HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-87RECORDING REQUESTED BY A10., WHEN RECORDED , MAIL TO 4- Gity of Bakersfield it Engineer 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield., CA 93301 PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO.: 4-87 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GO:VER*ZNT CODE) The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield,, deslignated by ord1*n-.,anC:e:S of said City -as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers and Lot L2*.*.ne Ad.jus*ltments and acting herein on behalf of t . he ' Ctity of Bake-isfield, hereby certifies that the hereinafter-described parcels of land compl , y with the provisions of the Subdivis,ion Map Act of the State of California regulating divisions of . 1"And.. Said parcels of land, bey, nt situated in the it of Bakersfield, -County ® Kern, State. of California, are more particularly described as'follows: /.,.�:.. .-Y -F " D B" 'SEE ATTACHED EXHIBITS "A." Ah Valza Corporat.lion is the owner of the.des-criib.ed parcels of land. .Datea this 19th day of FebruaKy ................. . , 19 87 . lat.. DBE HAWLEY City Engineer City of Bakersfield 5-.PMW.4-87c Ir 1: 4. EXHIBIT "A" 8 : PARCEL 1 All that port -ion of the North half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 3.0 Southr Range 27 Fast, t-lount Diablo 14eridlan,, in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California,, according to the Official Plat thereof, being rare particularly described as follows, Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Section* thence 5890 20'30"E, along the North line of the Northwest Quarter of said Northwest Quarter, 55.08 feet- thence SOO* 39'30"Wj, 5.5.00 feet; thence S89" 20130"E. 1082.34 feet,. to the True Point of Beginning; thence . continuing S890 20'30"E,? 187.1 3 feet to the Vilest ;Line of the Northeast Quarter of said Northwest Quarter; thence S89'0 2:0.'19"E, parallel with and 55.00 feet South of the North line of said Northeast Quarter of za d Northwest Quarter 697.87 feet,* thence SOON' 39"59"Wi, 51 6..28 feet; thence S89"30'15"E,, 22.14 feet; thence SOOO 19'24"11,r 13.20 feet.; thence S390 19'39"Es, 287 .89 feet; ? feet; -'Chence- 5004 39'09"W, 12.85 feet; thence S89' 2051"Ej 272.15 feet; thence S00'35'25"W, parallel with and 45.00 feet west of, as measured at rIgbt angles, to the East line of said North half, 723.75 feet to the South 1.1ne of said North half; thence N89'l9'28-"W along- said South line, 1129.32 feet to the Southeast corner of the California eater Service Company Parcel described by exception from Parcel 5 in deed to Sears,. Roebuck and Company, recorded in Book 3619, Page 69.3 of Official Records; thence N00*35'10"E along the east line of said Water Company parcel,, 5.0. 00 feet,, thence N8.9'6 19 � 28"Wi, 120, 00 feed. to the Ilest line, of Lot 6 in said Section, according to "Sales '14ap No. 1 of Lands of J.B. 11'aggin"'.r filed May 3,, 1889 in the Office of the County Recorder; thence 500135'10"W along last said West line,, 50.00 feet to the South line of said North half; thence N89-"19'28"V7 along said South line, 887.63 feet; thence N00"'34'45"Ej, 30,00 feet then-ce N89'19'28"W, 466.69 feet to .a poant on the west line of said Northwest Quart err from which point the southwest corner of said North half of said Northwest'Quarter bears S00`-344511W,, 30.00 feet; thence NOO* 3.445"E along said west 111nej, 466.69 feet to the Northwest corner of the South 496.69 feet of said North half of said Northwest Quarter; thence S89019'28"E along the North line of said South 496.65 feet., 221.00 feet* thence N00034 * '45"Ej 140.00 feet to the North line of that parcel described by except-Ion in a doed to Sears, Roebuck and company, recorded in Book 3619# Page 693, Official Records; thence S89'1928"'E,, along last said North line,, 597.38 feet f# thence 1430*52'14"E, 135.32 feet; thence S89'18158"Eg, 250*00 feet to a point on the West line of that c,ertaln parcel described in Book 3879, Page 581, Official Records; thence N00`39'30"E along said West line, 512.02 feet to the True Point of Beginning* Excepting therefroiti the two following de-scribed parcels: (A) Commencing at a point on the South line- of said Nor h half from which the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Northwest Quaarter bears S89'19'28"Er 524.64 feet* thence N0'A_0'32"E,, at right angles to said South line, 44.50 feet to the True Poi.nt of Beginni 1 ng' .0 thence NO'40'21"E, 395.50 feet; thence S.89-019'39"E.. 248.00 feet* thence S0'4021"W,, 351.50 feet* thence N89' ' 19'39"WI 138.00 -feet; thence SO. 4021"W, 44.00, feet; thence N89'19'39", %Ir 110,00 feet to the True Point of Beginninge (B) Commencing at a point on the west line of said Northwest Quarteri, from which point the Northwest corner of said. Section bears N0003445"E, 880.24 feet; thence S89018158'Ej, 702,08 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing S89*18'58"Eo 419.00 feet; thence ri.. f. FA G! 'SOO 0 41'02"Wo 170.00 feet, to the beginning of a 49.50 foot radius tangent curve#, concave northwesterlyl - thence southwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 90000,0011, an arc length of 77.75 feet; thence N89*1815,8"W, 320.00 feeto to the beginning of a 49.50 foot radius tangent curve, concave northeasterly; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 90 00100'r an arc length of 77.75 feet; thence NOO'41'02"E,, 170,00 feet to the True Point of Beginning, Containing 47.50 acres, riiore or 'less. PARCEL 20 All that portion of the North half of the -Northwest Quarter -of Section 12j, Township 30 South, Range 27 East,, Mount Dlablo Meridian, Imo. the City of 33ak ears fields, County of Kern., State of California, according to .he -0-fificial Plat thereofr being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the we 111 n of said Northwest Quarterr from which point the Northwest corner of said oCection bears NOO"34'45"E, 880.24 feet; thence S89'18'58"E, 702.08 feet to the True . Point of Beginning; thence continuing 58901815 8 "E 419 , 00 fe't.; .,t e thence SOO* 41`02"W? 170.00 f*eetj to the beginn-Ing of a 49.50 foot radius tangent curve, concave northwesterly; thence southwesterly along said curve through a central angl-e of 90100'00", an arc length of 7-7.75 feet- the ,ce N89'18'58"I-1, 320.00. feet,. to. the beginning of a 49.50 foot radius tangent curve, concave northeasterly; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 90'0010011.. an arc length of 77.75 feet thence NO O' 41'02"Er 170.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning, Containing 2.09 acres,, more or less, �� M, Boow .5 472 Pniu- 1. 9 48 14 ----- ----- ... ..... sk%* PEMAI.-HOM Cr- PW4X---Lj parSACWAS ON fw. g517151 . K wIctz L 47-6-OkgEs, o 9 c •er-",J, go, o o 'Ar 4j. OIZ�� AN CIA -4WCAf,=!5 N lVkStP, *y I LOCIP ION4. cK Jbvmlllo�4 y el ML5T ec p F" -Tl�e CrTy()F or -,Xo2. oa Jo rK-D NJ o e A NV4 Y4 C�7- ,I'z7 14 ----- ----- ... ..... sk%* PEMAI.-HOM Cr- PW4X---Lj parSACWAS ON fw. g517151 . K wIctz L 47-6-OkgEs, o 9 c •er-",J, go, o o 'Ar 4j. T, Lei%. $HEET �- OF SHEETS .... ....... a I OIZ�� AN CIA -4WCAf,=!5 N lVkStP, *y I LOCIP ION4. cK Jbvmlllo�4 y el ML5T ec p F" -Tl�e CrTy()F or T, Lei%. $HEET �- OF SHEETS .... ....... a I