HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-2206REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD., CA. 93301 James W. itc. Assessor— Recorder Kern County official hevords Regorded at the request. of Public DOC#: ftt Type-s-3 ��II��� �Ililll� 0207074287 Feet Taxes Others PAID CONDITIONAL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499-35, GOVERNMENT CODE) SOFIR 4/04/2:00*7 Pages: :6 The. it. E n eer of the City of -Bakersfi eld, designated byr ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency Aivera, Lot Line Adjustments,, -and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein with: respect to: Parcel Map W on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that the real property described and shown on Ex".11-h1bitts "A" and ' lfw--, attached hereto and made parts hereof complies with th":e pr . ovisions of- the Subdivision Map Act of J the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Munic"pal Code regulating divisions of land. The above-mentioned real property is a result of PARCEL MAPWAIVER 06-2206 divisi o f the I . n o being a boundaries of �land ' shown as the Northwest quarter of the Northwest.qraster of Section 29, T. 30 S. s �R. 28 E. MI. D, M. excepting.there from Tract 6333 Unit 1 recorded October 19, 2.0-06 : il n Map Book 56, *Pag.es -111-113 filed 'in the office, -of the Kern County Recorder also 6xcepting the, west 275.55feet. of the south 900 feet, a v in iin the Northwest quarter -of Section 29, T. 30 S.:t R. 28 E. t K D., M.-, In the City of Bakersf ield., County of Kern, State of California. Property Owner: Lennar Homes.- of -Cal Inc., a California corporiat-lb.n. assessor's Farce! Numbers: portions of 51:8-030-1:7-6 & 518-070-0.1-6 This Conditional: Certiflicate. of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 Darcels. P This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or nor complianc with the ubdiv"sv n Map Act e n , - - S I to and local ordinances enacted, par r' thereto. The parcels described herein may- be sold, teased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any locatordinance enacted pursuant 1hereto, provided,, however, that SIEFORE ANY BUI:LD[R PERMIT R WHE. R DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL IS ISSUED FOR THOSE REAL PROPERTI TH.E,.,g;*0N01T10N BELOW MUST BE iremen imposed. -FULF[LLED. These -conditions, are in addition. to any other permit requ.' ts. which may be All improvements curbs, gutters, sidewalk, traffic signal modification and full pavement for Panama Lane and Union Avenue adjacent to the new parcels are to be complete: and accepted by the City including sewer to - each now Parcel. The owner is to request a final Certificate of Compliance be issued upon completion -of said improvements andpay any associated fees. Dated: March 26, 2007 ............ RAUL 6 ROJAS RCE. No. 39880 Expi ration December 31, 2007 City Engineer City of Bakersf ie.l:d Signature: must. a notarized Page 1 of 6 SALand DivisionxMinor Land Di4mw\2006\06-2206 coed ooc-doc 23.00 0.00 0.00 $23.00 C'ALIFORNIA ALLoPURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Kern ...................... On April 3. 2007 before me: Mari'a Rosa Per.a.-Iez, a Notary Public Oak- Mum a Md T4e, of 0-ffitor 'Jaoo We, Noaaly NV'x V 211-:11 :personally appeared ... . ................................... MAMIR-OU. PRAW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c4onwrms # 4M C MIV co M.M... EAPOW -NIOV 6�. 2-0-1 ---------------- ----- Ogg low W Z-4 personally known to me evidence to be the personM whose na.me(&) subscribed to the Withi, . instrument and t acknowledged to rin.ea that nh.,--, e'xecute- the same in authorized capacity......:, and that by G"1101", 'signature(&) on the instrument the person) or the entity upon behalf of -which the person*. acted, executed'. tihe instrument. WITNES.S my hand and: official seal. A ......... ­,'' OPTIONAL -- - ... W .............. 7bough, the brifonmation below is, not requi red kyia- y,. it may prove -valuable to persons re� yin g or, the document and cou0provent frauduient remo eel and reattach ment of this form to another dwurnent. Description of Affached Document CONDITIONAL CERTIFICATE OF C-W— L. I-M-CE Title or Type of Docurn ent:..fo.r . --r.r . ... . . .. . ........................................................................... Document Date. March 26, 2007 Number of Pages: es, _pA& includes this Eck. page Signer(s) Other Than Named Above:.,..__,..__,.. Ca.pacity(les) Claimed by Signer 0, !: W : NRIsI-Mmi Notam i Asmhd;Won * 4 De F,().. Box 2402 CA. 9:131 3i- 2 f Rnoxt .. No, 50-07 Rkxrder 'Call I*t,41-F�Vrl' I -2004376AF,127 EX M-IT "N"' LEGAL DESCRIPTION PiM+-W. W72206 BEING A DIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF'THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, T.30 Ss R.28 E...M.D.M., IN TIM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PER GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 30,2004 AS DOCUMENT NO, 0204323077, O. R-,.,, MORE PARTlCULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS.. PARCEL A BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29 MARKED BY A CALIFOR- NIA DIVISION • HIGHWAY CONCRETE MONVUENT INLAWHO LE, SAID POINT ALSO BEING'THE , CENTERLINE. INTERSECTION OF SO U114. UNION AVENUE AND EAST PANAMA LANE;1p THENCE SOUll -TH'89031 ". 5 EAST ALONG T. HE NORTH L—INIE. OF TH-EN-i-ORTHWSST QUARTER OF SAID SE M' 29 kXD THE CENTERLINE OF EAST PANAMA LANE., 275.55 FEE T; THIENCE SOUTH 0003 5 " 1871 WE, STS. 421.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89P3 I" Mrl WE; ST,, 2.7-5.55 FEET TO A POINTON TREWEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29 AND THE. CENTEMINE OF SOUM.. UNION AVENUE; TFIENCE NORTH 00"-3511.8" EAST AlONG- - TIM WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION29 AND THE CE NE OF SOUTH UNION AVENUE, 421 *94 FEEI TO TtlE TRUE POW17 OF BEGINMNG.,. CONTAINS: 2.67 ACRES. THHENCE CONTTNUING SOUTH- 8903 . *1 " 15"EAST SONG THE NORTH LINE. OF TFIE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF' SAID SEMON 29 AND THE CENTERLINE OF EAST PANAMA. LANE, 840.00 FEET TO THE- NORTHWEST CORNER OF TRACT NO. 633.3 — UNIT I FILED FOR RECORD ON OCTOBER 1% 2006 INBOOK 56 OF MAPS AT PAGE I I I THROUGH 113 IN THE OFFICE OF TFM KERN COUNTY RECORDER;, THENCE SOUTH 0 '12 " WEST ALONG TIM= W.E.- ST LINE OF SAID TRACT NO. 6333 — UNIT 14 1321.81 FEE T TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT NO. 6333 UNIT 1. TBENCE NORTH 89031139" WEST. 842.52 FEET; THENCE NORTH 009 5 " 1.8" EAST, 1321.91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. C 'AIN . 0 NIT I S- 25.53 ACRES. SIMET 3 OF 6 -SHEETS PMW633.3- LGII, 5565 wt C A -AV- , I OT HE BEARING OF N 00*3518" E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTH-WEST QUARTER OF SE 110 29, T. 30 S.; R.) 28 Grp M!-DJM1, ALSO, BEING THE CENTERLINE OF SOUS UNION AVENUE, AS SHOWN ON SURVEY INVESTIGATION MAP N-0. 7-1t BOOK 6, PAGE 28 FILED; • IN THE KERN COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE,, WAS 'TAKEN AS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON. 'NOTES: "THIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY," CURB, GUTTER AND PAVING IMPROVE- MENTS ALONG 30. UNION AVE, AND P E. PANAMA LN. WITHIN" ARCEL A TO R BE BONPED FO: AND CONSTRUCT.-ED NTH TR. 63 ' 33 — UNIT 2. SEKR SERVICE ALSO TO.BE PROVIDED NTH TR.. 6333 — UNIT 2. PREPURE.D ---- BY:. SMI-114 TECH /U SA, INC. 1424 17th Street Bakersfield., CA 9.3301 90� LENI HOMES OF C,ALIFORNIA, INC., a Col'Ifornia corporation 5251 Office Pork Dr., Ste. 40-0 Bakersfield, CA 933-09. LEQLNO RECORD DOCUMENTS 0 FD. CONCRETE MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED WIDEPUBLIC RO; D EA .60* A SEMENT PER VOL. FD. CONCRETE MONUMENT TAGGED LS. 13--t PC." 35 OF MINUTE BOOKS. 5565: PER TR.. 6333 UN. 1 t M.S. 56t 57.115' ROAD EASEMENT 1D THE C.0.13, PER PG. 111 — 113 REUNQUISHMENT PER BK. 372-9t P.G.. 900. OX. , 2" IRON PIPE TAGGED L.S. 556.5 STREET RIGHT—OF—WAY DEDICATION TO THE PER TR. 6333 — UN. 1 1 M..B. 56o PG. C.03. PER DOC, #02070417910 O.R• SET CONCRETE MONUMENT TAGGED L.S. 5565 w/RECORD OF SURVEY EAST PANAMA LANE. SET 20' IRON PIPE TAGGED L. S. 5565 w/RECORD OF SURVEY LA Scs N ZONE: R-1 & C-2 PROXC T ST WATER: . . . . . . . . . . CALIFORNIA WA7R SERMC COMPANY 5W5 13ERKSHIRE ROAD ELECT RI C: P.G. & E. GAS: SEWER-. P.G. & E. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CABLE: BRIGHT -HOUSE NETWORKS HOSKING AVENUE TELEPHONE: SBC APN*x 518-030-17 & 518-070—.01 NTS SHET 4 OF 6 SHETS