HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-0513REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: James W. Fitch Assessor — Recorder SABRINA Kern County Official Accords 211812011 CITY ENGINEER Reeoreee N the request of Public 1:33 PM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE Door: 0211022851 Slat TYPes:1 Penes: 9 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 Few 33.00 Taxes I N nIIIIflIU�llnl�ln IhIIII 0.00 Others 0.00 PAID $33.80 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 10 -0513 Being a division of that portion of land shown as Parcel 6 of Parcel Map 11053 recorded December 4, 2004, in Parcel Map Book 53 at Page 180 thni 183, in the office of the Kern County Recorder, also being a portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 20, T.29 S., R. 27 E., M. D. M. in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Assessors Parcel Number: 451 - 470 -15 Property Owners: 1824 241n Sheet, LLC, a Colifomia limited liability company This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels. At the request of the property owner, the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that those portions of land described on the attached Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" along with associated Exhibit "C" comply with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated: February 14, 2011 /_1A ___� RAUL M. ROJAS RCE No. C -39880 Expiration December 31, 2011 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED Page 1 of 9 S: \Land Division\Minor Land Div \PMw \2D1 O \10-0513 coc.DOC CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of On Pebraau 18 2011 before me, Lva Skinner, Matar9 Publie Dare Nere assn Nenre s�arnk mare olr r personally appeared _ Raal M Rotas LNN sKV:R Comminion #� 1825202 Notary Public - CalLbrnia Kan County M Comm. Expires Dec 4. 2012+ PIB:eW seats who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personM whose name* is§w subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hefshellpey executed the same in hisRwAlleir authorized capacity(tes), and that by hisfl n_ heir signatureW on the instrument the personal, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(A acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS m d and i I seal. Signature t sgreWrO N Ndary PmGc OPTIONAL Though the inrormabon below is not required bylaw, it mayprova valuable to persons retying on the document and could prevent haudulent removal and reatteehment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Me or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other-Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) / Signers Name: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate Officer —Trtle(s): ❑ Partner — ❑Limited ❑General _ El Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee TW of thumb here ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: Number of Pages: Signers Name: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate Officer — TNIe(s): ❑ Partner —❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ mey in Fad ❑ Trus L01 Guartlian Conservator L1 Other: Signer is ®20%NaticeW NoaN��eaan•°aO Oe SOIO PVa.PO.Em2W2•q�eLaxttOi.CR 913132C0.•wwxµstcneNCp,ygp IbnWSW] EXHIBIT A PARCEL MAP WAIVER 10 -0513 THE LAND REFERED TO HEREIN IS A PORTION OF PARCEL 6 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 11053 AS PER MAP RECORDED DECEMBER 4, 2004 IN BOOK 53, PAGE 180 THROUGH 183 INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. ALSO BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.B.M. IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL "A" BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF PARCEL 6 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 11053 AS RECORDED IN BK. 53 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGE 180 THROUGH 183 INCLUSIVE. SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF ESPRESSO DRIVE; 1) THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 6 N 39 040'09" E, A DISTANCE OF 159.64 FEET; 2) THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTWESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 6 S 50 °27'41" E, A DISTANCE OF 34.26 FEET; 3) THENCE S 39 °40'09" W, A DISTANCE OF 53.72 FEET; 4) THENCE S 49 °54'21" E, A DISTANCE OF 31.52 FEET; 5) THENCE S 39 °25'21" W, A DISTANCE OF 19.14 FEET; 6) THENCE S 50 °34'39" E, A DISTANCE OF 13.92 FEET; 7) THENCE S 76 °04'43" E, A DISTANCE OF 61.99 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 6; 8) THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 6 S 13 °55'17" W, A DISTANCE OF 118.03 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTEASTERLY RIGHT - OF -WAY OF ESPRESSO DRIVE, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE SOUTHERLY MOST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 6. SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 405.00 FEET, WHOSE RADIUS POINT BEARS N 28 °46'02" E; 9) THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10 054'07 ", AN ARC LENGTH OF 77.06 FEET; 10)THENCE CONTINUING NORTWESTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY N 50 °19'51" W, A DISTANCE OF 110.30 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ,. CONTAINING 18,529 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS EXHIBIT A PARCEL MAP WAIVER 10 -0513 THE LAND REFERED TO HEREIN IS A PORTION OF PARCEL 6 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 11053 AS PER .MAP RECORDED DECEMBER 4, 2004 IN BOOK 53, PAGE 180 THROUGH 183 INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. ALSO BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.B.M. IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL "B" COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF PARCEL 6 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 11053 AS RECORDED IN BK. 53 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGE 180 THROUGH 183 INCLUSIVE. SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF ESPRESSO DRIVE; 1) THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 6 N 39 040'09" E, A DISTANCE OF 159.64 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 2) THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 6 N 39 °40'09" E, A DISTANCE OF 150.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF THE CALLOWAY CANAL, EASEMENT TO NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT PER BK. 5581, PG. 1159 O.R., SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 6; 3) THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY S 50 °19'51" E, A DISTANCE OF 128.23 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 6; 4) THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 6 S 39 040'09" W, A DISTANCE OF 181.05 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE; 5) THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE S 13 °55'17" W, A DISTANCE OF 17.02 FEET; 6) THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTEASTERLY LINE N 76 °04'43" W, A I CE OF 61.99 FEET; 7) THENCE 50 °34'39" W, A DISTANCE OF 13.92 FEET; �FS%�BQS!!,9 8) THENCE N 39 °25'21" E, A DISTANCE OF 19.14 FEET; ._ .� 'm+F` °r . Y Na LS 7595 9) THENCE N 49 °54'21" W, A DISTANCE OF 31.52 FEET; "' i Up 10) THENCE N 39 °40'09" E, A DISTANCE OF 53.72 FEET; 4 `l — 243-71 11) THENCE N 50 °27'41" W, A DISTANCE OF 34.26 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 25,032 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS j- of,7 ® p o myT m T yC a0 JC -al0 oz O O> i APN 451 - 470 -17 \ PARCEL 8 PM 11053 M — PARCEL °A° APN 451- 470 -18 PRIVATE S EET LOT PARCEL 9 _ ____ PM 11053_______- to Ul ESPRESSO I o- J - — �05- t. NI \\ C \® n f�l D m C O D g Nx> m A ; x ~ N z m Z 0 m A >y X gm' B� z m n i N� m C ZoZo \® J Z mn N IO' g z d r y D m F °E_ iOm O <S50'19'51 10.307 � _ _ _ O G a .•llnll 0 co z m in+m m 0m m IOW V \® O ,tNnNO JJI II r I� I II A H a � l W m °o I m 11 V # C�i 0 ° m II'. z m F I � D m C O D g Nx> m A ; x ~ N z m Z 0 m A >y X gm' B� z m n i N� v"-i I ZoZo m� ' mn EXISTING CURB & GUTTER IO' g z d r y D m F °E_ iOm O <S50'19'51 10.307 � _ _ _ O G a .•llnll 0 co z m in+m O 0m m O JJI II I� I II n Y�+ H O Nx> m A ; x ~ N z m Z 0 m A >y X 0 R I V E <S5019'51 °E aM —_ —MJ� Q >y X _ R I V E <S5019'51 °E a q -- 222.52', m� ' mn EXISTING CURB & GUTTER m A ,� °E_ iOm O <S50'19'51 10.307 � _ _ _ O G a 0 co m c O f <N 5019.51° W - 128.237 C A L L O W A Y C A N A L NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT EASEMENT PER BOOK 5581, PAGE 1159 O.R. m r D � Cn D u x /� L C / m y O APE 0 ' 'ww !01 W a y A ' mn v� iOm m c A H a � l W m °o N I � E iniAu 1 y(OiirA �D mW OIO �n Ox W N N Z W U m� �z a Z o� zm o 9 u on f <N 5019.51° W - 128.237 C A L L O W A Y C A N A L NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT EASEMENT PER BOOK 5581, PAGE 1159 O.R. m r D � Cn D u x /� L C / m y O APE 0 ' 'ww !01 W APN 451- 470 -17 \ PARCEL 8 PM 11053___ - -- =M� _ PARCEL "A" APN 451 - 470 -18 _ PRIVATE STREET LOT PART L 9 - C ` c�T �q— —M— — —M� —M A�I11 ESP R ESSO DRIVE <55099'51 1 _ g S _ EXISTING CURB &GUTTER --� \\ ci z z. O� I 0 ° A nV /L1 X rq Oti 1 �2 m° cz ° Sm � O O N N p N N � A 10 QJ N = > \® N D z \\ N W N m W N A \® o m _ N m riF mf m \® C \\ N �� r n �'-' o a GJ z� ��;£ ��ir^ Z mas m I III N O A D O D W D r O X X A III ooNm AACZZZ _X A N O ~ r A N A p y N � t*� 0 I jo v I Ili N 1 m" 0 o z r O r i ° -g a m m Z II n o I I K 8 n 0 ci z z. O� I 0 ° A nV /L1 X rq Oti 1 �2 m° cz ° Sm � O u� °n N m 'lam D x 22252', < —_— S mN �II�O 0 Vmm W O m -0 dJ 509951" W "128.235- C A L L 0 W A Y C A N A L NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT EASEMENT PER BOOK 5581, PAGE 1159 O.R. 1� °o b 10 N I o� 00 V � D r� 1 VrD ^ D J .� OD Orn rnm 00 C) co EXHIBIT "C" DEED OF TRUST CONSENT The undersigned, claiming some right, title or interest in and to the above described real property, consent to making of the foregoing Parcel Map Waiver and agree to be bound thereby and agree that their right, title or interest is subject to such Parcel Map Waiver. Steve Williams as beneficiary, per Deed Of Trust recorded September 30. 2010 in Document No. 0210135450 Title Wre of Officer 8 Title Z�rf— UR W 1•LLf AMS � NaMe of Mmra Title Page 6 of I CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of k=eA V) On 6,jAm ipll before me, ,J �� —(hurt tnsart— name rid u�Me officer) personally appeared qs j w I lh b Am C who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(a) whose name I are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me tha /t 'sh&th executed the same i I authorized capacity(ies), and that bl�r signature(4on the instrument the person(s); or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. .._...•..� In Wp10HT WI my hand d official seal. Qu, commission No. 1916253 WT. nIN Lwnm E•prn nFLEM6en 10, 30f4 Sipatiggi ofNOtary Public ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT D?pld J-[rm ct (Tide or description of attached documenp (Title w description of annched dome mcontinued) Number of Pages I Document Date (Adi itonal information) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ❑ Individual (a) ❑ Corporate Of mr (Title) ❑ Parhaer(s) ❑ Attomey -in -Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Other INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Arty ae/arowledgment completed in California must ronmm verbiage esecdy m appears above 1. the nolmy section or a separate acknowledgment jb nn ouss, be properly completed and attached to that document The only escrow . f a document is to be recordd outside of Cal form. In such l ataxes, any alternsom acknowledgment verbiage as may be Fruited on such a document so long as the verbiage does not ,,no-, the notary to do something t/mt is illegal jar o rmmry m California (.e. eerlefytrrg the authorized capaotry of the signer). Piease check the documeni carrhllyfor proper rmtmlal wording and anach aisfrm jfrequired • SW and County infonrmon mast be the Stare and County where the document signed,) pufonzlly appeared before the notury public fen acknowledgment. • Date of note nation must be the die that the signMs) Furiously appeared which must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completed. • The notary, public mutt prim his or her rums as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comma and then your title( notary public). • From the mwm(s) of document signers) who personally appew t the time of notatizsion. • Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect hones (i.e. lWshe/Ney —is /w) or circling die comma forms. Failure to comedy indicnm this information may lead m rejection of document recording. • The notary seal impression must be clew and phomgwphically reproducible. Impression most not cover text or lines. If seal impression smudges, re -sea] if a sufficient wea permits, orlwrwise complete a different ackowledgment form. • Sign mere of the notary public must mach tle sigmoure on file with the office of the county clerk. 4 Additional fi fomution is not required but could help f ensure this ackrawledgmvm is not misused or tattled to a different document. O Indicate fide or type of affected document, number of pages and date. O Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer If rte claimed capacity is a emporwe officer, indicate the ode (Le. CEO, CFO, Secretary). • Securely which this document to the signed document CAPA V 12.10.0) 800 -8]3 -9865 www NotaryCliews.co n pa'Qi —/ 0rc?