HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 05-3 Annual Report No. 6 FY 2009-10 ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY II/VILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTO/LINIRIDER/DIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS (Final Maturity September 2, 2026, CUSIP(l) No. 057510 F46) PREPARED FOR THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY WILSON & ASSOCIATES 7600 NORTH INGRAM AVENUE, SUITE 202 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93711 ASSESSMENT ENGINEER FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (559) 436-6644 JANUARY 7, 2011 (I) Copyright 20 II, American Bankers Association. CUSIP data herein is provided by Standard and Poor's CUSIP Service Bureau, a division ofThe McGrawHill Companies, Inc. This data is not intended to create a database and does not serve in any way as a substitute for the CUSIP services. The CUSIP number above is provided for information only. Neither the City of Bakersfield nor Wilson & Associates is responsible for the accuracy or completeness ofsuch number. ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IINILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTOI LINIRIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT 1 ALL IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED FOR AD 05-3 FINANCING HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ALL ELIGIBLE COST CLAIMS HAVE BEEN PAID 2 CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER, THE BONDS, AND THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 2 I. Summary and Current Status of Any Reported Significant Events or Any Prior Failure to Comply With Continuing Disclosure Certificate Covenants 2 II. Annual Report Dissemination Agent 3 III. Issuer's Audited Financial Statement for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 3 IV. Response to Items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" in Issuer's Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 4. Content of Annual Reports." 3 (b)(i). Principal amount of Bonds outstanding, including principal amounts and years of maturity of Bonds, if any, called for redemption in advance of maturity ... 3 (b)(ii). Balances in the Improvement, Redemption and Reserve Funds 4 (b)(iii). Identification of and information on parcels with any delinquent assessment installments 4 (b)(iv). A current statement of the status of completion or progress toward completion of the public improvements described in the Official Statement for the Bonds (the "AD 05-3 OS") under the subheading "THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND THE IMPROVEMENTS -Description of the Community Areas and the Improvements." 5 29690eCD6TOC -i-12128/10 DESCRIPTION PAGE (b)(v). A current statement of the land-secured public financing information summarized in the AD 05-3 OS under the subheading "THE BONDSPriority of Lien." 7 (b)(vi). A current statement of the parcel information set forth in Columns 5 through 9, inclusive, of Appendix E to the AD 05-3 OS, for both existing and future parcels. 10 V. Further information that the Issuer has determined may be necessary to make the specifically required statements herein, in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. 13 MISCELLANEOUS 14 Report Appendices Appendix A Issuer's Continuing Disclosure Certificate for Assessment District No. 05-3 Appendix B Issuer's AuditedFinancial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 (Filed under separate cover) Appendix C Copies of Pages 4 Through 9 of Annual Report No.4 and a Copy ofAppendix C of Annual Report No. 4 ("Letter dated December 8, 2008, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Liberty II Area and the Village Green Area Financed by Assessment District No. 05-3") (On file with the MSRB as Appendix C of Annual Report No.5) Appendix D Copies of Pages 5 Through 7 of Annual Report No.5 and a Copy ofAppendix D of Annual Report No. 5 ("Letter dated February 17, 2010, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Tesoro-Encanto Area Financed by Assessment District No. 05-3") Appendix E Current Assessment and Assessor's Value Data Appendix F Copies of Pages 10 Through 13 of Annual Report No.4 and a Copy of Appendix F of Annual Report No.4 ("Letter dated March 25, 2008, and Letter dated December 15, 2008, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status ofCompletion of the Public Improvements for the Lin Area and the Rider Area Area Financed by Assessment District No. 05-3") (On file with the MSRB as Appendix F ofAnnual Report No.5) Appendix G Copies ofPages 13 Through 15 and 22 Through 23 of Annual Report No.4 and a Copy of Appendix G of Annual Report No.4 ("Letter dated December 17,2008, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition 29690eCD6TOC -ii-12/28/10 DESCRIPTION PAGE Appendix H Appendix I Appendix J Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Diamond Ridge Area Financed by Assessment District No. 05-3") (On file with the MSRB as Appendix G of Annual Report No.5) Current Debt Service Schedule for the Bonds Updated for the 2009 Bond Call Note: Appendix H table provided by Issuer's Finance Department Listing of Parcels with Delinquent Assessment Installment(s) as of June 30, 2010 Note: Appendix I table prepared by the Assessment Engineer using data provided by Issuer's Finance Department List of Bonds Called in Advance of Maturity on September 2, 2009, by Year of Maturity and Principal Amount Called in Each Maturity ($1,880,000.00 Total Principal Amount of Bonds Called) Note: Appendix J table provided by Issuer's Finance Department 29690eCD6TOC -iii-12/28/10 ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IINILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTO/LIN/RIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT This Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.6 (the "Annual Report No.6") has been prepared pursuant to the covenants set forth in the "City Continuing Disclosure Certificate" dated March 2, 2006 (the "Continuing Disclosure Certificate"), the form of which was filed with the repositories identified by the Securities and Exchange Commission as "Nationally Recognized Municipal Securities Information Repositories" (the "National Repositories") as Appendix A of Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No. 2 (the "Annual Report No.2") for AD 05-3 (as defined below). The Continuing Disclosure Certificate is attached hereto as Appendix A and incorporated herein by reference to ensure that it is on file with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (the "MSRB"). The Continuing Disclosure Certificate was executed and delivered by the City of Bakersfield, California (the "Issuer"), in connection with the issuance and sale by the Issuer of $8,705,000 in aggregate principal amount of its City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 05-3 (Liberty II/Village Green/Tesoro-Encanto/Lin/Rider/Diamond Ridge) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds (the "Bonds"), for its Assessment District No. 05-3 (Liberty II/Village Green/Tesoro-Encanto/Lin/Rider/Diamond Ridge) ("AD 05-3"). The Bonds were issued pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, being Division 10 of the California Streets and Highways Code (the "1915 Act"), the Charter and Municipal Code of the Issuer, and Resolution No. 018-06 (the "Bond Resolution"), adopted by the City Council of the Issuer (the "City Council") on January 25,2006. This Annual Report No.6 has been prepared for the Issuer's Finance Department by Edward 1. Wilson, a registered Civil Engineer certified by the State of California, doing business as Wilson & Associates, Fresno, California, the duly appointed Assessment Engineer for AD 05-3 (the "Assessment Engineer"). This Annual Report No. 6 has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of "Section 4. Content of Annual Reports" of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate and contains the financial information and operating data relating to AD 05-3 and to the property in AD 05-3, which, except as otherwise noted herein, is effective as of the June 30, 2010 end of the Issuer's Fiscal Year 2009/2010 ("FY09/l0") to which this Annual Report No.6 applies. 29690eCD6Rpt -1-1/7/11 ALL IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED FOR AD 05-3 FINANCING HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ALL ELIGIBLE COST CLAIMS HAVE BEEN PAID As reported in Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.5 (the "Annual Report No.5"), all of the work and acquisitions authorized for funding pursuant to the AD 05-3 proceedings have been completed, payment requests for that work and acquisitions have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, and all eligible costs have been paid to the applicants. CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER, THE BONDS, AND THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 1. Summary and Current Status of Any Reported Significant Events or Any Prior Failure to Comply With Continuing Disclosure Certificate Covenants A. Reference is made to Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 5. Reporting of Significant Events" for a listing of significant events ("Listed Events") with respect to the Bonds, including its subsection (a)(iv): "optional, contingent, or unscheduled Bond calls." A subsection (a)(iv) Listed Event occurred during FY09/10 to which this Annual Report No.6 applies, and was reported in Annual Report No.5. Although the subsection (a)(iv) Listed Event reported in Annual Report No.5 occurred after the end of the Issuer's Fiscal Year 2008/2009 to which Annual Report No.5 applied, that event was described in Annual Report No. 5 in the interest of providing disclosure information on a timely basis and is summarized below: On September 2, 2009, Issuer called $1,880,000.00 principal amount of the Bonds in advance of maturity (the "2009 Bond Call"). Issuer gave notice of the 2009 Bond Call pursuant to the Bond Resolution. Funds for the 2009 Bond Call were obtained from one (l) parcel assessment prepayment for which Issuer's Finance Department had recorded a lien release, from interest earned on AD 05-3 funds held by the Issuer, from savings on various previously budgeted items, from the cancellation of all of the Diamond Ridge Area improvements authorized for acquisition pursuant to the AD 05-3 proceedings, and from the Reserve Fund for the Bonds. Reference is made to Section V of this Annual Report No.6, which begins on page 13, for a description of the sources of funds used to pay the total cost of the 2009 Bond Call, to Appendix J of this Annual Report No.6 for a list of the Bonds, by year of maturity, called on September 2, 2009, to Appendix H of this Annual Report No.6 for the current debt service schedule for the Bonds updated for the 2009 Bond Call, and to Appendix G of this Annual Report No. 6 for a description of the Diamond Ridge Area improvements that have been cancelled. B. According to Issuer's Finance Department, no other significant events occurred with respect to the Bonds during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, or from June 30, 2010, to the date of this Annual Report No.6, nor have there been any prior failures to comply with the Continuing Disclosure Certificate covenants during that time. 29690eCD6Rpt -2-117/11 II. Annual Report Dissemination Agent Pursuant to the Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 7. Dissemination Agent," the Issuer "may, from time to time, appoint or engage a Dissemination Agent to assist it in carrying out its obligations under" the Continuing Disclosure Certificate. However, the Issuer has not appointed or engaged a Dissemination Agent. The Issuer will act as the Dissemination Agent for the distribution of this Annual Report No.6 to the MSRB. III. Issuer's Audited Financial Statement for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 A. The "City of Bakersfield Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 (Audited)" (hereafter referred to as "Issuer's Audited Financial Report-FY09/l0") has been filed with the MSRB under separate cover. Issuer's Audited Financial Report-FY09/l0 is incorporated herein by reference as "Appendix B -Issuer's Audited Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010." B. THE ISSUER'S AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT-FY09/10 IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO COMPLY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION STAFF'S INTERPRETATION OF RULE 15c2-12. NO FUNDS OR ASSETS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (OTHER THAN THE ASSESSMENTS LEVIED IN THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) ARE REQUIRED TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE ON THE BONDS, AND THE CITY IS NOT OBLIGATED TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY TREASURY TO COVER ANY DELINQUENCIES. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE CITY IN EVALUATING WHETHER TO BUY, HOLD, OR SELL THE BONDS. IV. Response to Items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" in Issuer's Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 4. Content of Annual Reports." The following items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" present the information listed under the Continuing Disclosure Certificate "Section 4. Content of Annual Reports" as items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)," which are the items that this Annual Report No.6 shall contain or incorporate by reference. The following items "(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" are presented in the same order as the above-referenced "(b)(b)(i)" through "(b)(vi)" items are presented in Section 4 of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate. Except as otherwise noted below, in each case the following information is "current" as of the June 30, 2010 ending of the Issuer's FY09/l0. (b)(i). Principal amount of Bonds outstanding, including principal amount and years of maturity of Bonds, if any, called for redemption in advance of maturity: According to Issuer's Finance Department: A. The principal amount of the Bonds outstanding IS $5,730,000.00 as of September 3,2010. 29690eCD6Rpt -3-1/7/11 B. The Bonds called for redemption in advance of maturity on September 2, 2009, are listed by year of maturity and by principal amount called in the table provided by Issuer's Finance Department, attached hereto as Appendix J and incorporated herein by reference. The principal amount and years of maturity of the Bonds outstanding, updated for the Bonds that have previously matured and for the 2009 Bond Call, are shown in Appendix H, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. C. The Bonds have not been defeased as of the date of this Annual Report No.6. (b)(ii). Balances in the Improvement, Redemption and Reserve Funds: According to Issuer's Finance Department, as of June 30, 2010, the referenced Fund balances were as follows: A. The Improvement Fund: $ 0.00 B. The Redemption Fund: $648,778.06 C. The Reserve Fund: $533,678.76 Note: The current Reserve Requirement (as defined in the Bond Resolution) for the Reserve Fund is $533,678.76. (b)(iii). Identification of and information on parcels with any any delinquent assessment installments: A. The amount delinquent (exclusive of late charges and monthly penalties for reinstatement); B. The date (December 10 or April 10) of the first delinquency; C. In the event a foreclosure complaint has been filed respecting such delinquent parcel and such complaint has not yet been dismissed, the date on which the complaint was filed in the Kern County Superior Court; and, D. In the event a foreclosure sale has occurred respecting such delinquent parcel, a summary of the results of such foreclosure sale. The Issuer's Finance Department has provided the following information in response to Continuing Disclosure Certificate Section 4.(b)(iii): 1. For the preceding items IV.(b)(iii).A and IV.(b)(iii).B: The table entitled "Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.6, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 05-3, Listing of Parcels with Delinquent Assessment Installment(s) as of June 30, 2010," attached hereto as Appendix I and incorporated herein by reference, presents the list of parcels in AD 05-3 that on June 30, 2010, had delinquent assessment installments. Each parcel is identified by its assigned AD 05-3 Assessment Number and by its Kern County Assessor's Tax Number ("ATN"). Appendix I shows the total amount delinquent (exclusive of any late charges or penalties for reinstatement) for each parcel and the date (December 10 or April 10) of the first delinquency. The Appendix I 29690eCD6Rpt -4-1/7/11 table has been prepared by the Assessment Engineer from data provided by the Issuer's Finance Department. 2. For the preceding items IV.(b)(iii).C and IV.(b)(iii).D: According to Issuer's Finance Department, as of June 30, 2010, no foreclosure complaints had been filed by the issuer respecting the delinquent parcels shown in Appendix 1. Pursuant to the Bond Resolution, the Issuer will, by not later than October 1 in any year, file an action in the Superior Court of Kern County to foreclose the lien on each delinquent assessment if (1) the sum of uncured assessment delinquencies for the preceding fiscal year exceeds five percent (5%) of the assessment installments posted to the tax roll for that fiscal year, and (2) the amount of the Reserve Fund is less than the Reserve Requirement. No foreclosure complaints had been filed through the date of this Annual Report No.6. Also, since no foreclosure complaints have been filed, no foreclosure sales have occurred. (b)(iv). A current statement of the status of completion or progress toward completion of the public improvements described in the Official Statement for the Bonds (the "AD 05-3 OS") under the subheading "THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND THE IMPROVEMENTS -Description of the Community Areas and the Improvements." A. Liberty II Area and Village Green Area: As reported in Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.4 (the "Annual Report No.4"), all of the work and acquisitions in the Liberty II Area and the Village Green Area authorized for funding pursuant to the AD 05-3 proceedings for the Liberty II Area and the Village Green Area have been completed, payment requests for that work and acquisitions have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, and all eligible costs have been paid to the Applicant. Descriptions of the work and acquisitions originally approved for the AD 05-3 Liberty II Area and Village Green Area financing were provided in Appendix C of Annual Report No.5 in the form of copies of pages 4 through 9 of Annual Report No.4 and a copy of Appendix C of Annual Report No. 4 ("Letter dated December 8, 2008, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Liberty II Area and the Village Green Area Financed by Assessment District No. 05-3"). Appendix C of Annual Report No.5 is referenced in Appendix C of this Annual Report No.6. B. Tesoro-Encanto Area: As reported in Annual Report No.5, all of the work and acquisitions in the Tesoro-Encanto Area authorized for funding pursuant to the AD 05-3 proceedings for the Tesoro-Encanto Aea have been completed, payment 29690eCD6Rpt -5-1/7/11 requests for that work and acquisitions have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, and all eligible costs have been paid to the Applicant. Descriptions of the work and acquisitions originally approved for the AD 05-3 TesoroEncanto Area financing are provided in Appendix D of this Annual Report No.6 in the form of copies of pages 5 through 7 of Annual Report No.5 and a copy of Appendix D of Annual Report No.5 ("Letter dated February 17, 2010, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Tesoro-Encanto Area Financed by Assessment District No. 05-3"). C. Lin Area and Rider Area: As reported in Annual Report No.4, all of the work and acquisitions in the Lin Area and the Rider Area authorized for funding pursuant to the AD 05-3 proceedings for the Lin Area and the Rider Area have been completed, payment requests for that work and acquisitions have been submitted to the Issuer and evaluated, and all eligible costs have been paid to the Applicant. Descriptions of the work and acquisitions originally approved for the AD 05-3 Lin Area and Rider Area financing were provided in Appendix F of Annual Report No.5 in the form of copies of pages 10 through 13 of Annual Report No.4 and a copy of Appendix F of Annual Report No.4 ("Letter dated March 25, 2008, and Letter dated December 15, 2008, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Lin Area and the Rider Area Financed by Assessment District No. 05-3"). Appendix F of Annual Report No.5 is referenced in Appendix F of this Annual Report No.6. D. Diamond Ridge Area: The Diamond Ridge Area improvements financed by AD 05-3 were to be constructed by Dunmore Diamond Ridge, LLC, a California limited liability company ("Dunmore"), and acquired by the Issuer using proceeds from the sale of the Bonds, in accordance with the terms and conditions of Issuer's Acquisition and Disclosure Agreement No. 05-364, by and between the Issuer and Dunmore (the "Dunmore Acquisition Agreement"). The Issuer has previously reported that Dunmore Homes, Inc. ("Dunmore Homes"), the parent company of Dunmore, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on or about November 8, 2007. The Issuer has no additional information regarding such bankruptcy proceedings or any information regarding the current financial condition of either Dunmore or Dunmore Homes. Tract No. 6332, which was owned by Dunmore at the time the Bonds were issued, presently consists of 318 residential lots. Since the date of its Continuing Disclosure Annual Report No.3, the Issuer has learned that, per Assessor's Roll, RBC Real Estate Finance Inc is currently listed as the owner of all 318 residential lots within Tract No. 6332. The issuer has no additional 29690eCD6Rpt -6-1/7/11 information regarding RBC Real Estate Finance Inc or the transfer of the property within Tract No. 6332. To the Issuer's knowledge, Dunmore has not purported to transfer its obligations under the Dunmore Acquisition Agreement to RBC Real Estate Finance Inc or any other entity. The Issuer could not predict whether, or by whom, the public improvements in Tract No. 6332 would be completed. Accordingly, as previously stated on page 2 of this Annual Report No.6, on September 2, 2009, the Issuer called $1,880,000.00 principal amount of the Bonds in advance of maturity (the 2009 Bond Call), part of which $1,880,000.00 amount is the $1,110,777.14 total amount of the Diamond Ridge Area improvements originally planned for acquisition pursuant to the Dunmore Acquisition Agreement. Descriptions of the work and acquisitions originally approved for the AD 05-3 Diamond Ridge Area financing were provided in Appendix G of Annual Report No.5 in the form of copies of pages 13 through 15 of Annual Report No.4 and a copy of Appendix G of Annual Report No.4 ("Letter dated December 17, 2008, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvements for the Diamond Ridge Area Financed by Assessment District No. 05-3"). Also included in Appendix G of Annual Report No.5 were copies of pages 22 through 23 of Annual Report No.4, providing the then-current summary of the status ofthe Diamond Ridge Area ownership of the residential lots in Tract No. 6332. Appendix G of Annual Report No.5 is referenced in Appendix G of this Annual Report No. 6. (b)(v). A current statement of the land-secured public financing information summarized in the AD 05-3 as under the subheading "THE BONDS -Priority of Lien." A. Certain of the land-secured public financing information summarized on page 12 of the AD 05-3 as under the subheading "THE BONDS -Priority of Lien," is restated below: Each assessment (and any reassessment) and each installment thereof, and and any interest and penalties thereon, constitutes a lien against the parcel of land on which it was imposed until the same is paid. Such a lien is subordinate to all fixed special assessment liens previously imposed upon the same property, but has priority over all private liens and over all fixed special assessment liens that may thereafter be created against the property. Such a lien is co-equal to and independent of the lien for general property taxes and special taxes, including, without limitation, special taxes created pursuant to the Mello-Roos Act, whenever created against the property. The property within the Liberty II Area is subject to an existing special assessment lien created by AD 94-3; however, such assessment will be paid in full upon the issuance of the Bonds from a portion of the proceeds thereof. Therefore, upon the issuance of the 29690eCD6Rpt -7-1/7/11 Bonds, none of the property in the Assessment District will be subject to any other special assessment lien created under the 1913 Act. B. As described in the AD 05-3 OS under the subheading "THE BONDS Priority of Lien," the property within the Village Green Area and the Lin Area are subject to an existing special tax lien created by the Community Facilities District No. 92-1 of the RNR School Financing Authority ("CFD No. 92-1") under the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California (the "Mello-Roos Act"). CFD No. 92-1 includes territory from the Rosedale Union School District, the Norris School District, and the Rio Bravo-Greeley Union School District. CFD No. 92-1 special taxes will be used to finance, or used as security for bonds issued to finance, the construction of elementary, middle, and other authorized school facilities within CFD No. 92-1. The CFD No. 92-1 special taxes are payable, however, regardless of whether any bonds are issued, and they vary based upon the zoning, entitlements, and the type and level of development of such property. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, properties within the Village Green Area and the Lin Area are subject to the following CFD No. 92-1 special taxes: No special taxes are collected from property for which no final tract map has been recorded. Upon recordation of a final tract map and if no building permit has been issued for a subdivision lot prior to March 1, 2010, an annual special tax of $140.00 (which may be increased by 2% each fiscal year) per subdivision lot net acre of subject property is payable. Upon the issuance of a residential building permit for a lot or parcel prior to March l , 2010, a one-time charge of $1.75 (which may be increased each fiscal year based upon the percentage change in a designated construction cost index) per building square foot is payable, and such parcel is subject to an annual special tax payment of $548.91 (which may be increased by 2% each fiscal year). In the alternative, at the time of issuance of such residential building permit, the owner of such parcel may prepay a specified amount, in which case the onetime special tax payment and the annual special tax described above will not be levied on such parcel. The prepayment amount is currently $10,910.14 (which may be increased each fiscal year based upon the percentage change in a designated construction cost index). All Village Green Area and Lin Area assessed properties have a single-family residential land use designation. Therefore, there are no properties within AD 05-3 that are subject to the commercial or multi-family residential use CFD No. 92-1 special tax rates. Accordingly, the rates for the CFD No. 92-1 special taxes for parcels designated for commercial and multi-family residential development are not presented herein. As new land divisions are recorded within the Village Green Area and the Lin Area of AD 05-3 subdividing existing lots or parcels into new residential lots or parcels, all of those new lots or parcels will be subject to the levy of the CFD No. 92-1 special tax at the rates as described above, unless the special 29690eCD6Rpt -8-1/7/11 tax obligation for each new lot or parcel is prepaid at the time a building permit for the lot or parcel is issued. C. Also as described in the AD 05-3 OS under the subheading "THE BONDS Priority of Lien," the property within the Liberty II Area was subject to an existing special tax lien created by Lakeside CFD No. 96-1 (as defined below). On June 4, 1996, an election was held within the recorded boundaries of Community Facilities District No. 96-1 of the Lakeside Union Elementary School District ("Lakeside CFD No. 96-1"), pursuant to the Mello-Roos Act, in which the eligible voters approved by a more than two-thirds vote the proposition of levying a special tax and setting an appropriation limit. The Lakeside CFD No. 96-1 special taxes will be used to provide funds to plan for, design, acquire, construct, lease, expand, improve, rehabilitate, finance, or used as security for bonds or equivalent securities issued to finance certain Lakeside Union Elementary School District Facilities. Only the Liberty II Area in AD 05-3 is within the recorded boundaries of the Lakeside CFD No. 96-1. On July 9, 1996, the Board of Trustees of the Lakeside Union Elementary School District (the "Lakeside Board"), acting as the legislative body of Lakeside CFD No. 96-1, adopted its Ordinance No. 1996-1 authorizing the levy of a special tax within Lakeside CFD No.1. On July 16, 1996, a Notice of Special Tax Lien for Lakeside CFD No. 96-1 was recorded as Recorder's Document No. 0196089973 of Kern County Official Records. No maximum bonded indebtedness was approved. The Issuer has learned that on May 18, 2009, the Lakeside Board adopted: (i) its Ordinance No. 2009-1 dissolving Lakeside CFD No.1; and (ii) its Resolution No. 05122009B which ceased the levy of a special tax within the CFD No. 1 and directed the Clerk of the Lakeside Board to cause the recording of a Notice of Cessation of Special Tax with the office of the Kern County Recorder; all after the November 4, 2008 election which authorized issuance of $22,500,000.00 general obligation bonds by the Lakeside Union Elementary School District. In accordance with related ordinances and a rate and method of apportionment governing CFD No.1, the Lakeside Board determined that CFD No.1 should cease levying special taxes should general obligation bonds ofCFD No. 1 be authorized and issued. D. The Issuer has reported that, as of the date of this Annual Report No.6, there are no other special tax or assessment liens against the parcels in AD 05-3. Therefore, none of the assessments against property in AD 05-3 that secure the Bonds is subordinate to any other fixed special assessment liens. However, the CFD No. 92-1 special tax lien on property within the Village Green Area and the Lin Area is co-equal to and independent of the AD 05-3 assessment liens that secure payment of the Bonds. 29690eCD6Rpt -9-1/7/11 (b)(vi). A current statement of the parcel information set forth in Columns 5 through 9, inclusive, of Appendix E to the AD 05-3 OS, for both existing and future parcels. The table entitled "Annual Report No.6, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 05-3, Current Assessment and Assessor's Value Data," attached hereto as Appendix E and incorporated herein by reference (the "Current Appendix E"), presents the current valuation and assessment data for every AD 05-3 parcel of record (as of June 30, 2010) in the five (5) columns of the table that are grouped under the heading "Parcel Current Assessment and Assessor's Value Data for Fiscal Year Ending 06/30/10." This group of five columns (the "Current Data Group") presents the information required by the Continuing Disclosure Certificate to be included in this and successive annual reports for AD 05-3. Reference is made to the Current Data Group in the Current Appendix E table and to the notes and references thereon for further details on the current "Total Total Values (Assessor's Land + Improvement) (5)," "Remaining Assessment Balance (6)," and "Assessor's Value/Lien (7)" ratio for every AD 05-3 parcel with a still remaining assessment lien principal balance amount. A summary of the current parcel information contained in the Current Appendix E table is presented below: A. As generally described in Note (3) of the Current Appendix E, the parcel assessment amounts listed in Column 3 of the AD 05-3 OS Appendix E, entitled "AD 05-3 Assessment Amount (3)," are the originally confirmed parcel assessment amounts totaling $9,045,000.00. Since all of the AD 05-3 property owners submitted written waivers of the 30-day assessment cash payment period, no assessments were paid in full, or in part, prior to issuance of the Bonds. An Addendum to Notice of Assessment for AD 05-3 was recorded on April 19, 2006, as Document No. 0206095935 of the Kern County Official Records, because the $8,705,000.00 total amount of the Bonds sold on March 2, 2006, was $340,000.00 less than the $9,045,000.00 total amount of the unpaid parcel assessment liens. That $340,000.00 share of the original total unpaid assessment lien amount that was not used to secure the Bonds has been apportioned among the AD 05-3 parcels as an original unpaid assessment reduction credit, in direct proportion to each parcel's share of the total original unpaid assessment lien amount. The apportioned credit was deducted from each parcel's original unpaid total assessment, and those lower "adjusted" amounts are the amounts shown for each parcel on the Amended Assessment Roll attached as Exhibit A to the referenced Addendum to Notice of Assessment. Those "adjusted" parcel assessment amounts are also the amounts shown in Column 3 of the attached Current Appendix E entitled "AD 05-3 Assessment Amount (3)." The lower "adjusted" parcel assessment amounts were used to calculate each parcel's "Appraised Value/Lien (4)" ratio that is shown on the Current Appendix E, in Column 4. Therefore, the Current Appendix E parcel "Appraised Value/Lien (4)" ratio is higher for each parcel than the "Appraised Value/Lien (4)" ratio for the same parcel that is shown on Appendix E of the AD 05-3 OS. Each parcel's Original Appraised Value/Lien ratio, as shown in the Current Appendix E, will not change in future annual reports submitted 29690eCD6Rpt -10-1/7/11 for AD 05-3. Accordingly, the assessment liens of record shown in Exhibit A to the referenced Addendum to Notice of Assessment on all AD 05-3 assessed parcels remain in place as the security for the Bonds issued on March 2, 2006. B. As described in Note (6) of the Current Appendix E, the remaining assessment amounts shown for each AD 05-3 parcel in Column 8 "Remaining Assessment Balance (6)" were calculated by Issuer's Finance Department and, except for the parcels shown in Appendix I of this Annual Report No.6, are equal to each parcel's remaining assessment principal amount at the beginning of the 2010/2011 property tax year. The amounts shown in Column 8 of the Current Appendix E table for the sixteen (16) parcels shown in Appendix I of this Annual Report No. 6 include each parcel's total delinquent bond principal share effective June 30, 2010. Therefore, the grand total amount for Column 8 that is shown in the last row on page 29 of the Current Appendix E table, entitled "Assessment District Totals/Overall," of $5,732,942.58 is higher by the $2,942.58 combined total amount of delinquent principal installments included in the Appendix I delinquent installment amounts than the $5,730,000.00 total remaining principal amount of all unpaid assessments (the "Total Unpaid Principal"). The Total Unpaid Principal amount is equal to the $5,730,000.00 total principal amount of the Bonds outstanding on September 3,2010. C. The "Assessor's Tax Number (ATN) or Description" and "Owner's Name (5)" information presented in the attached Current Appendix E table are the ATN's and owner names for AD 05-3 parcels as they were shown on the records of the Assessor of the County of Kern, California (the "Assessor") for the Assessor's Ownership Roll for the 2010/2011 Tax Year (the "Assessor's Roll"). D. For FY09/l0, to which this Annual Report No.6 applies, one (1) new land division of assessed parcels in AD 05-3 was recorded. For each land division recorded within AD 05-3 since the original assessment was approved, the Assessment Assessment Diagram showing the "as existing" parcel configuration has been amended to show the configurations of the new parcels created by the land division and to assign a new, amended Assessment Number to each new parcel. In addition, the adjusted assessment lien for each subdivided "as existing" parcel has been segregated and apportioned to the new lots or parcels created by the land division, and a separate lien is recorded on each new lot or parcel in the amount of its apportioned share of the total remaining assessment principal balance for the "as existing" parcels. The subdivided "as existing" parcels are identified on the Current Appendix E table by a note in the "Assessor's Tax Number (ATN) or Description" and "Owner's Name (5)" columns, which states "Deleted from Roll by Amendment No. --See Note ~." If the subdivided "as existing" parcel was an originally assessed parcel that existed at the time the Notice of Assessment for AD 05-3 was recorded, then the assessment and valuation data for the subdivided "as existing" parcel is shown in the Current Appendix E table under the "Original Value/Lien Data as of 03/2006 (Not Updated to Current Year Values)" 29690eCD6Rpt -11-1/7/11 column group (the "Original Data Group"). However, for each originally assessed parcel that has been subdivided, the abbreviation "N/A-2" is entered into its corresponding five columns of the Current Data Group shown on the Current Appendix E table. Conversely, if the subdivided "as existing" parcel was created by a prior land division and is not an originally assessed parcel, then the abbreviation "N/A-4" is entered in each of the parcel's Original Data Group columns in the Current Appendix E table, indicating that the parcel did not exist at the time the Notice of Assessment for AD 05-3 was recorded. The same "N/A-4" is also entered for those parcels in each of their Current Data Group columns because the "as existing" parcel's "Remaining Assessment Balance" has been apportioned to the new lots created by the subdivision of the "as existing" parcel. The new lots created by the subdivision of an "as existing" parcel also have the abbreviation "N/A-4" entered in their Original Data Group columns indicating the new lot did not exist at the time the original assessment lien was recorded, while their Current Data Group columns show each new lot's apportioned share of the "as existing" parcel's Remaining Assessment Balance and either the new lot's current Assessor's valuation data or the Note "N/A-3" indicating no Assessor's data for the lot was available at the time this Annual Report No.6 was prepared. The Note "N/A-I" in the Current Appendix E table refers to non-benefited and nonassessed parcels and to parcels paid off after the original assessments were confirmed but before June 30, 2010. The Notes and References on the Current Appendix E pages 30 and 31 describe all of the abbreviations contained in that table. E. The four columns on the attached Current Appendix E table that are grouped under the Original Data Group present the parcel data available at the time the Bonds were sold. Except for the two Diamond Ridge Area ATN's, the "Assessor's Land Value (1)" column of the Original Data Group has the note "It It wasn't available" entered, because the Diamond Ridge Area ATN's were the only AD 05-3 assessed parcels for which Assessor's Land Value data was available at the time the AD 05-3 OS was prepared. F. Each parcel's Assessor's Value to Assessment Lien Ratio for FY09/IO is shown on the Current Appendix E table in the Current Data Group in the "Assessor's Value/Lien (7)" column. That ratio has been calculated as the ratio of the parcel's "Total Values (Assessor's Land + Improvement) (5)" amount to its "Remaining Assessment Balance (6)" amount. As stated in the preceding subparagraph E, except for the Diamond Ridge Area ATN' s, there are no Original Data Group "Assessor's Land Value (1)" amounts available to compare to the Current Data Group "Total Values (Assessor's Land + Improvement) (5)" amounts shown on the Current Appendix E table. This Annual Report No.6 makes no representation with regard to current retail valuations for the AD 05-3 properties. G. As stated in Annual Report No.2, beginning with Annual Report No.2 and continuing for all future annual reports, the AD 05-3 parcels will be listed in 29690eCD6Rpt -12-1/7/11 the Current Appendix E table by sequential Assessment Number. Also beginning with Annual Report No.2, a new column has been added to the Current Appendix E table between the "Owner's Name (5)" and "Assessor's Land Value (l)" columns, entitled "Dist. Area Code (8)." A code abbreviation for each of the six (6) AD 05-3 District Areas has been added to the data listed for each parcel to identify the District Area (Liberty II as "LIB II," Village Green as "VG," Tesoro-Encanto as "T-E," Lin as "LIN," Rider as "RDR," and Diamond Ridge as "DR") in which each parcel is located. This Annual Report No.6 shows, and all future versions of the Current Appendix E table will show, the District Area Subtotal amounts for the Original Data Group and Current Data Group columns on the table's last data page, along with subtotals of data for the groups of the "Castle & Cooke California, Inc Owned" ATN's, the "Centex Homes Owned" ATN's, the "Lennar Homes of California, Inc Owned" ATN's, the "Dunmore Diamond Ridge, LLC (and successors) Owned" ATN's, and the "Owned by Others" ATN's. V. Further information that the Issuer has determined may be necessary to make the specifically required statements herein, in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. The total cost of the 2009 Bond Call was $1,936,400.00, including $1,880,000.00 in total principal amount of the Bonds called in advance of maturity and the $56,400.00 Bond Call Premium. Pursuant to information provided by Issuer's Finance Department, the $1,936,400.00 total cost of the 2009 Bond Call was paid from funds from the following sources: Sources of Funds Re: 2009 Bond Call 1. Accumulated interest earned by AD 05-3 $ 595,551.45 2. Cash held from prior assessment payoffs $ 3,733.38 3. Savings from the Diamond Ridge Area improvements removed from the AD 05-3 scope of improvements authorized for acquisition $1,110,777.14 4. Savings on various previously budgeted items $ 60,245.53 5. Reduction in AD 05-3 Reserve Fund $ 166,092.50 6. Total of Sources $1,936,400.00 Uses of Funds Re: 2009 Bond Call 1. 2. 3. Principal amount of the Bonds called in advance of maturity on September 2, 2009 The 2009 Bond Call Premium Total of Uses $1,880,000.00 $ 56,400.00 $1,936,400.00 All expenses of the 2009 Bond Call were paid from accumulated interest earnings and from the bond call expenses paid to Issuer by the property owners that had paid their assessment liens in full prior to the 2009 Bond Call. 29690eCD6Rpt -13-1/7/11 The Reserve Fund amount after the 2009 Bond Call is $533,678.76. The new Reserve Fund amount is equal to the maximum annual debt service on the principal amount of the Bonds remaining after the 2009 Bond Call, which will occur in the year ending September 2,2012. A copy of "Current Debt Service Schedule for the Bonds Updated for the 2009 Bond Call," as provided by Issuer's Finance Department, is attached as Appendix H of this Annual Report No.6 and incorporated herein by reference. The Issuer's Finance Department applied the $1,880,000.00 in principal reduction for the Bonds as follows: i) $3,733.38 has been credited to the one parcel assessment that has been paid in full; ii) $1,110,777.14 applied as a credit to reduce the amount remaining unpaid on all Diamond Ridge Area parcels with unpaid assessment amounts as of the June 30, 2009 effective date of Annual Report No.5; and iii) $765,489.48 applied as a credit to reduce the amount remaining unpaid on the AD 05-3 parcels with unpaid assessment amounts as of the June 30, 2009 effective date of Annual Report No.5. No other information beyond that provided in this Annual Report No.6 is necessary to make the statements and information provided herein, in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. MISCELLANEOUS The foregoing information on the current status ofAD 05-3 and all references to other materials not purporting to be quoted in full are only brief outlines of some of the provisions thereof and do not purport to summarize or describe all of the provisions thereof, and reference is made to said documents for full and complete statements of their provisions. The appendices hereto are part of this Annual Report No.6, whether attached in their entirety or attached by reference to the document already on file with the National Repositories or the MSRB. Any statements in this Annual Report No.6 involving matters of opinion, whether or not expressly so stated, are intended as such and not as representations of fact. This Annual Report No.6 is not to be construed as a contract or agreement between the Issuer and the owners of any of the Bonds. The execution and delivery of this Annual Report No.6 has been duly authorized by the Issuer. City of Bakersfield By: lsi Nelson K. Smith Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director 29690eCD6Rpt -14-1/7/11 ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IINILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTO/LIN/RIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIX A ISSUER'S CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 ----------------------------------------------CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IIIVILLAGE GREENffESORO-ENCANTO/LIN/RIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS CITY CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE This Continuing Disclosure Certificate (the "Disclosure Certificate") is executed and delivered by the City of Bakersfield (the "City") in connection with the issuance by the City of $8,705,000 in aggregate principal amount of the above-referenced bonds (the "Bonds") for Assessment District No. 05-3 (Liberty Il/Village Green/TesoroEncanto/Lin/Rider/Diamond Ridge) (the "Assessment District"). The Bonds are being issued pursuant to a resolution authorizing issuance of the Bonds, being Resolution No. 018·06 (the "Resolution"), adopted by the City Council of the City on January 25, 2006. The City covenants and agrees as follows: Section I. Purpose of the Disclosure Certificate. This Disclosure Certificate is being executed and delivered by the City for the benefit of the Holders and Beneficial Owners of the Bonds and in order to assist the Participating Underwriter in complying with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12(b)(5), as amended. Section 2. Definitions. In addition to the definitions set forth above and in the Resolution, which apply to any capitalized term used in this Disclosure Certificate, unless otherwise defined in this section, the following capitalized terms shall have the following meanings: "Annual Report" shall mean any Annual Report provided by the City pursuant to, and as described in, Sections 3 and 4 ofthis Disclosure Certificate. "Beneficial Owner" shall mean any person who has the power, directly or indirectly, to vote or consent' with respect to, or to dispose of ownership of, any Bonds (including persons holding Bonds through nominees, depositories, or other intermediaries). "Dissemination Agent" shall mean the City, or any successor Dissemination Agent designated in writing by the City and that has filed with with the City a written acceptance of such designation. "Fiscal Year" shall mean the 12-month period beginning on July 1 and ending on the next following June 30, unless and until changed by the City. "Holder" shall mean either the registered owner of any Bond, or, if the Bonds are registered in the name of DTC or another recognized depository, any Beneficial Owner or applicable participant in its depository system. "Listed Events" shall mean any ofthe events listed in Section 5(a) ofthis Disclosure Certificate. "National Repository" shall mean any Nationally Recognized Municipal Securities Information Repository for purposes of the Rule. The current National Repositories are listed on the Securities and Exchange Commission website at http://www.sec.gov/info/municipal/nrmsir.htm. "Official Statement" shall mean the final Official Statement, dated February 15, 2006, pertaining to the Bonds. "Participating Underwriter" shall mean RBC Capital Markets, and any other original underwriters of the Bonds required to comply with the Rule in connection with offering of the Bonds. "Repository" shall mean each National Repository and each State Repository. "Rule" shall mean Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as the same may be amended from time to time. "State Repository" shall mean any public or private repository or entity designated by the State of California as a state repository for the purpose of the Rule and recognized as such by the Securities and Exchange Commission. As ofthe date ofthis Disclosure Certificate, there is no State Repository. Section 3. Provision of Annual Reports. (a) The City shall, or shall cause the Dissemination Agent to, not later than nine (9) months after the end of the City's Fiscal Year (i.e., currently not later than April 1 of each year), commencing with the report for the 2005-06 Fiscal Year, provide to each Repository an Annual Report that is consistent with the requirements of Section 4 of this Disclosure Certificate. The Annual Report may be submitted as a single document or as separate documents comprising a package, and may include by reference other information as provided in Section 4 of this Disclosure Certificate; provided that the audited financial statements of the City may be submitted separately from the balance of the Annual Report, and later than the date required above for the filing of the Annual Report if not available by that date. The Annual Report may be filed using the SEC-Approved Electronic Transmission Facilities provided by the Texas Municipal Advisory Council at website http://www.disclosu reusa.org. If the City's Fiscal Year changes, it shall give notice of such change in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). (b) Not later than fifteen (15) Business Days prior to the date required in subsection (a), the City shall provide the Annual Report to the Dissemination Agent (if other than the City). If the City is unable to provide to each Repository an Annual Report by the date required in subsection (a), the City, shall send to each Repository a notice in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, (c) The Dissemination Agent shall: (i) determine each year, prior to the date for providing the Annual Report, the name and address of each Repository, and file the Annual Report with each Repository, and (ii) if the Dissemination Agent is other than the City, file a report with the City certifying that the Annual Report has been provided pursuant to this Disclosure Certificate, stating the date it was provided and listing all the Repositories to which it was provided. Section 4. Content of Annual Reports. The City's Annual Report shall contain or incorporate by reference the following: (a) The audited financial statements of the City for the prior Fiscal Year, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as promulgated to apply to governmental entities from time to time by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Ifthe City's audited financial statements are not available by the time the Annual Report is required to be filed pursuant to Section 3(a), the Annual Report shall contain contain unaudited financial statements in a format similar to the financial statements contained in the final Official Statement, and the audited financial statements shall be filed in the same manner as the Annual Report when they become available. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Annual Report or other filing containing the City's financial statements may include the following or other similar statement: THE FOLLOWING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE PROVIDED SOLELY TO COMPLY WIlli THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMlSSION STAFF'S INTERPRETATION OF RULE 15c2-12. NO FUNDS OR ASSETS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (OTHER mAN THE ASSESSMENTS LEVIED IN THEASSESSMENT DISTRICT) ARE REQUIRED TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE ON THE BONDS, AND THE CITY IS NOT OBLIGATED TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY TREASURY TO COVER ANY DELINQUENCIES. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE CITY IN EVALVATING WHETIffiR TO BUY, HOLD, OR SELL THE BONDS. 2 (b) The following information with respect to the City for the Fiscal Year to which the Annual Report relates, which information may be provided by its inclusion in the audited financial statements of the City for the prior Fiscal Year described in subsection (a) above: (i) The principal amount of Bonds outstanding, including principal amounts and years of maturity ofBonds, if any, called for redemption in advance ofmaturity. (ii) The balances as of the end of such Fiscal Year in each of the following funds established pursuant to the Resolution: (A) the Improvement Fund; (B) the Redemption Fund; and (C) the Reserve Fund. (iii) Identification of each parcel for which any installment of the unpaid assessment is delinquent, together with the following information respecting each such parcel: (A) the amount delinquent (exclusive of late charges and monthly penalties for reinstatement); (B) the date (December 10 or April 10) of the. first delinquency; (C) in the event a foreclosure complaint has been filed respecting such delinquent parcel and such complaint has not yet been dismissed, the date on which the complaint was filed in the Kern County Superior Court; and (D) in the event a foreclosure sale has occurred respecting such delinquent parcel, a summary of the results of such foreclosure sale. (iv) A current statement of the status of completion or progress toward completion of the public improvements described in the Official Statement under the subheading "THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND TIlE IMPROVEMENTS -Description of the Community Areas and the Improvements." (v) A current statement of the land-secured public financing information summarized in the Official Statement under the subheading "THE BONDS -Priority ofLien." (vi) A current statement ofthe parcel information set forth in Columns 5 through 9, inclusive, ofAPPENDIX E to the Official Statement, for both existing and future parcels. (c) In addition to any of the information expressly required to be provided under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section, the City shall provide such further information, if any, as may be necessary to make the specifically required statements, in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. Any or all of the items listed above may be included by specific reference to other documents, including official statements of debt issues of the City or related public entities, which have been submitted to each of the Repositories or the Securities and Exchange Commission. If the document included by reference is a final official statement, it must be available from the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. The City shall clearly identify each such other document so included by reference. Section 5. Reporting of Significant Events. (a) Pursuant to the provisions of this Section 5, the City shall give, or cause to be given, notice of the occurrence ofany ofthe following events (each, a "Listed Event") with respect to the Bonds, if material: (i) principal and interest payment delinquencies; (ii) non-payment related defaults; (iii) modifications to rights of Bond Holders; (iv) optional, contingent, or unscheduled Bond calls; (v) defeasances; (vi) rating changes; 3 (vii) adverse tax opinions or events adversely affecting the tax-exempt status ofthe Bonds; (viii) unscheduled draws on the debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; (ix) unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; (x) substitution ofcredit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; or (xi) release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment ofthe Bonds. (b) Whenever the City obtains knowledge of the occurrence of a Listed Event, the City shall as soon as possible determine if such event would be material under applicable Federal securities law. (c) If the City determines that knowledge ofthe occurrence ofa Listed Event would be material under applicable Federal securities law, the City shall promptly file a notice of such occurrence with either (i) the Municipal Securities Rnlemaking Board and the State Repository or (ii) the Repositories. Such notice may be filed using the SEC-Approved Electronic Transmission Facilities provided by the Texas Municipal Advisory Council at website http://www.disclosureusa.org. Notwithstanding the foregoing, notice of Listed Events described in subsections (a)(iv) and (v) need not be given under this subsection any earlier than the notice (if any) of the underlying event is given to Holders of affected Bonds pursuant to the Resolution. Section 6. Tennination of Reporting Obligation. The City's obligations under this Disclosure Certificate shall terminate upon the legal defeasance, prior redemption, or payment in full of all of the Bonds. If such termination occurs prior to the final maturity of the Bonds, the City shall give notice of such termination in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). Section 7. Dissemination Agent. The City may, from time to time, appoint or engage a DisseminationAgent to assist it in carrying out its obligations under this Disclosure Certificate, and may discharge any such Dissemination Agent, with or without appointing a successor Dissemination Agent. Section 8. Amendment; Waiver. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Disclosure Certificate, the City may amend this Disclosure Certificate, and any provision of this Disclosure Certificate may be waived, provided that the following conditions are satisfied: (a) if the amendment or waiver relates to the provisions of Section 3(a), 4, or 5(a), it may only be made in connection with a change in circumstances that arises from a change in legal requirements, change in law, or change in the identity, nature, or status of an obligated person with respect to the Bonds, or type of business conducted; (b) the undertakings herein, as proposed to be amended or waived, would, in the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel, have complied with the requirements of the Rule at the time of the primary offering ofthe Bonds, after taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule, as well as any change in circumstances;and (c) the proposed amendment or waiver either (i) is approved by Holders of the Bonds in the manner provided in the Resolution. for amendments to the Resolution with the consent of Holders, or (ii) does not, in the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel, materially impair the interests of the Holders or Beneficial Owners of the Bonds. If the annual financial information or operating data to be provided in the Annual Report is amended pursuantto the provisions hereof, the first annual financial information filed pursuant hereto containing the amended operatirig data or financial information shall explain, in narrative form, the reasons for the amendment and the impact of the change in the type of operating data or financial information being provided. 4 --------------------------------In the event of any amendment or waiver of a provision of this Disclosure Agreement, the City shall describe such amendment in the next Annual Report, and shall include, as applicable, a narrative explanation of the reason for the amendment or waiver and its impact on the type (or, in the case of a change of accounting principles, on the presentation) of financial information or operating data being presented by the City. If an amendment is made to the undertaking specifying the accounting principles to be followed in preparing financial statements, the annual financial information for the year in which the change is made shall present a comparison between the financial statements or information prepared on the basis ofthe new accounting principles and those prepared on the basis ofthe former accounting principles. The comparison shall include a qualitative discussion ofthe differences in the accounting principles and the impact of the change in the accounting principles on the presentation of the financial information, in order to provide information to investors to enable them to evaluate the ability ofthe City to meet its obligations. To the extent reasonably feasible, the comparison shall be quantitative. A notice of the change in the accounting principles shall be sent to the Repositories in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). Section 9. Additional Information. Nothing in this Disclosure Certificate shall be deemed to prevent the City from disseminating any other information, using the means of dissemination set forth in this Disclosure Certificate or any other means of communication, or including any other information in any Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event, in addition to that which is required by this Disclosure Certificate. If the City chooses to include any information in any Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event in addition to that which is specifically required by this Disclosure Certificate, the City shall have no obligation under this Disclosure Certificate to update such information or include it in any future Annual Report or notice of occurrence ofa Listed Event. Section 10. Default. In the event of a failure of the City to comply with any provision of this Disclosure Certificate any Holder or Beneficial Owner ofthe Bonds may take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking mandate or specific performance by court order, to cause the City to comply with its obligations under this Disclosure Certificate. A default under this Disclosure Certificate shall not be deemed an Event of Default under the Resolution, and the sole remedy under this Disclosure Certificate in the event of any failure ofthe City to comply with this Disclosure Certificate shall be an action to compel performance. Section 11. Duties. Immunities, and Liabilities of Dissemination Agent. The Dissemination Agent shall have only such duties as are specifically set forth in this Disclosure Certificate, and the City agrees to indemnify and save the Dissemination Agent, its officers, directors, employees, and agents, harmless against any losses, expenses, and liabilities that it may incur arising out of or in the exercise or performance of its powers and duties hereunder, including the costs and expenses (including attorneys fees) of defending against any claim of liability, but excluding liabilities due to the Dissemination Agent's negligence or willful misconduct. The obligations of the City under this Section shall survive resignation or removal of the Dissemination Agent and payment ofthe Bonds. Section 12. Beneficiaries. This Disclosure Certificate shall inure solely to the benefit ofthe City, the Dissemination Agent, the Participating Underwriter, and Holders and Beneficial Owners from time to time of the Bonds, and shall create no rights in any other person or entity. Date: March 2, 2006 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 5 By: ~~k:r: Finance Director EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF FAILURE TO FILE ANNUAL REPORT Name ofIssuer: City ofBakersfield, California Name ofBond Issue: City ofBakersfield Assessment District No. 05-3 (Liberty II/Village Green/TesoroEncanto/Lin/Rider/Diamond Ridge) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds Date ofIssuance: March 2, 2006 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Bakersfield, California (the "City), has not provided an , Annual Report with respect to the above-named Bonds as required Section 4(a) of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate executed by the City on March 2, 2006. The City anticipates that the Annual Report will be filed by Dated: _ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Finance Director By; _ A-I ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IINILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTOI LIN/RIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXB ISSUER'S AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 (Filed under separate cover) THE ISSUER'S AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT-FY09/10 IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO COMPLY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION STAFF'S INTERPRETATION OF RULE 15c2-12. NO FUNDS OR ASSETS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (OTHER THAN THE ASSESSMENTS LEVIED IN THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) ARE REQUIRED TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE ON THE BONDS, AND THE CITY IS NOT OBLIGATED TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY TREASURY TO COVER ANY DELINQUENCIES. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE CITY IN EVALUATING WHETHER TO BUY, HOLD, OR SELL THE BONDS. ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IINILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTOI LIN/RIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXC COPIES OF PAGES 4 THROUGH 9 OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.4 AND A COPY OF APPENDIX C OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.4 ("LETTER DATED DECEMBER 8, 2008, FROM PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVE TRANSMITTING THE CURRENT ACQUISITION SCHEDULE AND DESCRIBING THE CURRENT STATUS OF COMPLETION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE LIBERTY II AREA AND THE VILLAGE GREEN AREA FINANCED BY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3") (On file with the MSRB as Appendix C of Annual Report No.5) ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IINILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTO/LINIRIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXD COPIES OF PAGES 5 THROUGH 7 OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.5 AND A COpy OF APPENDIX D OF ANNUAL REPORT NO 5 ("LETTER DATED FEBRUARY 17, 2010, FROM PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVE TRANSMITTING THE CURRENT ACQUISITION SCHEDULE AND DESCRIBING THE CURRENT STATUS OF COMPLETION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE TESORO-ENCANTO AREA FINANCED BY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3") delinquent assessment if (1) the sum of uncured assessment delinquencie for the preceding fiscal year exceeds five percent (5%) of the assess nt installments posted to the tax roll for that fiscal year, and (2) the a ount f the Reserve Fund is less than the Reserve Requirement. No fo closure co plaints had been filed through the date of this Annual R ort No.5. Also, ince no foreclosure complaints have been filed, no fo closure sales have oc rred. (b)(iv). A current statement the status of completion or progress oward completion of the public improvemen described in the Official State ent for the Bonds (the "AD 05-3 OS") under th subheading "THE ASSE MENT DISTRICT AND THE IMPROVEMENTS -escription of the ommunity Areas and the Improvements." A. Liberty II Area and Village Green As reported in Continuing Disc sure nnual Report No. 4 (the "Annual Report No.4"), all of the wor d acquisi ions in the Liberty II Area and the Village Green Area auth ized for fundi pursuant to the AD 05-3 proceedings for the Libe y II Area and the . age Green Area have been completed, payment quests for that work an acquisitions have been submitted to the Iss r and evaluated, and all eligible osts have been paid to the Applicant. D scriptions of the work and acquisition' originally approved for the AD -3 Liberty II Area and Village Green . a financing are provided in ppendix C of this Annual Report No.5 in the fo of copies of pages 4 rough 9 of Annual Report No. 4 and a copy of Ap endix C of Annu Report No. 4 ("Letter dated December 8, 2008, from roperty D~opment Representative Transmitting the Current Acquisition S edule ~~i-~escribing the Current Status of Completion of the Public Improvem ts /fo: t~e Liberty I~,Area and the Village Green Area Financed by Assessme District No. 05-3 ). B. Tesoro-Encanto Area: Appendix D attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, includes a copy of the letter dated February 17, 2010 (the "February 17 Letter"), addressed to the Issuer's Department of Public Works ("City Public Works") and sent sent by the property development representative for the Tesoro-Encanto Area improvements financed by AD 05-3 that have been constructed by Centex Homes, a Nevada general partnership ("Centex Homes"), and acquired by the Issuer using proceeds from the sale of the Bonds, in accordance with the terms and conditions of Issuer's Acquisition and Disclosure Agreement No. 05-362, by and between the Issuer and Centex Homes (the "Centex Homes Acquisition Agreement"). The civil engineering firm of McIntosh & Associates, Bakersfield, California ("McIntosh & Associates"), acting as the consulting civil engineer for the design and construction administration of the Tesoro-Encanto Area improvements financed by AD 05-3, has prepared the improvement construction plans for 29690dCD5Rpt -5-2/18/10 the Centex Homes improvements financed by AD 05-3. Transmitted with the February 17 Letter and also included in Appendix D is a table entitled "Exhibit "A," Assessment District AD 05-3, Centex Homes, Acquisition Schedule" (the "Centex Homes Current Acquisition Schedule"). The referenced February 17 Letter and Centex Homes Current Acquisition Schedule summarize the current status of all of the AD 05-3 improvements for the Tesoro-Encanto Area described at page 19 of the AD 05-3 as. The description of the improvements contained in the AD 05-3 as for the TesoroEncanto Area is restated below, followed by a summary of the current status of completion of those improvements by reference to the information contained in Appendix D or as provided by City Public Works. The description of the Tesoro-Encanto Area improvements contained in the AD 05-3 as is as follows: The Improvements to be constructed within the Tesoro-Encanto Area are related to the development of the Tesoro-Encanto Area and are generally described as improvements in and along Buena Vista Road, Pensinger Road, and Panama Lane that are required to be constructed, or are expected by Centex Homes to be required to be constructed, as conditions of approval for the Tesoro-Encanto Area subdivision. Also included in the scope of Improvements are Centex Homes' incidental costs for design engineering and construction. The general location and extent of the TesoroEncanto Area planned Improvements are described below. Buena Vista Road (West Side). Construction of the west side of Buena Vista Road along the frontage of Tract No. 6349 (between Panama Lane and Pensinger Road), including grading, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, handicap ramps, street signs, street lights, striping, interconnect conduit and pull boxes, utility trenching, median curb, 8-and 12-inch diameter water line with appurtenances, and subdivision block wall. Pensinger Road (South Side). Construction of the south side of Pensinger Road along the frontage of Tract No. 6349 (between the westerly boundary of Tract No. 6349 and Buena Vista Road), including grading, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, handicap ramps, street signs, street lights, striping interconnect conduit and pull boxes, utility trenching, 12-inch diameter water line with appurtenances, and subdivision bock wall. Panama Lane (North Side). Construction of subdivision block wall on the north side of Panama Lane along the frontage of Tract No. 6349 (between the westerly boundary of Tract No. 6349 and Buena Vista Road). 29690dCD5Rpt -6-2/18/10 Reference to the February 17 Letter in Appendix D indicates that all of the improvements in the Tesoro-Encanto Area have been completed. An Application and Certificate for Payment was filed by McIntosh & Associates on behalf of Centex Homes with City Public Works on June 10, 2008. Information provided by City Public Works confirms that all Tesoro-Encanto Area improvements have been completed and are in conformance with the scope of improvements described in the AD 05-3 OS. The Centex Homes total cost to construct the Tesoro-Encanto Area improvements was $1,792,286.02. The total acquisition amount funded by AD 05-3 is $1,595,584.00 and the total acquisition price paid by the Issuer for those improvements was $1,595,584.00. The $196,702.02 portion of the total cost above the acquisition price paid by the Issuer is the Centex Homes contribution toward the AD 05-3 acquisition of those improvements. Therefore, pursuant to the information presented above, all of the Tesoro-Encanto Area improvements described in the AD 05-3 OS have been completed by Centex Homes and acquired by the Issuer within the limits of available AD 05-3 funds and those completed and acquired improvements are in conformance with the scope of work described in the AD 05-3 as. Lin Area and Rider Area: As eported in Annual Report No.4, all of the work and acquisition n the Lin A a and the Rider Area authorized for funding pursuant to th l'\D 05-3 proceedi s for the Lin Area and the Rider Area have bee completed, payment re ests for that work and acquisitions have been mitted to the Issuer and eva ated, and all eligible costs have been pai to the Applicant. Descriptions of th work and acquisitions originally ap:g ved for the AD 05-3 Lin Area and Rider a financing are provided in pendix F of this Annual Report No.5 in the for of copies of pages lOt ough 13 of Annual Report No.4 and a copy of Appendi F of Annual Re rt No.4 ("Letter dated March 25, 2008, and Letter dated D ember 15, 08, from Property Development Representative Transmitting the rrent cquisition Schedule and Describing the Current Status of Completion of Public Improvements for the Lin Area and the Rider Area Financed by As ss nt District No. 05-3"). D. Diamond Ridge Area: The Diamond Ridge ea improvements finance y AD 05-3 were to be constructed by Dun ore Diamond Ridge, LLC, a Ca . ornia limited liability company ("Dun re"), and acquired by the Issuer usin roceeds from the sale of the B ds, in accordance with the terms and con ..ons of Issuer's Acquisitio and Disclosure Agreement No. 05-364, by and bet en the Issuer and Du ore (the "Dunmore Acquisition Agreement"). The suer has previ sly reported that Dunmore Homes, Inc. ("Dunmore Home " , the pa nt company of Dunmore, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection or out November 8, 2007. The Issuer has no additional information regardi 29690dCDSRpt -7-2/18/10 CentBx Homes NorCaL/Pleno Divlsion 801 S Akers Sl Visalia, CA 93277 February 17, 2010 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1501 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Attention: Marian Shaw Reference: Assessment District 05-3 Continuing Disclosure Dear Marian Please Find attached the revised "Acquisition Schedule" for the above referenced assessment district. Following is a summary of Construction status for Centex Homes through June 30, 2009: The following 05-3 projects were completed and have been reimbursed to Centex homes. Buena Vista Road (West Side) Pensinger Road (South Side) Panama Lane (North Side) Please let me know if you require any additional information. Sincerely cc: Ed Wilson/Dejan Pavic Certificate For Payment Filed Estimated Completion Date Improvement Exhibit "A" Assessment District 05-3 Centex homes Acquisition Schedule Exhibit "B" Estimated Acquisition Cost Payment Request (actual costs) Amount Paid to date Unused Funds 6/10/2008 6/10/2008 6/10/2008 May-07 March-Q7 October-07 Tesoro-Encanto area (tract No.6349) Buena Vista Road (West Side) Improvements $ 1,140,183.00 $ 1,266,066.81 $ 1,113,272.83 $ 26,910.17 Pensinger Road ( South Side) Improvements $ 340,740.00 $ 429,626.71 $ 385,718.67 $ (44,978.67) Panama lane (North Side) Improvements $ 114,661.00 $ 96,592.50 $ 96,592.50 $ 18,068.50 Subtotal tract 6349 Frontage improvements s 1,595,584.00 $ 1,792,286.02 $ 1,595,584.00 $ (0.00) $ 1,792,286.02 $ 1,595,584.00 Total per Engineers Report $ 1,595,584.00 ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IINILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTO/LIN/RIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXE CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE 151 VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENnlS BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (51 (81 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1 499-531-02-00-3 CASTLE &COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 33,248 0 33,248 4,111.20 8.09 2 499-531-03-00-6 CASTLE &COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 33,248 0 33,248 4,111.20 8.09 3 499-531-04-00-9 CASTLE &COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 33,248 0 33,248 4,111.20 8.09 4 499-531-05-00-2 CAMARA DAVID L LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 134,000 174,000 4,111.20 42.32 5 499-531-06-00-5 GONZALEZ RICARDO &VELEN LIB It wasn'tavailable 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 150,440 190,440 4,111.20 46.32 6 499-531-07-00-8 MORILLO MANOLO &KIMBERLY LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 169,104 209,104 4,111.20 50.86 7 499-531-08-00-1 AMORSOLO REGINALDO G &MARIA D LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 186,710 226,710 4,111.20 55.14 8 499-532-02-00-0 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 50,573 154,881 205,454 4,111.20 49.97 9 499-532-03-00-3 ZEPEDA JASON LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 66,299 164,093 230,392 4,111.20 56.04 10 499-532-04-00-6 MC COY ROBERT P &CYNTHIA L LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 169,104 209,104 4,111.20 50.86 11 499-532-05-00-9 OCAMPO JULIO LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 9.52 40,000 134,000 174,000 4,111.20 42.32 12 499-532-06-00-2 MOJARRONOE LIB It wasn'tavailable 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 186,710 226,710 4,111.20 55.14 13 499-532-07-00-5 LIMOS CHRISTINA LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 30,000 120,000 150,000 4,111.20 36.49 14 499-532-08-00-8 ALFARO SIXTO LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 169,104 209,104 4,111.20 50.86 15 499-533-01-00-4 VALDEZ AGUSTIN F &BEVERLY M LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 186,710 226,710 4,111.20 55.14 16 499-533-02-00-7 HERNANDEZ JUAN LIB It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 134,000 174,000 4,111.20 42.32 17 499-533-03-00-0 AYALA EUSEBIO LIB I It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 169,104 209,104 4,111.20 50.86 18 499-533-04-00-3 BOUNTHONG KHAMPHIANE &SIRIVI LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 186,710 226,710 4,111.20 55.14 19 499-533-05-00-6 TULUD MELQUIADES C LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 150,440 190,440 4,111.20 46.32 20 499-533-06-00-9 PINO RODRIGO &OLIVIA F LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 169,104 209,104 4,111.20 50.86 21 499-534-01-00-1 FITZGERALD MICHAEL J &FELIZARDA P LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 134,000 174,000 4,111.20 42.32 22 499-534-02-00-4 WHITAKER KYLE &MEGHAN E LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 169,104 209,104 4,111.20 50.86 23 499-532-01-00-7 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIB II It wasn'tavailable 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 24 499-531-01-00-0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIB II It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 25 499-541-03-00-9 SPROUL JAMES C &AMANDA N LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,905 175,582 215,487 4,111.20 52.41 26 499-541-04-00-2 PACALDO ANTHONY S JR &SYNA S LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,905 171,093 210,998 4,111.20 51.32 27 499-541-05-00-5 GUILLEN SAUL &ELIZABETH LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,905 164,608 204,513 4,111.20 49.75 28 499-541-06-00-8 PITIMAN JACALYN LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 139,000 179,000 4,111.20 43.54 29 499-541-07-00-1 PERMAN AMELIA A LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,905 159,620 199,525 4,111.20 48.53 30 499-541-08-00-4 KUKOL CARL &KRISTA LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 150,440 190,440 4,111.20 46.32 31 499-541-09-00-7 POH SANDRA A &JOB LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 145,000 185,000 4,111.20 45.00 32 499-541-10-00-9 CASTLE &COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 19,488 158,000 177,488 4,111.20 43.17 33 499-541-11-00-2 GREEN JASON LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 147,000 187,000 4,111.20 45.49 34 499-541-12-00-5 CASTLE &COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,840 185,000 224,840 4,111.20 54.69 35 499-541-13-00-8 CASTLE &COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,840 162,000 201,840 4,111.20 49.10 36 499-541-14-00-1 SPENCER AMY LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 190,000 230,000 4,111.20 55.94 37 499-541-15-00-4 CASTLE &COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,840 105,000 144,840 4,111.20 35.23 38 499-541-16-00-7 CASTLE &COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,840 95,000 134,840 4,111.20 32.80 39 499-542-01-00-0 CHITIINAPPILLY BENNY LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 186,710 226,710 4,111.20 55.14 40 499-542-02-00-3 TAYLOR TOMMY EARL LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 134,000 174,000 4,111.20 42.32 41 499-542-03-00-6 WARD MARLON LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 169,104 209,104 4,111.20 50.86 42 499-543-02-00-0 CASTLE &COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,840 0 39,840 4,111.20 9.69 43 499-543-03-00-3 CASTLE &COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,840 0 39,840 4,111.20 9.69 44 499-543-04-00-6 CASTLE &COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 5,359.08 9.52 39,840 190,000 229,840 4,111.20 55.91 45 499-543-05-00-9 MC INTOSH WILLIAM LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 64,030 152,071 216,101 4,111.20 52.56 46 499-543-06-00-2 CLOUGH KEVIN ANTHONY LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 169,104 209,104 4,111.20 50.86 47 499-543-07-00-5 BRISENO JESSICA LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 134,000 174,000 4,111.20 42.32 48 499-543-08-00-8 ARCE MIGUEL &L1LLlAM LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 150,440 190,440 4,111.20 46.32 49 499-543-09-00-1 GUILLEN HERNANDEZ GUADALUPE LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,905 159,620 199,525 4,111.20 48.53 50 499-543-10-00-3 CANLAS RITA E LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 163.000 203,000 4,111.20 49.38 51 499-543-11-00-6 LOPEZ ANDRES JR LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,905 142,661 182,566 4,111.20 44.41 52 499-543-12-00-9 GUTIERREZ ELOYED UBII It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 150,440 190,440 4.111.20 46.32 53 499-543-01-00-7 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIB II It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 54 499-541-01-00-3 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIB II It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 55 499-541-02-00-6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIB II It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 29690E-E 12/23/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VAL~~; LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENl NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 11\ VALUE 121 AMOUNT 131 LIEN 4 VALUE 15\ VALUE 151 + IMPROVEMENnlS BALANCE 161 LIEN 17\ NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME 15\ (81 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 56 499-551-01-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn'tavailable 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 32,355 84,000 116,355 4,111.20 28.30 57 499-551-02-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 32,355 0 32,355 4,111.20 7.87 58 499-551-03-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 32,355 0 32,355 4,111.20 7.87 59 499-551-04-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn'tavailable 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 32,355 130,000 162,355 4,111.20 39.49 60 499-551-05-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn'tavailable 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 32,355 0 32,355 4,111.20 7.87 61 499-551-06-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 32,355 48,000 80,355 4,111.20 19.55 62 499-551-07-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 32,355 0 32,355 4,111.20 7.87 63 499-551-06-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn'tavailable 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 32,355 42,000 74,355 4,111.20 18.09 64 499-551-09-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 32,355 0 32,355 4,111.20 7.87 65 499-552-01-00-3 GUERIN JOSEPH LIII & AIMEE M LIB II It wasn'tavailable 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 169,104 209,104 4,111.20 50.86 66 499-552-552-02-00-6 CONTRERAS EDVlN LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 53,048 118,680 171,728 4,111.20 41.77 67 499-552-03-00-9 ALVAREZ CRISMAY LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,905 154,632 194,537 4,111.20 47.32 68 499-552-04-00-2 CAMPOS ALBERT E III & MENDEZ DAMAYR LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 134,000 174,000 4,111.20 42.32 69 499-553-01-00-0 CARRANZA ANGEL LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 151,130 191,130 4,111.20 46.49 70 499-553-02-00-3 MC DAID HUGH T LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 134,000 174,000 4,111.20 42.32 71 499-553-03-00-6 PACHECO FRANCISCO & GOMEZ IRMA A LIB II It wasn'tavailable 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 39,905 136,675 176,580 4,111.20 42.95 72 499-553-04-00-9 FLORES OLGA M LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 186,710 226,710 4,111.20 55.14 73 499-553-05-00-2 VALDIVIA ARTHUR LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 150,440 190,440 4,111.20 46.32 74 499-554-01-00-7 DUNHAM KELLY N LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 150,440 190,440 4,111.20 46.32 75 499-554-02-00-0 MUNOZ CARLOS F & SANDRA I LIB II It wasn't available 51,000 5,359.08 9.52 40,000 169,104 209,104 4,111.20 50.86 76 Deleted from Roll by Amendment NO.1 -See note (9) LIB II It wasn't available 4,256,157 526,905.05 8.08 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 77 534-020-04-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 25,948 158,000 183,948 4,823.20 38.14 78 534-020-05-00-3 SCOGGINS JONATHAN & ALLISON VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 61,040 219,745 280,785 4,823.20 58.22 79 534-020-06-00-6 RIOS JULIO C & MARIA E VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 45,778 222,481 268,259 4,823.20 55.62 80 534-020-07-00-9 DILGER PETER C VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 58,193 136,559 194,752 4,823.20 40.38 81 534-020-08-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 25,948 203,000 228,948 4,823.20 47.47 82 534-020-09-00-5 REYNOLDS scorr VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 64,798 219,478 304,276 4,823.20 63.09 83 534-020-10-00-7 MOURTZANOS EMMANUEL & LAUREL VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 71,743 268,797 340,540 4,823.20 70.60 84 534-020-11-00-0 JOLLIFF JOSEPH VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 99,692 289,107 388,799 4,823.20 80.61 85 534-020-12-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 10,132 0 10,132 4,823.20 2.10 86 534-020-13-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 25,948 0 25,948 4,823.20 5.38 87 534-020-01-00-1 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 88 534-020-02-00-4 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 89 534-020-03-00-7 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 90 534-030-05-00-6 FERTIG DEVIN VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 61,902 185,706 247,608 4,823.20 51.34 91 534-030-06-00-9 WHITE WILLIAM A & MARY A VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 64,319 171,519 235,838 4,823.20 48.90 92 534-030-07-00-2 CONCEPCION ALFRED VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 62,178 158,999 221,177 4,823.20 45.86 93 534-030-08-00-5 VAN METRE STEVEN P VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 64,028 173,789 237,817 4,823.20 49.31 94 534-030-09-00-8 JARRIN MARCO VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 75,000 400,000 475,000 4,823.20 98.48 95 534-030-10-00-0 BROWN DENNIS E & MARILYN VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 60,575 172,246 232,821 4823.20 48.27 96 534-030-11-00-3 BREWSTER KEVIN VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 54,617 150,197 204,814 4,823.20 42.46 97 534-030-12-00-6 SMITH BARBARA VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 66,116 173,790 239,906 4,823.20 49.74 98 534-030-13-00-9 BORJAS JESUS VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 68,506 186,335 254,841 4,823.20 52.64 99 534-030-14-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 25,948 31,000 56,948 4,823.20 11.81 100 534-030-15-00-5 PEARCE ANTHONY & ELIZABETH VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 62,549 173,678 236,227 4,823.20 48.98 101 534-030-16-00-8 GUPTA ROSHAN VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 49,881 149,644 199,525 4,823.20 41.37 102 534-030-17-00-1 MANIGQUE GREGG A & HANI D VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 59,778 156,087 215,865 4,823.20 44.76 103 534-030-18-00-4 HASHIM AARON J VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 59,857 154,632 214,489 4,823.20 44.47 104 534-030-19-00-7 GONZALEZ NELSON & ANA VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 65.520 179,088 244,608 4,823.20 50.71 105 534-030-20-00-9 KING THEODORE W & KELLI M VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 51,765 194,765 246,530 4,823.20 51.11 106 534-030-41-00-0 GABLE THOMAS J & STIEBER CHERYL VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 43,075 197,066 240,141 4,823.20 49.79 107 534-030-22-00-5 HUNTER JACOB R & ELIZABETH A 0 VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 53,861 180,246 234,107 4,823.20 48.54 108 534-030-23-00-8 ZOHMAN FAMILY TRUST VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 50,960 193,648 244,608 4,823.20 50.71 109 534-030-24-00-1 CRUZ ELEANORE & ARNOLD VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 74,822 180,571 255,393 4,823.20 110 52.95 534-030-25-00-4 LEGRAND RODNEY L & BARKSDALE LEGR VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 48,881 182,817 231,698 4,823.20 48.04 29690E-E 2 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAlSE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE In VALUE 12\ AMOUNT (3) LIEN 14\ VALUE 15\ VALUE 15\ + IMPROVEMENnl5 BALANCE(6l LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8\ COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 9 111 534-030-26-00-7 TRUNNELL MARK & HUNTINGTON LAURA J VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 61,648 181,576 243,224 4,823.20 50.43 112 534-030-27-00-0 DEES SHANNON DAWN VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 59,857 161,616 221,473 4,823.20 45.92 113 534-030-28-00-3 AFFELD LYNNE A VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 51,782 192,826 244,608 4,823.20 50.71 114 534-030-29-00-6 SALAZAR JOE & COVEY JENA VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 66,720 182,370 249,090 4,823.20 51.64 115 534-030-30-00-8 STEWART CHARLESZETTA VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 50,683 219,221 269,904 4,823.20 55.96 116 534-030-31-00-1 STRANBERG RAY VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 67,038 211,842 278,880 4,823.20 57.82 117 534-030-32-00-4 GREEN WOOD TANEIL VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 47,359 185,479 232,838 4,823.20 48.27 118 534-030-33-00-7 CONTASTI GUSTAVO J VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 74,822 189,549 264,371 4,823.20 54.81 119 534-030-34-00-0 MARTINEZ JUAN A SANCHEZ & ALEGRIA C VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 58,711 220,169 278,880 4,823.20 57.82 120 534-030-35-00-3 GARNER ROBERT C & ALI 0 VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 61,152 183,456 244 608 4,823.20 50.71 121 534-030-36-00-6 OLSON RYAN A & AMY S VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 53,014 237,386 290,400 4,823.20 60.21 122 534-030-37-00-9 SPENCER MICAH T & GINGER A VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 65,174 156,418 221,592 4,823.20 45.94 123 534-030-38-00-2 ROGERS ANA MARIA VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 45,352 196,318 241,670 4,823.20 50.11 124 534-030-39-00-5 SMITH KELVIN VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 66,747 169,091 235,838 4,823.20 48.90 125 534-030-40-00-7 NA SUN JU & KOO BONGSU VG It wasn't available 63615 6,287.17 10.12 38,895 202,254 241,149 4,823.20 50.00 126 534-030-01-00-4 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 127 534-030-42-00-3 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 128 534-030-03-00-0 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 129 534-030-04-00-3 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 130 534-040-06-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 25948 99,000 124,948 4,823.20 25.91 131 534-040-07-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 25,948 39,000 64,948 4,823.20 13.47 132 534-040-08-00-8 BURSTON REBECCA W & MICHAEL R VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 68,274 179,334 247,608 4,823.20 51.34 133 534-040-09-00-1 LANDWEHR STEVEN VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 69,834 176,580 246,414 4,823.20 51.09 134 534-040-10-00-3 MC GOWAN JUSTIN A & GRETCHEN A VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 49,661 134,181 184,062 4,823.20 38.16 135 534-040-11-00-6 BASTIDAS OSCAR 0 & MARINA MOGOLLOt VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 49,923 136,041 185,964 4,823.20 38.56 136 534-040-12-00-9 ANGELO RYAN MICHAEL VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 64,845 194,537 259,382 4,823.20 53.78 137 534-040-13-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 20,000 55,000 75,000 4,823.20 15.55 138 534-040-14-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 20,000 43,000 63,000 4,823.20 13.06 139 534-040-15-00-8 NEWCOMB KASEY J & VANESSA L VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 52,960 199,263 252,223 4,823.20 52.29 140 534-040-16-00-1 BAKER GALEN E & RACHEL B VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 49,745 166,120 215,865 4,823.20 44.76 141 534-040-17-00-4 ALFARO LETICIA VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 71,160 173,630 244,790 4,823.20 50.75 142 534-040-18-00-7 GERMANETTI FAMILY TR VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 55,207 160,469 215,676 4,823.20 44.72 143 534-040-19-00-0 HOLAKOUEE FARSHID F VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 64,113 185,502 249,615 4,823.20 51.75 144 534-040-20-00-2 SANCHEZ MARIA Z VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 44,995 199,776 244,771 4,823.20 50.75 145 534-040-21-00-5 MARSTON TERI VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 52,163 134,233 186396 4,823.20 38.65 146 534-040-22-00-8 CZARNECKI STEVE L & JOSEE VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 6,287.17 10.12 48,079 170,231 218,310 4,823.20 45.26 147 534-040-23-00-1 BERTINI MICHAEL VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 64,845 159,620 224,465 4,823.20 46.54 148 534-040-24-00-4 OLDS BRANDON & ALLISON VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 68,961 149,876 218,837 4,823.20 45.37 149 534-040-25-00-7 DIAZCASEY VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 51,553 139,663 191,216 4,823.20 39.65 150 534-040-26-00-0 NAVOR ADELIO B & EVA A VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 69,619 177,030 246649 4,823.20 51.14 151 534-040-27-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 6,095 0 6,095 4,823.20 1.26 152 534-040-28-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 6,095 0 6,095 4,823.20 1.26 153 534-040-29-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 6,095 0 6,095 4,823.20 1.26 154 534-040-01-00-7 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 155 534-040-02-00-0 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 156 534-040-03-00-3 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasntavailable 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 157 534-040-04-00-6 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 158 534-040-05-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 159 534-050-03-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 160 534-050-04-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 161 534-050-05-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 162 534-050-06-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 163 534-050-07-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 164 534-050-08-00-1 CASTLE & & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 165 534-050-09-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 29690E-E 3 12123/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.5 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05.3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUESl ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VAlUE '1' VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN '4' VALUE (5) VAlUE (5) + IMPROVEMENnlS BALANCE (5) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 166 534-050-10-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 167 534-050-11-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn'tavailable 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 168 534-050-12-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 169 534-050-13-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 170 534-050-14-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 171 534-050-15-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn'tavailable 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 172 534-050-16-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 173 534-050-17-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn'tavailable 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 7,086 0 7,086 4,823.20 1.47 174 534-050-18-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn'tavailable 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 27,086 0 27,086 4,823.20 5.62 175 534-050-19-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn'tavailable 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 27086 0 27,086 4823.20 5.62 176 534-050-20-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 27,086 0 27,Q86 4,823.20 5.62 177 534-050-21-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn'tavailable 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 27,086 0 27,086 4,823.20 5.62 178 534-050-22-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 27,086 0 27,Q86 4,823.20 5.62 179 534-050-23-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 27,086 0 27,086 4,823.20 5.62 180 534-050-24-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 27,Q86 0 27,086 4,823.20 5.62 181 534-050-25-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 27,086 0 27,086 4,823.20 5.62 182 534-050-01-00-0 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 183 534-050-02-00-3 VILLAGE GREEN COMMUN ASSN VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 184 534-060-05-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn'tavailable 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 185 534-060-08-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn'tavailable 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 186 534-060-07-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 187 534-060-08-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn'tavailable 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 188 534-060-09-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 189 534-060-10-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn'tavailable 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 190 534-060-11-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 191 534-060-12-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 192 534-060-13-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 193 534-060-14-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 194 534-060-15-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 195 534-060-18-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 196 534-060-17-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 197 534-060-18-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 198 534-060-19-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 199 534-060-20-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 200 534-060-21-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 201 534-060-22-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 4,823.20 0.78 202 534-060-23-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 203 534-060-24-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 204 534-060-25-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 205 534-060-28-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 206 534-060-27-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 207 Deleted from Roll by Amendment No. 10 -See note (18) VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 208 534-060-29-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 209 534-060-30-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 210 534-060-31-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 211 534-060-32-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 212 534-060-33-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 213 534-060-34-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 214 534-060-35-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 215 534-060-38-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 216 534-060-37-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CAliFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 217 534-060-38-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 218 534-060-39-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 219 534-060-40-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 220 534-060-41-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 63,615 6,287.17 10.12 3,776 0 3,776 4,823.20 0.78 29690E-E 4 12/23/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAlSE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENl (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN 14\ VALUE (51 VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENTI(S BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME 151 18\ COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 221 534-060-01-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 222 534-060-02-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 223 534-060-03-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 224 534-060-04-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 225 Deleted from Roll bv Amendment No. 10 -See note (18) VG It wasn't available 10,149,831 1,408,326.08 7.21 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 NIA-2 226 Deleted from Roll by Amendment NO.3 -See note (11) T-E It wasn't available 4,671,499 652,773.83 7.16 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 227 Deleted from Roll by Amendment No.4 -See note (12) T-E It wasn't available 2,245,429 385,188.96 5.83 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 228 535-041-01-00-1 BUGARIN MARIA GUADALUPE LUNA T-E It wasn'tavailable 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 76,000 236,800 312,800 6,156.19 50.81 229 535-041-02-00-4 MARZETT CHRIS T-E It wasn't available 61.038 8,024.77 7.61 29,000 88,000 117,000 6,409.46 18.25 230 535-041-03-00-7 ZARATE LOURDES B T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 81,000 221,000 302,000 6,156.19 49.06 231 535-041-04-00-0 DAVE RAJIV & TRUPTI T-E It wasn'tavailable 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 50,000 213,000 263,000 6,156.19 42.72 232 535-041-05-00-3 MARTINEZ SONIA & ISRAEL T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 69,000 197,000 266,000 6,156.19 43.21 233 535-041-06-00-6 ANFOSO MARIA T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 65,944 192,555 258,499 6,156.19 41.99 234 535-041-07-00-9 CHAVEZ PHILLIP A T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 50,000 162,400 212,400 6,156.19 34.50 235 535-042-01-00-8 SCROGGS GARY L REV TR T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 53,970 149915 203,885 6,156.19 33.12 236 535-042-02-00-1 LEUNG RAYMOND K & ZHEN AMANDA B T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 62,000 180,000 242,000 6,156.19 39.31 237 535-042-03-00-4 NGUYEN DIEM T & DAI HUGH T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 80,000 231,400 311,400 6,156.19 50.58 238 535-042-04-00-7 GONZALES JULIA L T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 58,531 197,054 255,585 6,156.19 41.52 239 535-042-05-00-0 TRAM ANN TUYET T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 54,000 152,000 206,000 6,156.19 33.46 240 535-042-06-00-3 LEWIS ERIC ERIC JOE & TERESA T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 54,869 159,620 214,489 6,156.19 34.84 241 535-043-01-00-5 HOGAN CLAYTON J & SANDI L T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 61,462 196,065 257,527 6,156.19 41.83 242 535-043-02-00-8 RICKS WAYNE A T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 85,000 245,000 330,000 6,156.19 53.60 243 535-043-03-00-1 KIM HOIKYONG & SANGKIL T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 67,912 188,644 256,556 6,156.19 41.67 244 535-043-04-00-4 LAYOSA CYNTHIA S T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 54,853 148,955 203,808 6,156.19 33.11 245 535-043-05-00-7 RANGEL RICARDO T-E It wasn'tavailable 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 57980 165,564 223,544 6,156.19 36.31 246 535-043-06-00-0 SOLIS HIPOLITO M & JENNY R T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 54,000 153,000 207,000 6,156.19 33.62 247 535-043-07-00-3 COBURN JENNIFER & SHANE T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 52,110 151,697 203,807 6,156.19 33.11 248 535-043-08-00-6 TRAN DAC & PHAM THANH T T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 90,000 243,000 333,000 6,156.19 54.09 249 535-043-09-00-9 MONTOYA HECTOR & ESTRADA ROSEllA ( T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 56,788 147,019 203,807 6,156.19 33.11 250 535-043-10-00-1 CHANG TINA T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 60,814 226,364 287,178 6,156.19 46.65 251 535-044-01-00-2 VYASHARITK T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 61,000 173,000 234,000 6,156.19 38.01 252 535-044-02-00-5 QUACH VICTOR M & TANG KIM T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 65,739 222,783 288,522 6,282.82 45.92 253 535-044-03-00-8 FED NATL MTG ASSN T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 79,000 228,000 307,000 6,156.19 49.87 254 535-044-04-00-1 DIEP ANDY T & JULIE N T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 53,000 152,000 205,000 6,156.19 33.30 255 535-044-05-00-4 HERNANDEZ RICARDO LOPEZ T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 59,706 195,702 255,408 6,156.19 41.49 256 535-044-06-00-7 PEREZ JAIME D T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 85,000 245,000 330,000 6,156.19 53.60 257 535-044-07-00-0 PETTAWAY ZELLA& LEROY T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 59,873 245,146 305,019 6,156.19 49.55 258 535-044-08-00-3 HAYCOCK DUSTIN N T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 55,119 125,549 180,668 6,156.19 29.35 259 535-044-09-00-6 MONROY CHRISTOPHER T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 77,000 221,000 298,000 6,156.19 48.41 260 535-044-10-00-8 HERRERA CRUZ MARTIN C & CASTANEDA T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 80000 244,900 324,900 6,156.19 52.78 261 535-044-11-00-1 HERRERA RONY B & JANET M T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 69,308 175,581 244,889 6,156.19 39.78 262 535-044-12-00-4 SIMPSON JARED S & KIM C T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 61,000 173,000 234,000 6,156.19 38.01 263 535-044-13-00-7 GAO FELTON J T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 61,000 173,000 234,000 6,156.19 38.01 264 535-044-14-00-0 PEREZ RAFAEL C & ESPERANZA M T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 54,000 152,000 206,000 206,000 6,156.19 33.46 265 535-045-01-00-9 TAM AMY T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 48000 137,000 185,000 6156.19 30.05 266 535-045-02-00-2 ROGERS BRENT & KRISTIN T-E It wasn'tavailable 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 74,822 174,585 249,407 6,156.19 40.51 267 535-046-01-00-6 GARCIA JOSEPH T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 61,000 173,000 234,000 6,156.19 38.01 268 535-046-02-00-9 BURCHAM ASHLEY & WOLFER JOSHUA D T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 49,000 137,000 186,000 6,156.19 30.21 269 535-046-03-00-2 JACINTO SARA! T-E It wasn't available 61,038 8,024.77 7.61 49,000 137,000 186,000 6,156.19 30.21 270 535-041-08-00-2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD T-E It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 271 535-031-02-00-1 GRIMALDI JOSEPH V & LISA S T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 69,000 202,000 271,000 6,156.19 44.02 272 535-031-03-00-4 SINGLETON RITCHIE W & TIFFANY A T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 50,000 200,000 250,000 6,156.19 40.61 273 535-031-04-00-7 HERNANDEZ EUNICE EUNICE S & SANTOS L T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 54,916 183,053 237,969 6,156.19 38.66 274 535-031-05-00-0 WATKINS ANTOIN & LISA T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 67,000 194,000 261,000 6,156.19 42.40 275 535-031-08-00-3 GRAHAM CHARLES E & AUDREY S T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 54,963 231,456 286,419 6,156.19 46.53 29690E-E 5 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENnlS BALANCE (6) LIEN (71 NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 9 276 535-031-fJ7-00-6 ROSE RANDALL JAMES T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 49,000 137,000 186,000 6,156.19 30.21 277 535-fJ31-08-00-9 MBWABI SYLVIA T-E it wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 59,242 261,979 321,221 6,156.19 52.18 278 535-031-09-00-2 PEREZ EULALIO L & JASMIN M T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 79,810 178,575 258,385 6,156.19 41.97 279 535-031-10-00-4 LUONGVANM T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 57,000 171,000 228,000 6,156.19 37.04 280 535-031-11-00-7 GONZALEZ GLORIA M & LUIS A T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 54,823 168,732 223,555 6,156.19 36.31 281 535-031-12-00-0 PIERSON GARY M & VALERIE T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 80,000 235,900 315,900 6,156.19 51.31 282 535-031-13-00-3 SMETHIE BRADLEY T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 80,807 158,921 239,728 6,156.19 38.94 283 535-032-02-00-8 KAUR SUKHJINDER T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 56,403 196,159 252,562 6,282.82 40.20 284 535-032-03-00-1 DUENAS ADRIAN & ELVIA T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 61,710 223,528 285,238 6,156.19 46.33 285 535-032-04-00-4 BRAR KULWANT S & KULWINDER K T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 54,696 196,906 251,602 6,156.19 40.87 286 535-032-05-00-7 HARRIS BUETRICE T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 53,270 168,688 221,958 6,156.19 36.05 287 535-032-08-00-0 QUATMAN MICHAEL J & CAMPOS YVONNE T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 56,000 161,000 217,000 6,156.19 3525 288 535-032-07-00-3 SCOTT JACQUELINE T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 81,000 237,000 318,000 6,156.19 51.66 289 535-032-08-00-6 BERNAL JOSE ARMANDO & ROSALINDA T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 48,000 137,000 185,000 6,156.19 30.05 290 535-032-09-00-9 ARZABAL BLAS V & PEARL L T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 54,320 204,003 258,323 6,156.19 41.96 291 535-fJ32-10-00-1 WILLIAMS KENNETH & RAMONA T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 46,000 138,000 184,000 6,156.19 29.89 292 535-fJ32-11-fJ0-4 MC COY JOHN R & CARLA L T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 59,516 197,062 256,578 6,156.19 41.68 293 535-032-12-00-7 BEGLEY ELMER & MARGARET L T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 48,000 137,000 185,000 6,156.19 30.05 294 535-032-13-00-0 BELTRAN EVELYN A T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 77,000 221,000 298,000 6,156.19 48.41 295 535-032-14-00-3 TRAN CHRISTINE T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 57,000 161,000 218,000 6156.19 35.41 296 535-032-15-00-6 TREECE TONY C T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 70,206 183,316 253,522 6,156.19 41.18 297 535-032-16-00-9 WILLIAMS DUANE & WENDOLYN T·E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 67,268 188,350 255,618 6,156.19 41.52 298 535-033-02-fJ0-5 HOBSON CLELL L & KRYSTINE T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 54,000 153,000 207,000 6,156.19 33.62 299 535-034-01-00-9 LARIOS ELIAS & MARIA T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 62,000 180,000 242,000 6,156.19 39.31 300 535-034-02-00-2 RODRIGUEZ RUBEN D & ANTONIA T..E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 51,113 152,772 203,885 6,156.19 33.12 301 535-034-03-00-5 NELSON DANIEL JR T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 53,814 199,709 253,523 6,156.19 41.18 302 535-034-04-00-8 WANG PANG YUAN & MAO JUNYING T..E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 79,000 229,000 308,000 6,156.19 50.03 303 535-034-05-00-1 DHALIWAL AVTAR & SATVIR T..E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 65,000 125,000 190,000 6,156.19 30.86 304 535-034-06-00-4 GARCIA MARGARITA E T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 66,016 155,797 221,813 6,156.19 36.03 305 535-034-07-00-7 FLOYD ELON M & LINDSAY N T..E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 49,881 139,668 189,549 6,156.19 30.79 306 535-034-08-00-0 BLACK JACKI R T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 69,834 113,729 183,563 6,156.19 29.82 307 535-034-09-00-3 SKINNER BRIAN & LAURA T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 51,835 152,050 203,885 6,156.19 33.12 308 535-034-10-00-5 KRUSS HOLDING IRREV TR T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 58,997 197,545 256,542 6,547.74 39.18 309 535-034-11-00-8 o CONNOR TERRI TYLER T..E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 55,844 166,913 222,757 6,156.19 36.18 310 535-034-12-00-1 NESTOR MARGIE 0 T..E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 60,752 193,730 254,482 6,156.19 41.34 311 535..035-01-00-6 HAWKERINVERSTMENTSLLC T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 50,000 139,000 189,000 6,156.19 30.70 312 535-035-02-00-9 ELLIS ANA MARIA T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 69,000 202,000 271,000 6,156.19 44.02 313 535-035-03-00-2 FED NATL MTG ASSN T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 59,989 161,970 221,959 6,156.19 36.05 314 535-035-04-00-5 YAM BARBARA T·E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 80,000 235,900 315,900 6,156.19 51.31 315 535-035-05-00-8 DANIELS TIFFANY T T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 53,000 153,000 206,000 6,156.19 33.46 316 535-035-06-00-1 DOTSON PATRICK T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 60,000 173,000 233,000 6,156.19 37.85 317 535-035-07-00-4 TURRISI ALEJANDRA L T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 67,000 194,000 261,000 6,156.19 42.40 318 535-035-08-00·7 GARCIA SOCORRO T·E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 60,953 142,223 203,176 6,156.19 33.00 319 535-035-09-00-0 MC COMBS CLAY & SHAKIRA L T-E It wasn't available 77,139 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 48,000 137,000 185,000 6,156.19 30.05 320 535-035-10-00-2 AHUJA MANISH & CHADDAH ARTI T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 75,000 215,000 290,000 6,156.19 47.11 321 535-035-11-00-5 FERGUSON CLARENCE 0 & BETHANY C T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 68,000 194,000 262,000 6,156.19 42.56 322 535-035-12-00-8 MIRANDA ISAAC R & ENRIQUEZ MARIBEL T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 55,900 198,757 254,657 6,156.19 41.37 323 535-035-13-00-1 FERNANDEZ JOEL & NEOREL YN A T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 79,000 230,000 309,000 6,156.19 50.19 324 535-035-14-00-4 KRAHN ALLEN A T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 56,544 196,018 252,562 6,156.19 41.03 325 535-035-15-00-7 SOLANKI YOGENDRA & SANGITA T·E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 65,000 122,000 187,000 6,156.19 30.38 326 535-035-16-00·0 GOSS JUSTIN MARSHALL & IRIS T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 59,857 184,561 244,418 6,156.19 39.70 327 535-035-17-00-3 WEST CHARLES E JR & VERNETTA M T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 80,000 228,700 308,700 6,156.19 50.14 328 535-035-18-00-6 STANDLEY RONALD J & VICKI J T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 56,969 195,593 252,562 6,156.19 41.03 329 535-035-19-00-9 CASTANEDA ANGELA M & MANUEL A T..E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 83,000 242,000 325,000 6,156.19 52.79 330 535-035-20-00-1 COODEY RYAN J T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 49,000 137,000 186,000 6,156.19 30.21 29690E-E 6 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENn(S BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 331 535-035-21-00-4 BAINS DILBAG SINGH & TAJINDER KAUR T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 69,000 202,000 271,000 6,156.19 44.02 332 535-035-22-00-7 BILLINGTON CHAD & LISA T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 69,834 178,575 248,409 6,156.19 40.35 333 535-035-23-00-0 SINGH BHUPINDER & JIT NIRMAL T-E It wasn't available 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 86,000 250,000 336,000 6,156.19 54.58 334 535-035-24-00-3 ANCHETA DEXTER M & EDNA P T-E It wasn'tavailable 77,139 8,024.77 9.61 77,000 221,000 298,000 6,156.19 48.41 335 535-033-01-00-1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD T-E It wasn'tavailable 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 336 535-032-01-00-5 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD T-E It wasn'tavailable 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 337 535-031-01-00-8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD T-E It wasn'tavailable 0 0.00 N/A-1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 338 529-141-02-00-8 RODRIGUEZ MANUEL LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 339 529-141-03-00-1 KASCO JOSE & CASCO FRANCISCA LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 109,000 159,000 2,957.49 53.76 340 529-141-04-00-4 MEISE GREGORY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 81810 98,901 180,711 2,957.49 61.10 341 529-141-05-00-7 PEREZ JUAN ANTONIO LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 342 529-141-06-00-0 SAUCEDO GILBERTO & LOPEZ ROSA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 343 529-141-07-00-3 GONZAGA JOSEPH LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 82,735 98,621 181,356 2,957.49 61.32 344 529-141-08-00-6 CALUYA ROWENA LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 144,274 194,274 2,957.49 65.69 345 529-141-09-00-9 VAN TASSEL EDNA L LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 59,857 128,694 188,551 2,957.49 63.75 346 529-141-10-00-1 RAYMOND MARTIN C & JESSICA L LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55,000 127,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 347 529-141-11-00-4 WARREN NICHOLE D LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55,000 137,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 348 529-141-12-00-7 ISEN LANCE GORDON LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 349 529-141-13-00-0 RAY TYSON DOYLE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 350 529-141-14-00-3 HORACK MIKE & WENDY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 123,000 173,000 2,957.49 58.50 351 529-141-15-00-6 SWAN ROBERT A LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 352 529-141-16-00-9 WOLAVER TIM LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 353 529-141-17-00-2 MC DERMon LARRY D LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 53,514 127,842 181,356 2,957.49 61.32 354 529-141-18-00-5 CHANDLER STEPHANIE RANEE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 136,500 186,500 2,957.49 63.06 355 529-141-19-00-8 WOOLDRIDGE RAY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 356 529-141-20-00-0 HANKINS MICHAEL D & TAMARA A FAM TR LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 357 529-141-21-00-3 YOU BONNIE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 72,940 107,770 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 358 529-141-22-00-6 CORNEn ALYZA K LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 359 529-141-23-00-9 WHITE JUSTIN G & JENNIFER R LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 360 529-141-24-00-2 NGUYEN ANDY H LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 361 529-141-25-00-5 WANG WEIJIAN & MIN JOANNA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 362 529-141-26-00-8 CHAVEZ JOSEPH A LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 60,000 122,000 182,000 2,957.49 61.54 363 529-141-27-00-1 MC QUAY JOHN M & BEVERLY M LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 364 529-141-28-00-4 ERNST CHARLES LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 58,672 122,038 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 365 529-141-29-00-7 WHITEZELL MARC A & LINDSAY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 366 529-141-30-00-9 MARTINEZ ISMAEL & BECERRA ELSY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 367 529-141-31-00-2 RONICH FRANK W & LOLA L LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 58,672 122,038 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 368 529-141-32-00-5 WALKER WILLIAM A JR LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 130,000 180,000 2,957.49 60.86 369 529-141-33-00-8 TUPINO GISELA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 370 529-141-34-00-1 DUNNKARA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 371 529-141-35-00-4 JARVIS JARROD LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 49,994 132,009 182,003 2,957.49 61.54 372 529-141-36-00-7 SOUTCHAYTHONGTIO B LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 373 529-141-37-00-0 HILL JEREMY & DEBRA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 374 529-141-38-00-3 SANCHEZ RITA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 375 529-141-39-00-6 GOMEZ EDGAR & LAURA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 376 529-141-40-00-8 L1MUNROSEMARIE & DIOSDADO LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 3,018.32 63.96 377 529-141-41-00-1 IBARRA MARIA E & CRUZ LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 378 529-141-42-00-4 FLORES LEONEL & PERLA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55,000 138,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 379 529-141-43-00-7 TAYLOR LEONARD D & JUDITH M LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55,000 137,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 380 529-141-44-00-0 VALENTE AURELIO LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3855.17 15.97 50,000 141,000 191,000 2,957.49 64.58 381 529-141-45-00-3 MOESTA JOSEPH DAVID III & MARNEY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 382 529-141-46-00-6 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 140,000 190,000 2,957.49 64.24 383 529-141-47-00-9 DARAMY HENRI LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 60,730 139,964 200,714 2,957.49 67.87 364 529-141-48-00-2 TISINGER LAURA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 58,408 122,948 181,356 2,957.49 61.32 385 529-141-49-00-5 DiAl BEATRICE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 3,079.16 62.60 29690E-E 7 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUEILIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT 131 LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMEND(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 386 528-141-50-00-7 DAITAASIS & LABABIT MYRNA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 SO,OOO 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 387 529-141-51-00-0 PLASCENCIA RAUL LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 388 529-141-52-00-3 ALVARADO RICHAJRD LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 145,000 195,000 2,957.49 65.93 389 529-151-01-00-8 CRAIGHEAD DAVID E & ROBYN E LIN It wasn't evauebre 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 390 528-151-02-00-1 HAUB MICHAEL & LARISSA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 138,000 188,000 2,957.49 63.57 391 528-151-03-00-4 GILLIS DANA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 57,735 122,975 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 392 528-151-04-00-7 BARRY DENNIS & SUK LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 SO,OOO 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 393 529-151-05-00-0 BERNAL JOSE EFRAIN & GRACIA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 394 529-151-06-00-3 GRANTHAM RYAN K LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 395 529-151-07-00-6 BECKHAM JOSH & CRYSTAL LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 396 528-151-08-00-9 BERTOLUCCI CHRISTOPHER J & TONJA E LIN It It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 49,881 129,691 179,572 2,957.49 60.72 397 529-152-01-00-5 VlZZARD AlLAINA ROSE & STEPHEN LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 79,620 101,736 181,356 2,957.49 61.32 398 529-153-01-00-2 JEFFRIES LINDA & JAMES LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,Q53 2,957.49 65.28 399 529-153-02-00-5 RUSSELL CYNTHIA A LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 49,070 131,640 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 400 528-153-03-00-8 ASCENCIO EDUARDO LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 SO,OOO 142,746 192746 2,957.49 65.17 401 528-153-04-00-1 STEPHENSON NANCY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 so,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 402 528-153-05-00-4 TAILLON KAJRRIE M LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 SO,OOO 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 403 528-153-06-00-7 PALLAN JESUS LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 404 528-153-07-00-0 ACOSTA PETRA B LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,Q53 2,957.49 65.28 405 529-153-08-00-3 FRANKSEANG LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 46299 135,057 181,356 2957.49 61.32 406 529-153-09-00-6 GONZALES JEANNE LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 407 529-153-10-00-8 FED NATL MTG ASSN LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 45,700 135,656 181,356 2,957.49 61.32 408 529-153-11-00-1 BAND BARRY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 SO,OOO 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 409 529-153-12-00-4 MICHIEL EKRAM & ALICE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 410 529-153-13-00-7 UNDERWOOD CINDY A LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 411 528-153-14-00-0 KEEL SHERRY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 58,013 122,697 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 412 529-153-15-00-3 JOHNSON BRIAN LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 413 528-153-16-00-6 TORRES TINA M LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 414 529-153-17-00-9 HERNANDEZ RUBEN A & APRIL D LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 58,199 122,511 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 415 529-153-18-00-2 MARSHALL PAUL & BARBARA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 3018.32 63.86 416 528-153-18-00-5 MORA JOSE LUIS & ANA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 417 529-153-20-00-7 GOMEZ JORGE F LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 56,916 123,794 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 418 529-153-21-00-0 PRAIT ANGELA CHRISTINE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 49,881 141,663 191,544 2,957.49 64.77 419 529-153-22-00-3 KAMBOJ SHAHSI LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 SO,OOO 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 420 529-153-23-00-6 BILLINGS TAMAJRA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 72,284 108,426 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 421 529-154-02-00-2 EGUICO AJRNEL & L1NEITE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 422 529-155-02-00-9 SWINT ANDREW & BRANDY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 423 529-155-03-00-2 MANCILLA EDGAR L & ANA E LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 424 528-155-04-00-5 MC NEILL DAVID & SHANNON LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 425 529-155-05-00-8 WELDIN DAVID L LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 124,000 174,000 2,957.49 58.83 426 528-155-06-00-1 DE LUNA ROBERTO & LEONORA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 427 529-155-07-00-4 PIRELAEVAD LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 428 529-155-08-00-7 SOTO MARTIN & BEATRIZ LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 429 529-155-08-00-0 HOLDER LIVING TRUST LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 49,881 49,881 128,195 178,076 2,957.49 60.21 430 529-155-10-00-2 BAJRTAJASON E LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 431 529-155-11-00-5 YEAJRSLEYWILLIAM L & JESSICA E LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 75,049 105,934 180,983 2,957.49 61.19 432 529-155-12-00-8 VALDEZ ELEAZAR R LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 81,255 123,132 204,387 2,957.49 69.11 433 529-155-13-00-1 BLANTON BARRY & KARREN LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,862 192,862 2,957.49 65.21 434 529-155-14-00-4 ADRIANO TERRY S & ELENA D LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 435 529-155-15-00-7 HOOGLAND BENJIE & JENNIFER LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 436 529-155-16-00-0 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 81,043 121,875 202,918 2,957.49 68.61 437 529-142-02-00-5 TURNIPSEED JENNIFER LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 127,500 177,500 2,957.49 60.02 438 529-142-03-00-8 KAMPPI MAITHEW S JR & LYNSIE R LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 SO,OOO 143,Q53 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 439 529-142-04-00-1 PINON SYLVIA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 SO,OOO 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 440 528-142-05-00-4 ESPARZA JUAN LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 29690E-E 8 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA OIRIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (21 AMOUNT (31 LIEN (41 VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENnf5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8\ COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 441 529-142-06-00-7 HUNTER SETH A & SHERISSE L LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182.580 2,957.49 61.73 442 529-142-07-00-0 DUNKEL MICHAEL R LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 144,909 194,909 2,957.49 65.90 443 529-142-08-00-3 ORGANISTA HECTOR B & LEANNE M LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 444 529-142-09-00-6 HUEBSCH JASON M LIN It wasn't available 61,546 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 445 529-142-10-00-8 CABRERA JOSE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 446 529-142-11-00-1 MARTINEZ PATRICIA A LIN It wasn't available 61.548 3.855.17 15.97 47,783 154,400 202,183 2,957.49 68.36 447 529-142-12-00-4 SNYDER ANNDEE LIN It wasn'tavailable 61.548 3,855.17 15.97 55,950 126,052 182.002 2.957.49 61.54 448 529-142-13-00-7 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIN It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 449 529-142-14-00-0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIN It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l N/A-l N/A-l N/A-l 0.00 N/A-l 450 529-142-15-00-3 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIN It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l N/A-l N/A-l N/A-l 0.00 N/A-l 451 529-142-16-00-6 EVANS GREG MICHAEL LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 51,453 130,549 182,002 2,957.49 61.54 452 529-142-17-00-9 GUERRA MAURILIO LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 59,857 114,727 174,584 2,957.49 59.03 453 529-141-01-00-5 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIN It wasn'tavailable 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 454 529-154-01-00-9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIN It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 455 529-155-01-00-6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIN It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 456 529-142-01-00-2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIN Itwasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 457 529-161-01-00-1 EDWARDS scorr E LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 458 529-162-01-00-8 STRONG DARREN E UN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 459 529-162-02-00-1 CORPUZ MICHAEL & RASEL UN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 460 529-162-03-00-4 PEREZ EDDIE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 461 529-162-04-00-7 VETS AFFAIRS USA SECY UN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 117,000 167,000 2,957.49 56.47 462 529-162-05-00-0 HITCHCOCK RYAN N & AMANDA M UN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 59,857 119,216 179,073 2,957.49 60.55 463 529-162-06-00-3 JONES PATRICIA A LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 464 529-162-07-00-6 ALBAANNAM LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 465 529-162-08-00-9 NOROMBABA TITO & AGNES LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 466 529-162-09-00-2 MATLOCK SYLIVA H LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 59,056 121,654 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 467 529-162-10-00-4 HOUSDAN JENNIFER UN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 468 529-162-11-00-7 GMACMTG LLC LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 140,000 190,000 2,957.49 84.24 469 529-162-12-00-0 WILKINS BREn & LISA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 130,000 180,000 180,000 2,957.49 60.86 470 529-162-13-00-3 MATIAS MARVELYN LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 471 529-162-14-00-6 CAUZZA LORI L & MICHAEL A LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 49,881 116,722 166,603 2,957.49 56.33 472 529-162-15-00-9 BLACK TRACY UN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 117,000 167,000 2,957.49 56.47 473 529-162-16-00-2 ESTRADA FABIAN & VENESSA L LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 474 529-162-17-00-5 SALINAS AARON & MARIA E LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 475 529-162-18-00-8 LANGHAM JEREMY & MARY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 476 529-163-01-00-5 FED NATL MTG ASSN LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 61,547 140,636 202,183 2,957.49 68.36 477 529-163-02-00-8 BUENAVENTURA JACQUELINE HOPE UN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 478 529-163-03-00-1 CORNEJO PATRICK & GALLEGOS AMANDA UN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 141,147 191,147 2,957.49 84.63 479 529-163-04-00-4 ARIAS PHILIP LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 57,827 122,883 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 480 529-163-05-00-7 CLARK BRUCE & DOLORES LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 481 529-163-06-00-0 LATA KUSUM MICHELLE & KUMAR ANIL A LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 482 529-163-07-00-3 BROWN FAMILY TRUST LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 483 529-163-08-00-6 WRIGHT KYLE W & LORI A LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 67,241 113,469 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 484 529-184-01-00-2 RAY DAMON LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 485 529-165-01-00-9 MURRAY SEAN C & JUNE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 486 529-165-165-02-00-2 YESCAS RODRIGO J MORENO & SERRANO LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 487 529-165-03-00-5 MACE STEVE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 77,243 124,206 201,449 2,957.49 68.11 488 529-165-04-00-8 SHEPPERD MICHAEL & CASEY J LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 489 529-165-05-00-1 WOVENU ANITA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 490 529-165-06-00-4 CLEMENTE EDGAR LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55000 137,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 491 529-165-07-00-7 GRETLEIN CHRISTIAN & AMANDA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 60,000 133,053 193,Q53 2,957.49 65.28 492 529-165-08-00'0 COBLE CARL GEORGE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 83,276 95,556 178,832 2,957.49 60.47 493 529-166-09-00-3 CRAIGHEAD CARA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 494 529-165-10-00-5 MURILLO SERGIO LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 495 529-165-11-00-8 MOORE JAMES R & TRISHA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 29690E-E 9 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05·3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE/LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE 12\ AMOUNT 13\ LIEN 14\ VALUE 15\ VALUE 15\ + IMPROVEMENnlS BALANCE 16\ LIEN 17\ NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) 18\ COl.UMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 496 529-165-12·00-1 SUNIGA PAMELA D LIN It wasn't available 61.548 3.855.17 15.97 50,000 142.746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 497 529-165-13-00-4 COFFEY JOSH & MEHGAN LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 498 529-165-14-00-7 OPPELT RHONDA D LIN It It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 61,384 120,619 182,003 3,083.71 59.02 499 529-165-15-00-0 GENTRY BRANDON LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 59,857 119,715 179,572 2,957.49 60.72 500 529-165-16-00-3 HUCKABY BRIAN LIN It wasn't available 61548 3,855.17 15.97 50000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 501 529-165-17-00-6 LOGSDON BRANDON & KRISTIN LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 502 529·165-18-00-9 CACERES CESAR J LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 503 529-165-19-00-2 HYATT DANNY G LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 63,749 118,254 182,003 2,957.49 61.54 504 529-165-20-00-4 MENDOZA ALICIA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 505 529-165-21-00-7 SHELL DUWARD LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 58,428 123,574 182,002 2,957.49 61.54 506 529-165-22-00-0 BIHM JEFFREY RICHARD LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 140,000 190,000 2,957.49 64.24 507 529-165-23-00-3 CRIDER FAMILY TRUST LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 49,881 119,715 169,596 2,957.49 57.34 508 529-165-24-00-6 LOPEZ RAUL J JR LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 509 529-165-25-00-9 SIMCO CHARLES & AMBER M LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 510 529-165-26-00-2 MARTINEZ ELIAS III & STEPHANIE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 511 529-165-27-00-5 NOLAN JOHN & ADELA LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 512 529-165-28-00-8 LEWIS JORDAN D LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 513 529-165-29-00-1 IMPORTANTE VICTOR LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 514 529-165-30-00-3 DRAGOUN JARED M & MARY E LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143.053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 515 529-529-164-02-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC LIN It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 516 529-165-31-00-6 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC LIN It wasn'tavailable 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 517 529-181-01-00-7 RIPLEY CHERYL LYNN LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 82,894 99,108 182,002 2,957.49 61.54 518 529-181"()2-00-0 TRIPP MICHAEL & NICOLLE UN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 519 529-181-03..()0-3 LARSON ERIK & JULIE UN It wasn't available 61.548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 520 529-181-04-00-6 GARCIA ANDREW & ELAINE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193053 2,957.49 65.28 521 529-181-05-00-9 CHARLTON LAURA J LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 75,834 106,168 182,002 2,957.49 61.54 522 529-181-06-00-2 CALTON WILLIAM & KIRSTINA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 523 529-181-07-00-5 MAGANA FELIPE MUNOZ & MARIA D LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 524 529-181-08-00-8 SERDA DANIEL LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 525 529-182·01-00-4 SANCHEZ MELISSA & ANTHONY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 59,857 119,715 179,572 2,957.49 60.72 526 529-182-02-00-7 LAUGHTON FAMILY TRUST LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 527 529-182-03-00-0 BEHNIWAL MANDEEP LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 528 529-182-04-00-3 ASTILLA JOSEPH P & CRISTINA R LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 529 529-182-05-00-6 GONZALEZ ARMANDO & AMALIA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 530 529-182-06-00-9 HUNDER BERNICE & WILLIAM LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142.746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 531 529-182-07·00-2 RYAN KIRK & ERICA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 532 529-182-08-00-5 MC INNIS QUITA A LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 44,438 136,272 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 533 529-182-09-00-8 DE HARO JULIE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 49,881 118,717 168,598 2,957.49 57.01 534 529-182-10-00-0 PEREZ MOISES & MARIA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 45,818 134,892 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 535 529-182-11-00-3 GUIEB FELICISIMO & LEILANI LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 75,853 123,476 199,329 2,957.49 67.40 536 529-182-12-00-6 DOTSON FREDERICK LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 48,101 132,609 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 537 529-182-13-00-9 DAVENPORT REX & BROOKE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 80,675 101,327 182,002 2,957.49 61.54 538 529-183-01-00-1 BENAVIDES ARMANDO JR & MARGARITA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 539 529-183-02-00-4 VINCENT TABITHA M & BEAU A LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 85,567 95,143 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 540 529-183-03-00-7 KING MATTHEW & ALLISON LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 541 529-183-04-00-0 DE CUIR BRIAN l & CHARLENE L FAM TR LIN It wasntavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 74,428 106,283 180,711 2,957.49 61.10 542 529-183-05-00-3 SHAMBLIN STEVEN l LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55,000 137,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 543 529-183-06-00-6 WATKINS BRETT & AMY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 80,000 133,024 213,024 2,957.49 72.03 544 529-183-07-00-9 NGUYEN TU & JENNIFER LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55,000 137,746 192,746 2.957.49 65.17 545 529-183-0a-oO-2 PALMER DAVID & SARA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55,000 138,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 546 529-183-09"()0-5 CUDD MICHAEL LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 547 529-183-1 ()"OO·7 CARTER DONALD & VICKY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 82,357 99,645 182,002 2.957.49 2.957.49 61.54 548 529-183-11-00-0 GREEN TINA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 549 529-183-12-00-3 AREVALO ISMAEL & JOSEFINA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 77,773 103,583 181,356 2,957.49 61.32 550 529-183-13-00-6 HERRERA ANDRES LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 29690E·E 10 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05·3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05·3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN 141 VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENnlS BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN B COLUMN 9 551 529·183·14-()()'9 REDFEARN THERON LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55,000 138,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 552 529·183·15·00-2 BINGHAM LYNN Y & RICHARD L LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55,000 137,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 553 529·183-16-00·5 LEE RAYMOND LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55,000 138,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 554 529·183·17·00-8 BOJORQUEZ AGUSTIN N LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55,000 137,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 555 529-183-18-00-1 OSTERDOCK THOMAS A & DEBRA L LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 556 529-183-19-00-4 SANCHEZ SAMANTHA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 557 529-183-20-00-6 DAVIS MARK & BRITIANY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 558 529-183-21·00-9 VECPUISIS GUNTARS LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 559 529-183-22·00-2 DOW DAVID LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 60,000 133,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 560 529-183-23-00-5 DIAZJOSE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 561 529-183-24-00-8 ACRES JASON & TERRI LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 N/A-l N/A-l N/A-l 2,957.49 0.00 562 529-183-25-00-1 GRAYSON NANNETIE M TR LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 SO,OOO 132,580 182,580 0.00 N/A-l 563 529-183-26-00-4 LARSON CHRISTOPHER B & MARISHA C LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 564 529-183-27-()()'7 SPURGEON DALE WAYNE & ANN RENEE LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 565 529-183-28-()()'0 SANTIAGO CRESELDA& JONATHAN LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 566 529-184-01-()()'8 ALEXANDER SUNU LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 567 529-184-02-()()'1 PANTOJA MARIA M LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 86,600 95,520 182,120 2,957.49 61.58 568 529-184-03-00-4 CHEN XIAOXIA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 569 529-184-04-00-7 MONEY JAMES CHRISTOPHER LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,000 192,000 2,957.49 64.92 570 529-184-05-00-0 MARTINEZ RAYMOND & VICTORIA LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 571 529-184-06-00-3 NEAL SCOTI & CASEY LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 81,342 100,132 181,474 2,957.49 61.36 572 529-184-07 -0Q-6 BRINK CECILIA & DAVID LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 573 529-184-06-00-9 COMTOIS MARK A LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 55,000 137,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 574 529-184-09-00-2 HINH HOLLYS LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 575 529-184-10-00-4 KOSHY MINISH LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 576 529-184-11-00-7 VAUGHNAMYJ LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 87,247 94,227 181,474 2,957.49 61.36 577 529-184-12-00-0 HAYS CHARLES L & MAUD A LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 578 529-184-13-00-3 ALEXANIANS ALEXANIANS HAiK UN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 579 529-184-14-00-6 MARQUEZ MILDRED LYNNE UN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 84,682 96,791 181,473 2,957.49 61.36 580 529-184-15-00-9 BULLEY MICHAEL LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 581 529-184-16-00-2 RANDALL CHRISTOPHER LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 582 529-184-17-00-5 VILLANUEVA LISA LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 583 529-184-18-00-8 ORTIZ SALVADOR LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 584 529-184-19-00-1 OPPELT FAM TR LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 585 529-184-20-00-3 MITCHELL JOE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 80,434 100,276 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 586 529-184-21-00-6 CARGILL DONALD LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 39,905 109,739 149,644 2,957.49 50.60 587 529-184-22-()()'9 RICKETI JEFF & NICOLE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 70,713 109,997 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 588 529-184-23·()()'2 PAREDES JOSE A LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 589 529-184-24-()()'5 FIVE CS FINANCIAL LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 59,007 121,703 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 590 529-184-25-()()'8 FRANK SCOTIA LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 591 529-184-26-()()'1 BUSBY JASON R LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 59,857 124,703 184,560 2,957.49 62.40 592 529-184-27-00-4 CAMPISE REV TR LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 45,136 135,574 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 593 529-184-28-()()'7 MIZE JESSE & ASHLEY MARIE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 132,580 182,580 2,957.49 61.73 594 529-184-29-()()'0 WELTY DANIEL D & PATRICIA LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 595 529-184-30-()()'2 PALOMBO MICHAEL LIN It wasn'tavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 46,485 134,225 180,710 2,957.49 61.10 596 529-184-31-()()'5 OCHOA GREGORY A & LORI A LIN It wasntavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 SO,OOO 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 597 529-184-32-00-8 Me NITI LINDA J LIN It wasrrtavailable 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 143,053 193,053 2,957.49 65.28 598 529-184-33-()()'1 WOFFORD MAXINE LIN It wasn't available 61,548 3,855.17 15.97 50,000 142,746 192,746 2,957.49 65.17 599 529-181-09-()()'1 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC LIN It wasn'tavailable 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 600 532-111-01-00-0 SOPHABMIXAY ANOLA RDR It wasn'tavailable 84,332 3,559.53 18.07 44,655 126,112 170,767 2,730.69 62.54 601 532-111-02-00-3 WITI MITCHELL L JR RDR It wasn't available 84,332 3,559.53 18.07 38,967 116,901 155,868 2,730.69 57.08 602 532-111-03-00-6 RUIZ IGNACIO & MARIA ELENA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 42,495 125,064 167,559 2,730.69 61.36 603 532-111-04-00-9 STANLEY ANDREW & ASHLEY RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 43,589 126,005 169,594 2,730.69 62.11 604 532-111-05-00-2 GUTIERREZ HECTOR RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,926 110,778 147,704 2,730.69 54.09 605 532-111-06-00-5 MELGAR YOVANY & PINEDA WALESKA RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 44,399 123,161 167,560 2,730.69 61.36 29690E-E 11 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 11\ VALUEI2l AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENn(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 606 532-111-07-00-8 UPTON LEE J & MARY RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 46,139 123,455 169,594 2,730.69 62.11 607 532-111-08-00-1 GAMIZ ENRIQUE & ROMERO MARIA G RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 45,156 124,438 169,594 2,730.69 62.11 608 532-111-09-00-4 SALDANA JOAQUIN JR RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,837 119,510 159,347 2,730.69 58.35 609 532-112-01..(J()..7 REYES JOSE RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 37,264 111,791 149,055 2,730.69 54.59 610 532-112-02-00-0 PAWA KULWANT SINGH RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 37699 113,097 150,796 2,730.69 55.22 611 532-112-03-00-3 CASTRO DAVID RAMIREZ RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,650 109,951 146,601 2,730.69 53.69 612 532-112-Q4..00-6 PLATT SUZANNE RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 37,699 113,097 150,796 2,730.69 55.22 613 532-112-05-00-9 UP LIFT ASSN RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,000 115,000 155,000 2,730.69 56.76 614 532-112-05-00-2 ANG JON ADRIAN RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 38,446 124,051 162,497 2,730.69 59.51 615 532-112-07-00-5 ZAZUETA VERONICA RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,650 109,951 146,601 2730.69 53.69 616 532-112-08-00-8 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,000 118,000 158,000 2,730.69 57.86 617 532-112-09-00-1 FRASNELLY JAMES SCOTT RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 37,264 111,791 149,055 2,730.69 54.59 618 532-112-10-00-3 LOPEZ JUAN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,452 125,567 166,019 2,730.69 60.80 619 532-112-11-00-6 HENEIN MAGED A & ESKAROUS ERIN F RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 56,245 168,735 224,980 2,730.69 82.39 620 532-112-12-00-9 KIM BRIAN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 67,947 148,634 216,581 2,730.69 79.31 621 532-112-13-00-2 THOMPSON COLLEEN A RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,880 166,246 207,126 2,730.69 75.85 622 532-112-14-00-5 DHILLON HARJIT RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 62,755 174,818 237,573 2,730.69 87.00 623 532-112-15-00-8 JOHNSON MAKEBA B RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 51,167 153,501 204,668 2,730.69 74.95 624 532-112-16-00-1 BORDON JOCEL G & MARIA L RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 49,018 147,053 196,071 2,730.69 71.80 625 532-532-112-17-00-4 PORTILLO RIGOBERTO RDR It wasn't available 64332 3,559.53 18.07 65,452 196,357 261,809 2,730.69 95.88 626 532-112-18-00-7 GARCIA JOSE G JR & MYRA E RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,960 176,622 216,582 2,730.69 79.31 627 532-112-19..(J()..0 CHAUDHRY ABIDA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 47,834 159,353 207,187 2,730.69 75.87 628 532-112-20-00-2 HANSRA ALAMDEEP & HARBINDER RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 59,857 171,592 231,449 2,730.69 84.76 629 532-112-21-00-5 PEREZ JAIME & VERONICA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,815 175,767 216,582 2,730.69 79.31 630 532-112-22-00-8 PARKER JOE & HELEN A RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 47,987 163,795 211,782 2,730.69 77.56 631 532-112-23-00-1 CHISUM TOMMY LEE & DONNA LEE RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,273 182,838 223,111 2,730.69 81.70 632 532-112-24-00-4 MARAMO AQUILINA R RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 47,075 191,438 238,513 2,730.69 87.35 633 532-112-25-00-7 TERRY RICHARD & SANDRA RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 49,288 147,864 197,152 2,730.69 72.20 634 532-121-01-00-3 MARTIN RICHARD & JINNA RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 51,167 153,501 204,668 2,730.69 74.95 635 532-121-02-00-6 BAEZ ALFONSO & GLORIA E RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 45,623 191,009 236,632 2,730.69 86.66 636 532-121-03-00-9 LEE KEN K & ERI Y RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 48,747 146,241 194,988 2,730.69 71.41 637 532-121-04-00-2 ARREOLA ARACELI E RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 38,530 177,236 215,766 2,730.69 79.02 638 532-121-05-00-5 OLIVAS LILIA V RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,104 120,312 160,416 2,730.69 58.75 639 532-121-06-00-8 RODRIGUEZ JESUS RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,466 109,399 145,865 2,730.69 53.42 640 532-121-07-00-1 HERRERA RODRIGO & EDUWIGES T RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,311 120,934 161,245 2,730.69 59.05 641 532-121-08-00-4 GARCIA MIGUEL RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,449 121,348 161,797 2,730.69 59.25 642 532-121-09-00-7 ESPINOZA JOSE RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,449 121,348 161,797 2,730.69 59.25 643 532-121-10-00-9 BOTELLO DELFINO & ILDA RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,519 121,556 162,075 2,730.69 59.35 644 532-121-11-00-2 CARACAS MARCO & THAIS RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,650 109,951 146,601 2,730.69 53.69 645 532-121-12-00-5 NGUYEN AlAIN & NGO THAO RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,104 120,312 160,416 2,730.69 58.75 646 532-121-13-00-8 TORRES DANIEL RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,939 119,816 159,755 2,730.69 58.50 647 532-121-14-00-1 SLAYVEH MALEK RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,622 121,867 162,489 2,730.69 59.50 648 532-131-01-00-6 SANTELLE GAYLON RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 44,061 124,945 169,006 2,730.69 61.89 649 532-131-02-00-9 FED NATL MTG ASSN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 43,877 121,948 165,825 2,730.69 60.73 650 532-131-03-00-2 GILBERT JAMES &SHEILA RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 43405 124,428 167,833 2730.69 61.46 651 532-131-04-00-5 SMITH MICHAEL RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 22,356 130,029 152,385 2,730.69 55.80 652 532-131-05-00-8 MARTINEZ ARNULFO RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 653 532-131-06-00-1 BADINE GEORGE RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,445 127,387 167,832 2,730.69 61.46 654 532-131-07-00-4 SECY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEV RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,689 119,068 158,757 2,730.69 58.14 655 532-131-08-00-7 RANI KAVITA& SHARMA V1KRAM RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 67,229 85,157 152,386 2,730.69 55.80 656 532-131-09-00-0 PADRON LEONEL M & L1ZET RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 47,639 120,193 167,832 2,730.69 61.46 657 532-131-10-00-2 RICHARD CHERYL L RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,428 118,284 157,712 2,730.69 57.76 658 532-131-11-00-5 DAWSON CORY RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,653 121,960 162,613 2,730.69 59.55 659 532-131-12-00-8 CARLILE RANDY & TEENA RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,683 147,973 188,656 2,730.69 69.09 660 532-131-13-00-1 SANCHEZ JOSEPH RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 56,211 108,407 164,618 2,730.69 60.28 29690E·E 12 12/23/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENl NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 11\ VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN 14\ VALUE 151 VALUE 15\ + IMPROVEMENnlS BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME 151 18\ COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 661 532-131-14-00-4 OSBURN CHRIS J & LIZABETH A RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3.559.53 18.07 40,760 122,281 163,041 2,730.69 59.71 662 532-131-15-00-7 ARMAS JOSE DE JESUS RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,760 122,281 163,041 2,730.69 59.71 663 532-131-16-00-0 DE LA CRUZ ESTEBAN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,041 120,122 160,163 2,730.69 58.65 664 532-131-17-00-3 ROSALES RUBEN & VICTORIA C RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,311 120,934 161,245 2,730.69 59.05 665 532-132-01-00-3 DHOOT BALJIT RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39428 118264 157,712 2730.69 57.76 666 532-132-02-00-6 FIMBRES JEANNIE RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,428 118,284 157,712 2,730.69 57.76 667 532-133-01-00-0 KLUGOW KEVIN CARL RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,905 114,727 154,632 2,730.69 56.63 668 532-133-02-00-3 GUllA SURINDER K RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 33,966 101,897 135,863 2,730.69 49.75 669 532-134-01-00-7 WOODS MYRNA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,689 119,068 158,757 2,730.69 58.14 670 532-134-02-00-0 WALLACE ALEX A JR & DENISE M RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,428 118,284 157,712 2,730.69 57.76 671 532-134-03-00-3 FLANNERY CARMEN R & CHARLES T FAM RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,282 108,847 145,129 2,730.69 53.15 672 532-134-04-00-6 GILES CHARLES D RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,428 118,284 157,712 2,730.69 57.76 673 532-134-05-00-9 SINGH SUKHDEV & KAUR CHARANJIT RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,897 119,690 159,587 2,730.69 58.44 674 532-134-06-00-2 RAMIREZ ANGELICA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,282 108,847 145,129 2,730.69 53.15 675 532-134-07-00-5 JHAJ KULDIP KAUR RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,000 115,000 155,000 2,730.69 56.76 676 532-134-08-00-8 NUNEZ JUAN C RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,897 119,690 159,587 2,730.69 58.44 677 532-134-09-00-1 UTT DENNIS & MARIA FAMILY TRUST RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,897 119,690 159,587 2,730.69 58.44 678 532-134-10-00-3 SERNA ERIK RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,282 108,847 145,129 2,730.69 53.15 679 532-134-11-00-6 SANDOVAL RUBEN & MARIA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 41,348 124,044 165,392 2,730.69 60.57 680 532-122-01-00-0 VlLLANEDA RAMIRO RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,282 108,847 145,129 2,730.69 53.15 681 532-122-02-00-3 ACEVEDO JUAN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 23,102 144,731 167,833 2,730.69 61.46 682 532-122-03-00-6 PEREZ NICOLAS M & CARLOTA A RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 44,706 123,198 167,904 2,730.69 61.49 683 532-122-04-00-9 TRINH KHANH H RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 45,724 120,101 165,825 2,730.69 60.73 684 532-122-05-00-2 FED NATL MTG ASSN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 44,843 123,576 168,419 2,730.69 61.68 685 532-122-06-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 686 532-122-07-00-8 HUMMEL RICHARD V & ARBIE RDR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 54,120 119,837 173,957 0.00 N/A-l 687 532-122-08-00-1 SANCHEZ ANTONIO RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 46,327 124,124 170,451 2,730.69 62.42 688 532-122-09-00-4 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,650 109,951 146,601 2,730.69 53.69 689 532-122-10-00-6 SOTELO JORGE R & ISABEL C RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 48,168 118,814 166,982 2,730.69 61.15 690 532-122-11-00-9 ACENAS MILAGROS D RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 45,160 123,846 169,006 2,730.69 61.89 691 532-122-12-00-2 LOPEZ YSIDRO & MELISSA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 38,783 116,349 155,132 2,730.69 56.81 692 532-122-13-00-5 UTTERWAR PROP LLC RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 42,716 128,149 170,865 2,730.69 62.57 693 532-113-01-00-4 CLARK JOHN C & JACQUELINE S TRUST RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 42,114 126,343 168,457 2,730.69 61.69 694 532-113-02-00-7 CRAFT JOYL RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 45,979 123,027 169,006 2,730.69 61.89 695 532-113-03-00-0 MATUS JULIO C RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 44,815 122,166 166,981 2,730.69 61.15 696 532-113-04-00-3 FED NATL MTG ASSN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 38,973 130,034 169,007 2,730.69 61.89 697 532-113-05-00-6 HANSON JAMI & RYAN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 45,869 107,558 153,427 2,730.69 56.19 698 532-113-06-00-9 VIDALES RAFAEL RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,311 120,934 161,245 2,730.69 59.05 699 532-113-07-00-2 SHARP JOSHUA L RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,837 119,510 159,347 2,730.69 58.35 700 532-113-08-00-5 TOLBERT ELWAIN M & MELANIE J RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 23,315 146,865 170,180 2,730.69 62.32 701 532-113-09-00-8 VILLATORO LEONIDAS RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 47,521 121,773 169,294 3,023.97 55.98 702 532-113-10-00-0 ULLOA ADRIAN & AMANDA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,933 122,800 163,733 2,730.69 59.96 703 532-113-11-00-3 HICKEY TERRY D & MICHELE D RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 51,122 106,470 157,592 2,786.86 56.55 704 532-113-12-00-6 ALVAREZ CARLOS A RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 45,090 126,852 171,942 2,730.69 62.97 705 532-114-01-00-1 WRIGHT FAMILY TR RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 51073 160,709 211,782 2,730.69 77.56 706 532-114-02-00-4 WITCHER SAMUEL M RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 60,000 173,000 233,000 2,730.69 85.33 707 532-114-03-00-7 WRIGHT NICOLE LYNN & BEAU BRANT RDR Itwasntavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 51,731 164,850 216,581 2,730.69 79.31 708 532-114-04-00-0 PURVIANCE JUSTIN T & JENNIFER RAE RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,000 170,000 210,000 2,730.69 76.90 709 532-114-05-00-3 ARMENTA JOSE F & MARIBEL RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 60,098 180,295 240,393 2,730.69 88.03 710 532-114-06-00-6 CHRISTNER RUNGPET RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 65,880 150,701 216,581 2,730.69 79.31 711 532-114-07-00-9 ALONSO PATRICIA FERNANDEZ RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 48,325 158,862 207,187 2,730.69 75.87 712 532-114-08-00-2 MANGAT SURINDER SINGH & SIBIAAVNEE RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 50,000 182,000 232,000 2,730.69 84.96 713 532-114-09-00-5 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 48,488 168,093 216,581 2,730.69 79.31 714 532-114-10-00-7 ARCHULETA LORENZO A & BEATRIZ V DE~ RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 72,065 135,122 207,187 2,730.69 75.87 715 532-114-11-00-0 GOODMAN NICK & CELIA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 48,854 219,079 267,933 2,730.69 98.12 29690E-E 13 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 11\ VALUE 12\ AMOUNT 13\ LIEN 14\ VALUE 15\ VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENnl5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 716 532-114-12-00-3 ARZOLA ROMAN MARTINEZ RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 55,000 155,000 210,000 2,730.69 76.90 717 532-114-13-00-6 JIMENEZ GILBERTO RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 50,100 150,299 200,399 2,730.69 73.39 718 532-114-14-00-9 VILLARREAL RODOLFO & YVONNE RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 62,596 187,787 250,383 2,730.69 91.69 719 532-114-15-00-2 STAHL DARRIN L RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 49,881 148,646 198,527 2,730.69 72.70 720 532-114-16-00-5 FED NATL MTG ASSN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 52,426 157,277 209,703 2,730.69 76.79 721 532-114-17-00-8 JAUCH DOUGLAS S & KIMBERLY D RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 49,742 166,839 216,581 2,730.69 79.31 722 532-114-16-00-1 SUAYAN GORGONIA S RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 46,889 190,683 237,572 2,730.69 87.00 723 532-114-19-00-4 ESTOQUE REX C & LULEMAE C RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,961 167,225 207,186 2,730.69 75.87 724 532-114-20-00-6 TREVINO EDDIE M JR & JESSICA R RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 49,881 160,618 210,499 2,730.69 77.09 725 532-114-21-00-9 WILLIAMS CRYSTAL M RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 44,706 192,866 237,572 2,730.69 87.00 726 532-114-22-00-2 MARION KODI RDR It wasn't wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,620 170,630 210,250 2,730.69 77.00 727 532-114-23-00-5 CAPIZLUIS RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 55,000 161,000 216,000 2,730.69 79.10 728 532-123-01-00-7 MORALES ANTHONY & MELINDA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 46,124 172,906 219,030 2,730.69 80.21 729 532-123-02-00-0 SINGH LAKHWINDER & KAUR JASWINDER RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 50,000 180,000 230,000 2,730.69 84.23 730 532-123-03-00-3 SIDHU GURJINDER S & DHALIVAL HARVINC RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 45,000 175,000 220,000 2,730.69 80.57 731 532-123-04-00-6 FARLER NATHAN & STEPHANIE RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 60,098 180,295 240,393 2,730.69 88.03 732 532-123-05-00-9 CHOISOOY RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 49,742 166,839 216,581 2,730.69 79.31 733 532-123-06-00-2 BAYBAYAN VlVENCIA RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,303 166,883 207,186 2,730.69 75.87 734 532-123-07-00-5 NAVEJAS MARTIN & LETICIA RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 61,036 176,536 237,572 2,730.69 87.00 735 532-123-08-00-8 MARTINEZ DAVID & CYNTHIA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 47,653 161,065 208,718 2730.69 76.43 736 532-123-09-00-1 FAHMIE JEFFREY J & SHARON L RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 59,733 179,200 238,933 2,730.69 87.50 737 532-123-10-00-3 FRANCO LUIS HELIODORO RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 55,000 160,000 215,000 2,730.69 78.73 738 532-123-11-00-6 TRAN VAN ANH RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 46,788 191,726 238,514 2,730.69 87.35 739 532-123-12-00-9 NAPIER STEVEN A & REBECCA S L1VTR RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 59,733 179,200 238,933 2,730.69 87.50 740 532-123-13-00-2 JACKSON TRUST RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 76303 166,913 243,216 2,730.69 89.07 741 532-123-14-00-5 DEUTSCHE BK NATL TR CO RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 55,000 156,000 211,000 2,730.69 77.27 742 532-123-15-00-8 MELENDEZ DAMIANETTE & RODOLFO RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 45,596 192,917 238,513 2,730.69 87.35 743 532-123-16-00-1 GALLARDO JOSE ALBERTO RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 59,628 148,324 207,952 2,730.69 76.15 744 532-123-17-00-4 MARTINEZ LUIS & ROSALINDA P RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 62,114 155,284 217,398 2,730.69 79.61 745 532-123-18-00-7 CORONADO MARTIN J & JONELLE MONTIJ RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 63,604 174,910 238,514 2,730.69 87.35 746 532-123-19-00-0 DUARTE REYES JR & DOLORES RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 55,087 165,262 220,349 2,730.69 80.69 747 532-123-20-00-2 NAVARRO ARTURO RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 50,678 188,776 239,454 2,730.69 87.69 748 532-123-21-00-5 HUMMEL RICHARD V & ARBIE J RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 47,628 168,954 216,582 2,730.69 79.31 749 532-123-22-00-8 SANTIAGO ALMA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 48,722 158,465 207,187 2,730.69 75.87 750 532-123-23-00-1 ACEVEDO HECTOR & MIRNA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 46,522 191,051 237,573 2,730.69 87.00 751 532-123-24-00-4 SINGH MANJIT RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 48,288 168,294 216,582 2,730.69 79.31 752 532-123-25-00-7 GARCIA PASCUAL & PATRICIA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 51,530 155,656 207,186 2,730.69 75.87 753 532-123-26-00-0 BRIGGS AMY A RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 63,700 152,881 216,581 2,730.69 79.31 754 532-123-27-00-3 QUINTERO MARTIN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 62,596 187,787 250,383 2,730.69 91.69 755 532-124-01-00-4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RDR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l N/A-l N/A-l N/A-l 0.00 N/A-l 756 532-124-02-00-7 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RDR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l N/A-l N/A-l N/A-l 0.00 N/A-l 757 532-135-01-00-4 BATICA MARVIN & MARRILYNN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 37,492 112,475 149,967 2,730.69 54.92 758 532-135-02-00-7 WHITSON JASON CRAIG RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,416 109,248 145,664 2,730.69 53.34 759 532-135-03-00-0 BORDEN JIM D & CYTNHIA L REV TR RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,689 119,068 158,757 2,730.69 58.14 760 532-135-04-00-3 BORDEN JIM D & CYTNHIA L REV TR RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 761 532-135-05-00-6 BORDEN JIM D & CYTNHIA L REV TR RDR It wasntavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,099 108,296 144,395 2,730.69 52.88 762 532-135-06-00-9 ZAVALETAAlFREDO RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,939 119,816 159,755 2,730.69 58.50 763 532-135-07-00-2 SINGH NARENDERJIT & KAUR MANJIT RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 764 532-135-08-00-5 LASATER CHRISTOPHER & DANAE RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,689 119,068 158,757 2,730.69 58.14 765 532-135-09-00-8 MARTINEZ JUAN & OLGA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2730.69 57.46 766 532-135-10-00-0 UTTERWAR PROP LLC RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,099 108,296 144,395 2,730.69 52.88 767 532-135-11-00-3 ROMERO MARIO & LETICIA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,689 119,068 158,757 2,730.69 58.14 768 532-135-12-00-6 RATH CHEIK J & CHAN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 769 532-135-13-00-9 JIMENEZ ALBERTO RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,099 108,296 144,395 2,730.69 52.88 770 532-135-14-00-2 CORRAL JUAN J & BEATRICE RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,689 119,068 158,757 2,730.69 58.14 29690E-E 14 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA L"'ND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (21 AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (51 VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENTIIS BALAINCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 771 532-135-15-00-5 CARRILLO LOGAN RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,099 108,296 144,395 2,730.69 52.88 772 532-135-16-00-8 CRUZMARIAG RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,897 119,690 159,587 2,730.69 58.44 773 532-135-17-00-1 FED NATL MTG ASSN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,441 121,882 161,323 2,730.69 59.08 774 532-135-18-00-4 OGARRIO ABRAHAM RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 775 532-135-19-00-7 AREVALO SYLVIA RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,099 108,296 144,395 2,730.69 52.88 776 532-135-20-00-9 SANDOVAL TRINEDAD RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 777 532-135-21-00-2 MASTERS ROBERT & CYNTHIA FAM TR RDR It wasn't available 64.332 3,559.53 18.07 39,689 119,068 158,757 2,730.69 58.14 778 532-135-22-00-5 INSAMNETH RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 779 532-135-23-00-8 RICHARDSON AlLAN & PATRICIA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,000 125,000 165,000 2,730.69 60.42 780 532-135-24-00-1 YL<>.GAN NOEMI M RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 41,864 110,521 152,385 2,730.69 55.80 781 532-135-25-00-4 SINGH L<>.KHVlR & KAUR JASVlR RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 56,623 109,202 165,825 2,730.69 60.73 782 532-135-26-00-7 MONTERROSO MELVIN R LOPEZ & LOPEZ RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 53,401 114,431 167,832 2,730.69 61.46 783 532-135-27-00-0 FLORES JAVIER RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,000 130,000 170,000 2,730.69 62.26 784 532-135-28-00-3 TAlSACAN DARCY J & BRENDA B RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 38,212 114,173 152,385 2,730.69 55.80 785 532-135-29-00-6 KAUR KARAMJIT & SINGH PARDEEP RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 786 532-135-30-00-8 SIDHU LIVING TR RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 71,928 95,904 167,832 2,730.69 61.46 787 532-135-31-00-1 SINGHAVTAR RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 44,893 114,727 159,620 2,730.69 58.45 788 532-135-32-00-4 ALMAJANO MARILYN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,282 108,847 145,129 2,730.69 53.15 789 532-136-01-00-1 NAVARRO CARLOS RDR It wasn'tavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,282 108,847 145,129 2,730.69 53.15 790 532-136-02-00-4 HAROJOHN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39689 119,068 158,757 2,730.69 58.14 791 532-136-03-00-7 RODEL<>. JOHNNY & ENEDINA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 792 532-136-()4.00-0 GEISE GARYW & PATRICIA L RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 33,782 101,346 135,128 2,730.69 49.48 793 532-136..Q5-00-3 CUEVAS MARIA C RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 42,886 122,939 165,825 2,730.69 60.73 794 532-136-06-00-6 COVEY CHRIS & MONNIE RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,871 126,961 167,832 2,730.69 61.46 795 532-136-07-00-9 VOORHIS RAYMOND V & SERENATAS MAR RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 43,695 108,691 152,386 2,730.69 55.80 796 532-136-08-00-2 NUNEZ RUBEN & RAMIREZ MARIA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 797 532-136-09-00-5 MEDINA ALBERTO & MELGOZA SILIVA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 42,669 125,163 167,832 2,730.69 61.46 798 532-136-10-00-7 DIANAFAM 1991 REVTR RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 35,000 105,000 140,000 2,730.69 51.27 799 532-136-11-00-0 CASTELL<>.NOS MARIA S RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 800 532-136-12-00-3 RODRIGUEZ ANTONIO G & ANA MARIA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,689 119,068 158,757 2,730.69 58.14 801 532-136-13-00-6 LOZANO RICARDO RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 802 532-136-14-00-9 DUTCHER PAUL RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,099 108,296 144,395 2,730.69 52.88 803 532-136-15-00-2 REED GLENN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 35,000 130,000 165,000 2,730.69 60.42 804 532-136-16-00-5 BRAVO LUIS & MARIA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,428 118,284 157,712 2,730.69 57.76 805 532-136-17-00-8 TAYLOR JEREMY RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,282 108,847 145,129 2,730.69 53.15 806 532-136-18-00-1 ANGULO ANGULO CARMEN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,792.02 56.19 807 532-136-19-00-4 SANTIAGO EFIDIO L & SOCORRO S RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,689 119,068 158,757 2,730.69 58.14 808 532-136-20-00-6 SISON TIRSO & MARY ANN RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 809 532-136-21-00-9 SALDANA ANDREA TERESA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 810 532-136-22-00-2 PINEDA DIMAS RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 30,000 125,000 155,000 2,730.69 56.76 811 532-136-23-00-5 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 40,174 99,625 139,799 2,730.69 51.20 812 532-136-24-00-8 SANTIAGO ROMEO & MYRNA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 813 532-136-25-00-1 GONZALEZ SILVIA RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 814 532-136-26-00-4 REYNA SAMUEL JR RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,689 119,068 158,757 2,730.69 58.14 815 532-136-27..Q0-7 WEAVER WILLIAM A & KATHLEEN L RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 816 532-136-28-00-0 JAUREGUI ARACELI RDR Itwasntavailable 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,169 108,507 144,676 2,730.69 52.98 817 532-136-29-00-3 BARRAZA ROSARIO F RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 818 532-136-30-00-5 SANCHEZ BERTHA A RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,722 119,167 158,889 2,730.69 58.19 819 532-136-31-00-8 OCHOA MANUEL RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 39,224 117,672 156,896 2,730.69 57.46 820 532-136-32-00-1 GARCIA PETRONILO & DIANA G RDR It wasn't available 64,332 3,559.53 18.07 36,353 109,060 145,413 2,730.69 53.25 821 532-113-13-00-9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RDR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 822 532-111-10-00-6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RDR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 823 532-100..Q3-00-00-6 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 824 532-100-02-00-3 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 825 532-100-01-00-0 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A-l 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 29690E-E 15 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05·3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE 12\ AMOUNT 13\ LIEN 14\ VALUE 15\ VALUE 15\ + IMPROVEMENnfS BALANCE 16\ LIEN 17\ NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COl.UMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 826 532·10Q..05-00-2 I LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available 0 0.00 N/A·1 0 0 0 0.00 N/A·1 827 Deleted from Roll by Amendment No.5-See note (13) RDR It wasn't available 1,548,262 128,143.08 12.08 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 828 Deleted from Roll by Amendment NO.7-See note (15) RDR It wasn't available 4,472,758 370,191.12 12.08 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 829 Deleted from Roll by Amendment NO.9-See note (17) RDR It wasn't available 1,591,270 131,702.61 12.08 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 830 Deleted from Roll bv Amendment NO.8-See note i16\ DR It wasn't available 6,306,486 599,495.25 10.52 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 N/A-2 831 Deleted from Roll by Amendment No.8-See note (16) DR It wasn't available 7,524,291 715,259.85 10.52 N/A-2 NIA-2 NIA-2 NIA-2 NIA-2 832 Deleted from Roll by Amendment NO.2-See note (10) LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 833 499-561-01-0Q..9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.20 10.89 834 499-561-02-0Q..2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 835 499-561.Q3-0Q..5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 44,789 0 44,789 4111.21 10.89 836 499-561-04-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 837 499-561-05-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 838 499-561-06-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 839 499-561-07-OQ..7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 840 499-562-01-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 841 499-562-02-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 842 499-562-03-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 843 499-562-04-0Q..5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 844 499-562-05-0Q..8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 845 499-562-06-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 44 789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 846 499-562-07-0Q..4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB I It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 847 499-562-08-0Q..7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 44,789 0 44,789 4,111.21 10.89 848 499-562-09-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II Itwasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 44,789 65,000 109,789 4,111.21 26.70 849 499-571-02-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.18 11.21 850 499-571-03-0Q..8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 851 499-571-04-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 852 499-571-05-0Q..4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 853 499-571-06-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 854 499-571-07-0Q..0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 855 499-571-08-0Q..3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 25,000 112,750 137750 4,111.21 33.51 856 499-571-09-0Q..6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 25,000 132,320 157,320 4,111.21 38.27 857 499-571-1 Q..0Q..8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 25,000 148,631 173,631 4,111.21 42.23 858 499-571-11-0Q..1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB II It wasn't available NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 30,000 155,490 185,490 4,111.21 45.12 859 499-572-03-0Q..5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 860 499-572-04-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 861 499-572·05-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 862 499-572-06-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 863 499-572-07-0Q..7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 864 499-572-08-0Q..0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 865 499-572-09-0Q..3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 866 499-572-1Q..0Q..5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 867 499-572-11-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 868 499-572-12-0Q..1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 869 499-572-13-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,076 0 46,076 4,111.21 11.21 870 499-573-01-00·6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 758,041 0 758,041 252213.18 3.01 871 499-572-02-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC LIB It wasn't available N/A-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 872 499-571-01-0Q..2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 NIA-1 873 499-572-01-0Q..9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LIB It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 0 0 0 0.00 NIA-1 874 Deleted from Roll by Amendment NO.6-See note (14) T·E It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 875 535-091-02-00-9 SULIER RONALD T·E It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 46,000 127,000 173,000 4,861.82 35.58 876 535-091-03-0Q..2 HAAS SCOTT A T-E It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 50,000 160,000 210,000 4,861.90 43.19 877 535-091-04-00-5 MOLINA SHRISTIAN A T·E It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 49,881 49,881 145,653 195,534 4,861.90 40.22 878 535-091-05-00-8 CRUZ PHILIP 0 T·E It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 45,000 131,000 176,000 4,861.90 36.20 879 535-091-06-00-1 GREEN CHRISTOPHER E & STEFANIE T·E It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 40,000 110,000 150,000 4,861.90 30.85 880 535-091-07-00-4 HEREDIA MOISES & ESMERALDAA T·E It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 51,000 138,000 189,000 4,861.90 38.87 29690E·E 16 12/2312010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKEIRSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST, ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE I LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE I ASSESSMENl NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 11\ VALUE 12\ AMOUNT 13\ LIEN 14\ VALUE 15\ VALUE 15\ + IMPROVEMENnl5 BALANCE 16\ LIEN 17\ NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 881 535-091-08-00-7 PEREZ JOSE A & FERNANDEZ MARIA L T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 61,000 178,000 239,000 4,861.90 49,16 882 535-091-09-00-0 ARRIAGA JOE M & BARBARA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 54,000 152,000 206,000 4,861.90 42,37 883 535-091-10-00-2 CAQUIAS CAQUIAS HECTOR LUIS JR T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 57,000 171,000 228,000 4,861,90 46,90 884 535-091-11-00-5 HERDER ANDREW & KOURTNI T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,000 149,000 199,000 4,861.90 40,93 885 535-091-12-00-8 ORTIZ JIMMY T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 44,792 120,042 164,834 4,861,90 33,90 886 535-091-13-00-1 COLEMAN BUD W T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 67,000 200,000 267,000 4,861,90 54.92 887 535-091-14-00-4 VUONGANH T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 49,957 126,558 176,515 4,861.90 36.31 888 535-091-15-00-7 RODRIGO FREDERICK C & AMANDA J T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 58,000 173,000 231,000 4,861,90 47.51 889 535-091-16-00-0 MC CABE SHAUN A & PATRICIA L T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 63,000 173,000 236,000 4,861.90 48.54 890 535-091-17-00-3 TORRES ISAI & JENNIFER T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 48,851 127,664 176,515 4861.90 36,31 891 535-091-16-00-6 MARTINEZ RAUL & ROSA T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 47,548 117,285 164,833 4,861.90 33.90 892 535-091-19-00-9 WOOLDRIDGE FRANK H T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30,24 893 535-091-20-00-1 THAI TRUNG & VUONG HOA T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 52,000 156,000 208,000 4,861.90 42,78 894 535-091-21-00-4 GARCIA GILBERT P & NICOLE E T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 45,543 102,015 147,558 4,861.90 30,35 895 535-092-01-00-3 DLJ MTG CAPITAL INC T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,000 105,000 145000 4,861.90 29,82 896 535-092-02-00-6 VERGARA MOISES B & AMELIA DE T-E Itwasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30,24 897 535-092-03-00-9 MARTINEZ ESMERALDA J T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,337 126,178 176,515 4,861.90 36,31 898 535-092-04-00-2 SANDERS TANYAM T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30.24 899 535-092-05-00-5 SMART CHRISTOPHER D T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 45,787 119,046 164,833 4,861.90 33.90 900 535-092-06-00-8 RAMIREZ GUILLERMO C T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 69,000 208,000 277,000 4,861,90 56.97 901 535-092-07-00-1 JACKSON TORINO & GLORIA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 49,769 126,746 176,515 4,861,90 36,31 902 535-092-08-00-4 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 48,851 127,664 176,515 4,861.90 36.31 903 535-092-09-00-7 HAWN WANDA T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 4,634 29,552 34,186 4,861,90 7,03 904 535-092-10-00-9 MURGUIA FAUSTINO A & GEORGEnE 0 T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 47,654 129,618 177,272 4,861,90 36.46 905 535-092-11-00-2 AGREDANO ADRIAN & ANA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 67,000 200,000 267,000 4,961,91 53.81 906 535-092-12-00-5 CASTRO ORLANDO N & NORMA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 47,000 138,000 185,000 4,861,90 38.05 907 535-092-13-00-8 CENTEX HOMES T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 12,045 0 12,045 4,861.90 2.48 908 535-092-14-00-1 CENTEX HOMES T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 4,861,90 4.11 909 535-092-15-00-4 CENTEX HOMES T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 67,000 200,000 267,000 4,861.90 54.92 910 535-092-16-00-7 CENTEX HOMES T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30.24 911 535-092-17-00-0 CENTEX HOMES T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,000 149,000 199,000 4,861.90 40.93 912 535-092-16-00-3 SALDANA JOEY A T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861,90 30.24 913 535-092-19-00-6 LA FEBRE JESSICA M & RYAN D T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,000 149,000 199,000 4,861.90 40.93 914 535-092-20-00-8 LANE KAYLA & THOMAS T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30.24 915 535-092-21-00-1 CONTRERAS FRANCISCO & LIDIA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 55,293 209,377 264,670 4,861.90 54.44 916 535-092-22-00-4 ZHAO TING & ZHANG YI T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,000 149,000 199,000 4,861.90 40.93 917 535-092-23-00-7 ROSALES MARGARITO & FERNANDEZ MAF T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 45,451 119,383 164,834 4,861.90 33.90 918 535-092-24-00-0 WESTEN DORFF CARLOS & GILDA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30.24 919 535-093-01-00-0 OCHOA ARNOLD & NINFA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,000 105,000 145,000 4,861.90 29,82 920 535-093-02-00-3 ADDO YOBO ODEI & SACKEY CAROL T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50000 149,000 199,000 4,861.90 40.93 921 535-093-03-00-6 DELGADILLO LUIS A T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 49,583 126,932 176,515 4,861.90 36.31 922 535-093-04-00-9 HERNANDEZ LUIS T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30.24 923 535-093-05-00-2 LONGACRE CARL L & SUSIE V T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 45,000 136,000 181,000 4,861.90 37.23 924 535-093-06-00-5 WINTER LOYAL T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 44,893 135,677 180,570 4,861.90 37.14 925 535-093-07-00-8 URMYFRANK T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30.24 926 535-093-06-00-1 MC QUILLIAMS SHAWN & KELLY T-E It wasntavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 44,893 129,691 174,584 4,861.90 35.91 927 535-093-09-00-4 MARQUEZ ALICIA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 42,000 127,000 169,000 4,861.90 34.76 928 535-093-10-00-6 FITCH JULIUS A T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30.24 929 535-093-11-00-9 KEENE WILLIAM & MARY L T-E it wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,000 131,000 181,000 4,861.90 37.23 930 535-093-12-00-2 GRIGG MICHAEL H & BOBSI M T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,000 159,000 209,000 4,861.90 42.99 931 535-091-01-00-6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 932 535-101-02-00-1 NGUYEN JIM & HONG VAN KHANH T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 58,604 197,952 256,556 6,156.15 41,67 933 535-101-03-00-4 KACHER SAW CARL T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,000 121,000 171,000 6,156,19 27.78 934 535-101-04-00-7 VUONGLEM T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 62,411 142,157 204,568 6,156.19 33.23 935 535-101-05-00-0 CHEUNG MAN HO MICHAEL T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 72,343 216,227 288,570 6,156,19 46,87 29690E-E 17 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CllY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 11\ VALUE 12\ AMOUNT (3) LIEN 14\ VALUE 15\ VALUE 15\ + IMPROVEMENn(S BALANCE 16\ LIEN 17\ NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 936 535-101-06-00-3 WILSON JEREMY M & HEATHER C T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 52,408 151,400 203,808 6,156.19 33.11 937 535-101-07-00-6 DAVIES AMPELIA B T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 61,573 194,983 256,556 6,156.19 41.67 938 535-101-08-00-9 COLEADAMJ T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 49,000 137,000 186,000 6,156.19 30.21 939 535-101-09-00-2 GONZALEZ FEDERICO GODOY & LUZ BUGI T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 60,924 195,632 256,556 6,156.19 41.67 940 535-101-10-00-4 VELASCO JOSE JR T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 63,000 188,000 251,000 6,156.19 40.77 941 535-101-11-00-7 SHEMSI SAMY S T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 85,000 250,000 335,000 6,156.19 54.42 942 535-101-12-00-0 CASTRO EFRAIN R T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 69,462 228,532 297,994 6,156.19 48.41 943 535-101-13-00-3 ORTIZ JESS G & EVANGELINA CABRERA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 71,000 204,000 275,000 6,156.19 44.67 944 535-101-14-00-6 SILVA SANDRA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 54,000 152,000 206,000 6,156.19 33.46 945 535-101-15-00-9 DELAROSA AMANDA LYNN T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 65,000 211,000 276,000 6,156.19 44.83 946 535-101-16-00-2 CELEBRADO JOSEPH T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 54,000 152,000 206,000 6,156.19 33.46 947 535-101-17-00-5 MC GILL THOMAS T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 63,449 226,299 289,748 6,156019 47.07 948 535-101-18-00-8 JACKSON DEMETRIUS & CRYSTAL F T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 70,000 202,000 272,000 6,156.19 44.18 949 535-101-19-00-1 NGAI MARY T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 54,000 153,000 207,000 6,156.19 33.62 950 535-101-20-00-3 VIDAL JUAN LUIS T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 70,254 109,772 180,026 6,156.19 29.24 951 535-101-21-00-6 RAMIREZ RICARDO T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 61,000 173,000 234,000 6,156.19 38.01 952 535-102-02-00-8 MERCADO HERMILA L T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 53,328 236,420 289,748 6,817.38 42.50 953 535-102-01-00-5 BRAND JOHN & VICKI T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 61,000 173,000 234,000 6,156.19 38.01 954 535-103-01-00-2 GILLAJAIB T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 65,000 195,000 260,000 6,156.19 42.23 955 535-103-02-00-5 SKAPINAKIS ELIAS L & LETICIA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-A-4 N/A-4 67,000 194,000 261,000 6,156.19 42.40 956 535-103-03-00-8 KHERA VIRENDRA K & BINDHU T-E It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 60,645 229,103 289,748 6,156.19 47.07 957 535-103-04-00-1 CHEUNG SIU KI & SHU NERISSA SUI MAN T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 59,586 154,261 213,847 6,156.19 34.74 958 535-103-05-00-4 DODDAPUNENI MURALIDHAR & MOTHUKU T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 51,000 148,000 199,000 6,156.19 32.33 959 535-103-06-00-7 CARRENO JORGE L & RIVERA MARIA E T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 64,000 182,000 246,000 6,156.19 39.96 960 535-103-07-00-0 LEE KAI NAM T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 61,687 152,160 213,847 6,156.19 34.74 961 535-103-08-00-3 ELIZALDE JESUS & MARIA SILVIA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 64,000 182,000 246,000 6,156.19 39.96 962 535-103-09-00-6 BLUE JAMES N T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 54,000 152,000 206,000 6,156.19 33.46 963 535-103-10-00-8 STUART MJYIA M T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 49,000 137,000 186,000 6,156.19 30.21 964 535-104-01-00-9 TRANG LUU T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 64,805 161,292 226,097 6,156.19 36.73 965 535-104-02-00-2 MARTINEZ DAVID & NANCY T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 57,000 163,000 220,000 6,156.19 35.74 966 535-104-03-00-5 LEDEZMA FIDEL & YULI F T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 64,000 182,000 246,000 6,156.19 39.96 967 535-104-04-00-8 NGAI JOHNNY T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 67,000 194,000 261,000 6,156.19 42.40 968 535-104-05-00-1 GAMEZ ALICIA C T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 54,000 153,000 207,000 6,156.19 33.62 969 535-104-06-00-4 LOBOS JACKSON T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 60,407 155,044 215,451 6,156.19 35.00 970 535-104-07-00-7 VISQUE GIOVANNI L & ZERRUDO MA LOUR T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 69,000 197,000 266,000 6,156.19 43.21 971 535-104-08-00-0 BUGARIN GUADALUPE MARIA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 58,000 173,000 231,000 6,156.19 37.52 972 535-104-09-00-3 CELEDON ABELARDO PEREZ & MARIA ELE T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 66,000 182,000 248,000 6,432.75 38.55 973 535-104-10-00-5 BECK ETHAN J T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 49,000 137,000 186,000 6,156.19 30.21 974 535-104-11-00-8 BUGARIN MARIA GUADALUPE T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 57,000 163,000 220,000 6,156.19 35.74 975 535-104-12-00-1 NGUYEN THUC DINH T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 64,000 182,000 246,000 6,156.19 39.96 976 535-104-13-00-4 ORNELAS MARTIN T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 65,000 182,000 247,000 6,156.19 40.12 977 535-104-14-00-7 GAYER GRAHAM MICHAEL & MELISSA N T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 58,137 147,927 206,064 6,156.19 33.47 978 535-104-15-00-0 NEGRETE EllA RENTERIA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 58,000 163,000 221,000 6,156.19 35.90 979 535-104-16-00-3 PHAMTAMIE T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,000 137,000 187,000 6,157.02 30.37 980 535-101-01-00-8 CllY OF BAKERSFIELD T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 981 532-141-02-00-2 MACIAS RICARDO RDR It wasntavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 52,873 103,631 156,504 2,730.71 57.31 982 532-141-03-00-5 8902 WHEAT GRASS AVE REVTR RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 46,725 119,732 166,457 2,730.69 60.96 983 532-141-04-00-8 GOLDBERG PROP INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,000 125,000 165,000 2,730.69 60.42 984 532-141-05-00-1 SINGH JASVlR RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,551 121,654 162,205 2,730.69 59.40 985 532-141-06-00-4 HERNANDEZ REINA RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 45,813 119,725 165,538 2,730.69 60.62 986 532-141-07-00-7 BAJWA AMOLAK & GURCHARANJIT RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,837 119,510 159,347 2,730.69 58.35 987 532-141-08-00-0 REICHERT JOHN E JR RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,897 119,690 159,587 2,730.69 58.44 988 532-141-09-00-3 CUNNINGHAM SETH B & CANDICE RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 36,466 109,399 145,865 2,730.69 53.42 989 532-141-10-00-5 WILLIAMS MICHELLE LEA & CHARLES LEO RDR RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,906 113,719 151,625 2,730.69 55.53 990 532-141-11-00-8 ROMERO MARIO RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 44,817 107,001 151,818 2,730.69 55.60 29690E-E 18 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPRoVEMENn(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 991 532-141-12-00-1 TWEED JOHN & DEBORAH RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 53,163 118,140 171,303 2,730.69 62.73 992 532-141-13-00-4 SINGH MANJIT RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,245 120,735 160,980 2,730.69 58.95 993 532-141-14-00-7 MILLER WILLIS R & ANGELENE J RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 54,461 118,603 173,064 2,730.69 63.38 994 532-141-15-00-0 FLORES JOSE A & DENISS RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,245 120,735 160,980 2,730.69 58.95 995 532-141-16-00-3 MURILLO JUVENAL & LUZ RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40311 120,934 161,245 2,730.69 59.05 996 532-141-17-00-6 MENDEZ LUIS RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 36,650 109,951 146,601 2,730.69 53.69 997 532-141-18-00-9 PLATT SUZANNE RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,311 120,934 161,245 2,730.69 59.05 998 532-141-19-00-2 VASQUEZ NOE DELGADO RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,837 119,510 159,347 2,730.69 58.35 999 532-141-20-00-4 MENDEZ DANIEL & GUADIAN ANGELA M RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,699 113,097 150,796 2,730.69 55.22 1000 532-141-21-00-7 MARTINEZ ROBERTO RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,018 111,054 148,072 2,730.69 54.23 1001 532-142-01-00-6 GONZALEZ SALVADOR J RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 61,538 114,461 175,999 2,730.69 64.45 1002 532-142-02-00-9 SENNER GREGORY P & JAN RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,858 122,573 163,431 2,730.69 59.85 1003 532-142-03-00-2 CAMBA FELIZA M RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,311 120,934 161,245 2,730.69 59.05 1004 532-142-04-00-5 AGUILAR ANTONIO & MARTINEZ MYRIAM N RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 36,466 109,399 145,865 2,730.69 53.42 1005 532-142-05-00-8 ESTRADA JOSE & MARIA RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,104 120,312 160,416 2,730.69 58.75 1006 532-142-06-00-1 FOSTER PATRICK RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,632 118,897 158,529 2,730.69 58.05 1007 532-142-07-00-4 CASTILLO RAUL MATOZO & ESCOBAR LILlI RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,311 120,934 161,245 2,730.69 59.05 1008 532-143-01-00-3 SINGH GURMAIL RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,366 112,097 149,463 2,730.69 54.73 1009 532-143-02-00-6 WHITE CHRISTOPHER R & MELYNDA RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,104 120,312 160,416 2,730.69 58.75 1010 532-143-03-00-9 SINGH BALJINDER RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,632 118,897 158,529 2,730.69 58.05 1011 532-143-04-00-2 POWELL ALLAN & GETTEN POWELL KARE RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,202 111,606 148,808 2,730.69 54.49 1012 532-143-05-00-5 VASQUEZ SALVADOR RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 N/A-4 40,311 120,934 161,245 2,730.69 59.05 1013 532-143-06-00-8 AQUINO JESUS A RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 N/A-4 40,143 120,429 160,572 2,730.69 58.80 1014 532-143-07-00-1 BARRON DIANA & ISMAEL RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 N/A-4 40,622 121,867 162,489 2,730.69 59.50 1015 532-144-02-00-3 ESPINOZA HOMER & DEBRA RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 N/A-4 37,217 119,592 156,809 2,730.69 57.42 1016 532-144-03-00-6 MARTINEZ ARNULFO RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 N/A-4 37,294 111,882 149,176 2,730.69 54.63 1017 532-141-01-00-9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1018 532-144-01-00-0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RDR It wasn't available NJA-4 N/A-4 NJA-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1019 535-082-03-00-6 CLARK GRISELDA & CHAD T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 N/A-4 NJA-4 82,291 156,353 238,644 4,861.83 49.09 1020 535-082-04-00-9 FELIX JUSTINA T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 N/A-4 NJA-4 49,000 137,000 186,000 4,861.90 38.26 1021 535-082-05-00-2 SANCHEZ JUAN MANUEL T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 56,847 166,276 223,123 4,861.90 45.89 1022 535-082-06-00-5 BESICH NICK & KATRENA T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 N/A-4 NJA-4 60,000 171,000 231,000 4,861.90 47.51 1023 535-082-07-00-8 OAKLEAF RANDY D T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 N/A-4 40,000 130,000 170,000 4,861.90 34.97 1024 535-082-08-00-1 GOSTI WILSIN & HO PAYLIN T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 N/A-4 50,000 149,000 199,000 4,861.90 40.93 1025 535-082-09-00-4 GAGATAM SHERWIN T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 NJA-4 NJA-4 50,000 149,000 199,000 4,861.90 40.93 1026 535-082-10-00-6 PACHECO JUAN T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 NJA-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30.24 1027 535-082-11-00-9 JONES LUKE & JESSICA T-E E It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 NJA-4 48,172 129,100 177,272 4,861.90 36.46 1028 535-082-12-00-2 THOMAS MADHAVAPPALLIL & ANNSY T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 N/A-4 NJA-4 63,985 154,364 218,349 4,861.90 44.91 1029 535-082-13-00-5 WILLIFORD JUSTIN & MARISOL T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 N/A-4 NJA-4 42,000 127,000 169,000 4,861.90 34.76 1030 535-082-14-00-8 PEREZ JOSE R & IRMA T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 NJA-4 N/A-4 72,000 206,000 278,000 4,861.90 57.18 1031 535-082-15-00-1 FED NATL MTG ASSN T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 53,000 149,000 202,000 4,861.90 41.55 1032 535-082-16-00-4 CHEN FENGYU T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30.24 1033 535-082-17-00-7 PRECIADO ARMANDO T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 NJA-4 NJA-4 38,000 110,000 148,000 4,861.90 30.44 1034 535-082-18-00-0 BERUMEN LORENA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 N/A-4 44,000 147,351 191,351 4,861.90 39.36 1035 535-082-19-00-3 VARGAS SANDRA A T-E-It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 N/A-4 54,110 165,035 219,145 4,861.90 45.07 1036 535-082-20-00-5 SANOJA LUPE R T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,000 149,000 199,000 4,861.90 40.93 1037 535-082-21-00-8 KUSTER BONNIE S & KRISTOPHER T-E It wasntavailable NJA-4 N/A-4 NJA-4 47,719 129,437 177,156 4,861.90 36.44 1038 535-082-22-00-1 LOPEZ JESUS T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 55,796 199,471 255,267 4,965.64 51.41 1039 535-083-04-00-6 RISI ORESTE P T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 NJA-4 NJA-4 38,000 110,000 148,000 4,881.90 30.44 1040 535-083-05-00-9 OLEGARIO MELVIN M & LETICIA S T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 67,000 200,000 267,000 4,861.90 54.92 1041 535-083-06-00-2 KAO CHING TING T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 54,000 149,000 203,000 4,861.90 41.75 1042 535-083-07-00-5 HAMMONS RICHARD C & BRANDI L T-E It wasn't available NJA-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 49,954 129,880 179,834 4,861.90 36.99 1043 535-083-08-00-8 ESPINOZA FRANCISCA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 67,000 200,000 267,000 4,861.90 54.92 1044 535-083-09-00-1 TIDWELL GARY & NANCY T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 N/A-4 48,000 138,000 186,000 4,861.90 38.26 1045 535-083-10-00-3 SINGH NAGINDER T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 NJA-4 NJA-4 52,000 149,000 201,000 4,861.90 41.34 29690E-E 19 12123/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 crrv OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMENT (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESS MEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENTIl5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1046 535-083-11-00-6 SELIM NATHAN T T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,000 110,000 149,000 4,861.90 30.65 1047 535-083-12-00-9 RION LINDA JULIENNE T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 51,000 149,000 200,000 4,861.90 41.14 1048 535-083-13-00-2 MARROQUIN NORMA T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 53,000 149,000 202,000 4,861.90 41.55 1049 535-084-01-00-4 BRIDGMAN JEREMY W & TALIA E T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 38,000 110,000 148,000 4,861.90 30.44 1050 535-084-02-00-7 BANGON CINDY T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 49,587 127,685 177,272 4,861.90 36.46 1051 535-084-03-00-0 BARRON MARCUS & KRISTI T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,000 149,000 199,000 4,861.90 40.93 1052 535-084-04-00-3 ROUNTREE GREGORY F & CATHERINE G T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30.24 1053 535-084-05-00-6 MASKARINO DENNIS C & GENEVIEVE T T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,524 114,310 164,834 4,861.90 33.90 1054 535-084-06-00-9 ADEBARE ADEDEJI A T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 48,402 128,870 177,272 4,861.90 36.46 1055 535-084-07-00-2 MARTINEZ VICTOR T T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 53,823 111,010 164,833 4,861.90 33.90 1056 535-084-08-00-5 ALVARENGA JOSE D & OLINDA Y T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 4 N/A-4 N/A-4 37,000 110,000 147,000 4,861.90 30.24 1057 535-084-09-00-8 LI JANE T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 73,000 203,000 276,000 4,861.90 56.77 1058 535-084-10-00-0 MARTINEZ ALFRED S & EVARO ANGELINA I T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,000 149,000 199,000 4,861.90 40.93 1059 535-084-11-00-3 HUANG CHENG CHI & LEE CHU PIN T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 50,000 149,000 199,000 4,861.90 40.93 1060 535-084-12-00-6 ROBLES ROBERTO G T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 56,407 108,426 164,833 4,861.90 33.90 1061 535-084-13-00-9 SHOCKLEY STEVEN L & CINDY J T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 54,965 111,151 166,116 4,861.90 34.17 1062 535-084-14-00-2 ACUPAN JAMES & GIGI T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 61,140 205,964 267,104 4,861.90 54.94 1063 535-085-01-00-1 CAZARES ROBERTO C & RAMOS MARCY T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 46,000 134,000 180,000 4,861.90 37.02 1064 535-085-02-00-4 LUQUIN EVERARDO & MARIA DE T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 74,000 200,000 274,000 4,861.90 56.36 1065 535-081-01-00-3 ZIGADORE LLC T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,000 150,000 190,000 4,861.90 39.08 1066 535-082-01-00-0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1067 535-083-01-00-7 crrv OF BAKERFIELD T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1068 535-083-02-00-0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1069 535-082-02-00-3 KERN DELTA WATER DIST T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1070 535-083-03-00-3 crrv OF BAKERSFIELD T-E It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1071 532-170-02-00-4 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.75 7.32 1072 532-170-03-00-7 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1073 532-170-04-00-0 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1074 532-170-05-00-3 3 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1075 532-170-06-00-6 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1076 532-170-07-00-9 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1077 532-170-06-00-2 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1078 532-170-09-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1079 532-170-10-00-7 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1080 532-170-11-00-0 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1081 532-161-01-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1082 532-161-02-00-8 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1083 532-161-03-00-1 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1084 532-161-04-00-4 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1085 532-161-05-00-7 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1086 532-161-06-00-0 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1087 532-161-07-00-3 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1088 532-161-08-00-6 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 25,000 0 25,000 2,730.69 9.16 1089 532-170-12-00-3 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1090 532-170-13-00-6 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available NIA-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1091 532-170-14-00-9 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1092 532-17()"15-00-2 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1093 532-170-16-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1094 532-170-17-00-8 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1095 532-170-18-00-1 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20000 0 20,000 2730.69 7.32 1096 532-170-19-00-4 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1097 532-170-20-00-6 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1098 532-170-21-00-9 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1099 532-170-22-00-2 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1100 532-170-23-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 29690E-E 20 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND INOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAlSE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S lAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENl NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 11\ VALUEI2l AMOUNTI3l LIEN 14\ VALUE 15\ VALUE 15\ + IMPROVEMENnl5 BALANCE 16\ LIEN 17l NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1101 532-162-01-00-2 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1102 532-162-02-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1103 532-162-03-00-8 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1104 532-162-04-00-1 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1105 532-162-05-00-4 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1106 532-162-06-00-7 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1107 532-162-07-00-0 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1108 532-162-08-00-3 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1109 532-170-24-00-8 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1110 532-170-25-00-1 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1111 532-170-26-00-4 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 1112 7.32 532-170-27-00-7 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1113 532-170-28-00-0 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1114 532-170-29-00-3 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 25,000 0 25,000 2,730.69 9.16 1115 532-170-30-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1116 532-170-31-00-8 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1117 532-170-32-00-1 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1118 532-170-33-00-4 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1119 532-170-34-00-7 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 25,000 0 25,000 2,730.69 9,16 1120 532-170-35-00-0 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1121 532-170-36-00-3 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1122 532-170-37-00-6 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1123 532-170-38-00-9 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 25,000 0 25,000 2,730.69 9.16 1124 532-170-39-00-2 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 25,000 0 25,000 2,730.69 9.16 1125 532-170-40-00-4 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1126 532-170-41-00-7 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1127 532-170-42-00-0 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1128 532-170-43-00-3 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1129 532-170-44-00-6 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1130 532-170-45-00-9 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1131 532-170-46-00-2 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1132 532-170-47-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1133 532-170-46-00-8 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1134 532-170-49-00-1 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 55,674 0 55,674 2,730.69 20.39 1135 532-170-50-00-3 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 55,674 0 55,674 2,730.69 20.39 1136 532-170-51-00-6 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 55,674 0 55,674 2,730.69 20.39 1137 532-170-52-00-9 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 25.000 0 25,000 2,730.69 9.16 1138 532-170-53-00-2 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 55,674 0 55,674 2,730.69 20.39 1139 532-170-54-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 55,674 0 55,674 2,730.69 20.39 1140 532-163-02-00-2 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1141 532-163-03-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1142 532-163-04-00-8 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1143 532-163-05-00-1 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1144 532-163-06-00-4 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1145 532-163-07-00-7 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1146 532-163-06-00-0 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1147 532-164-02-00-9 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1148 532-164-03-00-2 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1149 532-164-04-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1150 532-164-05-00-8 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1151 532-164-06-00-1 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 55,674 0 55,674 2,730.69 20.39 1152 532-164-07-00-4 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 55,674 0 55,674 2,730.69 20.39 1153 532-164-08-00-7 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 55,674 0 55,674 2,730.69 20.39 1154 532-164-09-00-0 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1155 532-164-10-00-2 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 29690E-E 21 12/23/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 11\ VALUE 12\ AMOUNT (31 LIEN 14\ VALUE 151 VALUE 15\ + IMPROVEMENn(5 BALANCE 161 LIEN 171 NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1156 532-164-11-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1157 532-164-12-00-8 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1158 532-164-13-00-1 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1159 532-164-14-00-4 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1160 532-164-15-00-7 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1161 532-164-16-00-0 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1162 532-164-17-00-3 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1163 532-164-18-00-6 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1164 532-164-19-00-9 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1165 532-164-20-00-1 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1166 532-164-21-00-4 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1167 532-164-22-00-7 7 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1168 532-164-23-00-0 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1169 532-164-24-00-3 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1170 532-164-25-00-6 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1171 532-164-26-00-9 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1172 532-164-27-00-2 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1173 532-164-28-00-5 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1174 532-164-29-00-8 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 20,000 0 20,000 2,730.69 7.32 1175 532-170-01-00-1 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1176 532-163-01-00-9 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1177 532-164-01-00-6 LENNAR HOMES OF CAL INC RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1178 532-261-01-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINAINCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 197.63 100.96 1179 532-261-02-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1180 532-261-03-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1181 532-261-04-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1182 532-261-05-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINAINCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1183 532-261-06-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINAINCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1184 532-261-07-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINAINCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1185 532-261-08-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINAINCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1186 532-261-09-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINAINCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1187 532-261-10-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1188 532-261-11-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINAINCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1189 532-261-12-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINAINCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1190 532-261-13-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINAINCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1191 532-261-14-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINAINCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1192 532-261-15-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1193 532-261-16-00-8 RBC REAL REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1194 532-261-17-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1195 532-261-18-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1196 532-261-19-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1197 532-261-20-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1198 532-261-21-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR. It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1199 532-261-22-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1200 532-261-23-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR. It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1201 532-261-24-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1202 532-261-25-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1203 532-261-26-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1204 532-261-27-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1205 532-261-28-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1206 532-261-29-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1207 532-261-30-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1208 532-261-31-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1209 532-261-32-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1210 532-261-33-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 29690E-E 22 12123/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CIlY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAiSE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENl NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE 11\ VALUEI2l AMOUNTI3l LIEN 14l VALUEI5l VALUEI5l + IMPROVEMENnl5 BALANCE 161 LIEN 17l NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1211 532-261-34-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1212 532-261-35-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1213 532-261-36-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1214 532-261-37-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1215 532-261-38-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1216 532-261-39-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1217 532-261-40-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1218 532-261-41-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1219 532-261-42-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1220 532-261-43-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1221 532-261-44-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1222 532-261-45-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1223 532-261-46-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1224 532-261-47-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1225 532-253-01-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1226 532-253-02-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1227 532-253-03-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1228 532-253-04-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1229 532-253-05-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1230 532-253-06-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1231 532-253-07-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1232 532-253-08-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1233 532-253-09-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1234 532-253-10-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1235 532-253-11-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1236 532-253-12-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1237 532-253-13-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1238 532-253-14-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1239 532-253-15-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1240 532-253-16-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1241 532-253-17-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1242 532-253-18-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1243 532-253-19-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1244 532-253-20-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1245 532-253-21..QO-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1246 532-252-01-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1247 532-252-02-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1248 532-252-03-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1249 532-252-04-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1250 532-252-05-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1251 532-242-01-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198,32 100.61 1252 532-242-02-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1253 532-242-03-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1254 532-242-04-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100,61 1255 532-242-05-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1256 532-242-06-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1257 532-242-07-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1258 532-242-08-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1259 532-242-09-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1260 532-242-10-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1261 532-242-11-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1262 532-242-12-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1263 532-242-13-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1264 532-242-14-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1265 532-242-15-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 29690E-E 23 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE I LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE I ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENTllS BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8l COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1266 532-242-16-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available NIA-4 NIA-4 NIA-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1267 532-242-17-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1268 532-242-18-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1269 532-242-19-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1270 532-242-20-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1271 532-242-21-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1272 532-242-22-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1273 532-242-23-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1274 532-242-24-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available NIA-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1275 532-242-25-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1276 532-242-26-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1277 532-242-27-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1278 532-242-28-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1279 532-242-29-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1280 532-242-30-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1281 532-242-31-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1282 532-242-32-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1283 532-242-33-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1284 532-242-34-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1285 532-242-35-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1286 532-242-36-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1287 532-242-37-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1288 532-242-38-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1289 532-242-39-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1290 532-242-40-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1291 532-242-41-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1292 532-242-42-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1293 532-242-43-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1294 532-242-44-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1295 532-242-45-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1296 532-242-48-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available NIA-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1297 532-242-47-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1298 532-242-48-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1299 532-242-49-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1300 532-242-50-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available NIA-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1301 532-242-51-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1302 532-242-52-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1303 532-242-53-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1304 532-242-54-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1305 532-232-01-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1306 532-232-02-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1307 532-232-03-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1308 532-232-04-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1309 532-232-05-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1310 532-232-06-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1311 532-232-07-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1312 532-232-08-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 NIA-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1313 532-232-09-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1314 532-232-10-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1315 532-232-11-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1316 532-232-12-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1317 532-232-13-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1318 532-232-14-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available NIA-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1319 532-232-15-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 NIA-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1320 532-232-16-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 29690E-E 24 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURI~ENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENn(S BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8\ COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1321 532-232-17-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19.952 0 19.952 198.32 100.61 1322 532-232-18-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1323 532-232-19-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1324 532-232-20--00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1325 532-232-21-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1326 532-232-22-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1327 532-232-23-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1328 532-232-24-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1329 532-232-25-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1330 532-232-26-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1331 532-232-27-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1332 532-232-28-00--1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1333 532-232-29-00--4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1334 532-232-30-00--6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1335 532-232-31-00--9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1336 532-232-32-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1337 532-232-33-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1338 532-231-01-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1339 532-231-02-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1340 532-231-03-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1341 532-231-05-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1342 532-231-06-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1343 532-231-07-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1344 532-231-08-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1345 532-231-09-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1346 532-231-10-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1347 532-231-11-00--4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1348 532-231-12-00--7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 198.32 100.61 1349 532-231-13-00--0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1350 532-231-14-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1351 532-231-15-00--6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1352 532-231-16-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1353 532-231-17-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1354 532-231-18-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1355 532-231-19-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1356 532-231-20--00--0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1357 532-231-21-00--3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1358 532-231-22-00--6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1359 532-231-23-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1360 532-231-24-00--2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1361 532-231-25-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1362 532-231-26-00--8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1363 532-231-27-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1364 532-231-28-00--4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1365 532-231-29-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1366 532-231-30-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasnt available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1367 532-241-30-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-l 1368 532-241-01-00--8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1369 532-241-02-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1370 532-241-03-00--4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1371 532-241-04-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1372 532-241-05-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1373 532-241-06-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1374 532-241-07-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1375 532-241-08-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 29690E-E 25 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO, 5 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAlSE[ ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENl NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENTIIS BALANCE (5) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1376 532-241-09-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR: It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1377 532-241-10-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR: It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1378 532-241-11-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR: It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1379 532-241-12-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR: It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1380 532-241-13-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR: It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1381 532-241-14-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR: It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1382 532-241-15-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1383 532-241-16-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1384 532-241-17-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1385 532-241-18-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1386 532-241-19-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1387 532-241-20-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1388 532-241-21-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1389 532-241-22-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1390 532-241-23-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1391 532-241-24-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1392 532-241-25-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1393 532-241-26-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1394 532-241-27-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1395 532-241-28-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1396 532-241-29-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1397 532-251-01-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1398 532-251-02-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1399 532-251-03-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1400 532-251-04-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1401 532-251-05-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1402 532-251-06-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1403 532-251-07-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 19,952 198.32 100.61 1404 532-251-08-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1405 532-251-09-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1406 532-251-10-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1407 532-251-11-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1408 532-251-12-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1409 532-251-13-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1410 532-251-14-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1411 532-251-15-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1412 532-251-16-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1413 532-251-17-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1414 532-251-18-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1415 532-251-19-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1416 532-251-20-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1417 532-251-21-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1418 532-251-22-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1419 532-251-23-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1420 532-251-24-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1421 532-251-25-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1422 532-251-26-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1423 532-251-27-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1424 532-251-28-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1425 532-251-29-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1426 532-251-30-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1427 532-251-31-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1428 532-251-32-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 a 19,952 198.32 100.61 1429 532-251-33-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1430 532-251-34-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 29690E-E 26 12123/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05·3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISED ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMEN NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENn(S BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1431 532-251-35-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100,61 1432 532-251-36-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100,61 1433 532-251-37-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1434 532-251-38-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1435 532-251-39-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1436 532-251-40-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1437 532-251-41-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1438 532-251-42-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn'tavailable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1439 532-251-43-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100,61 1440 532-251-44-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1441 532-251-45-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198,32 100.61 1442 532-251-46-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1443 532-251-47-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1444 532-262-01-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1445 532-262-02-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1446 532-262-03-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100,61 1447 532-262-04-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1448 532-262-05-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198,32 100.61 1449 532-262-06-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1450 532-262-07-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1451 532-262-08-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1452 532-262-09-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1453 532-262-10-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1454 532-262-11-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1455 532-262-12-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1456 532-262-13-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1457 532-262-14-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100,61 1458 532-262-15-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1459 532-262-16-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100,61 1460 532-262-17-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1461 532-262-18-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1462 532-262-19-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100,61 1463 532-262-20-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198,32 100.61 1464 532-262-21-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1465 532-262-22-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100,61 1466 532-262-23-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1467 532-262-24-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1468 532-262-25-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198,32 100.61 1469 532-262 -26-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1470 532-262-27-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198,32 100.61 1471 532-262-28-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100,61 1472 532-262-29-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1473 532-262-30-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1474 532-262-31-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1475 532-262-32-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198,32 100.61 1476 532-262-33-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198,32 100.61 1477 532-262-34-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198.32 100.61 1478 532-262-35-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 19,952 0 19,952 198,32 100.61 1479 532-262-36-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125,76 1480 532-262-37-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1481 532-262-38-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1482 532-262-39-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1483 532-262-40-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1484 532-262-41-00-7 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125,76 1485 532-262-42-00-0 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 29690E-E 27 12/23/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURIRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUE/LIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE 1 ASSESSMENl NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPROVEMENnlS BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN S COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1486 532-262-43-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24.940 198.32 125.76 1487 532-262-44-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198,32 125,76 1488 532-262-45-00-9 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24.940 198.32 125.76 1489 532-262-46-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24.940 198.32 125.76 1490 532-262-47-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1491 532-262-48-00-8 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24.940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1492 532-262-49-00-1 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1493 532-262-50-00-3 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125,76 1494 532-262-51-00-6 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1495 532-262-53-00-2 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 198.32 125.76 1496 532-262-54-00-5 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 24,940 0 24,940 24,940 198.36 125.73 1497 532-261-48-00-1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1498 532-253-22-00-6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1499 532-242-55-00-2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1500 532-232-34-00-8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1501 532-231-04-00-4 RBC REAL ESTATE FINANCE INC DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1502 532-262-52-00-9 CITY OF BAKERSFielD DR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1503 532-281-01-00-0 GHOLZ NATHAN RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,400 121.200 161.600 2,730.75 59.18 1504 532-281-02-00-3 CASILLAS SESAR RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,553 121.660 162.213 2,853.36 56.85 1505 532-281-03-00-6 SMITH VERNON F & HUFFMAN TARRA R RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 51,782 96,660 148,442 2,730.69 54.36 1506 532-281-04-00-9 CARRERA ISIDRO CHAVEZ & CHAVEZ MAR RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 54,120 122,157 176,277 2.730.69 64.55 1507 532-282-02-00-0 BOLANOS FRANCISCO & APRIL RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 55.284 114,253 169,537 2,730.69 62.09 1508 532-282-03-00-3 KULLJOSHUA RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,939 119.816 159,755 2,730.69 58.50 1509 532-282-04-00-6 LOPEZ FRANCISCO J & ERICA RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 36,416 109,248 145,664 2,730.69 53.34 1510 532-282-05-00-9 MILLER MICHAEL & KANDACE RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,939 119,816 159,755 2,730.69 58.50 1511 532-282-06-00-2 BONE TARA & JARROD RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 36,416 109,248 145,664 2,730.69 53.34 1512 532-282-07-00-5 RAFIKJAMEl RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,990 119,969 159.959 2,730.69 58.58 1513 532-282-08-00-8 RIOSMARIOT RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,939 119,816 159.755 2,730.69 58,50 1514 532-282-09-00-1 PRIETO LISA ANN RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,990 119,969 159,959 2.730.69 58.58 1515 532-282-10-00-3 SANTAMARIA SANDRA LUZ RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 36.599 109.796 146.395 2,730.69 53.61 1516 532-282-11-00-6 REYNOLDS DAVID & BLANCA RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 61.629 110.008 171.637 2,730.69 62.85 1517 532-282-12-00-9 ETHERIDGE AUDRA G RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 61,656 111,367 173,023 2.730.69 63.36 1518 532-282-13-00-2 CAMPOS JOSE MIGUEL RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 61,845 111,732 173,377 2,730.69 63.49 1519 532-282-14-00-5 GODINEZ ABEL RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 59,696 105,774 165,470 2,730.69 60.60 1520 532-282-15-00-8 RAMIREZ CESAR & MARIA L RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,939 119,816 159.755 2,730.69 58.50 1521 532-282-16-00-1 TALMADGE NEIL R & CHAVEZ KRISTIAN A RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 36,416 109.248 145.664 2,730.69 53.34 1522 532-282-17-00-4 CATONA CRISTIAN & CAMELlA RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,631 118,894 158,525 2.730.69 58.05 1523 532-282-18-00-7 SMITH MATIHEW & ALICIA RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,990 119,969 159,959 2,730.69 58.58 1524 532-282-19-00-0 GURROLA BONIFACIO JR & MARIA M RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,682 119.045 158,727 2,730.69 58.13 1525 532-282-20-00-2 SINGH GURINDER RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39.631 118,894 158,525 2,730.69 58.05 1526 532-282-21-00-5 CORDOVA AMBER RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 36,142 108,427 144,569 2,730.69 52.94 1527 532-282-22-00-8 TORRES GRISELDA & PADUA ISRAEL RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,682 119,045 158,727 2,730.69 58.13 1528 532-282-23-00-1 HUDGINS CHARLES ANTHONY RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 36,142 108.427 144,569 2,730.69 52.94 1529 532-282-24-00-4 SINGH SARBJIT RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,631 118,894 158,525 2,730.69 58.05 1530 532-282-25-00-7 SANCHEZ ADOLFO N & MARTA J RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 40,092 120277 160,369 2,730.69 58.73 1531 532-282-26-00-0 HUERTA MIGUEL RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,836 119,509 159,345 2,730.69 58.35 1532 532-282-27-00-3 SANDOVAL RUBEN & MARIA E RDR It wasn't avaifable N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 36,325 108.975 145.300 2,730.69 5321 1533 532-282-28-00-6 HERNANDEZ ENRIQUE RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 48,046 113.251 161,297 2,730.69 59.07 1534 532-282-29-00-9 ESCAMILLA MIGUEL A & MARIA 0 RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39.631 118,894 158,525 2.730.69 58.05 1535 532-282-30-00-1 KIMBRIEL FORREST RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 36,142 108,427 144,569 2,730.69 52.94 29690E-E 28 12/23/2010 APPENDIX E ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA ORIGINAL VALUEILIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006 PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND (NOT UPDATED TO CURRENT YEAR VALUES) ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 06/30/10 DIST. ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 APPRAISEC ASSESSOR'S ASSESSOR'S TOTAL VALUES REMAINING ASSESSOR'S AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S TAX AREA LAND APPRAISED ASSESSMENT VALUE/LAND IMPROVEMEN (ASSESSOR'S LAND ASSESSMENT VALUE/ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN) CODE VALUE (1) VALUE (2) AMOUNT (3) LIEN (4) VALUE (5) VALUE (5) + IMPRoVEMENn(5 BALANCE (6) LIEN (7) NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME (5) (8) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 COLUMN 9 1536 532-282-31-00-4 HUFFMAN RICHARD & RAMONA RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,682 119,045 158,727 2,730.69 58.13 1537 532-282-32-00-7 WHITE LAQUICE RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,631 118,894 158,525 2,730.69 58.05 1538 532-282-33-00-0 MATAAMANDA RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 36,142 108,427 144,569 2,730.69 52.94 1539 532-282-34'()()"3 GARCIA ASUNCION RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 39,682 119,045 158,727 2,730.69 58.13 1540 532-282-01-00-7 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RDR It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 0 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 1541 534-010-35-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 819,956 0 819,956 1,080,753.80 0.76 1542 534-060-42-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC VG It wasn't available N/A-4 N/A-4 N/A-4 4,569 0 4,569 4,824.79 0.95 SUMMARY OF DISTRICT AREA TOTALS LIBERTY UAREA SUBTOTAL: L1BU It wasn't available 7,826,157 902,040.65 8,68 5,115,454 9,658,917 14,774,371 692,111,91 21.35 VILLAGE GREEN AREA SUBTOTAL: VG It wasn't available 18,419,782 2,225,658.18 8.28 4,992,089 11,424,647 16,416,736 1,707,771.39 9.61 TESORO-ENCANTO AREA SUBTOTAL: T-E It wasn't available 14,417,420 1,888,588.41 7.63 14,556,389 42,051,061 56,607,450 1,450,869.18 39.02 LIN AREA SUBTOTAL: LIN It wasn't available 15,510,096 971,502.84 15.97 13,572,312 33,776,135 47,348,447 742,699.54 63.75 RIDER AREA SUBTOTAL: RDR It wasn't available 21,572,334 1,402,454.82 15.38 15,091,823 37,716,228 52,808,051 1,076,425.45 49.06 DIAMOND RIDGE AREA SUBTOTAL: DR 396,859 13,830,777 1,314,755.10 10.52 6,484,400 0 6,484,400 63,065.11 102.82 TOTALS/OVERALL FOR ALL SIX DISTRICT AREAS: N/A 91,576,566 8,705,000.00 10.52 59,812,467 134,626,988 194,439,455 5,732,942.58 33.92 SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TOTALS CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC OWNED TOTALS/OVERALL: It wasn't available 26,245,939 3,127,698.83 8.39 4,559,808 2,441,191 7,000,999 1,914,577.70 3.66 CENTEX HOMES OWNED TOTALS/OVERALL: It wasn't available 14,417,420 1,888,588.41 7.63 186,045 459,000 645,045 24,309.50 26.53 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC OWNED TOTALS/OVERALL: It wasn't available 37,082,430 2,373,957.66 15.62 2,395,392 0 2,395,392 283,991.82 8.43 DUNMORE DIAMOND RIDGE, LLC (and successors) OWNED TOTALS/OVERALL: 396,859 13,830,777 1,314,755.10 10.52 6,484,400 0 6,484,400 63,065.11 102.82 OWNED BY OTHERS TOTALS/OVERALL: 0 0 0.00 N/A-1 46,186,822 131,726,797 177,913,619 3,446,998.45 51.61 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TOTALS/OVERALL: N/A 91,576,566 8,705,000.00 10.52 59,812,467 134,626,988 194,439,455 5,732,942.58 33.92 SEE NEXT PAGE FOR NOTES AND REFERENCES 29690E-E 29 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA NOTES AND REFERENCES N/A-1 REFERENCES DATA FOR NON-BENEFITED AND NON-ASSESSED PARCELS OR PARCELS THAT WERE PAID OFF AFTER THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENTS WERE CONFIRMED, BUT BEFORE 06/30/10. N/A-2 REFERENCES DATA FOR ORIGINALLY ASSESSED PARCELS THAT WERE SUBDIVIDED BETWEEN 03/02/06 AND 06/30/10, AND WHICH, ACCORDINGLY, NO LONGER EXIST. N/A-3 REFERENCES DATA THAT WAS NOT AVAILABLE FROM THE KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE AS OF THE DATE OF PREPARATION OF THIS REPORT. N/A-4 REFERENCES DATA FOR PARCELS CREATED BY SUBDIVISIONS RECORDED BETWEEN 03/02/06 AND 06/30/10. THEREFORE, THE "ORIGINAL VALUEILIEN DATA AS OF 03/2006" SHOWN IN THE APPENDIX E TABLE DOES NOT APPLY TO THESE PARCELS AND IS, ACCORDINGLY, NOT SHOWN. THE "PARCEL CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA" FOR THESE PARCELS IF FURTHER SUBDIVIDED ALSO NO LONGER APPLIES AND IS NOT SHOWN. THE SUBDIVIDED PARCEL'S "REMAINING ASSESSMENT BALANCE" HAS BEEN APPORTIONED TO THE NEW LOTS AND PARCELS CREATED BY THE SUBDIVISION OF THE PARCEL AND THOSE APPORTIONED ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS ARE SHOWN FOR EACH NEW LOT AND PARCEL IN THE APPENDIX E TABLE. (1) COLUMN 1 SHOULD SHOW KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S LAND VALUES FOR THE ASSESSOR'S ROLL FOR KERN COUNTY USED TO BILL THE 2005/2006 REGULAR PROPERTY TAXES. THE ASSESSOR'S VALUES PLANNED TO BE SHOWN IN COLUMN 1WERE NOT USED TO CALCULATE THE COLUMN 4 VALUE-TO-L1ENRATIO. THEY WERE PLANNED TO BE PROVIDED ONLY FOR REFERENCE AS BASELINE ASSESSOR'S LAND VALUES AT THE TIME OF THE AD 05-3 BOND SALE. HOWEVER, THE AMOUNTS FOR ASSESSMENTS 1 THROUGH 831 (EXCEPT FOR ASSESSMENTS 226, 830, AND 831) WERE NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF PREPARATION OF THE APPENDIX E TABLE FOR THE AD 05-3 OFFICIAL STATEMENT SINCE THOSE ASSESSMENTS WERE STILL PARTS OF UNSUBDIVIDED KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBERS (ATNs) ASSIGNED TO THE PARCELS THAT WERE SUBDIVIDED BY VARIOUS SUBDIVISION TRACT MAPS RECORDED AFTER JANUARY 1, 2006, BUT BEFORE THE AD 05-3 BOND BOND SALE. CONSEQUENTLY, AT THE TIME APPENDIX E WAS PREPARED FOR THE AD 05-3 OFFICIAL STATEMENT, THERE WERE NO ATNs OR LAND VALUES AVAILABLE FROM THE KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR FOR ASSESSMENTS 1 THROUGH 831 (EXCEPT FOR ASSESSMENTS 226,830, AND 831). (2) THE AMOUNTS SHOWN IN COLUMN 2 FOR ASSESSMENT NOS. 1 THROUGH 831 ARE "BULK VALUE OF RECORDED LOTS OR LAND" FOR ALL RESIDENTIAL LOTS IN TRACT MAPS THAT HAD BEEN RECORDED PRIOR TO THE TIME THE APPENDIX E TABLE FOR THE AD 05-3 OFFICIAL STATEMENTWAS PREPARED, AND FOR THE NINE AT THAT TIME STILL UNSUBDIVIDED PARCELS (ASSESSMENT NOS. 76, 225, 226, 227, 827, 828, 829, 830, AND 831), AS SHOWN IN THE APPRAISAL REPORT FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3, PREPARED BY LAUNER & ASSOCIATES, INC., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DATED DECEMBER 15, 2005 (DATE OF VALUE AS OF DECEMBER 7,2005). THE VALUE OF EACH ASSESSED RESIDENTIAL. LOT IS COMPUTED BY DIVIDING SAID "BULK VALUE OF RECORDED LOTS OR LAND" FOR EACH TRACT WITHIN EACH DEVELOPMENT AREA IN AD 05-3 BY THE NUMBER OF ASSESSED LOTS WITHIN EACH TRACT. (3) THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ARE THE AMOUNTS REMAINING UNPAID ONAD 05-3ASSESSMENTS AFTER ADJUSTMENTS FOR THE LOWER THAN ANTICIPATED TOTAL BOND SALE AMOUNT, AS SHOWN ON THE ADDENDUM TO NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT RECORDED APRIL 19, 2006. AMOUNTS SHOWN IN COLUMN 3 OF APPENDIX E TO THE AD 05-3 OFFICIAL STATEMENT ARE THE ORIGINAL AD 05-3 ASSESSMENTS. THE 30-DAY CASH PAYMENT PERIOD HAS BEEN WAIVED. (4) RATIO OF APPRAISED RETAIL VALUES (COLUMN 2) DIVIDED BY THE AD 05-3 REDUCED ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT (COLUMN 3). (5) OWNERS' NAMES AND ASSESSOR'S VALUES IN COLUMNS 5, G, AND 7ARE AS SHOWN ON THE ASSESSOR'S ROLL FOR THE 2010/2011 TAX YEAR, AS OBTAINED FROM THE KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR ON JULY 29, 2010. (6) THE REMAINING ASSESSMENT AMOUNT SHOWN IN THE "REMAINING ASSESSMENT BALANCE" COLUMN 8 IS THE PARCEL'S REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTAT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2010/2011 TAX YEAR, INCLUDING THE DELINQUENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR THE SIXTEEN (16) PARCELS LISTED IN APPENDIX I TO THIS ANNUAL REPORT NO.6. THEREFORE, THE TOTAL "REMAINING ASSESSMENT BALANCE" SHOWN IN COLUMN 81N THE AMOUNT OF $5,732,942.58 INCLUDES $2,942.58 IN DELINQUENT PRINCIPAL FOR THE 16 PARCELS LISTED IN APPENDIX I. (7) COLUMN 9 IS THE RATIO OF THE CURRENT TOTAL ASSESSOR'S VALUE (COLUMN 7) DIVIDED BY THE AD 05-3 REMAINING ASSESSMENT BALANCE. 29690E-E 30 12/23/2010 APPENDIXE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 CURRENT ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSOR'S VALUE DATA (8) COLUMN ENTITLED "DIST. AREA CODE" SHOWS ABBREVIATIONS FOR EACH DISTRICT AREA NAME FOR EACH ASSESSMENT NUMBER AS FOLLOWS: "LIB II" FOR THE LIBERTY II AREA, "VG" FOR THE VILLAGE GREEN AREA, "T-E" FOR THE TESORO-ENCANTO AREA, "LIN" FOR THE LIN AREA, "RDR" FOR THE RIDER AREA, AND "DR" FOR THE DIAMOND RIDGE AREA. (9) ASSESSMENT NO. 76 WAS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 05-3 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 1 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF TRACT NO. 6475-UNIT 4 ON MAY 31,2006, IN BOOK 55 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 85, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.1 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 832 THROUGH 848. (10) ASSESSMENT NO. 832 WAS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 05-3 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.2 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF TRACT NO. 6475-UNIT 5 ON MAY 31,2006, IN BOOK 55 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 87, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.2 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 849 THROUGH 873. (11) ASSESSMENT NO. 226 WAS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 05-3 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.3 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF TRACT NO. 6349-PHASE 2 ON APRIL 11, 2006, IN BOOK 55 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 24, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.3 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 874 THROUGH 931. (12) ASSESSMENT NO. 227 WAS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 05-3 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.4 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF TRACT NO. 6349-PHASE 4 ON MAY 31, 2006, IN BOOK 55 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 81, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.4 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 932 THROUGH 980. (13) ASSESSMENT NO. 827 WAS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 05-3 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.5 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF TRACT NO. 6290 UNIT TWO ON JUNE 20, 2006, IN BOOK 55 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 116, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.5 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 981 THROUGH 1018 (14) ASSESSMENT NO. 874 WAS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 05-3 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.6 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF TRACT NO. 6349 PHASE ONE ON AUGUST 22,2006, IN BOOK 56 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 19, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.6 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 1019 THROUGH 1070. (15) ASSESSMENT NO. 828 WAS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 05-3 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.7 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF TRACT NO. 6290 UNIT THREE ON OCTOBER 30,2006, IN BOOK 56 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 131, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.7 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 1071 THROUGH 1177. (16) ASSESSMENT NOS. 830AND 831 WERE DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 05-3 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENTAND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.8 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF TRACT NO. 6332 ON MARCH 6, 2007, IN BOOK 57 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 57, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.8 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 1178 THROUGH 1502. (17) ASSESSMENT NO. 829 WAS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 05-3 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.9 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF TRACT NO. 6290 UNIT 4 ON JULY 31,2007, iN BOOK 58 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 58, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO.9 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 1503 THROUGH 1540. (18) ASSESSMENT NOS. 207 AND 225 WERE DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR AD 05-3 PURSUANT TO ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 10 AFTER THE RECORDATION OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 09-0235 ON JULY 31,2009, AS DOCUMENT NO. 0209111745 OF OFFICIAL RECORD, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. AMENDMENT NO. 10 CREATED AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 1541 THROUGH 1542. 29690E-E 31 1212312010 ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IINILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTO/LIN/RIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXF COPIES OF PAGES 10 THROUGH 13 OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.4 AND A COpy OF APPENDIX F OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.4 ("LETTER DATED 1\1ARCH 25, 2008, AND LETTER DATED DECEMBER 15, 2008, FROM PROPERTY DEVELOPl\1ENT REPRESENTATIVE TRANSMITTING THE CURRENT ACQUISITION SCHEDULE AND DESCRIBING THE CURRENT STATUS OF COMPLETION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE LIN AREA AND THE RIDER AREA FINANCED BY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3") (On file with the MSRB as Appendix F of Annual Report No.5) ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IINILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTO/LIN/RIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXG COPIES OF PAGES 13 THROUGH 15 AND 22 THROUGH 23 OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.4 AND A COpy OF APPENDIX G OF ANNUAL REPORT NO.4 ("LETTER DATED DECEMBER 17, 2008, FROM PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVE TRANSMITTING THE CURRENT ACQUISITION SCHEDULE AND DESCRIBING THE CURRENT STATUS OF COMPLETION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE DIAMOND RIDGE AREA FINANCED BY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3") (On file with the MSRB as Appendix G of Annual Report No.5) ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30,2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IINILLAGE GREENITESORO-ENCANTO/LIN/RIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXH CURRENT DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE FOR THE BONDS UPDATED FOR THE 2009 BOND CALL Note: Appendix H table provided by Issuer's Finance Department City of Bakersfield 05-3 -LlBERTYIiNILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTO/LIN/RIDERID Current Debt Service Schedule Bonds Dated: 3/2/2006 Bonds Issued: $8,705,000.00 Payment Interest Payment Annual Call Date Rate Balance Principal Interest Total Total Premo Status 09/02/2006 0.0000% $8,705,000.00 $0.00 $210,190.63 $210,190.63 $0.00 3.0000% Paid 03/02/2007 0.0000 $8,705,000.00 0.00 210,190.63 210,190.63 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2007 3.6500 $8,705,000.00 275,000.00 210,190.63 485,190.63 905,571.89 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2008 0.0000 $8,430,000.00 0.00 205,171.88 205,171.88 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2008 3.9500 $8,430,000.00 285,000.00 205,171.88 490,171.88 695,343.76 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2009 0.0000 $8,145,000.00 0.00 199,543.13 199,543.13 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2009 4.0500 $8,145,000.00 300,000.00 199,543.13 499,543.13 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/0212009 Bond Call $7,845,000.00 1,880,000.00 0.00 1,880,000.00 2,579,086.26 0.0000 Paid 03/02/2010 0.0000 $5,965,000.00 0.00 147,105.63 147,105.63 0.00 3.0000 Paid 09/02/2010 4.1500 $5,965,000.00 235,000.00 147,105.63 382,105.63 529,211.26 3.0000 Paid 03/02/2011 0.0000 $5,730,000.00 0.00 142,229.38 142,229.38 0.00 3.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2011 4.4000 $5,730,000.00 245,000.00 142,229.38 387,229.38 529,458.76 3.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2012 0.0000 $5,485,000.00 0.00 136,839.38 136,839.38 0.00 3.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2012 4.5500 $5,485,000.00 260,000.00 136,839.38 396,839.38 533,678.76 3.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2013 0.0000 $5,225,000.00 0.00 130,924.38 130,924.38 0.00 3.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2013 4.7000 $5,225,000.00 270,000.00 130,924.38 400,924.38 531,848.76 3.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2014 0.0000 $4,955,000.00 0.00 124,579.38 124,579.38 0.00 3.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2014 4.7500 $4,955,000.00 280,000.00 124,579.38 404,579.38 529,158.76 3.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2015 0.0000 $4,675,000.00 0.00 117,929.38 117,929.38 0.00 3.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2015 4.8500 $4,675,000.00 295,000.00 117,929.38 412,929.38 530,858.76 3.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2016 0.0000 $4,380,000.00 0.00 110,775.63 110,775.63 0.00 2.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2016 4.8750 $4,380,000.00 310,000.00 110,775.63 420,775.63 531,551.26 2.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2017 0.0000 $4,070,000.00 0.00 103,219.38 103,219.38 0.00 1.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2017 4.9000 $4,070,000.00 325,000.00 103,219.38 428,219.38 531,438.76 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2018 0.0000 $3,745,000.00 0.00 95,256.88 95,256.88 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2018 4.9500 $3,745,000.00 340,000.00 95,256,88 435,256.88 530,513.76 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2019 0.0000 $3,405,000.00 0.00 86,841.88 86,841.88 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2019 5.0000 $3,405,000.00 355,000.00 86,841.88 441,841.88 528,683.76 0.0000 Unpaid 03/0212020 0.0000 $3,050,000.00 0.00 77,966.88 77,966.88 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2020 5.0500 $3,050,000.00 375,000,00 77,966.88 452,966.88 530,933.76 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2021 0.0000 $2,675,000.00 0.00 68,498.13 68,498.13 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2021 5.1000 $2,675,000.00 390,000.00 68,498.13 458,498.13 526,996.26 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2022 0.0000 $2,285,000.00 0.00 58,553.13 58,553.13 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2022 5.1250 $2,285,000.00 415,000.00 58,553.13 473,553.13 532,106.26 0.0000 Unpaid 03/0212023 0.0000 $1,870,000.00 0.00 47,918.75 47,918.75 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2023 5.1250 $1,870,000.00 435,000.00 47,918.75 482,918.75 530,837.50 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2024 0.0000 $1,435,000.00 0.00 36,771.88 36,771,88 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/0212024 5.1250 $1,435,000.00 455,000.00 36,771.88 491,771.88 528,543.76 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2025 0.0000 $980,000.00 0.00 25,112.50 25,112.50 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2025 5.1250 $980,000.00 475,000.00 25,112.50 500,112.50 525,225,00 0.0000 Unpaid 03/02/2026 0.0000 $505,000.00 0.00 12,940.63 12,940.63 0.00 0.0000 Unpaid 09/02/2026 5.1250 $505,000.00 505,000.00 12,940.63 517,940.63 530,881.26 0.0000 Unpaid Grand Total: $8,705,000.00 $4,486,928.31 $13,191,928,31 $13,191,928.31 Copyright© 1999-2007NBS Page 1 of 1 9/15/2010 9:41:55 AM ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IINILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTOI LIN/RIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIX I LISTING OF PARCELS WITH DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENT(S) AS OF JUNE 30,2010 Note: Appendix I table prepared by the Assessment Engineer using data provided by Issue's Finance Department APPENDIX I CONTINUING DISCLOSURE ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 LISTING OF PARCELS WITH DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENT(S) AS OF JUNE 30, 2010 AD 05-3 ASSESSOR'S DATE ASSESSMENT TAX NUMBER (ATN) DELINQUENT FIRST NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (1) DELINQUENT 229 535-041-02-00-4 $581.58 12/10/2009 252 535-044-02-00-5 $290.79 4/10/2010 283 535-032-02-00-8 $290.79 4/10/2010 308 535-034-10-00-5 $908.90 4/10/2009 376 529-141-40-00-8 $142.86 4/10/2010 385 529-141-49-00-5 $285.72 12/10/2009 415 529-153-18-00-2 $142.86 4/10/2010 498 529-165-14-00-7 $308.14 12/10/2007 701 532-113-09-00-8 $703.06 4/10/2008 703 532-113-11-00-3 $132.38 4/10/2010 806 532-136-18-00-1 $148.02 4/10/2009 905 535-092-11-00-2 $230.94 4/10/2010 952 535-102-02-00-8 $1,556.82 4/10/2008 972 535-104-09-00-3 $654.64 12/10/2008 1038 535-082-22-00-1 $253.21 4/10/2008 1504 532-281-02-00-3 $296.04 12/10/2008 Totals: 16 ATNs $6,926.75 (1) Source: 29690E-1 Delinquent Amount includes assessment principal and interest, exclusive of any late charges or penalties for reinstatement Appendix I prepared by the Assessment Engineer using data provided by Issuer's Finance Department 12/21/2010 ANNUAL REPORT NO.6 PROVIDING CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2010 ON $8,705,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-3 (LIBERTY IINILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTO/LIN/RIDERIDIAMOND RIDGE) LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS APPENDIXJ LIST OF BONDS CALLED IN ADVANCE OF MATURITY ON SEPTEMBER 2, 2009, BY YEAR OF MATURITY AND PRINCIPAL AMOUNT CALLED IN EACH MATURITY ($1,880,000.00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF BONDS CALLED) Note: Appendix J table provided by Issue's Finance Department City of Bakersfield L1BERTYIINILLAGE GREEN/TESORO-ENCANTO/LIN/RIDERID Bond Call Maturities Detail Bonds Dated: 3/2/2006 Bond Issue Amount: $8,705,000.00 Call Date 09/02/2009 Total: Copyright © 1999-2003 NBS Maturity Date 09/02/2010 09/02/2011 09/02/2012 09/02/2013 09/02/2014 09/02/2015 09/02/2016 09/02/2017 09/02/2018 09/02/2019 09/02/2020 09/02/2021 09/02/2022 09/02/2023 09/02/2024 09/02/2025 09/02/2026 Subtotal: Page 1 of 1 Amount $75,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 85,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 95,000.00 100,000.00 105,000.00 115,000.00 115,000.00 125,000.00 130,000.00 135,000.00 145,000.00 155,000.00 160,000.00 $1,880,000.00 $1,880,000.00 9/21/2009 3:46:26 PM CONTINUING DISCLOSURE (Submission Status: Published) FINANCIAL/OPERATING FILING (CUSIP-9 Based) Rule 15c2-12 Disclosure Submission ID:ER396659 01/10/2011 19:33:17 Annual Financial Information and Operating Data: Annual Report No. 6 for Assessment District No. 05-3 Bonds, for the year ended 06/30/2010 DOCUMENTS Financial Operating Filing Annual Report No. 6 AD 05-3 FY2010.pdf posted 01/10/2011 The following Issuers are associated with this Continuing Disclosure submission: The following 16 securities have been published with this Continuing Disclosure submission: CUSIP-6 State Issuer Name 057510 CA BAKERSFIELD CALIF IMPT BD ACT 1915 CUSIP-9 Maturity Date 057510D63 09/02/2007 057510D71 09/02/2008 057510D89 09/02/2009 057510D97 09/02/2010 057510E21 09/02/2011 057510E39 09/02/2012 057510E47 09/02/2013 057510E54 09/02/2014 057510E62 09/02/2015 057510E70 09/02/2016 057510E88 09/02/2017 Submission Preview Print Page 1 of 2 http://dataport.emma.msrb .org/Submission/SubmissionPreviewPrint.aspx?submissionId=E... 1/10/2 011057510E96 09/02/2018 057510F20 09/02/2019 057510F38 09/02/2020 057510F46 09/02/2026 057510F53 09/02/2021 Submitter's Contact Information Company: Goodwin Procter LLP Name: GEOFFREY GEDDES Address: 601 S. FIGUEROA ST. City, State Zip: LOS ANGELES, CA 90017 Phone Number: 2134262555 Email: ggeddes@goodwinprocter.com © 2009 Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) Submission Preview Print Page 2 of 2 http://dataport.emma.msrb.org/Submission/SubmissionPreviewPrint.aspx?submissionId=E... 1/10/2011