HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnexation 606When Recorded Mail to: Kern County LAFCo 5300 Lennox Ave Suite 303 Bakersfield CA 93309 James W. Fitch Assessor-Recorder TELFORDT Kern County Official hecords 1/06/2011 Recorded at the request of 2:00 PM Public D O C # : 0211002762 Stat Types:1 Pages: 10 Fees 0.00 Taxes 0.00 s Others 0.00 PAID $0.00 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD: Annexation No. 606 (_McKee No. 6) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Pursuant to Government code Section 57200, this Certificate of Completion is hereby issued by the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of Kern, State of California. 1. The names of each district or city involved in this change of organization or reorganization or formation and the kind or type of change of organization or reorganization or formation ordered for each such city or district are as follows: City or District CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Type of Change of Organization Annexation No. 606 2. The above listed cities and/or districts are located within the following count(ies) 3. A description of the boundaries of the above cited change of organization or reorganization or formation is shown on the attached legal description incorporated within the resolution. 4. The terms and conditions, if any, of the change of organization or reorganization or formation, are incorporated within, or attached to the resolution or ordinance attached hereto, and by reference incorporated herein. 5. The date of adoption of the resolution or ordinance ordering this change of organization or reorganization or formation without election, or the resolution or ordinance confirming an order for this change of organization or reorganization or formation after confirmation by the voters was October 27, 2010. 6. The territory involved in this change or organization or reorganization or formation is u ' abited.. A copy of the resolution or ordinance approving this proposal by the Local Agency Formation Commission is attached hereto. I, Rebecca Moore, Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission, County of Kern, do hereby certify that I have examined the attached resolution or ordinance ordering the change of organization or reorganization or formation, and have found this document to be in compliance with LAFCO Resolution No. 10-21 approving said change and adopted by the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of Kern on August 25, 2010. Dated: December 27, 2010 kti Rebe ca Moore Executive Officer BEFORE THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the Matter of. Proceeding No. 1606 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD: Resolution No. 10-28 Annexation No. 606 (McKee No. 6) Minute Book 57 I, Rebecca Moore , Executive Officer , of the LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, hereby certify that the following resolution, proposed by Commissioner Maben, seconded by Commissioner Watson, was duly adopted by the Commission at an official meeting thereof held on the 27th day of October by the following vote: AYE: Couch, Maben, McLaughlin, Neufeld, Noble, Watson, Baugher, Mathews NAYS: None ABSENT: Reed RESOLUTION MAKING DETERMINATION -1- Resolution No. 10-28 -2- 10-27/10 Section 1. WHEREAS: (a) an application dated May 20, 2010 was considered by the Local Agency Formation Commission of Kern County ("Commission") for City of Bakersfield Annexation No. 606 designated as proceeding No. 1606, exterior boundaries which are described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and (b) a duly noted noticed public hearing upon said proposal was held before the Commission on August 25, 2010 and (c) following said public hearing the Commission, on August 25, 2010, adopted its resolution Making Determination, being Resolution No. 10-21 recorded in Minute book 57 of said Commission said Resolution is attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and is incorporated herein say this reference; and (d) after duly mailed and published notice, the Executive Officer of LAFCo set Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at the hour of 11:00a.m. (or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard) in the LAFCo office at 5300 Lennox Ave Suite 303 in Bakersfield California as the time, date and place that the Commission shall consider protests to this annexation proposal; and (e) the reason for the annexation is to annex 5.70 acres of developed uninhabited land into the City of Bakersfield. Resolution No. 10-28 -3- 10/27/10 Section 2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Local Agency Formation Commission, County of Kern, State of California, as follows: (a) Sufficient protest were not filed or presented before or during the protest hearing. (b) Pursuant to the authority granted by the Cortese Knox Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 said territory designated as Proceeding No. 1606 and described herein, and every part thereof, is hereby ordered annexed to the City of Bakersfield. BEFORE THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the Matter of: Proceeding No. 1606 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD: Resolution No. 10-21 Annexation No. 606 (McKee No. 6) Minute Book 57 I, Rebecca Moore , Executive Officer , of the LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, hereby certify that the following resolution, proposed by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Watson, was duly adopted by the Commission at an official meeting thereof held on the 25`h day of August, 2010 by the following vote: AYE: Couch, Maben, McLaughlin, Mello, Miller Neufeld, Noble, Watson NAYE: None ABSENT: Reed r RESOLUTION MAKING DETERMINATION Section 1. WHEREAS: (a) A proposal has been submitted to this Commission for the annexation of territory to the City of Bakersfield designated as Annexation No. 606 ; and LAFCKC 46 -1- Resolution No. 10-21 -2- 8/25/10 (b) Pursuant to notice published, posted and mailed, as prescribed by law, a public hearing upon the proposal was held before this Commission on August 25, 2010, and (c) On August 25, 2010, the Commission reviewed the Notice of Exemption adopted by the lead agency; and (d) The Commission is fully advised in the premises: Section 2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Local Agency Formation Commission, County of Kern, State of California, as follows: 1. Specific reference is hereby made to all the papers, documents, files and proceedings heretofore and now taken, had and filed in this matter with particular reference to Minute Item 8/25/10-5, as appears upon the official minutes of the proceedings of this Commission. 2. The Commission now finds and determines: (i) All of the proceedings heretofore and now taken and had in this matter have been and now are in all respects as required by law. (ii) The territory proposed to be annexed is uninhabited (iii) The proposal is subject to notice, hearing and protest hearing. (iv) The facts set out in the REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION of the Executive Officer dated August 16, 2010, are true: (v) The annexation to the City of Bakersfield designated as Annexation No. 606 will be in the best public interest. EXHIBIT "A" ANNEXATION No. 606 McKEE No. 6 TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD That portion of Lot 17 in the Southeast quarter of Section 36, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian of Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Land of J. B. Haggin filed May 5, 1889 in the office of the Kern County Recorder, within the County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the East quarter corner of said Section 36, said point also being the centerline intersection of McKee Road (Co. Rd. No. 782) and South "H" Street (Co. Rd. No. 15 & 40); thence North 89°08'18" West, along the mid- section line of said Section 36, also being the centerline of McKee Road (Co. Rd. No. 782) a distance of 1321.56 feet to the Northwest corner of Parcel "A" of Lot Line Adjustment No. 26-00 per that certain Certificate of Compliance recorded October 20, 2000 as Document No. 0200134151; thence South 00°36'40" West, along the West line of said Parcel "A", a distance of 30.00 feet to the South right of way of said McKee Road (Co. Rd. No. 782) said point also being a corner of the existing city corporate boundary and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence along the existing city corporate boundary the following four courses: Thence (1) South 89°08'18" East along said South right of way, a distance of 175.44 feet to the West right of way of State Freeway 99 (U.S. RT. VI-KER-99); Thence (2) continuing along said South right of way, South 89°08'18" East, a distance of 194.53 feet to the East right of way of said State Freeway; Thence (3) South 11 °32'00" East along said East right of way of State Freeway a distance of 646.04 feet to the South line of said Lot 17 also being the Southwest corner of Annexation 597 "County owned properties No. 1" Property No. 4 - Kern Delta Park per Certificate of Completion filed for record July 17, 2009 as Document No. 0209088095 filed in the office of the County Recorder; Thence (4) North 89°07'43" West along the said South line of Lot 17 a distance of 194.54 feet to the said West right of way of State Freeway; Thence (5) North 11 °32'00" West along said West right of way of State Freeway a distance of 95.33 feet to the Southeast corner of said Parcel "A"; Page 1 of 2 SAANNEXATIOWNNEX 606\EXHIBIT A.doc Thence (6) North 89°08'18" West along the South line of said Parcel "A" a distance of 291.29 feet to the Southwest corner of said Parcel "A" and the West line of said Lot 17 also being on the existing city corporate boundary; Thence (7) North 00°36'40" East along said West line of Parcel "A" and Lot 17 and existing city corporate boundary a distance of 537.84 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 5.70 Acres END OF DESCRIPTION - ZS--/CD CHECKED by KERN COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE I~~~~ 1 ems Approved by Page 2 of 2 SAANNEXATIOMANNEX 6MEXHIBIT A.doc L a c Z Q ~ m ° m ~ W ~ g ~ Rv M I m o L4J Q) Z Z Q Q_ 0 f` U O W Wp U - 15 H rungs ~ Z 8 W ~ ¢ Z a 2 W Q Q O 2 ° (3 Q ~ C) Q: ram 99 W Z z U o z o Z Q Q W 0 Q W Q J a L Q Z a Q ~ p= a Q ~a O t] ~ M n W ~ N O~ \p 22 W 'o J- -16- S°N Ot $ S1 'oN 'P11PO) p`o°..~ y. tj3N1S N.. .S ~ aS°,J y°J~o':P ZOS ,J ~OtIp i I Z by ~~Yd Opp y~y'~? ~O a W I, ~ o~j 0 I ~y Z ~ O 3 _ dY'rO JJ°J,J p i`y (3) 'fm 's G°~- Imh 5t ~'32'~E REEWAY yyd ~cc~, i - bs6 0s. o; n v STATE 5 RR~99 J coq `\\\\\1 h z S 1W jm 2O ~boo~O ~~N a~O~,J~ Q QO UN V Qp0 °q Sdyy~ 1~ Q U Z d ..8'LfS 3.06.9LOON I. r,I 1S NSOHSH7l 0 yZ J ~ R°S°~y, U ^ro WW § ^ S a 9 : e l 3' _ x \vil 6Yf d Jp J 2 2 U V ~~p,J p`Jb ~ p W e V 1 Zd Y~ rIK ' ory 1 NO V `Pp,~,JSZS pj ~ \ 1 Jdy ~ 6 C~yS N pp a O Srs i N p S°a W O yo ofo U v° F o ~ d J J 7 (n w yyd 8,J 0 x Z L J z 0. ~ U ~ O U R