HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-0063First American Title Company REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 James W. Fitch, Assessor- Recorder JL Kern County Official Records M W20[1 09:15 AM Recorded et ehe request M FA First American Title Dm* 000211055206 31r9 t513�8P) CERTIFICATE OF MERGER (SECTION 66499.20%, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MERGER NO. 11 -0063 Std Typ : 1 Peres: 7 FEES 29.00 TAXES .00 OTHER .00 PAID 29.00 Being a merger of those portions of land shown as Parcel 1, 2, and 3 as described in the certain deed recorded December3, 1998 as Document No. 0198167792 and Parcel 1, 2, and 3 of Parcel Map 7487 recorded July 10, 1985 in Parcel Map Book 32 at Page 54. all filed in the Office of the Kern County Recorder, also being a portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, T.29S.. R28E., M.D.M. and the Northeast quarter of Section 24, T.29S., R.27E., M.D.M. in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kem, State of California. Assessors Parcel Number: 121 -080 -08, 121- 080 -10, 12D -080 -1 I and 120 - 080-12 Property Owners: The Kern County Board of Education This Certificate of Merger is being issued and recorded for 1 parcel. At the request of the property owner and in accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 16.38, the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, states that those portions of land described above are hereby deemed merged in accordance With provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code. The resulting merged parcel is described on the attached Exhibit 'Wand shown on the attached Exhibit "B ". This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcel described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcel may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated: March 15.2011 RAULM. ROJAS 0' RCE No. C -39880 Expiration December 31, 2011 City Engineer City of Bakersfield S ATLKWSTBEN01..M Page 1 of 7 S:Um]av'm %MA l M \Mtt \Ml1 \I1N0w .DOC Post American Title Company REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 EIRMOWALLY RECORDED '1t�9 IS'13�8P) CERTIFICATE OF MERGER SECTION 66499.203/., GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MERGER NO. 11 -0063 Being a merger of those portions of land shown as Parcel 1, 2, and 3 as described in the certain deed recorded December 3, 1998 as Document No. 0198167792 and Parcel 1, 2, and 3 of Parcel Map 7487 recorded July 10, 1985 in Parcel Map Book 32 at Page 54, all filed in the Office of the Kern County Recorder, also being a portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.M. and the Northeast quarter of Section 24, T.29S., R.27E., M.D.M. in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Assessors Parcel Number: 121 - 080 -08, 121 -080 -10, 120-080 -11 and 120-080 -12 Property Owners: The Kam County Board of Education This Certificate of Merger is being issued and recorded for 1 parcel. At the request of the property owner and in accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 16.38, the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, states that those portions of land described above are hereby deemed merged in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code. The resulting merged parcel is described on the attached Exhibit "A" and shown on the attached Exhibit "B". This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcel described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcel may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated: March 15, 2011 z'A RAUL M. ROJAS „i RCE No. C -39880 Expiration December 31, 2011 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNANRE MUST BE NOTARIZED Page 1 of 7 S: \LaM Divticn \Mna Lam DN\mer®ers\Al 1\I14)oa com DOC CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of KERN On March 21, 2011 before me, Lyn Skinner, Notary Public oaw Xa,a lnxn rvun.amraledme or r personally appeared f:aaa, Bojas Public Norks Director"a^latalmssnertsl City of Bakersfield LYN SKINNER Commission 8 1825202 Nolsry PaEiIC - CsNtornia z Kern County MY Comm. Expires Dec 4, 2012 Place NMary $xl A who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(w) whose name(g) ism subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that halshatley, executed the same in his/herliheir authorized capacity(aW, and that by his/howilSeir signature(s) on the instrument the person(* or the entity upon behalf of which the person(* acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature Fgna.re of N., PuWc OPTIONAL Though the iMOmrafion below is not inquired by law, d may prove valuable M persons relying on the document and could prevent fraDDulent removal and reattachment of this torn to another document. Description of Attached Document TNe or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(Ses) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name 0 Individual • Corporate Officer— Title(s): • Partner — ❑Limited OGeneral ❑ Attorney in Fact 0 Trustee 0 Guardian or Conservator 0 Other: Signer is Representing: 0 Number of Pages: 0 Individu ❑ Corporate ate r— Title(s):_ 0 Partner -0 Limited 0 General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee 0 Guardian or Conservator 0 Other: Signer is Representing: a 03M7 NeAnL Notlry AwxeWn. 9 De Sob A,P.O 0s 2a@•ClatxgM, CA 913152G02•uwev.NaCenalNOdryoy I2M M593T PecrtlerCall TdLFx IbAaT6642) Exhibit "A" Parcel Merger No. 11 -0063 BEING A MERGER OF PARCEL 1, 2 AND 3 AS DESCRIBED IN THAT CERTAIN DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 3, 1998 AS DOCUMENT No. 0198167792 AND PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3 OF PARCEL MAP 7487 RECORDED JULY 10TH 1985 IN BOOK 32 OF PARCEL MAPS AT PAGE 54, BOTH IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. ALSO BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 28 FAST AND NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, BOTH MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUTNY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A Beginning at the Southeast corner of Parcel 1 of said Deed; (1) Thence North 90 000'00" West along the South line of said Parcel 1 to the Southwest comer of said Parcel 1, a distance of 615.21 feet; (2) Thence North 47 028'55" West along the West boundary lines of said Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 of said Deed, a distance of 532.69 feet to the Northwest corner of said Parcel 2; (3) Thence South 90 000'00" East along the North line of said Parcel 2, a distance of 686.16 feet to the Southwest comer of Parcel 3 of said Deed; (4) Thence North 00 001'00" West along the West boundary lines of said Parcel 3 and Parcels 1 and 3 of said Parcel Map No. 7487, a distance of 261.75 feet to the Northwest corner of Parcel 1 of said Parcel Map No. 7487; (5) Thence South 89 050'50" East along the North boundary lines of Parcels 1 and 2 of said Parcel Map No. 7487, a distance of 321.75 feet to the centerline of Chester Avenue; (6) Thence South 00 000'00" West along said centerline, a distance of 620.90 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 8.637 acres (376,221 square feet) gross QµOFESSIq.� W. PpRr U W * RCE 33448 I C I Date Sheet 3 of 7 Sheets EXHIBIT 'B' PARCEL MERCER No. tl -0063 *THIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR BEING A MERGER OF PARCEL 1, 2 AND 3 AS DESCRIBED IN THAT ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" CERTAIN DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 3, 1998 AS DOCUMENT No. 0198157792 AND PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3 OF PARCEL MAP 7487 RECORDED JULY 10TH 1985 IN BOOK 32 OF PARCEL MAPS AT PAGE 54, BOTH IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. ALSO BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST AND NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, BOTH MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. COUTNY OF KERN. STATF OF CAI IFORNIA. PREPARED BY PORTER AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1200 21st STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 327 -0362 BASIS OF BEARINGS THE BEARING OF NORTH FOR THE CENTERLINE OF CHESTER AVENUE AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP 7487 RECORDED IN BOOK 32 OF PARCEL MAPS AT PAGE 54, O.R. WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS MAP. W. RCE 33448 FRED W. PORTER DATE VICINITY MAP NO SCALE OWNER: KERN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION A.P.N.: 120 - 080 -08, 10, 11, 12 ZONE: C2 REGIONAL COMMERCIAL LAND USE: GC GENERAL COMMERCIAL A.P.N.: 120 - 080 -02, 03 ZONE: M2 GENERAL MANUFACTURING LAND USE: SI SERVICE INDUSTRIAL WATER: CAL WATER POWER: PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. GAS: PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. SEWER: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CABLE: BRIGHTHOUSE NETWORKS TELEPHONE: A T & T SHEET 4 OF 7 SHEETS ---0-00-92 M,p0,00.0 .n ^ [11000'] 3nN3AV a31S3HO bj 4 ” xr � w 3 c 4 Q � b o m ww O W z i m ON NO m� pTWO W (jR /j ro d �ma vaQO On P n do:Q ao^ o m6 ryo W mo as v, n I� LJ mno ro „ 0 °o o 3 u Jmo 0 U N p «> 4 w w 3 U W p n `*0 x m N a0^ P ro o - �N ,Oj WC O () 04 ZQ ri Un ha U O ,£COL j,pS Z9 , [,Dg 2Z(] zg gn - ,SC l9Z (M „00,40.00 N) ' a -- � Om NO O m NnW J�O W W Um G �ZwmK�aO w X44 ZZ dl-VI Cl) W a Z z H z ao3 X41 - 4 oozo ww O m °o \ \ aQ?N � d \\ I�1n�wmaNQCQi � 1 r C�aJQO20, m �n v� 0 � o tnQZrgw O a '- Z 95'04 x << O ww Z 11^d���1n�� O MM OML�J M, ON w O0 Q M O Z > 0� u^ IR N Zw lJ 'o w°QWOWw���OY ^ U Q 4} U Q O w o_ d W woNOZNa�o Nw wti�z ¢F ��O .iNjw .9499 <, 001 J a O N, Q MD �JOZww o MG <n� _ Wo °� °mY o O d- w O Z w uIW��HHONUj lQ OZ I.L �OQ���Q(Wjw Q ZN2 SHZQ QO]H W r(n Q0] C��I�OUD'QD' O Z pw h o- W � w mO��Z O�� ti `� rn�W41NZ 3nN3AV a31S3HO bj 4 ” xr � w 3 c 4 Q � b o m ww O W z i m ON NO m� ^no ro �ma I ao^ Z< u 0 0 °o o U N p 19.38' � R # y P .tip , pZe�p� a N ry M LL 3 � d U ''lSi�3a J ti ?sue w' N F vi O Q o b o � o H m �O z L co LU O O r m LU Z ~ V (o m X 2 W w x co W Q J U Q d LO 6 U M 00 O O T co c L J W m W 2 W 2 W� ?j LU U Ir Q ,06.OZ9 3 „00,00.00N 30N3AV 831S3NO 3J r _ <4V- - �iIT I 3 a Q n rr j 0 L � w o vii ix m w� N w VI V � X N � v 3 1 W _ ^ ,S4 'l9Z M „OO,10.00N N H O W CC Z Q v wz Z,, OQN, w () V) W w D' Q 00 szo01 -�aO _ cr ~�Km02 SwQ n: Q U Q Q LZ.ln �F2ZZFZ Qo�ozo Xw ww (O °?m -w 00 0 mU^�z�!_ \\ no QwN�;z s r �c��zwmwNac� d 00 T (1QwQ0 ZKw m O Qm1CQOwOQ pZ .9SOb- „ m Z r) am °wm z �Uwl wZ1OU Q CD zo o CO >o /R1:2 awow w l.i c�a o!��Z�= ow�^�, QL�>0104 a� a W w O H 0 T O �N N -w 7 O T> SB C] Y V Z Q ry. Ww Ol,10 ��2�U ° -90 y1 0V Mwcl Y< Y0 Q p I ~ J ° m 9 U w 1 Z UJ L,IOa —w0Z w Q �w�ml-- aNCn 2k FAG b/� CL Oa�03 a�w aarn�w�0 < a u V�I�OU Q Z D n lalU�>-O � ~ o � 6 U M 00 O O T co c L J W m W 2 W 2 W� ?j LU U Ir Q EXHIBIT 'B' PARCEL MERCER No. 11 -0063 "THIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR BEING A MERGER OF PARCEL 1, 2 AND 3 AS DESCRIBED IN THAT ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" CERTAIN DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 3, 1998 AS DOCUMENT No. 0198167792 AND PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3 OF PARCEL MAP 7487 RECORDED JULY 10TH 1985 IN BOOK 32 OF PARCEL MAPS AT no PAGE 54, BOTH IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. ALSO BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST AND NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, BOTH MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUTNY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA- LEGEND EGEND ( ) RECORD PER PARCEL MAP 7487, BK 32 OF PARCEL MAPS, PAGE 54, O.R. [ ] RECORD PER GRANT DEED RECORDED AS DOC No. 0198167792, O.R. < > EASEMENT EASEMENT• <6> AN EASEMENT FOR ROADS, UTILTIES, RAILROADS, CANALS AND OTHER PURPOSES IN FAVOR OF THE KERN COUNTY LAND COMPANY RECORDED MAY 6, 1921 IN BOOK 365, PAGE 17 OF DEEDS. (CAN NOT BE PLOTTED FROM RECORD) <7> AN EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY FIRE ACCESS RECORED OCTOBER 1, 1975 IN BOOK 4917, PAGE 408, O.R. (EASEMENT VACATED PER RESOLUTION No.. 021 -06 RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT No. 0206030219, O.R.) <9> AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, PARKING, ROAD AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED MAY 23, 1985 IN BOOK 5763, PAGE 68, O.R. (EASEMENT VACATED PER RESOLUTION No. 021 -06 RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT No. 0206030219, O.R.) <10> AN EASEMENT FOR SEWER AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED MAY 23, 1985 IN BOOK 5763, PAGE 70, O.R. <11> AN EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED MAY 24, 1985 IN BOOK 5763, PAGE 811 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (EASEMENT VACATED PER RESOLUTION No. 021 -06 RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT No. 0206030219, O.R.) <12> AN EASEMENT FOR SEWER AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED JUNE 25, 1985 IN BOOK 5772, PAGE 1293, O.R. (EASEMENT VACATED PER RESOLUTION No. 021 -06 RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT No. 0206030219, O.R.) <14> AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED DECEMBER 16, 1986 IN BOOK 5948, PAGE 234 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SHEET 7 OF 7 SHEETS LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L7 N 8959'41" W 100.55' L2 S 00'07'08" W 9.70' L3 S 89'59'41" E 20.63' 1-4 N 00'07'08" E 9.84' L5 S 89'59'41" E 142.76' L6 N 00'07'08" E 50.88' L7 N 00'07'08" E 60.72' EASEMENT• <6> AN EASEMENT FOR ROADS, UTILTIES, RAILROADS, CANALS AND OTHER PURPOSES IN FAVOR OF THE KERN COUNTY LAND COMPANY RECORDED MAY 6, 1921 IN BOOK 365, PAGE 17 OF DEEDS. (CAN NOT BE PLOTTED FROM RECORD) <7> AN EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY FIRE ACCESS RECORED OCTOBER 1, 1975 IN BOOK 4917, PAGE 408, O.R. (EASEMENT VACATED PER RESOLUTION No.. 021 -06 RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT No. 0206030219, O.R.) <9> AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, PARKING, ROAD AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED MAY 23, 1985 IN BOOK 5763, PAGE 68, O.R. (EASEMENT VACATED PER RESOLUTION No. 021 -06 RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT No. 0206030219, O.R.) <10> AN EASEMENT FOR SEWER AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED MAY 23, 1985 IN BOOK 5763, PAGE 70, O.R. <11> AN EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED MAY 24, 1985 IN BOOK 5763, PAGE 811 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (EASEMENT VACATED PER RESOLUTION No. 021 -06 RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT No. 0206030219, O.R.) <12> AN EASEMENT FOR SEWER AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED JUNE 25, 1985 IN BOOK 5772, PAGE 1293, O.R. (EASEMENT VACATED PER RESOLUTION No. 021 -06 RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT No. 0206030219, O.R.) <14> AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED DECEMBER 16, 1986 IN BOOK 5948, PAGE 234 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SHEET 7 OF 7 SHEETS