HomeMy WebLinkAbout26-860 3' 5 2 1 1180 1A PIR -1 /1%. 11-D "2- 5 F z C 0 R. 0 E 0 8 Y G. A LE IE R! RECORDING REQUESMD: By ALID K';%_IR C00101TY WE :RECORDED.r MAIL TOt City -of Bakersf ield City Engineer y 7 �Lq 4: a VV 150:1 TrUxtun Avenue K DEP Bakersf ield, 'CA 93301 W. FE 5. 0-0, `E 7' 41-A -86 1 - K 4T,?#VV PMCEL MAP MIVER No. 26 CH C (Merging of Kern Block.s 226t 240, 241t 6 W 2 243rand: 2440 and'Vacated Streets) (Assess.or I s. Parcel Numbers 16-370-01-00-6 16 440­01-0-0-6, L 16-450-01-00-90 16-450-15-0-0.0f 16-450-04-00-8;r 15-45.0-.0.5-00-11 16-450-06-00-4? 16-450-12-00-lp 16-.450-12-01-01 16-454_ 11-00-8t 16-450-1.0-00-St 16-450-09-0:0-3 r 16-450­08-00-0, 1.6-450-13-00-4.1 16-450-14-0.0-7t, 16-460-02-00-5., 16-470-02-0:2-6 and 16-570--03-00-1 -CERTIFICATE OF COMPLLWE (-SECTION -66499,35., G=Rt-4W- T CODE) C4 i . ty The undersi the I gmd City Engiinwr of - of' Bakersf e.ldf desllgmted by ordinances of said C11ty as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map waivers and Lot 1 Ine Ad n strwntsand acting herein o behalf of JU ver the City of Baikersf Jeld he;r. eby . ce. fj.es that. the . a rti p for the hereinafter--�es'cribed parcels of- land . rcel Map Wail amplies with the provi- x sion s of I the SlubdiviLsion. Map Act of ' the State of California and I Bak Chapter 16 of the Cty .. of ersfield Mun icipal Code rem lating div i- slons of land. Said parcels-of landv being situated in the City of Bakersfieldo bounty Kern-.r State -of- California# are more parti cularlY described as- -follows on Exh1-bit A and shown on E.Whibit B6 MOSESIAN DMLOPMENT CMM RAT ICN and JOSEPH J* MUNOZ & TgRESA. p., MUNOZ are. the awrners of the described parcels. of land, WrICE! As a condition of approval of th.' is Parcel Map Waliver..., -the constructio'n of standard street impr oven nts was requ.1-red adjacen-t to Kem Block 2260 tut the construction of those inprovenents was deferred unt-11 developmnt. occurs within that block., Dated this. Alst day of March, 1988, E. W* SCH M_ r1i ��-r City Eng inee .r Cltl of Bakersfield 4 *-C P-M. 26-8.6 � 0.0K 12..E EXHIBIT 'A' PARCEL. 'A BEING A. PORTION OF SECTION 290 TOWNSHIP. 29 SOUTH, RANGle 8 EA .,. A � �. THE . CITY OF BAKER.SFI L , OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND MORE PA.RTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS, FOLLOWS .COMMENCING' AT THE CENTERUNE INTERSECTION OF UNION AVENUE Aft CALIFORNIA AVENUE PER RECORD O: SURVEY RECORDED IN RECORD.-OF, VEY BOOK 14 AT PAGE 3.6 I. THE OFFICE OF THE K.ERN BOUNTY RECORDER POINT ALSO B. I. G TAE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECT.I.-ON. 2.9jr THENCE NORTH. .0 ' EA: T r ALONG T .E• T , I E . OF UNION AVENUE 58420 FEET .. .. T'HE'NCE DEPAR I .I ' . ENTER INE AT RIGHT, ANGLES SOUTH 890 �`,� � . S° .- . 7 * 7 5 FEAT TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, . l!lV.��!OP e1P• 7J[! 09•- veF. :•fa:•wr+llle�rww%MIM•ar:wr ar.�. THENCE R I 4 ," EAST S 477.47 .BEET: TO THE BEGINNING TANGENT CURE r O. 'O. HAVING ..,U S OV251000 FEET. THENCE, NOR H `. R 46..-28 FEET ALONG.. A.I.-• CURVE THROUGH' H U CENTRAL.-ANGLE . OF :1.016'0 3 1 48 " THENCE: SOUTH 73c> 40 27 BAST 190 ¢ 4 FEET . NORTH. 160 . 0 ' " .o 420,14. FEET; THENCE SOUTH 730 40; 19" EA ST r 470,11 FEET x ' THENCE NORTH 1.6.0 2.01 1211 EAST .t ' .11 PEET � THENCE SOUTH 7,30 .9 " EAST' 42-0. .16 FEET 'a THENCE SOUTH 1-6.0 201 '2 WE- •r 756..15 FEET; _ THENCE NORTH 73cl 401- 9 "' WEST, 440,12-FEET; THENCE NORTH .160 .0 9 1211 EAST 180.06 FEE'I THENCE NORTH 730 40 0 19A WE..STJ 19 0.,'0 4 FEET; SOUTH .I 20' 7 WEST, 200.-0..6 BEET:- THENCE 'SOUTH 730 4.0-1- 19." .EAST. I. 6 * 05 F E . THENCE SOUTH 1.6-:0.201 12 s T 360.20 F E ET, THENCE SOUTH 8'90 49, 59 EST s 530,.21 FEET TO. :THE . TRUE POINT OF, SEG'INNING. CONTAINS: 7201 6 .., 501 SQUARE FEET 45 ACRES 1244. EXHIBIT' 'A-' PARCEL BEING. A: PORT ION OF SE * CTION. .29-ir T WN.SHIP 29. -S OUT 51 RANGE 2.8 EAST, MwD*M* IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD" COUNTY OF KERN -g---,STA.TE' OF CALIFORNIA AND.M.ORE PARTICULARLY DES.CRIB ED, AS .-FOLLOW COMMENCING - AT THE -CENTERLIN.E I-N-T.E.JiSECT10.1i '-.0-F 'ALPINE. 'STREET''& INYO STREET' PER RECORD OF SURVEY REC0R-DSD­IN RECORD. -OF 'S.URVEY BOOK 14 AT PAGE 36 IN. THE -OFFICE O.F. TH . E KE:R.N COUNTY RECORDER THENCE DEPARTI, : NG S AID CERTERLINE INTERSECTION AT. RIGHT- ANIGLES NORTH 730 3-51 .4.8". WE.STv- 24.*00 FE ET TO THE POINT -OF, BEG rNRING.; THENCE NORTH 7.30 40'. 19" VEST, 1.66. 0.5 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1-60. 20 1.7 EA Tv 200.06 FEBT THENCE SOUTH x,.30. 401 19' EAST, 190 04 FEET.; THENCE SOUT.1i 1.&0. 2. 0,1 12" WEST, 18.0 66.. FEET'; THENCE NORTH. 7-30- .40 10" WE.9t, 24 00. FEET;. THENCE SOUTH 1.00 20 12'N: WEST 2.0, 60 FEET T0-T . HE. TRUE. P0:l-NT OF BEGINNING* k -AVENUE----- 4 th CIL rte` IF r 41L ch t % kx* QN. th at 'Y FT 4.14 ;X 0 Tl TNN, %ir F, eoe Ile- m . . . . . . . . . ... T, S. ------------ 114% PARCEI. MAP HOMER N 16� QLaN ----- - - --- as,= MA"t 00t VAIA smwwmt� Oupow A .5 )PROPOSED MA.Wilot alloWz In .................. ------------- 51 L. So ............ .... .. . ... MOO - ---- ------- ------ cf) 4p 0 NA oz 59 7Z*� IRM. CW /* fie whom- --------------------------------------------------- 14-4 AWAL KN PA R IVER - Elw A M 9MOSON AS PROPOSED r-qq�, RECORDING RF3QUESTED V WD WHENN RECORDED, MAIL rK... City -c.)-f Bakersfield D00 6108 PACE 1247 city Engineer 1040,1 A025 15-01. Truxtun Avenue .Bakersfield'. Ca. 93301 R E.,-,C. -OW-0 BY GALE & ENSTAD KER)i tVUNTY CLERX-RECOPOER r Uq CIE A WA I VER 'OF DIRECT STREET ACCESS 4V In accordance with. the prov'sions of .1 Section 66-476 of. the California Government Code and Section- 16.40.020 of -the Bakersfield Municipal Code a requirements mposed i by the City of Bakersfi'al and d Advisory Agency pursuant t'hereto Mosesian Development Corporation, as owner of the real property with-in Parcel Map Waiver No,,, 26-86f hereby waives direct access rights from the propert California A- venue and Union Av*enue, public streets, excepting access points approved by the City of Bakersfielde such wai-ver being a condition imposed by the Advi-sory Agency in approvIng said waiver aid becom'ing effective upon recordation hereof. Such waiver shall remain .11-n effect un-til such time -as Calitornia Avenue and/or Union Avenue is abandoned as a public street, or unti.1 modifl-catlion of 'Such waiver is accepted by the City Engineer. Mosesian Development Corporati. i o n B : p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y e ter Mose-siant President B 1A -6108 PAC-1 1248 CAT-+ NO. NNW?37 TO 2194$ CA 0-83) 1JrC TICOR, TITLE INSURANCE WATE OF CALIFORWA. 3S. COUNTY -OF On s 'd Statt, personally appear J aa A Personally known. to mt or proved to m e on the basU of satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed thit within in-snument as the President, and W! pefson0y known to me or prove to basis isfaacry evidence to be d me on the of sad the person 'who executed the within instrument as the Secretary -of the Corporatio that. exetuted t he within.,mstrument and acknowledged such i i to -me that su corporation executed the withm . ins tru- tnt rsuant to its by-laws or a rcsoluti-on of its m pu board of d*kectors, WITNESS ptandand official. un--4er*ned., a. Notary Pubfi -in. -and for