HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-89K:... iii: sooK 02 if 0,544 R 1. L Q H A 1 N G x L V u L S T E U & Y R N U 4 4 ? F 1:1, F` f t k r k N R E C U R i/ r_ 1) M R 1 r 2 U s a..F • V V d t y .:.f CitY :if Bal 1 d _ t :EY t 501 Truxt1in Avenu,., ;717ry 00 ra c zf C.a. 0.3301 r. , n f15. ;le. TI 0 •.^r' TIC _•C•.9n~. 757n.Rfr'ifk7`:'f'e..T, r;~`.r. PAIiC 1-71- MAr WATt,rr. h'~. 1? 89 i •t i ;"Q a R•L>div_ c_.sY of Par t Llflz of Parcel Mar, _2465 ~ Par,. el Map llr T: t' ail 1 t,hC Ci tY _t• %13-.t C `c .l r",~ d1: =.i• .,.3tt. b d *flar.i:c of ai" C' t aS A y with 4 'a+ I e::.it~~^, {_OParc..e l Map. r~ ?1'JeI' asild, i.U't Line Ad i ust "^=:~tit : and acting herein ,>.";a1f c;f t!:c Cit; -f Ia;:r r f icltf, tsr ' ; r a- L i f t. -'S.:1 u t t he> - 1 M W f' -F ivc: a tt"ie h:<I ftci r r d~ +..r d ;:nrl.el of a :t! cc rr lie w th the r c~>~ .c.~s cif the Sub=division 1" p Act. of the St,- } } of California and Chapter 1G e ^~ty ~:f Bai:ca cAi ld Mt;..__c..~)al Cod- _ ' ;g iiiv_.__..... or lane{. Said p: _m:::els of land, Lein,q situated in tssc City LF Sa arsfield, County of ucr.i, State 1f California, are, mo_e r.artic ularly des:._ ' bced as follcx-_ on Exhibit A and shcw, u.n ExhiI,-it B -dr En 777 T 30. 1,733, EXHIBIT "A" aoOK 6271 Pact 0,545 PARCEL A All that portion of Section 20, Township 29 South, Range 29 East, Mount Diablo Meridian in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of said Section 20, from which point the Northeast corner thereof bears S89°28'51"E, 2189.36 feet; thence SO°31'09"W, 55.00 feet to a point on the South line of State Highway VI-I:er-178 and the True Point of Beginning; thence N89°28'51"W along said South line, 794.39 feet to the beginning of a 2495.00 foot radius tangent curve, concave Southerly; thence westerly along said curve and said South line, through a central angle of 5°3857", an arc distance of.245.99 feet to a point on the West line of Parcel 1 of Parcel reap No. 6288 recorded in Book 27 of Parcel Maps at page 14 in the office of the Kern County Recorder; thence S0°32'24" W along said West line, 941.72 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; thence S84°02'30"E along the South Line of said Parcel, 181.30 feet; thence N55°44'05"E, 380.70 feet to an angle point in said South line; thence S89°16'19"E along said South line and Easterly extension thereof, 528.18 feet; thence 111°57'34"E, 756.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 19.47 acres more or less. VRpFESSJO Bares K. CsImader r Na.175644 qTF©F CAL* BOOK 6271 Pf CL 0546 PARCEL B All that portion of Section 20, Township 29 South, Range 29 East, Mount Diablo Meridian in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of said Section 20, from which point the Northeast corner thereof bears S89°28'51"E, 2189.36 feet; thence SO°31'09"W, 55.00 feet to a point on the South line of State Highway VI-Ker-178 and the True Point of Beginning; thence S89°28'51"E along said South line, 1219.75 feet to the beginning of a 2055.00 foot radius tangent curve, concave Northerly; thence Easterly along said curve and said South line, through a central angle of 7°53'17", an arc distance of 282.92 feet; thence S52°49'02"E, 273.66 feet to a point on the Westerly line of State Highway VI-ICer-184, thence along said Westerly line, S44°46'06"W, 131.50 feet and S46°59'51"W, 606.47 feet; thence N89°28'51"W, 1206.27 feet; thence Nl°57'34"E, 656.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 22.68 acres more or less. QRp ESS1p~~l all W 1:rues K. Deimarter r2, No. 17564 CIVIL qTc OF r; BOOK 627 , rAc[ 0547 PARCEL C All that portion of Sections 17 and 20, Township 29 South, Range 29 East, Fount Diablo Meridian in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of said Section 20, from which point the Northeast corner thereof bears S89°28'51"E, 687.58 feet; thence SO°31'09"W, 35.56 feet to a point on a curve in the South line of State Highway VI-I:er-178 and the True Point of Beginning; thence S52°49'02"E, 273.66 feet to a point on the Westerly line of State Highway VI-Ker-184; thence along said Westerly line the following courses: 1444°46'06"E, 94.15 feet to the beginning of a 180.00 foot radius tangent curve, concave Westerly; Northerly along said curve, through a central angle of 43°50'29", an arc distance of 137.73 feet to a 35.00 foot radius compound curve concave Westerly; Northerly along said curve, through a central angle of 106°36'50", an arc distance of 56.13 feet to a 2055.00 radius reverse curve in said South line of State Highway VI-Ker-178; thence Westerly along said curve, through a central angle of 8°19'05", an arc distance of 298.34 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 0.92 acres more or less. OOFESS/ONE! James K. Delmarter No. 11564 70'~.'a FOF 4, BOOK 6271 ML 0548 NOT A PART All that portion of Section 20, Township 29 South, Range 29 East, Mount Diablo Meridian in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of said Section 20, from which point the Northeast corner thereof bears S89°28'51"E, 999.57 feet; thence S0°31'09"W, 710.79 feet to a point on the Westerly line of State Highway VI-Ker-184 and the True Point of Beginning; thence S46°5951"W along said Westerly line)3076.45 feet to a point on the West line of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 2465 recorded in Book 13 of Parcel Maps at Page 105 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; thence N0032'24"E along said West line 1820.48 feet to the Southwest corner of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 6288 recorded in Book 27 of Parcel Maps at Page 14 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; thence S84°02'30"E, along the South line of last said Parcel, 181.30 feet; thence N55°44'05"E, 380.70 feet to an angle point in said South line; thence S89°16'19E along said South line and Easterly extension thereof, 528.18 feet; thence Nl°57"4"E, 100.00 feet; thence S89°28'51"E, 1206.27 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containin 0 27 acres more or less. ~~oQ0 FESS/ lames K. Detmarter ~ No. 1764 ~ CIVIL QF 4 A4 FC - -#A1113 /T 14 900K6271~acE 0549 v _ v ~L \ , © Iz N °`htoaMn yhL~ y ~y, C \ 00 h, V ~ 2 N~~ h \ V R ~ W ~ cb ~ ~ t t `rs h~~O~oa ~ 'Q Z I V v ~ I of " d Q 9 N ~ N N I) ~ ~ ti a1 1 • ~3 ; • \ oo•~S7 o0•ao/ ~ i Q ~ ~ ~'•7Sd M » 7b£. L Se J S' n N oe \IkEER D U ~ ~ • O O~Q' ~ Qs ~d0 ' ~ oy ~ I LLJ • • r '.s p ~c c v rlv ~1 V'` ~i y Z CJ CL) O ~ •