HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-0168WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, A. 93301 James WR Fitch Assessor — Record Kern County Official ecords Recorded at the request of Public DOC#* 0208180110 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO,, 08-0168 TELFORDT 1111912008 8:07 AM Mat: Types: I Pages: Fees Taxes others PAID Being a division of that portion of land shown as Parcel 2 of a Lot Line Adjustment 06- evidenced by the certain Certificate of Compliance recorded April 243 2007 as DocurT 0207087511, filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder, also being a portior Northeast quarter of Section 23, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M. D. M., in the City of Bakersfield, of Kern, State of California. Assessor's Parcel Number: 371-440-19 Property Owners: Wilsonlftnama, LLC, a limited liability company This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 - parcels. At the request of the property owner, the undersigned City Engineer of the Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect t Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein c of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that those portions of land described on-the Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" comply with the provisions of the Subdivision Mc the State of California and Chapter'16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code r( divisions of land and associated Exhibit "C". :1938 as : ient No. -i of the County City of Parcel i behalf ttached ) Act of �ulating This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance 'With the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels de'scribed herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision flap Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated: 10/2/2008 RAUL Nf'ROJAS RCE No. C-39880 Expiration December 31,2009 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED Page 1 of 9 S:\Land DivisionWinor Land Div\pmw\2008\08-0168 coc.DOC 39.00 0.00 $3.9.00 UALIFORNIA ALLoPURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of ......... ­KERN L­ .. ................. On October 2, 2008 L before me, personally appeared K Skinner '._dot Hern, Insert Name Public of tile Of FG- n^ ............. . . ............................... (s) f Public Works Director _- _..T._Name oSigner(s) . . ......... City of who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose narne(s) is/are subscrib6ld to the within instrument and acknowledged to M: e that he/she/they executed the same in his/her./their authorized on the capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s.) instrument the person(s). or the entity upon be:half of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrumd: nt. AL_ ------------------ --- - ----- LYNDA K. IN I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws Co-mmission # 1532-000 going paragraph is of the State of California thal, the fore Notapsy Public - Callf cornia true and correct. Kem, County Now t , Lo M IL MY COMM, Expires DOC 4, 20 0 WITNESS my hand and official sed. . ....... ..... J Signature 'N ar� Public Place Notary Seal Above, Siapattire off ot -------------------------- ------------- ------------ OPTIONAL Though the. information below is not required by /a%?, it may prove va-luable to persons re,�ying on the docurnent and could prevent fraudulent remove I. and reattachment of this forn,7 to another document. Descriptic&of Attached Document Title or Type, of Docu Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capaclity(les) Cla"Imed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ...................... . ...................................................... Individual Corporate Officer — Title(s): . .......... ............................... Limited General Partner 1 EN. ------------------ .M.11311 Attorney in Fact 60-* ----------- I Top of thurn-b he?_e Trustee I Guardian or Conservator .1 Other- ...................... Signer Is Representing: ......... ........................................... ... . .. Number of Pages: ................................. ers Name: .......... I ....... . . .................................................................. . ... . pall Indift, lk� Pcer—Title(s): ............... Partner Cimited General Attorney in Fact I Trustee ....... Guardian or Conservator Signer Is Representing:-- EM 0,20 07.7 Nation a! Notary Awsocia ion 6 9350 De Soto Ave,, RO. Box 2402-Ghaaesworth,CCA 9131'.s -24,.)2*tkt,,-Pfv.NationaINotat�,ors I Item -#,,sS,0'7 Reorder; cal[ Toll -Free 1-800-876-682-7 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL MAP WAIVER 08-0168 Being an division of Parcel 2 of Lot Line Adjustment No. 06-1938, as evidence by Certificate Of Compliance recorded as Instrument No. 0207087511 recorded April 24, 2007, in the Office of the Kern County Recorder, lying within the Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Meridian in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, described as follows: Lot 1 BEGINNING at the northwest corner of the above described Parcel 2, said point lying in the westerly line of said Section 23 and the centerline of Stine Road, from which point the southwest corner of said Section 23 bears South 00001'40" West (South 00°61' 18" West) 441.57 feet; Thence along the northerly line of said Parcel 2 South 89058'42" East 256.87 (256.92) feet; Thence leaving said northerly line along the easterly line of said Parcel 2, South &M 00001'18" West 103.68 feet to the point of intersection of the easterly line of Parcei z with the projected northerly line of Parcel 1 of said Lot Line Adjustment 06-1.938 Thence, along said northerly line and projection thereof North 89058'20" West No rth 89058'42" West), 256.88 feet to a point in the westerly line of Section 23 and centerline of Stine Road,, Thence along said common line North 00 °0'1'40" East (North 00001'18" East) 103,:: feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and terminus of this description Containing 0.61 acres gross, more or less. .65 Lot 2 BEGINNING at the northwest corner of the above described Parcel 2, said point lying in the westerly line of said Section 23 and the centerline of Stine Road, from which point the southwest corner of said Section 23 bears South o0 °0'1'40" West (South 000011181, West j 441.57 feet; Thence along the westerly line of Section 23, and centerline of Stine Road South: 00'01'40" West (South 00001'18" West) 103.65 to a point in the southerly boundary of said Parcel 2, Thence along said southerly boundary South 89058'20" East (South 8905842" Ea:st), 231.88 feet (231.92 feet) to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence continuing along the last said bearing South 89058'20" East 25.00 feet to b point in the easterly boundary of said Parcel 2; Page 3 of 9 Thence South 00'01'18" West 70.32 feet to an angle point in the northerly bounda::ry of said Parcel 2; Thence South 89'58'42" East 600.03 feet (600.00 feet) to the northeasterly corner of said Parcel 2; Thence South 00'00'58" West 271.10 feet (271.09) feet to the southeasterly cornO;:r of said Parcel 2, being a point in the centerline of Panama Lane; Thence along the southerly line of said Parcel 2, and centerline of Panama Lane North 89'44'33" West 579.96 (North 89'44'38" West 579.92 feet) to the southwesterly corner of said Parcel 2; Thence along the westerly boundary of said Parcel 2 the following courses: North 00 °01' 18" East 243.71 feet (243.72 feet); North 89'5842" West 45.11 feet; North 00001'18" East 95.33 feet (95.35 feet) to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; and terminus of this description containing 3.66 acres gross, more or less. End of Description This boundary data contained in this legal description is based on a field sUrveyl the re§ults of which are to be filed with the Kern County Surveyors office in the form of a Record -of Sutvey. Where measured data differs from record information noted within denotes: record information from Lot Line Adjustment No. 06-1938 recorded as Instrument No. 0207087511 in the Office of the .ern. County Recorder. Prepared by: Date: Susan Roberts., PLS 7690 1 License Expires 12-31-2008 Page 4 of 9 0V Ev. nfi EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL MAP WAIVER No. t}8 -41f>8 BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 2 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 06-1938, AS EVIDENCE BY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT No. 0207087511 ON APRIL 24, 2007, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, LYING IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE '27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CAUFORNIA. a EASEMENTS, 11' WIDE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ROAD EASEMENT, PER INSTRUMENT NO. 036717s BOOK 5233, PAGE 2335, OF O.R. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ROAD EASEMENT PER INSTRUMENT NO. 010490, BOOK 5349, PAGE 270, OF O.R. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ROAD EASEMENT PER INSTRUMENT NO. 01981637071 OF O.R. 25' WIDE SEWER EASEMENT TO CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PER BOOK 5183, PAGE 15431, OF O.R. 40' WIDE PG&E EASEMENT PER INSTRUMENT NO. 0199019821m O.R. @, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ROAD EASEMENT PER INSTRUMENT NO. 0207081544 0 15" WIDE PUE PER DOC #0207081545 O.R. UN- PLOTTABI.E EASEMENTS: DITCHES OR CANALS, PER BOOK 326, PAGE 407, OF 0.R. EASEMENTS AS DESCRIBED IN THE CC&Rs RECORDED MAY 2; 2007 AT DOCUMENT #0207093388 10' WIDE PG&E EASEMENT PER DOC #020728479 FOLLOWS ONSITE FACILITIES AS INSTALLED. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BEARING OF N8958"42"W, SHOWN FOR THE CENTERLINE OF MAYBROOK AVENUE ON TRACT MAP NO. 4016, FILED FOR RECORD IN BOOK 28 OF MAPS AT PAGE 126 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS HEREON. JOB NO.: 060122 DATE: 6.9.08 OWNER/SUBDIVIDER: WILSON/PANAMA LLC: A LIMITED LIABILITY CO. 3040 19TH STREET, SUITE 100 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 PHONE: 661-326-80-53 CONTACT: DAVID R. WILSON ENGINEER -- SURVEYOR: CANNON ASSOCIATES,: 364 PACIFIC STREET SAN LUIS OBlS.POt CA 93401 PHONE: 805-544-7407 w CONTACT: SUSAN ROBERTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 2 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 06-1938 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE INSTRUMENT NO. 0207087511 OR. APN: 371-440-19 EXISTING ZONING: COMMERCIAL (C-2) PROPOSED ZONING: SAME AS EXISTING ZONING EXISTING USE: NONE PROPOSED USE.- COMMERCIAL (C-2) SEWER DISPOSAL: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE PROTECTION: CITY OF- BAKERSFIELD DOMESTIC WATER.- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD T.V./CABLE: BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORKS ELECTRICAL.- PG&E GAS: PG&E TOTAL AREA: 4.27 ACRES GROSS MORE OR LESS VICINITY MAP: MASSOCIATES 9#4 *INC ENS PLANNERS suaveyofts 56M CALWORMA AVENM M 120 SAMMELD, CA 93309 661.32&8280 PAGE: 5 OF 9 --------------- EXHIBIT '013" EXISTING PARCEL MAP WAIVER No. 08=0168 BEING ..A DI\4SION OF PARCEL 2 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 06-1938, AS EVIDENCE BY CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT Na 0207087511 ON APRIL 24, 2007, IN THE 'OFFICE OF THE E KERN COUNTY RECORDER, LYING IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE '27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. CONC. MONUMENT iN LAMPHOLE RCE 17564 7RACT NO. 4016, z f. P 8 G MAP CW%a ical m 125 (D u L 11" WIDE CITY STREET EASEMENT PER BOOK ss JE' EASEMENT � 4 5233s PACE 2335s O.R. rp — S89W42mE 2580 0 R/W ke w SD S.W. o6 RAi- PARCEL %w AREA: 427 ACM GRCISS /AREA: 3.201 ACRES NET :E,.. S59W20 E 1 CA 1. 1101NAL ST I REET RlGHT OF WAY TO C17Y OF BAKEMEW PER DOC. NO. 0207081544v Q.R. VACANT DIRT FIELD j FAIRC" PER L.L.A. NO. 06-1938 C MAYBROOK AVEPUE! I 5".00 5".OW ss' aft ss-- ss a —rw w1w Cco)) T I PER L.L.A. NO. 05-0920 4.49 ACRES GROSS 25= P 3.73 ACRES NET uj 1 0 40 .80 1 INCH= 80 FEET le Lied 25! fia =M�lwft S89*W42nE 6W.03!: (D 55' WIDE CITY STREET EASEMENT PER BOOK 5349, PACE 279, Q.R. AD017IONAL STREET RIGHT OF WAY —70 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PER DOC. NO. 01M$3707j O.R. 4Cr WIDE P.G.&L POLELINE EASEMENT PER DOC NO. 01990198211 O.R. (2)15# WIDE PUE PER OW. .NO 020,70815450 O.W. w 45.119 z ss ss ss ss PARCEL 2 AREA- 4.27 AQV3 ORM AREA: &S ACAS NU Ails 8 8 MOMON& SIVUXT NGHT z OF WAY 70 CITY OF 13AKERSFIELD PER DOC. No, 02070815"t O.R. 5W VADE CITY STREET 25' WN)E CITY OF EASEMENT PER SM SEWER EASBIENT 07 5344a PAGE 270, O.R. 5183, PAGE. 1543s d. - ---------- - W ---j- sw - 27ye ss- 27 :h AW3rW 579: NW p SEC. 23 30/27 o' LAA%Lf W JrW 12"W w I " ftc- Ew lr"w -:12"W PER P.M. NO. AL 4W 3 18 BPC 46 PG. 188 ji: 0 0 FOUND MONUMENT PER P.M. 5702 A FOUND MONUMENT PER -PM 7278. RECORD INFORMATION PER LLA 06-1938 RECORD INFORMA-nON PER 28M126 JOB NO.: 060122 DATE: 6.9.08 mom 2•W ,ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS CAUFORNA AWNW, STE. 120 SAKEPSM0. CA 93305 W.M.6280 PACE: 6 OF 9 EXHIBIT •B• EXISTING PARCEL MAP WAIVER No. 08=016.8 BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 2 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 06- -1938, AS EVIDENCE BY CERTIFICATE OF ` COMPLIANCE RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT No. 0207087511 ON APRIL. 24, 2007, IN THE OFFICE OF TIE' KERN COUNTY RECORDER, LYING IN THE SOUTHWEST- QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EA T, MOUN , DIABLQ MERIDIAN IN THE CITE' OF BAKERSFIEL D COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 1 WOE CITY STREET EASEMENT PER BASIS OF BEARINGS S89W420E SOW 52M° PAGE 2335, Q.R, ° (589'SS 42"'E 529rflA'� 529.aQ #� •� � .».�....... w .. SS ss s ss ISO) I .,,. �. w. ..... ...wwv.w....r..r rrr .w. ..�.� ............ ...m. .......�..rme, � �.. mow... ..... �� �am� -.srr ww. .w..� ....� .wr�.�..�...�..w. ...... g° is $`°W $ "W 8'!W 8 "r� 8'oW. $ "W B "W"W $"W ` $ "W $ "llf.... .�.� MMM i.�.1�� .wM.W.r +�...� .....M... 1...wIWt w.r.Yr� �..�.✓• wwap. M.. RI T—OF—WAY FD- C�� MONUMENT IN lAMPHOLE RCE 175+ 4 PER TRACT' Nos 44115, 8K. 28, POs 125. rc FD. CONCRETE MONUMENT' Iii LAMPHOLEE RCE 'I7564 PER TRACT No. 4016s . 24, PG. 125. f LOT PER L.L.A. NO. 05- 0920 —7 4.49 ACRES GROSS 3.73 ACRES NET 0 40 s n�rmrrre: � . I INtim 80 FEET ca srrrr°wrw� err UwYe wMwrwwi�e err err ��wr'� �y SQ9`Sa 42 E M.03° zt w w Q s VON vmft ■ PARCEL 2 s ��. 4.�7 ACRES t�tC3SS � �.n A N � LOT 2 ,, PER L.L.A. NO. 05 -09.20 RK�H ADDIMONAL STREET' T' `�' . 03 ACRES GROSS . ► OF WAY TO CITY OF 35,710 SO. FT. NET 44° VADE P.G.&E. �#AKERaF1ELD PER Dt�C. ° POLEiINE - �ASIEMEIiIT' 1 NEB. 0207081544, Q.R. 25 VADE CITY OF PER DOCUMENT N4* BAKERSFTEI.D SEINER t�199+D19821 D.R. � EASEMENT PER BOCK 51: 83. ° 15° VADE PUE PER DOC. X10. PAGE '1543, O.R. 0207081545v OA f AI� p1111rr O� { r; n w..w. ..................rr. M +......�...,�.wr 1i.wrwwiwi.w�wM' � as,�,,,�,,,,�, °'"" 27 }"""."'.+ ss f 1 N89 *44!33 `W* 579.96° �N�'"3$'�W— — a 3.92 ..rr �....er CL PANAMA LAN •— 2° W Wow ,. °W 12 "W ».�...�.......M .......12•'W 12 "W 12e'W 12 "W l2'°W 12 "W #2 °'W .... .. � �.. SW VADE CITY STREET EASEMENT PER BOOK 53499 PAGE 270, O.P. LEGEND FOUND MONUMENT PER P.M. 5702 FOUND MONUMENT PER PM 7278. MASSOCIATES RECORD INF'ORMAT`ION PER L LA 06-1938 E "° ` "t E N SURVEYORS RECORD INFORMATION PER 28M126 50M A�� �. 120 SAS. CA JOB NO.: 060122 "1.32a6280 DATE: 6.9.08 PAGE: 7 OF 9 EXHIBIT "B" ADJUSTED PARCEL MAP_WAIVER No. 08=0168 BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 2 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 06-1938, AS EVIDENCE BY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT No. 0207087511 ON APRIL 24, 2007, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, LYING IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. CONC. MONUMENT IN ..-LAMPHOLE RCE 175" PER 'REACT NO. 4016, MAP 8K. 28* PG. 125 (D /—Il* VADE CITY STREET I EASEMENT PER BOOK 7- R f%_1 MAVROArWile AW no wit W 1�k 8 8 z in 0 0 %ago in R/WW 8 W 8 7 S.W. AK ZMFFH JOB NO.: 060122 DATE 6.9.08 SS 4ZE 529. 529.00 Do G 142rE _SS. apt SS et SS too S 0 1 eW44-2 * E 256.92 77 W_ —avow rw ----------- Wow Wow R LOT I AREA: 0.61 ACRES CROW AREA: 0.40 AL MS NET LOT I MWZrE Z%.W PER L.L.A. NO. 05-0920 ft MW olmmm� fm ON Arm 4.49 ACRES GROSS uj 151-10W P 3.73 ACRES NET (SOWWWE @ 231.921 2=M. .40 t so 0 TIONAL SIRM fdGK OF %MOO WAY TO CITY OF SAXEMELD M DOC. NO. 0207=Ws, O.R._ tale 1 IN04 80 FEEI VACANT ► S89 -42T 600.03 DIRT FIELD 4&11*) z _SS-10 SS SS E L I PER L.L.A. NO. 06-1938 45.11 VIDE CITY STREET EASEMENT PER LOT 2 Fit~ 434* PAGE 070 1% 0 AMMONAL, SIRE ET FIGHT OF WAY —TO CITY OF BAKSMELD PER DOC. NO. 0196163707, O.R. 40` WIDE P.QJE POLELINE @ EASEMENT FU DOC. NO. 01990.19=6 0.1t (2) IV MADE PUE PER DOC. NO. ,J* 0207081545, O.R. W AREA: 3.66 ACRES GIM P uwi .3 AREA: 2.85 ACRES NET ADDITIONAL STREET 1004T Z -OF WAY 'M CITY CF' SAKEMELD PER DOC. NO. OW7081544, Q.R. ilr 4 5W MADE CITY 2W VNDE CITY OF I EASIDAENT PER �BOOK SEVER EASEMENT ENT jil, PACE 270* O.R. 5183o PACE 1543* W w ss -------------- ........... N8**44'33'V( 579#960 wa OM avmmvvm� wr am al i.., SEC. 23 30/27 12"W 12"W tow EIL&M a If Wow w I'. i:rlw PM P.M. NO. NEw 45M 'as LEGEND * FOUND MONUMENT PER P.M. 5702 * FOUND MONUMENT PER PM 7278. * 51W REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP LS 6148. SET PER R.O.S. AS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY SURVEYOR. * NAIL AND TAG LS 6148 SET PER R.O.S. As FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY SURVEYOR. RECORD INFORMATION PER LLA 06-1938 RECORD INFORMATION PER 28141126 MM M am 2 JW WAVAMNO 12' {ASSOCIATES ENCINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYOR$ CALWOMA AVMUIZ, ST. 120 SAMSSEW, CA W3W 661.3M62W PAGE: 8 OF 9 EXHIBIT' 'B' ADJUSTED PARCEL MAP WAIVER No. 08m0168 BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 2 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 06-1938, AS EVIDENCE BY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT No. 0207087511 ON APRIL 24, 20'07t IN THE OFFICE 0* F THE: KERN COUNTY RECORDER, LYING IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MOUNT ial DIABLO MERIDIAN IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, -STATE OF CALIFORNIA. (D CL LUYBROOK A 1* WDE CITY STREET EASEMENT PER u I BOOK 5233, PAGE 23A O.R. BASIS OF BEARINGS SOWWWE 4 F(SIOW4rE 529,0000 529-009 .. ......... G G G G G G - -------- ss --- ------ OT —Wlw 8"w rw 9,,w - - ----- s"w SOP a"w RIGHT— OF—WAY FD. CONCRETE MONUME14T IN LAMPHOLE RCE 17564 PER TRACT No. 4016, SK. 28s PC. 125. F. UMILMONUMENT IN LAIMPHOLE RCE: 17504 PER TRACT No. 40160 8K 28, PQ 125. co LOT I PER L.L.A. NO. 05-0920 4.49 ACRES GROSS 3.73 ACRES NET 0 40 so 1 INC14= 80 FEET S89*W42"E 600.03 z _ss ss—ss ss ss ss— ss L OT 2 ��,� A�REAf�A �: OT 2 : PER LLA. NO. 05-092 0 1 ADDITIONAL STREET RIGHT 1.03 ACRES GROSS OF WAY 35,710 SQ. FT. NET 70 CITY OF 44Y WIDE P.G.&C BAKERWIELD PER DOC. 2W VADE. CITY OF NE EASEMENT Na. 0207081544v O.R. BAKERSFIELD SEM PER DOCUMENT NO. r'EASEMENT PER BM 5183, O.R. POLELJ PAGE 1543s O.R. 83 15" VADE PUE PER DOC. NO. ........ 0207081545, O.R. w w 8» w SS 274 ss sk- wmwmmw,,w ss- ---- ------------ Nag,,4*33*w 579.9w 21W 12plw ------------ L irw 55! WIDE CITY STREET EASEMENT PER BOOK 5349, PAGE 270, O.P. JOB No.: 060122 DATE: 6.9.08 UL rAN MA LANI Irw 12!V Ir1w 12•w 12"W 12•'W 12"W LEGEND * FOUND MONUMENT PER P.M. 5702 A FOUND MONUMENT PER PM 7278* © 51W REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP LS 6148. SET PER R.O.S. A FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY SURVEYOR. * NAIL AND TAG LS 6148 SET PER R.O.S. AS FILED IN THE OR OF THE KERN COUNTY SURVEYOR. {) RECORD INFORMATION PER LLA 06-1938 ( }` RECORD INFORMATION PER 28M126 SURVEYOR$ SOW 'WUMMIA AWWF., SSE. 120 SAMMIELD, CA 93" $61,32&6280 PAGE: 9 OF 9 EXHIBIT DEED OF TRUST CONSENT The undersigned, claiming some right, title or interest in and to the above d e S. kribed real property, consent to making of the foregoing Parcel Map Waiver #08-0168 and agree to be bound thereby and agree that their right, title or interest is subject to such Parciel. Waiver #08-0 168 Wells Far Bank. National Bank as beneficiary, per Deed Of Trust recorded Jyl 07 Z2K. 20 in Instrument No. 0207156277 of Kern County Official Reons.. Signature of Officer & Title ....... . . ..4 .. . .... ......... Print Name of Officer & Title %' ;ALIFORNIA ALL=PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of_­­ . ..... ��._ �_._ �.__.._........,..... ,. U, Y' K ....... before me . ...... . 0 n ..................... Date Here Insert Name and Title of the officez personally appeared - -------------- who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to subscribe' d to the be the person(,5y whose name(Sr-1 within instrument and acknowledged to Me that hsh *zed Utho (We/they executed t he same in, er-ft& a: n ro; *Ovjt** h CAROL J., BOIDEN capacity,.(�*., and that by ff.0" e0heir signature(* on the _-'t COMM. 01766463 �1 f M the person(s�. or the entity upon behalf of NOTA W. PLEILIC # CAL1F0jqNjA AN WUNrY which the person.(zl, acted, executed the instrument. ft-98P. 99, 2011 I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing para: rap :g h is true and c.,orrect. WITNESS it-ny. hand and official seal. Signature GL Place Notary Seal Aho w,-, Sigriatz of Noftaq Public ------------------------ ------------------------ ........ OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by lay, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the docurnent and could prevent fraudiulent rernova-1 and recittachment of this Iform, to another do-c-u Ten t. Descript"lon of Attached Document C Title or Type of Dorcurnent: x ........... .................... ............... . .... ... . ..... .... . . . ........... ........ ................ ......... Document Date: Number of Pages: }' . ................ ................. .............. ................................................................................................. Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: ............................... ................. .. ....._.W..._ Papacity(iles) Camel by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ........................................ Signer's Name.- Individual Individual C orpo rate Officer — Title(s): Ej Corporzite Officer — Title(s): N�w .......... I P Ift r Limited General Partner Limited 11[..'.'] General artne Attorney in Fact. t h b 1 T) Of :1 Trustee 101" Guardian or Conservator Othei Signer Is Representing: . . ................ .... ............................... .... . ..... .... . ..... .. ..... . ..... . ..... . . ..... . ...... .. ...... . ..... . .... . ...... �!.'f3.2007 Nabona; No4;ar,,,, De Soto hva, PO.Sox F­1 Att ...... t orney in Fact El Trustee Guardian or Conservator 4 ....... 1 0 ther: Signer Is Representing,___-,