIA SARA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,752 94,570 147,322 3,690.83 39.92 79 522-490-17-00-8 FOURNIER ALMA R SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 48,519 82,571 131,090 3,690.83 35.52 80 522-490-18-00-1 WARE DON W & VICTORIA J SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 76,318 170000 246,318 3690.83 66.74 81 522-490-19-00-4 CATHER FAMILY TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 50,794 113,411 164,205 3,690.83 44.49 82 522-490-20-00-8 ROBISON ALLEN S SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,867 94,455 147,322 3,690.83 39.92 83 522-522-490-21-00-9 MASON UNITA T SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 50,388 95,829 146,217 3,690.83 39.62 84 522-490-22-00-2 GRAND ISLAND PLACE HOMEOWNERS AS SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 85 522-500-01-00-3 BARNARD MARY SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6040.68 3.45 48,358 100,022 148,380 3690.83 40.20 86 522-500-02-00-8 MERKLE JOHN & VICKI SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 51,178 129,566 180,744 3,690.83 48.97 87 522-500-03-00-9 SAMPSON ERIC & KRAMER MARIAN SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 60,000 170,000 230,000 3,690.83 62.32 88 522-500-04-00-2 RAMIREZ JENNIFER ANN PINEDA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 34,556 130,853 165,409 3,690.83 4482 89 522-500-05-00-5 TUFAIL FEHMA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 41,286 176,154 217,440 3,690.83 58.91 90 522-500-06-00-8 ARROWHEAD TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 54,712 109,424 164,136 3,690.83 44.47 91 522-500-07-00-1 BUGARIN GUILLERMO GUILLERMO A & GUADALUPE G SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 55,351 162,089 217,440 3,690.83 58.91 92 522-500-08-00-4 TORRES YVONNE & VALENTIN G SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 39,734 90,276 130,010 3,690.83 35.23 93 522-500-09-00-7 KNOLLER JOSEPH & ORIT SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 56,093 124,651 180,744 3,690.83 48.97 94 522-500-10-00-9 JENKINS EVELYN M REV TR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,83925 6,040.68 3.45 35,215 112,688 147,903 3,690.83 40.07 95 522-500-11-00-2 MARTZ DONALD 0 & RUTH L L1VTR SOW-A It wasn't available 20839.25 6,040.68 3.45 64,650 123,962 188,612 3,690.83 51.10 96 522-500-12-00-5 FLORES RUDY SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 70,637 179,316 249,953 3,690.83 67.72 97 522-500-13-00-8 CHAVEZ BRIAN & ELIZABETH SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 73,238 124,504 197,742 3,690.83 53.58 98 522-500-14-00-1 SAADIPOUR SHAHROKH SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 49,153 135,169 184,322 3,690.83 49.94 99 522-500-15-00-4 BARRON FELIPE M SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 64,263 155,598 219,861 3,690.83 59.57 100 522-500-16-00-7 XIAO FEI & ZOU YUANMEl SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 54869 144,656 199,525 3,690.83 54.06 101 522-500-17-00-0 PEREZ JOSEFINA M & DIONISIO A SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3,45 55,062 111,460 166,522 3,690.83 45.12 102 522-500-18-00-3 VARNER SKEET & JOAN TR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 45,635 88,228 133,863 3,690.83 36.27 103 522-500-19-00-8 KRAUSGRILL TERRENCE P & LYNDIA A SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,04068 3.45 42,884 105,496 148,380 3,690.83 40.20 104 522-500-20-00-8 HARTNETT ADORA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 46,897 108,177 155,074 3,690.83 42.02 105 522-500-21-00-1 GRANUCCI MATTHEW P SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6040.68 3.45 37118 94,280 131398 3,690.83 35.60 106 522-500-22-00-4 WEAR LORI SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 49,986 114,151 164,137 3,690.83 44.47 107 522-500-23-00-7 ERSKINE TRAVIS & GOODING TORIA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 30,774 134,636 165,410 3,690.83 44.82 108 522-500-24-00-0 DENARI LIVING TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,572 94,629 147,201 3,690.83 39.88 109 522-500-25-00-3 CHEQUER LILIANE H TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 54,328 126,415 180,743 3,690.83 48.97 110 522-500-26-00-8 ALEXANDER MICHELE E SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 38,157 144,998 183,155 3,690.83 49.62 295001-E 2 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKE.RSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENn(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 111 522-500-27-00-9 REEDY JOHN R &JUDY M SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 39,783 106,087 145,870 3,690.83 39.52 112 522-500-28-00-2 GRAND ISLAND PLACE HOMEOWNERS AS SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 113 522-500-29-00-5 GRAND ISLAND PLACE HOMEOWNERS AS SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 114 522-510-01-00-6 PATEL JAILAXMI T SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 57,324 110,895 168,219 3,690.83 45.58 115 522-510-02-00-9 STARKEY FAMILY TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6040.68 3.45 48,575 100,157 148732 3,690.83 40.30 116 522-510-03-00-2 SANDERL JASON R SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 64,815 104,206 169,021 3,690.83 45.79 117 522-510-04-00-5 MOHANRAJSAM SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 60,953 132,662 193,615 3,690.83 52.46 118 522-510-05-00-8 RADICH DRAGICA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 42,443 161,282 203,725 3,690.83 55.20 119 522-510-06-00-1 TINER JASON 0 SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 51,171 96,856 148,027 3,690.83 40.11 120 522-510-07-00-4 RIGGS 1995 REV L1VTR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 39028 124.892 163,920 3,690.83 44.41 121 522-510-08-00-7 ALALI ANDY 0 JR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,343 165,757 218,100 3,690.83 59.09 122 522-510-09-00-0 BERGERON MATIHEW SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 51,937 96,796 148,733 3,690.83 40.30 123 522-510-10-00-2 ZARAKOWSKI BARBARA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 49,858 114,675 164,533 3,690.83 44.58 124 522-510-11-00-5 CLAIBORNE VIRGINIA G SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,243 168,161 221,404 3,69083 59.99 125 522-510-12-00-8 PFEIFFER CAVALLARO FAM REV TR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,396 94,156 147,552 3,69083 39.98 126 522-510-13-00-1 ROYBARK MICHELLE M SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 50,640 95,577 146,217 3,690.83 39.62 127 522-510-14-00-4 CHARLON GARY 0 &JOYCE A SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 35,531 130,280 165,811 3,69083 44.93 128 522-510-15-00-7 MOE MARICAR M SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,228 111,780 165,008 3,690.83 44.71 129 522-510-16-00-0 KOKARL SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 55,002 110,006 165,008 3,690.83 44.71 130 522-510-17-00-3 MORTENSEN NICOLE R SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,457 95,570 148,027 3,690.83 40.11 131 522-510-18-00-6 GRANT EARL E &MARGARET A L1VTR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 9,841 46,279 56,120 3,690.83 15.21 132 522-510-19-00-9 LAMMON CURTIS &JUANTA P SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,084 96,576 149,660 3,690.83 40.55 133 522-510-20-00-1 MELGAR CLAUDIA E SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 38,289 148,050 186,339 3,690.83 50.49 134 522-510-21-00-4 LAI LIVING TR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,83925 6,040.68 3.45 38,431 108,891 147,322 3,690.83 39.92 135 522-510-22-00-7 GALICIA GERALD ALAN &HELEN MARIE 20 SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6040.68 3.45 55037 74668 129,705 3,690.83 35.14 136 522-510-23-00-0 OEHLER PHILLIP &NANCY REV INTER VIVC SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 54,270 92,579 146,849 3,690.83 39.79 137 522-510-24-00-3 PAUL JANE E SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 58,999 123,702 182,701 3,69083 49.50 138 522-510-25-00-6 ULLOA NATIVIDAD C SOW-A It wasn't avallable 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 45,314 102,713 148,027 3,690.83 40,11 139 522-510-26-00-9 HAWLEY MICHAELE L L1VTR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 58,710 90,023 148,733 3,69083 40.30 140 522-510-27-00-2 PLOTNER GARY L TR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 345 54 330 68179 122,509 3690.83 33.19 141 522-510-28-00-5 GRAND ISLAND PLACE HOMEOWNERS AS SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 000 N/A-1 142 522-510-29-00-8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 143 522-520-01-00-9 ROZILLIO RON SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 66,973 122,717 189,690 3,690.83 51.39 144 522-520-02-00-2 M K IRREVOCABLE TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 345 56,441 109,684 166,125 3,690.83 45.01 145 522-520-03-00-5 STOBBE CHARLES 0 &PENNI L SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 71,096 127,976 199,072 3,690.83 53.94 146 522-520-04-00-8 CHOLOMETES NICHOLAS & CHAROLETTE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 59,474 148,344 207,818 3,690.83 56.31 147 522-520-05-00-1 CHASE L BRYCE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,057 135,555 188,612 3,690.83 51,10 148 522-520-06-00-4 CHITIKUSOL SIRIPHA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 345 67,274 99,340 166,614 3,690.83 45.14 149 522-520-07 -00-7 DIAZ FAMILY TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,055 111,683 163,738 3,69083 44,36 150 522-520-08-00-0 PADILLA GILBERTO SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6040.68 3.45 52920 111,614 164,534 3,690.83 44.56 151 522-520-09-00-3 SHARP MICHAEL S & SUSAN N SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 39,185 93,596 132,781 3,690,83 35.98 152 522-520-10-00-5 MANNINGER PATRICIA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,654 125,747 179,401 3,690.83 48.61 153 522-520-11-00-8 LYNCH DONALD G SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 345 48,239 132,615 180,854 3,690.83 3,690.83 49.00 154 522-520-12-00-1 GALICIA GERALD ALAN &HELEN MARIE RE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 54,580 92,620 147,200 3,690.83 39.88 155 522-520-13-00-4 VARNER JAMES R &JOANNE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 40,000 84000 124,000 3,690.83 33.60 156 522-520-14-00-7 SHAFRAN AVIRAM SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,746 128,892 181,638 3,690.83 49.21 157 522-520-15-00-0 RUGAMAJULIO SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 345 35,873 145,885 181,758 3,690.83 49.25 158 522-520-16-00-3 KELLER SUSAN C SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 49,226 98,095 147,321 3,690.83 39.92 159 522-520-17-00-6 WENNER HARRIETIA TRUST SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,091 130,609 182,700 3,690,83 49.50 160 522-520-18-00-9 DE LA ROSA YOLANDA &ROBERTO SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 51463 96,564 148,027 3,690.83 40.11 161 522-520-19-00-2 WELLS TRACY L SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 37,645 108,920 146,565 146,565 3,690.83 39.71 162 522-520-20-00-4 CASE THOMAS M &NORAH I SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 55,476 91,373 146,849 3,690.63 39.79 163 522-520-21-00-7 BENDER ALICE M SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,895 165,012 218,907 3,690.83 59.31 164 522-520-22-00-0 GALANTE NICOLETIE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 49,586 96,362 145,948 3,690.83 39.54 165 522-520-23-00-3 MONTOYA EILEEN SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 49,145 98,115 147,260 3,690.83 39.90 295001-E 3 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE 151 + IMPROVEMENnlS BALANCE 16l LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 166 522-520-24-00-6 PIATOS MEDWIN & CASTEL PIATOS JOANN SOW-A It wasn't available 20,83925 6,040.68 3.45 47,451 83,167 130,618 3,690.83 35.39 167 522-520-25-00-9 SHAFRAN OFIR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,83925 6,040.68 3.45 54,816 124,585 179,401 3,690.83 48.61 168 522-520-26-26-00-2 NTC & CO LLP FBO HOSEIN MOHAMMADI ~ SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 44,893 134,680 179,573 3,690.83 48.65 169 522-520-27-00-5 WHITEHURST TODD G & JEANNE S SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 47,638 122,499 170,137 3,898.76 43.64 170 522-520-28-00-8 RUNDLE SHANNON M SOW-A It wasn't available 20,83925 6,040.68 3.45 43500 139200 182,700 3,690.83 49.50 171 522-520-29-00-1 MAHAN BARBARA A SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 50,000 119,000 169,000 3,690.83 45.79 172 522-520-30-00-3 KATNICK BETTY SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 42,762 137,981 180,743 3,690.83 48.97 173 522-520-31-00-6 FLETCHER CARL ANTHONY lIV TR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,83925 6,040.68 3.45 39,640 98,034 137,674 3,690.83 37.30 174 522-520-32-00-9 KURFESS DOUGLAS & HOPE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,83925 6,040.68 3.45 53,428 165,268 218,696 3,690.83 59.25 175 522-520-33-00-2 GRAND ISLAND PLACE HOMEOWNERS AS SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 000 N/A-1 0 0 0 000 N/A-1 176 522-520-34-00-5 CITY OF BAKERSFielD SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 177 522-530-01-00-2 LAI CHIN HSING & FANG LING SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 50,073 116,140 166,213 3,690.83 45.03 178 522-530-02-00-5 WALKER CYNTHIA E BLACK & GEOFF SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 39,745 108,635 148,380 3,690.83 40.20 179 522-530-03-00-8 ROBINSON JOHN S SOW-A It wasn't available 20,83925 6,040.68 3.45 53,775 93,425 147,200 3,690.83 39.88 180 522-530-04-00-1 THUILLEZ DAVID E SOW-A It wasn't available 20839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53420 94,960 148,380 3,690.83 4020 181 522-530-05-00-4 MOHAMMADI HOSEIN & CHRISTY L SOW-A It wasn't avaflable 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 51,788 130,422 182,210 3,690.83 49.37 182 522-530-06-00-7 MElliN SHIRLEY A SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 48,434 118,883 167,317 3,690.83 45.33 183 522-530-07-00-0 STROUD GEORGE E & JEWelL CHARLENE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,83925 6,040.68 3.45 50,808 134,167 184,975 3,690.83 50.12 184 522-530-08-08-00-3 ALDERETE JORGE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 67,235 159,892 227,127 3,690.83 61.54 185 522-530-09-00-6 ABDURRAHMAN ZAINAB SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 57,573 110,540 168,113 369083 45.55 186 522-630-10-00-8 VOROSMARTHY LES & JEAN SOW-A It wasn't available 20,83925 6,040.68 3.45 79,161 148,670 227,831 3,690.83 61.73 187 522-530-11-00-1 PATEL JAllAXMI T SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 59,832 163,258 223,090 3,690.83 60.44 188 522-530-12-00-4 DESAI MANGLESH SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 57,488 109,829 167,317 3,690.83 45.33 189 522-530-13-00-7 VALENZUELA LUIS & MARIA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 44,893 119,715 164,608 3,690.83 44.60 190 522-530-14-00-0 BANUELOS ARMANDO SOW-A It wasn't available 20,83925 6,040.68 3.45 45000 117,000 162000 3,690.83 43.89 191 522-630-15-00-3 WERTZJIMJ SOW-A It wasn't available 20,83925 6,040.68 3.45 53,444 113,571 167,015 3,690.83 45.25 192 522-530-16-00-6 BROWN JUDITH L SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 51,268 114,944 166,212 3,690.83 45.03 193 522-630-17-00-9 GRAND ISLAND PLACE HOMEOWNERS AS SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 194 522-540-01-00-5 SCHWARTZ SUSAN SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 38,069 109,132 147,201 3,690.83 39.88 195 522-540-02-00-8 MC FARLAND WILLIAM G & SYDNEY SOW-A It wasn't avaftebte 20839.25 6040.68 3.45 39,080 125,057 164137 3,690.83 44.47 196 522-540-03-00-1 CICONE lIV TR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 38,841 108,202 147,043 3,690.83 39.84 197 522-540-04-00-4 LAYOUS JOHN & PATRICIA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 39,292 141,452 180,744 3,690.83 48.97 198 522-540-05-00-7 CEJKA MELISSA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,000 95,200 147,200 3,690.83 39.88 199 522-540-06-00-0 HAIR TYLER E SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 57,620 129,173 186,793 3,690.83 50.61 200 522-540-07-00-3 TANAKA TOSHIYUKI SOW-A It wasn't available 20839.25 6,040.68 3.45 37,327 111,982 149,309 3,690.83 40.45 201 522-540-08-00-6 RUNDLE SEAN M SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 41,267 126,551 167,818 3,690.83 45.47 202 522-540-09-00-9 U S BANK N A TRS SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 60,000 160,000 220,000 3,690.83 59.61 203 522-540-10-00-1 AVILA WENDY SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 42,948 143,163 186,111 3,690.83 50.43 204 522-540-11-00-4 OKEZIE ONYNINYE EUNICE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 37,768 181,287 219,055 3,690.83 59.35 205 522-540-12-00-7 SHAFRANAVI SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 43207 127,821 171028 3,690.83 46.34 206 522-540-13-00-0 SHIHORA KAMLESH & CHHAYA SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 64,145 181,211 245,356 3,690.83 66.48 207 522-540-20-00-0 LEWIS BYRON & KAMRON SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 48,313 136,082 184,395 3,690.83 49.96 208 522-540-21-00-3 SWEENEY WILLIAM J & CHRISTINE A SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 43,966 104,640 148,606 3,690.83 40.26 209 522-640-16-00-9 SILL EUGENIE M SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 61,203 105,319 166,522 3,690.83 45.12 210 522-540-17-00-2 FERREIRA DAVID M SOW-A It wasn't evesebte 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 67,941 100,171 168,112 3690.83 45.55 211 522-540-18-00-5 CASSIM QURESH & ALEFIYAH SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 44,102 173,472 217,574 3,690.83 58.95 212 522-540-19-00-8 GRAND ISLAND PLACE HOMEOWNERS AS SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 213 522-550-01-00-8 GARCIA MARTIN & JANICE SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,102 110,841 162,943 3,690.83 44.15 214 522-650-02-00-1 TIBBS PATIIE REV TR SOW-A It wasn't avail ebte 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 53,192 127,662 180,854 3,690.83 49.00 215 522-550-03-00-4 MALONE CAROL A SOW-A It wasn't available 20839.25 6,040.68 3.45 55259 126499 181758 3,690.83 49.25 216 522-550-04-00-7 ANSOLABEHERE MICHAEL G III SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 59,088 108,329 167,417 3,690.83 45.36 217 522-550-o5.Q0-0 MILLER JAMES & CAROL SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 45,149 139,320 184,469 3,690.83 49.98 218 522-550-06-00-3 LIN MARKD SOW-A It wasn't avauatxe 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 49,515 138,643 188,158 3,690.83 50.98 219 522-550-07-00-6 HE KANG & ZHONG XUEYAN SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 50,902 134,527 185,429 3,690.83 50.24 220 522-550-08-00-9 PIERUCCI ROBERT N SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 44,965 138,645 183,610 3,690.83 49.75 295001-E 4 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA lAND RETAil ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE 151 + IMPROVEMENnl5 BALANCE 161 LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 9 221 522-550-09-00-2 BUGARIN JOSE LUIS M SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 54,679 166,725 221,404 3,690.83 5999 222 522-550-10-00-4 SALAZAR SALVADOR V SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 54,214 110,794 165,008 3,690.83 44.71 223 522-550-11-00-7 MELOCHE PAUL REV TR SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.25 6,040.68 3.45 52,691 129,971 182,662 3,690.83 49.49 224 522-550-12-00-0 DAVIS A D SCOTT III SOW-A It wasn't available 20,839.50 6,040.68 3.45 52,691 129,971 182,662 3,690.83 49.49 225 522-550-13-00-3 GRAND ISLAND PLACE HOMEOWNERS AS SOW-A It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 226 523-240-01-00-5 MEADOR DAVID SOW-B It wasn'tavailable 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 68,000 528,000 596,000 6,045.40 98.59 227 523-240-02-00-8 REH PHILIP J & HILDA MARITZA SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 120,000 365,000 485,000 6,045.40 80.23 228 523-240-03-00-1 DA COSTA ANDRE R & BRENDA SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 118,000 395,000 513,000 6,045.40 84.86 229 523-240-04-00-4 GOPAL REV L1VTR SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 122,000 332,000 454,000 6,045.40 75.10 230 523-240-05-00-7 ROGERS CHARLES C & LEAH D FAM TR SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 1005331 6.03 123,000 487,000 610000 6045.40 100.90 231 523-240-06-00-0 WILLIAMS MARK & THERESA K SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 132,000 655,000 787,000 6,045.40 130.18 232 523-240-07-00-3 GARRISON S SCOTT & KAREN SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 123,000 428,000 551,000 6,045.40 91.14 233 523-240-08-00-6 WHITTON MARTY K & KAREN L SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 119,000 433,000 552,000 6,045.40 91.31 234 523-240-09-00-9 JUANGCO FAMILY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 122,000 352,000 474,000 6,045.40 78.41 235 523-240-10-00-1 FEGHALI JOSEPH N & KRYSTYNA E SOW-B It wasn't available 60645.46 10,053.31 6.03 122000 473,000 595,000 6045.40 98.42 236 523-240-11-00-4 GOKLANEY RAVI K & HASMITA P SOW-B It wasn't available 98,947.87 10,053.31 9.84 239,000 396,000 635,000 6,045.40 105.04 237 523-240-12-00-7 BUTLIG RICHARD & ROXAS BUTLIG EVANG SOW-B It wasn't available 98,947.87 10,053.31 9.84 142,000 516,000 658,000 6,045.40 108.84 238 523-240-13-00-0 FRANCO ROEl L & ANNA MARIE 0 SOW-B It wasn'tavailable 98,947.87 10,053.31 9.84 230,400 463,600 694,000 6,045.40 114.80 239 523-240-14-00-3 ARMSTRONG BURTON & DEBORAH 1997 T SOW-B It wasn't available 98,947.87 10,053.31 9.84 210,000 377,000 587,000 6,045.40 97.10 240 523-240-15-00-6 OSTROM RONALD J & SHERRY L SOW-B It wasn't available 98,947.87 10,053.31 9.84 122,000 505,000 627,000 6,045.40 103.72 241 523-240-33-00-8 HOOVER DONALD T FAMILY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 98,947.87 10,053.31 9.84 239,000 340,000 579,000 6,045.40 95.78 242 523-240-32-00-5 SMITH JOHN C & SHARON K SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 125,000 426,000 551,000 6,045.40 91.14 243 523-240-31-00-2 ROBERTS LIVING TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 118,000 467,000 585,000 6,045.40 96.77 244 523-240-30-00-9 RAMSEY JAMES W & BARBARA E SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 135,000 353,000 488,000 6,045.40 80.72 245 523-240-29-00-7 KAURA MANJIT K SOW-B It wasn't available 60,845.46 10053.31 6.03 142:000 511,000 653000 6,045.40 108.02 246 523-240-17-00-2 YEE FAMILY REVTR SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 140,000 464,000 604,000 6,045.40 99.91 247 523-240-16-00-9 AGUIRRE PAUL D & CHRISTINE M SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 122,000 333,000 455,000 6,045.40 75.26 248 523-240-18-00-5 NETZER JAMES P & PAMELA L SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 146,000 488,000 634,000 6,045.40 104.87 249 523-240-19-00-8 WHITEZELL ROBERT A & KATHY D SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 132,000 615,000 747,000 6,219.14 120.11 250 523-240-20-00-0 NGUYEN TRUONG T SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 118,000 426,000 544,000 6,045.40 89.99 251 523-240-21-00-3 PULIDO J CRUZ SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 122,000 417,000 539,000 6,045.40 89.16 252 523-240-22-00-6 OH GUN CHEOL & CHONG LARN SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 149,844 538,720 688,364 6,045.40 113.87 253 523-240-23-00-9 ROBERTSON GORDON L & DEBRA M SOW-B It wasn't available 60,845.46 10,053.31 6.03 121,000 433,000 554,000 6,045.40 91.64 254 523-240-24-00-2 SWANK 2007 L1VTR SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 121,000 394,000 515,000 6,045.40 85.19 255 523-240-25-00-5 BOWLAND FAM TR SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10053.31 6.03 121000 416,000 537,000 6,045.40 88.83 256 523-240-26-00-6 SEVEN OAKS AT GRAND ISLAND HOMEOW SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 257 523-240-27-00-1 SEVEN OAKS AT GRAND ISLAND HOMEOW SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 258 523-240-28-00-4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 259 523-250-01-00-8 KHURD BAKHSHISH & KAUR JASVIR SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 126,000 430,000 556,000 6,045.40 91.97 260 523-250-02-00-1 ETCHEVERRY CHRISTIAN & SHELLEY SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 174,585 305274 479,859 6045.40 79.38 261 523-250-03-00-4 TAKHAR TEJINDER S & KULSHINDER K SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 142,000 450,000 592,000 6,045.40 6,045.40 97.93 262 523-250-04-00-7 GOENS LARRY G JR & SARA P SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 133,000 431,000 584,000 6,045.40 93.29 263 523-250-05-00-0 COTTRELL RICK J SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 133,000 390,000 523,000 6,045.40 86.51 264 523-250-06-00-3 STEVENS TERENCE D & LEIN ELEONORA SOW-B It wasn't available 60,845.46 10,053.31 6.03 118,000 397,000 515,000 6,045.40 85.19 265 523-250-07-00-6 GEIVET DONALD N & TERRY J L1VTR SOW-B It wasn't available 60,845.46 10,053.31 6.03 128000 345,000 473000 6045.40 78.24 266 523-250-08-00-9 TOWNSEND JAMES SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 130,000 484,000 614,000 6,045.40 101.56 267 523-250-09-00-2 PRIEST JAMES & KERRY SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 122,000 351,000 473,000 6,045.40 78.24 268 523-250-10-00-4 SHAH MILAN & PINKIE SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 122,000 529,000 651,000 6,045.40 107.69 269 523-250-11-00-7 SHAH DARSHAN TR SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 120,000 620,000 740,000 6,045.40 122.41 270 523-250-12-00-0 D ANGELO JOSEPH & JOAN R SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10053.31 6.03 135,000 465,000 600000 6045.41 99.25 271 523-250-13-00-3 ALCARAZ ELiEZER & ARLENE SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 121,000 461,000 582,000 6,045.41 96.27 272 523-250-14-00-6 FUNKHOUSER FAMilY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 60,845.46 10,053.31 6.03 122,000 348,000 470,000 6,045.41 77.74 273 523-250-15-00-9 BOWDEN DAN & LAURIE SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 122,000 354,000 476,000 6,045.40 78.74 274 523-250-16-00-2 CHUNG HAN J & JI SOOK SOW-B It wasn't available 60,845.46 10,053.31 6.03 121,000 353,000 474,000 6,045.40 78.41 275 523-25D-17-00-5 RICE TIMOTHY RAY & LAURA KAY SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 123,000 408,000 531,000 6,045.40 87.84 295001-E 5 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (n VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENT)(5) BALANCE (6) LIEN 17\ NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 276 523-250-18-00-8 NASSAR EDMOND & THERESE SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,05331 6.03 254,395 259,483 513,878 6,045.40 85.00 277 523-250-19-00-1 LU LIVING TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 135,000 448,000 583,000 6,045.40 96.44 278 523-250-20-00-00-3 lYNCH MARK P & JANINE M SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 603 137,000 355,000 492,000 6,045.40 81.38 279 523-250-21-00-6 DIETZ ROBERT C & DIANA C SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 132,000 332,000 464,000 6,045.40 76.75 280 523-250-22-00-9 RAY WilLIAM l & SARA l SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 122,000 357,000 479,000 6,045.40 79.23 281 523-250-23-00-2 CLYDE FAMilY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 123,000 393,000 516,000 6,045.40 85.35 282 523-250-24-00-5 FELSKE orro K & SHIRLEY A SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 121,000 351,000 472,000 6,045.40 78.08 283 523-250-25-00-8 SZANTAY ADAM W & lAURIE l SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 121,000 392,000 513,000 6,045.40 84.86 284 523-250-26-00-1 SLUGA lESLIE SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 122,000 319,000 441,000 6,392.89 68.98 285 523-250-27-00-4 SEVEN OAKS AT GRAND ISLAND HOMEOW SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1 286 523-250-28-00-7 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 287 no ATN assigned STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 000 N/A-1 288 523-260-01-00-1 DOVER FAMILY TR SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 119,000 375,000 494,000 6,045.40 81.72 289 523-260-02-00-4 MANZ FAMilY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 119,000 483,000 602,000 6,045.40 99.58 290 523-260-03-00-7 PATEL DASHRATH P & REKHAA SOW-6 It wasn't available 60645.46 10,053.31 6.03 119,000 447000 566,000 6,045.40 93.62 291 523-260-04-00-0 LAI JEOUHSING & HSUEH NAI JEN SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 119,000 409,000 528,000 6,045.40 87.34 292 523-260-05-00-3 YANG CHUNG S & SEUNG SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,05331 6.03 118,000 452,000 570,000 6,045.40 94.29 293 523-260-06-00-6 HEER JAGDIPAK S & BADASCI PAULA SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,05331 6.03 122,000 625,000 747,000 6,045.40 123.57 294 523-260-07-00-9 FRIGllLANA ALBERTO A & CORAZON 0 SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 119,000 402,000 521,000 6,045.40 86.18 295 523-260-08-00-2 DONADIO WilLIAM T & RHONDA l HUDSO~ SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 122,000 355,000 477,000 6,045.40 78.90 296 523-260-09-00-5 DORMAN RODNEY P & SANDRA S SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 140,000 501,000 641,000 6,045.40 106.03 297 523-260-10-00-7 WOFFORD TOMMIE l SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 123,000 469,000 592,000 6,392.89 92.60 298 523-260-11-00-0 TUCKER REV L1VTR SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 125,000 525,000 650,000 6,045.40 107.52 299 523-260-12-00-3 TOBIN CRAIG & HAYLEY COMMUN PROP T SOW-B It wasn't available 98,947.87 10,053.31 9.84 132,000 692,000 824,000 6,045.40 136.30 300 523-260-13-00-6 SULLIVAN FAMilY TR SOW-B It wasn't available 98947.87 10,053.31 9.84 272,000 323000 595,000 6045.40 98.42 301 523-260-14-00-9 VASQUEZ FAMilY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 98,947.87 10,053.31 9.84 198,000 400,000 598,000 6,045.40 98.92 302 523-260-15-00-2 KANAMORI DAVID SOW-B It wasn't available 98,947.87 10,053.31 9.84 194,000 311,000 505,000 6,045.39 83.53 303 523-260-16-00-5 MARSHBURN GLENN & Jill SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 132,000 426,000 558,000 6,045.40 92.30 304 523-260-17-00-6 NAGHSH HELEN SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 123,000 451,000 574,000 6,045.40 94.95 305 523-260-18-00-1 NGUYEN ALAIN H & NGO THAO THANH SOW-B It wasn't available 60,64546 10,053.31 6.03 133000 401000 534,000 6,045.40 88.33 306 523-260-19-00-4 ALARCON ALEXANDRA l & AUGUSTO C RE SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 128,000 538,000 666,000 6,045.40 110.17 307 523-260-20-00-6 ZAHRY JOHN J & JENNIFER SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.46 10,053.31 6.03 132,000 339,000 471,000 6,045.40 77.91 308 523-260-21-00-9 PITSTICK DALE J & LISA J SOW-B It wasn't available 60,645.45 10,053.31 603 133,000 419,000 552,000 6,045.35 91.31 309 523-260-22-00-2 SEVEN OAKS AT GRAND ISLAND HOMEOW SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 310 523-270-01-00-4 MA ALBERT Y & GINNY l SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 148,270 231,302 379,572 4876.66 77.83 311 523-270-02-00-7 COLE REBECCA A SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 121,159 319,971 441,130 4,876.86 90.45 312 523-270-03-00-0 JEANS DONALD CHRISTOPHER SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 125,000 344,000 469,000 4,876.86 96.17 313 523-270-04-00-3 SCHAMBLIN CAROLYN JEAN SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 150,000 330,000 480,000 4,876.86 98.42 314 523-270-05-00-6 COOPER CHARLES E & EVELYN J SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 109,042 377,952 486,994 4,876.66 99.86 315 523-270-06-00-9 BAME FAMilY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,10130 6.18 122,000 301,000 423,000 4876.66 86.74 316 523-270-07-00-2 BLADO WilLIAM GARREn SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 297,000 409,000 4,876.66 83.87 317 523-270-08-00-5 PERKINS GEORGE l & TARINA K SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 327,000 439,000 4,876.86 90.02 318 523-270-09-00-8 THIBODEAUX CARL D & CYNTHIA A SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 313,000 425,000 4,876.66 87.15 319 523-270-10-00-0 HARRISON CLINT & JUDITH SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 337,000 449,000 4,876.86 92.07 320 523-270-11-00-3 MOON FAMilY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 281,000 403,000 4876.86 82.64 321 523-270-12-00-6 GARZA EMILIO & PAMELA A SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 618 200,000 284,000 484,000 4,876.86 99.24 322 523-270-13-00-9 YOUNG JULIBEllE A & GLENN C SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051,77 8,101.30 6.18 132,173 304,547 436,720 4,876.86 89.55 323 523-270-14-00-2 DENARI MARY l SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 116,000 365,000 481,000 4,876.86 98.63 324 523-270-15-00-5 WADE CHRISTIAN & JANE SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 149,644 279,336 428,980 4,876.86 87.96 325 523-270-16-00-6 FERNANDEZ ANTONIO G & lETTY P SOW-B It wasn't available 50051.77 8101.30 6.18 156 000 309000 465,000 4,876.66 95.35 326 523-270-17-00-1 KOTHARY HEMMAl SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 324,000 446,000 4,876.66 91.45 327 523-270-18-00-4 CERRUTO FAMilY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,10130 6.18 111,000 339,000 450,000 4,876.66 92.27 328 523-270-19-00-7 NEPTUNE BLAINE & CRYSTAL SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 106,588 277,138 383,726 4,876.86 78.68 329 523-270-20-00-9 LANDON DOUGLAS & ANGELA SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 199,526 369,123 568,649 4,876.86 116.60 330 523-270-21-00-2 TLUCHAK BOB A SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 226,771 259,166 485,937 4,876.86 99.64 295001-E 6 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENn(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 331 523-270-22-00-5 MILBURY MATTHEW & HEIDI SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 132,000 225,000 357,000 4,876.86 73.20 332 523-270-23-00-8 AGHAMOHAMMADI ALI M & FATEMEH A SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 296,000 418,000 4,876.86 85.71 333 333 523-270-24-00-1 CHEEMA SARFRAJ S & AMRITPAL SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 111,000 321,000 432,000 4,876.86 88.58 334 523-270-25-00-4 PETERS SCOTT L & KELLY A SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 313,000 435,000 4,876.86 89.20 335 523-270-26-00-7 LUNDY JAMES E & MARCIA K SOW-B It wasn't available 50051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 314000 436,000 4,876.86 89.40 336 523-270-27-00-0 MENDEZ DONALD R & ALICE J SOW-B It wasn't available 50,05177 8,101.30 6.18 121,159 249,480 370,639 4,876.86 76.00 337 523-270-28-00-3 CHAI JAMES KOH L & YANG WOH T SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 332,000 454,000 4,876.86 93.09 338 523-270-29-00-6 PROBASCO ROGER SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 124,703 257,388 382,091 4,876.86 78.35 339 523-270-30-00-6 AHN JEONG SIK & SUSIE SOOKBIN SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 119,715 289,312 409,027 4,876.86 83.87 340 523-270-31-00-1 SEVEN OAKS AT GRAND ISLAND HOMEOW SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 341 523-270-32-00-4 SEVEN OAKS AT GRAND ISLAND HOMEOW SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 342 523-270-33-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 342A 523-270-34-00-0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 343 523-280-01-00-7 NGUYEN QUANG T SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 344,000 456,000 4,876.86 93.50 344 523-280-02-00-0 PATRICK MICHAEL B SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8101.30 6.18 112,000 326,000 438,000 4,876.86 89.81 345 523-280-03-00-3 OJO YETUNDE 0 SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 100,000 282,500 382,500 4,876.86 78.43 346 523-280-04-00-6 MC KEOWN SEAN & KATHERINE SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 99,763 288,315 388,078 4,876.86 79.58 347 523-280-05-00-9 JOHNSON ROBERT K & JIMMIE C SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 327,000 439,000 4,876.86 90.02 348 523-280-06-00-2 NIELSEN NIELSEN DAVID & CHRISTINE FAM TR SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 109,000 449,000 558,000 4,876.86 114.42 349 523-280-07-00-5 CHON UN KYONG SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 253,000 365,000 4,876.86 74.84 350 523-280-08-00-8 SCROGGS GARY L REV TR SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 149,644 234,443 384,087 4,876.86 78.76 351 523-280-09-00-1 HOFFMAN DAVID H & PATRICIA I SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 18,952 45,019 63,971 4,876.86 13.12 352 523-280-10-00-3 REIFEL REV L1VTR SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 114,000 328,000 442,000 4,876.86 90.63 353 523-280-11-00-6 XIN KATHERINE R SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 162,813 264,571 427,384 4,876.86 87.64 354 523-280-12-00-9 ALEXANDER MARK & CRISTINA SOW-B It wasn't available 50051.77 8,101.30 6.18 178,076 203516 381,592 4876.86 78.25 355 523-280-13-00-2 CAPILLA DYLAN M SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 99,763 239,431 339,194 4,876.86 6955 356 523-280-14-00-5 FERNANDEZ GARY SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 233,000 355,000 4,876.86 72.79 357 523-280-15-00-8 BEAGLE J & V FAM REV TR SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 255,000 377,000 4,876.86 77.30 358 523-280-16-00-1 SMITH FAMILY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 295,000 417,000 4,876.86 85.51 359 523-280-17-00-4 CACHOLA ANGELITA S SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,10130 6.18 130,000 405000 535,000 4,876.86 109.70 360 523-280-18-00-7 WANG WEI I & LI HUA SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,10130 6.18 149,644 229,454 379,098 4,876.86 77.73 361 523-280-19-00-0 CADIZ RENANTE & MARIVIC V SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 254,000 376,000 4,876.86 77.10 362 523-280-20-00-2 WANG GUIXI & JIANG SUIJIA SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 109,739 329,217 438,956 4,876.86 90.01 363 523-280-21-00-5 FULLER GARY MICHAEL & BLOOM WENDY SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 329,000 441,000 4,876.86 90.43 364 523-280-22-00-8 KIM GUK B & MYONG 0 SOW-B It wasn't available 50051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 315000 427000 4,876.86 87.56 365 523-280-23-00-1 URNER FAMILY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 283,000 395,000 4,876.86 8099 366 523-280-24-00-4 FERRIS FAMILY 2007 REV TR SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,10130 6.18 112,000 291,000 403,000 4,876.86 82.64 367 523-280-25-00-7 DAO RICHARD & ROSEMARIE SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 281,000 393,000 4,876.86 80.58 368 523-280-26-00-0 NEWMAN RYAN P SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 132,000 323,000 455,000 4,876.86 93.30 369 523-280-27-00-3 LONG JOHN C & RUTH D SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 149644 250,903 400,547 4,876.86 82.13 370 523-280-28-00-6 CHAWATHE FAMILY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 334,000 456,000 4,876.86 93.50 371 523-280-29-00-9 BANKER ROBERT D & RODAS BANKER JAN SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 321,000 443,000 4,876.86 90.84 372 523-280-30-00-1 HILL JIAR C & GISELLE B SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 119,715 231,450 351,165 4,876.86 72.01 373 523-280-31-00-4 RIENZO ANTONIO & CRISTINA FAM TR SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 394,000 514,000 4,876.86 105.40 374 523-280-32-00-7 ORDSALL STREET TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122000 267000 389,000 4,876.86 79.76 375 523-280-33-00-0 RAVI FAMILY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 253,000 375,000 4,876.86 76.89 376 523-280-34-00-3 HULL GREGORY & ELAINE G SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 100,000 315,800 415,800 4,876.86 85.26 377 523-280-35-00-6 DEL ROSARIO SALVADOR & JOSEPHINE SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 328,000 448,000 5,025.20 89.15 378 523-280-36-00-9 TOWERY FAMILY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 389,000 509,000 4,876.86 104.37 379 523-280-37-00-2 SEVEN OAKS AT GRAND ISLAND HOMEOW SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 380 523-280-38-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 380A 523-280-39-00-6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 381 523-290-01-00-0 FAULKNER FRED A & BRUNA J SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 382,000 502,000 4,876.86 102.94 382 523-290-02-00-3 WENSELL JOHN S & ANA M SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 297,000 409,000 4,876.86 83.87 383 523-290-03-00-6 CLEMMEY JOHN & GINGER SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 396,000 516,000 4,876.86 105.81 295001-E 7 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENT)(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 9 384 523-290-04-00-9 MANHATTAN DIVERSIFIED PROP EXCH LLC SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 386,000 506,000 4,876.86 103.76 385 523-290-05-00-2 HOLZMAN FAM TR SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 314,000 426,000 4,876.86 87.35 386 523-290-os-00-5 YIP KOK V & CHHAN LANG SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 407,000 527,000 4,876.86 108.06 387 523-290-07-00-8 ADAMS JULIANA SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 298,000 410,000 4,876.86 84.07 388 523-290-08-00-1 GOYA GLENN & DORIAN SOW-B It wasn't available 50051.77 8101.30 6.18 150,000 260,000 410000 4876.86 84.07 389 523-290-09-00-4 FAZ DONA & JESS SOW-B It wasn'tavailable 50,051.77 8,101.30 618 109,000 389,000 498,000 4,876.86 102.11 390 523-290-1 0-00-8 JANS JEREMY & JACQUELYN S SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 344,400 464,400 4,876.86 95.23 391 523-290-11-00-9 WAGEMAN BENJAMIN A III & CARRIE D SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 361,000 483,000 4,876.86 99.04 392 523-290-12-00-2 LIN FAMILY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 50,05177 8,101.30 6.18 109,000 315,000 424,000 4,876.86 86.94 393 523-290-13-00-5 YATCO JOSEPH A & MARIA C SOW-B It wasn't available 50,05177 8,101.30 6.18 107000 394,000 501,000 4,876.86 102.73 394 523-290-14-00-8 WATSON RAYMOND W & PAMELA J SOW-B It wasn't available 50,05177 8,101.30 6.18 125,000 399,000 524,000 4,876.86 107.45 395 523-290-15-00-1 STEINBERG MICHAEL D & SANDRA M SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 142,000 331,000 473,000 4,876.86 96.99 396 523-290-16-00-4 NAPIER MARK SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 121,000 467,000 588,000 4,87686 120.57 397 523-290-17-00-7 KIM HYUN SOO & RAN JA SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 105,000 328,000 433,000 4,876.86 88.79 398 523-290-18-00-0 RADCLIFF JEFFERY A SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 322,000 434,000 4,876.86 88.99 399 523-290-19-00-3 DRERUP DANIEL SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 288,000 400,000 4,876.86 82.02 400 523-290-20-00-5 JOHNSON DARROTT & EBONIE SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 302,000 414,000 4,876.86 84.89 401 523-290-21-00-8 MUXLOW KAREN A SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 112,000 322,000 434,000 4,876.86 88.99 402 523-290-22-00-1 PALMER CARIN M SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122,000 352,000 474,000 4,876.86 97.19 403 523-290-23-00-4 GOMEZ STEVEN M JR & LYDIA SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 434,000 554,000 4,876.86 113.60 404 523-290-24-00-7 LY HANH D & TRAN NGOC K SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 393,000 513,000 4,876.86 105.19 405 523-290-25-00-0 ZDARKO TIMOTHY & VICTORIA SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 354,000 474,000 4,876.86 97.19 406 523-290-26-00-3 RUCKER BURNETT & GOFF BRENDA SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 495,000 615,000 4,876.86 126.11 407 523-290-27 -00-8 EDDINGS JAMES E & ALICE H SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 374,000 494,000 4,876.86 101.29 408 523-290-28-00-9 ELTURK ISMAT & DELIA SOW-B It wasn't available 50051.77 8,101.30 6.18 122000 343,000 465000 4,876.86 95.35 409 523-290-29-00-2 HADDOCK STEVE C & DIANE M SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 123,000 429,000 552,000 4,876.86 113.19 410 523-290-30-00-4 SEVEN OAKS AT GRAND ISLAND HOMEOW SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 411 523-300-01-00-2 GEDNALSKE KATHY I & TERRY R SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 111,000 397,000 508,000 4,876.86 104.17 412 523-300-02-00-5 L1FQUISTALAN A & ALICIA SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 110,000 317,500 427,500 4,876.86 87.66 413 523-300-03-00-8 COLLINS MARSHALL THOMAS & ELSIE MAF SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8101.30 6.18 122000 284,000 386 000 4,876.86 79.15 414 523-300-04-00-1 AGGARWAL ATUL & SONALI A SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 139,000 205,900 344,900 4,876.86 70.72 415 523-300-05-00-4 LIN FAMILY TRUST SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 311,000 431,000 4,876.86 88.38 416 523-300-06-00-7 SPLIT LEVEL DESIGNS INC SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 130,000 0 130,000 5,014.24 25.93 417 523-300-07-00-0 THOMAS WILLIAM N & DARYN C SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 520,000 640,000 4,876.86 131.23 418 523-300-08-00-3 HINES THOMAS C SOW-B It wasn't available 50051.77 8101.30 6.18 122,000 306,000 428,000 4,876.86 87.76 419 523-300-09-00-8 TAGUE JAMES R III & LAURA R SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 120,000 368,000 488,000 4,876.86 100.06 420 523-300-10-00-8 JARA ARLENE J SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 249,586 0 249,586 5,760.33 43.33 421 523-300-11-00-1 SAN JOAQUIN FERTILIZER LLC SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 85,000 0 85,000 4,876.86 17.43 422 523-300-12-00-4 BRCONSTR SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 211,737 0 211,737 4,876.86 43.42 423 523-300-13-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CAL INC SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 139668 0 139668 4876.86 28.64 424 523-300-14-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CAL INC SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 128,215 0 128,215 4,876.86 26.29 425 523-300-15-00-3 SPLIT LEVEL DESIGNS INC SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 130,000 0 130,000 5,014.24 25.93 426 523-300-16-00-8 SAN JOAQUIN FERTILIZER LLC SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 85,000 0 85,000 4,876.86 17.43 427 523-300-17-00-9 SPLIT LEVEL DESIGNS INC SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 130,000 0 130,000 5,014.19 25.93 428 523-300-18-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8101.30 6.18 N/A-1 N/A-1 N/A-1 0.00 N/A-1 429 523-300-19-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 N/A-1 N/A-1 N/A-1 0.00 N/A-1 430 523-300-20-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.77 8,101.30 6.18 N/A-1 N/A-1 N/A-1 0.00 N/A-1 431 523-300-21-00-0 SWEANEY CONSTR INC SOW-B It wasn't available 50,051.43 8,101.30 6.18 130,000 0 130,000 4,876.86 26.86 432 523-300-22-00-3 SEVEN OAKS AT GRAND ISLAND HOMEOW SOW-B It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 433 Deleted from Roll bv Amendment NO.2 -See note (101 SOW-C It wasn't available 1,881,180.50 558847.90 3.37 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 434 523-321-01-00-5 STRAHAM MICHAEL P & CHRISTINA K SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 173,000 193,000 366,000 4,334.21 84.44 435 523-321-02-00-8 BROWN CHEI K SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 102,000 257,000 359,000 4,334.21 82.83 436 523-321-03-00-1 DE CLARO REY E & ODINA SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 104,000 253,000 357,000 4,334.21 82.37 437 523-321-04-00-4 PALLA BRIAN & SHELLY SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 99,763 239,431 339,194 4,334.21 78.26 438 523-321-05-00-7 WILLIAMS JOHN A & PRISCILLA SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 105,000 348,000 453,000 4,334.21 104.52 295001-E 8 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01·2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 111 VALUE 121 AMOUNT 131 LIEN (41 VALUE (51 VALUE (51 + IMPRovEMENn(5) BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 439 523-321-06-00-0 DUNN KEVIN & DEBBIE SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 112,000 353,000 465,000 4,334.21 107.29 440 523-321-07-00-3 LAMPE DAVID & SANDRA E SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 100,979 352,466 453,445 4,334.21 104.62 441 523-321-08-00-6 MUDRYK PAUL C & SUSAN A SOW-C It wasn't available 67,00000 7,093.72 9.44 123,000 265,000 388,000 4,334.21 89.52 442 523-322-01-00-2 JACKSON KATHY SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 104,000 297,000 401,000 4,334.21 92.52 443 523-323-01-00-9 STURGES GREGORY S & TAMRA L SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 86,000 272000 358,000 4,334.21 82.60 444 523-323-02-00-2 RICE REV L1VTR SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000,00 7,093.72 9.44 84,000 289,000 373,000 4,334.21 86.06 445 523-323-03-00-5 BAILEY DAVID & DORIE SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 84,000 314,000 398,000 4,334,21 91.83 446 523-323-04-00-8 SCHMIEDEL STEVEN P & MARTHA SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 99,130 256,640 355,770 4,334.21 82.08 447 523-323-05-00-1 FIGLEY DAVID & GALE SOW-C It wasn't available 67,00000 7,093.72 9.44 104,637 272,059 376,696 4,334.21 86.91 448 523-331-01-00-8 GYLL DANIEL T & JILL J SOW-C It wasn't available 67000.00 7,093.72 9.44 117672 258,877 376,549 4334.21 86.88 449 523-331-02-00-1 GUTIERREZ EDUARDO B & DORA E SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 93,623 290,785 384,408 4,334.21 88.69 450 523-331-03-00-4 CHUANG FELIX C T & ICHING C SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 77,000 302,000 379,000 4,334.21 87.44 451 523-331-04-00-7 NORDGREN WESTON N & COLLEEN M SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 93,623 264,900 358,523 4,334.21 82.72 452 523-331-05-00-0 PATEL DHARMESH M & JAYA 0 SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 93,623 286,379 380,002 4,334.21 87.68 453 523-331-06-00-3 WOLF FAMILY TRUST SOW-C It wasn't available 67,00000 7,09372 9.44 80,000 288,000 368000 4334.21 84.91 454 523-332-01-00-5 GARCIA MANUEL P & CHOW GARCIA ARIA~ SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 99,130 226,466 325,596 4,334.21 75.12 455 523-332-02-00-8 COLLINS DANIEL S & DENISE 0 SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 121,159 304,552 425,711 4,334.21 98.22 456 523-332-03-00-1 ANDERSON SHERRY CLARK & TIMOTHY R SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 100,000 212,500 312,500 4,334.21 72.10 457 523-332-04-00-4 FUNKHOUSER CHAD & HEIDI SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 87,000 341,000 428,000 4,456.30 96.04 458 523-332-05-00-7 MILLER KELLY & BRIAN SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 93,623 304,549 398,172 4,334.21 91.87 459 523-332-06-00-0 SONG CHAEHOON & BOOYEON SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 99,763 184,561 284,324 4,334.21 65.60 460 523-332-07-00-3 DAVIS RYAN SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 104,637 316,118 420,755 4,334.21 97.08 461 523-332-08-00-8 ROWLAND STEVEN & DIANE FAM TR SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 96,000 355,000 451,000 4,334.21 104.06 462 523-332-09-00-9 RAMIREZ ARNOLD J III & LAURA L SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,093.72 9.44 101,135 255,651 356,786 4,334.21 82.32 463 523-332-10-00-1 PELLE MICHAEL F & MYRNA S SOW-C It wasn't available 67,000.00 7,09372 9.44 78,538 210377 288,915 4,334.21 66.66 464 523-332-11-00-4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SOW-C It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 465 Deleted from Roll by Amendment No.4-See note (12) RW 176,823 3,925,902.01 785,234.08 5.00 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 466 Deleted from Roll by Amendment No.3-See note (11) RW 632,675 7,168,015.77 1,685,778.68 4.25 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 467 394-320-01-00-8 ALBEE FAMILY TRUST SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 267,361 357,361 4,975.58 71.82 468 394-320-02-00-1 GUAJARDO JESSICA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 209629 299,629 4,975.58 60.22 469 394-320-03-00-4 CAMARANO DOMINGO JR & TRACY SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 69,964 243,588 313,552 4,975.58 63.02 470 394-320-04-00-7 JACKSON RICHARD N & MOLINA EDNA M SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 224,771 314,771 4,975.58 63.26 471 394-320-05-00-0 BLANCO LYDIA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 125,000 177,000 302,000 4,975.58 6070 472 394-320-06-00-3 PARIS FMLYTR SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 57,221 218,087 275,308 4,975.58 55.33 473 394-320-07-00-6 VAIDIANATHA NARASHIMAN SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,14342 4.48 90,000 291116 381,116 4,975.58 76.60 474 394-320-08-00-9 BARBER SHAWN & KELLY SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 234,165 324,165 4,975.58 65.15 475 394-320-09-00-2 WRIGHT CORY & STACI SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 80,000 234,110 314,110 4,975.58 63.13 476 394-320-10-00-4 BELTRAN J ARNOLDO & GARCIA MARILYN SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,14342 4.48 90,000 290,378 380,378 4,975.58 76.45 477 394-320-11-00-7 STEVENSON JOHN K & WELANDA A SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 100,000 237,961 337,961 4,975.58 67.92 478 394-320-12-00-0 PRICE WILLIAM R & DARLENE SO It wasn't available 36455.14 8143.42 4.48 100,000 281,116 381,116 4975.58 76.60 479 394-320-13-00-3 MC DONALD G&S FAMILY TRUST SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 63,372 245,686 309,058 4,975.58 62.11 480 394-320-14-00-8 KUHACH JOSEPH D SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 300,510 390,510 4,975.58 78.49 481 394-320-15-00-9 MEDINA TONY J & LETICIA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 217,035 307,035 4,975.58 61.71 482 394-320-16-00-2 IMBELLONI CHRISTOPHER M SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 217,035 307,035 4,975.58 61.71 483 394-320-17-00-5 YOUSSEF ASHRAF E & AMAL A SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90000 257160 347,160 4,975.58 69.77 484 394-320-18-00-8 DA SILVA JESS SO It wasn'tavailable 36,455.14 8,143.42 448 90,000 248,969 338,969 4,975.58 6813 485 394-320-19-00-1 GONZALEZ ART & SHAUNA L SO It wasn'tavailable 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 199,170 289,170 4,975.58 58.12 486 394-320-20-00-3 BOMAR TIM & IMELDA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 259,335 349,335 4,975.58 70.21 487 394-320-21-00-6 RIOS CARLOS & ROSA EMMA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 227,291 317,291 4,975.58 63.77 488 394-320-22-00-9 THAI CUONG & KIRK KIM C SO It wasn't available 36455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90000 267361 357,361 4975.58 71.82 489 394-320-23-00-2 GARCIA NORMA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,14342 4.48 99,284 229,773 329,057 4,975.58 86.13 490 394-320-24-00-5 BLUE JAMES N & HEATHER SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 100,000 280,000 380,000 4,975.58 76.37 491 394-320-25-00-8 KING DIXIE L TRUST SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 43,360 283,287 326,647 4,975.58 65.65 492 394-320-26-00-1 NARANG YADVINDER & RAUSHAMI SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 229,070 319,070 4,975.58 64.13 493 394-320-27-00-4 CALIF HOME BLDRS INC SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 238,803 328,803 4,975.58 66.08 29500l-E 9 12/312010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPRoVEMENn(5) BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 494 394-320-28-00-7 PETRINI BROS INC SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 0 90,000 5,867.77 15.34 495 394-320-29-00-0 MATUK ROBIN A SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 245,331 335,331 4,975.58 67.40 496 394-320-30-00-2 CANFIELD JOHN P & JENNY L SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 281,516 371,516 4,975.58 74.67 497 394-320-31-00-5 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 000 N/A-1 498 394-320-32-00-8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SO It wasn't available 0.00 000 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 499 394-320-33-00-1 SOUTHERN OAKS COMMUNITY ASSN SO It wasn'tavailable 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 500 394-330-01-00-1 HEDRICK WILLIAM 0 & SUSAN F SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 62,828 212,357 275,185 4,975.58 55.31 501 394-330-02-00-4 TIBBILS DONALD M & DONNA L SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 62,828 220,842 283,670 4,975.58 57.01 502 394-330-03-00-7 GATSON DENNIS L SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90.000 260,715 350,715 4,975.58 70.49 503 394-330-04-00-0 MC GILL KERRY & JULIA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 63,381 287829 351210 4975.58 70.59 504 394-330-05-00-3 ESCALERA GERALD & REBECCA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 61,909 316,780 378,689 4,975.58 76.11 505 394-330-06-00-6 LEWIS KEN W & JULIE L SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 80,000 255,534 335,534 4,975.58 67.44 506 394-330-07-00-9 BRUNSWICK STEVE E & BARBARA L SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 267,361 357,361 4,975.58 71.82 507 394-330-08-00-2 PERKINS MYRON J SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 86,197 219,189 285,386 4,975.58 57.36 508 394-330-09-00-5 WISE BLAKE & PATINO GUADALUPE SO It wasn't available 36455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90000 199170 289170 4,975.58 58.12 509 394-330-10-00-7 PHAIR SHERMEKA & MITCHELL SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 234,165 324,165 4,975.58 65.15 510 394-330-11-00-0 ALTAVAS MYRNA R SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 259,631 349,631 4,975.58 70.27 511 394-330-12-00-3 SORCI RICHARD A II & SHAWNA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 80,000 244,165 324,165 4,975.58 65.15 512 394-330-13-00-6 WATSON MILO E & PATRICIA A SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 73,179 241,491 314,670 4,975.58 63.24 513 394-330-14-00-9 WATSON MILO EUGENE & PATRICIA ANN SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 99,763 257,388 357,151 4,975.58 71.78 514 394-330-15-00-2 RAMIREZ RAUL G & GEORGINA V SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 71,593 215,224 286,817 4,975.58 57.64 515 394-330-16-00-5 ROWLES JON & LYDIA Y SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 60,579 264,349 324,928 4,975.58 65.30 516 394-330-17-00-8 TRAN JOHN 0 & NGUYEN VICTORIA T SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 257,952 347,952 4,975.58 69.93 517 394-330-18-00-1 JACKSON GREGORY & DONNA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 99,763 274,348 374,111 4,975.58 75.19 518 394-330-19-00-4 GILLIAM BILL W SO It wasn't available 36455.14 8143.42 4.48 110,000 270,804 380,804 4,975.58 76.53 519 394-330-20-00-6 ADAM GERALD & SHARLENE SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 33,538 97,904 131,442 4,975.58 26.42 520 394-330-21-00-9 ALLEN RANDOLPH K & LISA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 290,378 380,378 4,975.58 76.45 521 394-330-22 -00-2 COHEN DAVID & ADRIENNE SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 259,631 349,631 4,975.58 70.27 522 394-330-23-00-5 CROZIER ERIC R & BEVERLY E SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 216,822 306,822 4,975.58 61.67 523 394-330-24-00-8 WELCH WILLIAM V & SANDRA 0 SO It wasn't available 36,45514 8143.42 4.48 90,000 212646 302,646 4,975.58 60.83 524 394-330-25-00-1 PONNURAJU RAMASAMY & GIRIJA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 448 100,000 220,000 320,000 4,975.58 64.31 525 394-330-26-00-4 COLIN JUAN & CECILIA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 448 90,000 289,453 379,453 4,975.58 76.26 526 394-330-27-00-7 SELIM THOMAS A & ARLENE G SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 448 66,197 240,117 306,314 4,975.58 61.56 527 394-330-28-00-0 DOBRENEN BRIAN SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 247,254 337,254 4,975.58 67.78 528 394-330-29-00-3 SOUTHERN OAKS COMMUNITY ASSN SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 529 394-330-30-00-5 SOUTHERN OAKS COMMUNITY ASSN SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 530 394-330-31-00-8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 531 394-330-32-00-1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 532 394-330-33-00-4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 533 394-330-34-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CAL INC SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 534 394-340-01-00-4 BURTCHAELL JOHN T SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 44,190 299,814 344,004 4,975.58 69.14 535 394-340-02-00-7 HOWARD FAMILY TRUST SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 65,089 306,715 371,804 4,975.58 74.73 536 394-340-03-00-0 LAURO FRANK J & CARRIE SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 207,790 297,790 4,975.58 59.85 537 394-340-04-00-3 BROTHERS VERNELL 0 & TERRY L SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 277,257 367,257 4,975.58 73.81 538 394-340-05-00-6 GREEN VICTOR L & ROLONDA E SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90000 230,842 320,842 4,975.58 64.48 539 394-340-06-00-9 STANFORD VIVIENNE A SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 267,458 357,458 4,975.58 71,84 540 394-340-07-00-2 RUMMELSBURG STEVEN & FAITH SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 244,933 334,933 4,975.58 67.32 541 394-340-08-00-5 EDWARDS CHRISTOPHER R & TERRI E SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 216,075 306,075 4,975.58 61.52 542 394-340-09-00-8 WITHAM WINFORD 0 & MARY ANN SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 204,531 294,531 4,975.58 59.20 543 394-340-10-00-0 GARCIA HECTOR M & YOLANDA M SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8143.42 448 90,000 244012 334012 4975.58 67.13 544 394-340-11-00-3 AL JUMAH BASELAH SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 80,000 253,503 333,503 4,975.58 67.03 545 394-340-12-00-6 MC EVOY STEVEN & ROCHELLE SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 231,987 321,987 4,975.58 4,975.58 64.71 546 394-340-13-00-9 ABU KHAZNEH KHALED & JENNIFER SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 267,264 357,264 4,975.58 71.80 547 394-340-14-00-2 BACHMAN JON T & ATIILAH SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 260,912 350,912 4,97558 70.53 548 394-340-15-00-5 HARKEY PAIGE SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 234,165 324,165 4,975.58 65.15 295001-E 10 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 0412002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3\ LIEN (4\ VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENnlS BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 549 394-340-16-00-8 PAYNE MICHAEL W & BRENDA 5 SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 237,467 327,467 4,975.58 65.81 550 394-340-17-00-1 RUDNICK FAMILY TRUST SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 250,678 340,678 4,975.58 68.47 551 394-340-18-00-4 FERGUSON DALE E & JANISE L SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 203,113 293,113 4,975.58 58.91 552 394-340-19-00-7 LUECK JOEL E & SHANNON F SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 226,032 316,032 4,975.58 63.52 553 394-340-20-00-9 WALKER LAWRENCE J & YONG SUK SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 236,025 326,025 4,975.58 65.53 554 394-340-21-00-2 FONG ROBERT 5 & SIMY C SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 236,849 326,849 4,975.58 65.69 555 394-340-22-00-5 WIMBISH MACK B & DOROTHY J SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 204,531 294,531 4,97558 59.20 556 394-340-23-00-8 ISLAM YUSUF & DAA IYAH SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 100,000 225,095 325,095 4,975.58 65.34 557 394-340-24-00-1 MENIS KENNETH STEVEN & MARY C SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 80,000 251,975 331,975 4,975.58 66.72 558 394-340-25-00-4 PATELDAXA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 80,000 245,199 325,199 4,975.58 65.36 559 394-394-340-26-00- 7 PURRINGTON FMLY TR SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 28,425 130,168 158,593 4,975.58 31.87 560 394-340-27-00-0 NEWTON DARYL & DENISE SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 57,506 339,004 396,510 4,975.58 79.69 561 394-340-28-00-3 BUELTEL TIMOTHY P & KAREN M SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 230,842 320,842 4,975.58 64.48 562 394-340-29-00-6 JOHNSON BILLY JOE SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 80,000 269,631 349,631 4,97558 70.27 563 394-340-30-00-8 CROCKAn PAMELA K & LYNN W SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8143.42 4.48 116,686 197057 313,743 4,975.58 63.06 564 394-340-31-00-1 BUSBY DANIEL E & ROCIO RUBIO SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 230,842 320,842 4,975.58 64.48 565 394-340-32-00-4 SOUTHERN OAKS COMMUNITY ASSN SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 566 394-340-33-00-7 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 000 N/A-1 567 394-350-01-00-7 CLINE ADAM & TERRI SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 224,560 314,560 4,975.58 63.22 568 394-350-02-00-0 KLASSEN JACK D & ANNA L SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 244,012 334,012 4,975.58 67.13 569 394-350-03-00-3 BROOKS GEORGE SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 289,263 379,263 4,975.58 76.22 570 394-350-04-00-6 KEESLING MICHAEL T & JANE A SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 235,509 325,509 4,975.58 65.42 571 394-350-05-00-9 CORNELL JON A & BEVERLY SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 210,277 300,277 4,975.58 60.35 572 394-350-oa-oO-2 FAWCEn JACK R SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 267,361 357,361 4,975.58 71.82 573 394-350-07-00-5 PEDERSEN RAYMOND REVOCABLE TRUST SO It wasn't available 36455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90000 244,012 334,012 4,975.58 67.13 574 394-350-08-00-8 LOSEY CAROL SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 204,531 294,531 4,975.58 59.20 575 394-350-09-00-1 AGHA SHAHRYAR & SARAH SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 253,380 343,380 4,975.58 69.01 576 394-350-10-00-3 CHRONES CHRISTOPHER J & LEA ANN SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 290,378 380,378 4,975.58 76.45 577 394-350-11-00-6 RAPPLEYE FRED G III SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 231,571 321,571 4,975.58 64.63 578 394-350-12-00-9 SANTOS FELIPE JR & GEMMA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 288,619 378,619 4,975.58 76.10 579 394-350-13-00-2 MOREE ERICE SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 100,000 180,000 280,000 4,975.58 56.27 580 394-350-14-00-5 JALVING TIMOTHY & SHARON SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 256,267 346,267 4,975.58 69.59 581 394-350-15-00-8 SARMICANIC SCHAUL REV TRUST SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 269,492 359,492 4,975.58 72.25 582 394-350-16-00-1 LUGO LUZ & MIGUEL SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 230,842 320,842 4,975.58 64.48 583 394-350-17-00-4 TRIVln WILLIAM L JR & MICHELLE W SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8143.42 4.48 90,000 266,000 356000 4975.58 71.55 584 394-350-18-00-7 BERMUDEZ MARGARITA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 217,035 307,035 4,975.58 61.71 585 394-350-19-00-0 MARTINEZ GILBERT SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 99,763 204,514 304,277 4,975.58 61.15 586 394-350-20-00-2 KOMMURI RAVINDER REDDY & NAVEENA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 199,280 289,280 4,975.58 58.14 587 394-350-21-00-5 OLDENKAMP JOHN A G & KATIE D SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 212,860 302,860 4,975.58 60.87 588 394-350-22-00-8 DAVIS DAVID R & TANI R SO It wasn't available 36,45514 8,143.42 4.48 90000 216,075 306 075 4,975.58 61.52 589 394-350-23-00-1 SLATON THOMAS & HEWln BENELDA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 234,165 324,165 4,975.58 65.15 590 394-350-24-00-4 CELESTINO DIEGO A & ELIZABETH SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 234,992 324,992 4,975.58 65.32 591 394-350-25-00-7 GARCIA NORMA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 237,055 327,055 4,975.58 65.73 592 394-350-26-00-0 SWARTZLANDER PHILIP & PATRICIA TRUS SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 100,000 225,000 325,000 4,975.58 65.32 593 394-350-27-00-3 HAUPT RUTH R SO It wasn't available 36455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 263,560 353,560 4,975,58 71.06 594 394-350-28-00-6 SOUTHERN OAKS COMMUNITY ASSN SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 595 394-350-29-00-9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 596 394-360-01-00-0 PACKER DAVID D & MARILYN SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 271,998 361,998 4,975.58 72.75 597 394-360-02-00-3 RODERICK JAMISON N SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 242,892 332,892 4,975.58 66.91 598 394-360-03-00-6 VARGAS ANDY SO It wasn't available 36455.14 8,143.42 4.48 80000 236662 316662 4975.58 63.64 599 394-360-04-00-9 RYDER BRIAN & KIMBERLY SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 58,515 333,781 392,296 4,975.58 78.84 600 394-360-05-00-2 scorr TIMOTHY A & HOFFMANN scorr H SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 100,000 433,000 533,000 4,975.58 107.12 601 394-360-06-00-5 MENDOZA TANYA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 257,061 347,061 4,975.58 69.75 602 394-360-07-00-8 HILL DAVID LEE SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 80,000 256,445 336,445 4,975.58 67.62 603 394-360-08-00-1 DESTEFANI MELVIN TRUST SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 290,378 380,378 4,975.58 76.45 295001-E 11 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 0412002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 11\ VALUE 121 AMOUNT 131 LIEN 14\ VALUE 15\ VALUE 15\ + IMPROVEMENnl5 BALANCE 16\ LIEN 17\ NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME 151 (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 604 394-360-09-00-4 LAYMANCE RAYMOND M K & GAIL C SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 230,842 320,842 4,975.58 64.48 605 394-360-10-00-6 SINGLETARY JOE D & MARY L SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 249,774 339,774 4,975.58 68.29 606 394-360-11-00-9 CHECCHI FAMILY TRUST SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 290,378 380,378 4,975.58 76.45 607 394-360-12-00-2 COWAN TERRELL Z & JUANITA L SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 234,992 324,992 4,975.58 65.32 608 394-360-13-00-5 DESTEFANI JANEL TRUST SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8143.42 4.48 90,000 256,267 346,267 4,975.58 69.59 609 394-360-14-00-8 MORALES JOSE P & LAURA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 57,281 289,370 346,651 4,975.58 69.67 610 394-360-15-00-1 COHEN IRA & CAROLE FAMILY TRUST SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 237,878 327,878 4,975.58 65.90 611 394-360-16-00-4 TAPE WILLIAM J & BREE T SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 91,559 217,543 309,102 4,975.58 62.12 612 394-360-17-00-7 SILVA NATHAN C SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 100,000 253,364 353,364 4,975.58 71.02 613 394-360-18-00-0 GARZA JUVENAL C & DARA D SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 100,000 231,056 331056 4,975.58 66.54 614 614 394-360-19-00-3 AN L1NJI& YOU WENRU SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 124,703 204,514 329,217 4,975.58 66.17 615 394-360-20-00-5 SEIBLY FREDERICK K & CINDY SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 235,921 325,921 4,975.58 65.50 616 394-360-21-00-8 BANUELOS L1NO& GONZALEZ ELENA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 230,947 320,947 4,975.58 64.50 617 394-360-22-00-1 CARPETRUST SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 79,563 288,599 368,162 4,975.58 73.99 618 394-360-23-00-4 BEAVERS MICHAEL L SR & HENRIETTA B SO It wasn't available 36455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 268,331 358331 4975.58 7202 619 394-360-24-00-7 CHILDERS NELLY BARBARA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 240,135 330,135 4,975.58 66.35 620 394-360-25-00-0 HEFNER MICHAEL B & BARBARA L SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 242,485 332,485 4,975.58 66.82 621 394-360-26-00-3 TAYLOR JOANNE M & ROBERT D SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 255,472 345,472 4,975.58 69.43 622 394-360-27-00-6 CARMONA XOCHITL & AYVON OTHON SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 215,968 305,968 4,975.58 61.49 623 394-360-28-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CAL INC SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 8,593 0 8,593 4,975.58 1.73 624 394-360-29-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CAL INC SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 8,593 0 8,593 4,975.58 1.73 625 394-360-30-00-4 SOUTHERN OAKS COMMUNITY ASSN SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 626 394-370-01-00-3 DAVE PACKER CONSTR INC SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 118,783 0 118,783 4,975.58 23.87 627 394-370-02-00-6 HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS INC SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 80,000 165,430 245,430 4,975.58 49.33 628 394-370-03-00-9 TRIGUEIRO DOLORES LIVING TRUST SO It wasn't available 36455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 226137 316,137 4,975.58 63.54 629 394-370-04-00-2 VILLANUEVA ROBERT C & CATHY M SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 84,217 264,440 348,657 4,975.58 70.07 630 394-370-05-00-5 AGGENBACH FERDINAND 0 & YOLANDA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 283,169 373,169 4,975.58 75.00 631 394-370-06-00-8 LAMEL LENA C & DAVID A SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 80,000 278,912 358,912 4,975.58 72.13 632 394-370-07-00-1 MERTENS MILBURN & JUNE SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 239,726 329,726 4,975.58 66.27 633 394-370-08-00-4 DAVE PACKER CONSTR INC SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8143.42 4.48 131,742 0 131,742 4,975.58 26.48 634 394-370-09-00-7 FLOWERS CALVIN & ESTER SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 70,353 262,284 332,637 4,975.58 66.85 635 394-370-10-00-9 FLOWERS JIMMY SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 281,516 371,516 4,975.58 74.67 636 394-370-11-00-2 DAVE PACKER CONSTR INC SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 129,582 0 129,582 4,975.58 26.04 637 394-370-12-00-5 PAPPAS ANDREW T & AMY L SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 448 90,000 268,912 358,912 4,975.58 72.13 638 394-370-13-00-8 RIOS TOMAS & JANETTE SO It wasn't available 36455.14 8143.42 4.48 90,000 280,195 370,195 4,975.58 74.40 639 394-370-14-00-1 DAVE PACKER CONSTR INC SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 142,923 0 142,923 4,975.58 28.72 640 394-370-15-00-4 JOHNSON LEONARD C & RONDI M SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 183,598 273,598 4,975.58 54.99 641 394-370-16-00-7 PRIMUS MELISSA D SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 231,259 321,259 4,975.58 64.57 642 394-370-17-00-0 QUINTANA JEFFREY L & LISA M SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 246,243 336,243 4,975.58 67.58 643 394-370-18-00-3 BHAVSAR SAMIR & JIGISHA SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 281516 371516 4,97558 74.67 644 394-370-19-00-6 MANDAVAANEEL SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 112,939 229,927 342,866 4,975.58 68.91 645 394-370-20-00-8 HENDERSON DEMETRIUS SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 247,153 337,153 4,975.58 67.76 646 394-370-21-00-1 MANN MICHAEL P & & CAROLE P SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 268,912 358,912 4,975.58 72.13 847 394-370-22-00-4 FLOWERS CALVIN & ESTER SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 230,947 320,947 4,975.58 64.50 648 394-370-23-00-7 PEREZ MARIA S SO It wasn't available 36455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 292,497 382,497 4975.58 76.87 649 394-370-24-00-0 TANNER JOYCE YVONNE SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 298,339 388,339 4,975.58 78.05 650 394-370-25-00-3 BROWN CHARLES E & KIMBERLY SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 81,406 274,747 356,153 4,975.58 71.58 651 394-370-26-00-6 TE VELDE RALPH & CAROLYN TR SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 268,815 358,815 4,975.58 72.12 652 394-370-27-00-9 CHAMBERS JOHN D & DEBRA R SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90,000 230,736 320,738 4,975.58 64.46 653 394-370-28-00-2 GOUGH GEORGE NORRIS JR & DOLORES SO It wasn't available 36455.14 8,143.42 4.48 90000 286481 376,481 4,975.58 75.67 654 394-370-29-00-5 DAVE PACKER CONSTR INC SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 172,586 188,700 361,286 4,975.58 72.61 655 394-370-30-00-7 DAVE PACKER CONSTR INC SO It wasn't available 36,455.14 8,143.42 4.48 168,331 0 168,331 4,975.58 33.83 656 394-370-31-00-0 DAVE PACKER CONSTR INC SO It wasn't available 36,454.79 8,143.42 4.48 118,783 0 118,783 4,975.58 23.87 657 394-370-32-00-3 SOUTHERN OAKS COMMUNITY ASSN SO It wasn't available 0.00 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 658 Deleted from Roll by Amendment NO.1 -See note 19\ WD It wasn't available 785,102.00 233,768.71 3.36 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 29500l-E 12 12/312010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01·2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPRoVEMENn(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 659 409-620..Q1..Q0-2 GILMORE DELORES J WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 70,233 280,031 350,264 3,246.16 10790 660 409-620..Q2..Q0-5 ROOKE DAVID A & HEATHER L WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 63,000 254,000 317,000 3,246.16 97.65 661 409-620..Q3..Q0-8 BUTLER KENNETH W & BARBARA H WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 211,739 112,432 324,171 3,246.16 99.86 662 409-620..Q4..Q0-1 BUSSMAN JEFF & CHRISTINA WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 61,000 285,000 346,000 3,246.16 106.59 663 409-620..Q5-00-4 PALACIOS KARl A & PETER J WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 62,810 224,327 287,137 3,246.16 88.45 664 409-620-06-00-7 PROFFITT ERIC JOSEPH & STACY DIANE WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 91,000 266,000 357,000 3,246.16 109.98 665 409-620-07-00-0 WESTBAY CHARLES & PATRICIA WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 91,000 313,000 404,000 3,246.16 124.45 666 409-620-08-00-3 DICKSON STUART MCNAUGHT & JILLIAN D WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 153,722 224,435 378,157 3,246.16 116.49 667 409-620-09-00-6 ATKINSON DAVID WILLIAM & KAREN HARKI WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 122,069 193,683 315,752 3,246.16 97.27 668 409-620-10-00-8 MC CORMACK ROBERT L & GINA ROSE WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 65,000 315000 380,000 3246.16 117.06 669 409-620-11-00-1 KEOWN BRUCE D & JANEY E WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 62,719 241,923 304,642 3,246.16 93.85 670 409-620-12..Q0-4 CAPEHART EDWARD G & TERRI A WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 101,153 202,306 303,459 3,246.16 93.48 671 409-620-13-00-7 EYHERABIDE STEPHEN M REV TR WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 69,628 266,834 336,462 3,246.16 10365 672 409-620-14-00..Q HODGSON FAMILY TRUST WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 31,696 273,302 304,998 3,246.16 93.96 673 409-620-15-00-3 CUNICELLI STEPHEN C & MICHELLE L WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 54,418 243,955 298,373 3,246.16 91.92 674 409-620-16-00-6 MC BRIDE TODD & RHONDA JO WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 63,000 273,000 336,000 3,246.16 103.51 675 409-620-17-00-9 MOORE MICHAELL & SUSAN J WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 63,000 234,000 297,000 3,246.16 91.49 676 409-620-18-00-2 AYERS KENNETH M & JOYCE D WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 58,284 264,030 322,314 3,246.16 99.29 677 409-620-19..Q0-5 HICKS ANDREW J & KARl L WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 105,000 291,000 396,000 3,246.16 121.99 678 409-620-20..Q0-7 FORTSON JOHN E & MARILYN M WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 86,535 384,611 471,146 3,246.16 145.14 679 409-620-21..Q0-0 FUJIHARA FRED F & DONNA E WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 100,000 285,000 385,000 3,246.16 118.60 680 409-620-22..Q0-3 CRISWELL ROBERT L & VELMA A WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 56,372 233,271 289,643 3,246.16 89.23 681 409-620-23..Q0-6 BASCONCILLO GLENN N & KIMBERLY S WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 63,000 309,000 372,000 3,246.16 11460 682 409-620-24-00-9 ESPINOZA LORENZO JR & EVELYN WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 57,891 277,343 335,234 3,246.16 103.27 683 409-620-25-00-2 BROWN MATTHEW J & RIKKY R WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 63,000 294,000 357,000 3,246.16 109.98 684 409-620-26..Q0-5 HALLUM TERRY 0 & TRACINE WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 57,363 281,565 338,928 3,246.16 104.41 685 409-620-27-00-8 STARKEY PERRY J & JOAN S WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 95,236 223,805 319,041 3,246.16 98.28 686 409-620-28..Q0-1 FACKLER MIKE JAMES & KATHY LYNN WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 63,000 247,000 310,000 3,246.16 95.50 687 409-620-29-00-4 RASCOE MICHAEL C & PATRICIA M WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 30,733 295,560 326,293 3,246.16 100.52 688 409-620-30..Q0-6 LUMIS BRUCE & MICHElLE WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 63,000 274,000 337,000 3,246.16 103.81 689 409-620-31..Q0-9 CORBY ROBERT S & BRENDA K WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 35,109 292,680 327,789 3,246.16 100.98 690 409-620-32..Q0-2 JORDAN STEVEN R & BARBARA L WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 68,254 246,343 314,597 3,246.16 96.91 691 409-620-33-00-5 DINKEL CORINNE R WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 87,000 309,000 396,000 3,246.16 121.99 692 409-620-34..Q0-8 WIGGINS REV lIV TR WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 69,169 233,451 302,620 3,246.16 93.22 693 409-620-35..Q0-1 JOHNSON WILLIAM LEE & JOAN M WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 72 000 268,000 340,000 3246.16 104.74 694 409-620-36..Q0-4 SNOW CANOl & MARK WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 73,578 298,827 372,405 3,246.16 114.72 695 409-620-37..Q0-7 WOODS SOLON A & MITZI WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 111,000 282,000 393,000 3,246.16 121.07 696 409-620-38-00-0 PERALES JESUS & KIM BAKKEN WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 80,000 274,000 354,000 3,246.16 109.05 697 409-620-39..Q0-3 VANDERHURST KAREN WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 68,000 274,000 342,000 3,246.16 105.36 698 409-620-40-00-5 KING STUART & DENISE A WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 61,445 266,981 328,426 3,246.16 101.17 699 409-620-41..Q0-8 SINGLETON DAVID A & BERTHA WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 67,832 266,313 334,145 3,246.16 102.94 700 409-620-42..Q0-1 WARREN DAVID & KIM WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 65,980 255,339 321,319 3,246.16 98.98 701 409-620-43..Q0-4 MERRIMAN RANDY K & ROSE E TRUST WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 134,567 171,947 306,514 3,246.16 94.42 702 409-620-44-00-7 JOHNSON DANIEL G & PAULA A WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 70,000 302,000 372,000 3,246.16 11460 703 409-620-45-00..Q CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WD N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 704 523..Q12-08..Q0-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-1 N/A-1 N/A-1 000 N/A-1 705 523-350-01..Q0-7 KATO SANAE & GORO SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 73,000 529,000 602,000 4,311.85 139.62 706 523-350..Q2..QO-0 GOOD ALBERT L SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 73,000 388,000 461,000 4,311.86 106.91 707 523-350..Q3..Q0-3 CORRIEA DAN A TRUST SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 77,000 334,000 411,000 4,311.86 95.32 708 523-350..Q4-00-6 BANK OF AMERICA N A SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 124703 0 124703 4311.66 28.92 709 523-350..Q5-00-9 MANSOOR RICHARD & ZENAIDA SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 77,000 359,000 436,000 4,311.86 101.12 710 523-350-06..Q0-2 EBLING JIM R SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 234,043 272,712 506,755 4,311.86 117.53 711 523-350-07..Q0-5 OLAGUE FMLY TR SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 77,000 465,000 542,000 4,311.86 125.70 712 523-350..Q8..Q0-8 BAIR BRUCE P & DELANI C SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 73,000 323,000 396,000 4,311.86 91.84 713 523-350..Q9..QQ-1 STEWART REV lIV TR SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 73,000 331,000 404,000 4,311.86 93.70 295001-E 13 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01·2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S APPRAISED AD 01-2 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND RETAIL ASSESSMENT VALUE/LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE/ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4\ VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENniS BALANCE (6\ LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 714 523-350-10-00-3 STEWART REV TR SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 167,103 0 167,103 4,311.86 38.75 715 523-350-11-00-6 JARRETT CARL R & JANICE L SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 73,000 504,000 577,000 4,311.86 133.82 716 523-350-12-00-9 KURZ ANDREW A SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 73,000 373,000 446,000 4,311.86 103.44 717 523-350-13-00-2 FILLBRANDT JAMES R & JEANNE SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 264,571 0 264,571 4,311.86 61.36 718 523-350-14-00-5 LAM SHU FEN SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 73000 460,000 533,000 4,311.86 123.61 719 523-350-15-00-8 HENTGES JASON B & LISA C SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 75,000 429,000 504,000 4,311.86 116.89 720 523-350-16-00-1 HENDRIX STEVE SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 75,000 480,000 555,000 4,311.86 128.71 721 523-350-17-00-4 GARCIAMENDEZ GABRIEL J & RUTH SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 98,000 375,000 473,000 4,436.62 106.61 722 523-350-18-00-7 KHUU ALEXANDER T SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 133,000 450,000 583,000 4,311.86 135.21 723 523-350-19-00-0 ODOM CRAIG S & MARY ELLEN 2004 REV T SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 107000 397,000 504,000 4,311.86 116.89 724 523-350-20-00-2 MAPLES MARTY C & JESSIE G SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 142,000 317,000 459,000 4,311.86 106.45 725 523-350-21-00-5 AGUIRRE DAVID E SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 122,000 270,000 392,000 4,311.86 90.91 726 523-350-22-00-8 CUNNINGHAM CHRIS L1VTR SOW-C NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 107,000 521,000 628,000 4,311.86 145.64 727 523-350-23-00-1 OGREN EDWARD L & SANIYA SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 219,478 528,743 748,221 4,311.86 173.53 728 523-350-24-00-4 DOMM ROBERT K JR & TAMI S SOW-C NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 112201 475,140 587,341 4,311.86 136.22 729 523-350-25-00-7 BANK OF AMERICA N A SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 150,000 325,000 475,000 4,311.86 110.16 730 523-350-26-00-0 DIFFEE DAVID W & VICTORIA J SOW-C NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 84,000 502,000 586,000 4,31186 135.90 731 523-350-27-00-3 CHAMPION JOHN & DAWN SOW-C NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 132,173 391,018 523,191 4,311.86 121.34 732 523-350-28-00-6 DURANT LIVING TRUST SOW-C N/A-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 122,000 255,000 377,000 4,311.86 87.43 733 523-350-29-00-9 WISNOFF WARREN J & JENNIFER L SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 121,000 455,000 576,000 4,311.86 133.59 734 523-350-30-00-1 SAUCEDO JAVIER & LOURDES SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 107,000 415,000 522,000 4,311.86 121.06 735 523-350-31-00-4 BURTON MICHAEL A & LINDA C SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 112,000 291,000 403,000 4,310.55 93.49 736 523-350-32-00-7 SEVEN OAKS AT GRAND ISLAND HOMEOW SOW-C NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 0 0 0 000 NIA-1 737 390-390-02-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE COMMERCIAL-CA INC RW NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 214,804 2,213,726 2,428,530 58,558.39 41.47 738 390-390-01-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE COMMERCIAL-CA INC RW NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 215946 2318,537 2,534,483 54820.62 46.23 739 Deleted from Roll by Amendment NO.4 -See note (12) RW NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 740 390-390-03-00-71390-390-15-00-21 CASTLE & COOKE COMMERCIAL-CA INC RW NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 3,321,999 16,063,581 19,385,580 920,964.77 21.05 741 Deleted from Roll by Amendment,NO.5 -See note (13) RW NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 742 390-390-16-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE COMML CA INC RW NIA-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 274,821 0 274,821 75,687.01 3.63 743 390-390-18-00-1 TARGET CORPORATION RW N/A-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 4,340,688 11,188,000 15,528,688 317,058.86 48.98 744 390-390-17-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE COMML CA INC RW NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 295,604 1358,000 1,653,604 81,411.25 20.31 SUMMARY OF DISTRICT AREA TOTALS SEVEN OAKS WEST II-A AREA SUBTOTAL: SOW-A It wasn't available 4,334,564.25 1,256,461.44 3.45 10,414,836 24,860,932 35,275,768 767,900.57 45.94 SEVEN OAKS WEST II-B AREA SUBTOTAL: SOW-B It wasn't available 10,858,729,49 1,713,855,67 6,34 24,598,733 65,822,211 90,420,944 1,018,893.57 88,74 SEVEN OAKS WEST II-C AREA SUBTOTAL: SOW-C It wasn'tavailable 3,891,180,50 771,659.50 5.04 6,569,307 19,578,924 26,148,231 263,939.49 99.07 RIVER WALK AREA SUBTOTAL: RW 809,498 11,093,917,78 2,471,012.76 4.49 8,663,862 33,141,844 41,805,706 1,508,500.70 27.71 SOUTHERN OAKS AREA SUBTOTAL: SO It wasn'tavailable 6,416,104.29 1,433,241,92 4.48 15,522,047 41,169,135 56,691,182 876,594.27 64.67 WESTDALE AREA SUBTOTAL: WD It wasn't available 785,102.00 233,768.71 3.36 3,400,535 11,604,294 15,004,829 142,831.04 105.05 TOTALS/OVERALL FOR ALL SIX DISTRICT AREAS: 809,498 37,379,598.31 7,880,000.00 4.74 69,169,320 196,177,340 265,346,660 4,578,659.64 57.95 SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TOTALS CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC OWNED TOTALSIOVERALL: 0 25,500,578.53 5,175,218.53 4.93 285,069 0 285,069 19,704.88 14.47 CASTLE & COOKE COMMERCIAL-CA, INC OWNED TOTALs/OVERALL: 809,498 11,093,917.78 2,471,012.76 4.49 4,323,174 21,953,844 26,277,018 1,191,442.04 22.05 SOPER HOMES, INC & J.B. BATEY TRUST OWNED TOTALS/OVERALL: 0 785,102.00 233,768.71 3.36 0 0 0 0.00 NfA·1 OWNED BY OTHERS TOTALS/OVERALL: 0 0.00 0.00 N/A·1 64,561,077 174,223,496 238,784,573 3,367,512.72 70.91 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TOTALS/OVERALL: 809,498 37,379,598.31 7,880,000.00 4.74 69,169,320 196,177,340 265,346,660 4,578,659.64 57.95 SEE NEXT PAGE FOR EXPLANATlON OF REFERENCES AND NOTES. 29500l-E 14 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA NOTES AND REFERENCES N/A-1 REFERENCES DATA FOR NON-BENEFITED AND NON-ASSESSED PARCELS OR PARCELS THAT WERE PAID OFF AFTER THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENTS WERE CONFIRMED, BUT BEFORE 06/30/10. N/A-2 REFERENCES DATA FOR ORIGINALLY ASSESSED PARCELS THAT WERE SUBDIVIDED BETWEEN 04/10/02 AND 06/30/10, AND WHICH, ACCORDINGLY, NO LONGER EXIST. N/A-3 REFERENCES DATA THAT WAS NOT AVAILABLE FROM THE KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE AS OF THE DATE OF PREPARATION OF THIS REPORT. N/A-4 REFERENCES DATA FOR PARCELS CREATED BY SUBDIVISIONS RECORDED BETWEEN 04/10/02 AND 06/30/10. THEREFORE, THE "ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 04/2002" SHOWN IN THE APPENDIX E TABLE DOES NOT APPLY TO THESE PARCELS AND IS, ACCORDINGLY, NOT SHOWN. THE "PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA" FOR THESE PARCELS IF FURTHER SUBDIVIDED ALSO NO LONGER APPLIES AND IS NOT SHOWN. THE SUBDIVIDED PARCEL'S "REMAINING ASSESSMENT BALANCE" HAS BEEN APPORTIONED TO THE NEW LOTS AND PARCELS CREATED BY THE SUBDIVISION OF THE PARCEL AND THOSE APPORTIONED ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS ARE SHOWN FOR EACH NEW LOT AND PARCEL IN THE APPENDIX E TABLE. (1) COLUMN 1 SHOULD SHOW KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S LAND VALUES AS BEING PREPARED FOR THE ASSESSOR'S ROLL FOR KERN COUNTY USED TO BILL THE 2001/2002 REGULAR PROPERTY TAXES. THE ASSESSOR'S VALUES PLANNED TO BE SHOWN IN COLUMN 1WERE NOT USED TO CALCULATE THE COLUMN 4 VALUE TO LIEN RATIO. THEY WERE PLANNED TO BE PROVIDED ONLY FOR REFERENCE AS BASELINE ASSESSOR'S LAND VALUES AT THE TIME OF THE AD 01-2 BOND SALE. HOWEVER, THE AMOUNTS FOR ASSESSMENTS 1 THROUGH 658 (EXCEPT ASSESSMENTS 465 AND 466) WERE NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF PREPARATION OF THE APPENDIX E TABLE FOR THE AD 01-2 OFFICIAL STATEMENT SINCE THOSE ASSESSMENTS WERE STILL PARTS OF UNSUBDIVIDED KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBERS (ATNs) ASSIGNED TO THE PARCELS THAT WERE SUBDIVIDED BY VARIOUS SUBDIVISION TRACT MAPS RECORDED AFTER JANUARY 1, 2002, BUT BEFORE THE AD 01-2 BOND SALE. CONSEQUENTLY, AT THE TIME APPENDIX E WAS PREPARED FOR THE AD 01-2 OFFICIAL STATEMENT, THERE WERE NO ATNs OR LAND VALUES AVAILABLE FROM THE KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR FOR ASSESSMENTS 1 THROUGH 658 (EXCEPT ASSESSMENTS 465 AND 466). (2) THE AMOUNTS SHOWN IN COLUMN 2 FOR ASSESSMENT NOS. 1THROUGH 432 AND 434 THROUGH 657 ARE "DISCOUNTED PRESENT VALUES WHEN COMPLETE" AS SHOWN IN THE APPRAISAL REPORT FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2, PREPARED BY LAUNER & ASSOCIATES, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DATED JANUARY 17,2002. THE VALUE OF EACH ASSESSED RESIDENTIAL LOT IS COMPUTED BY DIVIDING SAID DISCOUNTED PRESENT VALUE WHEN COMPLETE FOR EACH TRACT WITHIN EACH DEVELOPMENT AREA IN AD 01-2 BY THE NUMBER OF ASSESSED LOTS WITHIN EACH TRACT. THE AMOUNTS SHOWN IN COLUMN 2 FOR ASSESSMENT NOS. 433 AND 658 ARE "PRESENT AS IS VALUE WITH INFRASTRUCTURE IN PLACE" AS SHOWN IN SAID AD 01-2 APPRAISAL DATED JANUARY 17, 2002. (3) THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ARE THE AMOUNTS REMAINING UNPAID ONAD 01-2ASSESSMENTS AFTER ADJUSTMENTS FOR THE LOWER THAN ANTICIPATEDTOTAL BOND SALE AMOUNT, AS SHOWN ON THE ADDENDUM TO NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT RECORDED MAY 24,2002. AMOUNTS SHOWN IN COLUMN 3 OF APPENDIX E TO THE AD 01-2 OFFICIAL STATEMENT ARE THE ORIGINAL AD 01-2 ASSESSMENTS. THE 30-DAY CASH PAYMENT PERIOD HAS BEEN WAIVED. (4) RATIO OF APPRAISED RETAIL VALUES (COLUMN 2) DIVIDED BY THE AD 01-2 REDUCED ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT (COLUMN 3). (5) OWNERS' NAMES AND ASSESSOR'S VALUES IN COLUMNS 5, 6, AND 7 ARE AS SHOWN ON THE ASSESSOR'S ROLL FOR THE 2010/2011 TAX YEAR, AS OBTAINED FROM THE KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR ON JULY 29, 2010. (6) THE REMAINING ASSESSMENT AMOUNT SHOWN IN THE "REMAINING ASSESSMENT BALANCE" COLUMN 8 IS THE PARCEL'S REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ATTHE BEGINNING OF THE 2010/2011 TAX YEAR, INCLUDING THE DELINQUENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR THE TWELVE (12) PARCELS LISTED IN APPENDIX F TO THIS ANNUAL REPORT NO.9. THEREFORE, THE TOTAL "REMAINING ASSESSMENT BALANCE" SHOWN IN COLUMN 81NTHE AMOUNT OF $4,578,659.64 INCLUDES $3,659.64 IN DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR THE 12 PARCELS LISTED IN APPENDIX F. (7) COLUMN 9 IS THE RATIO OF THE CURRENT TOTAL ASSESSOR'S VALUE (COLUMN 7) DIVIDED BY THE AD 01-2 REMAINING ASSESSMENT BALANCE. 295001·E 15 12/3/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA (8) COLUMN ENTITLED "DIST. AREA CODE" SHOWS ABBREVIATIONS FOR EACH DISTRICT AREA NAME FOR EACH ASSESSMENT NUMBER AS FOLLOWS: "SOW-A" FOR THE SEVEN OAKS WEST II-A AREA, "SOW-B" FOR THE SEVEN OAKS WEST II-B AREA, "SOW-C" FOR THE SEVEN OAKS WEST II-C AREA, "RW" FOR THE RIVER WALK AREA, "SO" FOR THE SOUTHERN OAKS AREA, AND "WD" FOR THE WESTDALE AREA. (9) ASSESSMENT NO. 658 WAS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 01··2 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.1 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF TRACT NO. 6038 ON MAY 24,2002, IN BOOK 48 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 112, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.1 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 659 THROUGH 703. (10) ASSESSMENT NO. 433 WAS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 01-2 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.2 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF TRACT NO. 6045 ON JUNE 18, 2002, IN BOOK 48 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 132, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.2 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 704 THROUGH 736. (11) ASSESSMENT NO. 466 WAS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 01-2 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.3 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP NO. 10522-UNIT 1 ON DECEMBER 21,2004, IN BOOK 53 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGE 175, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.3 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 737 THROUGH 739. (12) ASSESSMENTS NOS. 465 AND 739 WERE DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 01-2 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.4 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 07-0104 ON JULY 31, 2007, AS DOCUMENT NO. 0207157859 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.4 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 740 THROUGH 741. (13) ASSESSMENT NO. 741 WAS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 01-2 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.5 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 08-0380 ON DECEMBER 30, 2008, AS DOCUMENT NO. 0208199612 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.5 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 742 THROUGH 744. 295001-E 16 12/3/2010 ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $7,880,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 (SEVEN OAKS WEST nlRIVER WALK/SOUTHERN OAKS) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXF LISTING OF PARCELS WITH DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENT(S) AS OF JUNE 30, 2010 Note: Appendix F table prepared by the Assessment Engineer using data provided by Issuer's Finance Department APPENDIX F CONTINUING DISCLOSURE ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 LISTING OF PARCELS WITH DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENT(S) AS OF JUNE 30, 2010 DATE OF AD 01-2 ASSESSOR'S DATE FORECLOSURE ASSESSMENT TAX NUMBER (ATN) DELINQUENT FIRST COMPLAINT, NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (1) DELINQUENT IF ANY 169 522-520-27-00-5 $458.06 12/10109 249 523-240-19-00-8 $373.64 04/10/10 284 523-250-26-00-1 $747.30 12/10109 297 523-260-10-00-7 $747.30 12/10109 377 523-280-35-00-6 $353.87 04/10108 416 523-300-06-00-7 $300.03 04/10/10 420 523-300-10-00-8 $2,024.74 12/10107 425 523-300-15-00-3 $300.03 04/10/10 427 523-300-17-00-9 $300.03 04/10/10 457 523-332-04-00-4 $267.55 04/10/10 494 394-320-28-00-7 $2,043.78 12110/07 721 523-350-17-00-4 $308.60 04/10107 04/04/2008 Totals: 12ATNs $8,224.93 29500l-F (1) Source: Delinquent Amount includes assessment principal and interest, exclusive of any late charges or penalties for reinstatement. Appendix F table prepared by the Assessment Engineer using data provided by Issuer's Finance Department 12/17/2010 ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $7,880,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 (SEVEN OAKS WEST IIIRIVER WALK/SOUTHERN OAKS) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXG LIST OF BONDS CALLED IN ADVANCE OF MATURITY ON SEPTEMBER 2,2006, BY YEAR OF BOND MATURITY AND PRINCIPAL AMOUNT CALLED IN EACH MATURITY ($350,000.00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF BONDS CALLED) AND LIST OF BONDS CALLED IN ADVANCE OF MATURITY ON SEPTEMBER 2, 2009, BY YEAR OF BOND MATURITY AND PRINCIPAL AMOUNT CALLED IN EACH MATURITY ($860,000.00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF BONDS CALLED) Note: Appendix G table provided by Issuer's Finance Department City of Bakersfield SEVEN OAKS II/RIVER WALK Bond Call Maturities Detail Bonds Dated: 4/24/2002 Bond Issue Amount: $7,880,000.00 Call Date Maturity Date Amount 09/02/2006 09/02/2007 $15,000.00 09/02/2008 15,000.00 09/02/2009 15,000.00 09/02/2010 15,000.00 09/02/2011 15,000.00 09/02/2012 20,000.00 09/02/2013 20,000.00 09/02/2014 20,000.00 09/02/2015 20,000.00 09/02/2016 25,000.00 09/02/2017 25,000.00 09/02/2018 25,000.00 09/02/2019 25,000.00 09/02/2020 30,000.00 09/02/2021 30,000.00 09/02/2022 35,000.00 Subtotal: $350,000.00 09/02/2009 0910212010 $45,000.00 09/02/2011 50,000.00 09/02/2012 50,000.00 09/02/2013 55,000.00 09/02/2014 55,000.00 09/02/2015 60,000.00 09/02/2016 65,000.00 09/02/2017 70,000.00 09/02/2018 70,000.00 09/02/2019 75,00000 09/02/2020 80,000.00 09/02/2021 85,000.00 09/02/2022 100,000.00 Subtotal: $860,000.00 Total: $1,210,000.00 Page 1 of 1 Copyright© 1999-2003 NBS 9/21/2009 3:43:37 PM ANNUAL REPORT NO.9 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $7,880,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 (SEVEN OAKS WEST II/RIVER WALK/SOUTHERN OAKS) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXH CURRENT DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE FOR THE BONDS UPDATED FOR THE 2006 BOND CALL AND THE 2009 BOND CALL Note: Appendix H table provided by Issuer's Finance Department City of Bakersfield 01-2 -SEVEN OAKS IIIRIVER WALK Current Debt Service Schedule Bonds Dated: 4/24/2002 Bonds Issued: $7,880,000.00 Payment Interest Payment Annual Call Date Rate Balance Principal Interest Total Total Premo Status 09/02/2002 0.0000% $7,880,000.00 $0.00 $157,989.33 $157,989.33 $157,989.33 3.0000% Paid 03/02/2003 0.0000 $7,880,000.00 0.00 222,172.50 222,172.50 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2003 3.1000 $7,880,000.00 240,000.00 222,172.50 462,172.50 684,345.00 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2004 3.1000 $7,640,000.00 0.00 218,452.50 218,452.50 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2004 3.7000 $7,640,000.00 245,000.00 218,452.50 463,452.50 681,905.00 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2005 3.7000 $7,395,000.00 0.00 213,920.00 213,920.00 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2005 4.3500 $7,395,000.00 255,000.00 213,920.00 468,920.00 682,640.00 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2006 4.3500 $7,140,000.00 0.00 208,373.75 208,373.75 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2006 4.6500 $7,140,000.00 265,000.00 208,373.75 473,373.75 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2006 Bond Call $6,875,000.00 350,000.00 0.00 350,000.00 1,031,747.50 0.0000 Paid 03/02/2007 4.6500 $6,525,000.00 0.00 191,915.00 191,915.00 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2007 4.8500 $6,525,000.00 265,000.00 191,915.00 456,915.00 648,830.00 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2008 4.8500 $6,260,000.00 0.00 185,488.75 185,488.75 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2008 5.1000 $6,260,000.00 275,000.00 185,488.75 460,488.75 645,977.50 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2009 5.1000 $5,985,000.00 0.00 178,476.25 178,476.25 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2009 5.2500 $5,985,000.00 290,000.00 178,476.25 468,476.25 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2009 Bond Call $5,695,000.00 860,000.00 0.00 860,000.00 1,506,952.50 0.0000 Paid 03/02/2010 5.2500 $4,835,000.00 0.00 145,053.75 145,053.75 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2010 5.3500 $4,835,000.00 260,000.00 145,053.75 405,053.75 550,107.50 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2011 5.3500 $4,575,000.00 0.00 138,098.75 138,098.75 0.00 3.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2011 5.4500 $4,575,000.00 275,000.00 138,098.75 413,098.75 551,197.50 3.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2012 5.4500 $4,300,000.00 0.00 130,605.00 130,605.00 0.00 3.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2012 5.5500 $4,300,000.00 290,000.00 130,605.00 420,605.00 551,210.00 3.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2013 5.5500 $4,010,000.00 0.00 122,557.50 122,557.50 0.00 2.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2013 5.6500 $4,010,000.00 305,000.00 122,557.50 427,557.50 550,115.00 2.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2014 5.6500 $3,705,000.00 0.00 113,941.25 113,941.25 0.00 1.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2014 5.7500 $3,705,000.00 325,000.00 113,941.25 438,941.25 552,882.50 1.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2015 5.7500 $3,380,000.00 0.00 104,597.50 104,597.50 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2015 5.8500 $3,380,000.00 345,000.00 104,597.50 449,597.50 554,195.00 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2016 5.8500 $3,035,000.00 0.00 94,506.25 94,506.25 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2016 5.9500 $3,035,000.00 355,000.00 94,506.25 449,506.25 544,012.50 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2017 5.9500 $2,680,000.00 0.00 83,945.00 83,945.00 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2017 6.0500 $2,680,000.00 380,000.00 83,945.00 463,945.00 547,890.00 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2018 6.0500 $2,300,000.00 0.00 72,450.00 72,450.00 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2018 6.3000 $2,300,000.00 410,000.00 72,450.00 482,450.00 554,900.00 0.0000 , Unpaid 03/02/2019 6.3000 $1,890,000.00 0.00 59,535.00 59,535.00 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2019 6.3000 $1,890,000.00 435,000.00 59,535.00 494,535.00 554,070.00 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2020 6.3000 $1,455,000.00 0.00 45,832.50 45,832.50 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2020 6.3000 $1,455,000.00 460,000.00 45,832.50 505,832.50 551,665.00 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2021 6.3000 $995,000.00 0.00 31,342.50 31,342.50 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2021 6.3000 $995,000.00 490,000.00 31,342.50 521,342.50 552,685.00 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2022 6.3000 $505,000.00 0.00 15,907.50 15,907.50 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2022 6.3000 $505,000.00 505,000.00 15,907.50 520,907.50 536,815.00 0.0000 Unpaid Grand Total: $7,880,000.00 $5,312,331.83 $13,192,331.83 $13,192,331.83 Copyright © 1999-2007 NBS Page 1of 1 9/14/2010 11:41:59AM CONTINUING DISCLOSURE (Submission Status: Published) FINANCIAL/OPERATING FILING (CUSIP-9 Based) Rule 15c2-12 Disclosure Submission ID:ER394531 01/03/2011 12:24:03 Annual Financial Information and Operating Data: Annual Report No. 9 for AD No. 01-2 Bonds, for the period from 07/01/2009 to 06/30/2010 DOCUMENTS Financial Operating Filing Annual Report No. 9 for AD 01-2.pdf posted 01/03/2011 The following Issuers are associated with this Continuing Disclosure submission: The following 16 securities have been published with this Continuing Disclosure submission: CUSIP-6 State Issuer Name 057510 CA BAKERSFIELD CALIF IMPT BD ACT 1915 CUSIP-9 Maturity Date 057510TV1 09/02/2003 057510TW9 09/02/2004 057510TX7 09/02/2005 057510TY5 09/02/2006 057510TZ2 09/02/2007 057510UA5 09/02/2008 057510UB3 09/02/2009 057510UC1 09/02/2010 057510UD9 09/02/2011 057510UE7 09/02/2012 057510UF4 09/02/2013 Submission Preview Print Page 1 of 2 http://dataport.emma.msrb .org/Submission/SubmissionPreviewPrint.aspx?submissionId=ER... 1/3/2011 057510UG2 09/02/2014 057510UH0 09/02/2015 057510UJ6 09/02/2016 057510UK3 09/02/2017 057510UQ0 09/02/2022 Submitter's Contact Information Company: Goodwin Procter LLP Name: GEOFFREY GEDDES Address: 10250 CONSTELLATION BOULEVARD City, State Zip: LOS ANGELES, CA 90067 Phone Number: 3107885111 Email: ggeddes@goodwinprocter.com © 2009 Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) Submission Preview Print Page 2 of 2 http://dataport.emma.msrb.org/Submission/SubmissionPreviewPrint.aspx?submissionId=ER... 1/3/2011