HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/13/11 CC MINUTES1.61 BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MEETING OF APRIL 13, 2011 Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Regular Meeting 5:15 p.m. REGULAR MEETING - 5:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Hall, Vice-Mayor Couch, Councilmembers Salas, Weir, Hanson, Sullivan, Johnson Absent: Councilmember Benham 2. INVOCATION by Chaplain Kerry Bulls, Bakersfield Heart Hospital. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Aver! Burton, 7th grade student at Freedom Middle School. Mayor Hall acknowledged the communications class from California State University, Bakersfield, and the political science class from Bakersfield College in attendance at the meeting to learn about City government. Deputy City Clerk Lawrence announced staff has requested that Consent Calendar Item 8.p. be pulled from tonight's Agenda, and that Consent Calendar Hearing Item 9.c. be opened and continued to the June 8, 2011 Council Meeting. 4. PRESENTATIONS a. Presentation by Mayor Hall of a Proclamation to Linda Vernon, Bakersfield Association of Realtors, declaring April, 2011, Fair Housing Month. Susan Quinn accepted the Proclamation, made comments, and invited the Mayor and Council to attend the awards ceremony honoring this year's art contest winners on Saturday, April 301h, 1:00 to 3:00, at the Association office located at 4800 Stockdale Highway, Suite 100. ACTION TAKEN IILG2 Bakersfield, California, April 13, 2011 - Page 2 4. PRESENTATIONS continued ACTION TAKEN b. Presentation by Mayor Hall of a Proclamation to Omar Macias declaring May, 2011, Motorcycle Awareness Month. Mr. Macias accepted the Proclamation and made comments. 61, PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Susan Stone, President of Bakersfield Sister City Project Corporation, introduced fellow board members Leland Luttrell and Evelyn Swenson, and spoke regarding the upcoming 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Sister City affiliation between Bakersfield and Wakayama, Japan, and submitted written material regarding three events taking place between April 29th and May 1 st. 6 WORKSHOPS a. Demonstration of Smart Phone Application to report graffiti. Information Technology Director Trammell made a presentation. 7. APPOINTMENTS a. Two appointments to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency due to the expiration of terms of Frederick Prince and Larry Koman, whose terms expire April 22, 2011. Deputy City Clerk Lawrence announced applications were received from both incumbents. Councilmember Johnson announced he would abstain due to conflict of interest, to avoid a perception of conflict, on item 7.a. Mayor Hall nominated Frederick Prince for reappointment. Motion by Vice-Mayor Couch to ratify the APPROVED reappointment of Frederick Prince to a four-year term ABS JOHNSON on the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, term AB BENHAM expiring April 22, 2015. Bakersfield, California, April 13, 2011 - Page 3 7. 8. APPOINTMENTS continued ACTION TAKEN Item 7.a. continued Mayor Hall nominated Larry Koman for reappointment. Motion by Vice-Mayor Couch to ratify the APPROVED reappointment of Larry Koman to a four-year term ABS JOHNSON on the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, term AB BENHAM expiring April 22, 2015. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes: a. Approval of minutes of the March 30, 2011 Regular City Council Meeting. Payments: b. Receive and file department payments from March 18, 2011 to March 31, 2011 in the amount of $11,362,334.75 and self-insurance payments from March 18, 2011 to March 31, 2011 in the amount of $205,875.81, totaling $11,568,210.56. Ordinances: C. First Reading of Ordinance amending Municipal FR Code Sections § 1. 12.040 and § 1. 12.060 by adding Annexation No. 623 consisting of 1597.73 acres located west of Santa Fe Way between Seventh Standard Road and Kratzmeyer Road to Ward 4; Annexation No. 625 consisting of 793.26 acres located west of Renfro Road, east of Nord Avenue, between Kratzmeyer Road and Reina Road to Ward 4; and Annexation No. 573 consisting of 19.68 acres located north of Engle Road between Stine Road and Ashe Road to Ward 6. Resolutions: d. Resolution for Employer Paid Member RES 032-11 Contributions (EPMC) to the California Public Employees' Retirement System. Bakersfield, California, April 13, 2011 - Page 4 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN Agreements: e. Agreement with Steven M. Del Papa and AGR 11-037 Loretta M. Del Papa, Trustees of the Steven D. DEED 7451 Del Papa and Loretta M. Del Papa Trust, and Josephine D. Del Papa, Trustee of the Josephine D. Del Papa Living Trust for the purchase of real property ($290,075) located at the northwest corner of Hosking Avenue and S. H Street for the future Hosking Avenue and State Highway 99 interchange. f. Agreement with outside counsel, Clifford and AGR 11-038 Brown (not to exceed $150,000) for outside legal services concerning potential freeway litigation matters. g. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 10-036 AGR 10-036(1) with Loop Electric, Inc. (no change to compensation, extends term for one year) for vehicle loop cutting. h. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 08-156 AGR 08-156(1) with Dresser Services, Inc. (no change to compensation, extends term for two years) for on-call asbestos survey report services for Capital Improvement Projects. Contract Change Order No. 3 to Agreement AGR 10-152 No. 10-152 with Security Paving, Inc. ($19,654.07; 0003 revised not to exceed $2,161,065.20) for the Street Improvements: McCutchen Road from Gosford Road to Ashe Road & Waterline Extension to Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 Project. j. Contract Change Order Nos. 1, 2 & 3 to AGR 10-099 Agreement No. 10-099 with S.C. Anderson, Inc. CCO1, 0002, 0003 ($40,116.39; revised not to exceed $1,879,116.39) for the Greystone Neighborhood Park Project. Bids: k. Accept bid and approve contract with Loop AGR 11-039 Electric, Inc. ($195,006.10) for the installation of Traffic Monitoring Cameras - Part 2 Project. Bakersfield, California, April 13, 2011 - Page 5 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN 1. Accept bid and approve contract with Bradley AGR 11-040 & Sons, Inc. ($74,060) for construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2 Monitor Wells Installation Phase 1 Project. M. Accept base bid plus additive alternate No. 1 AGR 11-041 and approve contract with Brown and Fowler Construction, Inc. ($197,717) for the Central Park Playground Rehabilitation Project, n. Accept bid and approve contract with West Coast Crushing and Recycling, Inc. ($93,000) for AGR 11-042 Lowell Park Playground Rehabilitation Project. Miscellaneous: o. Appropriate $329,475 State Grant Revenues (CAL-GRIP Grant from the Office of Emergency Services) to the General Fund Police Operating Budget for the expansion of the Safe Community Partnership Strategy to reduce gang violence. L P. Appropriate $3,320,927 Neighborhood REMOVED Stabilization Program (NSP3) funds to the Operating Budget in the Neighborhood Stabilization Program Fund to assist with abandoned, foreclosed and vacant properties. q. Budget and Finance Committee Report ABS JOHNSON regarding FY 11 /12 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG - $3,634,857), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME - $1,725,784) and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG - $147,357) Annual Action Plan submittal (Total - $5,514,998). (Budget & Finance Committee recommends acceptance of the report, and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary HUD documents required to submit the Annual Action Plan.) Councilmember Johnson announced he would abstain due to conflict of interest, to avoid a perception of conflict, on item 8.q. Motion by Vice-Mayor Couch to adopt Consent APPROVED Calendar items 8.a. through 8.q., with the removal of AB BENHAM item 8.p. ?SSA ' C6 Bakersfield, California, April 13, 2011 - Page 6 9. CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS ACTION TAKEN a. Public Hearing to consider Resolution ordering RES 033-11 the vacation of 271h Street between the east right-of-way of Chester Avenue and the west right-of-way of K Street and a portion of the north south alley between 28th Street and 261h Street. (Hearing opened and continued at the 3130111 meeting.) (Staff recommends adoption of resolution.) b. Public Hearing to consider the proposed APPROVED expenditure plan for the 2009-11 Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Funding (S.L.E.S.F.). (Staff recommends approval of the proposed expenditures and appropriations.) 1. Appropriate $148,315 State Grant revenues to the Police Operating Budget within the S.L.E. S. F. Fund. C. Public Hearing to consider Resolution adopting CONTINUED TO industrial and commercial sewer service user JUNE 8, 2011 surcharges for Fiscal year 2011-12 (proposed rate increase of 2.5%). (Staff recommends adoption of resolution.) Consent Calendar Public Hearings opened at 5:48 p.m. No one spoke. Consent Calendar Public Hearings items 9.a. and 9.b. closed at 5:48 p.m. Consent Calendar Public Hearings item 9.c. continued to the City Council Meeting of June 8th. Motion by Vice-Mayor Couch to approve staff APPROVED recommendation. AB BENHAM 10. CLOSED SESSION a. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation, Closed Session pursuant to subdivision (b)(3)(A) of Government Code Section 54956.9. (One matter) Bakersfield, California, April 13, 2011 - Page 7 10. CLOSED SESSION continued ACTION TAKEN L b. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9 for City of Wanamaker, et al - KCSC Case No. S-1500-CV-269940 SPC. C. Conference with Labor Negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6. Motion by Vice-Mayor Couch to adjourn to Closed APPROVED Session at 5:49 p.m. AB BENHAM Motion by Vice-Mayor Couch to adjourn from APPROVED Closed Session at 7:38 p.m. AB BENHAM RECONVENED MEETING AT 7:44 p.m. 11. CLOSED SESSION ACTION a. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential NO REPORTABLE Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to ACTION subdivision (b)(3)(A) of Government Code Section 54956.9. (One matter) b. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing COUNCIL Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to AUTHORIZED subdivision (a) of Government Code Section SETTLEMENT 54956.9 for City of Wanamaker, et al - KCSC Case No. S-1500-CV-269940 SPC. C. Conference with Labor Negotiator pursuant to NO REPORTABLE Government Code Section 54957.6. ACTION 12. HEARINGS None. I i IS 3 Bakersfield, California, April 13, 2011 - Page 8 13. REPORTS a. Update on High Speed Rail. Assistant to the City Manager Teglia made staff comments, gave a PowerPoint presentation, and made the following recommendations: Request the High Speed Rail Authority staff to provide an update report to the Council at an upcoming City Council Meeting; Request the Authority staff to meet with each Councilmember to detail proposed alignment options and impacts within their wards; Request more detailed maps depicting areas of impact for each proposed alignment be made available to the public via the Authority website; and Conduct a new Planning Commission workshop with Authority staff to elicit public comment. Vice-Mayor Couch asked that, whenever a member of the public makes a statement, either oral or written, at a Planning Commission or City Council meeting or to the City Clerk's Office, those comments be sent to the High Speed Rail Authority. Vice-Mayor Couch and Councilmember Johnson advised that they agreed with the staff recommendations. 14. DEFERRED BUSINESS a. City Council Goals Update - Phase 3: Review of City Councilmembers' Proposed Revisions. Assistant to the City Manager Smiley made staff comments, pointing out the changes that were recommended at the last meeting; and noting that information is being gathered regarding an assessment report on the status of attaining the goal of 1.3 police officers per 1,000 population, and staff is in the process of looking at the historical data related to number of officers on staff and population growth trends and will report back to the Council. Councilmember Weir asked staff to provide information regarding the history and background of the City's relationship with Kern Economic Development Corporation and what costs might be associated with that. ACTION TAKEN 53 Bakersfield, California, April 13, 2011 - Page 9 15. NEW BUSINESS None. 16. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS Councilmember Solos thanked all of his online chat supporters who joined him today; he also thanked staff for fixing some park lights at Wayside and Lowell parks. Councilmember Solos thanked staff for working on and fixing the light at O'Neill Court and Jonas Street, and asked for an update when it is completed. Councilmember Solos thanked Mayor Hall, the Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee, and all the volunteers who participated in the Great American Cleanup. Councilmember Solos asked staff to research whether there are any new resources or funding resources that the City can pursue from the State to help combat gang violence and report back to the Safe Neighborhoods Committee. Councilmember Hanson thanked Recreation and Parks Director Hoover and staff for taking care of the Haggin Oaks and Campus Park areas. Councilmember Johnson thanked the Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee and the Great American Cleanup volunteers for efforts at Planz Park. Councilmember Johnson thanked Chief of Police Williamson for his efforts at Stone Creek Park and the special enforcement regarding illegal vendors. Mayor Hall announced that the Great American Cleanup on Saturday was very successful with 8,100 people who actively participated in cleaning 100 hot spots, and he thanked the Solid Waste Department staff for their efforts in coordinating the event. Mayor Hall advised that he hopes to conclude the process for selection of the last Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency appointment by the end of next week. ACTION TAKEN 1 .170 Bakersfield, California, April 13, 2011 -Page 10 17. ADJOURNMENT ACTION TAKEN Mayor Hall adjoumed the ATTEST: f 4- CITY CLERK and Ex io Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield