HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-0198LEr:",:S'E COMPLETE ri.-ilS INFFORMAT 10N PIECORPIN.G REQUESTED TICOR`TITLE WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO* CITY 'ENG-1NEER CITY -OF BAKERSFIELD 150.1 TRUXTTJN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 DOC#* :0 0.204 MM lidHal ....... � NIl��fi�� 1. Fees %W - - w 3i.00 Taxes 0.000 Others 0.08 PA1110 $31.00 it . ......... Trrr.E OF nacumM'rrr Re-ooidar 580 2705 140 Iflay. 3,14) runiliq­ 7M§ REQUEST� I A-N'D WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER James W. Fitch Assessor Recader JASON CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Kern CO.URtY Official hecords 3110/2004 1501 TRUX N AVENUE Fie-c-orded- at the mquesi of Ticor Tifle 8:01 AM BAKERSFIELD, CA. 9330.1 DO C # 0204052738 ftt Types!: 1 mom Pages: 7 Few :25.00 Taxes, 0.00 thele 0.00 PAID '$25 0:0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION'66499,35., GOVERNMENT CODF) Being a merger and re-d-livi-Sion of Parcels "N' and "B" of Parcel Map Waiver No. 24-90, as evidenced by that Certificate of Compliance recorded in Book 6476, Page 60 7., of Kern County Official Records, Being a..., portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 2.9 South, ia Range 29 East,, WDA....--in the City of Bakersfield, Kern C Calitom Assessoes Parcel Number: 387-040-28 & 59 Property Owners: F.-rank and Virgi ni-a Collins Th...'I's Certificate of I Compliance is being "issued and recorded for 6 parcels. At -the request, of the property owner, the undersigned City Engineer of the it of Bakersfield, - Waivers esignated. by ordinances of said Cif as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map. Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf Of the City Of Bakersfield, hereby states that those rtions of land descr'be d on the attached Exh"b*t. 8A" and h i i n shown. on; Exhibit "B" comply wit the prowlis*o s of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of B Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. This certificate relates only to -issues of compliance or noncompliance with the S-ubdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be: sold, leased, or financed withoUt further compliance with the Subdivi"sion Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the .parcels may require issuance of permit or perm ftsor other grant or arants. 0 approval. Dated: March 3. 2004 ................ RAUL X ROJAS RCE No. 39880 Expiration December 31 s 2005 City Engineer, City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE. MU-ST BE NOTARIZED GAsuMSHAREMend DivislonUnDr Land 0jv\pmvA04-0198 coc.DOC Page 1 of 7 CALIFORNIA ALLoPURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State ofCalifornia I County of Kern V On - ---- -- March-31% before me, Maria Rosa Peralez , a Notary �!!k C I Nam. aw. Tide of CAwr (o,g,, "Jwe Dw Notary Public-1. lats personally appea*red Raul. M. Nameo'.10 SRI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... A ROSA PERALEZ C SSi OMMIon #- 137936887 z< Notary Public - California Kerr County MY COMM E)Ores Nov 6,2006 -------------- ..... ...... [X personally known to me. to be the person(o whose. name*' subscr'bed, to the within instrument and -ed acknowledged to meth�t � &j. execut the same in Qj qiii�r horized capa . (-1t.y@=.*'.), and that by signature (s) on the. ins-tru ment the person*, or the entity upon behalf of which the person*, acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal.: Ji ...... � fic ignat Notaiy Pubm OPTIONX--------------------------------- Though th� inAmmation befow ?*$ not required ky law, # may prove valuable to o ' s telyt'nq an the do.cuni nd ient a caMd prevent pets fraudulent removal and reamchment of this for to another document, Description of Attached Docume n-t CERTIFICATE OF CWLIANCE for Title or Type of Docu ment: PARCEL MAP WAS M NO. 04-019 Dow ludes ument . I-, Tif' ine gi-r-.6h 3. 2004 Number of Pages: this ack. pag.e Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: . ........... ...... . ........ Capacity(les) Claimed by Signer Siigner't Name: Raul N. Rojas Signer Is Representing: t iQ U_. 1.­—_- L�!"_ y ABSOMV01) * 9ZO N): S*to Ave,� R0, SOX 2402 • Cbaftworth, 1.51.3-11 3-42-ACY2 -niTtiow, Inoltaqwwq Pftxt :No... 5907 Boordef. Call 7611-Free 1 -WD-876-027 EXHIBIT "fiAl" PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO, 044198 Containing 5.00 Acres,, More or Less. Contai-ning 3.00 Acres, More or Less,, Containing 3.62 Acres, More or Less. PAGE :3 OF 7 PAGES Containing 2.65 Acres, More or Less. Con-taiining 2.21 Acres, More or Less. Contalning 6.20 Acres, More: or Less. U-2 j If. -0111 :4 PAGE 4 OF 7 PAGES 'o a N o, 564- 17 .4 C PAGE 4 OF 7 PAGES +0�000a 00 < uj r4l Lu Y U. L 0 cn z 0 M 0 LO =h=am.` ui .: CL 0 'LIM .� AWL) � :��: z S �. bj ) , CL CL C < p r.�. ow S `f " t�j �- - 0- " Z � .mod W 0:0 V) DO w V) � .0. Lu ,.�. :.: k �YY M - z W Yom -0 "^"" `.'°^'. 0) z !w" MMFF j, W. Z z €-- 0 < x %NNW OLO �hc xy _may; w W z z z < 4c V) V) 0 �j 0) C> 0: uj: 4 "'x w 0 u w 6- 0 }t Lj (n CL, LL i-- 8 < < U_ Li CZ Z -- ui CL Z Fin w ui'. : . . . x ;Ir. L F. .5. i CIJ t z < k .... ul up, W 4: �`" ��"'M� ;Z. Li < }Ka J' S!i �`Wh ///��y oer.fm aNm tlL M'•le6af=• nY w,wn+ _rs'1!m' -_Yt �� ice: , , be:: 1MtYYII te . , � #: € '3 CL M . •y ]Yfrr. i vj• • Jq ! 7 f���••7�jii��i AfINj Pay .� fe0Af.. �J i V_.. R tp M. _j �: k ai.• Wiz. M C) a. Ld > UJ > 6 Ix WARM 0 Cli > o W. Q. < 1111 t:N M Ln In 0 N U-j x A to in-ox < z cn: Aft IZ-H ip. 0 U 06 -OD ou N C ZOO (nl,; z 400'Ogip, M -60-, �12,00S F z 0 H. it F F- Uj LU z Ix f 04 CL w cn Lu M O 0 iiPW: 'mow iF 0 w ko...... ............. ko - LOON xxx 00'09* 3u:60, LE z C*q w a C) lk w W-- - ------------ 9004999 w (.494 i-LON a. a. C� z uj x W C 0 r- N 0 A. < 0 m 3i A 9D w zw Q. •22f . 1111 t:N M Ln In 0 N U-j x A to in-ox < z cn: Aft IZ-H ip. 0 U 06 -OD ou N C ZOO (nl,; z 400'Ogip, M -60-, �12,00S F z 0 H. it F F- Uj LU z Ix f 04 CL w cn Lu M O 0 iiPW: 'mow iF 0 w ko...... ............. ko - LOON xxx 00'09* 3u:60, LE z C*q w a C) lk w W-- - ------------ 9004999 w (.494 i-LON a. a. C� z uj x W C 0 LLI Co. `;:/may LL z4* Vo CL. 40 Q. W: (n lot E �. .. E Rees' W cuis D Cq un ;. • . OAft uj,1 .0 or X. UJ U. M Y 4m. I b . i , �•Z,00N JIM LL od to M. R a. Ems• {,(+��rk * � ��. •wig z els y y Y L.J CL CL tn �°� Z F . f CL go 0 z CD Z. .E +ct��` �`�gR�;Q y�.v�#v�`rxtr�• i�i�f 2 n M 2 r CALIFORNIA ALLoPURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ... . . ... . ..... ... ..... ... ...... . ...... . ...... ... ..... .. ..... . ..... ... ..... .. ...... .. ...... .. ..... .. ... State of California County of 0n____Ma.T_-ch ..... 318 2004 before me, - Mazia. Rosa Peralez ..... .a Nqt4i:y. Publ Date Nam e_WT41e *f Office "Jane Doe-, NaMary NW0 personally appeared Raul N. Rots Name{s) of Signef(sk.) PAL — -- - ------- — -------- MARIA RASA PERALEZ Commiselon # 13793.6-8 blic - Caffornia Notory PU Kern County -2M00)6 My Comm. E)#res Nov 6, 20061 NOW1111011 FX personally known to. me 1": MAI ..... &. M ------------------------------- to be the personW-, whose name(_i@)&@1e subscribed tro th-e within ::lbstrum-ent and acknowledged to me that ibl: y executed the same in ,ir authorized (9:1. capacityf4es), and ''that by (Rhe-FrIftir. signaturejer) on the instrument the personfs), or, the entity, upon behalf of which the -person(O'.) 4 ,acted 4 executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal., . ....................... ........ ... .... .. ................. OPTIONAL Though the info' than below is nor re flu ired bylew, it nlqy prove teal 'a to. parsons re�ykq on the document and could prevent fraudo-lent removal and neaft.-chment of this form to anoiher document. : 4 Descrilption of Attached Docume CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIUCE Title ar Type of Document.- for Parqel...__Nqp 'Waiver No - 04-0198 - 0 Document Date: March 31, 200. 4 Number of Pages-, 7. ='cludes I • ths ack., page Signer(s) Other Than Named Above. No other stguers i Capacity(les) Claimed by Signer Signer's. Name: Raul X. Ro J. as lie P u, -L -art t*.uro 0 Individual City Englneer Corporate Officer — Title(s): i I Partner — Limited 01 General L Attorne'yin-F-act Trustee Guardian or Conservator Other.x CITY OF a muiml-r-1-pal Signer Is Representing: COrPO*ration . ............ ......... . . ... ... . -.0 .. . .... . ..... . .... . ..... .. I 0 1 I'M -National 9,350 De Soto Ave.:, P.0, Box '24-02 , Chatsworth, CA 91 3S 3-2, 2 nationzi-Inotary.org PPM.. No, 5907 Her"T mv­: Cali. 1'011-Fvera I -80",_ 76-6827