HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-1670RECORD-I.NG HEQUESTED AND FOR THE. GENE RT OF' THE CITY OF SFIELD WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK 15001 TRUXTUN AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330:1 T Jamey . Fitch, Assessor— Recorder PATTI Kern county offlc*a I 1 101 )20(15 8840rded at the reque,st. of 84*52 AM Public. DOC#: 0205333257 ftt Typn: I Pages- 12 Fees 76.00 Taxes 0.00 Others 0.00. PAID $76.00 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FdR RECORDERS USE THIS DOCUMENTS BEING RE-RECORDED TO CORRECT THE PROPERTY OWNERS LISTED ON PAGE I R 'bJA m j; 11AUL I lwwl. .. S RCS No., 39880 Expiration December 31 s.2005 City Engineer City of Bakersfield Signature must be notafted S-AFo.rm,qNC0VF'R PG TO RE-RECORD DO .dot Mate - A tate of California S& County of — KERN On November 30, Z005, before me, Date Name and' Title of Officer (e.g., 'Jerre Doe, Notars y Public') personally appeared Narr-*s) of Signer(s.) 1.0 ...... . ..... WNDA K SKWNER ComnQuim 1.532000 Natuty Nbk - Caftff4a .0 cowyly Iftc ..Awm- U per sonally known to me.. 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the. person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument -and acknowliedged to me that he/she/they executed the same 'in hi/h er /their authorized capa city (les), and that by histher/their signature(s) on the 'Instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the persori(s) acted, executed the instrument. -S hand al seal. W I T. N E S my : Place Notay Seal Above 0 Stgnature of Nolary Pub11 ------------------------------ OPTIONAL Tilough the information bellow is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the dboument and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. D69cription of Attached Document ritle-or tVw of Document: Document Date: •igner(s) Other Than Named Capacity(lies) Claimed by Silgner(s Signer's Name: 0 Individual ["_'J". Corporate Officer Mfle(s) 0 Partner — [gym LImit d [*""General e Lj Attorney in Fact E] Trustee U Guardian or -Conservator Other: Signer Is Representi Number of S . igner, s Name: -e E Individual [1,Corporate -Off icer — Title(s): ------ F I �rtq.er Limited Li. General. I'M N." LJ Attomeym Fact of 'thomb here Trustee Co -.1 Guard'an or LA Other: Signer Is Representing: 0 2-004 NqU& Notary Assodafi ofi - 9360 De 8t Ave., RO. Box 240.9 91313-2402 Rem No 907 Reorder:: Cali Toll-Free 1-800-876-68,27 REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO" 731 R .. F* i rF S T 0 DMIR S! C rff ENG."NE'EIR'... :` CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSHELD, CA, 93301 James W.. Fitch Assessor,,, Recorder m County Off I.C.1af.460rds Recorded at the request of Ticor Tit! DO C#: 0205286347 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARC.EL MAP WAIVER NO. a- 670 JASON 101-1412005 1:31. PM* Mat Types: 1 Pages: 10 Fees 64.,, 00 Taxes 0.00 othets 0.00 PAID $64.00 Being a divis-ion of that portion of land shown as Parcel 1 of Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1173 as 4; evidenced by that certaih Certificate of Co mp.1 iancerecorded June 1 It 2,004 as Document No. 0204133908 O.R., as filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder, also being a -portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 26, T. 29 S.,_j R.• 27 E, in the City of Bakersfield C T ounty. of Kem., State of California. Assessors Parcel Number 332-460-11-2.. Property Owners.- Leland R. YeOman, a married man as his -separate propeity% and Dana L. Yeoman, a single woman father .& daug.hter� as joint tenants. This Certificate of -Complianc * " - b " -P I e is . eing issue+ . and recorded for 2 parcels. At the. request of the property owner, the and e'rsigned City Engineer of the ClIty.of Bakersfield, designated- by ordinances of said City, -as Advisory Agen wi - th respect to. Parcel- CY Map Waivers., Lot Lf.ne Adjustments, and Certfficates of* Compliance and acting herelin on behalf d of the City. of Bakersfield... hereby states that those portions of land des c*ribed on the -attache Exhibit "A" and shown on.... -Exhibit "B" nom ply with the provisions . of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and chapter 16 of the City of'Bakersfie:id Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. This certificate relates only to issues of compl* 1R. tance or noncompliance with the SuDaivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted 'pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein: may be.-sold, ]eased, or financed without further compliance with the Subd"vision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development -of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant orgrants of approval. Dated: August 22, 2005 ............. RAUL "k ROJAS RCE No. 39880 Expilration December 31, 2005 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED S:\Land Division\Minor Land Div1pmw\2004k04_1•670 coc.00C Page 1 of 10 State of Califorritia County of On August 23, 2005 before me, Lynda K* Skinnery Xot#_U_?U_�_4C__1 Date Name and Talc, -of Officer �Jane Doe, NobarV Pub is ") personally appeared —Raul Kv of Name(s) of Signer(s). P Works Director-, City of Bakers.field.... J& ,A&. ........ ...... __ .. jW—As ------ ------- ---- -1Y - Commis*m # 15320W wafy pifte - C.-ONOMIC K M. Cau* M OMM )90- 4 z MY ML--- -personally known to me k. J. idence L.J o ev proved to me on the basis of satisft ry ac to. be the person(s) whose name(s)_ is/are subscribed to. the within 'Instrument an d acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authonized cap acity(ies)., and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument -the ^Kson(s), or- the :Flu entity upon behalf of which the pe.-mon(s) acted, executed the 'Instrument. WIT N ESIS my hand ::arid officlal seal. Ci /* Plao,e, Notary Sea, Abvve 7.7 Signature of: .rotary Public PT1 Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons; relying on the document and could pr e. vent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this- form to another document Descripti.-Jon of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document is Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capaclty(les) Claimed S1.9ner(s) Signer's Name: If­1 Individual Corporate Officer — Tit 0 Partner — 0 U'Mifte' d. General Attorney in Fact Top. ot thumb hwe vmk Trustee G ! rd I u:a*an or Conservator Other:, Signer- Is Representing: Signer's Name: Individuat Corporate Offfic-er.— Titfe(SA- U tt Partner —;LJ­ er Limited U Genal I Aorn I ! . . . ey n Fad U Trustee U Guardian or Conservator (D Other: Signer Is Representing: MB NT . . ........ OF:*s ....... ............ .. ... .... .. .. .... .... . .............. ..... . .. ... ..... . . .. . .. . . . . ..... ...... . .. . ... . .. . ..... I ..... 0 2004 Nat�nW. Notafy Assoeiation k 93 + De -Sato Ave,., P.0,Box .2.4 9 Chatswoilh., CA 91313-2402. Item. No.. 6 .907 Rw-r-der-, Call To.`-O- Free 1, SML876,68.27 0, EXHIBIT"Aal" PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 04-1670 LEGAL DESCRIP110 PARCEL swv BE!,'[ NG A DIVISION OF PARCEL "t "" OF PARCEL MAP WAIV ERN O. 03-117 3 :t AS PER CERTIFICATE OF . COMPLIANCE RECORDED JUNE I I , .1004 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTYRECORDER AS DOCUMENT NO. 0204133908, OFFICIAL RECORDS, ALSO BEENG A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (1/4). OF SECTION' 26,., T. 29 S.., , R. 2-7 E., M.D.M., IN ITI.E., CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF -CALIFORNIA.. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN THE CENTERLINE OF 19THSTREET TAGGED -`%+S. 2982" MARKING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 3 PER PARCEL MAP NO. 7351 RECORDED IN PARCEL MAPBOOK .3 11 OF TH E:C..OU N-rTYRECORDER AT PACE 183, IN'THE OFFICE THENCE SOUTH 000.51 54`7 WEST,.. LON THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCE. 1-M 30 .. )-0 FE. ET T- 0-+ A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF 19TH S-T R E ET; THENCE SOUTH 89"10"16" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF +19TH STREET, 88.01. FEET TO THE NORT14WEST CORNER OF PARCEL "I "' OF SAID PARCEL MAP WAIVER 0.3 -1 13 7 AND TH. E TRUE POINT OF BEG-IWNG: 0.) THENCE CONTINUING ALONG. SAID SOUTH LINE OF 19"H ST., SOUTH* 89"101.6" EAST., 124.09 FEET; (2) THENCE. LEAVINGSAID SOLITH LINE OF I 9�IH ST.., SOUTH 00*5 1'54" NVE ST, 28.24 FEET; (3) THENCE SOUTH 49"'45'09"" WEST, 143.03 FEET; (4) THENCE NORTH-0005 1 `54"' EAST3 16.09 FEET; (5) THENCE NORTH 4400TY58"'WEST, 23.•.1 FEET; (6) THENCE NO,RTH 0 1 r-'00`3I'9 A T,, 19,35 FEET.; (7) THENCE SOUTH 88.059129"EAST, 29.50 FEET; (8.) THENCE SOUTH 0 1 0001 '31 "WEST, 3.40 'FE, ET; THE S0b7H88-.05**9`29." EAS T., 31-50FEETt- ............ (10). THAN NORTH 01 "00"3111 EAST, 5.03 FEET; (11) THENCE SOUT-H'88059!!$29" EAST, 8.00 FEET- (12) THENCE NORTH 44-05 8'57"' EAST, 21.60 FEET: (13) THIIIIENCE- NOR TH 0,1*003:31 11- EAS 7T23-.03 FEET; (14) Tfill-E.N.C.E. SOUT Hi 88059`29 EASTIk 230 FEET; (15) THENCE NORTH 01*00%3419'9 EAST!lk 3.0-0 FEET - (16) THENCE SOUTH 88-059t29" AST,: 7.50 FEET; 1,41 (1-7) THENCE NORTH 0 1 `00 `3 1.*EAST,'l &.85FEE. 7T (18) THENCE NORTH 88*59 29 WE-ST, 49.83 FEET- (19) THENCE SOU TH 0 1 000'3 1 WEST, 13 58 FE ET, lx. (20) THENCE NORTH 88059"29"' WEST, 4.33 FEET; ... .... (21) 7-HENCE NORTHO 1000.31" EAST. 13.58 FEE-T� (22) THENCE NORTH 8805929,p4 w ESTt .50 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 2 PER PARCEL MAP ATAIVER O.63 -1 11.'x`3;. (23) THENCE NORTH - 88'05929" WEST, 39.50 FEET; (2-4). THENCE NORTH 01 0-00 %31 "' EAST, 10. 17 FEET TO TIJE TRUE POINT OF, BEGINNING . CONTAINING 4,473 SQ. FT., MORE OR LESS A let., . . ......... ---------- EXPIRES 6,106) DATE .m. .11AE1 55 j0BBNl---'0- 203460-00 PAGE 3 OF 10 EXHIBIT"AwXf PARCEL MAP: WAIVER NO. 04-1670 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL "B") BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 1"' OF PARCEL MAP WAIV ER. NO. 034. 173 AS PER CERTIFICATE OFCOMPLIANCE RECORDED JUNE 1 1r. 20 .:I. T HIE OFFICE OF THE KEKX COUNTY RECORDER AS DOCUMENT NO. 0204133908, OFFICIAL RECORDS, ALSO BE.rN.G- A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 26, T. 29 S.5 R, 27 E., M. ,M., IN' THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, UNIT OF KERN, STATE OF -CA'LIFOMA, BEING RE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS,: COMMENCING AT A.CONCRE-11 MONTUTMENT IN, THE CENTERLINE OF I OT" STREET TAGGED 44L.S, 2982" MAR KID` GTHE NORTHWEST CORN ER OF PARCEL 3'P PER PARCEL. *.N14AP NO. 7351, RECORDED. IN PARCEL MAP BOOK 31, AT PAGE 1.83, IN' THE OFFICE OF THE COUN'T * RECORDER,. THENCE SOUTH 00051 *54" 'EST, ALONG THE. WEST LATE OF SAID PARCEL MAP, 30.00 FEET TO A POINT ONE THE S'0U`TH LINE OF 1 0"HSTREET; THENCE SOUTH 89010 "I EAST L "G THE SOH LIE F 1 T N O9T" SREET, "r 88.01 FEET o , ALON UT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL "I"" OF SAID PARCEL MAP WAIVER. 03-1173* THENCE SOUTH 01 c'00"3 I "' WEST.. AID ONIG-THE WEST LINE OF PARCEL I. OF PARCE L. MAP WAIVER NO. 03-1171,10.17 .BEET TO THE -NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 2 OF RARCEL MAP WAIVER NO, 03-1173; THENCE ALONG THE, NORTH LINE OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 03-1173, SOUTH 88cS.91297'7 EAST, 39.50 FEET TO THE TRUE. POINT O -EGINNING: T 'T G 3,082 SQ. FT., MORE OR LESS 0 v E .6 XPIRES 6/06 DATE M*l-ctCN-_E. th. JOB N`0. 203-160-00 19 PACE 4 OF 10 zz U) ow, LA co N x x m >.r7l > 0% * T AV% m rl* rn CD V) = 4— r*mox mmz - --4 -0 rn ;o ;o M .Nr z Z 0 > z j co > CO m Z, x m 0 Ln Cm 0.* > C-) > 4�* 0 0 C Pvt% K > > > . ;o o a) 0 Z M 1 :9 r- CD 0 0Z m 0.0 rn K) > > 00 0 >.(A > , C) >>N) > co m ;o > M C) z .M.m Z r z m m 0. M. mo r U) z V) -- m m --V) 4 m rn 0 m < > > c z Ln m M o m > :5- < m 00 < M, M 0 z (A m 0 > 0; > Z r cn; c m > CA (n 0. m;u Ln m m 66 0 w :.. top* m CA > m r -n m m z > rn ---q M WIND R. P: ---j > 0 ;o- = - ;o z M. M -rl" PI > Ad ko< M:C-) 00 0.- m tj 0 o Z# LO > > V) Z 0 Z 0- -n co > I -M ........ . ..... OA. 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