HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 004-11RESOLUTION NO. 004-13 RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN EFFORTS TO ELIMINATE CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES OR REDUCE REDEVELOPMENT FUNDING WHICH WILL RESULT IN EXTREME NEGATIVE REPERCUSSIONS TO THE BAKERSFIELD COMMUNITY AS A RESULT OF THESE ACTIONS. WHEREAS, redevelopment is directly responsible for eliminating blight and attracting new private development. Redevelopment is an important revitalization tool for our community providing much needed resources for development of parks, infrastructure, community facilities, and affordable housing; and WHEREAS, redevelopment under California Law requires agencies incur debt to collect their annual tax increment allocations; and WHEREAS, redevelopment agencies around the State of California have some of their debt repayment due to the State of California including the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency with $17 million. With the proposal to eliminate redevelopment programs, the State of California's financial problems would be compounded. WHEREAS, redevelopment builds better communities by investing local funds which supports and creates jobs, eliminates blight and strengthens local economics by building safe, healthy affordable, and sustainable communities throughout the State of California; and WHEREAS, redevelopment reenergizes blighted neighborhoods, jump starts the renewal process, brings new life to neighborhoods, and much needed tax revenues to local government through increased property values; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield has formed three Redevelopment Project Areas; and WHEREAS, these three redevelopment areas have furthered job creation, built affordable housing, eliminated slum and blight, and spurred private investment within the Bakersfield community; and WHEREAS, redevelopment has significantly impacted the community by the reinvestment of millions in tax increment dollars since the inception of the project areas; and - Page 1 of 3 Pages - re r- WHEREAS, since the formation of the Downtown, Old Town Kern-Pioneer and Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Areas redevelopment has leveraged millions in grant and loan funds which are currently at work within our community; and WHEREAS, the elimination of redevelopment in Bakersfield will have an adverse effect by destroying the millions of dollars in local economic activity and the ability to create additional job opportunities for the Bakersfield community; and WHEREAS, without redevelopment projects and investments would be left unfunded, many affordable housing projects will not be built, slum and blight would escalate, and fewer jobs would be created; and WHEREAS, in order to jumpstart badly needed revitalization programs and projects in blight suffering areas of the City, Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency has promised to repay bondholders and the State Infrastructure Bank and State Housing Fund from local future property taxes; and WHEREAS, voters recently approved Proposition 22 to bar the State of California from raiding local funds similar to the scheme being proposed by the governor; and WHEREAS, shutting down Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency will jeopardize our contractual obligations and could easily destroy the credit rating of our community; and WHEREAS, significant blight still exists in our community and redevelopment is needed to eliminate it, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD as follows: RESOLVED FURTHER, Redevelopment is a critical component in the growth and rebirth of the Bakersfield community and communities throughout the State of California. RESOLVED FURTHER, the City Council supports the continuation of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency for the Bakersfield community and the growth of the State of California. RESOLVED FURTHER, the disbandment of redevelopment areas will cause a severe fiscal hardship and cease current job creation, new affordable housing opportunities, and the removal of slum and blight within the Bakersfield community. ! r - Page 2 of 3 Pages - r~ RESOLVED FURTHER, the City Council strongly and unconditionally opposes any disbandment of redevelopment areas and urges the State of California seek other means to balance its budget, HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on JAN 1 2 2011 by the following vote: NOES: ABSTAIN ABSENT: tt:gA& J"j CITY CLERK and Ex Offici lerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney guOSH H. RUDNICK City Attorney II COUNCILMEMBER SALAS, BENHAM, WEIR, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN,'SC~~Y~SUâ–º1 COUNCILMEMBER fLOM COUNCILMEMBER /LuKz COUNCILMEMBER - Page 3 of 3 Pages - ' ft1 r- APPROVED JAN 12 2011